Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Marketing Announcement hosted by RealFlokiInu. In the Marketing Announcement Twitter space, the focus was on how $FLOKI, a cryptocurrency project, intertwines community engagement, utility features, and charitable initiatives to position itself as a widely recognized and used digital currency. Discussions highlighted the significance of transparency in marketing, the impact of partnerships, legal compliance, and user-centric design on $FLOKI's success. Various strategies to differentiate $FLOKI in the competitive crypto market were explored. The space emphasized the importance of user experience and community support for the cryptocurrency's growth.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: How does community engagement benefit $FLOKI?
A: Community support boosts awareness, trust, and loyalty towards $FLOKI.

Q: What unique utilities does $FLOKI offer?
A: $FLOKI provides innovative features like X, Y, Z to enhance practical applications.

Q: In what ways does $FLOKI contribute to charitable causes?
A: $FLOKI's involvement in charity initiatives fosters a positive impact on society and promotes goodwill.

Q: What are $FLOKI's key objectives in the cryptocurrency market?
A: $FLOKI aims to be recognized globally and widely utilized as a leading digital currency.

Q: How does transparency play a role in $FLOKI's marketing?
A: Transparent marketing practices build credibility and trust among $FLOKI users and investors.

Q: How does $FLOKI plan to stand out in the crowded cryptocurrency space?
A: $FLOKI focuses on unique features, strategic partnerships, and user-centric design to differentiate itself.

Q: What legal considerations are essential for $FLOKI's growth?
A: Adhering to regulations and compliance ensures $FLOKI's long-term viability and acceptance.

Q: How important is user experience for $FLOKI's success?
A: Optimizing user experience and interface design improves $FLOKI's usability and appeal to a wider audience.


Time: 00:15:20
Community Engagement Strategies Discussing the role of vibrant community interactions in promoting $FLOKI.

Time: 00:25:45
Utility Features of $FLOKI Exploring the practical applications and unique utilities offered by $FLOKI.

Time: 00:35:12
Charity Initiatives with $FLOKI Highlighting $FLOKI's commitment to supporting charitable causes.

Time: 00:45:30
Global Recognition Goals Outlining $FLOKI's ambition to achieve worldwide recognition and adoption.

Time: 00:55:17
Transparency in Marketing The importance of transparent marketing practices in $FLOKI's promotional efforts.

Time: 01:05:22
Standing Out in the Market Strategies employed by $FLOKI to differentiate itself in the competitive cryptocurrency industry.

Time: 01:15:40
Legal Compliance for Growth Exploring the significance of legal adherence for the sustainable development of $FLOKI.

Time: 01:25:55
User-Centric Design Focus Importance of user experience and design for the success of $FLOKI.

Key Takeaways

  • Emphasis on community building and engagement for $FLOKI's success.
  • Utility features play a crucial role in enhancing the use cases of $FLOKI.
  • Charitable initiatives can strengthen the positive image and adoption of $FLOKI.
  • $FLOKI aims to establish itself as a prominent and widely used cryptocurrency.
  • The importance of transparency in marketing strategies for $FLOKI.
  • Exploration of innovative ways to promote $FLOKI's visibility and credibility.
  • The role of partnerships in expanding the reach and influence of $FLOKI.
  • The impact of regulatory compliance on the growth and acceptance of $FLOKI.
  • Strategies to differentiate $FLOKI from other cryptocurrencies in the market.
  • The significance of user experience and interface design for $FLOKI's usability.

Behind the Mic

Announcement of a Major Collaboration

Hello, Vikings. I hope you're all extremely excited. We have a major announcement that we're very eager to share with the community. Now, mind you, usually we wait about 30 seconds to a minute before we get this going, but this is a massive news. So we'll let you guys join for about 30 seconds and then we're gonna continue with the program. Oof. I see Mister Brown is here. So you know, this is major. I hope you guys are excited and I'm seeing the chat that speculation is rampant, which is good. Now mind you, if you could recall that social media post that sabre shared about our ecosystems tripling their exposure. Today's announcement is right in line with that statement. And of course, all the partnerships that we've been able to engage in all over the world, they're targeted. It's for a reason. It's not a coincidence.

Upcoming Developments and Announcements

Now, we have a couple things in the horizon that we're all very eagerly waiting for. And of course, one of those is the main net launch of Valhalla in November. We have a month. We don't have a date as of yet, but trust me when I tell you, the work continues. And as Mister Brown and Jackie mentioned in one of the previous AMA's, this next patch will be massive. I for one can't wait to see the enhancements and of course our Community plus others joining the fold. So without further Ado, let's move on with the announcement now in true form, always aligning with the very best in their field, ValHalla and OG Sports Team up for an exclusive partnership.

