Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Metis Quadratic Funding! Gitcoin? Hercules Hangout EP 7 hosted by TheHerculesDEX. Metis Quadratic Funding and Gitcoin collaboration take center stage in Hercules Hangout EP 7, emphasizing the importance of custom liquidity solutions and community support. Through insightful discussions, viewers gain a deeper understanding of quadratic funding's impact on project sustainability and innovation. The space explores how Metis offers flexibility in liquidity strategies tailored to diverse projects while showcasing the synergies between Metis and Gitcoin in revolutionizing decentralized funding mechanisms. Community engagement, composability, and practical applications of quadratic funding principles enrich the discourse, inviting participants to reflect on the evolving landscape of decentralized finance.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.


Q: Why is understanding Metis Quadratic Funding important for projects?
A: Metis Quadratic Funding plays a significant role in distributing funds efficiently and fairly, impacting project sustainability.

Q: How does Gitcoin complement Metis in decentralized funding?
A: Gitcoin's platform enhances the reach and accessibility of Metis' quadratic funding mechanism, promoting community participation.

Q: What advantages does custom liquidity bring to projects on Metis?
A: Custom liquidity solutions on Metis enable tailored funding strategies, addressing unique project requirements and promoting financial innovation.

Q: How can community engagement support quadratic funding initiatives like Metis?
A: Active community participation fosters a supportive ecosystem for projects, increasing funding opportunities and network growth.

Q: What role does composability play in the success of blockchain projects?
A: Composability enhances interoperability among decentralized applications, creating synergies and expanding functionalities within the ecosystem.

Q: How does Hercules Hangout EP 7 contribute to knowledge sharing in the space?
A: Hercules Hangout's collaborative environment facilitates discussions, insights, and networking opportunities, nurturing a culture of sharing and learning.

Q: What practical applications can quadratic funding have in decentralized ecosystems?
A: Quadratic funding models like Metis offer innovative ways of funding projects, promoting fairness, efficiency, and community involvement in decentralized finance.

Q: Why is custom liquidity essential for project funding strategies?
A: Custom liquidity solutions cater to the specific needs of projects, optimizing funding efficiency and promoting financial sustainability.

Q: How does Metis stand out in offering flexible liquidity solutions?
A: Metis distinguishes itself by providing customizable liquidity options that adapt to diverse project requirements, enhancing funding flexibility and effectiveness.

Q: What benefits can projects derive from collaborating with Gitcoin?
A: Collaborating with Gitcoin expands project visibility, funding accessibility, and community engagement, augmenting project success and sustainability.


Time: 00:08:12
Exploring Metis Quadratic Funding Mechanism Diving deep into the intricacies of Metis' innovative quadratic funding approach.

Time: 00:12:45
Synergies between Metis and Gitcoin Understanding how Gitcoin complements Metis in decentralized project funding.

Time: 00:17:30
Custom Liquidity Solutions on Metis Discovering the customizable liquidity options that Metis offers for diverse project needs.

Time: 00:22:19
Community Engagement in Quadratic Funding Highlighting the importance of community support for the success of quadratic funding models.

Time: 00:28:05
Impact of Composability in Blockchain Projects Exploring how composability fosters interconnectedness and growth in blockchain ecosystems.

Time: 00:32:40
Hercules Hangout EP 7 Insights Gaining valuable insights and networking opportunities in the collaborative Hercules Hangout environment.

Time: 00:37:18
Practical Applications of Quadratic Funding Discussing how quadratic funding principles can revolutionize financial support in decentralized ecosystems.

Time: 00:41:50
Benefits of Custom Liquidity Strategies Exploring the advantages custom liquidity solutions bring to project funding and sustainability.

Time: 00:47:29
Flexibility of Metis in Liquidity Solutions Understanding how Metis offers flexible liquidity options tailored to specific project requirements.

Time: 00:52:15
Collaboration Opportunities with Gitcoin Highlighting the benefits projects can derive from collaborating with Gitcoin for enhanced funding and community reach.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the intricacies of Metis Quadratic Funding and its impact on projects is crucial for the ecosystem.
  • Exploring the synergies between Metis and Gitcoin provides insights into decentralized funding mechanisms.
  • The flexibility and customization offered by Metis in liquidity solutions cater to diverse project needs.
  • Community engagement and support are vital for the success of quadratic funding models like Metis.
  • Learning about the practical applications of quadratic funding enhances comprehension of its benefits.
  • Leveraging Gitcoin's platform alongside Metis can amplify funding opportunities for projects.
  • The collaborative nature of Hercules Hangout EP 7 fosters knowledge sharing and networking.
  • Discover how quadratic funding principles can revolutionize financial support in decentralized ecosystems.
  • Exploring the nuances of composability sheds light on the interconnectedness within blockchain projects.
  • Understanding custom liquidity solutions can lead to more efficient and effective project funding strategies.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcoming

What's up, guys? We'll get it started in just a few minutes. I'm letting, I'm letting folks roll in. Usually get a good audience in about five minutes. So we'll hang tight for a little bit. You guys can jam out to some lo fi with me. Hope you all are having a nice Friday. Also, I always like to mention at the top of these things. You probably hear mention it a few more times. But these are open forums, so if anybody wants to come up and talk, simply raise your hand. I'll get you up here. We really try to keep it a little dressed down for the Friday show it. All right. Hello. Hello, hello. I think I got you up here. The guys from Cirrus. Oh, I think I got you. How are we doing? Gangdeh?

