Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Meme Hour Ep4 hosted by okxweb3. In Meme Hour Ep4, delve into the realm of decentralized applications and the significance of self-managed wallets exemplified by the OKX Wallet. Discover the autonomy and security offered by onchain dApps, emphasizing user control and responsible engagement. Learn the distinctions between engagement and endorsement in the decentralized space while exploring the impact of decentralized technologies on user sovereignty, privacy, and security. Uncover the benefits of interacting with decentralized platforms, prioritizing user autonomy and data protection in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

For more spaces, visit the Wallet page.


Q: Why are self-managed wallets essential in the realm of digital assets?
A: Self-managed wallets offer heightened security and enable users to have full control over their assets without relying on third-party services.

Q: How do decentralized applications promote user autonomy?
A: Decentralized applications empower users by allowing them to interact with services directly, maintaining control over their data and transactions.

Q: What distinguishes engagement from endorsement in the decentralized space?
A: Engagement involves using decentralized platforms while endorsement implies explicit support or approval of a specific project or asset.

Q: What features make the OKX Wallet stand out for asset management?
A: The OKX Wallet provides users with a secure and user-friendly interface for managing various digital assets effectively.

Q: How can users ensure responsible engagement with onchain dApps?
A: Users should verify the legitimacy of dApps, understand the risks involved, and practice due diligence when interacting with decentralized applications.

Q: Why is user autonomy significant in decentralized technologies?
A: User autonomy enhances privacy, security, and control over digital assets, aligning with the core principles of decentralization.

Q: What are the key benefits of engaging with decentralized platforms?
A: Engaging with decentralized platforms offers increased control, transparency, and security over traditional centralized counterparts.

Q: How do onchain dApps contribute to user sovereignty?
A: Onchain dApps enable users to manage their assets on the blockchain directly, reducing reliance on intermediaries and enhancing sovereignty.

Q: What precautions should users take when interacting with self-sovereign technologies?
A: Users should prioritize security practices, such as safeguarding private keys, using reputable wallets, and staying informed about potential risks.

Q: How do decentralized technologies impact user privacy and security?
A: Decentralized technologies enhance privacy by minimizing data exposure and offer improved security through cryptographic protocols and peer-to-peer networking.


Time: 00:15:42
Exploring Self-Managed Wallets Insights on the importance of self-managed wallets for secure asset storage and control.

Time: 00:25:18
Decentralized Application Autonomy Understanding how decentralized apps empower users with autonomy over their digital interactions.

Time: 00:35:50
Engagement vs. Endorsement in Decentralized Space Differentiating between engaging with decentralized platforms and endorsing specific projects.

Time: 00:45:37
OKX Wallet Features and Benefits Exploring the functionalities and advantages of using the OKX Wallet for asset management.

Time: 00:55:21
User Control in Decentralized Realms The significance of user autonomy and control in navigating the decentralized landscape.

Time: 01:05:12
Responsible Engagement with Decentralized Platforms Tips on engaging responsibly with decentralized applications while understanding associated risks.

Time: 01:15:44
Empowering User Autonomy in Decentralized Technologies The empowerment of users through autonomous control over their digital assets.

Time: 01:25:33
Benefits of Decentralized Platform Engagement Exploring the advantages users gain when engaging with decentralized platforms.

Time: 01:35:07
Enhancing User Sovereignty with Onchain dApps How onchain dApps contribute to user sovereignty and independence in asset management.

Time: 01:45:29
Maintaining Security in Self-Sovereign Technologies Best practices for ensuring security and safeguarding assets when using self-sovereign technologies.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of self-managed wallets for secure handling of digital assets.
  • Exploring decentralized applications in the context of user control and responsibility.
  • Understanding the distinction between engagement and endorsement in the decentralized space.
  • The role of onchain dApps in providing autonomy and control over digital assets.
  • Insights into the functionalities and benefits of the OKX Wallet for managing assets securely.
  • How decentralized applications empower users to navigate the digital landscape independently.
  • Tips on engaging with decentralized platforms without implying explicit endorsement.
  • The significance of user control and autonomy when interacting with onchain dApps.
  • Exploring the principles of self-sovereignty and asset management in the decentralized realm.
  • Understanding the impact of decentralized technologies on user privacy and security.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Market Sentiment

Sadeena. Sadeena. Yo. Gmgmgm, everyone. Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening, wherever you are in the world today. So I'm looking at the fear in greed index, and for some reason, it's saying fear all around, like, in the low thirties. But you know what? I'm feeling pretty bullish on everything that all of us are doing here on crypto Twitter, but I can definitely see some fear in the markets. Crypto Twitter is craving for some memes to see volume again. So we've got a good, good host of speakers here today. So let's learn what's happening. But before we start, everything mentioned on this space is for information and discussion only and not for investment or financial advice. With that out of the way, let's get to know our speakers.

Introducing the Speakers

On the slurve side, we have grumpy and Udo. I'll let both of you go ahead and kick started. Introduce yourselves. What's up? Good morning, David. I'm grumpy, the founder of Slurf and buzzword collective. I think most people, have in here probably have spoken to me once or twice. if you haven't, yeah, I mean, that's pretty much it. I'm just founder Slurve. idiot. That burned $10 million. So, yeah, man, we've been, like, three spaces together already, so, man, it's always good to see you again. but udos, udles, please introduce yourself as well. Mandez. Good morning, everyone. We are udus. Udus was a CTo by slurf some time ago. It's a trench cat eating oodles of noodles, so, yeah, we are vibing. Awesome. Our next guest, we have Irene Chao, all of our collective asian mom. Irene, please go ahead.

Irene and Her Relationship with Slurve

Hello, everyone. This is Irene, your own chan asian mom that cares for you when you are sad. And my relationship with slurve is. Slurve is my son, although she's also my adopted son. Yeah. And I'm ready to adopt much, many more babies very soon. I think everyone is happy to hear that. Okay, next we have feve. Host, I think, of crypto banter. Yeah. Guys, do you hear me? Yeah, man. Perfectly. Yeah. Cool. What's up? Yeah. Host, the crypto banter. Yeah, what's happening? I have a show on crypto Benta. We're launching a school for beginners and just enjoying getting rugged on every single meme. Yeah, I think a lot of us can say that's past time. Okay. And our next guest, we have Slumdoge millionaire. Let us know, right from the slums.

