Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Memecoins Make Millionaires hosted by JakeGagain. The Memecoins Make Millionaires space on X offers a unique blend of unbiased news, comedy, and content creation around memecoins, showcasing how these digital currencies can turn individuals into millionaires. With 24/7 coverage and interactive discussions, participants engage with diverse perspectives and stay informed on market trends while enjoying the entertainment value brought by comedians and content creators. The space captures the essence of lifestyle news delivery, merging information with humor to provide a refreshing take on memecoins and their impact on the community.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: What makes the news coverage in this space unique?
A: The news coverage here is delivered 24/7 in an unbiased and entertaining manner.

Q: How do memecoins affect content creation in the space?
A: Memecoins play a significant role in inspiring comedic content creation within the community.

Q: What potential does the space see in memecoins for individuals?
A: The space explores how memecoins have the transformative potential to make millionaires.

Q: Why is diverse perspective important in discussions about memecoins?
A: Diverse perspectives enrich conversations, providing a well-rounded view of the memecoin market.

Q: How does the space engage its audience through its content?
A: The space offers interactive discussions and engaging content to keep the audience informed and entertained.

Q: What can participants expect in terms of market updates within the space?
A: Participants can stay updated on the latest trends and news in the memecoin market.

Q: How does humor factor into the community surrounding memecoins?
A: Humor plays a significant role in creating an entertaining and engaging environment within the memecoin community.

Q: What differentiates the news delivery here from traditional formats?
A: The news delivery in this space includes a comedic twist, offering a unique and entertaining approach.

Q: How do content creators and comedians contribute to the news content in the space?
A: Content creators and comedians add their unique perspectives and comedic elements to the news delivery.

Q: What are the benefits of engaging with the content within the memecoin space?
A: Engaging with the content provides opportunities to stay informed, entertained, and connected within the memecoin community.


Time: 00:15:47
Unbiased 24/7 Memecoin News Get your dose of unbiased memecoin news coverage round the clock.

Time: 00:25:32
Comedic Content Creation Explore the humorous side of content creation inspired by memecoins.

Time: 00:35:19
From Memecoins to Millionaires Discover how memecoins have the potential to transform individuals into millionaires.

Time: 00:40:54
Diverse Perspectives on Memecoins Engage in discussions that showcase diverse viewpoints on memecoins.

Time: 00:55:12
Interactive Discussions and Engaging Content Participate in interactive discussions and enjoy engaging content within the space.

Time: 01:05:29
Latest Trends in Memecoin Market Stay informed about the newest trends and updates in the memecoin market.

Time: 01:15:47
Humor in the Memecoin Community Experience the humor and entertainment within the memecoin community.

Time: 01:25:32
Comedic Twist in News Delivery Explore news delivery with a comedic twist, making it entertaining and unique.

Time: 01:35:19
Content Creators and Comedians Collaboration Witness how content creators and comedians contribute to the news content.

Time: 01:40:54
Benefits of Engaging in Memecoin Content Discover the advantages of staying informed and entertained within the memecoin space.

Key Takeaways

  • The space offers unbiased and entertaining 24/7 news coverage on memecoins.
  • Insight into the comedic side of memecoins and their impact on content creation.
  • Understand how memecoins have the potential to transform individuals into millionaires.
  • Exploration of the diverse perspectives and information surrounding memecoins.
  • The space provides a platform for interactive discussions and engaging content.
  • Learn about the latest trends and updates in the memecoin market.
  • Discover the humor and entertainment value within the memecoin community.
  • Insights on the news delivery format with a comedic twist in the space.
  • Engagement with content creators and comedians in a unique news setting.
  • Opportunities to stay informed, entertained, and engaged within the memecoin space.

Behind the Mic

Show Introduction and Welcome

Right now, so I'm starting a little late. I'm getting Trevor co hosted, though. He's gonna take over. I'm just driving, so I'm going. Getting things a little started slowly here. But Trevor, you're invited to co host and you can take over because I'm driving. Out here in the field I pop on my meals I get my back here to whom I live in I don't need to fight to prove I'm right I don't need to be forgiven there don't cry, don't raise your eyes it's only today twist land Sally take my hand travels out of land poured out the fire don't look past my shoulder the exodus is here happy wander let's get together much older waste ran away teenage wasteland they're all wasted.

Welcome to the Ordinal Show

Good evening, bitcoiners. That's right, you're here at the ordinal show. Welcome back to our regulars. Hello to our new friends. If this is your first time, the ordinal show is a live podcast hosted twice per week on X spaces, starting 1030 Met Monday mornings and 06:30 p.m. eT Wednesday nights, going for multiple hours covering various topics, all bell building new cool shit on bitcoin. Ordinals are not just a new kind of MTM bitcoin, but a massive movement of people who care about growing bitcoins, adoption, and bringing BTC to the masses. More important than the protocol itself, Ordinals is a cultural shift that's attracting new developers and users, incredible artists, and accelerating innovation.

Hosts Introduction

I'm Trevor BTC, CEO of Ninja alerts and managing partner of the Bitcoin Frontier Fund. And I'm here with my co hosts, the only guy who would rather skip his own show than Skip leg day. You can spell his name, but you cannot pronounce it. Is it Jan, Yan or Yan? Anyway, he's a CSO at X verse and my man with the plan and the king of BTC, Sparta Leonidas Arianna, synthetic history expert and co founder of or IO. And today on the stage, we're joined by Jake, Robert, Albert, script, and many more cool people come through our day show, guys. So I am super excited to be here and glad that you are all here with me.

Live Engagement and Community Interaction

I have pinned a tweet to the top letting everyone know that we're live. Please take a second look at the tweet. The top, give it a like, give it a retweet. Show us some love for the algorithms, and welcome more people into the space. Also, smash that purple button in the bottom right hand corner with your comments and questions. There's some GM and Lfg tweets in there. We'll read your questions throughout the show. Don't forget to follow the bitcoin ordinal show on Twitter at the ordinal show. Subscribe to our Subzag newsletter, link in bio. We post weekly recaps in the newsletter and RCP links for future shows, as well as a condensed version of the show on Apple and Spotify podcast so you never miss what's happening on the leading edge of bitcoin.

Segment Transition to Leonidas

And with that, I'm going to turn over to Leonidas to introduce today's show. All right, what's up, everybody? Trevor, dude, I'm telling you, every time you introduce yacht and me, dude, I get. So I get super hyped up. I am driving right now and kind of in traffic, so I'm trying to pay attention. But yeah, look, guys, we've got a super fun show planned. I'm going to hand it over to Jan to run through the schedule, but very excited for this already. See, we got Robert up here. Super pumped, actually. He kind of blue bought us on the last show a little bit. I mean, he was a little cautious with the alpha, but today he is doing a tell all.

Introduction of Special Guests

We're spilling all of the alpha. So very excited for that. And I'll be kind of back more active on the show in like five minutes. Sounds good, Leo. Please drive safe gm, everybody. So, yeah, we have a couple actually interesting segments, and the first one, you know, is with Xiao Hui, actually, from script. I just want to say, xiao Hui, do you have a personal account? Because we have this rule on the ordinal show that we only allow personal accounts to join. And toc, do you have a personal account that you could join from? It's on my laptop, so maybe a little bit different, difficult, because I don't know this rule in advance, so.

Exceptions to the Rules

Okay, okay. We're gonna make an exception for you just because you're not a regular and you didn't know. And this was kind of like last minute arrangement. But. But anyway, you know, we would love to talk to you now in the first segment about OpCat and about everything that you have going on, because, you know, actually, you have been mentioned by a couple of people on the show previously. We even spoke with Lorenzo from Unicet. He was talking about fractal and he mentioned that you were the influence for him to include Opcat into fractal as well. And you know, I remember were meeting, we actually met together in Vegas, if you remember. I think it's like two months ago or whatever.

Discussion on Recent Developments

And you guys were doing a lot of interesting stuff with, you know, BiTVm. You know, you had a group of people that were basically like, you know, brainstorming and like talking and like for days, like having this kind of like a group of people in a house separately just talking about BiTVM and obviously OPC and all these latest developments. And so you pretty deep in the space. So maybe let's just kick it off right away. Can you introduce yourself a little bit to everybody so that we know kind of your background and what you are working on right now? Cool. Thanks, Diane, for the invite.

Introduction of Options and Development on Bitcoin

First of all, I got to say I'm a big fan of Arduino show. It's kind of very. It's my biggest honor to be here. You know, I always listen to it pretty much every week. But I never thought that one day I'll come on the show. So it's like a dream come true. Thanks Leonidas, Trevor and Young to make this happen. Okay, so now it ranks before my, you know, let's say Joe Rogan or even all in podcast. It's my favorite show. So thanks. Okay. Just a little bit myself. So we. I'm a fan of this company called script. So we are developer platform for think about bitcoin, like chains.

Development Details and Challenges

So if it's Utxo based and based on bitcoin script, we can support chains. So for people who have come in from Ethereum background, we are like the infra or alchemy, but it's for bitcoin. So what we found out is when we first built this company, we want to build apps on bitcoin, but it's super difficult, you know, or there's no much help. For example, you have to run your own node since ordinals, you have to run like, you know, ordinals, indexer runes, ERc 20 and then maybe Bitmap or maybe rail sas, you have all this kind of complexity. So it's very difficult compared to some other chains like Ethereum.

Interoperability in Bitcoin Protocols

Exactly. I mean, you nailed it 100%. Like, it's not that Casey has every right to do what he wants with his own protocol, but I feel like, you know, especially like myself and Danny, like we have been sort of dreaming of defi bitcoin or bitcoin defi for such a long time that we can't sit on our hands and just wait for something to happen or wait for him to change his mind again. I think that there's already a lot of great interoperability solutions. You have Mubi, you have xlink, and there's going to be more that arise. And we're trying to talk with as many protocols as we can, trying to get some layer zero type protocols on board to create super seamless interoperability between these metaprotocol assets. Our goal isn't to like wreck the runes market by any means, but we have to introduce new standards, in my opinion, to like allow for everything that everyone, I think everyone in the market wants this stuff to happen.