Quadratic Funding Discussion

Gm jam. So part of what I wanted to talk about today was some of the quadratic funding that's going on. I saw actually that you guys had applied. So yeah, that's pretty exciting. I'd love to see ogs get involved with some of the new stuff going on. Yeah, yeah. I don't know much about the. Yeah. So you apply? We apply for the funding and bringing up something is coming up on Swann. I don't have much information. Yeah, definitely recommend checking out that, that get coin post there if it's something you're interested in. So, you know. I know, I know. Sirius is one of those like, kind of like OG community projects in that you guys have quite a big community. So, you know, we love to see it. What's up Cl's? What's up, dark? I see you guys in the audience. Welcome, welcome in.

GitCoin Updates

So we're kind of just chatting about some of the git coin stuff, some of the quadratic funding that's going on. You know, a little bit of a bump there. You guys haven't heard us talk about it yet, but Hercules also has a proposal out. So that's pretty exciting. We're excited to see what we can do with that. And we'll have announcement about that here in a minute. But that's going to be pretty exciting. We've got some cool new tools coming to the chain to help with awareness and sticky users. So yeah, we're excited about it. I think it's going to be a big help, but not just for us either. It's going to be good for everybody. So yeah, we're pumped work, of course, but always excited to see what the next development is.

Open Discussions

So yeah, obviously if anybody wants to come up, you're more than welcome to raise your hand. I'll get you up here. Looks like we got some folks filtering in, so it's encouraging. Good to see you all here. Thanks for jumping in. Let's see. Awesome. So, yeah, I wanted to look over some of the Gitcoin submissions and whatnot. I think you see a lot of things up here. Some very familiar faces. Right. We've got Vestedow, who we all know very well. That is, of course, Kobe and his team of folks. So it looks like they are working on building out another more long form written slate of content for folks, which I think is extremely helpful for folks who are really new to chains or really new to dexs, all that sort of thing.

Community Engagement

I think that's going to be super valuable. And also from. I wouldn't call myself a builder necessarily. I guess I'm on a team, but from a team aspect, one of the most encouraging things to see is people making content on what you're building and helping out in that way. That's to me, a very strong sign of a good community. Extremely valuable. So super excited for that. Super excited to see what they're doing, what they're going to come up with. And I'm sure it's going to have a lot of benefit for folks joining the chain or folks who have been on the chain for a long time but aren't aware of certain aspects, that sort of thing. It's definitely exciting. Of course, we have stake link coming along. I believe they're going to be a new LST for Metis, which is offering more options along those routes is definitely exciting.

Strategies and Ecosystem

The more options you have, the greater depth of strategy you can have. You can choose to do different things, you can make different adjustments, that sort of thing. I think that's always going to be good. Also excited to see them. A couple of memes on here. Any good defi ecosystem is going to have a swath of memes. I think that's. That's also nice to see. So, yeah, cool. Let's see. Do do do. Let's see. We've got a couple of folks are a little late to the show, but they'll be coming in here in a few minutes. So forgive me while I just stand here and vamp. But yeah, as I mentioned at the top of the show, like, you know, anybody is welcome to raise their hand, jump in. You know, we really go for a pretty open discussion, very low formality.

Community Call to Action

You know, I'm happy to stand up here and blab anytime. But you know, if there is anybody who wants to get in on any particular discussion, I'm happy to, you know, facilitate, participate, be present for, you know, the whole deal. So, you know, please raise your hand. We'll get you in. Let's see. Oh yeah. GM squared, I believe is how they're supposed to say that, GM squared. If you're not familiar with them, they are a social engagement platform. They're new to Metis as well. Cool stuff they do. They do on chain tasks, which is always a nice thing to have. So you have a little bit of flexibility in how you build your engagements.

Developer Insights

They can track swaps, things like that. That's going to be really nice for us to have as well from the dev side of things. Pretty pumped about that too. Let's see. Oh yes, we have stabilist. They're working on coming up as an LST, I believe as well. They've been cooking for a long time. It's good to see those guys up and moving. That's exciting. Chorus we know Velex is also a big one. Yep. Another liquid staking. Yeah. So all this gitcoin stuff is exciting. You know, I think it's a cool tool for us to have. I'm still trying to learn like a little bit about how the funding actually works in like the matches and things like that.

Active Participation

But you know, I think after seeing this first round play out and I've contributed to a few. So I've seen the like proposed matches and what have you and that's helped a lot for sure in terms of like at least like specking out like what I'm doing and where my money's going. So what's cool about it, you know, you see like, you know, for example, I threw half a metis at something earlier today and you could see the match was like four times what I was contributing. So it seems like it's a lot of bang for your buck, which is cool and good. All right. Oh yeah. Yeti apes. Yeah. If you guys aren't familiar with yeti apes, check that one out as well.

Creativity and Innovation

Sorry, I'm just like up here like shilling a bunch of random stuff while I'm waiting for one of the co hosts to join in. But Yeti Ape is pretty straightforward. They're working on some, I would call it creator tools and a community resource center. Don't let me speak for them. So that's just my impression of it. But I think that'll be a nice thing for Matisians to have access to as well. Check out what they're building if you're not familiar with them. Let's see, let's see, let's see. Oh, yes. Mmonkx. Good to see them, you know, love those guys. They've been just similar to Sirius. Like, been around forever.

