Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space MEGA AMA 10 projects | $800 Pool Prize hosted by storyfireapp. The MEGA AMA event on StoryFire featuring 10 diverse projects and an $800 pool prize highlights the convergence of web-3 gaming, social media, and decentralized finance. Through insights, networking opportunities, and incentives, the event showcases the potential and collaborative spirit within the DeFi space. Participants engage with the $BLAZE-powered platform to explore innovative applications, drive community building, and foster ecosystem growth. Such events play a crucial role in raising awareness, promoting partnerships, and driving innovation in the evolving landscape of web-3 technologies and decentralized applications.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: What is the significance of $BLAZE in the StoryFire platform?
A: $BLAZE plays a crucial role in powering the web-3 gaming, social media, and DeFi features on StoryFire.

Q: How many projects are participating in the MEGA AMA event?
A: The MEGA AMA features insights from 10 diverse projects within the web-3 ecosystem.

Q: Why are AMAs important in the crypto and blockchain space?
A: Participating in AMAs provides valuable knowledge and networking opportunities for enthusiasts and investors.

Q: What is the incentive for participants in the AMA event?
A: Participants have the opportunity to win an $800 pool prize by engaging in the discussions.

Q: How do events like this contribute to the web-3 ecosystem?
A: Events showcasing innovative projects foster collaborations and drive awareness about web-3 technologies.

Q: What benefits do collaborations among projects bring in the web-3 space?
A: Collaborations lead to a thriving ecosystem, promoting growth and interoperability among different projects.

Q: How can community-building activities like AMAs impact the DeFi industry?
A: Community events like AMAs contribute to education, awareness, and engagement within the DeFi sector.

Q: What are the networking benefits of participating in such events?
A: Networking in events like the MEGA AMA can lead to valuable partnerships and collaborations for further innovation.

Q: How can incentives like the $800 pool prize drive engagement and interest in web-3 communities?
A: Awards like the $800 pool prize attract attention, encourage participation, and promote community engagement within the web-3 space.

Q: How do events like this showcase the potential of web-3 technologies?
A: By bringing together diverse projects, events like this highlight the innovative applications and possibilities of web-3 technologies.


Time: 00:15:38
Insights from Diverse Projects Exploring perspectives and innovations from 10 different projects within web-3.

Time: 00:25:12
$BLAZE: Powering StoryFire Features Understanding how $BLAZE integrates gaming, social media, and DeFi functionalities.

Time: 00:35:44
Networking Opportunities in Crypto Events Discovering the networking benefits and collaborative opportunities in the blockchain space.

Time: 00:45:20
Incentivizing Engagement with $800 Pool Prize How the $800 pool prize motivates participation and engagement in the AMA.

Time: 00:55:02
Driving Awareness for Web-3 Innovations Showcasing the latest trends and advancements in web-3 technologies and decentralized applications.

Time: 01:05:30
Community Building in DeFi Exploring the significance of community events like AMAs in educating and engaging the DeFi community.

Time: 01:15:18
Collaborations for Ecosystem Growth How partnerships among projects contribute to a vibrant and interconnected web-3 ecosystem.

Time: 01:25:45
Partnerships for Innovation The role of networking and collaboration in fostering innovation and advancements in the crypto space.

Time: 01:35:10
Promoting Interoperability in Web-3 Encouraging interoperability and integration among diverse projects within the web-3 ecosystem.

Time: 01:45:55
Engaging with the Web-3 Community The importance of incentives like the $800 pool prize in engaging and connecting with the web-3 audience.

Key Takeaways

  • The event features insights from 10 diverse projects within the web-3 ecosystem.
  • $BLAZE powers StoryFire, offering a unique blend of gaming, social media, and DeFi functionalities.
  • Participating in AMAs can provide valuable knowledge and networking opportunities within the crypto and blockchain space.
  • Events like this showcase the innovative intersection of gaming, social media, and decentralized finance.
  • The $800 pool prize incentivizes engagement and participation in the AMA event.
  • Such events help in raising awareness about the potential of web-3 technologies and decentralized applications.
  • Collaborations and interactions among projects foster a thriving web-3 ecosystem.
  • AMAs on platforms like StoryFire contribute to community building and education in the DeFi space.
  • Networking in such events can lead to partnerships and collaborations that drive innovation and growth.
  • Awards like the $800 pool prize attract attention and interest in the web-3 community.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Mega AMA

It's mega Ama time, guys. Everybody, let's tell you first of all, let's just get this off the bat because we want to get this started and we want to get this thing rolling. We've got times to hit for everybody. So let's just get this started. There is dollar 800 in the prize pool today in prizes all across our different AMA's with different people, but also from storyfire and itself. And I'm just going to tell you about one of the prizes because impact you right now. The best shoutout post. Okay, so right now you want to be shouting this out and getting as many people involved. What's on the line? There is a 100 USDT prize by token events for the best shoutout post. So get that. Now if the second best post is going to get $50 in blaze and the third best is going to get dollar 25 in VSX. So get those shoutouts now. We're going to be reminding you all the way through, but start shouting it out now because we've got some amazing guests heard before, some fresh guests and fresh takes on stuff. Let's not miss out on this. Let's get this thing started.

First Guest Introduction

So the first team that we're bringing in is a team that we've chatted to a few times. Brendan is there. He sat there, requested. I'm going to add him as a speaker. Brendan, as soon as you can speak. Welcome everyone. Get this shouted out. Get this to as many people as you can. Brendan, you can now speak. Brendan, welcome to the amae. Hey, Sam. How you doing, buddy? Glad to be here. I'm really well. Is it also grant jumping in as well? He's not. I'm speaker for three today. Grants away. Cool. Yeah, just checking because I can see this on the sheet. There's yourself as the primary guest, but there was a few other people listed beside your name. Cool. So just Joe, before I get going with chatting to you about three, I just want to let people know that best question, there's a prizes for best questions.

Prize Details and Engagement

So keep asking questions throughout. Best gift. Get gifts in the chat because there's prizes throughout. Best comments, best shout out. And right at the end of this, we're hosting a karaoke with Beamie and there is going to be a $100 worth of prizes in that as well. Plus all the buzz points that we're going to be giving away. We will tell you more about those prizes as we go, but, let's get this started now, brendan, you're involved in the best comment tell people what's on the line with the best comment and then we can find out more about three. Yeah, sure, absolutely. So for the best comment today, we are giving away a token. Mate. If you, if everyone here is not excited about that, then I'll be amazed. Last time we had over 350, or was it 450 comments? Let's beat that. We're already on 14. There's about 2 hours of this. We want as many comments as possible, but keep shouting us out. So Brendan, tell us about three.

Introduction to Three Project

Anybody who's here who's never heard of three, sort of bring it to life for them so that they understand exactly what your project is all about. Yeah, sure, absolutely. So what we're building at three protocol is big. It is ambitious, but it's something that we feel is very much needed in this space. So what we're doing is we're building a fraud resistant, cryptocurrency based e commerce tools to make crypto accessible, secure form of global payment. And we're aiming to do that for everyone from the debanked, the unbanked who may not have access to national banking systems, to the crypto savvy and privacy conscious, and basically just anyone who wants to kind of take control of their assets and be able to maintain their privacy. And the unique way that we're doing that is through our three core pillars of technology, that being our zero knowledge proof digital ids, which are called Zki three s, which enable kind of on chain reputations to be built without the need for KYC and necessarily connecting your wallet and having all of your transactional history available for people to go through our procurement, matching neural network AI just for efficient marketplace searches and making sure that people aren't wasting time and they're getting matched up with what it is that they're looking for.

Technology Behind Three Protocol

And the third being our try proof smart contracts to combat any kind of fraudulent activity. And they operate via the function of our DaO. Now we implement all of those three pillars of technology across our decentralized marketplaces, including our first, which is currently being released in beta and just about to be released to the public in the next kind of couple of weeks. And that is jobs three, which is a freelancer board and a permanent employment board to basically help people find good talent within the web three space, and also web two as well, should they choose to use it. Then we have plans, of course, to then expand into other decentralized marketplaces in the future as well, to the likes of a decentralized version of eBay Auto three, which will be like an online seller for vehicles. Three eats. So think like a decentralized Uber eats or deliveroo, and three taxi, which will be like a decentralized Ubere. So did you want me to dive in a little bit more about the tech with those, Sam?

In-Depth on Technology

You can. You can, I think, as well, we're getting quite a few comments in, so we'll chuck in some questions. So if you take a few minutes to dive in on the technology, and then I'll pull out some questions that are coming up in the comments. Yeah, awesome. Sounds good. Sounds good. So I suppose the first and foremost, which is a pretty big topic or industry that's been growing in the space in the last couple of years, and we're starting to kind of get really, I suppose, connected in the network with the varying projects that are on the whole kind of ZKP tech initiative. And the way that it works in our system and what we're building is so that it will form a digital identity that obviously is based on the blockchain, but it gives individuals the control over their personal information. So the Zki three s actually allow you to choose what data you will reveal and display to the public on your profile and any information that you do upload onto the platform, that will all be done through a hash. And it's actually a series of hashes as well, so it keeps your data very private and secure.

Privacy and Security Features

Should there be an instance whereby an authority or anyone tries to come along and about an individual, the only information that we will be able to give them is hashes. And for anyone that doesn't understand, hashes can only go one way. You can only hash data in one direction and it cannot be reversed. And in the case of ours, it's hashed twice as well. So you've kind of got two layers of security there. And basically these decentralized digital ids will then allow you to kind of make payments securely, of course, instantly and privately without that whole kind of KYC progress that we would normally see. If you're trying to work online and create an identity in the field, so they basically then will be operating on a reputational score whereby people once if you look at the jobs three platform or a freelancer platform, once they've done provided services for people, they will then be reviewed and then they'll start to build up just like Fiverrhead, bit of a star rating, and the same. Then on the kind of marketplaces like eBay, when you've got sellers who are selling products and those products have been delivered people can then go and leave reviews and then that way again, your reputation on that id is what will then carry you forward in the space.

