Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space discusses Web3 gaming challenges and solutions, focusing on player engagement and decentralized games. It highlights Goat gaming's core feature of crowns for competitive play, advocating for consistent gameplay to reduce mental fatigue. The future vision involves multiple games, collaborations with studios, and streamlined game economies for user-friendly experiences. The emphasis lies on retaining player interest in Web3 by innovating gameplay and creating a seamless gaming environment.


Q: What can users expect with crowns in games?
A: Crowns can be redeemed and will be a core feature in competitive gameplay.

Q: How are web3 games addressing mental fatigue for players?
A: By reducing complexity and ensuring consistent gameplay mechanics across titles.

Q: What future plans do you have for Goat gaming?
A: Multiple games are being developed with competitive mechanics focused on crowns.

Q: How do you ensure a smooth experience for players?
A: By simplifying game economies and reducing the learning curve for new games.

Q: What role do studios play in your game development?
A: Studios collaborate closely to develop diverse yet consistent game experiences.

Q: Why is there a high mental cost associated with web3 games?
A: Due to varying token mechanics, different earning strategies, and meta gameplay that require constant adaptation.

Q: What is the advantage of having a consistent meta gameplay?
A: It allows players to transition seamlessly between games, providing a smoother gaming experience.


Time: 00:42:06
Discussion on crowns redemption possibilities.

Time: 00:42:15
Introduction to upcoming games in the development pipeline.

Time: 00:42:28
Explanation of competitive gameplay using crowns.

Time: 00:42:47
Addressing mental fatigue challenges in Web3 games.

Time: 00:42:55
Challenges with token unlocks and NFTs in Web3 games.

Time: 00:43:05
Strategies to reduce mental costs in gaming.

Time: 00:43:12
Importance of a seamless user experience in Goat gaming.

Time: 00:54:12
Insight into decision-making processes in game development.

Time: 00:54:30
Appreciation for insights and project specifics shared.

Time: 00:55:07
Invitation for future updates and collaborations.

Key Takeaways

  • Web3 games face common challenges such as mental fatigue and complex token mechanics.
  • Crowns will play a significant role in future gaming experiences.
  • Multiple games are in development focusing on competitive gameplay using crowns.
  • Streamlining game economies is vital for user engagement.
  • Mental fatigue is a notable issue in adapting to new Web3 games.
  • Goat gaming aims for a seamless experience across game titles.
  • Consistent meta gameplay helps reduce the learning curve for players.
  • Collaboration with studios is crucial in game development.
  • Enhancing transitions between game genres is a primary goal for Goat gaming.
  • Rethinking current game economy models is essential for player immersion and retention.
  • Emphasis on providing a smooth gameplay experience to attract and retain users.

