Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Memecoins With A Mission hosted by JakeGagain. Delve into the fascinating world of memecoins with a purpose where community, humor, and transparency intersect. Learn about the importance of clear missions, regulatory awareness, and the role of entertainment in memecoin projects. Discover practical tips for investors, creators, and participants to navigate the evolving memecoin landscape with authenticity and value-driven initiatives.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How important is community engagement in the memecoin space?
A: Community engagement is crucial as it fosters trust, loyalty, and sustainability for memecoin projects.

Q: What role does humor play in the adoption of memecoins?
A: Humor can make memecoins more relatable and engaging, appealing to a broader audience.

Q: Why should memecoin investors stay informed about regulations?
A: Regulatory compliance helps investors avoid legal issues and ensures credibility in the memecoin market.

Q: How can memecoin projects establish transparency?
A: Transparency through open communication and clear roadmaps builds credibility and trust with the community.

Q: What makes a memecoin project stand out in a crowded market?
A: Having a clear mission, tangible utility, and a strong community focus can differentiate memecoin projects.

Q: Is it advisable to seek professional advice before investing in memecoins?
A: Yes, consulting with experts can provide valuable insights and help mitigate risks in memecoin investments.

Q: How can individuals stay updated on memecoin trends?
A: Following reliable sources, participating in communities, and attending events can help individuals stay informed about memecoin trends.

Q: Why is education important for memecoin participants?
A: Understanding memecoin technologies and developments is essential for making well-informed decisions and contributions to the space.

Q: What drives the value and authenticity of memecoins?
A: Having a clear purpose, real-world impact, and community support enhances the value and authenticity of memecoins.

Q: How can memecoin creators leverage entertainment to promote their projects?
A: Using humor, creative content, and interactive experiences can attract and engage audiences in the memecoin space.


Time: 00:12:45
The Power of Community in Memecoins Discussions on how community support drives memecoin success and adoption.

Time: 00:25:18
Navigating Memecoin Regulations Insights on the importance of understanding and complying with regulatory requirements.

Time: 00:35:50
Humor in Memecoin Marketing Exploring how humor and entertainment can help memecoin projects connect with audiences.

Time: 00:45:02
Mission-Driven Memecoins Highlighting the significance of having a clear mission for memecoin projects.

Time: 00:55:30
Transparency and Trust in Memecoins Importance of transparency and trust-building for sustainable memecoin projects.

Time: 01:05:15
Educational Initiatives in the Memecoin Space The role of education and awareness in empowering memecoin participants.

Time: 01:15:40
Innovative Strategies for Memecoin Adoption Innovative ways to promote memecoin projects and attract a wider audience.

Time: 01:25:55
Impacts of Memecoins on Communities Exploring how memecoins influence and interact with different communities.

Time: 01:35:20
Real-World Applications of Memecoins Examples of how memecoins with utility transcends digital spaces.

Time: 01:45:10
Expert Advice on Memecoin Investments Insights from professionals on best practices for memecoin investments.

Key Takeaways

  • Community engagement is vital for the success and sustainability of memecoins.
  • Understanding trends and market dynamics is crucial for making informed decisions in the memecoin space.
  • Having a clear mission and purpose drives value and authenticity in memecoins.
  • Stay updated on regulations and compliance to navigate the evolving memecoin landscape.
  • Leveraging humor and entertainment can enhance engagement and adoption of memecoins.
  • Seek professional advice and do thorough research before investing in memecoins.
  • Active participation in memecoin communities can provide valuable insights and networking opportunities.
  • Memecoins with tangible utility and real-world impact tend to attract a wider audience.
  • Building trust and transparency is key for memecoin projects aiming for long-term success.
  • Educating oneself about memecoin technologies and innovations is essential for active participation in the space.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Session

All right, what is up, everyone? Welcome to this beautiful Tuesday. I'm gonna let some music roll while we let the room fill up just a little bit. Definitely get those shares, those comments in. And I'm very excited to chat with you all today. Independent variable. We ain't about to go and spend money just to flex on it. We ain't really gotta lie, y'all. I'm the type of motherfucker that'll check the check, do the math. I ain't never getting rock those margaritas not gone on my car. I ain't about to split a damn thing for convenience sake. I'm at the restaurant working that way. You ain't heard a lil day your elder jew biz major fuck you know about the world he raised up. I've been saving money since the motherfucker 13. I wear the same pair of jeans every day. We sign with just homie. Two stamps away look like December, but I leave and make generic but still work the same. I get lockings for Netflix for my cousin Greg. Thanks, grandma. I'm a rapper. I'm shooting a music video where the premise is, how can I make the most epic rap video ever without spending any money? Cause the song is called save that money. And it's all about saving money as opposed to spending it.

Elaborating on Spending Habits

It'd be like if I could grab one of these mclarens for like 15 minutes, baby, in the face. You know I don't blow that, baby. All right, all right. So I usually try to try to pair a musical theme with what we're going to be discussing today. And sometimes that discussion can take us down a lot of winding paths, and that's okay. Shut. I see crypto the kid here. I'm trying to get you up here. I see a few requests coming through as well. We'll get people up on stage, but it's a. It's a Tuesday and, you know, we generally go Monday. Politics, we go Thursday. NfTs. We got our Friday game show Tuesday and Wednesday. We're trying to figure out exactly what we want to talk about. There's. There's likely a lot. I mean, there's a lot of things to always talk about. And I think that we, in this space specifically, we end up always pushing up against time. We try to keep these two around 90 minutes, and we're even going over often on time there. But one of the things that I wanted to talk about, we call it meme coins with a mission. That's what we're saying here today.

Discussion on Meme Coins

And I don't necessarily mean. I didn't actually mean that with a mission, when we're talking about it to be like, these are charity tokens or anything like that, I can understand why it would sound like that, especially now that I'm seeing it. But really, it's like projects that are actually on a mission to improve, to get better, and to really imprint themselves in this world, in this crypto world. The reason I put the song save that money, not only because it's a great song, shout out Lil Dicky, but the reason why I put on that song is we talked a little bit this morning about how to survive. And if you're a meme coin on a mission, man, survival is like the top of your list. And if you're an individual who has money that you're investing, survival is also on the top of your list. You should be survival above all else. And so if you go back and listen to some of the lyrics of our guy, Lil Dicky, when he's talking about how to save that money, that's what we should be doing as well. Look, if you have very high expenses and your overhead is very high, it's going to be tough to survive in this space.

Investing Strategies and Importance of Budgeting

You may be able to, but if you're in a situation where you don't have a lot of liquid cash to play with, a lot of disposable income to fire away, you might only be able to make one or two plays a month. And if those don't work out, you're out of disposable income for, you know, the foreseeable future. But if you're able to be ruthless in your investing strategy, if you're able to be ruthless in how you spend money in the real world as well, you know, you're able to save another $100, another $200, another $300. If you're able to make those things happen, well, now you maybe can fire at two or three projects. And when you're able to fire up more projects, it gives you more dry powder to take more bets. And even better, if you take wins from those bets, all of a sudden you can have a situation where maybe your minimum investment on some projects is one soul. Well, if you make enough money that now your minimum investment is two soul, three soul, four soul, that's how you really start trying to climb out of this rut that you might be in, especially during the sideways chop, especially when it's time to go shopping.

The Market and Meme Coins' Role

There's so many projects out there that you can shop on. Shop you know, and get at a big discount. So why are we talking this? Why are we talking meme coins? With the mission? We have been zeroing in on some of these concepts throughout the day, throughout the weeks of how we position ourselves to make a lot of money this cycle. And I just want to continue that conversation and talk about, you know, what meme coins, what projects have some of this mission. And we're going to bring a couple up here again, not necessarily to hard shell and talk about how, you know, their market cap is doing and all those things, but we really want to talk about what keeps the projects going. And when you hear what keeps them, you're going to be able to sit there and think, hey, that resonates really well with me, or that doesn't resonate very well with me. So we're going to bring up quite a few people today. This isn't necessarily the shell space. Again, our shell space is on Friday, but it's Tuesday. The market's all wonky. The market's a little bit weird.

