Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Mind Control and 5th Generation Warfare w/@SimonEsler hosted by kimmagagal2. Delve into the intriguing realm of mind control and 5th generation warfare with @SimonEsler, where discussions revolve around narratives, psychological operations, and the impact of technology on modern warfare strategies. Explore ethical dilemmas, cognitive vulnerabilities, and the challenges of regulating mind control technologies in this thought-provoking Twitter space. Discover the blurred boundaries between psychological influence and coercion in the context of hybrid warfare, social media manipulation, and the future implications for societies and international relations.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


Q: How do narratives influence behavior in mind control?
A: Narratives play a crucial role in framing beliefs, perceptions, and actions, shaping individual and group behavior.

Q: What are the key differences between traditional and 5th generation warfare?
A: 5th generation warfare emphasizes information warfare, cyber operations, and non-traditional tactics beyond conventional battlefields.

Q: What ethical considerations arise in the context of using mind control?
A: Ethical dilemmas involve consent, autonomy, and the manipulation of thoughts and emotions without awareness.

Q: How can societies guard against psychological manipulation?
A: Awareness, critical thinking, media literacy, and psychological resilience are vital defenses against manipulation and mind control tactics.

Q: What challenges exist in regulating mind control technologies?
A: Regulatory gaps, ethical quandaries, and the secretive nature of some technologies pose challenges in monitoring and controlling their use.

Q: What role does technology play in modern psychological warfare?
A: Technology amplifies the reach and impact of psychological operations through data analytics, social media algorithms, and targeted messaging.

Q: How does the concept of cognitive vulnerabilities relate to mind control?
A: Understanding cognitive biases, social influence, and emotional triggers is essential in exploiting vulnerabilities for manipulation.

Q: Why is the intersection of technology and psychology concerning in warfare?
A: It blurs the lines between psychological influence, coercion, and manipulation, raising ethical, legal, and strategic concerns.

Q: In what ways does social media contribute to information warfare?
A: Social media platforms can be exploited for spreading disinformation, sowing discord, and influencing public opinion in psychological operations.

Q: What are the implications of the hybrid warfare approach in contemporary conflicts?
A: Hybrid warfare blends conventional, irregular, cyber, and psychological tactics, challenging traditional security paradigms and defense strategies.


Time: 00:12:45
The Influence of Narratives in Mind Control Examining how stories shape beliefs and behavior in the context of mind control tactics.

Time: 00:25:18
Ethical Dilemmas of Psychological Operations Delving into the ethical considerations surrounding the use of psychological manipulation in warfare and society.

Time: 00:40:02
Technological Advancements in Psychological Warfare Exploring the role of AI, big data, and digital platforms in enhancing the effectiveness of psychological warfare strategies.

Time: 00:55:30
Regulatory Challenges in Controlling Mind Control Technologies Discussing the difficulties in monitoring and regulating the use of mind control tools and techniques.

Time: 01:10:15
Social Media's Role in Modern Warfare Analyzing the impact of social media platforms on information warfare and psychological operations.

Time: 01:25:40
Cognitive Vulnerabilities and Manipulation Defense Understanding how knowledge of cognitive biases can help individuals guard against manipulation tactics.

Time: 01:40:22
Hybrid Warfare Strategies in Information-Centric Conflicts Exploring the integration of various tactics in contemporary warfare scenarios.

Time: 01:55:10
The Future of Psychological Warfare Speculating on the evolution of mind control techniques and their implications in future conflicts.

Time: 02:10:05
Safeguarding Societies Against Manipulation Highlighting the importance of media literacy and critical thinking in resisting psychological manipulation.

Time: 02:25:30
Technology's Dual Role in Warfare Acknowledging the double-edged sword of technological advancements in both defense and offense strategies.

Key Takeaways

  • Considerations on the power of narratives in shaping perceptions and influencing behavior.
  • Impacts of psychological operations (psyops) in modern warfare and information manipulation.
  • Insights on the evolution of warfare strategies from traditional to hybrid and information-centric approaches.
  • Discussions on the ethical implications and limits of using mind control tactics in military and civilian contexts.
  • Exploration of the role of technology in amplifying the effectiveness of psychological warfare.
  • Reflections on the future implications of mind control techniques in society and international relations.
  • Importance of understanding cognitive vulnerabilities to defend against manipulation and propaganda.
  • Challenges in regulating and monitoring the use of mind control technologies and techniques.
  • Debates on the impact of social media and digital platforms in facilitating manipulation and disinformation campaigns.
  • Realization of the blurred lines between psychological influence and overt coercion in contemporary warfare.

Behind the Mic

Introducing the Space

Our channel it. Hi, guys. How are you tonight? Doing well. Hey, Kimmy. Hey. Hey, you. Hey, y'all. How are y'all? Hey, how are you? Good, good. What's going on with the field? I'll be right back. I'm just gonna put some stuff in the purple pill that Simon sent me and also share out the space a little bit. Be right back, guys. Okay, sounds good. Yeah, that's what I'm doing, too, y'all. your space was fire last night. I love that space. Yo, we've been having some pretty good ones, and, you know, trying to few different things or whatnot, but, yeah, they're getting better and better, and it's a. It's because the people, man, we're getting so many different, you know, groups of people from different, and they're starting to intertwine, and it's just making for awesome spaces, man. I love it.

Diverse Perspectives and Speakers

Yeah, I love when you have, like, a. Like, a whole bunch of different people from different, you know, so that you're not a one big echo chamber. Hey, Simon, I see you. I'm adding you a speaker, my friend. How are you tonight? I'm doing all right. How are you doing? Well, we're so happy you're here. This is gonna be a fire. Space. Fire, fire. Oh, yeah. I'm glad. It should be really exciting. There's lots to talk about, man, oh, man. I know Kimmy is sharing out the space and taking care of some logistics, but welcome. Welcome, everyone. We're so glad that you're here tonight. We're super excited about having Simon with us. Please make sure that you give him a follow. Give Kimmy a follow. Give Coyote a follow. Myself and all the speakers. If you want to come up and speak, you can request a mic.

Rules and Logistics

We will do microtations if needed, and we will be following the hands this evening, so just kind of keep that in mind. Also, you guys, don't put anything up there in the jumbotron. If you have something you want to put in the purple pill, go right ahead and do that. But too much in the jumbotron can actually crash the space, and we certainly don't want Simon or the space to crash this evening. But other than that, welcome. We're happy you guys are all here. And welcome. Simon, how are you? Thanks for coming. I'm very well, thanks. I'm really glad to be here, and I look forward to seeing how I can be of service. Well, I did post what you sent me today up in the gem butron above. If you all want to take a look at that, I guess. I think. I believe it's going to be our agenda this evening. Simon, correct?

Continuing the Conversation

Well, yeah. Like, it's a primer into a lot of my work and a lot of the things I'll be talking about. And so, you know, these articles, they unpack a lot of the ideas that I'll be touching on today, but with just a lot more sophistication and depth. And so, you know, they're good to either have touched on before today's space, or they're good to. To follow up with afterwards. They should act as a foundation to a lot of what's being discussed. I appreciate you, honestly, for coming and sharing and giving us your time, Simon. Honestly, man, I really do. Right there. And I think a lot of people are going to learn some pretty cool stuff. Absolutely. Welcome. Welcome, everyone. We're so glad that you're here. The fact that you've chosen to be here tonight really means a lot to us. Anytime you take the time to be in a space in real time, we really do appreciate that, because we understand that time is a commodity for everyone.

Encouraging Participation

Please make sure that you share out the space. The more you share it, the further the reach goes. So share, share. Yes. And thank you so much. Tonight we're going to have kind of a. It'll be a little bit stricter of a format than I normally do in my spaces. Since we do have Simon with us this evening. He is our guest speaker. He will be discussing mind control and fifth generation warfare. I put up in the jumbotron above his agenda and things that you will be discussing tonight. He sent me those. Sent those to me earlier today. So we're going to let him speak. Then we'll take hands. Let him speak, take hands, so forth. Just wanted everybody to understand they will need to raise their hand if you would like to speak. And welcome. If you could all please share out the space, that would be much appreciated.

Continuing the Discussion

Share it out to your rooms, your friends, your family, your groups, your neighbors, your enemies, your frenemies, whomever. I was like to tell them, too. Hey, if you got a good post of the day, post it in the purple pill. We want to see it. Get your impressions up, too. It just makes sense. Be smart. Exactly. Great idea, coyote. Thank you. Welcome, Red. Welcome. Hands, Hans. I'm not sure how you pronounce it. Welcomes, Hans. Okay. Hello, guys. Hello. Hey, Red, how are you? I told you, yo, I said deja vu. Y'all had a killer space last night. Really, really. Enjoyed it. We're, like, attached at the hip, I suppose. I think so. I'm gonna call y'all the Twitter couple. You know, there's lots of Twitter couples out there.

Control of Media and Information

I mean, the richest people in the world control the media, and those people aren't really on our side. Obama striking down the Smith Munden acts, which allows them to pretty much propagandize us how they want to with no, you know, concourse or anything to take that down. I mean, it really is like you were saying, you know, you kind of answered my question with rumble and these ulterior, you know, true social. All these different ways of spreading information. It's just that there's the fact checkers and. And who are checking the fact checkers, you know, because these fact checkers are coming out and saying, oh, no, no, that's not true. When a lot of times it is. So it really is getting control of the information. Everyone now is so quick to, like you said, go find that new thing and get on top of it and be the first to share it for that clout or for whatever. So it's a. It's a war. It's an information war. So, yeah, I mean, truly, that. That's one of the biggest aspects of this.

