Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space MetaHub Finance: Revolutionizing DeFi Integration and Security hosted by 0xTrikon. MetaHub Finance's Twitter space delved into the innovative realm of DeFi integration within Web3, focusing on empowering gamers with secure infrastructure. The intersection of decentralized finance and the gaming industry was explored, emphasizing the importance of robust security measures and user experience enhancements. Discussions ranged from the evolution of DeFi protocols to the cybersecurity challenges in gaming, offering valuable insights into the future of gaming finance. With a niche in Infrastructure, MetaHub Finance stands at the forefront of revolutionizing DeFi integration for a billion gamers within the Web3 landscape.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: How does DeFi integration revolutionize the gaming industry?
A: DeFi integration provides gamers with new financial opportunities, fostering a more inclusive gaming ecosystem.

Q: What are the primary cybersecurity concerns in gaming DeFi integration?
A: Security risks, such as smart contract vulnerabilities and phishing attacks, pose major threats to gamers' assets.

Q: How can DeFi enhance user experiences in gaming platforms?
A: DeFi mechanisms streamline transactions, improve liquidity, and offer innovative financial products, enriching gaming experiences.

Q: What trends are emerging at the intersection of DeFi and the gaming industry?
A: Collaborations between gaming platforms and DeFi protocols, NFT integration, and play-to-earn models are transforming the financial landscape of gaming.

Q: How can gamers protect their assets in DeFi ecosystems?
A: Utilizing secure wallets, conducting due diligence on projects, and staying informed about DeFi best practices are crucial for asset protection.

Q: What role does Web3 infrastructure play in the integration of DeFi and gaming?
A: Web3 infrastructure provides the foundation for seamless DeFi integration in gaming, ensuring data privacy, scalability, and interoperability.

Q: How can DeFi projects cater to the unique financial needs of gamers?
A: DeFi projects can offer tailored financial products, such as in-game tokens, decentralized lending, and yield farming opportunities to meet gamers' diverse requirements.

Q: What are the benefits of decentralized finance for the gaming community?
A: Decentralized finance empowers gamers with financial sovereignty, transparent transactions, and access to global liquidity pools, enhancing the gaming experience.

Q: How can the gaming industry leverage blockchain technology for financial innovation?
A: By leveraging blockchain, the gaming industry can implement secure asset ownership, enable cross-platform trading, and create new revenue streams through DeFi integrations.

Q: What measures can gamers take to navigate the complexities of DeFi integration?
A: Gamers should educate themselves on DeFi fundamentals, engage with reputable projects, and practice secure asset management to navigate the evolving DeFi landscape.


Time: 12:45:21
DeFi Protocols Revolutionizing Gaming Finance Exploring the transformative impact of DeFi protocols on financial interactions within gaming platforms.

Time: 13:15:09
Gaming Metaverse Collaboration with DeFi Discussing the collaboration opportunities between gaming metaverses and decentralized finance for enhanced user experiences.

Time: 13:55:33
Advancements in Cybersecurity for Gaming DeFi Highlighting the latest cybersecurity measures and technologies to safeguard gamers' assets in DeFi ecosystems.

Key Takeaways

  • DeFi integration evolution within Web3 is crucial for gaming empowerment.
  • Building secure Web3 infrastructure is vital for gamers' financial safety.
  • The gaming industry's collaboration with DeFi is reshaping financial ecosystems.
  • DeFi offers new opportunities for gamers, fostering financial inclusivity.
  • Web3 infrastructure improvements enhance DeFi accessibility and user experience.
  • Cross-platform integration in gaming requires robust DeFi security measures.
  • Crypto adoption in gaming introduces unique financial challenges and opportunities.
  • DeFi protocols play a significant role in shaping the future of gaming finance.
  • User experience and security are key considerations in DeFi integration for gamers.
  • Education on DeFi principles is essential to empower gamers in the crypto space.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greeting

It. Hey, Alan. Yeah, I can hear you. Yes, I can. Hold on for a second, Alan. All right, all right. All right. So, Alan, so do you represent me? That's right, I'm here. Fabulous. No, because I was looking for, you know, somebody joining in from their official account. So I was looking for the wrong thing. Oh, yeah. I actually asked the community team to join with, you know, the official account as well, because, you know, too many members on the same account might cause some, you know, mixes and, you know, the mic, the audio. Yeah, I do. I see what you're saying. But, yeah, if they're gonna. If they are going to join in and you need me to give them, you know, speaking access, just let me know. Yeah. All right, all right. I'll just be the only speaker here. The main account will join, you know, as a guest, so people can know, you know, what account to follow.

