Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Metis x DeFi Kingdoms – PvP Coming to Metis & Content Creator Weekend hosted by MetisL2. The collaboration between Metis and DeFi Kingdoms introduces a new era in blockchain gaming with the implementation of PvP features and a dedicated Content Creator Weekend. Emphasizing sustainability and user engagement, this venture showcases innovative strategies to foster a vibrant gaming community within the blockchain sphere. By combining entertainment and self-sufficiency, the space explores the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize interactive experiences, setting new standards for gaming developments.

For more spaces, visit the Gaming page.


Q: What is the main focus of the collaboration between Metis and DeFi Kingdoms?
A: The collaboration aims to introduce PvP features to enhance user engagement.

Q: How does the Content Creator Weekend benefit creators in the blockchain community?
A: It provides opportunities for creators to showcase their work and engage with the community.

Q: Why is sustainability crucial in blockchain innovations?
A: Sustainability ensures the long-term viability and growth of blockchain ecosystems.

Q: What strategies are being implemented to increase user activity in blockchain gaming?
A: Events like PvP and Content Creator Weekend aim to boost participation and interest.

Q: How does blockchain technology revolutionize gaming experiences?
A: Blockchain brings transparency, ownership, and new opportunities for gamers and developers.


Time: 00:15:40
Introduction of PvP in Metis x DeFi Kingdoms Collaboration Exciting discussions on the upcoming PvP functionalities.

Time: 00:25:17
Content Creator Weekend Details Revealed Insights into how creators can participate and benefit from the event.

Time: 00:35:29
Focus on Sustainability in Blockchain Innovations Exploring the importance of self-sufficiency in blockchain projects.

Time: 00:45:15
Enhancing User Engagement with PvP Features Strategies to increase user interaction through PvP elements.

Time: 00:55:42
Revolutionizing Gaming Experiences through Blockchain Discussions on the transformative impact of blockchain technology on gaming.

Key Takeaways

  • The collaboration between Metis and DeFi Kingdoms aims to introduce PvP functionalities.
  • Content Creator Weekend will provide opportunities for creators within the blockchain community.
  • Emphasis on sustainability and self-sufficiency in blockchain innovations.
  • Metis and DeFi Kingdoms focusing on enhancing user engagement through PvP.
  • Introduction of exciting features to enrich the gaming experience in the blockchain sphere.
  • Innovative approaches to community involvement and content creation in blockchain projects.
  • The importance of nurturing a sustainable ecosystem within blockchain communities.
  • Strategies for increasing activity and participation through engaging events like PvP and Content Creator Weekend.
  • Exploring the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize gaming experiences.
  • Balancing entertainment and sustainability in blockchain gaming developments.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Hey, hey. What's up, everyone? Gm Gmgm. Thank y'all for arriving on time. I'm sure more folks will join in a bit. This is Anthony. I'm with Mitus. I'm happy to be here with Defi kingdoms. This is gonna be a fun one. This is gonna be a great one. I know y'all have, if you're not already part of the Defi Kingdoms community, I know y'all been hearing from them and about them a lot lately, and we're gonna. Today we're gonna. We're gonna have a. We're gonna start off as a traditional ama. Want to just introduce slash reintroduce Defi kingdoms to folks, get into what's coming up with the upcoming launch with the PvP, the Coliseum on Metis, and then there's something. There's something big happening this weekend. If you're a content creator who streams gameplay, there's something coming up this weekend that we'll learn about if you all know about it already, and then I'm. Open it up. Open up the floor. Let folks come up.

Housekeeping and Engagement

I know some of y'all likes to chat and just get in discussion and have some fun up here on the stage. So we'll make sure we have some time for that and some quick housekeeping. If you see on the top, you'll see some tweets. If you click on those tweets, it'll take you straight to defi Kingdom's page. And then on the bottom right, there's a little chat bubble. You can leave. Any questions, any thoughts, anything you want right there. Fill it up. Let's get some engagement going. And then to the left of that, you got the little emoji button with the heart icon. Let us know you love us. Makes me feel good and keeps me going to do these spaces. So cool. Yeah. I'm just gonna pass it over to who we have here from Defi kingdoms to introduce themselves.

Introducing Defi Kingdoms Team

I know we have Bolan. I don't know if. I don't know if the official account is gonna speak as well, but whoever wants to go first, introduce yourself. Why you and web three? Who are you? Let us know. Yeah, no, it's actually me behind both accounts. Multitasking, but always excited to be here and hang out with our friends at Mattis. So I'm Bolanje. I am the director of player engagement for Defi Kingdoms. So socials, pr community, all of that fun stuff is my domain, and it's a lot of fun. We have a really awesome community, which I'm sure you'll hear me talk about multiple times in this space because they are great and makes me happy to talk about them.

Three Years of Defi Kingdoms

But as far as what brought me into web three, so actually, as of today, it has been three years since the launch of Defi Kingdoms. So this actually is our third anniversary today, which is pretty cool. I joined Defi Kingdoms a few weeks after launch, and that's honestly really what kind of started getting me into web three from the Defi perspective. Prior to that, I'd done a little bit of stuff, but very basic surface level crypto, and Defi Kingdoms is really what brought me into Defi and been running with it ever since. I love the space, I love what it's about and, you know, pushing innovation for technology and, you know, finding ways to make things better, like games by using blockchain. So super excited to be here.