Navigating the Information War

And learning to navigate an information war is. It's very tricky. It's very difficult. And, you know, one of the coolest principles of fifth generation warfare is that the concept of information fratricide. So, you know, information, you know, when you're dealing with information fracture side, you're sharing info that's hurting your side. And this is common, right? This is gonna happen in an information war, but there are ways to mitigate it. There's the 48 hours rule. You know, there's really developing awareness of your own emotional intelligence. That's been a big thing for me. I'm learning to understand how when something impacts me emotionally, how to be mindful, how to use forms of stoicism, to be observant of that until there's clarity. There's a lot of tools we can use to not be triggered and manipulated because seeking to create outrage is one of the easiest ways to control us.

The Long View on Warfare

Sick of the lies. And then we'll go with Gingy and then we'll go with JCPenney. Thank you. Good to see everybody. The normal crew here. Thank you. Thanks for doing the space, as usual. Coyote and all that stuff. Sorry, just trying to say my hellos and all that stuff. So there's a lot of ground you're covering here. So it's hard to really just focus one thing. But when you were talking earlier versus, you know, the war on the west, I feel like the bigger picture maybe, or more narrowed picture might be, or not might be. this is ultimately a battle of good and evil. And I think the war against the west is more a war on, call it christianity, spiritual beliefs, whatnot. And. And that's what I notice is what's really occurring. And the attempt on our president, the fact that he survived miraculously, is how most people describe it.

Threat of Ideology

And some people will go so far as to say it's an act of God, which I believe, not trying to get religious here, but the Marxism, communism, socialism, however you want, it's all the same, essentially. I always tell people, as hard as it may be to ingest it, to read the communist manifesto, for the simple fact of it is day by day, in news, through politicians, television, film, it is all the time, repeated and repeated over and over, like you were talking about the repetition. So people are maybe even aware of the fact that they've been programmed their entire lives, maybe even just subtly, but with this mindset of this communism, Marxism, whatnot. Capitalism to me is ultimate freedom. And it's been so bastardized over the years and people don't understand it. And now you have these young kids saying, capitalism is evil, capitalism is freedom, because you have the opportunity as an individual to make what you want instead of working for the man, so to speak.

An Industry of Control

I spent a good while. I'm technically still in it, over 35 years in the film industry. And believe you me, the evil that is underlying for the people that mainly control that industry is real. You want to talk about satanic, ritualistic kind of shit that happens on a daily. You're witnessing it now, even in the Olympics. So there's so many things that can do that or approve that. I'm sorry, but watching these markets, watching all this stuff. I mean, just recently on the 31 July, Lindsey Graham presented the resolution 106, anticipating basically getting prepped for war before the president, whoever that really is right now, has even asked for it. And Lockheed Martin in the last, you know, couple few months, if not days now, has gone up I think 30%. Why is that?

War Rhetoric and Public Manipulation

That only happens usually during wartime. What are they anticipating? What do they know that we don't know what. You know what I mean? So looking for all these signs. I know I'm going all over the place because you guys covered a lot of ground, but I'm just trying to get to your, I looked at your profile there Simon. Seems like you own a film company and I, there is, I mean, am getting to the point how much in the projects that you may be working on or have worked on, how much are you utilizing what you know regarding this to put more of that kind of content out there? And forgive me if I don't know, and you have done things that I've not, you know, supposedly are supposed to have heard of. Forgive me, I'm just jumping in here so I'll stop there. There's a lot more to obviously talk about. But I think that the one thing I keep telling people to go back to as well, besides reading that disgusting literature of the communist manifesto, is you gotta read our constitution.

Legacy of Governance

That document and the Declaration of Independence has so much significance that the world has looked at that for the last, you know, a couple hundred plus years, and they have been trying to defeat it since day one. So anyway, hopefully that all ties together. But Simon, go ahead. Yeah, great, lots of great points. I'm happy to speak to. Hopefully all of that. I think there's a way to tie it all together. So you talked about how old a lot of this war is and that. Yes, a lot of this stretch is quite far back. That's actually a really important point because one of the ways this plan has been put in place and one of the ways they were able to enact a plan that was that long over hundreds of years and many generations is actually these families and these groups, their capacity to maintain legacy.

The Nature of Evil

They're very aware of what it means to build and maintain a legacy that has integrity, that can actually be passed from generation to generation. So that projects that are like 501,000 years long, whatever that means, can actually be taken on. So we're dealing with an enemy that thinks multigenerationally and that has been operating this way through their bloodlines to be able to put into place operations of this magnitude. So that's part of my understanding. And that builds upon, or is built upon by this notion that some of these people, they come from a deeply satanic mindset. We are dealing with some people who actually, they function in a way that most people couldn't conceptualize. And I think this is one of the difficulties that we face. It is hard for people to cognize the level of evil, even in just a handful of people.

Evil Within Society

It doesn't have to be a lot of people, but the deep level of evil that people actually are carrying within them. And when I say evil, I mean, you know, self serving on a level, and enjoyment from the suffering of others on a level that we really couldn't conceptualize. These people just don't function like us. And it's hard for the majority of people to come to terms with that level of evil. And like I said, it does not have to be a lot, but it does need to be honestly confronted. That that is one aspect of this. The other thing about the satanic notion is that you really don't need to be religious to see it, but there are satanic principles and symbolism being upheld all over our culture. So really it's just important to look at that. If you take it outside of the religious context, even what the satanic principles mean, what does it mean for a society to invert its natural order, which is a common satanic principle in practice.

Satanic Influence on Culture

So I agree that there is overt satanism out there and that we are dealing with a deep form of evil. And the last thing I'll say in relation to this is that all of this actually ties deeply into the war on the family. What I found in my research is in the way that these people are so careful to maintain their precious bloodlines and legacies, they also make sure that is the very thing that we cannot do, that is the war on the family. Because stable families over many generations have the capacity to generate legacies that function outside of government influence, that function outside the influence of the educational system, that function outside the influence of the media system. If you have legacies that are lasting multi generations, people are not reliant on the kind of centralized powers that we're up against right now.

The Role of Institutions

So that sort of ties it into that larger understanding that I have. And you can most certainly find evidence of the United nations. This is one example of this occurring in terms of the war in the family. The United nations promoting materials in public schools that remove the words mother and father. That's easily traceable. I've traced it to my own community, right from the UN to a school in my neighborhood. I can say that's happening for sure. And that's just a good example of one tactic that ties into that larger agenda that, yes, absolutely has satanic and genuinely evil people within it. Yeah, and just to close on this, you know, they, it really is just a couple. Somebody's got their mic open again there. Where's my, I got him. I got him. He's gone. So it's just a handful, really. A very few people, very few families that maintain this control and have, but they have tons of minions, so to speak, that have their little task and their little job.

Influence of Politics

And then, yeah, they're not really lockstep with each other, but eventually they get there. but I appreciate your insight, on this in where was I gonna try to land it? oh, the other thing that's very significant. And again, a lot of people just didn't really notice. Now they're finally talking about it was the Smith month act that while Obama was in office, they reversed that, which allowed basically for propaganda to be used on our own citizens. And, you know, the list goes on and on. If you start to dive deep and it's actually all publicly there, you can go on to Congress dot Gov or any dot gov website and you can find all this documentation. You just got to take the time and go look. And it's scary how it's, the thing I learned in the film industry was disclosure. The, all the big directors and everybody that I worked with, people don't, I don't think they understand that part of the, just the thing with law and disclosures and contract law.

Understanding Disclosure in Media

As long as you disclose, then you can't be held liable. So there are a lot of things out there in the film form or tv form that are telling you blatantly the truth and oh no, it's just a movie. It's just film. No, that's disclosure. And there's a lot of value to that if you understand it. And I, last thing I'd say is, if anybody hasn't seen the film wag the dog, you gotta watch it. Even though it's got that piece of shit De Niro in it's a great film. As far as explaining to people just how were being manipulated on the daily. So I'll end there. But thank you, Simon, for your insight. Appreciate it. Thank you, brother. I actually agree. Sick of the lies, that it's a strange movie, but you really have to watch it. It's crazy, crazy. But it does talk about a lot of stuff that we're discussing this evening.

Smith Mundt Modernization

Go ahead, Simon. We'd like to hear more from you. Yeah, well, I think this is a good chance, actually, just to take that Smith month act. It's a great thing to talk about, even just briefly right now. This is a great thing that we can reframe to understand fifth generation warfare. So what Obama did with that act in allowing the public to be propagandized was give access to the cognition of the american people, to a centralized power, to maybe even the highest bidder. Who knows? Right? Like, it was about creating centralized access to the cognition of the american people. And by putting that act in place, that's specifically what he did. He opened up american minds to centralized manipulation.

The Mind Control Narrative

I guess, you know where I'll continue. Really, it does connect to this satanic element of it and some of the darker rabbit holes of this that I think, you know, they're very dramatic and appealing. You know, they're kind of romantic in terms of, like, mkultra and things like this. But it is important to really understand the sort of mentality of mind control operatives as this has, you know, developed through the years. One of my sort of favorite, or I guess, one of the most impactful quotes that really hit me when I was doing research on mkultra was that they wanted experiments too dangerous, too shocking, and too unusual for routine testing. They said no matter how weird, inconclusive, or unusual. And the focus of that was not just mind control during the early years of mkultra, but specifically, a lot of it was on trauma based mind control.

