Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Meet at the Clubhouse hosted by BoredApeYC. Join the Clubhouse, a digital space where ownership of exclusive NFTs like Bored Apes and Mutant Apes is the key to entry. @yugalabs has curated a community hub for NFT enthusiasts to connect, interact, and engage. Discover the significance of unique NFT ownership, inclusivity, and community spirit within the Clubhouse.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How can one become a member of the Clubhouse space?
A: Ownership of specific NFTs such as Bored Apes or Mutant Apes is required for membership access.

Q: What is the role of @yugalabs in the Clubhouse creation?
A: @yugalabs is the creator of the Clubhouse space, providing a platform for NFT enthusiasts to engage.

Q: What is the significance of unique NFT ownership in the Clubhouse community?
A: Owning unique NFTs fosters a sense of belonging and exclusivity within the Clubhouse community.

Q: How does the Clubhouse space enhance connections among NFT collectors?
A: The Clubhouse serves as a gathering place for NFT enthusiasts, promoting interaction and community engagement.

Q: Why are Bored Apes and Mutant Apes central to the Clubhouse membership?
A: These specific NFTs act as the key to unlocking exclusive features and benefits within the Clubhouse space.


Time: 00:15:20
Exclusive NFT Ownership for Clubhouse Access Discover how unique NFT ownership grants entry to the Clubhouse community.

Time: 00:25:45
Community Engagement in the Clubhouse Space Explore the interactive nature of the Clubhouse environment for NFT enthusiasts.

Time: 00:35:10
Role of @yugalabs in NFT Community Building Learn about @yugalabs' contribution to fostering connections among NFT collectors.

Key Takeaways

  • Owning Bored Ape or Mutant Ape NFTs grants membership to the exclusive Clubhouse space.
  • Community revolves around unique NFT ownership and membership in the digital club.
  • The Clubhouse curated by @yugalabs offers a space for NFT enthusiasts to connect.
  • Inclusivity and access to unique NFTs are central to participation in the Clubhouse community.

Behind the Mic

Friday Excitement

Yo, yo. Happy Friday, everybody. Welcome, welcome. Another awesome opportunity to hang out with the homies here. Got a lot of fam pulling up. Not even going to do any music today. Just too fucking excited to get into it. There's just too much going on in the swamp. Fired up about that bait post we just saw earlier today, which is absolutely just fucking incredibly exciting. I saw a friend post. I know a lot of people are finding little Easter eggs on it, so I'm excited. I'm pumped, you know, honestly, Friday is my favorite day of the week. Not only because we get to hang out here, but it's because you get to see a lot of things come to fruition. So, illa, how you living, man? Happy Friday. How you doing, bro? Man, it's Friday. That's why. That's why I'm glad we have this space on. Friday is like. I feel amazing.

Weekend Plans

The weekend's coming up, you know, I only got one studio session this weekend, and it's only for a few hours, so I'm gonna actually enjoy my weekend for the first time in a month, so. Fuck yeah, bro. Hey, dude, if anyone. If anyone out there wants to come up, rather. Hey, dudes. Hey, homies. If anyone out there wants to come up, say what's up? Tell us what they're working on. Tell us which fucking babe Easter egg they're. They're stoked on. Whatever it may be, you're absolutely welcome to. I missed out last weekend. I heard last Friday was quite a dope spaces. You guys always hold it down. A lot of homies coming through. I got touch grass and go to SeaWorld, which was, if you haven't been to SeaWorld, that is a weird place, but it's kind of awesome. It's fucking expensive, though.

Excitement Over Bape

All right, listen. I'm still personally, I'm looking at the Bape thing. I can't stop looking at it right now. I'm kind of deciding, like, all right, what are they. What are they putting out there? I like the Easter eggs. Somebody just posted something of a screenshot, perhaps, of some, like, locking sunglasses, which that's right up my alley from. From being a nineties valley, kidde. I, all right, I'm gonna have the loads, Baron. You had some loaks, bro. All day, all I hung out with was my mexican community. We rock loaks. And then it was bon zippers forever, bro. I used to wear the flannel shirt, button up to the top, downward. You. You see old pictures of me, you will fucking laugh. Like, who is this guy Baron was the baron. Had the knee high socks on the Nike Cortez.

Reflections on Community

Let me find out, bro. I ran track in Nike Cortez. Absolutely, like 100%. You ever blood in, blood out with meek low like that? That shit was me, bro. Except not the gang part or the drugs part, but, like, being. Yet you had to watch the movie. Bear was out there, boy. They thought Baron was motherfucker from Sinaloa. Like, hey, what's up, Holmes? Baron, what's up? Yes, sir. I gonna lie, Boyden. I miss. I always say I miss la, man. But at one point in my. When I was a youngster, I used to get into a little bit of trouble, and I had to spend some time in Rosarito, Mexico. I had to spend three months down there. And, man, I saw. Till to this day, I love mexican food. It's still like, I'm Guyanese.

Taste of Mexican Food

So, of course, Guyanese is number one, but Mexican is a close number two, bro. Who I used to be eating them tortas. I go to the motherfucking the store, and in Mexico, you can get. You could get two quarts. Two quarts of a. Of dose equis, right? And then you could go back and trade them shits. If you take. If you get two of them, you could take the bottles back and you could trade the bottles back and get one for free. Like I was, bro. Mexico is bet. Like, Mexico is awesome for two things. Amazing food at an incredible price. And making me feel like every time I go there and spend, like, a week there, I'm like, my life is so overly complicated that it's just so chill. In Mexico, you just sit there and enjoy the moments.

Comparisons of Food

And at least from my experiences when I go down there, it really always makes me realize, like, damn, Americans over complicate shit for no reason is what it feels like. But that's a whole nother thought, bro. Growing up in southern California, hispanic food, mexican food, that's what's up. And, you know, Socal, we got the best fucking mexican food out here. Anyone else think it's Texas tripping? Absolutely tripping. Yeah. Texas. Do you already know today? Got it. Cuz they'd be talking about Tex Mex. It's like, nah, bro. It ain't no Cali Mex. It's just mexican food. They Texas, they Texas. So broly, they try to throw their name on a ass text. Max, like, now, homie, you need that real deal, bro.

Culinary Experiences

I need the guacamole got to be so fresh. And that red pepper got to be perfectly vinegar with the right amount of heat on it. Yeah, that's the real deal. And they got to cut that. That shit right off the motherfucking. The spigot. Even though I don't eat pork no more, when I used to eat pork. Oh, my God, them little, tiny little tacos with the fresh guac, man. Come on, bro. Yeah. And they ain't touching Callie Baron. I'm sorry. Yo, remember at the other block? I think Gene was there. Gene, myself, Sean, Nana, I think Peter Fang as well. We sponsored, like, the tacos for the event. And when I went back the next day, the board was there. This is how much of a board ape nerd collector I am.

Passions and Collections

There was nothing else there. I was picking up a painting from rock soul. It was about to start sprinkling. I'm like, well, I better go get that board and put in my jeep. So I have the fucking decision of our four apes, like, saying, you know, all the different taco names we had and shit. Gene, that was. I gotta show you that at some point. That's a epic collectible, yo. I did. I didn't know you picked that up, man. Oh, man. I'm like a hoarder for bored ape merch. Yeah, that's a grail piece, man. I gotta. I gotta. You know what? I gotta have all. All of us sign it. That would be sicker, I think.

Culinary Conversations

What's good with you, man? What's. What's your favorite Mexican food out here in Socal? Oh, man. So there's this, like, there's this taco stand. It's not even a store, but it's on the west side here in LA. I haven't even gotten to try it yet, but they do, like, amazing Al pastor, which is, like, my favorite, the. You know. You know, beef or, you know, meat, I guess. So I definitely got to try that out. But. And, yeah, speaking of Alpha store, that's. That was my. That was my flavor at the. At the other block event, right? So.