Opening the Floor for Discussion

So we are going to open it up a little bit to, you know, just give your perspective as a project. You know, what? Why do you even have the project? Why do you exist? Obviously, the end of the day, we're all here to make money, but we can learn a lot about the project to know, for example, meet with press, 1776. Why did you guys choose? You could have chose anything. You could have chosen a dog coin. You could have chosen a cat coin. Why do you feel strongly about what you're working on and what really drives you and motivates you to get that project off the ground and where you're going? And in doing that, you're going to be able to get some listeners to potentially be joining telegram groups to potentially turn into buyers because they're going to hear how you think they might think. You know what? I agree with that. That sounds really good to me. So I see some requests.

Engaging with Community and Feedback

We'll bring you guys up here shortly. But I wanted to before I do that crypto the kidde. It is Tuesday. Hope you're doing well. My Internet is now officially fixed. As far as I can tell, I'm speaking with you on it, so that's a good sign. How you doing? I'm doing well, man. And I love the topic of conversation. I think it can't be expressed enough during this downtime. So as the market moves sideways, these are the days where you can sharpen your tools. I've mentioned it before, and it's also the time to really hone in and develop your strategy. Like, you don't want to fumble the ball moving forward. You want to make sure everything's iron clad. You want to get your. Your ducks in a row, and you want to be very disciplined. So this is a good time to practice discipline. And, you know, just off the top of my head, one thing that we can do to practice discipline is, you know, if we're still trading and we're still making Djen plays, like, practice discipline there.

Final Thoughts

Like, try something as simple as the one to 100 soul challenge and see if you can execute something like that. I know there's not a lot of new plays, Djen style plays coming out, but, yeah, and it's a tough market, but even if it's just one to ten soul, just give yourself a little bit of a challenge with a small amount of money that you can afford to lose and see if you can be strategic and disciplined enough to exercise something like that. And then hop into these spaces. Hop into any spaces, really, where they're giving alpha, where they're talking about strategy, where they're talking about the market itself. So you can get that macro analysis along with just like I said earlier, just lining everything up for the months to come. So excited to be here and excited to chat with everybody and see what everybody's got going on in their world and their strategies and what they think.

Introduction to Bitcoin and Coinbase Wallet

Bitcoin on base. I know. I'll let you respond for like, 5 seconds, then we're going to kick you out, to. To the next one. Go for it. Yeah. You guys can set Coinbase wallet every single day. We're the, top on the. Well, what a top four leaderboard for onboarding. they have a leaderboard to show how projects are onboarding the masses. And that's our main objective, is to align with the coinbase mission of onboarding the next billion users. We're using the evergreen network to do so.

Feedback on Previous Discussions

And to be honest, I think you said that, and maybe I just missed it. It is definitely possible. So that could partially be my fault. Maybe it's partially the fault of the show. You never know. But I think the project's interesting, for sure. And I appreciate you coming up here, buddy. And you came back. I think this may be three weeks since you were here last. Come back again, man. I like the project. I like the idea. And we're gonna. We're gonna kick you out now, but it's not because we don't love you. It's just because we need some space. And now we're gonna hear from someone who's always up here, usually speaking as just a speaker, but now they're gonna get time for the hard chill, so I hope they've been working on that chill.

Introduction of New Speaker

1776. You're good. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, degens of all ages, 1776. Is proud to present the freedom Cohen 1776 on Solana. Freedom of speech and the things our country was founded on are under attack across the globe, and we are here to fight back. We are. Our country, 248 years ago, decided that they would not stand for tyranny, they would not stand for big, oppressive government. They demanded freedom of speech. They demanded self determination. They demanded financial freedom from a global banking institution, and they demanded the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That's who we are. That's what we stand for.

Outline of Mission

So what is our mission? Our mission is to, number one, promote those things that we talk about that we hold near and dear to the chest, that we 100% believe in. Two, we want to onboard. Onboard normies into crypto. Three, we want to create a safe, transparent space for them to come where they're not going to have to worry about all of the things that they've heard for so many years that cryptos can. How do we do that? Let's start with safety and transparency. Our liquidity is locked. Our dev wallet is locked through team finance, our marketing and team wallets have multi sig on them. So three people have to sign off before a single person can get a single token. Our contract is renounced. Taxation is theft, as we all can agree on. So we do not have taxes of any kind, because it's wrong and immoral to tax.

Creating a Safe Space in Cryptocurrency

We are here to create a cryptocurrency revolution to where people who are like minded have a safe space to put their money and can come in and find something they believe in as normies come in. Soka, you've mentioned this several times. Billions and billions of dollars are spent every election cycle on political ads. Well, now we've got several political candidates who are advocating for America, being the leader of the world's cryptocurrency industry. And we've got Donald Trump, vice president candidate JD Vance, backed by Robert F. Kennedy, and Tulsi Gabbard, who are all extremely pro crypto. So these people who have always heard crypto as a scam, they're going to need to find somewhere to put their money. What are we doing to find those people?

Promotional Strategies for Engagement

One, we have the weekly podcast starting soon. It's called the 1776 podcast. If anyone wants to co host, we would love to have you there. Two, the patriotic merchandise industry is a multi billion dollar industry. We have a 1776 clothing line coming out, complete with an app store. Three, we are active. No one will outwork us. We are on Twitter. We are in telegram. We are grinding daily. I encourage you guys to join our telegram. I encourage you guys to follow us on Twitter. If you want to know who I am, it's on from 1776. Please come hang out. I hear the ticker. Join the revolution for freedom. Whoo. That was pretty hot.

Evaluating Performance of Speakers

I only have one question. So you're voting for Kamala this. This November, I hear. I will not be voting for Kamala. Shockingly. Oh, okay. I don't know, man. I thought, when you were talking about freedom, I thought, of course, how could you go against Kamala? I mean, that's what it sounded like to me. Crypto the kid. What are we giving it? I am going to go with a nine out of ten on that one. I would go ten out of ten, but I feel like I can't for some reason. So nine out of ten. Nine out of ten. That was, to me, that's an excellent show. Very quick, very high energy, a lot of information packed into a short amount of time, and it kind of touches all the bases, gives you the basics about the project, gives you basis about the, you know, the team and what they're up to.

Concluding Remarks and Future Engagement

1776. I'm impressed. Love it. Eight and a half, buddy. That was amazing. We haven't, we haven't let him show in forever. He's just been up here hanging out, having fun. I didn't know that he had these amazing shills in his back pocket. we're not going to kick you down because you can stay up here, but we, now have one slot extra. We're just going to keep moving through 1776. Great job. Oh, one other thing. Thank you both very much. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. No, no, go for it. No, please just say thank you. Thank you guys very much. I enjoy being on here, whether it's chilling or honestly, being on the speaker panel has been sort of a nice break.

Addressing Future Speakers

Amazing. All right, so one thing I've got to say. Look, I'm going to have to crack the whip on you scrubs a little bit here. I'm looking at the next people we're gonna have speak, and I don't know, maybe they're following crypto the kid, maybe they're following Jake, but it doesn't look like they're following me. And you're damn right. If you're up here and you're wanting to shill, we better get those follows. You better, you better click those buttons. I'm not gonna call out any names just yet, but we're gonna let one more speaker go. And if I come up here and I see that we're not getting the follows, you guys go ahead and unfollow later. I don't care. Whatever. I'm not gonna hunt you down if I notice. I damn right I will.

Transition to Next Speaker

But we're gonna skip over a bunch of people, because Ito is the only person that I see up here right now that's following at least me. Again, I can't see crypto the kid. I can't see Jake. But make sure you get those follows in, otherwise you're getting kicked off the stage, buddy. That's okay. Doesn't matter for me. We'll bring up the next person. Ito, you've got three minutes. It's your time to shine. Go for it. Thank you. I really appreciate you having me on stage today. I actually raised my hand previously when were talking about what we can do when a market moves sideways.

Discussion on Community Support

And I think what's great about Edo is that's really what our community is built around. So we are a CTO, less than 30 days old, no buy sell, tax contract renounced, liquidity locked. We've got a great narrative that Nero was Edo before it was adopted. We have the paperwork. Cabo Sue Mama, the same woman who owns Doge, owns Edo. At the end of the day, my background, I'm crypto class of 2015. So I'm OG. I've also started a startup, incubator. I've been a mentor at East Denver. I've been a mentor for Techstars Boston, web three cohort.

Dealing with Market Challenges

And what I'm trying to do when I look at Doge, when I look at Shib, those did not have an investable thesis to any institutional capital or anybody who is paying attention. And I think if you zoom out right now, we are so early with meme coins, but it's doing us a disservice that there's so many ruggers, there's so many pump and dumps, and we really need to teach and train people how to have the emotional regulation, how to have the discipline, how to have the strategy. It starts with habits. I'm a daily runner. I'm on day 715 of running every day. How does this apply to our meme coin?