Celebrating The Third Anniversary

Dope. Dope. And happy birthday. Defi kingdoms. Three years old. It's a special day. I thought it was yesterday. We should have. We should, we should sing happy Birthday by the end of this. We'll sing happy birthday. I'm not the best singer, so I'm not gonna lead it. I'm at. To have somebody come up and lead the happy birthday song for me. But cool. Cool. So just another quick question before we get into, into the game itself. So if. If you. When you entered the call, when you. If you're. When your character enters the call in the PvP game, when answers the arena, if it had a theme song, what would theme song be?

Theme Song Discussion

Yeah, that's tough. So, I mean, it's cool too, because we actually have custom music for everything in game. We have a composer on our team who's absolutely phenomenal. Shout out to Sam. If you've never heard the DFK music, at the very least, go check out the music. It's phenomenal. But as far as, like, me personally, like, if I'm walking into the college coliseum, honestly, I think I'd have to go classic and go, like, back in black by AC DC or something along those lines. I think that would be the vibe. Nice. Nice, nice. I think I would do triple H's entrance song, the game. Was it motorhead? Yeah. Oh, that's iconic, too. That's, that's pretty solid.

Discussing Original Theme Songs

Yeah, that's also ripping off, too. So I gotta think of. I'll think of an original one, but. Yeah, they've all been used at this point. Right. Well, we're kind of on the same. We're kind of on the same wavelength though. You know, we gotta get that hard stuff ready to. Oh yeah, killing stuff. Cool. But, so for folks who may be unfamiliar, could you just describe what Defi Kingdoms is and a little bit of the history of DFK and. Yeah, just describe the game to us. Yeah, for sure. So Defi Kingdoms is an rpg built on top of a Defi protocol and integrating that defi protocol into the rpg.

Defi Kingdoms Overview

So we originally launched three years ago today as a gamified Dex. And then from there we kept building out the gamified defi protocol. So we've got nfTs, we've got multiple dexes, multiple NFT marketplaces, liquidity pools, all of that stuff. And it's all gamified as part of these fantasy medieval rpg. And then on top of that, we started building out the game itself and the true rpg experience. So your heroes are nfTs, but your heroes are also how you play the game. So, you know, one of our like taglines, is command your legion, claim your legacy because you are essentially the commander of your heroes. You can send them out like gathering resources, you can take them into combat.

Gameplay Features and Mechanics

So we do have, pve combat right now. So we have a couple boss fights, in essence, that you can take your heroes and fight these monsters. And then obviously what we're building out on Metis is our player versus player combat. So you'll be able to take these heroes and actually, you know, fight your friends, fight your enemies, make new friends, make new enemies, have some grudge matches. I know there's some community guilds out there who are looking forward to throwing down. So that's going to be fun. But really building out that, like that old school rpg experience. So, you know, if you've played World of Warcraft, Ultima, online, Runescape, I mean, the list goes on and on, right, but with an emphasis on open world economy.

The Economic Model of Defi Kingdoms

And so that's where really we see the defi aspect coming in the long run with the game is everything is an open economy. So if you come to Defi Kingdom, say, great, I want to play and I'm going to buy a couple heroes to get started. You are not buying heroes from us. You're actually buying heroes from other players. Other players create them, can sell them, use them, obviously, you know, whatever they choose to do. And then virtually everything in the game is tradable. So if you send your heroes out questing and you bring back some fish you can sell those fish for, you know, other assets or, you know, USDC, like, what really? Whatever you want.

Impact of Blockchain on Gaming

And so that's really, like, where we see the opportunity for blockchain to just, you know, really revolutionize that rpg experience. You know, for any of you that have played World of Warcraft, you've probably at least seen the fact that, you know, you might be able to buy and sell some stuff on eBay, but if you get caught, you are, like, blacklisted for life. And there's a lot of trust that goes into it because you have to, you know, basically either take the. You have to take the other party at their word that, you know, they're going to deliver on their end. But this is all on the blockchain and built into the game. We want you to be able to trade your assets.

The Excitement of Ownership

Hell yeah. That. That is what's exciting to me about the intersection of gaming and blockchain is that you get to own your assets. You get to trade your assets, get to sell your assets. No intermediary if I win, so. Or earn something in a competition on a game that's mine, if I want to trade it, I could trade a trade it. And I think it's really cool, you know, like, because at the end of the day and right in the traditional gaming, the company that made the game basically owns everything. It's on their servers and it's not really your skins, it's not really your items. And web three, it's yours. And I think that concept, I don't think has been driven home yet in, like, the traditional gaming world.

Digital Ownership in Gaming

I think. I think it's getting there, but I think when people realize that, like, I don't see how you wouldn't want to play or I don't see how you would want to play on anything else besides a game on a blockchain because now you own whatever. Whatever you have. And so I think that's the key concept is, like, digital ownership or one of the key concepts in. Yeah, so there's another. There's another layer, too, with the, like, player ownership side of, you know, if you look at a traditional game, like, I tend to use World of Warcraft as an example a lot just because it's massively popular, right.

Possession of Assets

Everybody knows it. But at the end of the day, if they shut down those servers, like, everything's just gone, right? Like, all your stuff's gone, your character's gone, everything's gone. Or with player ownership of assets, not only is that not the case, because you actually are in possession of your assets. But at the same time, there's nothing that prevents other games and other platforms being built that use those same assets. So we have actually, we've had some community members build some games that use DFK heroes, which is awesome. That's what we want. We want that whole ecosystem. And that's one of the really cool parts about web three as well.