Discussion on Accounts

All right, brilliant. Okay, sounds good. All right, let's get started then. Sorry, we are starting very late, almost 20 minutes, but we will try to get through everything that we wanted to get through today and hopefully have some time for some questions from the crowd as well. All right, so, yeah, my name is Bala. I represent Trikone. Trikone is basically an infrastructure service provider. We are web three as a service, if you like, for gaming. So if there are gamers out here, and, Alan, if you guys have any gamers, or if you're a gamer, you would have come across Steam. So the way we like to describe ourselves is the steam of web three. So what we're building is decentralized Steam with the marketplace, with the ability to discover games, our own account abstraction layer, and then, you know, programmable smart wallets, paymasters and so on and so forth. So it's a fairly end to end solution.

Service Description

So it's like Steam on steroids. So that's what we're building. My name is Bala. As I mentioned earlier, I hit technology for Trikon. And with that, I'll hand it over to you, Alan, for a quick round of introductions, and then we can run through some of the questions that would make sense for this manual. All right. All right. So can you please, you know, repeat your name so I know the right pronunciation? Sure. My name is Bala. B a l a, bravo. Alpha Lima. All right, all right. So nice to meet you, Bala. I am Allen, currently working as a business development manager here at Metahub. I've been joining this base since probably around 2020, 2021. At first, I was merely a researcher kind of writer, then moved on to the business side of the project, worked on some couple gamefi projects when the Gamefi trends were hitting hard, then moved on to do something new, you know, affiliate marketing. And that is when I met James, our CEO, and together with some other friends of ours, we made Matterhub.

Background and Vision

So that was a little bit of my background. Excellent. Do we have James here? Is it James? Oh, James is busy. He's on his business trip at the moment, but probably next time ask sincerely for him to be on our ama. That would be awesome. Yeah, be good to kind of put your brains on, you know, especially, you know, typically the question that I like to open these AmA's with is, you know, what inspired the idea. Right. So there are so many projects in Web three and I, you know, each of them seems to have a backstory. So it's always interesting to know what that backstory is. So yeah, if you are aware of it, that'd be great. But it would be good to know, you know, how things started with the Metahub and what is their mission vision now that wherever they are in their journey.

Founding Journey

Totally, totally. All right, so back in late 2021 and probably in the middle of 2022, James and I, were looking into the landscape of Web three and we noticed that there are some projects out there that are actually helping other startups to build their communities, right? So we have Galaxy, we have task on, we have quest end. Basically those platforms, those quest based platforms help other projects to reach their target audience. So people would do quests and receive rewards, but later it turned to a playground for big guides, only the guys who pay for their promotional service. So they appear on the homepage 24/7 so new projects, they have really low visibility, really low exposure. Right? So in our honest opinion, that basically defeats the purpose of helping other startups to build the communities because, you know, for example, if big guys like binance create a community there, create quests there, then no one will actually do quests and activities from smaller guys, you know, some from smaller projects.

Identifying Challenges

So that is what James and I were thinking about. And we address this issue, this problem where users and startups, they face challenges in reaching, connecting and interacting effectively, right? So we aim to solve these problems by offering a unified platform that leverages the power of decentralized affiliate marketing. So we know about affiliate marketing, but decentralized affiliate marketing, we believe is going to be something new. So Amazon TikTok have been doing affiliate marketing the whole time. So why not a decentralized affiliate marketing platform? Right. So by integrating advanced technologies like generative AI and decentralized identifiers, we aim to create a seamless experience that enhances trust, security and efficiency within the defi ecosystem. Therefore we have the metahub, the space that the platform allows users and businesses to interact with one another, users with requests, they provide organic traffic to those new startups.

Quest Structure

And with different categories of quests, users can freely do like social quests, basically the ones that are already doing out there following on Twitter x retweeting, or could be something more advanced like custom quests.

Opportunities for Passive Income

So this creates more opportunities for a passive source of, I would say, income for users because they receive tokens or USDT or NFTs. And this provides as a cutting edge marketing solutions for our projects. It's a bit long, but yeah, that is how we got the inspiration of Metahub.

Decentralizing Affiliate Marketing

No, I think it makes sense. I mean, affiliate marketing is not new and the business model is verified, as in it works. So it makes sense to figure out ways to decentralize it and therefore, you know, build transparency and security into it. So, absolutely makes sense. So, you know, that kind of leads us to the question. So now you've got, you know, a slightly more complex environment than let's say an Amazon because that is centralized. So they have a centralized database and they know who the affiliate marketing folks are. And despite its shortcomings, it kind of is a simpler model. Now you've got a decentralized affiliate marketing system and you've got a community, which means it's kind of a many to many relationship. So then how do you ensure that this model remains effective?

