Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Market Talk: Big Crypto move incoming? Jackson hole, stars and more hosted by BecauseBitcoin. Delve into the world of trading with a focus on cryptocurrency markets, institutional influences, and strategies for navigating market uncertainties. The discussion touches on various key aspects such as market volatility, regulatory impacts, wealth preservation strategies, and the role of geopolitical events in shaping financial decisions. By exploring market sentiment, asset diversification, and long-term investment considerations, traders and investors can gain valuable insights for maximizing opportunities and managing risks in dynamic market conditions.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: How do macroeconomic events like Jackson Hole impact cryptocurrency markets?
A: They can introduce volatility and uncertainty, influencing investor decisions.

Q: What role do institutional investors play in shaping the crypto market?
A: Their actions can signal market trends and impact overall asset valuations.

Q: Why is portfolio diversification crucial in volatile markets?
A: It helps spread risk and potentially increase overall returns.

Q: How can individuals navigate market uncertainties effectively?
A: By staying informed, diversifying investments, and having a long-term strategy.

Q: What should investors consider for wealth preservation in changing market conditions?
A: Balancing risk, considering asset allocation, and adapting to market dynamics are key.

Q: Why is it important to monitor geopolitical events in financial decision-making?
A: Geopolitical events can have cascading effects on markets and asset values.

Q: What are some strategies for maximizing investment opportunities amidst market fluctuations?
A: Staying agile, conducting thorough research, and having a risk management plan.

Q: How can traders leverage current market trends to inform their investment decisions?
A: Understanding trends can help anticipate market movements and adjust trading strategies.

Q: What are the potential impacts of regulatory decisions on cryptocurrency values?
A: Regulatory changes can impact market confidence and alter asset valuations.

Q: How do market sentiment shifts influence trading behaviors?
A: Changes in sentiment can drive buying or selling actions in the market.


Time: 14:25:12
Market Volatility Amid Jackson Hole Talks Exploring how discussions at Jackson Hole can sway cryptocurrency prices.

Time: 14:40:55
Regulatory Impact on Cryptocurrency Markets Analyzing how regulations can shape the future of digital assets.

Time: 14:55:33
Institutional Investment Strategies Insights into how institutions influence crypto market trends.

Time: 15:10:47
Geopolitical Events and Market Reactions Understanding how global events trigger market movements.

Time: 15:25:19
Strategies for Wealth Preservation Tips on safeguarding investments during uncertain market conditions.

Time: 15:40:03
Market Sentiment Analysis Exploring the psychological aspects of trading and market behavior.

Time: 15:55:29
Asset Diversification for Risk Management The importance of spreading investments across various asset classes.

Time: 16:10:12
Long-Term Investment Considerations Strategies for sustainable wealth accumulation over time.

Time: 16:25:08
The Role of Data Analytics in Trading How data-driven insights can enhance decision-making in financial markets.

Time: 16:40:17
Market Trends and Predictive Analysis Using historical data and trends to anticipate future market movements.

Key Takeaways

  • Crypto market volatility influenced by macroeconomic events like Jackson Hole discussions.
  • Potential impact of regulatory decisions on cryptocurrency values.
  • Discussion on the correlation between market trends and upcoming economic indicators.
  • Insights on the role of institutional investors in shaping crypto markets.
  • Expectations around market sentiment shifts based on current financial conditions.
  • Importance of diverse asset portfolios to mitigate risk in volatile markets.
  • Exploring the relevance of geopolitical events on market movements.
  • Strategies for navigating market uncertainties and maximizing investment opportunities.
  • Considerations for long-term asset appreciation and wealth preservation.
  • Analysis of recent market trends and their implications for traders and investors.

Behind the Mic

Opening and Introductions

Sadeena. Sadeena. Yo, GM guys, what's up? I can see. Okay, just two people. Let's share this space link for other people to join. Let's share the. You can just click on share up there and just share the link up there. Okay. I think just two people is up there. Gm. GM. Let me give you the mic. Feel free to talk. Yeah, what's up? It's working cold today. I love this guy. Huh. Well, see you tomorrow. Yeah, sure. The rain is coming tomorrow. Oh, yeah, well, I'm prepared for that. Okay, I just sent you both the mic is there. These two people that's going to join this place. Where is Allah? Let me. Let me invite. What's up? How you doing? Yep. What's up? What's up? I'm good.