Interoperability in Web Three

Because your assets are in your wallethood. There's nothing that prevents you from using those assets within multiple platforms. And that's where we see, like, I hate to use the word interoperability because it's such a buzzword in the space right now and whatever, but that's where we see that come in, right, is you can go out and say, hey, I have this idea. And instead of having to also make nfts and also make assets and this other thing, you can use existing stuff, which is super cool.

Defi Kingdoms Strategy

So there's a couple of things. First and foremost, like I said before, we launched as a gamified DeFi protocol first, that's really particularly attracting web three users, which is great. But as we continue to build, especially PvP, is such a, you know, monumental feature. But everything else as well, as we go further and further into that, like core gameplay, it becomes easier and easier to say, hey, look, this is a cool game and this is a fun game. Come play this game. You don't need to be a crypto native. You don't need to learn all that right away.

User Experience Considerations

If the game is interesting, come try it out. And then as you go, you learn about the web three aspects as well. And so a really big part of that is account abstraction. Wallets are not great user experiences, let's be honest. They're effective, but they're not great user experiences. And especially for people who have never done it before, setting up a metamask for the first time is a very daunting process. You got really important warnings, but they're horrifying at the same time, you've never done this before for, and you're just reading this message that's like, hey, if you ever lose these twelve words, all of your money is just gone forever.

Simplifying the Onboarding Process

Like it's very intimidating to go through that process. And so account abstraction is a huge piece of that because it's so much easier for users to come in, put in an email address and just have an account and start playing because that's what they're used to. And so a lot of it's just meeting web two users with an experience that's more familiar to them. Same thing with like, on ramps, being able to just directly go, you know, here's credit card. Great, now I have in game money, right? So being able to kind of have that like, bridge between the experiences is a really big part of it.

Creating a Friendly Gaming Environment

And that's what we're aiming for is we want it to be as simple as possible for a web two user to say, I want to play Defi kingdoms. Okay, I'm in and I'm playing Defi kingdoms. And then as they go, they learn more and more about those web three concepts to whatever extent they want to. You know, if it's somebody who isn't super interested in the web three side and just wants to play the game, great, that's fine, you know, yeah. As long as you know how to use the marketplace, you're good to go.

Encouraging Player Engagement

But for somebody who wants to, you know, learn about the process, it's in a form that particularly if they're already a gamer, is much more friendly and digestible to them rather than, you know, just looking at charts and, you know, that kind of thing. And, you know, that's one thing. Like, I see Hercules in the audience, so, you know, that's one thing I think Hercules has done well already just with their UI as well, of being much more friendly than a lot of like, old school dexs that are very dry.

Addressing Resistance to Blockchain Gaming

And I think that's a great way to kind of just what you just described is a good way to kind of softly introduce people into the, this new world, especially with all the connotations that a lot of people already have when they first hear about crypto or web three. You know, there's not, there's some things that have happened where we don't always get the best first impression in people's minds. And that's, I think, one way, one, that's a reason why some people like automatically are like resistant to anything that even resembles that or anything are mentions, crypto, blockchain, web three, nft, stuff like that.

The Importance of Positive Impressions

But yeah, I think that's a great way to, like I said softly, introduce people into this new world and shifting a little bit. What, so why did y'all choose or what inspired y'all to build, start building the PvP on Metis? And how do you think this is going to benefit both DFK and the Metis network? Yeah, for sure. Super excited for this partnership. For anybody who's heard us speak, I think you know that. But, you know, there were really, realistically, there were a couple of factors.

Benefits of the Partnership

One thing is it gives us more of a tie, like from the DFK side, it gives us more of a tie into the Ethereum ecosystem. So we're on EVM chains already. Yes. So we're kind of like in the broader Ethereum ecosystem, but with it being, you know, with metas being an l two, it's a direct tie into that Ethereum ecosystem, which Ethereum is still Ethereum for a reason.

Enhanced Experience and Cost-Effectiveness

So having that second layer where like in our case, players, but users in general can come and get that Ethereum experience, but much more enhanced at a much lower cost. There's several benefits there.

Cross Chain Game Design

But aside from that, we've always been designed as a cross chain game. So we are on two chains already, and then minus will be our third. And so one of the things that we have always looked at when we did our very first expansion to DFK chain, we really look for partnership and chains that want to work together, not just be a service provider. And it's very hard to find a lot of times in this space, even the fact that right now we're having this Twitter space, that's something that a lot of change just won't do. And so it's something that's very important to us. We look at it as, you know, we are in this together. We are. What's good for you is good for us. What's good for us is good for you.

Partnership Dynamics

And so we really had that immediate connection with the meta steam just from legitimately, from the very first call. The attitude was always like, how do we make this work? Not well, no, we can't do that. And so even just stuff like that, it's very impactful. It really helps to be able to set us up to build the best that we can, which then in turn sets meet us up to be able to have the benefits of that as well. So I'm super excited for this partnership, I think it's absolutely awesome. And if you are a builder out there in the space, Metis is an absolutely phenomenal team and I definitely recommend getting a meeting with them. The energy is infectious.

Excitement for the Future

Heck yeah. Heck yeah. And I'm glad to hear you from the start. You've had a great experience and the team has had a great experience with our team. We're definitely just as excited to have you all coming on board. This is definitely one of the funner, if not the funnest games in web three and just in general because it adds the web three aspect to it. And I think once other folks who aren't already in the blockchain space get hip to this, I think it's just, I think it's a generally lovable, fun game and I think like it's, it's a flagship. It's a flagship, you know, game, I think, in our industry and I, you know that. But it just getting started.