Trauma and Mind Control

And it was on what certain forms of trauma did to the human mind. And if trauma could be used to create a kind of blank slate or to create moments in which awareness is so low, people can be programmed. You have survivors like Kathy O'Brien, who speaks at lengthen about her experience escaping MK altar programs. And, you know, she talks about this being a robotic form of mind control where they would be able to fraction her into different compartments, different altars, different Persona. I'm not hearing anything. Okay. I wanted to make sure it wasn't just me. I was about to say the same thing. Kimmy, can you hear him or. No, oh, there he. Okay, I see him.

Challenges in Communication

He's requesting again. You guys, we're trying to do some. Some mics. If you get bounced down, we're trying to get you back up and we are taking. Simon, can you hear us? Yeah, I'm back. Okay, good. I just wanna remind you guys, I am writing down the order of hands, but we wanna make sure that Simon has priority. So, Simon, why don't you do this? When you're at a part where you're ready to take questions, why don't you tell us that? And then that way we can make sure. Cause I know Kimmy is very respectful of your time, and we want you to be able to share all the information that you have to share. So instead of us stopping to take hands, when you get to the point when you're ready to take hands, then you stop and let us know.

Parenting in a Media-Saturated Environment

And you guys, I'm writing down the order of the hands, so don't make any, you know, I've got you. And I'm writing them down as soon as I see them. And Anthony, good job. See the timeout, did you? Well, go ahead, Simon. Okay, so I'll pick up where I left off. So Kathy O'Brien describes a form of mind control that was robotic and was genuinely about programming her to do different tasks and to not be able to remember it. Not to be able to remember, basically, who she was or have any kind of episodic memory. And this is really interesting. I brought this up briefly last time I was in the spaces. So Kathy O'Brien states that because she was fractured by trauma at such a young age, she developed a personality that was basically like a pie fractured into all these different pieces.

Memory and Trauma Effects

And she says that because she never had a continuous sense of self, she never had episodic memory. And episodic memory is really your hippocampus, you know, bringing you from moment to moment so that you really know what you're doing in this moment, what you just did, what you're about to do. This is episodic memory. Now, it's interesting that Kathy O'Brien experienced this, because a 2016 paper discovered that when people willfully ignore traumatic memories, so if a traumatic memory comes up and we actually intentionally repress that memory, they found that when that is being done, we are actually also repressing the function of almost our entire hippocampus and creating what they call an amnesia shadow, meaning we lose episodic memory.

Awareness and Trauma

So in the moment that we're repressing that trauma, we don't have situational awareness. We're not really aware of what just happened, what we're doing, what we're about to do. Now, this is super important because, as you can see, our enemy likes to create traumatic events. Okay? Huge events that traumatize a lot of people. Okay? Now, one of the tactics here, if you look at this understanding of mind control that I just laid out, is not only that they traumatize you, but that they then use the mockingbird media to frame and reframe the trauma and to shove the trauma in your face over and over again.

Repetitive Trauma in Media

Now, anyone who's just in the world today, living in a city, you know, any kind of modern place, they're going to be inundated with those narratives with the reminder of that trauma over and over again. And any kind of normal person is going to eventually try to push away the memory of that trauma because they don't want to have to deal with that. You know, they're trying to get through their lives. But in doing that, people are losing situational awareness. They're losing episodic memory. They're less aware beings. Just that, okay, just that series, that sequence that I described, imagine that happening to millions of people simultaneously. Okay? So some of these forms of mind control, yes, they're rooted in these very dark programs.

Mind Control Techniques and Society

But once you see them operating on this larger scale, some of it's quite simple. And I would say that points us to some really simple solutions. For example, learning how to regulate your consumption of media, right? So that you're only consuming media at a level that is healthy for you. That is nothing going to overwhelm your nervous system or any of that. There's also our capacity to deal with our own trauma, to be able to transmute and confront trauma, to be able to be present with uncomfortable emotions. A lot of this is like mindfulness, self parenting, that kind of self evolution work. But it fits into fifth generation warfare. Because if we actually are weak in terms of how we deal with trauma, then we are going to be one of these people that is constantly having our awareness downgraded.

Raising Awareness in Society

So I'll stop there and take some questions. Okay, perfect. Go ahead, Gingy, thank you so much for being so patient. Hey. So I was down. I just jumped on because I'm. I feel like I'm not a. I get so nervous on spaces. I'm sorry. So when I come up here, I actually have something important to say. And I really have been into mind control and all of that for a long time. And I've researched it and I jumped on because I'm like, oh, Kimmy has a space on mind control. Perfect. And I started listening to Simon and I'm like, Simon, could you please be my roommate? Because I could sit and talk to you all day long and all night long because you and I are so on the same page.

Discussion on Mind Control

I mean, I'm like, this guy has got it going on. So I followed you, and I hope you post stuff often because I really love what you have to say a lot. You were talking, I jumped on here when you are talking about people being self centered and how they've been taught to be self centered. And at first I didn't have a question, and I really, then I just wanted to ask you what you thought, because this is my idea is, you know, mind control got started a long time ago with MkUltra. And see, and I think I'm kind of a professional on all of this because, like, I was on here talking about hallucinogenics the other night here, but I'm an old, not old school. I'm from the nineties hippie person, you know, grateful dead shows and all that.

Generational Influence

So I've done the acid. I've seen. Okay, so this is what I was going to say about it. So, you know, they did the MK Ultra in the sixties with acid and the hippies. And then I think that it seeped into my generation in that the nineties children loved marijuana. And then, so everybody, this is the total mind control, all stemming from Mkultra. So the nineties hippie people, all the people I knew, they voted Democrat because they cared so much about the legalization of marijuana. And I would be like, well, I'm thinking of the policies and what policies are most important, and that's who I vote for. And they all voted for the legalization of marijuana. And I mean, it's pretty much because we've taught the generations to be so self centered that they're only thinking about themselves.

Impact of Self-Centeredness

So they were thinking about what they wanted instead of what their country wanted. And I think that's a big reason that we don't teach patriotism. And so schools anymore, you know, take away the patriotism and you start thinking just about me. And it seeped into the later generation in voting for, I'm gay, so I'm going to vote for this. And I think this instead of what's best for your country. So, Simon, I mean, do you think that was a long term goal that they've done that they're that smart to play the long game that long, because I really do. I think they're playing the long game, and I think they play it in every single aspect that they. That they use it in.

Long-term Strategies

Do you agree, Simon? Oh, yeah. I mean, we're dealing. We're definitely dealing with this long term kind of thinking. And I mean, I honestly have been deeply inspired by that because it's caused me to reframe being a father and having a family. I now am deeply inspired to think multi generationally, to think generations into the future. I frankly admire that aspect of what my enemy has, and I want to help foster a culture that does that. So that's been my take on realizing how long term their thinking has been and how far into the past this reach. I really think that we can become a civilization that embraces that. And one of the main ways to embrace it is through family legacy.

Foundational Family Values

I just think. I honestly think starting a strong family and maintaining strong family for three generations today, I would describe that as fifth generation warfare. That is a huge blow to our enemy. Thank you. Would you like to take some more hands, Simon, or do you want to continue? Yeah, let's take some hands. Okay, let's go with JCP. JCP, you're up. And then we'll go with Hans. And then we'll go with base. You guys take a minute. Please share out the room. We want to thank all of you for being here tonight. Anytime you come into a space in real time, that really means a lot to us.

Creating Awareness

So we appreciate the fact that you're here tonight. Share out the space, though it is being recorded and that way others can listen to it later on if they aren't unable to be here this evening. But thank you so much. And Simon, we really appreciate your time. Go ahead. JCP, you're next. Yes. Good evening and thank you for giving me the mic. It's funny because Gingy just said a lot of the stuff that I wanted to say, but I do have a question. But anyway, back to the gentleman that was speaking before, and Gingy, I wanted to make a comment about that. I am a part of that generation that was put in that the frog in the. In the pot and earlier than the nineties.

Responsibility of Generations

I am a baby boomer, which is the generation that I accuse of having ruined the other generations. And yes, the baby boomer generation was brought up to be self centered, et cetera, and brainwashed. And brainwashed. That whole hippie movement, et cetera. But I do want to bring up one thing I don't remember if it was Brezhnev or Khrushchev that said to Kennedy, and I'm going to paraphrase, I don't have to attack you with bombs or whatever. I'm just going to get you by your children. This is how we will get communism in your country. And he wasn't joking. And that was the early sixties. And exactly that's what occurred. The generation of the sixties, the hippie movement, going to college and became radicalized.

Personal Experience with Severe Weather

But people, my daughter's best friend, she called Cadence crying this morning, and she's like, our house is gone. And my daughter literally just spent the night there. And she was like, our house is gone because it had 15 inches of. Not 15 inches, but it was rain that flooded through from the Suwannee that came in, and it was up to her ceiling, and they had to evacuate. And this is actually what happened to me about 10-12 years ago when I first moved to Live Oak. It, were in. It was actually called Tropical Storm Debbie. And were. The water was coming in through the doors, and the fire department came through, and they're like, hey, you need to get out. You can't stay here. And so they rescued us, and then went over to my in-law, and it was the same thing, but it was. It was pretty.