More on Meat Preferences

Yo, speaking about. Speaking of meat, what kind of meat are we going to get into in Lisbon? Because I don't fuck with fish. And so I've been trying to learn about this piri chicken. I just realized that's a spicy chicken. So I'm, like, really excited to try that. I don't know if anyone else has been, like, dreaming of the food they're gonna eat when they go to Lisbon, but I 100% have been looking up, like, okay, what kind of food do they have? You know? I sure as hell looked up what kind of McDonald's is in Portugal? I was like, well, no, bro. No, baron, stop, you guys. Bro, you have to eat at McDonald's. Around the world, they all have different shit.

Cultural Food Experiences

Remember went over this with storm when she was in Dubai, and she, like, read it to us. You know, it's a thing dog. Yeah, I get it. McDonald's in Okinawa was actually kind of busing because they. It's an island, and they don't import the poison that they have in the American McDonald's. But I ain't gonna lie, man. McDonald's, you don't travel for McDonald's, bro. That peri peri chicken is bus, bro. But I think. I think Portugal, I feel like they have, like, this really over the top, beautiful McDonald's. I'm have to look it up and send it to you, man. I might have been dreaming that, but, like, it.

Global Fast Food

I feel like I'm not wrong about that. I already did my McDonald's research. The Philippines has. At the Philippines McDonald's, they have fried chicken and spaghetti. So just saying. Yeah, they had a shrimp burger, the one in Okinawa. I'm like, damn. I remember when I was a jit, I used to eat shrimp burgers in Guyana. And then all of a sudden, I got. I came to America and was all of a sudden allergic to shellfish. Trying to tell y'all, man, I don't know what they were doing on his hair, bro. Straight sabotage. I wasn't allergic to shit. I got here, I became allergic to dogs. I became allergic to everything.

Reflections on Allergies

Well, not dogs. Cats and some plants and sus, bro. I was like, damn, you're not a dog person. That sucks. It would suck to be a dog person and be allergic to dogs. That would be some, like, torture shit. Like, you know that when you see the clip of the guy who's all alone with his books, and then he breaks his glasses and can't see. It's like that kind of pain. Anyways, bro, I love that we get to just have these clubhouse spaces, guys. There's never an agenda. It's just fucking hanging out, talking shit with the homies, just as if we're hanging out in the clubhouse.

Future Gatherings

Someday it'll be digital IRL fucking in Lisbon, whatever it may be. I'm just excited to hang out with you guys. So if anyone else is out there and wants to come up, please, please, come on up. Tell us what you're cooking up. I know we saw that bape ape chain thing pop up earlier. That graphic is amazing. I'm excited with all that shit that's coming out the next few months, Ella, I think, are going to be kind of wild, bro. Like, I made a post earlier. You know, we had poker this week. We had bape. We have ape fest coming up.

Exciting Upcoming Events

And that's just the shit people know about, right? So there's a lot more excitement coming, but there's also a lot of exciting shit that has been happening really fast lately. It seems. It'S cook time. I seen everybody like, you know, the market is reacting to this new energy, you know, when the market react and then just so happens that, you know, my boy Gordon, our guy, he's back. He's on the timeline. He's talking about, man. The only thing I'm fucking working only thing I care about is this treasure hunt.

Treasure Hunt Anticipation

And it's gonna be the most incredible fucking shit. The best treasure hunt ever that anybody's ever done. And I believe it. Yeah, throw up some fucking emojis out there. If you guys are stoked that Gordon's back and that he announced in such a grand way that he's focused on something fucking incredible, I'm so pumped for that. Yeah, that's gonna be the shit. That's gonna be the shit, is that. And then I seen, you know, we got the bape thing today. We had poker.

Community Excitement

We got the project dragon coming up again. So that's one thing. I said it the other day, man. There's a flight towards. Towards quality, you know, and, you know, action and energy, and we got that. But I seen today, you know, Luca made his post about some coming up with pudgies with their. Some games that they got coming. Then I seen Zagabond do a post about Azuki. Frank has been fucking cooking like a motherfucker with his d God mode.

Innovations and Developments

Like, bro, Frank. Frank sat down at the poker table I was at the other day in the other side, and I thought to myself, well, this is what a. What a weird world we live in, where, like, this is always what we dreamt of at the beginning, which was we'd go into the digital world as our apes, as our avatars or whatever, and you'd be like, yo, that's fucking nana. Or, that's grateful. Or that's Fibor. That's whoever, right? And I'll tell you guys right now, those pimp jackets are my absolute favorite fucking 3d render in the world.

Creative Collective

That they just go super hard. And I think that's kind of incredible that this is just at the beginning stages, right? Like, have you guys seen Dashbo real quick? And what Rita's cooking up, like, all that content at our fingertips, just, like, a little bit away, right? Like, I see a lot of you guys posting shit. This is just an exciting time. And so fucking shout out to all the people who've stuck it through and just ride with us because they're building, they're cooking. They love the club for being a fucking club, which means I, a collective group of people who share the same energy, excitement, passion towards some kind of purpose and goal.

Community Support

I love it. Fran, go for it. Yeah. I just wanted to say the poker event was a lot of fun. Getting on other side and having some new type of activity to do in the game was awesome. I've never played poker before, so I had to watch a six minute video beforehand and won my first couple hands and did not so hot after that, but it was a lot of fun. I think if I had any suggestions, it would be. It was awesome being able to hear other tables around, but while you're at.

Feedback and Improvement

A table in between hands, it would. Be cool to be able to, like, zoom out of that table to see the other avatars around you, maybe even zoom into other tables or something like that. So if they could add more features like that. I know it's an early alpha, but. Figured I just put some input on what could be improved. It was an amazing event, and. It was a lot of fun. Yeah, that's the. That's the beauty of building in public, is that right there, getting that feedback, you know, so it can actually be, you know, we can improve this shit because nothing's gonna be perfect on the first iteration.

Constructive Criticism

But we, to me, we have a club of builders, and we have a club of creatives, and every opinion matters. And I love to get that. That feedback, even when people fud. I learned this from the music industry, man. A lot of people that consider shit fud, it's constructive criticism. Like, if you're, like, shitting on something with no, like, way to correct it, then you're, come on, bro. You're just trying to engage me for them. But if you're, like, brought in like this, they should have did Ab and C.

Motivation Through Criticism

Just like, thank you. Thank you for the a, B and c, bro. Cause we need that. I, you know, David Goggins, that beast, that guy, I listened to some of his content, and the other day he was talking about how he screenshots some of his haters comments. So those days when he doesn't feel motivated, where he feels like, maybe today I'm not going to give 100%. He'll pull those screenshots up, like, reread them, you know? And I thought to myself, what a fucking crazy person.

Fueling Drive

But how awesome is that idea of, like, you know, that. That fucking Kobe commercial all the way back when it was like, thank you to all my haters. You guys made me who I am today, right? Like, that's a certain kind of fuel for people. And hearing our founders talk about how their job is just to eat shit so that they can keep contributing and creating and all that shit, right? It's amazing. Kobe. Shout out to Kobe. Happy birthday, Kobe. Crazy, right? I see someone's hand up here, but let's say, what's up?

Engagement with Community

What's up, bro? That's minty fresh. Got his hand up. Yeah, yeah, let's do that. Minty fresh. What's good? It was up, fam. No, I just want to come up and vibe. But, like, what you're saying about, like, you know, haters. Luca had a post the other day that I thought was really telling about his mentality towards, you know, his pursuit of, you know, Luke over. Over Pudgy was like, every hater is just a misinformed fan. It's just they don't know it yet.

Understanding Perspectives

Like, he's gonna. He's gonna tell him. He's gonna bring him there. And I think that says a lot about, like, you know, the. The mentality that takes and the compassion and empathy, I think because, you know, people are coming from all over different places. They're coming from a bad day. They're coming from whatever they're coming from. You know, their bag just got exploded on them. But to be able to come into a community where there's a central thesis that it's just about trying to help inform and help educate people around you, I think is really fantastic.