Building New Standards

We just have these standards that are really not built for the things we want to happen. So we, yeah, we kind of have to start from the ground up, but with that, I think there's a lot of excitement that comes with those things, right? There's going to be first applications, there's going to be first tokens for all sorts of things. There's going to be first dao tokens, first tax tokens, first burn tokens, first reflection tokens, first lending protocol. I mean, you name it, right? Every billion dollar app that exists on Ethereum you can now build on bitcoin with a pretty simple tech stack that allows for developers to pretty simply port their contracts over from these other chains. We have support in Rust, we have support for assembly script and typescript. So it's very familiar languages for a lot of these developers to come to bitcoin and build this type of stuff.

Technical Overview of Smart Contracts

And again, this is really where I think this slow fi thesis is really going to start playing out on bitcoin layer one. Okay, so bear with me here. So basically I have a bitcoin full node that's running, and then I'm going to run this metaprotocol indexer on top of it and it's going to basically interpret things kind of similar, it's a similar architecture to, or basically, and correct me if I'm incorrect on anything. And then if I wanted to poise smart contract, I'm basically creating a new bitcoin address and I'm inscribing basically a bunch of JavaScript or whatever language it is. Doesn't really matter. I'm sure you have a specific language. I'm basically just like in solidity I would deploy to some ERC 20 contract that I'm deploying. I could deploy a contract to bitcoin and I would basically be doing that by inscribing this data and by inscribing it and associating with an address. Now your metaprotocol picks that up and sees, okay, there's a valid contract here. If I want to do something basic like token creation, what is the next step that happens in that? Like in that contract? Like, what code? Like, what logic do you write that allows someone to interact and say, send token to someone and then they want to send it to someone else? Just explain to me how that goes.

Understanding Smart Contract Mechanisms

Am I like, am I literally inscribing, like, I want to interact with this function and this smart contract and I want to move my tokens through how is state managed? Like walk me through just that kind of stuff. Yeah. So this is Danny here. Hello, everybody. It basically works the same way. You're totally correct about running a node and then just running the metaprotocol indexer on top of it. In this case, instead of indexing, like Chad said, instead of indexing stats and file types, it's indexing contract addresses and contract deploys or interactions. And so it really works much more. This is an account based model, metaprotocol versus a UtXO based model. So when you want to transfer a token to somebody, you don't have to send a unit of bitcoin from you to that other address the same way that BRC twenties or runes do. Instead, you're basically interacting with a smart contract by sending a token, because that token is a smart contract. The deploy of that contract would look very similar to what an ordinal stack opcode looks like, where there's op return, op one, op zero, et cetera.

Interaction with Smart Contracts

It's just a different format that has your contract bytecode and your salt inside of it. Then when you want to interact with that contract address, if I want to send Leonidas, some banana tokens that are op 20, then I would be making a call data transaction, which is just like on Ethereum. And so, yeah, basically the, in the information in my bitcoin transaction for sending would just be that bytecode of the call data. And then the indexer will pick up that bytecode, it'll, you know, execute everything on its side and expose the state of the op 20 tokens. Okay, very cool. And just to be clear, you are not doing this with the word envelope. You're using your own envelope? Yeah, we're using our own envelope. We call it BSI, which is bitcoin smart inscriptions. We really fooled around with using the term smart inscription when we first started using this stuff. I think smart contract really makes sense to everyone in the inscription world, but it essentially is that kind of thing where you're still committing the act of inscribing data into bitcoin.

Challenges and Decisions Made

It's just abstracted out of the ordinal client envelope itself. So, again, kudos to Casey for basically pioneering that whole process. Gotcha. And it's basically leveraging the same logic as the metaprotocol sort of innovation that Katie brought. Sorry, that Casey brought forward. You've got the state being inscribed into bitcoin. I'm just trying to understand, though. So, basically, like on Ethereum, there's a bunch of nodes all around the world that all have to run the same computation and agree on it. And then that thing happens, right? You send from one address to another in that smart contract, that function executes. And then in this case, it's just a metaprotocol model where I'm saying send from one address to another, and you just. We all have to agree. The consensus is that we're all going to run this exact same code forever.

Project Management and Developer Resources

But as long as we all run the exact same code, we can agree. As long as we can agree on the code to run, we can just individually run it by ourselves, and that function will get executed. And you would basically just, like, you have to index all of Ord, and it takes several days. You would literally go through the entire blockchain looking for your envelope to see every smart contract, and you're indexing those smart contracts, and then you're basically having to index every computation. So you're not just tracking that a sat moves from one address to another, but you're also tracking. Hey, there was this crazy logic. Like, you can obviously code anything. I'm sure it's turned complete. You got to execute all of this. Are there any rules around, like, on Ethereum, you pay extra gas fee, like the extra fees, like it's gas on Ethereum, just for the listeners, you pay extra fees based on how computationally intensive it is.

Mechanisms for Fee Management

And that basically ensures that it can stay reasonably decentralized. And it's not that. Well, I don't know. It's a little harder, basically. Theoretically, it's not super hard to run a node. And here in this case, I don't know. How do you prevent somebody writing a smart contract that does infinite loop or something like this? Is there an incentive mechanism? Dude, what a banger question. I gotta say. That is a really good one. And it emphasizes a point that is kind of a core part of opnet, which is bitcoin acts as the gas token itself. So yeah, essentially, just to answer for the first part of your question, which was the state checks between these indexers, the Ord clients, BRC 20 indexers, and I believe the official KC roon client, they pretty much act as standalone instances of these metaprotocol indexers. Like you said, basically the reason why BRC 20 hasn't updated any features is because every indexer has to run the same code for there to be consensus on the state.

Security and Validation Checks

Where we differ in that is, Chad explained this a little bit, where the actual what you can do with the Opnet metaprotocol is not a governable thing. You write the smart contract and then your thing will just work. But just to make sure that there is validity and determinism between all of the different indexers, there's a simple proof of authority network, which is just a peer to peer. It's not a consensus network or a blockchain at all. It's just a way for all of the opt net indexers to essentially submit a hash of what they've seen in both the bitcoin block and then also all of the Opnet specific things that happened in that block. And if you change locally any byte in the data, your Merkel route will not show the same result as what the bitcoin block is. And then you won't be validated against everyone else. And again, it isn't like a 51% type situation where the network has to say everything. When you call a service, you're still calling.

User Experience and Interaction

If I'm going to use just for example, magic Eden or UniSat or X verse, whatever version of the opnet indexer, their API is going to be connected to their indexers. Yeah, gotcha. And. Sorry, explain to me the infinite loop thing. What if I write a smart contract? Yeah, my bad. Sorry. So, yeah, with the infinite loop stuff specifically. So bitcoin acts as the gas token. And Chad briefly mentioned this as well, that we use contract addresses for basically the linking of information on chain to an interactable point. When you deploy a contract, your contract bytecode is essentially compiled into a mixture of a couple of different factors. One of them is the salt of the bytecode as well. And then there is that thing that Chad said, which is a tweet. A tweak basically is a programmatic level randomizer that changes a part of whatever key that you're generating for whatever address you're generating.

Token Creation and Management

So it makes that address essentially a burn address. Along with that, the script code in Tapscript that generates that tweaked key Taproot and Segwit addresses have a link between them. And the Segwit address has a spend condition that does not allow it to move any of the BTC in ithood out of the wallet after it's been sent there. So that Segwit address is what we use for the call points of the contract address. And you literally spend. It's a very small amount. The minimum is 330 sats, the dust limit. And so based on what you're trying to do, you're basically taking an amount of bitcoin. Let's say I'm going to deploy a token and add liquidity. Right. On Ethereum, something like that costs 0.04 ETH or maybe 0.01 eth to do things like that. It's a comparable price with bitcoin in terms of sats. And you send that transaction to. Again, this is account based, it's not Utxo based.

Understanding Cost Structures

So you send that transaction to the contract address with the bitcoin in it, and that bitcoin is essentially burnt. So if you were to try to do an infinite loop or something like that, you'd be wasting a lot of money, because you'd just be sending tons and tons of bitcoin to an address that at maximum it's only going to block one block. So the way we have our gas limit is set to where you can't really overflow the stack because there is a gas token that you're spending with it. Yeah, it's just bitcoin also. Sorry, just on the topic of burning bitcoin, et cetera, the reason why that's the case is because of utxo management, basically. The. If the fee is below a certain level, it costs more money to. Same way with ordinals. Like, it costs more money to move that bitcoin around.

Community Considerations

Oh, sorry, hold on 1 second. Danny wants to, Danny wants to say something real quick. Yeah, it's because of the Utxo, like management of things where, you know, a lot of interactions, like. Like sending or airdropping, it's going to be transactions that are less than a dollar, you know, in terms of execution cost. And if you have a million utxos of $1, it's going to cost you more than a million dollars to merge all of those Utxos. So it essentially is the same concept as like putting 10,000 sats as padding onto an ordinal, you know, a lot of us have quite a bit of bitcoin in, like, BRC 20 mint inscriptions. And it's basically burned, except in the sense of this. It's literally on a Segwit address that has a no spend condition. Okay, so just slow.

Exploring Airdrop Strategies

Just slow down slightly for me. So I'm making sure I understand. Let's say I do write a super computationally heavy function versus a very light function. If I'm running this metaprotocol, it's, this indexer is able to calculate that the function is going to be very heavy versus very light, and then I'm going to have to burn more bitcoin for the more heavy function. Am I trajectory. Spend the. Spend the bitcoin in execution fees. Yeah. Okay. And, sorry, these execution fees use the word burn. Where specifically are they being sent to? So, they're being sent to the contract address. But as we sort of explained before, those contract addresses are split between your taproot and a segwit address. And the segwit address, basically, as Danny said, has a no spend condition on it.

