Moon Show Garage ? @EnzoRacingGame


This space is hosted by solquicks

Space Summary

In this Twitter Space, participants discussed various aspects of gaming, including the nostalgia of arcade games, the balance needed in play-to-earn models, and the quality and financial incentives in contemporary web-based games. The conversation touched upon the evolution of gaming culture and the impact of modern economics on game development and player engagement. The dialogue highlighted the sentimental value of gaming experiences, the dynamics of game play, and the significant role that financial models play in influencing modern gaming habits. This structured summary encapsulates the core insights and engaging discussions of the Twitter Space, offering a concise yet comprehensive overview for readers.


Q: What was the atmosphere like?
A: It was a stormy winter, I was a city burn?

Q: How did the event unfold?
A: And ever so I can't remember?

Q: What was the impact of the event?
A: That's just the way it hurt?

Q: How did the discussion progress?
A: And it goes on and on like I can never see the pinnacle of it all?

Q: What context or background was discussed?
A: Family tree?


Time: 00:00:43
It was a stormy winter, I was a city burn?

Time: 00:00:50
And ever so I can't remember?

Time: 00:00:53
That's just the way it hurt?

Time: 00:00:57
And it goes on and on like I can never see the pinnacle of it all?

Time: 00:01:49
Family tree?

Key Takeaways

  • It was a stormy winter
  • I was a city burn?
  • And ever so I can't remember?
  • That's just the way it hurt?
  • And it goes on and on like I can never see the pinnacle of it all?
  • Family tree?

Behind the Mic

The only reason why the housing market and all that still holding up is just because they keep pumping money into it, they keep printing it and pump it in that. But China and Russia just announced they're sending back us treasuries. So this, like, we're in a global depression. That's the thing that I'm trying to get to. That's what's going to trying to stop you because I would agree with you. You would never know it with all these, like, tickers going on. You know, you would never know were in like, a global depression. You know, crypto is extremely in a little bubble, dude. So I definitely understand what you guys mean. There's homeless people around in my woods. I don't even live that close to the city. Like, these are not even homeless people. Like, drug addicts, people are just losing their homes left and right. It's something like, if you are in crypto, you are better off than probably most of the world right now because crypto has held up better than everything else. I mean, it just has. That's real, dude. That is real. Most Americans don't have like a 500. Like, the family don't have like $500 in their bank account in case of emergency, dude. So you should see some of the ridiculous price of my nfts. They're down bad also right now. So it's. I'm very blessed to be in crypto and very fortunate to be able to click buttons and make money right when. More expensive than nfts. We're in a. We got a problem. That's what I'm saying. We're this way worse than 2008. I know. I'm with you, fam, but. But for, you know, like, I think that right now the ecosystem is getting in a better place. And I feel that, like, this next shift that we're about to go into is going to be more centric around projects that, like, have been building, that are delivering things and providing either an experience, a service, or a product. So I. That's why I'm, like, really excited to, like, be involved with Enzo racing, because, like, the art is amazing. The game is, like, pretty straightforward. You know, it's not like a need for speed game or anything crazy like that. But it's it's something where if you've got a lot of cars and you're breeding and you've got some even exclusivity in some sense, like you're holding that there's value to that, right? That's where real world value starts to manifest. And I think I'm just super excited to see even how future get future kits will play out and the future activation of our chain. So, yeah, I'm really excited to see that unfold and also some of the future updates that will be coming out of our labs. So to be in this space at the moment, it's a really great time if you are a builder, if you're creating something. Because I think this next wave of people we're going to see coming into the space is going to be, you know, like that next level. So it's going to push, you know, the already built-out infrastructure and everything to its limits. And that's exactly what we've needed, is this critical stress test which we're all going through together. So as you know, I've already been through two bear markets and this one was just kind of became like second nature. You know, we know what to do. But I feel like this time is different because of the scale of projects and the amount of builders that are really stepping up to this plate. So I think we're we're right there, right before we turn that corner and then it's going to become a thing where this is where new standards are essentially approved and this is now the new standard for doing this and running a chain and running a project. Right? So we've got that to look forward to you. But I also would love to hear from the other members. You know, like, what are your thoughts about like, what are you guys doing? What is your opinion on this? If anyone wants to jump in, like anybody in the crowd. So yeah, go ahead and request. We can bring you up. Jump jump into it. Don't be shy. Hi. Yeah. Thanks for bringing me up, guys. I don't want to you know, I'm not here to self-permute or anything, but I'm here just because I've been listening there and I really do appreciate you guys hosting these spaces. But just to touch on the crypto aspect, there's a lot of stuff from a fundamental perspective that are happening. So many market moving things happening. I always look to builders like you guys, as the ones who are the you know, the innovators, the creators, the ones whose real heart and soul goes into this. And it's not about just like, hey, like printing money or, you know, this is obviously it's a financial system as well but looking towards you guys is what I'm excited about and really appreciate that you guys started this and look forward to seeing how this grows because what you've spoken about, what Enzo, and some of the other projects there really hit home. So, you know, bravo Wish you guys the best and CT, you know, anything I can do to appreciate it. Thank you so much for that. Anyone in the crowd also would like to jump in feel free. Anybody think we're good for tonight, guys? You got a thumbs up, thumbs down. It. Yeah Thanks. Thanks, fam. I'm bringing back the chrome dome days. So yeah. And you know, it's everybody's, you know, it's always a, always a good time over at ours. You know, here, I just want to give everyone a quick update on where we're headed with the podcast, with the YouTube with all this fun stuff that we got going on me and the media team. So yeah, hats off to that to my new editor I got. He's. He's ready to start pumping out like three a week. I was like, family clean. I'm cool with just the one. Every Wednesday. He's like, no, we got to, like, pump those numbers up. I was like, all right. I got all the content. Let's run it. So. Yeah. Expect a lot more drops. It's not wrong, dude. That's it. Take that serious. Get those droplets ready, fam. You get ready to secure a lot more moves shows. And also understand if you guys faded the intro one bearish. Because that one's going to be the genesis one. That's going to have so much more utility in the future. But anyway, guys, thank you so much for joining us tonight. And all week at the moon show, it has been quite an experience. As we are leveling up and moving into uncharted territory. But still welcoming the unknown. I appreciate everyone's support both in the space and outside of the space. As I'm getting ready to make a move up north and then across the world, all to be closer to breakpoint and our upcoming Japan trip in July. But either way, I'm super excited to be here full time. Web three. It's been a great. Now, like, first week or second? Has this been the second week already? Let me see. Actually, I need to look at this calendar again. Yes. So this has been the full second week. Very exciting stuff. I've learned a lot, but it's getting so much better. Things are going to get more streamlined, more structured. And I'm really happy. I'm really happy I made this decision. I'm doing this. I'm happy that you guys get to share it with me. Make sure one more time you like. And repost for all of our friends around the world. I hope everyone has an amazing weekend. I'll be traveling, but I'll be hopping in spaces whenever I can. Moonshow will be back again on Monday. And of course, our Enzo racing space at four. Much love. Drive safe. Get home safe, guys. you know, not too much racing on the way back. You know, wink. Have fun out there, guys. But, make sure you wear your seatbelts. You're never too cool for that famous.

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