Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Metis QF #1 Shill Sesh – LSTs & ReFi Roundtable hosted by MetisL2. Metis? QF #1 Shill Sesh delves into the world of blockchain, discussing LSTs, ReFi, and the future of self-sustainable blockchain ecosystems. The space advocates for community participation, innovative solutions like superfluidity, and staying informed on DeFi advancements to navigate the competitive crypto space successfully. Join the conversation to gain insights and stay updated on cutting-edge developments in blockchain technology.

For more spaces, visit the Unique Projects page.

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Total Listeners: 38


Q: How can LSTs improve blockchain network sustainability?
A: By optimizing resource allocation and utilization, LSTs can enhance network efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Q: Why is community involvement vital for blockchain ecosystems?
A: Communities drive adoption, innovation, and governance, fostering a healthy and self-sustaining blockchain environment.

Q: What are the benefits of understanding ReFi in the crypto space?
A: ReFi knowledge empowers individuals to make informed financial decisions, navigate DeFi platforms, and participate in yield farming.

Q: How does superfluidity concept revolutionize blockchain transactions?
A: Superfluidity enables seamless, instant, and cost-effective transactions, improving overall blockchain user experience.

Q: Why is exploring new DeFi solutions crucial for blockchain enthusiasts?
A: Embracing new DeFi solutions ensures staying ahead in the competitive blockchain landscape, offering diversified investment opportunities and financial tools.


Time: 12:05:20
Efficiency Through LSTs Exploring how utilizing LSTs can optimize blockchain resources and efficiency.

Time: 12:15:40
Community Governance Dynamics Understanding the role of community governance in fostering self-sustainability in blockchain ecosystems.

Time: 12:25:10
Innovative ReFi Strategies Delving into emerging ReFi strategies and their impact on the evolving crypto landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Leveraging LSTs can enhance the efficiency and sustainability of blockchain networks.
  • Community involvement is key to maintaining a robust and self-sustaining blockchain ecosystem.
  • Understanding ReFi concepts is crucial for individuals navigating the evolving blockchain landscape.
  • Innovative approaches like superfluidity in blockchain can revolutionize transaction processes.
  • Exploring new DeFi solutions is essential for staying competitive in the blockchain industry.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

All right. All right, GM folks, thanks for being here early. I get, well, not early on time. Thank you for being here on time. We are getting our guests up on stage right now so we can get started, but let me just give some quick house keeping and some short updates and then we'll kick it off. Refi starter. I just sent you an invite to speak. I hope you see it and you can join us on stage. But everyone, this is Anthony. We've been hosting. This is a shill sesh. This is a metas quadratic funding round. One shill session. We've been having these, you know, almost daily for the last two, three ish weeks, and we usually have, you know, our guest speakers who are projects that are in the round, and then we open the mic up for folks who come on stage and chat with us.

Opportunity for Projects

If you're a project, it's a chance to show your own project and also just connect with other projects. We've seen some projects connecting and potential collaborations brewing just from joining these spaces, and it's also a chance to solicit more support for the current round that we have on get coin for the projects. And the more person contributes to several projects, the larger the impact is on the projects they are supporting. So it's really a, the more participation, the more support, the more donors, and the more donations that are made, the better it is for everyone. And yeah, so, with that, quick update, I'll probably say this again, later, actually. In fact, I know I'll say this again later, especially before we close up, as more folks join. but I'll tell you all here early. This is our last, chill session for this round.

Final Space and Upcoming Events

I was hoping we could have one on Friday, but Friday the round closes quite early in the morning, not super early, but it would be way too early to have a space, and it wouldn't really make sense to have a space an hour before the thing closes. So we're just gonna keep amplifying it. This will be our last space because tomorrow, if you are here yesterday, and this hasn't been announced on our page yet, but if you're here yesterday, you know about it, we'll be having Defi kingdoms at 07:00 p.m. uTC joining us, and they may or may not have a really nice announcement to share, but definitely be on the lookout for that link right after this race ends and get ready to join that one. And then Friday would be. That will be is the last day of this round. We are hearing that, you know, the last day usually gets a lot of action, so don't.

Final Call to Action

This thing is definitely not over. There's still potential impact that is can be made. And so this space, being our final one, is really important, and let's make the most of it. So if you see on the top of the jumbotron, you'll find the first tweet is to the space. Either go there and retweet that or go into the comment section. Retweet the space directly. Get folks in here. Comment in the comment section. Invite three people. Tell them to come through. Tom, this is our last space. Tell them this is the shield session of the century. Tom, they gotta be here. And, Yeah, and if you scroll on that jumbotron, you'll see a stake dot link tweet that you can access their page. You'll see a Velix tweet and then a refi started tweet. Who are. Who are our three guests that are here in refi starter?

