Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space monad SOON w/@deeze hosted by notthreadguy. Delve into the artistic realm with monad SOON w/@deeze as the space synergizes gladiator themes and unique collaborations. Explore the creative process with @monad_xyz, embrace innovation with @probablynothing, and network with industry professionals like @rugradio. Connect with the art world through personalized contact details, and unleash your creativity in a vibrant artistic community.

For more spaces, visit the Art page.


Q: How can gladiator themes enhance content creation?
A: Gladiator themes can create excitement and engagement among audiences, making content more memorable.

Q: Why is personalizing contact important for networking?
A: Personalized contact details show authenticity and can lead to more meaningful connections in the industry.

Q: What opportunities can collaborations with @monad_xyz offer?
A: Collaborating with @monad_xyz can provide access to unique content creation tools and resources.

Q: How can @probablynothing inspire new content styles?
A: @probablynothing's creative input can spark innovation and fresh ideas in content creation.

Q: What benefits come from engaging with @rugradio?
A: @rugradio can open doors to new networking opportunities and potential partnerships in the industry.


Time: 00:15:42
Gladiator Themes in Content Discussing the impact of using gladiator themes in content creation.

Time: 00:25:18
Personalized Contact Strategies Exploring the importance of personalizing contact information for networking.

Time: 00:35:50
Collaborative Opportunities with @monad_xyz Insights on the benefits of collaborating with @monad_xyz for content creation.

Time: 00:45:33
Creative Input from @probablynothing How @probablynothing's creativity can inspire new content styles.

Time: 00:55:21
Networking with @rugradio Networking and partnership opportunities through engagement with @rugradio.

Key Takeaways

  • Engagement with gladiator themes in content creation can captivate audiences.
  • Personalizing contact through email can enhance communication and networking.
  • Collaborations with @monad_xyz can offer unique content creation opportunities.
  • Exploring new content styles with @probablynothing can boost creativity.
  • Engaging with @rugradio can lead to potential networking and partnership opportunities.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Overview

Yeah. What is good? What is good? What is good? I haven't hosted this space in, like, a week, two weeks. I'm hyped for it. It's like a reincarnation of the night show, except we only have Deez and nobody else. Look, if you'd like to speak, you already know how we do it around here. Hit the request button. I probably won't let you up. It is your best chance right now. I actually let Deez play DJ today and pick the intro song. So if you like it, give Dee some love on picking this intro song. I'll see you on a couple minutes. Fuck your hoe. Cause he like that. Yeah. Bitch ass pretty. I might wipe that. Niggas where they pimpin'scotty, sippin'get, your wife back. How you know you trippin'blocko? Different.

Shout Outs and Experiences

No, you like that? Once again, shout out, Deez. I'm picking the song. I literally don't even know what this song is. Sorry, guys. It's the first time I've heard this song. Okay, okay. And I'm right back for me, so it definitely sounds even worse for you all. Again, if you like the song, go show the boy d some love for playing DJ today. What is good, you crypto, Twitter, and Monad motherfuckers? We are back, and we are better than absolutely ever. I can't do much streaming today. I'm in a hotel. You know, I am. I am in the junior suite, you know, so these walls are pretty heavy. But it is a hotel room. A hotel room is a hotel room. So you kind of know the deal there. I think we missed last week. Yeah, we missed bases last week because I'm actually still in New York.

Current Experiences and Future Plans

Just filmed a podcast with Keone, which was a fucking banger. And we'll keep you all posted on launch. I'm not a lot of. Smartest person I've ever talked to in my life. I told this to tunes on the side, but he had to, like, before the pod started, he went in the bathroom. I could hear him, like, banging his head out against the wall to try to lower his iq, like, 40 points before he came to the conversation to. Meet me in the middle. So shout out to Keone for. For taking some head damage for us. And yesterday I just filmed with. With Ansem, which is also a banger. The homies are, like, bridging to BSc right now. Frank D. Got his roots, but he was feeling pretty positive, pretty optimistic about the trenches. So some good shit coming.

Discussion on NFT and Market Trends

I also have no spaces. It's been, like, a week. Ten days. Say it again. Is BSD going? Oh, man, you've been. You've been tapped out. What? You. You've been on Twitter. What have you been doing for the last, like, 12 hours? D gods are bridging the BSC. What? I missed? Yes. Yeah, new meta dropped, and I think went from Tron to BSc to Suey next. Only 12 hours? But, tunes, how are you dead already? I haven't even mustered up the will to bridge. It's cooked. We'll come to you in, like, 30 seconds. It's fucking cooked, though. I mean, tunes, what's good with you, man? Hey, yo, did d God save nfts?

Trends and Speculative Markets

Is that. Is that what happened? Frank made a telegram chat, and punks ripped 40% in price. Like, yeah, I know, causation does not equal correlation, whatnot, but there's something there. Yeah, everyone was tweeting this, yesterday, and then people started getting upset, like, frank, d God's really claiming this punk strip. It's just ridiculous. Like, study having. Study being humble. and I said, I think I tweeted d God saved nfts. It's such a silly statement. Well, I mean. And, yeah, that was a tweet. I thought I felt like thread guy writing that one. That's all, like, Razzma writing. I'm just gonna say, d guys made a telegram.

Initial Observations on Token Launches

Well, first of all, yeah, maybe other than rough people, I swear to God, they did not say a single term twice. Not, they couldn't do it twice. We couldn't get, like, every word. Not only was there a new token launched, but there was, like, 15 launched. So you could even buy a good word, but you bought, like, the wrong iteration of the good word. There's, like, 25 out at the same time. Like. Like, he would. Elon would say something. Raspberry and I were both buying simultaneously, and he'd be like, I'm in. I'm in, too. And we'd be in, like, different coins of the same word that each launched within 2 seconds. Like, it was insane. We couldn't even get in the same coin, buying the same word. But there's like 25 tickets. I lost instantly. I will say on the record, Frank told me it's a terrible idea.