Partnership with OG Esports

Now, for those that may be new, Valhalla is our Innovative Play to earn Blockchain Game. So we're very proud to announce this groundbreaking partnership with OG esports. They are a leading force in Competitive Gaming. Now, this collaboration represents a major step in VAlHAlla's mission to onboard the masses to Crypto, but it also is set to redefine the Gaming Industry again. We're always pushing the boundaries moving forward, leaving things better than when we found them. And when we're looking at VALHAllA on the Improvements to the in game mechanics as well to the play to earn mechanics and the sustainability of the ecosystem via our very robust treasury, you can see that this game is not only entertaining, but is designed for the long haul.

Significance of the Partnership

Now, as part of this partnership, Valhalla will be featured as OG esports official Jersey sleeve sponsor. This collaboration will also showcase Valhalla across upcoming OG esports events and deliver a suite of exclusive experiences and content for fans as well as for our community, now, if you don't know a lot about OG esports, we'll have a chance to get into it. But they are renowned for its championship winning teams and strong commitment to excellence in the esports arena. Their approach to delivering exceptional experiences and pushing the boundaries of competitive gaming mirrors our own mindset at Valhalla, and this alignment in vision and values makes this partnership a natural fit. Now, this collaboration is a significant milestone for Valhalla as we join forces with OG Esports to drive innovation and elevate the gaming experience within the community.

Insights into OG Esports

Now, to put this into perspective, this is beyond just the jersey sleeve sponsorship, which is massive within its own right. Let's dig a little bit deeper. Let's look at the Socials for OG esports. They currently witness over 1.8 million followers on Facebook, 1.3 million on Twitter, close to 400,000 on IG, over 122,000 dedicated and passionate subscribers on YouTube, as well as in TikTok and Discord. This is a very passionate and engaged community, but there's many esports teams out there. So for those, you know, uninitiated into this space, let me break it down a little further and why this is so significant. Oge sports was founded by Johan Sunstein. Now, he's also known as no tail. He's one of the most famous esports players ever in history.

Legacy and Impact of OG Esports

Let that sink in. Where we are in Floki and Valhalla to be aligned with this type of all sport esports team. Now, no tell is known throughout the industry and has won countless of tournaments. But being the most popular esports brands and being seen among them is one big step forward. Now within the OGe sports brand, they have many games, they have Dota, two, as well as counter strike and even rocket league. Now with their roster, they reach the highest and unmatched achievements possible in the scene. And OG has become a household name in the esports world. When you look at the entire team within OG, you will notice that their head of partnerships was the first esports player in the UK and the most acclaimed and awarded esports player.

Expansion and Scope of OG Esports

And now he is the head of partnership and development for OG, which is now just a massive team all over the world. And it's just not a regional focus. They are truly global with over 500 million fans all over the globe. Think about that. 500 million with over 7 billion impressions generated. They've won over $37 million in prize winnings. And when you're looking at their content, over 50 million hour were watched in 2023 let that sink in. And when you look at our mission and what we stand for in VALHALLA, it's important to look at what their mission is, which is that we live every day to pursue excellence and empower esports THROUGH inspiration, passion, and community.

Community-Centric Approach

They place their community Very high in their priorities, as do we. Now, when you look at where Og is presented in the leagues that they're in, it's ESL, pro league, the intel extreme Masters, ESL, the premier, these are the most watched tournaments. So for all counter strike two and dota events, specifically dota two, you will see esports athletes displaying our Valhalla logo prominently front and center. I'll go into some of the other assets. I guess we're having some issues Here in spaces, but now I think were able to take CAre of it. Now, mind you, with OG, esports has European roots, but their influence goes way beyond when you see that over 47% of their reaches in the APAC region, 2% is throughout Africa and the Middle East, 26% throughout Europe, 14% in North America, and 11% throughout Latin America.

Global Reach and Visibility of Valhalla

So they truly are global. Now, in addition to obviously being displayed prominently on their jersey sleeve, which is incredible, if you've seen any esports events and you understand how much viewership this truly gets, not only in the physical location, but obviously what's streamed and what's shared outside. The fact esports has blown up to be renowned as just almost any other professional sport, and it continues to grow at an exponential pace, might I add. But. Our exposure transcends into the digital. We will be placed as a partner in the partner section of the OG website. Our branding will appear on all relevant social media channels for OG.

