Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space discussion revolved around the pivotal role of gaming in Web 3.0 adoption, emphasizing simplicity and user-friendliness for wider acceptance. Telegram's success showcased seamless onboarding without steep learning curves. The importance of reducing educational barriers to reach diverse demographics was highlighted throughout. Integrating Web 3.0 seamlessly into daily activities and focusing on user-centric design emerged as key strategies for long-term engagement. Social engagement and real-world digital mergers, like the Gummy Bears project, were underscored as essential for user retention and ecosystem enrichment.


Q: How can web3 games achieve mass adoption?
A: By creating games that are as simple and engaging as widely used mobile games like Candy Crush.

Q: Why is Telegram important for web3 gaming?
A: Integrating games into Telegram leverages existing social communities, driving engagement and adoption.

Q: What is SocialFi in the context of gaming?
A: It's the synergy of social platforms and gaming, promoting wider user engagement through familiar social settings.

Q: How can on-boarding be made seamless in web3?
A: By designing experiences that transition users smoothly from physical interactions (e.g., toys) to digital ecosystems.

Q: What makes an in-game economy sustainable?
A: Focusing on more than just monetary rewards, fostering deeper player engagement and purpose.

Q: How can attention be effectively garnered in web3?
A: Through strategic marketing and leveraging community influencers, as demonstrated by Luca’s example.

Q: What are the main development challenges in web3 gaming?
A: Creating engaging, simple experiences that can rival traditional mobile games in ease of use and appeal.

Q: How important is community for web3 gaming growth?
A: Extremely important, as community engagement drives the growth and sustainability of gaming projects.

Q: Why is user education critical in web3 gaming?
A: Because users need to understand the unique benefits and functionalities of web3 games for adoption and engagement.

Q: How can games be used as a growth tool in web3?
A: By tapping into the mass appeal of gaming to introduce and familiarize broader audiences with web3 technologies.

Q: What drives Web 3.0 adoption?
A: User-friendly and simple platforms.

Q: How does gaming contribute to Web 3.0?
A: It acts as an entry point for users unfamiliar with blockchain and decentralized systems.

Q: Why is Telegram significant in this context?
A: Telegram’s seamless integration has onboarded millions effortlessly.

Q: Why is simplicity essential for adoption?
A: Simplicity helps users engage without needing deep technical understanding.

Q: What role does social engagement play?
A: It ensures users remain active and invested in the ecosystem.

Q: How do platforms like Gummy Bears facilitate adoption?
A: They bridge physical products with digital ecosystems, making the transition intuitive.

Q: How important is leveraging existing social structures?
A: It speeds up user acceptance by embedding new tech into familiar environments.

Q: What about educational barriers?
A: Reducing them is crucial to reaching a broader audience.

Q: How do embedded Web 3.0 platforms perform?
A: They show higher acceptance due to integration into daily activities.

Q: What promotes long-term user engagement?
A: Focusing on user-centric design and experience.


Time: 00:55:16
The Simplicity of Successful Games

Time: 00:55:49
SocialFi Aspect

Time: 00:56:37
The Appeal of Simple Games

Time: 00:56:43
Tech Simplicity for Mass Adoption

Time: 01:05:27
The Attention Economy

Time: 01:05:50
Covert On-boarding

Time: 01:06:00
Sustainable In-game Economies

Time: 01:06:13
Player Engagement

Time: 00:56:59
Long-term Vision

Time: 00:57:05
Achievement in Mass Onboarding

Time: 00:12:05
Importance of gaming in Web 3.0 adoption

Time: 00:25:30
Telegram’s success in onboarding users

Time: 00:32:45
Simplifying user experiences for adoption

Time: 00:45:55
Gummy Bears blending physical and digital worlds

Time: 00:50:10
Leveraging existing social structures

Time: 01:03:22
Impact of reducing educational barriers

Time: 01:11:05
Embedded platforms in daily life

Time: 01:20:18
User-centric design for long-term engagement

Time: 01:35:12
Fostering social engagement for retention

Time: 01:42:08
Closing remarks on seamless integration

Key Takeaways

  • Ease of use drives Web 3.0 adoption
  • Gaming is a gateway to introduce users to Web 3.0
  • Success of Telegram's seamless user integration
  • Simplicity and user-friendly experiences fuel adoption
  • Social engagement is vital for user retention
  • Projects like Gummy Bears blend real-world and digital ecosystems
  • Leveraging existing social structures boosts Web 3.0 adoption
  • Reducing educational barriers broadens reach
  • Platforms embedding Web 3.0 into daily activities see higher acceptance
  • User-centric design enhances long-term engagement

