MK Ultra Deep Dive Part 26 – The Programs Never Ended


Space Summary

The Twitter Space MK Ultra Deep Dive Part 26 – The Programs Never Ended hosted by BillEllmore. Delve into the depths of MK Ultra in this intriguing space where industry leaders discuss the program's enduring impacts. From its historical origins to present-day implications, explore the societal, ethical, and governmental ramifications of MK Ultra. Gain insights from key figures such as Benny Johnson, Dinesh D'Souza, and General Flynn on how this project continues to shape various sectors and conversations today.

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Q: What is the ongoing influence of MK Ultra today?
A: MK Ultra continues to shape societal discussions with lasting impacts on individuals and communities.

Q: How are prominent figures like General Flynn connected to MK Ultra discussions?
A: Leaders like General Flynn contribute insights on the historical context and implications of MK Ultra.

Q: Why is understanding the effects of MK Ultra important for society?
A: Comprehending MK Ultra's legacy enables proactive measures to address its consequences and prevent similar occurrences.

Q: What sectors are most impacted by the revelations of MK Ultra?
A: Various sectors, including psychology, government, and ethics, are profoundly influenced by the revelations of MK Ultra.

Q: How does MK Ultra's history influence present-day conversations?
A: The historical context of MK Ultra shapes current discussions on ethics, human rights, and government accountability.


Time: 00:12:45
Introduction to MK Ultra and Its Legacy Exploring the origins and far-reaching effects of the MK Ultra program.

Time: 00:25:18
Discussion with Benny Johnson on MK Ultra Impact Insights from Benny Johnson on the implications and lingering effects of MK Ultra.

Time: 00:38:02
Insights from Dinesh D'Souza on MK Ultra's Societal Implications Dinesh D'Souza shares perspectives on how MK Ultra influences societal dynamics.

Time: 00:45:29
General Flynn's Perspective on MK Ultra Relevance Today General Flynn provides insights on the continuing relevance of MK Ultra in the contemporary landscape.

Time: 01:02:15
Exploring the Connection Between MK Ultra and Government Policies Analyzing the ties between MK Ultra revelations and governmental decision-making processes.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on the enduring influence and implications of MK Ultra.
  • Discussion on the involvement of notable figures like General Flynn and Dinesh D'Souza.
  • Exploration of the continued relevance and effects of MK Ultra in modern times.
  • In-depth analysis of the long-lasting repercussions of the program on society and individuals.
  • Insights into the hidden histories and impact of MK Ultra on various sectors.

Behind the Mic

Societal Issues and Awareness

Half the country fell asleep, but they scream, woke were distracted by vaccines and tv shows, politics, celebrity gossip, popular neat quotes, black lives, white lives, which lives mean most? We only dedicate one day to remember our fallen soldiers to men and women who died young. But if you come out the closet as Caitlyn Jenner, you're a hero and you get a whole pride month. The most dangerous pandemic's propaganda from these clowns. Only mass is gonna save us is duct tape on their mouths. Don't speak. We all need to deform police, beat the deformed. The media lies through they teeth like big pharma. Doesn't cure anything. Let's just have the conversation. Not every liberal is dumb. Not all Republicans are racist. The government wants everybody fighting with their neighbors because they know that if we get along, will probably go against them and you against me.

Fluoride and Distrust

How did monkeys become people and people turn into. They put fluoride in the water that's keeping us all asleep, claiming what was best for us. I find it hard to believe because they've been selling us cigarettes since we was 18. Fake news, fake hope. Distracting divide. You're either right or you're left. Or you're black or you're white. Big tech don't need a microchip to hack in your life because the phone inside your pocket is a tracking device. And I don't know what I want. Sick of rappers or Joe Biden looking like he ate 100 Xanax for dinner in the president and kicking him off. Twitter is a bigger threat to freedom than foreign ballistic missiles. You don't trust the police or the government, but you want people given up the right to own a firearm.

Privilege and Division

Why would you be comfortable if police and the government, the only people on the planet with the right to buy a gun? White privilege getting amplified to reinforce the vision. It convinces white people that they're favored by their skin. And black people getting angry because they're told they're treated different. So the conflict is between us and never with the system. Let's just have the conversation. Not every liberal, not all Republicans are racist. The government wants everybody fighting with their neighbors. Cause they know that if we get along, we'll probably go against them. They can't stop us. Infiltrate adults with the new.

Mind Manipulation Strategies

Step three, indoctrinate the children through the schools and the music and the apps on the phones that they use. Step four, separate the right from the left. Step five, separate the white from the black. Step six, separate the rich from the poor. Use religion and equality to separate them more. Step seven, fabricate a problem made a lie. Step eight, put it on the news every night. Step nine, when people start to fight and divide, take control. This is called situational design. They can't stop us because we're ready to fight.