Slumdoge Millionaire's Experience

Right from the slums, man. Live and direct from the slums. The slums of crypto Twitter. What's going on, guys? Slumdoge here. Just, I guess a quick intro. I'm the guy who, back in 2021, put my entire life savings in a dogecoin and turned $180,000 into $3 million and then went right back down. Your boy, round trip, $3 million. But yeah, that's me. Wow. How quick was the round trip? It took a little while. The trip up was much faster than a trip down. But it took 69 days to get to 180. From 180 to a million and then to 3 million. And then it took another year, a year and a half, I think. The round trip. Diamond hands, baby. Diamond hands. It was so funny because there's a millionaire in his name. I thought you are saying he's a millionaire.

Marketing and Branding Discussion

And then I go check his Twitter profile, I want to see how many millions he has. And I realize millionaire is his name. Wow. I'm gonna call marketing. That's that marketing and branding. I think a millionaire is not attractive enough. It has to be a billionaire. We'll get there. We'll get there one day. On the money. On the money. I agree. We're all millionaires in a certain currency. So we are just pre rich. Everybody's a pre billionaire. That's right. You heard it here. Everyone on the space today, Irene says we are all pre rich. Yes. Okay, I'm going to go ahead and get kick started. I'll kind of just shoot questions. You guys feel free to answer. This isn't formal or anything, so let's have some fun today.

Comparing Meme Spaces

First one I'll hit it off with is comparison of the meme space this year compared to, like, every other year. This year, memes have just gone completely crazy. It's dominated all metas. Everything's been about memes in 2024. And normally we get this kind of cycle of altcoins are going up, bitcoin is going up, and then it's memes, and then it's nfts, and then it's back to alts. But it's been consistently meme meme this in 2024. So what do you think is different in the market this year compared to every other market? And, yeah, take it away. I could probably hit this over to grumpy first man, because having launched meme coin this year, what made you feel like launching this year compared to maybe doing it earlier?

Grumpy's Perspective on Meme Coins

Well, in the prior cycles, I was kind of just like a trader. I feel like. I feel like memes have taken over the cycle mainly because people are just kind of tired of the utility coins and different things like that promise a bunch of shit and just never, they end up just losing all their money. I don't know. Memes are funny, they're relatable. And also, I feel like there's a lot more people in the space now than there was last cycle. So, yeah, I think that all contributes to kind of, and it's the fastest way to make money if you're a degenerate gambler. So I think mainly people just have a short attention span and they pop up every day. It just seems like the easiest thing to do is just find something funny and buy it. Yeah, I think that summarized the meme community pretty well.

NFT Cycle vs Meme Cycle

And Fefe, Samdosh, Irene, I guess you guys have been in the space for a while now, and I know, Irene, you got into nfts early as well. And do you feel a big difference between the NFT cycle in 21 versus the meme cycle now? Aaron, go ahead, mate. You can go ahead. February as well, I think. I'm sure. You know, I'm actually like, today is the day when my show today was titled that the Trump Musk interview put an end to the memes. And I actually definitely mean it. Like, the problem is that last night on this Trump Elondez, in these three hours when the interview was on, we had like 100,000 memes or whatever in 24 hours, and 10,000 memes launched only about this one interview. And this is dilution.

Perception of Meme Coins Compared to NFTs

So what I see is the exact same pattern that's been playing out with nfts, the exact same pattern. The only difference is that while NFT, you needed someone to buy the NFT off of you, and then you just reduce the prices and whatever. You waited for someone to basically hot potato buy it off of you when the whole thing started collapsing. This time it's literally just a click of a button and you get rugged. So the only difference I see right now playing out is that it's just much faster. It happens much faster, both the gains and the losses. But I definitely think that we come to a turning point recently, and for me, the realization what this whole Elon versus or not versus, but Elon Trump space came to a point where it's just over. It's just this cannot continue.

The Future of Meme Coins

Like, you literally cannot get any memes off the ground. Any meme you invest in probably is going to be run by the cabal and is going to get rugged before you can even get out. And, yeah, so I'm a little bit thinking that we're going to get some kind of rotation back to the normal tokens and bitcoin and the memes that run this year. Bitcoin probably ran because of the ETF, and memes probably ran because Degens came into the place and this was the gambling. But you have better odds at winning the lottery, or you have better odds at playing in a casino than buying a meme. I'm hoping you're going to make money. It's like 0.12% that eventually becomes so. I think it's like one and a half percent that gets through pump fund, and it's less than 0.2% that eventually makes it to the listing value of 69,000.

Meme Coins and Market Dynamics

It's almost like, you know, meme coin 101, right? It's like. It's like meme coin for dummies, right? Pumped out fun. And so I don't know, I feel like all those things played a factor as to why Solana ended up being the chain. Even though gas fees are lower. You know, gas fees are low on avalanche, gas fees are low in other places. But Solana just kind of is. I don't want to say first mover in the meme coin space. Cause they're not. But they're almost the most recognizable, you know, earlier blockchain that decided to do the meme coin thing early, you know, last year. And they kind of had the first wave of people moving from Ethereum. Cause. Cause the wave was, if you guys remember, 2021 was BNB, right? Bnb was a wave. Cheap gas fees. That's why everybody was on there, right? But the chains ass chain sucks. We all know that, and so then it was almost like everyone went back to Ethereum. Do you guys remember that? Like, Pepe was on Ethereum, right.

Shifts in Blockchain Preference

Everything went back to Ethereum. Chain, you know, during the bear. And so it was like, well, the issue with the gas fees isn't going to go anywhere, right? And so it was almost like, all right, so we're in BNB, then we go back to Ethereum. oh. Solana is way cheaper. And everybody's building on Solana, and there's meme coins there. Okay, let's go to Solana. Boom. Everybody goes on Solana, and it's almost like this kind of hot potato, like, okay, which blockchain is going to have all the meme coins now? Right? And Solana just kind of took the torch and ran with it. And now it's almost. The user base for Solana is crazy. The memes on Solana is crazy. And it's like, if. I mean, I still feel like base chain is going to bring a lot of people to the meme coin space too, though.

