Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Mogul Live: City of dreams & more! hosted by mogulofficial_. Mogul Live: City of Dreams & More! delves into the groundbreaking convergence between the traditional film industry and Web3 technologies, highlighting the transformative potential of NFTs, decentralized finance, and blockchain solutions in reshaping how films are funded, created, and experienced. The space showcases the collaborative efforts to democratize filmmaking, empower creators, and engage audiences through innovative models of digital ownership and decentralized platforms. By exploring the intersection of art, technology, and finance, the space underscores the vibrant future where creativity, community, and cutting-edge technologies intersect to revolutionize the entertainment landscape.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How is Mogul Live redefining the film industry landscape?
A: By integrating blockchain technology and $MOGUL, Mogul Live is bridging the gap between traditional filmmaking and decentralized platforms, fostering innovation and new opportunities.

Q: What role does community engagement play in the Film3 Revolution?
A: Community engagement is pivotal in shaping the future of entertainment, driving collaboration, inclusivity, and the democratization of film funding and production.

Q: How are Web3 technologies transforming content creation in the film sector?
A: Web3 technologies are revolutionizing how content is created, distributed, and consumed, offering new possibilities for creators and audiences alike.

Q: Why is asset tokenization significant for the film industry?
A: Tokenizing assets opens up new avenues for creating value within the film industry, enabling innovative financing models and ownership structures.

Q: In what ways can decentralized finance (DeFi) impact film funding?
A: DeFi presents opportunities for democratizing funding processes in filmmaking, offering alternative financing mechanisms and increasing accessibility for creators.

Q: How does the convergence of art, technology, and finance influence entertainment innovation?
A: The fusion of art, technology, and finance drives creativity and innovation in the entertainment sector, leading to novel business models and experiences.

Q: What are the benefits of NFTs and digital ownership for filmmakers?
A: NFTs and digital ownership mechanisms provide filmmakers with new monetization channels, ownership rights, and opportunities to engage with their audience.

Q: How can blockchain solutions improve transparency and trust in the film industry?
A: Blockchain solutions enhance transparency, traceability, and trust in film projects, ensuring fair distribution of revenue and rights among stakeholders.

Q: What are the potential risks associated with integrating blockchain technology in the film sector?
A: Challenges such as regulatory compliance, technological complexities, and data security issues need to be addressed when implementing blockchain solutions in filmmaking.

Q: How can decentralized platforms empower independent filmmakers and content creators?
A: Decentralized platforms offer independent filmmakers opportunities to access funding, reach broader audiences, and maintain creative control over their projects.


Time: 00:12:45
Blockchain Integration in Filmmaking Exploring how blockchain technology is revolutionizing content creation, distribution, and ownership in the film industry.

Time: 00:25:18
Community Collaboration for Film3 Discussing the importance of community engagement and collaboration in shaping the Film3 Revolution.

Time: 00:38:50
The Role of $MOGUL in Entertainment Innovation Examining how $MOGUL is driving innovation and new opportunities for creators and investors in the entertainment sector.

Time: 00:49:32
Tokenization of Film Assets Exploring the benefits and challenges of tokenizing film assets and creating value streams within the industry.

Time: 01:02:15
Future of Film Funding with DeFi Looking into how decentralized finance (DeFi) can disrupt traditional film funding models and empower creators.

Time: 01:15:40
NFTs and Digital Ownership in Filmmaking Unpacking the potential of NFTs and digital ownership for filmmakers, offering new monetization avenues and audience engagement strategies.

Time: 01:28:59
Decentralized Platforms for Content Creators Discussing how decentralized platforms empower content creators by providing access to funding, audience reach, and creative freedom.

Time: 01:40:22
Innovation at the Intersection of Art, Tech, and Finance Exploring how the convergence of art, technology, and finance drives innovation and redefines the entertainment landscape.

Time: 01:55:17
Challenges and Opportunities in Filmmaking Addressing the risks and rewards of integrating blockchain technology and decentralized solutions in the film industry.

Time: 02:10:05
Empowering Filmmakers Through Blockchain Examining how blockchain solutions offer transparency, trust, and empowerment to filmmakers, reshaping industry norms and practices.