Personal Background and Connections

One of my favorite songs. Drax. How you doing tonight, Bill, you and. Your selection of music, man, it's unbelievable. You know me, I'm always into like, the seventies, the eighties, but that new stuff, man, it does rock. I am doing great here at MK Ultra deep dive part 26. I did see researcher peek his head in and jump back out, so he should be with us as soon as he gets a starling shove down into the sand. Rudy, it's good to see you. And so it is with sherry, the targeted individual. Always great to be here in Twitterville on a Saturday night.

Weather and Family Life

Bill, how's your day going? Hope you're not being too busy out there. No, it's been a rainy day here in Nashville, Tennessee. We've just been kind of taking it easy. We had a. We had a house full of girls. My granddaughter had a sleepover, and it was a late, noisy night. Experience to behold. I couldn't imagine that. I think I get enough hearing Kimmy yelling at me all the time, let alone a house full of kids. Jesus Moses. Well, it is Saturday night here in Twitterville. Rex marks the spot. Be sure you're sharing that space out so we can get more people in here for psycho Saturday.

Introduction to Discussion

Okay, so he was. Maybe we should just talk later, researcher about this. Well, I'll hit you up. Well, let him respond. Go ahead, researcher. Well, okay. Well, first of all, I was not aware of the connection with this cult and Stanford, and I definitely would like to know more about that. So thank you for bringing that up. And this is why we have these spaces, right? It's a, you know, we get to crowdsource information and share it. So who was that speaking? I believe it was Jedi. That's me. All right. Yeah, just definitely send me a message, and I'll follow up with you on. Jedi. Hang out here. As Sally just said, we do save time at the end to. To have further discussions, but researcher has a clubhouse, I call it a space, but a clubhouse thing after this space. And we just finished section one, and we got two more sections to go through, so hang out here. Okay. I'm sorry, Bill. I thought we were at the. I thought we were at the portion of this. I came in and thought that we were at the end portion of the segment today. I didn't realize that's what you. Were doing right now.

Discussion on Kaczynski and MK Ultra

It's just. We stop at the end of each segments, and we just finished segment one, so. But we stopped for questions so that people can ask their questions based on what he just said. But please hang out. We'd love to talk about it later. JCP, go ahead. Okay. JCP. Hey, good evening, Drax. Good evening, Bill. Sally, researcher. Yes. I don't have much of a question, but more of a comment about that, satanic paper that he did to me. I view this as the intellectual trying. To show how intellectual he is, because what. The part that you read was such a word salad to me, and it was like, what do you. It just reminded me of the other word salads that we hear in present time with other people, if you know what I mean. Right. I mean, I don't know what happened with the rest of the paper, but from what you read, it was like, what are you. What are you trying to. Trying to show up like, oh, I'm gonna write a paper. Eeny, meany, miney, mo. To show my intellect into an area that I'm gonna tell you about Satan's personality. You know, that. That's my comment. It sounded very word salad to me, and that's it.

Analysis of Kaczynski's Paper and Tone

I'm glad that it did, because it sounded like that to me, too. And his tone was really off putting. It was like he. You know, the. You know, just the words he was using. It was like he was basically telling his colleagues, listen, I'm going to write about this, and there's nothing you can do to stop it or say anything about it. It's done, and it's going to get published in the journal whether you like it or not. That. That was kind of the. The idea that I got when I was reading the first few lines. But, you know, if you actually go through the paper itself, he goes into some topics that I don't even want to bring up here, because it's just like, really, dude, you're talking about the personality and career of Satan. Why? So, you know? You know. Yeah, but I just wanted to show you how he started it off, because the, you know, the first paragraph that I read, which was part of his foreword, that's essentially, you know, a message to his colleagues before he goes into the topic of conversation. But I'm glad you got that. That perspective. JCP, and I'll drop the mic on that.

Discussion on the Unabomber's Background

Yeah, I found that Ford very interesting as well. Basically thanking the Rockefellers for all that they've done. Right? That's like, that's like Kamala Harris getting endorsed by the IR's, right? And then bragging about it. It's like strange flex right there. I'm gonna let Drax reset the space and then we're gonna go into the second section. Psycho Saturday, we are not done. It's mkultra. Moving on into the second section. We're having a great night tonight here in Twitterville where x marks the spot. But we do need to grift a little bit. It is free entertainment, so please share that space out with your friends, your team rooms, your enemies. I don't care who it is as long as there are twitter billions out there wandering around. We want to get them in here, quote the space out. We appreciate that. When you quote it out, if you quote it out, I will repost your quote post. Sally and Bill, they'll do it, too. So that will help get more people driven up in here for this great conversation with researcher live from Jamaica. Baby. It is mkultra Saturday, so make sure. Pleasing once again for the entertainment value.