Behind the Mic

Yo, yo, GM. GM everybody happy Monday. I'm going to jump off the show. It's just trying to get together all of our speakers and get rid of all of our puppet in the background, make sure everything's tight. We have a super exciting show today and we will get started here in just a moment. Just playing out a bit in the meantime, if you're excited for today, hit that blue button. The bottom right with a smiley face, nothing else. Punjabi, dude, GM, GM, GM, what's up web three set? GM everybody. How are we feeling this morning? Good, good, good. I just got back from my trip to Norway. It's kind of good to be back in the thick of things and just sort of figuring out what's happened over the last week or so because it's been busy. Dude. How was it? You get much sleep because I, yes and no. Yes. I mean, like the trip was good, so it was, it was a nice experience. Sort of tick that off the bucket list. It was long all hours really think the thing is with Norwegian air, it's hard to sleep on those planes and stuff because they've hooked their seats in such a weird way. It's like a hybrid upright reclines. But yeah, feeling good, made it back. And then, yeah, glad to be here this morning. Heck yeah, I was leaving this morning, scrolling through some tweets and I saw steady lads getting front and center attention on Binance through the whole world celebration. Do they're everywhere man. Like you can't, there's not much you can do without seeing the stepping app or just the amount of walking there, they're sort of promoting. And it's good. I mean, it's encouraging people to get active, encouraging people to get out there. Like, yeah, you know, all of these things we're seeing is just promoting that healthy lifestyle. That busy lifestyle keeps people on their grind. Oh, GM, GM Frank what's happening? Good to see you ahead. It's happening. I see you. Good morning. Good morning fellows. I hope everybody's doing, I'm not going to let the beginning of the week, carry it off, but we're going to have quite an interesting talk today. We're going to be talking a lot about gaming. I got Mila and Navi in the house this morning and super excited to chat about everything that's happened this weekend. And what are we looking forward to as well? How's things in your world? Yeah, I mean, just the same everything with the games, just looking at gaming, anything came out this week. So yeah, this is going to be interesting conversation right here. Yeah, and I see Nico, our first speaker of the day, Sunny, I'm going to send you a speaker invite, get you up here. And Anita, my name Mila. I hope I'm pronouncing that well. So definitely jump up here if you can guys, because we really want to ramp up to the session. As always it is recorded. It is exclusive. We have an opportunity for you to win the $50 in Solana just by listening in throughout the show. And we will open up questions towards the end as well. So any Q and a that you have around web three gaming, what you predict will have massive prediction with keyboard warriors as well, which we'll be putting up in a bit. So let's jump into it. Spend the hour in Greenwich meantime. So that's about three minutes in. Good morning, everybody. Welcome back to the Minted morning show where we quickly run through the headlines, do interviews and just have conversations around everything web three. Today is a special session for what three gaming. Now usually recently we've been doing a couple of different themes here on the morning show. Fridays are typically our topic conversations that are led by different projects and members of the community. Today slots into the theme gaming just because my honest view and from speaking with a lot of people in here at the community is that's one of the biggest in our terms of narrative gains we can see anyways from now until the foreseeable future within web three in this cycle. So we really wanted to emphasize on that type of conversation, like I said, we've got speakers from different projects, from different backgrounds and we've even got members from outside the web three community to join us. So really looking forward to an exciting show and putting some faces and names to projects. So if we're going to jump into it like I said, you can win $50 and Solana and guests are taking place today. Please click on their faces, join their profiles on and make sure you get involved in all the different places you can listen and get involved. We run this daily at 09:00 a.m. bST. So if you've missed any prior episode that you want to catch up on, please feel free to do so. Getting people on stage, we've got Neil joining us. Just waiting on everybody else in the background. It seems you do have to click that mic when you jump in. Nicole, I'll send you a speaker invite and Anita Mila, Nico sending you guys emmanuel as well. Let's get you up here and there's Mila, Mila welcome GM, how are you? Hello, I'm great. Thank you for having me. And hello everyone. Yes, I'm happy another Monday, beautiful Monday, sunny. And so I'm here to talk about my free. Amazing. I hope I didn't butcher the name. How's it pronounced properly? It's Mila. Yeah, it's Mila. Yeah. And okay. Nana, I sent you a speaker invite. PGM, welcome back to the minted morning show, my friend. How are you? And I see our next speaker is up here. We've got Nico who I've been sent an invite to, Chewie. The team are working as well in the background with finance and a lot of coordination on running events in different parts of the world. So we know schedules our taxes. So once you get up here, once you get a chance to speak, we'll open up the conversation. Good morning, Baba. How are you? Good mate. Yeah, let's jump to it. We've got a couple of interesting things to talk about today. Yeah, they usually you do these shows weekends or on evenings in the host at different times. What have you got for us today? Yes. So just a recap of what's happening on the gaming site. You guys know the web three gaming is full of insane stuff. So we have the rumors of BTC base, space play to earn games coming this week. When what's your take on that? I feel like that's going to be quite interesting thing to check in terms of adoption levels. Yeah, man, like it's I mean between a number of things that we're seeing, you know, the rumors were seeing, what BTC is doing, You've got Bitcoin plays whatever that may look in terms of mining and passive income. So on and so forth. Seems to be soaking up all of the merchant news where we do have in the space currently, and adding gaming on top of that. It's almost deceptive really. It makes it