Filming Experience Description

We filmed for about an hour. I swear to you, it was the worst hour of my life. Like, just like pure misery. Misery. I think I lost, like, ten soul. Really? Actually, no, it wasn't fast. It was really slow. I lost ten soul in point one clips and then sell a single green trait. I had this, like, intricate. We were going to clip it down to, like, two. And miserable. Our faces look like we wanted to fucking die the entire time. It's miserable. And after that, I was like, we have a problem. And then fat crack dev hooker pump on live stream with 6000 people. And I'm like, okay, I don't think if GCR joined this space right now, we'd have 6000 live. So I don't know what the fuck is happening.

Discussion on NFT Collection Launches

But that was kind of my, like, all right, I'm gonna put this pump fun thing down. I guess that's my long winded way of saying to the earlier question I asked Deej, and I'll throw it to Frank, is like, does the slight bar of friction to launch an NFT collection with art potentially filter out 19 projects being launched for every word that Trump says in a speech? No, not as. I mean, for that. Yes, but people, at least you still get a picture on the other end. But what I want to talk about thread is going back to what were talking about with Tron. I have this take. I don't want to tweet it because I think it calls out too many specific people. People might get mad, but like, okay, this is some free game for people listening.

Observations on Token Trends

Just think about this for a second. This cycle to me has been like the story on repeat of insert popular person on Twitter posting about eliquid casino. So, I mean, I'm just going to say the names. I was like, you know, remember Djen is like, screenshot. Like, yo meme coins on fucking degenerate. And then it's like, blast yield. Then it's like, you know, fucking, now. Then it was the unicorn. Uwu. Like, oh, guys, look, everyone's trading emojis. Screenshot, old looking ui runes. Fucking or no, the whole cycle is just this theme on fucking repeat. It's like screenshot, p and l, new chain, eliquid.

Meme Coin Market Dynamics

Oh, guys, everyone's trading this. And then before you know it's the next one and the next one. So when you said BSc, I was just cracking up. Cause like, all right. It was Tron. It was unicorns, then it's Tron, then it's. Now it's BSc, I guess. So, just keep on the lookout for it. If you get in early on, it's lit. But, I don't know. That's like, my summary of the whole cycle so far. It's been that different Ui. It's a different windows sometimes windows 95, sometimes it's Windows XP sometimes. You know, it's just like a netscape vibe, whatever it is.

Reflections on Trading Strategies

But it's always some old school looking ui. But, yeah, look at the patterns, guys. Look at the patterns. I'll never buy an emoji again after yet, like, just straight up when I saw were doing, we know. We know, deez, we know things. I'm not touching this. I have learned this lesson. I'm gonna watch everyone else trade the unicorn emojis and I'm gonna sit back and watch this blow over. I'm gonna play some fortnight and we'll come back and see in three days. And I don't think I've seen a tweet about the unicorn emojis in three days.

Continued Discussions on Market Trends

Now they're on. Sean, don't lie, though. Hey, don't lie, though. You really wanted. The UI was thick. And you really wanted to know because. I learned my lesson with the UI shit. When I got into curve stuff back in 2020 and I was just throwing liquidity around in pools, I didn't fucking understand because it felt like I was using a browser for Windows 95. And then I did the p and l math and was like, how did I lose money? Everything I put in the liquidity pool went up.

Losses and Learnings in Trading

So I just. I'm not gonna lie. The. The unicorn look like some d design shit to. Bro. It looked like he dropped that. No, I think the UI on the unicorn thing made it even more obvious. Well, you have to understand, I've had this lens on this cycle ever since. Honestly, I think it was not. Maybe not DJ, maybe it was the blast. Yield, yield. Ever since yield, I'm like, all right, you know what, Frank? I'm gonna look out for this time. Screenshot P and lithe.

Reflections on Yield and Losses

Screenshot P and L. Obscure ass chain with a hard path to get on there and get off of there. And, let's see what the half life is. I wonder if someone's going to do one of those charts or like, the fucking spreadsheet of, like, how long it took for people to post about the next one. But no, dude, there was zero part of me that wanted to go on unicorn. I'm sure it's going to do well, people in the audience with unicorn bags. But who knows, you know? I mean, yield. Yield is the reason I got sober, if we're being honest.

The Impact of Yield on Personal Experience

Like, after. After you lose a house on that, you're like, what the I fuck am I doing? Like, I. Dude, that's a tweet. That's a banger. Deez, tweet that. That's a banger. The only thing. The only thing that saved my face on yield because I also lost the house and deeds could afford to lose it more than I could, is Frank used my ref code. He also lost like, a small apartment. So we got the yield, dude, there.

Reflections on Yield and Personal Experiences

Are people who use my rev code who are still farming. I'm seeing my yield number go up. I looked at a. I had like 2000 yield in there that was just from refcodes. And I was like, oh, I wonder what this is worth. It's worth like $4. Like, I don't even. At one point, that was like 200 grand. At one point, literally 2000 yield was $40,000. And that point wasn't that long ago.

Conversations on Current Market Situations

A question for you, Deez. The Frank tank is actually interesting because you're located, right? There's like five people. Some of them I like. So I don't know how to play this. We'll just. We'll just agree with the take and keep moving. And I guess these in parole. Low key. Was Toby, wherever the fuck he is. The nitro demons. Was Kanto this cycle or. No, no, that was like bear market last cycle.

Market Analysis and Predictions

Yayo. Cause that was the first. That was the first one for me where it was like the illiquid chain that boys are in. I can't even figure out how to get on incredible fomo for like two weeks. Oh, that Ui. That's just like you're in the matrix. Like, pitch black background, bright green text. Kind of hurts to read it, but the numbers just going up and there's a big Apy number. And like, fucking Scott Lewis is involved and he was involved with Defi shit.

Reflections on Trading Trends and Experiences

So, like, how could this not print? God, that was like, me and Solana for like a year. You guys treated it like that. Faroq is up here. Is he. Is he on stage? It doesn't say for me. He's like, frank, what are you gonna get out of the gulags? Mandy? I think, like, I think the problem right now is that there's not a lot of, like, new participants.