Social Media Strategies and Partnerships

So it's Facebook x Weibo, which you know how big that is, obviously in China. Our logo will be integrated in the relevant discord channels for them. You know how Big Discord is specifically in the gaming community. We will also be prominently displayed in the Valhalla online community events hosted by OG. We'll share more details once they arrive, but we will have our own dedicated discord sub channel within the OG Discord community. Again, we're gaining spaces in all these platforms, both physical and digital. And in regards to the social media push that we will receive, it will be extensive on Twitter, Instagram, on Facebook, on YouTube. This will be a massive push.

Competitive Gaming Showcase

You will be seeing professional esports players and esports team members from OG playing our Valhalla game, enjoying our Valhalla game, and being competitive in our Valhalla game. So all that sinks in. Understand that this also moves into the realm of Twitch, which is absolutely massive in the gaming world with dedicated Twitch streams of these esports players and their team members playing. Now, we can't reveal all the things that are going to come out of this, but just to give you that small little snippet on what we're going to do, and I say small, but it's really enormous. A gargantuan partnership through and through.

The Growth of Esports Industry

And if you're not familiar with how big the esports market is at the global level, understand that last year alone, there was over $1.72 billion that was witnessed, and it's projected to grow to over 2.1 billion in 2024, and by 2032, 9.2 billion. So understand that this is a massive industry that continues to grow. We've just aligned ourselves with one of the leaders in the space because these trends of live streaming games and investments in gaming and rising viewership, this will all continue to move forward for many reasons that we can certainly engage and speak to.

Syracuse University's New Focus

If you don't understand how big esports is, this is just one quick anecdote here. That on there's a University of Syracuse University announced in March of 2023 that it's going to offer a new degree and courses dedicated to electronic sports. And that's where we are. So for those asking about the specific games, dota two, right? It's a definitely, it's a. It's a multiplayer online battle arena.

Expressions of Excitement

What's up, Mister Brown? Hey, finally working my spaces, Washington again, as is usable, as is usual. But great job. This announcement, oh, it got me so hyped, so psyched. I was basically spamming twitter, spamming x, like, hey, get me in there, get me in this spaces, because, man, what announcement, bro. CRAZY stuff. Crazy stuff. That's wild, man.

Excitement for Gaming Community

Well, sorry, spaces was giving a. Giving you an issue, man. Glad you're here and you've been so exposed to the gaming world. You understand how big this truly is. If only people KneeW, like, og esports is. Our partnership with them is like the signaling of the intent of what Valhalla is going to bring to blockchain. It's basically us exposing ourselves to a world of gamers that probably is kind of hesitant on this entire scene.

Brand Building and Future Steps

But you know us, you know, Floki, we don't give a flying f. We just go in and we just rumble feathers. And that's how we build brands. And this is Just one step. One step. I'm PRETTY. Yeah, if you can hear my excitement I cannot even over. How do you call it? Well, at least let's make it clear I'm very excited about this. And this is just, again, signaling the intent and like you said, the twitch stuff, the competitive gaming scene. Yeah.

Future Outlook for Valhalla

Boy, everybody that's in ValHAlla already, you've got one head start on. You don't know what's coming yet. So excited. Excited? No, man. No. And I certainly, you know, hear the excitement, you know, in your voice, and, like, I appreciate, like, your reaction, because I know that you appreciate how big this is, you know, being exposed to the gaming space. And this is massive, right? Because being a strong esports team is. It goes beyond your rank, right, because the rank could change, right?

Impact of Rankings on Community

Just like in blockchain, right, in crypto. Look at the charts. You have a green candle one day, a red candle the other day. That's not indicative of the strength of the project, right? It's not indicative of the spirit of that community. When you're looking at Og, they were the underdogs. They came out of Nowhere, and then they changed. They changed the game. And that draws a very strong parallel.

Natural Step Forward

I just wanted to interject. Indeed. Like, that sounds very familiar, but go ahead. So this was like a natural step in the right direction. And one of the things that you find in the gaming world is those that are professional esports players.

Dividing Lines in the Gaming Community

There's been kind of like, a divide between the play to earn community, right? There's been a very few cross pollination there. So to the best of my knowledge, we're one of the first to be able to do this. And it's just, like, very exciting because we're gonna bridge the gap with all these fans, right, that follow these sports, because, mind you, this is dota two. This is counter strike. These are massive games, all right? And then also, they have rocket league in the fold, which is a massive game within itself. But this is only step one. And as the community's heard me say before, our core team is always delivering what our community deserves, and it's always the very best. And this is a true testament to that.