Solana's Potential

Irina, I see you are Mike as well. Please go ahead. Yeah, I think it's because, like, Solana has a lot of roles that actually, at the beginning, they are, like, working together because they have a very grand vision and they understand what the retails want. Right. And also they can start the meme coins by just creating with very small equity pools of the meme coins and then pump them to 100 million market cap. And also when retail see that, also the meme coins explode, and they got fomo really hard. And also, I think Solana really has very good kols. And they really call small ko, like ten k to 200k, very big size kols, Ansem, and a lot of kos that are really rooted in the Solana meme coin culture. I think that's also the reason why we see a lot of hype on the Solana ecosystem right now.

Retail Investors and Solana

I mean, I wasn't into Solana at all until, like, early this year, I bought the first Solana phone. That's how I got into the Solana ecosystem. And they just see endless kol shillings, Solanas meme coins, the projects everywhere, and then really get into it. I feel like, oh, it's really exciting. Everything about Solana, just so cool. Yeah. And I think a lot of retail investors right now are holding Solana and then become, like, the Solana max. Even, like, there's so many a thought about Solana, people say, oh, FTX. Like, the cost is like $100 the OTC add $100 to so many people. But people still very bullish on Solana. They think they're going to the $1,000. And I think Solana will be the. How should I put it? Like the ultimate casino, meme con casino for this cycle. I think it's proven the case as well.

Solana vs. Ethereum

Sorry, fefe, go ahead. I think there is one single reason why Solana took off, and that's because it worked. Like, that's literally the only reason we had eth, and it was shit. And then we had all the other chains that didn't really have something like Phantom. And then we just came in after metamask and after all these walls that were buggy and slow and expensive and a pain in the ass to use. And then we opened Phantom, and with a click of a button, we bought any meme we wanted. And were, like, amazed. And then pump that fun riding that wave enabled anybody to launch a meme for a fraction of a cost. Until that point, it was difficult to launch a coin. It wasn't easy. I couldn't have launched a coin just with a click of a button. But now, literally, a five year old can go on, read the instructions, upload an image and send it, no issues.

Accessibility and User Experience

And that whole easiness and accessibility, which is actually the major barrier to entry in crypto, is accessibility and understanding how to actually do things. It's difficult for retail to understand how. What is a bitcoin? What is a wallet? What do you mean? Different chains and whatnot. And Solana basically broke that barrier with very easy access and very user friendly. Like, Solana has a chain with their fast execution and cheap whatever. And then Phantom coming on top as being a fantastic wallet to that. And then pump fun coming on top, enabling anybody to launch a meme. I think that's the reason why it took off. And then you see Bong bot and all these bots that basically just went on top and made it even easier and cheaper and faster to use these things.

The Future of Base Chain

So what do you think that base kind of base chain needs to do to get to that level? Or is that even possible, you think, in your eyes? So base is very interesting. So, for me, I think it's like. So here's the thing. When you have Tesla, for example, right? Everybody else is doing electric cars now, but still, it's Tesla that is selling out the most. So I don't think that base cannot catch up, especially with, you know, on chain summer and especially with Coinbase reach and the legislation that will come. And especially if Trump gets elected, obviously Coinbase is going to be even more more popular, probably attract much more people, and that could funnel into base. But I just think Solana works. Like, honestly, this is what I think it works.

Challenges for Base

So I know base is great and whatever, but I don't think at this stage that base will be able to catch up. Like, there will need to be some catalyst ford base to become the thing. And that could be. We'll see. Because I genuinely think that retail is not here yet. Like, I think we all got ragged, we all got raised. I think it's like, I think it's like a market where we basically, like the ogs and maybe a little bit of retail, are in the trenches, basically trying to make money from these things. But I don't think that the 2021 or 2017 kind of retail is here yet. And when they come and they onboard on Coinbase, because that's easier than whatever that's being advertised, that could funnel into a. Because you will use it.

User Attraction and Competition

You know, base. Base is very user friendly. If you use Coinbase, extremely user friendly, why would you start gambling on Solana? So what I think is going to happen is that base probably will have these more established more. How do you say that? Like, more elegant memes, in my opinion. And then Solana will be this dirty djam place where you go and you just gamble. That's kind of what I think. And Fei, speaking about wallets, I know you have used the Okex wallet. Has everyone else experienced the OKX wallet trading? Holding your assets across 100 different chains makes it so easy. And I think one of the value propositions our product managers have done is providing that interoperability across the web three ecosystem.

User Experiences with Wallets

Yes. I'm a heavy user of ocas wallet since the audio stamp, that's how. I'm sorry, it's not relevant, but, yeah, it's the bitcoin ecosystem. I think ocas is the first one that adopted the Arduinos. Yeah, absolutely. Like, were very quick to spot that trend and quickly introduce it to our users. We saw huge amounts of traction amongst our established users and new users, so. Yeah, I'm glad you noticed that. Yeah, you were always very fast at, like, adopting the new product. I remember the 404. You're also the first one to adopt it into your ok's wallet.

NFTs and Emerging Tokens

Yeah, that is correct. I'm after Pandora went really viral. Okay. Swollen is the first one. Yeah. Even grumpy nose, like, when were working on the hybrid defi stuff, we thought that's, I think. I think were talking to you about it as well. Grumpy, right? Yeah, yeah, because were really excited about that, and I thought that would be like a real catalyst to change the whole NFT, the relationship between non fungible and fungible tokens. So that was pretty exciting. Moving back to what you guys were saying about Solana and base, and I was wondering if you think one of the key differences, not just because Solana, like you mentioned Fei, how Solana might become like a true djem place and how base would become maybe more sophisticated, but in my opinion, I feel like it's because of the infrastructure built on Solana.

Infrastructure and Trading Experience

So projects like Jupyter just had this great UI and great experience for people to start trading instantly on Solana, as well as the incentive that Solana just pumped like crazy in November, December. Whereas I feel like, and correct me if I'm wrong here, that base doesn't yet have that infra to that perfect ui that allows people to trade a almost instantly in a really nice and smooth way. So in my opinion, I feel like the infrastructure in combination with that massive pump just made Solana the perfect environment for trading, whether it's meme coins or other tokens. Irene, I saw you briefly unmaked that, so go ahead.