Market Dynamics and Participant Engagement

It's really just like PvP with the people that have been here. And so, like, the cycle of hot potatoing is going faster and faster, and it's like, if you didn't. If you didn't already make money on Tron, like, maybe you're too late. I bought a couple of things, and I'm like, bro, but it was, like. A 48 hours tron, it's overdeveloped. I tweeted Justin son to come on the pie.

The Current State of Token Developments

Already deleted it. Like, yeah, it was a quick. It was a quick chance. Like, even doge. I mean, I see the do. The, you know, the infamous dojo's in the audience. Shout out to tunes as well. I don't know. I mean, Frank, what is the. Look at a good take, but what is the takeaway? Does it mean just, like, crypto is in the gutter right now and, like, nobody knows what to do with a little capital that we have?

Insights from Current Market Trends

No, I think the takeaway is, be wary of bridging to insert new thing and expecting that to, like, print like you're seeing on your timeline, because, because even now, right, we're all here. We're saying Tron's dead. I promise you, in the next day or two, some dude is gonna have a viral tweet of, like, all you fuckers left. Like, you know, Tron, like, look at this moon, or it's up fucking 500%, you fucking idiots.

Predictions on Market Reactions

And then that'll get a lot, like, another kind of little small wave. But what people are saying, for the most part, is, like, yeah, people are probably gonna rotate to the next thing for the most part. And so I think the takeaway is just, like, conviction, Solana. But does that also mean that the cycle hasn't started? Like, by the way, what's up, y'all? I'm here, Frank. But does that mean also, how funny is it that you ended up leaving Solana and then I'm going all in full port.

Conversations on Trading Strategies

Solana, you're the reason, dude. Your face is. You're like, are you blaming. Get off of Solana. Get to the big leagues. That's crazy, bro. Blame for back. That means nfds are fully back. That's crazy. But. But Kobe said it, man. And that's the only. He's the only bull left on my timeline, and I'm rocking with Kobe for real.

Concerns About Market Engagement

Well, that's the thing, right? Like, does that mean that we're not actually fully back this cycle? Because it's also a hot potato game across different chains, collections, narratives, everything? Is there a world where last cycle got too big and we burnt so many people that all the new exit liquid, like, there's not enough new people to onboard again because we already on boarded them and they got fleeced because they bought tapes and mechiverse and fucking all sorts of other dumb shit that went straight to zero.

Concerns Over Gambler Behavior

Do people ever stop gambling, though? These, like, those. These people went, what? Started doing fantasy football, bro. Wait, wait. Frock. Are you also eating? Yeah, dude. My girlfriend. Sorry, Beyonce. Are we all just eating right now? Made me a mean steak. I'm actually done eating. I just want to clear that up.

Returning to Discuss Podcast Topics

I finished my chick fil a, so. Hey, I got a question for you. Toon anthem talked about this briefly in the pod a little bit on this topic of, like, rapid rotation to all chains. Do you think we'll see a little bit of this, like, early next year? I guess early next year was, like, all these hyped upcoming chains, Monad being one of them, but, like, there's Monad.

Anticipating Future Trends

I saw this story thing going everywhere on the timeline. Like, you think we're gonna have some, like, pretty crazy segmented, fragmented liquidity through, like, early next year as all these chains roll out? I mean, I feel like right now, liquidity is fragmented because we have so many l two s where, like, on Solana. I mean, I don't think the liquidity on Solana is.

Observations on Current Market Health

I don't think liquid. Like. Like, what on Solana, did the. Did the TVL and Solana drop over the past? Like, the Solana Tvl isn't even down. It's still going up. Like, I don't think liquidity is fragmenting. I think that there's just not that much opportunity in the market. And so people are just. That's when the narratives get shorter and shorter.

Future Projections and Hopes

And so it's just kind of, like the market that we're in, and hopefully by next year, everything's kind of just going up. But, I mean, the liquidity fragmentation is literally just a problem with l two s, and I feel like l one solved that problem. So, yeah, I mean, I don't know. Like, I think Tron is just, like, a meme of the week thing, and it's just, like, a funny.

Personal Insights and Hopes

It's a funny thing to talk about, but I highly doubt it has staying power. And I don't really think that any activity on Solana is, like, replaced by Tron. It's just like, a small, little flash in the pan. My hope with Tron is that Justin's son is a crazy person and that he's going to promo one of the four shit coins that I bought there, because he needs that shit to succeed.

Expectations for Future Developments

And he's going to be like, okay, Sundog is the chosen coin. I'm going to personally bid on this crazy and try to get people's attention back to my, you know, Tron thing. I mean, at least he's trying to pump the coins. Like, maybe Bates could have listed, like, MFR or something, done something for the trenches. At least he's trying to pump the coins. You got to respect it.

Concerns and Futures in the Market

I mean, Frank, do you think there's a scenario in which all this. We go to the unicorns, we go to Tron, we go to BSG, everyone just, like, pvps themselves to zero, or we come back to the motherland. Solana and meme coins, like, around two picks back up. Dude, I don't think meme coins are dead at all, man. I mean, there's, like, 50 pump fund competitors getting built right now.

Long-term Implications of Market Trends

They're going to try to adjust it. It's basic human psychology. You get in on something early, it's fun. yeah, I just don't think meme coins are going to die, man. Like, I don't think they're. I think the super cycle is real. It's going to keep going. People love to dunk on anything when it's down, but, like, let's be fucking honest here.

Market Predictions and Future Movements

I just don't. Yeah, I don't know. I don't see it. Yeah, I don't see it dying. There's gonna be a moon or still, like, every week. it just might not get as big. I think the biggest hurdle that once it's crushed, it'll happen is, one of these pump fun coins or one of these trench coins getting to binance. Once that happens and you're gonna create hope, you know, it's like.

Future Perspectives on Market Engagement

It's like, yeah, you're gonna create hope for every other fucking coin in the ecosystem and a new narrative. So it's lit, it's okay. Surprising that hasn't happened yet. Also, like, for better or worse, I feel like we're talking about, like, this cycle not onboarding as many people, but, like, weird onlyfans coins and, like, lil pump and, like, d list rappers and shit.

