Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space MONKEY $POX TEST $SOL hosted by DaoKwonDo. The MONKEY $POX TEST ? $SOL Twitter space was a vibrant discussion focusing on NFTs, DeFi, and crypto partnerships. It emphasized the importance of community engagement, artist rights, and regulatory considerations in the evolving crypto landscape. Through insightful Q&A sessions and engaging highlights, the space explored the growing role of blockchain interoperability, the impact of diverse collaborations, and the potential of NFTs in the Metaverse. Overall, the space provided valuable insights into the trends shaping the NFT and DeFi sectors.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How can blockchain interoperability benefit the NFT industry?
A: Interoperability allows NFTs to move seamlessly across different blockchains, increasing their functionality and value.

Q: Why are partnerships crucial in the DeFi space?
A: Collaborations enable DeFi projects to combine expertise, resources, and user bases for mutual growth and innovation.

Q: What role does community engagement play in the success of crypto projects?
A: Engaging the community fosters trust, loyalty, and a supportive ecosystem for sustainable project development.

Q: Can NFTs truly revolutionize ownership and investment?
A: NFTs introduce new ownership models, fractionalized investments, and unique digital assets, reshaping traditional concepts of ownership.

Q: How are regulatory considerations impacting the growth of NFTs and DeFi?
A: Regulatory clarity and compliance are essential for fostering mainstream acceptance and investment in NFTs and DeFi.

Q: What potential do NFTs hold for the future of the Metaverse?
A: NFTs can offer virtual land, digital assets, and immersive experiences, transforming the way users interact and own assets in virtual worlds.

Q: What benefits do diverse collaborations bring to the NFT ecosystem?
A: Collaborations between artists, platforms, and collectors can lead to innovative projects, broader exposure, and increased value for NFTs.

Q: How can inclusivity drive innovation in the crypto space?
A: By involving diverse voices and perspectives, the crypto industry can tap into a wider talent pool, create more inclusive products, and reach diverse audiences.

Q: Why is artist ownership a critical issue in the NFT space?
A: Ensuring artists retain control over their creations, royalties, and intellectual property rights is fundamental to ethical NFT practices and long-term trust.

Q: What trends in DeFi are reshaping investment strategies?
A: Fractionalized ownership, staking, yield farming, and liquidity pools are revolutionizing how investors engage with and profit from DeFi projects.


Time: 00:15:41
The Rise of NFT Partnerships Exploring the impact of collaborations on NFT creation and distribution.

Time: 00:25:18
DeFi Innovations and Partnerships Examining the latest developments and collaborations in the DeFi sector.

Time: 00:35:29
NFT Integration in the Metaverse Discussing the potential of NFTs in shaping user experiences within virtual worlds.

Time: 00:45:42
Regulatory Challenges in NFTs Analyzing the regulatory landscape and its impact on NFT adoption and growth.

Time: 00:55:17
Community Engagement in Crypto Highlighting the value of community involvement for crypto projects.

Time: 01:05:23
Artist Rights and NFTs Delving into the importance of protecting artists' rights and ownership in the NFT ecosystem.

Time: 01:15:37
Future of DeFi Investments Exploring new investment trends and opportunities in the DeFi space.

Time: 01:25:19
NFT Utility and Functionality Understanding how NFT functionality is evolving to meet diverse industry needs.

Time: 01:35:48
Inclusivity in Crypto Communities Emphasizing the significance of inclusivity and diversity for the sustainable growth of crypto projects.

Time: 01:45:55
Creative NFT Collaborations Showcasing innovative collaborations between artists, platforms, and collectors in the NFT space.

Key Takeaways

  • Community engagement is vital for crypto projects' growth and sustainability.
  • Protecting artists' rights and ownership in the NFT space is a crucial ongoing discussion.
  • Blockchain interoperability enhances the utility and value of NFTs.
  • Partnerships are significant for expanding reach and innovation in the DeFi sector.
  • Understanding fractionalized ownership can revolutionize investment opportunities.
  • Debates on NFT utility and integration in the Metaverse are shaping future narratives.
  • Inclusivity and diversity drive wider adoption and acceptance in the crypto community.
  • Creative collaborations pave the way for novel NFT projects and experiences.
  • Exploring different use cases for NFTs opens up new opportunities for creators and investors.
  • Regulatory considerations play a key role in the development and adoption of NFTs and DeFi.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Initial Thoughts

Radhe. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena, Sadeena.

The Smell and Anticipation

Smell that? You guys smell that or not? You guys smell that? Anyone? Smell that? I smell it. What is that smell? Smell a bunch of people that are scared to put in bys. Smell a bunch of people that are about to miss out on another all time high. I'm looking at my crystal ball. I don't know if that shit's really working right now, but it's telling me that there's going to be another all time high and we got to get. We got to get busy. We got to get busy, brother.