Consequences of Storms

A lot of people gave me a lot of shit. They're like, oh, you're being dramatic. Over hurricane one. I was like, you don't understand. We literally are next to the Suwannee River. We flood. My whole town is underwater right now. All of it on the north side, east side, west side, south side. It's. It is there. You have some high places. So today, Washington, a pretty crazy day. And my Internet went down for about 5 hours. I could not even call 911. That's how crazy it was. So, yeah, that was my day. And I got some nasty negative hate, and people were compared it to Katrina, and I was like, you guys don't compare storms. We actually lost a 13-year-old today. A tree fell on his house and he died in his bedroom.

Shared Experiences of Weather and Perception

It doesn't matter. You can have a tropical storm or a regular. A regular thunderstorm. You can have a regular thunderstorm and a tornado can pop up. We had tornadoes. You know how many tornado warnings I got? There was the Taylor liquor store right down the street from me. Not even 2 miles. They were completely underwater. And I replied, I just told people to that. You. I replied in one of your comments to that. People are so ignorant to these storms. If I haven't lived through them for years, you can't do that. They. Each storm has their own. If you haven't lived through them for years, you have no idea. Well, well, here's my advice to everybody, and I just want to tell you this real quick, because I've lived through a lot.

Personal History with Natural Disasters

I've lived through a blizzard because when my. Okay, so I was born and raised in California. When my parents got divorced, I was like two or three. I went to Massachusetts. I lived through a blizzard. I lived through a water storm there in Massachusetts. Then I went back to California. I lived through earthquakes. I woke up on. I was on the top bunk in my bedroom as a child, and I found myself on the bottom and my dad screaming to get the hell out of the house on a seven, eight-point earthquake. I've been through earthquakes. I'd been through mudslides. Never been through a volcano, never that. But I'm also been through hurricanes and flash flooding in the whole nine yards.

Challenges Faced During Hurricane Events

People need to understand, and that's actually what's really hard, is we got a lot of shit the last two years, I hate to tell you this, but the last two years when we had hurricanes, because of the political atmosphere, people are like, well, if you don't want to live in Florida, you shouldn't be there. Maybe you should go to another state. I was like, where? Kentucky, where they had flush floods and people are living in tents. What about Maui, where they had the fires? Nobody's helping them in government. What about East Palestine, where they had the chemical burns? You know, everywhere you go there is a problem. Wherever you live. It just depends on whether you're good enough for the government to help. That's honestly the truth of the matter.

Responses to Political Climate and Humanity

And so people were telling others because were a red state for Florida. Well, maybe you shouldn't live in Florida. And I was like, well then you know what, maybe you shouldn't freaking live in California and having your earthquakes. You know, like these people don't think they are so ugly. And I said that today I got so mad. Like some people are like, oh you're just beating this to an ambush. I said, no, I'm going to beat it until people figure it out that this isn't about red or blue, this is about humanity and being kind to other people that are going through something. Whether you think it's significant enough or not. These people are losing everything in their life.

Building Awareness and Compassion

You know, it pissed me off today. I was so pissed today when I was able to get online and I had some guy trolling me goes, I lived through Katrina, your shit isn't even as bad as ours and you're doing this for pity likes and clicks and baits. And I said, you know what, I asked my friends if they wanted me to post on this, you know, during the hurricane and they said they wanted to see it. That's what I do. I ask my followers, they wanted to see it, so I did that. The fact that you came onto my post and you're making fun of people that are actually losing their homes and you're doing this, it pissed me off. Like we've lost guys, we've lost humanity.

Reflections on Personal Struggles and Beyond

There's something wrong and I'm sorry, I don't mean to go off track, but this is my day today. I literally was so pissed off. I was like, wow, you know just when you don't think it could get any worse, you're sitting here watching people berate you over something you had no control over, you only shared it and they think that you're doing it for clicks and likes and bait and you're just like well damn, you know, what the fuck, you know, I mean you're always something. Glad that you're okay but I'm getting some DM's and Simon does need to wrap things up. So thank you so much, I'm so glad, I, glad we've all been praying for you and you know what, I say the hell with the people that get on your post and make ugly comments.

Conversation on Human Rights

So Kent had a question for you. Are you okay to take that question, Simon? Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, thank you very much. I appreciate you giving me that extra time. Yeah, I'll keep it brief. My concern at the moment, being analyst and a behavioral scientist, I call myself that. I have a master's degree, so I am educated in it. The concern for me at the moment is what I think I'm seeing on tv over the last twelve months in the media is the programming of society to accept that you no longer have human rights. I don't know what you make of that.

Media Influence and Human Rights

Yeah, I would say that's definitely a kind of conditioning that's going on. You know, some of the best examples of that kind of programming came with COVID when they started talking about new normals. And I think one of the things that people misunderstand about norms is that they're kind of inherently invisible. And so you're quite right, there has been an attempt across the western world to normalize the stomping of human rights. It's happened to here in Canada, of course, you know, with an elderly indigenous woman literally being trampled by the horses of the RCMP during the freedom convoy in Ottawa. I think there is a kind of conditioning going on in that regard.

The Global Response

But I also, from what I understand, know that the majority, the vast majority of the planet is against what is going on, is against the shift towards globalism. You see the people rising up in, you know, Venezuela and like, there's, there's a lot of pushback going on. There should be concerns. And I think your field of expertise is important to be able to point those out with that specific foundation in mind. And I guess I would also point people to, you know, this consumption of centralized media. You know, how much are you consuming centralized media? You know, how much are you selling?

Implications of Recent Events

Yeah, yeah, I think it's. This is a really importantly, tragic case in point. We have a situation in the UK at the moment where these riots were started because of a horrific murder of some young children and then false social media news outlets saying that this person was a certain this or a certain that, and that's what sparked the riots. I mean, this is an epic example of where social media is creating chaos in society with false representations. I mean, this is serious stuff, you know.

Engaging Simon's Perspectives

Okay, what I'd like to do, you know, Simon, I just really want to point out, I just want to say, Simon, you have the floor. You're our guest. I know you're on a limited time, but I invited you here so you could talk, you could speak to our guests. You have the floor, you have many things you'd like to discuss, and I'd love to keep you. I know you need to go, but I would love to keep you for as long as you can. You have many topics you wanted to discuss. I've been so excited about this.

Awareness and Groupthink

If you feel comfortable, please just keep in and I will call on hands after that. Okay? Okay, sure. I would say in response to that the responsibility of the individual today is to recognize how you are influenced by groupthink. You have to become an aware enough sovereign, thinking person to notice what happens when you're in groupthink, to notice the difference between yourself when you are in isolation and in solitude. Meaningful forms of aware solitude versus how you are in different groups, families, communities, influence of online communities.

Understanding Influences and Patterns

We have to be deeply aware of the influence of groupthink because that is the means by which we see these campaigns functioning. And so I think if your sense of who you are and how you operate is not clear enough to you, and you find yourself being consumed by some of the groupthink and the patterns ongoing in the collective, then it's important to take time to get outside of those influences. Influences and utilize solitude to recognize who you are without them. Well, thank you so much for that. Again, anything you'd like to talk about?

Acknowledging Timeliness and Engagement

Like Kimmy just said, Simon, we know that you have a limited amount of time. You guys go ahead and put your hands down. If he can get to questions, then we'll get to questions. But we want to make sure anytime you have left, it's all right. No, I think I'd rather. I'd rather wrap up taking a few more questions. Okay. Because you want to talk about child sacrifice. We don't want to go into that topic tonight. Well, do you have some questions specifically in terms of that thing, like that topic and what is in the article that I shared today? But we also respect your time, so you let us know.

Engagement and Personal Connections

Very much so, yeah. So go ahead, Mike. Put your hand down, because I'm going to go with the newspaper. And if we can get to you, we will make sure if you come up that you stay on topic. We do want to make sure that we honor Simon's time. Time is valuable. It's a commodity. So again, share out the space, make sure that you extend the reach so that other people can either get in here to be part of this conversation, or they can later go back and listen to the recording. Actually, I didn't see Alpha's hand.

Acknowledging Diverse Perspectives

So we'll go with Alpha and then we'll go to or XCOM. So go ahead, Alpha. Yeah, one. Nice to meet you, Simon. It's always great to cross paths with the fellow badlander. So that's pretty cool. In the article, there's a part where you talk about General Flynn's reposting of Ian Carroll's videos surrounding Pizzagate. And if you guys already covered that, forgive me, but if you haven't, I would like you to kind of explain to the audience the significance of that.

Exploring Pizzagate and Its Implications

We have not. Yeah, yeah, we can touch on that for sure. You know, this was important because it highlighted fifth-generation warfare operations specifically surrounding Pizzagate. So one of the things that occurred when Pizzagate became an issue was that fact-checkers, for example, Politifact would put out a fact-checking article that would say Pizzagate is debunked. And then the sources within that article would just go to another Politifact article with some opinions in it, which would then direct someone to another Politifact article.

The Role of Information Feedback Loops

And it was a kind of information feedback loop. PolitiFact is an example of a media entity, a sort of centralized media entity that we've been talking about a lot today that was actually funded by the Gates foundation. They gave almost $400,000 to help get it off the ground. So you already have, in this instance, a kind of globalist individual who's helping launch an operation that is focused on disinformation. It's then used to create an information feedback loop. But this is the important part here.