Final Thoughts on Bitcoin Integration

So it's in. Again, the term is the tweaked private key. But basically, the private key for that contract address is inaccessible. So if you deploy the smart contract, you can't access the transactions that are sent to that address. And so, yeah, so basically, that's why that bitcoin is effectively burned, is because that bitcoin goes to the smart contract address. Because, again, you're just sending your contract call data in a bitcoin transaction. So you're sending your. A bitcoin transaction with your call data, plus whatever execution cost. And because that contract address is inaccessible, that bitcoin is effectively lost. Gotcha. Okay, so when you use the word effectively, I just can. I mean, burning on basically every chain, a lot of times there won't be a real burn function or something.

Strategic Decisions Made in Development

It's burned. It's burnt. So, okay, now this, the scenario, like, is that a specific design decision to burn it, or could you have designed it where this goes to miners and helps secure bitcoin as a network? Is that a trade off? Like, did you think about that? Like, it's obviously, if this becomes super successful, right, you're talking, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars, potentially you're making a decision about why burn it over, have it go to maybe, like, miners. I'm just curious. Both seem very reasonable, but, yeah, so, you know, kind of the decisions were left with are, how do we deal with all these tiny little bits of bitcoin? In a way that is effective, obviously. Like we really didn't want to have it point to like the opnet team gets all of the bitcoin that's going on this transactions.

Community and Ecosystem Health

Right. That's really crazy to do. So it was kind of like, you know, pointing one place to choosing any entity, whether it's bitcoin devs or it's, you know, analystly, like miners or something like this. It just becomes kind of like a political decision. Bye. Giving a monetary stream to one specific group for some reason. And so the easiest decision we made was let's just burn it and see what kind of chaos that costs. Yeah, because, no, I respect it, Danny. I respect it. I think it's probably the most bitcoin. It's also the least headache solution. The Ethereum way would be or like the kind of typical venture capital backed way would be youd create some sort of foundation with a dow or something like this and they would basically have to custody potentially a ton of bitcoin.

Use Cases and Future Directions

And you would use that to basically fuel the ecosystem, I guess. And I think famously an example of a metaprotocol that burned all the bitcoin and famously regrets that they did was counterparty. Counterparty. You talk to these guys that are like, oh my God, counterparty would have beat ethereum if all we had done was just take these, like, because there's a lot of bitcoin back then. They got burned to create XDP, right? If they just kept the bitcoin, they probably could have fueled 100 developers that are like great bitcoin core level developers for the next like 50 years. So it is like, it's not as easy as it's not that's like a scenario where it's like they regretted it, but at the same time, maybe had they done it, maybe it wouldn't have turned out the way it was anyway.

Impact of Decisions on the Ecosystem

So you really. It's really hard to know, but these are not easy decisions. But I do respect the decision because I do think it will lead to what feels like a fair even playing field where I'm just not trying to fud. I have a lot of people that like l two s. I have a lot of people investing in l two s into l two s and stuff. And I want l two s to do well. But as a builder, I can't help but feel like when I go work on that l two, I'm like working for the VC's who funded that l two. Like, this is just how I feel. And I don't feel like that when I'm working for Casey's Metaprotocol. And I dig that you guys are burning the bitcoin.

A Collaborative Future

I can respect. I can respect. You nailed it. Right? Like, we had that same exact. Literally had that same exact internal discussion. We had VC's approach us, you know, but we wanted to be. We wanted to take a note out of Casey's book, right? We wanted to take a note out of how he made ord and why was Orlando successful over anything else that's tried to do stuff on bitcoin. That's sort of what we had to hearken back to. And the real answer is you're just using bitcoin. You're just using bitcoin wallets. There's no extra thing that you really need to interact with this stuff as a user especially.

Adoption Strategies

And we need to replicate that same sort of experience if we're really going to get long term adoption of this stuff. And, you know, my genuine feeling is I think that the rush for these l two s is premature because a lot of these l two s are trying to address basic functionality on bitcoin layer one without catering to the users. Users are on l one, the liquidity is on l one, and anything that's building l two before you have a wide variety of users on l one, I think, can be seen as trying to suck liquidity away from the mother chain. I think that our long term vision with something like Opnet is that every single block is filled with high value transactions, whether it's lending or meme coins or defi, whatever it might be.

Understanding Meta Protocol and Transactions

Right? And so if your meta protocol for smart contracts is going to exist on essentially FIFO level, where within the block, the first transaction that's in this block is considered to be the first transaction for the meta protocol as well. That's all fine and dandy for BRC twenties and runes that don't really have opportunity for or really defy style mev. Obviously there's mempool sniping, et cetera. But when it comes to swapping in a liquidity pool, there's this thing, maybe some people in here don't know. It's called slippage, which basically means there's a bunch of people trading for the same token in the same block. And so the chances that you get your token at the price that it shows at the beginning of the block is low because there's 1000 other trades also processing. So your slippage is the maximum amount that you're willing to lose on a trade while it's pending in the mempool. And so this is how sandwich bots tend to exploit MeV.

Sandwich Bots and Miners

If we use the FIFO system, then miners could essentially just place a buy in, a sell right before and right after any transaction with high slippage. So the model that we chose instead is a priority fee system. And so essentially when you make an opnet transaction, it looks like this. You have your normal sats for VB, which is just the size of your data going on chain. So that goes to the miners. Then you have the execution cost of whatever you're trying to do. It's the minimum of 330 sats for most things. It will be very low. If you're trying to deploy stuff, it could get into the higher couple hundred dollars something like that. And then the third portion is really where it gets kind of into the unknown. And we speculate a lot on this internally, but the priority fee system works one sat, basically, is one why for the eth people who are familiar here.

Priority Fee System Explained

And so if I make a trade where I set my gas to my sats per VB to 1000 sats per VB, my priority fee is only one. And then Chad master makes a transaction with ten as a sats per VB, but its priority fee is 1000. Even though my transaction confirms later in the block, it will process first when Opnet indexes that block and executes everything, because I paid a higher priority fee. And that priority fee is attached to the execution cost in terms of that 250,000 Sat limit. So it can get really interesting because this is essentially now MEV in the sense that it's manual MeV, where it's not miners who control the meV. It's going to be contracts, snipers, even people manually just clicking to set their fee correctly. And if, you know, let's say just for example, the degens out there might remember when the Pepe dev sold like $16 million with a pepe into the open liquidity pool on Uniswap, that was an insane trade to make.

Trade Mechanics and Transactions

And on Ethereum, it only takes 10 seconds for your transaction to hit mempool before it confirms on bitcoin, if, for example, somebody was going to try and sell $10 million of a meme coin, well, there's going to be a lot of people who see that trade is pending for the whole ten minutes or maybe 40 minutes that the block is pending, depending on what's going on. And so you're going to want to set a fairly large priority fee. That way, your $10 million trade goes through at the rate that you want it to. So it might be worth it for you to set a $10,000 priority fee or even a $20,000 priority fee if it guarantees for your size to go through without being that affected. And that's kind of where, that's what Chad was alluding to with the size of these rewards is fairly modular in the sense that it really depends on what people are doing on the chain to know exactly what the rap bitcoin staking will be.

Execution Costs and Trading Volumes

There's a lot of high volume or high value trades that are going through that have these high priority fees. The execution cost for something might be $2, but to get that thing to go through, you're going to be willing to spend more than $100. So that's the explanation there. Okay, so, yeah, well, I initially got mistaken that the. I thought the gas EM was the gas for the priority fee, but that's not the case. Now you've got, this is. I need post Capone to, like, game theory this out for me. So, okay, so in a scenario where priority fees go through the roof, right, let's say you guys take over the bitcoin network, which would be hilarious, because I'm imagining like, the bitcoin. The bitcoin are looking at their node going, what the fuck are all these transactions? They make no sense.

Understanding Transactions and Their Implications

But, like, imagine the priority fees. Okay, so does the priority, priority fee and the execution fee both need to be confirmed in blocks for the transaction on the op net indexer side to process or confirm. Yes. So it's all in the same transaction, right. This is not like three different transactions that you do different outputs. Exactly, yeah. Okay, so, okay, this is. It's fun, hilarious to me. And I look forward. I would love to see this take off. This has the most. I go back and forth between thinking this is the most stupid thing I've ever heard and the most fun, hilarious thing I've ever heard. And it's also something that I was like, right when ordinals came out.

Potential Innovations in Bitcoin

And I kind of ride my head around this idea of arbitrary data on Vic, I was like, oh, well, obviously somebody's going to extend, like, what you do within this arbitrary data field. And it's. And that's one of the reasons why I've been kind of so, like, dialed into and like, following along with this type of product and this type of idea. Anyway, I think that's really interesting. I hope you guys actually do launch to mainnet. I would love to see that actually happen. Otherwise. Yeah, I look forward to my asics finally getting some love if all this shit takes off. It's coming, my man, it's coming. There's a lot of projects that are building right now.

Future Developments and Marketplace Dynamics

Yon exverse asset support, when that's the big question. Obviously, it'll be really easy to integrate these dapps into a wallet like x verse as well. So that's a really potentially interesting conversation that we might have down the line. You know, we're already in touch with some exchanges as well about listing hot or very hyped op 20 assets. We're going to try and do our best on our end to get these standards adopted as the most programmable, most user friendly standards possible. And again, I'm personally just super hyped on what's coming for bitcoin season two. And again, I think dev experience leads to user experience.