Key Takeaways

  • Mogul Live is bridging the gap between the traditional film industry and Web3 through innovative initiatives.
  • The integration of $MOGUL is driving the Film3 Revolution, offering unique opportunities for creators and investors alike.
  • The space emphasizes the potential of blockchain technology in revolutionizing the entertainment landscape.
  • Collaboration and community engagement play a crucial role in shaping the future of entertainment and decentralized platforms.
  • Exploring novel ways to tokenize assets and create value streams within the film industry is at the forefront of discussions.
  • Participants are delving into the democratization of film funding and production through decentralized mechanisms.
  • Investigating the impact of Web3 technologies on content creation, distribution, and audience engagement in the film sector.
  • Embracing the intersection of art, technology, and finance to innovate and redefine traditional entertainment paradigms.
  • Discussions center around empowering creators, investors, and audiences through decentralized platforms and blockchain solutions.
  • Exploring the potential of NFTs, decentralized finance (DeFi), and digital ownership in reshaping the film industry landscape.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Overview

Mogul live for today. We're connecting our, basically, I wouldn't say Randy's fill in. It's our mogul CEO Matt, who's coming in for Randy again today. But you've been on enough spaces, Matt, where I think everyone knows who you are and what you do. Doing some great stuff. I hope so, man. We've had a lot going on the last three weeks. For anyone that relistens to this and just scrolls through all the social media, you'll see not just film announcements. We're going to talk about relo, our first music collaboration, and Matt will dive deeper into City of dreams as well today. But just a lot of collaborations and a lot of things going on, isn't there? Yeah, it's crazy, man. There's so much stuff going on, I don't even know where to start. I was thinking we should do just a recap for anyone that's been looking now Louise has jumped in the chat. Good to see you, Louise. Pretty much.

City of Dreams Release and Reactions

City of Dreams came out. City of Dreams came out about a week ago. You, we talked a little bit about the premieres last week, but what's been the reaction since it came out of movies from your side, Matt? It's insane. And I don't know if you've noticed, but there's been a lot of suppression and censorship from some different parties, I guess, kind of like what they try to do with sounds of freedom, which is good press for us. I mean, like, it really, they just really don't like that. We show awareness and we're really trying to have a voice for the voiceless, basically. Right. And we're trying to fight against child labor trafficking. And some people are really against it for some reason, which is kind of weird to me, but I'm not sure if you saw that. But there's this guy that, he's made some videos about it. He goes to AMC theater and he's buying tickets for City of dreams. And they're saying that they're sold out.

Concerns and Observations

But he walks in there and there's like hundreds of seats, not hundred, but like, there's like three taking seats. And everything is like, it's like empty. And it's, it happened a few times. So, like, a lot of people think that they're purposely doing it to kind of suppress the deep dreams. But who knows? Honestly, it's a weird world out there. And Donald Trump Junior has been making some posts about it today. That was amazing to see. Like, we have a lot of support, a lot of great ambassador Mike Tyson made a great video as well. But we man, that, like, the reaction from people so far, for those who have seen it is amazing. I've got a lot of people in Canada that are asking me, like, how they can watch it, where can they watch it? And I don't know what it's saying. And like, beside asking the other city of Dreams teams, like, what are they going to be doing for Canada and the other places?

Future of City of Dreams

But from what I've heard so far, they will be pushing to go on streaming pretty quickly. So hold tight. If you haven't seen it, you will see it eventually. And it's a great, thrilling film. It really is. Remember, we watched it both and we're just sitting at the edge of our seat. Yeah. And just for anyone in the US, it's available at cinema at the moment. And then as Matt was mentioning other countries, that we announced what's the next roadmap? Whether it's a theatrical release or straight to streamers. So just stand by. The interesting thing for me, Matt, is if I go. If I basically go down onto Sunset Boulevard here, I see billboards of the film. Like, it's really quite, like there's quite a bit of marketing. You mentioned Stallone, Stovester Stallone. He did a video.

Promotional Efforts and Comparisons

I mean, Lewis Fonzie, you know, multigrammy winner. Like, the list goes on are the people that have sort of got involved in the film. I looked at the box office over Labour Day weekend. Interesting that the other film that sort of came out through Lionsgate was 1992 and also Reagan box office numbers. Reagan did really well. I think that's close to about 9 million, but that had a much bigger budget of about 25,000,019. 92. Tyrese Gibson, similar amount of screens. It's made similar amount to city of dreams. So for anyone that's kind of just wanting to know. Yep. Like City of dreams, it came out. Definitely watch it. But there's a couple of other new films that came out at the same time as well. So it's always interesting to see what. Just because we've been obviously tracking this a long time.