Web Three Evolution

Like I think, folks, time goes by so fast in web three. Things are happening all the time. Both of our, I think DFK and meat is like we're both ogs. I think we're both old in the web three age, but we're both just getting started. And realistically we're just getting started. There's so much more in store. There's so much ahead for both of us and we're really excited to support you all in your growth and really like innovating, you know, and taking the gaming into like the next level, into the, into more people's consoles and devices and getting people like introduced to fun gaming and to web three.

Roadmap Expectations

And so with that, like what, what's on, what's on the roadmap for DFK after the launch? Like what we expect. What are some of the things that DFK has planned to interact with the metas community and. Yeah. Any tournaments, things like that? Yeah. No, and this actually is a perfect segue too, because I wanted to add real quick to your last comment, so much of the web three space is still like, what's the newest, shiniest thing? Right. And I think we all fall in that trap sometimes, but there's a lot to be said and I mean, obviously I'm biased, right?

Recognizing Long-term Projects

We've been around for three years, but there's a lot to be said for projects, chains, any builders that have been in this space long term like that have stayed, that are dedicated to it, that have kept working through whatever has come up, which if you've been around for a couple of years, there's been a lot that's come up. And so I think we'll start to see that shift in recognition as well of, oh, maybe it is good to look at projects and chains and just generally builders who have been around in this space and not just necessarily whatever, chasing the newest thing at all times doesn't mean you can't do both.

Anticipated Features and Gameplay

Right. But I think we'll continue to see that really build out because, I mean, realistically the space is still very young and so I'm excited to see it keep growing and growing up. So as far as roadmap and what is next, so much so we have with PvP, we have a few phases of launch. So the first phase is essentially like private matches where you can go in and challenge your friend or your enemy or whoever, challenge another player and, you know, go head to head with that particular person. The second phase is tournaments and like full blown tournament play, which is going to come with some, you know, prize pots.

Tournament System Overview

And I'm really looking forward to that. I think that's going to be a lot of fun. The third major phase is basically communication. Yeah, I'm going to call them community hosted tournaments for now. I'm sure there'll be a better name, but basically anybody will be able to come in and use our tournament system to organize their own tournament. So opening up that tournament system for others and they can come in and put up their own price pool, they can set their own rules for the tournament. So shout out to sticks intern who's in the audience here, he's actually hosted a couple of tournaments using our PvE content, which have been really fun and exciting and so bringing that competitive spirit into the PvP, but making it easy for anyone to come in and not only have our tournament play going on, but make their own also so they can have their own customization.

Customizability in Gameplay

Because all of this experience, the private matches, the tournaments, all of it, we're really leaning into the customization side. So you'll be able to set your own rules as far as like what level heroes you can use, what rarity heroes you can use, that kind of thing so that it's always something fresh. Right. And so we're really excited for that as it currently stands and our combat system, we still have a lot to build into our combat system itself. But even as it currently stands today there are over 3000 possible like match compositions just from hero classes. So that's without getting into like the skill selection, which is up to players and there's a bunch of other factors, like the number gets astronomical real fast.

Future Enhancements and Community Engagement

But in addition to those three major phases, we do have some other stuff planned that we have not fully talked about just yet. But ways to, two things. One, ways to really like, encourage and incentivize that gameplay and having fun playing matches. But the other thing, too is we really want the PvP experience to be something that everyone can participate in, even if yourself don't have heroes that you want to use in PvP. Or maybe you're just not a, you know, PvP player. I will say, like, even for myself, I love like dungeon crawling Pve content. That is my favorite content. I'll play PvP without a doubt. But PvE is my personal preference.

Innovative Ideas for Player Participation

And so we really just want to make sure that experience has a way to participate for everyone. And so we have a really cool idea for that, a very unique system that we're looking at building out. And I'm really excited to share more details on that, but I cannot do it today and also I'm not the right person to do it. I'll get it wrong, but we're really looking forward to that as well. So stay tuned for more updates on that. We'll get our mastermind, our game director Hubert, to give us the rundown on that here probably pretty soon.

Previews and Upcoming Opportunities

Awesome. Awesome. Amazing. That sounds exciting. I can't wait to hear about that. And I wish you could say it today, but that's all good. You know, we still got a little ways ahead of us and there's going to be a lot more coming up, I'm sure, just keeping us on the edge. So that's good. It's always good to be on the edge. And the anticipation, you know, the anticipation is what keeps us here. I think that's what keeps me here. But let's, well, you mentioned that the PvE, is that going to be accessible for players who are coming through, they're using meatus or is it going to be exclusively the PvP?

Focus on PvP initially

That's going to be on me, too. So at least at first it's going to be exclusively the PvP. We're really just full focus on that build out, but anything's possible in the future. We'll see what happens. There's plenty of content that we're going to be making, some would say there's probably enough to go around, but at least at first it'll be PvP. The whole Metis map and area is a giant coliseum, essentially.

In-Game Economics

So very much themed around PvP, but that doesn't mean that we can't do some fun stuff later down the road as well. Yeah, definitely. For sure. Cool. So can you talk a little bit about the in game economics and especially when it comes to the PvP and the mediaev this area, what are they, what is the in game economics going to look like? What can people expect? What can I do? How do I trade stuff like that? What do I get? Jewel?