AI and Efficiency in Searching

Really love that explanation. If we look. Sorry, I've interrupted. All good? All good. No, thank you. If we look at the AI side of things. So it's what's called a procurement matching neural network AI, or PMNN AI. And it's kind of a hybrid model which uses a series of different parts of AI. So you've got nn approaches whereby we use Bert for user queries, CNNs for product, and for the review of images. So say for example, you wanted a particular, an electric drill or something, then you might upload a picture of that drill and be like, this is what I'm looking for. And that AI will then be able to go and find products that have been listed for sale that match the image that you're trying to search for RNN's for product service descriptions and reviews. And then something that's called siamese networks, which basically is for the product and service feature particulars.

Enhancing User Experience

And then finally gnns, which is the relationship data between actual products. So where you might have similar things, but they might be a different model or a slightly tweaked or updated product. And so what all of those acronyms mean really is that the users can then find their desired goods in kind of any of the three protocol marketplaces very quickly, thanks to the neural network AI. And then since the systems kind of track their preferences, it'll show the best matches. And at the end of the day, what we're trying to do is save time and just make the platform more convenient and mainstream for audiences. You know, people spend so much time online these days and it's easy to get bogged down and before you know it, you know, hours have passed. So by using prompt based searching as opposed to kind of keyword searching, it just going to shortcut that process and really make things more efficient for people. And this is all technology that we're building ourselves from the ground up.

Token Distribution and Community Engagement

Nice. The. No, I was just going to say, great explanation, really love you. And I, well, we've chatted with three in general about the product you're bringing. I think it's a, I think it's an amazing product from, from, like my perspective, from the time I've spent talking with you and actually knowing how people interact with the world around them, like with reviewing, with taking people on things like fiverr, etc. Etc. Like what you're building here is amazing, but there's a really good question here, which I think covers something where it sort of applies to sort of almost a universal. I've just literally had it in front of me, and then it disappears. Yeah. Found it. The sort of universal problem that we all come across in the web three space, which is you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. And the question comes from a guy who says he's super bullish on three, and then he, but he also asks, a little bit further down, why has his question disappeared out of nowhere?

Safety and Release Timing

There's now suddenly so many questions and so many things. He basically said, are you prioritizing the safety of your product through time? And if so, is that having an impact on your price? Is this a balancing act for you? And that is the damned if you don't. If you release it too quickly, you get blasted. And if you release it too slowly, you get blasted. There's no win. But are you prioritizing safety and taking a cautious approach? And if so, why? Is basically his question. Yeah, and it's a fantastic question, actually, because it is, I suppose, if, for lack of a better term, a bit of turbulence that I suppose we hit in terms of, we did initially release jobs three, the platform earlier, it was in June. And when it first came out, we did realize that when we kind of piled all of the technology in together, it started to create a few bugs and issues. And in terms of kind of the right hand talking to the left and then the third hand trying to talk as well, it created a bunch of kind of hurdles.

Development and Future Goals

So what our development team have had to do is kind of go way back to the drawing board and kind of build everything back from scratch again. And so that's where we do see a bit of a delay in what we're doing. But given that this is the first platform that will form the basis of all of the other marketplaces, exactly as you said there, Sam, we want to make sure that we kind of get it right to begin with. And then you build a strong foundation and you can build skyscrapers on top of it. But if you do it dodgy, then a simple, single story house will fall over. So we want to make sure that we do get it right. And it's something that we're really kind of grateful for our community that have been able to stick by and see the vision and stay bullish on the whole idea. We are, yeah, a couple of months behind where we want it to be, but at the same time, what we're building is quite enormous and making sure that it's done right I think is the most crucial thing for the long term.

Optimistic Viewpoint

Kind of jevity of everybody, of the community, of token holders, of users of the platform and of the space going forward in general. So yeah, that's kind of where we're going right now. And now it's kind of exciting because the last few weeks has just all been testing, testing, testing. And the website itself is, I'd say 99% there. We're just optimizing for mobile now, as we know in this space. Well, in all online space, I think it's, I don't know, statistics exactly, but it's something like 70% of online users go online on their mobile. So we need to make sure that the mobile aspect is seamless as well and that everything operates and is optimized there. So we're getting very close now and very excited for the public release.

Engagement on Prizes

Amazing. So just before I ask the next question, I just want to remind everybody the best comment. So Doug's team here from three, they're going to award a $100 worth of three token to the best comment. We're already up to 123 comments. That's a quarter of what we got a few weeks ago in 15 minutes instead of 2 hours. So keep that going, keep that rolling, because we will find the best comment and someone's going to win $100 and $50 and $25. So guys, keep asking your, keep asking questions, keep chucking in comments. We're watching it all and we've got a team of people watching it all at the same time. So people want to get three token. I'm sure they must be hyped. I'm a three token holder. Why would I not be? It's such a great project.

Access and Availability of Three Token

Where can people buy it? Yeah, sure. So you can get it on uniswap, you can get it on Mexie. There is a couple of others out there too. I think Blaine is one of them. Yeah, the most common would be Uniswap and Mexi. That's great. So everybody shared with us. Everybody. Like if everyone here just became a $25 holder of three, that's such a small amount. But bear in mind, last time, by the time everyone had finished listening to this, there was 1200 of you. We're expecting much bigger numbers today. If everyone just was holding $25, that is something you could just sit, forget about and see what happens over the next year. Because I know, speaking to these guys, this project is going to go crazy.

Future Prospects and Encouragement

Maybe you hold a little bit more, maybe you hold a little bit less. But why not hold onto a project that's attempting to deliver so much and has such a phenomenal team? Go check out their white paper. Go check out their website, look into their team. You will see it's a fantastic team. Okay, Brendan, we've got four minutes left. Something to invigorate people about three before we move on to the next project. Yeah, sure. I suppose one thing to kind of keep in mind is that what we're building is planned to go global and we want to make it as inclusive as possible. By the way, thanks for that. Awesome, shil. But we have a massive focus on inclusivity.

Community Building and Education

And so there's two kind of components to that. One is that we're big on education and we want to be able to help people bridge from web two into web three. We see that for true mass adoption, we need to bring across a lot of the people who kind of are sitting on the fence with cryptocurrency and who are just unaware of all of the benefits and I suppose maybe unaware of the downfalls of what the fiat system may end up being. So education is a big piece, and secondarily to that as well, making sure that as many people around the world can understand what it is that we're doing. So we are translating our lightpaper and website and everything into multiple languages. We're already part the way through that with Mandarin and building out communities in various parts of the world as well.

Potential and Global Reach

We plan to do that with Portuguese, with Spanish, with Turkish, so on and so forth, and just continue to try and make it something that is accessible for everybody around the world. I think there's something like 1.4 billion people who are unbanked. That means people who don't have access to traditional banking system, and it means that they can't share their talent online. Not necessarily that 1.4 billion, all of them have a talent. But even if you take, you know, 10% of those people who might be extraordinarily useful as an employee, as a freelancer, as a designer, as anything in the space, there's so much untapped talent that currently aren't able to kind of share their passions and their skills with the world.

Vision for the Future

So we want to try and enable those people to have access to the broader community and to have access to online commerce, and we want them to be able to do it in secure and privatised ways. So, you know, should there be any kind of concerns of kind of central oversight or governmental control or tyranny that rains down on some of these people. As we're seeing more and more of around the world, we want to be that kind of place and call for freedom where people have that ability to be able to, you know, act in the world as they should be able to and have access to all of the amazing things that is possible for everybody to be abundant. And at the end of the day, I think it's about community, it's about inclusivity, and it's about really kind of.

Conclusion of AMA with Brendan

Yeah. Just. Just providing that for the. For the space that we see a big gap for right now. Amazing. Brendan, thank you so much for joining us this morning. Everyone send up hundreds, send up emojis, but also right now, every single person here, I want you to take this and. And tell everybody about what's going on right now. Tag three people. Because remember, the best post to promote this ama is going to win some. There's a $100 prize, there's a $50 prize and a $25 prize. So send this now to as many of your friends right now. Get it pushed. And at this point, we're going to invite in our second guest, Doug, you have been given speaking ability, so welcome to the mega Ama.

Introduction to Second Guest Doug

Doug, why don't you introduce yourself and tell us about Miggles. Yeah. Thank you very much. Yeah. Can hear you loud and clear. Yeah. Great, great. So I'm speaking for Mister Miggles today. So we. We are the organic CTO based around Coinbase, Mister Miguel's campaign. I don't know if you've seen this. So we are now more than a month old, actually, and have made tremendous progress since then. In the first days, we really. There was a real huge hype around the project and shoot up to over 100 million. And yeah, since then we have established a really great team. Team. A big CTO team. We talk about 15 to 20 people which really all have their own connections and experience and bring in whatever they can into the project.

Collaboration with Coinbase

We are actually also in direct talks with Coinbase and base. We have docs, team members talking to them in real life meetings and aligning on the strategies and marketings, what we can do in order to support the base vision and mission to onboard more than 1 billion people onto base. And yeah, that's pretty much, let's say, our task right now. We have a great community established in the meantime, support from so many angles. So many, be it whales or entities, formed many partnerships already in the first month. But there's also much more coming so yeah, we want to be the leading cat on base and the leading supporter. Actually we are meme project, but the main utility is actually also supporting base in order to onboard as many people as possible and also having this web two to web three transition and empowering the creators because that's all what base mission is about.