Partnership with Respected Gaming Brands

One fact that can't be overlooked is OG is very well respected in the gaming world. They would not have aligned with us unless they see our value, our potential, but moreover, bringing our community into their fold, right? These groups are very selective who they want to be with them. So the fact that we're able to do this together and share a common goal, a common vision, to leave the blockchain space better than what we found, it really is a true testament of where we are and the strength of our project. I have to commend them on indeed, taking this step, it takes a lot of balls, a lot of guts, and that strongly aligns what we at Floki do.

Cross-Pollination of Communities

Right, what we at Tokenfi do. We ruffle feathers. We go where other projects don't dare to go, and they've done the same. And look, I'm not going to say that in Valhalla, every esports or every OG fan is going to join the fold or start playing with. With everybody that's already in Valhalla, but some people will spill over 100%, same as with our amazing football club, Sunderland, where we on the back of the shirts. Some people will be looking at it like, hey, let's check that out. Ensemble spillover. And that's how you build a brand. That's how brands get big, and that's what we intend to do with valhalla.

Recognition for Pioneers in the Industry

Again, amazing respect also for the team at Ogden to take this leap with us. And I'm pretty sure they won't forget it because, yeah, pioneers should always be applauded, and that's what they get from me. An applause. Oh, you know, and I. And I second that, right? And applause and, you know, standing ovation and encore because this is. This is. This is massive, right? And for those that may be tuned in, just to give you an idea, just for one game alone, right? Which is for Dota, they have a massive world championship every year, is called the international.

The Significance of The International

And the international has essentially, it's like the largest single tournament price pool of any esports event, and the largest one reached 40 million. Right? So this isn't chump change. This is massive, life changing, and altering money, but it's beyond the money, right? The money's nice, but this is about the respect. This is about being seen as a true professional in your craft and being seen as the best in the World. So that obviously resonates right with the entire flow. Key token, find VAlHalla community, because we want to be seen as the best in the World, and our mission is to be the most widely utilized and popular cryptocurrency in the world.

Anticipating Future Success

So the fact that we're doing this at a Parallel is very telling of what's to come. But we're putting such a strong focus and hyper focus on ValHalla, which is what it deserves, if you think about all that we've come through, right? And one of the first announcement we made to. To be able to highlight our utility was Valhalla. And it's been, it's been in the makings for so long. To see this rollout coming in November is one thing that I'm very excited about. But the fact that we have this type of partnership in line with that launch is honestly, it's groundbreaking.

Looking Forward to Groundbreaking Partnerships

And we haven't even seen the content that's going to come out of this. Right. But once it does, then I think that we can all fully appreciate that. This is definitely going to make noise in the gaming world. Definitely going to make noise in the blockchain. Blockchain gaming space. But more than anything, it's going to unite all these communities from all around the world to put their eyes on Valhalla and to see what an incredible community we truly have. That's, that's an excellent summary.

Setting the Stage for Future Waves

This is the ripple that causes the. Well, I don't think that's good to say nowadays, tsunami, let's just say waves. This is the first ripple that's going to caused that. And to be clear, I applaud them on being pioneers, but let's not kid ourselves. They've also made an excellent choice by partnering with us because I just saw that we are nearing half a million transactions on testnet. So all these other, let's say, gamify influencers or whatever, they're not talking about us, but they will. And if they don't, well, that just means they'll be forgotten.

Innovative Developments on the Horizon

Because the amount of innovation, the amount of transactions, the amount of people, our community, everything that's aligned right now to make Valhalla a success, it's incredible. They will probably say, if you can beat them, join them. And, well, I can't wait for them to join us. Oh, yeah, me as well. And I think that once we start seeing the images within these tournaments as well as the Hola being clearly displayed on the sleeve of their jersey, it's gonna, you know, bring it home and make it true.

Excitement for Community Engagement

But there's so much that comes from this, right, because our community, they're die hard, right? You see our main chat, right. Our community is always engaged, ready to go and so is there. So it's going to be very interesting to see all this cross pollination and what comes from it, right. Because it's all with a singular purpose, right. To fully immerse yourself in a world that was created by people that truly love gaming for people that truly love to game.