Ensuring Effectiveness

You know, you need two things for it to remain effective. One is, you know, you need participation and two, you need reward. So how do you maintain that continuity? Okay, so in order to maintain users, so first they need something quick, they need something that is automated, right? So basically our partners, before they can create quests, they will need to create a community. Then upon, you know, finalizing the quest details, they will need to deposit their rewards into the reward pool. So the rewards could be tokens, it could be nfts, it could be USDT. And as long as, you know, users complete all required tasks and quests, they will receive these tokens, these rewards automatically.

Structuring Rewards

So that is the first thing. The second thing is that the rewards, they are categorized based on the difficulty level of the quest. So for, you know, for beginners, they get familiarized themselves with social quests, right? So it could be doing social media activities like the one they've already doing on galaxy and other platforms. Then we have custom quests. So for example, right, you have a game, for example, you want more players to explore your game and it's called like Midwolf Kong or something. You want your player to defeat, you know, the first boss, so they get rewards, right? So we do a little bit of API integration, this card, our custom quest feature.

Different Types of Quests

And once the player has, you know, achieved that, certain progress, right, we will reward them automatically because the reward pool is ready. And last but not least, we have offline quests, checkpoint quests, right? So these kind of quests require a venue, a real venue, physical one for players, for users to come to that. So you have a game night tournament, for example. So you host game nights. And participants, when they check in, they will get rewards or they need to be, you know, they need to meet certain qualifications. They need to hold, you know, tokens from Trikon or they hate us to hold some kind of nfts. There will be qualifications. Yeah. So we have like a different ways. Yes, yes.

Activities and Engagement

Yeah. So basically we do have different ways to keep the users entertained and also there will be games from our own side as well. So there will be many activities that user can do on our platform and we will keep introducing new partners to our ecosystem so they can always get to know new startups. Right? Yeah. So that is how we, you know, we carry out our user maintenance activities. Awesome. So yeah, I mean, that makes sense.

Decentralized Community Dynamics

So I think I, you know, the core of this is the fact that you have a decentralized community, you have a liquidity pool of the rewards and then you have activities that keep these two things kind of afloat all the time. All right, so when you now clearly your quest portal, which is where, you know, you do the activities, etc. And, and the affiliate hub, which is where you have all the affiliates, the guys who will be doing the affiliate marketing. So that is, these are the two things that are central to your offering. So with that being the case, are there some real world examples of how these two have been successful in the decentralized affiliate marketing space?

Case Studies from the Platform

So I believe, just to clarify your questions, I believe you are asking about, you know, some case studies we have within our platform, right? Yes. All right, so the first one, the pretty recent one, we have partnership with OAF blockchain. So it's spelled aelf. So it is a decentralized cloud computing platform that aims to connect multiple projects and support startups through networking and collaboration. So it's like a network of different startups. Right. So the goal of this partnership was to facilitate networking and collaboration among projects and startups by organizing, you know, different cross marketing activities, including spaces like what we're doing right now and featuring flag five or the partners to make it like a panel discussion along with quests on our platform.

Successful Outcomes

Right. And the result was pretty good. Each space attracted around like 2000, probably a little bit more listeners. And these are completely organic. So I believe somehow this significantly improving the project's visibility and community engagement. And we receive lots of questions from our community. And when people have questions, that's a good sign because they're actually communicating to us. So this collaboration. Yeah, all right. All right. You can continue. Yeah, go ahead.

Community Support

Okay, so that is the first case, the second one is that we support our own community, right? So we have a community in Vietnam. And shout out to the Vietnam community out there, they've been amazing. So the Vietnam community, right, they had an offline event and we supported them back in June 23. It's called the APEC Summit. And it was amazing because the event attracted over 2000 people. 2000 guests. Yeah. So people went there, not just guests, including businesses and investors as well.

Event Contribution to AI Trends

So this event really helped raise awareness about, you know, upcoming AI trends, what we're doing, our upcoming directions, and what we have achieved so far. So following the event, you know, we successfully launched partnership program with more than 130 projects on our ecosystem and we managed to sell all of our nfts, you know, within a month. So that has been amazing.

