Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Mental & Emotional Healing from a Spiritual Perspective #GloryCamp2024 hosted by nbstv. Delve into the realm of mental and emotional healing from a spiritual viewpoint at #GloryCamp2024. Discover the significance of consistency, entertainment, and political insights in content creation. Explore how social media engagement and storytelling impact audience connections and reach. Learn the value of collaborations with media entities for amplifying exposure and engagement. Embrace spirituality, community engagement, and emotional storytelling for a holistic content strategy.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: How does spirituality contribute to mental healing?
A: Spirituality offers individuals a sense of purpose, connection, and inner peace, aiding in mental and emotional well-being.

Q: Why is consistency important in content delivery?
A: Consistency builds reliability and trust with the audience, ensuring continued engagement and brand loyalty.

Q: What role does entertainment play in informative content?
A: Entertainment value enhances content appeal, making it more engaging and memorable for the audience.

Q: How can hashtags like #NBSUpdates impact content visibility?
A: Utilizing hashtags increases content discoverability and encourages audience participation and discussions.

Q: Why are political discussions valuable in content creation?
A: Political discussions foster diverse perspectives, knowledge sharing, and community engagement.

Q: How does community engagement contribute to brand loyalty?
A: Connecting with a loyal community creates a sense of belonging, loyalty, and sustained engagement with the brand.

Q: Why is emotional storytelling effective in content creation?
A: Emotional storytelling creates deep connections with audiences, evoking empathy, and enhancing content impact.

Q: What is the significance of social media engagement in content strategies?
A: Engaging on social media platforms broadens reach, fosters interactivity, and enhances content impact.

Q: How can collaborations with media entities benefit content creators?
A: Collaborations with media entities amplify brand exposure, audience reach, and engagement, enhancing overall content impact.


Time: 00:15:40
The Power of Spiritual Healing Examining how spirituality can positively impact mental and emotional well-being.

Time: 00:25:12
Consistency in Content Delivery Discussing the importance of consistent content delivery for building audience trust and engagement.

Time: 00:35:55
Balancing Information and Entertainment Exploring how a blend of informative content and entertainment value enhances audience engagement.

Time: 00:45:20
Utilizing Hashtags for Visibility Insights on using hashtags like #NBSUpdates to improve content visibility and audience interaction.

Time: 00:55:45
Political Discussions and Diverse Viewpoints Highlighting the value of inciting political discussions for fostering diverse perspectives and knowledge sharing.

Time: 01:05:30
Community Engagement and Brand Loyalty Exploring how connecting with a loyal community leads to increased brand loyalty and sustained engagement.

Time: 01:15:18
Emotional Storytelling Impact Analyzing the profound impact emotional storytelling has on audience connections and content effectiveness.

Time: 01:25:50
Social Media Platforms and Reach Discussing the role of engaging on social media platforms to broaden content reach and impact.

Time: 01:35:22
Collaborations for Amplified Exposure Exploring the benefits of collaborating with media entities like @nextmediaug for increased brand exposure and audience engagement.

Key Takeaways

  • Embracing spirituality can aid in mental and emotional healing processes.
  • Consistency in content delivery builds trust and engagement with the audience.
  • Balancing informative content with entertainment value is crucial for audience retention.
  • Utilizing hashtags like #NBSUpdates can enhance visibility and audience interaction.
  • Inciting political discussions can create a platform for diverse viewpoints and knowledge sharing.
  • Connecting with a loyal community fosters brand loyalty and sustained engagement.
  • Emotional storytelling resonates deeply with audiences and drives content impact.
  • Engagement through social media platforms like Twitter spaces can broaden reach and impact.
  • Collaborations with media entities like @nextmediaug can amplify brand exposure and audience engagement.

Behind the Mic

Channel Introduction

Our channel it.

Initial Check and Greetings

Okay. Okay. I believe that is everyone. Hello, arbitram. Can I get a mic check from the speakers? Give me a little. Yes. Yep. Awesome. Perfect. Mic check passed off to a great start. Okay, cool. So we're here for a pretty exciting chat about the new game that was announced just a couple days ago. So why don't we just jump right into it? I think the best way to kind of start is to maybe ask Peter kind of what the collaboration between Ubisoft and sequence actually is and, like, what your guys role is in that before we jump into the game itself, for sure.

