Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Mix Up 52 hosted by Mixieai. Mix Up 52 delves into the innovative realm of game development by offering a no-code platform powered by advanced AI gaming technology. With substantial backing from industry giants like Shima Capital and 0xPolygon, Mix Up 52 positions itself as a prominent player in the gaming space. Through strategic partnerships, community collaboration, and blockchain integration, Mix Up 52 focuses on user experience, rapid deployment, and empowering creators to craft immersive gaming experiences. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and fostering a supportive ecosystem, Mix Up 52 aims to revolutionize the landscape of game development.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: How does Mixie's platform democratize game development?
A: Mixie's no-code approach simplifies game creation, making it accessible to a wider audience without programming skills.

Q: What role does advanced AI gaming technology play in Mix Up 52's platform?
A: Advanced AI engines enhance game dynamics, interactions, and overall player experiences, setting Mix Up 52 apart in the gaming industry.

Q: How does the backing of major players like Shima Capital and 0xPolygon benefit Mix Up 52?
A: The support from reputable investors and companies not only validates Mix Up 52 but also provides resources for growth, development, and market exposure.

Q: Why is community collaboration essential for Mix Up 52's success?
A: Engaging with communities, partners, and investors fosters a supportive ecosystem, drives creativity, and facilitates the sharing of ideas and resources.

Q: What advantages does integrating blockchain offer to Mix Up 52's gaming platform?
A: Blockchain integration ensures secure transactions, verifiable ownership of in-game assets, and opens up possibilities for decentralized gaming experiences.

Q: How does Mix Up 52 differentiate itself in the gaming market?
A: With its focus on no-code development, AI technology, and strong partnerships, Mix Up 52 positions itself as an innovative and user-friendly platform for game creators.

Q: What benefits do creators gain from using Mix Up 52's next-gen AI gaming engine?
A: Creators on Mix Up 52 benefit from powerful AI tools that enable them to design complex game mechanics, enhance player engagement, and unleash creative potential.

Q: How does Mix Up 52 ensure rapid game deployment?
A: By providing a no-code platform and efficient development tools, Mix Up 52 enables creators to prototype and launch games quickly, streamlining the development process.

Q: What opportunities does partnership with BigBrainVC offer Mix Up 52?
A: Partnering with BigBrainVC brings expertise, funding, and strategic support to Mix Up 52, driving innovation and market growth.

Q: In what ways does Mix Up 52 leverage blockchain technology for game development?
A: Mix Up 52 utilizes blockchain for secure asset ownership, transparent transactions, and enabling new monetization models within games.

Q: How does Mix Up 52 prioritize user experience in game development?
A: The platform's user-centric design, AI-powered features, and community feedback mechanisms prioritize enhancing player experiences and satisfaction.


Time: 00:15:42
No-Code Game Development Revolution Exploring how Mixie's platform democratizes game creation for aspiring developers.

Time: 00:25:18
AI-Powered Gaming Dynamics Discussing Mix Up 52's cutting-edge AI engines that enhance gameplay and immersion.

Time: 00:35:50
Venture Backing for Growth Insights into the strategic partnerships with Shimacapital and 0xPolygon driving Mix Up 52's expansion.

Time: 00:45:27
Blockchain Integration Benefits Understanding the advantages of blockchain technology in ensuring secure and transparent in-game transactions.

Time: 00:55:14
Community-Centric Development How Mix Up 52's collaborative approach with communities and partners fuels innovation and creativity in game design.

Time: 01:05:30
Next-Gen AI Gaming Engine Exploring the features and capabilities of Mixie's advanced AI engine for creating engaging gaming experiences.

Time: 01:15:22
Strategic Partnerships with BigBrainVC Insights into the benefits of partnering with BigBrainVC for innovation and market expansion.

Time: 01:25:19
Rapid Prototyping and Deployment How Mix Up 52 accelerates game development processes through no-code tools and efficient deployment mechanisms.

Time: 01:35:44
Empowering Creators with AI Tools Detailing how Mix Up 52's AI-powered features empower creators to design immersive and interactive games.

Time: 01:45:33
Blockchain for Secure Transactions The role of blockchain technology in securing in-game assets and enabling new possibilities for creators.

Time: 01:55:40
User-Centric Game Design Focusing on Mix Up 52's commitment to enhancing player experiences through intuitive design and interactive gameplay.

Key Takeaways

  • No-code game development is made accessible through Mixie's platform.
  • Advanced AI gaming engines revolutionize the creation process for game development.
  • Significant backing from venture capital firms and companies like Shimacapital and 0xPolygon boosts Mix Up 52's credibility.
  • The integration of innovative technologies like AI and blockchain in game development enhances user experiences.
  • Mix Up 52 emphasizes community engagement and collaboration with partners for sustainable growth.
  • Utilizing Mixie's platform allows for rapid prototyping and deployment of games without the need for extensive coding knowledge.
  • The platform's integration with BreederDAO and gate.io opens up opportunities for ecosystem expansion and user reach.
  • Incorporating Mixie's next-gen AI gaming engine provides creators with tools to develop unique and immersive gaming experiences.
  • Mix Up 52's partnership network with BigBrainVC signifies a focus on innovation and scalability in the gaming industry.
  • Backed by 0xPolygon, Mix Up 52 leverages blockchain technology for secure in-game transactions and asset ownership.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