Community Empowerment

That is excellent. That is, that is truly commendable. So, you know, this kind of goes to the fact that community is everything in this space, right? So how is Metahub empowering this community as opposed to. Yes, you know, you're keeping them interested and so on and so forth. How are you empowering the community? And then how are you maintaining the balance between, let's say, the community and the builders guys who are building projects and, you know, make sure that this relationship is symbiotic and sustainable.

Tokenomics and Community Participation

Oh yeah. So in order to answer this question, I need to address our tokenomics. So our solution was pretty simple. We tried to create feeling that the community has the same position as the builders as us, right? So our tokenomics, the total supply is 700 million, but we do not pre mine our tokens. So who has this responsibility? The community. So just like bitcoin, instead of, you know, buying a really expensive set of PC, you know, where you need to have good gpu so you can mine our token men tokens by a couple months ago by purchasing our nfts or by our tokens to activate the staking program.

Meta Minting Mechanism

So basically for our tokenomics, 99% is for meta minting. So meta minting is the feature that allows users to mine the tokens from our smart contract by joining the staking program. So because we do not pre mine our token, you can check our smart contract. At the moment we, the circling supply is only around like 8 million, 9 million something. So that is merely, you know, more than 1% of the total supply. And this relies on the users activity, the community activity, to release more tokens into, you know, the market, because more tokens, then we can have bigger market cap, right, and bigger market cap, we can go for, you centralized exchange.

User Interaction in Staking

And the funny thing about this is that when you activate the staking program on our platform, right, you have two options. You can compound, which means you restake. Restake is a trend right now. Restake your tokens back into your balance, or you can claim your tokens. So the funny thing is that we keep asking our users to claim the tokens, but they keep compounding, they keep restaking. So because they rest taking, so there's no tokens released into the market. So we did have, you know, a long time to wait for it to reach, you know, the minimum market cap to be released on decentralized exchange like uniswap.

Future Token Claims and Market Release

So in the upcoming, we're going to need users to claim more tokens. And I believe, you know, this is like a clear message to, you know, to our users because most other projects, they will ask the users not to claim, not to have tokens for sale. Right. But we do need users to claim the tokens back to the wallet. They can sell it if they want. You know, right now welcoming users to trade with our tokens so we can have more tokens released into the market. Absolutely need them, you know, to mine more tokens.

Community Perception and Market Value

Got it, got it. So, you know, that kind of, you know, is it symbolizes how people perceive the project and also its value in the market. So that's a very, very good thing. And thanks for bringing up meta minting because I was going to ask you about it, but yeah, all right, so we already covered that, which is a great thing. Excellent. Right. So with that being the case now, you know, clearly, you know, the idea is fantastic in terms of saying, hey, you know, we've been going on for a while, but it's centralized, has its problems.

Challenges in Decentralization

Let's so let's decentralize it. But what have been some of the biggest challenges that help finance has faced in terms of taking this to market, taking decentralized affiliate marketing or decentralized affiliate consuming to the market. Oh, yeah. So because this really bring, this course. Thank you for this question. This really brings me back to the time when we're pretty new back in 2022, right. And we did have a lot of challenges when it comes to, I would say, raising fund from the VC's because when they look at our tokenomics, right, they see that 99% is for mini minting, 1% is for listing marketing and development, right.

VC Challenges and Community Funding

So there is zero percentage for seed rounds, zero percentage for private, for advisors, for the team. So they ask us, you know, how do you make money? So we do have a source of revenue that is from, you know, from tax and users activities because we rely on the community. So when the community is big and there are a lot of transactions, we collect tax and transaction fees. So that is where the revenue will be coming from. So the VC's other capitals, they weren't very fond of this idea of giving the control to the community because they want their own allocation.

Proving the Business Model

So we did have a lot of trouble trying to sell our nfts, trying to convince people that our staking program is for users. They have a lot of time trying to understand the business model behind this. Well, because this is something that they have never seen before. They are familiar with the tokenomics where advisor 10%, the team 20%, liquidity probably 20, 30% or maybe even 10%. So they are familiar with that kind of tokenomics. So when we introduce our new kind of tokenomics, our tokenomics, so it took people a lot of time to really understand what we are truly achieve, what we want to truly achieve.

The Journey of Growth and Understanding

So, yeah, we did spend lots of months trying to convince our partners or, you know, our affiliates that this is going to work. And thank God for, you know, those months, those, you know, really difficult months because we've made it and it has been amazing. We had, we have communities in different countries, one of the biggest in Vietnam, and we, you know, looking back, it was difficult, but it was also rewarding.