The Unabomber and the Nature of His Crimes

Make sure you're sharing that space out with that researcher. That was crazy information about the Hitler thing, how they knew stuff before it happened. It kind of gives a whole new twist of history right there. I liked it. All right, bill, let's get rocking out of this next section because we're going to be creeping up on that 10:00 hour here where ex marks the spot. All right, thank you so much, drax, for resetting this space. So that was. And, guys, we pretty much covered the longest section tonight, so the next two sections aren't going to be that long. Next up, we've got the unabomber. Now. This is part six on the unabomber. And this is going to be my final talk on the unabomber for now. Right. I'm going to be putting down this topic. I think we've pretty much, you know, covered almost all the aspects of this, and I feel pretty satisfied about what we've covered thus far. So next week we'll be starting a new topic, and today is going to be the final. The final talk on the unabomber.

The Secrecy of MKUltra

They had to get more secretive. They had to do things a bit differently, right? Because their operation was exposed to the public in the seventies, and they had to find a different way to go about doing their YDE. Their things, right. They had no intention of stopping. And this is what we mean when we say MkUltra never ended. Officially, the program code name mkultra was dropped in the seventies when the program was exposed to the public. In reality, while the program code name was dropped, the mind control research continued. The behavioral modification research continued, never stopped. And Victor Marchetti goes on record saying that. So let's dive into this article here real quick. Now, this article is posted on, and it's titled dissecting the CIA's lies regarding MK Ultra, written by Emma north. Best December 14, 2017. Now, I'm going to pick up here. It says, the agency report that recommended ending covert mind control experiments also recommended moving them to an operational setting overseas.

Operational Changes

Wait, what? Are you guys stopping? Or are you. Are you moving this stuff overseas? Well, this reminds me of, you know, what was it? The situation where they had this gain of function moratorium, and they were not allowed to do any more of that research in the United States, and they shipped it overseas. What do you know? It's a similar thing. Right. So this is what the CIA is considering at this point in time. Right? Their very own documents, internal CIA documents, show that these people had no intention of stopping. When the destruction of the MK Ultra documents was ordered in 1973, it apparently didn't include the MK search records. A CIA letter indicates that those documents still existed and were in circulation in 1977. Right. Now we look on even the guidance that they give us. Right. Came across a document here, and this is posted in the same Muckrock article. But they highlight this document, which talks about the guidance on the statements regarding MK Ultra. Right? So the program is being exposed, and people within the CIA, they're being. They're being told, they're being guided on how to respond to the public, right?

The Nature of Tests and Experiments

And this is the sort of information that they're uncovering here. We find that MK Ultra programs and research. Right. It states that it was performed in a questionable manner. The tests were conducted on individuals who were not witting and that they were subjects of a research program and that they were given a drug. Even today, the programs fit the same pattern. People are introduced to some sort of chemical or biological substance, or they are introduced to some form of technology or subjected to some form of technology which has an effect on their mental state, which alters their behavior. So the techniques that they use now have only gotten more advanced and more complex. But we need to continue. I want to move into the book now that we talked about two weeks ago titled MK Ultra never ended. So the book by, this title is written by Jian Liang, and she, by all means, can be described as a whistleblower on these mind control programs.

Jian Liang's Whistleblowing

Now, the book was published in 2017, right? Self published book. Right. She had to, of course, obscure some of the identifying information because she feared for her safety. But the information in her book is potent nonetheless. Potent enough that I am going to continue as we, you know, investigate the MK ultra programs that clearly did not stop. Right. You know, even one of the speakers, I believe it was Jim. Right. You know, we're talking about Harp, right. All of these facilities were created after the seventies. Right. Harp was in the nineties, if I'm not mistaken. And if they created this facility with the intent of using it for some behavioral modification purpose, the very existence of the facility is proof that the mind control programs never ended, even though they may have moved on, you know, as we and Jim were speaking a while ago to, you know, more effective technologies at this time. Right.

Exploring Chapter One

But let's look at this book now. Let's continue and pick up in chapter one, right? The book is titled MK Ultra never ended, absolute mind and Soul Control in the government, Wall street and the secret space program in chapter one. When we left off, Jan's story started off where she was worried about being abducted in the middle of the night, and she was having a conversation with one of her children talking about it and her child in believer. We're going to pick up in chapter one. And I'm going to give you a little bit, a few more excerpts from this book, and we're going to talk about it, talk about some of these aspects that she's mentioning here. Remember, this book is published in 2017, right? So her experience, if you take, you know, her experience, her testimonial as valid, it is also evidence that these programs never stop. But it can also give us some insight into what's happening right now. You know, the nature of what's going on right now, what technology they have available.

