Mining Carnival Episode 2


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Mining Carnival Episode 2 hosted by BCGameOfficial. Mining Carnival Episode 2 delved into the world of future-shaping technology, emphasizing open-source code and provably fair games. The event catered to an adult audience, offering specialized content and networking opportunities. Discussions highlighted the benefits of open-source collaboration, trust in gaming through provably fair mechanisms, and the exciting advancements in gaming technology.

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Space Statistics

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Q: How does open-source code benefit the tech community?
A: Open-source code promotes transparency, collaboration, and innovation by allowing public access to source code.

Q: Why are provably fair games important in the gaming industry?
A: Provably fair games create trust among players by providing verifiable proof of game fairness.

Q: What can attendees expect from Mining Carnival Episode 2?
A: Attendees can anticipate engaging discussions on future-shaping technology and provably fair gaming experiences.

Q: Is the event suitable for all ages?
A: No, the event is tailored for an adult audience, offering content relevant to mature tech enthusiasts.


Time: 00:15:42
Open-Source Code Advantages Exploring the benefits of open-source code in technology development.

Time: 00:25:18
Importance of Provably Fair Gaming Understanding why provably fair games are crucial for player trust and platform credibility.

Time: 00:35:59
Future of Gaming Technology Insights into the latest advancements shaping the future of gaming experiences.

Key Takeaways

  • Open-source code fosters transparency and collaboration within the tech community.
  • Provably fair games ensure trust and integrity in gaming platforms.
  • Future-shaping technology is at the forefront of discussions at Mining Carnival Episode 2.
  • The event caters to an adult audience, providing specialized content and networking opportunities.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

This you ever do. Rest you three, two, one. But I'm. But I'm. But where do Rick sake what we.

Introduction by Speaker 2

Yo, what's up everyone? GMG and Gn hi everyone. Our space is about to start once again. Thanks for joining everyone. So mining Carnival space episode number two. For those of you who are BC game lovers, make sure to retweet our space. Help us to boost our party. Okay, so once again, my name is Ellie Spacehouse from BC game and you are now officially at our busy space. Today we are going to talk about our BZ token mining campaign again. I mean, of course we're going to talk more about our mining. I mean, we need to make sure that more and more people can get to know more about mining campaign and we need to make sure that you guys are not going to miss your chance on mining our BC token. Right? Okay, so let's do some quick updates about the campaign, shall we?

Campaign Updates

Right now, our VC token mining starts at October 1 and it will be lasting for 20 days. There will be in total 1 billion BC token distribution for these campaigns participants. And now let's check some data from yesterday. Okay, counting from yesterday, the wager amounts is. Listen people, $62 million. And the hell wager amount since day one is now already at 640 million. I mean 640 million over 64 thousands of people registered in our campaign. And that's even just the beginning, right? If you haven't signed up for the event, don't miss your chance. This could be the biggest chance of the year for you. Definitely. If you don't know how to register, please feel free to check our pinned tweet in this space, today's space. It will guide you, the portal and for those of you who already took part in this campaign, but still you have some questions.

Engagement and Participation

And for those of you who still wondering if you should join our mining campaign or nothing, you should definitely don't miss our space. For today, we are going to dive into more details about our mining campaign and in order to thank you for your support for today's space, we will be rewarding users who drop the best question. And your question will be answering by our team as well. I mean, last time in our space, last week over 100 people got rewarded by last week's space. All right, so this time could definitely be you, right? So feel free to drop as much as good questions as you can about these times mining campaign. What are you going to ask us? What would you like to know? We might be able to answer your question. And once your question get picked, you will be rewarded by our main Twitter account. So.

Welcome and Introduction of Team Members

Okay, let's the party begin. First of all, let's welcome our CEO Jack and our team member Bob. Jack. Hi, how are you? Hello, Ali. Good. Hi, how are you, Bob? I'm doing good, thank you. Thanks for inviting me. All right, guys, perhaps we can. Each of you can get 1 minute to share your feelings. Thoughts. What would you like to tell our audience today about our mining campaign? Jack, would you go first? Absolutely. Yep. We're very excited about the mining campaign. As you said already at 644 million total wagered. That's pretty incredible. We so far since we are, we've had six, seven complete days done. We have given away 350 million BC token. We have 650 million still on the table. So make sure to register and to start wagering.

Bob's Insights and Closing Remarks

All right, Bob, it's your turn. Yeah. What I would say is that it's just twelve days left. I guess everyone should just utilize this time. If you haven't wagered already, if you haven't mined any BC's right time to do it because we have a lot of big plans for BC tokens. So this much I would say that you're still early. If you're watching right now, you're still early. There's still time to mine. So let's just do it together. Thanks, Bob. Thank you so much. And I already seen you guys raising your hand. No worries. All right. Your time will be coming today. We were definitely at our last ten minutes maybe of our space. Today we will be picking some speakers. All right, you can ask your question and face to our CEO and to our team member. Bob's here, right? So Bob, you're not here from our last time space.