Introduction by Peter

Hey, everyone. Wonderful to be here. And, yeah, I'm absolutely thrilled to see Ubisoft come into the web three space. Quick background on me. I'm the co founder and CEO of the company behind sequence. Sequence is a web three developer stack for games and applications. And so we make it very easy for games and apps to build on top of blockchain so they can smooth out all the different areas of friction and deliver a beautiful experience for end users. And again, we want to really serve the application layer and see amazing utility and lots of fun things for people to do.

Ubisoft Collaboration

What's really cool about Ubisoft? Our actually, history goes back, like, six years when were just forming the company, went to San Francisco to a pocket gamer conference, and I remember seeing Nicholas poard onstage talking about a game from Ubisoft, and I was like, this is fucking amazing. We were just like, nobody knows about blockchain gaming. And here's Nicholas actually talking about watching from Ubisoft. That's crazy. There's obviously something here. You know, Nicholas is quite a visionary, and he, you know, he's done a lot of work to get here. And, of course, we understand that there are so many things that are challenges in web three and even in the gaming sector for people to accept the notion of using this technology, because, of course, we've yet to see enough of wonderful experiences.

Respect for Ubisoft Team

And Ubisoft, I mean, I just really respect the team, and it's been a dream of mine to work with them, and I'm very grateful to work with them in d tier and the rest of the team on captain Laserhawk, which is a really wonderful game. And so the collaboration is, of course, Ubisoft being an amazing game maker. And, you know, and I have to say, when I went to their office in Paris and I playtested the game with the team, it was amazing. And I was just like, as I stepped away from the game, I was like, this is why they make games. This is a game maker, this is a proper game maker, and this is a fun game and this is exactly. And I can't wait to play it again.

Leveraging Blockchain

And of course, in order to leverage the blockchain, which of course, as Arbitrum is one of the, is the world leading blockchain in many ways. And that's what makes me very excited about this collaboration. Blockchain is a very raw and very low to the metal. And so what we really need is we have to serve users in a way to delight them around their ability to be authenticated to the game, to be able to transact and query their items and open up the design space around web three. And we want to support Ubisoft and their team in doing that.

Strength of Ubisoft's Web Three Team

And I will just also say that the Ubisoft team, in fact, also has a very strong web three development team and they really know their stuff they're doing for a lot of years, but there are just so many components to be able to put all this stuff together to deliver something so great. And that's why we're really, again, excited to work with the team. So that's it. Awesome.

Reflection on Journey

I appreciate the details there, Peter. It's cool that it kind of sort of started six years ago. In a way. It feels like ages ago. Totally. It's a real thing. Mandy. I remember kind of in the early days of talking to the team, kind of hearing their ideas of what they want to do with governance and in the community. I thought that was a pretty interesting approach to gaming and then also tying in like a tv show with it. I've seen the show as well and it's pretty sweet.

Discussion on IP

Totally. It's a wonderful ip. I mean, the Ubisoft team can tell you more about it, but yeah, it's a very exciting ip, I think really fits well. Why don't I pass the mic over to the brains behind the game?

Introduction to the Speakers

Why don't I get a little intro from you, Didier and Igor? Yes, thank you. So, yeah, it's a pleasure to be here. So I am DD, I am the executive producer on Captain the game and yes, we are very happy to share more about the game and our collaboration with arbitrum and sequence. And as you may mention, I do have a french accent, so it's a lot of work. Sorry for that, I didn't notice. Okay. And Igor. Yes, you can introduce yourself.

Igor's Self-Introduction

Yeah. Hello. Hello, everyone. I'm Igor. I am the lead game designer for the game. We've been working very hard to create a unique, immersive, engaging experience for you all. I'm really excited to share more. I don't have a french accent. I have other accent. Another accent? Yeah, we have to guess which one. You guys can figure out. Yes, just maybe Eli.

Ubisoft's Background

Just a quick reminder here to remind that Ubisoft is a french video game publisher. You know, for us, for a video game franchise such assassin's Creed, Driver, Far Cry, Rabid Rayman, and yes, what is interesting here with Captain Nzerok is that there is a lot of those franchise that are involved in the lore and that we are going to leverage. And within Ubisoft, our department, the lab mission is to pursue new models of game design and business development.

Exploring New Game Mechanics

So we are here to find out what happens if we take more risks, experiment with Webfree and other emerging technologies, and play with innovative game mechanics, and try a fresh approach to community collaboration. Yeah, I like the kind of creative approach to treating it as an experiment, but also obviously treating it as a full game as well. At the same time, Didier, why don't you kind of give an overview of what the Captain Laserhawk project is?