I get a fever, baby whenever you get a fever, baby whenever you. I. Get a keeper, baby whenever. The baby we are live we are live. Happy Tuesday, everybody, and welcome to another amazing episode of the mix up. It is 09:00 a.m. eastern standard time. I don't know what time it is where you are, but that time, it is where we are, and it is time for your favorite show with favorite people talking about some of your favorite stuff. We've got another amazing sponsor today. We've got an amazing announcement today as well. We've got, I think one of the most amazing spaces happened last night between our guy, Donald J. Trump, and his lord and savior, Elon Musk. Not smoking chicken fish, but elon musk. And, man, it was an amazing space. I mean, for starters, all I have to say is, david, tampons.

Discussion on Elon Musk and Donald Trump

Tampons. Tampons. Tampons. The biggest hit on Paul K two. I told you, don't fade the tampon k two. You should have bet on that one, too. It was. I mean, here is the thing. I spent more time researching why tampon even had a line on it, and then all of a sudden, he's like, elon, tampons. I was like, what are you talking about? Honestly, listening to that entire comment, let. Me actually give you some of the alpha on that. And it's something that I picked up from sports betting for a while. There's always a bunch of high line favorites. Like, a lot of the ones that I put on were, you know, they'll pay out 60% on the dollar. They'll pay out between 40 and 70% on the dollar. And then there are some other ones. There were three that were just five to one long shots. Usually in a big event, at least one of the long shots will hit. When it comes to baseball, a certain amount of underdogs that are big plus money always win. Same thing with every other sport.

Insights on Betting Strategies

So I looked at the three that were a five to one payout, and I was like, you know what? If tampon hits, I get extra value because it's dope and lit to talk about. So I just went with it. Oh, man. It was absolutely insane. I mean, here's the thing. To me that honestly, like, a lot of that conversation. Remember, Elon was like, I want to make sure that I use the word conversation so they know that it's not scripted. It sounded like two drunk friends just belly up to a bar, hammered drunk. Like, talking over one another. Like, I remember when they were talking about immigration. He's like, elon, Elon. It's way worse than that. And he was like, you're right. It's the whole earth, Donald. The whole earth is coming through the mexican border. And I'm like, oh, my God. This is like. It sounds like David and I talking at some sort of, like, damn it, David, you don't understand. You don't understand planet Earth.

Comments on Trump and Bitcoin

I mean, that's a lot of people. I mean, I don't know if they can all. Absolutely. You know, but it was informative. I know people in crypto, Twitter. We didn't get what we wanted. We didn't get the bitcoin. We're going to pay the national debt with bitcoin. But, you know, next time, like we said, I don't think Donald Trump knows as much about bitcoin as he leads on, but that's okay. He's still the crypto president until. Until he's not. And so, you know, what is really incredible, though, is, like, thankfully, I was one of the, like, early people into the spaces. So, like, when everyone was like, we can't get in. We can't get in. I'm like, I don't know what you're talking about. Like, I'm just chilling, you know, just me, k two, Donald, Elon, like, we're, you know, just talking. We're. We're just talking, setting things up. It was no big deal.

Unexpected Reactions and Contentions

random coffee shop conversation. but apparently. Apparently, my guess is that, you know, the European Union was just like, no, we're not going to have this. And then they're just trying to ddos that, which is, you know, pretty crazy. I was like, oh, man. You know, hey, no collusion happening here. It. You know, what was the most wild thing about this is that for the very first time, I've never even seen this before, Kamala Harris and her camp is losing their mind over this. They're like, oh, yeah, on the platform that Elon Musk owns and spreading misinformation. I was like, do these people understand that, like, all the new organizations are privately owned? Like, it's like, what are they talking? Like, we're dumb? So I thought that was actually pretty crazy.

Reactions to Hacking Discussion

But, you know, it's amazing to watch a hack happen in real life. I. You know, whoever was doing the hacking, I bet you that they didn't. Didn't really understand that Elon was about to make them famous. Elon was just saying that, like, someone was really trying to. Trying to hack it and make sure that we didn't get to hear Donald Trump. Not that bigger. Okay, now, here's the thing. If. If Donald Trump owned X and Donald Trump was interviewing Donald Trump, he'd be like, they're trying to hack me. The deep state, they're trying to hack, but they're trying to take me down. It's Russia, you know, but sleepy Joe Kamala, like, they're trying to hack me right now. This is the left. Like, this is like. That would be how it went down, but Elon, like, Elon sitting there's, like, rockets.

Concluding Thoughts on the Musk-Trump Conversation

and that's exactly, like, how that would go down. And so I don't think, like, Elon is as straightforward as it gets. Like, he genuinely remember what we said yesterday is it's just like you had, you know, over the top Donald Trump and autistic Elon. And I think there were a few times where, like, the AI in Elon's head started to break because, like, donald was talking, and Elon's like. But it ended up being pretty good. Like, he. It was a good conversation. He asked a lot of really cool questions, and Elon was generally inquisitive. So I thought that was, you know, it was largely kind of, like, what you expected about Donald, but, you know, hearing Elon press him on certain things. because Donald is. He's. He's articulate. He's all of these things, right?