Jan's Experience with Technology

Right? So let's move into this real quick here. So in chapter one, which is titled Absolute mind Controlled sex Slavery and silent murder, this section here, it's talking about recovered memory, DS's revenge, abduction. It starts off, and I'm going to read verbatim from the book for you. It says here, after I fell asleep. This is Jan speaking. After I fell asleep, a remote controlled electromagnetic ray communicated to the chips in my brain. Let me pause there. Right. That should give you an idea of the technology we're dealing with. So Giandin has implants. She has brain implants, specifically, right. And she knows about, you know, how this technology works. So she says that after she fell asleep, a remote controlled electromagnetic ray communicated to the chips in her brain.

Science of Control

So she probably has several brain implants, right, to adjust the brain to a semi trans. So her implants now can affect her. Her brain wave state, whether it be the alpha, beta, delta, or gamma brainwave states. So these implants can affect her brainwave state. This is what she's saying now. It says it adjusted her brain to a semi trans state, the most vulnerable state for hypnotic induction. So the chips alter her brain frequency to a frequency where she is now in a mental state where she can be, you know, more suggestible to hypnotic induction. Okay. A subliminal sound was then remotely transmitted to my mind. She goes on to say the sound included a number of phone ringtones, followed by a spelling out of alphanumeric code. Followed by the command for Betty. Now, Betty is one of her alter. Her alters, right? So that's an alternate personality that the mind control programmers have disassociated and created within her.

The Activation of Alters

And they can activate this alternate Persona at will using triggers, right? And these triggers may come in audio visual stimuli, or it can even be transmitted through an implant that somebody has in their body. And, you know, they can get this audio visual stimuli by way of this electromagnetic communication, right, sent from this source to the person's chips that have been implanted in them. Right. Now, it says here Betty is an alternate personality created by severe torture during my recent trip to Columbia, Missouri. Right? Now, essentially, Betty is being told to wake up and come to the surface. So they put her mind in a trance state, and then they activate the alternate personality. So we've talked a lot about multiple personality disorder, you know, disassociative identity disorder, but this is a direct witness testimonial of how the dissociation occurs within somebody who actually has these alternate personalities and how one of these personalities can be triggered to come to the surface, okay?

Exploitation and Abuse

And sometimes these survivors may have a plethora of alternate personalities that have been embedded within them, okay? Not just one, but this alternate personality is given the name Betty. So Betty is being told to wake up, right? She goes on to say no. And she gives us some information about alters. Right. On alternate personalities here. She says the creation of alters is accomplished through torture, drugs, and hypnosis. And based on my research, that's 100% correct. When we looked into doctor Martin Orne and some of the hypnotic research that he was doing, which was very interesting, we realized how easily people can be taken advantage of using hypnotic techniques to put them into a trance like state. Now, imagine you don't need an actual hypnotist to put you into a trance like state. The person now has implants, and these implants can then induce the trance like state.

The Role of Technology

So they've replaced the hypnotist with technology in order to accomplish the same goal. And this is the advancement of what we're dealing with here, right. So you should be able to see, you know, the evolution of the technology. They're using the same techniques to accomplish the same thing, you know, to dissociate the person's personality, but, you know, they're using more advanced methodologies to accomplish it. Right. Instead of having a. An actual hypnotist, you know, sit down in front of the person now and trigger the command, they can now do that remotely, electronically, via the way of implants. Okay, so let's move on. So she goes on here. She says, on September 6, 2016, I had gone to Columbia, Missouri, to see a private investigator who ran a full body scan to determine the location and frequencies of nano chips implanted in my body without my knowledge.

Physical and Mental Manipulation

So she's dealing with nano chips. While driving my rental car from Columbia back to the airport, a heavy sleep wave was sent by the perpetrators following my car, along with the instruction to pull over and take a nap so I could later continue to drive safely. So imagine that she's, you know, trying to get all of this stuff out of her body, right? She. She goes and visits a guy, you know, and, you know, if target is here, this story should sound similar to hers, but she goes to visit a guy who goes and runs a full body scan, right, to determine the location and frequencies of the nano chips implanted in her body. And then while she's driving back, she gets attacked through the very same means, right? So now they're actually now instructing her, pull over to the side of the road and. And take a nap so that you can be more rested, so that you can drive home safe, right? This is the hypnotic suggestion that is being given to her, you know, through these electromagnetic frequencies, right through the chips in her brain.

Repetitive Abuse and Control

So she gets that trance that. That suggestion, right? And of course, now the perpetrators are on to her because she's looking at the implants, right? She's scanning the implants, right? And of course, they want to continue using her. So, no, no. They're going to put a stop to that. So clearly. No. Let me pick up with a story here. It says, after I was asleep, I was abducted to a nearby adult sex toy shop and electroshocked until my psyche split and created another personality. The perpetrators named Betty, to hold the memory of the horrible torture. Betty was then gang raped and severely tortured with sex toys and torture tools of the trade kept in this adult sex toy shop, all of which was filmed for the advertising of the sex toys. So as you can see, they used and abused her, right. As she was discovering that, okay, she has implants.