Building Trust and Consistency in the Community

I do a daily voice note update in Telegram every single day, the same way you would with a startup, basically doing a stand up every day. Here's what we're working on. Here's what we're celebrating. Here's where we need the community to pitch in. Between that and doing weekly spaces every Saturday, we're looking to build trust, consistency through transparency, and just to keep showing up. The other big thing we've done for the CTO, we built a new website. And not just a website, we've got blog posts. Currently we have six blog posts on everything from stop getting rugged to how to have patience and conviction when you're investing in meme coins.

Market Strategy for Long-term Growth

I come from an e comm tech background as well. So we're indexed on Google. We've done keyword research. We're really building for the long term, rather than a quick pump and dump. We're well capitalized, but we're not looking to fund KLos and have something to spike and then drop back down to where we are at the end of the day. So for us, we're really looking at this prisoner dilemma of meme coins this. How do we build something long term and we don't have all the answers. We're very transparent about that.

Researching Successful Meme Coins

We're studying the greats. We're studying doge. We're looking at what Shib did. We're looking at what Floki has done. We're looking at Bonk. We are Edo on Eth. Our hashtag is legend of Edo. We'd be very grateful for a follow. It's the rise of Edo on X. Our website is also the rise of Edo. Our pin tweet has all the key information you need to follow our project. I appreciate the time today. Thank you guys so much for having me. I am loving nfts if you want to follow my handle. I'm a pudgy penguin and have a lot of penguin support that we can bring to the table.

Status of the Project

We're a micro cap sub 100k right now. This is getting in on the ground floor. Awesome. Awesome. Love it. I'll go first here. Crypto the kid. So, to be honest, the first little bit, I was a little bit. I was a little lost. I thought I was going to give a fairly low score. I think your last 30 seconds were your strongest. You talked about where you could find the information, what your market cap is. You talked a little bit about, you know, other communities that you might be in, that you might be connected to. I really enjoyed that piece.

Scoring the Presentations

So I'm going to go with a five out of ten. And I think that if you expanded that last 32nd clip, these are recorded. If you go back and listen to yourself and say, you know, those last 30 seconds, how do I expand that out? I think you would have a very high score because that's where you were putting. You buried all the information. That being said, though, also, it sounded like you had a lot of good. You'd be able to have a good conversation about some of the other stuff we talk about where we're not talking about a show, where we're just talking straight up about the markets, et cetera.

Final Thoughts on the Presentations

Crypt with the kid. Go for it. Yeah, I'm going to go a four out of ten on this one. Not because the information wasn't great. And I just kind of agree with Soca. Like, the beginning, it was a little bit off topic, and it was a little bit. I was going to get lost. And then you did wrap it up and you pulled it all together at the end quite nicely. So, yeah, four out of ten, but a lot, like soga said, a lot of good information in there. Very good energy, lots to work on, but solid.

Encouragement and Support

I mean. Yeah, I think when I say solid, I mean your project solid. There's a lot of good things that can come from it and you keep working on it. All right, well, there you have it, Edo crypto. The kid hates you and wants you to go down into the ground. That's what I heard. You have a. I appreciate the feedback, guys. Yeah, no, that was great. And it's keeping it simple. I raised my hand to talk about kind of the come on stage and talk about the industry, so I pivoted.

Valuing Simplicity in Discussions

But that's good feedback. And I think with all the messages out there, keeping it simple is really important. So I appreciate the feedback, guys. Thanks for having me up. Have a wonderful day. For sure. Yeah, thank you. Go ahead, crypto kid. I know I threw you under the bus there. Yeah, no, gonna say, like, I totally. I totally get the wanting to talk about the topics at hand, because, like, that's, like you said, that's kind of how we started the show.

Acknowledging Contributions of Multiple Speakers

So I totally respect that. Awesome, man. Amazing. Well done. All right, we're gonna send you down because we're gonna bring a few more people up here. But, you know, great job. Definitely check them out. The rise of Edo is the handle. Let's see. Removed from the speakers. He gone. There we go. Everyone is now following up here. Good job, everyone who wasn't. I appreciate that. Make sure you get the other follows in as well.

Encouraging Participation in Community Efforts

I'm going to do a quick hard shill for my telegram that I have posted up here. Show you. Show you scrubs how it's done. It's not going to take me any three minutes. It's going to take me 30 seconds. I have a telegram I started maybe about a week ago. We've got a lot of people in there. The key component of this telegram is you get to waste soca data's money. I funded a public wallet. I believe my followers are the smartest, baddest people on the planet.

Community Engagement and Transparency

And the only way that I could imagine to prove this was on the blockchain with our trading. So I funded a wallet with $1,000, and we're going to run it up to a million dollars. The community gets to vote. What are we putting our money in? When are we taking it out? That's how it is handled. So if you want to go in there and waste some soca dollars, you can go in and you can vote on whatever you want and see if we make money. And if we don't, we're going to fire another bullet.

Continued Efforts for Success

And another bullet. And another bullet. It never stops. Right now, I think we have around $3,000 in the. In the old coffers, and we're going to be doing votes continuously throughout the week. Right now, the ponky army is represented pretty strong in there, so all we do is buy ponky, but get in there and maybe we'll be able to buy some other projects. It is pinned up into the jamba. Tron, I know how many people are in there right now, and I swear to you, if that number doesn't go up, I'm ending the spaces.

New Speaker Introduction

Red souls, you are up. You've got three minutes. Thank you. There we go. Nice and easy. Who doesn't want to waste soca dollars? They're very sweet. They're very hard to get a hold of. Trust me. So could stingy with that money. What's up, 1776? Oh, that was me with the clapping. Oh. Oh, that was you. Oh, nice. There we go. Thank you. Thank you. Wait, hold on. We. You need a score. Okay. Crypto.

Scoring for New Speaker

The kids got to give you a score. Oh. If this is not a ten, is rugging this? I'm literally hovering over n spaces right now. I gotta watch it. That's three. That's. I don't know. Was it? What was it? I just don't know. I'm totally lost. Oh, my God. Okay, if anyone's following, if they're up here and they're following crypt of the kid, I'm going to go. Look, if you're following him, you don't get to speak your outs.

Ensuring Participation and Engagement

We're kicking you off stage. Unfollow. Unfollow. No, I'm just kidding. Follow crypt of the kid. Big shout out. All right, red souls meme, you are on the clock. Three minutes. Go for it. Hey, thanks for having me over. I'm the most theorist, fashionable, and funniest meme of all. I have a noble and ambitious mission to attract more ladies to the space with the support of amazing authors like yourself.

Fostering Female Representation in Crypto

And I'm Linus. I'm known as Linus in the space. I'm the dev. And we've been around for a couple of months, and if you guys know, it's less than, you know, 10% of ladies in crypto, which is even worse than Wall street. And I came from Wall street, and I raised millions before, and I took scale ups from zero to x. You know, today we launched red zone on Tron, because I do believe that the future is multi chain, and I'm expanding our portfolio with amazing chains and different memes.

Enduring Challenges in Representation

But my meme remains because it's timeless, and the reason why it's a red. So because it's on Solana, every girl loves red souls. And it's a timeless matter of financial inclusion and also passion, because we plan to, you know, partner online and offline. But make no mistake, the movement memes are the most powerful ones, and that's what you wanted. So here we are, you know, and I do want to empower every girl. And even here on stage, looks like I'm the only leader so far, and we need to change that.

Closing Remarks

That's it. Thank you so much. And I've been around. No rugs, only beautiful red carpets for this amazing red. So that's it. Thank you for having me. Yo, I love that we got some time back. That was a minute and a half on the nose. Very well done. Crypto the kid, what's our score? I'm going a five out of ten on this one. I liked the quick shill. I like the info that was provided.

Reflections on Performance

I thought that the energy could have been a little bit higher, a little bit more information about market cap. All those things could have been expressed, but, yeah, five out of ten. All right, fantastic. Okay, I'll give you hit 100k. I'm at 30k right now. But also, guys, I've been not sleeping because I launched another meme today on Tron myself with no, like, with the minimum team. So I apologize if my pitch is not as fantastic as you would expect it, but I appreciate your feedback.