Analysis of Elon Musk's Performance

And so he's not going to necessarily let someone kind of force him into a conversation he doesn't want to go down. but I think Elon did a good job of asking questions. And, you know, the fanboy sessions between Donald and Elon was really cool. I liked when Elon kind of asked for a job. He's like, I think I could help with the budget. You know, like, he's, like, talking about like that. He could just like, you know, all of a sudden, he just like. He's like, squirrel. He's like, elon in the cabinet. mm mm. Rockets could be his entrance into politics, by the way. I. You know what? I think Elon in politics would just be wild. Honestly wild. I would. I would actually want the Elon be like, the press secretary.

Speculations on Political Roles

Like, could you just imagine him fielding questions from the press and he's like, go fuck yourself. Go fuck. I think that's what we need to. That that's actually the kind of leader that we need. I thought, you know, I think that's kind of crazy. But, you know, we've got a little bit more news to talk about. We got three Arrows capital is filing a $1.3 billion claim against terraform labs. Now, isn't that rich? You've got three arrows capital. Who goes down? Because when they went bankrupt managing all of everyone's money, like, now they're like, hey, you, kara. Like, you're like, wow, what is this? Like, scam versus scam?

Further Developments and Current Events

Like, this is. This is wild. So we'll see what comes of that. I don't know if it's going to be anything much. Hey, you know what? We've got a theory. $155 million of inflow into their ETF. Does that mean we're back? Like, baby, we're back. Like, let's do that thing. I don't know what will come with that. So, hey, you know what? I'm Novatek, you guys. The SEC charters Novatech operating a $650 million pyramid scheme. So does that mean they launched a meme coin? What meme coin did Novatek launch? Because we know that all meme coins are pyramid schemes, and so we just need to.

Meme Coins and Scheme Discussions

Oh, Florida base. Go figure. So let's dig more in. No, they're not pyramids. Hey, David. Ponzi's clear. Clear. Different. Ponzi's are bullish. Oh. More refined. All right, so it's just like, ponzi schemes are more Bernie Madoff. Pyramid schemes are so, like eighties and nineties. I got you. I got you selling microwaves and toasters. Hey, so, poly market. Poly market and perplexity. AI driven betting. All right. I love polymarket. It was a big night for polymarkets, man. It was a big night for. And then, hey, Trump. Meme coins. I can't wait to talk a little bit more about that one.

Anticipation for Future Discussions

You know, we kind of called it pump fund was going to be firing away. That's a 10,000 points, mate. 10,000 pump fund. Coinsmith. Unbelievable. Hamster combat supposedly rejecting venture capital money. I'm not surprised. Remember the guy who had. The guy who owned hamster combat has money like, he's a known successful russian entrepreneur? So, I mean, they turned down that. VC funding, and I think it was a lot of money. I mean, in hamster combat, they could probably pull in 20, $50 million if they wanted to, right? Absolutely. Absolutely.

Conversations on Venture Capital and Strategy

So, as someone who has raised lot of money in venture capital and help raise a lot more money for other people in venture capital, what? Like, all of these venture capital funds, like, we've got all the connections we can do. Like, they literally pitch you, Donald Trump style, as to why you should take their money. And then the second that, like, you need them, they're like, oh, yeah, like our marketing guys on vacation forever. And you're like, what? What the hell's going on? Like, yeah, we've got really good exchanges, like, really good connections with exchanges. And then it's just like, hey, this is my group.

Concluding Sentiments on Industry Practices

Bye. And like, what? So kudos to hamster combat for not doing that. Like, if you don't need to take the money, don't take it if you do. You know, everyone has their own reasons for taking venture capital money. You know, buy a condios in terms of what happens after that. And so good on hamster combat. Keep fighting the good fight. I heard. You know, it's funny, I think, David, you tried to tell me that hamster combat was getting footed a little bit because they took money from Kols and then they gave money back to Kols, and then I would just load when that was it.

Final Words and Observations

Yeah. Oh, wow. Kols are flooding a 300 million player project. Oh, come get me Ansem. Yeah, but I mean, if it's that, like, all right. One thing that I saw, I do understand why, like, one of the posts was something along the lines of someone saying they invested between either two or $3,000 and they were due to get 800 grandd. I mean, hearing something like that, I understand it from a company's point of view, because that seems like a situation where they may have brought in two, three hundred k and they stand to pay out. Like, I don't know, what is that, like $50 million or something? Crazy.

Project Valuation and Investment Concerns

Gaiman, whatever you want to call it. So, like, I seeded the project, a pretty decent sized check three years ago. Three years ago. And then all of a sudden, less than a week prior to their launch, they changed the valuation and all of this stuff. They were like, they were set to hit like a 30 x from where my investment round was at. And then they came back to all of the investors and they're just like, you can either accept half of an allocation, or you can take your entire allocation and put it in a round that's like eight times the size of what you came in at. And I'm like, what are you talking about? Literally gave you money. Like, is that a common thing?