Community Dynamics

No, I'm just saying I agree with you. The infrastructure is important. Yeah, no, it also me. We know what else. So Solana also had a whole community of people that loved nfTs, right? If you remember, back when NFTs was blowing up, going crazy, there were NFTs on Ethereum and NFTs on Solana. So there was a community around Solana already because of nfts. And I feel like those people that kind of jumped into the Solana ecosystem were very familiar with it, very comfortable with it. So when this meme coin kind of wave happened in Solana, they were right there to pick it up, you know?

Meme Coin Launching Trends

But now, like, very few Solana projects have launched a meme coin yet. Right? But there's like Ethereum, like nfts, like, motherfucker, they launched the meme coins. There's more like Ethereum Nft project that launched meme coin compared to the Solana NFT projects. Right. And I wonder why is the case. Yeah, I feel like for on Ethereum side, a lot of NFT projects and anyone here to correct, jump in if I'm wrong. A lot of NFT projects became stagnant because there wasn't a lot to do on Ethereum, especially if you were launching on Mainnet, just because the gas fees were so high, like launching another collection on Ethereum, wasn't justified.

Transition to Solana

When you see people launching on base on Solana and people are paying next to nothing on gas fees, and then also able to incorporate stuff like hybrid defi into their project. And also, meme tokens just allowed you to be more liquid and provide that extra, potentially extra source of revenue to projects. So I guess that would be my take on why ETH NFT projects started, a couple of them shifting towards that Solana meme space. I'd be interested to hear everyone else's thoughts as well. Yeah. Just to add, like, with such easy launch mechanics now in the meme space, where I think like thousands or hundreds of meme projects are launching every second, do you feel it's commoditizing the space?

Commoditization of the Meme Space

And in a commoditized market, how does a project compete to be a breakthrough? Yeah, grumpy, go ahead. I think that they just need to do something different. one thing that I've been noticing is, yeah, there's coins dropping every day and everybody's been pointing out the statistics and stuff, but I mean, a lot of those coins nobody ever sees anyway. And I think that the projects that just kind of go their own route, that's one thing that I liked about the BNB projects. Whenever in 2021, where instead, like, they all kind of had a theme and they built little products with their ecosystem, and we don't really see a lot of that with the pump fund tokens.

Saturation of the Market

It's literally just a picture and a different ticker and it's just getting saturated. I think the Uwu token that launched, they built some cool shit. I haven't really looked much into it, but those are the kind of tokens that I like to see whether or not they work or not. It's just like, at least they're trying something. And BTW, the banana token or whatever, they kind of strayed away from the meta or whatever and got kind of a different meme with a fruit, I guess. So I think the way to kind of stand out is just to kind of try something different. Might work, might not, but it's better than kind of doing the same old thing.

Unique Approaches in Meme Creation

Yeah. So I kind of disagree, I think. I mean, in terms of doing something different, obviously you got to do that, but also that gets saturated. So, like, we, I was involved, or I'm involved with Tukr, if you don't know Tukur, it's a meme from Tucker Carlson. We created a meme media channel where you can look it up. It's actually absolutely incredible. I really, really mean it. A daily episode comes out with market news and whatever, we get the episode sponsored and then the money goes back on buying tokens in the market and burning them.

Innovative Content Creation

Very good. There was nobody doing content at that time. Nobody was doing video for memes. None. And then within two weeks, because it's so easy to launch a meme, within two weeks, the market, this kind of market was saturated again then. Now I know, was involved in the launch of bitcoin customer support. It's also pretty cool. Bitcoin customersupport.org dot and it's a fucking unique concept where you have an AI assistant in different voices, replies to all your questions.

Challenges in the Meme Market

So whether you ask something about Donald Trump or from Donald Trump, or you ask from Elon Musk or you ask from Michael Saylor, it will reply in those languages and it doesn't really matter because the market is very difficult. So I genuinely think that launching a meme now, this is why I said that they are done. Obviously, memes are not done for, but the fact that you launch a meme with something that is unique, I think when. When you have 25,000 tokens launching in a day, there is nothing that's unique.

The Future of Unique Memes

Nothing. So the game of launching something that is super unique, and then we're going to dominate the market, because this has never been done before. I think the time has passed. I genuinely think that. What's the solution? I don't know. And this is why I think that the end of this kind of era is over. So we will see. Someone will crack the code, someone will create a meme that will be sustainable and that will be really good. Other than just, you know, whatever, chicken, smoking chicken, fish, whatever that is, you know, like, it's great and whatnot. But I think it.

Meme Sustainability

But I think at some point we will get something. What is it? I said, that's actually kind of funny, right? It is. And they are. Okay, so this is something actually a good example. They are actually very funny. And they actually made a brotherhood, which is also something unique. But in general, like, 99.9% is funny. That's what we're buying into. We're buying into funny, you know, which is cool. But I mean, you can do that 25,000 times a day. I think some of the meme community would try to fight you on that one.

Concluding Thoughts

Yeah, I'm very happy to listen. And, hey, don't get me wrong, like, I'm not shitting on any of the memes. Just please, please come forward and debate me, because I would love to, but the problem is that there is no debate. You know what? I'll transition with that one, because you hit on sustainability. And I really want to chat about, like, meme sustainability, especially now when it's, like, hitting bearish market sentiment, although we're not completely bearish right now, and just because were talking about how special this year has been as well. How do you make memes sustainable? Like, I don't know if we've seen outside of, like, the big ones, like, doge and maybe Shiba Inu, what makes a meme sustainable?

Sustainability of Coins

I don't even know if. I mean, 99% of the top 100 coins that aren't meme coins are probably not sustainable. So for meme coins, I have no idea. Well, slurp is an honest baby. He has no idea how to make a meme project sustainable. I mean, the half the blockchains that we use probably won't be around in the next couple years. So meme coins, I don't know.

Discussion on Blockchains

What do you mean the top 21 won't be sustainable? What do you mean? I mean, not necessarily sustainable, but I mean, like, will people use them? Or, like, what was. We can't. I don't see a point in having a hundred different blockchains. There's going to be a few of them that end up being the ones that everybody uses are. That make it into, like, mainstream or, like, into the real world, quote unquote. But the rest of them are just all going to die.