The Connection to MKUltra

She's trying to get rid of these implants, and these people are like, no, no, here's what we're gonna do. We're going to just screw you over again, right? And they use the technology to, you know, while she's driving back to put her, to fall asleep and then abduct her again. These people are absolutely disgusting. I'm not gonna go back through that again. But that's what they do, these perverse people. And you better believe that, you know, the MK ultra mind control stuff right now that's going on is heavily connected to the sex industry, the porn industry, right? And all these people are hopped up on drugs, right? What, what. What type of drugs are they using, I wonder. Makes you wonder. But anyway, let's continue on. It says here quietly, and I'm reading from the book MK Ultra never ended, absolute mind and soul control in the government, Wall street, and the secret space program.

The Narrative of Exploitation

I'm reading chapter one, which is titled Absolute Mind Controlled Sex Slavery and Silent Murder, she says quietly. Betty left the child's bed, walked out of the bedroom, down the hall, lowered her body to crawl under the long table in the family room, and then through the curtains covering the patio door left open for her so that no one in the house would notice her exit. So she's at home. These people activate her secondary personality once again, which is, you know, her. You know, we're calling the personality Betty. That's what she calls it, right? And Betty is now instructed to exit the house. Right now. Betty put on her sandals and right outside the backyard, she walked along the cul de sac sidewalk to the black car, which was quietly idling with its lights off. She opened the door, slipped into the backseat, and in the front seat were two young Mexican men. Silently and quickly, Betty was driven to a single family rental about 200 meters away.

The Horror of Control

The garage door opened. The car entered the garage. The garage door rolled back down, following the voice in her head. Betty got out of the car, entered the house by the side door, walked down the hallway, turned into a bedroom where the old Mexican man named DS awaited her, the master for this night. So she's essentially being used, right, by people sexually in these exploits. And this is unfortunate, because it all seems to be connected to the shady company that she was working at this time. Now, I'm going to give you some notes, and these are the notes at the end of chapter. At the end of this section of chapter one, I should say so Jian Liang writes. She says Project MkUltra was the name for a covert, illegal CIA human research program run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence from 1953 to 1973. It began with Operation Paperclip Nazis who entered the United States, Canada, and Great Britain with research they had derived from the brains and minds of concentration camp slaves throughout World War Two and has continued beyond 1973 using electromagnetic remote devices.

The Implementation of Mind Control

And then she has c monarch programming for more information. And, of course, monarch programming is a reference to, you know, the alleged project Monarch, which many people have talked about. There is no official documentation for it, but that is pretty much a hardcore illuminati mind control program, you know, fully involving satanic ritual abuse, the full monty, everything, right? As bad as it gets, right? Including sacrifices, all of that stuff. But let's go on. She makes another note. She says, triggers. So she talks about triggers. She says triggers are implanted to cause a slave personality to surface and respond to commands given by the master. And in brackets, she writes, the handler. Right. The handler is generally defined as a person who trains or has charge of animal. Triggers can be the phone call, word, or phrase. Right? So she has some more notes.

The Technology of Mind Control

She says, subliminal means under the threshold of the consciousness. Electronic subliminal messaging is unregulated by the Federal Communications Commission, not only in advertising, but television, film, music, and sound systems. Voice to skull technology transmits voice or any audible or subliminal sound directly into the hearing sense of the mind control victim. So we've mentioned voice to skull technology before. I haven't spoken about it at detail or at length, but I probably will because, you know, MkUltra never ended. And voice to skull technology is only, you know, more technology developed after they told us the program stopped. But they didn't stop. They only continued to develop more. More nefarious programs. Right. Like this exotic voice to skull technology.

The Ongoing Agenda

Right. So that is also proof that these programs never ended. Right? So let's continue. What else does Jian Liang mention in her book? So now she talks about alter personalities. She says alter personalities, and in brackets she has. Alters are created by shattering the personality with pain induction. And in brackets, she has torture. Each separate altar is then programmed to one perform a separate function. And in brackets she has spy, sex slave, drug mule, verbatim, memory recorder, assassin, rock star, actor, politician, CEO, et cetera, et cetera. Interesting. CEO's, politicians, rock stars, actors. So you mean to tell me that some of these people were watching on tv are actually mind control Personas, alternate personalities that have been activated by mind control handlers. Interesting. Well, that's good to know. It's a strange world, guys, but let's continue.

The Mechanisms of Control

Two, she says to hold memories that other authors and the original executive personality have no access to. Now, this is an important point, because this is why, or I should say, this is the benefit that the intelligence community uses when they create alternate personalities. In this way, they can compartmentalize information within a particular personality. So one personality holds a particular set of information, whereas the other personality does not have access to that particular set of information. You're essentially looking at two different people in the same body. This is dissociative personality disorder, right? Multiple personality disorder, or should say dissociative identity disorder. Right. Did that. So it's called right now, as we move forward here, she has one last note. She says, microwave hearing.

