Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Master DeFi Trading: With Akka & Core hosted by SatoshiAppXYZ. Master DeFi Trading with Akka & Core provides a comprehensive exploration of decentralized finance strategies, risk management, and the utilization of DeFi tools for optimizing trading outcomes. With a focus on community engagement, regulatory compliance, and continuous learning, this space equips traders with the knowledge to navigate the dynamic DeFi landscape successfully. Discover the significance of diversification, interoperability, and profitable yield farming in DeFi, alongside insights into future trends shaping the decentralized finance sector.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: What is the importance of understanding DeFi basics for traders?
A: Having a solid grasp of DeFi fundamentals is crucial for making informed investment decisions and minimizing risks.

Q: How can DeFi protocols like Akka & Core benefit traders?
A: Platforms like Akka & Core provide unique opportunities for investors to participate in various DeFi strategies and yield farming activities.

Q: Why is risk management significant in DeFi trading?
A: Effective risk management strategies are necessary to protect investments and navigate the volatile nature of crypto markets.

Q: What role does community engagement play in the success of DeFi projects?
A: Active community participation fosters trust, collaboration, and the growth of DeFi ecosystems.

Q: How can traders optimize their DeFi trading activities using tools like Akka & Core?
A: Integrating advanced DeFi tools enhances trading efficiency, profitability, and overall portfolio management.

Q: Why is regulatory compliance important in DeFi?
A: Adhering to regulatory guidelines ensures a secure trading environment, builds credibility, and protects users from potential risks.

Q: What are the benefits of diversifying assets in DeFi trading?
A: Diversification helps spread risk across different investments, reducing the impact of market fluctuations on a single asset or platform.

Q: How can interoperability improve DeFi trading?
A: Interoperability allows seamless interaction between different DeFi platforms, increasing liquidity and enabling more efficient trading strategies.

Q: Why is continuous learning crucial for success in DeFi trading?
A: Staying informed about the latest market trends, tools, and strategies is essential for adapting to the evolving DeFi landscape and making informed decisions.

Q: What are some key considerations for successful yield farming in DeFi?
A: Monitoring market conditions, understanding APY rates, and selecting reliable platforms are key factors for profitable yield farming endeavors.


Time: 00:15:40
Importance of DeFi Basics Exploring the fundamental concepts of decentralized finance for effective trading strategies.

Time: 00:25:17
Yield Farming Strategies in DeFi Discovering profitable yield farming techniques and risk management approaches.

Time: 00:35:29
DeFi Tools Optimization with Akka & Core Maximizing trading efficiency and profits through the integration of DeFi tools like Akka & Core.

Time: 00:45:12
Community Engagement in DeFi Understanding the role of community interaction in the success of decentralized finance platforms.

Time: 00:55:20
Regulatory Compliance in DeFi Exploring the importance of regulatory frameworks in ensuring a secure DeFi trading environment.

Time: 01:05:30
The Power of Diversification in DeFi Managing risks through asset diversification strategies in decentralized finance trading.

Time: 01:15:45
Interoperability for Enhanced Liquidity Utilizing interoperable DeFi platforms to improve liquidity and trading flexibility.

Time: 01:25:19
Continuous Learning for DeFi Success Emphasizing the significance of staying informed and adapting to the dynamic DeFi landscape.

Time: 01:35:55
Strategies for Profitable Yield Farming Guidelines for successful yield farming activities in DeFi to maximize returns.

Time: 01:45:10
Future Trends in DeFi Trading Exploring emerging trends and potential developments in the decentralized finance sector.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding DeFi basics is essential for successful trading in the decentralized finance sector.
  • Exploring DeFi protocols like Akka & Core can offer lucrative investment opportunities.
  • Risk management is crucial in DeFi trading to mitigate potential losses.
  • Yield farming can be a profitable strategy in DeFi, but it requires attention to market trends.
  • The integration of DeFi tools like Akka & Core can optimize trading efficiency and profits.
  • Community engagement plays a vital role in the growth and adoption of DeFi platforms.
  • Continuous learning and staying updated with the latest DeFi trends are key to success in trading.
  • Regulatory compliance in DeFi trading ensures security and trust within the ecosystem.
  • Interoperability among various DeFi platforms can enhance liquidity and accessibility.
  • Diversification of assets is a recommended approach to managing risk in DeFi trading.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Event