Behind the Mic

have projects that start and then like year, two years, five years, right? And we're still waiting for a game. And we have seen this time and time again where that model of like starting a community. And when you start community, web three, you have to realize that people have things at stake inside your community, and waiting five years for a game is going to inevitably cause a reduction in your community. Waiting can only be waited for as long as somebody's got a patience for it. But really, look at that process. Can you reduce that process? Does every single part of the production flow need to be there? How can you improve it and expedite it? And so when I saw that the studio is really looking into that and thinking about shipping games down from a year to six months to a month, and how they're achieving that is super important, I think, because you have to start tailoring the product to the audience. And if you're going for web three, you've just got to understand that mindset. And I think, I mean, I'm sure, Simon, maybe I'll let you talk about the AI side of things, because we do have a lot of work done on that side of things, which include beyond optimizing processes, but also using and leveraging our own AI models. But yeah, I think, I don't know if you want to ask any questions around that, and then maybe we can move on to the new initiative that we keep teasing. I mean, just a comment. It's incredibly interesting to think about releasing the simplest version of a playable thing and then having the people give you feedback in the form of hard statistics on play time and retention, and then being able to then take that information and pivot the. The initiative, I guess you would say, or the ecosystem in that direction. One of the things that might be a word of caution would be, or a question out of a sense of caution would be, how do you know when you have enough data to be able to make that sort of decision to pivot an ecosystem based on how do you know when it's statistically significant versus just a few players telling you one thing or another? Interesting point. I think for us, you can get a sense pretty quickly. I mean, especially when it comes to basic assumptions about does a game work, should a game exist, are people going to play the game? These are basic assumptions that you want to test fast and quickly, and you want to iterate through them quickly if they're wrong, and just have a very honest opinion in the company. Just get on with it and execute towards the next thing if it wasn't right or pivot if it feels like it has potential independently. And I think we have a product that's been shipped before, and it's very valuable in that sense from having built Topia and having that reach millions of people. Coco has done the same with his studios, and it's really important to understand this part. If you don't make something somebody wants to play for years, you should know about it within a month. You should be seeing rapidly positive feedback from your players every single day. If not, you should be thinking what can you do differently to fix that? And then maybe think if we gloss over some of the projects that we've built on AI, because we've got a lot of stuff going on there, so maybe it's worth just talking a bit about what kind of projects we've built. But one of the strongest projects, and perhaps the most cross-functional knowledge there, and then maybe talk a little bit about sort of the AI solutions as well. So I think there's a variety of ways that we do that, because we have realized that it's not just the models themselves, but it's the mode in which we generate those models. It's a lot about the content generation. I think one of the best known things called Bandito, which is a visual tool that allows anyone and everyone to make Super Mario games. This is where we really started doing work with AI, because from a content perspective in level generation it's very powerful. And so our model structures allow us to take that feedback and build interesting and useful content to improve the output of our games and often the level variety of the games that we want to have. On the art side, we have been using AI a lot. I mean, that's a big differentiating point for us, whether it's art, whether it's content, whether it's production, we have been leveraging a lot of AI technology. On Bandito, interestingly enough, if we look at some of the proposals and efforts that Coco put into building the new Spider-Man game coming out of Marvel, there's a lot of interesting work on procedural generation and content creation on that side. But then beyond that, in terms of things that we can put out in a very short period of time to generate playable content, that's very important as well, because it's important that we get fast feedback loops and that every single part of the functions can get a quick answer to a bad idea or a good answer fast. And I think some of the things that otherwise, if not touching on AI models, I think perhaps are worth pointing out is the shorter production cycles we've had internally. All worth mentioning as they allow us to then take the feedback and generate things more effectively. So I think yeah there's a lot I wish we could talk about beyond some of the newer projects that we've been working on. I just want to riff off that a little bit when we talk about shortening those cycles and enabling a team to build to an MVP, Minimal Viable Product, within a period of days almost or weeks instead of months and quarters and even years. It is really an important thing, especially in web three. And I don't know if you want to share a bit the MVP approach Coco mentioned. How do you get to a Minimal Viable Product and actually being able to churn one out in super seed time? But why is that valuable beyond just the time savings? How does that translate into the community and why do people care about that? Yeah totally. I mean that's super important, that is the essence and the core of shipping games fast and that is what gives the excitement while the game is being shipped and it doesn't necessarily take the time that's needed which naturally makes the quality a bit worse, but our focus is on shipping and making things inside the experience and on missions as well. And so our focus is that has a balance, to begin with there's lots of white papers that we looked at over the playground and then how our data is reflected when creating a game for a group of players at the time. So the excitement plays an important role, in addition to that, on missions, you can definitely wait weeks, months, years for a mission to get excited. On playgrounds, aside from it all, we can ship things really quickly and have easy and seamless excitement from the community. And aside the new things on MVP I think there's something Simon mentioned here, would have started talking about optimizing processes, shipping games at a much faster rate. To give you an example, it normally takes millions of engineering hours to develop games, but for us our team is able to reduce production cost and accelerate shipping time.. I can hear you have projects that start and then like year, two years, five years, right? And we're still waiting for a game. And we have seen this time and time again where that model of like starting a community. And when you start community, web three, you have to realize that people have things at stake inside your community, and waiting five years for a game is going to inevitably cause a reduction in your community. Waiting can only be waited for as long as somebody's got a patience for it. But really, look at that process. Can you reduce that process? Does every single part of the production flow need to be there? How can you improve it and expedite it? And so when I saw that the studio is really looking into that and thinking about shipping games down from a year to six months to a month, and how they're achieving that is super important, I think, because you have to start tailoring the product to the audience. And if you're going for web three, you've just got to understand that mindset. And I think, I mean, I'm sure, Simon, maybe I'll let you talk about the AI side of things, because we do have a lot of work done on that side