Co-Host Transition

I sent you an invite to speak, so hopefully you can join us on the stage. But I'm gonna pass it over to my co host, Quantic, who is here. Great to see you, brother. How you doing? Good morning, everyone. So we have the last space today, right. For the quadratic funding. It has been quite an adventure. I know that you're kind of tired, Antoni, so congrats to you. Kudos to you. You did an amazing job. And we are here today. We have to close with a banger. So I'm very excited about this possibility of talking with the folks from lfcs and from the refi space. Like, I don't know much about Refi, so I really need to learn more. And actually, I have some time to make some donations, so it's also good if you want to chill on the medispace tweet.

Guest Introductions

You can do that. And I will be checking out your projects as well, because today is my last day of donations. Very excited. So what do we have today here with our guests? I see. Who do I see? Let me check. Tokenize it. We have refi starter. And we have Tommy Davids, amazing defi expert. Whoa. Okay, cool. So it seems that we're gonna have some fun. You were complaining about not having enough people in the space, is that correct, Anthony? Sure. What I mean, yeah. If you zone that lane, nobody is gonna get into the space. You need to bring some energy, bro.

Energy and Engagement

We are pumping, we are happy. We're ready for Q four, and we are going to the fucking moon. You know, people want that energy, I'm not very good at that because, you know, I'm involved with the developers and I'm a serious guy. But you get the vibe, right? Yeah, definitely. We're pamping, baby. We're pamping. Awesome. So it's time to make just one final thing. It's time to make some noise, guys, because it's the last day. We want the ecosystem to shine, to drive, and there is like more gitcoin rounds that are coming. So we need your help here. We need your retweets, your likes, your, you know, comments, all of that. And we need you to complete the task on drive as well because that is instant payment for you guys.

Transition to Next Segment

Well, it's not instant, but, you know, is secure payment, I would say, for you guys. So, Anthony, take it. Definitely. Thank you for bringing up thrive. That would be the next phase after the get Quinn round for opportunities for projects to reach milestones and get, as Quantic said, some secure payments in coming your way. And it's also for creators and contributors. But yeah. And there are things just going back to the quantic last point about the excitement of what's happening in the industry right now, at least, you know, the market and all that type of stuff. There are things that me and Quantic cannot say as wear the meat is staff hat.

Call for Engagement

So I actually turn that to you all to bring that excitement in because it is exciting. And so we want y'all to display and exhibit that excitement that I think all of us are feeling. So. Yeah. But I'm gonna pass it over. Let's get into introductions for who we have here. First on my screen is tokenized. Can you introduce yourself and who you're representing? Yeah, sure. Hi, everyone. Good morning. Good morning. Wherever you are. I appreciate the invitation to talk about stake link today and, you know, our upcoming integration onto the metis blockchain.

Tokenized Introduction

I'm part of the stake link Dao and actually the first full time employee that was voted on VR governance. Nice. That's a really awesome accomplishment. And I've actually, I don't think I've heard that in web three yet, like, voting on employees. That's like some really heavy Dao stuff right there. And congratulations on being voted into the employee. Even better than, I think, being hired by a group of staff or something. That's pretty cool. I mean, the community wanted you. Yeah, I feel like it's a very special role because, like, my bosses are basically the community. So I kind of like, I'm working with the core contributors, but I'm also, like, part of the community, and I'm basically their voice. So, yeah, pretty exciting.

User Experience and Simplicity

Yeah, that's a really great question. So you cannot be the simplest without having the best user interaction. Right. Or user experience. So we are focused on the user experience. Now, what makes it the simplest you visit protocol and I would really love you do it. Now you can visit our telegram or discord server and then you'll be directed to our website and you'll be able to test what I'm just saying right now. So there are easy to follow processes. You go here, it points you to your next step that you need to take, the next position that you need to take. And everything is simplified right before you. So you know what is happening. And even if you have not had the opportunity to participate in liquid sticking, then we make it simple for you. So, yeah, that is. That is how simple it is. If you asked about that.

Questions and Follow-ups

All good. Anthony, do you have any follow up questions regarding this? Yeah, regard. Based on the simplicity and the user experience, I want to even. I want to see it or try it out. Even if it's not. Maybe if it's, even if it's like a beta or testing. Is there any. Well, actually, maybe we'll get into this question after because this is kind of getting into like roadmap and what's coming and things like that. So I'm gonna stop right there on my end. Yeah. And if your introduction is done and overview, let me know. And then we'll get to refi started before we get more deeper, because I do have a question. I'm not sure if I got that you asked about roadmap rights. Well, yeah, but we'll push that to after refi.