look like the bear isn't even happening is that it's this whole world of their own community, have their own ecosystems and all they're doing is just onboarding new people. Each day doesn't bite into the economics so to say of what's happening around centralized exchanges. So saying that is all positive. Yeah, true. They became pretty much like a separate market or just like the banks that is completely opposite to whatever is happening all very old. They can be completely self sufficient. Yeah, insulated, price action and well insulated in terms of their decisioning always positive. And that's what I love about that space, keeps things quite fresh and that's where the positivity and engagement often lies and translates to people building, you know for what's expected in the bull market, keeping things interesting, keeping narratives fresh, and there's Mila, Glad to have you up here in the conversation as well. What do you think? I think basically gaming is the best way to push the web free to the masses because just considering the simple fact that I work and ABG does some monstrous traits around charts. It's offering play to earn game. Because nowadays we have loads of options to play and also to own. So that completely changed the way of thinking of the people when it comes to game and those stuff. And this is the right way because you see people with loads of power computers or like the computer just there only to mine, but not to play much. They will be more willing to join the game that is going to give them rewards. So this is great approach. Now the other side of things you have mobile phones with the amount of people that have like Android's iPhone and they have a lot of simple games installed in there, even like candy crash or whatever. So also with the amount of telegram users. This is insane how telegram has onboarded millions of people into crypto just like that, without giving any education, without doing any weird entry barriers and stuff, just set up your wallet and just start doing it. And somehow it turned out brilliant. So telegram gaming is another move that can be leveraged into mass adoption. And I am here for it because I really believe that this is a perfect thing because you have the social fi aspect right. You are in a telegram chat, you are in a group of your friends, you are already there, you don't have to look for your crowd, you are already there. And then you're just playing, grinding this fun game that is about word development and pretty much, you know, doing. It's simple. It's simple. That's the most important because the most downloaded games are nothing, I don't know, like Counter Strike or you know, those complicated games that need precision. Those are those games that you don't have to use your brain to play like candy Crush. And that's something I was always saying, not until like the moment the tech is so simple that candy crush moms can use web free games, that's when we're gonna see the mass adoption. So this is a good so you think this is a good part where we can now look at web free games sort of being slowly adopted into mainstream like people with maybe less of a technical background or technical know how they're going to start off like just how we saw first time, like a lot of the web free games start to trend towards card based gaming towards trading games. Now we're seeing that more on the sort of no effort type games. Exactly. It was started with those complicated tokenomics and stuff and was meant straight to the people that knew how to deal with them. And nowadays, you see how more and more like the gaming companies are trying to simplify things, make it more seamless and just get more and more of those think that web three world is complicated. And you lose one time you lose people like they can lose their funds and all of that. Now it's way easier. And they try to do all those solutions that are making it safer and just more friendly. That's the most important for the new users that don't know anything about how it works to onboard them. Completely agree. And you know, that sort of transition that we've seen for more of an easier and less techie approach to gaming within the space is slowly beginning to show its traction. And my biggest prediction and weekend board and I love your input. So you're regularly chatting with people from gaming and development. Where do you see the market sort of gravitating towards? I feel those, you know, top 20, top 50 games that will get it right, this time will only do so once or twice with a winning idea or winning formula on one of the games. And scalability will definitely look at you first. Well, you're having this opinion around this conversation a lot as well. And we chat regularly about games and you can see some insight. What are your thoughts? So I think the thing to think about is that the games market in terms of from moving over from web two to web three, is a lot more binary than the movies market for example, currently, like, I would say like, for example, you've got like a big focus on gameplay on one side and you've got big emphasis on tokenomics on the other side. And then you've got a very small space in the middle where some games are almost getting it right, but it's so tiny at the moment. And the thing is that the reason for that is because usually the way that games are incepted in web three is it will be kind of like the tokenomics people coming in and getting the vc funding and then they're like, right, we now need to produce a game. And so they go to a game studio, they buy a template project and get some graphic designers to actually build it up. So massive emphasis on the tokenomics, more or less crappy game, right? And then you've got the game developers that are coming in, they don't have that kind of like tokenomics experience, so they outsource that. So it's only kind of like an overlap to economic system onto the existing game to try and make it work. And so again, it doesn't kind of like there's big emphasis on the gameplay. Fantastic game, but shitty tokenomics. And then you've got the little sliver in the middle where some games are trying to kind of like balance that together. So it's a very kind of like it's still, there's still no kind of like systems that are absolutely perfect. But my feeling is at some point a game is going to come along and actually just, you know, hit the nail on the head and it's, you know, other games are going to be like, oh, wow, that actually really works. And you know, this is what we should be doing as well. And so, and then that's where the kind of like evolution will happen