Addressing Previous Questions

So for your first test today, Bob, I pick out the best five questions from last week's in case you would like to add up any of your appearance because apparently Jack have already answered them last week. But in case you have anything you would like to share also, or anything you would like to add up, I'm going to ask you that five questions. And in the meanwhile, maybe Jack can go over our comment section and pick your best question. All right. But make sure you put a like on their comments so that they can be, well, rewards. Okay, shall we? All right, Bob, our first with my first question will goes to you. Actually it is from last time space. One of the best questions here. Will BC money rush be related to the coco Rush app or will BC money directly a busy balance in BC game?

Answering Key Questions

Oh, that's an interesting one, to be honest. The BC mining one is directly linked to BC game, so whatever you get, whatever you mine, that's going to be reflected in your account after the mining event ends, like within seven days. So yeah, it's going to go directly to your BC game account, not to Coco Rush. Thank you so much. Right, here comes our first questions answered. And I also got another one for you. He's come to second one, also from last week's space. One of the best questions. There have been significant development on BC game, particularly with the enhanced game interface and their integration of web three, which is threading a new wave of new users. What measure is the team implementing to protect these new users from potential scams?

Improving User Security

I'm sorry, could you repeat the web three part, if you may, please? Hello? Absolutely. You can also check our chatting group. I've already sent that question, but meanwhile I'll be repeating that. No problem. There have been significant development on BC game, particularly with the enhanced games interface and integration of web three, which is threading away from new users. So what measures is the team implementing to protect these new users from potential scams? Yeah, that's an interesting question and a really good one. So, first of all, every site takes security as an important thing and especially for us. We have huge user base and protecting both the users and their fund is a prime thing for us, an important thing for us.

Continuous Improvements

So we've changed certain things with regards to security. We have tightened things. We are conducting regular audits, we are sharing with the community ways which they can protect. We are sharing in the chat ways which community can stay alert and they can be well informed that we don't provide any services outside the support portal of PC game or via our mail service. So most of the scams, or I would say potential social engineering, happens on the social channels and users easily get. Easily get hooked to it. It's not their fault. I mean, we just need to, all of us need to better educated. But regards to account security, yes, we conduct regular audits, our risk team conduct regular assessment.

User Education

So in a way it's both ways. One, from our end, from our team, and the other way. I mean, one, we do it in the back end, while the other way we are just trying to educate the community and the members about how to stay safe. It's just, it's just one click to a wrong side that can take your credentials. So we regularly advertise via our board and on social, like on telegram, not to, you know, not to fall for support messages from unknown people. We don't offer any kind of support via telegram. So, yeah, it's. It's better to be safe than sorry. So I would say that way. I hope this answer.

Conclusion and Best Practices

That's a great answer. Thank you so much, Bob. All right, guys, don't forget to drop all your best question in our comment section. Meanwhile, Jack right now is actually picking all the questions that he would like to answer after Bob's. And once you answer, once your question got picked today, you will be rewarded today. All right? So don't miss your chance. And Bob, here comes. My next question is, what is the team's strategy for BC game official? Managing the tokenomics of tokens to ensure long term sustainability and prevent inflation or excessive volatility. This is a tough one. I think Jack will be able to answer this one.

Tokenomics Discussion

From my understanding, the tokenomics have been made with. With proper assessment of our long term goals. It's not just, you know, dumping coins and, hey, we have a token. No, it's. It's been designed, it's been crafted after a lot of thought and effort. So we have. We have a lot of plans in. In the future with this token. And we have methods to prevent any market meltdowns, like, you know, just dumping and trying to manipulate the price. We have methods to counter that as well. So I can't say more than this honestly. So I think this. This part Jack will be able to answer better.

Future Directions

Sorry. No problem. Actually, Jess already answered this one last week in case he want to add up anything. He will be doing that after all. Right, let's come to our number four questions right here. Gaming setter is extremely competitive, and many platforms have to work very hard to reach their current users numbers. How will busy game team compete with the existing gaming platforms? And what extra will it offer to get the gamers from the assistant platform? Okay, so what I understood is that the user is asking how we can compete with the drivers, right? How will we get users? Is that correct?

Competitive Strategies

Yes. Yeah. Well. Well, it's a good question. I mean, first of all, I don't. I will not take any names of other platforms, and I don't want to undermine any platform for whatever they do. We respect all our competitors in the space because. Because of the competition, we strive to get better and strive to offer more to the users. So what I would say is that, yes, it's a very competing market, but of course, we always have our goals set straight. We know. We know that participation in user campaigns to get their feedback to get their suggestions.

Feedback Mechanisms

Also, checking the current dynamics, market dynamics and trends can give us an edge over our competition. Now, of course, implementing some of those things will take time. Nothing can happen overnight. But yeah, we of course monitor how our competition is doing. We try to check the current market trends, what's happening around. And above all, we just regularly conduct different ways both directly and indirectly try to get the community feedback on certain things aspect like how are we doing, if there's anything you would like, if there's anything they would like to change or is there something we are missing. So all these things adds up to our next phase.