Hello. Hi, everyone. Thanks for joining us with K two K Finance and core community. For today. We have our host, Kersey, CEO at Satoshi app, and our guest Morty, co founder and CTO at Aka Spring Roll and naive from code community and JB from BDS Satoshi app. So the discussion will be around mastering Defi trading with near zero slippage and optimal rates with AKa and core, and getting to know everything about our ongoing aka Airdrop on Satoshi app. So for those of you don't know, we will give away a pool of dollar 100 worth of aka tokens to five winners. You just have to, like, type your questions in the pin tweet and five lucky winners will be chosen from those who ask a question and get selected by the host. So we will wait for a few more minutes to start and the AMA. Till then, keep mining free airdrops on Satoshi app and drop your questions in the comments.

Technical Challenges

Hey, guys, we are facing some technical issues. We will just wait for a few more minutes and we will start. Thank you. Just a heads up to everybody. If you're muted in a space, your mic might come through, as mine is. So there's some weird stuff with spaces right now. Next. So weird. Now you're clear. Now you're clear. So, yeah, it's doing the whole issue with Mike being muted and unmuted and my sounds coming through and I'm on quote unquote mute. You sound clear, bro. Hi, everyone. So it seems like there is a problem with the mute button. If anyone can do a thumbs up on the chat, if you can hear me. Yeah, there's. Right now the mute button is broken. So if you're muted, you're actually unmuted. And if you're unmuted, you're actually muted. So just need to be cognitive about that. Right now we are talking. It's just unfortunate. Like, it won't identify who is speaking. But that's the issue right now. And just be aware, guys. Yes.

Participant Adjustments

Yeah, we can hear you. Okay, perfect. I just switched to my mobile. It doesn't seem to work on my laptop. I'm sorry. Yeah, it's explicitly an issue with, like, PC, iPads or. Sorry, PC and like, Mac devices. Devices. Anything that's like a. Not a mobile device. You seem to be having the issue. But, yeah, I'm on my mobile right now. So am I. Am I clear? Can everybody hear me? Right now? Yeah, you're fine. Yeah, you're fine. That's perfect. Okay, so today we're going to talk about really interesting defi project, which is doing airdrop on Satoshi app right now. It's aka Finance and just a little bit intro of myself. I'm Cassie, a CEO at Satoshi and also an initial contributor at Core. And today we also have Modi as co founder and CTO at aka joining us.

Introduction to Satoshi App

And we're honored to have spring Row and Nav at core community joining us as well. And also we have JB, who work as my colleague and is PD at Satoshi app. I believe just now JB did introduction of Satoshi app and we didn't quite hear him. JB, do you want to try again? Yes. Yes. Perfect. Okay, great. So hi everybody, I'm Jean and I'm in charge of bd for Satoshi app. So for those in the room, in the space that don't know us yet, we are one of the top airdrop platform in the world. So we have 16 million users that are earning tokens with us every day. And our goal is quite simple. It's to make it easy for people to discover new projects and receive free tokens. You can think of it as a bridge between very cool and high quality blockchain projects and a massive audience.

Connecting Projects with Users

So that's our goal, connecting amazing projects, exciting projects with a large audience. So we've worked with big names like Core, Biggetwallet, Glyph Exchange recently, and Colin. And these are just some few names that we have. And we do have no spoiler, but we do have some very good projects coming up. So happy to share that. So don't forget to download the app to get your tokens every day. And if you are a project listening to us, feel free to reach out. Thank you for the introduction, JB and Morty, do you want to introduce yourself and your project a little bit? Can you guys hear me? Yes. Perfect. Yeah, the mute button is still confusing.

Introduction of AKa Finance

So my name is Morty, I'm the CTO and co founder of AQA. It's actually pronounced aka, to be honest. So yeah, AQA is a liquidity aggregator and a liquidity layer. We have launched on core about three months now and we have gathered a lot of good feedback from the users. And yeah, we thought that it was about time that we launched our own token. And the services that we provided, we provide users trades with zero slippage with the algorithms that we have developed, algorithms that are unique and state of the art. And our goal is to provide all of the users in the ecosystem with the best rates that is possible and we ensure that the users have a safe trading journey and don't lose any money in the process.

