Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Meme Coins Super Cycle with $MAD hosted by LBank_Exchange. Delve into the world of meme coins and the $MAD super cycle, exploring strategies for identifying CryptoGems, trading on platforms like LBank, and engaging with the crypto community for valuable insights. Learn about risk management, the importance of research, and the benefits of diversifying your crypto portfolio. Stay informed on market trends and be cautious of speculative risks. Join Telegram groups for support and leverage community knowledge to navigate the dynamic cryptocurrency market effectively.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: What are Meme Coins, and why are they popular in the crypto market?
A: Meme Coins are cryptocurrencies inspired by internet memes, known for their speculative nature and rapid price movements.

Q: How can investors identify high-potential CryptoGems for significant returns?
A: Investors can research upcoming projects, analyze market trends, and look for innovative solutions in the crypto space.

Q: What is the role of platforms like LBank in trading Meme Coins?
A: LBank provides a platform for trading various cryptocurrencies, including Meme Coins, offering liquidity and market access to investors.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial in the cryptocurrency market?
A: Community engagement provides insights, support, and ideas for better decision-making in the dynamic crypto market.

Q: How can investors manage risks associated with meme coins and speculative investments?
A: Risk management strategies include diversification, due diligence, setting stop-loss orders, and staying informed about market developments.

Q: What precautions should investors take before investing in any cryptocurrency project?
A: Investors should conduct thorough research, verify project legitimacy, assess team credentials, and be aware of potential scams in the crypto space.

Q: Why is it essential to stay updated on cryptocurrency market trends?
A: Staying informed helps investors capitalize on opportunities, adapt to market changes, and make well-informed investment decisions.

Q: How can investors leverage community support for their trading journey?
A: Engaging with the crypto community provides networking opportunities, trading insights, and emotional support during market fluctuations.

Q: What are some key considerations for diversifying a cryptocurrency portfolio?
A: Diversification helps spread risk across multiple assets, sectors, and investment strategies, enhancing portfolio resilience and potential returns.

Q: What are the risks associated with speculative investments in the cryptocurrency market?
A: Speculative investments carry high volatility, regulatory uncertainties, project failures, and market manipulation risks that investors need to assess carefully.


Time: 00:12:45
Understanding Meme Coins Exploring the origins and characteristics of Meme Coins in the crypto space.

Time: 00:25:18
Identifying CryptoGems Strategies for recognizing promising projects with substantial growth potential.

Time: 00:37:59
Trading on LBank Explaining the benefits of using LBank for trading Meme Coins and other cryptocurrencies.

Time: 00:45:30
Community Insights on Telegram Importance of joining Telegram communities for valuable trading tips and discussions.

Time: 00:52:14
Risk Management Strategies Guidance on managing risks associated with meme coins and speculative crypto investments.

Time: 01:02:06
Research and Due Diligence The significance of thorough research before investing in any cryptocurrency project.

Time: 01:15:29
Diversification for Portfolio Stability Benefits of diversifying a crypto portfolio to mitigate risks and optimize returns.

Time: 01:25:48
Staying Informed Importance of staying updated on cryptocurrency market trends for making informed investment decisions.

Time: 01:32:05
Community Support in Crypto Trading How engaging with the community can enhance trading strategies and emotional resilience.

Time: 01:45:20
Understanding Speculative Risks Awareness of the risks involved in speculative investments in the volatile crypto market.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the concept of Meme Coins and how they operate in the crypto market.
  • Identify strategies for discovering promising CryptoGems with the potential for significant returns.
  • Utilize platforms like LBank for trading Meme Coins and other crypto assets.
  • Engage with the community on Telegram for valuable trading tips and insights.
  • Seek support when needed to make informed decisions in the volatile crypto space.
  • Stay updated on the latest trends and opportunities in the cryptocurrency market.
  • Diversify your portfolio to manage risk and maximize potential returns.
  • Be cautious of risks associated with meme coins and speculative investments.
  • Research and due diligence are crucial before investing in any cryptocurrency project.
  • Cryptocurrency investments require a deep understanding of market dynamics and risk management.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Twitter Space