Highlighting Challenges Faced

And how many girls do you know that launched their own meme in the space? Right? But no team and no support. But everybody's so quick to criticize. Look at the chart. It's all organic, no calls, self funded, and I'm beyond proud, so. But thank you. I appreciate the five. You know, I think that I'm. I'm gonna go. I'm. I don't know what to go here, honestly, because I gotta respect the hustle, you know, like she said, what?

Building Stronger Female Representation

Who goes out and launches their own project? And obviously, we're trying to, you know, bring more women into crypto. So to be a woman in crypto, first of all, I'd imagine, is somewhat of rough. There's. You're not the only woman on stage, though. Meet with press over here is a very talented, well spoken woman who's going to give. Give her thoughts here momentarily. So I give a lot of respect to that and the hustle, and I don't know, is it good that we're launching multiple memes because you're pitching this project.

Collaboration and Growth in the Crypto Industry

But then you said you launched another meme. Is that what happened? Yeah, totally. Because here is my thought process. It's about how I did things in trad five. When you have a portfolio of startups and you find synergies between them, so they grow together, and you guys all talk about collabs, so that's the perfect collab, because I wanted to do a fashionable meme for ladies, and I wanted to do a meme with my, you know, partner in crime.

Strategic Collaborations for Success

That would be attractive to the boys club. Right. And together we're stronger because we can share our resources and move, you know, memes, I do believe in projects when they support each other, they complemented each other, similar to relationship. And in my experience, even at sea level, it's less than 5% of women. And I've been there, and I was a CEO of a company, and I feel that in crypto space, it's even worse right now, what's happening.

Empowerment Through Community in Crypto

So that's why I'm beyond, it's beyond money. To me, it's a movement meme. And in my experience, it's about power of two. That's why I want to bring both feminine and masculine energy the way I used to do it. You know, bringing it to the boardroom. Right now, I'm doing it to the meme space because that's the only way how we are going to succeed and take things to the next level. And our tagline is pump the pumps, because pump is the beautiful shoe, but also pump the chart and pump, you know, like, guys love sports, you know, I'm pumped.

Attracting Attention and Building a Following

So they're very competitive. So it's a multi dimensional, multi portfolio approach to me. And women are actually known for the strategic moves, and that's how I'm going to roll, regardless of the feedback. But I love you. Right? Perfect. Perfect. Yeah. No, I actually thought that last part of the show was probably stronger than the first part. That, that answered my question. Again, I was on the fence. I didn't know if it was good.

Determining the Value of Multiple Projects

I didn't know if it was bad. I didn't really know what to think in terms of launching multiple projects. But you had a plan, you had an idea. You're bringing something from the business world that you've been successful with in the past to the crypto space. And, you know, overall, I think, again, as a cohesive shillenna, I would probably go around like a five and a half, six. But after that last segment, again, similar to we had up here before. I think that was the best part and that I would probably given a seven and a half.

Emphasizing Experience and Credibility

You're giving a lot of information, you're expressing your talent, your history, your experience. And that gives me reason to believe the projects is going to go up because you have this experience and this history. So that's what I would go real quick if I saw you open your mic, if you want to go for 10 seconds, because then we're going to move on to work. I can. First of all, I appreciate it. If I can pin something, I would appreciate it even more.

Closing Thoughts and Future Directions

But also, guys, I'm trying to stay a little humble. I can oversell. And by the way, men are known for that. I want my execution to speak for itself. And again, it's very common. So I'm very self aware and I can come in here and tell you the connections I have and who I vibe with. I'm not doing it for a reason, because I also want to empower every single, you know, lady or whoever it is in the room that you need just a couple of souls to start something so beautiful. And that's exactly what I'm doing.

Comfort in a Boys Club

But also I'm trying to show you that I came from that boys club and I'm very comfortable working there. And we are doing things for the boys as well. Right. But if you're not including living 90% of population, how can you talk about mass adoption. And I was there when I was talking about bitcoin to hedge funds seven years ago. Right. And for transparency, my son is a pro trader. He's been trading for over seven years. So I know the space. I know cryptocurrency. It's not about that. It's about everybody to be empowered without, you know, relying on that, you know, trade centralized system. And that's why I'm so driven to make a difference for sure. I love it. Thank you so much for coming up here. We'd love to hear more from you because I feel like you're someone who could come up here and contribute a lot. I'm going to go ahead and send you down for now so we can bring a few more speakers up. But really well done. And we let it run a little long because she actually ended a minute and a half early. So, you know, we don't worry. We're not, we're not stealing the time from any of these other guys.

Moving to New Speakers

We're going to hold on. I'm going to bring up build on Pa. We're going to bring up Waldo. Oh, he just moved. Right when I went to do it moved and I clicked on Spike. So I guess the universe wants us to get Spike and we'll get Waldo as well. There we go. And we'll go for it. While you're bringing those extra accounts up, I just want to say like for clarity, we're rating shills and so it's important and I think this is a great exercise for everybody. Have a 32nd elevator pitch. She'll ready to go for spaces. Have a three minute long shell ready to go. Have a five minute long she'll ready to go. All these things are very bullish for you to have and great for you to work on right now because once the bull starts kicking into gear and your project has survived, which everybody here is working for their bags. So I expect that it will survive. You'll be prepared. So that's all we're rating on. No shade on red soul. I think, you know, she's got a narrative.

Project Assessment

She's got a plan. She's doing all these things. She's teaming up, collabing all the things that we preach, all the things that we love. It's a solid project. It sounds like it's a solid project. I wish it nothing but the best. But we are rating shills. So that's, I just want to keep that in mind and to the project because we see a lot of new faces. I will say, please follow crypto. The kid, Soca, Jake and I see JSP and the audience. I have learned a shitload from those guys, so I would suggest following all of them. Love it. Thank you so much, 1776. And trust me, if they're not following, I'm kicking them off the stage. I'm going to be brutal today. We're having some fun. This is a random show space, and I'm actually having fun.

Transitioning to Next Speakers

I don't know about anyone else. So, we had an order. Now my orders all messed up because some people jumped up above. I don't know why it does that, but it was work and meet with press, and then I think Chase on base. So we're going to go with that order. Work. You are on the clock. Go for it. Okay. Yeah. Three minutes and a three year old to pick up very quickly. So, yeah, sense of urgency. So we are work for your bags. We are a meme coin on Solana, currently at a $76,000 market cap, all time high of 135k. But I love what crypto. The kid was saying earlier about the definition of a meme coin as being the narrative plus the community. But for us, we're looking more as a culture coin.

Project Insights

You're adding in narrative, you're adding in community, but you're also adding in values. And that's how we look at ourselves as a values led meme coin. Now, work for your bags is as itself a pretty comprehensive meme for the space, for everybody in crypto. Everyone's out there working for their bags daily. We are a cto of a meme coin that rugged. In the end of April now, we relaunched the coin, rebranded everything, and were able to do that is because we actually migrated over to a new token. So there is another protocol on Solana called Future protocol that created a token migrating system we piloted. That was the first project. Through that, we have now moved over to a new contract address. And we are building out not only this meme, but as I said, the values led mission here is to empower and bring on new investors into the space.

Onboarding New Users

Now, a lot of people are talking about onboarding normies. That's what we're looking at. But we're looking at doing it with a sort of values led mentality, looking at things like PPP, the player pump player model that meow put out earlier this year. The idea that you can actually trade and not dump on your friends, you can build community without this PvP mentality. So we are building out a content hub, a resource hub, if you will, online. Engaging on Twitter, engaging on Reddit, engaging on TikTok. We've got a YouTube channel. We're creating video content. We've got blogs up one one. Basically sort of information for anyone. I've onboarded my mother, actually, into this coin using the stuff we've produced. So it does work as far as being approachable, but the idea is to bring on as many people as we can and sort of teach them while they're young and get them in that sort of PPP mentality so they can sort of hit the ground running and treat this and kind of engage in the space in an ethical manner.

Further Engagement

That's us. And give you some time back. Hey, always love that. I think it was succinct. I think it was solid. He's picking up a three year old as well, cryptocurrency. I'll let you go first. I don't have much feedback. I do have a score, though. Go ahead. I have got you at about a five to a six. I think you hit the narrative aspect very well. I think, you know, adding a little bit about your market cap, adding a little bit about the team, adding just a few extra things in there in that short pitch can increase it. The energy was great overall. Good show. Just add a little bit more to it. Yeah, no, I think. I think it was a good show as well. I think that it was clear. That's what I like the best out of it.