Discussion on Connection

I've been Nigeria guy. How's everything, bro? It's good, it's good. I'm in Nigeria. Don't say because I'm in UK. You want to? I beg. Let's come to our normal Nigeria has since. Huh? Hello. Am I right? I just send you the mic. What's up? I'm gifted. How you doing? What's up? GM? Gm. GM. Feel free to request for the mic. I said, cast your web. What do you guys. What do you think I am trying? I don't even know. I was just looking for topic and that thing just say cast your web.

Ideas on 'Casting Your Web'

So what do you guys think about casting web? I mean, what's up? Is it that you haven't connection issue invite to speak gifted. Hi, welcome to space. Fine, good. I can hear you. Gmgmdh thank you. Thanks for needing one up with me. You know, I saw my friend, my. Guy and device it in your joints, please. Like I only saw him speak like in mini while I hear from him. So I just. From my brother, right, thanks. Meanwhile. Easy. And cast your web. What are we. What are we casting, sir? Like I said, I don't really know what happened. I just know like the topic just comes to me and says cast your web.

Web Functionality and Real-Life Application

Well, what do you know? What do you know how I put it? How many of you know, you have seen webs, you have seen Spider webs and you know what? And let me say, the function of that web, you know, the function of the work of that web. You know what does, what does the web. What was the function of the webs? I think step despite I climb and. Go through places or stuff. Is there anybody else that wants to say something? Anybody wants to say something? Because I said cast your word.

Discussion on Spiders and Webs

Yeah, that. Climb or, you know, they. Want to like climb or distance, they need their web, right. So without your web, like their web protection to them. So. Okay, well, I was just. I'm seeing under an image. Is this vertex? Vertex vi. Har. Vertex. Hi, how are you? Defi. Hey, girl. You guys, you just use English pour my mouth. Is this defi exhibit? I mean defi now? Which one is it? I beg, which one is it? So defy highness. Good. You want to remove my teeth.

Sharing and Broadcasting Information

I just sent you guys the link. Yeah, come up. Let's hear your voice. Come on. Hi, yeah, definite hia ness. Hi, Jerry Z, what's up? How you doing? GMGM. Just, just come and accept the mic and. Well, like I said I just give that, something, cast your web. Okay. I think it wasn't gifted. I was giving an idea who was really talking the other time. Jerryzi, what's up.

Engagement and Visibility in the Cryptosphere

Jay? Please, you can share. You can share the. The link so that other people can join. I don't really have much to say like the topic just cast your web and every one of us know apart from that web or let me say that spider web performing the work of, let me say shelter, like protecting the spider during the time of rain and even though it's windy when the spider have different type of rope as I've seen that Webster like that the spider have different types of webs that they use in protecting themselves, that they use in like making sure they are safe during those season, maybe winter, whatever, or a wind.

Linking Web Casting to Crypto Opportunities

Okay, so when I said cast your web, I'm trying to like bring this thing in the crypto space. Like let us try and link it in the deFi or let me say crypto technologies. Okay, so when I said cast your web, I found out that a lot of people are missing out some opportunity on this Twitter or let me say crypto Twitter. And the reason why you are missing it out is because you are doing some things at the wrong time or you are doing something but you are not really following. I can agree that some of you might be working or being in school, things like that.

Adapting Strategies for Successful Engagement

Well, the reason why I say cast your web is that you can always. I see that a lot of people in this space, you only just want to like engage on post, like maybe drop your wallet address giveaway, something like that, which is not supposed to be. So there are a lot of educational content or post that people put out there. You won't see much engagement. I noticed something on my page that whenever I drop a tweet, maybe a lot of you see, let me get this whitelist for their sharing.

Tweet Engagement- A Key to Opportunities

They are faster a lot message project, message CM, someone's answer. Some will give them response. But there's something we call read, give a read tweet. Okay, tweet about this project. Let's see how active your community is. This is where the castor cast your web. I'm saying, I'm trying to talk about is that okay? They want me to like cast that web and see if I'm going to catch in some people to that content that I'm dropping about the project.

Perceptions and the Reality of Engagement

Now I wrote a content about the project, no engagement, but midline drop giveaway post about that same project. Then that engagement will run. Come now, do you see that the web, or let me say, should I say that you, I don't even know how to put it because I said the topic just came in the afternoon. I don't want to just hold that space immediately that afternoon. So there are some things that we are doing that we are noticing.

Choosing Right Methods for Giveaways

And that is why whenever I try to host a giveaway, I first of all go down. I will check those that have engaged on my real post that I know giveaway. That's why I pick my winners from sometimes, somehow just look around. Okay. You have been active on this page. When they say, notice on that, your notification that, they told you to turn it on your own page.