Overview of the Captain Lazaroq Project

Yes, of course. The Captain Lazaroq project expands the universe of Captain Lazaroq Blood Dragon remix series produced by Ubisoft for Netflix. And that has been launched last October and the series is set in 1992. So it's the future. The USA has become Eden, a detectorial regime where Raymanda is the face of the propaganda and all the citizens must obey the regime.

Interactive Community Experience

And based on this law, we created the game G A M E, which is a transmedia gaming experience where the community will drive the narrative, the players will take on the role of citizens of Eden, and as their character gets more powerful, they will have more influence over the decisions about the future of the game. And it's. Yes, I insist. It's really a community driven approach here and we want to invite players to influence the storyline and participate in a key decision making moments alongside the development teams as citizens of Eden.

Becoming a Citizen of Eden

So when you talk about them being citizens of Eden, DdA, what exactly does that mean? Like how. How do the. How does the community become a citizen within the game? Yeah. So to become a citizen, you need to get a naid tt card. So the ids are in the form of nfts acting as both your keepers personal registry and voting power. There will be 10,000 id cards and with this id card you'll be able to, you will have specific perks.

Eden Experiences and Governance Rights

You will have access to all Eden experiences and private community channels. You will have governance rights within Eden and it will keep the record of everything. So thanks to the technology, we want to leverage this. And those will be a dynamic NFT at some point, we keep the record of all your achievement and all your experience within the law. So from seasonal ranking placement to your unique achievement and etcetera along the way, the better citizen you become, the most powerful your citizen id card becomes.

Increasing Your Citizen ID Power

And the more powerful your citizen id card, the more access you have to vip features. All right, so then I guess the next question to that would be since like the more powerful your score is, the more involved you can be as a citizen, is it simply just being good at the game or are there other ways? Like what are the main ways to increase your score? Basically.

The Eden Score

So that's what we have called the Eden score. Basically, the better you are in the game, the more tasks you complete, the more weight you will have. And your score will increase depending on those achievements. And it will also be tied to the rarity of your id count, which was the NFT that you mentioned at the beginning? Yeah. So what other perks do people have?

Citizen ID Card and Exclusive Benefits

Like, for the citizen ID card? Yes. Or at least that you can say right now. Yeah, yeah, of course. But for beginning, they will be able to claim exclusive goodies about the most known Ubisoft ips. They will get an early access to the game and governance voting power about the future of the game, but also access to exclusive experiences, visit the studio, meet the teams, have access to beta of our new game and behind the scenes content and other that are not here, but that will be announced. Oh damn. I didn't even know half of those details. That's pretty sweet how exclusive it is. Will the citizen ID card be sole bound or is it tradable? Yeah, no, it's definitely tradable. But yes. That means if you are selling your ID card, you will also, sorry, passing on your rights as a citizen too.

Score Dynamics with Citizen ID Card

Does your score move with it as well or does it kind of reset when you sell it? Yeah. So it's still to be defined. I think a part of the score will remain, but that's currently being designed. Okay, cool. All right, so I'm gonna pass the mic over to Igor here to talk about the game a little bit. So in terms of the gameplay, what can you tell us so far? All right, so the game itself is a competitive not working. Can, can you guys hear me? Yeah. Okay, cool. Yeah, the game is a competitive online, top down multiplayer shooter game. I can say a lot about it for now, but if I would pick a title that is similar to it, I would say it's towerfall. It's like a tower fall where the community gets to the side, what the game will be.

Community Involvement in Game Development

And I think what makes this game unique is that this is what makes this game unique, actually. We want the community to take part on all aspects of the game development. We want them to take part in asset creation in terms of user generated content. We want them to choose what the next features might look like, what the next battle pass season will have, next characters they want to see. We want to make the game with them. We want the players to have direct access to the development team. Maybe we can do this experiences ama regularly so that, you know, we can hear what our players, you know, want to see in the game. And this is the governance layer, you know, on top of the game itself. You know, the. The community making decisions on game updates each season. Each iteration is made with the community.

Game Experience from a Playtester

If you guys want, I can add some color. As a playtester, how would the game felt? Yeah, sure. Cool. Because I really enjoyed it and as did our team. And so the way I interpreted the game was, again, it's a free for all game multiplayer. You jump into an arena and if the last person standing wins. And the graphics are, it's kind of like grand theft auto one, but 3d. Much better graphics, but it's kind of that feel, retro cool feel. And it's interesting, the gun. There's a lot of skill in the game, actually. Like, you'd be surprised how much mastery is involved.