Frequency of Such Situations

A lot. Okay, to preface a lot. No, no, it's. It's definitely not the norm. By all means, it's not the norm. Does it happen? Does it happen frequently enough to where you're just like, pissed off, but like, not, you know what I'm saying? Like, they made a pivot. Things changed. I get it. there's just, you know, what, where do your morals and your ethics lie? Yeah, I mean, something like that. I don't even want to get into any of these kol rounds anymore. And the thing is, though, is that it becomes a leverage game, right? So even though myself, other VC's and angels were, like, upset at this development, what are you going to do? They had a very new product. They had brought on new investors. Like, they had leverage. You know what I'm saying? Like they had leverage.

Investment Outcomes

No, they do. You know, from a Kol's perspective or someone who's investing in a lot of these rounds, you know, a lot of them are going to be losers. Like, that's the, that's how the game works. VC's look at it the same way. And you want those few winners that you do get into to at least make up for some of those losses. And when you see something like it makes it hard to think that's going to happen. You're right. But, man, business is a cruel mother. Man, business is cruel mother. It's just, you know what, like, again, like, everyone has a different sense of, like, moral compass and ethics they operate under. Does it suck? Yeah. Does it happen? Yeah. Does my heart go out to them? Right. Yes. I've been on that end of the table. But it's business. I mean, it, you know.

Community Responsibility

Yeah. Now, now I think that makes it even more important that they do something really good for the community. Like, if you're getting. If you're getting all this hate from one side, you got to make sure that you take care of your player base. Yeah, it's true. It's true. So, you know, we'll dive into it. We dive into it. We've got some amazing guests today. We've got the guys from Poc digital here. You know, I don't. Pogs, man. Like, when I saw this and I'm like, they're reviving, like, pogs. The collectibles, man. I remember, like, the poison flammers and all this kind of stuff, man. It was. My mom hated that shit because whenever she, like, she'd be cleaning the house and then they'd be, like, under the couch and they'd be in pockets, and I.

Nostalgic Reflections

You put them through the washer. I mean, they were everywhere, but they were a large part of k two's. you know, k two, I still got pogs. I got a shoebox full of them somewhere. All right. I like that. but anyway, so, David, let's dive into it. So, you know, and also, you know, Tyler, pog intern this. We want to hear what you think about all this stuff. So, like, did you watch or not watch? Did you listen to Elon and Donald speak yesterday? What are your thoughts on that? Yeah, I listened only for 30, 45 minutes. Just, you know, was the online muted with everybody else just listening to nothing for, you know, 30 minutes.

Thoughts on Political Discussions

And then when they started talking, I had, like, 30, 40 minutes of it and had to go. But I think the intern, did you, Did you hear any of it? So I have my one stance on all things. Like, I love to get on the dgens, and I avoid politics. That's. That's my end game. So I read, like, some of the briefs and stuff. I try to stay objective on it and just trying to get, like, if he said crypto or anything like that affects me. So then I I looked for those buzzwords, and it sounded like we missed that opportunity in there. I. But, yeah, it's. It's something that leads to all the de Jenning, all the pump fun and all that. So it's something that you got to keep an eye on. Just side eyed it a little bit.

Mixed Reactions to Political References

What do you guys think about Trump saying tampon? Bullish or bearish? Bullish. Very bullish. Oh, Donna, Johnna, did you listen to Trump and Elon, or were you a good adult and went to bed? No. I even posted. That was the only reason for me to be up that late, was because of that man. That those two boys in the. In the. In the host and co host spot. I mean, was so good. So, so good. And I was just waiting for the tickers also, you know, all the funny things that would have been said. I can't wait to collect a lot of tan ponds on soul tone, all of that stuff. But, yeah, I think.

Humorous Observations

I think. I mean, was amazing, I must say. That was just amazing. I love that, you know, like, it's. I love that you referred to them as two boys like that. That's exactly what it sounded like while they were out there was just, like, two people chatting back and forth, you know, David, like, what. What sense did you make of it? What sense did I make of what? Trump saying tampon. That. That's all that I got from that entire. All of it. Like, he. He's a. He's. He's on my level? I mean, I guess so, but, like, I need to, like, what did you think, man? Like, give me your thoughts. Like, what did you think? Like, you listen to the whole thing.

Engagement with the Discussion

You're telling me that, like, literally you just blacked out after he said tampon. Not stuck out to you. I mean, he said. He said a lot of. Okay, I was kind of distracted. I'm looking at several different platforms at the same time while I am listening to see which words he says. I'm also on poly markets because as this thing goes on, the odds are going up and down. Like, you could have got some things lower, some things higher, and I'm excited to do this live at one of these next ones. But look, I mean, I like what Trump said from a. From a personal point of view. Like, they went over a lot of issues.

Desired Topics in Discussions

I wish that they would have brought crypto more front and center. One word that they missed of mine that I'm never going to forgive Trump for until he says it, because I'm going to keep taking it. He didn't say bitcoin. K two let me down there, but he made up for it with the tampon. I mean, yeah, I think largely it's, you know, it. I wouldn't say it was a disappointment. I went into it with no expectations. So it's just, like, the humor part of it. Like, when he was, like, talking about, like, there were some cool, funny sound clips, like, honestly, I was just listening to it for the humor.