Refi Starter Introduction

Oh, I see. Refi started, dropped off the stage. Yeah, I was gonna ask that after, though. I want to make sure we get to the overview of the projects before we get a little bit deeper. Yeah. So, like a little bit of information here for you. It is also simple given the fact that we have seen lockup periods, right. Like internal protocol lock up rate for some of the protocol that are already live on meters. And we provide flexibility to our users. So there is no internal, that is the qualifying word here. There is no internal protocol lockout, period. So you are easy to stick and then unstick so easily. Right. That is how simple that is. And well, hopefully as we get into the details, we will talk more about some of our unique features, which you might be really interested to know.

Community Engagement and Projects

Amazing. Amazing. Thank you for that introduction of Vlix. Love the focus on simplicity and user experience. I think that goes for all of web three. That's something that we all need to be really focusing on. So I appreciate that from your guys and let me pass it over to refi starter. Give it. Can you give us an overview of Refi starter? I think your project, for those that are up on the stage that it sounds like we may be the most unfamiliar with. So maybe you can give us an overview of the project and maybe a little background on what Refi is. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. I think we can start on the community because, so for example, the refi. Right, regenerative finance. Right? So right now, regenerative finance on decentralized, you know, it's a small niche, you know, like more into the kit coin rounds like this.

Tokens and Ecosystem

Many of the projects, probably thousands of projects joined the rounds before this one, right? So we joined the last two and I'm also part of Refine Mexico. And then that one is the fourth round. Right. So I helped it also to do this is part of the refi Dow, which has like 45 cities around the world with communities of doing different kind of projects. Right. Like some of them do carbon credits and tokenization railroad assets and others are doing like planting trees and rewarding their community with their token. Something like that. Right. But anyway, so the community is growing. So it's a small niche, but we provide like the service to do token based startups to enter the market. Yeah. Right.

Product Focus

Right. So that's about the community. Right. So now the product. Okay, now the product is like a normal launchpad. Right? So, but focusing first in refi startups or design decentralized science or the centralized information protocol network like DPIn or AI, you know, everything not necessarily has to be like super region. Right. Region is the term that we use for super regenerative or refi. Right. And also the goal is to make the space, the refi space a little bit more. Yeah, digitized it a little bit. Right. So we're also looking to do defi activities. So we're happy to connect to the Dexs. We pretty much, they can be running on our interface and you just like, that's a quick setup for us to launch like a working product because right now we're developing that.

Technical Developments

Carlos is the developer who is doing the smart contracts, is actually doing like smart contracts every day. He, he just loved that. So it would be nice to have a call with him. He won. Oh, you went out on my end. Not sure, not sure if you're, if other folks can hear. Yeah, I can hear you. He may have like broken off. So. Yeah, Oscar, I think you're having technical troubles, connection issues. We can't hear you no more. You kind of went out. You there? Okay. Hello? Oh, hello. You there? Okay. Yeah. Oh, sorry about that. I don't know where.

Connecting with the Developer

No worries. You, everything was coming through just like at the very end. You kind of went out so you could pick up the developer. Did you hear about the developer, Carlos? No. I think that's what you're getting into. Okay. Yeah, so Carlos. Yeah, he's doing the smart contracts. He has some. So pretty much most of the back end is ready, but. Okay. Working in the front and another stuff. But, yeah, he will be starting to explore the Andromeda, Metis docks and. Oh yeah. Yeah. So he won, eastern Korea, East Denver and won a pack with polka dot in Singapore hackathons.

Future Goals

So, hopefully, yeah, we can meet in Bangkok for those going and meet in person and. Yeah, so yeah, and probably honestly, like in a month we should have a dashboard with different. And of course he's gonna implement the wallet to Metis and deploy smart contracts. We just need to find like, yeah, keep working on the final concepts of the functionality of the platform of, for the projects to give. Like. You went out again. But, but anyway, guys. Yeah, yeah, but the last part we got was that you're ready to make, deploy the app in the wallet or connect the meters network and deploy the meters network, I think by the end of next month, I think, or something like that.

Deployment Readiness

But cool. Testnet. Okay, cool. So you're getting ready to deploy meters. That's exciting. I love to see it. I don't know. I don't think there's any refi projects that I'm aware of on our network yet. And I, Refi is definitely in a sector or topic that interests me a lot. And yeah, so thank you for that introduction. Thank you for that overview. Now let's get a little bit deeper into each project and, yeah, so. I want to start off with saying it's gonna go for all of you. Like, if I'm a, as a participant of this, get coin around as a donor, as a supporter and somebody who's making, trying to make an impact in projects that I believe will be positive to our ecosystem.

Support and Impact

And I want to see y'all succeed. So I'm going to pitch in a bit of my own resources to support y'all. What? Why should, well, you know, and there's such, so many projects on there and I can't maybe donate to all of them. So I'm choosing like the few who I think are going to be the most impactful. So if I'm that donor, how. Talk to me. Tell me why I should choose your project to donate to. And let's start with tokenize. Why should someone support stake link? Yeah, thank you. I think that similar to St Link, we aim to be the number one go to LST for Metis.

