Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Meme Season on BNB Chain #MemeOnBNB hosted by BNBCHAIN. Explore the vibrant world of meme coins on the BNB Chain, where innovation and exciting competitions drive community engagement and new opportunities. Stay connected with developer updates from @BNBChainDevs to be part of the latest advancements in meme coin technology. Join the conversation around #MemeOnBNB and immerse yourself in the dynamic landscape of meme coin innovation and the chance to win big prizes.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


Q: What prize is at stake in the BNB Chain Meme Coin Innovation Battle?
A: Participants have a chance to win a share of +$150k and access to a $900K liquidity pool.

Q: How can individuals stay informed about the latest developer news on BNB Chain?
A: By following @BNBChainDevs, individuals can access timely updates and insights.

Q: What is the focus of the discussion in the Meme Season on BNB Chain space?
A: The space highlights advancements and innovations in meme coins on the BNB Chain.

Q: Why is community engagement vital in the BNB Chain meme coin ecosystem?
A: Community participation drives collaboration, innovation, and shared success in the meme coin sector.


Time: 05:20:01
Meme Coin Innovation Battle Announcement Introduction to the lucrative competition with details on the +$150k prize pool.

Time: 05:35:45
BNB Chain Development Updates Insights on the latest advancements and news for developers on the BNB Chain.

Time: 06:10:22
Community Engagement in Meme Coin Space Discussion on the importance of community involvement for meme coin success.

Key Takeaways

  • Exciting opportunities in meme coin innovation on the BNB Chain.
  • Access to a $900K liquidity pool and a chance to win a share of +$150k in the Meme Coin Innovation Battle.
  • Stay current with developer news and updates by following @BNBChainDevs.
  • The BNB Chain community is actively engaged in meme coin advancements and developments.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

Hello? Hello? Jim Jam? Yes, I can hear you all right. Yeah, I was. I had it connected through my desktop and I'm talking nobody. Hey, good morning, sir. Good morning. Good morning. Welcome back to another web three domains whale talk. I'm Zach, your host for today's session, and as always, we have got some exciting topics lined up for you. Let's give a couple of minutes for everyone to join in. Don't forget to share, retweet, and comment below. And let us that you are here with us, and if you are eager to join us on stage fully, feel free to send a request.

Today's Topics

Today we are diving into some segment master for free name, including our recent ICANN accreditation and or membership inatba. Plus, we will be discussing actually with ICaNN with web united and page with us and Sonor with us. Hello, sir. Hola. Holae. What's up? Good morning and welcome. Yeah, sounds like great news. I'm just sharing the room here. I'll be focused here in a second. Good morning, everybody. Or at least morning for me here in the US. Yes, sir, for me as well. Good morning, Paige. I'm working, man. I am working. That's what I'm doing. You know, I've actually been up since, I think, 230 or 03:00 this morning, working when I know I should be asleep.

Personal Experiences

Well, me and Doordash. Doordash is going to be bringing me a little tall, sugar free vanilla latte here that should get me through the rest of the day. So. Yeah. Yes, sir. If it wasn't for free name and these nice residuals, it might be me delivering that to you on Doordash. I took a picture out of pages, book and Friday, man. Yeah, I'm killing it. You took a picture out of my book? There's only two copies of my book. How'd you get a picture out of one? Yeah, I did miss a big part of that conversation, but I remember you had laid out like a solid, like, blueprint for what people can do, starting off with marketing and. Yeah, I'm glad to see that they worked out.

Discussion on Cannabis Culture

Sorry to interrupt you. Crypto. You got it. You got a tld you're working on? Or was that stoner? Yeah, stoner. Stoner. You're still doing a non. I'm not doing anon. I'm dot 420. Dot 420. Oh, man. Of course, I go back even before 420 for some reason. I was not an imbiber, but I lived it during the seventies. So I go back to smoking in the boys room. I never thought I felt that. That really didn't get its play, you know what I mean? So you puffed, but you didn't inhale? No, I was, I just, I was kind of a straight and narrow guy. Great. But I like Cheech and Chong tell you that.

The Impact of Cheech and Chong

Oh, man, legends you talk about ahead of their time to go from total outcast to, you know, being at the White House. Right. Or, like, Kennedy center honors, you know, and, you know, just mainstream. I mean, that's amazing, right? To go from where teaching Chong were in the seventies to where they ended. Up, man, cannabis is love, man. That's all it is. Cannabis is love. Yeah. Blazing a trail isn't easy, but in the case of cannabis, and you know what, I feel like everything I say now has, like, this shameless plug of free name Fitzhe. But, but in the world of cannabis and even in the world of technology, like, if the benefits are, like, clear, right.

Advocacy and Legalization

Even though people don't necessarily understand it, if you got something to stand on, eventually people to get it. And that's the thing, like teaching Chong to their comedy. They were helping explain something or normalize something that a lot of us who've been advocating for, you know, cannabis legalization and then all the stuff that comes with it, you know, just can't get people to get past when they want to think of it as one thing or another. You feel what I'm saying? So, yeah. Shouts out to teach and Chang and them, because, as you guys know, I do very much adapt to and love the stoner culture for health reasons and for, like, physical, mental health reasons, lots of great stuff.