Final Thoughts

What we, what we will implement, how we will tackle it to stay just one step or few steps ahead of competition. Thanks, Bob. Let's go over again our last questions right here. Right. One of the best five questions from last week's space, which will be without proper marketing and capital infusions, project dies. Right. So how do you convince us you have added, what is that? Adequate marketing power and capital to push this project to the top project. Okay, so if I understood correctly, this is referring to Coco rash, right? Let me check.

Project Viability and Marketing

All right. I've already sent you in a group. Feel free to check. I'll be repeating that question one more time. Without proper marketing. Yeah, I think it refers to coco rush. So it is true, like, without, for most part, without marketing and without capital, without injecting capital, some projects die, but that's not always the case. Although it's true for the most part. A lot of projects, if they have the fundamentals trade, if they know what they are doing, like a lot of good projects start slow, but then they, like, they don't die.

Sustaining Growth

They keep developing unless, until people start noticing it. But in this case, yes, we do have, but I budget, we do have marketing. We have everything planned. It's not that, you know, just overnight we thought about releasing cooperation. Let's go with it. No, the team has been working behind the scenes.

Community Benefit and Project Goals

They have been, they have done a lot of research. They have done analysis. And that's what we think would benefit the community. It will bring people also to, in a way. So, yeah, we have, Mark, we have the marketing power. We have budget, and above all, we have, how do you say, we have a strong set of goals for the project. We have short term, long term goals. So slowly, we'll be also sharing about this goals, like in chronological order, like what are the updates that we are going to implement? Like when can they expect to see these updates or the new features getting added. But yes, we do have the board and above, like I said, on top of that, we have the advantage of people who are continuously working, doing market research, analysis, checking on what's currently trending on tone network, and the ways which we can add some value to the community and grow the family bigger.

Fundamentals Over Marketing and Funding

So, yeah, it is. These two are important, but I would say fundamentals are the most important than marketing or funding. Some projects with low marketing and low budget, they end up doing quite well. So it's all about fundamentals. And I feel that we have fundamentals on top of both marketing and the budget. Thank you.

Wagering and Mining Strategies

Thanks, Bob. You're incredible. You know, you answered all those five questions. Incredible, incredibly. But please do bear with me with one more side question that would ask myself, and I'm sure that all the audience right here, they are very interested. Actually, Jack answered this one last week. Right? What do you have any special strategy when we are talking about like wagering and doing all this wager and also participating in this mining? See, each strategy, I mean, my strategy may not work for someone else, but if I were doing the mining, what I would do is I would try to capitalize on low usage games so I have a better advantage there. But again, yeah, I think that would be my answer. Like to try to capitalize on low edge games.

Low Edge Games and Personal Betting Preferences

And on that you just get more, you have more in favor of you than against you. So that will be that. My best advice. But I'm more of a sports better than a casino player, so. Yeah, but if I were to bet, I would just go for low edge games. I like limbo, you know, or crash, something like that.

Sharing Mining Insights and Strategies

I just want to add something. I said last week that dice is the best way to go. I said do like over 1.01, do high wager. But I'll tell you what, the other day I went on tower Legend. I put it on easy, and I just went three rows up, cash out, and I did like pretty decently sized bets, and I ended up making a profit while wagering like 100,000 or something like that. So I don't know, tower legend might be the way to go. Dice is still always a good way. Limbo and then crash as well. All the house games. Like he was saying, you get the lowest edge, house edge, but you really just got to, you got to try different strategies and see what works best for you. Absolutely.

Wrapping up on Wagering Strategies

Like Jack said, try all the strategies, see what works for you. That, that's the important what works for us might not work for you. All right, thank you. Thank you so much for the share of the strategy. Jack, you're here. I thought you were drawing in our like, question oceans. Did you get any good questions? I was. I was drowning in them. Yeah, I got a few good ones. Yeah.

The BC Token Buyback and Burn Mechanism

All right, so let's do it. Sure, sure. All right. So the first one I got was from Proxima and he asks how does BC token buyback and burn mechanism work? And what are the expected benefits of the BC token holders? For the BC token holders and the platform's overall token economy. So the buyback and the burn, how that works is we're going to allocate a predetermined amount of funds from our revenue or reserves each week to buy BC token from exchanges or liquidity pools. And we're doing this to reduce supply reduction based on market dynamics and to just increase investor sentiment. Sentiment.

Creating Scarcity and Utility for BC Tokens

We think that with regular buybacks and burns decreasing the total supply of BC tokens in circulation, it'll create a scarcity and it'll support token value. So that's how that's working. In terms of the utility for the BC token. We sort of went over this last week, but I'll go over it again. We have an unreal amount of utility for this. So you're going to have exclusive bonuses just for holding the token, exclusive bonus bets just for holding the token. And then exclusive events just for you in terms of like LCFC sign jersey or special tickets to LCFC game. Jason Derulo ticket concerts, little pump concerts.