General Progress and Future Plans

That's amazing. I've actually just posted up your x account into the comments, so if anyone wants to go check out Mister Miggles on base, they can. And actually you're talking about being connected up with base and obviously Coinbase. That is a. I know, previous stat on that was they had 18 million KYC wallets. That is a phenomenal attachment. Once you get attached up to Coinbase that you know, you're cracking the world in terms of web three and if anything's going to do it, generating $100 million in the first month, that's going to open some eyes. How did you feel when the first million happened?

Describing the Launch and Achievements

Actually, myself, I came in at maybe 10 million, to be honest, because I don't know if you know the history of the launch here. This project was launched on Ape store. So it's like the pump farm sun or the sun pump of Solana or tron. And the dev actually left very early. So it was a CTO taken over. And I personally at that time, I was not active on base because the volume was quite low and everybody was on Solana or Ethereum. And then actually only at the second day when I saw Coinbase and base and all the guys interacting with Miguel, the character, once more, I said, man, this is serious.

Growth and Development

You don't see usually interaction from Coinbase with meme coin. So I have to take a closer look. And yeah, actually I was astonished when I saw the quality of the team and then I joined the team and the CTO team and supported it. Since then I made all the connection, or many connections, let's say, to this success we have already. We are listed on more than 20 centralized exchanges, including get IO, Bitget, Maxi and so on. So the top tier two, I would say all actually for free. That was also a great accomplishment. And yeah, now we are actually also working on the next big catalysts.

Future Catalysts and Collaboration

We can't really name them yet, but I've seen many ctos in the past. I'm in the space since 2017, so I've seen a lot in this space, but I've never been, I've never seen a CTO of this high quality and connection. So we are really looking forward for the next weeks and months. There are big things coming. Yeah, that's huge. Follow the main account, join the telegram and you will know as much as possible for the moment. Yeah, 100%. So, everybody, we just talked about three's token again.

Token Acquisition and Engagement

So you're listening to this. Why are you not getting involved? Ask yourself, why do I not have some of this token? And so you're also giving a prize away today. Do you want to announce it or do you want me to tell everyone about it? Yeah, please go ahead. Okay, so they're going to give away an NFT by MIT Mig by Miggles with a value of 0.03 ETH, which is actually still quite considerably, a large amount because ETH is still very high. I don't know exactly what that is off the top of my head. I'll have to look it up. But this is for the most creative participant or like the best contribution in this AMA. So if you're in your comments, you come up with something fantastic.

Valuing Contributions

The Mister Miggles on base team are going to find it and they're going to award an NFT that's valued at 0.0 e. 0.03 e. What is that roughly off the top of your head? I think it's around about 75. 75. There you go. That's the current value. That's the current value. Who knows what happens tomorrow or the next day or even in an hour? We're all watching the charts going, what's going to happen? Which way are we going? We're all holding our breath. I've got a message here saying it's about 70 ish US dollars at the moment. So that's super cool. We are up to 263 comments. That's crazy. We're only 26 minutes in.

Current Status and Incentives

So this is an NFT. Tell us about the NFT that you're going to be giving away. Where will they get it? How can they find it? What do they have to do? Yeah, are there rules already in place? Otherwise I would say we also go through the comments and pick the best comment. And what we'll do is we'll wait. Till the end and we'll wait till the end when all comments are in so that you can pick whatever's most outstanding as a team. I hope that's cool. So. So you can't tell us too much about the future. You've got massive things that are upcoming. But what's been the most exciting thing that's happened, let's say, in the last few weeks, apart from the Coinbase interaction and the base interaction, something that really got you excited, that also perhaps was connected to this rise to $100 million.

Introduction to VSX Tokenization

Okay, so your VSX tokenization, aren't you? Yeah, yeah. So you're giving the third best question. So everyone out there, you don't want to get the best question. You want to get the third best question? I want the best questions. Come on. Yeah, look for the, look at what the best question is and then go, I'll probably do it a little bit less than that if you want the VSX. And, and so it's $25 for the third best question. $25 in VSX for the third best gif so look around, go, oh, that gift's really good. Good. I'll just go slightly less than that and you can get $25. 3rd best comment. So again, be careful, don't. If you've got a really good comment, you're going to win first prize. Sure, but maybe look for the best one and go just a little bit less. And then finally, best shout out pose. No, third best shout out pose. So again, reign it in, get a really good shout out pose, but just not quite that good.

Discussion on Versus X

And each of you can win $25 in VSX. Okay, so tell us about Versus X. Better than nothing. Well, hello, mate. It's amazing. It's still $100. It's the same as everyone else. Hello to everyone. Great, great to meet you all. Thanks for having us. My name is Dean. I've been working in the games industry for over 20 years. Started at Codemasters, started on the Colin McRae rally series as a designer. Started a golf software business in 2008 called Red Chain, making software and games for the golf simulator business. Going to crypto in 2017. And then. And then, yeah, we started versus x a couple of years ago. I think we'd seen a lot of the play to earn stuff that was starting around three, four years ago. You know, obviously starting with Axie. My background is realistic sports, racing games and, yeah, very naively and perhaps stupidly thought, oh, we could do that.

Focus on Competitive Skill-Based Gaming

And yeah, two years on we've kind of done it. What we want to do is slightly change. It's gone from, you know, just doing a golf game. It's, you know, we want to do lots of sports games. And then the focus is very much on competitive skill based wagering. So PvP wagering, single player wagering. We're going to hopefully do NFT wagering. Wagering with other people's tokens. So we've seen a lot of research, we've done a lot of research into how that is expected to grow into a hundred billion market by the end of this decade. And clearly, you know, blockchain is absolutely perfect for wagering. Gives you that kind of trustworthiness and you can see all the transactions and etcetera. So yeah, we are in closed beta. We've got a central hub which looks amazing. And then within that you can find pool games, golf games. We've also just put in a couple of sort of retro arcade games. Fairly soon we will have our first casino style skill game. So yeah, that's what we're all about, competitive skill based gaming.

Exploring Revenue Generation

No, no, kind of game of chance casino stuff. We're not really about that, mainly because you need to have lots of money for a license if you want to be legal, which we do. So, yeah, it's. At the minute, it's very much sports focused. There'll be racing games to come. And I think down the line, we'd love to open it out to other people's games as well. Well, but, yeah, anything that's competitive, that's what we're all about. And you don't have to wager that you can play for free, there's play to earn, et cetera. But the wagering is the main focus because, you know, that provides revenue that's going to make the project grow and be strong and be safe and secure, and then we don't need to worry so much about the risks of play to earn. But, yeah, that's kind of a briefish overview. Yeah.

Token Purchase Platforms and Future Outlook

And if anyone's listening to that right now, and you know deep down in your soul that this style of wagering is going to take off and you, we all know it will, why aren't you going and checking out their token? Where can they buy your token? Maxi gate, IO and Uniswap. So, look, they're all on the ones we've already discussed. So if you haven't already gone and got yourself accounts on those that Dex or two sexes, go do it now, because that's where you're going to get everyone's token. Go buy a yourself 25. $25 worth. Go buy yourself $100 worth. And so before I ask you my next question. Yeah. As you were involved in Colin McRae, do you every now and then hear this voice in your head? Which I do, especially when I sit in some certain cars and it's into three. Right. Yeah. Like, literally, that is embedded into me from my childhood.

Personal Reflections on Colin McRae

I used to sit. Say that again. It's good to know. Yeah, I used to sit. So, literally, just a mile from where I live is a house I used to go to as a child. I used to play Colin McRae rally there. And I still go visit that house because my friend's mum's there and I just go and make sure she's okay while he lives abroad. And I see that room and I think Colin McRae, because I used to play Colin McCrae there every week. Every single week. It was that embedded into me. Right, next question. Sorry, I just wanted to resonate with you a little bit over Colin McRae. Nice. That someone. His name was Nick. Just quickly. His name was Nicky Grist. And yeah, went and recorded with him and Colin McRae drove us around in the rally car which was one of the most frightening things I've ever experienced. But yeah, they were great times. Long time ago but great times.

Nostalgia and Market Insights

I remember when he died because I was in Turkey, it was because it was all over the Turkish newspapers and I was like, no, because he was flying his helicopter, wasn't he? Yeah, he was, I mean he was huge back. I think partly because of the game. I'm not trying to take credit here, but the rally became, rally championship became massive and the WRC, you know it was on Channel four, which is a big TV show and it was massively popular and you know, that first game I think sold over 7 million copies. And just as a very quick side story that I always like to tell when we made the first game on, I think it's just towards the end of the original PlayStation's live. We had to go down to Sony and pitch the game ideas back then. It was quite different now.

Adapting to Challenges in Gaming Industry

And yeah, went down to meet with them and they said, don't release it, you're mad. It will never say, no one's going to play a racing game with just one car. Yeah. And I don't know, two years later it sold 7 million and they were like, oh yeah, do a sequel, come on, give us some more. Yeah, yeah, 100%. So, yeah, but it just goes to show, it did kind of start something new. I can't take the credit for that. But yeah, I mean it made rallying massive. And off the back of that, I got to go and work with Sony up at Evolution Studios when they. Sony bought the WRC license off the back of that. The World Rally Championship license. Yeah. And I went up to Evolution Studios and worked on the first couple of WRC games with them as well. So yeah, it was a really fun time in my life.