Encouragement for Participation

So, yeah, definitely gap for those pioneers for sticking with it, even though it definitely had their critics. With that said, everyone go to freedom and get your dot 420. That's right. And you got to get your affiliate code page going. So, thinking about that playbook that I shared, just to remind everybody, if you're in the game, when you said something about, I don't want to talk about free name all the time, but here's where I come from on it. There's a lot of doors that are locked, right? I'm going to open a store in a mall and sell stuff locked. Right? I'm going to break into industries that have huge competitive advantages.

The Opportunity with TLD

A lot of stuff that's locked, right. And for better or for worse, with getting your own TLD in web three, that door's open, right? I mean, that's a door that's open. So if you see a trend or hear of a trend or something for whatever the upside may not be the same as, you know, people are like, well, why don't you just become an Amazon affiliate and then use shipping by them? And then I'm like, yeah, that's great. If I could order a container load of something from Hong Kong, wait nine months, have it show up at a warehouse, pay storage fees, hope to get customers, and then I could have my Amazon FBA business, right?

Cost-Effectiveness of Free Name

I mean, there's a lot involved with these ways that people are like, oh, you should just do that. Know? And I think the reason I click to free name sometimes is the cost isn't incredibly prohibitive. The lack of renewals is so amazing, you know what I mean, that you commit to a price. Like when I bought that summer for, I think, 3500, which is what I was working on this morning, that's it. I mean, I've limited my risk, right? I own that piece of property. It's like owning a piece of property with no property taxes, right? And so what am I going to do with it? Am I going to work on it this week? Am I going to wait six months? At least the doors open?

Building and Growing with the Community

So for me, maybe that's why I revert back. Besides the fact that we're in whale talk today to the fact that I can do it. And stoner, with your 420, you could go two or three weeks without working on it. You got other priorities, this and that. But then it's still sitting there, right where you left it for you to take it and add to it. Don't you get that feeling that it's like you can pause it and then you just hit, you give it energy and you just grow it again? Facts. Yeah, I actually own it. I get messages all the time about, hey, what are you doing with the dot 420? So it's kind of waiting for me to actually build it out.

Community Benefits and Growth

I'm actually waiting on a few of these dispensaries to actually get online with web three and then I'm gonna hit the ground running. But yeah, that's the benefit of free name, having a community. So, you know, 420, or the stone of culture is already a community. So, you know, I'm there and I encourage anyone that actually is trying to build something, you know, get your TLD, man. That's one of the best ways to build your community. I mean, it would be interesting if that community actually built their own browser, you know, where all of a sudden.

Potential of a New Browser

Well, Google doesn't allow you to say this, okay, we're not using Chrome. You know, they're problem solved, right? Or, you know, and I think this applies to any community. You know, the barriers of the browser and Apple, with the Apple store, which we saw the EU knock down a couple weeks ago, you know, the trend is for these entrenchments to get knocked down, right? Kind of like the old, there's a long time ago allegory, Gulliver's travels, you know, where you have this huge giant, you know, and the way, you know, they had to knock him down one at a time, right?

Changing Times in the Tech World

It's that if you've ever seen the picture of all the little tiny Lilliputians tying him down, you know what I mean? I think some of these big Bahamas Google took a hit because AI has made it maybe redundant. Facebook left their market, X obviously has become disjointed. And then Apple stayed true, but that's their own ecosystem. And then they lost this case with Google Chrome. So I think some of the monopolies are breaking down and then some of them are accepting web three, which I guess brings us to free name being an accredited registrar.

Discussion Transition

How did I do with that transition there, Sam? Pardon? I heard you called me out. Oh, I just said that I transitioned from whatever were talking about to. I think we're going to talk about ICann, the free name, being an accredited registrar. And you know what's crazy? Like, I feel like free name sparked that whole thing. Now you see, like, other web free registrars becoming accredited as well, and freename really sparked that. They were truly like the first one.

ICANN Accreditation

And it just shows that icann's getting some web free adaption into their system right now. I think the free name asked me to talk about a little bit. Is this a good time win, or do you want to finish up on 420? No, I think. I think this is a great time and I want to start this off because, you know, a little discussion, you know, took place one of my tweets yesterday in regards to, you know, mentioning the fact that freedom is the first of the web three, you know, registrars to become ICaNn accredited.

Accreditation Achievements

I do want to start off by congratulating all the ones thus far who have achieved an accreditation. Doesn't matter who was first, the people who are building, who are going and getting these accreditations. You guys are all the ones that are helping build a seat at this table so that we can have these conversations and create this market and create this adoption and build these new things that give these TLD's in our space the value that, like I said, we see but we've got to trailblaze just like Cheech and Chong to get the rest of the world to see. So, yeah, I just wanted to put that out there. Shout out to three DNS I know, unstoppable, got their accreditation. And then, of course, shout out to free name, proud to be partners with you guys. And hold my Tld's here. But, yeah, go into a page.