into kind of like web three gaming. At least that's my perspective of how it's going to kind of like involved just because like, yeah, talking to all these games as well, you can instantly tell if they're heavy on tokenomics or heavy on the gameplay. Yeah, it's almost. It almost feels as if there's a very fine line. And the first sort of game to tap that or do that successfully is almost going to pave the way for more games moving forward. I wanted to head to Mila and then next. What are your thoughts on that? I think that's a really good take. And that's probably the most difficult part when it comes to the artists, because you need to get all those tokenomicsists they know and pretty much that's the thing. With the games, many, many of those games don't thing that not everything is about money to come is the strong community in the background and just like strong continuous user base. Because it's not like we've seen the boom of all those places are in games that you see people just jumping in and out just because there was something to be bored about. But there's free games need something more. They need entertaining. And that is something projects will have to figure out how to get strong community and strong foundation. Not only it's all yeah, totally. I see a lot of these games these days, you know, and they've concept ideas what people are saying that drives the initial engagement. But without sort of any long term vision or any roadmap, the players don't get excited or they start to drop off like you. I think you use the right word communities at the very focal point of how you can build out something sustainable. And for me, I feel that's probably going to be the driver communities that slowly transition if you allow some questions from the community. And I see a couple of people requesting who can feel free also just on the conversation. Please keep your mics off. If you do break through. I wanted to get parents on for a point out to him, Deadline thoughts. Nico Frank, I'm really interested to hear what they're doing in the space currently and how that looks to your point where do you think these mechanics do? That's the final point gaming is very much a community driven sort of sector in general like if you think about it when you think about gamers using websites or going into forms or just whatever community driven is but they want to they want to voice their opinion anywhere that you see sort of traditional media able to have a say, twitch streams are being a prime example of that is you know they want to feel slighted or they want about and they vent like I beat someone they mash that keyboard and they type it right there and things like that translate over too much and it's keeping equations quite fresh and alive more than what we're seeing. Projects fail to capitalize is not allowing a certain amount of control to balance things out but at the same time allowing understanding to contribute and making it organic community feel grown since you seem to know more and have a view on this just I do what's my just curious like your thoughts yeah, for sure I mean the thing with like massive multiplayer is that money came through for three gardens it's all well and good people coming in wanting to own and then like join in but where's the exit liquidity for that? Like people who are wanting wanting to cash out that provides been it's many people can say and then others can make an argument against the fact that whilst the game will still be fun in a I think on the broader market like if I think about here people do in mass multiplayer web three space have the correct answer and from a global scale like the most huge I don't know games in general have actually retained inside of unless you're in the evolution you look it's really hard to but love thoughts on certain really good point yeah like the perspective those games are community sized demographic so I wanted yeah thoughts um it comes down it's all waxed on literally like that you can't and the intent behind the so like end up putting in part we chat about this you've got out as well as gameplay elements well for sure and clear for my real my kind of like thesis so difficult these two fans like the subscription model or use here it's different opinions there they're gonna tokens the which to cash and community driven really hard to and your point are making they have fun aren't they very few and far between propose question a new up games to gravy space or or credit style intentionally put it in same tack overlay element so that's and I love because think free diagram it show the bubble small as like just connect contrast could not about the different metric space what about area do you think that's garner the attention well, economy Luca favor. goes into where to and penguins understand their buy and to kids digital system. They've yeah, seamless. Covert that not realize that you're one those toys that going I've questions I'd love your them. says a sustainable game that beyond earning these foster player and what think about that's that's really question answer it it requires lot web except successfully different in on fails and to an thinking online leaderboards earning now the players they can't engage it's quite like enter rest of engagement without earning it's gonna bit but a problem the are they just aren't as they attract don't the doesn't which on to like that you like the comes the many factors I agree play an because for of their got payments yeah if got feeling and atm like difficult so create systems engaged more you've great on aspects part like sustain a are looking at the ones you one get tokenomics where account goes the client how get players how you the jumping it something ask clarify making a vision is anything near hit. it stills only so those game engaging game that's every web play see cool those really right example it's of an glued to generally ecosystem and what's so passionate what to and when through some Amos you in like well on easier towards tech adoption retains retains it, you what think work space and I questions your is one the we're by do right games gonna it even web direction things actually in market to quarter that's you final I'm you your of ok. how for comments. how burning more and fundamentally for I it games that similar go that's taking a technologies I'm schedule week? enjoyed if tell repost be join again morning Mila just over comments. how show? how it? and hopefully see back week. yeah, thank so and so proposing it fun. much just with it's the at minted Pav

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