Creating Value in Web3 Environment

So guys, look, while you're listening to this, if you want confidence in a project, look at the team. And this is the team that's in the background. This is exciting. So let's say I put in the third best comment and I get gifted. 25. $25 of VSX. Why am I holding it? What's, what's the reason to hold that $25 worth of VSX? Gosh, that's always an interesting question, isn't it? I mean, I think hopefully there's a lot of reasons but yeah, I mean, I think from our perspective we feel like as mentioned skill game wagering is going to be massive. I think Forbes and Fortune are forecasting 100 billion. We did our own research. 80 odd percent of people want to try it and would gladly wager up to dollar 50 a game.

Future Perspective on Gaming Industry

I mean, it's, you know, it's crazy. So we're kind of moving past play to earn. We want to be one of the first proper gaming projects that has real proper revenue. Revenue and that grows and that will then also, I think, appeal to the typical gambling companies. So, yeah, I think for us, it's very much about building a long term project where we're going to have a digital world with lots of different games and different types of wagering, different experiences. So, yeah, for me, that's the main thing. You know, it's about being, yeah, web, you know, I don't want to get down on web three, but, you know, the gaming scene is in a bit of a rut.

Embracing Future Developments in Gaming

And I think, yeah, I think we need to kind of get a bit more serious about making some revenue and being a proper, being proper businesses that actually stick around and last a while. So, yeah, there's a lot more to it than that, I'm sure. But for me, that's the most obvious reason. One of the other projects is messaging me right now, guy. And I'd like to be introduced to you guys. Love to speak. Yeah, I'll put you guys in touch afterwards. But, yeah, so, like, just the project versus x in itself is an exciting project for me. It's a no brainer to hold a bit of VSX. It's a no brainer.

Market Positioning and Unique Offerings

Like this industry is at the both. At the start, it's like, not even the start. It's like the pre start. Like it's, the races are lining up and the reality is how many are actually at the start line. Well, there's you. How many other people, if you're listening into this list off how many projects, you know, are in this game, because I can't, I'm looking at this and I'm thinking, I can't really think of anyone. And this is, it's the start line of the hundred meter race, which is, let's be honest, the sexiest of all the races at the Olympics. Which one does everyone tune into? Like, you can guarantee who's tuning in? It's the 100 meters spring well versus x are lined up on the start line and name somebody else who's there for the sexiest race of the Olympics.

Challenges and Comparisons in Gaming Ecosystem

Yeah. Because we are all gamers? Yeah, I mean, I think there are a couple of people out there. I know, we know the guys at Dubs, they're really cool and they're doing something different. But yeah, I mean, I think the big. The big difference for us is that we're going to support other tokens. You know, I think it's very important that people start to move past a little bit, just kind of thinking about their own thing and starting to grow the space a bit. You know, I think I draw this analogy with other people, that if you were starting PayPal now, you wouldn't just create your own currency and only use that.

Expanding Horizons in Blockchain Gaming

You have to use all the currencies. We have to think a bit bigger and grow bigger projects where it accepts, you know, any payment type possible. So yes, very soon we will be accessing Solana through the neon EVM. We're on polygon at the minute, so we eventually want to go multi chain, cross chain with as much as we can and essentially have that huge universal way for anyone to come in and try skill game wagering. Because, yeah, like you say, it's going to be absolutely massive. Web two gaming doesn't want to know at all. You know, the big gaming companies, they don't want to know about nfts and wagering and tokens.

Sustaining Momentum in Competitive Landscape

Tokens because they've got their old school business model and they want to stick with it. Yeah. And we are somewhat ahead of the curve, so it's a nice place to be and we will be in open beta very soon. We got approved onto the Android, the Google Play store, the other day. So yeah, we are. And we're already on PC, so yeah, I think there's a huge opportunity and there's just so many people, I think, that want to try this, you know, just from personal experience. You know, we've been playing a lot of, you know, we get together when we've been testing and we play pool, PvP and discord and we're all having a chat and a laugh and there's a lot of banter and it's such good fun and having a little bit of money on it just makes it so much more exciting.

Skill-Based Gaming and Community Building

The skill aspect means that if you lose, it's because you were rubbish or you got beat. Yeah. And if you win, it feels great and you get to rub it in the face of your mate. And nothing also makes you improve more than putting a couple of bucks on the line. Okay, that is our time. I'm really sorry. We've just been chatting away and we've been chatting for 15 minutes. Everyone get excited. Go check out VSX across the exchanges that we mentioned. And 100% pay attention to this project because we've chatted to them quite a few times recently and we are privately on story fireside buzzing to be associated with them.

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

This is as exciting as it gets. Thanks. Apologize. I just kind of talked a lot. It went very quickly. I hope everyone had great fun and it was great to meet you all. Thank you very much. We look forward to seeing that $100 VSX get handed out. Everyone get your third bests in. Okay, we are up to almost 800 comments. $800 on the line. 800 comments. Come on. Four more comments in the meantime. Thank you very much. We're now going to invite David Lukach from Beamie, who is hosting our karaoke later. But I've got to find him.

Transition to the Karaoke Session

I found Beameye, so I'm assuming it's invite you to speak over your namesake. So I've invited you to speak. You're welcome. 821 comments. While we're waiting for him to join us, I just want to remind you, so dollar 800 on the line. And actually it's more than $800. It's dollar 800 within the AMA and story fire is putting dollar 100 into the karaoke. So there's actually technically $900 plus all the buzz points that beam me are going to be giving away. So that's best comments, best gigs, gifts. Best comments, gifts. Shout out of this ama. So if you're shouting out right now, come on, go and shout this out to as many people as possible.

Call to Action for Engagement

Let's get as many people in here as possible. Numbers is what makes this possible. It fuels us to do another ama, another mega ama in a few weeks time because we're going to keep doing these. And the more people that attend, the more money we can generate to give away. And you guys, let's be honest, we all want to be here. We want to find out about these projects. We want to find, we want to get some of their tokens in each of these projects. Projects. So get these shout outs and charge it up to as many people as possible. David, welcome to the AMA. Thanks, Sam.

Overview of Beame and Coveting Music Integration

Great to be here. How you doing? Good. You? Yeah, fantastic. I'm now, like, super energized and I'm thinking to myself, I think it's time for a glass of white wine. I've got a beautiful glass, a bottle of pouilly fume in the fridge. And I'm thinking, oh, I really fancy that. While I'm doing this, now. Okay, so you are the sort of, like, speaker right now for beamy. Tell us about beame and everything that's going on. Sure. I wanted to start saying it's only 11:00 a.m. where I am. So it's a little. That's drinking time.

Building Connections Through Music

That's drinking. That's the old adage. It's 05:00 somewhere in the world somewhere. Right. Yeah. Well, anyway, so while I'm pouring out my white wine, tell us all about it. Sure. So beamy is something really innovative. We've been in the Internet space since its early days, since the early nineties, and, you know, we followed web one, web two, web three, and what we realized was that you need to really try and pour, for lack of a pun, everyone from web two into web three. And, you know, what is the, what is that one element that binds us all? I mean, language is one of them. And we did AI language conversion about a dozen years ago.

Innovative Features of Beame Platform

The next one is music. So, you know, and everyone, if you ask anybody about karaoke, everybody says, yeah, I've done karaoke. And they have this rice smile. And usually I say, it costs about $200 to do karaoke because usually you've had several drinks and some good food with friends. But what we've done is we've created a platform where your avatar that you create will lip sync, mimic your facial gestures and head movements, and you can sing one of any of 10,000 songs and post them to be me and to other social media. So you can become, behind your quote unquote mask, your avatar. You can become a singing superstar, or you can sing happy birthday privately and share it with a friend or family member.

Encouraging User Participation

So it really is all about, you know, sharing your voice, and music is our first foray in. And, you know, it's just so exciting because everybody is into music. Everyone's into music. Who isn't? Name a culture, name a type of name. Anybody that isn't into music, it's. You can't not. So, like, we know that between us, obviously, and we've chatted about this, Beamie is going to be coming to the oasis on story fire. We've got, we're working with creators to come into our Minecraft server as well, where they're going to be putting on concerts. There is a lot of excitement here in the background.

The Exciting Future of Beame

But for you, what is the most exciting part of being in the beme team? You know, it really is the fact that I'm an introvert. Most people who know me would never say I am, but you know, it gives me the opportunity, I love to sing as a kid. It gives me the opportunity to do things. It allows people to share that positive, those endorphins and make us feel good about doing something online. It also allows our friends in web three to integrate with us so that users who earn our internal quote unquote token, which isn't a listed token, buzz points to convert them for things like blaze tokens or digital wearables or like one of our other friends here who's here today, you know, fan tokens from token event.

Creating Partnerships and Community Fun

So there's lots of opportunities to create that leverage point from web two to web three and have a lot of fun doing that. We can partner with almost anyone and we can do things like giveaways of Avatar T shirts where people can wear while they're singing your song and you can share that video. So we're so excited about the opportunity to connect people around the world with music but reduce their, you know, their fear of being on stage. By the way, guys, everyone, I've just posted a picture of the BB website in the background with my glass of wine, but if you haven't, you should 100% be jumping onto the be me beta right now.

Participation and Upcoming Events

You can go and sing on it and we're going to be later on feeling safe while you're singing. Feeling safe while you're, as you just said a second ago, feeling safe in that environment moment. I'm one of the people, as I've mentioned before, who really is quite scared of doing, and I would need to spend about $200 and that's just on me to get myself in that environment and standing up and singing. So I love that later on we're going to be doing karaoke. How can people join in and be a part of that? It's really easy. I know that we posted a link, there is a link.