Current Market Dynamics and New Entrants

Like, for better or worse, they're definitely onboarding new people to like. But, you know, it is onboarding people, especially if the trenches aren't going anywhere. It's a lot of meme coins aren't going anywhere. You know what else isn't going anywhere? Is Reddit. So just take that for what you want.

Market Observations and Future Developments

So, fees down 44% over the last 24 hours. You know what we need to do? We need to convince the celebrities of the future of meme coins on Tron. So they just play there, and then we'll just stick to, like, the Solana trenches. Honestly, the celebrity might have cooked it for everybody.

Wrapping Up Discussions on Market Dynamics

Some of you guys owe the face a big apology on the. On that. A slight pivot to some of the NFTs. I want to throw it to you. Deez. Can you tell me what this last chromie Squiggle like? What does this mean that this last Squiggle was minted? I mean, it means that there can't be any more minted.

Insights on Squiggle Minting Effects

A lot of people apparently didn't realize that Squiggles technically weren't minted out. That's what I learned today. But Snowfro paused the mint around. I could be wrong on this, but maybe it was around, like, Mint 9200, because it was minting out too fast back in, like, January 2021.

Reflection on Squiggles and Market Trends

And when he originally made the Squiggles, he thought they were going to be available for a pretty long time at a pretty low price so that he could onboard people and show them, like, hey, here's how this works. This thing's, like $30. Watch and see what we get. So he paused the mint, and for the last three years, has given out some his gifts, donated some of the museums he's worked with, galleries like Venus over Manhattan.

Impact of Squiggle Minting on Future Projects

Manhattan. To sell blocks of mints and donate things to charity. And, you know, I think he's done just, like, a lot of good with the, you know, last 700 or whatever mints. But the one today was like the. The bow on top, right? Like, now, you know, every squiggle that's out there isn't going to be any dilution on it.

Final Remarks on Squiggle Minting

Like, you're not going to have another hyper pipe or a hyper rainbow or any other rare variant. So it kind of put some collectors at ease. I mean, it was more of a thing when there were, like, hundreds of mints left, it was like, are we going to see one of these hyper rares come back up? Is that going to, you know, somehow dilute the value of the existing ones?

Closing Thoughts on Future of Art and NFTs

But now there's no way you can't speculate on it now because the mints are done. And I was just looking at some art blocks across the board this week, and there's a good amount of stuff that's up pretty nicely. I think gazers are the big winner. Gazers are back up to a ten Ethereum floor. But a lot of this stuff is at least catching a bid.

Conversations on the Future of Art Blocks

It's up 20 30%. That's nice to see maybe some renewed attention going back to some of these old collections because Artbox really hasn't. They really slowed down on their cadence of drops. Right. You know, you probably remember 2021 where it was just like every week, drop, drop drop.

Memories of Art Drops and Market Engagement

And this year like the only drop I even remember on art blocks is dies nameless dread drop. I can't name another drop that happened and I know there hasn't been that many of them, but it is just nice to see some attention going back to the generative art space. Do you think Snowfro is has any plans to launch a telegram chat?

Discussion on NFT Communities and Communication

I don't want to leak this, but you know, there is an art box discord and it's pretty vibrant place and it has been for a couple years. Don't want oh shit. My bad, my bad, my bad. Go away. Go fuck. Just, just hit the everyone mute button. Just, just had to say my badgest.

Insights from Art Block Community

But no, I don't think he's releasing a telegram. There is art blogs discord. So for people who are actually trying to figure out what's going on art blocks, the discord is super helpful. A bunch of people who care a lot about the art and artists in there. I don't think a telegram chat's coming though.

Inquiries About the State of NFT Art

Hey, what's the state of NFT art? Do you think? If we rotate out of. Because I know you're my favorite art connoisseur dsdemen we rotate out immune coins. D gods actually saved NFTs for the time, for the moment. And we start seeing a bid and like new collections, new mints.

Reflections on Emerging NFT Art

Do you think these like large art bags that you have and some others have are catching a bid like outside of punks? If we classify them under that category, definitely. I mean it really depends on what you have. Collecting one one art in particular is just like one of the hardest things to succeed at if you're just trying to make money.

Evaluating the NFT Art Market

But we have seen, you know, a handful of artists do pretty well even in this bear market. Like I just mentioned, die. But he's had some pretty notable sells over like 810 e over the last month or two and you're seeing a lot of like, you know, bigger collectors look for deals on grails and people kind of know what they have.

Current Trends in Art Collecting

They're not really like paper handing their grails. Like, you don't really see people who own expensive Joe pieces or people who own, you know, these ten plus eth pieces that they bought years ago really trying to sell them or get out of them. So I'm, you know, always optimistic and bullish on the long term on the art stuff, because when I look at my meme coins, man, I just, like, don't care about them at all and sell them for a future price.

Personal Relationship with Art

But a lot of this art I own, like, it's on my walls, in my house, or it's on a digital screen, it's in a gallery that, like, makes me smile and happy when I look at it. And I don't really feel any, like, compulsion to just sell it.

The Economic Dynamics of Art Collecting

And I think as people get more expendable money from games outside of the art ecosystem, that some of it does just trickle back into, oh, hey, I always wanted a piece from this artist, and now I can get it. I think right now there's a big discrepancy between, like, I don't know what the word, usually emerging artists or whatever, versus, like, the already bigger artists where you could probably move a lot more needles buying primary work that's cheaper right now because there's a lot of stuff available that hasn't really moved. But some of the collectors are just taking, like, they don't want to take on that, you know, quote unquote risk, and they're just buying the safe stuff, which is the stuff that's already sold for a lot of money.

Market Trends and Collector Behavior

Like, doomed by X copy. Should totally buy that. Yeah. Feroc's been trying to offload a doomed X copy because he lost faith in the art. He said he'd rather have 20 ETH than a 100 edition that anyone could right click save. But, yeah, I mean, you just see, like, a lot of the higher-end stuff, it's holding up pretty well, but a lot of the, like, lower-end primary stuff is still down a lot in volume. And if you're somebody who does want to collect art and doesn't really care about the monetary return as much, I think you can maybe get lucky and just find some real gems under, like, an ETH in the primary range.