Lighthearted Takeaways

I knew that there was going to be absolutely no value provided whatsoever. You know, when he talked about, he was like, sleepy Joe's got a low iq. You know what? He's got no iq. And I was like, oh, that's actually kind of funny. you know, he thought that was kind of. Kind of cool. you know, it's. It's like the. The fun part was just, like, you know, sitting there, like, listening to it with my wife, and, like, she's not nearly as degen, so it's like listening, like, watching the reactions of a rational, functioning human in society.

Reactions of a Moral Compass

is, you know, that's kind of like, my barometer of, like, how much I should and shouldn't laugh at these things. Like, she's like, my moral compass then, you know, that way I just know, like, when and when to, like, rein it in. One of these days, I'm gonna run into my neighbor. They're gonna give me a funny look, and I'm gonna know that they heard me scream tampon. I mean, I could see you running up and down your street. Like, that's the best way. Like, because, like, you just moved into a new place. So, like, that's the best way. You know, now everyone thinks that you're, like, feminist and all this stuff.

Social Dynamics

So I think you should ride for that. Right. I might get into some new circles up here. I. You know, I think so. You might actually be able to make what they call a friend. And those are. I know they're few and far between, but these are people that you can socialize. Oh, k two. Onboarding. Onboarding through tampons. Like, that's a. That's a. That's a campaign right there. That's a bumper sticker. So. I think so. I think so. But what did you think about 10,000 meme coins on pump fund yesterday?

Disappointment in Predictions

I was a bit disappointed. I thought it was going to be more. I want to see what the line for the. That one is on polymarkets. Next time I would have take the over. I like that we've got the pog intern a tampa. I like that could turn into something. But, you know, I was actually really disappointed there was no runners. Yeah. Slowed down like pump fun. A lot of people were thinking that with this new update, community features, there's more like chat abilities.

Marketplace Dynamics

They made it free. Not only did they make it free to launch one, but if it ends up getting to radium, you know, you get half a soul, which isn't that much, but, you know, it's still something. And didn't. Didn't really have a big effect. You know what? Okay. So I'm actually glad that our man cryptovius is on here because Cryptovius, I got to know from over in the UK. What are you guys trying to do? What kind of shit are you trying to pull over there? Writing letters to Elon, telling them to do that. Like, I am so happy that he posted that tropic Thunder beam.

Community Interactions

Like, what, the fun police? Oh, yeah. We're gonna give tovius the same treatment as NFT founders. Like, you know, or mods. When you work for any NFT community, you're obviously the founder. Cryptovius represents the entire EU government right now. So he's in the hot seat. It's the same. You're gonna get the same treatment that David gives Starbucks baristas for rugging. Oh, yeah, Starbucks. Every barista is a rugger. Exactly. So that means kryptonious is against acts and free speech.

Personal Views on Extradition

So. All right, man. What do you have to say for yourself? Yeah, man. It's so nuanced. I'm on the fence with it. I don't agree with trying to extradite people to, like, the US or the UK.

Balancing Hate Speech and Healthy Debate

Sorry. To, like, prosecute them, but everything's nuanced. Because you can say some things and no, although it may not exclusively be hateful or racist or whatever it is, it may. It may stir up those kind of emotions or lead people to feel as though those subjects that you're talking about are okay. I do feel as though people are a lot more sensitive to, I don't know, words or conversations, debates that they don't necessarily, like, agree with, and then they get all triggered and stuff like that. I do feel as though we've kind of. Our tolerance for the healthy debate and discussion has massively reduced. But then I do, in the same breath, feel as though social media portrays an unrealistic viewpoint of how things happen in the world. Like, when the algorithm changed, all I was saying was olympic crap, like, oh, the prettiest athletes to compete in the Olympics, and loads of hate type or videos that would stir up negative emotions towards particular groups of people, be it whether you're white, black, muslim, wherever. Wherever you sit on the color spectrum, there's always videos that would stir up those kind of negative emotions. And I feel social media needs to kind of get a handle on that. But that's just my personal opinion.

Experiencing Life in the United States

So my question is then, what does it feel like to live in the United States? Say that again. Sorry. What does it feel like to live in the United States? Everything happens here in the US, man. So, like, you're telling me. So, okay, so they're not, like, ripping people out of their houses, kicking and screaming for, like, budding and stuff like that. like, that's not it. Like, see, the thing is, I see. I see videos like that on social media, like, on x, but I I don't know what the people in the videos have been alleged to have said or have posted. If it is just like a meme or something, then, yes, I agree, it's super heavy handed. But once again, some of these things, like, these isms, be it sexism, racism, islamophobiasm and whatnot, they can sometimes be subtle, and that's what makes it hard to moderate it or put a stamp on it, because sometimes you can say something that's really subtle, that classifies as one of these isms, and it doesn't explicitly make you guilty.

Navigating Censorship and Free Speech

And in the minds of the person who's saying it, they know why they're saying it, but it can't be proven that they're saying it. So it's like your word against theirs, so on and so forth. So it makes it really tricky. So I don't agree with censoring free speech because Rowan Atkinson, who plays Mister Bean, he made a great speech, in my opinion, on why he's opposed to this section five, something, which is related to censoring free speech. But it's so nuanced. It's. It's really difficult to kind of explain in or get to the bottom of in the space of a sentence or two or even an hour, if that makes sense. I mean, that makes it, like, I get it. Like, now it's just like, so am I. If anybody in the UK tries to fudgest any project, can I be like, I'm gonna go straight to the government? You are inciting violence right now. Like, is that a thing? Can I do that? Is that logical?