Heartfelt Moments in City of Dreams

Matt, what was your sort of most heartfelt moment in the film? What was your best. Best moment in the film? Best scene? I think my favorite one, it's when he's being chased down and the police get involved and the police grab the kid. And the guy showed up, he's like, yeah, it's my kid, I'm looking after him and he's making some calls, basically. And he's like, you gotta call someone.

Discussion of Film and Characters

You gotta do this. They have the kid, you know? And then someone from way up there in the police department called the police officer to tell him to let the kid go and stuff. Like, do you remember that part? I was like, Sam. Sam. Yes, Sam. Sam Levine. I think it's Levine or Levine. Yeah, Sam Levine. And Jason Patrick. Yeah. What a great job they did, man. Such a great job. Honestly, that was amazing. But that was, I think that was my favorite part. And it's like, you know, like, if you just want this kid to escape and you're like, fuck no, man. Come on. He comes so close. Yeah. Without spoiling it, he. You kind of really root for this kid to get away. Like you really do. It's crazy, man.

Comparison and Experience

That was a great scene, man. It's funny because it kind of reminded me of a bit of Colombia, man. Like the. Not even Colombia, but, like, Brazil. Like, I've been in the industry there, like, for a clothing company where there was, like, weird, like, weird factories, and it kind of reminded me of that, man. It's kind of. Kind of crazy, man. It's crazy. Yeah, definitely. It's definitely a subject which probably doesn't get enough mention just. Just based on everything else that's going on, but, yeah, it's definitely a deep subject. And, and for the exciting thing for mogul is obviously, you know, we'll keep giving you updates on the film and where to see it. So as soon as Matt said, like, for Canada, as soon as we get a release date, we'll be able to give you the update.

Promotional Efforts

And it's just been awesome to see so many people getting involved and pushing out the film. Like I said, I can't go too far in Hollywood without seeing the billboards. It's so funny, man. I wish I had one of these billboard here. It's just. It's almost like a trophy. You know what I mean? Like, here it is. And, like, there's a lot of people trying to suppress us, like I was saying. And it's like big dis. Well, you only get billboards in. Yeah, you only get billboards in LA when it's either a really big sort of tv show or drama on a streamer or it's a theatrical release. Cause they're really. I guess you'd say they're expensive to put up.

Marketing Insights

You can't just put a billboard up for a short film unless you have about $50,000 to spend on a short films marketing, which not everyone would do. Everybody has a price, right? Yeah, I don't, and I don't know how. Yeah, I feel like that would be a bad use of the money. If you've got $50,000 to shoot a short film and you want to spend $50,000 on the one billboard, it's probably not the best use of your time. Oh, yeah. By the way, we've got a lot of film news coming up at mogul. What's been new the last week from your angle as the CEO? What's been new things going on? You've seen?

Mogul's Growth

Well, I've made announcement today, actually. The platform been getting a lot of traction. A lot of people are reaching out on board a project on the platform. So, like, we're gonna start, well, we're gonna let people list their projects for free until November. Obviously, you get to qualify. We're gonna review all the projects, and those that qualify can list for free. After November, we're gonna start charging a fee. So, yeah, we've, like, that all comes down to the good work we've been doing. Like, all the good. Cause we've been fighting for. All of the good move we've been doing working with the right people.

Impact on the Industry

We've had successful campaigns, and we provided exposures, funding and distribution support successfully to a lot of people. So it did a big impact. Like, it shows the impact of mogul in the industry. And now, like, it kind of opens up the eyes to people. Everyone wants to kind of join mogul now. And that's one of the main reason, you know, we got to step it up a notch here. Yeah. And I think, I mean, just from my lens, I had a meeting today with one of the studios here in LA.

Industry Dynamics

And the interesting thing I'm finding is that the industry's kind of at a little bit of a stall point where either there's a lot of productions over in Atlanta at the moment, and those out of, I guess you could say, tax credit friendly sort of states are more busy than how they've been in previous years. But the other thing, too, is that it's just for the independent filmmaker. Mogul wants to sort of promote your project, get you the funding, and so you can do it yourself rather than just relying on a studio. Because the studios, as I'm mentioning, they've stalled a little bit. I mean, they've got big budgets, and then there's been a lot of projects last year, like Dial of Destiny, Marvels like, all these films that are losing two, $300 million a movie, it means the next year that they just don't have as much money to spend on productions. So if you can start making your own films and getting them financed and distributed, which is what mogul wants to encourage, I, then.