Memes vs Layer Ones

So you're talking about layer one. Whichever ones make it. Yeah, layer ones. So, I mean, if. If it's that hard for layer one to become sustainable and be around for a long time, I don't know how long these memes are gonna be around. I mean, they'll always be new memes, but as far as one just sticking around, there'll be maybe a few of them this stick around, I guess, like. Doge and look, it's an honest question. It's a very honest question.

Investment in Meme Projects

Let's say I gave you $500,000. I don't give you. You have $500,000. You have to pick ten memes to put into. Do you put it in smoking chicken, fish. Like it. I mean, and it's nothing against smoking jiggers. I would put it into all the ones that are, like, pretty much put. It in the top ten coins out right now. If they're on there on Coinbase and finance, those are probably the ones I'm putting. Exactly.

Caution with New Coins

You're buying. You're buying doge, you're buying shibdeh, you're buying these ones. But the thing is the thing, is this the reason why I wouldn't put it in chicken, smoking the fish, or whatever coin is? It's brand new, bro. It could rug tomorrow, you know what I mean? Like, so are the 25,000 tokens that are launching daily, to be honest. Right? You wouldn't put it in a brand new coin, then those layer one, layer two, or, like, all your art coins, because all the cost, the narrative is, like, very short term, and the narratives keep changing every single day.

Sustainability of Meme Coins

But for a meme coin, it can be very long lasting. As long as it's like a concept. Like, it's like an OG meme coin. Like, people can come up with a lot of new memes every single day, and they can stick to, like, the meme coins that they like. But if, like, for example, if someone produced, like, NFT, like, NFT, like me, right? I created NFT project two years ago. It was really popular. And every creator, all the web two creators want to get into web three space.

Challenges in the NFT Space

We create this web 2.5 meta. We create this narrative where we want to build a bridge to bridge, millions of web two creators to web three. But then the crypto window just happened, and nobody interested in the NFT space anymore. And then our product just don't have the product market fit anymore. And the thing is, it's really very hard to build a dapp that has a product market fit. And that's why all these dapps are creating their own layer one, layer two.

The Role of Infrastructure

They're creating their own infrastructure, because the infrastructure cannot go wrong. Because you don't have dapps, the narrative of infrastructure can just keep going and going. But so I think there's difference between the meme coin and altcoins, and I think meme coin might be more sustainable because we can always come up with new narratives to fit the meme coins. Instead of building a real project that people want to use, it's way harder.

Changing Narratives in Meme Coins

But that's like meme coins as a narrative, right? Or like meme coins as specific tokens. Oh, meme coin as a narrative. I mean, keep changing the narrative because meme coin, it has no utility. So, for example, asian mom, right? I can say it's me, but next year or like a few months later, I can get some other asian women to come in to represent asian mon meta. It keeps changing, it keeps evolving.

Building Community Through Memes

As we have a bigger community, we got more people involved. People will come up with new ideas about meme coin and make it much broader, make a much broader concept. And the narrative just keep changing every single day and keep updating. And it's more sustainable in this way. That's what I think. Well, I think the difference is meme coins don't promise anything, right? So we remember the icos back in, like, 2017, right?

The Risks of Promises in ICOs

There were projects that were, like, talking about utility, and we're going to do this and we're going to do that and we're going to change the world, and we're going to solve all these issues and all these problems. And people were investing and buying into these projects with all these promises that didn't deliver. And these people basically got rugged, right? They lost all their money with meme coins. You know what you're getting into as soon as you buy into it?

Understanding the Nature of Meme Coins

It's a fucking meme. Right? Narratives are going to be there, but the utility that they decide to bring, if they decide to bring any, comes later, comes when the community is huge, comes when there's so much, like, activity with that meme coin that they want to bring utility to add more things to it, right? Add a roadmap, give people more value for that meme coin. It's not just a meme coin anymore.

The Current Landscape of Meme Coins

It's become more than that. Right? But they never promised anything from the beginning, and I feel like that's why meme coins are going to continue to be successful, because there's no promises there. You know, you're buying the me all. The project I want me to promote for them say they're going to 100 million or 1 billion valuation, and it never happens. So I think they still.

The Nature of Investment and Promises

No, no, but, no, but I agree with you. I agree with you. That's one thing. No, that's. But that's not. That's not. But that's not based on utility, though. We're going to a billion is just. Oh, we're going to go to a billion because we're going to be such a hyped up meme. People gonna have fomo, they're going to buy into us, and that's what they're hoping for.

The Evolution of Investor Sentiment

Right. But they're not saying we're gonna go to a billion, because we're gonna create an app or an adapt. We're gonna create a Dex. We're gonna create this. They're not saying that I agree with you. And also, just to notice, very interesting to see that when you. When in 2017, you bought into an ICO and you've been rugged, you were the stupidest. You're like, oh, my God, I can't believe I bought into this team.

Changing Perspectives on Rug Pulls

I can't believe I bought into this. Whatever. Now you get rugged on five memes a day. You're a hero. You know, it's so weird how the sentiment changes around memes and icos, and 100% agree with you on the fact that's the only difference, and that's the main difference, in my opinion, is that there is no promising memes. You literally know you are buying a hot potato, and you're buying it because you think you'll be the first one to buy and the first one to sell.

Community Dynamics of Meme Coins

That's literally the only reason, except some of the few exceptions where you buy the token, because you think that the community is great. You think that whatever the token is representing, because basically, memes are communities. You are buying into communities. And so you think that the community is so strong that will survive for the next, whatever, five months, then you buy in. But in general, you don't buy into division.

Managing Community Expectations

And I agree with you. I agree with you with the fact that they don't promise anything. Yeah, I think you guys are managing pretty well by setting an expectation on. On all these memes that are making these great. So many of them, like Irene was saying, so many, they're just reaching out to everyone, saying that they're going to meet the next billion. They're going to onboard so many different users.

Challenges in Meme Coin Management

And that's usually, I mean, that's very rarely, rarely ever the case. And then, yeah, sorry, Irene. Go for it. I just want to say, I got rocked so many times where the agency promised me that they're going to pump it to 100,000,003 days later, just go down to zero. And from, and after that, I, like, seldom do promotions for meme coins, but it's because it's really hard to tell which meme coins gonna pump because everybody promised the same thing, right?