Tokenized Goals

When we say number one, we mean having the highest on chain liquidity. It means providing seamless UI UX experience for medistakers using our priority pool, which serves as a buffer zone for deposits and withdrawals. And of course we package all of it using the chaining stack, which includes CCIP automation. And let's not forget the most important infrastructure catalyst for lsts, which is Chainlink price oracles, which we aim to get in the future so we can borrow and lend our medis and still receive the sequencer reward weight in the holy Grail, preferably Aave. Now when you combine this with our already existing projects, tokenomics via the ResdL NFTs, these ReSdL NFTs align our three key stakeholders.

Stakeholder Engagement

The top 50 node operators we work with are LSD holders and our SDL stakers through governance and holding these Resdl NFTs basically provides a weekly reward rate from link and in the near future, also in metis tokens, I think these features are unique to us and some of them are already in place. So the way we see it will be slowly at first, then all at once. Yes, great pitch. That was a great elevator pitch. Really straight into the point. Quantic. Anything you want to ask? Anything that came up for you? Yes, my follow up question and this is for all of you white Medis guys, there is like thousands of l two s.

Incentives and Ecosystem Development

So I really would like to learn about your perspective and you can be completely honest if it's only because of the incentives and all that's completely fine as well. That's, you know, one of the reasons we are designing these programs. But you know, feel free to share your personal reason of why choosing medicine, why building in our ecosystem, definitely. So that. Let's get, yeah, let's go back tokenized and yeah, and then we'll go to the other two projects with these two questions. So why, so why meditate? Yeah, so there's obviously a play with regards to incentives.

Partnerships and Opportunities

I think that like the fact that you guys are like, you're pushing this decentralization in funding through different routes. If it's from your sequencer where you provide like you bring in new stakeholders to take part of the blockchain and, you know, be actively managing it in a way. So that's like, I think it's like a combination of those two. Like the fact that your community or the foundation or everyone at Metis are very welcoming new projects. And yeah, just the fact that you guys collaborated or partnered with Chainlink for CCIP. We already have like CCIP lanes ready for our tokens and it's just easy, you know, like everything is kinda like the initial frameworks are kinda already in place and we just need to come in and enjoy the ride.

Gratitude and Acknowledgement

So thank you. Thank you. Tokenized. Great response. And yeah, definitely unique that y'all are or unique stuff you're bringing, especially with the connection to chain link and the whole CCIP integration and all that. There's a lot that can possibly be potentially rebuilt with all these and composability that can be created and with all these different integrations. And I know you also mentioned Aave, there's a lot of potential that can happen. And so that's exciting to hear about. Let's pass it over tommy Davids from Velex and tell me why I should choose to support Vlix. What stands out about Vlix and why Metis?

Vlix's Unique Proposition

Yeah, I appreciate that question here and well, I think anybody that has Metis right within the Metis network and then wants a place to actually capitalize on, then they are looking at maximizing profit here. So what we have done at Vilex is to provide the platform where people can actually maximize their reward, right, while having the best us or UI interaction. And that is what we are doing. But so this is the reason why you should actually donate a few SS for us. Now we are exploring ABV. And if you have been following hottest talk, if anybody, if any protocol wants to make sure like their users are maximizing their rewards, then they are definitely exploring ways to make sure that happens.

Future Plans and Features

So as part of our future plans, which hopefully you would ask, we are going to integrate, right, Mev capture. We are going to set up our own validator nodes that will capture MeV and redistribute back to our stickers. So you not only be using our protocol, which is the simplest, however, you also be maximizing your returns as a sticker also. One thing that you need to understand is we are very much focused on users maximizing their returns or their reward. Now if you look at our protocol, we have about a chunk of percentage of our protocol reward going back to our users.

Community Focus and Benefits

Community is really important here. So if you ensure that your community are getting the best out of the lot, then everybody is going to stick with you. So if you believe in these initiatives. Right. We helping our users maximize their returns through these innovative features. Then of course you should throw in a few excess for village. Now, why we choose Metis? We need to understand the fact that Metis is the only l two that actually gone decentralized. We can talk about some of the popular l two s, but here we are with Metis being the only network that has actually announced going to digitalize their sequences.

Decentralization Opportunity

So it only makes sense to actually capitalize on that opportunity, right? And then come out with this innovative LST protocol infrastructure, which of course Vilex has been doing pretty much work building. So we saw how fast and then cheap it is to actually operate on meters. So it was not just they going decentralized, but then the fact that it is the cheapest rights and then cfs in the sense that they have gone decentralized. Well, we saw the opportunity to actually build something cool for the community there. Amazing. Amazing. Thanks for that breakdown.