Resilience in Community

Yeah, end of the day, you gotta. You gotta always tip your hat to the people who show that they have resilience and they. And they built for tough, you know what I mean? And, man, I said it last week. I'll say it again this week, bro. Our community, everybody took their opportunity to dunk on us for a year and a half. Oh, my God, they dunked. Everybody was LeBron. They was getting free dunks. Boy, every. It was posterization.

Journey of Resilience

Every space posterized. Guess what? Motherfuckers didn't go nowhere. You look now. You look at. You look at any of these marketplaces, who's on the top? No announcement of token, no announcement of nothing. Just fucking cooking. And when you look about what is not, there's not announcement, is just, oh, here's this thing. Hopefully you guys fuck with it. If you don't fuck with it, just give us some feedback so we make it so we work on it until you fuck with it type shit. That's it.

Simplicity in Approach

Really simplified, really streamlined. And the thing that people got are starting to notice is, damn, I'm involved in this shit.

Investment Engagement

Me holding this asset, I'm really involved in this shit. You know, I mean, in my. And the shit that I got to say matters, and they're gonna take it, try to implement it. Go ahead, Minty.

Understanding Mentalities

I was just saying that's a different mentality of, like, you know, incorporating people. And, you know, that's the, I think, sadly, we got sort of a lesson firsthand of what it's like for a lot of these founders, a lot of these creators who are getting some success and then looking to try and stabilize that success or provide a structure for that success. And so running out and, you know, getting the best of the best in web two, getting, you know, absolute best executives to come and run things, who didn't quite understand the culture, who didn't quite have buy in on what it means to build in public, how embarrassing that looks.

Builing in Public

It's ugly. I mean, I think it firsthand. I get, like, a lot of, you know, grief and guff, but it's just like, that's the feedback, as you were saying, ella, of making things better. And when we're doing that, the product gets better, it gets better faster, and word gets out much stronger about the community. It's really a way of building, and I think the way that we're embracing it, as you said, we can all feel the heat coming. We can all feel the wave coming.

Community Vibes

So it's. It's a good time to be in the club. I seen bunny post. Byc is making me feel like old, bringing back them obic vibes. I'm like, yeah, we need him to do that. Half a million on the watch post again. Round two, you know what I mean? Oh, bro, don't even bring it up because I was there for that. I'm partly responsible for that evening, for that screenshot.

Memorable Night

Had them in the in club story. We had tables. We was in there with and watching Pusha T. And then the guy next to us had pulled some guy up. Some football player pulls up next to us, has a table right next to us with, like, ten girls. And Bunny is doing this. He's taking the picture with the ape on the watch. And the guy next to us starts screaming, yo. And I'm like, what's this? I'm looking over thinking he's screaming at somebody else and he's pointing at Bunny.

Entertainment and Excitement

And I think he like took his phone out or something. He showed he had an ape and it was. And the girls were like, me, bunny, all profits is there. We all screaming at his table. And our table screaming at you, yo. The girls at his table looking like, what the fuck? What's wrong with these guys? And he's like, yo, these are my boys. We're in the yacht club.

Reflecting on Good Times

So that was a night to remember, bro. That was like, the energy during that time was crazy. Some random NFL player was going crazy because he seemed buddy with the watch, putting the hood, taking that screenshot. So. Yes, but it's also traumatic for buddy. So, you know, it is what it is. Apes, we fly a round trip, baby. Nobody could talk shit. If you want to know about round trip or something, you come to us because we'll tell you how it feels.

Market Perspectives

And now a lot of these motherfuckers who own them shit coins, now they know, you know, they was talking all that shit about apes and they held and grabbed some shit coin from pump fund. This shit went to like a hundred million. And then they round tripped it. And now it's like, welcome. Welcome to the motherfucker. Now you're part of this shit. Now you know what it feels like.

Working Together

But I gotta give my boy, he's. My boy's up here, man. I gotta give him the floor, man. My boy camel. The honorary eight, bro. Camel was good. Hobie, dude, what's poppin? I'm just here for a fucking good time. Not a long time. I I popped into the discord saw this was going saw. I had nine minutes before my next meeting. I was like, how am I gonna harass illa and baron today? Haven't quite figured it out yet, but I'm fucking excited.

Early Vibes

I'm getting very early eight vibes from bored ape yacht club right now. And I'm very proud. Other deed holder. Dude, I saw the poker shit. It looked fucking sick. It looks bad. I don't know who on your team built it, but like, send them my love. Send the product manager, that fucking designers, the art team. Send everybody my love.

Game Development

I think my absolute favorite part of it was the cutaway screen when you won because you see your ape just fucking vibing, you see the chips pop up like, that's going to be cool. When I kind of imagine a few steps forward like if when I'm taking all of your money for real, that's going to be an awesome moment. You can have all three of my ape coin. You don't need to play me in poker for it. I'll just send it to you. Dude, I got you.

Looking Toward the Future

Yo, camel's the one that's going to have me convincing the other side team. Like, bro, we got to make. We got to build some shit so the zyngas, the Zynga guys can come up in here, man, like, first quarter, like, you know, mean, cuz that's what it. I know what you mean, brother. No, I've been watching. I'm impressed. It's what y'all are building is.

Challenges Ahead

Like. I don't think a lot of people understand the goal of what other side is building is one of the most fucking difficult things you can build in games. It is an open world sandbox with web three integrations in tons of fucking mini games with a billion different worlds, different textures and all that shit. Pvp, Pve game activations, everything like that. I have no traditional games experience at all.

Recognition of Work

I've never built a game in my fucking life. I've just learned some shit from people I work with. But everybody says the same shit. The shit that y'all are building and the fact that products are coming to market is just absurdly impressive, bro. They'd be going crazy on us talking hella shit, and I'd be having to be like, bro, grand Theft auto not.

Comparative Challenges

I ain't gonna never compare us to grand Theft, but Grand Theft Auto is. Came on 2013. The last one. Like, what are y'all talking? I mean, I'll compare it to grand theft. Grand Theft has a fucking sandbox mode and everything like that. And from how I understand the other side product and what's being built in it for years to come is it's gonna focus on a lot heavier on that, which has been one of the most sticky mechanics in games recently.

Trends and Development

Fortnight has a sandbox mode. Roblox, of course. All the biggest fucking titles in the world have this shit. And you don't really see it in Webster that much. You have Nifty island, and that's about it from what I've seen. Sure, I'm gonna get some hate DM's that some, like, random game I've never heard of also has it. I'm sorry, I don't know every Webster game ever, but knowing the war chest, the team, the connections that y'all have, and the fact that you're still here actively trying to build it.

Building Games

Because building games, fucking expensive too. The marketing, the fucking costs, the art, the devs, the fucking ideas. It's not easy. Like give these guys a break. Yeah, fuck off. If you got problems with the yuga team, come to me. I'm officially Yuga Labs customer support. DM me and I will make sure that you never bother them again.

Support for Yuga Labs

I will school you on everything. Yeah. You see that sword the camel got? Don't play with him, Fran. You can do some fucking damage. I'll take out an eye, I don't care. Yeah, like, and that's when you susy, you don't come at Yuga. But you know, I'm saying camel, don't fuck with my boy camel, cuz he got them apes behind him.

Casual Conversations

Fran, you were saying something earlier? No, I was just saying all that sounds super boring. That's all I was saying. Yeah, it's boring as fuck. I ain't gonna hold you, bro. We got the homies up here, man. We got. Oh shit. Machi, machi. What up, yo? Yeah, we just been, we've been cooking.

Creative Development

Been doing stuff for the bored apes. We did, you know, like the whole nft meta was dying and then the meme coin meta was the thing everybody's talking about. So we said fuck it. Well, we turned the board apes into meme coins.