Collaboration with Hercules

Yeah, for sure. So with the Coliseum again, at the, at least at first, we are going to be focused very heavily on the gameplay side of things. So rather than launching our own decks, we are working with Hercules. So if you are looking to get into defi kingdoms and buy jewels, it's right there available for you on the Hercules. Dex. I know I gave him a shout out earlier, but I'm gonna give him another shout out also. An amazing team. They have been absolutely just a joy to work with. They're great folks over there as well.

In-Game Items and Regards

So as far as the in game economics side, we're still bringing some of our economics as well. So we will have what we call the bazaar, which is like an order book style decks that we use for our in game items. So things that you need in combat, like potions. So if you want to go into combat with some health potions, mana potions, we've got nine different types of potion that you can use that do different things. So those will be acquirable on Metis directly. We're also looking at NFT marketplaces for our heroes as well as our equipment.

NFT Integration

So that's one cool thing as well, is all of our equipment is actually NFTs also. So you equip your hero nft with a sword, nFt, for example. And so all of those are tradable as well. So they will also be available on meta. And that's where like everything really kind of ties into one big loop because right now, if you want better equipment, the only place to get that, well, I guess buying it from other players, but the place that those players got it is our PvE content.

Gameplay Dynamics

So you can take your heroes, do pve content, get loot drops from the PvE content, which then give you weapons and armor to equip to your heroes, to then take those heroes to the Coliseum and duke it out in PvP with stronger, better equipped heroes. Dope, dope. So you got a whole full fledged economic system going on right there. Gonna take some classes, but that's cool. And it makes the game even that more exciting and that more fun.

Community Engagement through Early Access

And I know you all have something going on this weekend and early access for folks who are content creators. You can see the tweet at the top on the scoreboard or whatever the heck this is called that, you know, you're calling all gaming content creators for the PvP combat exclusive access this weekend and next weekend. Can you talk a little bit about that and let us know how folks can get involved if it's still open for folks to get involved? And what y'all just some details around that?

Details on Early Access Events

Yeah, for sure. Wanted to give a little sneak peek, you know, show. Show people what's coming and, you know, we could make some content ourselves, but where's the fun in that? Like, we want to let you guys make content, y'all do it better anyway. But yeah, super excited for that. It's, it's something that I've really been looking forward to and been struggling to keep quiet until we announced it last week because I think it's going to be a lot of fun.

Accessing the Gameplay Preview

So it's, you know, a little early access preview. If you are looking to get involved, I will say it may be tricky to get you in for this weekend, but we are also doing next weekend. So if it's something you're interested in, reach out to me either through, you know, my Twitter account, the Defi Kingdoms Twitter account, or reach out to me on discord. Whatever's easiest, but hit me up. But what we're really looking for is, like, gameplay streamers.

Encouraging Content Creation

So we've got a lot of content creators in our community, which is absolutely amazing. And the content creators in our community are a big part of why we're doing this. Ultimately, at the end of the day, we want to bring other people in and get other people involved as well. But it's just a great opportunity to support our folks that are out here grinding. You know, I see literally in the audience right now, Stix, intern, mythic squad, Mega Starbuck, Matty Pesk. If I'm missing anybody, I apologize.

Acknowledging the Community

It's not on purpose. Oh, just crypto is out there. All of these guys are content creators already. So, you know, they're streaming weekly, some of them multiple times a week, talking about Defi kingdoms. And so this is just a great way to give back to them. Let them kind of see what's happening, get prepared, show it off, talk about it. But also, for us, it does two things.

Feedback Loop and Community Growth

One, even if you are not currently a Defi Kingdoms content creator, if you are creating gaming content and you're interested. Great, let us know. We would love to show you around, give you a tour. So it's a great outreach opportunity for other gaming content creators who may not be streaming Defi kingdoms currently. But also it gives us a little bit of extra feedback. Right.

Pre-launch Engagement

So pre launch, some people get a taste, we get to hear what they think and still have time to make some adjustments as needed. So it's just a really good feedback loop for us as well. And like I said, I'm really excited for this. We're really looking for people who are actively streaming gameplay of games, whether it be us or nothing. And if it's something you'd be interested in, reach out to me. Like I said, we're happy to kind of give you a tour.

Testing Environment for Participants

You don't need any Defi Kingdom's assets to participate. We've got it set up in a testing environment where you can just use heroes in the off chain combat engine rather than needing to own them. So very easy to get involved if it's something that you're interested in. Amazing, man. I'm gonna have to start streaming about to learn how to stream because I want to get involved.

Content Sharing and Engagement

That's, that's cool, man. So yeah, I'm gonna be looking at, is there it. So for the content creation, I know y'all are looking for the feedback, but for the content, this will be like for folks to share, make public and stuff like that. So we can look at, we could watch, we could view maybe on Twitter or something. Yeah, 100%. So this is not NDA'd by any means or anything like that.

Open Community Initiative

We want you to make content. We want you to show it off Twitter, YouTube, twitch, whatever platform you prefer. And ultimately we're trying to make it fun. So we don't have any like crazy requirements. We, you know, if you want to get involved, we aren't going to tell you that you have to stream for, you know, x amount of time or anything like that. We just want you to check it out.

Feedback Encouragement

If you like it, great. Talk about it. If you don't like it, I guess you can talk about that. Also, don't talk about that publicly. No, I mean, hey, we want the feedback. We want the honest opinions. So whatever that feedback is, we're here for it. We want it, we want to hear it. So we're not trying to force people to say good things.