Gaps in the Market

And I think that's a, that's the biggest gap in our market right now. Again, we migrated to bitcoin with ordinals from the Ethereum world, but we're still very in touch with a lot of DeFi guys and people on Solana. And I think there's still a lot of hype around what could happen on bitcoin. I think they just were a little scared with the runes user experience. And I think we're going to try and put out the best user experience possible for everybody, for all the users. And, you know, of course there's even things that could potentially be really appealing to your deep ordinal hater bitcoiners. You know that we've talked to some of these guys and their dream is to be able to swap on a Dex on bitcoin.

Opportunities for Decentralization

Bitcoin for stables, for bitcoin issued stables, you know, and opnet allows for that. So we could even potentially see some of these super religious guys who really even hate ordinals jump into the fray because they don't have to right now. They have to KYC or use centralized exchanges or bridge to Ethereum or use issued stable coins. And a lot of that stuff goes against their philosophy. So offering the ability to do stuff like that, there really just might be something for everybody on bitcoin with this. I won't give you guys much of a hard time here on the node and trusted and permission node mechanic just because I'll be easy on you.

Future Challenges in Integration

We'll. If we ever get to that point where it becomes a point of tension, we can cross that road. We'll bring post. We'll bring exactly. Yeah. And post can yell at you guys because I'm in my nice cop arc right now, so I'm done being cynical. Charlie. Hey, grillet's on block space. We'll have all the answers for you there. The beauty of the rap bitcoin is it's, it's by option, like, you don't have to use it. It's basically like, imagine if runes or BRC 20 had built in a way for you to have like a BRC 20 version of your bitcoin.

Integration and Adoption Strategies

Now there's really no use for that because there's not Dexs and defi apps right now, but you don't have to use the wrapped bitcoin or touch any of that stuff if you don't want to. Again, you can trade all of your assets through pspts the same exact way that you do on market places now. And just one more thing is like on the note of the centralized exchanges and really just in terms of tooling, I mean, we've been in the game since before BRC twenties were really a thing and BRC 20 started getting listed on sexes, you know, a month and a half, two months after the indexer was really made.

The Landscape of Existing Protocols

But since then it's been this explosion of different metaprotocols with all completely different standards in terms of like what's the tooling that this centralized exchange or Dex tools or Coingecko, you know, all of them have their infra pretty set up specifically for like ERC 20 style tokens. Like that's the way they get their max supply. There's just standards for all of these things. And so really, yeah, on the side of user experience and dev experience, but also outside of like people who want to build tooling or list these assets, it will be a lot easier for that kind of adoption to happen purely because it's built from the ground up.

Architecture and Future Compatibility

From a point of inspiration of like what the. It's not an EVM fork in any way. It doesn't even use solidity. We use WASm again, but it still like gives the same kind of interaction, the same kind of APIs, the contracts that, the same values as what people are used to in the ERC 20 world. So we really want to see, like I want to see MotoSwap on Dex tools and Dex screener within a month after launching Mainnet, you know. Well, you guys are absolutely insane and I, I kind of like that because it's just totally mania and so, yeah, hope everybody makes a shit ton of money and I looking forward to it.

Grilling and Feedback Process

All right, so this is the point of the show where usually we would have our Charlie or our site for, or our post capone come on and like grill and fud you guys about like that. Oh, I can do that. No, Charlie's nice. Charlie's good. Charlie and Cypher have gone soft on us. The good news, I still has it. Absolutely still has it. I was on a, for people who don't know, post is kind of like the Todd Packer of the ordinal show. Okay? Like I was on a space with this dude like four months ago. He almost made leap cry. Like, the guy still has it.

Future Engagements and Product Dialogues

We're going to bring him back to the ordinal show. It's going to be great. Danny, Chad, you guys can go into the shark den with this guy and, you know, we can really, we can spice up the conversation, but to be completely honest, like, I'm liking a lot of what I'm hearing. And guys, I shouldn't be saying I'm secretly kind of rooting for you. I'll just tell you that, like, this breaks long term. If the amount of economic activity that's being transacted through these smart contracts does not surpass the base layer cost to put the data on chain. But until that happens, like, fucking go for it.

Community and Ideological Dynamics

I want to say on that note as well, because I actually totally agree with you. There will be a point where all of this degen activity really just can't fit into the main chain at all. And so that's why I brought up way earlier in this, like, the beauty of this fractal style l two s now where you have these direct forks of bitcoin, whether they're merge mind or not, at fractal's case they are. It's really more about the address type. And the fact that they have taproot means that, you know, if. If layer one bitcoin fills up with whales taking out loans or, you know, doing stable coin things and finding the arbitrage between there not only is there not going to be room for opnet degen stuff, but also like ordinals and runes and BRC twenties, they're not really going to have like a place to exist on the l one.

Exploring Future Possibilities

We already. Yeah, yeah. Like, like, yeah. If you guys can't fit your data on chain, then we sure as hell aren't trading jpegs on chain either. 100% not on the bitcoin chain at least. Like, yeah, that's what, like, we saw this big kind of explosion. Really what brought BRC twenties back was the binance listings in November and December of last year. And what's the reality of that is like, what brought these assets value again was the fact that they're getting off of bitcoin layer one. So, you know, in terms of BRC twenties and the more degenerate side of like, these games, which I fall into the category personally. So that's not a dig.

Future Predictions and Business Models

I just don't know if they really need to exist on the l one if there are bitcoin forks that are like literally the same. Like, to me, fractal is just the binance smart chain. Like you have. You'll have Motoswap on mainnet you'll have Motoswap by clicking a single button on fractal. And you won't have to wallet on Bell's chain on Dogecoin if they add taproot. I mean, we could add. We can do it on non taproot as well. It'll just take some reconfiguration for the scripts and stuff. But, yeah, I personally really. I think there's going to be probably a six month mania where every single thing under the sun from ethereum is going to be forked and plopped under the l one of bitcoin.

Conclusion and Community Engagement

And then very quickly, assuming any kind of whale activity happens where they start getting into this stuff, I would think that all of the fun stuff that happens on bitcoin just deploys to these forks of bitcoin too, because it's literally the same. It took us one single hour to get the bitcoin testnet version of Opnet and moto swap deployed onto fractal. So we have fractal, motoswap and Opnet as well. Like, it. It is insanely easy to do that. I don't know why any dap wouldn't deploy onto multiple chains. Well, I can't wait till I can nine my governor ln URL governance.

The Importance of Security

It's a great reminder. I mean, the kind of de facto, if you, like, super care about security and don't want to get act, you need to get a yubikey. Literally, it's a physical device. So just like you have your hardware wallet for your crypto, it's essentially the same level of protection, but for your social accounts. So, ironically, this is how the future of the Internet will be. You will literally, like, login with the hardware device and you won't have an email and a password for this stuff. So this is the, this is like the hacky way to, like, jump into that future and have that level of security before we actually transition to, like, a web three based sign in authentication stuff. So, yeah, like, be very. Be very thoughtful about this. I'll be honest. I was one of the people who heard someone, you know, many times on a Twitter space say, you should get Yubikey. You should take this seriously. You should remove SMS from your account. You should like, never have your phone number connected to any accounts because that's always the point of vulnerability.

Vulnerabilities in Communication

If you get Sim swapped and then I got Sim swapped. Right. And, you know, it's not a fun experience. You definitely, if you really care about it and, you know, you think you're a attack vector, the Yubikey really is the way, because they basically would have to physically obtain the Yubikey to get into your account. And so is Yubikey basically, like, having all my accounts behind Yubikey? Is Yubikey basically like the two factor authenticator? It's the ledger. It's the ledger of webtoo. Got it. So instead of, like, me having an app, like, I have like some app Google authenticator or something like that, instead of having that, I will have the Yubikey that I always have to connect to computer to actually type in that extra password, I guess.

The Weakest Link

Yep. Yeah. And I will say the authenticator apps are still much better than sms. Right. It's the phone number that's basically anybody can pay like $1,000 in SIM swap. Anybody. This is just how the world works. Unfortunately, they're just not secure. So just realize that is the weakest part of your account, even probably more so than the email and the password. And unfortunately, again, the way a lot of this works is people, it's not always just like, oh, I have email and password and I have sms. What they're able to do, like with me, they didn't know my email and password to get into the Twitter space. It's not like my email is compromised. It's not like they knew what my password was, but they're able to go through these back routes in case you forgot your password.

The Attack Vectors

You can go through these special routes to like, if you prove the phone number, then you can, like, reset the password. And there's like all of these different paths you can do. They can call customer support. So if you have the phone number there, in general, most authentication, if they're clever, they're going to be able to go to the customer service and explain, I forgot my email password, I got a reset, but I can give you the phone number and then they're in. So it's really not two factor off, it's one factor off. And the one factor is for anybody. For $1,000 can get past it. So if you think there's more than $1,000 in value of you getting hacked on any account, you should have a Yubikey, or at least the Google authenticator, and you should remove the phone number. So, like, if I kept, for example, if I kept Yubikey on this account, but then also add the phone number as two factor auth the Yubikey's pointless because they can still Sim swap and still go through that path.

Inflating Security Practices

You have to remove the phone number, sim swap, attack vector, then also have strong passwords and stuff as well, is obviously important. Constantly these databases are getting hacked. They're cracking all of these encrypted passwords, the hashes. It's very simple to associate an email with a password and get into a bunch of accounts. You can go like, Firefox is a great tool where you just plug in your email and then it'll say what your password is. Probably the whole world knows, right? Like, if you haven't changed your password in the past three years, basically everyone in the world who wants to know probably knows it. So just something to be thoughtful about. And Yubikey is the real kind of lifesaver that gives that security the same way ledger gives the security.