The Risks and Rewards of Art Investment

Right now, I mean, you just have to assume anything you buy is going to be worth $0. But, but there's always a, you know, even though it's a small chance, there is a chance that you get some type of exponential gain because a lot of the other collectors wait for social validation because they don't have any taste themselves. And the only taste they have is, well, the price is expensive, so it must be good. So there's often a big discrepancy there if you can find stuff that you think is good and fuck with.

The Changing Landscape of Artists and Collectors

What do you think about this take? I think, like, Beanie's been tweeting with, obviously, Loki Beatty's. Beanie's back a little bit. He's in a fucking fire. A bunch of, like, worst scumbags have come out. And then, like, Beanie came back and we're like, yeah, Beanie's cool again. Like, he's not a scumbag. Like these other scumbags. Fuck it. I'm friendly with Beanie and DM's. We just act like nothing ever happened. We banter all the time. Like, I don't hate it. At least he's honest and puts his money where his mouth is.

The Evolution of NFT Minting Dynamics

Yeah, it feels. It depends on, I guess, the type of NFT mint, right. I think after, like, late 2021 into 2022, it felt a lot more. It was sometime around, like, when the doodles whitelist came out. Allow us for the doodles. And a bunch of, you know, influencers, including myself, got five mints of this thing and we didn't really have to do much at all. And then you have people grinding the discord, grinding their ass off, not getting anything. And that kind of seemed like where the tide turned from. Things just being open and pretty fair to, like, oh, now you need to know somebody who knows somebody to get on a list to get a mint.

Discussion on Fair NFT Distribution

So I would say if you could take, like, you know, cryptoz, and before cryptoz, that was like, the fairest minting environment I've ever seen. Like, early art blocks fucking, you know, obviously claiming punks was, like, super fair, but no one knew about them. But, like, even in late 2020 through mid 2021, like, that was the most fair time to mint anything. Meme coins, they feel a little less organic to me, but, I mean, I'm just heavily jaded by my experience of making millions of dollars buying nfts and selling them. So, like, I'm going to be completely biased and think, like, that is more fair and better than what I've done on meme coins.

Challenges of Fairness in NFT Markets

So I have to acknowledge that, you know, there is a big bias there as well. But I don't think he's wrong. In the essence of, like, 2020 into mid 2021, like, that was, I think, the fairest time to ever participate in this space. You didn't need to understand, like, fucking defi mechanics. You don't understand, like, you're the pool two yield. You didn't need to understand how to use Bolex and bubble maps, and you didn't need to be on a fucking telegram chat with other people who, you know, don't give a shit if they tweet the bag and dump on their followers at a 50k market cap. But you don't need to do any of that. You could just buy the thing because you liked it, talk to people who liked it, go hang out with them in real life, make friends, and then some of it went up and you sold it.

Concepts of Fair Minting Strategies

Deez, I had a question for you. If you could create the most possible, like, the absolute fairest nft distribution for like, a 10,000 collection today, what would you do? Don't tell anybody about it and just drop it on Twitter with a single tweet. I think this whole, like, drying your ass off in a discord and custom make an allowance is just. All right, all right. But. But let's. Let's say that, like, everyone knew you were like, let's say you're like, I'm doing a collection. And it's like, I think you probably had a collection today. But let's say also, like, nfts are super hyped right now.

Discussion on NFT Sale Strategies

And that. And I. And that hypothetical, like, it's the same. Because I would argue if you did that, someone would just bought the whole collection. You know what I mean? Like, if you just dropped a link, then, like, one person would just be like, oh, sweet, like, I'm just gonna buy half of it. Yeah, I mean, prank cemented 15% on the board apes, and that's why I didn't buy any. And then look what happened to him. Still think that is more fair than all the other allowless bullshit that comes after it. But yeah, I don't know. The other thing if you want to argue fair is you just do a fucking dutch auction with clearance on the last settle price and you refund people.

The Ambiguity of Fairness in Value Distribution

Like, that's technically I feel like they're the most extractive, that's the most fair. You're letting people buy it for the market price and then you're refunding. It's. You're refunding everybody. I feel like it's not fair, though, when it's like you're transferring the upside of the collection from the collectors to the creator. Because when you do that, it's like, ideally you drop a collection and then the market marks it up after, like, everyone's gotten in at a fair price, you know, I, like, I guess I get what you're saying, but I also. Well, anything you do that is going to be at a fair price.

Market Demand Versus Supply Dynamics

There's going to be a bigger demand than the supply. So unless you artificially cap the supply through allowance, mint limits, whatever, then that's just way the market is now. I think, like, I don't really. You have to pick, I guess, at the end of the day, like, do you want to reward a certain subset of people that you put on a list? Do you want to reward people who see a tweet early? Do you want to reward people who have more capital? Like, somebody's getting rewarded? Like, it's not just, you can't recreate punks or you can't recreate squiggles. Like, the cat's out of the bag. People have seen this stuff do too well if you price something too cheap.

The Organic Nature of NFT Pricing

Like, I think maybe what Jack Butcher did with checks and oped is like, some of the most fair, recent example of low price shit where, like, he didn't tell you anything was going to happen. You bought a fucking open edition for $8 and you got the world given to you on a silver platter and your $8 turned into two eth within two months. Or the opeins, where it was one mint per wallet, it was free. And, like, not that many people settled it. But yeah, I mean, it's a tough problem to solve. Like, you're going to inevitably reward somebody. There's no way for it to be completely fair.

Challenges with Open Editions as a Fair Distribution Method

Whether it's priced expensively through dutch auction with rebate, or whether it's almost a free mint that goes to a certain list of people. Yeah, I just feel like open editions still aren't the right answer because then it's like, when you're buying, you don't know. It's not necessarily fair. Also, open editions because you don't know, like, the valuation that you're buying at, basically, like, you know, the price of. One, but the people who got rewarded. It was fair because they bought it to support the creator.

Consumer Motivations in Supporting Creators

Like, they didn't know or care what they were getting in return. They were like, oh, Jack's a cool dude. I'll spend $8. Like, that was the whole point. Like, they weren't buying it from a monetary lens of, oh, shit. Well, 5000 of these are minted at $8, which means the market cap of this is 40,000. Like, they didn't give a shit. They're just like, fuck it. Like, I don't know, I just very nihilistic on the lowest common denominator gambling subset that we have going on right now. And we've had going on for what feels like two cycles.