Unpacking the Significance of Pizzagate

A sophisticated fifth-generation warfare operation was launched to tell people that Pizzagate was debunked. When it wasn't debunked. That's a pretty incredible thing, and I think it tells us a lot of information about our enemy, because you have to ask yourself, why are these sophisticated operations being launched to steer people away from the idea that there may be people in positions of power who are both satanic and who abused children. And a lot of fifth-generation warfare was waged to dissuade the public from ever having thoughts in that realm.

Connecting to Larger Themes

I think that's pretty incredible. Absolutely. Did that answer your question, or did you have a follow up, alpha? No, absolutely. And I wanted to make sure the audience heard that. So thank you for that, Simon. Simon, you still okay to take questions? Yeah, let's do a few more questions. Okay, go ahead. Billie Jean, your new speaker to the stage. Please make sure you stay on topic.

Discussion on Fifth Generation Warfare

Yes, sir. Thank. Thank you. Yes, ma'am. Thank you for hosting the question, Simon. So you're talking about fifth-generation warfare. So are you talking, you know, I just hopped in the space. Are you talking about technology, social media platforms, or are you talking about something a little bit more specific? That is definitely one big element of it. I would say social media is probably one of the clearest manifestations of fifth-generation warfare, because it's technology that gives centralized access to the cognition of large numbers of people, which is a primary aspect of fifth-generation warfare.

Navigating the Challenges of Information Warfare

It is a cognitive battlefield, and I guess its major, or I guess its two most important qualities, are that it's a war that’s designed to be hidden, and it's designed so that the enemy doesn’t even know they're being attacked. So I guess all of that is the way that I would sort of put it forward. Yeah, absolutely. I fully believe that. I'm a young man. I'm 21 years old. I actually turned 22 on Friday, and I got a lot of buddies.

Understanding Generational Perspectives

I didn't get a cell phone or any social media until I graduated high school. That's the way my parents raised me. And I've seen a lot of people get brainwashed and get lazy and their ideologies change. Fully believe in the fifth-generation warfare? I do, and I think it's the biggest weapon ever created. I think it's a weapon that's unprecedented, and I think it's a weapon that can never be defeated, unfortunately. Well, I think we're capable of waging it as well.

A New Hope and Resistance

And I think when you look at things like asymmetrical warfare, you know, it shows you how we, as a citizenry that's part of a decentralized media network, can actually meaningfully respond to giant media entities that have huge amounts of funding. Because that's the nature of asymmetrical warfare. The nature of war has changed, so that it's really, you know, it's a really David versus Goliath situation a lot of the time. So I believe that element of it is very inspiring.

Exploring Positive Aspects of Warfare

But I also believe that there are potentially positive fifth-generation warfare operations occurring to our benefits, that it's not just a whole bunch of bad guys out there. Well, thank you so much. Listen, when you're ready to wrap us up, you let us know, okay? Otherwise, I'm gonna continue to take hands, so you just let us know. One subject I wanted to go into, Simon, really quick, if you have time, because this is one that I really wanted to hear about, was child sacrifice.

Investigating Sensitive Topics

I'm not sure if you have time to talk about that tonight or. I wasn't sure. Well, yeah, I mean, a lot of that ties into Balenciaga Gate and some of what I was talking about earlier. Right. That there is a notion of child sacrifice that is being popularized through a slow form of social engineering today, right, is to normalize the idea of children's innocence being destroyed or being outright ignored.

Addressing Child Sacrifice and Cultural Change

You know, the early traumatization of children, the early sexualization of children. This general war on innocence is a modernized version of the kind of conditioning that occurred in Carthage when people were conditioned to eventually sacrifice their children to ball. I think on a deeper level, yes, things like Pizzagate show that we are potentially dealing with individuals who may actually be involved in actual forms of child sacrifice. And I think when you, again, look at the media response to that.

Awareness of Abuses and Public Reactions

You look at how much fake news was waged at the idea that there are people in power who have this sort of satanic, abusive towards children orientation. So much propaganda is explosively used to stop people from thinking about that. So, you know, it is possible that we will get to a point where individuals, you know, more and more individuals are outed for having been involved in things like this. You know, you look at people like Jimmy Savile in the UK.

Revelations of Corruption and Abuse

You know, he was eventually revealed to be someone who was abusing children in the BBC. You look at things like Epstein P. Diddy, all these different people being exposed who are running operations that target youth. Right? One of the big things that has been exposed in the P. Diddy operations is really that miners were used to lure people of status into situations where the miner was drugged and then sexually abused by this person while being filmed.

Child Sacrifice and the Nature of Power

This is to create a form of entrapment, of course, but it's also a form of sacrifice. You're sacrificing that minor, that child's innocence, as a ritual to generate power for yourself over another. So to me, that's a modern form of child sacrifice that's going on when things like that are being exposed. And I think framing it in that way has been helpful for me because it's just about, like I said earlier, a kind of evolution of evil that is important to be honest about.

Concluding Remarks and Generating Awareness

Thank you so much. We've got three more hands, but they're all people that have already spoken. Simon, so you let us know. Again, we want to honor your time. Yeah, I do want to. Gray. I think I'm going to wrap it up now. But I would encourage people, if they haven't, go check out the articles that I shared today. And, you know, feel free to reach out.

Daughters of the West Film Discussion

And if you're interested, you can go to Simon Essler.com and check out my film work. You can see my film cut Daughters of the west, which looks at the demoralization of the western world and the ways that you can hear him, and we can barely hear you, but he's. He's wrapping up. Kimmy, go ahead, Simon. I'm sorry. I don't think I don't think Kimmy's having some issues with our audio.

Documentary Discussions and Their Impacts

That's okay. Yeah, no, I was just saying that people can check out my documentary film, Cut Daughters of the west, and it explores the impact of the demoralization of the western world and how it's affected girls, starting with the history of plastic surgery and eventually arriving at the explosion of gender affirmative care that's now sort of raging through the adolescent female population. And then you can also check out my docuseries, superorganism, that looks at the war on the family and really studies the war on the family in comparison to the ideal of the family unit as a super organism designed to create legacies.

End of Discussion and Community Support

So a lot of, or at least some of what I spoke about today. So, yeah, check it out. And I really appreciate the opportunity to share with you guys today, and I hope we can do it again soon. Thank you so much. We really appreciate your time. My pleasure. Kimmy, we can barely hear you. Can't hear me now. We can hear you now.

End of Space Announcement

I'm talking louder now. I'm gonna. That roaring voice. Okay, Greg, can you hear us or not? I know. Yes, I can hear you. Kimmy, how are you? I'm good. He's on a fantastic vacation with his family. Oh, my gosh. I'm so jealous. But did you have any. I would love to continue this conversation if we could. This is actually a very short space for me so far. If you'd love to.

Preparedness and Outlook

I mean, that's kind of something that works for me. I live near a field where I'll be able to hunt should things ever go that far south. I don't think we're ever going to see that, and I hope and pray we never see that in my lifetime. But I do think there was more to what we're seeing right now with the Kamala crash. And the reason I say that is I'm going to be speaking with some people from bank of America, be speaking with people from Capital one, Chase, TD bank, and finding out how did their futures change. What does their outlook for first quarter 2025 look like with a Harris presidency versus a Biden presidency? Because they were not preparing for a Trump presidency. They've been preparing for a Biden second term. I want to know what that changes. If you saw the guy today, he resigned his position and moved over to the Harris campaign. All right, so the main finance guy that was handling the Biden administration has moved over. So that's all.

Advice and Observations

I just want to tell people, don't panic, but at the same time, have a plan, because things aren't hunky dory. Thank you so much, Greg. He is having a lovely vacation. I saw some pictures of his kids playing on the beach. So awesome. You go enjoy yourself. I know he's having connection issues where he is. So everybody have a good night. You, too, huh? Thank you. I want to be on vacation right now. I know. Me, too. Right? I'm, like, jealous being a picture on the beach. I haven't been the beach in so long, it's like, oh, my gosh, I miss the ocean. I miss the sand in my toes, but whatever. No, absolutely. And I like what he says because the, you know, they taught us that, you know, as one of the first things you're taught in the military, you know, better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. That's just kind of one of those principles that's always applied.

Market Insights and Predictions

Does anybody have anything else? Let's go to Mike, then Arias, then Michael. Mike, can I hear it? Yeah. Can you hear Kimmy? Mike. Okay, I'll drop him down. We're having so many issues tonight. I'm not sure what's going on. I love your crickets, Kimmy. I love your crickets up there. Just wanted to drop in. Those aren't mine. I don't have them inside. I'm inside. If I go outside, probably have crickets but, you know, I had a bear come through my yard last night during the space. That's so fun. So awesome. Okay, next person. Michael. Hey, Jimmy. Yeah, I don't know what's going on. There was a couple glitches. It seemed like. Yeah, I just want to speak on the market itself as well. Anyone that knows me knows I have a background in finance and I do want to say, you know, no one, a lot of people are going to get up and try and tell you their predictions and make it like they know exactly what's going to happen. That's not even true.

Market Trends

Most economists, they give predictions and outlooks on the economy and where it's going. The majority of the time they're wrong not to say they're aren't certain things going on that don't show a negative outlook. But when it comes to the market itself, most people go broke selling on fear. If you look at the 0809 financial crisis, I think it took a few years before the stock market hit record highs again. But the average return for the ordinary person, not the institutions, but the ordinary person during that time period was around 2% percent. And that's because they got scared and a lot of them sold off assets. Now, I understand there's times where you have to and everyone's situation is different, but history shows that the market's going to come back and how long it takes for that to come back, who knows? But 100% of the time throughout history so far with the stock market, it has returned to all time highs there.