Resistance at ICANN Meetings

And it's a process that started quite a while ago. I went to an ICANn meeting in June of last year in Washington, DC, right at the heart of the, you know, the us government. And, you know, there was resistance. On a scale of one to ten, the resistance was 50. That web three domains don't even have a right to exist. We don't even have a right to use the word domain. And so I had to hit that stuff hard against everybody. And what I really said to him was, because a lot of these guys have been around ICANN since it started 25 years ago. And I said, don't you realize that you guys today, with the way you're running the Internet, so closed and regulated and monopolistic, you wouldn't have let the Internet start 25 years ago, right. If you would have been at the telecommunications association and someone showed up and said, we have a decentralized way to move traffic and information around the world on the excess space of the phone lines that's going to be free for anyone to connect to. Don't you realize that's what you're seeing with web three and blockchain and you're saying it can't happen.

Open Discussions at Free Name

And I really tried to get them to look back to their roots of who they were 25 years ago because a lot of them were kind of tech friendly, you know, a little anarchist, you know, type, I don't know what word I'm looking for, but, you know, they were anti establishment back then, and now they're just so establishment. So anyway, from breaking down those barriers to free names, discussions with the, the office of the CTO, there's not really one CTO at ICANN. There's an office of the CTO. And the free name team was able to have open discussions with them about what we are and what we're not, you know what I mean? And I think that helped the silent block that people talk about, you know, a bureaucracy has the power. They don't have to say no. They can just kind of put you on their desk and never deal with it, right? So, yeah, I think when free name was able to get that to thaw it was a big deal.

Benefits of Free Name Accreditation

So what does that mean, that free name is an accredited registrar? I think it means a number of things. The Internet is a self governed system. I'm sorry, the Internet is not self governed. The domain name system is a self governed system and the registries are like a congress and that they control a major part of the Internet, so they're in charge of governing themselves. And when you're outside that group, it's very hard to break in, you know what I mean? Because you're them and they're the US, I guess, is the best way to say it. So now that free name is an accredited registrar, it's more likely that being on the inside at the ICANN meetings, in the registrar council, in the registrar constituency. Now you can say things like, what are we icann? What are we doing to accommodate web three domains and blockchain domains? I think that it gives them a place there then.

Transitioning from Old Systems

Secondly, there's a lot of systems on the Internet. A lot of the Internet systems were literally the same ones built in 2000 when the registrars were first allowed. The monopoly of network solutions was broken. A lot of those companies are still using the same systems they did from 25 years ago. And you say, oh, by the way, we'd like to pair a web two domain and tokenize it with the blockchain entry of a web three NFT. And they're like, well, we're not going to change our systems for that. So I think what free name has the opportunity to do is instead of always having to work with antiquated system of existing registrars, they can say, well, we're just going to do it ourselves then, you know, we're going to be able to do start to finish tokenization of names, being able to allow the efficient management of your web three and your web two domains together. So I think those are the big benefits for me of Icann's accreditation, is that they'll be on the inside with at least a say in the, in the governing body.

Building Community with Free Name

That can make it less resistant to web three and then two their systems. It won't be like, well, one day we'll have web three domain integration. I think it'll be more likely that they build that out from the start. So if anyone has any questions about the I can registration, but that's, those are the two big benefits I see that free name gets. Thanks for laying that out, Paige. And like I said, facts. If you're going to build a tribe, you got to go free name. I mean, even if you go any other company, you got to get your TLD's in free name, because if you don't, someone else will grab them, and then, you know, you're out of there. And TLD and free name makes it easy for you to actually build your community with your TLD's, and you can make money 50%. So it's a win, no pun intended.

The Future of Web Three Domains

Yeah, I'm definitely feeling like this is one of those things that, I mean, it already is aging, but it's definitely gonna age when really, people start to latch on to the opportunity. I mean, there's so many points that can be made, you know, especially the fact that we had the convenience of being able to wait forever, even though we won't have to wait forever, but we don't have those renewals. But as you said, like, I'm extremely. And this is a great opportunity for anybody to come asking and questions, if you have any. You know, we do definitely owe a debt of gratitude to Paige for, you know, always being able to, you know, keep us educated and keep that. Keep that connection between us and web, too. And that's that bullishness. Right.

Misconceptions about Accreditation

One of the things, and I'm glad you laid out, you know, some of the big benefits of becoming accredited, because becoming accredited doesn't just limit you to one feature or function of accreditation, which I think there's a misconception out there that the accreditation only has one value, which is being able to register on chain domains to your platform. As you said, the accreditation not only establishes that bridge of communication and gets you, again, a seat at the table, but allows you to connect with ICANn. Now, as a we, I'm even more bullish of the fact that they didn't have to go and pitch a web two TLD to go get accreditation. They were able to do so, you know, kind of standing on their own principles and how they're building.

Shifts in Perception

so, again, you know, looking forward to seeing how those conversations progress and how our space starts to get viewed by that space, because people like, you know, again, free name and shouts out to three and s and everyone else, because people like them are able to go now and have those conversations. Yeah. And I think the other thing that prenames going to benefit from is because for the last 20 years, the last two generations, social media and apps pretty much convinced people they didn't need domains. And when the blockchain and nfts came about, people skipped over the Internet and went right to a Discord group, a telegram or discord server, a telegram group, and an opensea type thing, you know what I mean?