Core Community Introduction

That's super exciting and I'm really excited about Aka finance. And today we have spring row and Nev from core community as well. Can you guys do a little bit intro of yourself? Sure, I'll start. Hey everybody, my name is Nev. I'm one of the core community managers with the community over at Cordell. Been in the space for a few years now. Started with a couple of other web three projects that spring roll, aka core community has introduced me to and I'm very familiar and use my network connections or the fellow communities that I'm a part of to kind of audit research and look at other apps and protocols and dapps. So yeah, that's who I am. Thank you so much for the intro.

Introduction to Akafinance

And for those who don't know, aka Finance is actually built on core blockchain. And thank you so much for call blockchain's support as well. Thank you for your love. I just want to mention today, thank you for all of these who are joining us for this Twitter space. And we have some giveaway to you as well. So if you have any questions for Akafinance, we will choose questions out of. Well, choose five questions, and if we choose your question, we'll have five lucky winners and then we'll give away some Akkad tokens for you. So shall we get started then? Let's go.

Understanding Defi Trading Issues

Okay, so, Mori, I have lots of questions for you, and I believe the communities have lots of questions for you as well. As you may know, Satoshi app has a few million users. That's daily active users. And for the total registered users, we have 16 million. So lots of ice on your project and we would love to know more. So before we get started, I want to ask all of the guests attending this Twitter space, I just want to know your thoughts. What do you think are the pain points that you identify in defi trading right now? Mori, do you want to start? Yeah, of course. So there are a lot of issues that exist in defi trading. Issues like high slippage, fragmented liquidity, slow transaction speed, and user interfaces that are complex for no apparent reason. If a user uses one specific exchange, the user loses other opportunities on the other exchanges the user misses out on. Maybe another exchange actually has a better rate that the user could use. And in the end the user will end up paying more for gas or getting less tokens in the end. And there are security risks regarding cross chain transactions. As we know, there are a lot of bridges that have suffered, a lot of hacks, bridges that even the owners of the bridges have committed fraud, have taken people's money. And these ones are the main pain points of the defi trading.

High Slippage in Defi Trading

But I think for the traders, so that especially the day traders that are using defi rather than the central like exchanges, the high slippage is the main issue because even though the feeds might be less than the centralized exchanges, but in the end, high slippage could actually be more than the fees that they would pay in the central exchanges. And it will. That's one of the reasons that hinders growth of the ecosystem. So do you think high slippage only happens between traders or it actually happens between, you know, average users as well? Well, high slippage happens all the time, but it is especially important for the users, the day traders, because like if a user just wants to swap an amount one time, maybe they wouldn't mind. But especially for day traders with special, with specific targets for entering and exit, every bit of slippage could add up in the end. But slippage is a problem that exists in defi ecosystem, but it especially affects the day traders. So could you, is it possible for you to explain to our users, I just give an example of a case, example of ones high slippage happens and you know, when users use ACAR finance, how are you going to solve this problem? What's, what's their user experience is going to look like?

Addressing Slippage in Transactions

Well, there are a few reasons that slippage would happen. One of them is that there is not enough liquidity in the specific pair of that exchange that the user is going to use, or that the price moves while the user is executing his or her trades. Or because some of the exchanges might have delays or other aggregators might have delays in calculating their routes and return amounts. The amount that is shown to the user is not the actual amount that the user gets. But in a, we actually, we have a hybrid approach. So what we do is that the final calculation, part of the calculation, but especially the final calculation, what a return amount is actually done on chain. So we have the most up to date values for the users. That's why we have near zero slippage in our transactions, because we get it directly from the blockchain itself.

High Slippage Scenarios

Okay, so let's say I want to trade between token a and token b, and I want to trade token a for token b at the price of one USDT. So high slippage means I want to trade at one USDT. But actually, when the trade actually happens, the price might be maybe two USDT. Right. And this situation will not happen at aka finance, correct? Yeah, but that's. Well, that's an extreme example. That would be one unlucky user if that happens to him, because that's like 50% slippage. But yeah, that could happen. But the slippage, like, it could be 1%, 2%, 3%, any of this amount. So at Arca, other than the fact that we use the hybrid approach, we actually find the best routes possible between all of the exchanges. We have gathered all the data from all of the Dexs on the blockchain and we not only we select the best one, we actually calculate the best combination of these tokens. And by utilizing the inefficiencies of the market, the arbitrage opportunities, we actually reduce the slippage as much as possible to near zero.