Future Utility Plans for BC Token Holders

We have so many people that we're working with that just give us the opportunity to really increase the utility of this. So yeah, we definitely have a bunch of plans coming up for that. Thanks, Jack. Bob, do you have anything in regard to Jack's question? Do you want to add up anything? I think he pretty much covered everything. But yeah, buyback and burn mechanism is just going to create a crunch in the market and there won't be much of price manipulation or dumping. So in a way the growth will be steady and people will see that the benefits outweigh just random selling. In the end, it's just going to reduce the supply and create more demand.

Jason and Lil Pump's Ambassadors and Upcoming Events

So that's about it. I mean, there's no simple way to put it. The currency will get, will appreciate in value. Thanks, Bob. And Jack, I remember you were talking about Jason. Jason, you were also talking about Lil Pump, Alwyn Nooneye partnership, our new ambassadors right here. And I want to mention that they are already very stupidized. They offer some surprise of our Dubai event and since we're talking about this one, we should definitely mention our Dubai events. Ladies and gentlemen, if you are in Dubai in this October, please make sure to come join our I our event hosting only by BZ game.

Highlights of the Dubai Event

We have magnificent dj performance and we have amazing guests. You get to meet all those big influencers. We have a lot of fun games for you guys to play and we have massive rewards, prizes for you guys. Alright, so it could be hell of a fun if you join our party. So Panda, help us to hint with our portal of the registration of our event. And Jack, you will be in that event, right? I will be. I'll be introducing the event and doing the giveaways and everything. Yeah, we're giving away galaxy flip six, iPhone 16 pro, Lester city, Jersey, Marshall speaker, JBL headphones and much more.

Anticipation for Special Guests and Entertainment

So I'm really excited about that. We have DJ soda coming. I just went and saw her in Singapore. She's amazing. As talented as she is pretty. So it definitely is going to be a good time. She knows how to get the party going. And yeah, we have all of our special guests, including El Jaboom. I was just on with him. A really cool guy. He'll be there. I think that he's doing a little speech as well. Yeah, we're really excited about it. And if you guys can make it out, I'll be there and we can hang out. Definitely guys, don't miss out.

Conclusion and Call to Action

We're IRL event. All right. This could be really fun. You don't want to miss that. Definitely party of the year. So Jack, talking back about our question, did you got any other question that you feel like answering? You feel like a good one? Make sure you like their questions. All right? Yep, yep. So this one is from starlet of steak. This is a good question. He she, whatever says, what are the ethical considerations of celebrating mining given its environmental impact? That's the first part of the question.

Environmental Impact and Mining Carnival Identity

So I want to go over that real quick. So in terms of environmental impact, this isn't proof of work mining. So this is an old school bitcoin type mining where you're using a lot of energy, consuming a lot of energy, putting out a lot of stuff. We're doing proof of stake, so it's far less energy intensive like what Ethereum 2.0 does. So yeah, in terms of that, we're really not leaving a carbon footprint here. And then how does the presence of a mining carnival shape the local community's identity and sense of place. Well, for example, the Coco rush, we created a whole new community over on the telegram network, the telegram app.

Community Rewards and Solidarity

And that's really just what we're trying to do with this. The mining is an opportunity for people who have been in BC and have supported us from the beginning to earn rewards. So it's just rewarding our people that have already been here and just making sure that the community stays nice and strong. But, Bob, do you have anything to add to that? Yeah, I think. I think it is. I mean, we started with. Let me start about Coco rash. Like I said, the people are early on this.

Strategies for Community Growth and Sustainability

We wanted to reward our users first before it gets viral, before new members come in. And I'm very positive that the strategies our team has been working on is going to push us to the next level, like ahead of competition with this regard. So, yeah, it was a. It's a way of rewarding the users first, like our community first. And as we all are getting. As we all got early on this, even I myself, so, yeah, and it. And it forces community growth, of course, that's important part of it. And you already addressed the mining thing.

Dispelling Myths Around Mining Mechanisms

It's not like you're using electricity. You're just betting based on that you're mining BC. So it's not like proof of work. So, yeah, I think it's covered. Thank you, Jack. Thanks, Jack. Thanks, Bob. Look, we would definitely love to answer more questions, but I just realized that we just hit our first traffic of today's face. Guess how many people, how many new audience right now in our space? It's already. Oh, shit. Just rising.

Welcoming New Participants and Key Takeaways

We now have 2200 people. I mean, 2200 people in our space. All right, for those of you who just joined, welcome. This is the busy space, official space. My name is Alice, host of today's space. And this is our mining carnival, episode number two. If you haven't heard of our mining campaign, please stay in our space so that you get to know more. I'm telling you guys, this will be your biggest chance of the year.

Final Invitation to Engage and Participate

Bull market is coming. You definitely don't want to miss this kind of chance. Mining our BC token. So, guys, if you want to get one of your share of the reward for today's space, this is here what you do. You can drop some of your question about our mining campaign. We will be picking all the best question. Last week's space, we rewarded over 100%. All right, this guy time could definitely be you.

Community Engagement and Spreading the Word

And meanwhile, if you love our space, we will be having more by the way, if you love our space, don't hesitate. Just help us to retweet about a space. Share it to your friends, share it to your community, so that we can boost this body. All right, so, Jack, let's go back to our question section, shall we? Another good question from your site.