And what is up, guys? Welcome to another Twitter space here at yaobank. I'm your host, Mohan. Today with us, we do have one and only one spectacular meme coin or a project, pardon me, that just merge out of nowhere and they are taking the social media by storm. I personally got hooked up to their videos. It's amazing to watch what their team has been building and has built is an amazing thing. Today with us, we have Matt and I will give them the mic. Hopefully they hear it, me talking now and they will join us any second. But I will call everyone now on space to give them a follow because you don't want to miss this. Well, what's up?

Welcoming the Guests

Hey, what's up? We're here. Okay. That's amazing. You can hear me. That's the most important thing because sometimes x spaces do sometimes glitch and I cannot hear my guests or they cannot hear me. But anyway, glad to start on a great leg. But anyway, please go ahead, introduce yourself to our audience. Tell them, what do you guys do? What do you do at Mad? And let us know more about you guys. All right, amazing. So I've been doing a few spaces, so I'm representing the mad community. So basically Mad is the ultimate degenitive. He's addicted to meme coins. You know, he's a party animal. So whenever he makes some juicy games, he go out and party and.

Understanding Mad

Yeah, and Mad loves to make friends. And basically Mad is you and you are mad. Everyone resonates with Mad. I know that I'm mad and I like meme coin. So he do resonates me and I think 99% of the people in the space. But anyway, I really want to know, I have some questions for you because alban community really want to know more about your project and what you guys have done and plan to do. Can you maybe ease me through what's mad and memes after dark? Is that the. That you guys are posting? Let me know.

The Spirit Behind Mad

I mean, Mad is a meme coin. It started as a meme coin and I just explained basically the spirit behind mad. He's not a dog, he's not a cat, he's a party animal, he's a DJ. He's basically 99% of people in this community. We're all here for the gains, but we also like to celebrate. You know, we're degens. Like the meme coin industry is the less boring industry in the planet. People are degenerates. People like to laugh, they like to party, they like, to gamble. They're just crazy. So basically, mad is really that person, right? It's really hard to represent that in a cat or in a dog.

Memes After Dark

So that's why mad is what it is. And memes after dark is something really powerful. Memes after dark. Basically, it's a movement. It's a movement that is led by the mad DJNs. The mad DJNs is the name given to our community. They're the mad DJ's. I know some people call them army and like, whatsoever, we are the mad degens. And the goal of the memes after dark movement is to create the biggest meme coin ecosystem and to bring all meme coins under the same spirit, under the same ecosystem. And the idea here is not to take over another meme coin, not to flip this meme coin or that meme coins.

Building a Community

This is really not the spirit, because I've seen a lot of projects, I mean, we've seen a lot of projects, you know, speculating, oh, we will take over this, we will take over that. The goal here is really to build a big, massive family and to take over the world, basically. We're not here to take over meme coins. We're really here to bring the masses into meme coins and making the whole ecosystem contribute. Because the more people join meme coins, the more liquidity is going to be there, the more exposure we will have, and the more fears this industry will be taken.

Explaining the Ecosystem

Memes, as their dark, is much bigger than just a meme coin. It's an ecosystem, and everyone holding mad will benefit from this ecosystem. Basically, if you're holding mad, any project or any partnership that get into that ecosystem is going to contribute to that ecosystem and, you know, directly, like benefits the holders, basically. So I'm not going to go far into this because we're planning to release more information about how these benefits work. But yeah, that's what it is indeed.

Team Strategy and Vision

And my next question is, basically what I pin up there and what you guys are doing is, I think you have out of hope any other meme coins or the project won't get mad top tier content that you guys are doing. And I can only imagine what you guys are planning to do. But now my question for you guys is, what's the team strategy and vision to grow mad? Because you guys are growing. I think you guys are top account on Instagram. You have very large amount of following there, and your videos are popular either on TikTok or Instagram.