Feedback and Ratings

I probably go a five and a half dish, clarity was really good. I thought it was well spoken. I thought it was. Seemed like you had, you know, rehearsed it a little bit, which is always solid. And, yeah, I mean, unfortunately, the feedback isn't very strong to like, hey, five and a half. How can I get up there? It, the, this, the salesmanship, then it just smacked me over the head, which isn't the end of the world. I thought it was a pretty solid chill and, you know, you checked all of my boxes. Well, just maybe get a little more flair, a little more pizzazz in there and we may be able to up that score, but work. Thank you so much. Go ahead and get your three year old.

Engaging with the Press

We're going to get you out of here. Thank you so much. And we are going to go meet with press. You're next. Hello. Hello, I'm back. Meet with press. We are a news token. We are the first token who's going to be also, we have some alpha today. We are officially the media part of Memcon. Memcon is the biggest side event of Solana breakpoint in Singapore. So we'll be live. Have you ever heard of a meme who's going to be live doing interviews? No, but we are doing that. I will be in Singapore. Right now, our market cap is at generational wealth.

Investment Opportunity

So get in early because we're going to Singapore. 25% of the people in Singapore have crypto. That means big ass money to spend. So right now you want generational wealth. Get to admit with friends, we are all social media. We are all socials. We have our discord, we have our instagram, we have a YouTube channel. So really working on it. Check our website out, check our team out, check our animations. We are really working behind the scenes, getting in real life. If you look at Omarcap, I'm working my ass off. And we just got the big announcement, the official announcement that we are the media partner of Memcondeze.

Excitement and Hard Work

If you let me, I will put the proof that we are their media partner. And that was a chill for me with press. I'm so excited that we made it and being here for three weeks, grinding our asses off, going to the stages and yeah, also women in crypto, also self funded, did it myself with a great team, and I'm just happy to be here. Love it. Boom. 1 minute, 30 seconds. We're getting a lot of nice, succinct, solid shills. I've heard obviously from meat with press before, so I, maybe the tough thing is maybe I'm filling in blanks with things that maybe weren't said. I don't know.

Evaluating the Presentation

But I would say that's a solid seven and a half from my point of view. I thought you hit on a bunch of good notes. I thought I got an idea of what the project is about and this idea that they're, you know, going around to Singapore, it had the flair, the pizzazz, the salesmanship. I'm looking for crypto the kid. Go for it. Yeah, I agree. I was going to rate it around a six to a seven. It ticked a lot of the boxes. I love the energy, I love the creating the fomo. This is a generational wealth opportunity to get in.

Addressing the Potential

Those are always good because I think that is not stated enough, especially with the micro cap coins. You've got a value proposition. So you show you did a good job of showing that the team is there. The team is working hard. You are doing things like sponsoring events, interviewing people live at the event. So you created this case of, like. Okay. Like, I can trust these people because they're really working for this, and it's a low micro cap coin. There's the value, so. Good job on that. And. Yeah. So six to seven, I think that's a pretty good score.

Final Thoughts

Bang. All right. Me with press. No, no. We're kicking you out of here. No, thank yous. No, no. None of this. No, I'm just kidding. Go ahead. You could say thank you before I kick you. No, thank you. Thank you. What I meant, you know, we. We created this, and now, you know, working our asses off to show people that actually, Memcon said, you know, we didn't have to sponsor them. They were very impressed with the work we did, so that's why we became the media partners. I've been doing stages with them for months before launching the token, so they know that I'm working my ass off.

Appreciation for Contributions

Love it. All right, we're kicking you off the stage. We're gonna get you out of here. Thank you so much for the shill was a solid shill. We brought up a few more speakers. I think we're gonna be able to get through them all. We are making good time. The energy is good. Keep the energy level high. Someone's mic is open. I don't know if it's doing that weird. When you're muted, you're not actually muted thing. I can't tell who it is. Hold on, I'm gonna. I'm gonna remove someone. I think it is. Let's see what works here. Space buddies, you have bit the dust.

Continuing the Show

I'm gonna see if that mutes it. If not, we'll bring it back up. All right, cool. We're going on to the next shill. I have it as chase on base. Chase on base. Let me actually. Hold on. It might be someone else here. It's showing me bitcoin on base. Bitcoin on base. Is bitcoin on base even up here? There we go. It was. It was poot, so put is gone. They're the ones who. Who've been excommunicado out of here, so we're going to go for a show. It is going to be chase on base. Sorry, sorry. I erroneously kicked someone off the stage, but we found out who it was.

Inviting New Speakers

It's twitter. If you request to get up here again, I'll bring you back up. Apologies. Chase on base, three minutes. The time, the floor, the moment. It's yours. Hit it. Hello, everybody. Thanks for having me on. How's everybody doing? My name is legend 27 and I'm here to talk about Chase on base. So we are meme coin that just launched a little over 12 hours ago on the base network and we have done absolutely phenomenal on our launch. You can find all of our official links on our pinned Twitter post. There we have our website Telegram.

Introduction to the Project

It actually just broke 100 members, so it's doing really well. And our Twitter link for sharing purposes. Now, a little bit about me. I started crypto, my crypto journey in 2019 and I was a bit of an ETH Maxy, not gonna lie. I rode the entire wave, the 2019 and 2020 bull run, and I was into nfts layer ones, layer twos. Honestly, I used probably every layer one when they launched through Avax Solana Moonriver, if some of you remember that. But throughout my whole time in crypto, I don't think I've ever seen a better network than base. So the ability of base to onboard normies be accessible tons of people.

Future of the Network

I think it makes it a sponge ready to absorb all of the traffic for the next all coin mania phase. So platforms like Coinbase, Alien based DeX, all of that stuff will make meme coin trading the number one asset class of this cycle. And I mean, it's already been dominant and I think it'll only continue to dominate in the in a mania phase. So for this reason, we decided to launch JSON base. It's sleek, it's new, it rolls off the tongue, it's memeable, it has the culture. Our website and logo and memes are all hilarious and have attracted tons of people.

Inspirational Roots and Development

We were inspired by the on base meta, so shout out to bitcoin on base eth on base. We were also inspired by the lack of fintech memes and crypto and the movie the big short. We actually have our Telegram members as names from the big short, like Ben Rickert. This idea had been cooking for a while and the recent chase bank glitches just let us know that it was the perfect time to launch. That was purely coincidental. We had the idea planned from way before you can actually check when we made the Twitter, and it was from like July. So I think we're really about to blow up and just need a few eyes to take off.

Previous Project Experience

This isn't my first project. I created Newton on base back in I think it was May, and that reached almost a million dollar market cap. As far as the logistics goes, I don't want to bore you guys too much, but it's like every regular fair launch meme coin billion supply. We launch on wag me. So it is a fair launch platform and you can do your own research. Liquidity is all locked and everything's safe. And, yeah, we just want to keep pumping, keep the momentum going. We have trending bots, and we think that base is just the best place to launch a meme coin right now.

Community and Growth

And we want to keep that momentum up and keep pumping and keep growing and attract all kinds of new people. And so we want to do these spaces more often. We want to be on Twitter, organic shilling and raiding and having everybody just join our telegram and just talk and have a good time. So thanks for giving me the time to talk about chase on bass. Dude, two minutes, 57 seconds on the nose. Gotta love that. Very punctual. Love it. Chase on base. You know, for me, hey, I didn't think it was good. I didn't think it was bad.

Dining Experience Reflection

I thought it was kind of, you know, like, if you go to a restaurant and they give you some food and you're like, yeah, that's about what I expected. That's what I paid for. I'm good with that. So it's a, you know, take that for what it is. I think that I'd put it around between a five and a six. And, you know, the thing that I would encourage you to. To do, and by the way, you're always welcome to come back this based. I'm having some fun with it. So we're probably going to do this maybe somewhat more often. We'll just turn some emergency spaces into a show space.

Improving Engagement

I encourage you to come back and try to. You do. You got people down there in the audience that are half asleep at work, not doing anything. You gotta wake them up. Wake them up, get some movements, and make them really want to go for your project. Crypto the kid, what you got for him? I'm going a little higher. So I thought that was about a seven. It really took advantage of the time. Nailed it to that. Three minutes. But more importantly, it kind of hit all the basics of the project, along with expressing the fact that this is a new project.