Market Trends and Notable Names

I don't know if you guys saw, but there's some big names in this space that are talking about pox right now. So. I don't know, fam. I don't know, fam. Chibo, how you feeling about all that, bro? You see that? I don't know if I should say who it is. I've seen it, books. I saw it. I saw. Did you get an apology? She. I got a. I got a dm. You know, my bad wasn't, you know, I'm sorry for calling you the other guy. You know, I got one of those, bro.

Project Importance and Pivotal Decisions

But the most important thing is that, yo, this project cannot be ignored. This project cannot be ignored at this point, books. And we are at a real pivotal, a pivotal part of this whole thing, right? Soon, people will be faced with a decision, and these decisions that you will make will determine the outcome that you'll be deserved. You'll be. This is what you deserve. You'll get what you deserve at the end of all this. Right now. I got a question for you.

Investor Sentiments and Strategies

What if I look at it and I'm just like, yo, I don't want to buy an egg. It's too high right now, too expensive. What am I going to say when it's double or triple the price? That part, right? That's an important piece to it. But there's another aspect to it. You could also rack up on tokens, because I understand there's only so many. There's only so many of these tokens even, or of these eggs even available right now.

Market Dynamics and Future Outlook

I mean, these eggs are getting snatched up. These eggs are getting snatched up and people don't want to. People do not want to sell their eggs. These eggs are going to be so hard to come by that you're going to have to accept the fact that you're going to have to work towards them and buy the tokens. Now, what if you're looking at the chart, right? And you're like, damn, I'm gonna wait for a dip. I'm gonna wait for a dip.

Being Proactive in Investments

I got a buy order in on my bot to buy in at twelve mil and even more at ten mil. What would you tell those people? They're not gonna make it, brother. You can't be sitting on a dip. The dip won't come. The dip won't come. There's too many people just finding out about Monkeypox right now. And you feel how bullish you are about this token? You feel how bullish you are about this project?

Community Dynamics and Engagement

There are people that are going to be experiencing that exact same amount of bullishness, that exact same amount of hype as they learn about this project. So if you think for a second we're not going to transcend, you're out of your mind. We are the loudest thing on crypto, Twitter, we are the loudest thing on telegram. We are the loudest thing across all blockchains right now.

Market Potential and Visibility

There is nothing going on but monkey pox. This will become a black hole where all energy will flow towards it. Books, that's how I see it now. Right now we have on chain activity being tracked and it looks like a lot of people are starting to buy this token. They do realize, they do realize that the API is watching and all actions hold weight. All actions hold weight. If you're looking at .2.3 in your wallet, if you're looking at one sold in your wallet, now is the time to put your buy in books.

Market Predictions and Opportunities

I don't think they're ready for what's about to happen next. 19.5 million. 19.6 million. So we about to break 20 right now. You right now. Let me ask you a question. Well, I haven't looked at the floor of the eggs in three days. Do you know what the floor price is? Because I want to say it was. We got past the hundreds. I want to say, can you tell me what that is real quick?

Setting the Standard

And you know when now we're setting the standard. If you're coming after, if you're coming behind what we're doing, you better be doing fuck. You better be going way fucking harder. Not, not harder than us, but harder than the community. The community be putting fucking working. The community putting working. Yo, our 14 hours a day ain't shit. Books. These motherfuckers going 24/7 books. Twenty four, seven. I agree, brother.

Crystal Ball Action

Yo, another thing is crystal ball action real quick. This thing is going to 100 mil. And every single time the media, as it gets closer to election season, talks about Monkeypox and it's all over the news. This is the official monkeypox token. It's gonna pump every fucking time and not only is it a meme coin, but it falls under politify in a way. If they use monkeypox, like, to kind of weaponize winning the fucking election, if there even is one. We'll see how that goes. But, guys, I think we're gonna be in really fucking good shape. Really good shape.

Taking Profits Responsibly

As long as y'all hold, take profits responsibly, play the game properly, participate in tests properly. Guys, we're going to send this shit like you would not believe. This. Hasn't left Twitter fully yet. This is just nft Twitter. Still a little echo chamber. We haven't broke out of that yet. And we're going to very fucking soon where defi starts getting involved. Eth, MFR start getting involved. Arbitrum tonight, all the other blockchain start getting involved in this because it's going to be hard to look away from something that's at a hundred million, 200 million, 300 million market cap. Impossible, bro.