Explaining Mining to Newcomers

Yeah, sure, let's. Let's. Real quick, I just want to explain the mining for any new people that might be in here. So we have. The mining has been going on since October 1. It's going on until October 20 every day. We're giving away 50 million BC token through airdrop. So all you have to do to be eligible for this mining is sign up for BC game. Press register now on the BC mining page.

How to Participate in the Mining Campaign

Press register now and then immediately you're registered. All you have to do is wager on anything you want, casino, sports, whatever, and make the top 1300, and you get a proportion of 50 million BC token daily. So you don't have to register October 1, you can register right now, you can register tomorrow. But of course, I'd tell you, register right now, you might as well. And yeah, get to wagering because there's a lot on the table.

Available Tokens and Continuous Incentives

There's 650 million BC token left to give away, and you don't want to miss out on that. Like Ellie said, the questions, this one's a real simple one. It says, where will the BC token trade take a place? And it'll be taking place on the open network. And Solana, some people I was talking to, and they're like, so why do you choose the open network? And really, the main reasons we're sharding in parallel.

Efficiency and Scalability of the Open Network

This is such a hard word. Why do I always struggle with it? Parallelization. Try to say that five times fast. So the reason why is because of sharding and parallelization, it makes it so much faster, so much more convenient, so much more efficient to send crypto over. So we know that when you're gambling, you want it there fast and you want it out fast. And that's what this gives you the opportunity to have.

Future Expectations for the Open Network

Also, we think the open network is going to blow up. We love what they're doing.

Introduction and Questions

Yeah, I think that's it for that question. Thanks, Jack. Anything you want to add up, just don't hesitate to jump in, Bob. All right. Meanwhile, if. Jack, if you have another one, just go ahead. All right. We will be picking as much as. Good question today because last week, I mean, guys, we pick 100 questions and don't start. All right? Don't hesitate to pick all those good questions and we are going to answer them all. I mean, we need to make sure more and more people get to know about our campaign. We need to make sure everyone can get the airdrops of VC tokens. Right. So let's go ahead. Let's go for another question. Yes, for sure. So another question I got was from Eugene. He asked how is the cost of BC token calculated? What factors influence the cost and the factors, the main factors that influence the cost, like anything, is supply and demand. So like we talked about with the buyback and burn contracts that we're going to do that are funded by our, either our reserves or our revenue.

Supply and Demand

We ensure that the supply and demand is always at a good rate to make sure that it keeps appreciating, it doesn't depreciate. Yeah, Bob might have a little bit more to add to that. Thanks, Jack. Well you already touched on it, but I just add some more, one more sentence to it. Yeah, I mean the community decides the price. It's in a fair manner. We don't do anything I'd like to influence, but yeah, the buyback will be there, the burning mechanism will be there in order to ensure that the project stays healthy and of course appreciate in value. But the price, we don't decide the price, the community will decide. But all I can say is in the long term it's just going to appreciate because of the factors and mechanisms we have in place, it's going to appreciate and the supply is going to reduced because of it because of burn mechanism. So overall it's going to benefit the users in every way. So the earlier you get in, I think the better it is. Thank you. Yeah, definitely.

Utility of BC Tokens

And I think also the utilities that we have available with the BC token is really going to push it and make sure that this is a long term project that constantly appreciates like Bob was saying, all of the giveaways and all the bonus bets and everything is really going to push this market. Thanks, Jack. Thanks Bob. So before we get into another questions, I've already seen there are so many new audience, so many new listeners joining us. Please. Thank you, thank you. Thank you for your support. And I would like to introduce one more time or maybe give you guys some updates about our BC token campaign because I realized that some of you might just jump into our space and you didn't hear the first part. Right. No worries. Right. Some quick updates about our BC token mining. BC token mining campaign starts on October 1 and it will be lasting for 20 days. All right. And there will be in total 1 billion BC token distribution for this campaign participants.

Campaign Data

And now let's check some data from yesterday. Just from yesterday. Counting the wager amount from yesterday is 62 whole millions. And the whole wager, I mean, the total wager of the seven days we've been passed through, it's already now 640 million. I mean, 640 million. Over 46,000 people register in our campaign. And you don't want to miss that. You still early, you still have chance. You still can participate. All right? So don't miss your chance. In case you don't know where to join our event, sign up for our mining. Please check our pin tweet. It will show you all the portals. All right, thank you so much. Jack, do we have another question? Yes, let's go ahead. Yep. Yep. I got from Emma says, does playing the coco rush substitute for mining the BC game token? It's a good question.

Coco Rush and BC Token Mechanics

So Coco Rush gives you the ability to stack cocoa coins. The airdrop that we do with Coco rush is going to be based off of your leaderboard based off of the leaderboard of Coco Rush and how many coco coins you have. So if you're on that leaderboard, you're going to get a percentage of the airdrop, and that's going to be the BC token, and then that'll be put into your ton wallet, and then you'll be able to withdraw it or send it into BC, swap it out, whatever you want to do. So, yeah, that's how Coco rush works. All right, thanks, Jack. Bob, you feel free to choose one more question and then we can jump to another segment. All right, guys, after this one question got answered, we will be picking up some speakers here. All right. And you can answer your question by yourself. No problems.