Navigating the Meme Coin Landscape

Oh, this one is going to 100 million. This one is going to be the, like, the only meme coin that is at least animal. That's gonna go to, like, 100 million valuation. Yeah, just say there's a lot of, like, promises in this way in the space. Yeah. I think with the. Home, with the whole meme space, I think what's the highest value proposition is that it's community driven.

Community Driving Success

It's. And I think some of the strong l two s or the strong layer ones that we see in this space today is because they have a very strong community compared to the vc tokens that many people also talk about. There's different mechanics on how they achieve that hype. But with community, when it's out in the public, sorry, with memes, when it's out in the public and we see the price increase or any price action, it shows and displays the community sentiment.

Community Resilience

And I think we had a project on the space like a week or so before and they were talking about how their community, even during the diphthere, is still strong in their telegram chats, attending all the VC's and just rallying behind it. And it's when they're in the trenches, that's when you get that cult formation. And when it comes like time for summer, then it just, there's such a big force behind it that what I think everyone is appreciating just how well community drives a meme project.

Building Trust Through Community

Yes, I agree. I think for a min project to be really sustainable and successful, you need to have your base. And how you build your base, you have to have certainty, alignment and transparency. It's only through this way you can build a project that really have confidence in you and really believe in whatever you do. And they are the only ones that will be with you when the market dumps and when there is like a dip in the token price.

Creating a Loving Community

So community is really important. That's why we are trying to build asian mom community. Since day one. Since a month ago, everybody, people asking in the community, but now they ask much less because now they know they're there for the love from the mom, not there to make money. That's how we start to build a really loving community.

Community Growth

How many sons do you have now, Irene? How many sons? I think about like 4000 sons. Hungry every day. Hungry for mommy's love. 4001 now, Irene. 4001 now. 4001. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I get more babies tonight. Yeah, I'm just here to collect more babies to our telegram group so they can feel the love.

Advice for Meme Communities

Yeah. Yeah, I think. I think sloth, you guys can like really play to the community angle as well because the community you've rallied throughout tokens and through your NFT launch as well has been pretty crazy. So what's your advice to like memequint out there building their community, how do you maintain it? How do you keep them all happy? How do you sustain it?

Running Things in the Community

You cannot make everybody happy. That's what I've learned. Sometimes you just have to make certain decisions that are. It's not going to. Some people might be upset, but you have to think about what's best for the project as a whole. I've been in a weird predicament because we've been paying back the pre sales this entire time.

Balancing Community Needs

So it's like, sometimes I have to make certain decisions to take care of that the people who just are focused on the price going up, obviously they're not gonna like it, because they just want the price to go up. They're not really worried about the people who lost money and stuff like that. So that's been my predicament. my. My recommendation is just, you're not gonna make everybody happy.

Advice for Project Founders

It's just impossible. So just do whatever you think is best as a founder for your project and for at least the majority of the community. Yeah, I think that's pretty wise words. And then, I guess, on Fefe, slumdog, Irene and Udo's as well. Please really jump in. Like, when you guys are, like, looking into meme coins and the meme communities, like, what are you looking for?

Defining a Good Meme Community

What defines a good meme community? A good meme community or a good meme coin community. Community. Let's go from that aspect first. Well, community, you, you know, you go to all the places where community grows for a meme coin. That would be, you know, their telegram. Make sure their telegram, you know, it's Poppin there's a lot of activity there.

Activity in the Community

People are talking like real people, not just bots and stuff, you know, the following that they have on there. And I feel like Twitter is probably the. The second place I'd go to and see what the chatter is on Twitter, see what the talks is on Twitter kind of spaces. Those are probably the three biggest, I feel, telegram, Twitter, community, and spaces, and how often they're hosting spaces and what they're doing.

Community Engagement

I guess I give an example of, like, you have some communities which really rally around, like, spamming other projects and, like, talking about how the price is going to go up, and then you have other communities which might just be doing their own community art and sharing memes and everything, but I guess it's that precarious balance of the two types of people within your community who are not just lovers of the meme, but just want to see price go up.

Resilient Communities

For me, I got to tell you, I don't hold the token, but I love the community. Lfgo community is literally the best community online that I've seen in memes. So I think for me, a community is resilient, meaning when the price starts dropping, it's not like everybody hating on everybody and then people complaining in the telegram and then, you know, trying to get exit liquidity from whatever.

Humor and Engagement in Community

And the second, it has to be very funny and the community has to feel it that it's its own. So the reason why I bring LFGo as a very good example is because if you look, all their raids and everything they do, they have these guys in the telegram, they share templates with each other and they generate personalized memes for the post that you see.

Creativity in Community Engagement

So, for example, if I post about a, I don't know, fight, then they generate a fighting Lego figure and they write something like Geo. And these are people who are just token holders, and there are hundreds of them. So I think the community needs to stand behind the coin with full force and need to kind of belong to the token. And when shit hits the fan, which eventually will, the community shouldn't start hating on each other.

Community Dynamics During Downturns

Well, because we see that a lot of times, I see it, that when the price drops, it's. It all becomes, we don't care about the price. Look at Tukur as well. Tukur is also a great example. So Tukr has been, you know, went from, like a million market cap to 100. So the first time I called, it was a million and then it went up to a hundred million, and then from there it went down to, like, I think it's like 10 million or something like that.

Consistency in Community Engagement

And they, regardless whether it was at 100 million or 1 million, they put out one video every single day. So you have two communities. One, where it's just a funny meme and, you know, it's just fun and you do something, and, like, lfgo, you actually participate in the creation and the spreading of the meme, not just randomly spamming everything, but. But making it clever.

Delivering Value Despite Challenges

And two, where you have something like Tukr, which has some kind of utility, and the project is delivering, even though, with the utility, even though that the price is not mooning or the market is dumping or whatever that is, you know, so that's, for me, that's the two main thing. Oh, man.

Past Comparisons

Yeah. Yeah, I think. You know, I can actually compare this back to 21 nfts as well, because community gain was also a massive aspect and similar to what you were saying, you know, like if price was dumping hard, the community would still be like, you know what, I'm still holding strong. I'm still holding strong.

Community Resilience in NFTs

And they'd be like sending out memes of their nfts as well. This went on until even like last year with projects like Nakamigos where people were just still going crazy over it and posting about it and making theories online. So I guess in that aspect, this could be compared to the NFT community again back in 2021 and still there are a lot of holders.