The Evolving Internet

This is cool. You know? What's up, man? You know, one more thing. Try. We'll let you talk, like, immediately, but just, we will allow you. Troy. Troy, I want. But only if you have fans next to you. If you don't have fast next to you, then we're not interested. Troy, just FYI. But one more thing on this topic is, and I don't know if I'm just, like, if I was ignorant the whole time, but what I've started to see is every time. Well, not every time, but Google services and many other big companies, they basically push me to re enter password on regular basis these days, especially if it's, like a company account.

Increased Security Measures

I don't know if it's set on the company level or whatever, but, like, I get this sometimes. Like, I just get logged out even from my personal Google account, like, from time to time, not every week, but, like, from time to time, it happens. And I have noticed that, like, they really push hard for you to add the two factor authentication, which is something that didn't happen that much. Like maybe three years ago, four years ago, you know, you would not get so many notifications about it from these companies. And so I think that this just tells me that this is becoming a really big issue. It's obviously not only in crypto, but this is becoming a really big issue. And as you said, leo, probably the companies cannot really 100% prevent the syn swapping and stuff, because it's just a human error that you cannot really 100% protect yourself against.

The Role of Companies in Security

And that's why they're pushing a lot of these users to basically put the two factor authentications and like, the SMS, like whatever, like to make sure that they have this additional level of security. I don't remember, like three, four years ago that this would be happening at such a large scale. And I see it from many of these companies right now to push that a lot. So again, that tells me that, like, you know, you guys should be vigilant and, you know, you should actually, like, just go for it. You know, like Yubikey probably. But even like, the two factor authentication, like, is a must right now.

Tech Evolution and Security

Yeah, 1000%. And just to be super clear, it's not like tech is getting worse and the world's getting less secure. It's that more of our lives are moving into this world, and then there's more, there's basically more reward for the hacker to take, so then they're able to do more things that they wouldn't have done before. These vectors were always there. It's just the pot of gold that they get for hacking you just gets larger and larger is literally basically the real world moves into this digital virtual world. All right, Troy, we're going to, you know, just very graciously allow you to speak now.

Conversations About Digital Security

I'm so honored, prince and king of ye your denials. No, let me go over my notes here. If fractals take off and they apply, will there be a fractal show? Will there be a fractal version of an undoc's Leo and yawn? Seriously, like, I want to see if I can get that market and beat you to it and maybe be part of the show, but trademark that right now, the fractal. I already booked everything. I have domains, I have twitter accounts. Like I have everything. Like the second you said it, roy, that you potentially would want to do it. Like I literally just did it.

The Threat of Hacking

Did I have listening for 3 hours, I have litany of notes of IP that I'll just hand over based on some of the topics that you talk about, you guys, and not even joking actually, but back to the McDonald's thing and like security and stuff like that, and love. Lovely show. We're not even talking about it enough. I agree with Fractal opnet and just like the love and hate and app development and will it take and all that other shit. So it's good. Good for, good for us, good for. At least at this point. But the McDonald's thing was that was, I'm totally paying attention to it, but I know how it went down.

Social Engineering Tactics

It was just like it was kind of based on the Instagram account or something. There was like a joke going on and it was a playful joke that sort of spawned the idea of like, let's create some fake tokens and we can also really easily hack the McDonald's Instagram account and then publish something. And that was basically the scam. And so like, even up to a few years ago, dude, I was sim swapped while at the first ape fest. Not inside a fest, but that night, basically someone found in my, one of my emails and maybe my phone number somehow.

Consequences of Poor Security

I mean, if you google your name, there are certain, like you'd be surprised if you're doxxed or whatever, how many lists that you're on and your address is. It's fucking crazy. Not to scare you, but this is the world we live in. And what if you're a famous actor, Troy? What if you're a famous. I mean, guys, I'm just gonna cut in here. I gotta apologize on behalf of Troy. That, that instance where Troy got very drunk at a fest and showed that token. I know he's trying to cover it up. And with the whole sim swap thing, I do apologize for everyone that lost money in that incident.

Reflections on Digital Safety

It's obviously not a good incident. Thank you, Prince Leonidas, King Linux. I appreciate that. You're my way back in the. You're, you're my way back into this market. No, and I haven't drank in over five years, so I couldn't have been drunk. But thank you, Leah. Is, is that I had gotten sim swap, but it wasn't because of technology. It was because that there are literal, like this was at and t at the time at and t has retail stores all around the nation.

Physical Safety and Digital Security

And this was in a shitty part of a small city in a sort of. I'll use the word ghetto not to be any disrespectful to anybody, but ghetto neighborhood with how to high crime during COVID where they allowed their workers to do ads on their own, personal ads on Snapchat to be able to get customers. And so my sim swap or this, my SIm card was sold for like a. It was tracked like the sale hat and I, and you know, police got involved and whatever, like that.

Strategies for Securing Digital Identities

So. And that was based on like easy email. Like, if you have, like, say, Leonidas undoctor, like, that's his last name. Let's say they're going to figure out that your brain is not being wise and you might use half of Leonidas in the password as well. And so it's always great, there's always email, you know, boot size sites where you can just create emails and stuff like that. But it's always good to have like 10, 15, 20 emails you've never used, but you have that are not near any name or any kind of relegation to any kind of crypto stuff you do.

Concealing Personal Information

It's just very different letters, numbers, characters, because what happens is they go to your initial email address and if you don't have two factory auth. This sounds boring to a lot of people, but I'm just saying it just for good measure. You never know. Even the best dj's are still not secure, is that they will. They will attack that change that. That's how they get your Instagram account. And it's very. It's like, it's a one, but if you can beat them to it, you can literally beat them to it, because by having a new email address that they don't know that doesn't match the one that they spoofed and guessed, then you can.

Using Technology to Combat Threats

You can instantly get your. Your. Yeah, my friend, one of my college friends works at Instagram, and helped me out with this, but he also walked me through how that works and stuff like that. So other than that, don't buy any McDonald's tokens because they DMCA retortinals. So anyway, it's a win for us. Was that a joker real? No. Is that a troll or was that a real thing? No, that. That's very real. And we're actually excited about it because, I mean, you know, you get DMCA by a conglomerate like that, and it's very fun because.

Creative Flexibility in Technology

And also our tech on returnals, we can change the art anytime we want. And we haven't done it yet because you can actually see all the assets still on magic Eden. So they blocked out just a few of them. And we love magic Eden. I mean, they're. They're like, we like them and they have to do what they got to do. But I do have the email. I'm not sharing it, but I do have it for history books. And we owe it. We're a company. We owe that. I wanted to see it, you know, kind of thing.

Law and Order in Technological Spaces

But, but, yeah, but it's. So this is not a joke that McDonald's paid a lawyer to tell magic Eden that they cannot display two retortinals, ordinal inscriptions that had a McDonald's on that. Is that basically in better words that I've heard you use, Leo, on the space and in general? Yes. Yeah. That's pretty wild. Yeah. But, but fractal show. I'm here for it. I'm gonna be your first subscriber. Anyway, I hope I've added to the conversation.

Concerns About Future Developments

And so Troy is bullish on fractal. Okay, we know that. We know. It's not necessarily I'm bullish on develop. The fact that there's developers developing, but whether that's the right road is a different story. I'm not really bullish on the hundred projects that are waiting to extract from us, but, you know, I think, you know, I'm not excited about that because here there was a mint today on a derivative project from a very popular project.

Market Dynamics

It wasn't from the front, but it was a derivative based on it. And I'm like, the original project is not even pumping. Why are you doing that right now? I'm sorry. Who is this? What is this? I mean, no hate, but, like, no, there was a. There was a puppets the thing today, and I love puppets. I own some, and I love that, but it's like. I just don't know. I just think there's. I don't know, man.

Caution in New Projects

I just feel like. I don't know. I think we need a little bit of centralization when people are just popping up with projects. Like, get on a space. Who are you? I don't need to know your face, but what have you done? What brick and mortars have you built? I'm sorry. Like, we're not at that point, and it's probably not the best idea, but do you think Troy, on that note, and I'm like, for example, like, the far and art or drop, like, did really well on gamma today with the 4200 minutes.

Creative Resilience

So it shows that art is alive and well, but with a puppethe derivative like that. And kudos to chain virus as well, who did his own drop and did over a thousand mints yesterday. But on, like, I wasn't actually trying to show. I was trying to show the art is alive and well. No, it's good. I'm glad. Go ahead. To then add to that. Yeah. Oh, it's perfect.

Market Reactions

But then to add to that, like, any derivative, I'm not like puppets. Whatever doesn't matter. Like the market still decides, right? So if people are minting it, like that is, I'm not just trying to say like that. Well, it kind of is. That is on them, right? Like as long as people are doing that, like you need to do due diligence, you know, it's not like I don't, whoever, wherever, I assume whatever platform that mint was on wasn't like directly endorsing it or anything.

Vigilance in Digital Transactions

Like in the end when you press confirm on a transaction, you gotta on any mint, on, you know, on any platform, wherever. I guess like people need to be careful. So that's probably like the main thing. Like regardless of if you don't like puppet derivatives or you don't like it was like when Node monks dropped and then we got like node everythings like, you just gotta know that if youre pressing confirm on a transaction for node llamas or node fez hat monkey, you know, whatever that I was kidding with that one.

Awareness of Market Expectations

But you know, just, thats just like there are going to be people that are going to be dropping things that are serious and theyre going to be ones that arent. And doesnt matter what ecosystem youre ingested, you just got to like know that when you press confirm on a transaction, you're sending that bitcoin and it's non refundable. So just like be super careful.

Sharing Views on Centralization

Yeah, it's probably like the best way to go. I think I'm following. I just, you know, like here you have like, you know, I have a point to make and I'm just curious here your point of view with the centralization aspect. Like, what do you think? Like, I don't know where it drops. I don't want to speak on behalf of anyone, but do you think that like it's kind of up to the platforms, the collections that they do choose to allow to drop and you mean that general, even like our artistic platforms, I mean, it, they are incentivized to have people drop on.