Content and Community

But can you walk us through your guys strategies? Is that what we see with the content. Is the content main priority or what? That's. That's a really good question. I mean, thanks for bringing this up. You know, like, we're super proud of what's going on with our content. Instagram is breaking records right now. You know, like, were very new project, and the views are just insane. The engagement is insane. And the content, like you mentioned, like, we believe it's the best in the industry.

Innovative Approach

Find us one project that does better content the way we do it. I don't think it exists. So I think the content is top notch. We're innovating. This is sick to come back to the team. I'm in direct contact with the dev team, and what you have to understand is when you invest in a project, you bet on the team, and you bet on the team's ability to build a community, to build a real cult around that project.

Team Structure and Professionalism

What I can say about the team is that it's nothing. Three dudes in their mommy's basement hustling and, like, you know, like, throwing some random dj memes and posting them. Like, basically, like, the team is huge. Like, they're around 35 to 40 people. They're all professionals. Like, they're extremely smart, and they're running the show like a company. And this is the safest bet that people can make because this is literally run. Like, it's going to become the next pokemon.

Long-Term Vision for the Brand

It's not run like a random Djen movement that is just going to make people laugh. Like, these guys want to take over the IP. They really want to build something solid. They want mad to be everywhere. Like, merch, everything you can imagine. So, basically, the strategy here behind mad is to start as a meme coin, but then close partnerships, very key partnerships, and then bring even more project into the ecosystem. Keep dropping insane content, attract attention, and basically just keep building during the whole bull run.

Community Engagement and Brand Recognition

And even after the bull run, like, really, like, create a legacy. Like, create a brand. Like, something that people talk about, think about pokemons, punchbops, our words, like, any iconic brand. That's a good example. So that's what Madge is building. And they're putting the community in the center of this, because the community is everything, and the best ideas come from the community, because basically, the community reflects directly on what you want to see. Yeah, that. That's how they operate. and I'm very bullish, to be honest.

Potential of MAD Coin

Geez, I mean, I don't know. Am I allowed to say that? But I'm too. You guys. That's great. You guys came prepared indeed, you guys came prepared with the whole brand thing and uniqueness and everything. But do you think the mad has potential to become the next blue chip meme coin, basically, or a project, even though, because you guys gonna have a closing line, this and that, God knows what you guys are planning to do, but do you guys have ability, or do you see that as you guys are going to become a blooming coin blue chip? Yeah, that's a really good question also.

Market Cap and Team Resilience

I mean, just look around you, look in the ecosystem, what's being done, and I can tell you can count the number of projects that are able to do what we do. But even more projects that did what we did so early, usually project reach at least 500 mil market cap or at least 200 mil market cap to start doing something decent, right? But Matt did all of this so early. So first I want to mention something like the project was near dying, right? There's been some issues with some whales nuking the project, some kols nuking very classic stories, like horror stories, but what happened is that Matt came from, it dropped to a 700K market cap, and organically, just by seeing the team operate like beasts every single day, dropping insane content, dropping insane announcement, making progress, chilling with the community, brainstorming with them.

Community Strength and Execution

We've seen the project go up to 40 mil in just a few days. And then it just. It's a proof that the project is unbreakable, it's a proof that the community is strong, and it's also a proof that the team executes, because there's a lot of bullshit in this space. There's a lot of. There are a lot of teams that promise you the moon, they promise you, I don't know what. They either end up rugging or they just end up giving up, or they end up doing like a CTO or something that is not viable. But what we've seen here is a proof that this project is here to stay.

Quality Content and Community Metrics

So this is the first point. The second point is, I mean, just look at the content, look at the quality, look at the memes, look at the brand, look at the effort behind this, and also look at the community engagement, the number of holders. I mean, every single metric is going up, of course. I mean, if you look at the charts, there are some ups and downs. It's normal, it's the market. The market was nuked recently, but every other single metric is going up. The views are blowing up, everything is blowing up.