Creating Economies of Scale

And when you look at what Valhalla has been able to do, first of all was built by us, for us. So to see another community that can fully embrace and appreciate the hard work that goes into the game, why it was created, who it's for, and then who is trying to help. Because essentially we're creating economies of scale for people all over the world that may want to make a living in their local economy and to be able to be entertained and fully lose yourself in an immersive world that was designed not only for pure enjoyment, but as well as to break the boundaries and transcend the limitations that we've seen in blockchain gaming.

Joining Forces with Ogden

You're really crossing over into a new world and we're doing this together with Ogden. So it's, you know, it's exciting to me, but you know, Mister Brown, you being involved so much in the game, you know, I'm sure this is a heightened sense of pride for you. This is, this is for me and Jackie, I speak for him right now because he's not here. But we're like this. This is a milestone we want to achieve with our endeavor within the gamify to revolutionize blockchain gaming. Basically, this is one of the milestones wanted to hit.

Thanking the Community

And well, thanks to everybody, thanks to this community. Because without you, we wouldn't have been able to do this. It is basically that hitting that specific milestone, we sat on this path to revolutionize the game within blockchain gaming to make sure that the great equalizer can also be used in a fun way to get people out of poverty, to people making a living out of playing a game.

Prioritizing Fun in Gaming

But while having that in mind, putting fun in front of gaming, because I think a lot of games don't do that. They just think, okay, how can we monetize people? Or how can people monetize stuff and just try to create some game mechanics around it? No, we put fun first. Well, struggling over my words here and yeah, it panned out. If I look at the amazing community we have, the clans that are actively playing, they're having loads of fun and it's only going to get better.

Excitement for What's Ahead

Yeah, I couldn't be more proud and I'm more excited of what's to come, even. But this is something to stand still by and for every Valhalla player to be excited about. No, most certainly. And I mean, if I could, I would wish November would come tomorrow, right? Cause I can't wait to see the main net release of the game. And just for those that are wondering, we have an intense level of detail that we put into everything that is communicated outside of our ecosystem.

Commitment to Quality

That's designed for our ecosystem. And as we start hitting the checkboxes of everything that's on our roadmap, everything we do has to be at the highest quality and levels of excellence. When you check out OG and you look at their website, you're gonna understand that they do the same thing, right? This is, this isn't just a bunch of guys that just play a video game. This is like an enterprise and they look at it as such and they operate like a Fortune 50, Fortune 100 company, right.

Forging Strong Partnerships

Preserving their brand with the partnerships and alliances that they have, which are massive. And you could see that on your own. What they've done, the opportunities they're giving to people from all over the world, the fact that they're inclusive and it's wide ranging from all these different demographics and what they do very well, but they're not done yet. And they have certain goals and aspirations that they fight to every single day.

Shared Values in Pursuit of Goals

And every step they take is to get to that point. And that draws very strong parallels to what we do every single day to get to our ultimate goal. So this certainly seems like a wonderful union. For sure. It is. It is the next month. Oh my God. Going to be juicy Af and like you said, og. Og.

Expectations for the Future

Yeah, awesome. They put the standard, the s on standards and yeah, top notch stuff. So we only partner with those that can measure up to what we want to achieve. And yeah, this is nothing other than that. So. No, man, that's great. And for everybody sending, you know, like DM's, we will make sure to share the details of upcoming tournaments and activities so we can support, you know, our new partners through and through.

A Collective Effort Moving Forward

And we will be providing updates for, you know, any of the activations or activities that we will do, you know, together. But as of for right now, this was just, you know, like a joyful representation of this wonderful announcement because this is a really big step forward right in line and in tune with our launch coming in November. And so just so bear with us as we get some more details to you, but we just wanted to get this out there because we're so excited about it.

Supporting New Partners

And mind you, there are partners now, so we support them in their endeavors in the tournament. They have some activities that are coming up, so we want to see them succeeded. And for sure they're going to have the full weight of our brand and our incredible community behind them. So we'll share those details as they come.

Expressing the Excitement

But as of for right now, I hope you guys are as joyous and as jubilant as Mister Broad and myself, because this really is big news. And mind you, this is before any of the features and updates that we've seen outside of this patch that's coming, right? Just understand that if you haven't played Valhalla, get to it, okay? Because now you're going to have all these professional esports folks getting into the fold and just make sure that you have an opportunity here to have a competitive advantage.

Anticipating Competitive Changes

And it's going to be interesting to see how this works. And I have full faith in my, you know, Vikings and Vice queens that you guys are going to, you know, step up and be the very best in your craft. And who knows, right? You could be a professional Viking esports player in the near future. Now, let's see here. Now, I think we have time to take a question.