Value Beyond Price

Like, Irene, I was checking your NFT out the other day as well and its still not cheap, to be honest. Yes, it's still not cheap. I don't know why people say it goes to zero. It's not zero. Okay? It's like more expensive than most of your like blue chip nfts anyways.

Discussion on Free Mint NFTs

Yeah. And it's a free mint. Okay. It's a free, free mint anyways. It's just funny. Yeah. Yeah.

Learning from NFT Sustainability

So I guess the learning from that is if you want to learn about sustainability, check out the nfts in 2021 and who's still around. Sorry, grumpy man, you've got your hand up for a while. I don't know if that's a hand up for recently.

Community Engagement in NFTs

Yeah, I was just going to answer like, what I look for in the NFTs are in the communities, for the, for token communities. And it's really content creation, but not by the team. Like, if you see, if I see like a bunch of people making their own content for a project that are just community members, that's generally a bullish signal for me because it's something that we saw a lot with slurp in the beginning. We had tons of artists just making their own artworks all the time. And with a couple other projects I see now there are people making their own IRL content and stuff for projects. And I think that's probably, I mean, it's just like the highest level of people working for their bags, other than just like shilling under comments and stuff like that.

Challenges in Sustaining Communities

I want to add that. Yes, sorry, I want to add that because of pump one, we almost don't have communities and it's pretty hard to sustain one, but yet teams just have to grind and just try to get back the community. Like everyone is chasing next big thing and ten x's or 100 x's. So we just have to get through this. Yeah.

The Importance of Founders' Vision

Irene, go ahead. I saw your mic there as well. I'm just saying, I think the founder of, like, whatever project, they have to have a very long term vision, and they really want to be in the space for a long time. And therefore, they wouldn't want instant dump, they wouldn't want to rock because they think their reputation is more important than anything else. If they think that's the most important thing, which is the reputation and how you can make the space a much better place, then you will show that aspect to yourself or to the communities.

Building Strong Community Bonds

And community members would know that, oh, actually, he or she is a serious builder, is here for the long time, is here to take care of us, no matter the market is green or red. And from that, like, after knowing this, right, the community will be much more bounded because they know they are in it for the same reason they're in for a much better cost, which is to make the space a much better place. I think that's very important to have this aligned vision we need for the long term, not to make short term profits or, like, use each other as axial liquidity.

Sustainability in Meme Projects

Yeah, I mean, this is Meemaw episode four now. so we've had, like, three other episodes with a bunch of meme coins already. And I think the key point from everyone so far has been consistency. like, keep pulling out the memes, keep pulling out the content, keep engaging with the community. Make sure that everyone sees that you're there every day. And. And I think that seems to be my takeaway, from all the meme projects on how they've so far maintained sustainability even through the highs and the lows. So, yeah, it's been pretty interesting, I think.

Predictions for the Future of Meme Coins

Bang on there, Irene. I'll hit to the last question of the space before we finish because we're hitting time. And I guess to all of you guys, any predictions for the meme space in the last quarter of 2024? What do you think is going to happen? Pure speculation here. So go as crazy or reasonable as you think you are, I'll shoot it.

Speculative Market Insights

Everything to a billion. Yeah. Okay. Fair enough. I'd actually love to see that. Yeah, I'll hand it over to Samdosh. I think we're going to see the biggest run up on meme coins that we've ever seen, to be honest. Like, whatever you guys remember from 2021, it's going to be that on steroids, like, we've already seen the potential of Solana.

Future Growth of the Meme Market

We've seen what Solana can do. You know, we've seen a base chain. There's been some activity there's been even a little bit of a run on avalanche, like I said before, but we haven't even touched, like, retail investors yet. I feel like Coinbase is going to be a huge catalyst. They're going to bring their over 100 million users over to base chain and just make it, I don't know, make it fun again, you know, but we haven't seen the wave of new users that I feel like we're going to get here very soon.

Emerging Trends in Crypto Community

DOJ, and I wanted to ask. Sorry, slump. DOJ, I want to ask, since you made your millions, even though it was a cycle, what are your thoughts on the rally behind Nairo? Oh, I think, honestly, Nero is gonna be one of those coins that people that hold those coin and people that hold Sheba can finally shake hands and get into a community that represents both.

The Rivalry Between Dogecoin and Shiba Inu

Right? Because I remember the biggest back in 2021, it was the biggest rivalry between Dogecoin and Shiba Inu that I was like, bro, if we could just both get together, both of these communities get together and rally behind one coin, we would be unstoppable. Because if you remember, dogecoin, like, peaked at like $90 billion market cap, right? Shiba inu, I think, was 40 or 45.

Meme Coin Market Dynamics

I don't know. But I know that at one point, Shiba Inu flipped dogecoin in market cap, and I was like, this is so stupid. Like, to basically, everybody behind both of these coins are behind the exact same thing, right? Like dogecoin. The breed of dog that is Dogecoin is Shiba inu. And that's why that took off. And I was just frustrated that it's split into two major communities and two major meme coins when it could just be one.

The New Legacy of Dogecoin

Right? And I feel like with Nero, that kind of puts all that to rest because Nero is the next Dogecoin. You know what I mean? The dog that is Dogecoin Caboso, that dog's owner, got a new dog because CabO so unfortunately passed away. I mean, I don't know if you guys know that the dogecoin dog died here a couple months ago, and so everybody's been super sad about that.

The Transition to New Dogecoin

And then the owner of the Dogecoin dog went and adopted a brand new dog named Nero. Sustained, you know, Shiba inu, same breed of dog as Dogecoin. And, you know, she'll post stuff on her blogs, vlogs, pictures of Nero. And I feel like finally now this like a new, you know, it's almost like an awakening of dogecoin again.

Unified Dogecoin Community

And I feel like the Dogecoin community came behind it, the Shiba Inu community behind it, the floki community behind it, because it's all a part of the original dogecoin, and now it's going to be Nero. You know, I feel like there's a lot of potential here. Which hero do I buy, though? Well, I usually. Whenever there's more than one, I usually look into the communities.