Support for Refi Starter

Let us know why folks should support Refi starter in these final days of the round. And why Metis? Why did you all deploy? Or why are you all looking to deploy Metis?

Motivation for Choosing Metis

Sure. So why medis? Well, for us is the more change we give input and context about like what is the space of Refi and the projects on more startups or just Daosh. So I think every blockchain should have this kind of thing, which is like voting for things to do some real world impact in the ground or projects working to do that. Right. And all the climate change and all these sectors and well, I don't think it's bad to have it on Metis or any other chain. And that's what we're doing. So we're happy to implement a. Yeah, in the back end, the Metis, and we like Metis for I personally get interested when I travel after Lisbon and other stuff.

Conference Experiences

And then I arrived to Kiev and I went to the W. Nft what? Yeah, Nft WTF conference that it was amazing, by the way. And Metis was the neighbor of the booth. So we have another startup and we met this was next door to the booth. So since then we studied. They send us all the documentation. They send us like what is it? They explained us right there in the spot about the booth, about what is different.

Rediscovering Metis

Oh, you went out again? Yeah. And I really? Yeah, I bet sandrome that we like it a lot. So yeah, I don't know. I don't know if you're listening to me. And until what time was. Until what? Yeah, saying that you met us, were a neighboring booth at NFT. WTF. And that's when you went out. Okay. Yeah. And then I, were with, I was with another startup and the neighbor was Metis on the booth. So the guys send us all the documentation and give us like the input, the differences right there in the spot and they explained you the differences and.

Leveraging Communities

Yeah, so that's where I rediscovered Metis and I like it. So yeah, happy to do to bring more projects here. Thank you. Awesome. Awesome. And what would it look like once Refi starter is up and rolling? What is bringing more projects, refi projects into network look like what kind of, what's the overall grand, I guess vision of what y'all are building? Because I'm still trying to understand myself.

Collaboration and Community Engagement

What? What? Yeah. Yeah sure. Yeah, I think. And that's where we leverage a little bit. Yeah, you're good. That's where when we can leverage a little bit from refine Dow and green peel communities because there's a lot of builders over there and amazing projects. You know, not all of them are very complex in DeFi, but we can defy, make them a little bit more squeeze the defi on them while they do the great things that they're doing for social and other not causes, but it's just the niches and markets. Right. Wait, this is the question the answer is okay. Yeah, definitely. Definitely. Thank you for answering.

Value of Connections

And that's a cool story that you shared about how you met our team at a conference by being neighbors. And that's the value of these conferences is that, you know, you make these collaborations, these connections that could potentially turn into some great partnerships or collaborations down the road. So I'm glad you're here, glad you're participating in our first quadratic funding round on Gitcoin. This is what it's all about. And it's about supporting projects who are really coming to our ecosystem to really make an impact and the community gets to basically decide or heavily influence resource allocation in this initial stage.

Future Collaborations and Resources

But I'm going to talk about, or mention, not talk about, but mention that after this round we are collaborating with thrive protocol that quantic mentioned earlier. In the beginning of the space there will be some milestone based tasks, I guess you can call them, for projects that can access more resources and really continue their journey and their path on building on Metis and getting the support they need.

Grants Framework Philosophy

Yeah. Thank you, Anthony. I hear I had to kind of intervene because I wanted to share something which is like the philosophy behind the new grants framework that we are working on from the medi side. So right now you can go with Gitcoin. Right. And in this first experiment I would say we are showing that the projects that have the most active community and are able to, you know, promote themselves properly and create a community and generate excitement about their projects and ecosystem are the ones that are being, you know, are the ones that are most likely to receive most of the benefits from the git coin.

Focus on Product and Metrics

But that's not enough, right? Because what we want people and projects to do with those resources is to actually use, to actually build products that people use. So how are we going to work to ensure that works? Right? So first you get that initial amount of grant. It can be up to ten k or can be less, whatever. But then we're going to provide this milestone based path on the try protocol. So what you will do there is if you're a, that are in the gitcoin round, receive the grant, whatever amount you have, then you start contributing on this milestone, right?

Efficient Funding Process

So the first milestone are going to be like very simple, like deploy your contract of Metis and show us the information about your project, your deployment and all of that. And then you are going to get paid. So we are not going to make you waste any time. All of the efforts that you're putting into building your decentralized application or protocol and Matis is going to be rewarded. So that's a very different way of providing funding that you probably won't find in like in all other places, right? So that's one thing.

Emphasis on Fairness and Transparency

And then the most important metric, of course, is going to be related to, you know, user acquisition, transaction and all of that. And what we want to make sure is that projects that are not only building this community and generating this excitement, but also having product market feed transactions and all of that are the ones that are going to be receiving the biggest amount of funding right now. Everything is like, it's going to be like fair and transparent with thrive, but then they can get access to, like higher grants.

