Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space discussed current market trends, focusing on the impacts of heatwaves in the northeastern US and globally. The conversation also addressed the challenges posed by stormy winters on city infrastructure and emphasized the importance of adaptability in dynamic markets. Industry experts highlighted upcoming innovations in the DeFi and AI sectors, stressing the need for sustainable practices and green technology. Networking and collaborations were underlined as essential for growth, along with a deep dive into understanding market dynamics through real-world examples. The session provided insights on overcoming personal and societal challenges through innovation and strategic planning for future business success.


Q: What is the current state of the market?
A: Experiencing significant heat impacting various regions.

Q: How do seasonal changes affect urban settings?
A: Stormy winters create considerable challenges for city resilience.

Q: What innovations are on the horizon?
A: Notable advancements in DeFi and AI sectors.

Q: What role does adaptability play in the market?
A: Crucial for keeping up with fast-changing environments.

Q: Why is networking important?
A: Enables growth and fosters collaborative opportunities.

Q: How can we understand market dynamics?
A: Through real-world examples and expert insights.

Q: What practices are being emphasized?
A: Sustainable and green technological solutions.

Q: What are the global repercussions of economic changes?
A: They result in widespread economic disturbances.

Q: What predictions were made for the future?
A: Focused on strategic business planning.

Q: How are personal and societal challenges addressed?
A: Discussions revolve around overcoming these through innovation.


Time: 00:00:04
Introduction and Welcome

Time: 00:00:06
Overview of Market Heatwaves

Time: 00:00:08
Impact of Heat on the Northeast US

Time: 00:00:15
Heat Dome Phenomenon

Time: 00:00:19
Market Impacts Globally

Time: 00:00:43
Personal Challenges in Stormy Winters

Time: 00:00:50
Resilience and Adaptation

Time: 00:00:57
Vision for Future Innovations

Time: 00:01:06
Importance of Networking

Time: 00:01:49
Sustainability and Technology

Key Takeaways

  • Market heat impacts both northeastern US and global markets.
  • Stormy winters have significant effects on city infrastructure.
  • Personal challenges and societal impacts were major discussion points.
  • Upcoming innovations in DeFi and AI sector.
  • Importance of adaptability in the fast-evolving market landscape.
  • Networking and collaborations are crucial for growth.
  • Understanding market dynamics through real-world examples.
  • Focus on sustainable practices and green technology.
  • Economic fluctuations and their global repercussions.
  • Future predictions and strategic planning for businesses.