Optimizing Transaction Rates

So Nev just raised a hand. Do you want to talk, nev? Yeah, I got a quick question. Sorry. So aka, what you're mentioning is that from cross chain swaps, you're optimizing your transaction rates or how are you ensuring that minimal slippage is happening during those, like those transactions? Actually, cross chains up is one of the features that we are going to launch and we are focusing on layer two, PTC chains. But yeah, we will be optimizing the cross chain swaps within all of the pairs, possible pairs between that exist on the bridges that we are going to use, and we are going to aggregate all of the possible bridges as well. But the slippage is actually, the solution is twofold. One is that we find the best price that the user can actually get by combining all of the routes and pairs from all of the exchanges on the blockchain. And the other one is getting the most up to date value from the blockchain itself.

Efficiency and User Experience

Basically we have focused on gathering data and calculations, and the delay between getting the latest data for us and calculating the most optimum routes and getting the return amount to the user is less than half a second. So by using AIH, we find the best combination of routes. And by using the on chain calculations, the hybrid part of our algorithm, we get the most up to date value to the user and, well, obviously if the user waits and doesn't execute the trade the opportunity might be lost, but at that moment in time that would be the best opportunity for the user and with the least amount of slippage. I think another pain point I personally am facing is when I use the DAX. I think the interface is quite complicated for users to do trades and personally I use both centralized exchanges and decentralized exchanges. Sometimes I would even prefer centralized exchanges, but in general decentralized exchanges are just safer. I was wondering, how are you going to solve the problem of decentralized exchange?

Enhancements in User Interface

Always use very complicated user interfaces. How do you make life easier for our users? Well, right now we have, our current UI is designed it best to give the user the best possible experience as possible and we have tried to keep it as simple as possible. The user just selects one token and the second token and then just enter the amount. He will see the route and then executes the trade. Now we are going to launch our pro trading mode in the next couple of weeks. That is going to include more information for the more professional and habitual traders out there. So this promote is going to include some market insights we have. We are going to include price predictions on the short term, especially for today traders, and we are going to include some charts and some valuable information that the user is going to have. But the thing with the user interface and user experience is basically people are used to a certain kind of things and we have tried to make our UI capture the essence of a Defi trading platform without sacrificing any utility and just removing the kind of things that we thought maybe would confuse the users.

Community Engagement and Ecosystem Growth

That's great. I think the best way to do here is just to go to aka finance and start to experience the trading on there. So I think the next question nev you raise your hand, do you want to talk? I've got a community based question if that's okay, Cassie, for sure. So Akka, how did you grow your ecosystem and how was the reception from other users that you onboarded? Well, we, one of the main ways that we actually tried to come to the ecosystem with the bank basically was our trading campaign that we launched about two months ago. We had about $50,000 in rewards based on the trading volume and that was the main way that we actually captured the attention of the users. Well, obviously a lot of people, just because of the rewards, came to a and tried it. And just as we hoped and predicted they might have come for the reward, but they stayed for the experience that we provided.

Unique Features of Akafinance

So also I think there are, as far as I know there are some other liquidity aggregators on the market as well. I'm very curious, you know, what are the unique features that distinguish aka from other aggregators? Well, one thing, the main thing that distinguishes us is our hybrid approach. So the AI part of our algorithm is done on the backend off chain and the result of that will be sent to the blockchain itself and the rest of the calculations is done on chain. One thing that it allows us, as I mentioned before, is to get near zero slippage. But the other thing that allows us is that to easily integrate any possible and new liquidity sources that are added to the blockchain itself.

AI Features and Flexibility

And it will give us the flexibility to add new features and update the algorithm as we are working on right now. So that's our main difference.