Community Engagement and Support

So cool to see them applying for some funding. I'm curious to see what they're going to do with that, but. All right, sometimes these are a little bit shorter. I don't have a lot to cover, and I can stand up here and vamp at you guys for another 25 minutes, but without where it's just me, like, it's gonna get. It's gonna be short sometimes, and that's okay. Like I said, if anybody wants to jump up, feel free. But otherwise, like. Oh, here we go. Welcome again, serious folks. Oh, hello, hello. Yo, yo.

Diverse Projects and Contributions

Yeah, talk issue. Oh, yeah, no worries, man. Glad to have you up. So, yeah, what do you make of all this quadratic funding stuff you got? You know, you have any opinions? Any projects that you're looking to back, aside from Cirrus? Yeah, I supported some today. Do I establish protocol the next bestow Ellis? Yeah. Ultimate six or seven are supported today. We submit to you 2 meters. Yeah, I know what the others projects are building, so I supported them. Then you guys are here. Please try to support us.

Future Plans and Support Systems

Also, our new Dap is coming out soon, so you guys try to support us. We really appreciate. You can see top g travel in the building and every other person. Ramson Bell, Serena, CNS. Yeah, yeah, it's good to have you guys, for sure. You know, I love, I really appreciate, like, the guys who come out every time, you know, it's a. It's always encouraging. I see Cl's in pretty much every. Everything I help with. So, you know, I always try to give them a shout out.

Community Contributions

But, yeah, it's definitely help, you know, I mean, like I said, the community is like, such a huge part of, like, doing the whole thing right. You know, in terms of, like, maintaining engagement and, like, you know, like I mentioned with, like, Kobe earlier, like, it's so valuable to have members who are, like, creating content, assisting one another, helping one another. Cannot speak well enough about that. It's such a huge benefit. And as a self fulfilling prophecy, you have a community that educates itself and teaches itself and helps each other, and that's. You talk about how you're supporting the other projects on the get going funding round, like, that's, that makes a difference, you know?

Strong Precedents in Community Support

I mean, it takes a lot of folks to help with that, but, it makes, you know, it makes. It sets a really strong precedent. So. Yeah, love to see it. Trav, welcome. How are you doing, buddy? Good to see you. Let's see. Which other person do you support? Like which of the projects or methods do you support? Like throughout, like some little funds of methodist for the quadratic and funding for me. Yeah.

Contribution Overview

So I've contributed to. Let me see, Vesta stake link. I need to throw. I need to convert some USDC to Metis toss some to Eris as well. And obviously Hercules. You know, no bias there whatsoever. I threw a few bucks at Velix and I need to do support GM. I'm gonna toss you guys a few dollars as well. I'm kind of just spreading it out. There's a lot of quality stuff I see on here and stuff that I've participated in.

Encouragement for New Projects

Oh, yeti apes. Yeah. None of this is financial advice. All of this is just me, like, voting with my dollars to say I like these people in my own way. So for what that's worth. So, yeah, so just. Those are the folks that I'm supporting. I assume that as we go on, I'll probably support, you know, a few more as the rounds progress. But, you know, that's where I'm looking right now.

Community Collaboration

So a lot of folks that we've worked with as Hercules, who I'm familiar with, you know, people who I believe in what they're building or, you know, folks who have engaged positively with Hercules in the past, like, you know, homies support homies, I guess, is the way to put it. So let's see here. Some of these are really interesting. I'm not sure I'm familiar with a lot of them, like this grow the pie or star chime game. Anything that says game in it, I'm down to check out.

Plans for Exploration

I have to look into these. Those are my next two learn abouts for sure, but. All right, cool. So. All right, shifting topics here. Who has exciting plans for the weekend? Because I think I'm going to go dig up some rocks and I'm pretty pumped about it. Oh, we got a request. Trav. I know Trav. What's up? Trav hosts web three matters. I'm sure we'll get a chance to hear from him here in a second, but my spaces go mike check.

Wrapping Up

I got you, buddy. Love it. Great to be here, man. It's been a little bit. Absolute pleasure. Absolute pleasure.

Introduction and Connection

Yeah, I'm just connected with Sauv today from getcoin and. Oh, nice. Docs are off my feet. Blown right off. Yeah, straight. Straight to another strategy here. So. Yeah, really excited to, like, participate as well and check out all the other projects and see who I can support and. Yeah, no, I. What I really like about it is that even the smallest contributions make a huge difference here. So that's what really won me. Won me over. Right. Bunch of other ideas here, but I'm. Here's what's happening. Let me paint a picture for you. I've got a fundraiser coming up here, and my goal is to climb a mountain for 24 hours straight to raise money for. I'm not sure if you guys have heard of live hyped gentle tornado, but.

Encounter with Live Hyped Gentle Tornado

Oh, yeah, yeah. I met him at Vikon. Dude, that is so freaking cool. Absolutely. I know him. Yeah, he played that. So. So. All right, story time really quickly. Sorry. But he. I worked for dapper Dinos, who were a NFT project prior to this, and they were the first pre-launch partner that Gary Vee did back in the day. Anyway, all that is to say, like, we've been working on the video game for a long time. We have a mobile game that got published last year, and live hype came around and hung out with us for a little while, played our game, actually got a pretty high score, so. Yeah, so I know him. I met him a few times, man. Cool.