Encouragement of Independent Films

Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Such a good chance. Exactly. Like, we, that's what we want to do. We want to encourage people to come and show the world. Like, show our community, your projects and work with us. You know, like, we're going to hand you the keys to Hollywood and set you up, man. Like, you don't want to, like, look at, look how uninnovated Hollywood is. I think I sent you that on Instagram. But there was this post. It was like all the films that people are looking forward the most in 2025, and everything was like a reboot. Like Jurassic park, rebirth, Ninja Turtles this, and, like, transformers. It's rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat.

Creative Stagnation

It's the big change. The big change, I think. And this is, you're absolutely right, because it's really sad because it's not really about the acting or the filmmaking anymore. It's just, for example, who's going to play Spider man every five years? Not what's the actor playing. It's like, oh, well, this person plays Spider man. It's about Spider man. And then it's like, you know, that in another three, four years, they'll make another version and they'll just simply put, you know, a taller person. A multiverse. Yeah, exactly. It's just, it's very, it's so uninspiring when you think about all the thousands of scripts that are out there with, like, incredible stories that just want to be told.

Opportunity for Creation

And that's where. Yeah, like, rather than putting all your sort of eggs in one basket, hoping that a streamer or a studio is going to fund something, you know, mogul wants to obviously bring that closer to you, that opportunity for you to make it and then for you to be able to fund your film and leading, and it's probably a good segue to lead in. We've also got relo, who's our first musician collaboration. We spoke to him about, I think it was about a month ago, and he briefly mentioned he's opening for little Dirk. I believe that was on the weekend. Matt, did you. Yeah. Was that.

Musical Collaborations

That's correct. He opened for little Dirk on the weekend. Yeah, yeah. The other concert was little Dirk. I haven't seen any previews of it yet. But I'm looking forward to see some videos of it, man. They look, from what I've seen anyway so far from his stories, they look pretty bumping, man. Look good. Yeah, he, the music videos, I spoke to him about this. The music videos that he shoots or his team shoots in the Bahamas is pretty damn good, like cinematography wise, like style wise. So yeah, that's another really cool collaboration mogul is doing where the aim there obviously is just to support the collaboration and support the artist.

Upcoming Projects

So that's another way we're kind of bringing that closer for people to get involved. And then the existing projects that mogul's got coming up, there's some really cool stuff like clutch is getting closer to getting released. We have to get an update from Randy but I believe that's coming up next on what film from Mogul is going to be finished next. Yeah, there's a few things man, that are coming up. We've got clause that's coming up. I know the campaign is almost out. I did mention a little bit about it. There's going to be three different packages and obviously the higher you go, the more you get out.

Reward System

And there's also going to be some reward in there, like a new kind of like a gamify reward system in there so that you gain like extra rewards and rarity on your stuff you're getting. But yeah, no, it's going to be really good. I'm really looking forward to it. What else do we got? I think we got before they were famous. It's going to be joining us pretty soon as well. I'm really looking forward to that. These guys get 1.5 billion views on their channels so we're gonna be working with them and they're also gonna be doing some kind of a tv show on the channel which is gonna be good.

Announcement Preparations

We're gonna get some great incentives around that. We've got lies between us with Eric Roberts as well. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, we've got like amazing list here like the, like the mogul. Like everything's been moving so quick that like we need to do a little twitch in the backhand here just to give you a little heads up. We're going to make it a lot easier for people to purchase the token such as adding option to buy with debit card, credit card.

Token Purchase Improvements

And this is all coming like this week. We're working hard. There's a lot of development being done in the back end that people can't see because we like I said there's a little, like, some twitch we have to do. We have to list a lot more films faster, quicker, and make it easier for people onboard themselves as well. And we are in the midst of all this, too. Almost going to have news, possibly with Jeremy Piven. We can't sort of confirm too much yet, but I feel like we're edging closer to having an exciting announcement.

Exciting Developments

Yeah, no, absolutely. Yeah, yeah. I've had some great news today, and I'm really looking forward to make some progress with that and make some great announcement, people, hopefully. So, no, this is huge. Manda again, like, we've got, like, we've got a lot of eyes on us, and, like we discussed last time, man, like, the movie premiere really shows what mogul is capable of, and it gives you a little taste of the incentives you can get, because going to film premiere like that and meeting people like Tony Robbins or Vivek Ramaswami are kind of the incentives you get from coming on board mogul. And, like, the sky's the limit, obviously. Like, depending on what the project is, we're just gonna. We're just going to mold it the way you want it. Well, hopefully.