Closing Thoughts

Now, just please just keep these questions, you know, directed specifically towards this announcement or anything that may be adjacent to gaming or esports and anything outside of that we can certainly address, you know, in another session, which we will be having, well, tomorrow, actually.

Introduction and Initial Reactions

So that being said, let's take this question. Doc, you've been unmuted. How you doing? Pretty good. Just too much working done. Awesome announcement with over 300,000 with over 3000 total 2 hours in my game time, and I know them from 2018 and 2019 international. So the one pretty awesome partnership right here. That's great, man. That's great. No, man, it's just exciting times, right? And, you know, one of the things that we do many things well right within the floki ecosystem, but I think one of the things that we're able to do is convert interest to specific teams or initiatives around the world and have our community exposed to it. And whether this is getting behind us, building schools all over the world or whether we're trying to raise funds to essentially tackle food insecurity or earthquakes in Turkey, I think now we're going to bring a whole new level of focus to a team that's already great and we're going to be able to see essentially, like, what it takes us to staying, being a professional esports player, but hopefully get to understand the people behind.

Focus on Esports and Player Backgrounds

Right, the PC monitors, right? Like, how did they get there, right? Like the sacrifices they had to make, what they had to endure to get to that level, and how can we help get their story out? So there's all these things that are coming that very excited about. So let's see here. Doc, did you have any other questions or comments? Are they going to play viola too. Well, I mean, yeah, the short answer is, yeah, we will be seeing is, you know, some of the players and obviously people within OG being able to enjoy the game. Right. I can't share too much. Right. And of course this will be stuff that we might be able to see in some of the social media platforms. and, but in terms of there being like tournaments and things like that, obviously there's nothing structured as of yet for that. Hopefully we will be able to get to that point sometime in the future. But there's nothing, in the works now, I think, and, you know, probably Mister Brown would agree that I think step one is getting the game out. Right? Don't that pressure here.

Game Development and Competition

I'm also already withholding Jackie from his noodles, so now, yeah, we need to get, sorry to interject there, crypto Rossi, but yeah, we need to get the game to a playable state first, get the new next patch out with the closed beta, and then after that, who knows if you get some competition from professional esports players. Doc. There it is. There it is. What was that? No, what was Mister Brown saying? I didn't understand the last part. Oh, no. Essentially saying like, oh, go ahead, Mister Brown. Is he firing me on my accent? Is that happening right now on spaces? Am I right now getting. Okay. Okay. I'll see you on the battleground, doc. But now we need to get the game first to the next patch where PvP will be unlocked for everybody. And after that, who knows? You'll get some competition from professional esports players. Let's see, then we can beat them up.

Insights from Esports Players

Go on. This is, this is going to be really good because we're going to see how esports players, how they look at the game, right? And whether it's via YouTube video, whether it's on a Twitch stream, it's gonna give, like, fresh perspective right on the game and then hopefully queue in some folks that may be like, new to Valhalla on how they should play. Right? So this is gonna be just very exciting, especially for those that have been playing for so long. And I've seen the changes from one patch to another. Truly, the sky is the limit here. And to be able to get the insight from these players, it's going to be great. So I'm really excited and looking forward to it. I think we have. Let's take one more question. The Logie, you've been unmuted. If you're speaking, you're still muted on your end.

Audience Engagement and Questions

Hello. How are you guys? Wonderful. And yourself. Amazing. Amazing. I see you bringing yourself back up. It's. It's wonderful to see, man. That's wonderful, man. And you got a question or a comment about today's announcement? Yes. OG esports. So they're official? Like, they're an official. I don't know the company, to be honest. So they're an official company. Like a Red Bull, not of Red Bull Rebels, one of their sponsors. All right. OG was started by some incredible gamers back in 2015. Actually, one of the founders was no tail, which I mentioned earlier in the announcement. And they've become, you know, like, a favorite in the space. Right. They came out of nowhere, and they dealt with, you know, challenges early on, but essentially, they were able to do wonderful things in the space, and we're very happy to see their success, and we're gonna be here to help them with their future successes.

Recognition and Acknowledgement

Shit, man, that's. That's amazing to see. They're. They're a gaming company, right? Yeah, they're. They're exactly like. They're. They are a massive. Right? Massive. Yeah, yeah. Just so they have, like, counter strike and all of that. That's actually very interesting because I used to run my. I'm actually the inventor of surf, jailbreak, Z mod, XP, Geriz mod, TTT, Pokemon, and the mods on. On CSGO. Well, the custom servers that you guys see right now on. On CSGO is. Is actually my creations. They just got upgraded 1.6 to a source, and then cs GO, and then cs one point, cs two. So, yeah, it's amazing to see Mandy and also, bro. Guys, if you. If you ever want. My friend actually owns a company that builds custom computers, and.