Acknowledging Growth

And anyone that doesn't acknowledge it is. Is a fucking hater, bro. For real. I mean, it's. It would be criminal if you consider yourself an alpha caller or anyone in this space with it. Real influence if you don't call it, I mean, or acknowledge it. Sick, yo. We've got some of the biggest people in the space talking about it, you know, which is pretty cool. But, but you also, like, there's, you know, there's so much politics, I mean, as you guys know, that there's so many people that are gonna try, like, they're just gonna be grinding their teeth trying not to talk about it until we get, you know, you have to.

Groundswell of Energy

Until you reach a certain escape velocity, until the people that go to their fucking spaces. And until we go to their spaces, right, and talk about it. But that's. It's gonna be a groundswell is what I see. And I've seen. I'm swear to God I saw it last year. I saw it like, it's almost exactly like the same kind of energy. Like, they don't want to talk about it. They. They have nothing to talk about. There's nothing to talk about. What the fuck they even are talking about? I have no idea.

Timing is Crucial

There's nothing going on, you know, and so. And, and breakpoint is in what, three weeks? Like, come on, man. Like who? I don't know. And like you said, I did not think about that as, like, politifi, but it's a meme coin is political. It's. It's nfTs, you know, it's like, you got Beanie Maxi talking about it. That's if Beanie Max, he's talking about an NFT. Like, and he's talking about a coin at the same fucking time. At the same damn time.

Opportunity for Wealth

You know? So I see a groundswell. I, guys, I don't even feel like we've done anything yet. Like, a lot of people think that, oh, all time high, that's it. You know, I made my money. Listen, if you made 30 grand, 40 grand, that's not money, fam. There's opportunity to make serious fucking money if you learn how to play the game properly. That 20, 30, 40 grand, like me and my friends from back home call it like sneaker and belt and fucking pants money.

Generational Wealth

Like, that's like clothes money. Don't y'all want to buy houses, pay them off, not worry about a mortgage? Don't you want to get married, start a family and live stress free? That's generational wealth, famous and you're on the road to that. And if you know how to take risks, you're young, you know how to take risks and make things happen. The opportunity is right fucking in front of you. It's right in front of you.

Market Awareness

Hey, books, I like that you said take profits responsibly. I think that's important, you know, but, at the same time, like, imagine you're selling in a situation where you don't need to sell, but imagine you're selling and the fucking pox token is not even on coinmarketcap yet, you know, and you're selling like there's so many people that do not that follow crypto, that don't get their news from crypto, Twitter or that aren't active on Labor Day.

Understanding Market Movements

You know? Like there's a lot of people that have no idea about this coin yet being 20 million market cap. Like, there's so many people that would never even touch something under 100 million market cap or something that isn't on the first two pages or the first one page of Coingecko or Coinmarketcap. So that's why like, to me, yeah, it sucks. I wish I had gotten a free egg, you know, I wish I had passed the test.

Community Engagement

But this is at an 18 or 19 million market, captain, and it's the only thing to talk about. And this community is talking about it and making sure that the conversation cannot be ignored. Basically twenty four seven and has been doing it, like you said, for years. Except now this product is out and it's the first successful launch on the only chain that really, I think is going to matter for 404 is really, you know, in the next year.

Excitement for the Future

Spotty, you have an egg now. That's what matters. That's what matters. Oh, for sure. Absolutely. No, no. And I'm buying tokens, too, you know. So boddy got out to CRG, though, for introducing this to you, brother. No, no doubt. I was telling myself that today when I was buying, like, you know, if weren't at this shop, you know, to get, I was getting coffee, and so were sitting waiting for the coffee, and he's telling me, like, bro, you didn't get any pox at first, of course.

Looking Ahead

You're like, fuck, no, I didn't get any fox. What's it doing? What's it at? And he shows you, like, fuck, you know, so, all right, well, you know, I made my first buy right there at the bar, you know, with whatever I had on my mobile and then made some, you know, made some moves since then. But no, I'm not looking backwards. I'm looking forward like this. I've seen this community. I've seen the space.

Active Community Engagement

I've seen. You guys are fucking active. It's fucking, you know, holiday weekend, motherfuckers are active. And that's been like that. It's that. It's the community matches matched with the technology. What did you hear? Crypto bit. Lord, at is it a 404? Because I like four hundred four s. And I like fours, too. And there's a lot of mfers. A lot of NFT mfers and a lot of Solana Mfers that like 404s that are betting.

Inquiring about NFT's Status

That are looking for a bet to place on 404s for this bull run right now. Spotty. One question, brother. Yes, sir. Are nfts dead anymore? No, bro. I mean, you know, they're getting. The thing is, people need money to have nfTs. People need money. It's hard out there right now, you know, and it's the same thing as last year.

Market Resilience

We're like, with Pepe. Pepe was doing this in the middle of the bear, you know? And now you see what's happened in the last four or five days or whatever. It's. We're in a dip. The rest of the market is in a dip. There's nothing else to talk about. Anybody else that's talking about crypto and not talking about pox, it's an indictment on them.