New Opportunities

So we did it on eight phi and you could take your board ape and turn into 100 million BYC coins. We've been. But you know, right after we did it, the market crashed like on Monday. And everybody, including the devs that built that contract just like decided like, you know, they want to take a break. And everybody kind of went quiet for a bit.

Market Reactions

But you know, the market looks back. You know, they're doing the rate cuts. You know, Powell's doing his thing and you know, the eight four kind of like pulled up a little bit so everybody woke up again. I don't think all of our apes know this, but yeah, there's a BAYC coin. Now you just need to take your ape and put in the contract.

Token Distribution

It'll turn it 100 million of these motherfuckers. And now the mutants get to, you know, instead of buy a full ape, you can buy some of the BYC coin. You'll have a piece of an ape. But the thing is, the thing we're having a problem with right now is the coinmarketcap coingecko. They won't list the token unless we get an okay from Yuga Labs to use the BYC token.

Branding Efforts

Symbol. So our plan is to now apply for a made by apes thing. I'm using, you know, the logo for the byzp coin is my gold ape that's rocking the boac cap. So, you know, I had dinner with Gordon, and, you know, I did mention that the boy, see token to him. I got to just throw this out there for anyone in the audience.

Clarification on Tokens

This isn't an official boy. See token, right? Like, this is something. This is more than official. It's real. That's the thing. It's a real one. It's a provenance coin. I mean, the only way you can get this fucking token is if. If you take your board ape and fractionalize into 100 million BYC coins.

Community Engagement

So, official or not? It's more than official. And if you want to call it official or not, that's what Ella Baron, Gordon and Garga gotta go make it official because, you know, I did the work for Yuga. You know, you didn't have to get any devs to build this for them or anything, or even come up with the idea. I did it and, you know, free of charge, because that's how the board apes roll.

Volunteering Efforts

We're a bunch of builders and I built it already. And if you guys, you know, get mfiggy or some of the people at you good. That want to, like, make the website look better or you want to improve on it, whatever. I'm gifting it to the club. The contracts, you know, you could have the website.

Onboarding New Members

Eight, five, whatever. I guess it's part of the gang, you know, I believe that it serves a lot of functions. Like, any apes that are really ugly, we know, you know, they're what, the aquamarines or the orange background apes, those ugly ones. Like, if you want to get rid of them, you stick them in this contract, turn them into BYC coins so no one has to see their ugly faces again.

Striving for Quality

And then our club will only have the hottest looking apes, you know, the best grail apes left. And then the rest of these ugly apes, they'll become BYC coins, which is cool, too, because there's a lot of people that, you know, they don't fuck with nfts. They only want to fuck with meme coins. And. And that's what's up.

Valuing the Token

The bottom line is, I don't give a fuck what anybody says. I don't think Pippit token is worth more than a b a y c token. So I think BYC token, 5 billion market cap, 10 billion mark cap, doable if not going to happen. Like, who's more relevant, Pepe or fucking board apes? Fucking board apes are.

Cultural Impact

We bought the fucking crypto punks. Like, we fucking were the first to give away the IP rights so that, like, it's community proliferating a brand together. There's a lot of cool shit in there, man. A lot of cool lore. I think, you know, we still got the greatest NBA three point shooter out there, Steph Curry, rocking the BOAC brand.

Celebrity Endorsements

You got Eminem. Eminem, Snoop Dogg, like the super ogs of hip hop and rap. Like, we got that. The gala boy, Justin Bieber still one of us. I mean, we're just killing it. So, yo, shout out to Steph and, you know, and fucking Tyrese for pulling in a gold medal and being club members.

Celebrating Achievements

That's fucking incredible. I love that shit. As a. As a basketball fan and as an early season ticket holders to the warriors. Like, that shit is fucking amazing. Mandy and Post Malone. Post Malone, like a big fan of his. Now we got Neymar.

Lighthearted Banter

Whoa, whoa. Hey, I'm a ninja, motherfucker. What you talking about? Anyways, yeah, I feel good. I feel good about the club. You know, I didn't really push the BYC token too hard because anyways, again, the market crashed after it didn't. And, like, right now, like, my feelings, like, you know what?

Transitioning Control

I hand over the website contracts, everything over to Yuga, let Gargan and Gordon take over now. Like, you know, it's just the first step of it. And I think, you know, it's overall good for the club and, yeah, that's what we've been cooking on. Yeah, I just love to see club members cooking and doing shit, man, and building.

Community Support

And that's one thing that Maji's always done, even from the eight verse. Mutants like to have somebody, to have people in the club that really believe in this shit, have a ton of skin in the game and are always thinking like, man, how do we make this shit better? I ain't gonna lie, machi, when you was fucking with the blur, nigga, I was like, damn, man, machi, bro.

Commitment to Excellence

But at the end of the day, you always been you. You always been you. Always. What did I do with the blur? Except for catch all your fucking bags and be the exit of the quit for OSF. Frank and I go lie, you was. Carried all the fucking back, dude.

Community Dynamics

Every, every hundred eight holder that dumped, which is like seven eight of them, like 7800 apes, they dumped it on my head and I carried that. This shit. And then I wrote a fucking aip the damn dow so we could carry at least 200 of our fucking apes in there.

Reconnecting with the Club

My nice ones. So you guys are fucked. We took a bunch of the nice ones in there and then. Then I bought an extra, like, I think I got an extra, like 50 to 80 apes that I just picked up. They're nice as fuck too. And you'll never see those fuckers again either.

Appreciation and Recognition

So, now we brought you. End of the day, we appreciate you, dog. Like, yeah, I'm carrying that whole blur bag dumping ape stuff that everybody dumped from. From journey crypto to Jimmy to fucking. You name them.

Market Dynamics

You go look at it. There's. There's nobody in there with 100 apes no more because I got them all. That boy Maki was catching 50 clips of apes. Like, hell yeah, I got it. It's not 50 clips of eight at this fucking ten Eth price.

Price Fluctuations

It was at like 70, 80 eTh at the time. Fuck, that shit's heavy. Yeah, that's. That's heavy. That's heavy, boy. And the other thing. Yeah.

Pursuing Opportunities

Like, I am always looking for bored apes. Not only that, I'm going to drop. Okay, well, it's on blast, but I'm doing the machi coin on blast. And. And you know anybody with the board, ape has got allocation.

New Partnerships

I'm gonna probably put the mutants in there too, man. Why Machi? Why the fuck is that shit? Not gonna be on a chain, right? Because you don't have it ready yet, motherfucker. Done.

Looking Ahead

Okay. Soon as it's done. I already know. You gonna sit? Look, I've already seen AJ vouch for it, right? I've talked to Garden and Gorga recently. I do have some ideas on things to cook on there.

Fostering Innovation

You know, like. Like, don't worry. And I got abstract fucking the penguins panning my door, telling me to build shit on there. I got fucking people. Like every chain wants me to build on their fucking stuff.

Team Collaboration

And we got tons of teams and devs here that. That are builders. These kids are awesome. And like, I welcome all the board. Apes are always welcome at the e arc.

Building Community

Like, my office is called the ape arc. Why don't you shout out the apes that just ran up the number five pump phone coin on Solana, this is. Coco, the apex press founder.

Encouragement and Support

Yes. Yeah, why don't you shout out those apes? I'm the apex press, my Calcutta. Where the fuck is Coco? You got banned cuz you shilling too hard.

Challenges of Influencing

This motherfucker. A rain all day long and then fucking the pump and dumper. Man, that's why you got banned. Where's the eight bit? What do you mean?

Creative Conversations

What are you talking about, bro? It's been the only coin ripping. And that's bored apes that did that. All right, well, and you know, Coco is. Is cooking all day long.

Future Plans

I know he's got an apex press, their pump. That fun version that they're gonna launch an ape changer shot. Shout out to them. And, yeah, maybe I don't need a cook. I just joined Coco and these motherfuckers and fuck around on Apex press.

Activating Excitement

Let's go, baby. Yeah, that's one thing Coco gonna be cooking, boy. Him and Pinky. Who boys gonna be sauteing? You better believe that they.