Upcoming Fundraiser and Training

That's. Yeah, I'm hoping I'll get to meet him for this fundraiser. He said he might be able to, excuse me, fly up to Canada to help me out with this and the reason why I'm so out of breath right now, because I'm training for it, so. Yeah. Right on. That's awesome. Doing some stairs here. We're good to go. But could not drop in because this is an important topic and I appreciate you guys. Appreciate it. Yeah, yeah. That's excellent. So. So with this. All right, so now this is kind of, I suppose, like, kind of our whole vibe anyway, but. So you're going to be climbing for 24 straight hours?

Climbing Challenge Details

Is that what you said? Yeah. So there's this hike, like, basically in my neighborhood, I'm super fortunate, like, maybe a ten minute walk from my house, and it's about 500 meters tall. So I want to see how many times I could hike it in 24 hours and just, like, put myself through the wringer and there's, like, a whole mental health component as well, which I don't mind getting into, but I also don't want to hijack your space here, so. No, I mean, like, this is. This is super low. Like, this is super low focus, so, like, please feel free to talk about it. I'm curious. Love it, man. Love it. Well, hey, to keep it long story short here, I'm not sure if I mentioned this to you specifically, but I used to be a trauma nurse, and about four years ago, kind of at the height of the.

Personal Experience as a Trauma Nurse

The pandemic, I just dealt with one of the gnarliest traumas ever, dealing with kids, and basically broke as a human being. So, yeah, long, hard road coming back from that. So, finally, at a place where, you know, I've realized I've put a lot of work in, and I'm come a long way, but definitely still a long way to go. So the intention behind this fundraiser is to a raise money for kids to keep them from getting into shitty positions, and then also as, like, a therapeutic means for myself to just base these things head on, feel like I'm doing something about it, and. Yeah. Yeah, that's awesome, man. I respect the hell out of that. I think that's a. That's a really cool thing to do.

Supporting Cause and Personal Growth

It's a really cool endeavor. You know, it is. It is a special ability to, you know, and also, like, it's. It's great that you're in the position to, like, have those resources to help, you know, time is a resource, right? Like, you're committing a lot of time and training to this, and it's cool that you're doing that. So I come from a family of emts, and while it's not necessarily, like, a trauma nurse or anything, you know, you. You hear the stories, and. And I know a little bit I have never experienced it. I've not, you know, equating anything I've heard, but I know folks who have. Who have seen some stuff, and it is, at times, very difficult.

Transition to Positive Actions

Sorry you went through that, but it's cool that you're taking that experience and doing something really positive with it. Thank you for that, dude. Absolute pleasure. And thank you for your kind words and your empathy here. It means a ton. And one thing I'll say is, I saw him in the audience a second ago. We got Maverick and shout out to him because he does all these crazy physical challenges as well, so he actually haven't told him this yet, but he kind of inspired me to make this a thing, and not only that, to, like, take on physical challenges as, like, a coping mechanism, as, like, a form of therapy as well.

Physical Challenges as Therapy

So he may have just ducked out right as I started to send him flowers here, but, yeah. Shout out to him if he somehow hears about this. Man's a legend. Yeah. That's excellent. Love it. You know, I'm a big believer in. In humans helping other humans better humans. You know, when. When you're in that position. Right. Somebody else's successes, you know, you can share another inside folks, other folks successes, and, you know, any. Anytime that you've affected someone that positive way, like, that's a. That's a, you know, a big win for the human race in general.

Moving Forward with a Positive Impact

So, you know, I love to see it. I appreciate, you know, I appreciate that sentiment, for sure. You know, glad to. Glad to have it on the spaces. So, anyway, you know. Yeah, anyway, that stuff's really cool. I appreciate it. It's cool to hear, you know, keep up the good vibes. Keep up the good work. Sticks does say that you need to breathe, so I know the amount of effort that requires to be training and also speaking at the same time, so thanks for that. I'm sure it is not easy.

Interactions and Updates

I love it. That's the kind of accountability I need. There we go. Yeah. What's up, Kobe? Thanks for jumping in, buddy. Yeah, no problem. I hit my signature patent. What you call it? The round of applause for Trav, man. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Definitely appropriate. Yeah, absolutely. Coming in here doing stairs. Oh, mavericks back, too. I don't know if you heard Trav say earlier that he was inspired by some of your physical challenges and stuff, and that's one of the things that got him to continue to push forward with this.

Kobe's Contributions and Team Updates

So sorry to speak for you, but based on his emojis, I think it's all good. Just wanted to make sure you got your flowers. Maverick is all. But, yeah, dude, what's going on with me? I'm chilling, dude. It's Friday. I made it through a really busy week. Stoked to now finally shift gears a little bit for a couple days away from or not away from anything, but to start to kind of zero in on these, on my NFT collection, on the llamas, so nice. Figured I better get some proper documentation put together today.

NFT Project Documentation and Website Development

I have a roadmap and. And some, like, mint dates and all these different things, so I figure I better get it into a proper document. GM squared social team is doing the website. Holy crap, dude. Those guys are a freaking killers, man. They are really smart dudes. I mean, they have a. They have a strong web, two background, and it shows big time. So, yeah, dude, it's crazy. The only thing, the only tough part is the time zone. But, like, today on the web, three matter space. Mary joined from the G squared account, and, dude, it was like midnight, 30 over there.