Behind the Mic

is all along, right? You. You get your hundred x token when you have a depressed asset which you crush. If you have conviction that you believe you don't get, you can't get 100 x on a $500 million token. How can you. What's that? What's 500 million times a hundred? It's not happening. The math doesn't work. Unless you get everybody in the world to put in $500 in a token, it won't work. The math doesn't work. You can chase the dragon all you want. It doesn't work. So you look at a token like us. That is a depressed asset. You put in whatever, five bills at g note, whatever. And then you wait. You wait because you wait. When you made money in Sheba, you wait. When you make money in a lot of ethereum properties, sometimes they catch wind. You get an incredible influencer, pumps your tires, does all this great stuff, and then you have just a slow grind where you just grind and you grind. And all we do is we get on Twitter, we get on x, we get here, we get there. We just basically, we don't. We're like, hey, like, can you see it? Can you see this? If you can't see it, then it's cool. You can't see it. Chase, Chase. A $50 million candle to whatever. The people that are going to invest money can't put $100 in this. Or they could, right? Actually, let me rephrase that. They can put $100 in this. You can't put $100 in a $500 million property. You can't do that, right? You can't do that. What's your ex, how many x's you get? You think so? That's why you look at. That's why you look at these tokens. Depressed assets and people wait and you buy blood. That is the way you make money in the industry, never chase a green candle. You chase a green candle at the beginning. If you see a token four or 5 hours in, you see the market cap, you see the liquidity. Most important thing. You look at liquidity, right? Liquidity. If you guys don't understand investing, you got to look at liquidity. At least the c note, 100 large. You have to. There are tokens. Now that there's 80, 90 million with a 60,000 market cap. Doesn't make sense. But you know what? If you're if you got a liquidity of 80, $90,000 with a $60 million market cap. Doesn't make any sense. So let bygones be good by gones like every anyway, everybody, but you have to look at these tokens now and go, okay, and I could talk about all the entire cast. So all night long, I'll talk anytime. I'll chat and chill like everybody. But you look at everything now, all these tokens that were made in the bull run are trash, trash, complete trash. And they're still trying to prop it up, prop it up. But, but the market cap is. I mean, the liquidity is trash. It's under 10 k. It's garbage. It's over. It's finished. I put in like $30, but it doesn't matter. You try to hit a home run. I should have just put $30 in this and get myself an extra. How many? Which I'm probably going to do. Like, once I get my paycheck, I'm going to probably buy another whatever, but I want to get a certain percentage where when this dent, when this thing takes off, I will have enough money so I can buy a condo in my city, which cost a fortune, you know? And the thing is, and I'm going to tell you a trick, I live in North America. Like, I live in Canada. You can't just send all your money to a bank. You got to go to, like, portugal or whatever. You got to buy some property over there. Then you could take your crypto after it takes off. Because you're going to be at the highest tax bracket. We know. Ethereum is killing us. There's blood in the streets right now. People see that. People that you see that you see people talk about this and go, yeah, that's true. Like, I paid for gas. You can't make a multi trillion dollar industry and have everybody pay ridiculous gas fees. This doesn't make any sense. And you can see that you see stuff in. Fantastic about Cabo. You could have these derivatives now. It doesn't stop because about it being layer one. You have layer two. You have all this stuff that's on the interoperability. It will never stop. So we have, we have formed a better not to make everybody rich. That is not our goal. We didn't do that. You want to get rich and go back to the goddamn casino. Like I somewhat alluded to, we have told you hold your money tight and invest and don't chase the fucking green candle because you're going to get burned and you're holding it. You're holding it and you're like, why am I, why am I sandbagging this thing all the way back to nowhere port? Yeah, you put your money in a depressed asset and you write it out. Shit happens, shit happens and you're like, you know what, whatever. But you then don't sell me a story too, but the story is 90% of these projects and you saw that last week or this week. I'm sorry, I'm going to Cayman Islands all excited. That's not happening anymore. That has changed. You see all these bitcoin etFs and I don't understand that. That is the biggest regulatory firm in the United States government has said that bitcoin from blackrock, from grayscale, from whoever, whoever, whoever, is the ship. There's a reason why I don't understand this. I don't either understand this or I'm just ignorant to the fact, I don't know. I'm privileged in what we see and our legal counsel sees, but there's a reason why they're gambling with bitcoin. Bitcoin is the Stapleton. Bitcoin is not being nothing close to where Ethereum is and being an industrial brand. I don't understand why this is retroactive all of a sudden. It doesn't make any sense. It should have been retroactive the entire time. The SEC threw out the case. Then they they overruled some lawyers. And now all of a sudden it's back to the same point. And it doesn't make any sense. Everybody gets shagrad means nothing. It means nothing. You can't get 100 x out of out of a $5 billion asset. It doesn't make any sense. And there's a reason why and they know that and I'm I'd be damned to say I don't understand it, but if any of you can talk to lawyer, legal counsel, whatever, and make the point that everybody else is making, it doesn't make any sense. So that's my story for the night. I think honestly guys, at the end of the day, don't even think about selling because if you sell a part of this, if you sell a part of this at this point, then your loss because you've actually chose something when there was the hardest, hardest I'll say this with passion. That shit was the hardest thing that ever happened to anybody where you're investing in a 0.0 now everybody's buying dips. Now everybody's buying this and it's not going to change. It's not going to be finite. It's not going to be to the max. We're going to see the 12th or the first month of January, of 2024, sorry, where it's released, and people will go. But if you talk to anybody in the industry, they go it's one of the greatest things we've ever seen under license, because if it comes back and this is my conviction, if it comes back to us under trademark, then it's happy. It's happy for everybody. We all be happy. We all know this was a derivative by a few devs that brought this back with absolute brilliant design. And it's this is the happiest everybody's ever seen. It's sticking to the script. It's doing exactly what it said it was going to do. And you have conviction in something that actually was true because these guys and every developer here has stuck to their vision and said, We want to create this IP that actually was derived from 1928. This was the vision we saw. And we said we're going to do this. Wasn't a mickey mouse that we wanted to create to everybody with a mouse will grow up to it's definitely peaking the wheels falling off this thing. It's not happening, right? Like that's what that's what Ethereum is. It's like, it's like this invisible. It's like this invisible bank that just prints money day and night, and not everybody is using it. And you have Solana and this and that. But Ethereum, essentially, is the highway. It's everything. The cars are the cryptos. And you have to pay the toll. If you want to drive in London, you have to pay the toll. If you want to drive in Los Angeles, you have to pay the toll to cross the George Washington Bridge, you got to pay tolls. Or the Jersey Turnpike, certainly, but you got to pay the toll. And that's what. That's what Ethereum is. They're that. They're the freaking toll. The gas is the toll. The cars are the tokens. Not everybody is using those roads. I have a steamboat Willie car, and I'm going to slap that logo all over it, and people are going to go, I want that car. That's cool. That's like Uber cool, because that is what I remember growing up when I was 5678, 910, 1112, whatever the age you are. And you know what? I don't. I love Pepe. I love everybody that's successful in the industry. I don't see too many pepe shirts when I'm traveling in Asia. I don't see too many pepe shirts when I'm traveling in South America. But I see. I see that. I see our guy on those shirts, right? And yes, I like to say it's not. It's not the modern Mickey Mouse. It is the steamboat Willie. That was direct, you know, developed in 1928, which was launched January 1, 2024, by a couple of devs in this group, or one dude who's got two names or whatever the hell he is. He's got, he's not a part of this anymore. Of the intellectual property. He devised, the blueprint. We're building the goddamn castle. And you know what? I get more and more fired up because I'd start to believe even more and more because, oh, my God, how can you not believe more and more. So, listen, I'll start up to let off everybody tonight. We'll start, we'll do this next week, maybe. 08:00 listen, all the best, everybody. I'll be jumping back into TG. And let's just get after it's.

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