Recognition and Respect

Them. Those are the apes in the trenches. Shout out all the apes in the trenches. Coco, Pinky, D train, bit boy J. Shout out the real ones in them trenches every single day.

Addressing Criticism

Because I'm Pete. The people in the trenches be trying to talk shit like. Like the apes. Ain't them niggas like, you got me fucked up, bro. Like, D train is out trading all y'all.

Longevity in the Scene

He 50 years old. So sit down. Y'all trading all these motherfuckers. What, another old last guy fucking 50 years old and still fucking right here, dude. Retire, motherfucker.

Timeless Presence

Take a break. D train. Machu. What you talking about? You 52 and you out here catching 50 clips of apes. Yeah, but I got a young girlfriend, D. D is just an old man.

Different Perspectives

You know, at home and retirement home. He's different. Not everybody's like me. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah, you do.

Community Unity

You a different monster, bro. And that's why. That's why you gotta love the club, boy. You never know who's in the club, man, if y'all don't know.

Talking About Big Stars

Machi responsible for all these big stars in Asia, Rockin apes. I was talking to JJ Lynn this morning. You know what I'm saying? All these big. What? Talking to JJ. Oh, shit. What you guys got cooking? Oh, man, you know how we do, bro. JJ's a die hard ape. Earlier this week, I was talking to. You guys, working on track together. That'd be cool. Yeah, I would. You know, we definitely got to get that going. But I'm just doing some things in the background for the club, you know, talking to some big wigs for the club. And we got some big wigs that.

Collaborations and Background Work

Are holding JJ and illa collab. Do a song together. Like a bored ape song. Fuck that shit. That'd be cool. From your lips to God's ears. Brother. That's how I play it. Let's say what's up to the rest of the homies, though, man. We got captain up here at cap was cracking. Yo, thanks for having me up. Gm, GMGM. How you feeling, Cap? How's that energy feeling right now? Feeling good. I. The circling way back earlier, talking poker in the. The other night, I. It was really, for me the first time that, like, I saw a near vision in terms of, like, this. This space, for instance, I. You know, the idea of having that in there, I think Baron said, you know, the, you know, you'd win a hand and it.

Exciting Poker Experiences

You'd have a little animation or zoom out. Like, just that experience. I could see. I can see how that would translate into many other meetups, whether it's the. Clubhouse or, you know, our morning show. Or anytime we're getting together. I just. That that's an enhanced experience over. Certainly over a Zoom meeting. But the spatial audio is, I don't think enough people are talking about, and I think it just. It leads to such a cool environment. To hang out in a, you know. When we're not able to get together in person. This is, I think, will become the next best thing. And whether we're playing poker or just chilling here on a Friday afternoon, really looking forward to where I think this thing's heading. Yeah, I can't wait for this to be on all the time because we could just have the space in there.

The Future of Poker in the Metaverse

We could really meet at the clubhouse and just talk some shit, yo. All I know is I can't wait till there's a world in which I can sit down with some homies, play real stakes, and just get that game going, like, through a metaverse experience. That's something I have personally dreamt of since the moment I started buying metaverse land. Washington to simply play poker in that specific format in a digital world, like fucking poker stars, all that shit is what I grew up on. But seeing it in this new way gets you excited, because there's a world in which that could be real funds, real gambling, like, or, you know, wagering, whatever it might be, but still, like, that's fucking exciting, man. And to your point, there's an existing market, right? And this is truly like a situation where it's better.

Enhancing Existing Markets

It's a better experience. It's enhancing something that exists currently. And that traditional online poker really hasn't changed much since Chris moneymaker days. It's prime for disruption. It's the same boring, vanilla experience across any of those sites and to make it more experiential. And most of them still, there's not even any voice component. It's just type, you know, if you want to chat, you're typing in. It's just very archaic in terms of all the other tech we have today. And, yeah, I think they're really on to something here. Yeah, I feel like when I first bought my land, I was just picturing because I had just watched ready player one. If anybody here hasn't watched ready player one, you trippin if you want to see what, like, a lot of people envision the other side to be like, probably 99% of us have watch that movie and have bought this land and part of this club.

Imagining Poker in Virtual Spaces

Watch ready player one, then you'll get it. Because I saw the fact that you can just play poker or people could just run around the world. I'm like, damn, if we would have had the guns out if there was Project Dragon going on. And then you got tired of getting headshotted as soon as you land, and you're like, man, I'm fucking. I'm gonna walk in here and play some poker. And we got voice. We got the voices working. So it was like, yo, yo, everybody, like, who want to go play poker? Yeah, I'm tired of getting shot. Let's go play poker. You can go sit down and play poker while other motherfuckers are grinding rails, while other motherfuckers are outside shooting the shit out of each other.

Building Unique Digital Experiences

To me, that's a small glimpse of how I envision this shit, because I want to just live online sometime, like, at some points in my day or the weekend, and just have chaos, win or lose money, shoot the homies. Like, I know I'm building this crazy experience just from my childhood. That's what I want to build another side. So that's, to me, the what we seen last week or what we see in currently with poker. And then we got project Dragon coming up. This is what it's gonna start to look like. And this is year two, and motherfucking grand theft still isn't out. And it's been ten years, so. And we've already had multiple trips and multiple experiences.

Excitement for What’s Coming

To me, this is what building in public is. Man, fuck all the fud. Like, we already did all that and. PP, man, the day after the poker event, jumped into a poker spaces and talked about, you know, the reboot partnership and how that'll allow, like, wagering, in a sense, for games on your metaverse land. So, like, that's the dream where I start to go, like, oh, I can create games, perhaps where I can create, like, wagering dynamics, but I don't know what game in what style, but, like, that's a reality. That's kind of like, starting to sit in my mind is like, okay, how do I create this? What sort of game would I want to create that could be fun, engaging and potentially economically captivating?

Thoughts on Creating Games

I'm glad he spoke about that because that means I could talk about it now. Yeah, bro. He posted a video. That's why I was like, oh, shit. That's sick. Okay, nice. I can't wait for that shit, man. That's for all of us DJ's. Trust me. That's the. That's the little bit of stickiness that Djen stickiness that we need on everything. The fact that. Okay, yeah, like, let's really bet on it. Like, you popping shit, let's bet on it. I got 108 coin. I got motherfucking a million mog. What? You want to bet on it? I will headshot your ass. And then it's like, I don't see.

Continuation of Excitement

I knew Coco was gonna like that shit. That's right up his alley. Let's go. Let's go, bro. I'm trying to risk it all. That's the fuck I'm talking about. Well, risk on. So that's the. Yo, if you build Djen tools, and I think that's what people will start noticing as time goes on, is that you guys got some real fucking dj's that got the keys to the ship and Djen tools are being made. And Garga said it, man, as long as you can give people tools and be able to core gasoline on it, the tools he talked about is degenerate tools, bro. The kind of shit that work we got coming for ape chamber, I think people are sleeping on it, bro. Like, there's a lot, like, we're just being quiet.

Building in Silence and Anticipation

We're like ninjas. Like ninjas moving in silence, bro. You guys will see. You said ape chain and look. Look who's up here. All of a sudden, just like, boom. He appears. Yeah. Holder of it. Like, this is his dream. He's like, man, niggas used to be fudding. You think went through fud boy, the eight corn? Hey, let me. You know, bro, like, I just want to. I just want to say something, bro. I like, literally, I don't know if a lot of people know it, but literally, a group of four apes just ran a coin from 50 to a CTO, from fifty k to forty four million in like five weeks.

Rise of a Coin and Success

Grinding it out. Hard work. And we're bringing all that energy. All those people that enjoyed that success are coming to ape chain because I'm the founder of Apexpress. And. And all those people that won with me are coming over to my platform, just so you know. So tap in with us because I'm not coming to lose. Talk that shit, coco. Talk your shit, bro. Like, motherfuckers think it's a game, bro. Apes did that shit. Next time they say that apes aren't cool. Apes aren't doing shit, bro. Like, everyone's old pump fun. This pump on that motherfucker. We got one of the top.