Assessment of the Team

Yeah. Yep. So, yeah, those guys are killers, savages, whatever you. Whatever. Yeah, positive. Like. Like attribution for grinding like crazy, and, like, super smart. Yeah. Got you there. Exactly. Exactly. So, yeah. Very stoked on that. Your store is slow today at the slow day. Slows. Slow day at the shop, but that's okay. More time to run three. So, yeah, fair enough. Fair enough. Hercules, did some get coin?

Project Developments and Challenges

Yeah. Amazing. Yes. So, yeah, so Metis heroes is looking to be a thing. And menace heroes is like, so we have this problem, right? And that's why you do anything, right? You have a problem. You're looking to solve the problem. And the problem that Metis has, or a lot of metis builders have, is like, all right, cool. I would like to bring some attention to my project. All right, how do I do that? Well, the most common, the common practice right now is I'll run an education campaign or I'll run a social campaign or I'll run a tasks campaign, and I will reward you with a token, whether it be menace, whether it be torch, whether it be cirrus, whether it be whatever.

Exploring Reward Systems

And great. You've earned that reward. You can now do whatever you like with it. We'd encourage you to take it somewhere where you can earn some funds on it or take it or stake it so you could earn a reward or do umpteen million other things with the token so that you engage with it and really learn what the token's about rather than just make your $10 and leave. And so what Metis heroes is looking to do, and particularly the Hercules journey, is establish basically a protocol or, like, a pattern or a product that provides the framework for people to engage with something through a telegram mini app, and then also reward them in a manner that ensures that they stay involved long term.

Hercules Journey and Engagement

So what does that actually look like? Well, we figured out a way, basically, to reward people with a locked lp position on Hercules. And so when you complete a campaign now you're not just receiving liquid tokens, you're receiving a a time locked, usually 15 to 30 days position on Hercules that you know, if you're smart, like, you'll pay the gas to stake it in your nitro pool because you might as well earn a little extra while you're waiting for it to unlock. so, you know, and some other things, you know, there's. There's some. Some tasks that are being implemented and whatnot and. And a lot of like, strong educational content.

User Engagement through Education

So you'll be able to see like, you know, a little bit about like, you know, what, how many things you've completed or points you've earned. Whatever, whatever. It's going to be pretty handy and it's all going to be right in telegram and extremely user friendly. So that's a little bit of information I have about it right now. There's a whole lot more on the gitcoin, so I'd recommend reading it. I think it's going to be a cool tool for everybody to have on Metis. Yeah, dude, I couldn't agree more. And I think, you know, we've talked to even about that on this space, specifically about that being a problem, not just on metis but on web three and in web three in general.

Proposal Discussions

So. Yeah, absolutely. And the images on the go, if you haven't gone and check out these proposals, go and give them a read. Like some of the best work that I've. Yeah, just. It's really good. Sorry, I got a customer in here. So. The folks who put together the deck really did a great job. We're very fortunate to have them in our stable in that they work with us every day and it's really cool. I think I've teased this before, but we have a whole website refresh that is pretty much done. We're waiting to roll it out just so we aren't jamming too many updates all at once and also awaiting final approvals from all the big wigs and whatnot.

Website Refresh and User Experience

But it's going to simplify the entire experience. I'm going to trim a lot of fat in unnecessary screens and change the user experience just a little bit. But it's going to be a lot friendlier for a newbie coming in, which is really who we're prioritizing right now. So anyway, I can go on about that forever and I will try not to, but. So, yeah, exciting stuff. Yeah. So we're on there. That is the thing that's going on. Can you want to talk about a little bit? I mentioned it at the top of the show, but I talked about VDAO being on there as well.

Further Discussions on VDAO

Do you want to talk about that a little bit more, Kobe? Kobe might still be with the customer here. Oh, yep. But I can tell you a little bit based on what I heard in our space today, if that helps. Cool. That's great. Yeah, cool. Absolutely. So from what I understand, like, part of the mission anyways, is just to make the learning curve to kind of enter into the blockchain web three space a heck of a lot easier.

VDAO Initiatives

I know they're putting out a bunch of blockchain for dummy type guides where they're talking about, like, how to get involved with a couple of different platforms. I know Defi Kingdoms is one of them where they're bringing down how to basically leverage different aspects of the game, which also happens to be a dex to, like, profit, essentially. Yeah. But, yeah, it's like deep dive. I just connected with Kemor today, who's one of the guys on the team and the guys.

Value and Mission in Education

So I know that just, like, the value that will be dropped in that is. Is pretty spectacular. I don't know much about kind of the history leading up to this, but when it comes to kind of education and making these complex ideas, you know, very digestible. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Consumable is something that, you know, really resonates with myself. That's kind of been one of my missions here in the space as well. So anyone who's doing that in a valuable way, very much on board with. So. Yeah, for sure, totally agree. What I got for them for now, but, yeah, super cool. Definitely looking forward to looking into that more. Especially projects like Defi Kingdom that have just been, like, OG projects out there that are still around, you know, survived multiple cycles, still building to be able to help push projects like that as well.

Personal Experiences with Defi Kingdom

I need to breathe here, sir. Yeah, I lost count. I don't even know where I'm at right now, but we're good to go. Yeah, yeah. It's funny, I didn't realize until someone explained it to me that, like, DFK was DFK. Like, I had transacted on their platform a long time ago on Harmony one. Like, just. Just being a defi idiot, you know, doing my thing, and I had no idea. Like, I remember when they. They were, like, launching a token. I do not remember what it was, but, yeah, I don't think it was jewel. It was something else. It was like some other thing, but it doesn't matter. I had been ready to buy a bunch of it at outset, and then harmony one looked like it was kind of cooling off. So I took my talents to south beach and got off the ecosystem. But that was a mistake, I think, or I missed what they were doing. So it's funny that we're working with them now. And years later I realized, oh, heck, I didn't realize it was you guys, but I've definitely transacted on your old platform, so funny how that works.