Future Outlook

So I really believe that the team will never stop delivering, from my understanding. And if it's the case, which I believe is the case. I mean, it's going to be more than a blue chip, to be honest. So, yeah, that's my opinion on this matter. And my question actually, it's a bit answered during that one. But why should people buy and hold token? Yeah, I mean, yeah, I can answer this in a different way. I mean, everyone is buying crypto to make money.

Investment Potential

Like, you know, I mean, like, everyone knows this, right? However, imagine I, you had the opportunity to invest in Pokemon in early stages. You know? I mean, if anyone looks at, like, imagine you don't even know Pokemon, but, like, you look at their art, you look at their storytelling, I mean, you will definitely understand that this has potential. Right? So that's pretty much the same thing with mad. Don't really see it like a meme coin. See it, like, is this my chance to be part of the next big brand?

Fun Community Experience

If you think it's yes, then you have every reason to hold it. And also, I mean, this is like the big picture image. Like, you know, and then you have also, like, the other side where the team is working hard to reward people. They're working hard, you know, like, to create incentives. But also, like, it's just fun. I mean, just come to the telegram. It's fun. Like, people are degensitive. Like, it's really fun. Meme coins. The videos are funny. Everyone see themselves in mad. And also, like, mad itself is a cool meme coin.

Creative Potential of MAD

I mean, there's just so much you can do with the cat, you know, like, mad is. It can be anything. It's just super funny. So, yeah, I mean, I believe there's every, like, I mean, if you don't hold mad, I don't know, which other meme coin would you be bullish on? I mean, there are a few, but very, very few. It's limited. So. Yeah, indeed. Thank you so much for answering that question.

Community Management Strategies

So how do you guys manage your community and how do you keep the hype alive? There's a lot of hype, that's true.

Building Community and Transparency

But how do you take it to your own advantage and keep building it more and more, breaking those records, as you said? Yeah, I mean, to be honest, I don't really like the word hype because sometimes it's misuse because a pump and dump or rug pull can be a hype. Right. So the idea here is to, like, of course, have some hype, but be, like, very organic. And the way to keep people engaged and to keep people stay in your community. But at the same time, to grow it is really be transparent. Be very honest with your community when things are going well, where things are not going well, like just be super transparent with them because people are not dumb. People know when there is something going on, you know, like, so by showing people that, you know, that they're not dumb, that you're listening to them, like, just this itself will solve a lot of problems because there are a lot of dev teams that really like treat their community like shit.

The Importance of Community Engagement

Like, you know, that's the first thing, transparency, listening to what they have to say, involving them in everything you're doing. So that's really the key. A lot of dev teams think that they're the smartest. That's not true. Your community is smarter than you. Your community can be leveraged to infinity. You can leverage their connections, you can leverage their network, their skills. So by building a big family that believes in the project and listening to them and having real systems in place, and that's why I'm saying that the team is managing this like a company. They have systems, they know what they're doing. Everything is so organized, everything is, you know, like they take note of everything. Like sometimes they're like some telegram VC's the next day some actions are executed on the community's ideas. Like, this is completely crazy.

Thriving in a Competitive Market

I've never seen that, to be honest. And yeah, so involve your community and just keep dropping the best content in the industry still relevant. Navigate the trends, keep showing your community that you're making progress. And I think there is no formula other than this. As we did touch on the basics and how did you guys thrive basically? And you're showing how is the things are done and there's only potential to grow more. I mean, I think you guys didn't expect to grow this fast, but indeed you are. And now the sky's only the limit for you. What makes a meme coin thrive amongst so many with the same names, with the same pictures, with the same everything, what makes the meme coins strive?

Challenges in Meme Coin Success

Yeah, that's a really funny question because to be honest, there's just going to be like, out of all the meme coins that you see right now, I believe like less than one percent will make it alive. So I think it's really about having that long term vision. Having your community aping into your vision, which is difficult because the dev team sometimes have some vision and explaining it to the community and then translating it into action, then into content, then into something tangible is real skill sets. And I think this team have it so what makes mad completely different is really the leadership of the team and their ability to build a community. And also the community, when it's built, it's here to stay.