Introduction to AI in the Aggregator

Okay, so I think the AI feature is really interesting. Could you elaborate more on that? So how does AI work in your aggregator and is it on the off chain part you mentioned? Yeah, it's on the uptrend part. So basically because the ecosystem is big, especially the core ecosystem is big, and there are a lot of tokens with huge amounts of liquidity, all the possibilities for getting the best rate are humongous. There's a lot of possibilities that the user can try to trait.

Mathematical Problem Optimization

We use AI to optimize finding this optimal solution to this mathematical problem. And the AI is done often and basically it can process data a lot faster than a traditional path finding algorithm. Okay, so basically how the AI works, is it analyzing and executing trains in real time? Is it how it works on the back end? Well basically the whole ecosystem is translated into a graph.

Translating Ecosystem into Graph

And if I get a little technical here. So when you translate the whole ecosystem, all the possible tokens and all the possible pairs between these tokens on the different exchanges into a graph, you will have a very dense bi directional graph. And finding the best, after you do this, the solution will be the problem will become finding the best path through this dense graph. And RAi is basically a graph neural network system that analyzes this graph with not by executing traits, but by simulating traits and finding the best possible exchange rate for the user.

Focusing on BTC Layer Chains

Okay, and you seem to focus on, so first of all you chose core blockchain to build on and core blockchain is focused on BTC five ecosystem. So I was just wondering, are you guys focusing on the BTC five ecosystem as well? Yeah, we are actually focusing on BTC five. We are adding other BTC layer, two exchanges to our chains, to our platform, because we want the main reason that we want to do this.

Integration with Other BTC Chains

Obviously, those chains are not as big as core, but by integrating the different bridges between these chains, we are going to allow the users to move their liquidity between chains a lot easier. So if they have their PTC or any other token on any of these other chains, they will have a really quick and easy and safe way to bring it into core. So we are going to connect all of these BTC chains together by integrating all of the services, including Dexs and chains and bridges.

Future of EVM Compatible Blockchains

Yeah, I think that's a really good strategy because BDC five is huge and that's a really good direction. But are you guys planning to expand to maybe EVM compatible blockchains as well? Maybe in the future, but right now we are focusing on the BTC five ecosystem. Sure. And what would you be able to disclose? What are the other BTC layer tools that you are looking to build on? Well, we are looking at P Squared, Marlin, pork and pplayer for now.

Core as the Main Chain

Okay. So, yeah, but core will be our main chain. So actually, because core has a lot more liquidity than the other chains, that's where our algorithm will actually shine. So the more services and the more liquidity and taxes and pairs that are on a chain, the best our algorithm will perform.

Community Engagement and Strategy

But core does not only have very good liquidity, we have a huge community here as well. So core, Twitter. Yeah, course. Twitter, last time I checked, has over 2.3 million followers already. So that's a huge community there. Yeah. And Nev, as the, you are leading the community of core, do you want to say something here? Being from a community mindset, the biggest question that I've got is, well, you know, what's the plan post airdrop? That's really what I'm looking towards.

Plans Post Airdrop

And what's your strategy from there? How is that going to build out your community? What are you looking to do in terms of omnichannel? Like, how are we going to build out your community there, aka? Well, we are going to introduce a few new features, as I mentioned. So we are going to focus on making people basically trade more, but trade more without losing money.

Market Insights and Community Feedback

So other than the basic features of our platform, which is liquidity, gap aggregation and other stuff, we are going to add market insights and price predictions so the users can use our platform and our deep learning models for price protection and basically trade based on what our algorithms say. And this will, we hope that this will enable users to trade more often rather than beholders, become day traders and it will help the whole ecosystem.

User Involvement and Collaboration

The overall trading volume of the blockchain will go up, hopefully, and it will help the users because they will be able to use every little fluctuations in the market to their advantage. Okay, the other question I've got for you is how could we help, how could we involve, like how can we get involved with you guys and how can we work together? Well, we are open to all sorts of collaborations, feedback and I, we invite all of the users to actually try the platform and give us feedback, give us suggestions.

Community Engagement Channels

We answer all of the messages and the ones that we can implement, we definitely do. So we just need your support and we will be honored to have it. So the question is, do you guys have a community discord? Do you guys have a way where, you know, the web three community can come to you guys? You want us to bring you in on the cord out discord and you guys can kind of build out or talk from a builder's perspective there, you know, what would you like? Yeah, of course.