Project Clarification

It's 12 hours old. So to be in spaces, be here, showing shows that they have a level of understanding of the game and how play it's played. And so to mention that, to be honest, be transparent, all of these things are bullish. Yeah. So I think, like Soka said, energy could have been a little bit higher, but, yeah, rating six to seven, I think is pretty solid. Can I chime in? Go for it. I was going to say, dude, like, what you said was concise to the point.

Further Enhancing Delivery

Everything anyone needed to know. Right. But it's. It's not just what you say. It's also how you say it. Bring some energy to that. Say exactly the same thing with a little more tone and inflection and kind of umph behind it. And I think that. That you guys will go a long way. Well said, 1776. You picked up on my sentiment. It was perfect. Good feedback. Chase on base. Love it, man. You're 12 hours old. I'm hoping my fingers are crossed that by this time next week, you come back and you say, we're still here.

Community Engagement and Survival

We're still alive. We don't want to see you go. And a lot of projects that I get DM's from that say, hey, can we get up on stage? A week later, I'm going through my DM's. I'm a little behind. And they say, hey, we actually rugged. We did this. We did that. Not saying that's going to be you, but I don't want that to be any of you people that come up on stage. I don't want to hear from people saying, hey, remember that project that came up here? How do I find them? And I say, I don't know.

Maintaining Project Longevity

And they say, oh, they're gone. Stay alive. Survive. Chase on base. Thanks so much for coming up. We're going to kick you. Kick you down. Good shill. We did bring up space buddies again. I kicked them off because they were. They were incorrectly accused of having the hot mic. But it wasn't them. It was someone else. We may bring some more people up. We're at 213 Pacific. We got to be done by 230 Pacific because I've got a beautiful.

Final Instructions

Chuck spaces. I see Chuck down there. Oh, sitting next to our boy stecky steak. He's getting in a. You guys, you have an opportunity to shill in front of someone with a really big wallet that might be wanting to invest in some projects. No pressure. No pressure. But, I would tighten those things up. I have no idea how. Oh, my God. Do we have too many people up here now? 1234?

Concluding Remarks

Nope. We can do it. We can just do it. If I stop talking and move it on over. Spike on e. Three minutes. Go. Hey, what's up, guys? Want to make sure you could hear me real quick because I could only hear silk on my end. That's okay. That's only person you got to hear, babe. I got you. We hear you. All right, sweet. I'll get right to it. So we're spiked. We're Matt Fury's first ever character from 1984, drawn when he was just five years old.

Character History

And we brought this iconic fossil back to life 40 years later on Ethereum. We call him the Og of ogs because he's before icons like Pepe and Brett. If you don't know who Matt Fury is, he is the creator of all of the meme coins that are popular, like Pepe and Brett. And Spike is the first. So what makes Spike special? Everybody always remembers their first, whether it's your first car, first kiss, first coin, first hundred x. Well, Spike could be your next first.

Creation and Community Engagement

The Spike you're seeing now was born from just a picture on Matt Fury's Patreon group. And we made him into the completely original character you see today. He was made by one of our community members to go along with all the boys club. And unlike the other boys club characters, he didn't have a storyline or a comic book to go after. So his storyline is completely original, made up by the core team and community. We have a full time artist and animator working on constant content that you'll see coming out more in the midst.

Nostalgia and Appeal

September. Our storyline takes place from the eighties all the way up today. So we're going to bring a lot of the nostalgia factor to all the eighties and nineties babies. And he's really lovable, funny character that appeals to everyone. I show him to my two year old daughter and she always laughs and says Dino every time she sees them. I tell, you know, my wife about the storyline and she's cracking up. So I really think we have a character that can appeal to everybody.

Commitment to Development and Transparency

We're always looking to partner with different people. It doesn't matter what chain you're on, there's some people up here that I know that we've partnered with already and we're really just trying to get the, you know, the name out there. We're a very committed team. We don't b's the community. We have, you know, financial transparency reports and we could just kind of give constant updates on everything that we do. We're sitting around like a 900k market cap. We've hit an all time high of 13 million.

Team Achievement and Future Prospects

We're a CTO, so we brought it up from around 200k all the way up to 13 million. And we've been consolidating around the 1 million mark for about a month now. We're always finding new partnerships or more things to do and we're riding that Matt fury narrative into the bull run. And we're hoping that Pepe and Brett and the big behemoth attract people to spike. And, you know, always remember, Spike is your first. So I'll pin our stuff up and we encourage you to join the community.

Final Gratitude and Closure

Yeah. Thank you for your time. Love it. So I was gonna have some fun with you before, but then you dropped that. You guys hit a $13 million all time high and that you're currently sitting at 900K. That's actually my comments here, because I was going to say, you said, you know, hey, I love that your daughter laughs, but unless your two year old daughter's about to pull out her Phantom wallet and start buying some products, I'm not sure that's who our target audience is. My other thing, how many map fury characters are there?

Character Saturation Concerns

Can someone please just put them all one piece of paper so that there's no more that pop up out of somewhere? Because I swear to God, this guy, every time I see this is the forgotten Matt Fury character. This is the last map Fury character. Every time there's 50 map fury characters, maybe more. Who knows? So, you know, I map Fury Meta is going to be very strong. 900K market cap is pretty damn good. 13 mil all time high, also pretty damn good.

Caution about New Characters

But I swear to God, if there's one more Matt Fury character that comes out of the woodwork and they claim in episode 6.1 he actually drew this, I mean, when he was five years old. Are you kidding me? How did you find that? How do you know this? I don't know. I'll give it a seven. Crypto the kid. Go for it. Yeah, I was going to say, I think a seven to 7.5 is perfect. You were very solid at the beginning, and then you trailed off into the personal sentiment land for a little bit, and then you wrapped it up nicely.

Constructive Criticism

I say it just needs to be a little bit tighter. I can't fault you for your tone because I have the same thing. It's called monotone or being monotone or monotonistic. I can't control that.

Feedback on Performance

As much as I try, I just don't have the ability to inflect like others do, like Soca or 1776. So I can't fault you there. But yeah, you were clear. You. You covered everything and I thought it was solid overall. Just. Just tighten it up and clean it up a little bit and you should be solid for months to come. Can I give a piece of advice? Go for it.

Advice on Presentation Style

The so capitalize on the daughter thing. But instead of saying my daughter loves it and, like, trying to pull it. Heartstrings. Do something like, my daughter loves it, so my wife won't. So your wife won't get mad if you buy it. Make the kids happy. Make the wife happy. Happy wife, happy life, happy bags, happy kids. Let's go. Something like that. Like, make it relatable to other people. Don't just make it about your own daughter. I got you, man. Thank you.

Review of Recording Quality

I could hear you. I couldn't hear crypto the kid. Unfortunately, I'll have to listen back to the recording. Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. Yeah. And final thing that I'll say is a, it was definitely a good show. Don't bury the lead. Your market caps good. Your current market cap or your all time high is good. Start with that. And I would go with the daughter.

Final Thoughts on Presentation

Don't pull on the heartstrings. Say, look, if this project goes down, she's not going to get the surgery she desperately needs and the blood will be on all of your hands. Go buy my project. That's what I do. Hey, embellish. You got a lie sometimes. All right, Spike. Well, thanks so much for coming up. We're going to kick you out of here and we are going to space buddies, the person who is wrongfully accused when it was poot, not space buddies.

Transitioning to Next Speaker

And also. Wait, hold on. Space buddies. I know you're ready to go. We got steaky. Hold on, let me. Let me go down here first. Bang. We've got stucky coming up here. I'm just going to try to get this approval through. You know how Twitter gets. We're going to let Stacky have the stage for a moment, see what he wants. Maybe he wants to evaluate some projects. Maybe he's turning himself into a project. Who knows?

Introduction of Stucky

This is a wild emergency. Show spaces that weren't planning on doing. We just turned it into it because why not? Stecky, welcome to the stage. How's it going, brother? Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, thank you so much for having me on the meme. Coins with a mission. Show spaces. This is your boy, Stuckeye. Shout out to my boy, Jake Soka Crypto, the kid and everyone else that has spoken. I have thoroughly enjoyed every single fucking show.

Celebrating the Community

Excuse me. Language, language. Every show in this space so far. This is what it takes, ladies and gentlemen. People with no give up, people that are relentless, warriors that don't care to speak in front of hundreds of people to share what they truly believe is their conviction play. And that is what it takes. Not all projects are going to be you know, super senders, giga senders. But this is one thing that I always say.