Community Resilience

And as I can see, like in the telegram, in the comments, in every single event that is going on, I can see that the community is just getting stronger and bigger and even better. The jeets are out. I mean, a lot of jeets are out. Like, you know, like these people that are just here, like, for small bucks, and they don't really care about the project, which is really important. So, like, it's just raving fans right now, and we're all in here together building a real brand that will stay. So how we have to think about it is, can this project survive after the bull run? If the question is yes, then this project will thrive.

Assessing Project Durability

So you can also see other projects and think about it, can they survive after the bull run? The answer is no. And I can, like, I don't want to name any project, but I really think that 99% of the meme coins that we see every day will die and no one will care. But, like, memes, like mad that are building a real brand, that are trying to become a real company that will have merch, that will have, you know, tv shows and like, all these kind of things that the team is cooking, I think that this will make it in the top 1%. So, yeah, that's what I think about that.

Shifting Landscapes in Meme Coins

And when we move and talk about other meme coins and especially bring your example to it, what's the new meta for meme coins? Is it mad? Yeah. So the new meta, I mean, we had, before the dogs and cats, we had those lucky early movers that came in with very basic concepts, very little effort, and were able to pump their chart and then dumped later on and whatsoever. But I really think that there is a new meta right now. A lot of people will tell you, oh, it's like coins related to politics. And, like, I really think those are temporary metas.

Culture as the New Meta

I think that the real meta for meme coins is culture. And what is culture? Culture is building a brand, building something that people will resonate with, something that people will wear, a something people will watch every day, their kids will watch it. Like, for example, we had so many people in our community telling us that their kids are addicted to mad videos. Like, this is, for me what a real brand will become. So the new meta for me is brand building. Real brand building. And this can be done through many ways.

Branding and Audience Connection

You have the mad furry narrative, you have all these things. The reason why the mat free narrative is becoming so big, it's because their characters really resonate with people. Their characters are funny, they resonate with people. And you can really make merch out of it. Take breath, for example. People can really make merch with breath. Right? So that's the meta, it's brand, basically. And to just figure out on that answer, how do you introduce meme coins to normies not in crypto?

Introducing Cryptocurrency to the Wider Audience

Because you did say there's kids who are watching who are addicted to your videos. You have series of videos, that's, your guys are paving the way for all crypto, not only for mad, but you're introducing a whole new generation normies to the crypto. How do you, how the ideas came to mind? Yeah, that's really good. You're saying this, and I just want to emphasize the memes after dark movement, which is really to build a massive family with all those other projects.

Collaborative Efforts in the Crypto Space

And by projects, I mean serious projects like meme coins to really pour our resources, our network and our knowledge together, to pave the way for the normiels to join and to make that meme coin space so big it can't be ignored. So the way to do it is really have appealing content. And your content needs to be so frictionless, so funny. People really need to resonate with it. It just needs to embody the culture as a normie.

Creating Frictionless Content

You're scrolling on Instagram, on TikTok or on Twitter, and then you just pop in that content. It's just going to make you laugh. You're not even going to think that it's a meme coin. But later once you become addicted to that content because it's funny or it's whatsoever triggering some emotions in you, then you're just going to start trying, like, you know, you're going to try to understand, like, what's going on, like, what is this? And then you're going to figure out that it's a meme coin and that you can buy it.

Simplifying User Onboarding

And then from there, it's our job to have very simple tutorials to show people how to get a piece of the pie, basically, and to make them understand that, you know, you can purchase this thing and like, the price can go up, it can go down. Here are your risks whatsoever. You can take some profits or whatsoever, but if the project end up being successful, then obviously you're going to be rewarded. So that's basically the way it's really frictionless, mass appealing content and brand building you can go to a store, you can see, like, a mad t shirt and just buy it without even knowing that there is a meme coin behind.

Cultural Integration

Right. So really, like, just be native to the culture. And thank you so much for doing the whole work for the crypto space and preparing the new and young generation to us.