Credibility of Long-Standing Projects

It's not often that a project incepted multiple years ago is still, around this day, thriving. I can only count, like, so few of them that unless you're talking about, like, the blue chip og projects out there that have made, like, infrastructural, like, core tools on the blockchain, like, most of the main wallets, things like this, magic, Eden, whatever. Yeah. So I think it just adds so much more to the credibility. It's. It's just. And for them specifically, and I think this is just some alpha and, you know, talking about how to actually grow a successful, sustaining project, no matter what it is. Like, there's so much of it has fallen to the community as well. Yeah. One of the strongest communities out there. And it's just crazy. Yeah.

Community Engagement and Contributions

Yeah. It's incredible. Absolutely agree. You know, some of my, you know, I talk about, like, the cl's guys are like, you know, sticks. We've talked a lot to sticks and, you know, it's been a pleasure having. Having those folks around. They are stalwarts, you know, they. They show up every time and it's awesome. Like, they, you know, you can trust them to be present and contributing. Right? It's one thing to be present. It's another thing to be, like, contributing. And, like, these guys get in and get involved big time. And that's so excellent, you know? So, anyway, I can go on about that forever and I won't. But, you know, it's invaluable, right? So it's cool being a part of it. It's cool watching the guys do their thing and be present. And they're so smart dudes. Like, they know how to manage their community. They know how to support their community. They know how to keep them engaged. You know, there's just not enough, like, good things I can say, you know?

Excited Anticipation for DFK

Yeah, anyway, yeah. Excited to see, you know, we still have a lot of. A lot of. A lot of, like, new, exciting stuff to come from DFK, so I'm super pumped to see where it leads. I think it's going to be, you know, as everybody feels like, you know, it's going to be big for the chain and. And good for the chain, so. Absolutely, man. Could not possibly agree. More serious. You rich kid behind the PFP there. I see your hand out, brother. Sorry, I don't want to take over your space here. I mean, you're good, man. You're good. I am just yapping so for it. I don't see hands up. So in the odd sense that it's the same situation on your end.

Call to Action for Community Support

Figured I'd. Yes, sir. Square maybe it's nothing fancy. Hands. Oh yeah, man. Sweet home. So more like. Come on, guys, support serious supporters for the git coin grants. Come on, support. Always need to methods as low as $1 sending out of any amount you can support or those supporters. Yeah, you can check it right on our Pim post to support us for the grants. Thanks, guys. We appreciate the supports coming in. Yeah, awesome. Yeah, you know, appreciate the, you know, shout out your project, man. You know, you guys are super og, you know, as I said. So, yeah, support Sirius. Check out their pinned. You know, check out what they're working on. They've been around for a long time.

Updates on Git Coin Projects

So. Yeah, let's see here. Let's see here. What else have I missed in this git coin? We had 34 projects that got submitted, which I know they were talking that like, a lot of them get submitted last minute. I was I was like hoping like for 15 or so, and we got like 34. So that's. That's exciting. But. So we got some RWA stuff going on, which is cool. So it's like buck protocol. Buke. I'm not sure if it's buck or Buke RWA, if you don't know real world assets usually, you know, looks like these guys specifically are working with like event tickets, airline tickets, hotel room bookings, that sort of thing, which is a cool way. Now that's kind of exciting because, like, if you are somebody who, for example, has like a. A work credit card or a credit card that gets reimbursed by work, you can maybe get creative there.

Insights on Real World Assets (RWA)

Not financial advice, but that's kind of a cool idea. I had no idea there were RWA projects on Metis. This is all metis specific project. Obviously. It's the Metis funding. Yeah, I can say that, like, we. We've talked to a few that like, are waiting for the right time. So. Yeah. Cic a refi started. That's an RWA launchpad. This is just like all stuff that's in the getcoin round. So there's two at least that they are working on. So that's pretty exciting. Some of these might not be great fits, that sort of thing. That's part of the reason why the quadrant funding is awesome, because the users get to vote. But it's interesting to see we have these little spheres of, you know, the chain.

Community Perspectives and System Integrity

And, like, we talked about this, I think, a couple weeks ago, where, like, we. We, you know, being english speaking and english speaking priority. Priority, primarily. Excuse me. Like, we only see, like, what happens in the english speaking side of the spite of the spear. Go ahead, Trev. Oh, yeah. I just wanted to mention here on that exact specific topic, I posted a link up on the jumbotron from that Sauv posted in our space, and there's two other ones, if you go check out that thread. And he was basically speaking just to kind of what you're talking about, how that's, like, quasi democratic system, but they also have, like, infrastructure in place to keep people from, like, abusing the system or gamifying it, essentially.

Security Measures and Community Engagement

So civil attacks and whatnot. Yeah, yeah. 100%. Yeah. So, like, keeping bots from. Because I know one of the metrics to gauge success of a project is the amount of wallets so people could. My initial thought was somebody could like, fun facts, right? Yeah, exactly. But they have countermeasures for all that stuff, which is really freaking cool. And that's awesome if anyone's curious on, like, how that works. I posted, up top, the link to one of the three articles that saw who, if you guys are just tuning in now, is one of the main guys in Gitcoin. He. He posted these articles, and just. I. I skimmed one of them, and just. Such high level ingenuity. It's freaking amazing.