Understanding Digital Ownership

And did a lot of that without a lot of the existing domain name system. But I think now people realize that you're renting on someone else's property. If all your intellectual property is on YouTube or Twitter, on Facebook or Instagram now, it's great to use those to get people in, you know what I mean? You know, as a barker or as a recruiter or to show your stuff for free and to get the widest possible distribution. But then when you're looking to take someone and convince them to buy something, like even a domain name, you want to bring them to your website, your web two website, your reseller site, that free name gets you or your own site that you've built to talk about your TLD and you don't want.

Integrating Web Two and Web Three

I'm just going to speak frankly. I don't want a vision IO ad showing up next to my pitch on Twitter about my TLD because it has the keyword web three domain. You want to bring people to your own domain. And I think because of that, a lot of people may be buying their first domain, they may be buying web three domains before they, and they haven't bought web two domains. But by having being able to do that at the same place, I think it's going to make it easier because you're going to expect the same type of thing. What I'm going to push free name to do is make it easy to integrate your web two domain name. Like I use vdomains IO to promote my v.

Challenges Facing New TLDs

It would be great for me if that domain name was held at the same place and the same hosting and the same integrations. So hopefully that'll make it easier. But I'll run a couple more things by you see, unstoppable came out with a new TLD this week, farms, sorry, farms for an international group and the web two community, which is still very defensive. They were quick to say that will never be allowed as a web two TLD, because a lot of times unstoppable is saying, we're going to start this as a web three and then we're going to apply for the web two. So there's a part of the new web two domain launch that's supposedly going to happen in a couple years that says that if you apply for a string that's a plural and there's already a singular, that your application will be denied.

Speculative Market Dynamics

Now, it doesn't really say that it says something like, except in extreme circumstances, which basically means, you know, if you're on the inside, you can do it. But there is something about the idea of plurals and singulars where, and this is not investment advice, do your own research. But there is some room, just like I think there's some room to have country names because I don't think ICAM will give those out. That's just my personal feeling, you know, is that the countries themselves won't want to let someone have a country when they have their own country code. You know what I mean? That there's some, it was an interesting story to see about the, and the plural where there may be a sense that you can be the web three and get a sense that you just want to be the web three because I still think that's the best thing to be, not the web three and the web two.

Web Two Versus Web Three TLDs

I think a web two TLD is going to cost you a million bucks, three to 400,000 to get it, 200,000 in consultants and then 400,000 because you're going to have to sign distribution agreements with GoDaddy and namecheap and all those companies. For me, I'm not planning on applying web two for mine. This is just my personal view. I just want them to be bigger in web three. That was interesting that happened this week. Yeah. Yep.

Domain Strategies

Oh, go ahead. What I was going to say is I might be all over the place of my response, but in reference to what you just said about the singular and plural, I'm actually the first time I've seen a real world example of that in the web two space that's occurring kind of right now is deal is being launched apparently by Amazon and deals already exists. These are both two ican TLD's. So there will be a singular and plural for deal and deals that exists both in the Icann space here. Pretty soon that's going to be interesting to see how that plays out. And I guess I'll both get the registrations but. And also self plug on chainfarms.com. yeah.

Adapting to Market Changes

Because I do see the direction that's going. But yeah, I agree. I did a spaces last week focusing. Well, it was supposed to be kind of a conversation about, you know, the value of, you know, these getting browser resolver utility versus, you know, focusing on continuing develop the web three utility and focusing on what they are. And I kind of feel like it turned more into a space where I was just personally, you know, kind of meh in, you know, the utility of them being able to resolve to browsers and really focusing and, you know, doubling down on the value that these things really do have in the web, three spaces, it continues to build and grow and have more adoption and more use cases and all that good stuff.

Filling Gaps in the Current Ecosystem

So, yeah, I do. I do see that the concept of us being able to maybe fill some gaps that don't exist in the current, you know, I can ecosystem as purely web three TLD's maybe. Yeah, accepted in some kind of like separate categories, just like gtlds are a category, CCL TLD's all that kind of stuff. A separate category where, yeah, we're gap fillers, we're that thing that have value, we have a connection, we have a bridge, but we are our own thing. Yes, sir.

Domain Ownership Decisions

I wanted to, Paige, I sent you a message last week, and it was about the same thing like, it was. I was asking advice since, you know, you've been domaining for a while, does it make sense which is the better one to get, you know, the actual singular or the plural when you're domain shopping? So for the audience here, what is your suggestion? I mean, if I'm building a community and I want to get my, you know, my domain name, I would get both. But if there's only one option, what would you get?

Understanding Singular vs. Plural Domains

I remember that message, and I was responding to it as if were talking about what's left of the dot, like, would you rather have flower.com or flowers.com? you know, would you rather have book.com or books.com? would you rather have gardener.com or gardeners.com? and what I said to you was, I thought that they used to be equal, but they had different purposes. If you had gardener.com, comma, you were probably a gardener, or you had a site for gardeners to come to because they all, each considered themselves the gardener. And then gardeners.com, plural would be a directory, maybe.