Encouragement for Persistence

A slow cook is always the best cook. You build piece by piece foundation, structurally sound foundations with a strong community. And if you do not give up, you will get yourself the biggest opportunity to thrive and survive in this space, especially during this market dump. Guys, please do not give up. Please make sure that you are convicted. You stay convicted and make sure that you have a solid narrative and community backing.

Building a Solid Foundation

Your token. And these spaces are what we need. So, Jake, Soca, crypto, the kid, appreciate you guys. And I am listening to all of the shows. Thank you. Dude. Ten out of ten, whatever. I don't know how 100 out of 100. Stecky coming in with the energy, with the knowledge that is a multi cycle veteran over there that you just heard speak, who is ready to help you figure out how to pump your bags, and he's listening to you.

Opening the Floor for Discussion

How cool is that? There's not many other places where you can go and, you know, have a startup and just sit right there in front of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, with your, you know, hey, we sold $3,000 last month. Elon Musk, what do you think? It doesn't happen very often, but now we've got that situation occurring right now because we got stuck up on stage speech. Gosh, my voice is gone. Stage space buddies, we're going to go to you.

Welcoming the Next Speaker

You've got three minutes. And again, no pressure, but you have a legend now on stage with you. It's not just us anymore. You've got to open up the register. Go for it, buddy. Sounds good, Mandy. I go by butter and the telegram. I'm up here speaking on Save America's behalf. We took over probably about eight days ago. It was the rug. We turned it into a CTO.

Talking About 'Save America'

We started building stuff up brick by brick. We got the deck screener, paid first. Then we moved on to the Dex tools. We got some trending while were getting some momentum. It's a front run narrative. So we all know that Trump wrote a book. It's really a bunch of pictures, but it's still iconic. So we took that narrative. We're trying to grow on it right now.

Gathering Community Support

I've got some very notable people playing in the. Playing in there with us, wax, a couple other people as well. So we're just trying to build it up as best as we can. Anything that anybody can offer as far as advice or just come in, hang out with us. It's save America. So I really think we nail on the book, we nail on not even just the book, but save America in general.

Channeling Big Personalities for Growth

It's going to be huge, especially whenever you potentially have two of the largest callers, which would be Trump and Elon, you know what I'm saying? Like, we're in it. We're all hanging out in the spaces or something, and Elon brings on Trump, and they're talking about their book. That's a great capitalization on the narrative. And the biggest thing for us is we've been building the community.

Community Building Efforts

So a lot of these guys that I brought in, they're not the regular traders. They helped us build this floor up. They're perfectly fine with doing whatever they need to do to help us. But that's not the biggest thing. The community has been rallying. We've also been collecting a lot of funds. And us on the team, we've agreed to put three to five ETH into the marketing wallet, around a million market cap, just to show, hey, guys, we're here.

Making Financial Commitments

We're trying to build this up. We don't just want it to be a pump and dump. Yes, it could be. Absolutely depends on how the narrative runs. We've all seen Elon literally call projects and they just, what? Go fuck yourself, GFy. It went from launch to just absolute crazy numbers. It's very possible. That's not really my main key sell point.

Highlighting Community Over Speculation

It's the community we're building. It's save America. It's iconic. There's a frickin book about it. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's sold out space. Real quick. Real quick. I'm going to jump in, but I'm going to jump in because we got, we don't have a ton of time, and I actually want to guide you a little bit here before we give you a rating on the show. So you guys are a, you're just a community member?

Understanding Roles within the Community

Not, not. No, I'm the community lead. I'm the community. I've also led a couple of others like Conan. We're actually still working very hard on Conan, the main core team. Not trying to show them either, but, you know, just let you know, like, I've been around the block, done a few ctos, so for sure, can you pin a tweet from the main project up in the jumbotron so that people can follow you if they would like?

Confirming Project Updates

Absolutely. Perfect. Perfect. That would be great. And of course, and you're saying that you guys are trying to front run a book, a picture book that Trump is putting out. Is that what you're saying? He put it out today. So we've actually, I've got. It's a picture book. Well, it's not a picture book. I mean, it's save America.

Navigating Book Controversies

It's save America. But everybody's talked about how, oh, there's a lot of pictures in there, and it's going to be very controversial because you're going to have, you know, a me up here and a couple other people up here that may like the book, and then you may have other people that aren't going to like the book. But at the. It's free pr, right? And it's an actual tangible item.

Reiterating Importance of Tangible Items

And I think that's something that throughout the course of the project life, right, because we all want them to live just like Sticky said, just like everybody set up here. We all want them to prosper, but relatively, like, we have to have something there. So one of the big things we've been talking about in our team chat is basically, hey, let's get some books. We pre ordered a few of them.

Planning for Future Engagements

We're just waiting to figure out how we're going to do the giveaways and stuff. That's kind of where we're at right now. We, you know, right now, on the bigger scale things, we're under the. We hit about, what, 350 this morning. So, you know, it's still low cap. It's still gamble 100%, but, yeah, just pin that up if you guys want to check it out.

Potential Collaboration Highlights

It would be insane if you had Elon and Trump call a project at the same fucking time. And, you know, everybody's like, oh, it's not a call. It is a call. I've seen it. I've seen the emotions people get. And it's a very, it's a, it's, you know, something that you can capitalize on, make a very sum of money. You know, my grade, and I'm going to give one piece of advice. Number one, here's my grade.

Assigning Grades and Suggestions

I would give it probably a four and a half out of ten. I think that it could have been more succinct and more focused. It doesn't mean, again, not the project, just kind of the pitch. And I would recommend you partner or reach out to some of the other Politifi projects. 1776 is a great one. maga Trump on base, another good one. They will help you connect in that space, and it's right up their alley.

Key Considerations for Future Success

Cross pollination for you, my friend, is going to be extremely important while you wait for that call to be made. crypt of the kid. Then we'll go stecky. Then we'll move on. Yeah, I was going to go around the five marker. I think you gave a lot of info, but I think you gave a lot of unnecessary info as well. it's a fresh project, fresh CTO. I know these things aren't easy.

Encouragement and Collaboration Offer

I've been involved in a couple myself, so best of luck to you. But, yeah, about a four out of five, I would. And to piggyback on what Soca said, definitely hit me up, dude. I'm happy to have a conversation, get our communities together, whatever. What I would recommend is, instead of saying, imagine if Trump or Elon calls us, because, I mean, every single token on the planet can say that, but no one has control over it, right?

Refining the Message

So I would say, imagine how many people are going to be coming into crypto because of the Trump or Elon. Here's why we're going to attract those people. That's just my two cent. Yeah. What I was going to say, just to piggyback off that, I'd give this a six five six to piggyback off that. Like, you never really want to push a narrative. Like, you know, just saying, hey, like, imagine if so and so calls, or this so and so calls, because, you know, a lot of community might get attracted to that and married to that.

Community Engagement Strategies

And so when they're hoping and wishing that these two people call, you know, that's kind of one of the main reasons why they buy and they hold. You don't want people to buy and hold due to, you know, speculation. Ever. Never, never. So just keep that in mind. Thirdly, secondly, I do like that you said, hey, like, at a million dollar market cap, you know, the team is willing to put two to three eth investment, you know, into the chart or what have you.

Commitment in Building Trust

That shows me that, you know, the team is willing to put their own skin in the game. And for me, like, a lot of these projects, they get tokens for free, they fill it out and they spend it on, you know, influencers trending, whatever, they have to sell it on the chart, blah. The fact that you're willing to put your own money into the project is bullish to me. It shows that you have conviction and that, you know, you want to see this flourish.

Summarizing Key Points

So that's a plus. But, yeah, just remember the first part, and never, you know, she'll mainly as a big point factor, for, you know, speculation that's all right. Sounds good. Thank you. Love it. Really well done. And, segi, that was a great point there on a. They're putting their skin in the game. That actually might be the strongest point. Hit that hard.

Caution Against Speculation

And, you know, I agree. Don't do something that is a big part of the show on speculation that this might happen. You're better off just saying it did happen. Fake a tweet and try to build the hype up there and then say has happened. We've already gotten tweets from Trump. You know, we're just. The whole speculation thing was me on, like, kind of the Elon space theory.

Reflection on Speculation Issues

Like, for sure there was, like, you know, an opening or whatever where both of. But I get it. I completely understand, and I appreciate you guys giving me your time and, you know, giving me those pointers that I asked for. I mean, it's what we're here for. We're here to build. We're here to grow your networks, your net worth, and you're nothing if you're, you know, I'm saying if you're not putting your skin in the game, trying to make.