Fear and Opportunities

I think part of the problem is a lot of people get scared and they start stressing. And really you need to view it as an opportunity. And as stocks continue to fall, that just makes for a larger opportunity moving forwards. Right. We saw this during COVID you've seen it during 0809, and the trend continues. So I think there's a lot more fear mongering going on. And a lot of people are putting stuff out there trying to get likes and impressions and views on Twitter. But, you know, just pay attention and just know that, you know, where there's a downside, there's a lot of opportunity. There's a lot of opportunity to make money. And, you know, there's the, it always goes back to that saying, all right, hell, Warren Buffett said, what is it when everyone's fearful buy when everyone's fearful sell? When everyone's happy, right, when everyone's being greedy. And I think that just relates to now.

Caution and Preparedness

And so yesterday was just a buying opportunity and I don't think that there's a whole lot that we need to be worried about quite yet, but just keep paying attention. Thank you, Michael, for. No, I'm hoping I'm not stepping over anybody else talking. And if I am, we all know me. I don't really. It happens all the time. But I'm glad that you came in and came up. I mean, you just, in the past three or four nights that you've been in spaces that I've been in, you've been bringing the info. And I absolutely love it because I'm not gonna lie, I have no shame in the my game. I have no idea what is going. I know what's going on, but this is not my wheelhouse. So today, you should have seen my head spinning trying to piece it all together. So thank you so much for coming up. And, you know, I learned something new again.

Social Commentary

Mike Kaka, are you back, Mike? Yeah, I'm back. I'm sorry, I had technical difficulties here for a second. okay. I got, I got a little bit on that because so many people have said some stuff and I've got, you know, comments. Okay. They were talking about the children, and I'm taking children and the sex trafficking and the just doing whatever they do. Also think about this, okay? Children are our biggest resource. That is our biggest resource. And if they're taking children from us, what they're doing is not only are they building up their militant or military or whatever, but they're also demoralizing us because they are taking from us that which matters the most. Okay? Apart from that, if as soon as you hear the mainstream media and everybody else on the left parroting the same thing, that's propaganda. You know, that's propaganda.

Propaganda and Control

And you just have to tell yourself, hey, these people are trying to, you know, sell me a bag of something that ain't good. Okay? just like everybody else is saying, it's going to be fine. Okay. For them to steal this election, in my opinion, and it's just my opinion, for them to try to steal this election, I don't think that they can counterfeit enough ballots to do it because we have so many people that are on the Trump chain that are ready and willing to go and change that. You know, the Democrats have been in power for, you know, quite some time. Even Bush. Okay, you go back, you go all the way back to Bush, and he was a riotous. Okay, we finally have somebody who's going to fight for us. So we have to go and fight for him in the ballot box. And that's all I got to say.

Impressions of Current Events

Well, I like what you got to say, Mike. I love how we got the mike and Michael back in again. Kimmy. Hey, you guys were here last night with us, and again, bringing such great info. And real quick, to your point about the kids, I said it last night, there's no difference in what Hitler did for Hitler's rise to power. Using the Hitler's. You. They're literally. It's. I mean, we've. We all see it, many of us in the spaces, and we talk about it, but it's true. Break down that nuclear family, take the children, turn them against their parents. It's really quite sad. I. Yes, ma'am. Well, you think about it, okay? You think about it. Last count was 125,000 children. Okay, I'm sorry. They're not selling.

Societal Challenges and Activism

They're not selling that many children into sex trafficking, and they're not sacrificing that many children. I'm sorry. They're. It's. You can't. They can't. They don't. They would be there constantly if they were trying to do that. Okay? So obviously, they're using those children as a. You know, as a resource. They're turning them into little, social justice anarchists, you know, standing out there with saying, you know, Alphabet community for Hamas. Like, they don't even know what they're standing up protesting and holding signs for. Like, I mean, it's. If you don't laugh at it because it's so bad, like, you'll just. I don't even know. You'll cry. But I digress on that one. I don't. We. Okay, we lost aries, I think.

Personal Reflections on Society

so, game, if you would like to go, and we'll bring heiress, back on up here. Thank you, my dear. I appreciate it. good to see my brother Alpha out there slaying a man. I do. People come in and they talk to me, and they go, what do you know about Kazarian? And where can I. Where can I get some good connections between Satan, yahoo. And. And, you know, Abbas and. And. I mean, I just had this. These little. These little glitches in my brain to go off, video wise. Alpha's latest series. Holy shit. That three and a half hours.

Research and Understanding Events

Alpha was platinum. London gold or nice copper zing shit was platinum. I have talked your name in such a loving way to people who are like, you know, they like turtles that are, like, half ass, way open up the shell and the heads kind of peeking out. They kind of want to come out, kind of want to be awake, but they're not sure yet. I think when they're done looking at your videos, they're going to absolutely either soil their bottoms, throw up, or spontaneously start praising the Lord or who knows, man? All I can say is, guys, this is fifth generation warfare. We don't need cartridge boxes at this moment. God help us, Lord, holy spirit, keep your blessing on this nation in this world.

The Role of Media and Societal Change

World. But, Alpha, you've done more than, and I've been on this thing since, well before, back in Covid days, okay? Chomping away with you with maize and company. But it picked up a lot of you guys along the wayside. And I want to thank each and every one of you for spreading rabbit holes, showing them they're not rabbit holes. These are intentionally hidden from us to keep us from knowing the truth. Because the truth about these satanic, you know, pedophilic, absolutely disgusting Sodom and were more like people, the more we expose them, the closer we come to God's glory. I want to thank you guys. And if I don't follow you, let me know.

Building Community Awareness

Follow me back. Let's grow our community. Thank you. Definitely appreciate that game. So that conversation that took place between, I believe it was Greg and Timothy earlier actually got me thinking. I was like, you know, let me go back and check out episode one, which I do not. I'm laughing. No, yeah, it's exactly what happened. Yeah. I was like, and I do not recommend anybody go watch episode one. But it's interesting to see, you know, how far we all come, you know, when you look back at that, you know, and it'll be three years at the end of this month. So to see, you know, these new content creators and podcasters and space hosts, I mean, this is where it's at, you know, removing the power from the mainstream media, even removing it from alternative media and putting the information highway back in the power of the people.

Expectations and Future Developments

And it's driving, it's, I mean, it's slow, but it's driving even a parallel economy. You know, these, you know, these, you know, even some of these larger mainstream retailers are reaching out to us. So that means that they're realizing that there's a new direction with media. And I'm just, I'm excited to see where we're at in year five years and ten years because, you know, to control the information. I mean, to go back to the conversation of mind control, fifth generation it all starts with controlling information and being able to deliver information. And so I'm pretty damn motivated to see all these people, you know, picking this stuff up and running with it. It's pretty damn motivating with that.

Current Market Manipulations and Warnings

The only hand that I'm seeing up is Michael. So if there's an. I know this thing glitches a lot, so if there's another hand up, I apologize, but fire off, Michael. Go for it. Yeah, well, I just thought about this, too, and going back to what I said about the market and kind of what you were saying, but there is one thing I did want to bring up, and I know I said, you know, we're not in a time to be quite fearful yet about the market. But something did happen last night I forgot about is the brokerage platforms, including my own, locked everyone out and wasn't allowing people to access their money and trade in the market. And that is a type of market manipulation.

Observations on Trading Practices

If you watch, the Nasdaq opened up about 1000 points down yesterday, which is around 6%. And I think it closed somewhere around four or 500 points down. So it increased 50%, roughly from where it had opened up. And a lot of that, I think, is because there was a lot less selling going on. There's a lot less transactions being allowed because people couldn't get into their account to access it. So when it does come to the market, one thing you need to do to help protect yourself is research which platforms are bad at doing that. Robin Hood is the worst. Robin Hood, in fact, shut trading down less, you know, in the middle of the night prior to that.

Concerns About Financial Platforms

So when it comes to information, go out, do your research when it comes to your money, go out and do your research when it comes to the political issues. Right. And that message holds true with anything, because there is that aspect of the market that people do need to be worried about, and that is kind of an indirect manipulation by the government. They don't need the Fed to step in and do quantitative easing right off the bat. They don't need the circuit breakers on the market to stop trading in order to keep the market from tanking any past a certain level. Right. They can just say, you know what? We're just going to collude with these large banks to lock everyone out of their accounts, you know, not allow them to have any access to their money.

Liquidity and Financial Management

Which, by the way, some people like me, I have the majority of my money in a brokerage platform in Charles Schwab because I use them as a bank and as an investment company. So, you know, it takes away my liquidity. So I will say, you know, that is something that people need to be fearful of moving forwards, and that is who you're doing business with your money. Right on. Definitely appreciate that. Arius, go for it, man. Fire off. Guys okay? Yep. You're loud and clear, brother. All right, well, when I'm thinking about, you know, the conversations that you guys are having versus, you know, what I'm seeing on being played on the social media channel, I started.

Future Challenges and Responses

I started to, like, kind of, like, wonder. Okay, well, let's say if this already plays out, what's next step? Because you have to, guys, remember, like, we're getting information as it's happening. They have this thing planned out already. Like, we are reacting. We don't. We're not, we're nowhere near in control to. To what's, you know, what's being played out. the only way that we can actually control the situation is to literally not. Not partake. Meaning don't do nothing. Don't go home, don't go to work, don't pay rent, don't pay mortgages, don't pay nothing. Just sit home and just wonder. See if anybody wants to send a patrol person to come knocking door and tell you why you haven't paid your mortgage, and then they have an entire, like, community of people, like, just, like, pull up on your house and protect you and everybody protect themselves.