Engaging the Community through Events

You can visit the story fire posted link come in, join. If you join through the story fire link, you get 2000 buzz points. And then if you sing let it be or hey Jude in the style of the Beatles, you'll get another thousand buzz points. And then the story fire team will pick their favorites. Doesn't have to be the best singer, they're just going to pick their favorites and people can win, you know, blaze tokens. It's so easy here to do this and so much fun, you know, and that's why we've built this. It's our, and I will say as we move on.

Expanding Engagement Opportunities

We're going to be doing the opportunity for podcasting through an avatar, Ted talks, education, comedy. There's so many opportunities for people to get out in front of others without having to show their face. And the. And what you've just posted, sam, is our new Ui ux. We listened to everybody, took a ton of feedback, and we updated the UI Ux to be a lot simpler, but it's a lot of fun. And again, there's 10,000 licensed songs to choose from. Amazing. It's so cool.

Preparing for the Karaoke Event

At the end of this ama, I'm going to get you to jump back in so we can launch the karaoke event at the end. I'll be here. Be here. But we've still got seven minutes to chit chat. And you're involved in so much. You work with so many cool artists in the background, and, you know, you and I have been sort of discussing about how we can integrate that between story, fire, be me, Oasis, other projects here. I know you're keen to chat to a couple of projects yourself as well that we.

Collaborative Opportunities in the Web3 Space

That we've been chatting. Yeah. Like, how do you feel about the importance of building large teams in the web three space? Because in the web two space, it's like. It's competitive, competitive. And then people will partner up with a team that has nothing to do with them. Like, we've just seen Lego and Nike do a team up. Okay. Those two brands don't really have any competition between themselves. You would never see Nike and Adidas team up. But in the web three space, you kind of have to forget them a little bit.

Collaboration Versus Competition

Are you finding something similar that you kind of just have to branch out into people's spaces that may even be touching upon your own. Have you found that? Yeah, you know, I'll give you a really interesting story, because I've been in the Internet space since, you know, the early nineties, and in 1998, the commissioner of the NHL came to me, the national hospital League in North America, and asked us to help with their e commerce. And the challenge was that if you wanted to buy a hockey shirt in Canada, you couldn't really do that online because they were distributing out of the US and they couldn't move the licensed branded product from Canada, the US to move back to Canada.

Navigating Challenges in E-Commerce

So there's. There's been all kinds of issues in terms of logistics and stuff. Web three diminishes all of that. We've heard today about zero proof knowledge, and there's all kinds of opportunities in zero proof knowledge. There's all kinds of opportunities in pairing up. But understanding the mechanics of Web one and Web two businesses is a big value proposition for us. I think I've told you this. Somebody interrupted me there with a call, but I think I've told you this.

Achievements and Overcoming Obstacles

Our team, members of our team, including myself, we hold a Guinness world record for the most nationalities in an online chat, and that was Web two with Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley of kiss. Yeah, I remember you telling me about this. It's crazy, right? It's crazy. So we understand the mechanics to get here. I'm very fortunate. I've worked with the Yankees and I worked with a lot of celebrities. And so we understand, you know, what celebrities want, we understand what consumers want.

Navigating the Path to Collaboration

And web three teams are so amazing to work with because everyone is collaborative. It isn't about competition, it's about collaboration and, you know. Yeah, you know, there's an old children song, but, you know, I've got a. In this, not sure. I've got a brand new pair of roller skates. You've got a brand new key, right? So it's sort of like everybody sort of fits together and it's, you know, it. There is so much opportunity.

Nurturing Collaborative Relationships

In fact, truth be known, you know, and you and I can giggle about this, but I'm the one that said, can you introduce us to versus? Right? So, yeah, so we're looking at everybody who's doing everything and trying to make more and more partnerships because we believe that music binds us all, and we want to help web three companies build more value for their user bases with the, you know, the blessing of music. Totally, totally agree. And actually, when you really think about it, you could add your music component to almost any game on the planet.

Music's Integral Role in Gaming

You could. Because this was something that was tapped into to, I don't know, two decades ago. And if I play, and this is a very uk thing, but if I play FIFA, I've been playing FIFA for you guys, soccer for us in the UK, football, I've been playing that since my childhood, okay? And I haven't played it so much in the last five to ten years, but I can tell you what year FIFA I was playing by the songs that come on fit, like, so if I hear a song on a radio from 20 years ago and I go, oh, that was FIFA away.

Memories and Experiences Through Music

And everybody who plays FIFA has that moment, I promise you now, everybody across the world, and it's one of the most purchased games across the planet, everybody who plays FIFA has that moment and you can do it. All the way back to the early two thousands, maybe even the nineties. In fact, I reckon you could do it back to the nineties. Oh, I'm gonna make it worse for you. I'm gonna make it worse for you. I'm, you know, I'm so much older than you are, but I had pneumonia in grade five in. And the song on the radio was Carly Simon's you're so vain.

Evoking Nostalgia Through Gaming

So we're talking somewhere in the mid, the early 1970s. Okay, so yeah, but that's not gaming. I'm talking about really specific gaming, of. Course, you know, but, you know, we are bound music, you know, music like auditory, you know, music, you know, is a real auditory key for us where, you know, you walk into a bakery, smell something, you go, oh, my gosh, I remember when mom used to do that. But music brings in memories that are so profound and, you know, so marked, you know, whether it's children or whether it's weddings, whether it's family events, whether it's game.

Utilizing Music in Innovative Platforms

So again, we're making it easy. We're making it. We're taking away all the fear factor and in fact, you know, Poogle hall has become a real big player on Beamy. So we, you know, of course he has. I'm not surprised. And he has been become so unbelievable and so supportive and I hope it will see by his comment. But I hope he's having tons of fun. He is. I guarantee he is. Poogle hall is the most fun person ever. In fact, Poogle, I want you to do a be me video now.

Karaoke Event Promotion

We need to post it up on story fire. Okay, do be me post on story fire and we will send it. Okay, we will send that video to the moon. Okay, we have 1 minute left, so that's kind of no minutes left, but at the end you're going to jump back on and we're going to launch the beam me buzz points and story fire blaze giveaway while we do some karaoke at the end. Thank you so much for joining us, David. Thank you. Are these 15 minutes slots just race by, don't they?

Closing Remarks and Anticipation

It's crazy. So who's up next? I've been sort of got so carried away there, I forgot to look who's after you? And it is number five. So that is naughty. Official. So let me pull you up and where are you? Have you requested? There's a lot of people that have requested. Apparently Elon Musk has. That's amazing. If he's really here I'm taking him. All of you are ditched because there's no way I'd miss out on that opportunity. I'm trying to find you. It says I should be looking for Victor trades.

Introductory Insights

Long way to go. Please tell me more. So, you know, for instance, if you take all the crypto coins combined to your bitcoin, ethereum, everything out there, it's the same size, just as Apple stock. Apple stock alone is as big as the entire crypto market. And, you know, as much as we think the crypto is in the center of news, because, you know, it would seem, at least to me and probably to everyone else here that's involved in the web three space. It's in a relatively small market. In crypto, everyone gets to be kind of an early angel investor, if you want to call it this way. Obviously, if you catch the token at the right time, best by being first. So we came up with the idea to make a token sniping platform that's, you know, very easily accessible. And, you know, it's good for everyone. You can, an advanced user can use it very, you know, efficiently, but at the same time a complete beginner. I'll give you an example. The flow token, if you remember, it launched on binance at dollar 18 some time ago. And, you know, at all kind of all time high, got to 35, which is about two x. It's not bad, but when you launch on HTX, which was the first centralized exchange you launched, it was on $3.

Exploring Opportunities in Crypto

So imagine if you can get in first on the centralized exchange listing and then sell at all time high. Or even better if you catch on a decks where the prices are even lower. Well, you know, obviously it's all about sailing on the right time as well. So, you know, the whole selling part we're taking care of as well. The main idea where Nadi comes in is really in helping users to buy new tokens before anyone else. And, you know, just to answer people before they even ask what sniping is, it is going in first, buying at launch, and also being able to sell at the right time. How we make this happen? Well, we give the developer, we know the purser of blue blocks on the blockchain, a higher gas fee. And this way we ensure that everyone is ahead of the queue and we can get in first. And kind of again when we decide to sell is the same thing.

Selling Strategy and User Experience

On the sell side, we're paying a little bit of a higher gas fee and we're selling before anyone else. Obviously, you know, if you're Djen Trader, there's quite a few options for you, but if you just want tokens type, you know, get in, buy the token, sell it first, all nice and easy, this is the platform for you. We have a lot of advanced features as well for more advanced traders, but we've kind of done it in a very comprehensive way where everyone can use it. So let me just interject and ask a little question on that, okay. Because there are sniping tools out there. What makes you unique? A couple of things. So first and foremost we have the due diligence part. Taking care of sniping tools are out. There are a little bit like bots, you know, like little tools that help you snipe. You put in the parameters and if you're not careful because there's a ton of complicated settings that go with them, you very quickly fail with your trade.

Ensuring Security and User Trust

We, so we're taking care of the main pain points when it comes to traders and sniping. First and foremost we do the due diligence and make sure that there's no front run attacks, there's no rug pools, you know, there's no kind of, you know, scamming options for you. Any token that we put on our platform, because we have also like a spotlight page with trending tokens for sniping, you know, tokens that are getting at the most, they're gathering the most interest. Those have already been through due diligence. We know that there's not going to be any front run attack. You know, our AI has checked for mailbox, you know, all of that good stuff where people can feel secure and can feel a lot more, you know, safe with their investments. Obviously, if our AI senses that something's not particularly right or, you know, something feels a little bit edgy, it will make sure that, you know, we as a community are protected.