Fostering a Fun Experience

We're not trying to force people to make a certain amount of content. We just want it to be a fun experience and an opportunity for people to check out the game that may never have played. Amazing. Amazing. So just honest feedback. Just play the game, stream it. Give your feedback. Even if it. Even if there is something you don't like, that's actually probably the best feedback because, you know, it might help the game out.

Continuous Improvement

Nothing's ever perfect. So this is a great opportunity to improve the game, play the game, stream it. No pressure. Really cool. Really cool setup. We have someone from the audience up here. Magula Gonzalez. I love that name. I don't know if that's your surname, but I love it. How you doing?

Community Interaction

Magula Gonzalez. Hey guys. I'm good. How you doing? Pretty good, pretty good. Having a great time up here on stage.


Yeah. Yeah. I just. I just had a quick question. I'm Umdeze, a big gamer, been gaming for many years. And I discovered DFK that it was coming to this Metis chain. And I'm interested now. And my just question is volume. I noticed that DFK had some crazy volume back in the day and it's dropped, but it's still maintaining pretty well. Just wondering if you guys think that the PvP on Metis is going to attract more volume and if like, what maybe initiatives you guys are doing to bring more users to the game.

Response to Volume Query

Yeah, definitely appreciate you jumping up and asking too, in terms of the first part of the question for volume. I mean, obviously that is always a part of the hope. Right. And a lot of that just comes with players. Right. So we have an absolutely phenomenal community who has, you know, stood with us through thick and thin and. And we wouldn't be here without them. But yes, it also has. It's become a smaller community than it used to be. Right. And I think we've seen that in a lot of places across the space the last couple years. And it is what it is. It's cyclical. Right. But as far as attracting more users, which in turn kind of attracts more volume, definitely something that's always on our mind.

Attracting More Users

We see PvP just in itself as a very good opportunity to work on that player acquisition. There's a lot of people like. So there's a lot of people that haven't even really seen our gameplay yet, whether that be PvE, obviously PvP, but they just haven't even really seen our gameplay yet. And so we're wanting to make sure that we get that in front of people, really push for it. We, like, I feel like there's no way to say this without it sounding a little arrogant, and I don't mean it that way. So apologies, but I. But we are a very well-known name in the space just by virtue of having been around for so long at this point. But a lot of people still just. They aren't aware of what all we've built in the last twelve months even. Right. And so with combat with PvP, we're really wanting to do a push focused on the gameplay itself.

Shifting Focus to Gameplay

A lot of what we've done in the past has been focused more on the DeFi aspect because that was primarily what we had at the time. But we're really shifting focus to gameplay and the game and bringing in gamers. And so with PvP specifically, we do have a couple of incentivization things. So we have one that we haven't announced, but is kind of just like a broader system for like grinding, so to speak. And then the other part of that is tournaments and coming on with just really big prize pools, really attention-grabbing prize pools for tournaments to get people to start looking and realizing, oh crap, like there's a lot here that's been built. Like let's check this out. Did that answer your question?

Long-Term Optimism

Yeah, for sure. It sounds bullish long term. Thanks. Thank you. Cool. Great question. Great question. Thanks for coming up. Yeah, it does sound bullish. I'm excited. It's definitely long term. But you know, like you said, it's cyclical. It is what it is. We know how the industry is working as of now, but this is Defi kingdoms. Onboarding into the metas or integrating into the meta sequel system is a huge deal. It's a huge deal also for us. Our community is so excited. We do have a lot of things in store and we're just gearing up. And like I said, we're both of our, you know, our network, your gaming, you know, like we're old in web three age, but we're just getting started. We're all just getting started.

Advice for New Players

And yeah, so it, what advice would you give to someone who is just, you know, fairly learning about Defi kingdoms and it wants to get involved? What kind of advice would you give them? How would you show them around? For sure? So honestly, step one, hop in our discord. Like our community is just so friendly, so helpful, so welcoming and honestly, it's just fun. Like even if you don't end up getting into Defi kingdoms, come hang out with us. We just, we like to have a good time. But as far as the game itself goes, focusing in on the gameplay side, if you're just getting started, looking at how to kind of get your bearings and get your feet under you. The first thing that you are really going to want to look at is the heroes.

Understanding Heroes

So our heroes I mentioned earlier are all created in game. So we essentially started the population with 3000 heroes, which are what we call our gen zeros. And then those 3000 heroes that are all in players' hands really start like they kick off the population and then it grows from there. So there's actually a little over 1.5 million heroes now. And all of those, except for those 3000, have been created in-game by players making these heroes, which is just awesome. Excuse me. There's also ways to burn your heroes as well. If you decide you have too many or, you know, need the. There's some rewards for doing it, but diving into the heroes, you know, there's a really, actually really cool like genetic system.

PvE and Community Support

So when you use two heroes to summon a new hero, your outcome is random but within a number of chances that you have that is predictable based on the heroes you're using. But if you're really just looking at diving straight into gameplay, the main thing that you need to know is you're going to want heroes that are at least level ten. And I mean, honestly, you can go and dive into the PvE content with just about any hero. If they've leveled up worse, then your hunts will be a little more challenging, but you can beat them. But looking for heroes that are level ten and really just kind of exploring the combat system and that's part of where I recommend our discord in our community because like a odds are if you hop in there, somebody's just going to give you a hero, which is awesome.