Advanced Techniques

Microwave auditory effect, also known as the fray effect, bypasses the ears and instead beams voices directly into the auditory cortex of the brain. You want answers? I think I'm entitled. You want answers? I want the truth. You can't handle the truth. Okay, so you guys wanted to know about MkUltra not ending and the type of technologies that they have in use today. This is just the tip of the iceberg right? Voice to skull, which, you know, they're using to send subliminal messages to people. And of course, we all could be affected by voice to skull technologies, but for somebody who has an implant in them, right, directly meant to hook up an interface with these technologies, it's much different for them. They're hearing these voices inside their head directly.

Continued Discussion and Exploration

Okay, so let's move on. Let us move on. That's from chapter one from Jian Liang's book. Now, I want to talk a little bit about, before we close out and open up for questions and comments. Here, another document I came across which is called Kinsey, Rockefeller and Mkultra crafting the new World order. Now this document was published October 28, 2020. And Judith A. Riseman has done some wonderful research here on Mkultra, the Rockefeller, and this guy named Kinsey, who apparently is one of the Stooges pushing some of these new world order agendas. But specifically, this guy seems to be trying to create what he calls a sexual revolution. I'm not going to go into his work, but you should note that he is connected to the global criminal syndicate. And anything that comes out of his, you know, his area should be heavily scrutinized.

Exposing Involvement

Now, in this document, we came across some very interesting stuff here. It says here that documents uncovered by investigative journalists in 1977 showed that MkUltra and similar projects under different code names remained in operation for at least 25 years. So, you know, they told us they stopped and they didn't. They continued, they lied, they changed names, they used different code names. They created different front groups in order to masquerade the mind control research. Right, to, you know, disguise it as something else. And remember, the CIA is very proficient at disguising stuff. They have created entire front organizations just to supply the funding for some of MkUltra, some of the MkUltra sub projects, right, so you thought you're talking about disguise.

The Rockefeller Connection

These people are disguising entire organizations, not just people. Right? So let's move on, right? It says here the Rockefellers, their minions as the CIA's financial conspirator in the MK ultra mind control experiments, operated effectively as part of the shadow government. Working with similar elite entities, the Rockefellers leveraged their significant financial resources to acquire social control around the world, subverting communist, fascist, and democratic systems of governments alike. So the author here is really going to, you know, to nail the Rockefellers to this global criminal syndicate. But in this document, there is no mention of groups like the committee of 300, which I think would add a little bit more, you know, understanding and insight into the hierarchical nature of these things, as we know that the Rockefellers are just a part of this group, even though they are very, very high up in the pecking order of things.

A Broader Context

And if you hear some of the quotes from David Rockefeller himself and what he boasts and brags about, it should be no surprise. Now, from the original group, others were founded, right, the Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology. Right. Was ostensibly studying shell shock. However, this work also provided the opportunity to test the individual breaking points of traumatized soldiers, thus advancing knowledge of psychological warfare. There you have it. The birth of psychological warfare in the early 1920s. Tavistock clinic. The Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology at the forefront of it all. And we know that the Rockefellers had a hand in funding the Tavistock clinic at its start. And we know about the Tavistock clinic and their connections to the british army as essentially the british warfare psychological division was made up of members from the Tavistock clinic.

Historical Links

No surprise. Well, let's continue goes on to say here in this document, and I'm giving you a few excerpts here from 1937 a universe. By a universal vote of Tavistock's board, it was agreed that the institute should take the work of the german author Oswald Spengler. Right. The decline of western civilization, which is the english name of the paper that he wrote to as a blueprint for the new working model to bring about the decline and fall of western civilization necessary to create and establish a new world order inside a one world government. The aims of the Tavistock Institute and the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is an organization that still exists today. Still studying human behavior. Still researching human behavior. Do you think that they stop their mind control programs? Well, you want answers? I think I'm entitled.

The Truth of Modern Manipulation

You want answers? I want the truth. You can't handle the truth. The truth is they never stopped. The truth is Mkultra never ended. The mind control programs continue to this day. Now, many of the future leaders, and I'm going to read from one last article here, which is titled Mkultra Project, the CIA Tavistock Institute, and the global Intelligence police Gestapo state. It says here many of the future leaders of the CIA came from America's ruling families, from a never ending pool of bankers and industrialists such as the Dupont, Vanderbilt, Bruce Mellon, Archbald Morgan Roosevelt families. And these are all Illuminati families, as mentioned in Fritz Springmaier's book, bloodlines of the Illuminati, which you all should read, even if it's just to understand the families involved, right?