Concluding Remarks and Appreciation

That's excellent, dude. I have to take off, but I wanted to quickly just sign off and send my appreciation for having me up here and for continuing to just do awesome work that you are and for being an awesome person here as well, man. So truly appreciate you. Yeah, man. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate you coming in while you're working out. I know that's. That's. That makes the workout that much more difficult. So maybe it's extra good training, but. You know, it's later there, Kobe. Actually, you know what, guys? This is, Actually, it did me a service because I've totally lost track of how many times I've gone up and down these damn stairs. Oh.

Wrap-Up Conversation

Normally, I tap out at, like, eight, but I'm sure I've done, like, 15. Just. I've been lost in conversation. Oh, that's really funny. Thank you. I appreciate you guys. I'm doing this more often. All right. All right. See you later, Trav. Thanks for coming in, buddy. Welcome back, Kobe. I assume you had a customer walk in. Yeah, it is. And then now I got my buddy in here annoying me, you know? Such as, like. Yeah, exactly. At least I got buddies to annoy me. I. That's. That's a good way to look at it, man. Yeah.

Community Support and Donations

Hell, yeah. He's laughing, too. Yeah. QF go vote or donate, all that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep. Yeah. We heard the serious shout out. Trav took Liberty to talk about a little bit what vested is doing, and. And, you know, what their plans are for the funding and whatnot, and that's. That's. That's good. So appreciate that, trav. Yeah. I think you did a good job representing. Yeah. Yeah, for sure, dude. I've gotten represented twice by two different people today in the best way possible. Nice. I'm feeling hella grateful.

Integrity and Decision Making

That's good. That's a good way to look at it. That's. That's good to hear. I mean, you earn that, right? You know? Like, that's a. That's a. That's something that comes with conducting yourself with integrity to the best of your ability, and thank you. It takes a little longer doing it this way, but, yeah, definitely no to a lot of different opportunities. I'm getting better at saying no. I don't. You know, saying no sometimes used to be hard, but I. Yo.

Engagement and Reflection

Yeah, for sure. For sure. If I want to continue to conduct myself with integrity, then I have to say no to a lot of topic, but definitely some thought provoking. Well, I've actually just had a long conversation with my girlfriend about this because, like, we're both, like, people who, like, love to get involved with people's lives, you know, help them out when we can, you know, not. Not to, like, self aggrandize, you know, too much or anything. And just, like, that's just kind of the people that we are.

On Overcommitting

But when that happens, when you're. When you're like that, like, something that you can kind of. Kind of get in your pattern, your. The way that you act is you. You take on, like, way more than you should and way more than you can, and all of a sudden, like, you come to the end of the day and you're like, oh, man. Like, I'm gassed. I can't do anything. Like, I'm miserable. Absolutely, dude. You, like, give up yourself too many. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And you're like, oh, man. Like, now I can't do the things that I want to do, and you're tired and you're unhappy and, like, you know, like, what. What. What value are you to anybody at that point? And, you know, especially yourself. Right? So, like, you learn to say no to stuff, or you learn to, like, you know.

On Learning Limits

Know, like, what is too much. You know, like, what. What? Like, what is too far and. And whatnot. And it's. It's a huge. It's a huge help because, like, all of a sudden, you can self regulate so much better. You can be at a higher level of operation, you know, than you were prior. So it's like, you might not put out as much work, but what you're putting out is, like, a higher quality, and that's huge. Right? Like, learning, that's. It's a hard lesson to learn, you know? So. But, dude, it's. It's in. It's, like, empowering also. Not only is it, like, more. Helps you do more shit and be more productive, but it's, like. Feels good. Yeah, for sure.

On Setting Boundaries

As, like, a people pleaser myself. Like, yes. Feels. Feels good. Yeah. Yep. Well, especially once you learn that, like, oh, this person isn't gonna, like, hate me for not doing their homework, you know, like. Or whatever request they might have, you know, they're not gonna, like, walk out of my life because, like, I wasn't available for this, you know, to, like, help them build their house or whatever it may have been, you know? So, yeah, it's. It's. It's. It's nice when you get to that point. You can feel. You can feel comfortable with that sort of thing, but anyway, that's, you know, has nothing to do with crypto. but it's a. It's something I think about a lot, so.

On Weekend Plans

Yeah. Hell yeah, dude. So, self care in the modern age, you know. Anyway. Yeah, yeah. Probably the best. The best laugh you'll hear all day because that's a. That's a. That's a bit of a farce, but anyway, yeah. So, yeah, I mean, we've kind of talked about the getcoin stuff, you know. I didn't have a whole lot more to cover. You know, I am curious, like, what's going on with everybody's weekend? Like, who's got, like, the exciting weekend? I know. I myself. Amen. Am looking forward to it. I am. I've got a lot of football lined up, and I got a lot of work to knock out, so I'm going to crush tomorrow, I'm hoping, and then have all Sunday to, like, hang out and watch.