Joining Community Communication Platforms

Yeah, of course. We have this code and we have a telecom channel and we have Twitter, but we will actually be really honored to join the core discord. Well, I'll definitely open up a TG chat with you guys or discord chat, whatever you guys feel and let's see what we can do. Amazing. Speaking of tokens, I have a question as well.

Utilities of Aka Token

So can you tell us more about the primary utilities of Aka token? Yes, of course. So the primary utilities of the Aka token will be fee discounts for transactions and governance and participating in our staking program. And well, the token holders will have the opportunity to influence our decisions regarding protocol upgrades, new features and stuff like that. So yeah, that's basically fee discounts, governance, participating in staking programs.

Staking Program Details

Nice. And tell us more about the staking program. You know, when users put in putting aka token on the staking program, what is the estimated Apy there? Well, in the staking program we are thinking we could have basically trading pool that will basically be based on the performance of the algorithm. So the exact number will be announced very soon, but it will be that kind of situation.

Staking Rewards Distribution

So other than the people that the people will have access to this market insight, the trading pool will generate the Apye for the users and those will be distributed to all of the people that have staked their tokens. So the staking reward is coming from the trading pool, right? Yeah, parts of it, yeah. And the other parts? Yeah, the other parts will be paid through the fees that we gathered.

Transaction Fees and Recommendations

The transaction fees. Is it? Yes. Okay, nice. So if users are interested in aka finance, how would you recommend them to start using the platform? Well, we recommend them to start using our DAP, connect their wallets and start executing transactions and trading.

Community Feedback and Engagement

And if they see anything or any improvements that they want to see in our car, join our channels as I mentioned, and just communicate with us. As I said, we answer all the questions that we get in every language thanks to Google translate. And yeah, we want to have, we want our community to have an active part in the evolution of Aka. Sounds super interesting.

Future Development Questions

I can't wait to start experiencing aka finance. So our users also care about. The. Future development of ACA finance. So I have a few really important questions and maybe some questions are a little bit difficult, but I really hope you could answer as much as possible. So one is the estimated listing of ACA finance.

Upcoming Features and Announcements

To be honest, we will announce these details very soon in the coming weeks because there are some partners that we have to confirm it. But yeah, these details will be announced very soon. Really exciting. Okay, so, but tell us more about, you know, the upcoming features in the coming months.

Future Developments Overview

Yeah, so we have our promote that will include the insights and market price predictions and we will have our cross chain between all of the bitcoin layer two networks and we will have our new routing algorithm which we are going to make some updates and include some of the new non linear routes that we are working on which will save gas, a lot of gas for the users and will actually improve the final exchange rate a lot more than it already done. Okay.

Token Vesting Information

And is there going to be any vestings of the token?

Vesting Explanation

Yes. So. And why is that? And why could you tell us more about the reasoning for the vesting? And, you know, what's the vesting look like? So the token will be listed in late Q 420 24 and there will be a gradual release of tokens to prevent market. So we don't want the price to dip because we have actually released all of the tokens for all of the users all at once. This approach will give us a healthy and sustainable ecosystem so that we can all grow together. We are trying to ensure long term stability for everybody and for all of the Aka token holders. Makes sense. Also, the vesting period is not too long, so. Makes sense. Yeah. Yeah.

Community Questions

Okay, so I can see some incoming community questions and some of them are really interesting. I would love to ask you questions from the community, but before I do that, just want to make sure our guests have asked all the questions they want to ask. So I'm just going to chat with spring roll and neff. Do you guys have any more questions for finance from the community, from yourself as well? No, actually I think we've got what we need outside of the shameless. Follow everybody. I would say we're pretty good here. Awesome. Okay, I'm gonna read the first question from the committee, which I think is pretty good. So with the increasing complexity of cross chain transactions, how does aka finance ensure the security of user funds, especially in light of its plans for security audits and compliance checks in 2024?

Security Measures

Well, that's a really great question. So first of all, we have security audits for our own contracts and the user can check. And for the other part, we choose our partners, in this case the bridges, very carefully. So there are a lot of new bridges that are popping up every day, but we choose a select few of them to work with and we require extensive audits and security checks from them. And we have some kind of mechanisms to revert the transaction to the user's wallet if the transaction costing transaction actually fails. So we are as strong as the partners that we choose and we are scrutinizing every possible partner and we are making sure that everything is safe and secure for the users.