Finding Tokens and Community Engagement

Obviously there's not a hundred percent protection anywhere, but we've done it as close to fully protected as you possibly could. Another thing that we're taking care of, as I said, is finding tokens. Finding tokens to snipe is an absolute nightmare because you need the token sniping address, you need the smart contract address of the token. And unless you're part of the team, we have some inside information or something like this, you're never going to be able to get it, you know, on the decks and my own listing again, our AI does a lot of the heavy lifting for you. We will be showing a bunch of tokens that are currently trending on our landing page. So it kind of feels like a launch pad as well. At the same time where you go, you click on the token, you put your position in and you know, obviously you can preset how on how much profit you can go out, stuff like that.

User Incentives and Community Building

Two major pain points sorted. Security. Three actually. Security, ease of access, of ease of use, and at the same time being able to actually find the tokens. Snipe. Very cool. And so I'm just looking at all of this and I'm thinking to myself, okay, so I'm the investor, I'm mister investor. You've, you've drawn up for me a great project. You've got me in early, you've leveraged the AI, so you've checked everything out behind the scenes. So I'm now feeling confident in this. So you've also got your token. Correct. Where does this come into play with this? And how is this being leveraged? Within token is coming into play and it has three main utilities. Well, obviously it's on pre launch at the moment. We haven't yet launched it onto a Dex in on a centralized exchange.

Token Launch Insights

This is coming very soon. In just a few days, the final pre sale round is going to start. So, you know, it will be the last opportunity for anyone to kind of snag it on, you know, a lower price. The token itself is a utility token. It will have a major use case within the ecosystem where, you know, the main three users are first and foremost, you're going to be able to tip using the naughty token. What the tipping means is you bump yourself up the queue. Obviously, you know, we have a trading queue just to ensure that, you know, people are getting in earlier than anyone else. But within the trading queue, if you want to be first amongst the first, you can also tip, get yourself ahead and, you know, get the best possible price available.

Reward Systems through Utility Tokens

The second use case is the fees. So we've kind of done the platform free, if you want to call it that way. So what we've done is the 1% transaction fee that we're charging. We're actually giving back to people in Nordi tokens. So, you know, we charge a 1% fee, but then we return it back to Nori, which ultimately makes you a holder, makes you part of the ecosystem. The token itself, a little bit further down the line, will be usable for premium features that will be available to users, be it for beginners, for, you know, intermediate or advanced traders. You know, there's gonna be a variety out there. The token itself, we're aiming for a launch towards, you know, end of September, early October is kind of when the token itself will be released out on them, you know, on the open market, on the decks.

Community Engagement and Growth Initiatives

And you know, further down the line it will be launched on a centralized exchange as well. Nice. I really love that. Okay, so I want to get involved in this community. How am I going about it? And actually like, let's be honest, everyone here wants, want something in return. Everyone wants a reward. No one's here for nothing because we're all listening in and we're giving up time. Okay, so how can I get involved and what am I getting back for getting involved? Again, very, you know, a variety of ways for you to get involved. Obviously we're running a ton of giveaways on, you know, on our social media. I want to say a ton more like very high quality giveaways because, you know, you see projects doing these little giveaways of like, oh, we're going to give you out ten dollars to twenty dollars, whatever the case may be.

Strategies for Participation and Incentives

Our latest one was one ethereum divided between ten people, you know, quite a sizable, you know, good kind of giveaway. On the other hand, we have the designer partner program, if you want to call it a program where, you know, we ask feedback from the various, you know, from various traders, various end users. And the valuable feedback, the one that kind of makes sense, we implement into the platform. Obviously we can't implement every single piece of feedback that we get because some of it, you know, may inevitably not make sense for us or for the community. But you know, we are an ecosystem. We're a platform of product that really listens to its users. So interacting with us, we're running the giveaways, we're running the designer partner program, we're running contests online.

Community Interaction and Engagement

We will be releasing quite a few of those as well, for various things, not just for participating, tag two friends or repost or whatever creative ones as well, where people can really get involved into the space. Another thing that we do to engage the community, which will be very interesting to people, is we post every Tuesday we post the, you know, kind of a little, you know, it's like a little scenario where if you invested an x amount the beginning of the week, how much of those, how much your profit would have been a week later if you sniped with naughty. To be fair, so far I've seen incredible returns, tokens returning, 1800 percent, 3000%. You know, the other day I was looking at the new ones that we purchased and one of them, I was reading through them and at the end there was one that was like, I think it was 400%.

Promising Returns and Investment Strategies

It was either 380 or 480%. And my reaction was like, maybe is measly because it was the last one on the. But that's amazing. If someone told you, like, do you know, like the average investor is looking for 3% year on year in traditional finance, 3% year on year. That's it. Life changing for someone, you know, and. We'Re going and we say, you're saying this is measly 400% forex, four x people. I'm really sorry, but that is actually our. I'm just checking my timetable. I think that is our 15 minutes. I can't believe it. Yeah, it is. Before you go, everybody noddy, have really kindly put up 250 USDT prizes for the second best gift and for the second best comment.

Engagement and Conclusion

So if you're thinking to yourself, I want that USDT look for what you think is the best comment and just pull it in a little bit, but go a little bit better than bronze and get two silvers. So we're looking at best comment, best gif, get some good gifts and get some comments in. But what I recommend you do is send out to everybody, maybe tag in three people in those gifts and comments, tag three people in and tag in naughty's x account because then they'll pay more attention. So get that going. Absolutely. Hundred percent. Why, but why would they pay attention to you if you just tag in naughty? They want you to tag in people tagging people. You, you know, get them to repost it.

Closing Remarks

Maybe they're looking for some reposts on it. Get that done, because it's all about exposure, dude, I really love your project and I think it's amazing. And honestly, it's going to explode. And everybody, if you're not go and follow everything across telegram, Twitter, go and get involved right now because you're going to miss out and you'll be going, why didn't I pay attention on that story fire at Mega Ama, where he was right there telling us about the most exciting project ever. Am I right? Yes, you are. Thank you very much, everyone for your time. And sam, thanks again for hosting. No worries. Have a great day. Okay, I'm now looking for my next guest.

The NFT Experience

Now you're going to have things that can be a trading card game on top of being a three dimensional fighter, on top of even having like the shirts or toys being made of the guy or gal fighter you own. And as the owner, you would actually see a percentage of that take on the value that they have provided because it's your brand, it's a micro brand strategy. So it's an actual living brand as the NFT. It's so cool. You're just talking about actual growth of the NFT space. People don't get this. The NFT space, it killed the, like, I'm convinced the NFT space killed and destroyed the last bull run because we all saw the sudden, but, like, it went bananas. Nfts did during the bull run. And then suddenly too many nfts became too expensive and people could no longer afford them. And then that money stopped flowing for nfts because it was too weighted at the top.

The Collapse of the NFT Space

It's like that, like the classic graph where if there's too many elderly people in your society, it's got to collapse. And the NFT space collapsed. Why? Because, well, there was too many crap nfts out there with zero utility, and suddenly, then no one wanted to buy them. But we all knew deep down in our souls there was actually a purpose to nfts. There was a purpose. It just, that wasn't the purpose. That was just the hype that got nfts going. Now, nfts kind of almost have a stagnant taste in its mouth in the, in the phrase NFT. But the reality is they are instrumental to what will happen in the next ten years. The next ten years will be dominated by the NFT space. And, and things like this are actually bringing to it to life because we all saw what happened when Pokemon go came out?

The Cultural Impact of NFTs

No one could move for Pokemon go. You'd see just random people walking around Pokemon going, I've just made that phrase up. I've turned that into a verb. And now you start to bring these moments together and what do you have? You have like this perfect storm and everything can come together. And you guys are at the forefront of that. Everyone, if you're not, I'm not here shilling people's tokens. But I mean, seriously, if you can't see the value in that, you're blind. Where can they find your token? Well, that's the beauty. I haven't launched yet because I wanted to make sure I had all of the pillars set up. And so we still have, we could still take private sales stuff, but we have actually we are launching, I got a sphere world is launching late September.

Exciting Developments in NFT Launches

And token events and everything we're doing, we're trying to go parallel because of the work that we're doing in sphere world and how it works with Token or Phantom, however you want to call us now, there's a lot of synergies between the two products because the one uses the other. And I'm kind of not kind of, I am the CEO of both. And so we're pre launch. So we, again, I know a lot of people would have loved to have seen a random launch at any given time just so the coin could be out there. But my point of view, of course, the way our business is set up too, it's an Saeft. So when somebody buys in, they get class B equity plus the token kicker, so they get equity in the company.

Understanding NFT Ownership

So as I have like real fiat returns as a class B equity shareholder, they actually will get shareholder returns plus the token rewards that they get. So on a bit. And from a business sense, it's a buy in on class b plus token. So that's another way to look at the way the reason why we focus on doing business first and then basically creating pure utility. And then once you have pure utility and you have a good business, then you, both sides of the promise are there, which is that class b plus that token. And then the other thing that I just want to get through about this NFT three dimensional craziness that we're doing is I want people to realize that if you were to purchase that NFT, the user owns the character and is a part of the commercialization of that character.

New Opportunities in NFT Commercialization

So it's almost like you're the agent owning that being. And so, you know, business sense wise, it's super important to understand that like revenues generated as the agent of that character are associated to you. So it's like, this is like really like stepping into that world of ownership and really truly owning a thing that does have value that it is being, you know, if somebody like bought, buys that shirt, you know, that doesn't just randomly go to us like there you see part of that reward. So there is a lot to unpack in a micro brand strategy. But it's very important to understand that NFTs were cool. You know, it's kind of like, you know, this is the, this is kind of the. In the 2001 space Odyssey when like the monkeys realized that they could actually do something with the bone and move forward.