Picking Speakers for Interaction

All right, so you can raise your hand. Now you can request. Now we will be picking all the speakers. Thank you so much. Bob, do you have another question you want to go through? I'm checking. I saw some questions, but these are repetitive ones, so I'm just checking if I can find something great. Don't worry. Just make sure you pick their questions. You put a like on them, right? So that they can be well rewarded, so that we don't need to go through. Which, for instance, did we choose yesterday? Last time we got some problems about that, but this time, no. All of you will be rewarded once your question get picked. Okay, so, Bob, feel free to go ahead. If you have the question, just let me know. All right? And thank you so much for joining all the people here.

Encouragement for Participation

I wish you got a great bonus, great big bag of our PC token that drops. Don't miss your chance. If you haven't signed up, if you haven't registered for our campaign, make sure you do so. All right. And you don't need to feel like, oh, I've missed the past seven days. Should I still be joining? I'm telling you that you guys every days count, all right? Every discount, you still get your chance. Even that you just participate in one day, right, Jack? That's right. Just one day. You can register any day. I have another little question, just real quick. One is from Rita. Susanna. This isn't necessarily about the mining, but it is about BC.

Strategies for Slot Games

It says, what strategies can I use to maximize my chances of winning on BC game slots and how do the different bonus features affect my potential payouts? All I can tell you in terms of strategies with slots, because it's totally random, you never know. All I can tell you with BC game slots is to look at the RTP based on each slot. And theoretically, you should get more money back whenever you play a higher RTP slot. So if you go into the info, you can check the different RTP and then same with different bonus features affect your potential payouts. I think for, I want to say all of them, but maybe there's one that's not. But basically for all bonus buys, you end up having less RTP than if you are spinning. But definitely check that out. It's on the info page as well for each individual slot.

Wagering Strategies and Recommendations

In terms of the strategies for wagering, personally, I wouldn't do slots. I would do BC game originals. I think that you have a better chance of maximizing your deposit if you use BC game originals. You have more RTP, less house edge. So just makes more sense to me. But if you are doing slots, definitely check out the RTA. Yeah. And like I said before about this BC game mining, every single day you guys can register. You don't have to register today. You can register tomorrow. It doesn't, it's not one of those things where you have to register the first day or before. We want to make sure that everybody has a fair chance. So every day there's a separate 50 million BC tokenization tournament.

Audience Interaction and Questions

So we're really excited about that. Oh, we got some speakers. All right, crypto freak, you have a question. Crypto. All right, thanks, Jack. Thanks for that last question, Bob. If you have one last question, feel free to go for it. All right, I just picked one speakers right here. Crypto freak loves busy game. Apparently you're a busy game lover. Apparently you are a busy game user. So why user? You can unmute yourself. If you have any question, feel free to ask. All right. Actually, my question is, what will be the criteria to be eligible for the BC drop?

Criteria for Eligibility to BC Drop

Well, for the. For the mining drop, for this big airdrop that we're doing, which is 1 billion BC token, half of all the airdrop that we're doing, the only criteria is to sign up to register and then to wager more than $1, you're automatically in the race. Basically, you have to be one of the top 1300 wagers and you'll get a percentage of the 50 million BC token based off of your wager. In terms of coco rush, all you got to do is download telegram, get onto Coco Rush. It's at cocorush bot, and you can just go right on and start clicking it, start spinning and earning cocoa coins, and eventually you're going to be able to trade those in for BC tokens.

Clarifications and Final Thoughts

All right, thanks, Jack. Crypto frick, does that answer your question? Yes, sir. Actually, I was talking about the telegram board, Coco rush. What will be the criteria for that? Will? The will? Well, it'll be the same as the mining. So it'll be percentage based off of the leaderboards. So you want. So you want to get as much cocoa coins as you can because you're going to get a percentage based off of where you are on the leaderboards. Okay? So thank you. Thanks, Jack, for the. For the answer. And also, thank you, crypto freak. Let me take a screenshot of your account in case I don't forgot you. All right.

Community Engagement

Thank you so much. You will be. You'll be rewarding tomorrow. All right, so I just picked another speaker here. Apparently he is also a BC game user. Thank you so much for changing our prps. Right. Hi, group plus, how are you? Do you have any question? Yeah, thank you very much for having me. I'm fine, thank you. I've been enjoying my time listening to you guys, especially Jack. Finally able to say hi to him as well. Good job. My question is on the listing of BC token on exchanges, because I've had previous experiences where coins get listed and then the exchange itself kind of restricts how traders use that coin.