Community and Accountability

You know what? I wish that was a thing for people in the community that would fund projects. Oh, you guys are scammers. You guys are robbers, blah. Oh, you're inciting. Hey, let me get you extra data to the UK and get you arrested. That I wouldn't mind, I'd be in favor of. That's a joke for anyone that's listening and doesn't get the sarcasm before I start getting my DM's blown up, I. Mean, honestly, like, I could just see that, you know, like, all of a sudden, some days, like, someone knocks on David's door, like, hello, how are you doing? Like, why don't you come with us, sir? You're gonna come across the pond. And then, like, they're just taking David, like, out, like, kicking and screaming. He's like, they won't get. They won't get too.

Exploring Extradition and Social Media Implications

We found your 69 cousins, and you're like, oh, shit. Why are they english? Why are they english? What do people from the UK sound like? They sound like Americans that would knock on Dave's door. No, but you can't. To get extradited to the UK, people from the UK got to show up at David's door. Yeah. What is the whole thing about, like, is that. Is that true? Like, if. If the UK wants to extradite you for some social media post, like, they're going to start doing that. That sounds kind of wild. That's. It's rumored to be. That's what they want to do. It's like, when all the 911 and terrorist stuff started happening, they created this terrorism act. I don't know what section it is and so on and so forth, which basically allowed them to stop anyone that they thought was under suspicion of being a terrorist.

Concerns Surrounding Terrorism and Free Speech

And from my interpretation, it's something similar, but with free speech or speech. So if you're saying something that could be interpreted of inciting hate in some way, shape or form, then they can. You know, but they're doing it all wrong. What they're supposed to do is launch their own pump fun platform and say that they will extradite any ruggers, any rugging devs. They're going to throw them in jail and then see what happens when there is a free flowing meme coin economy. That'S, you know, just waiting to. You guys dabble in this world called microaggressions, okay? That's what it's going to be at. Just a whole big ball of wax.

Exciting New Collaborations and Announcements

So anyway, Graham, did you want to do a stream hq announcement? Did you want to throw up a little bit of whack a mole? You know I love to do that. So everybody that's been following us, we are partnered with streamHQ latest Animoca incubator project. They're actually part of Animoca, to be honest, but it's like pretty big. And they create a system where you can have fun, interact with your spaces and spaces that you follow and listen to. And every day we do a stream drop, and today stream drop is going live. I will tell you the code in a second I just posted. Now I just need to remember it. It's 7199.

Launching the Mechanism for Game Engagement

So it's mixy 7199. If you haven't registered already, you can do it directly with the link that I put in the jumbotron at the top. You can actually do it now directly from mobile without leaving your X app, but you can also do it from PC with the extension. It's a bit longer, but there you go. Simple as that. I am going to launch it in around 30 seconds, so pay attention to the screen drop and back to you, k two. I know you got some big stuff to talk about today. Yeah, all right, all right, all right. So before we jump into it with our friends here at Pog, we've got an amazing. We've got a big announcement here from the mixie cam.

Game Innovations and Ecosystem Integration

So today we are launching and it's actually live now, our very first game title on Telegram. So everyone knows Mixie owns the MeK.com iP. And so Mec is now going to be the official arcade of the mixie game engine. So Mech.com will have all of the hyper casual games that we put out through mixie before. Everybody has the ability to come in and make their own games using our generative AI game engine. And so today we are announcing the launch of our match three game. So if you are somebody wanting to farm airdrops, get points, get lots of cool things.

Reflection on Journey and Future Prospects

David three years in the making. We did it. Mac is live. Mac.com. check out our social, check out our posts, jump in there, jump in the telegram, do all the things. It's going to be a pretty wild time, man. DaVid oh, man, three years. It's literally been crazy. I remember back 2022 when I started with you over here and yeah, long time coming, excited to get this one out and we got a lot planned for it. Absolutely. So the cool thing about this is, so the first iteration is our match three games. So you'll be able to go in, you'll be able to play match three, connect points, win points, all these things.

Game Mechanics and Community Engagement

These points will aggregate and they will ultimately result in an airdrop for the Mek token as well as partner projects in the mech ecosystem. So like all of the hyper casual games that you see in the telegram ecosystem, we're going to have things like invite friends, share on the socials. We're going to be layering things more and more, creating more of a candy crush feel as we iterate the game more and more. But the game in its current fashion is very fun, man. We like match three games. Match three games are addicting. I know that I found myself playing this game for hours and hours on end.

Celebrating Milestones and Future Collaborations

So we are excited. You know, hey, it's cool to have the pod guys here. Like, I bet you guys didn't realize that were going to be announcing the launch of one of our games right now. So we're happy to share this momentous with you in history. We're doing this together. So, you know, we're going to have a lot of cool giveaways. We're going to be doing cool stuff. So one of the things, like, as you guys have heard us tease and talk about, we're very passionate about the tan ecosystem. We're very passionate about telegram.