The Future of NFT Valuation and Development

Yeah, but, like, do you think. Do you think that, like, long term, that kind of thing has legs? Like, I definitely agree with what you're saying. And, like, my project got fucked on a lot of reasons. Like, it's a game, but it's not Gamefi. It's not play to earn. And, like, I did a pre sale, so tons of people were up and it was, you know, people were just, like, trading the latest thing and moving on. But, like, for future projects, like, whatever, you know, the next art blocks or, like, the next, like, big NFT collection, the next d gods, whatever that is.

The Need for Innovative NFT Projects

Like, it blows my mind that wouldn't be a 404 project, I guess, is what I'm trying to say. Although I think you're right. Like, the 404 idea, use case, whatever, has a lot of upside if all the variables align. But it's something where it just feels like we're just, you know, I hate to say it, but we're just so early. Like, it's just people are still more attracted to the lowest common denominator thing until one of those 404 things really, you know, gets people's brains churning.

Investor Reactions and Market Fluctuations

Like, pandora went up. It was worth a lot at the top, wasn't it? Like 400, 500 mil. But obviously it's down quite a bit since. But I think also, like, and I went down deep down the rabbit hole forest sterling. I forgot after which trip, I think it was in Hong Kong or some shit. Yeah, I met the asterisks guys, everything. I think people just don't care about the tech, bro. Like, you're someone who really gives a shit and you want to go down the rabbit hole of trying things.

The Disconnection Between Innovation and Consumer Interest

Like, 269 people listening to this. Do you really think they give a fuck about, like, what fours can do? Like, when you play 20 that do. And a few of them are on stage. Like, I remember TG asking group chat, four, talking about it. Like, I wouldn't super deep down. Rabbit hole. I really like it. I think it can really, like, bring a. A new dimension to, like, nft is tied to meme coins, everything.

The Pursuit of Simplified Trading Mechanisms

I love it. And I obviously saw what you did, sterling. But, like, I think people just don't care, right? They want the longest hanging fruit, easiest thing to trade, plus fours, like the lowest, like, explanation to it. And correct me if I'm wrong, and I'm probably gonna be wrong, is like a token kind of tied to the NFT, right? So the NFT could be like, either trade as a thirsty 20 or. Or the NFT itself, right?

Discussion on Soul Sniper

Soul sniper is the most slept on fucking product in crypto. I think soul sniper Loki has that. I'm not entirely sure correct. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think basically every 404 that has launched has happened through Soul sniper. I think they have some tooling to launch.

AI and NFT Collections

You're just automatic. You're just using AI to just mint the fucking whole collection at the time it's generated and it's just pumped out. Fun with AI pictures. Yeah, exactly. But you know what? Like, that goes back to take easy, put on the timeline like three, two days ago. Like how he claims that like, a lot of the NFT collections are gonna run this cycle are gonna be nfts tied to a meme coin.

Meme Coin Discussions

So he was like talking about that Kobe Coby or Cody or whatever meme coin. I I don't know during my comments a lot, but then like, I saw Brian's to tie to the brainlets. But the thing is, don't dump just as hard when the token goes down. So it's like it's. That's also the flip side, right? TG is like nfts could go up and stuff. But like, if it's tied to a meme coin goes down like that. Collections cooked like straight zero. It is Loki happening though.

Market Trends and Impacts

The brainlet thing cooked. Ritterio the cousin. Yeah. Is low key happening. But it's not like official. I don't think any of the collections are official, but the does like the demand for it I mean, I might be the fucking research. The bowden. I mean, the other flips. I remember Joe Bowden and the Bowden crazy with KBM. Guy made like nine soul on the bowdoins, then lost all of it. And then 20 x more on the token.

NFT Traits and Market Sentiments

I think there was a couple bowdens that were like a little too vulgar. I saw this, I was like, yeah, this is like five felonies in California. Probably. We should probably sell these in profit. I mean, thread guy, I bought my lady derivative because it had a fucking trait called thread gay. And there was a you getting a facial from a giant dick on it and it made me laugh and then.

Experiences with NFTs

Is that the band? Oh, yeah, it was the band. Okay. I sold them after, but I bought them because I'm like, oh, thread guy has a trait. This is. This is iconic. This is the first thread guy trait I've ever seen. Yeah, the facial was crazy. shout out to the band. I don't even have one too. They should have sent you at least one for doing that to you. That, that was dirty.

Past Investment Lessons

It was pretty dirty. Yeah, it was pretty fucked. That was a violation with no. With no aloe. I mean, I don't know that. What's the. Did you create in the brainlet? Nft. I missed this. I didn't know that we had a pre mint for holding brainlet. The. The fucking brainlet Twitter chat is just permanently at the top of my thing, and I just kind of ignore it because I'm in like six different Twitter DM group chats that are always at the top of my DM's and make me ignore everything.

Reflections on Market Dynamics

And that was definitely probably shared in there, and I just didn't even think to read it. Yeah, I have a bunch of brain lit, but my salon meme coins are so fucking cooked, dude. I have so many. I feel like after bowdoin, it was just cooks in the trenches. These meme coin bag is still bone. I don't know if I'm an idiot or a genius, but I didn't want to sell more and pay taxes on it, so I'm still holding a good amount of this shit.

Anticipating Future Trends

I swear, I think this thing and I am a no bomber now, but, like, I swear I think this thing's gonna still cook, like, in this cycle. My only problem is, like, why do. They launching a chain? Yeah, interesting. Not, not like this. I didn't know this. I did not know that. Maybe I got some bad tweet, but I. I just have, like, djen PTSD, bro.

Recalling Previous Mistakes

Dude, that, bro. TG, you and I were deep in forecaster, bro. I think, I think boom chain is live. I think it's on an orbiter trying to bridge some e thought. I think I saw it on orbiter, dude. Unless I'm like, completely. My computer's dead. Unless I'm like tweaking, I'm like, pretty sure boom chain exists.