of things, which include beyond optimizing processes, but also using and leveraging our own AI models. But yeah, I think, I don't know if you want to ask any questions around that, and then maybe we can move on to the new initiative that we keep teasing. I mean, just a comment. It's incredibly interesting to think about releasing the simplest version of a playable thing and then having the people give you feedback in the form of hard statistics on play time and retention, and then being able to then take that information and pivot the. The initiative, I guess you would say, or the ecosystem in that direction. One of the things that might be a word of caution would be, or a question out of a sense of caution would be, how do you know when you have enough data to be able to make that sort of decision to pivot an ecosystem based on how do you know when it's statistically significant versus just a few players telling you one thing or another? Interesting point. I think for us, you can get a sense pretty quickly. I mean, especially when it comes to basic assumptions about does a game work, should a game exist, are people going to play the game? These are basic assumptions that you want to test fast and quickly, and you want to iterate through them quickly if they're wrong, and just have a very honest opinion in the company. Just get on with it and execute towards the next thing if it wasn't right or pivot if it feels like it has potential independently. And I think we have a product that's been shipped before, and it's very valuable in that sense from having built Topia and having that reach millions of people. Coco has done the same with his studios, and it's really important to understand this part. If you don't make something somebody wants to play for years, you should know about it within a month. You should be seeing rapidly positive feedback from your players every single day. If not, you should be thinking what can you do differently to fix that? And then maybe think if we gloss over some of the projects that we've built on AI, because we've got a lot of stuff going on there, so maybe it's worth just talking a bit about what kind of projects we've built. But one of the strongest projects, and perhaps the most cross-functional knowledge there, and then maybe talk a little bit about sort of the AI solutions as well. So I think there's a variety of ways that we do that, because we have realized that it's not just the models themselves, but it's the mode in which we generate those models. It's a lot about the content generation. I think one of the best-known things called Bandito, which is a visual tool that allows anyone and everyone to make Super Mario games. This is where we really started doing work with AI, because from a content perspective in level generation, it's very powerful. And so our model structures allow us to take that feedback and build interesting and useful content to improve the output of our games and often the level variety of the games that we want to have. On the art side, we have been using AI a lot. I mean, that's a big differentiating point for us, whether it's art, whether it's content, whether it's production, we have been leveraging a lot of AI technology. On Bandito, interestingly enough, if we look at some of the proposals and efforts that Coco put into building the new Spider-Man game coming out of Marvel, there's a lot of interesting work on procedural generation and content creation on that side. But then beyond that, in terms of things that we can put out in a very short period of time to generate playable content, that's very important as well, because it's important that we get fast feedback loops and that every single part of the functions can get a quick answer to a bad idea or a good answer fast. And I think some of the things that otherwise, if not touching on AI models, I think perhaps are worth pointing out is the shorter production cycles we've had internally. All worth mentioning as they allow us to then take the feedback and generate things more effectively. So I think yeah there's a lot I wish we could talk about beyond some of the newer projects that we've been working on. I just want to riff off that a little bit when we talk about shortening those cycles and enabling a team to build to an MVP, Minimal Viable Product, within a period of days almost or weeks instead of months and quarters and even years. It is really an important thing, especially in web three. And I don't know if you want to share a bit the MVP approach Coco mentioned. How do you get to a Minimal Viable Product and actually being able to churn one out in super seed time? But why is that valuable beyond just the time savings? How does that translate into the community and why do people care about that? Yeah totally. I mean that's super important, that is the essence and the core of shipping games fast and that is what gives the excitement while the game is being shipped and it doesn't necessarily take the time that's needed which naturally makes the quality a bit worse, but our focus is on shipping and making things inside the experience and on missions as well. And so our focus is that has a balance, to begin with there's lots of white papers that we looked at over the playground and then how our data is reflected when creating a game for a group of players at the time. So the excitement plays an important role, in addition to that, on missions, you can definitely wait weeks, months, years for a mission to get excited. On playgrounds, aside from it all, we can ship things really quickly and have easy and seamless excitement from the community. And aside the new things on MVP I think there's something Simon mentioned here, would have started talking about optimizing processes, shipping games at a much faster rate. To give you an example, it normally takes millions of engineering hours to develop games, but for us our team is able to reduce production cost and accelerate shipping time. That sounds great. I'm tired, you know. Yeah, I'm starting to sniff, I'm starting to shake it up because it's getting too much at this point. But guys, everybody, it was incredible to have you here for this session and to share the alpha that we shared at Mighty Bear games. And also in the ecosystem we're building, we're looking out for our community members. So as Coco mentioned, we bring together the old and the new. That's the alpha. Yeah. I like the idea that it's really important for us to recognize that we do have an existing community that's been with us for a really long time. And I think Simon mentioned he's been in doodles for quite some time. Michael, you're a member of a number of communities. We're all in the team. We're all kind of members of communities, and we know the challenges it takes to build a community and some of the pitfalls that you can fall into if you don't really take care of your community. So I do want to kind of hammer home the point that everything we do and the decisions that we make are with a community facing mindset that how will these existing OG community members feel, and will they feel taken care of? And I like to think that we put them in the forefront of our minds in every single decision that we've made. Whoops. Actually muted myself. Yeah, you can't really argue with that. And I appreciate you all dropping the alpha and making sure that we understood the alpha and had a couple of action items available to us so that we could jump in and be mighty with y'all. So I just want to thank you so very much for jumping on to the AMA with us today and for talking about a little bit of your history, both personally as well as the project. Hey, got to this point, some of the learnings and then the big news. And I wish y'all the very best of luck here moving forward with the next iteration and the next big chapter here. Y'all are absolutely friends of the neo Tokyo Ama team and the pod. So feel free to come back at any time, and maybe we could do a breakdown of what happened after this next era. So just want to thank y'all very much for coming on to the AMA today. And, yeah, we'll excitedly see you next time. Thank you for having us. Thank you. Thanks for having us. It was a lot of fun.

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