Balancing Relationship with Influencers

It is not for, excuse me, I'm walking around. If I'm inside one place, I'll just start shouting while talking on space. So I keep, I like moving around. So I noticed that whenever we bring out a contest about that project or that whitelist spots, you guys are not engaging or if I will say you are not seeing it. So you are not you making use of your tools.

Engagement as a Tool for Success

Well, you are not casting that web. At the right time. Because people, a lot of influencers that are giving spot or see him that are giving spot, they won't look at you. They are just engaging on that post. They will first of all, look at how active you have been on their page. There are some people, I'll just go to their page and check if this person has been replying or commenting or retweeting my post.

Understanding the Importance of Active Engagement

I go and do that for the five people. So when I say cast your web, some people like what is cast your web. You have the, you have what you can do, but you are not doing it at that right time. You don't just focus on giveaway because you are focusing on giveaways. The positive is also making that tweet. The person is making that post is there the project or let me say they found out the dev they are there to check.

Making a Game Plan for Community Engagement

Okay, let me see how active your community are. We are not, don't post anything about giveaway yet. Just first of all make a trade. Write a trade about us. Let us see now the engagement, the way you guys comment retweet as sometimes I suppose to be saying tag three people, I do say tag five people. Why? If you tag five people or five friends out of that five friends, there should be two or three of that people that you tag that they also should be able to engage on that tweet.

Strategies for Successful Promotion

Except maybe you are tagging David Doe and whiskey. They are not going to help you. So when I said cast your web, I don't just know where that expression came into, but I just like web. Okay, what can I do? Because that web is just like a tools. They use this in protecting themselves. They use it in hunting for their praise spider when they want to maybe cash and house fly.

Connecting the Concept of Webs

Is it our webs that we use? So that's your post. Turn on notification is not just for maybe giveaway. So you need to use it properly. Like don't just use for giveaway. Okay. Comment on tweets. Say something that will prompt someone to respond to your tweet. Go and look. Sometimes I will just comment on some people's tweets and immediately I comment.

Timing and Engagement Importance

Maybe after some hours the person will reply back. And what I notice, if you notice something on my page, if I send a Gm tweet or I drop something, I don't quickly comment like that straight off or maybe like it straight off. I can first of all like everybody streets down. Maybe after some like four or 5 hours I'll start replying. Really? Because the eggs and the eggs are gloried, man.

Risks of Over Engagement

The way they are doing now, you need to be careful the way you use because that's part of why I lost my first account. Being a reply guy is good, but when it's already getting too much like you are, you have already say Gm to almost like 150 people in a day. And you are still going to tweet to do something. So you just need to be careful.

Understanding Engagement Dynamics

Okay. So I see some people when they drop GM and you see that this the influencer or the dolo did not reply. I don't take it as bad thing because when that person account is gone now one thing you should know is that connection is gone. Number two, those opportunities that you guys are also seeing from him is gone. Because there's something one of my guys usually say, he said that this, there's one ant that feeds you.

Impacts of Connections

If that ant is cut off, you that the hand is feeding you will be hungry. There's nothing for you to eat. And yourself, now the food I'm saying is not like maybe normal food, but let's assume that person is giving you money or something that is something that can really help your life. Now, yourself, that hand that gives you something that cut off immediately that hand cut off, it affects you.

The Ripple Effect of Connections

Because number one, let me say, you'll be hungry, you'll be starved, you will need some things, but you won't be able to get them because somebody is providing for you, is no more, is gone. Now, not only you will not be suffering. That thing, those people at your back or people that are looking up to you also will do that. Because maybe after you collect 50,000 from the person, you can't spend all the 50,000 at once.

Interconnectedness in Success

You, brother, something, brother, that I'm hungry. You will see. So just one hand and with that it is spreading, spreading. So you get what I'm trying to say. So that's why sometimes there are some big influencers, sometimes I message them or let me say GM, they don't reply. If you, if you must dm, some people, x will just give you one straight off.

Caution with Influencer Engagement

So that is why people, some people are always being careful about replying to all GM. So things, so I understand. Okay. And that's why I won't lock my, this, my DM because I know what I lost in the first account, a lot of connections from big projects. So I don't want the same thing to happen here. So for those of you that are trying to message me, I'm sorry if I can't, if I don't have your number, then we can chat on Telegram.