On Working Constantly

Watch football with the buddies. That's my. That's my intention. Toby, what about you? You working through the weekend? Oh, dude, I work all day, every day. I forgot what grass. I don't even know what color grass is. I think grass is. Yeah, I forgot. No, literally. Yeah. Seven days a week, every single day, 10 hours a day, minimum. And I'm not trying to, like, be toxic. No, no. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the life of a small business owner, man. Yeah, exactly. I would much rather prefer to do. I would still be working on, like, all my web three stuff, but I would rather prefer to do it from a home office and, like, you know, go for a walk and take.

Finding Joy in Business

Go out for lunch and all the things that normal people do. But, hey, you know, I'm giving myself, like, this first year, I opened in January, so I am trying to. I can put, like, it's. I'm not getting really burnt out since I am enjoying my time. Like, I. Earlier on, a space about, like, falling in love with the process and this, you know, some, like, really. It's really Gary V type shit. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. But that also is, like, a slippery slope, you know, to get, like, to, like, lie to yourself and tell. Tell yourself that you're in love with it. But I'm enjoying my time. I'm giving myself till January to.

Crafting Experiences

I, you know, before I think about hiring people again. Sure. Like, what would I be. Do I be in my home office right now? So it's like, I might as well be here, so. Sure. Right? Yeah. Yeah. It's. You know, it's. I don't know. Like, I've worked. I've worked jobs where, like. So I used to have a seafood business that I ran on the back of a truck right when I was in college. And, like, for the most part, it was just me, you know, like, my dad technically owned the business, but, like, I'd go and get all of our food or all of our supply, all of our product, I would go.

Personal Ownership

I would sell it every day and then, like, you know, do my own thing. And, like, it was. It was pretty cool to be, like, you know, oh, I want the day off, you know, and just take the day off or, you know, whatever that might look like, you know, have. Have a little bit of some enjoyment as well. you know, like, I crafted this experience. When you walk through the door, everything that you see is. Was built by me, you know, which, you know, I think it's got to be pretty cool, so. Absolutely. And, like, I was literally just talking today about trying to craft the experience for those people, like, the people that are coming in.

Customer Engagement

Yeah. Somebody asked me oh, how's business? And it's like, okay, well, it's, like, not really that much better than it was a month ago, but there's a bunch more door swings and, like, coming in. I'm taking that ten minutes, and, like, connecting with small town dude. People want to stay. Makes a big difference, dude. Yeah, huge difference. And then at the end or before the end of the conversation, I'm saying, like, okay, well, what kind of things do you want to see in here? You know, what do you get at other stores? Blah, blah. Right. Trying to create.

Successful Business Strategies

And that just helps you run a better business. Yeah. Like, having that humble attitude of, like, you know, I see a lot of, like, small business guys who, like, have. Have a sort of, like. Well, I know what's better because, like, I built this. This is my thing. And, like, having that attitude of, like, you know, I'm very happy to hear, like, what. What you want, what you need. Like, what can I provide for you? Like, that's. That's a really smart understanding of, like, your position in the matter, which is that you're a service provider.

Service Provider Mindset

Right. Or you're a product provider, you know? Like, your. Your job is to, like, listen to what people want and provide it. You know what I mean? So that's. That's smart, and I applaud you for that, for sure. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. Well, I'll keep you posted on. On how it turns out to. So. Yeah, yeah, I run a smoke shop, so I sell, like, bongs, papers, vapes, all that stuff.

Business Reality

All that degenerate type of stuff that people. People like to. That they need in their life. But I also live in a. In a pretty restricted state, so I can't really sell any. Oh, shoot. I can't sell any, like, cannabis or anything like that, but. Yeah. But anyways, we will. I'll keep you guys posted, for sure. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I appreciate it. Yeah, man. Yeah, Mandy.

Conclusion and Weekend Greetings

So. All right, cool. Well, I think. I think, you know, that's. That's some good vibes, I think, to wrap today up on. I don't really, like. You know, we keep it super informal with these, like I said, and, you know, unless anybody wants to come up and talk about anything, like, you know, we're just kind of, you know, chatting with the market, obviously. Oh, also, like, green market. Hooray. Yeah. We haven't even mentioned it. I was. I was like, honestly, like, most days, I don't.

Positive Market Reflection

Look, I just, like, stick to my plan and. And, you know, compound and do what I do. But, yeah, you know, love to acknowledge a green day, especially when it's, you know, pervading my. My online experience. So that's nice. More of that, please, and thank you. So, yeah. But anyway, I wish you all a lovely weekend. You know, any. Any last minute words, kobe or Sirius or anybody else who's got speaker rights.

Community Engagement

Go follow the lo fi llamas account, man. Even if you don't come and mint an NFT. Do. Join the. Join the community. I'm trying to do some cool shit with the. With the music and the NFTs all at once. Like, I'm serious. Don't you. Like, actually, don't. Nobody in here meant an NFT. I don't even care if you do. Like, I'm being genuine. Like, I did everything myself, and so, like, I'm literally already feel accomplished.

Invitation to Connect

Like, you don't have to buy shit from me. Like, just come and join the community, listen to tunes with me, and, like, let's vibe out of. So, yeah, that's all I got. Appreciate you hosting the space, and I'll see you next Friday. All right, man, sounds good. Thank you guys for coming. I appreciate you all. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Reflecting on Work

I know I'm gonna be trying. So, you know, we'll see you next week and. Yeah, everyone at the same time. Opening. We have this green tea, October. Because the way the market is super green. Opening October. Yeah. Happy birthday to me. There we go. All right, guys.

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