Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Modular Accessible Unified Liquidity Layer w/ Euclid

This space is hosted by CosmosHOSS

Space Summary

The Twitter space centered around Euclid, with a specific focus on GC’s leadership and the team’s collective experience. Discussions highlighted the strategic advantages of Athena Consulting’s profitable background, the team’s seamless collaboration, and their resilience in bear markets. The space delved into Euclid’s well-resourced development, cohesive team dynamics, and financial stability, positioning the project strongly in the competitive crypto landscape. Audience reactions were positive, recognizing the team’s capabilities and expressing optimism for Euclid’s future success. Key topics included liquidity, fragmentation, finality, protocol, oracle, and modularity.


Q: Why is team experience crucial in blockchain projects?
A: Experience helps overcome challenges and execute complex tasks smoothly.

Q: How did Euclid remain profitable during bear markets?
A: By leveraging their profitable consulting company and team experience in the space.

Q: What are some hiring challenges in blockchain?
A: Difficulty in finding talent often leads to increased costs and project delays.

Q: Why do VCs care about team backgrounds?
A: To minimize risks and ensure sustainable growth with a solid foundation.

Q: How does an established team benefit new projects?
A: It enables a smooth project start without initial team alignment struggles.

Q: What role does innovation play in blockchain project longevity?
A: Continuous innovation maintains relevance and competitiveness in the industry.

Q: What is the key message about communicating with VCs?
A: Effectively communicate team and project readiness to attract potential investors.

Q: How does collaboration contribute to project success?
A: Collaboration combines diverse skills for robust solutions and innovations.

Q: Why do proven track records matter in the blockchain industry?
A: They instill confidence in delivering on promises to investors and stakeholders.

Q: Why are strategic tokenomics important?
A: They ensure fair distribution, utility, and governance for long-term project success.

Q: What advice was given about following industry experts?
A: Seek guidance and trends from experienced figures like GC for industry insights.

Q: What is the team size and composition behind Euclid’s development?
A: The team consists of 12-15 seasoned developers with significant experience in the crypto industry who have worked together for years.

Q: How does GC’s prior experience contribute to Euclid’s success?
A: GC’s past ventures, including the profitable track record of Athena Consulting, provide a strong foundation and strategic advantage for Euclid’s development and success.

Q: What distinguishes Euclid’s development approach from other web three projects?
A: Euclid’s development benefits from a well-resourced team, seamless collaboration, and the advantage of a profitable background, setting it apart in the competitive landscape.

Q: How does the team’s familiarity and history of collaboration benefit Euclid?
A: The team’s long history of working together fosters seamless collaboration, efficient communication, and a deep understanding of each other’s strengths, enhancing Euclid’s development process.

Q: What advantages does the profitable track record of Athena Consulting offer to Euclid’s development?
A: The profitability of Athena Consulting provides financial stability, credibility, and a wealth of experience that can be leveraged to support Euclid’s growth and development initiatives.

Q: What was highlighted in the discussion regarding Euclid and its development team?
A: The discussion emphasized the team’s expertise, cohesion, and strategic advantages, along with the profitable background of Athena Consulting, as key elements that position Euclid for success.

Q: How does the team’s ability to excel in bear markets set them apart?
A: The team’s resilience and capability to thrive in challenging market conditions demonstrate their adaptability, strategic planning, and long-term vision, distinguishing them from others in the industry.


Time: 00:00:02
Introduction to Euclid’s Established Team

Time: 00:08:12
Importance of Long-Term Experience

Time: 00:14:30
Challenges in Attracting Talent

Time: 00:21:45
Staying Profitable in Bear Markets

Time: 00:30:10
Communicating Strengths to VCs

Time: 00:37:00
Collaboration and Skill Pooling

Time: 00:44:25
Proven Track Records Build Trust

Time: 00:50:01
Strategic Tokenomics and Governance

Time: 00:54:35
Continuous Innovation is Key

Time: 00:57:46
Follow-Up Space for Tokenomics

Time: 00:58:14
Following Industry Experts for Insights

Time: 00:09:12
Fragmented Liquidity Issue, Discussion on the problem of liquidity being fractured across various chains.

Time: 00:13:22
Euclid’s Solution, Overview of how Euclid aims to unify liquidity.

Time: 00:16:16
Oracle Integration, Importance of using reliable oracles for accurate pricing.

Time: 00:22:26
User Experience Focus, Emphasis on abstracting liquidity complexities for better user experience.