Skill and Mechanics in Gameplay

There's very deep skill for this format because what it is, you have this like laser gun. And if when you shoot, it takes like another 1.5 seconds before you can shoot again. So if you get your shot wrong, you're gonna get killed. And there's these interesting mirrors in the game that you can shoot off and like, they bounce around to be able to like target your users. And there's all these little upgrades in the game as well. So very fast paced, almost like a first person shooter, sniper map, bird's eye view. Interesting, kind of crazy game, very fast game. So. And it was interesting that the skill component, you start picking it up really fast and just that simple delay again, is a big part of it. So that's how I experienced it. And again, it was super fast games.

Potential for Expansion

And of course, I think as the guys are mentioning, there's so much potential to do so many more guns and so many more expansion of it. But I think what I really loved about it was the core of the game, again, had the clear element of fun and skill that really got me hooked into it. I think GTA one is a good example of kind of how it looks there, top down, but obviously more polished at this point in time.

Gameplay and Skill Dynamics

But for sure, yeah, I haven't played it yet, but I saw quite a bit of footage and it does look very fun with the way that the lasers can bounce around. I feel like the skill cap is going to be very high, even though it looks so simple. It's like deceptively simple. That's awesome.

Game Release Information

DDA, can you talk a bit about, I guess, what order things are going to come out in and when if possible, that is. Roadmap. Yeah. So yes, the whitelist is currently in progress and you can join the captain laser or discord to know more about how to get a spot. The registration to the beta of the game is also in progress. Starting Monday, you will be able to enroll via our discord and the beta of the game will take place from the 19th to the 30 August. So it's at the end of this very month, so it's very soon and we are very happy to have this beta and the mint date and the game release are still to be announced. And if you have a citizen id, you will be able to play in early access.

Connecting with the Community

Can I share the discord link in the comments? Yeah, yeah. Please. Okay, perfect. I'll post that in a sec. So I guess that's exactly where people would go to kind of keep up with the roadmap is in the discord and also the Eden account, which is on the stage. Yeah, it will be mainly on the Discord and the Eden website also. And we will post all the updates on the Twitter account. Okay, so I threw the discord link in the space comments, so if you want to go and join, you might see an influx of community joiners there.

Excitement for Future Developments

Sweet. I mean, that pretty much covers it at this point, as much as you can say, I guess until we get to the point of beta and then we can start to show some game footage on some live streams which will be quite exciting, a little more interactive. Yes. Any closing words there, guys? Well, yes. Thank you, Eli, for this opportunity and we are very happy to start this journey with you and to be able to be soft to provide this kind of experience and involve the community in this project.

Community Engagement and Future Plans

Hopefully we will be able to have this kind of ask me anything session with the game development team on a regular basis. And yes, our goal is really to have this really cool and deep interaction with the community when it comes to the game development. Yeah. On my end, I would like to thank everyone for joining. I mean, it's really nice to know that you guys are excited about the game. To me, I mean, it's a game. We are gamers. We're making a game for gamers as well. So let's keep the momentum going and I mean, I can't wait to meet you guys on the arenas of Captain Laserhawk.

Project Excitement and Anticipation

Yeah, we left a lot to be discovered in this. It's basically a teaser Ama. Yeah. And on my end. Yeah, I'm extremely excited about the project. Been wanting this to happen for a long time and I think what people will see when it comes out is that the experience is going to be very smooth and it's going to be very inclusive to many folks of web two who maybe are not familiar with web three.

Enhancing User Experience

And that's where sequence comes in to help really drive that user experience. So we're very excited to people come and enjoy the gameplay and come in for all the different really novel community aspects that the Ubisoft team is thinking about and to help evolve it. So it's really a wonderful project that I'm excited to see come to fruition. Yeah, it feels like a lot has gone into this and the details are pretty deep from what I've seen so far.

Unraveling the Project

So I'm excited to slowly unravel it for the community and present things as they come up. Hopefully next time it'll be a live play test to showcase. All right, thanks for joining, guys. I appreciate it. Quick, quick and dirty. Thank you, guys. Thanks so much. DDA. Thank you, Igor. Thanks, Peter. Thanks sequence and online team.

Appreciation to the Community

Thank you everyone.

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