Impact of Search Engine Algorithms

And I think Google in their browser has penalized so many directories and everything because they want to provide that information at the browser that I said, I thought that the singular was probably better as a brand, except if the word is more likely to be a plural, like flowers. You know what I mean? It's kind of like, you get someone flowers, you don't get someone flower. So flower would be a great brand for any company, but it wouldn't necessarily be about flowers.

Branding Opportunities

You know, it'd be great 420 brand, right? Oh, my gosh, that'd be an awesome 420 brand. And then, but then, because flowers is the plural is the one that's more used. In that case, the plural wins because it's, it's, it's the words more likely are plural than a singular, if that. Does that help? Oh yeah, perfect. Perfect.

Strategic Domain Choices

And I don't think. Yeah, and I'm sorry to interrupt, I don't think you have to get both to cover yourself. I think that especially if you like one, you know, then domainers have lost a lot of money over the years fencing or covering themselves and everything. When, you know, you really just need one significant other, I guess, is what I'd say. You don't need to. Some people need to. But anyway.

Using Domain Strategies Effectively

Yeah, and that same point was brought up when were talking about the friend AI thing, wherever people were saying, you know, that in kind of contrast to friends AI.

Narrative and Brand Connection

But then when you look at, you know, the narrative behind the project itself, it's literally a device that is your singular friend that you talk to. So it's completely appropriate for that brand and it would change the meaning altogether when you add the pearl. So, as you said, you know, you don't necessarily need to cover your bridge by having both, just depending on what you're building.

Future Prospects and Limitations

Another area, you know, stoners 420 is another example of one where I think, you know, and who knows what the future is going to hold. We don't know. I need to get 420s with the s at the end. No, what I was going to say was, at least right now I can, does not allow numbers in TLD's. Yeah, that sucks. No, no, well, it does, but it, but I think it gives you some Runway to not have to worry about a real web two coming along down the road.

Web Domains and Future of Technology

Because the reason I say this is even though right now I do believe web three domains will resolve at some level in the future. I don't know when and I don't know how, but when people bring that up as a major negative to me, it's like you're right until you're not right. You know what I mean? And if the moment someone comes out with a browser that accepts them, you're not right anymore.

Integration of Technologies

And what I mean by that is, I think the easiest browser integration that we can expect to have, I believe personal opinion sometime, is simply this. If someone searches for a domain name and it's not using an extension that's in the I can root, rather than just saying no soup for you, blank page, return nothing. Seek out some other alternatives. That's what free names noto does.

Innovative Methods to Find Domain Names

And it uses AI to say what is the most likely one that you may be wanting to reach. And we'll show that. But at the same point you can set up your computer settings to say, no, I only want to see this TLD, even if another one's bigger. I want to see the one on the free name platform or something like that. And I just don't think that example of a browser going can't serve up an IcaNn one.

Technical Possibilities and Blockchain Integration

What do we do now? The idea that they would simply access a blockchain or a record lookup, I just don't think it's that technically difficult. And this is what this company, Nunet did 20 years ago. That was my first experience with what we now call Web three. TLD's was in 2020, the biggest Internet company in the world.

Historical Context and Market Trends

Idealab launched a company called Nunet. And what they did is they launched 20 TLD's golf kids sport lawyer, and they had a plugin that you downloaded with real player, which at the time was how you would listen to music online. And they got it in 100 million computers. So 100 million computers could see these domain names. Now, when the Internet bubble crashed, Idealab, they were the ones who brought pets.com public and they really invented pay per click marketing, you know, and everything.

Anticipated Developments in Domain Resolution

But anyway, so I just don't think that gap for resolving is always going to be unsolvable. I don't know when, I don't know how, but I just don't think it's that tough to get over. So the reason I got on this was there are some spaces where ICAnN is, I believe, less likely do your own research. This is not investment advice to give out certain TLD's.

Long-term Vision and Strategy

And so that way, not only do I have a two year head start on whoever gets the I can one, but I have a sense that I feel like I have a long Runway down the road. Yes. And that's what I'm saying about these really, I feel, are going to age like very well for us that are early and, you know, kind of going to be looked at as a missed opportunity for those who are still doubting, simply because as you said, bro, we technology, we have no clue where this thing is going.

The Power of AI Technology

And I think one of the things, and we play with it every day right now, and it's probably the most powerful piece of technology that has ever been invented. And I don't know why we don't think that it's going to play a part in helping us resolve these bit AI. Right. Integrating AI at the browser level, which is happening.

Current AI Integration and Its Learning Process

I mean, it's already being integrated at the browser level. It's able to find other suggestions, and it's able to guide even the most non tech savvy of a person to the content that they're trying to find. It's able to answer all those questions when people are saying, well, how can people tell one tod from another and where it's going? AI is smart enough to do that.

Societal Acceptance of AI

It's getting smarter by the second. And we as a general society have adopted AI. So we'll listen to it, we'll let it guide us through the process of letting one of these web through domain names get us to where we're going. So, yeah, that's a big thing. I don't think a lot of us take in consideration when we talk about the impossibility of these being able to get some done.