Capitalizing on the Situation

Like, it lets you know there's certain things. You might listen to them for entertainment, but if you're listening them to make some money. Like, why aren't they talking to you about pots? You know, I've just seen it before. But anyways, our NFTs dead. I don't know. You know, I like NFts need something. They need something. And a lot of people like myself are thinking 404s could be something this bull run.

Anticipation for a Bull Run

And that's what's got me excited to. Yo, 404 is about to bring back nfTs, ladies and gentlemen. You go and you read Beanie Maxi's tweet. It's looking like we're a part of bringing this. This, this project is, I think, has the potential to set a cycle trend with four hundred four s. I mean really dominate. Like really staple it in, bro.

Project Potential

I'm not talking. Just pumped a little bit. None of that. I'm talking. Wait a second. This project has the ability to take liquidity from meme coins and NFTs at the same time. We have the opportunity to hit the front page of Dex greener, Dex tools, coinmarketcap, coin gecko, magic, Eden, soul sniper and tensor.

Market Positioning

We have the ability to take up so much real estate and hit so many bright buyers at so many different price points, you can't compete. We're Amazon and NFTs is sears, yo, bark, should I tell them? Tell them though. Wait, tell them what? The red button, deep. They don't even know the red button. You know what I mean?

Understanding the Market

Like he's buying tokens. He don't even know about the big. Nobody knows about the rig, but big red button, bro, I don't know shit. Don't play with me. Contemporary artists. I don't know anything. No, guys, I'll leave it at this. Deep, deep fucking pockets, yo. That's it.

No Room for Manipulation

Deep pockets. No cabal, no jeets, no pumping dumpers, no sniper snagged up the fucking supply. Deep fucking pockets. That's it. That's all you need to. That's why we, yo, guys, that's why we are where we're at right now. There is no fucking greed in that whole entire chart.

Assessing Market Value

Go look at it. There's zero greed in it. It's the sexiest thing on earth, yo. And I'm telling you right now, I'm a multi millionaire, yo. I'm happy where I'm at, right? I'm greedy. I could always use more. Obviously. I ain't gonna lie and say otherwise. But. But the reason I do this is so I can win.

Determination to Succeed

The reason Bart does this is so he can win. And the same with Shibo. We just want to win. We want to prove all our supporters right, number one, and all our doubters fucking wrong and take our pants down and shit all over them. That's what we care about. Winning. Should we send this shit to 30 today? I've maybe books.

Preparing for Growth

They're not bullish enough. Books. The tokens are on sale. 90. 98% off right now. 98%. Do we know at what price the squeeze happens? It's a time, and that time is soon. In fact, that time is lessen 24 hours from now. It's never been done before.

Coin Market Dynamics

Shibo, this is it. It's never been done. The creator of the technology, you remember. Speechless. Speechless. Unequivocally. Undoubtedly speechless, bro. They're speechless. Speechless. They never thought it would be used in this way. They never intended to be used in this way.

The Power of Innovation

You know, it's like you want ends up turning into something else. Nuclear power, bro. Yep. It destroys everything is past. But if you can contain the power, Shibo, if you could utilize that power, you can yield it. If you can. If you can harness it, you can wield it like the avatar, you could keep it like them.

Dialogue on the Future

What kind of avatar? Like a waterbender? No, a money bender. What the fuck is a money bender? You know avatar air. I know. Fire. Firebender. I know. Heard of fire? I heard earthbender. Water. Water. Airbender.

Creative Finance Concepts

Money. Bendere motherfucker. Money. The real final avatar just completed its first official fucking vote. We got uni added. Thank fucking God we can actually wait. They're doing doubt vote. Wait, they're making. People are. Guys, guys, let me put something into perspective.

Community Engagement

These eggs were free a few days ago. Now people are putting together 20 person cash councils and dows to own one egg together. Oh, and we've already started raising bark. We understand like the level of this. You guys understand? You guys understand the game?

Recapping Early Opportunities

While were telling you to buy an egg on day one, what did we say on day one? Guys, get Solana ready on the sideline and get an egg. We literally told you that on day one. And I'm still saying that today. 20 people are now splitting an egg. It only gets. It only gets. There's gonna be 150 people. 250 people splitting an egg at one point in time.

Future Collaborations

Mark my nick. And then binance buys an invite. X buys an egg. You understand? Once he gets out of jail and he sees that Webb has been the one sending him nudie pictures and sent putting money on his books, he's gonna come right to our space. And what are we gonna do? We're gonna sell him a goddamn egg.