Integrating Games Within the Telegram Ecosystem

And the reason for that is our games are going to be launching on Telegram. So we are going to be mixy mixing media. The mix up is going to be working with a lot of time projects to give exposure, to be a positive beacon in this community and help push the entire space forward. So we have even more announcements when it comes to our infrastructure project, mixie, which is going to be coming out in several months, but before that, our arcade that is going to house not only this game, but we have other games as well that are going to be coming out for to play, all of which is going to be facilitating the ecosystem.

Creating Collaborative Opportunities

And so we're going to be partnering with projects, giving exposure to other projects. It's going to be really cool. We're super excited. There's, this has been a long time coming. That's why we have our resident Jana in the house. She's been talking with us for several weeks. She's one of the most beloved people in the tan ecosystem, helping guide us on our journey. So this is exciting. I'm excited. This moment has been since 2021. I have been as one of the co founders of this project for three years.

A Long-awaited Journey

Three years. This month is when it came out. And so it's just like we've had semi good markets, we've had really bad markets, and now we're on the come up. And so if you would have told me three years ago that I'd be launching games on Telegram, I would have said you're crazy. But now I don't think I could be any more happy to be helping a growing ecosystem like that with an ip that means so much to myself and everyone else. Jeanne, talk to me. Yeah, I just want to say some bullish stuff and I mean, just amazing.

Expanding Horizons and Welcoming New Opportunities

I need to say that for sure. Talk about you guys. You have definitely a great ecosystem already and the decision to have a little bit of that intone, you know, coming tone it is something remarkable, amazing. We, I have been talking about this in many spaces. Like a lot of projects, a lot of ecosystem, they are looking away on how they can integrate tone and pellegrin because of course is a fucking no brainer, right? We need to do this. So I am so bullish and so excited and yeah, I mean, I just so happy to be here, be part of this.

Envisioning a Bright Future

Definitely there is so much potential into this chain and there is so many projects that going to be looking to collaborate and be doing stuff with you guys. So we have good times in front of us. I'm really excited for the future. So cool. So cool. David, anything else before we jump into it with our friends at Pog? No, I mean, I'm sharing the same sentiment. I mean, getting it out there. I'm excited to dive into it with everybody. Can't wait to see what comes out of it.

Daily Hustle of Innovation

This week. We got another spaces right after with one of the partners, so, you know, gonna be a busy day and I mean, yeah, let's jump into it with pog. I was just looking at my closet. I got a bunch of pogs in there. Guys, what's going on still? That's cool. That's cool. What up? Congratulations. Congratulations. That's exciting. We've been looking at Tan, you know, and we're really excited about just being here with you because my brother and I, I'll get into the story, but we've been looking for, like, game engine AI that would help us to build video games and thinking about building their own and all that stuff, but so much better if we found you guys.

Anticipation for Future Collaborations

So can't wait to try out the pilot program. If you let us in, like, we'll knock down the door. But, yeah, congratulations on the tan game. We'd love to know more about that and actually maybe dive into some deeper conversations later about, you know, a little bit about what you'll offer on that platform as far as game developers being able to use your, you know, your. Platform to deploy 100% like that part. Well, we can set up a call after that because that's exactly what we are going to be and how we're going to operate.

Unveiling New Potential

And so we got something really cool. Yeah. Like, now we can actually talk about it. Like, what were you doing, man? I am terrible at keeping secrets. I'm going to tell you that I am terrible at keeping secrets. That's why I have, like, three or four friends that are super close to me that we can talk about. But, oh, dang. Now that's what I'm talking about. So why don't you tell us a little bit more about pog, what you guys got going on there? Because, like, that's fire. Dang.

Building Through Passion for Development

Yeah. Let's go, baby. Let's go. You know, we're just a group of developers that love the blockchain, and we've been building game development stuff for, like, you know, almost a decade. We helped build unity, three of us. And then one of us is, I guess, he's the head of gaming at Solana Labs. One of our co founders is the GM of NBA top shot, or she used to be, and now she's the head of collectibles at eBay. And then my CTO helped build, like, the subnet of shrapnel.

Collaborative Foundations and Progress

So we've got a phenomenal development team, but were lucky enough to reach out to pog about three or four years ago after a couple different things. And they were interested in co founding a digital subsidiary under their business. And away we ran. We've been building this blockchain game stuff for almost four years now. Dang. So what is it about pog? So you guys have obviously an amazing pedigree and you guys could have done anything.

Expanding Horizons in Game Development

You could have done anything. What is it about pogs? What made you want to bring it to the blockchain? Yeah, dude. Well, so when I was back at Unity, we ran into the biggest problem being that people didn't know how to build necessarily like economies for their games. They could build fun games, but trying to drive user base and all that stuff was a challenge. But nobody also could own any of their assets, so game developers couldn't really, they didn't.

Navigating Challenges in Game Ownership

Outside of like, you know, kind of a clunky asset store, it wasn't really an easy way for people to share their assets with each other. And so, you know, player owned gaming came to the sense that like, you can build a game, you can build assets for it and people will buy them, but only the people who play that game. If you're a World of Warcraft player or if you're a Fortnite player, you know, you'll pay for the things inside of those games. But other people out on the streets don't know the value of those things, so they're not very likely to buy them.