Advice on Engagement

Although telegrams have started their own answers also. But I'll just advise you guys that whatever you are doing, be careful with it. And like I said, I told people in some, I think some space I joined, I told them that all these whitelist products that you're collecting is not everything you will mint and it's not everything that you see that you make money from, but something there is that.

Securing Opportunities in Crypto

First of all, secure it if the project is going to do well or not. First of all, secure that whitelist, collect that whitelist spot. Now, if the project is doing, you're going to do your research, buy into it means make money, buy good things to yourself and buy good gadgets. Keep on grinding. That is how we started.

Hustling in the Crypto Space

So it's not that you just see one update, you fade. It has happened to have feed a lot of updates whereby people that I dropped the link to now start tagging me in groups that youngly, thank youngly. That what happened? That was last year, February. I was like, what's going on? There was like the link. I dropped somebody who said he registered with two email addresses.

Drawing from Experiences

I said, what I mean, what I see, I don't even do, I just forward it. So when I say cast your web, you have the tools already. So it is now you that is left to you. How do you want it to work for you? How do you want to protect yourself with that web? That same way bizura is going to feed you is Sidona is you are going to use to like protect yourself now when you are only using that your web for giveaway.

Using the Web Strategically

For giveaway. Not every time giveaway will touch you because some people can just bring out a criteria. Okay, let me just go and check out. Those people have been retweeting my tweet. You can just go through your page. Oh, this person has been a, a Facebook follower. I've been seeing a lot of my tweets on his page. I'll just pick the person. He just be like, damn.

Identifying the Active Participants

This person did not comment on this giveaway post. He didn't do this. How come? He's a winner. See, I don't blame all these men that you see that they pick somebody. As you know, you start looking that, no, the person might have been, there's one guy here, he's not on this page here. I was like, what's wrong with this guy?

Being Proactive in Participation

Is he a boss? Why he's always commenting, tweeting, everything. I was like, guy, come. I'm even afraid of his account now. Calm down. Your account can get suspended. Just hold on with everything you're doing. Why, he's very, he's really ready to support. Now. There's no sometimes, there are sometimes on my page that if I share wildlife spot and I didn't pick him because I don't want it to be like maybe I'm picking all the time, I would just probably say, okay, send me your account number.

Engagement as a Rewarding Strategy

White. I see that zero that, okay, he's ready to engage, ready to support. So I just say, okay, let me host this place and tell you guys because it won't be good wherever. Maybe I drop a post about a giveaway and you engage and you always pick because most time I'll go and look at those people that engage on the real post.

Understanding Expectations

Sometimes some projects will not give us whitelist, but they will say, okay, make a tweet about us. First. Let us see how your, how bullish your community is. Because I cannot just collect a spot from project that you guys don't want. You get. So they want to see how bullish the community is. It is how bullish you have.

Minimizing Risks in Crypto Trading

Okay, let us give them one spot. Let them give them two spots. So the more you engage, the more you comment on that. Not even the giveaway, but just that main post, the project. Like wow, these people really need our whitelist. They need, they really need this spot. They might decide to give you five spots, six spots.

Managing Engagement for Success

But when they say only just two comments on the main on the post, they'll say, okay, just give them one spot. You'll not be like, young girl, how do you want to share this point in this post? Just one spot because you didn't engage on the main post. Go and check my post now on space. Space.

Introduction of 'Space Theory'

Is it space theory? I'm very sure a lot of you have been seeing people tweeting and posting about space theory. A lot of people have been talking about it. My first tweet about space theory was 14th of I think we are in August. Yes, 14 August. My first street was in that on space three.

Starting Attempts to Engage with New Projects

Nobody. I don't think there's a lot of engagement. Maybe like five engagements. I make another post because I started that project and I said, okay, this thing is already bringing our web interaction and I have been on ancient eight blockchain. I remember when I was telling people, my group that please go and start knowing one.

Interactions and Community Growth

Interact with asian. I think they did Airdrop also go and interact with ancient eight blockchain is mostly for gamers, but go interact. It's just like the way they bring out, they bring in based, dimensional, all those blockchain stuff, you know, or hey, so go interact with asian state that I just told them they did Airdrop.

Sharing Opportunities from Interactions

So those that did it there, congratulations to them. So now this project, this page theory is on asian hate blockchain. If you don't know about asian hate and how to integrate or how to add the blockchain to your metamask, how do you want to meet the project? And that is why we make a tweet. Make a post read it, understand it because you don't just look at the tweet and say well detailed.