Creative Discussions

That's like that, Chiba. The second. The second he smells web and be like, I know that smell. Smells. It smells like the pictures you sent me. Oh, that thing smells so good, too. If you guys were joking. We're not. Guys, there's two tweets pinned up in the nest.

Engaging the Community

The first one is this. Mutant labs. They just put out a tweet. I need everybody to go raid these two pin tweets, guys. These are very credible billboards on Twitter that need to be raided. This is the type of stuff that is. Is. There's levels to this game, and this level is a very important one.

Maximizing Exposure

I need everybody to go. Max, engage on both of those posts. Shibo, make sure the eye in the sky is. Is. Is marked on those two posts. Yep. It's watching it. It's watching it. It's watching. It's watching a real talk. Mutant. Mutant labs, meet me.

Building Relationships

Realizing yesterday I had already made my first buy. But once I realize mutant labs did the, you know, did the coding and everything, that was a big selling point to me. So I would say, anytime, you know, anything we can do to support them and to, you know, as a community to build that relationship and to smash the fuck out of, you know, Max, engage on any time they're talking about pox.

Strengthening Community Relations

That's a. That's a big win. Body building, less destroying. And that's what these brothers believe in. That's what this community believe. And also, I'm just gonna say I'm on coin gecko. I'm on coin gecko. Because sometimes I like to. I like to go on here and just compare volumes and stuff and search by categories.

Market Observations

Look at meme coins and stuff. Like. And I'm actually trying to find the right link right now. But, you know, like, we're not even on coin market cap yet. I'm not even sure if we're on coin gecko yet. There's a. I don't think I'm the only person that likes to do that kind of stuff.

Status on Coin Resources

And. Yeah, we're on the age of coin gecko right now. We are on the homepage of right now. Yes, we are. Then we are the number two on coin gecko. Front page, largest gainers. Monkeypox. We are literally page of coingecko with Nero.

Screenshot Evidence

Yeah, yeah, we got a screen. I'm a screenshot that right now. Yo, everyone. Screenshot. Post it. We're about to raid the fuck out of this. Is this a paid ad? She bought a penny to nobody. Oh, monkey pox. Type shit.

Engaging with the Community

Give a penny to nobody. That's the best. That's the only reason it's working, to be honest. You know, you give some Kol's little aloes. I told Kols asked for aloe. We offered them aloe vera for the burn they were gonna feel when they seen this bitch shoot up past their fucking head tops.

Community Outreach

Stop fucking playing with us. We ain't paying no coin gecko, bro. That's just. Yo, facts is facts. Yo, we're the largest gainer. I mean, we're out here gains. Boys, gangs, girl, we're getting them gains in monkeypox. Do she? You can't deny that.

Support from the Community

You could deny one of us, you could deny two of us, you could deny three of us, but you cannot deny all of us. I promise you that one. Bam. That's a fact. That's a fucking fact. Big facts. Where's Nft plugin? We need them big facts.

Anticipating Market Movements

She vote. Do we smell? Do we smell point market cap around the corner right now. Market cap, to be honest. Well, I smell. Yo, we gonna start. I smell really smelling something. It's that smelly smell.

Identifying Changes in the Market

That smells smelly. I smell. I smell. Capitulate. Mass capitulation coming very soon. One by one to make a post bro front page of coin market cap, brother. Coin gecko. Coin gecko of coin geckos. Excuse me.

Planning for the Future

Oh, did you reveal the next one, actually. Oh, it ain't easy, Bree and breezy, we're about to flip the largest gainer today. Oh, I think we might just have to do that. Everybody put a one soul buy in the. Everybody in all of cryptocurrency today. Let's just do it so we could say we did it.

Advocating for Participation

We are. We are. Yo, guys, we are among the top 1000 crypto currencies by coin gecko ranges in the next. I'm not gonna. Yo, we will eventually go to Coingecko and we will be in the top 100. Mark my words. Yep.

Market Predictions

Mark my fucking words, y'all. You're looking at them. You're looking at the next. Pepe, bro, I'm not even worried. We got one. Yo, we got one. We got one. We got 16,000 holders to shit.

Future Growth Potential

You put. You put gladiators in a room to. Yo, eventually it sums go hit. You put enough gladiators, it's like 300 up in this motherfucker. You put enough of us in the same place at the same time trying to achieve the same thing. Goddamn, you'd be stupid to think we can't make it happen.

Motivation to Succeed

For real. Don't bet against us. Don't. If you're on the fence right now, if you're on the fence right now, hop on over. The water's nice over here. Motherfuckers eating good over here. Motherfuckers is on tour over here before the coin.

Celebrating the Journey

We don't need the coin to do nothing. Yo, this is about the trench warriors catching a w. God damn it. We put the work in on this side. We put a face to this shit. We're not smoking crack live streaming. We're grinding real.