The Evolution of NFTs

The proof was made in the last cycle that people will turn their heads and participate. Now we own, now we do, and now it's a living, breathing thing and the tech is there and we have the ability through unity and all kinds of other ways to take these guys even out of this environment, put them in other games or other situations. Because it is a piece of. It is a piece of software that is owned by that user. And who knows, it could end up in Fortnite or whatever. Because they have real skeletal values and they're truly built to be able to leave the universe that they may sit in. Amazing, amazing. It's been great to have you. I apologize. The 15 minutes is done. That went again.

Concluding Thoughts

Every single one of these 15 minutes segments goes quicker than I realize. I have no idea about time. I'm convinced that's my fault because. No, no. We've had a great chat. No fault here. Great listening to you about it. So everyone, if you're not, you should be tuning into there. You can just tap them, give them a follow and then make sure you're there for when they release their token. Because why would you want to miss this? There's so much to unpack with that. We've unpacked it several times recently and I'm sure we will continue to. Thank you so much for joining. See ya. Have a good afternoon. Right, and our final guest. Before we do, our final guest, I just want to remind everyone there is $800 and phantom have are actually part of that giveaway.

Final Remarks on the Event

I'm going to just remind you of that. So remember, get your questions in, get your gifts in, come up with something unique post about this ama. Get as many people to find out about it as possible. Make sure you tag people in, get this thing. Absolutely escalated. It is time for our final guest. We really appreciate everyone that's been here so far. So now I'm going to invite Chihuahua to the stage. Welcome, Chihuahua. I've made you a speaker. Thank. There you go. You're in. Can you welcome. Can I.

Engaging with Guests

Can you woof me? Woof? You? Yeah. You woof me? Woof. Yeah. There you go. Oh, woof. Is that what you want? Yes. Cool. Good for you. How was my woof rate? My woof? It's a pretty good 8.5, I guess. I want to go again. I'm not going to go wolf like, woof. And also a Chihuahua is more like. But I'm more of a. I'm more. Of a. Oh, this is a pretty good one. It's a good them.

Fun Interactions

Can you. Can you woof? Okay, I can try. Woof. Oh, that's not bad. I'm only giving you a 7.5, though. I feel like there was a bit more could have been delivered. It was good sound. The tonality was nice, but just needs a bit more gusto, that's all I'm saying. You can have another guy. This is the. No, it's okay. It's. I guess it's like the french bark. It's used to have, like, a sharp voice. That's maybe why you're not used to the. To the french bark.

Cultural Touchpoints

Oui. Javita Chamonix pour simois. Oh, but that's about as much French as you're gonna get from me. That's a very good place, Chamonix. Yeah. I love Chamonix. I lived there for six months this year. I loved it. I moved there in November, came back in May, because I've got some friends who live up there. And I decided, hey, why not? Who. Who wouldn't? Okay, so tell everyone about Chihuahua. Okay, sure.

Introducing the Chihuahua Project

So. Hi, guys. So, Chihuahua chain. How can you see it? It's basically a meme chain. It's built on Cosmos SDK. So it's a cosmos chain. Not like something that is, like, used to be known by everyone, I guess, but it's like the first meme chain there. Basically, it's a proof of stake chain. The first one existing, probably for a dog. Quite cute, right? And basically you can do, like, anything inside. It's hallowed by the Cosmos SDK.

The Functionality of Chihuahua Chain

So you have, like, all the modules inside. You have, like, the smart contracts using, like, cos wasm, which is something, like, in rust language, and it allow you, like, to build, like, anything on the top of it. Basically, you can see it kind of like a big sandbox mainnet where you can just like build any application on top of it. So we started it three years ago. The main native token is the wawa h u a hua. It's a, it's a cosmos token.

Future Plans for the Platform

It's also like available like in like some evm site using like Axelar bridge. And basically there is no, I would say like point. It's just like a main chain. You can create your main token inside or you can just like have fun inside of it, but in a more serious way. We are like releasing quite soon, potentially like next month or something like that. The main application that gonna leave side, which is going to be like the wall swap, which is basically the place where you're going to be able to swap different type of memes.

Engaging with the Community

Create your memes directly, like pull them, make some defi application directly like there, so you can make staking on your meme. We have like a, we have like a module called like aliens on top of it, which are like the staking of mean of meme. It's something that doesn't exist like anywhere else. So you could imagine just like bridging your dodge from let's say like the direction of Dodge. So you wrap them as AVV Dodge and then you bridge them using like Axela directly like on top of Shihawa chain.

Innovative Staking Options

And then you can stick them. And by sticking, I mean you don't dilute your token. So you're nothing like expose it like to impermanent loss. But you are like staking the double V Dodge, let's say. And you are like securing the Shen as well. And the chain is sharing you part of the inflation, like in a wow. That you receive directly for these good boy rewards. So pretty fun, right? So it's.

Community Engagement Strategies

Yeah, I would say like a new way to degenerate more the DJ's. So it's pretty fun. Very cool. Sorry, I was just checking if I was muted or not. It's actually a really cool thing, the meme culture. Firstly as well, if those of you who aren't familiar with the Cosmos chain, I made a killing on Cosmos in the last bull run. It was such a great chain. Yeah, that was a good bull run last year. It was, it was a good bull run.

Insights on the Previous Bull Run

And I was catching it just at the right moment. And yeah, it was perfect. I really like cosmos as a chain. I think they, I think what they're doing. I like their token atom 100%. I'm a big Cosmos fan. And right now, the ability to create memes is, I don't know, perhaps one of the most powerful tools at the moment in the web three space in this current present moment. That's true.

Potential of Meme Creation

If you look at what for example, created with spammed up fun. There is like no Justin sun that releases like on Tron with a sun pump, which is basically the same, but on Tron. Well, in a way you can already be technical change since like three years. We just like didn't deploy like UI like for doing it. But I guess like the first thing is like coupler like the main wallet where you can also like have like the native access directly like for like the world tokens.

Developing Access via Wallets

Wasn't like well known like I would say like war worldwide. It's starting to be a bit used like more even like for the EVM people because there is the also like the support of it. And I guess it's starting like to onboard like with like, you know, there was like plenty of new chains like celestial, there was like dimension, etc. And some of them were also like reward and are dropping people like from EVM site. So this is more and more modular.

Increased Modularity and Attention for Cosmos

So we attracted also like Ethereum people and Serena people as well. There is like IBC with composable with it still not like fully live, but there is warm mode. So there is plenty of solution. Like I would say like that also like connect everything. And the good way is like the cosmos chains now can get a bit of attention back since the USC crash that literally just killed the ecosystem at this time. But now we are getting like a more engagement again and again.

Reviving Interest in Cosmos Projects

I think at some point we will have potentially the movement of people that gonna onboard more and more in this ecosystem. Because the tech is very cool. And you're gonna see like when we're gonna release like the war swap interface or easy. Is it like just like to create a meme, start deploying it, share it online and just start your journey like. Yeah, it's gonna be very easy.

Ease of Access and Usage

Very, very easy. And I'm looking at your market cap at the moment, it's about 5.18 million. It's saying, yeah, which if you're looking at a low market cap gem, that's the low market cap gem people. I mean, honestly, who doesn't love a low market cap gemdeh get on it right now. And I'm looking across your exchanges. So I'm just as you can get on Mexie, Bitmark, osmosis and all just tradable in USDT.

Operational Features and Market Presence

That's very cool. And also I just want to point out while I've been Chihuahua are giving away a wawa token so you can win that if you are the best gift. So if you want that $100 of wawa, go and put up your best gifts right now. Get that, get them gifts in. And if I was up to, if it was me, I'd perhaps tag in some friends and perhaps tag in Chihuahua. That way they might not. Yeah, you should tag like imagine it's already like 2 million wawa directly, like in your wallet.

Incentives for Participation

Your, your journey is like starting. You're already like a million now. Exactly, exactly. But you know, think carefully about how you're doing it because you don't just want to throw, you don't want to piss into the window, you know, select your target. Don't make yourself like honestly get your best gifts in. That's what I'm saying. Okay, so future of wawa, what's the next big exciting thing that you want to just like get people buzzed about right now?

Future Directions for Wawa Token

Yes. So basically this is this interface that we're gonna release like next month. We have like an upgrade on the chain. And the thing which is like very important to remind is if you check like why I pump that fun or sun pump etc. Excited. And there is more and more meme platform is because they are creating like fucking revenue. They are making like 300 million a year.

Revenue Potential for Meme Platforms

And basically the only bad thing is like it's for the platform, so you won't touch any of this revenue. People are just gambling and they are making money on you. The difference here is as we have like our own meme chain and I, it's literally only for this purpose. It means that the revenue is also like shared within like the stakers. So if you are like a wawa stakers and you stick your wawa, you get inflation reward.

Revenue Sharing Model

But also you're gonna be able like to get the post stage back of this revenue made on the platform. So if you imagine like even like 10% of that will be like 38 million or something, like that carrier will be directly like just spread between like all the stickers. So it can go like very quick, it can engage like way more. And by just like rewarding the users for what they are doing, it's pretty much more cool.

User Engagement Through Revenue Sharing

Very cool. Very, very cool. And so apart from staking, what do you see as the future of the token? The Wawa token? What like staking is one thing and it's like one of those great tools that we use in web three. But like six months down the line. One year down the line. What are you seeing as the potential for the wild token? Yeah, so we want like to have like some part of Defi so people can just have fun with it like liquid stock and liquid token etc.

Plans for DeFi Integration

So you can also like make like difference with it makes on Defi. We gonna, we want as well like to have like a bit more like rob new made with the platform that gonna also like be spent on having like more visibility like in CeX as well having like bigger tier one etc. Suspect the liquidity and visibility. And the idea would be like at some point to have like this part of reward also like a shared like to some like diverse charity company.