Societal Structures and Responsibilities

Like, that's, like, at what level do you think that this is gonna. This is gonna play out? Because the whole idea. Idea about emptying our prisons and throwing them out on the streets like pushing these people to just come up here like it was in the movie Scarface, for crying out loud. I think this pushing the Cubans from the. From the prison cells knowingly, and then the people had to figure out whether or not that was actually happening. But there they were, trying to do their job over here. It seems like they just gave a free pass for everybody. Come on down here. I got some bricks standing in the corner, just in case, you know, when everybody gets a text, make sure that everybody goes out in the street and starts to riot, you know, and then everybody gets the $10,000.

Urban Life and Sociopolitical Struggles

Sure. Like, that's the. Like, that's the stupidity like, that. I think that's happening behind the scenes. It's messed up. Messed up because it's gonna. Is gonna affect a lot of people in the urban side, and then. And then the urban side is the only one is actually gonna stand up and fight because they're the only ones that have been fighting all along. They've been fighting to try to, you know, put, you know, food on the table, whether it's to marijuana or what other substances. You know, I'm saying, like, everybody's been fighting all this time, but now it's like, who do we fight now? And it's like they're putting there is like cousin against cousin, brother against brother, and nobody understands, nobody knows. How do you stop this? You can't, you have to let it play out because that inevitably, I think that's the, that's what's supposed to happen.

Survival and Community Bonds

Like whoever's supposed to be the straw, the, you know, the strongest, that's who's supposed to survive. So I don't know. There's a lot of, there's a lot of thoughts and ideas going through my head. We gotta take care of our family at the end of the day. You're right. No one's got coming to save us but ourselves. You know, we are our 1st responders. I say that, right? Yeah. You know, we have to be prepared on every level and in every scenario. You had said earlier, alpha, that, you know, in the military, it's like, you better, it's better to have it and not need it, then need it, not have it. And it reminds me of Cub Scouts.

Teaching Values and Encouraging Preparedness

So my kids and I do it. I'm one of the den leaders for one of my kids, and it's, you know, always be prepared. We, we have everything at all times. In case. In case. My friend Justin. Right, just in case. Edit. But was to come, I, we got it. And I think I've always lived my life by that motto. And maybe it was to bring me to this moment. Like, if you need it's probably in my car. And I feel what you're saying. It's like, what, who do we fight next and how do we go about doing it? We were talking in this space last night, and I'm like, these things are so complex and so big. We can't take on this beast all at once.

Strategizing for Effective Change

We have to not pick and choose, but you know what I'm saying? If we focus one area and everybody bands together, we're done with that and keep moving that way. Almost like chipping away, but times against us. And I understand that. But wait, what area would you chip away at first? Because it's almost exactly like a chessboard. It's almost like a chessboard, you got to start with the first pawn, or you guys start with the, you know, which, which beginning do you want to go with? And then the play. Then, then depending who the playmakers are. Because now you, if you're in a conscious level, like, you understanding what's actually happening, you understanding that you're the one that is actually creating your reality.

Empowerment and Leadership

So your reality is now becoming a play on into this reality that's existing. And do you have that reach? Do you have that power? Do you have that will to push forward and have, and be the leader that people are going to want to? You know what? I love this reality more than I like the reality that's being played out. That's what we're living at right now. And we're trying to see who's got the guts, who's, who can push forward. That, I guess that's in my head. I love your basketball analogy right there, by the way, the playmaker, like, because that's, that is the truth.

Strategic Approaches and Building Momentum

And, no, that's a loaded question. Where do you start? And, you know, for me, it's start at the easiest thing you can tackle, accomplish, win, change, and go from there, because if you get all the little wings under your belt, you're gonna build up some momentum to be able to bring others into the fight, because they're seeing that all of, every one of us, what we're doing is actually making a difference and change. A lot of times, people don't see it, don't realize it, but we are. And it's time to make it a bigger thing. Proactive instead of reactive offense, instead of defense. We're going to use all sports analogies in here tonight.

Community Building and Support

I don't know if Kimmy or Alpha have anything. If not Terry came back up. Hey, girl. I'm good. I'm good. Sorry. I was dealing with DM's. Go ahead, Terry. Thank you. Yeah, sure. Thanks. I put in the comments. I went back to look, just out of sheer curiosity, what the primary votes were in Georgia, and I put the results down there in the purple pill. So that is early votes. It's democratic. It's, you know, stratified by, like, unbelievably, I mean, I don't know how they do that. This Georgia votes.com. i don't know how they stratify it by age and race and all that nonsense.

Investigating Voting Patterns

I mean, why would, how would they have that information? I don't really know. But anyway, I just thought it was interesting that in the primary, the Republicans are far ahead of Democrat votes cast. So anybody who's interested in looking at that, put it in the purple pill. Always bringing the resources. Thank you, Mary. Y'all know how crazy you are. Crazy. You're just being. And you love our country. Nothing. You love God. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm sorry. We were having so many technical issues tonight. I don't know if it's because of the title. I have never experienced anything like this before in a space.

Technical Difficulties and Reflections

I am sorry. With so many issues going off. It's off, then on. Then I have to go out and then come back and can't hear anybody. It's just crazy. I am sorry. No worries. Been going on. I'm thinking it's because maybe I should change the title. But I do have it recorded for Simon, so that was our title, so I don't really want to change that. I guess I could change it when we're getting ready to get done, but, my God, I. It's like I can actually change it. Kimmy, after you close. Yeah, that's right. That's right. I mean, this is crazy.

Challenges in Communication

I have never had so many glitches in my entire space life as a space invader. You know, I'm a space invader. It's what I love to do. So I just. I just don't get it. I don't get what's going on. I thought you were. I think I might. I'm gonna change it really quick. Sorry, guys. I have a question for you. Tired. You know how you were saying they have, like, all of our demographic, you know, white female, blah, blah. Is that. And I don't know. That's because I live with my mom and she does all this. Is that something that's on, like, your census, like, your demographic, like, that census is not at all tied to your voter registration and how you vote.

Personal Observations on Voting

I mean, that voting is supposed to be, like, pretty much private and anonymous. So when you go into a primary, though, you do, at least in my state, you know, you pick either a Democrat or a republican ballot for the primary. Right. Because you're voting for the person that you want to go to the. To be the candidate as a primary candidate. So you might have two or three or four in the same party, in republican or Democrat party. And you get to select. Right. But in my state, you have to declare whether you're voting for Democrat or Republican. And that's how you get the ballot that's printed out.

Curiosity About Voting Mechanics

I just thought it was so funny that all of a sudden Georgia vote now has all this stratified, you know, with all these demographics and whatnot is in the comments. It's very interesting to me that they would have it stratified that way because, I mean, when I go, like, I've been a registered voter for a really long time, they never asked me my race or my. My age or anything like that. It's very interesting that they would put that out. I mean, I just did a quick, you know, safari search to find the results of the primary election results from June in Georgia.

Transparency in Voting

What is first further interesting to me is that during the runoff in 2022, there was no way to reconcile, like, where you cast your vote, and they always, at the polling precinct closing, they run tapes on the. How many votes were cast that day? And they tape it on the window or outside of the window. It's all transparency, right? But there was no way to reconcile any voting precinct to the secretary of state's website as to how many votes were actually tallied from that voting precinct. You get what I'm saying? Yes, we do, Terry.

General Discussion and Closing Thoughts

Is anybody else awake? We can space, guys, if everybody's done, does everybody. Does anybody want to continue or relax? Do you have a song for us? Just calmly taking everything in. I just wanted to say one last thing, guys, if I could. Sure. Thank you, Kimmy. Of course. Honestly, I really. I really believe in my heart of hearts that our heavenly father knows our limitations. He knows what level of stress you and I individually can carry on. This is important to keep in mind every night or every morning. However, your prayer schedule is.

The Role of Prayer in Daily Life

The word religious means you do it on a regular basis. I'm not talking about Lutheran orthodoxy. No, no, no. By the way, advocate, my dad was born in Manchester, New Hampshire, just for north of you. And my brother has a home in all us, so just want to throw that out at you guys. We need to follow each other. There's a lot of people. I look around here. I followed. Some of you are new to me. But seriously, we need to be sure when another one of us is a major, you know, promoter or talker on spaces that we can click your little check mark like I do alphas.

Fostering Connections and Support

And when I see him open a roof, I go right there because I know he's there. We need to do that, guys. And the only way we do that is follow back, follow each other. Let's keep this movement alive and going. And God bless every single one. Good night. Yeah, I'm only, like, not even half hour, 20 minutes from a Manchester, I'm right on the border, you know, I don't care about doxxing myself. I'm by, you know, Gloucester. I'm on the east coast of mass and stuff, so. Pretty cool.

Concluding Remarks

Drax laughing. I mean, you know, I could kls people come to my house. It's like, hi, how are you? You've heard me on a face and you decided to come over. Welcome. But Drax, give me a song. I'm just curious if he has. I don't know. I haven't talked to Drax in quite some time, but he's here tonight. I invited him because we had, you know, the mind control and stuff that he and Bill do a lot of spaces on. I didn't. I don't know if he has a song. He might.