The Free Name Landscape

Exactly. And with that said, free name is a landscape, right. Plot of land and. All right, I got a couple things to come with you that today, I played around with Grok today. Is it grok or groganous? Brock, what is it?

Technical Engagement with New Tools

It's. It's grock, but I guess you're. You're not able to hear Stoner world. He was. He was starting to speak. Okay, go ahead, Stoner. Go ahead. Oh, no, I was just saying that, you know, with free name, you know, if you don't get your TLD and, you know, it's gone.

Importance of Securing Domain Names

Right? So get it now. And, you know, like Paige said, when the time comes, you'll have it. Because if not, you know, it's a one of one. That's all I wanted to say. Yeah. So seven days ago, Twitter, x, whatever you want to call it, I'm gonna call it Twitter.

The Emergence of New AI Tools

Sue me came out with this grok, which is this AI tool, which also has an image generator, and there's a well known web two domainer, Aaron Meistat. And he started a thread, great idea for a thread. And he said, I'm playing around with Grog to create images for my domain names.

Creativity in Domain Marketing

I'm like, I want to do that because think about how powerful it would be. Even though freename creates an image for our reseller page, we could create our own images for marketing. So instead of having to go to fiverr, pay somebody $20, or hire someone at upstart or do them yourself, there is a part of your TLD and your domain.

Self-sufficiency in Domain Representation

If you own second level domains on metaverse or anyone's TLD where only you know what it should look like or what it should feel like. So anyway, I'm like, you know what? I want to do this myself. So if you have to be a premium member of X, and if you are, then you see the little grok thing on the left.

Exploring New Tools and Personalization

And it took me a while. The reason I was late this morning is if you just do the grok, it's like chat GPT where if you say, can you describe the summer TLD? And it gave me a long description, but what you have to use the words make an image of.

The Importance of Utilizing New Technologies

So if you open up the grog and then you say, so, I said, make an image for the domain name vacations summer. And so it made this cool image of this beach with the chase lounges on the beach and everything. And then I said, okay, can you add the name of the domain on the top?

Visualizing Domain Names for Better Connection

So it put it right in the middle of the clouds? And I asked Zach to see if he could post it above, but I'm not sure if he can. But it is. Yes, there it is. Okay, so I think this gives us another way. And you know domain names are just text characters, right?

Emotional Connection through Imagery

And they don't evoke any emotion. But just think what I've done with vacations summer and as win talks about, we've all talked about, when you move away from a domain name as not resolving, which we all agree is in web three's case, you get back to this idea, well, what about it?

Investment in Visual Identity and Recognition

Just as an identity? What about it just as a hey, looky here. And so again, being able to communicate that with an image, right? Vacations summer. It's kind of like that booking. Yeah, we talked about a month ago where people are just used to seeing this.

Enhanced Marketing Strategies for Domains

So all of a sudden now I've got a great visual thing to show on social media or blog post or podcast to be able to say, here's an example of a domain name you could buy in dot summer. How would you like to own vacations summer? So I think the tools are there for us to market our TLD's.

Wrap-Up and Invitation for Participation

I think it was pretty cool. What do you guys think? Yeah. Congratulations for discovering this tool. For those of you who don't want to go through that process with Groker who want a different tool, feel free to use my AI art bot.

Utilizing AI Tools for Personalization

I've been using that to create logos for my domains for this past year pinned up at the top. But yeah, it's cool to see people, I guess, finally stumbled upon some creativity. It's also super cool to know that, you know, kind of in the back of my mind is a little trailblazer with it.

Creative Approaches and Collaboration

But, yeah, it's nice to put, like you said, a personal touch or visual only, you know, what you feel like, you know, the image in association with your domain should look like. So it's cool to be able to visualize it that way, and then, you know, another person can use their own imagination to do it their other way.

Community Engagement and Public Feedback

But, yeah, been seeing. Definitely the Twitter timeline flooded with people discovering this new toy. Yeah, and on that note, I'll let stoner go. But come on, now we've got to have someone in the audience with the TLD.

Building Confidence in Your Domain

If you don't believe in your TLD, how are other people going to want to buy it? If you can take it from just being one option on free name that people may mistakenly find? You know, this is kind of like shark tank.

Practicing Your Pitch

It's kind of like the show I used to do called the name game. We really do want to invite you up to give you a minute to talk about your TLD to practice talking about it. A lot of times, your thoughts only come together about what you really think about your TLD when you have to express it verbally to other people.

The Benefits of Public Speaking

That exercise alone, I'm just encouraging you, is a good one to go through. It'll bring it front of mind as you're talking. You'll be thinking, do I really think this, or should I change it? So, I know we always say if you want to come up and straight, chill.

Engaging with the Audience

I mean, you may sell some domain names today, but if not, I really encourage you that you'll get the benefit of being on stage. And if you don't believe in your TLD, no one else will. And if you do believe in your TLD, tell the story.

Selling Your Story

Sell the story. Exactly. Hi, guys. I'm kind of new to this space. My name is a collector. I've actually just been introduced from when and Paige, they told me about this whole, like, domain thing.

