Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space MEMECOIN MEGA SPACES hosted by assetdash. MEMECOIN MEGA SPACES delved into the world of diversified investment opportunities with its focus on multi-chain portfolio tracking, NFTs, DeFi, and Ordinals. The platform not only offers innovative token trading strategies but also rewards users for their active participation. With a user-friendly interface and availability across iOS, Android, and Web, MEMECOIN MEGA SPACES aims to provide a comprehensive trading experience. The partnership with @ElementsPFP further enhances the platform, promising enriched functionalities and features. Participants of the space learned about the advantages of sustainable practices symbolized by the recycling icon within the Ordinals ecosystem.

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Total Listeners: 30


Q: What makes multi-chain portfolio tracking crucial in the Crypto space?
A: Diversification across various blockchains mitigates risk and enhances portfolio stability.

Q: How does MEMECOIN MEGA SPACES combine NFTs and DeFi?
A: It integrates NFT assets and DeFi protocols to offer diversified investment options.

Q: What are the advantages of earning tokens while trading on MEMECOIN MEGA SPACES?
A: Users can benefit from additional rewards, incentivizing active participation in the platform.

Q: Where can users access MEMECOIN MEGA SPACES?
A: The platform is accessible on iOS, Android, and Web for convenient usage on various devices.

Q: How does the partnership with @ElementsPFP enhance the platform?
A: Collaboration with @ElementsPFP brings added functionalities and features to enrich user experience.

Q: What features contribute to a user-friendly trading experience on MEMECOIN MEGA SPACES?
A: Intuitive interfaces and intuitive navigation tools streamline the trading process for users.

Q: What incentives are offered to users within the MEMECOIN MEGA SPACES ecosystem?
A: Innovative token trading strategies provide rewards to users for their active participation.

Q: How does MEMECOIN MEGA SPACES combine Crypto, NFTs, and DeFi?
A: The platform integrates various aspects of cryptocurrency, NFTs, and DeFi protocols for comprehensive investment opportunities.

Q: What does the recycling symbol in the Ordinals ecosystem signify?
A: The recycling symbol represents sustainable practices and eco-friendly initiatives within the platform.

Q: Why choose MEMECOIN MEGA SPACES for portfolio management?
A: Users benefit from a comprehensive platform that caters to Crypto, NFTs, and DeFi, offering a diverse range of investment options.


Time: 00:15:20
Multi-chain Portfolio Tracking Benefits Exploring the advantages of diversifying portfolios across various blockchains for risk management.

Time: 00:25:45
NFTs and DeFi Integration Understanding how MEMECOIN MEGA SPACES combines NFT assets and DeFi protocols for investment opportunities.

Time: 00:35:10
Token Trading Strategies with Rewards Discovering innovative token trading strategies that incentivize users with rewards.

Time: 00:45:30
User-Friendly Accessibility Highlighting the platform's availability on iOS, Android, and Web for seamless user experience.

Time: 00:55:15
Partnership with @ElementsPFP The collaboration with @ElementsPFP for enhanced platform features and services.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the significance of multi-chain portfolio tracking in the Crypto space.
  • Exploring the integration of NFTs and DeFi within the MEMECOIN MEGA SPACES ecosystem.
  • Learning about token trading strategies that involve earning rewards within the platform.
  • Availability of MEMECOIN MEGA SPACES on multiple devices like iOS, Android, and Web.
  • The partnership with @ElementsPFP for enhanced features and services.
  • The emphasis on user-friendly interfaces for seamless trading experiences.
  • Innovations in the token trading space with incentives for users.
  • The integration of crypto, NFTs, and DeFi for comprehensive investment opportunities.
  • Adoption of sustainable practices indicated by the recycling symbol in the Ordinals ecosystem.
  • Educating users on the benefits of using MEMECOIN MEGA SPACES for portfolio management.

Behind the Mic


It. Sadeena. Sadeena. What is up, everybody? We'll get it going here. Hey, check. What's up? What's up, yo? I'm in China, so apologize if I apologize in advance if I have to bounce due to the Internet not being free. No, no worries at all. How's your day been? Pretty good. Pretty good. Just grinding. Grinding here. Same here. Much better market conditions these past few weeks compared to, like, the past few months. So. Good vibes there, for sure. Yeah. I mean, you can kind of tell when, like, when things are at thermos bleak and people are just constantly fighting, it's like, this is probably close enough. Exactly. Exactly.

Project Discussions

Well, yeah, let's just kind of go around the horn. Everyone can kind of just give an intro on themselves. The project that they're working with. So many. We'll start with you. Yeah. We are mini. We are the infinitely spinning apple and banana zone cat mixed into one. Kind of likes the coin, which, you know, surprised me from the beginning, which is why I sort of joined and worked 14 hours a day for the last four months. But, yeah, we're just doing what we do. I mean, it's been a ride. It has been a ride. And when did you guys launch? In May. Launched in May. It was a CTO that got rugged, and then somebody cto'd it again, and it got rugged again, so.