Encouragement to Connect

Trying to make connections. So appreciate you guys bringing me up. Love it. Of course. Great job. Love the show. Good luck on the project, and hopefully you can connect with some people and give away some of those. Those. I don't know why Trump. Trump making a picture book is funny to me. I don't know why.

Reflecting on Humor and Content

It just sounds really funny. We have a Waldo for reals. All right, Waldo. Where's Waldo? Boom. Your time is now. Waldo's chilling right here. Waldo is for reals. I'm building a real community, a yemenite, real people. And if you're a real person, I suggest you check out Waldo is based.com, because I am building on base. And, yeah, pretty much that's my pitch.

Closing Remarks and Invitation

I hope you enjoy. Have a great day. Thank you for bringing me up. This is clearly a ten out of ten. Anyone who disagrees is obviously not understanding that he just did a short show so that we could try to get it in under the time slot. Ten out of ten. What else can I say? Crypto the kid. Up to you.

Feedback and Evaluation

Yeah, I was going to say eight or nine. I mean, you got everything that you need right there with Waldo for reals, so perfect. I mean, he said, where's Waldo? He got to follow for me because I'm trying to find him. Yeah, I think it's testament to short and sweet is good. It actually made me kind of tap his PFP and check in because you always want people, you know, you always want to leave them with wanting more, right?

Encouraging Engagement

I think Waldo did that. I'd give him a nine. It's so funny. But yeah, it worked. Waldo. We'll start. Well, good stuff. Thank you. Be sure to check out waldoisbase.com dot. We hit a $600,000 market cap as our all time high. And, I mean, we're going to keep on growing and keep on building because I thought you were done.

Continuous Growth Commitment

I thought that it was. Now I'm dropping my score. I got, I got to keep shilling because, you know, that's how Waldo is. I'm for real. And I mean, I'm going to keep it real whether I'm going over my time or not. Thank you, Waldo. Did you ever hear the saying, don't sell past? Yes, buddy, we said yes.

Maintaining High Standards

We gave you high marks. You're the man. And then you came in with the market cap. Are you kidding me? No. It's all love, Waldo. For real, though. Whoa. I didn't even mean to do that. That's like expert level stuff. Subliminally. Waldo. Thank you. definitely would love to hear more about the project.

Looking Ahead

Come back another day because I do want to cap and some of those other things, but, I appreciate the pitch. It was very different. It's very unique. And we only have one more to get through. And we are, getting low on time before. I'm actually running a Chuck spaces after this, and I don't want that coming.

Ending the Session

I see the PFP down there. I don't want them to come. Chuck Norris is a big, burly man. I don't want to get beat up through the monitor that I have. So thanks so much. Build on Pa, I believe. Is that what this is? Build on Pa. I've seen you around, so I'm happy to finally hear from you.

Appreciating the Participation

You've been following, you've been supporting. You have tough shoes to follow. Go for it. I do, guys. And I'm going to try and keep this short because I know we're against the time. Thank you for having me up on stage. My name is Brian. I got a little something different for everybody right now.

Introducing the Paw Chain Project

I'm from the Paw chain project. We just released a brand new first of its kind, layer three, that is going to be able to seamlessly and simultaneously connect other blockchains to allow liquidity to be accessed from one liquidity pool. What does this mean? This means if you're a project and you were to launch on paw chain, you would be available for purchase with any native asset of any chain we're connected to without the need for traditional bridging.

Explaining the Benefits

So no more being locked in on the Ethereum blockchain. No more being locked in on the Solana blockchain. We are infinitely scalable as well, so we can connect to any amount of blockchains to allow that liquidity to flow cross chain. We do all the work on the back end. We are not just another layer one or layer two.

Highlighting Technological Innovations

We are a brand new, custom built chain with real time block confirmation. A brand new validation method that's faster and more efficient. We have a private mempool. So no more front running bots. Jared from subway. We fired his ass. He's gone. A lot of people talk about.

Controversial Comparisons

Wait, sorry, Paul. Hold on, party. Hold on. Jared from subway. Wasn't he arrested for, like, child pornography back in the day? You guys had him on the team. Well, he's a front running bot. You know, Jared from subway and. Oh, my bad, dude, I heard Jefferson. I was like, he was on your team? Isn't he in prison?

Clearing Up Misunderstandings

All right, sorry. Go. No, but anyways, I'm going to finish it up by just saying this. Guys, we all use a lot of buzzwords in this space. Bring in real world adoption. Bring it on, normies. Bringing web two to web three. I think it has not happened yet because there isn't a blockchain out there that's reliable enough, scalable enough, and easy enough to use to make sense for these companies to use.

Building Towards the Future

I think we at Paw chain have just released that blockchain. We've been building it for the last 19 months. Multiple devs with big time experience on very successful projects like Solana, Tron, Cardano, just to name a few. And we are just now starting our coming out party.

Establishing Strategic Partnerships

We're starting to make big time partnerships with some multimillion dollar projects. We have about ten projects trading on chain currently, and we have a lot of things coming. A brand new POS system that can compete with Visa and Mastercard. Because our speeds on chain are about 100 times faster than Solana.

Emphasizing Scalability

Because the way we built the chain using Reddit data stores and utilizing ram makes us to be 100 times faster. And we can scale that number as high as necessary. Our Ticker is WPAW. That is the wrapped version of our coin. We are currently available on five different blockchains.

Encouraging Participation

Or you can download A Paw wallet and come by the coin on its native paw chain. We are here to take over the space, guys. Truly believe we are going to be the next blue chip project. And eventually, I think Utility Time will come. Utility coins will have their time, and we got a base Team and some hard workers who are ready to build this thing and take this thing into the stratosphere.

Concluding Remarks

Thanks for your time, guys. Very nice. Very well done. My only advice would be to make sure when you are hiring people for the team, you get in those background checks, Buddy. The less sex offenders on the team, the better. I will give it a seven out of ten. I do know scalability for projects and protocols, et cetera.

Understanding Current Trends

It's a big deal. It's a hot topic right now. Maybe not in the meme coin space necessarily, but I actually do know that is a hot topic right now. So I think it could serve well crypto the kid. Go for it. Yeah, I'm going to go eight out of ten on that. I think you spent a perfect amount of time talking about what is unique about the project, because that is your value proposition.

Unique Selling Points

You're doing things different than anybody else in the space. and so highlighting that and sticking to that is your. That's your sell point. So good job. Yeah, I'd give it an eight out of ten, you know, concise, to the point. you know, a little bit of hilarity as well with Jared from subway. Hate that guy. You know, he's. He's definitely cost me a lot.

Expectations for Future Growth

So appreciate that. And I do think this maybe, like you said, not right now, but I think there will be a time where, you know, l ones, l two s, alts do flourish. But, you know, again, like slow cook, best cook. And I think if you keep on building, you know, who knows what could come of build on Paso.

Positive Feedback and Encouragement

Great job. Bang. Amazing. Appreciate it, guys. Have a good day. Love it. Yeah, great job. I mean, look, this was a different space than I was expecting today, but that's the beauty of this space. You know, we can have the nuanced conversations, we can talk data, we can go through how to make some money, and then we can just unbutton that top button, take the tie off, and turn it into a fun shell space.

Planning for Future Discussions

There's a lot of people on a lot of projects here that are requesting crypto the kid. We might need to do this a little bit more regularly, just kind of scrap the original plan and just go for it. If that's what the people want. Hey, I'm a man of the people. I like to give the people what they want.

Concluding the Session

If they want that picture book, they're getting that picture book. I would absolutely keep this space open much longer, but unfortunately I have another space that I'm going to be running to at the moment. So thank you guys so much for everyone joining. I'm going to go ahead and give our good friend Jake a message here and let him know he can kill the space.

Ending the Space

We're not going to go through music because, you know, we are running off here. But thanks guys so much for everything. Thank you as always for support. Absolutely. Banger. To have Stacky come up and help us evaluate some of these projects. We'll do it again and maybe we'll extend the time period so we could even have more shows.

Closing Out

I love hearing them. And when the energy's high, as long as it's high and entertaining, I like that. I just don't like it when it's boring and energy dips. And that's what I am a hyper focused on. We will never do that here. So thanks guys so much. We can kill the spaces. I don't know, Jake, if you're listening, you were able to kill it.

Final Notes

If not, I'll dm you right now. But thank you guys so much and I will see you guys same time, same place tomorrow.

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