Getting Involved with the Project

So what can the people listening to this space do to help you guys help the project to get involved in it? We have over 300 live listeners now. It will be later on, more after the space finished. So what's your. What, what would you say to them? How they can help this project become bigger, indeed, bigger, how it should?

Resonating with the Community

yeah, I mean, that. That. That's a. That's a really good point. I believe, obviously, I'm not going to say this cheesy thing, like, hey, follow the page and whatsoever. Who cares about the followers, to be honest? It's really like, if you resonate with Mad, you're a Mad degen. Even if you hold less than a dollar of Mad, you're considered as being a Mad degen. And we will be dropping announcements of what it is to be, like, a mad degenitive.

Building a Telegram Community

We'll be creating a telegram group, and in this telegram group, people can join. And the goal is to make mad go even more viral than it already is and to start posting content about Mad. And we do have a group of mad leaders that were handpicked from the community, and these people are the leaders of this movement. And the goal is to provide our mad legions with, you know, some content and just to start posting and spam basically all their network and let them know how crazy we are and how crazy Matt is.

Content is King

So that's really, like, the goal is just to take over social media, because we all understand that content is king. And the more people help us make mad go viral, the more it will actually go viral. So, yeah, and of course, I mean, you can also follow the page, but, yeah, that's it.

Engaging the Community

And I will call everyone now listening and later on to just click on either post up there and go on your profile and just follow. You guys engage with the content. And of course, just click on your profile. Little picture here, mad, with this amazing artwork. Just click there, give them a follow, and, of course, be part of the community.

Describing the Mad Community

One more question. I really want to know. How would you describe the mad community? How would you describe the people in it from the start or just joining in? How would you describe them? In a couple of words. I mean, you know, there's a lot of weird people in crypto. But I'll say that mad people are not weird. They're actually super cool. They are funny. And yeah, it's always a pleasure to talk with them.

Memes and Interesting Content

And like, I mean, if you just go like 15 minutes in our telegram, you will see that they're just a bunch of degens posting memes and actually seeing really interesting stuff. And, yeah, I mean, I just love the community. Like, they just like, you know, I mean, I can't wait for the first in real life event, but the community is cool and I think we have one of the coolest community.

The Vibe of the Mad Community

I mean, I've been in other telegrams and I can feel that there is a real mad vibe. Like, I can really feel it. I don't know, will I get you in trouble? But I, I heard something. Real life community meetup. Is that what's coming? Maybe. Okay. Okay. I hope. I hope somehow we can meet with alban community and mad community together.

Imagining Future Meetups

The first meetup maybe could be with us or something like that. But with the potentially just the tickle, the imagination of the people listening, maybe that can come. Why not? I mean, of course, and if there is, if ever there is a mad party, you can expect something really wild because mad is all about the extremes.

Mad Energy

You know, he's either hustling super hard not sleeping, or he's going to be partying like crazy. So, like, it's never average. It's always one or the other. Indeed. Indeed. Amazing. I mean, I'm popped up for it. Of course. I'm going to be a part of the community and I will call every l banker listening to this space to just go enjoy the great community you guys are.

Creating Engaging Content

And to be honest, I'm also. Hook up to your videos. Just keep them coming, man. Yeah, I know. There's something special they make you want to watch it over and over again. Oh, indeed they do. There's a secret mad sauce.

Wrapping Up the Space

Yeah, it is. It is. Definitely is. I just want to thank you for coming on the Twitter space here at y'all bang and explaining what's mad and giving us the whole idea and the concept behind it. Thank you. I really appreciate it and thank you. And I'm honored to speak with you.

Looking Ahead

And I'm also looking forward because I have a feeling that we're going to have a space really soon because you guys are going to accomplish so many things in a short time period. Yes. I'm pretty confident about this. Just one word to end this, you know, mad is a lifestyle.

The Spirit of the Community

Mad is a spirit. And let's get mad. That's the community vibe. Yep. Let's get mad and keep trading at Albank. Have a nice day. All right. Have a nice day.

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