The Role of Curatorial Practices

I mean, some are curated and some are just like free for all. Like, like say, like ords are, is like free for creators, right? So they not necessarily endorsing some things. Maybe they'll get behind a project. Of course, you know, that they did with ours. They actually, you know, they changed the fucking title of their space for us and we felt like, oh, that's great, like, but they're incentivized to have you on their platform.

Emerging Market Insights

They get small trading fees, but those stack up, right. And, so I like that like today with heart. I mean, far is the legendary, even outside of the space, like the top selling one of one at least. And also collective artists in our space, there are some others. And then you have Harto. So like that was like a win. And, and I'm actually surprised that it was only 4200 mints, but I was actually glad that it was actually low.

Artistic Resilience

So what's my point? My point is that like there are credible things and maybe a mint out doesn't mean success on the day. Like octoglyphs, like, what the fuck? Like that should have already minted out. Like that is like they're actually doing shit. And you have Greg who's put out. You know, I don't. If you guys don't know who Greg is. And it's, you know, it's been sort of announced.

Contributions to the Space

It's very clear as they stayed undocumented through this whole time until men like, he's put out some of the best collections. Leo, you should know, right? And that, I mean, that's in, you know, Daza's on the team and some of you love him or, you know, and know what he does and for the, for the space. And he's a broker as well. And he, you know, he's a shroom guy and Snoop, you know, he kept it.

Collaborations in Art

Snoop is one of my best friends and partners and he kept that close to the vest up until mint. Right kind of thing. They're building stuff and yet it hasn't minted it out yet. Right. It's close, but. And then you have like a, like CB Spears who's doing threads. This is like a guy who comes from oil and fucking mining.

Diverse Artistic Journeys

Like that guy is in straddling two of the best fucking things you could possibly be doing in this space and yet he is putting out a tweet about bless, who's holed up in a fucking art studio. The whole. We got to talk about that. What is. What is going on with bless right now? Okay, so I'm glad you actually piped up about that because like when.

Current Projects

Okay, so blessed for who? Don't know. Blessed, you know, is works with the OC Omb team. He's an artist. He learned bitcoin. I mean, if you want to go to CB's, CB's spears. One of his tweets, I think yesterday or the day before about bless and what he's doing and how he's learned bitcoin more than most bitcoiners have in the time that he has done. It in the way that he has done it.

Crafting a Personal Experience

Speaking about bless, is that when. So bless hold himself up. It's very prepped by the orange cube team, which is like Elmo and Griffin and kyle. You know Kyle. We all know Griffin. He's a great artist as well. And it's that team. And they're watching him and they're streaming it live right now. It's on x. And I'm not part of the team, but I'm a part of how fucking, like, legendary.

The Artistic Process in Isolation

When I first heard what he's doing is that he was tired of his community. Who he's dropped art to is asking when. More when utility. What. What else are we getting? Is there like, you know, this kind of thing where he's like. He's like, fuck, I'm an artist, man. I already made the art. It's. That's what it is. That's what the. So he holds himself up fasting for seven days, streaming, no connection to the outside world on a vision pro, creating one of ones every day in 3d arth, just drinking water.

Experiencing Growth and Change

And. And when he told me that they were doing this, went to dinner, like, two months ago, dude, he. A fucking tsunami of, like, inspiration, ego aside, don't care about accolades. I've accomplished whatever. When you see a champion at work, you just fucking yield to it. I was like, dude. I was like, you're gonna get famous from this. Like, and it wasn't even about, like, he gives a shit about that.

Intentional Isolation for Creativity

And I could give a shit about that. It just was like this David Blaine kind of thing. That's what I thought. David Blaine artist. He's saying, this is the utility. Watch me create art. That's what I'm doing, you know, starving culture kind of thing. He's not in pain. He. And this is like, you know, like, he's built different, you know, this young kid who is just like, you've heard him talk.

Creating New Narratives

He's like, in the moment, fresh ideas. You just know he's always. He's not doing things by mistake, right? And he's not my best friend. He's a friend, but he's not my. I'm just saying, like, this is. Aside from me being any part of this team at all, and it's like. And it's being sort of gatekeep maybe by the algorithm. Space has been sucking lately, fucking, you know, co hosting.

Shifting Dynamics in Art Spaces

That doesn't even matter. Elon, can I. How do I watch this right now? It's right. It's. He's streaming a, he's streaming where? And he's only not in VR when he's asleep, isn't he just sleeping constantly drinking water. And the one of, one that he's creating today, apparently Elmo just told us on a prep call that we just had about the ordinal show tomorrow is that he thinks his work today, you're watching an artist grow in seven days.

Engagement in Creative Processes

And he goes, it's unbelievable. Yet I haven't seen it yet because I've just been on calls and I've been listening to the space and stuff like that because I'm interested in the fractal op net and opcat, you know, fight and proliferation and whatever battle and talks. Is that it's that it's over tomorrow at 420 and that's the 7th day. And today I, if I didn't hurt my, like, I wanted to be down there, but like, I had surgery on my ankle last Friday.

Challenges of Artistic Endeavors

So I've just been home building tweeting and fucking calls, but not, I haven't left my house. Cause I have to not be on my phone, my foot, whatever, even though I can walk now, it's fine. But my point is that I, I called a bunch of publications today and some of my friends that work at the New York Times, they're very unreachable. And, and I also called my agents to get their fucking pr list because bless doesn't want any of this.

Organic Promotion for Art

He wants it to happen organically. And I'm just thinking, why isn't this covered on even web two news by the LA arts fucking leisure section? Like it, this is like fucking awesome shit. And maybe I'm strongly opinionated and passionate about it, but, like, this is crazy to me. You're seeing like, I think, events inside of a gallery. Excuse me, leah, I'm kind of going on a rant here, but like, it's, let me cook here a second.

Diverse Approaches to Artistic Events

Like, like when people does his event, he's actually drawing inside the event. So there's an event inside the event of a gallery. It's not just wine and cheese. Look at that art. And here you're seeing that. And that is like something we don't see in this modern age. I mean, like, lift up. Like, this is fucking a lifted up fucking moment. And, and so, yeah, that, I didn't plan on saying any of this stuff, but like, I just can't believe, like, forbes, who he's even worked with, hasn't even covered this yet.

Media Representation of Art

And if they have, I haven't seen a tweet about it. You know what I mean? Let's make it happen, bro. Let's make it happen. You know, I think, man, I didn't have a chance to, like, watch it that much. But, you know, I will just, like, comment one aspect of this. It's like, he is fucking fasting for seven days. Like, are you fucking kidding me? I just did a fast for 30, 36 hours.

Personal Reflections on Fasting

I just did it, like, last. Last Friday, and it was not planned at all because, like, I was. I usually don't eat breakfast, and so I didn't eat breakfast on Friday morning, and then I was just busy running around and just drank coffee and water, and I was like, okay, fuck it. I'm already fasting for 20 hours anyway, so I'm gonna go longer. I went for 36 hours. And, man, like, I could probably do two days, you know?

Challenges of Extended Fasting

But, like, fucking seven days, I cannot imagine, like, not eating anything for seven days, man. He's. He's done longer. Yeah. In Nashville, he was telling me about this, what he's doing now, and he said he's done, like, I can't. I don't want to make it up. I think it was, like, closer to two weeks, which is just so insane. That's how he knows people can do it. But do you know?

Experiencing Sensory Overload

I know some people can do it, but it's crazy. Do you know what trips me out more than fasting? I don't know if it's just, like, me and, like, my sensitivity to, like, motion and stuff, but being in VR for that long, sort of, like, I find that, like, everyone's different, you know? I'm sure he knows his limits, but, yeah, I feel like the whole VR thing is someone explaining in terms of, like, what it might do to our brain.

The Impact of VR on Perception

Who. Who here is, like, I'm not personally. Like, I respect it, but I'm not a VR fan for my, like, personal use. But who here has used VR? And, like, how long have you used it for? And how do you react, like, when you take it off in terms of perception? I've used it for, like, 4 hours. And it does trick your brain to think it's the real world. I mean, it works.

Insights from Technology

Yeah, yeah. So, yo, guys like, eli, I don't mean to, like, I always love to respect a straight. A straightforward question. I just wanted to, like, give a little bit of intel and please go back to the. Oh, yeah. So. So tomorrow during the Irl alpha, like, show that we do every week, like, in person, in Venice. He's going to come from the studio down. Hopefully he makes it.

Preparing for the Event

And going to be on Uber, bro. Don't let him drive. No, no. Yeah. Team is there, bro. You pick him up. Okay, Troy, you pick him up. You got it, man. I'm going to do with my right ankle. 1ft. Hop along, pogo stick. I'm telling you, bro, watch it. Watch for the tweets. No, but I appreciate that, but yon, your reaction about the fasting thing, all of it at once is exactly what the pitch is.

The Artistic Vision

You feel the pitch. Like if you're pitched isn't that airtight in just concept. It's not desk clearing material. And that's what I felt is that this is death clearing material. Now I don't need to go. Like, I've done a lot of things in my life, but I've never gone skydiving. I don't want to. I'm not scared of it. I'm just not propelled to it. Same reason why I haven't got a tattoo yet.

Reflections on Personal Growth

It hasn't been strong enough of a desire. So like ego, like I said, ego aside, this is this man's journey. I don't feel like I would ever need to do that, but I can sure be in fucking awe. Just like anybody else watching it or seeing it or hearing it upon delivery, that, like, that's the effect. Like they are documenting this. They are making a film about this.