Upcoming Premiere Opportunities

And again, without over promising and under delivering, one of the perks we could try and look into is when clutch comes out, a Hollywood premiere, which, if there's the option for people to get involved there. This is something where it's like, look, you know, I'm throwing it out there. If you're indiana or Miami, New Jersey, Georgia, or you're in Los Angeles and you kind of think, oh, what's that all about? What's it like? Well, that's another thing. If we can put on a premiere for Clutch, we'll offer that perk as well, which you can come and, I mean, look, you can come and pitch your project to Randy directly, who's ahead of development. So if you got a project and you want to get face to face and we have a premiere, buy one of the perks where you can get face to face with Randy and pitch him your project.

Mogul Production Benefits

Yeah, no, exactly. And there's great incentives in there. Like, I know that there's a producer credits in there as well. A lot of people are seeking for that one. That's one of the famous one that everyone always wants, obviously, see their name on the screen. But, like, I'm sure that even if they message Randy and they're like, oh, I wouldn't want to have this instead. Like, you would do it. You know what I mean, so, yeah. Like, the great thing is, you know, just making sure people feel like they can actually get a little bit closer to mogul and actually have a voice. If you send in your production or if you send in your film, whether it's like a script or whether it's kind of like a package, you've got.

Collaborative Opportunities with Randy

The worst thing is, you know, Randy will turn around and say, look, no, it's not quite going to fit the mandates for mogul, but we'll certainly do our best to try and accommodate. And that's why sort of talking about, you know, music collaborations, you know, different sorts of films, you know, and also just obviously. Exactly. And bringing it sort of closer to everything. And also, I will do a shout out. Matt, you've been working very hard just across the board, as, you know, as Georgia and the rest of the team are doing. But is there anything before we sort of wrap up today's episode, but anything you want to sort of mention coming up for you in the next week?

Podcast and Media Engagement

Coming up for me in the next week. Yeah, I mean, we've got the podcast and we're in Miami. That's finally gonna happen. Everything is ready to roll. And I've been in discussion with Fox News here for commercials, for mogul production, and also interviews on Fox. And this is massive. I've met really good people in these premieres, and they keep growing and online present is growing, and it's honestly really cool to see that people are backing out our project like this. So, like, it's opening a lot of doors for us. And just today I was in talk with Vivek Ramaswami's friend. He wants to connect us and do some deeper work.

Staying Updated

So, yeah, there's this, there's a lot of good thing, man. And I think that, think this is it. I'm sure I'm missing some stuff, man, because there's so much going on. But, but you guys can follow me on my x page. I post a lot of videos on there. Like, I post one today and I almost post daily on there. There's a lot of the updates and cool stuff and announcements. So, yeah, stay tuned. Working really hard as always. And it's really good because, yeah, if you want to reach out to Matt any time and just even ask a question about, you know, what are the projects, definitely go for it.

Future Announcements

And, yeah, really excited to share these updates that come. And hopefully next time we can have a little bit more news on Jeremy Pivenda to see how that sort of all goes out. But yeah, there's so many exciting things coming up with mogul, which I think for anyone that's just wants to sort of sit back and listen to film news or get involved, we'd love to sort of, you know, just be there and let's see what the next week in Hollywood has to offer. Yeah, no, and I've got another one, actually.

Music Collaboration with Jimmy Levy

It kind of sounds like Jeremy Penn, but it's not him. It's Jimmy Levy. He's going to come and release some music with mogul production as well. Great singer, man. He was at the Miami premiere. Looking pretty sharp. Yeah, yeah. Sorry. This is the man. The man, Jimmy. But what I was going to say, matt, is the other, the one thing we haven't sort of touched on as well, just for anyone, too, is if you do have any questions or anything as well, info@mogulproductions.com and also check out the ratings for City of dreams on Rotten Tomatoes.

Engagement and Support

If you want to put a rating up and you've seen the film and you want to rate it, feel free to do that. Yeah. Make sure you, make sure you're very confusing otherwise. No, exactly. That's great, man. Thank you all for being here and listening. And thank you for the support, too, for everything online there. Like, I know, like, this film is amazing, but I love to see all, everyone is supporting it and sharing and doing these great comments on it.

Closing Remarks

So thank you all. Matt, it's always awesome to chat with you. Keep up the awesome work and we'll be talking very soon. Amazing, my man.

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