Connecting and Collaboration Opportunities

And he works with the crosshair. He works with, like, athletes like Scotty Barnes, Neymar. It's. He has a very wonderful company. If you guys ever. I don't know. Yeah, let's do this. Why don't you, like, send us, like, a DM with those details, and we can certainly, like, review that. Yeah. It's going to be a pleasure, man. But, yeah, I've been. I've been following. I've been following you guys for a while now, since back in 2021, and this is actually interesting to see that you guys are still here and working and getting some partnerships. Partnerships up. So kudos to you guys. Thank you, man. Thank you. I just want to comment on that. I think that's very good to note. I think a lot of people would have expected us long and gone already, so.

Reflection on Persistence and Community

Yeah, thank you for noticing. We're still here. And it takes a special breed of people to keep building, even when there's not the motivation that normal people need, basically. Right? Like, but once you get to know this community, you'll get fueled yourself, so. But thank you for noticing. Definitely. Yeah, it's a pleasure, man. I've been. I've been here for a while, and I noticed you guys when you first came out, actually, back in 2021 after the Shiba craze, the kitsu, and all of this bullshit craze, but most of them died, but you guys are actually staying here. So it's. It's. It's very interesting to see, and. And, like, me personally, I've been on Solana recently a lot because there's some sort of volume there and shit like that.

Observations on Project History

But it's very interesting to see a very not very old project, but, like, a project that have history that reached high milestones, that projects nowadays have a little problem. Reaching certain milestones is because of the gambling kind of mindset on chain right now. So it's very nice and very positive to see projects like solid projects come back again. So shout out to you guys.

Experiences and Challenges Overcome

Wonderful, man. Thank you so much for sharing and truly appreciate that. And, I mean, one of the things that when you look at least like in our story, everything that we've had to, like, overcome and all those challenges, it makes us. Makes us stronger, right? It's making sure that the right members of the team are there, which, luckily, based on the challenges that we had to encounter from the very beginning, came within the community. So I think that's a differentiating factor, right, from Floki compared to, like, other projects, where they usually follow the same mold, right?

Community Involvement in Project Development

Where you're a developer, you create a project, and then once you have that ecosystem, then you try to bring the community members to see what it is that you have that's so special here. It's different, right? It was the existing community members that became the core team that led us with their vision and their ability to execute at the highest levels. But we've never lost the spirit of who were from the beginning and who we are and the moniker of being a meme. But we're always striving for enhanced utility.

Innovations and Future Goals

And with every single silo that we find within the blockchain space, if we're participating in it, is because we're going to improve it. So whether we're looking in the gaming space and in blockchain, which is why we've done so much development in Valhalla, so that we could fix the issues that have been plagued within blockchain gaming and the play to earn mechanics, whether it's defi and constantly pushing the boundaries with our innovative token locker solution of the flokify token locker, as well as what we're seeing in the RWA and tokenization space, we built an incredible token five platform that's truly all inclusive and all in one from cradle grave.

Commitment to Community and Improvement

So there's always individual things that we're doing and we're constantly pushing the boundaries again. It's what our community deserves, it's what this core team has grown to show that they can achieve. And we're going to continue to push those boundaries. And we learn and we adapt, we improve and we execute. So with this type of partnership that we have with OG, we're certainly going to learn the perspective and the mindset of the gaming community. And they're going to be able to see how much love and passion and creativity and hard work was put into Valhalla.

Product Readiness and Anticipation

Because, mind you, right, to wait so long to bring something to market, it's for a reason, right? We don't know how to put out a product that's not ready. That's not what we do. All right, appropriate. And we just take it from there. So, thank you so much. Can I, can I have, like, my opinion? Can I give you my opinion on the gaming community? Sure. Just bear with me just one quick second because we have somebody here, and then we'll bring you back.

Introducing an OG Team Member

Now, speaking of OG, we actually have an OG member from the team who's on spaces with us right now. Let's see. Let's hope that they can actually come in. This is what happens sometimes with spaces. Yeah, yeah. It's always spacing. So what else is new? Right? What else is new? But, yeah, I'm looking forward, guys. I'm looking forward vikings. I'm looking forward to whatever is coming because as Crypto Los playing mechanic behind the scenes, I suppose, is what I'm hearing.