Newcomers in the Domain Space

I recently bought the TLD on free name business card because I feel like people have business cards and they could, like, utilize this as kind of, like, their digital version, as, like, a newbie to the space. Could you guys give me, like, any tips on how I would, like, promote this, for example?

Community Support and Tips

Well, yeah. So, like, even. And this is a future value, I don't think many have gone down the road of extracting yet, and it'll come but like creating interest groups, there's, you know, there's room for millions of interest groups even on the exact same subject.

Competition in Niche Markets

So the thought of dilution should just dissipate there. But creating a focus group, if you can have a blog or anything, any sort of community that you can attach to this TLD, at some point a, you'll be able to integrate it with a decentralized chat, so you'll have a way to communicate with everyone that has your domain name.

Building a Database of Interest

That in and of itself now is a database of data. Then you can allow people to maybe opt in with their email addresses. Opt in, of course, because this is decentralization.

Data and Contact Points

But if they're, if they opt in with other ways to be contacted. Now you have something you can sell to a company that wants that data, and we're going to start seeing a whole lot of that, right? And these are the easiest way to build these focus groups that are all, or interest groups that are all wrapped up into this NfT that you can sell in a simple, easy transaction on the blockchain without a bunch of red tape. Again, your imagination can go anywhere with what you can do with these things. But that's what I would first suggest that you do, is create an interest group, build a community, give them this asset so that you can keep track of them. This is, this is your squad.

Community Building and TLD Importance

Again, that speaks to what I was saying earlier. If you're building a community, if you're working on a project, it would behoove you to actually get your TLD. Like, you just need to get your TLD with free name and you can, you know, you can sell your TLD, you can give it away, but like win said, you can communicate with your everyone in your tribe. So it's a win situation. Hey, collector, thank you for coming up. I know it's hard when you've been a longtime listener, to make the move to come on stage. Really appreciate it. Want to thank you for coming up. I'm a little less sanguine on dot business cards. I do think it's a great market, and I think your best angle may be to create a simple, single site that you own on your own tlDe, whether it's web, three business cards, or your business cards, where you let people create cards, like with a web hash website, you know what I mean?

Creating Business Card Directories

And that you become like a directory of everyone's business cards. Kind of like here in the US. If I go into a restaurant, they may have a little bulletin board there, right? And different real estate agents and insurance agents and people can just put their business cardinal on that bulletin board and, you know, you never know when someone may go, oh, yeah, yeah, I saw you on that or something like that. So I don't know necessarily if I would buy page. How do business cards, the plural may be a little less, but if you had local business cards or Tennessee business cards and someone owned that, I may want to put my name on it. So I think it's going to be maybe building a site on your business cards that you end up making the most money on rather than selling thousands of domains on it.

The Future of Business Cards

So those are my thoughts, but I think it's a great market to be in because even though we joke about business cards, all the stuff that people talk about, like, oh, I'm going to meet you at a conference and we're going to be able to just tap our phones together. That stuff never works, Mandy. That stuff never works. Oh, let me air tweet you my contact information. You know, the idea of just, here's a card, that's pretty good, and if it's, here's my virtual card, that's pretty good. So I like the area. The, the beauty of what Paige just illustrated is that these are truly a swiss army knife and you're not limited to doing one thing or another. And each word or each sequence of word is going to have value depending on how you apply it and build out with it. So, yeah, awesome advice as well.

Transaction Models and Community Feedback

And worst case scenario, if things don't work out, you can actually sell your tod. So it's a win. I'm going to. Great feedback. I appreciate it all and I'll have look into it. Thank you, guys. Yeah, I'm going to get my business card. Smoke business card or we deliver to you business card. That's great. Yeah. Blurry, that business card. That 420 business card. I think. Okay. I think I've taken your guys feedback. I'm going to change it to massage cards because they seem to be their most effective way of business and people still seem to use these all around the world. Well played.

Free Name Membership Announcement

One of the things I know we're coming up close to the top of the hour, but another big major announcement from free name that I would definitely like, you know, Zach or Paige to weigh in on is the recent announcement of free name becoming a member of Inappa. I'm going to just call it that. Right. But if you guys want to kind of go into what that means as well. I know we talked about the accreditation. But this is another, you know, step in free name building bridges and creating credibility and, you know, all that stuff in the space. So yeah, it's pinned up at the top if you guys want to talk about that a little bit.

Significance of the Membership

Yeah, actually that's great. Like, so let's start with beginning. Like, freenium recently became a member of the Internet association for trusted blockchain applications. So it's inappa or in ATBA, which is pretty big deal for us because like joining InaTba position free name at the forefront of global blockchain standards. Think so. It's recognition of the commitment of driving innovation and digital identity space and particularly with decentralized domains. Being part of such a prestigious organization allows us to like contribute to shaping the future of blockchain technology while ensuring that all developments align with international standard and best practice, which is really important because we are in web three area and like these international standards also helping us to shape the future.

Opportunities and Collaboration

And absolutely it also opens up the opportunities for collaboration with other leading companies and organizations in the blockchain space. So it's really another milestone for us. So this membership underscores our dedication promoting secure and decentralized digital identity, the solution worldwide, which is at the core of what free name does. So all I can say, like, very late to see like how this will help us to grow and continue to innovate.