Encouragement for Building on Metis

So it's very important to keep in mind that what we are doing here is creating a system for everybody to come and build on medis while getting paid for doing so. I think that's very important to communicate.

Transitioning to New Initiatives

Thank you, Quonsic, for that breakdown. Quantic has been working a lot on the, this new framework and how we're moving forward and how we're trying to incentivize projects. For one, like you said, one, building community, engaging community. Two, reaching milestones. And three, you know, kind of starting to show like some sort of track record, you know, so there's maybe some projects that are coming into this round who may not have track record.

Opportunity for Engagement

Yeah. And this is your opportunity in several ways to start showing that through community engagement, reaching milestones and things like that. And the most active project, the projects that have been most active in this first round are the ones who have had the most contributions and are the ones who are getting the larger matches. And you can go check that out yourself. If you go and prove to all the projects, you know, the ones that you're seeing in these spaces the most are the ones who are getting the most contributions, because they're not just joining these spaces, they're also finding they're doing everything they can to engage communities and kind of display what they're building and getting folks to believe in what they're offering and believe in the impact that they can bring to our ecosystem.

Open Invitation for Participation

So it's been a great way to, I think, on both ends for both the community and for projects to kind of co-design our ecosystems trajectory. As you tokenize your hand up, before I pass it over to you, we're going to open the stage up for any other, for anybody, any listeners or any projects that are also in this round who want to come up, talk a little bit, solicit some support in these final days of the round. So please request to speak.

Acknowledgment of Participants

I see some folks in here who are currently part of the round, like Hercules, Monkex, the OG meme, coin on meters, yeti, apes, others. So if you want to come up and show yourself is your opportunity or ask any questions to our guests or anything about the current round, but tokenize. I saw your hand was up.

Introducing New Perspectives

Yeah. Thank you. I just want to kind of address what quantic said from our perspective, our goal for stake link on Metis goes much more beyond just providing the reward rate from the sequencer and staying liquid. That's like the basics for us. We aim to attract as much liquidity as possible for both of our lsts in Metis. And once we have the liquidity debt, like I said before, we're going to pursue borrowing and lending on DeFi protocols like Aave, which are kind of recognized for their focus on security, which we really love.

Future Goals for DeFi

And yeah, like depositing Matis is awesome, but depositing staked Matis and unlocking this defi flywheel, it's like a different beast. And I think it will serve as the catalyst for much more liquidity and composability. So yeah, ultimately we are building a like this future on Metis where liquid staking is fully integrated into the virus ecosystem there, or dapps, and just unlock the full potential of staked assets without compromising on security or usability.

Engagement with the Community

I would love if you guys check our site stake link and also my profile. There's cute video that I made that also has like the git coin grant in it. And, and yeah, like according, like we're waiting for the git coin results, but we're definitely going to push more of this type of videos and you're going to see a lot of awesome memes.

Moving Forward with Ideas

Nice. I love memes. We need more memes. Yes. That sounds dope. Let me, so we have a new guest up here, or speaker. And so let me pass it over to Onisuru. How you doing with your hand up?

Networking Opportunities

Good evening, boss. I greet you specially. I greet you, boss. Mercy, Metis, the company itself. I greet you, boss. Quati. I greet you. The token, I guess they are tokenized. I greet. I greets. I brought stormy, David and Vista and everyone in the space. And I'm basically on Israel got time Teju. And I'm kind of a web personnel and stuff like that.

Reflection on the Project

Basically more of the web personnel and other stuff. So I've been listening to in this space I've been in this space listening to what the host and the co, the host and the speakers of the Metis have been saying. And I'm saying, yes, this is a kind of a wonderful project. And also stuff like that. Now I quantic, I guess. Yeah, it's more from the developer and stuff like that.

Willingness to Contribute

So first of all, if I continue, so I would love to render my service like I am me. Just I am me. I'm here. I just I am me. I would love to work because when it's a way there is a vision, it's a way there is no vision. The people perish. If I'm seeing a project as good as this, that is going to have social kind of a great potential and having a community in mind.

Community-Focused Approach

Because coming up in this space with such a wonderful project and still letting we, that am I going to put it that we are basically uv fight? Should I say low, content makers? Because I'm not basically a content creator. I don't create mem content like funny jokes and stuff like that. I'm basically more of the back end kind of stuff.

Professional Background and Services

Because with cis profound knowledge, six years of profound knowledge in tech space, that's something you should not quit and stuff like that. So summit is and quatic. I'll be offering myself to in, I will be offering myself a service if I'll be hired and stuff like that for it and all that stuff.

Inquiring About Opportunities

So for the basic other aspects we have some other. Is this basically an airdropping kind of place where you want to promote some other stuff? Samatic please. That's the question. Is there a promotion of other airdrop or silk or maybe just a gig in here? Because I really want to know what are we doing right here?