Achievements and Recognitions

We got the top four pump fun coin of all time made by apes. So fuck off. We're out here, baby. Clip that motherfucking. Clip it. Instant NBA registration right there. Instantly. Shoot, take it. Grind it up. Shoot it in my veins, man. Like, don't fuck us, boy. Motherfucking people just tweeted it yesterday. That's the shit we out here doing. Get hyped. Come on, come on. We the community of builders. 500 NBA businesses. Ape chain, Machi fucking buying 750,000 apes off of people in one clip. Motherfucking Adler taking on all of.

Community of Builders and Future Prospects

All the pressure and all the fu for ape coin. And they coming back with fan cape and all this shit and cooking on niggas and boy, my boy, Pinky. Pinky, Coco cooking up apex breath, launching the one of the top coins out there right now. Made by eight. Like, come on, man. Starting to look like. Nah, it's starting to look like a vibe. Let's see who else. Let's see who else is up here, man. Hodler, what's up, homie? No, it's over. It's over. I'm obligated to be up here. Once you.

Engagement with the Community

Like you said, we can start talking about it. When we can start talking about. As soon as you say ape coin, ape chain. I'm damn near obligated to be here. Thank you. I feel very welcome. You don't even have to welcome me because look at the fucking timeline. It's over. Oh, my God. It just for even. Just for this conversation on this stage to finally be open and accepting to anything even close to the fucking dow to eight coin. And now we've got eight chain. It's. It's over.

The Impact of the Community

It's over. Even Machi is fucking here. He's fucking. He's already put $5,000 in the fucking pot. We were, were wondering, were curious. There's no more fucking question. It's fucking is here. It's fucking eight season. It's time we got to come together and get this shit going. I still see a little bit of hesitance out there. If you were hesitating, you better look at that last week from the eight point account. You better get your shit together and get on a chain. I'm not playing.

Reflections on Market Trends

I seen Sony make announcement this morning. They got their l two Sony sonium. I'm saying if you. If you don't think that energy is what drives culture, you don't know culture, yo. Also, let's reference crypto cycles real quick and give a little quick fucking perspective and history lesson. Coco, could you meet yourself for a quick second, dog? Oh, sorry about that. No worries. So think about cycles, guys. We're not going to talk about prices of vapor, anything specifically.

Understanding Crypto Cycles

But if you think about early crypto prices of certain coins, like, let's say a BNB token, when they first came out, that shit was like a two dollar token, right? Bounced up, went up super high. The whole fucking market collapsed. People panic, sold. Now that shit's upwards. 500 or so a token, right? Think about how important that entire ecosystem became to just crypto in general. That's the way I personally view NFTs. And the bored Ape yacht club is like, they are this culturally important club.

Navigating Current Trends

They've already established that. But now we're going through this roller coaster of the cycles, right? And as you see people getting excited, new energy, new purpose, new fucking reasons to spend your time and money together, you're gonna see us find a place where maybe it goes up in irrelevance between $2 to 500 a token, right? That's crazy. But more so. What really becomes important is you get attached to these fucking pfps and this IP in a way that's insane.

The Emotional Connection to NFTs

I want to say insanely unhealthy, at least for me, because no one will ever have my board ape. So that's one ape off the market forever. That shit is part of my online identity, and I'm gonna continue to build and use it however the hell I want for the next x amount of my life, right? Until I decide what to do with this thing next. And I think that's how a lot of you guys think is there's a lot less apes on the market. Machi is just collecting all of them when you guys drop your guard, you know, like, there's a lot of other secret collectors out there, and it's interesting to see all this new energy.

The Lesson of Patience

So just if anyone panics, remember, there's fucking cycles to all this shit. This is my fourth crypto cycle. And it's one of those times where you just got to take a breath and enjoy the purpose of why you're actually here fucking spending your time. Yeah, man, if this. I'm holding this shit. If I didn't sell this shit at a half a million dollars, I'm holding this shit to get to give to my kids, you know, mean. And I want, by the time I give it to my kids, I want the value to be crazy.

Hopes for Future Value

Like, it's some, like, it's an American Express black car type shit. Like the value got to be crazy. And I think it can actually be achieved because unlike most of these other kryptos, I know the people. I bet on people, and I know just up here alone, there's some fucking, some ill shooters up here. Some people we got, people are in our club that from all these crazy industries that actually hold weight, that actually move mountains, that are decision makers. And that's what I bet on.

Community Influence on Value

Like, the more people in the club that are actually decision makers and actually understand culture and then actually that are movers and shakers that I think the more valuable each one of our apes becomes because you got people that are building individually for the whole community, for the whole family to stay on top like Machi fucking Coco, Pinky, myself, Baron, Fran, Captain Hodler, Gene with ape water. Like, the list goes on and on and on and on. And none of this shit existed. We didn't know each other two years, three years ago, and this shit didn't even exist three years ago.

Reflections on Building Community

So let that, let always remember that. Speaking of history lessons, did anybody play the Decentraland? This is like two years ago for the ogs. Baron, speak up if you did this. But, like, Decentraland had a bored ape yacht club, and you would go to this yacht and inside you could gamble. It was like a gambling hall. And you could actually, you know, put down Ethan and the river boat. Yes, the freaking river boat. Right? And, you know, when I was there, I was like, all by myself.

Past Experiences in Virtual Worlds

There was nobody there. I think that's the difference here. As we see the evolution, as we're talking about the cycles, we're improving on these experiences by informing these experiences, you know, with everyone giving their feedback and everything. But it's the club. It's it's us. It's us, you know, informing and revamping because we want it to be social. We want it to be certain things we just don't. You know, I think certain people want to gamble, but for the most part, I just want to go hang well. And that's the biggest difference, right?

Shaping Future Experiences

You think about the riverboat. I remember this vividly. You said you were playing alone. We were all in, like, different fucking servers. Like, I wasn't playing with all the homies. I knew my friends were in the game, but I couldn't find them, right? So the fact that I was able to play, watch Machi sit at the vip table, like, watch that game go run over to another table. I fucking. This one ape goes, hey, you guys want to jump into the hole? The glitch I found. So I ran over there and I jumped into a glitch on the map.

Interactive Gaming Moments

Like, you know, that's a whole different interactive experience where some people said, oh, maybe there wasn't so much to do. But I think a lot of us have been looking forward to more time and more opportunity to play with our friends. Air quotes, you know what I mean? Like, get in there and explore this new creative world that we've all been waiting for so long. Baron, I think you're right, dude. That's what I was coming on to. Say was poker the other night was a vibe, man.

The Poker Vibe

It was a fucking vibe. And it's because I have loved playing poker in person. I remember doing weekly poker games for years with friends because that in person. Vibe, when you're with your homies, you're just talking shit, and the game is relevant. You want to win, you're competitive, but. There'S something else to it. And virtual poker, man, has never, for me at least, has never hit that moment. And playing the other night, I was.

Evolving Experience with Poker

Like, oh, I can see with a little bit of tweaking and polishing how this feels like an immersive experience. I'm with the homies. I'm actually talking. I can hear my friends responding to me. I'm making fun of the fact that bad teeth is fucking terrible at poker, and we'll just bet his entire ten grand and then come right back. And I'm thinking to myself, can we. Please put a little bit of money on the line so this motherfucker can bet the way he actually really would? Because I don't.

Creating Real Stakes in Poker

I don't believe there's that many buybacks. But, no, man, it was just. It was a blast hanging out with. Everyone and getting able to also see, like, your character. Like, you got to think when there. Are 3d models of mutants and codas and so you have this diverse experience where everyone sits down, but you cannot just see the PFP. You actually see that person. It just makes it feel even more. Like that in person vibe and they're.