Investment Decisions in Meme Coins

I'll look into the. The telegrams, I'll look into the market caps. I'll look into who's doing what, which one is more active, which one is actually. Which one do you hold the most of? Personally, I hold the one on etherium. That's the one that I hold, so. Okay, so it's Nero on ethereum.

Approaching the Future of Meme Coins

That's what. That's. That's the one that I personally believe is gonna go to a billion and beyond here, because it's something that, like. Solana fumbled the bag on this one. I completely agree, bro. I completely agree, bro. The first couple weeks on, when Nero first came out, it was kind of a battle of who's got what, who's gonna go, which one is gonna be successful, right?

Reflections on Growth and Market Activity

And I think originally I had actually got one on Solana, and I feel like, what the fuck happened? You know what I mean? Like, you guys have the narrative, you have all this, and they just seem like they fumbled it. And then I kept looking at other neuro coins, and that's when I found the ethereum one.

Comparative Analysis of Cryptos

And it just seemed like the team was way more solid, more focused, more organized. The community was there, the price action was working. You know what I mean? Like, it was. It was going up. It was trending on Dex tools, and it just seemed like, okay, whoever. Whoever these guys are, it seems like they know what they're doing, and, you know, the proof is in the pudding.

Evolving Market Perception

We could see which one has the highest market cap and which one continues to grow here. I feel like it's a no brainer. Like, everybody getting a neuro right now. You guys are the one, or the Degens. You guys are the ones in the trenches. You guys are the ones here every single day on crypto, Twitter.

The Coming Meme Coin Renaissance

That's why you know about it. But the retail investor, the people that bought Dogecoin in 2021 that, like, exited, you know, after Saturday Night Live, and they just went about their lives. They're gonna come back to Twitter. They're gonna come back to crypto, you know what I mean? Like, they're gonna come back to meme.

Nero as the New Dogecoin

Coins when it becomes, you know, the biggest thing ever, when the bull run happens and they're gonna be like, oh, remember dogecoin? Yeah. The new dose coin is nero. You know what I mean? And it's. The narrative is there, bro. It's. It's very easy to explain to anybody what's going on with that.

Closing Thoughts and Shilling

Yeah. I need to get it. Gotta give me some ethereum. I need an NFA, like, emoji here so I don't have to, like, say anything. Do your own research. Yeah. It's not financial advice, guys, but I don't know, it just makes. The narrative is so strong for me, you know, like that.

Nero and Dogecoin Legacy

That's the actual owner that had dogecoin, the one that took the picture, that became the meme, that became a world's worldwide sensation. That same owner bought a new Shiba inu puppy or new Shiba inu dog. And that new dog is named Nero. Like it just like. Okay, I get it.

Understanding the New Trend

That makes sense. Like, it's a no brainer. Yeah. You know, actually on Thursday, we got another space with Nero. So everyone here, you know, feel free to join like we have. Yeah, I'll jump in. Yeah, man. Cool.

Upcoming Events and Promotion

Yeah, I'll add you to the group. Yeah, I'd like to. I'd like to join for sure. No. Okay, cool. It's a party. Yeah. We have a big announcement coming for OKX wallet on Thursday.

Anticipation of Announcement

So, yeah, we've got those guys jumping on. I'll add you as well into the TG, too. So, yeah, we'll have some fun there. I think we'll move to fife on. What was I asking again? Predictions.

Outlook on Meme Coins

Yeah, predictions for last bit of 2024 on memes. Yeah, sorry, guys, I'm out. But, yeah. So for me, I think we need global liquidity. I think for the next two, three months, depending on what happens with rate cuts and whatnot, it's gonna be choppiness down and choppiness.

Market Expectations

But I do think that meme coins will pick up again. I do think that this mania will start again. And that's going to be the top of the bull, I think, for the last three months when you're going to see this again, what happened? I think that's the top of the bull market.

Different Perspectives on Predictions

That's what I think. Yes. That's great, because I think it's good to get those two takes. I'll move swiftly on to Irene. Irene. Same question? Same question.

Future Forecasts

I think all the main projects, all the dj's in the crypto space need their own chain, asian mom, that's my. Prediction and I think no one disagrees with you.

Closing the Discussion

Yes. I will shoot it to grumpy. Oh, no, I already said billions. Everything. I don't want to say it again, to be honest. Everything to billions. Every single thing.

Concluding Remarks

Okay. Oodles, oodles, do you agree to billions and trillions? Of course. Of course, yes. Same as I said, I think this chaos will continue for some time, but like, people will get bored, less tokens will hit the radium and communities just will be back with the strongest memes.

Final Thoughts on Market Trends

So they will grow to billions. I am loving I the bullish sentiment across the board and I think that will probably end it here today. Samurai, do you have any last words as well?

Gratitude for the Discussion

No, I absolutely love the space and thanks for everyone for being online. Been one of the nicest spaces I've been on. Yeah, I appreciate the opportunity as well.

Summarizing the Experience

I think it was great discussions, great guests up here. So thanks for the opportunity. Yeah, 100%. I've absolutely enjoyed it.

Promoting OKX Wallet

I'll take 10 seconds to quickly shill Okx wallet. If you haven't tried Okx wallet already, what are you doing with your time? It's going to make your web three life so much easier.

Highlighting Features of OKX Wallet

100 plus chains base Solana eth everything evm you can trade all your favorite meme coins on OKX wallet. 0% fees. We have express mode. It's super fast.

Trade and Functionality

You can trade memes. We have one of the lowest, I think the lowest transaction failure rate on Solana. So if you're trading memes, just, you know, and you don't want to fail, then Okesh wallet, that's your place to be.

Comprehensive Services

Nfts defi everything you need all in one place. And of course, you can feel free to join over all of our Twitter spaces with great guests like the ones here today. So everyone on the space, make sure you follow everyone here today.

Staying Connected

There's a lot of things you can learn from all of our guests. Stay in touch with everyone. Make sure you hear all their updates. It's great.

Anticipating Future Events

And hopefully you'll see some of them again on Thursday. Make sure you tune into our new space on Thursday. And big news coming then.

Looking Forward to Engagement

It's going to make your web three life even more fun. So to everyone speaking, listening, thank you. Have a good day and have a good night.

Farewell from Participants

Thanks, David. Thanks. Thank you. Ciao. Ciao. Bye. Thank you.

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