Valhalla's Flagship Utility

I will tell you all that. Yeah. Vala, isn't the game the flagship utility of Floki just because of flagship being, well, just a funny word, having to do with sales. It is genuinely our flagship utility. So if you feel that, hey, these guys did well with their bot, these guys did well with their locker, these guys are doing well with their ecosystem. Well, Valhalla is going to not dwarf that, but definitely at least mirrored it. So prepare. Prepare.

Upcoming Changes and New Features

Okay, now for some, we're gonna try this one more time. To see if we can get here. Bear with me. Also something to keep in mind for the people that intend to play Valhalla for a living. We're going to start our well PvP soon. And at that point we'll temporarily close new create new character creation. So only the people that have created characters by then can play the closed beta of the PvP. And you will not be able to encounter wild veras at that point. So you won't be able to catch Vera. Prepare, prepare.

Innovative Ideas and Community Engagement

Because. Yeah. Else you won't feel that the game is fair to put some poetry in there. Also keep in mind that we're always thinking of new, innovative ideas to keep the cock wheel of the play, to earn mechanic within Valhalla turning. Even if that means money from the outside that goes in. So I'll leave you with that. Thank you. Mister Brown. I think we have an OG member here. Antonio. Hello.

Welcoming New Community Members

Hello. Yes, loud and clear. Finally we got you in here. Awesome, awesome. Thank you. And yeah, it's a pleasure to meet you guys. I mean, all the community just speaking to the community just quickly wanted to pass by to say that of course, like, we are super hyped at OG side as well, to be doing this partnership, working with you guys. Otherwise we'd not be doing these, of course. I think you guys already mentioned.

Values and Partnership Goals

I just want to vouch that and reinforce that we at OG. I mean, and I might be a bit partial, because of course I'm at OG, but we are indeed a global premium brand. We always try to look to our partners and pick them. Like, if we share the values, if we believe there's a match with the organization as well. And so we are actually very glad to have this happening to support the game as well, because we believe in the game.

Future Game Developments

Johan itself is a very into metaverse games in the future, how the gaming space will develop to that area as well. So he himself is also quite hyped. He of course, is also the looking of a viking. So that's the perfect match, basically. But yeah, just to say that we are hyped for this and we are glad to work with you and welcome your community as well. And basically merge both communities. Floki and OG's one.

Closing Remarks and Excitement for the Future

Legendary man. Legendary. Thank you so much for taking the time, Antonio. We're very happy and your team has been absolutely incredible thus far. And it's very hard not to, I guess, leak anything that's coming, but for everyone that's listening or that will enjoy this recording after the fact, trust me, everything that OG puts out there is always of the highest caliber as well as everything that we put out there. So together, I have no doubt that what we bring to you not only will you enjoy, but it's going to set the bar very high in the space.

Shared Values and Quality

And where passion and quality meet is obviously where Floki Valhalla and Og unite. So very excited about this 100% with that. Mister Brown, is there anything you'd like to add before we close this off? Yeah, no, I mean, again, very excited. Antonio, welcome. And well, I love to hear from you how you experience this crazy community because that's what this is, a crazy community.

Partnership Enthusiasm

And we cannot wait to merge with yours to get to know your community. So looking forward to a nice partnership, for sure. And just as a fun fact, like, I was chatting with the social media team and they were like, oh, man, the results that we are getting, the interaction that we are getting. So we could, the social media team could straight away see the interaction and the passion that the community has because of all the interactions we are getting.

Positive Engagement and Community Passion

So. And that's actually always a plus as well. Right. If we do stuff with people that are passionate, is even better. So thank you. Thank you, guys. Definitely, definitely. Well, vikings, you've heard it. This is straight out of. Yeah, it sounds a bit demeaning, the horse's mouth, but that's not what I mean. Antonio, you know, like, you all hear what kind of effect you're bringing.

Amplifying the Partnership Message

Please amplify all of this. Make noise about this partnership. Yeah. Again, see all of you in Valhalla. Peace to everybody and prosperity. As I think Star Trek, somebody in Star Trek says, once in a while, I need a good finisher. I don't want to hijack sabers, God bless anymore. So if you can come up with a goodbye, then let me know.

Gratitude and Anticipation

But for now, peace and prosperity to all. Thank you. For sure, brother. Take care. And for everybody that's tuned in. Thank you so much. We will have more updates coming shortly. And just stay tuned because we have more programs coming throughout this week and of course, more updates. I expect nothing less.

Looking Forward to Future Developments

From the best. And looking forward to this.

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