Funding Through Community Support

Got it. This is, this is quite a story, actually. And, and fun fact, especially when it. Comes to something like tokenomics, where people have very little understanding. Yeah, I can imagine how that would have been a very difficult place to go. Yeah. And fun fact, one fun fact, we still have no VC's. All of our funds, all of our, you know, what we have nowadays are from communities because they look at it and they know that, okay, they can grow with us.

Community-Driven Success

So this is totally, you know, you can say it's completely crowdfunding. No VC's in the game. So there's also the good sign. So no VC. That means that no big sharks trying to control, like, the entire project. So there's also good sign. Absolutely. So we are bootstrapped.

Understanding VC Advantages and Disadvantages

So we understand that. Yeah, absolutely, 100%. VC's have their advantages and their disadvantages. So totally fabulous. Right.

Future Excitement and Enhancements

So one of my final questions, really, so any future revolution that our listeners should look towards what's coming, anything particularly exciting that you would want to talk about and how they. How that would enhance what is already seems like a fairly well built package, but that would enhance user experience for everyone. Totally. Totally.

Introducing the Mastercard Feature

So we have just released our Mastercard feature for people who have supported us in the past. But this Mastercard is actually a physical card with our logo and everything, right? We're working with Mastercard to make this happen. So you can use this card to store cryptocurrency. You can deposit your USDT, your bitcoin, your ethereum, and you can use this card to pay for your dinner, to pay for your groceries, simply, you know, go to wherever Mastercard is accepted.

Using the Mastercard for Transactions

And there, I believe there are tons of places that accept Mastercard. Thank God. So you swipe this card or you use the chip on this card, and it will automatically convert your cryptocurrency to fiat and pay for, you know, pay for your bills. So if you're in european country, they will convert to you. I believe they will convert to euro. Or if you're in, you know, the America us, it will convert to us dollars. So very, you know, easy to use.

Virtual Card and User Experience

And I. Even if you don't have the physical card, you can order a virtual card. So you can use this. It's like a wallet. So you can store your cryptocurrency use to pay for stuff with QR code and everything. Very quick, very easy to use. Excellent.

Release and Ordering Details

That is awesome. So when, when did you say this is expected to be released? It is already released. But if you want to order the physical card, it would take, you know, a couple days to reach to you because we. We will send it directly to you. Okay, got it.

Audience Engagement and Future Collaboration

Got it. That is really interesting. I'm going to check this card out right after. Yeah, totally. This is fantastic. All right, so I have kind of run out of questions now, right. So I just want to open it to the audience and see if there are any questions in the audience. If not, I think we can, you know, close the CMA and hopefully we'll be able to get connected on the sidelines and start talking about how we could potentially collaborate.

Future Discussions and Invitations

All right, totally. I mean, we're looking for our upcoming ma. I think we can host some sort of like a panel discussion where we can invite, you know, more partners on here, and I can get James on here as well. You know, the CEO sharing his side of the story and the upcoming directions. It will be perfect.

Closing Remarks and Audience Acknowledgment

Yep, that would be great. So I don't think anyone's raised any questions yet or asked for a speaker. Request. So with that, Alan, it was great talking to you. Any words for our listeners before we close the AmA? All right, so thank you, guys.

Achievements and Recognitions

You've been amazing audience. And FYI, I just noticed like two minutes ago, were mentioned in safari. So Safari is a data platform on Twitter, on X. So we've been mentioned as one of the nine referrals and affiliates projects out there, one of the honorable mentions, and we did not book for this kind of promotional services, so we are included because our achievements.

Inviting Engagement on Social Platforms

So you guys can check it out. Safari. S a F A R y. All right, so thank you, guys. That's pretty awesome. Please feel free to check our quest platforms. We have quests waiting for you. You can earn the man tokens, and you can swap your man tokens for USDT on uniswap already.

Final Thank You and Excitement for Future Collaborations

And feel free to check our Mastercard. And of course, and of course, shout out to Bala and Trikon for inviting me to be a part of this amazing ama. You've been an amazing host, and I can't wait to get on another Ama with you guys. Excellent. Look forward to that, Alan.

Signing Off and Encouraging Connection

Thanks, everyone. Thanks for joining. And as always, follow us on Twitter and of course, find us on Telegram and all of these social sites. You know, there are giveaways going on all the time. There are, you know, airdrops and whatnot.

Looking Forward to the Future

So keep in touch and you will keep hearing, you know, everything that's going on with Tacon and also with Metahub and, you know, all of the exciting things that we are doing. All right, see you guys later. All right, thank you, everyone.

Taking Care and Closing the Session

Thanks for joining. Take care, Alan. Have a good one. Bye now. You too.

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