Clarification on Sessions

Is he just talking about the growth of medic and I what do you really want to do and stuff like that? I'm not sure if that question was for quantic, but I can answer really quickly. I think you're asking like what is the point of the space or what are projects? What are we talking about? I think, but basically no airdrop. This is for projects who are building on our network and trying to get support and resources for their development.

Opportunities for Project Support

And this is the opportunity to share about themselves. And they are soliciting donors and support for folks to go and make donations in the round. And it is matched by us from our end. The meta side for those who and there is a quadratic funding. It's a formula that basically matches, gives a greater match to projects who solicit the most individual contributions, not necessarily who solicits the largest contribution, but I saw tokenize your hand go up.

Inviting Direct Engagement

I don't know if there's anything you want. Yeah, I just want to add that we actually do airdrops. If you're on metis and you play with Defi, then I would love if you can send me a DM and I'll send you a RiAs dlnft which is providing real yield in link just for you like to test our site and everything. So yeah, feel free to hit me up.

Positive Reception from Community

Well, I'm meeting you up right now. That's wonderful. Like hey guys, listeners, if you're a listener down there and you're like what are we doing up here? And all that stuff like that. You can see this is a project that's, I mean giving me an NFT.

Appreciation for Engagement

Are you talking to me? Because I want to be very clear hearing like today. So this space has been very great, guys. The web, tv space in this the listeners, if you're down there, you're listening, don't, you're not left out.

Importance of Community Involvement

Like you're the reason why this space is still, because if we're all speakers right here and there's no listener to listening to us, then what are we're talking basically no won't speakers anymore or maybe the host will not be an ost and just some other stuff. So now you see a wonderful project up here that is just giving all that telling us supporting, funding, meaning the community is in mind.

Potential for Growth and Success

Like you can, you can basically tell that when a project has a community in mind, guess what that kind of project tends to do? It tends to go up, it's a skyrocket, it's a to the moon kind of conversation and stuff like that. And basically you can see right at me. I don't know if you are listener down there and you have not dropped a follow for this, great, how am I going to say them?

Appraisal of the Project

See this great is kind of like an understatement for this what they say this a company. Like how am I going to place it? Like I'm so overwhelmed with the kind of thing I'm reading on your profile, right? I'm just going through their profile, guys. If you read through their distance, you will see that this community has you in mind.

Final Thoughts and Encouragement

Like what? I'm just listening and reading on this space even as I'm talking to you right now. So you don't slack on this guy. Drop a poll, just drop a follow on this. I don't say follow me or please, so I'm not going to give myself promotion. But you know, one thing is the Sakuni, please have dropped a message for, he said I won't submitted my cv to work for this company.

Recognition of Enthusiasm

Thank you for all your energy. And I got the gist of what you're saying now you're trying to see if any projects were, I guess had any air drops for folks. But yeah, thank you for the energy. Thank you for the energy. Brad, and I look at tokenized and. And is taking advantage of the opportunity. And I agree with a lot of what you said about, you know, this opportunity for projects to really engage community.

Wrapping Up with Final Announcements

And there was a way right there. So, yeah, DM tokenized. Take advantage of that. Test them out. That was really dope to see and to watch. And thank you for joining us. We do have a couple other speakers up here, though, who I want to get to, but before I get to Vesta, who has a hand up and who's also next in line at eight or at the hour, in five minutes, there's going to be a space for our meet is governance, where I'm sure.

Transitioning to Governance Discussion

I think it's Colby behind the Vest page who can talk more about this. But in five minutes, go hear from the projects who are up for CEG right now on our ecosystem. Before I pass it over to Vesta, I want to pass it over to Quantic, my co host, who has his hand up.

Concluding Remarks

You, Anthony. Listen, I just have to log off of this call because I have another meeting with the people that we are going to be discussing about the grants. What is going on with this? Are people cheating? So very exciting stuff for us and communication that we need to share with you after all of this process.

Overview of the Situation

So it's going to take a while. But rest assured, we are looking into absolutely everything. So if any project here is thinking about cheating in any way, please don't do it. We are going to figure it out and it's not going to be good for you. Okay? So just wanted to clarify that first thing. Second thing, congratulations to all the projects that join you today and share and chill. Like, you guys did an amazing job. It was pretty clear and I think that people are quite engaged. So I'm going to be donating my final medis here to the people that were participating today.

Acknowledgment of Community Contributions

And thank you finally to the rest of the community for making this first version of the Gitcoin round a success. It was a very good round. We had a lot of competition. Like good competition, not bad competition, right? We have a lot of community activation. If you notice the amount of spaces that are taking place right now, those are being like high and high, right? So all good on that end. And thank you so much to you, Antoni, as well, for doing this amazing work as a host.