Anticipation and Curiosity

So this might have a posthumous, not in death wise, but a posthumous kind of growth to it that's like, oh my God. There was only 3000 people watching this the whole week. Holy shit. Like, that's fine too because it was there and it was done. So when you don't say only 3000 people. Okay. Because like, let's be real. Like, this space is not that big, bro.

Community Engagement

And it's like if we have like 3000 people actually tuning into this, I think it's fucking awesome. No, it's. I meant, I guess I meant collectively during the week. I, Elmo would know the numbers. He's been tuned into it to like 80% of his like, life daily, like sleep in awake cycle. And, and he also has, yeah, so he has good care for him. He has like medical and military experience, stuff like that.

Support and Oversight

So, you know, they are watching him. They are like down there and they're very caring. But it's just like, I can't wait to see what this experience of this kid. Like, I've never done anything like that in my entire life, you know, like. And it's. It's not to dwarf anything that anybody's accomplishments. It's just, like, in awe, man.

Bonds in the Community

This. This is. This fucking skater kidde who loves art, and he's just, like, jokes on the timeline, but yet when you hear him speak, he's always, like, a. Like, a good script. He's always moving the conversation forward, even if he's joking. I've always noticed that about him. And I don't know, man. I just. Again, nobody put me up to this.

Expressing Appreciation

I just. When you see fire, you have to yell, fire. Good or bad, you know, kind of thing. So. So, end of Troy talking. Just wanted to throw that out there. yeah. How is. How is Troy doing? Is Troy doing good? Yeah, man, I just, you know, daughter's good, man. Life is good.

Reflections on Personal Journey

I have a lot of social currency in the world, you know, and I've. You know, I've never, like, charged for anything in this space, and I stand on that business, and when I do, I think people will buy. That sounds very, like, okay, Troy. Okay. But what I'm saying is that, you know, I build my life on social currency, and, you know, I'm not perfect.

Evoking Empathy in the Community

Not everybody. I'm not everybody's cup of tea, but they can't deny that I haven't been honest to them and that I'm happening in real time to them. And so I have a lot of love and care, and so a lot of even downfalls or hurting myself, you know, falling on a scooter, going to. Trying to go to a concert is all part of the journey, and it tells me to reset and say, be patient.

Navigating Challenges

You're not six years old. You know, you can't fall down like you used to on a scooter going 30 miles an hour or go karting with Jack Butcher. Thanks, Jack. I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna sue him. Don't worry. I'm not like that. But, yeah, I'm good in general, man. I'm just building and making some partnerships. Silent, but deadly in the background, but kind of loud on Twitter.

Embracing Opportunities

But, yeah, I'm really happy where I'm at, and I'm happy to be alive, and I'm happy that I'm walking right now. And I. Yeah, and, yeah, I took a shower for the first time yesterday, because you can't shower with the. With the. With the stitches on. So. Okay. I'm a little open right now, and I would talk to Jimmy Fallon just the same way.

Being at Ease in Conversations

So I'm not, this is not new to me. I'm okay fumbling in front of a large audience. I've been on, you know, like, that's not a problem. And that's what I mean. That's the proof of Troy. It's like, hey, you know, he's happening whether you like it or not, and he means no harm. But, yeah, thanks for the question.

Community Connections

Yon, how are you doing, bro? And Troy. Troy, I put, I pinned. I pinned the live stream for anyone in the audience who wants to have a look. It's just beautiful on the Troi. Tron. Yeah, you got it. Eli Brett, dude, you have any questions? You know, people I know that know you, that go, fuck. I've been talking of two guys, but it's one guy, like, thought his name was Eli.

Adapting to New Connections

Yeah, no, it's all good. Call me. Call me. Whatever. Yeah. Anyway, great faith, and I'll hand it back to you, John Anitas. Leo. Leo Nanjibal. All right, well, I am watching bus right now, and he's like, he's cooking. The dude is in this room.

Capturing New Processes

It kind of looks like a horror movie, to be totally honest. Like, the, like, filter on the lens, but, yeah, he's got his, like, horror movie kind of, like, camera in the top left, but then you can see what he's actually seeing through his vision pro is, like, the main screen, and that he's, like, going through Google images right now and I guess, like, pulling different pieces of things together and kind of maybe, like, building an inspiration board or something.

Excitement about Creativity

Or, like, And, Lee and Leah, thanks for the play by play. No jokes. No jokes at all. Is that there was a, there's, like, cameras in the bathroom. Like, obviously, they're at not a level where you're exposed. He's. But he's just showing you that, like, he ain't hiding. A Snickers bar in the corner for the camera isn't looking, you know, kind of stuff.

Personal Connections with Art

I joked with him about that. I was like, you know, you'll be eating, like, some snickers bar in a car, you know, just joking around. Because he always jokes with me. He never lets me, never stops playing with my old, old, my age, so. But still love him, though. But he was. My point here is that they're taking, like, snapshots.

Framing Experiences

Like, like, just look at it. Like, if you still shot at that image or whatever, there's, like, three pronged. You know, you see him in the background and you see, like, what he's seeing, that's just like, that's iconic in a way. It's going to become iconic. Okay, enough glazing. Bless. But it's just fucking pretty magnanimous. Anyway, I love the another classic ordinal show quote, blessed has cameras in his bathroom.

The Challenge of Eye Strain

I'm not sure why that was necessary. But look, dude, this is definitely interesting. I hope he's not getting, like, my concern would be like, that's a lot of eye strain. Like, if the guy literally is, you know, 14 hours straight or whatever in the VR headset, I hope, like, I guess it's going well because he's been doing it seven days.

Exploring Creativity and Limits

But yeah, fasting, Troy. Yeah, yeah. Like, yeah. Like Jan was saying, he was repeating actual words. He is fasting like no food. In fact, the dude, like, we had a, a little quick dinner. It was unannounced. We were at 90 cc. It was like Vcon weekend, but were all hanging out 90 cc because it's. And then went to go have some asian food somewhere and it was like Elmo and Ed from super chief and bless and just a couple of others, I forget.

Shared Experiences in Community

And it was, we're just eating. And then when were done, we got into the parking lot and he has this old, I don't know if you've seen it, but he has this old fucking classic car. It is. Fuck. It's, and it's beautiful. I've been in it. He took me on a ride with it and it's amazing. And it's. And he bought it all in bitcoin.

Memorable Moments

He found a guy and he bought it all in bitcoin. And he's just super excited. He was super excited a couple months ago and he got in the, he was getting in the car and he goes, all right, that's my last dinner. And I was like, wait a minute, this is your last dinner? Because the next day he started the thing. I go, so the fact that he didn't even announce that and I didn't know that it was a real last dinner, that there was no focus on it being his last dinner, at least not from my perspective, just adds to the legend that he is, in a way.

Consolidating the Journey

And, and then he started his engine and, you know, it's an older car, so it's going to rug a in that way that you would love to hear. And he's rolling out and I videotaped it and I, I'm. And the only sucky thing is I'd have to put something on his face to post it, but it's just something from memory. And so I posted that. And, I mean, I didn't post it, but I have it.

Capturing Memories

And it's just like, it's cool. And. And he just rolls off and I think he waves. And it was just like, you know, this kid's like my, like, nephew or. I don't know. It just felt. It's. It's really cool. And Leo, with your reach, you know, I'm not saying this, but, like, a lot of us have reach here or some of us don't.

Sharing the Experience

Some of us do. But I just. I just. I'm glad that. That. I can't believe that you guys haven't talked about it, but I'm glad I mentioned it because it was obviously worthy enough. And the last thing I'll say is that this could spark a kind of movement, because if you take Wim Hof, if some of you don't know Wim Hof and you take the legend of the marathon man who ran and delivered a message 26.2 miles and then delivered and then died, and then you have Wim Hof, which was really started because his wife committed suicide.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity

And he was in so much pain that the only way he would get through it was to jump in an icy cold lake. And when he realized that he was in the icy cold lake, every second of every moment in the ice cold, submerged water, he was. Couldn't think about his dead wife. He only thought about surviving in the moment. And yet you have people now taking on these techniques and applying it to their life and running marathons, which.

Learning to Embrace Pain

Which is kind of ludicrous that the people that actually started this meta were in pain and outstretched the farthest, like, expanse of their whole fucking biology, you know, kind of thing. So, like, maybe this isn't on that level, but I guess you can see the point I'm leading to. I don't know. Okay, enough Troy. I keep saying, enough Troy.

Final Thoughts

And I keep talking. Cheers. Yeah, I mean, look, we got to have blessed on the show to chat about it. I pinged him, but I assume he's probably like, you can't just hop on the show during it. So we'll see. We'll see if we can get him on. On Monday to do, like, a post interview kind of situation. I'm very curious what he has to say.

Historical Context in Innovation

That's a qu. I know somebody went viral on YouTube, I believe, for doing 24 hours in a VR headset. I've honestly never heard of somebody doing a week, which is pretty insane. It's pretty like it takes a special person to be that committed to doing that. But is the ultimate output of this that he will have artwork that he'll inscribe or something, or like what art is he creating?

Creative Processes in VR

He's creating one of, he's creating a one of one every day in 3d in the way, in the style that he does. I haven't seen every one of them. And you can imagine like, dude, you know, from day to day, just in your own apartment or your own house, there's a lot of growth in this space and you can get topsy turvy and you could argue about one point today and then argue against it the next day, and that's totally okay.

Artistic Evolution

So I'm just imagining being alone, knowing that people are watching you. And also like the solitary confinement kind of syndrome. Like, I, I've never been in prison like that. Just that whole kind of idea where, you know, there's an escape button and that growth. I mean, who knows, man? I guess it's, I can only surmise what he's going through and it could all be just fucking beautiful.

Authenticity and Connection

I mean, the guy doesn't have to go to burning man to do drugs for twelve days or seven days to go through a transgression or a progression or a transcendence. He's doing it there live for us. So I guess we'll have to hear and speak about it. But I think it's like great tv. Not to, not to compare it to Hollywood, but like, it's talking to Yan talks about like, drama and you're right, like, people like drama.