Brand Strength and Market Viability

The pog brand has about 200 million collectors in the physical space already. And so to transition that kind of mentality to gaming makes a ton of sense because we already grew up that way. So anyways, the ability for like us to put pogs in games and so forth, and people to pull those out and others to want to buy them, even though they'll never play the game that they were found in.

The Success of Pog as a Web Free Brand

And then helping to onboard brands through that experience has kind of been, I think, the biggest reason that Pog has been successful so far as a web free brand. But giving that ownership to players was the whole reason that we came to the blockchain, making sure that there was like validation, there was a authentication and all of that be transparent. And so the ownership piece, it required some kind of public ledger and the blockchain is perfect for it.

The Resurgence of Pogs

Oh, that's so cool. So that's a couple questions on this. So like, I drift just kind of like adults drift away from Santa Claus. I drifted away from pogs a little bit and my, like, are they still, like, are they still doing their thing? Like, didn't they actually make a resurgence a little bit like a couple years ago? Am I right? Yeah. Yeah, actually. So real quick, it was, like, a guy who invented armor all. He brought the brand from Hawaii over to the US in 93, turned it into the big thing that you knew. That guy's name was Alan Ripinski, and he partnered with everybody across the world, from, like, you know, Sega to Nintendo to Nickelodeon and Disney and Marvelous and McDonalds and Coca Cola. All these big brands, right? And then he passed away.

The Fastest Billionaire and Pogs

And the fastest man to become a billionaire, he bought the IP. He bought the brand, he bought pog, all of it. And he made his money. He put $15 million into a company that he started, and they led the fiber optic cable across the Atlantic from the US to England and to Europe for the Internet. And the dude made, like, two and a half billion dollars in 18 months. And then he bought the pog iP. He did some other things, and. And then my co founder, you know, bought a portion of that from him when we. And then he kind of did the rebuild. Like, he had this whole thing with Marvel that he did. I think he did something with, like, the french national soccer team for the UEFA cup and KFC and, like.

Partnerships and Brand Activations

And then he got one of the biggest. Well, the world's biggest actor, who's created a tv show and all that stuff, was already in the preparation and going. And he went to the breakpoint. He went to salon at breakpoint, and then he went the very first year they did it, 2021. And so when I reached out to him in, like, October 2021, he was super responsive, and he had just gotten back, and so he was ready to go. And, dude, it's been super solid so far. You guys actually own part of pog. Like, this isn't just some, like, you know, idea. Like, you guys, like, are the, like. So you don't have to worry about, like, licensing or branding or anything like that. Like, no, we are 100% the actual brand. Right? Like, we have.

Official Rights and Digital Focus

We are, as a subsidiary of the parent company, we've got the exclusive rights worldwide to build with the IP digitally and to create physical products. And so all of that has. There's no contest. So we don't have to worry. Like, we can deploy into Roblox. We've got some plans there. We've got a bunch of other things, but the web three stuff is definitely our key focus. We built a blockchain with Amazon and Theta Labs. Our enterprise validators for our blockchain are Google and Sony and Samsung and Caae. So, yeah, we've proven that, like, the collectible game is something big for the 30 to 45 year old, because we grew up with Pog playing it.

Nostalgia and Generational Connection

And just like you were talking about, like, so many people still have it. Still have pogs. And so it's. It's a really funny way to bring kids and parents together through a pog video game and through physical and digital collectibles. But it's. It's definitely happening. That's so cool. Like, you know, like, the digital, I think, is, like, a lot of the words that people use, like, being able to bridge both of those things, and so have you.

Digital First Approach and Upcoming Drops

So I guess when you have such a wild machine at your disposal, what do you, like, what do you plan on attacking first? Like, doing, like, in store activations and similar to, like, pudgy penguins where it can, like, it has a link or something like that we can connect to, like, a QR code that takes you to a game. Like, how does that, you know, like, what's your approach look like? Yeah, man, it's pretty much digital first, right? Like, we've got. We're doing a deployment. I haven't really announced this yet, but we're going to be doing a drop with the care bears.

Collaborations and Future Plans

So physical digital care bears pogs in September. And if 130 of them are actual redeemable slammers. So you'll get, like, a 24 karat gold plated slammer or a solid silver slammer with the care bears and the pog logo. And we've done that. But anyways, we've got, like, the brands coming in some of the top f one racing company in the world or one of the top three. They were top two in Britain. Britain. Anyways, I'm super big into f one, but anyways, so we will go digital first.

Engagement Through Gaming and Social Media

So we want players to be able to, like, in our new arcade, we've kind of got a hub like you that just opened where people can, like, farm points and get an airdrop. And you can play our game to earn points. You can refer people, you can mint nfts, you can go a lot of different routes and then just fulfilling social quests on. On YouTube and, you know, Twitter and so forth. But anyways, people will play video games first. They'll own the assets. We've got a Hollywood thing deployed.

Collaborative Entertainment Ventures

First film coming out in around November. It was created by Steven Soderbergh, the creator of Oceans Eleven, and all of those movies. So it's called. It's called Cold Wallet and the crypto heist film coming out. And they use the pod platform to, like, deploy rugged funds. It's a. It's, like, based on a true story where. Dude, rug. Anyways, I'll let you check it out. But. But that's kind of the first deployment.

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