Boom Chain Announcement

You're not wrong. Yeah, right. You see? I do see it. We are thrilled to announce the launch, official launch of the boom chain main net. Can I just ask like a controversial question here? Like, why is there a boom chain? Like, what the fuck are we doing exactly? We just found out, sterling.

Reflections on Previous Projects

So we're reading. That's the take. We're reading. I, I learned it with Djen. What Djen should have just done is like, because that was one of my biggest round trips because it was free as a free airdrop and I was up just like way more than you should ever be up on a free airdrop. They should have just like announced the l three and never launched it.

Lessons Learned on Project Launches

I just never launch it. Just tease it. Updates up, never launch it. Drag that shit out for six months and see how high we can go. But they actually launched it. And like, I guess like a day in, they're like, it was hyped that time. Went for a day and they were like, it's like harder on a blockchain. And then like, by day three it went down and it was down for like twelve.

Consequences of Launching Too Soon

Someone tweeted, I remember like a second week, someone tweeted, they're like, djnl three hasn't produced a block in like six days. Does anyone know, like, what's going on? And I checked the chart and I'm like, yeah, chart and sellers are also aware that Degen hasn't produced a block in six days. And it was cooked after that. I'm like, my shit coin should not be launching block.

Reflections on Personal Performance

Like, it shouldn't be launching blockchain. That I don't know, Deez. I mean, what, his bone chain, the one I don't like, I don't know. What, do I make me more bullish on it? Maybe I should be monitoring my bags more. But hold on, I learned my lesson with the next 100 x too. That was another one that launched every base token.

Discussion about Investment Strategies

Mandy, I lost every forecaster token. That was a base carbon. Got me in that shit, though, I'm not gonna lie. That was not me, that was you. No, no. And were up two x on it for a little bit. It was looking like it could be the next ten x, and then it was the next 80% loss.

Past Highs and Lows

And then the other one, you know, not necessarily a train, a chain, but a bridge was like, pack on blast. That was one where at the peak of getting free bags, my free bag was worth well over $100,000. And I was like, maybe this will double one more time and I'll make back everything I lost on yield, and we'll be happy, and we'll call this a wash.

The Importance of Strategic Selling

And then three weeks later, that $100,000 is worth 15 grand, and they're bridging the Solana to compete with every other meme coin in existence. Instead of being the meme coin to exist on blast, that was another one I learned a lesson. Like, when I just get free shit and it's worth 100, 200, $300,000, I just need to fucking sell it.

Cautions in the Investment Landscape

I don't need to hope that it goes to a million. Like, it'd just be cool to just sell it for 100 grand. Like, that is perfectly fine. That was another reason that was right around the yield time. Like, you know, you're getting hammered on yield, but your pack bag is up like fucking to the moon.

Navigating Market Volatility

So you're like, all right, I'm just gonna make back everything I lost off yield on this tac bag. And then you don't sell it and everything goes to zero. And you're like, yeah, it's time to get sober or you'll put the weed down. I don't think low key. My portfolio would be up if it wasn't for fucking l two s.

Reflection on Investment Strategies

Maybe tuned has a point here, dude. For the fucking l two s between base and blast, that was it. Just. And honestly, the I feel like losing round tripping on base, like, feels worse than losing on Tron because at least, like, on Tron or like the unicorn coin, you know what you're doing.

The Psychological Impact of Losses

Like, you know what to expect, but to get round trip the entire base season and that for all these fucking coins that it hurts worse. It's like Brian Armstrong rugby is kind of how it feels. Like, I feel, like, personally rugged from Brian. He base alpha, I got some base alpha.

Exploring Opportunities

I don't want to, like, shill you too much on my. But I've like, 25 x'ed on it and I think that it's still small. It's base Minecraft. It's basically like a play to earn. No, no. Fuck you, Sterling. No, no, we're not doing this.

Skepticism Towards New Projects

No, no, we're not doing this shit. We're not doing this. I respectfully meant that by the way. No worries. The base Minecraft guy has been showing me based Minecraft in my room in my runescape group chat since before he launched it.

Disconnections in Interest

And I've literally hard faded it because I'm like, bruh, I don't like Minecraft. Like I'm just gonna play runescape. Like he's been telling me. And then I get an update every week. Like, oh yeah, price is up. Did you buy any? I'm like, no, dude.

The Fallout of Ignoring Potential

Like, you told me about it before it was even a thing and you told me about it in a runescape fucking clan chat and I completely ignored it because I've never played Minecraft or felt the urge to play Minecraft. Oh God. Down astronomically.

The Struggles of Realizing Mistakes

I didn't even share it anywhere because I'm like, yeah, I'm just not a Minecraft guy. Thank you, bro. Thank you for the boys. I have the alpha on that one. Super. It's probably the only alpha I've ever gotten from the Runescape clan chat.

The Influence of Personal Preference

But fuck, like, of course I'm, you know, mid curve, I'm sober. Oh man, I can't play this game. I can't do this. I think tunes had to take like ten minutes ago. I kind of wanted to hear it.

Technical Difficulties in Discussions

I can't hear Ferrogam. I glitch. I can't tell if he's, he was in the matrix. I can't hear tunes either, but he's unmuted. No, I was, I want to say that like the, Lt. Yeah, I think l two's our mistake.

Evaluating Performance and Strategy

Oh my God. All right, now you're good, you're good. I was just gonna say all twos, they are mistake. It's like if you look at blast right now, it's like they're like, all right, we're going to do another big bang competition.

Analyzing Token Usefulness

But it's like, what does the token actually do? Like the token doesn't do anything except provide incentives for other builders to build there. So when you buy the blast token, all you're doing is subsidizing developers on blast.

Concerns Over Sustainability

Like that's it. You know, and it's just like, that's just not like a sustainable, like align incentives mechanism for like an ecosystem to flourish, in my opinion. So it's just like, yeah, it's all a mistake.

Imagining Alternatives

Like imagine if the day that Solana launched, if ETH had just been like, oh shit. Like, that's the right way to go. And then instead of having, like, 20 different l two s, eth was just this monster chain that did as many TPS as Solana and had the fees as cheap as Solana.