Understanding Projects and Utilizing Information

Don't just do that. I will give jerryze the maximum. Don't just look at the trader say well did they read and understand? There are some hidden things there. Now this space theory. Now people have been shut. I've been seeing a lot of bb collab this thing, big collabs marketing agency tweeting about this project.

Challenges in Engagement

Before they could answer me my DM, I can show you my DM with them. They did not answer my post up till now. I've messaged like two of their cms that I know. Nobody replied me on telegram from Twitter. I moved to telegram. So all these gig that I seen they were posting on twitter. It is not easy.

Perseverance in the Crypto World

We are passing a lot. I did not blame Zeus that give one of his children a BZ daughter in sports. It's not a bad thing because it's not easy for you to start going to project DM. The risk of you losing your twitter, the risk of you losing your telegram account. You understand?

Continuing the Conversation

Let me bring in my boss in here. Ola is here. How you doing Idolo, how you doing? Now Allah said the mic, I started on a wheel. So do you understand what I'm trying to say? It's not easy to get all this whitelist spots finished. You now drop it on twitter.

Struggles of Collecting Engagement

You're not seeing two engagements. You now see one person that give one spot to his family member. You are hungry. It is not easy thing if you are a CM, if you know what it takes to be a CM, it is not a easy thing at all for you to even see.

Responsibilities of a Community Manager

Some projects will just look at you and say, no, you're not competent of doing these tasks because this crypto space now is not, it's just like a business. Ola, I've saved this something now what's going on? You don't run away. So I just should tell you guys, number one, don't just be active for giveaway.

Encouraging Proactive Behavior

Don't just be active on giveaways. When somebody posts a thread or a content, read it, understand it, understand what the person is talking about. Okay. Drop your own two cent. You can ask question there, you understand? I think online connection is bad.

Addressing Engagement Barriers

Oh, what happened? I've been, do you know? Can you request for the mic yourself then? So when I say catch your web, you have the tools already. Your tools is your web. It is not left to you how you want to do it.

Utilizing Tools for Engagement

Now, if you want to collect the ancient export. Now how do you want to meet it? Some of you think is ethereum? Because I said drop your evm wallet. You think it's ethereum, that you just fund your Ethereum wallet and mint.

Blockchain Integration Know-how

No, you will add that asian eight. You add it to your metamask just as we had some chains to, so this you go to chainleak.org. I think I'm right with that. Why is allah decline the, what happened now? Is your connection bad?

Conclusion on Ongoing Engagement

So as I was talking, so read about it, know what you want to do. So on the mint day, you won't just be looking at you, see how it was minted out. It's because you don't know what it's all about. You don't really, you don't actually know what you want to do on that blockchain.

The End of a Session and Reflections

So read content, read it. Don't just engage on, this thing on the g. I'm just be looking like that. Okay. So, I think that's just the little thing I will say. So you guys should know how to, just know how to do it yourself.

Final Remarks and Invitation

I don't, I don't really have much to say today. Well, let me bring in. Jerryz is here. You can, you can say something. Jerryz is also a very big cm. I know for long. I think it's account to that one got act. So yes, he has a lot of experience also in this crypto and defy space.

Wrap-up and Further Discussion

Allah come up. I can see IMT women in de fire. What's up? How are you doing? You are free to request my guys request Mike asked question. But what I just want to let you know is that all these people are seeing posting ga tweets. Five spot, three spots. Say whenever you see take them serious because it's not easy to collect and is noise.

Navigating the Complex Crypto Environment

Some dev will tell you to message them on telegram and they will delay you there. Some will tell you to read after the reading. They won't even give you the spot. So that is just all. Let's just be active and not just on them. Gay on giveaway.

Importance of Active Participation

When you see the main tweet, engage. Let them see that you guys are bullish on that project. That is when they will give us enough spots. All right, thank you very much. I hit my mic. Hello. What's up?

Continuing the Journey in the Crypto Space

Jira is Alpha now. Young Lee, we are you. Is this NfT space or I don't understand what's going on. Just send money with the wait for everybody. Exactly. For ways to eat. I did talk about ancient eats.

Building Connections

Now I just like because I with the Asian. So there was this time we met. I gave you a spotlight send me one nft then. I've interacted with them before they will did their job for those that Udai NFC sheikh I have sharp guy.

Technical Issues in Communication

Let me add this guy as closed also why is Allah decline my course? What happened. If they show decline for your site? Yes it shows other declined the cost. 900 days.

Community Cooperation and Communication

You want me to make to start calling the name of my phone Abby I use it for 15 pro max 1 tb. Is not copy 53 why could decide to declare your codes? See everybody the pleasure coming up here. It's been a while.