True Spirit of Crypto

This is what crypto is about. There are dows being formed, multisigs being created, people coming together to acquire these. This is what crypto is about. Motherfuckers. Believe in something for once. God damn. Believe in something. God.

Recognizing Success

Don't pin tweet. Guys, we're the number two token. When you go to coingecko.com and you look at the front page, and you look right at the top section, it says the whole market cap of crypto, the whole trading volume of crypto, the trending tokens, and then the largest, gainers, and monkeypox is the number two largest gain of gainer.

Standing Out in the Market

Guys, we are the only token pumping right now. The only token pumping. There's only one token pumping more than us, and it's probably at some shitty ass market cap. Dude, for real. Probably has some shit volume. 511,000 of volume.

Encouraging Participation

Yeah, that's expected, guys. World. 10% gain away from being number one. I need everyone to go put a one soul buy in the right fucking now. Let's send this bitch back over. 20 mil. What, are we out right now?

Motivating the Community

Let's send this bad boy over number one. Let's get number one on coin. On coin, guy. On coin, gecko, please. 19.5 mil, guys, wake up the choo train. We're almost at 20. I'm gonna tell you, I'm gonna do the choo train shit all over again.

Reaching for Higher Goals

I'm gonna do the hey to next stop, 23. Five mil. Get all aboard. You know, we've been. How many times have we done that? It's been at least. At least five times. All aboard, motherfuckers. We're on the front page of coin.

Solidarity in the Mission

Gecko. Y'all step up one soul by everybody. Go in even smaller if you don't have any one. Sold. Throw. .1.2. Paint that chart green. What's up, Spotty? Yeah, so if you.

Market Analysis Use

I'm on deck screener. The 24 hours volume for Pox is 2.8 million. Okay, 2.8 million in volume in the past 24 hours for pox. Now if I go to Coingecko and I look at the rest of the meme coin market, the only other meme coin that has even 1 million in volume is pepe.

Weighing Market Metrics

And it's exactly 1 million. Anything else in that doge has 567,000. And these. And, and people aren't talking about it. Like, if you're not in this space right now, you're probably not even hearing about pox. You know, that's unsustainable.

Continuing Momentum

If that keeps going, you know, Tuesday, Wednesday, if this is happening a week from now, motherfuckers are going to be talking about it that aren't in the space. Spotty, they bought Nvidia, $40 a share. They sold it at 120, thinking they made it.

Market Dynamics

Facts, bro. No, but, and this is happening right now and everything's down. Everything's in the red. You know, that other volume, like, what is even. I wonder what. Let me see. Yeah, Pepe's down 12% on the week.

Observing Market Trends

There's volume because people are selling, exiting out of that position, entering a new one and. Yeah, and also, Scotty. Sorry, Spike. My bad. The other thing I was just gonna say is use the cash tag. Use the cash tag everywhere.

Trending Topics

We can get the cash tag trending. There's no doubt about it. I mean, I believe we can get the cash tag trending and it should be trending. Guys, we've done it a hundred times with projects that weren't ours. Let's fucking do it.

Executing Strategy

Let's fucking do it. Use it everywhere. Don't spam it because you don't want to get shadow banned and all that bullshit, but do it on relent and a relevant manner. Right. You see me post about pox.

Encouraging Community Participation

Put the cash tag in the comments. You see spotty bar, chibo, beanie, crypto, bit, lord. Everybody post about it. Put it in the comments. I mostly mean in my own post or people's own pose. And I'm saying it for myself to remind myself to do it too.

Unified Community Messaging

But like, in my own post, you know, in everybody's replies, if somebody's talking about how they had to take their dog to the vet, you know, maybe it's not when you want to be posting, talking about the cash tag, but for your own posts and everything, you know, that's what I'm saying. That's a factor.

Affirmation of Beliefs

That is facts right there, sir. You know, I'm feeling good, ladies and gentlemen. I am feeling good. I am feeling fucking great. This is, this is a lot of people's dream, guys. A lot of people's dream to get to ten mil market cap in this space.

Success Stories

How many projects have we seen guys that weren't even able to make it off of pump fund? Let's really think about that. How many projects were not able to make it off pump fund? Those motherfuckers really pump on and fucked shit up.

Driving Market Cycles

It fucked up the meme coin bowl. We were supposed to go into a super cycle and this is our chance to kind of save that and make that happen. Just think about that. We could do it. It's not impossible.

Inspiration to Act

It's not impossible at all. We could fucking do it, fam. Y'all better be engaging with the pinned tweets. There might be a very serious one coming very soon. That monkeypox on coingecko, guys. A very big deal.