Financial Viability and Recognition

And, you know, again, not financial advice, but if you own TLD's over in free name, you got to feel some kind of way and feel real good about hearing stuff like that again, you know, again, I shout outs to another new naming service provider that just launched. Obviously, you know, it's a legitimate one and it's backed by based, but they basically eliminated two existing naming services because they weren't standing on shit. And that was kind of the point that I was making, you know, at the bottom of my tweet yesterday with freedoms. Again, other achievement with accreditation is all of this stuff is.

Building Real Infrastructure

Is building the foundation for real naming service and real assets so that one day when you gotta go talk to real people and show them that you're a legitimate naming service provider, you can link to these things instead of it just being, again, blockchain tech that anybody can go and develop if they want to and they've got the free time that they may eventually quit when it's not worth it to them. Instead you've got a real company putting, building real infrastructure, creating real relationships and yeah, we as a whole in this space should celebrate it just like I celebrate everybody else and their achievements if they are also building and achieving things that are building those bridges.

Personal Experiences and Revenue Models

So thank you, Zach, for explaining that. Yeah, I'll jump in. I do think you have to play the hand you're dealt. And with free name, you know, when you own a TLD, you get 50% of the revenue from selling the domain names in your TLDE. So I have summer, and if you buy Tahiti Summer for $200, then I get 100, and free name gets 100. And it's very much like a franchise model, where if you buy a McDonald's franchise, you have to give a portion of your sales to McDonald's.

Business Models and Recognition

But when you open up a McDonald's anywhere in the world, you've kind of got that name recognition, existing systems, a history of, you know, what equipment to buy, what to price stuff. And so you could just open page's hamburger stand, and you'd keep all the revenue, but then you'd have to come up with your menu, come up with your stuff. So I think if I could invent my own blockchain, my own contract, my own code, I could make my own TLD, and then I would have to go out there and fight in the world for respect and recognition.

Benefits of Established Systems

But I keep all the money. So I could do that. But one of the reasons for me, because I don't know how to do that, I go ahead and use a system that gives me a lot of benefits. And one of them now is this one where you can say, my technology provider, I own my TLD, but my technology provider is a member of a number of international organizations, like ICANn, like this association. They're also a member, I believe, of ECo, which is in Europe.

Leveraging Partnerships

It's like the Internet society, kind of. If you have old school interest there, and so you get the benefits and you might as well use them. I think that's what win said. You might as well use it as part of your repertoire, your pitch, to be able to use words like safety and security and things like that along with your TLDE. You know, you. You take the good and you take the bad. But I think this is one of the things that's a good part of being associated with a technology provider.

Encouraging Collaboration

100%. Love it, man. I want to say this today. I'm going to buy it. I'm buying another one. Go ahead, Stoner. Sorry. Yeah, buy another one. But I will say this. I would tell everyone this. So dot 420, you know, I don't, like Paige mentioned. I don't do much, you know, advertisement or anything like that yet I'm in talks with a few dispensaries and I'm just waiting for them to get, you know, acclimated to web three.

Yearly Earnings and Promotions

But when 420 rolls around every year, I make money every year. All I need to do is just make a post about get your dot 420 and I make money. Last year, I made $2,000, so it benefits you. I got a new hold in sound effect. Whoa. Yes, sir. Hey, guess what? Stoner 420 comes around every day.

Daily Opportunities

You're right. You're right about that. That's a tweet every day at 04:00 right? You're right. The best news, which some of us are taking, is the worst news, is that literally no one knows what a web three domain is. And that's gonna change. And when that does change, you're sitting so pretty right in the line of where everyone else can prepare themselves to be sitting right now.

Future Potential

It's not too late. There are still some amazing words out there. I actually just got an email from the jade. Everybody's familiar with Jade. If you're connected with free name the marketing account, but just got an email with some premium TLD's right now that are still on the market. So again, you know, not financial advice, but these spaces are to highlight the value that these TLD's could truly provide, not only now, but in the future.

Aligning with Future Trends

Free names definitely align themselves to be a part of the future and help shape that future, you know? So, hey, not financial advice, but you do you. I know I'm sitting pretty good as well. Congrats everybody else who's already a part of the ecosystem. Yeah, Zach, if you want to go ahead and wrap us on out, I know we're at the top of the hour.

Conclusion and Gratitude

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so. Well, that's all the time we have for today. A huge thank you to iHeart domain paints Sonor world and collector for sharing your insights. And of course, a big thank you to everyone who joined us today. We covered a lot and these milestones are just not about us. They are about pushing the entire digital identity ecosystem forward.

Support and Future Discussions

So we are here to support you on this journey. And we are always open to feedback and questions. So if you want to dive deeper into any of these topics or have more thoughts to share, don't hesitate to reach out in our telegram group or join us during our weekly. So this is the free name domains. We'll talk an open discussion that takes every Friday at the same time.

Engaging with Free Name

Also, do not forget to join free name Telegram group that we will pin the above because the page will be conducting a price related today. If you want your web two or web three domains apprised, join the group, send your domain and page will do a prize for you. Thanks again everyone. Let's keep building the feature of the web together.

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