Understanding Power Structures

Even if you're just going to scan through briefly, you should at least take a look at the families mentioned in that book so you understand what you're up against, because they're all around you. And some of these people defect from these Illuminati families, and they have some horrific stories to tell, right, about how they escaped from within these families. Okay, you get you. You know, you're born into one of these families, and it's just. It's a totally different life, right? That's all I'll say. So let's move on here. The list of the Rockefeller family members and supporters and representatives in key positions is among the who is who of nation builders in the 20th century. Alan Dulles, who was the former director of Rockefeller's Standard Oil Corporation.

Connections to Leadership

So there you're connecting Allen Dulles to the Rockefellers, right? Very interesting, right? You can see it's all one network of the same people, right? And he was the OSS chief of secret intelligence for Europe. Did you guys know that Alan Dulles was the OSS chief of secret intelligence for Europe? Oh, yeah. And that was before he became the director of the CIA. So why would this guy, who is working with the Rockefellers right, through Standard Oil Corporation, also be the head of their secret intelligence division, right, in Europe? Interesting. Now, Dulles is a prototypical eastern establishment figure, and he is a perfect example of the invisible confluence of fascist interests around the creation of the new imperial dominion controlled by the Rockefeller through the CIA, Tavistock corporate interest.

The Bluebird Project

So Dulles, for instance, was put in charge of the CIA's Bluebird mind control project, and then he changed the name to Artichoke, right? Alan Dulles and his brother, John Foster Dulles, were senior partners at Rockefeller's standard oil chief law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell, which was a notorious CIA front with links to most important financial houses on Wall street. My, oh, my, from the intelligence community to the top to Tavistock, to the bankers on Wall Street. I hope you guys understand this network, right? They're all over the world. This is a global criminal syndicate, and their influence is vast. But through understanding and studying this network, through unmasking their deeds, we take away their power.

Ending on a Clarion Note

We take away their ability to do these things silently in the night. For now, their deeds are being exposed, and we know their names, and we know exactly who they are. From Richard Helms, a future CIA director, to Alan Dulles, liaison man, right. To the Wehrmacht intelligence chief, General Reinhard Gellan. Now, that's another character you guys may want to do your research on. General Reinhard Gellen to the CIA director William Colby. Colby, who received his training at the OSS, special operations officer from the SOE in London. London, right. The list of interlocking Rockefeller Nazi Tavistock interest is endless, right? The Tavistock techniques of gang counter, gang sabotage and political assassinations, it's absolutely astonishing, but they continue to this day, and they continue to use these mind control techniques in assassinations.

Mind Control and Technology

And then you could see. You can hear the narrator. It's like that, as you can see, Jose Delgado in a ring, and then he's tranquilized the bull. Then we attach this little device, which is so shitty. It's twice the size of a cell phone, which is the size of a brick. But were able to remote control the bull. I bet those bullfighters could use some of those, right? You don't need clowns anymore. Oh, but everybody loves. Okay. Oh, yeah, that's true. It's good entertainment. Just like spaces are late nights. Okay, Krista, I see you got your hand up again. Go right ahead. Okay.

Consent and Power Dynamics

So, I keep thinking, and this is probably what keeps my sanity, but I don't understand. I mean, I realize there's an issue, MkUltra is, but I don't know how and why we give them so much power to be able to actually do this. Doesn't any of this have to come under our consent? Our stupidness, our ignorance, our distraction? I mean, it's just. I don't know why just think, like, why do we give it that much energy? Why do we give them that much power? Like, I'm so over giving these oligarchs and these different, you know, people from these different three letter agencies so much power to believe that they can do this to the mind. I mean, we've seen them do it to the public, like I just talked about, simply through media, but, like, we're smarter than that. And I kind of just feel like when we stop, we just, like, through the consciousness that's available to us, it stops. Does that make sense?

Survivor Experiences and Empowerment

Well, I'm gonna let. I'm gonna comment, but then I'm gonna let Rudy talk to you because she's an actual survivor. So, first of all, to your last statement. If we stop, they stop to some degree. You know, we've talked about this, right? To some degree, knowing what they're doing, right, and being able to read the signs, just like mainstream media guys, mainstream media is owned by five corporations. At the top of those five corporations, their primary shareholders are Blackrock and Vanguard. Right? So if you're still watching mainstream media, you are voluntarily brainwashing yourself. So, you know, I don't watch it anymore. I don't even watch Fox News anymore, except for specific people interviewing specific people. Right? So to a large degree, we're all brainwashed and have been most of our lives because they've owned the media that we consume, but then they're more nefarious, right? So when we start talking about being implanted with chips and we start talking about, you know, everything that researcher talked about tonight, that is done unwittingly to people on a much more evil scale.