The Value of a Unified Ecosystem

Like, all of the builders would all just be building on ETH instead of 20 different l two s, and you would have, like, ten times the amount of innovation. It's like. It's just kind of silly to me, but that was just my take.

Conclusions and Reflections

Part take. Yeah. And honestly, based off my fucking p and l two's this cycle, I can't disagree. The base. Those two fucking chains, dude. Thank God I didn't lose money on PBD, on. On ticker basic.

Current Values and Future Prospects

not much. I think the amount I have left is worth, like, ten grand, and I'm just holding it to get points and unlock more tokens. Not. Not really thinking about it. I sold the rest.

Looking Forward to Future Events

Can't wait for the big bang. What do you think of the future D's of points? Airdrop farming? PTSD. Think all of us have PTSD from accumulating fictional points, hoping that the fictional points turn into some amount of money that's greater than the money we lost to earn the fictional points.

Future Air Drops in Question

Really hope that one's dead. I know. As long as I don't smoke weed again, I probably won't be going back to the point farms. I'm not sure I ever will again.

Enjoying Current Rewards System

Deez, I'm not gonna lie, I've been enjoying the silver summer thing. I don't mind if I get points for doing something that I was going to do anyway.

Earning Through Normal Activity

Like the first blur, Airdrop, I got a lot of points because I was just trading nfts. I wasn't doing anything different. It's just trading how I normally would.

Holding Assets and Points

Things like Camino, where I'm just holding JLP that I'm going to hold anyway. Like, I guess I'll take those points, but I'm not going out of my way to risk capital to earn points, hoping that the capital that I make from the points is worth more than the capital I lost.

Risks Associated with Farming

I'm done with that. There's no digital farming. There's no, like, oh, I'm just going to eat like a, you know, 4% loss on these roles because they're gonna get a ton of gold and it's just go fucking print.

Questioning Farming for Points

Essentially. Should be free, right? Like, what Ovi's doing with drank right now, right? Like, you are getting those drank points, but they're not making you fucking by red guys.

Point Farming Criticism

Or of course, the red guy is a multiplier. Yadda. Yeah, I get it. But, like, they're not making you like, a yemenite. I don't know, lock your money in TVL and.

Critique of Additional Requirements

And do this or that. It's like low key, low hanging fruit multipliers. Like, get points for retweeting. Get points. Okay, fine. This is a free action, but paying for points, that's where we get a little tired of the thing.

Diverging Opinions

Yeah, I don't mind that type of stuff. It's more like risk your capital in a game that you don't fully understand. To hope that the creator of the game blesses your points with a lot of actual tokens you can dump in a liquidity pool immediately for money.

A Light Hearted Question

question for toons. did you invite Lil pump to the space? What? No. Oh, no, bro, he won't come up. He won't come up.

Hoping for Invited Guests

I can't hear, too. If you can't hear. He said, yeah, he invited Lil pump and that he would love if you invited him up here. That's. That's what he said that, though, like, I tried. Shout out to the pumper, though.

Fan Sentiments

Big, big fan of the music, especially the Gucci gang track. All right, I gotta run here in a second. Before you, rugged, though. Tunes, if you're here and around.

Technical Issues and Communication

Am I can't hear him? Is he talking? He said you. We can all hear him, but you can't. All right, tell TG to just be quiet and then bring it back.

Continuing Discussions

He said be quiet. I. Okay, that works. What happened? Speaking a little pump. What happened to Scotty Pippen?

Matters of Decentralization

Decentralization, Satoshi. Yeah, decentralized. Yo, tune community. What's up, dude? Oh, let's go, man.

Technical Difficulties Persist

What. Thread. I think you're. I think you're rugging. I think you have, like, bad wi fi or something. He's on that hotel junior suite wi fi.

Concerns About Connection Quality

They got him on the free Internet hotel. You don't. Try not to throw it to you. We can tell niggas today. Hey, I wanna come, motherfucker.

Lighthearted Banter

Such a fucking hoe. I love it. You're such a fucking hoe. I love it.

Continued Conversation

You're such a fucking ho. I love it. Your boyfriend is adore. Make love in your.

Questioning the Announcement

Wait, was that the announcement? Come on, little Bob. Wait, what's up? Why are you calling me?

Clarifying Communication

Speak. Tell it crazy, bro. I think it is TG that's rugging, right? Yeah, I think it's.

Recognizing Technical Difficulties

I think TG's. TG's first host ever. TG said he has to get the fuck out of here. Yeah, we can all hear you, bro.

Final Notes and Announcements

Yes. You're tuned to give a little shout out, a little announcement space wide shout out before we. We either get little pump up or rug it.

Looking Forward to Future Engagements

All right. All right. Yeah. Pin to the. Pin to the space mon ed madness.

Invitations to Participate

Million dollars prize money. Submissions close in a week. If you're building something, just submit. Apply.

Encouragement for Builders

If you know someone, one of your buddies is building something and wants some money, if they're good at building, tell them we're giving away a million dollars. So take the money, please and yeah.

Conclusion and Gratitude

Thanks. That's it. Shout out lil pump. shout out lil pump shout out monad. Shut up. Million dollars.

Final Reflections

Shut up. Incredible. What's next on the. On the D agenda? Talk to us.

Summarizing Future Activities

I'm just going to be drafting, literally football lineups for the next two weeks. Just eight plus hours a day. Football lineups, AFK, runescape in the background, play fortnight till four in the morning, wake up at noon, draft football lineups and just do it over and over again.

Admiring Lifestyle Choices

I'm not gonna lie. You live my dream life, bro. We're just gonna watch the steak Solana amount go up. We're not touching it.

Maintaining Focus on Investments

We're not touching our bitcoin. We're sitting comfy with some pictures. We're not buying, you know, the new Reddit token. We're just staying in our lane, letting the good bags cook and we're chilling.

Final Comments

I fucking love it. Kryptoon final sign off. What do you want to show us? What's next? What are you doing this weekend?

Concluding Sentiments

What? Talk to me. See you. Have a great rest of your day. I love you, deeds.

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