Launch and Community Engagement

AII think it was the first ever double CTO. And I hopped in day two, along with, I think, lucifer, who's in here, and a bunch of other people, Pepe, Dimichi and I, Bob and gorilla cap. And were all sort of like, wait a minute. Like, there's chinese kids drawing out the old TikTok content. And once I saw that, you know, living in China, I was like, oh, my God. Like, is China actually buying this? Like, that would be crazy, because they never. China never buys memes. I don't know if you guys know that, but, you know, I. It's a. It's obviously a four month long story of craziness, but for me, it was.

Cultural Insights

It was these small chinese accounts that were drawing out the old viral TikTok content that sold me. And one of the smallest ones, who's still a very small, unknown account, actually introduced me to our main video maker, who is the. One of the original viral Chinese TikTok guys for OG Banana and Apple Cat content. So we, like, hired him on the spot, which is wild. There's some. There's some deep lore, you know, top the already deep lore that exists in this meme so that's sick. No, I'll. We'll definitely come back to you. I want to ask questions about the community takeover and like what that entire process was like.

Continuing the Discussion

But let me first go around the horn for more intros. Vins, what's up? What's up, man? How are you doing? Thank you.

Introduction and Greetings

How are you, man? Bro, like I went back to from France in the last couple of days and finally grinding. Like I able to grind again thanks to and thanks to the market that's going to make event that possible. So it's cool. Amazing, man. Well, happy to have you up here always, man.

Moth Account and Community Building

Moth, who's behind the moth account? Yo, this is Galvo speaking on behalf of Martha. How we doing? Doing great, doing great. How's everything with you? Yeah, pretty good. Can't complain, Mini. That was a sick story, by the way. I actually used to hold Minnie and got rugged both times and unfortunately missed out on the actual CTO. But you guys are killing it as well over there, so. Good shit.

Launch of Moth Coin

But yeah, moth were based on the viral meme of lamp memes from a few years ago and myself and crypto man Sam, who is a very early popcat holder and volunteered a lot. We decided to launch this coin just to sort of try and make a safe meme coin space, trying to be really transparent through it and just make sure everyone's really comfortable being able to hold a well known meme and not have to fear what happened to Minnie getting rugged, like twice, for example. So, yeah, we've been just trying our best to build a community.

Current Situation and Plans

We are in a bit of a jawline at the minute, but, you know, community is still growing. We're trying our best. We're bringing out some new content in the next few weeks, working with our market makers to try and make things look as best as possible and try to take advantage of the current market situation. Awesome, man. Awesome.

Questioning and Community Dynamics

Vince, do you have a question? Yeah. So looks like both coins have been rugged twice. Is there like a room or meta for like a third rogue and then you cto it again to get some hype? Is that a play? We didn't actually get rugged. I was just saying that I used to hold at the very start whenever it got rogged twice. But no, we're both doxxed and we're transparent and we have no intentions of selling any of our supplies soon.

Confusion and Misinformation

We've been going for three months without selling very much. So, yeah. Okay, I'm about to misunderstand. Yeah. What about you, mini? Like, is that a meta that you want to chase. What's that? Okay, no, it was a joke, but, like, it's less fun if I have to repeat it. Oh, the meta. No, actually, man, it's the whole CTO thing. Like, when pump fun was at its peak, you know?

Disappointment in Current Trends

It's so gross. Like, people are. People are calling themselves, like, CTO teams. Like, that's not how that works. People. People will take any trashy angle that they can. Like, yo, we're a CTO team. Do you understand what you're even saying? Like, are you guys down that bad that you have to be that guy? Like, come on, we've already got 80,000 coins per day launching.

Call for Class and Continuation

Like, we don't. Can you just have some class? Is that too much to ask for? You know? No, I totally hear you there. wait, let's just continue. Go around the horn, because we have, fate. What's up, fate? Hey, what up?

Introduction to Retardio

here representing, all the lovely retards in web three. yeah, retardio was a CTO team. we cto ed Ritterdo. So we come from humble beginnings as well, but maybe a little bit different from y'all. Is that today we actually announced our second or. No, our first rug. No, 2nd. Second, I guess. So, yeah, we'll be rugging by the end of the today. So glad to be here.

Reactions to the Announcement

That is. That is hilarious. I'm so glad you guys, by the way. Yeah, so proud of you guys. I remember, God, the first guy that posted it when it was like 50k or whatever, I saw that post and just completely. Yeah. From there. I mean, you know how it goes. But I'm proud of you. I'm so proud of you. It's like the best. It's the best thing. Best marketing. So ridiculously great. Thank you. Appreciate it. We'll be vibing with the rest of you all, though.

Funny Encounters

What's. What's really funny? True story is in Singapore last week, I randomly was at dinner and then a table next to me was like a group of retardio community members that sat down and honestly, hilarious group. Hilarious group. Super on brand. So, yeah, shout out to everybody that I met that night.

Introduction to Pug

Last person here on the speaker side is Pug with Pug. What's up, Pug? What's up? What's up? Thanks for inviting Smurf up, too. What's up, you guys? I'm the voice behind Pug whiff. We're also a CTO. Got rugged. We're on the Sui network, though. Sui network. Not Solana. I thought that was important to say. Still bullish on soul though, but yeah, I'm gonna give it to Smurf to talk a little about the OG story.