Concerns About Trading Restrictions

In the beginning, I don't know what the team is going to do to enable the players, especially BC players, that have accumulated this coin over time, to be able to be among the first benefactors when it's listed. Well, that's a great question and hello to you, too. The BC game token, whenever it's released, the first people that are going to get any of it is going to be the airdrop winners. So I mean that's how it's first going to be distributed. But on the open network. No, it's all, it's going to be completely unrestricted in terms of once you buy it, you can send it over to BC, you can swap it for different coins. Sorry, did I answer your question?

Final Questions and Clarifications

Yes, definitely. Very well. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Hello? Hello, Ellie, you still there? Hello? Hi. Oh, did I mute myself? I'm sorry. I just picked another speaker. Nietzsche love BC game. Thank you so much for changing your id. All right, thank you a lot, sir. Do you have any question by the way? Yeah. Yeah, go ahead.

Questions About Bc Mining

Feel free to ask. Okay. My question is like how much do I need to wiggle for me to be on the top on the Bc mining? Like how much do I require to daily basis? There is no fixed amount to wager is, it's a dynamic one. So you have to check that. You have to be in the top 100 daily. There's no fixed amount. Like at some point if you check like the top leader, maybe one hundred k, and then like 1 hour later you check the top leader like wagered 1 million or something. So you have to keep checking the top 100 and see where you stand. So theoretically, if you wager $1, you're in the race. But that doesn't guarantee that you will get BC tokens. You have to be in the top 100 daily. So.

Understanding the Leaderboard System

That's originally what I thought too. And then I was corrected last week. You can only see the top 100 on the leaderboards whenever you go. It only auto populates 100, but it's actually a top 1300. So right now the top number 99 is 58,350. So you look at that and you think, oh my gosh, I got a wager 58,000 to be able to do it. That's not true. It's top 1300. So I think like 1300 right now is like 4000 or 5000 wagered and then you can get a percentage of it. Okay, hold on a question. Only the first top hundred are eligible to get the cocoa mining law stuck, right? For the coco rush. No, the coco rush is also way more than just the top hundred. It's just that's all that auto populates on the page.

Clarifications on Coco Rush Eligibility

So I think that one is also around 1000 to 1200, but that'll be based off of the overall leaderboards. Okay, thank you. Thanks Jack, I didn't check that far. So thanks for correcting. Alright guys, thank you. And thank you. Nietzsche Love Bz game thank you so much for your support today. And I already took a screenshot of your account. Thanks a lot. Today, please make sure to join our next spacer. We will be having more busy mining space. Please make sure if you haven't followed our main Twitter account, if you haven't followed Jack, if you haven't followed Bob, you're going to miss a lot. All right? So don't forget to give us the follows and don't forget to join our order of our mining space. All right, here comes our next speakers right here.

Engaging with the Next Speakers

Hi BC Doc game. Hi. Hi sir. I. All right, I'm going to call your name one more time. If you can speak, please unmute yourself. Are busy talking. Hi sir, do you have any question yourself? Please feel free to unmute yourself right now and ask your question. Okay, seems that he is having bad connections or at last go with our next speakers right here. See if he can get successfully connected. Hi BJ. Lovebc game. Hi sir, how are you? Do you have any question for us? Yeah, good. Good afternoon. Yeah, concerning be serious. Lately I wager over $5,000 and I was around 1100. And the next day I actually didn't get what the 5000 BC. I was not qualified and I was among the first 1300.

Events and Time Management

You have to check the time of the event daily because it is UTC. So you have to check based on that. Maybe your time zone is different. Maybe at the time you were in the top 13, but then later on when you check, I mean top 1300, but later on when you check, you were not there because you have to keep an eye on the timer. Like when you visit the page, it's going to show you like the countdown timer when it will reset. So if you're in within the one before the countdown reset means you will receive it. But at the time maybe someone else can overtake you and that will take your bc. So I would suggest like try to wager as much as you can, as much as it's possible for you, so that you can be ahead in the race.

Understanding Compensation Structures

Okay, thank you. Thank you. All right. And BJ, thank you so much. And I'm sorry. Busy talking. Hi, thank you so much. All right, so I've already screenshot your account. Go with another speaker. I think we'll be at one last speakers maybe. Sorry. So guys, grab your chance if you are not there. Hi Sheikh Harris, how are you sir, can you unmute yourself and ask a question now. I'm good, ma'am. How are you? Yeah, I'm doing very good. Feel free to ask your question now. Thank you for. And thank you for taking me as a speaker, ma'am. Ma'am, actually, my question is, did you, about the telegram Coco rush, did we get the tokens which we are currently mining in the Coco rush, did we get some BC tokens for that Coco Rush game?

BC Tokens and Their Distribution

Yeah. Yeah. So we answered this a little bit earlier. The Coco rush tokens, those are going to be traded in for BC tokens when that is released. So it's going to be an airdrop based off of the leaderboards. Once that happens, the withdrawal feature with the wallet connected is going to be activated, and any other coins that you've won through the spin, like caddy dogs, USDT, any of that will be withdrawable as well. So. Yep. Thank you, sir. Will it be. Will it be listed on exchanges or. It will be listed on. We will get our tokens on BC game or tone keepers, like Tone wallet. Yeah. So for the Coco Rush airdrop, it'll be on the ton wallet, and then for the BC mining event, it'll be directly into your BC account and the exchanges are going to be the open network and Solana.