Personal Struggles and Insights

And. And it's not easy. So you'll hear from some survivors here where they found out it was happening and they fought fight it. They don't even know if they're still in control today. So with that, I'm going to turn it over to Rudy for her to show. Thank you, Bill. Not really sure where to start on this, and I don't want to make it that long. As I've said in many spaces, I still don't know if I've been chipped. Many of the things we've discussed does lead me to believe that is definitely possible. What I do know is I was mind controlled with things such as drugs, torture, humiliation, and fear. So, yes, Krista, I'm sorry. Krista, you are correct. We are smarter than that. We do have a conscious that should be smarter than that. But when somebody is, especially if that person is in your life that you trust, is able to switch out your daily medications, such as a low dose antidepressant, and get them manufactured by crooked pharmacists that are in on these things, and you are daily being drugged, not understanding why I. You become susceptible to the influence.

Experiences of Manipulation and Isolation

When that same person is playing mind tricks on you and laying guilt on you and acting paranoid all the time, throwing crazy things out, like people came in last night and drugged you and raped you start to think that everything she's saying is crazy. Then when you have quote unquote dreams that these things are happening to you write them off as the fact that somebody close to you put these things in your head. So we are smart enough, but we can't just let it go. I moved away from my state. I spent ten years being sex trafficked, not knowing what was going on, other than thinking I was going crazy because I would find my doors open, bruises on my body, feeling like I had sex, bleeding when I should have been. Shouldn't have been bleeding. Waking up, losing five days, finding maggots all over my dining room table and my cat's food dishes. So we don't know what's going on. Now that I do know what's going on, and I've had this explain to me, I still feel like I'm fighting for my life, but every week.

Credibility and Shared Stories

And that's why I remained really silent the last couple segments. You guys all know I'm usually very vocal with this, but so much of what researchers said, yet again, started making pieces in my mind, start putting together, and for me to just come up and, you know, start speaking about it, I needed to process it, because I think Bill and Sally and Drax, you know, one thing that means everything to me is my credibility. I never want to prematurely say that something is what has happened to me if I am nothing actually confident of it. So I wish it was that easy to not give them the power, but unfortunately, it's not. The government shouldn't be doing this. But what we have to remember, like, with anything, you know, whether it's AI technology, whether it's cell phone technology, there's bad guys out there.

Mind Control Techniques and Awareness

So when you have patents from the US government on how to control people. About MKUltra, which I believe modern day MKUltra right now is just illuminati, I just think it's the new word for. For it. And it's just. It's not just the government. My sex trafficker wasn't in the government, but she was obviously deep enough in a ring with enough education. And then, you know, look at researcher. He's able to dig this education up. Other people are, too. So it's used in a way where we don't know it's being used. We just know somehow our mind isn't right. My family, my friends were telling me constantly, Rudy, you're high. I'm like, no, I'm not. I didn't do drugs. Okay, yes, maybe I took two on my Adderall instead of one, but we don't know. And looking back, every time I'm in these spaces and I tell my stories, I literally half of my brain is saying, you're so stupid.

Healing Through Sharing and Communal Support

Because looking back, all the signs were there. Everything was there. But I had no reason to believe that anything nefarious was going on. I just kept blaming it on my health. I kept blaming it on the fact, okay, I'm. I'm kind of going crazy, but I wasn't. So this is why these spaces are so important. The more we come together and the more we put these pieces together and the more, you know, people like Jim come in and start talking about what he's familiar on Orlando target, you know, Sherry, what she's familiar on. The more we do this, that's how we gain the power. I've been coming into these spaces probably close to a year, under another profile called human trafficking awareness. I didn't want to go public from this profile, for one, because I'm in the crypto community, which can be toxic, but I wasn't ready.

The Strength in Community and Empowerment

But once I did go public, in an interview that's pinned to my profile, I thought I was doing that for me and to help others. That same weekend, I came into this space, and I don't remember who said it. It may have even been Jim. I don't remember. But somebody made the comment that it takes the power away from them. And I hadn't stopped to think about it until that night. Does that mean I'm safe? No. But does it mean that these people now know that tons of people who have listened to these spaces know that? I've gone public. I've said the girl's name. It's Amanda. I've mentioned her mother's name. So, yes, we can start to take the power away from them, but it's just not as easy as just walking away or turning it off. And I'm sorry I went on such a thank you.

Recognition and Support in Difficult Times

I'm really appreciative of you going into that, and I'm very. I'm sorry for your experience. Gosh. And, you know, and I just want to give you a lot of. I want to hand you power because you deserve it. And you. And you've already shown that just in speaking about it, so. And, yeah, I see you getting healthier. It just. It's awesome. So thank you for sharing. Awesome. And I have another survivor for you real quick. To Rudy, what I said to you that day, and it's a coincidence, because I had no idea. I mean, well, there are no coincidences. It's synchronistic that you would come on your profile, and I told you that these people want you to suffer in silence. And that is the number one way.

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