Charitable Aspects to Token Utility

So, so we can just like also like get some utility. I would say like in the real world. By doing that not only onboarding like all the social bitcoin, so you can imagine like all the instagrammers, all the tiktokers that got like their social pet favorite with like millions of like followers or 100k or something like that, just deploying their token social pet. So just having more, I would say like the digital like business for also like them.

Expanding Digital Business Horizons

I think like at some point, yeah, the idea would be like to share like this revenue to expand also like on all this area like for having like the easier ways like for the pets to live, let's say like in yours with us in this world. Amazing. Amazing. Very, very cool. I really love it. Just so you know, guys, we're at 1700 comments in the chat. That's amazing.

Engagement Metrics and Opportunities

Now, just so you know, we're going to be running this competition. It's just going to go on a little bit longer because we're going to allow some people to catch up and listen as well. But we are already tracking all the best comments, all the best questions, all the best gifts. We're tracking it all. But we are going to be giving away $800 worth of prizes, particularly as I've already mentioned, wow are doing a $100 for the best gift.

Prize Distribution Announcement

So don't miss out on that. Please don't miss out on that. Yeah, exactly. And at the moment I'm looking at your token, it's going up in value. So if you give it $100, pretty soon, if you're getting in best gifts and that token price is going up, I mean you may end up with more than $100. I mean, who isn't? Love that? So guys, 1 second I'm getting reminded of something.

Final Preparations

I don't know what that word means. I'm really sorry. You're going to have to. So I know you're listening. Claudia, I don't know what the second to last word you've written is, but I appreciate the 1 second. She's now said that now to send in to win stuff. I don't understand, Claudia, you're gonna have to break that down for me. I am sorry. Right guys, everyone, we have just had eight guests on Ama's $800 is about to give away.

Summary of Guests and Rewards

Before we finish this up, I want to talk about story fire. I want to thank you so much for joining us and I'm sure we'll have you on again soon. And I really can't wait to see what happens with Chihuahua. I'm sure you can't as well. So guys, let me now just talk to you. Just finish up now with a little bit about story fire and just give you some really exciting news. I should have said that.

Exciting Developments on Story Fire

I should have front run this whole thing with, hey, we're going to finish this with some exciting news. The whole team has been playing with keys all week. We have been buying, selling, watching the trade values go up. So I can just tell you just to start with a few little sneak things about keys that's coming. I'm just going to pull up my spreadsheet here that's in front of me now.

Key Features and Value

Got it. Right. So what's the start price of a key? So we've told you about keys in the past. So on the platform, you're going to be able to buy keys and creators. That means literally you will own almost a share in the creator and you will get access to their private chat, you will get access to their private videos, you will get access to their private, so anything they put behind a paywall.

Access and Ownership for Creators

So they might put something behind a paywall for $5, $10, $3. But if you're a key holder, you're in. Okay, you have access to it all, plus all the extra exclusive parts. What price do these keys start? We're going to start at for the first key. But how quickly does the value of those keys go up? So I can tell you just a few little snapshots on route so you can see how quickly the value goes up.

Pricing Structure Insights

So say you go to buy the 10th key or the. Yeah, the 10th key. The price of the 10th key is $10. So you've gone from ten cents to ten dollars in nine keys. What about the, let's say the hundredth key? Well, the hundredth key will cost $1,000. So the price escalation of this goes through the roof. So if you're an early key buyer, the potential to make your dollars is incredible.

Exploring Revenue Opportunities

And we have been showing marketing, we've been showing agencies and marketers, and we've been showing creators and they are all going this is amazing. So we have access to this exclusive chat that only our key holders can hold? Yep. Wait, also we can put on live streams only for key holders. Yep. What if we want to put up an exclusive post in the feed?

Exclusive Arrangements for Key Holders

Yep. What if our videos are for key holders only? Yep. All there. Everything. It is a product built for creators and built for speculating on it is so cool. And it's all in USDT. USDC. How does it affect blaze? This is the exciting bit. So 5% of every key purchase goes to the creator, 90% goes into the liquidity pool, 2.5% goes to storage fire and 2.5% is going to the buy back and burn wallet.

Revenue Distribution Models

We wanted you to understand, 2.5% of every us dollar spent. Buy back and burn. This is super cool and we promise you on that first day we are doing a monumental buyback and burn because you owed already some buyback and burns. So we're going to do that all on the launch day. It's going to be amazing and we just wanted to fill you in with that.

Preparations for Launch Day

The launch day, literally. We are sat around the table in tomorrow to work out the launch day. So we are picking our launch day. We are lining up all our creators and they are going to be dropping and you are going to want to be in our discord chat. So go to our home page on X and make sure you follow that. And then once you follow that, go join our discord because then you will have access to when the creators are dropping.

Joining the Community

It is super exciting. And then also, I'm just getting oh yeah, right. Okay, right now I understand. Thank you very much. So just a reminder for the prizes. Best question, there's gonna be a sand. Second best question, $50 in blaze. Third best question, you're gonna get $25 in versus x best gift $100 in Wawa.

Prize Details and Engagement

Second best gift $50 in USDT gifted by Noti which we spoke to earlier and $25 for the third best GiF from versus X. $100 in three for the best comment, $50 in USDT gifted very kindly by Noti for the second best comment, third best comment $25 in versus X token best shoutout post $100 in token events, $50 in blaze for the second and the third $25 in versus X.

Awarding Creativity

Finally, for the most creative person for the most creative comment, creative gift, most whatever is most creative. Miggles NFT winner. It's going to be worth about $70, something like that at the moment, 0.038 or whatever it is. So make sure you're on that. And then now I'm going to invite be me back. I'm going to invite David.

Inviting Guest Contributions

Look at. Because you are going to set up for us the karaoke. Couldn't think the word. Welcome back, David. Thanks so much. Wow, what an ama. Great people. And I give a wolf to Chihuahua. But I've got two big dogs. Right. Okay.

Light-Hearted Interactions

You can't. Unless you want to set off a woofing. Like a hoof. Exactly. I'll tell you what, I'll do one for you, one for the Chihuahua team. I think that's my ten out of ten. There you go. Go. Yeah, there you go. Okay. Off to you, David. So, so, thanks so much, Sam.

Highlighting Collaborations

So it's very simple. If Claudia or somebody can post the URL for the story fire link to be me. Anyone who signs up for be me gets 2000 buzz points just for signing up. Every action you do on beamy, you get buzz points, which you will be able to convert upcoming for tokens. And you can convert them for other stuff. You can.

Engagement Incentives

If you watch a video, if you like a video, if you comment on a video, if you perform a video, if you do all kinds of actions. It's just not if you create karaoke videos. But we've got a, an event going through the weekend starting right now, that if you sing one of two songs, let it be or hey Jude in the style of the beat, and you post that to be me, we're gonna work with story fire to pick our favorite three.

Community Events and Participation

But everyone who posts a video is gonna get a thousand buzz points, so. And every thousand buzz points equates to about a dollar. So it's worth getting out there and giving. And again, if you log in every day to be me, you get buzz points. The idea is to. I don't. I'm talking to the converted.

Encouragement for Engagement

Here is web three people, but the idea is for web two people to start to understand how they can move their activity from web two to web three. And the more the merrier. So we're excited by this and we appreciate the opportunity to work with story fire and our partners to make this happen. 100%. And so story fire is adding to this the three best chosen videos on the that story fire is going to give $33 worth of ablaze to each of those.

Recognition and Rewards

So if you create it you're not just getting buzz points. And buzz points are the best part. But we are going to win. We're going to award three in the style of the Beatles singers with some blaze $33 a piece. So, yeah, as soon as that's selected for us, we will send you those blaze points. So exciting stuff.

Closing Remarks and Future Actions

We will post out over the weekend our eight, the $800 worth of prize winners. So we won't post it out today. It'll be posted out sometime over the weekend. And then each of you can then come and claim and win your dollar 800. We are super excited about it. I have one last thing to add to this. Tomorrow I begin a 100 miles bike ride.

Personal Challenge Announcement

I over the downs. And if you. The downs, by the way, is not some terrible slur. It's the name of a set of hills in my area. Let's get that absolutely clear from the start. So I'm doing a hundred mile bike ride. And if you want to follow that progress, then you can follow me on storyfire. I am at Vino fire and you can see my progress throughout the weekend.

Encouragement for Community Interaction

It's a pretty grueling bike ride because it is literally an hour and a half uphill, about two minutes downhill bike ride, and then you go back uphill again. And throughout the day, I'm going to be taking pictures and posting them up on my story fire account. And so you can all follow along and I may give away some blaze tomorrow evening. Who knows? You never know.

Wrap Up and Farewell

So if you want to comment on my pictures, but what I'm going to do is I'm going to put in the comments right now. My. No, that sandbox, I don't know why will just. It's at Vino fire. You can't miss me at Vino fire on story fire. So you can follow my bike ride. But now, everyone go sing some songs on Beamie. Thank you to all our guests.

Gratitude to Participants

It has been an amazing several hours. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all their input. Everyone, if there was a token that took your fancy, go and buy it. Go and invest. There's. Every single one of those projects is worthy of your attention. Attention. Not one of them. It was a. Was a throwaway project.

Final Thoughts

Every single one of them. If you've got friends that you think might be interested, send this on to them. Because remember, we're tracking that and we've got prizes for it. So if you know of a friend that you think might be really interested in it, send it. Post it out to them. We will reward three people for those posts. So thank you very much, everyone, and we will see you soon.

Conclusion of the Event

Thank you, guys.

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