Culminating Final Thoughts

I don't even have it pulled up. But I can if you need. You don't have to drive space tonight. It's been a great space. So I like the. We do a lot of the mkultra stuff. And like I said, I've researched around about it. I dig up. There's so much stuff that connects together when you start getting into Mkultra between the sixties and the seventies and the nineties. But I think one of the things I try to look up and you're talking about mind control tonight. And I was like, what if I need a way to, you know, get into somebody's head without using lsd or without tricking them in the mind control or tying them into a basement, watching the screen, you know, like all the scary stuff.

Manipulation Techniques

And one of the ways I came up with was called micing a person. You guys have heard of micing. Like, if you want something done, you take. Need somebody to go your way. They just won't go that way. You just say, mice the person. And if other people know within your group what that means, it's pretty simple. Mice, mice. You go after the person's money, find out where they're sitting on their money. Then you had with the eye the ideology of that person. What do they think? What are they into? Compromises. What they like to compromise about. The biggest one is the letter.

Strategies for Social Influence

You want to really boost their ego up. You want to boost that ego through the moon. But if you run the mice program on anyone for a couple weeks, if you have a group of people to do it's probably easier. It's a way totally manipulate that person and get them to do what you want them to do. And that comes clean with no drugs. So remember, you can always. Bison. Lazarus. Have you heard of my scene before? What's up? I love you, Drax. Well, I found that because I kept saying, well, what?

Understanding Influence Mechanisms

You know all those classes we do on that mkultra? I'm like, I understand. They drug them and they torture them, or they throw them in a hotel and watch them have sex. I get it, man. But what if we need something done right now? What if the government needed somebody to, like, do what they need them to do, pronto. How do they just do it? Because you got good people that just will say no. Well, then you mice them, you just sub defuse them to death. And then the end, you burst their ego, and boom, they'll start doing anything and sign an FDA. Albert, working with the who, all that stuff.

Consequences of Social Manipulation

Like, one person's all you need to sign a paper. Get myself got to watch out for that. Because like I said, there's a lot of stuff out there they can do without the use of drugs. And it's still mind controls. That person. And I think that's what tends to nowadays become where you're seeing the people hooked on your phones all the time, looking into the screen. It was the same with LSD. They were always staring. And if you put a person in a movie on LSD, anytime they watch that movie, they go into the movie. The government always wanted a way to have us, always zoned in.

Everyday Observations

And nowadays, even when I'm out walking. You do it yourself. Look around. Most people, when they're not doing something or even sitting out alone at a bar, no, they're not looking around. They're looking at their phone. It's perfect. Lazarus. It's good to see you can go to Lazarus. Kenny Lazarus, you have your hand up. Welcome. Hi, I'm Alex. Nice to meet you. You. Hi, Alex. He drunks. Hey, Kimmy. Nice to meet you. Alex Lazarus. Go ahead.

Knowledge and Awareness

Yeah, nice to meet you. So, I just. First question is, what exactly did you guys cover? Drax wants to answer it on the mind control space that you came from. What do we start? Well, in the build spaces with MK Alter, we're doing. We're recovering all the assignments they did, or I should say, the experiments they did in the sixties and then working up today. So we've covered damn near everything from the sixties and the seventies. And now when researcher comes back, I believe he's doing the eighties and the nineties.

Investigating MKUltra

But there are so many sub projects of this mkultra. You could go on for a long time to discussing it. I mean, they got them in Canada, and also it connects around the world to this project Gladio. It's really unusual to me how much does connect, when you start looking at it, that they don't tell you about. You just got to find it for yourself. But usually, if any of this stuff, the truth's out there. It's public online when you want to look up Mkultra. But when you get into the nineties and stuff like that, it's more of an opinion when you got a piece of stuff together.

Exploring Connections

So where I found Oliver Stone and the LSD and all that stuff, even with Columbine, and it goes into the natural born killer movie. I mean, so much stuff connects that probably just won't find online anywhere laying around that says Mkultra was with the Simon space. What exactly did you cover? Was that bell space? No, that was tonight here with Kimmy. It was more of the, like, fifth generation warfare. And basically what I was just talking about earlier, like, how the phones are now in.

Technology and Mind Control

All the technology we got now, is keeping people focused on what they do. Subliminal messages, stuff like that. Yeah. so I don't know where to start because I'm. I think, you know, maybe a little bit about my story. Drugs. So I shared a little bit of it on a targeted individual space that Bill hosted with sherry, and I came one of your species about Waco. So I don't know how much people know about frequency weapons or directed energy weapons or some of you might be aware of. Sabrina Wallace. She talks a lot about things related to what I'm going through and what many of my friends around the world, my new family, who are not diplomats or agents, which have been talked about by a homeland security recent meeting they had with Ian Crane or Eli Crane, and the panel of Mister Grozev and.

Personal Testimony and Awareness

And Lieutenant Colonel Gregory Ed Green. And then there was a lawyer, Mark said, on this specific panel where they were talking about Havana syndrome. Nothing that I'm experiencing, obviously, I can't prove it unless I have a spectrum analyzer with me and, like, really am knowledgeable on how to track them, that is tracking me, because we all have. Our brains have their own resonance frequency, and so do our DNA. And this is all this. This. All these studies have been done. I did a space Erickson report, did a space on it recently, and he had a bill that I wasn't even aware of that is that I still have to look at because there's, you know, I have a real life and other things, too, that I'm doing.

Community and Personal Experience

Besides being a target, right. Which I'm not. I'm not coming on here to, like, I'm not a victim. Like, some people that are going through this may identify as that, and I'm not down on them, but I'm a survivor, just like anybody who has been, you know, through a traumatic event and got through it and has overcome it is. So, you know, I'm just here to basically share my story as far as, like, the evidence and. And stuff like that. I have so much of it. I share the best I can, and it's not easy because there's so many distractions going on.

Gratitude and Resilience

So I'll just. I'll just stand there because it's going forever. Oh, thank you so much for speaking. I do want to ask. Trails. Trails. Do you have anything to say, hon? You've had a mic for a while. I didn't know if you had anything to say. Left trails. Are you there? You may have been born without a tongue. Jim, anything? He falls asleep. Charles, can you hear Kimmy? I mean, he's been. He's been on the speaker for a while, so he might have gone to bed. So I think we're going to be ending the space soon. I feel like there's just so many glitches.

Audience Engagement and Feedback

Unless you all want to continue. I just feel like I need to reset. I mean, since 06:00 it's only been like, almost. Not even 4 hours, and there's just been one glitch after another. I don't know if it's happening in other spaces, but it's very frustrating. I'm like, oh, my God, I'm exhausted. So, Drax, have a song for us, right? Play a song. I'm all set. Thank you, Drax. And then we'll end the space. Thank you so much, Alpha. Thank you so much. Alex, Mike, all of our speakers, listeners, thank you so much for joining us tonight.

Reflections and Going Forward

Go have fun in twitterville. I got the feeling of something right I'm just kidding. Kiss. I fall off my chair and I'm wondering how I get down the stairs clouds to the left of me jokers to the right here I am stuck in the middle with you yes, I'm stuck in the middle with you and I'm wondering what it is I should do it's so hard to keep this mouth on my face clowns to the left of me jokers to the right here I am second living with you when you started out with nothing in your palace tell me, ma'am and your family are gonna come tell me why my baggy but I can see there's no sense at all is it cool to go to sleep on the floor?

Evaluating Personal Experiences

Clowns could have left me Joker and you feel it all upon I'm so scared and kissed I fall off my chair and I wonder I'll get downstairs to the right here I am stuck in the middle with you all right, good. You sure? You're bad. Thank you so much, Drax, for the music. We greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Alpha. Thank you. Alex, I'm sorry. I just have a bad vibe in this space. I don't know if you all do, but I'm, like, getting bad vibes. I need to end it, maybe start another for some fun. But, oh, my goodness, this has been crazy tonight.

Closing and Future Engagements

Thank you so much, everybody, for coming. We love you all. I do have a space on Wednesday evening with Brianna. She'll be talking about food security. Food security, which I'm sure we are all interested in. Crazy things we need to be talking about today, though, we do need to worry about food security. And that will be at 09:00 p.m. eastern standard time on Wednesday evening. Alpha, you have anything to say? As always, kimmy, and enjoy being up here with you. Enjoy the spaces that you do. Thank you, Alpha. No, absolutely.

Future Conversations and Engagements

Look forward to the next one. And if anybody needs my help with anything, reach out. You've got a story. You want to be a guest, you know, I don't care. I know. I still need to go on there. I'm waiting. I'm still waiting. I know. I know. Big, everybody. I'm camera shy, you know? You know, I used to be on the. I used to do live news on the. On the Internet, and now I'm, like, camera shy. Maybe I did. We need to talk.

Overcoming Challenges and Collaboration

I know I did. I swear. When I was married. When I was married, no longer married, but I did live news for, like, ten years every day on a nightly news. And now I'm, like, getting all ready for a newscast. We need to talk because. All right, I have. For a show on a collaboration. All right, all right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I've been a brat. Makes me beg, everybody. She makes me beg. Yes, I do. I make you beg.

Reflections on Personal Growth

So. No, but it. Seriously, it has been an honor to be up here with you guys. And it's always nice to come back in and see the. The regulars, as I would like to say and see. See how everybody's just growing, not just in, like, the size of their reach, but in their knowledge. I mean, it's just, it's pretty kick ass. So I just want to say I appreciate everybody's time tonight. Well, thank you. Thank you for coming here with you, Kimmy, as always.

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