Listing Dates and Timeline

Thank you, sir. Thank you. All right, thanks. And thank you so much for your question today. And thank you, ma'am. I have one more question, ma'am. What will be the time listing? Listing time. What? Can we expect the listing date of the coco rational? We don't have the specific date ready for listing yet. We do have the white pages coming out this week. However, for the BC token. And in terms of the mining event, those coins will be paid out one week after the end of the mining event. So October 27 will be the last day that those coins will be paid out. So that should help answer your question because all of that will be around the same time.

Closing Statements and Future Events

Thank you. All right, shaykh, and thanks for your question. Thank you so much for your support. So let's go with our last speaker of this space today. I'm having trouble pronouncing your name. Shiwaikh. I'm having all kind of trouble pronouncing your name. I'm sorry, sir. I just put you up, love. Busy game. Are you here? I'm sorry if I said your name wrong. You can unmute yourself and you can ask your question. Your question will be the last question of our space. And thank you so much. Yes. Right now. We can hear you. Okay. Okay. So actually, I was wandering and along the line I got over 25,000 BC mining rush.

Concerns and Compensation After Mining

Understand? So after I came back a while, all I saw was five k. Understand? Now that's, by the way, now those people that have just worked out, like maybe the people that didn't reach top 100, like are they going to be compensated? Like at least, you know, BC should compensate them because maybe they didn't get the funds to, you know, go top, to that level, but at least they should be compensated. Do you understand? Yeah, I understand what you say. I think that you are under the assumption that only the top 100 are winning. It's the top 1200 that are winning. So you just have to be in the top 1200 wagerers and you are eligible for the airdrop.

Final Comments on Mining and Rewards

In terms of your 25,000, turning to 5000 is probably around the same lines as the other guy. In terms of you probably had 25,000 before the countdown was done and then you stopped wagering and then the countdown finished and people overtook you and then your proportion went down to 5000. So what was the fate of those that, like, that tried, like after the mining that ends after it ends? Like are they going to be compensated? Are they going to be compensated with the BC token if they didn't get in the top 1200 not.Mining, are they going to be compensated like just giving a token or, you know, something like that? Maybe, you know, I'm sure at some. Points we'll have free shit codes and stuff with the BC token.

Opportunities and Future Prospects

But in terms of the mining rush, this is based off a wager proportion. We do have a free way for you to win BC token as well, which is the Coco rush. So that eliminates the factor of, oh, well, I didn't have enough to wager. Coco rush is a completely free way. You just had to download telegram and then tap coco. So. Yeah, you've asked me. Yeah, I want to ask a question. This in the BC platform, he said at least we get at least $1 daily. So, meaning that those that are regaining only $1 daily, then they're not eligible like that on the, let me say, profit zone of getting the coco mining point, right?

Clarifications on Wagering Requirements

Yes. So that is just the beginning eligibility. So based off of that, let's say nobody wagered the entire day and you only wagered $1, you would be in first. But because people wager much more than $1, we have over 1200 people that wager more than a dollar. You're gonna have to wager more than that to be in the top 1200. Does that make sense. Okay, okay, hold on. You mean the more they play, the lower and other results goes down if you're not playing more, right, correct, correct. You just need to keep wagering.

Event Conclusion and Encouragement to Participate

Okay, I understand also that, I mean, if you are not able to wager, like Jack said, you can take part in the Koch rush, but also you can keep an eye when we list the vc token to any of the exchanges. Maybe you can be early and grab some, you know, just keep accumulating because over time, like we discussed in this session, it's just going to appreciate in value. All right, thanks and thank you so much nietzsche, for your questions. Thank you so much and thank you for your support today. Time is flying so fast and I will second episode of money Space is come to an end today.

Wrap-Up and Future Engagement

No worry if we don't didn't get to answer your question today. Please make sure to join our next one. All right, I believe that this week we will be having another one. So make sure to give our main Twitter account a follow. Make sure to give us a follow. Give Ellie myself a follow. Give Jack a follow. And give our team member Bob follows. All right? He gave you guys all these incredible answers for your question. And we will be answering more, I promise you guys.

Participation and Awareness of Upcoming Events

So for those of you who are still wondering where to join to participate for our mining campaign, please check our pin tweet we already pinned up for you. It will show you all the portals. And for those of you who want to join our real life event of from in Dubai next week, which will be happening very soon, please also check our pinned tweets. All right, and for all those speakers that just came up here, please make sure to dm our main Twitter account about your busy game user id so that you can be well rewarded.

Final Acknowledgments and Goodbyes

All right, I will be meanwhile sending all of you guys account user what is that called? Twitter id to our, my coworker to make sure that you guys will get a reward. All right, so guys, thank you so much for joining today. I will see you guys on our next base. All right, please stay tuned for our episode number three will be happening and this week also. So, guys, bye. Bye, everybody. Thank you. Bye, everyone. And thanks for tuning in. Bye.

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