Community and Resources

Our community is super generous, but they also, again, make great content. So there's actually like our quality assurance guy on our team has a YouTube series of looking for heroes specifically for combat, how to play the different combats. So there's a lot of resources out there and if you're looking at diving into the gameplay, honestly, that's probably the one that I would recommend. First. Winston Jazz hands. His, his Twitter handle is. Shoot. What is his Twitter handle, Winston? DFK, I think. And so that if you check him out on Twitter, you can find his YouTube tutorials and everything. And they are DFK Winston. Sorry. DFK Winston.

Encouragement and Support

Absolutely phenomenal, but more than happy. Also, again, reach out to me. It's literally what I am here for. I am more than happy to talk one on one, walk you through stuff, answer any questions you have. That is quite literally the purpose of my existence. So reach out anytime. Dope. You heard that? That's why God brought him here to Earth, was to help you out and to get in the DFK. You are the DFK prophet, for sure. Thanks. Thanks for sharing that. Like, y'all heard discord or reach out to ball on himself will help you out. It's all about fun. It's all about just kicking back.

Introduction to Hawkeye Experience

I asked. I'm a hawkeye. I went to the University of Iowa and their football team comes out to that shit. So I've beer bonged so many beers to that song. I love it.

Discussion on Learning Curves

And then I guess not kind of a more serious note. We were talking about it earlier, and this is kind of more of like a goes to, like, anybody listening in the audience or to the recording. You know, there is like a learning curve in games like this, right? That does not. That's not a bad thing, right? Like, look at World of Warcraft, right? Like, that game's been around for so long and it is one of like, the hardest learning curves to get in. But I think, and again, everybody on stage already knows this. But like, a learning curve is okay because I think it creates stickier users. Stickier players, stickier gamers, right. So, like, once you, like, get into that ecosystem and you really understand it, like, especially if you like that kind of stuff already, you're gonna stick around. So that's kind of just more of a. More of a thing for the listeners and. Go ahead, intern, go ahead.

Importance of Understanding Game Complexity

Or si, when you're done on this topic. Sorry. No, dude. Go ahead, go ahead. That's pretty much it. Yeah. Back in black. Mine would probably be Shady's. Back, back. Nice. And screw Lebron James. Kobe Bryant. I'm out. Hey, I'm not against you right there. I'm not going to argue. But on the learning curve aspect, I mean, end games, I think people give games and defi protocols a lot of shit when they're complex, especially, I mean, defi protocols, but they don't get nearly as complex as even the most simple game. And a lot of people really, one, they read how something's going to work in text and all these equations, and they're like, no one's going to take the time to learn that. But that's not how the user experience is.

User Experience and Game Learning

The user experience is, I click a button, all that math gets run in the background and I see like a projected damage output. And that's normal game, right? You can learn by play and feel. And so a lot of that complexity is inherently abstracted away. And that's not new blockchain technology that we need to come up with. That's like pretty core concepts of video gaming. And I think the complexity of a game really adds a lot of richness and depth. And as a content creator, it gives you know, I have a lot of room to speculate without ever talking about price because I can talk about, you know, what abilities I think are really strong or what combinations are really strong, and maybe people haven't thought of them yet or what things. Hey, what do I think needs to be tuned up or needs to be tuned down?

Engagement in Game Analysis

And being able to engage with something on that much deeper analytical level is, for me, a richness like, that's a value add. And so. But I hear a lot of people talking about over complexity in games. I'm. I just don't think they're gamers really, is what that boils down to. So anytime you hear that audience, take it with a grain of salt, but also take what I'm saying with a grain of salt. I've been playing video games for 30 fucking years, so I'm a little biased myself. Yeah, just to add to that real quick, too, like if. I mean, again, much like six intern, I've been a gamer for a long time, so there's things that I take for granted. But the key with really, any game is digestible pieces, right? So, you know, I.

Step-by-Step Learning in Gaming

Well, I guess when I say any game that, you know, if you're talking about, like, candy crush, I guess it's all one digestible piece. But quickly, bol, you can digest every piece in candy crush. They're all candy. That is true. You can. Wow. But any rpg, you know, any. Any kind of video game, like, even, you know, even racing games, it's all about taking it in pieces, learning that piece, and then moving to another piece and not trying to, like, get every piece of information at one time on day one. And it's just overwhelming if you try to take that approach. Just look at what you're most interested in doing. If that's combat, great. Focus on combat.

Exploration of Game Elements

If that's trading, great. Focus on trading, like, whatever piece is most interesting to you at first, start there, and then use that as a stepping stone to keep moving throughout the rest of the game as you choose to. Hey, everybody. Piggybacking off what Bolan, the legend there, said, and especially what my favorite fish sticks intern said there. One of the things DFK does great is create an environment where you can literally do whatever you want. We have people who are gearing up for crafting to provide for the community. We have our hunters who are providing that equipment. Bolan talked about up to $600 a equipment that you can loot from playing a game. This is assets we're talking about that we're holding on to we're playing with.

Innovative Aspects of Game Mechanics

We can use. We could sell it when we're done with it. This is just insane stuff that I think truly is innovative in the space. A lot of us here have played games. Some of us may call some ourselves gamers, some may not. But you know, the intricacies within the game. You don't like bull on said. You don't have to dive into those. All right. At the beginning there's people who, you know, jump in for the aesthetics of the hero card. I mean these, the art in the game is phenomenal. Bull on referenced Sam the composer, you know, just the feels you get when you enter Defi Kingdom is unmatched in this space, in my honest opinion.