Smurf's Story

Hey guys, obviously, you know I've been big asset Dash fan for a long time and I appreciate you letting us be the first suicoin on asset dash. I was there and have led the CTO since the rug happened. Essentially when the sui meme started popping off recently, a couple weeks ago, there was pug whiff that dropped and me being a gen trader, as you guys know from the discord, obviously hopped in on it immediately. The market cap ran up to like sixty k and then the LP was pulled. So were all kind of like, oh, it's a rug. It sucks. Everyone had us a bit invested in it.

Investigating the Rug Pull

And then I got a DM from one of the Telegram members and he's like, hey, look at this. The dev creator actually sent funds to a personal wallet. Well, I just happened to recognize the name on the personal wallet and it was a discord member and the buddies discord. And he had been around for a long time. So I messaged him and was like, dude, what the fuck is going on? Why are you pulling? Why are you rug pulling community? I said, that's not cool. And he was like, oh, it was somebody in the, some other discord member and he pulled it and I was like, okay, you still knew about it. Now though, you need to go find it and get this back, otherwise we're going to like blacklist you forever.

Negotiation and Settlement

So after coming down on him, he went and negotiated with the guy and we've settled on half of the LP pullback and he would have to burn his tokens as well as the Dev tokens or he had to burn his LP tokens as well as Dev tokens from the creator wallethood. So we got it back. He burnt the LP tokens and they burnt the dev tokens.

Launching New Communication Channels

And once it was confirmed on chain, then went ahead and launched a new telegram, we started a new Twitter and paid for the deck screener update. And then the five or six guys that were in the telegram at the time that had helped with this, we all just started throwing together as a team and I just started grabbing more and more people from the space that I knew.

Team Expansion

And I had recently onboarded the voice of Pugwiff to sui and she got thrown into the telegram for the admins and we have just gone from there. We went from a 6000 market cap when the LP was added back to a 1.8 million market cap high. Now it's hit that peak three times and now we're hovering at about 1.4.

Market Progress and Updates

We've been added to Coinmarketcap, we've been added to coingecko new website collaborations within the Sui ecosystem. We have an NFT mint coming out soon. It is artwork in collaboration with Sky Punch Studios.

NFT Artwork Collaboration

They do a lot of artwork for the crypto chain and they have actually did the fuddy's pfps and the Soulmarms pfps on Solana. And our pug NFts are going to be within the same vein. And artwork along with this, having those three collections will allow you to have the fully rigged and 3D mod, fully rigged and animated 3D avatars that we are developing for a sui smash game that allows you to, fight, you know, pick your PFP and then, and fight your other, fellow, projects that decide to join.

Response to the Plans

Oh, yo, smurf. Save some alpha. Save some alpha. You have some alpha for the space. My bad, my bad. All right. Yeah, so that's the story. I'm going to shut up because I talked too much and that's why NePA is the voice. Guys, you're good.

Acknowledgment of Success

That, honestly, that's awesome. And congrats to both of you. A great success story there. Love to see the grind and the hustle. So amazing work there.

Market Discussion Introduction

I think what we can do now is I want to make sure everyone has a good chance to chat and I also want to kind of make it a bit more generic and focus on like, the broader market. And obviously we could talk project specific stuff. But I think the first thing is, let's just go around the horn.

Meme Coin Super Cycle Discussion

And a big talking point is the whole meme coin super cycle component. I want to get your thoughts one. If you believe that, if you believe that, you know, meme coins are going to continue to, you know, be the market leader the rest of the cycle. And if you do believe that, why? And if you don't, if you could also share, like, why you don't think that's going to be the case?

Initial Thoughts on Meme Coins

So let's start with fate. Fate. You're the first one here. What's up? Yeah, so I guess I want to say I do think that means are going to be fully integrated into most, if not all web three platforms. And if not in some way, somehow, you know, you have places like travel swap, you know, accepting meme coins and you can buy a plane ticket or book a hotel room and, you know, do whatever and then let me see what else.

Market Leadership by Meme Coins

Yeah, I think in terms of leading the markets, meme coins are going to be the. Sorry, my mom was, like, hitting me up. No. Yeah. Meme coins, I think, are going to be the dominating thing this cycle. Short answer.

Continuation of Discussion

Solid. All right, let's go to who's next up here. Minnie, your hands up. I'm with Ricardio, as the slogan goes. I. My gut says that. I mean, I know it's kind of like a meme to say this, but my gut says that we haven't even started.

Bearish Outlook Challenged

I feel like people that don't believe that with can go to 40 or $60 are kind of just overly bearish and lying to themselves. Popcat is a good example of that. Like, you guys, I know all you guys saw, oh, popcat's the next bowdoin and things like that.

Undetermined Market Potential

You know, Michi was dead until it wasn't. Like, I just feel like there's not going to be a huge bid because someone like Murad, for instance, brings up the. The unlocks of all this vc stuff and a lot of the. What is it? Tia or whatever. Someone.

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