Future Engagement Strategies

Coin market cap around the corner and then we work on the big stuff. And then we work on the big stuff. Shibo, what you think about that ski? I'm ready for it, bro. Coin market cap around the corner and very shortly.

Taking Action

Here we go. Start poking the centralized exchange bears and forcing them to capitulating to buy in this token. That's what we're going to do when we mobilize this army books. There's nothing we can accomplish.

United Vision

I truly believe that we gonna squeeze this. Someone was telling me you weren't plugged in when it comes to that stuff. She, someone was lying. You books. Point them out, knock them out.

Community Integrity

They was lying, bro. We're super plugged in. We're super plugged in. I'll call Shy Toshi right now. I'll call. I'll call Shytoshi right now. Right now, bro. What you talking about?

Continuing Connections

The guy with the mask. Talking about the guy with the mask. Where's CRG, bro? Where the hell is CRG today? Show up. He gave up. No, he's on a plane, brother. He's taking a flight right now.

Continued Community Support

I'm a fucker. Worldwide now, huh? We were in Minneapolis at a NFT MSP. We're performing. And that's when he was, that's when I made my first buy. Right at, right at the bar.

Reflections on First Engagements

There was enough. Not the bar, coffee shop. But yeah, safe travels to him. Salute to him and thank you to him. That man is an absolute legend. I 100% agree.

Introduction and Request for Participation

I want some new people to request to come up. Yeah. Books, you could drop me down, brother, if you want to bring up the window. I don't want to hear no silence on this stage, fam. Well, congratulations, guys. I haven't got to say it yet today. One step, one day. A lot of beauty. I love it. It's beautiful to be here with y'all. This is exciting. I don't know when I'm gonna sleep. I don't care. I'm going almost 22 hours a day right now. There is no sleeping. There's only napping. Time is now for napping people. That's right. That's right. Naps are allowed. Naps are allowed. But, yeah, this is beautiful. Everything about it. I've been very emotional. Every single day. I've had to, like, balm my eyes out. Let's keep going. Let's keep going. Look at the pin post, guys. This is even more beautiful, guys.

Community Acknowledgment

What do you think it is, guys? I see a widge aboard. Let's look at it. But I gotta say thank you to the entire community, our leaders, everybody involved, for proving us right. Proving us right. Every. Every night, you know, I got the night shift, uni, me, handful of others. And we bought, we have by parties at night. 03:00 a.m. 04:00 a.m. we're buying tops because we know when we wake up that's going to be our new bottom, right? So we've been in profit. We continue to buy, we continue to have fun. We bring the fucking vibes. And thank you for proving us right, man. Thank you for proving me right. I've told a lot of people about our project since day one, and it just feels phenomenal to be able to stand tall. The work's not done. Nowhere near it. We could give some high fives here and there, but we have a long road ahead of us and I know we're going to get there.

Future Intentions and Community Goals

So definitely just want to say thank you to everybody for proving this community right. Because that's all it's about. It's not about proving anybody wrong. It's about proving us right and working hard for each other, loving, showing love to one another and supporting one another. And that's how we're going to make it. Wag me right. Shit, this is a wag me vice, bro. Like, I haven't been this excited for fucking three years than these moments that we've been experiencing here. So 18 mil? Yeah, that's cool, man. Like, shit cool. It's not enough. I'm still hungry. I love pizza. 19.5. Yo, earlier and they were talking about how the monkey was hungry. We were all wrong, and the monkey was hungry, and he was gonna go. Go in there and get something to eat.

Nostalgic Imagery and Symbolism

You're right. You were right. The monkey's eating pizza. You guys see the Ouija board on the bottom of the table? You guys see that? Yes. You knee. I saw. Yeah. And it's. It says yes. Yes. Has something over it. No, has blood on it. Oh, what the hell? That's so creepy. Right? You have this ball with trust and light. Light come from the eggs, but maybe comes from the trust, too, yo. And if you look. What is that? A wallet under the table leg. Where under the table leg? The one in the front right hand, bottom corner. Oh, yeah, it looks like a wallet. Oh, no. It may be a piece of paper for the table to not move, maybe. Oh, yeah, that you write. Yeah.

The Mysterious Context

This is so cool. What the heck? Everybody was right. Somebody was like, it's Steinberger. You know the ste that's so cool in the pizza box that says free 99? Yeah. You know? Yeah. Like, what? The token is 99% off. Like, Barca has been saying it's a discount right now, yo. Right? Yeah, discount. He's grubbing dark books and geo Bo been freaking saying, yo, under 20 million is a freaking discount. Oh, my goodness. Well, what do you guys think is the logo on the guy's t shirt on the left? Oh, it looks like a greek call. Like greek coliseum or Greek a temple. It could be a temple or it could be, like, a Greek because it's got the. The style of maybe on the pizza box, you can see that the last part of Stein is crossed out and it just says ste.