Partner Selection

So may we know who are the partners you are choosing? This will be announced very soon, so the list is not final yet. Okay, sounds good. Yeah, no problem. But make sure you announce that because it's pretty important. Of course, yes. Okay. There's another question from community, which I think is pretty good as well. So how does the introduction of aka token plan to incentivize liquidity providers and users? What strategies are in place to ensure that this token not only adds value to the Aka ecosystem, but also contributes positively to the broader defi landscape?

Incentives for Token Holders

So basically there is a whole different modules at play here that are going to all work together. So the Aka token holders are going to get fee discounts on the transactions that they execute. And it's going to, then they're going to, if they stake their tokens, they're going to get rewards and they're going to be part of the trading pool that we are going to create and they're going to get rewards based on that. On top of that, we are going to use the market insights. We think that the market insights is actually going to allow the users to trade more safely and with more foresight and that will allow more users to trade on a car. And that's more reason to have a car tokens, to have fees and everything will work together.

Market Insights and Trading Volume

So in general, it will create more trading volume for the whole chain and the ecosystem and the users will make money all and off. Right. And there's another question which I think is pretty interesting as well. So as a finance scales, especially with its integration into more layer two solutions and its expansion on core chain, what measures are in place to maintain performance in particular in terms of transaction speed and cost efficiency? Yeah. Well as for the uptrend part, we have very robust and scalable backend and servers. So in that regard we don't have any problems.

Performance Measures

And for the on Prem part, we rely on the core ecosystem itself. And since the core ecosystem itself is pretty reliable, we don't think we are going to have any problems in that regard as well. So we, as I mentioned before, we choose our partners really carefully and because we are a hybrid algorithm, part of our speed and our overall performance depends on the chains that we launch on. So if the chain is live and it's working properly, our system will be live and we will work properly as well. Okay, I saw some questions coming from community asking about how does the AI work, but I'm sure we have talked about that already.

AI Powered Liquidity

For those who are wondering how does aka Finance AI powered liquidity aggregation works? You can listen to the recording or you can check out aka finance website. That's a very interesting question though. So I guess we'll have the last question, which is what would be the best way that core community can leverage archae platform to enhance trading experience to deepen core penetration in the web three development? Well, the best way that the users can do this is actually bye using our Dapp, especially after our promote and marketing sites launch.

Enhancing Community Engagement

And our marketing sites are going to for now, are going to be primarily focused on the core native token itself. So by doing that, anybody that wants to use the market insight is going to actually get core and create core. And we think that will actually help the penetration of core. So the best way that the users can do this is actually by participating on our airdrop, participating in all the subsequent campaigns that we are going to have and just using our platform. Awesome. I guess right now what we need to do is to just download Satoshi and then start mining akatos.

Airdrop Promotion

Yeah, exactly. So just a reminder here as well. The Aka token Airdrop on Satoshi app has already started. It started on August 26 and will end on August 26. The total airdrop amount is 8 million aka token. So if you join this airdrop now and start mining and when you get, you actually get the Aka token. You can stake it or get transaction free discounts when you trade on Aka finance. So I guess it's pretty good. Then you can do free mining on Satoshi app. Then you can stake it and you can earn more money. Yeah, I agree.

Conclusion and Thanks

Sounds pretty good. All right. Yeah, I guess we have asked all the questions and thank you so much, Mori, for your patience and for joining this Twitter space and answer all the difficult questions. Questions we had. Yeah, thank you for having me. I mean, it wouldn't be a community space if we didn't ask difficult questions, right? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Those. Those are the questions that our community really want to ask you about. And we really appreciate you joining this Twitter space. So we have the chance to ask you.

Final Acknowledgements

Yeah, thank you for having me. And thank you so much for those who joined today's Twitter space. And thank you very much, Neff and spring roll to join this Twitter space as well. And JB. And thank you, my team. Absolutely. Cassie, anytime you want us here, let me know. Awesome. I guess. Yeah. We'll end this today's tutor space then. Yeah. Thank you, everybody.

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