Visualizing Diverse Experiences

Getting so close to it and it's like, yeah, you don't need to have a thousand features offering that I know plenty of people like myself would be like, I'll throw down $20.01 night or $100, whatever and just go play some poker with friends. Like, that sounds like a blast. I mean, I fucking dream of the day when we get to do like a cusp, like a, you know, a tournament together or a free roll or whatever.

Dreams of Future Poker Tournaments

Or maybe it's just fucking six homies sitting down and throwing $20 down on the table and then playing, right? Like, it really doesn't matter, but it's kind of like giving you that spark of your imagination to dream of what sort of activities you could do perhaps on your deed in the future when you get access to that kind of stuff. So that's where my mind gets fucking pumped again is like, oh man, we're back on track.

Reigniting the Original Dream

Like, this is what the original dream was. I could see the fucking tracks moving again. I'm still stoked I have my three acid deeds. Like I'm gonna create some fucking super trippy experience. I don't know, I'm thinking like, I can't say it's gonna be. I'm gonna do a lot of mushrooms and then decide what the experience will be. Probably that's the only way God would want it, I think. Hey, machi man, when you gonna have a eight party in LA, bro?

Planning Future Gatherings

At the mansion, bro? Now that's gonna happen. Like, but you know, only board apes coming are invited. Yeah, I'm down to throw a party. Yep, let's do it. Like what? For what occasion? Tequila for the tequila after Emmy's party or is gonna be like a Halloween party.

Halloween Party Planning

We all the cosplay Halloween costumes. Oh, yes. And it's got, you know, just RSVP first come, first serve because you don't want a thousand month. I got a. I got a pool, so. So we could do a summer party, a barbecue. Now I like the Halloween because, you know, Halloween is an actual holiday in LA. That should tell you how crazy LA is. The stores closed early and shit. Halloween party. Get all. Get some baddies over there to get the boys. Like, you know, I mean, first come, first serve, they got an RSVP. Or maybe you make it some gamified thing or something to win a ticket there.

Baddies and Promoters

And it's just a the machi bash with, for the homies. Like you got to be an ape. I'll hit up to some of the, some of the crew that are promoters. Get, get you some baddies over there and it'll be five. I got, I got baddies too, a lot. There you go. See, I didn't want. I. We choppy club promoter fucking baddies. I'm talking about real baddies. No, you know, I'm not talking about the regular club promoters either, but I'm. Talking like, you know, the real each other. We probably know each. Yeah, 100%. But we just to meet Bubble. Yeah, the top boba Opa owners. They definitely need something, bro, you own Taipei? He's not going to be in LA, man. I don't know when he's become an american citizen, but not quite yet. Maybe next year. Maybe you're after.

Boba and Security

Oh yeah, have Boba in the vip section. They gotta come. I gotta, I gotta have security guards. Around to the moon. The dirty hand kids. How do you, how do you fly your dog around? Just out of curiosity? No, no, he don't fly nowhere. He just stays in Taipei. The little baby just hangs at home. You don't go nowhere. Machi uses that dog to get the baddies. That's what he does. We have memo you had your hand up. What's going on, Hobie? Oh, man, just excited to hear you guys out. You know, I'm kind of new to. The club either way. I've seen what everybody's building, but just hyped, man. You guys have a beautiful fucking energy. This is a great, amazing group.

Tequila and Party Plans

Like I said, man, you know, if there's in real life parties, especially in LA, I'll bring the tequila, man, we're all about tequila. Blockchain and apes, man. That's it. But just wanted to share some love and wish you guys all a good weekend. Yeah, of course the tequila ate one of which is a good weekend boy. He like, hey, go have some tequila. Tequila in the house. Yo, that's it. That's my, that's our boy, Meemo. The tequila eight Mandev. Yo, if y'all don't follow me, momo, make sure you follow him. New to the club, he's coming in with the heat. Not. I don't think I've seen anybody make tequila. I love that. Even though I'm. I drink Hennessy, I'm still.

Drinks and Ideas

Wait, I think I might have to be the one to bring the cognac. The NBA cognac, you know? Let me drive the boat. Let me drive a boat, man. Who else we got up here? What? What up, Coco? I was gonna tell Machi to launch his machi coin on ape chain, bro. Come on. Let's launch it on ape chain. Let's run that shit up on ape chain, bro. Come on. Yeah, this nigga machi said that. That the pudgy guys were covered at. Himachi, if you ever. No shade. But, man, come on. Come on. I've been surrounded by, like, nine pudgies, right? And I told them they're gay.

Opinions on NFTs

Yeah. Like, they're all around me at my office. They're, like, crowding me. Say what are you gonna sweep the pudgies when you sweep all that stuff? I said, dude, I'm 51. I'm too old for, like, little. Little penguins, dude. And I'm just the ape. Like an ape in this shit. I don't. I don't penguin in shit. You know? I'm saying, I don't penguin waddle in this shit. I don't do that. So I just came. If you launch that shit on ape chain, I'll help you. Fucking push it, bro. I'll take that shit to the moon. Let's go. Come on, bro. Yo, juice. Right now for all the apes. You guys come hang out with me.

Community Building

First. We'll bank this motherfucker and then we'll go roll over on AP. You talking to ape? Aloe. He said aloe for sure. And, dude, I can't. I just posted on time. Even Pac man's tweeting about it. Dude, this thing is gonna, like, blow. Blast up, man. We'll see about it, bro. He know you builder. And you, he needs energy over there. Because we doing our thing with or without all them farmers and bob the farmer and all the motherfuckers. Yeah, yeah. We got gang, we got Solana, Maxis. We got a whole bunch of people. Like, machi magnum opus, dude. This is.

NFT's Value and Potential

This is the one. We're gonna have some fun. Like, I feel good. I feel good. Like, everything I learned in Ico, the Defi, the NFTs, the meme, coins, I put it up, everything together. Like, pull the communities together. Like, yeah, blast, bro. You got. You might as well bring that shit to a chain, you know? Launch 18. 1st launch of first say less. Soon as it launches, I'm in your DM's, dog. Like, bro, let's. Let's stop playing. Let's stop playing, bro. Oh, shit. We got the new homie up here. Bandor band or what? Up. Hey, it's great to hear you guys.

Community Insights

I just wanted to say to Machi, please don't pick up all the apes. Like, in one of the projects I'm. Working on actually requires apes sort of. As a raw material. So I plan to pick up more. On, like, over time. And if you pick up everything which. Is out there, it's just going to be, like, very difficult for me to run my project. There we go. Another whale came in and said, machi, slow down. You ain't the only whale out here. And it's not even just about being whale. The reality is, I think probably we'll. Have more and more projects where we.

Building for the Future

Want to have, like, no apes as brand elements or some other part of the whole company. So I'm very bullish, but I do. Believe that right now we're getting it at very low prices. And getting in right now is probably the best decision that any of us would make in the years to come. Yeah, see, you know, I feel. I feel like that every single day, but since I work for you, I can't be running around on this. You know, maybe it's. It's a little unhinged to be like that, but, my God, band. Or he could say it all day long, and I could second that.

Constructive Discussions

Yeah, band or talk your shit. I'll second that, too. Look like, damn, dow is gonna put in the work. We got black apple talking to museums, talking to art galleries. Like, you got the full time shiller. They're like, pumping like apes is like the, like, you know, we represent the PFP art that. That's just 100. You know, like, PFP art is its own category. It's social. It's augmented, right? If you think like Picasso, Van Gogh, that kind of arthem has been taught through art history books, or however it's being taught, and however they're being valued, right, they're not augmented the way the whole world is connected now through social media.

Impact of PFPs

And what represents us on social media, our avatars are PFPs. And with bored apes, like, just traveling, like, you can't imagine, like it was said JJ Lynn, the motherfucker. 1.4 billion China people look up to him, and there's Jay Chow, which is, you know, JJ is a funny dude. J Chow was number one, right? JJ's literally one time at dinner, no joke, he said, I'm number one now. My whole shit. Talking shit on Jay Chow. And you know why? He said, because Jay Chow's married and he's still single. He's like, that's why I'm number one now.