Excitement About the Community

You know, it's so fun getting DM's. Motherfuckers are trying to get down on the Dow media, affiliates. Let's fucking go. Let's go. This shouldn't be. This shouldn't be a problem. That's really. It really shouldn't be. It should be a fluent thing. Everybody should know that we are onboarding right now. We're taking care of business right now, so everybody should be taking care of business right now. Really. And we've been doing it since the last space, so. Yeah, I said Shibo space, actually. Right. Yeah, we've been setting this up. So MCU was doing it, so I don't know. You know, it is what it is. If I don't get in, I'm not crying or anything. You know, I have my egg, I have my wall. I want to be in there, but it's okay. I'm not mad. I'm mad. Everything's great. I'm mad. The. But I recognize I get to wait and be patient. My patience is the size of an acorn. I will plant it. Vy, I know why you're impatient, though. It's the final countdown manifest. Oh, go ahead. It is. No, I was just telling v to manifest. But, yo, for me, for real? For real.

Community Leaders and Support

I'm still buzzing off this morning, just seeing Beanie post, you know, all about parks, showing love. Like, yo, if you guys don't know Beanie, he's a veteran in the space. He's been around for a minute and he's very opinionated. He's a very opinionated motherfucker. So for him to turn around and say those things about parks, man, that's. It's mind blowing to see metaplex come through, show some love. Like, everybody that's showing love, like, everybody's realizing they're all turning around now. Being like, yo, pox is not stopping. 8th after 8th, floor after floor. Like, yo, we are really unstoppable at this point, you know what I mean? And the rest of the game only just catching up. So, yo, this is where I always tell you guys, like, bro, no foot on the brakes. It needs to be on the gas every single minute. If you're not bull posting every hour, man, we need to be getting out there. We are doing so well. The whole game is starting to wake up. And now we're gonna shake them up. We're gonna get them scared. They're gonna fear what the fuck we're doing. The cabal, man. We are the fucking cabal. You know what I mean? Like, they can't do shit.

Investment and Confidence

They can't hold a candle to what we're doing, you know? So, man, if you ain't jumping on supporting and, you know, being part of the team right now, like, just buy a little bit of pox. It's the best entry point into our community right now. You can literally just spend the best, the most you can, and it's going to get you into our community. So right now, if you're not buying pox and getting in here and becoming a part of the best community, web three, I don't know what you're doing. You're lacking. You're sleeping. You know what I mean? No, that's so true. That is so true. But, you know, if they're gonna fade, we gotta let them fade, creeper. We gotta let them fade. Everybody that's bullish is gonna buy in and be happy, and everybody that's fading is gonna be fucking crying. They're gonna be fucking crying. Everybody I've faded is already crying because you're not getting. They're already crying because it's too high. That's why, you know. I mean. Let me just leave it at that. Let me leave it at that.

Discussing Symbolism and Interpretations

What we're gonna say, rome. Well, they slipping, they fall in and they can't get up. A. Yo, they slipping, they fall in and they can't get up. I said, they slipping, they fall in and they can't get up. Yo, let the dogs just tear the shit up. But, yo, the monkey. That was DMX. I was trying to. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? But the monkey, the question mark, is he taking a piece of the pie? You know what I'm saying? Like, is that the chart? Like, that's for the community. Us? There's something about that. He's taking a slice. Like, the slice for us is just so superb. Stay hungry, my friend. Stay hungry. But, yo, creepa, it's great to see you up here. Ash, it's great to see you up here, queen. I'm super excited. Ash, what do you. What are your thoughts? I know I've. You drop nukes on us all the time. So how are you feeling with this? Just the whole cinema so far today, from the. From Shibo space to where we're at right now, for sure.

Reflections on Graphics and Hidden Messages

Feeling good. It's been so interesting, you guys. I literally love these graphics. I think they're the most fun things ever. I want to go back to the one that was before this one with the tree. If you guys have that picture pulled up somewhere, or you don't really have to access it, I'm going to explain it. But I was unscrambling the words that were on the tree, and this may sound like a stretch, it may not. But when you unscrew, scramble the two words that were on the tree sign, it says, it left me with a blank, but then it said, blank is magical. And when I filled in the blank word, it said. And this is in Latin, I think it was buta, which means boat, or it can mean jar. So I went back to the old pictures that were given, and on every picture, you know that light that we see at the golden light? It started at the shed, and then it was on the boat. So I don't know if the boat is going to have another part in the story, but maybe it's. It means, like, we're going to get back on the boat and have to go somewhere else from where we are, and we're heading in a completely different direction.

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