Navigating Conversations

But there is a great way that when Leo was talking about arguing just the substance, if you can argue the substance and stay on the substance and not have attitude on how you're delivering, how right you are, that's good tv because it's you cutting out all the fat and the extras. You're just sticking with the words. And I think that's what's happening here, you know.

The Dichotomy of Discussion

so like, there's a great way to have drama when you up the game and without fucking low jabs and fucking, you know, but, you know. Anyway, okay, I'm meandering. So I actually saw we had orange cubed requesting to come up, but we can't unfortunately let the company accounts up, even though we did. We did make a one time exception for us.

Navigating Company Challenges

Crypt, but orange cube, yeah. If there's a personal account, they want to come up from there more than yeah, if Elmo, if you're listening, if that's you, just. Can you get on that, like total, you know, just like, make it happen, like, totally understand their rules and maybe they'll break it. Okay, cool. Yeah, yeah, it's a good, it's a great art project.

Creative Engagement

Literally the tan thing. Like, they'll speak about it, but go ahead. Cheers. Yeah, Elmo, what's up? I messaged bless. I. It's appearing like, bless is a little occupied at the moment. Maybe we'll have to get him on the show later, but you're somehow involved in this, so would love to just hear your kind of breakdown on what's actually going on here.

Artistic Journey

Yeah. So currently, right now, bless is in isolation in a warehouse in downtown LA where myself and hype have been monitoring him for, like, the last seven days. He has essentially resolved himself to making as many sculptures in AR as humanly possible while existing in Ardenne with mild amounts of himalayan salt in it for the last seven days. And, I mean, it's been amazing.

Innovative Processes

It's been live streamed this entire time on X, Twitch and YouTube. And ultimately, I mean, what I've witnessed personally is the evolution of an artist, like, over the course of seven days with just him and his work, his practice. Right. And it's been pretty amazing to see what he's been creating over the past seven days.

Community Reactions

Yeah, that's incredibly epic. So I want to just hear, like, whose crazy idea was it to lock bless in a room for seven days in a VR headset like you? How did this come about? I guess. Oh, this was totally bless his idea, actually, this idea was the idea that got me to really pay attention to ordinals.

Nurturing Artistic Relationships

I've known bless for a number of years and he came to me at some point early on this year and was like, hey, listen, man, like, I have this idea. I really want to start taking my practice serious and I want to start doing this kind of performance art element and incorporating this into my practice. He pitched me this idea of doing this fast for seven days.

Risk and Trust

And at first I thought he was crazy. And, you know, I think even up into the point of us embarking on this journey and where we're at currently right now, I still thought he was crazy for doing this, but he pretty much explained to me that he was going to do it anyways and I couldn't just let him embark on that journey alone.

Building a Supportive Community

So I came along with them and brought all of our resources that we have with orange cube and irl Alpha to help us create something really cool here. You are a really good friend, man. Seriously. Because I do actually think it's a little. It's a little bit dangerous what he's doing. And he does need to be monitored. You wouldn't want him fainting.

The Importance of Safety

You know, somebody's got to watch. Watch after him. Right. So, man, that's. That's super awesome that you're, you know, able to do that. Yeah. I mean, and ultimately, at the end of the day, I do have, like, medical training. I served as a Navy corpsman for three and a half years with the Marine Corps.

Personal Responsibility in Monitoring

I do kind of know how to situation this thing get out of hand. So he couldn't have had a better person come along with them on this journey, but he's handled it like a champ, and he hasn't shown me any signs of, you know, anything abnormal or crazy. And he's going through with it. And I think he knows he's. He's almost finished and he's as resilient as ever and as resolved as ever to finish this thing off strong, really.

Navigating Challenges

So it's been awesome to watch. So what would you say has been the, like, biggest bump in the road or issue that you guys have encountered? I assume this isn't the kind of thing that just goes perfectly smoothly. Like anything you guys didn't anticipate. Any issues came up at first.

Technical Obstacles

We did have some problems with the stream for some reason, like, the X algorithm just wasn't that friendly. And we've kind of encountered some of those same issues today. But we had a good five days that were continuously streaming this on x directly to x from restream. So that was a bit of a hiccup.

Logistical Challenges

Also, finding a venue that would allow us to do something like this was kind of like a bit of a hiccup as well. But thanks to Jen, were able to secure someone that was more than accommodating and gave us everything we needed to essentially embark on this journey. And also, they took bitcoin, which was even better.

Positive Reinforcements

Right? So, yeah, no, it was super cool. It was super cool. That's awesome. That's awesome. Well, look, hopefully, you know, what is good for the next. What's the countdown at? Like, how much time does he have? He has less than 24 hours.

Countdown to Completion

So, yeah, it's going to be ending at 420 tomorrow. And once he is done with the performance, actually an hour and like 20 minutes before the performance, we're going to be opening a space with orange cube on the orange cube account.

Invitations to the Community

So if anybody wants to tune into that and be present during that countdown, like, feel free. Also, the live stream is going consistently, right? And I'm not going to lie like, this has been some of the most amazing, I don't know, one of the most amazing things that I've watched in a very long time, personally speaking, and I've been plugged into this like very consistently, obviously monitoring it here from the command center.

Community Engagement

But yeah, it's worth the watch. So definitely tune in. But if you guys want to tune in with us an hour and 20 minutes before when we open up our space, go ahead and check that out. And also after that, he's going to be making his first appearance in his first interview on IRL Alpha.

Bringing Attention to Important Topics

So if you're in LA, come on through, check it out or tune in live because Irl Alpha is obviously streamed live on X as well. Oh, you guys have a live audience when you're doing that? Yeah, I did not. That's awesome.

Open Invitations

So anybody in LA, do you have to get tickets? Can you just like show up if you're into ordinals? Like what's the deal? How do you go? It's, I mean, you can just show up. Go ahead, go ahead, take. It's.

Welcoming Community Engagement

No, but Elmo, I want to kind of gear it to you, is that they were joking, but maybe I can help is how are we going to, when I say we, Royal Iru or team or command center is going to, are we going to transport a healthy, hopefully healthy blessed two IRL outfit of Venice from DTLA so he can be on the show?

Creative Logistics

And I think he's gonna be, is he gonna be wearing a green sock over his head? I'm not even joking because we have green screen stuff and he, we've done green screen stuff where we've used an undoc's person where they can still talk but they have a green kind of sheath over their head. But how are we getting him there?

Community Support and Openness

And, and Leo, to your point, and everybody else, whoever comes to LA, this is a free meetup. It's priceless in that regard. That's been going on for the past two and a half, three years in Venice. And it is, we have people driving from San Diego. I don't know if you know the landscape of California, but San Diego, SB, Santa Barbara, fucking Newport, fucking Laguna beach every week, Calabasas, inland Empire.

Diverse Community Connections

And it's because of the buzz that you feel when you're there and it's just like artists developers, filmmakers, musicians, everything in between that. And we have this content house, and it's just. And we do two shows and then we hang out all night and continue the conversation. It's literally my favorite day of the week, and it might be yours.

Curating Unique Experiences

I don't invite everybody. I invite people that would be receptive to it. Right kind of thing. So. But, and I love that Elmo's been a part of it in however many months, or almost a year maybe. And he's super intelligent and a very deep art background as well.

The Value of Knowledge

That's what. That's what I loved about him on IRL, on the panel one day, I was like, this guy knows his shit. And then he's become a pillar of our, of our common core and stuff like that. But again, answer the question. How you're going to get him there, please.

Sharing the Journey

Well, to be entirely honest with you, man, I think it's up to him. He hasn't expressed any sort of specific details on how we're going to get him there outside of us driving him. I think he wants to take a shower before he gets there. That's another thing that he's expressed.

Preparing for Engagement

But other than that, I assume he has this orchestrated in some way, shape, or form. What I've realized throughout this entire process is that he's got this very well orchestrated and thought out in his head the way he wants it to go. And so I'm just kind of, like, here for the ride and here to help facilitate whatever he needs at this point.

Encouraging Creativity

Hell yeah. Love it. Love it. Looking forward to. Looking forward to that show and, yeah, I mean, look, it's. Again, I've never heard of someone doing more than 24 hours in the VR headset this whole week is. This is pretty wild. This is pretty wild.

Future Implications of Art

So we'll have to have blessed. It's insane, man. It's insane. It's really crazy. I mean, like, I have no doubt in my mind that they'll probably talk about this in some sort of, like, educational sense or some sort of study, like, later on and, like, augmented reality, because it's pretty insane.

Historical Significance of Art

It's pretty insane. Like, to be honest. I agree. Yeah. Well, we'll have to have them on and have you on again and chat afterwards. A Leo and gang, I pinned the Irl alpha, like, you know, twitter to that. So, like, and that's like, we always post who's gonna be on the show, and, you know, Patrick Amadon is also, like, one of the most famous artists in our entire space.

Cultivating Community Narratives

Like, worldwide famous he's usually a pillar. He helped start irl alpha, like, and he is actually going undoc's now. So he'll actually be wearing a cover up and he's doing tremendous stuff. And I help bring him to bitcoin and stuff like that. But you have that and you know what the time is.

Future Events

And we, you can tune in and comment and we usually like, pull up comments and we talk about them and we argue and it's all about culture and shit like that. Just like arguing, just like, this is like the show. It's just, you just like debate and get to the takes. That's really what it is. It's, it's, it really is that, you know.

Conclusions on Engagement

but yeah, just wanted everybody to know that they have Twitter. Yeah. Guys pinned above. Check it out. If you're in the laden greater La area, obviously would be dope to actually go see this live. I feel like this would be one of the cooler ones to go to as well.

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