Gratitude and Final Thoughts

Bye bye, guys. Thank you, Quantic. Thank you for contributing. Thank you for being my co-host. Made the space a lot easier and a lot funner. And thank you for supporting all the projects that you're. That have come up and also community members. We've done a few giveaways thanks to Quantig. So let me pass it over to Vesta. How you doing? Is that Kobe? Yes sir. Yes sir. It is high. It is high, man. It is. And I'll so. Okay, so two things.

Introducing Vesta DAO

I'm gonna shill Vesta tell you why you guys should go and use these last one or two days to go and donate to us. And then I'm gonna talk about the space that is in three minutes that Anthony was mentioning before. So first, vesta dao, what do we do? We make Metis easy. How do we do that? A couple ways. Five. Five bullet points. Four or five bullet points. Gamified learning center. We currently have like a beta version of this. I guess you could call it like a beta version or phase one of our gamified learning center. And it's all off chain, so no like wallet connection. No, like security issues to worry about.

Details of Vesta DAO's Offering

So gamified learning center, deep dives and first impressions. What we do is we go through Metis projects, we go through their white papers, we translate them from tech jargon into regular man or woman speak so anybody can understand it, right? We conduct thorough, unbiased reviews of Metis projects, our newsletter and community engagement. That kind of ties into our interactive nfts as well. So after this get going grants round, one of the things that we're going to be using the funds for outside of launching our governance token ticker, Vesta, write it down. In your watch list is our interactive nfts, which gives Metis community members an opportunity to own a piece of history in Metis on chain, right?

The Importance of NFTs in Metis

So think of that as like, let's just use an example of. Okay, we got tokenized here on stage. Stake link is going to launch at some point in the, you know, soon, right? When they launch, maybe. Maybe there's a special NFT for their launch that only you know, only maybe there's a hundred of them made, 50 of them made. And it's specifically for the stake link launch on Metis. And boom, there it is. You have a piece of metis history. And if you transfer it, maybe it degrades, maybe it lowers in quality just like a comic book or a trading card. So yeah, that's pretty much it.

Discussion About Upcoming Events

So yeah, that's, that's a. What we do, why we do it, how we do it, kind of a little bit of our roadmap. And on top of that, moving forward to the space that Anthony, now I'm taking off my vesta hat, right? Now and I'm putting on my Kobe bean hat right now. In 1 minute we're going to be talking with all the projects up for CEG vote this week. Yeti apes, vesta dow, bullishes, IO and of course GM squared social. So I'll be hosting, co hosting a roundtable in 1 minute with our beloved princess.

Call to Action for Voting

And yeah, that's awesome. We got two things going on. Two things on your guys's to do list for the listeners and for the people on stage. Two things to do today. Go take a look at the get coin grants around. Donate to the projects you like, donate to more than one thing. Number two, check out the CEG roundtable in that should be starting right now. I shouldn't even be here and go and vote. The voting doesn't cost you anything. You don't even need to pay gas. And I yield my time back to you, Anthony.

Emphasis on Community Responsibility

Thank you Kobe. Yes, go and donate to projects in the gitcoin round right now and then go and vote on this week's CEG projects. All you need to do is hold any meters tokens or own any meters tokens or any of our current lsts which are art meters and se meters and also ave meters which is if you supply tokens to ave, you get aave or a meters in return. If you hold any of those, you can still vote. So we highly encourage all to do your own research, vote for the projects or you can vote yes or no, do your own research.

Closing Statements and Future Engagement

If you don't think a project deserves to be a verified project in our community, you can vote no. If you think they'll be great for our ecosystem and deserve a collaboration from our end, you vote yes. So please get on that. Let me. Thank you so much, Anthony. I'm going to dip out. I just wanted to say bye and I love you. See you later for sure. Thanks, Colby. We will see you later. We have Yeti apes gaga and sirus next in line and then we'll wrap it up after that.

Acknowledging Contributions and Progress

So Yeti apes, how you doing? Good day everyone. Thank you. Fine. And I'm not going to take much of your time now because I am also going to the space which is Coby hosting for CAG and just wanted to say as it is last space for the gitcoin round, I wanted to say a great thank you to everyone who so far donated to us, who trusted us and yeah, thank you very much. And we are building. So yeah, that's all. Thank you.

Conclusion of the Session

Thank you for joining. You've been at pretty much every space you've come on stage. I hope the round is going well for you all. And yes, get to your next space. I'm gonna try to join after two if I can, but thank you for being here. Yes, it is. It is our last shield session for this round ends on Friday, early Friday. And tomorrow we have another space planned with Defi kingdom. So this is our last chill session. But yes, thank you, Yeti apes. Good luck and yeah, see you in the next space.

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