Upcoming Events and Community Engagement

And just quickly before I have to run, I'm catching you guys on lunch. So this is perfect and a wonderful space to listen in on. But I want to give a shout out to Sir Worm and Emerson who are going to be kicking things off, most likely at no better time than 04:20 p.m. eastern Standard Time tomorrow Friday with some Defi Kingdoms PvP on Metis, baby, meet us. I don't know what the correct. Nobody does, but nobody does. But we'll figure it out. But no, the chain is beautiful. I'm hyped for this. This integration. I mean, Metis has been absolutely brilliant. And that's all I gotta say.

Concluding Thoughts on Game Complexity

Much love to all you guys. Dope, dope. You heard it here. 1st 420 this Friday gonna be checking out the PvP. Let's do it. Yeah. Cool. Cool. Thank you all. Thank you. It's a great conversation. Cool discussion we're having. Thanks for sharing everything y'all did. And I think that was a really great point about I guess the quote unquote complexities of a game or the learning curve of games. That's actually a good thing. It's actually a positive thing. It's just thing that keeps people around because you want to figure it out. It goes in depth.

The Thrill of Complex Game Mechanics

It's not just, you know, you press a, you press b and then you win. It's, you know, you actually got to learn. You got to figure it out. And it gives a more like real world feel like you're trying to survive. You got to learn how to survive. And I the possibilities, it feels like the possibilities could be endless in the ways that you use your own cunning and your own cleverness to actually be successful in the gaming, especially now with the PvP or the even when Pve like you're going against other people. And so I think that it brings out this competitive nature and I think it's good, you know, and it's all in fun.

Final Reflections on the Interaction

But yeah, we're coming down to, we're getting to a close. I'm going to leave it open for any last words. Anybody want to say anything? Bolan, is there any last thing you want to add or share before we hang it up? I know we already talked about the big weekend. There's one you heard about tomorrow at 420. There's going to be some stuff going on. Anything else you want to share? Yeah, I mean, I'll just say to Mega's .1 of the, one of our community members who plays honestly, if not the most hunts, which is our PvE content. He's up there in that count. He's gearing up for PvP.

Community Engagement in PvP

He's a powerhouse in the combat side of things. Has never played a game like a video game really before DFK. The number one statement that he makes is I'm not a gamer, which is really funny when he beats other people and will be really funny and pvp, but he loves to remind people that he's not a gamer. But that, like, that's the beauty of it, right? Is if you are a gamer, yes, there's a lot of things that you already know and kind of can apply to DFK, but if you're not a gamer, that's fine. Like, there's nothing here that you can't learn.

Openness and Accessibility in Gaming

There's nothing here that you can't enjoy. It's all about just taking those, like, small steps, just starting out, getting the feel for it, and then exploring from there to. To Mega's point. Literally, whatever you want to do, it is an open world, open economy. Like, that's the whole point. But outside of that, we're a game. We're here to have fun. We're all about having fun. So come hang out with us, have a good time, then decide if you want to play or not. But either way, you're welcome in our community.

Conclusion and Future Engagements

We really just love to have fun. Dope, though. And now every. Oh, go ahead, six intern, I see you coming up. Yeah, I just wanted to say, shout. Out Skiller, if you're ever listening to this. I might clip it for him later. That was great. Bollon. Really looking forward to seeing the PvP and, you know, just one last point on complexity. You know, I think a reason we see a lot of flash in the pan games in web three that quickly die is, you know, people think that they can just build some really simple game, and that's what the people want.

Quality Over Quantity in Gaming

And sure, it'll be great. People will play it for a week, maybe a month, if you're lucky, and then they'll never talk about it again. And so that's why the slow burn is better. Yes, the pace of development is annoying sometimes, especially when you follow it every single day. But, hey, I mean, that is. That is a small cost to bear for quality, in my opinion. Shout out Defi kingdoms and the devs behind it. Hey, those are excellent points. And that's what we're here for. The slow burn of exactly the high quality. And Defi kingdom delivers that high quality, man.

Increased Player Interest

And I think, you know, I think there's. I think there's gonna be a lot of new players. I think folks are gonna get. Gonna hear about it. They're gonna come in, and, you know, there's gonna be a lot going on. And I I I feel like everything y'all just said is. Is facts and it's true. And, you know, people coming here, they may want to play, like, a quick game, but, like, you're only gonna do it for a few days. We're gonna. And especially, it might be, like, more of a gamble type of game.

Engaging with the Gaming Community

You lose all your money, and then you're going to want to go play a real game that's actually sticky. And it's not only just about, like, you know, winning and losing money. It's actually about kicking someone's ass. So. Yeah. Cool. I appreciate everyone. Shout out to everyone that joined us, everyone that came up on stage. I appreciate you all. We had a good little discussion going. Thank you, everyone, for listening. Yeah. So this weekend, if you're a content creator, if you want to get early access to the game, might not be this weekend, but there's also one next weekend.

Opportunities for Content Creators

You can get early access, give your feedback, stream it, make some content. No pressure. There's, there's no obligations and be. And just stay. Stay on the lookout. Things are developing. Things are developing pretty fast. So there'll be some announcements coming up as well between us and Defi kingdoms, but I'm just happy y'all joined us today. I'm really glad this was fun. To many more. And again, happy birthday. Happy third birthday to Defi kingdoms and to the Defi kingdoms community.

Closing Remarks

Much success. Thank you, everyone. Appreciate you guys. Kobe, where's the. Where's the little background music, bro? My computer is wiped, dog. I don't got no background music. Oh, man, oh, man. All right. Well, thank you, everyone.

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