Influencers and Global Reach

But either way, doesn't matter. Small story. Most of you guys don't know who JJ or J Chow are, but google those motherfuckers. That's the most famous two chinese motherfuckers in the world. 1.4 billion people know both these motherfuckers, and they're both rocking apes. I gifted them their apes, by the way. Not trying to take no credit, not trying to ask you motherfuckers for any kind of, like, appreciation, but I'm just saying, you know, anyways, those guys rocking apes, they are bored apes. And, yeah, like, that's 1.4 billion China people covered. And, you know, the legend only grows, like, so.

Value of NFTs

So why am I holding on my apes? Well, congrats to you guys. That's 150 apes that are never leaving my hands unless I get like a $24 million offer. Like that alien punk, you know, other than that, I ain't letting these fuckers go. So it's done. Like, your apes that you guys have in your hands are like that much more valuable. And again, bring it up again. Since Il is part of Yuga, he can send a message back. I mean, I told garda and Garga, you know, but, you know, you guys can reinforce it. Barona, whoever's at Yuga, you know, the eight five, I'm down to gift it to the club and it's got the contracts audited, done, taken care of.

Innovative Approaches

All that shit's taken care of. And it makes BYC the only NfT that is also meme coin. So basically we did a better ERC 404 and it's a better system. It's so simple, but we did it. And, you know, the crack devs and every dev that worked on this thing is a board ape. Every project manager that worked on this is only six people team. They're all bored apes. They did it in three days. They fucking killed it. And it's cool as fuck, man. We got a boic token, so now we have a boic token and then we also have the board apes.

Community Growth

And. Yeah, only. I like that. The legend only grows fucking right. Being going nowhere ain't going nowhere, man. I'm gonna lie, it's been a great space. Baron. How you feeling, man? I'm kind of just tripping out that an hour went by and it felt like the blink of an eye, to be honest with you. Like, these are the kind of days where I really enjoy getting to kick it and talk because that means we're in a flow. We're just enjoying whatever the fuck topic pops up. You know, some days we might have an agenda or something we're stoked about or something.

Community Connection

We want to connect on the, you know, with the community, but, like, some days we just want to hear what the fuck's up with the homies and what you guys are building. Machi's killing it with what he's building. I know everyone. I could look down through the audience and just see so many people creating value not only for their own PFP, but for the club. So that's just exciting. And, you know, dog, it's been all meetings all morning, so knowing what's cooking behind the scenes is exciting too. And shout out to the grateful ape, always trying to trip me up on.

Creative Innovations

On his show and confuse me and drop Alpha. That's just not gonna happen. They don't tell me nearly enough is why, but, you know, that's how it is, bro. That shout out, I want to shout him out for being on my instagram and having his eight pop up on my feed with this crazy animation. That shit looked insane. So shout out to him. Shout out to whoever he's working with. Yo, that's some kind of, like, AI motion capture thing is what it looks like. Yeah, that thing was on point, you know, apes doing fucking creative shit. That's all I like to see.

Future Project Aspirations

Law, what's going on? Yo, what's up, you guys? I was doing some thinking this morning, and, you know, all throughout the week, I've heard a lot of people give their takes on, you know, it feels. Like nfts are coming back. And I. I publicly said on the welcome Wednesday space that I feel like nfts are not back yet, but heading in the right direction. But, you know, after today's, like, deep thought session in writing, I've officially changed my mind to believing that we are back. And I think that mindset, it changes everything.

Positive Outlook

And so many of us have been here building up our brands, our businesses, and our ideas to the point that we're ready for when it's our time. And, you know, I'm not just talking about the floor price going up. I'm talking about real money, real ideas. And I kind of feel like we're. We're growing with the club these days. And, you know, it feels like the Yuga ship is kind of, like, taking course and the community is rowing at this point. So I'm bullish, dude. I think NFts are back and, you know, ill you said it earlier dude, it's like that mindset kind of changes everything.

Trickle Down Community Effect

So we're fucking back. Let's go. Yeah, the strong communities are definitely showing improving and I think it'll just have a trickle down effect and I feel like there's gonna be people who were in the shit coin trenches who are tired of it because a lot of people are burnt out on it. They're gonna probably start building either in NFTs or may ordinals or you know, on a chain or whatever it is. I'm excited to see the handful of projects that are, they have die hard communities and founders who really care about this shit and love it. And then I'm also excited to see there's a lot of new energy in this space right now.

Encouragement for Builders

I want to see people build new people build dope projects. Well there's an NFT. Whether it's a fucking token, whether it's a dap son, anybody could come in here and just build something sticky because you know the audience, if you show up every single day, you know the space, you know the audience, you know what people want to actually participate in and that's what makes it fun is, and that's why I like to be here. I want to see people do build new shit. I want to be excited at least once a month. That's not too much to ask for.

Discussion on Mutants

Well that's what makes people like mach dangerous man. I'm a big fan and it's just like having your ear to the ground like that. Understanding what's going on in this space allows you as a builder to just create. And when we have like the backing of our communities, you know, like I'm seeing, you know, all the chain now, it's just like there's something to that. There's something to the success of everyone when those builders can be supported in the way that we're seeing now because they have the best ideas as you're saying.

Future Builder Concepts

They're, they're building things that are outside of, you know, what a founders problems, you know, somebody's working on other side. I mean that's a very specific problem to try and understand what's going on with the latest in Defi. That's like a whole nother set of heads. You know, there's a whole set of six heads that Mati had to bring in to build. And so I think that as long as we're supporting builders like that, I'm super excited about the space as well as apes in general.

Opportunities for New Creatives

Yo, just a real quick opportunity earlier I saw that starry loaded from Oni Forest was like, do I get a d, guys? Do I get a mutant? So, of course, I pinned up above. Just fucking let him know that he should probably get a mutant, because why not? We always want more homies in the space, more creatives, more people building. Awesome shit. I love the fact that so many people rock this PFP as a badge of honor. So I'm always recruiting. Yeah, I think I'm gonna start getting on that shit, too, before I.

Ending Encouragement

I still always say, man, I never. You never see apes come into a space and shill and tell people to buy apes, but I'm gonna tell them to buy mutants, man. I'm about to go hard on mutants. Like, man, buy a mutant. Buy a mutant. Buy a mutant. Fucking rock a mutant. Pfp. A mutant type shit. You know, I'm saying, like, our army is big as fuck, and the mutants are the. Are the. Are on the front lines, man. So I'm. I gotta be on. That's why I got the mutant for the whole month. But Annie got the pities on, you know?

Closing Thoughts

I'm saying, I'm about to really go hard, and Frank gonna think I'm coming at him, and I don't give a fuck. It's gonna be like, man, fuck a d. God. Pfp, a mutant. Mutant mode, nigga. And on that note, we gonna end it on that. On that note, you know. Say, what do you think, baron? It's been a great. Yeah, dude, I'm on. I'm with it. I know a lot of people got to jump into other spaces, other things going on today. It's Friday. So wherever you are in the world, enjoy your Friday evening.

Weekend Enjoyment

If it's already evening, have a drink for me, guys. That's right. Enjoy our weekend. And you heard it here. We doing a Halloween party amachis next year. You know, I'm saying, this year is too early. We gonna, we gonna do it next year for my dog. But it's finna go down. Or maybe this year, you know, this nigga's rich, man. So we'll see what we gonna. I'm a DM and see what we can do. But next year for show, y'all enjoy your weekend. Your macho. Thanks for coming up.

Farewell to Audience

Fran cap, my boy, Hodler collective law Minty. My boy mimo. Enjoy your weekend with that tequila coco behind the apex press and everybody else in the. In the audience, man. Enjoy your motherfucking weekend. We see y'all here next week and hold it down. On the timeline.

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