Time: 00:33:41
Modularity and Interoperability, Need for modularity and interoperability in the Cosmos ecosystem.

Time: 00:39:20
Positive Sum Game, Advocating for a positive sum game approach where all chains benefit from Web3 growth.

Time: 00:54:50
Community Engagement, Encouragement for the community to follow and engage with the project on social media.

Time: 00:57:33
Future Discussions, Plans for future discussions on testnets and tokenomics.

Key Takeaways

  • The team
  • led by GC
  • has significant expertise in the crypto space.
  • The background of Athena Consulting
  • founded by GC
  • provides a solid foundation for Euclid.
  • The team consists of 12-15 experienced developers with a long history of working together.
  • Euclid’s development is well-resourced
  • minimizing the need for extensive talent recruitment and high costs.
  • The team’s ability to navigate and excel in bear markets sets them apart.
  • The discussion highlighted the collaborative approach
  • resourcefulness
  • and expertise of the team.
  • GC’s past ventures play a crucial role in Euclid’s progress and success.
  • The profitable track record of Athena Consulting offers advantages to Euclid’s development.
  • The Twitter space was a testament to the team’s capabilities
  • cohesion
  • and strategic advantages.
  • Euclid’s foundation and team dynamics position it well for success in the competitive crypto space.

Behind the Mic

Hey, everyone. Thanks for joining. This is really exciting. Okay, awesome. I think maybe just to get started and let people know maybe your background and what you’re working on. Go ahead and take it away. Okay, awesome. First of all, thank you, everyone for taking the time to join today. My name is John. I’m currently the CEO of ABC Company. And I’ve been working in the blockchain space for about five years now. Wow, that’s really amazing. Can you tell us more about ABC Company and what you’re currently focusing on? Of course. ABC Company is really focused on making blockchain more accessible to developers. Our main product is a suite of APIs that make blockchain interactions simpler and more efficient. That’s really cool. So what got you interested in blockchain in the first place? It was really the idea of decentralization. The power to give control back to the people and to make systems more transparent and fair really resonated with me. We all know the traditional systems have their flaws, so blockchain offers a real alternative. Definitely, I think a lot of people share that sentiment. You mentioned APIs earlier. Could you talk more about what sets your APIs apart from others in the market? Sure. What sets our APIs apart is the ease of use and the comprehensive documentation we provide. We want developers to be able to integrate with blockchain technology with as little friction as possible. We also offer robust support to help developers through any roadblocks they encounter. That’s really fantastic. It sounds like you’re making it as easy as possible for developers to dive into blockchain. Are there any particular challenges you faced in building these services? Absolutely. One of the biggest challenges has been keeping up with the fast pace of change in the blockchain world. New protocols and standards are constantly being developed, and we have to stay ahead of the curve to provide relevant tools for our users. That’s definitely a big challenge. How do you stay updated with all the changes and advancements in the technology? We have a dedicated team that monitors industry news and participates in various blockchain communities. We also have partnerships with other key players in the space, which helps us get early insights into where the technology is heading. It’s great to hear that you have a proactive approach. What are some of the most exciting developments you’re currently working on? One of the most exciting things we’re working on is integrating with the new decentralized identity protocols. We think this will be a game-changer for how identities are managed online. That sounds really promising. How do you see decentralized identity changing the landscape of online interactions? I think it will greatly enhance security and privacy for users. It will allow users to maintain control over their personal information and share only what’s necessary. It also opens doors for new types of applications that can leverage trusted identities without relying on centralized entities. That’s really interesting. Privacy and security are definitely huge concerns today. How soon do you think we’ll see widespread adoption of decentralized identity? It’s hard to say for sure, but I believe within the next few years we’ll start to see more mainstream applications taking advantage of these protocols. That sounds promising, John. Are there any other future plans you can share with us today? We’re also exploring the use of blockchain in supply chain management. We believe blockchain’s transparency and immutability features can bring significant benefits in terms of tracking goods and verifying authenticity. That’s definitely a strong use case for blockchain technology. How far along are you in that initiative? We’re currently in the pilot phase with a few select partners. The early results have been very encouraging, and we’re looking forward to scaling this up in the near future. That’s really exciting to hear. It seems like ABC Company is doing some amazing work in the blockchain space. Thank you for sharing all these insights with us today. Thank you for having me. It’s been a pleasure. Likewise, John. Thanks again for joining us, and we look forward to seeing more great things from ABC Company in the future. Have a great day, everyone. Goodbye.

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