The Evolution of Participation

I've actually come on pieces like my don't man. It's my last piece. But. That day we left where we met where you, me and Toby that last daddy that was the last year I actually came on speech and speaking.

Challenges of Engagement in the Crypto Space

Speaking on speech is not my thing again after I lost my account today. Yeah, Toby Alpha is. Yes. That's the most annoying thing. No, because you don't have money.

Economic Factors Affecting Participation

People get money. They target almost Elon Musk. Joined guy. Right in my hi baba John that's peace guys. Peace. Well, I love.

Fostering Community Connection

I love it. Young Lee. Young Lee, I hope what you are starting tonight you people doing consistently or continually not some way you could just host peace and in the next three years.

Reflections on the Journey

I swear I remember those times when you that time I see they very tenure 2022 or 23 now I actually. Normally I don't really like hosting space.

Introduction and Context

Okay, so it is 94. So shake and see. Now we are this admin of the super mode founder, this ionic founder. There are several super swap founder. The founder of Moot himself is on this group. Like, this is. Okay. Okay. Somebody even share something. So this one now is left people that are here to make their impact. Like the asset of connection they want and hostile one. I feel like.

Current Market Trends

Okay, this go to. I think. I think telegram now. I said telegram turn now. Don't. I don't really backing out on tone. It's not shown like tone because. Because what everyone is seeing or what the builders are building, that more same thing coming up. Like not going tapping or referring or pointing them or all this is meaning no one is really building. Like, they're not really using them to integrate. Like something normal as both other mel two or l one or l two save. Yeah. Are doing maybe like more base ethereum itself or BNB. So the only. The only protocol that actually. Unless I suppose the only change actually, bring more of that. I think the only thing that has more of protocols in it is still for that falls down to ethereum and BNP. Then we don't even hear anything on Solana again. And Tron has also come. Tron.

Reflections on Current Crypto Environment

So no one is building anything down meme coin. I feel like this current market is just different from the last bull run like glass bull season. Nothing is really bringing up the old vibe that yeah you are, you are in buses to be honest. Because now the number of devs or developer that could build as that two years ago or two years ago in the last busy now you don't even need just go to school, just be a premises graduate. You can read that, you can understand. You able to launch your coin yourself on the phone on all this phone or phone whatever thing that it got. So now there are more of these coins that they don't even reach. X two for the die next to is like if you start from 4k does not even reach ten k Mc. Most of them are under four k, five k, six k, four k, seven k. It doesn't even go into ten k. Anyone that ever reach under k is going back towards zero.

Investment Strategies

So as for me, the way the only thing I would think about is that find a project that is building not chasing all these meme projects. This is a matter of costing. Meme trading is not your niche. You didn't even start that. You are, you are always doing airdrop or doing jobs. So why should you so like just because you are seeing the wins now we don't even see when they give me those cars I don't see I need mountains. I don't begin co so it's really getting more wide. The NFT space is not saturated. People are reprinting from NFC. I like, I don't mean but my guys that means that they send me my wishes because I don't because I got white spot. They are saying that is $100 from what is so free means.

Challenges in Current NFTs and Engagement

So I feel like what youngly said is what was my own concern. If you check the NFC thing I did in the past, I think that was last two months I stopped posting them. I noticed that most of these people that I engage in either they don't even have the gas fee or they've never met on this change before. So why should I pick you and waste it whereby people that I can pay or me myself, I can pick myself and mint five wallets and make the money myself. Do you understand? Because now if I ask what have you method of this before? Not all this. Interactive meeting, normal meeting up from. From either primary one or secondary one.

Obstacles in Accessing Opportunities

A lot of you be like, you've never bridged on this. Like, don't even have this ethereum. So why should I be stressing a lot of, like, why should I be sending out sports that will be wasting, you see that? Asians. I don't think young Lee interrupted, but because I know that he has the understanding of that thing, okay? I have to enter his name. Those that I give, I have to enter that game. She cry on my friend. I have to enter his day. That blue, I beg, just come to mean this thing because he's a new chain. And people, my people engage in, darling, they don't know these things. So the best thing you can do now, I think for the past two days now, I mean, I've been emphasizing on this thing that the only thing you can do now openness of me, okay, the only thing you can do now is towards, is to learn.

Learning as a Path Forward

This is not even cap or anything. Stay like this, period. You're not missing anything. You are seeing everything that is happening. You've been grinding for the past whatever month or days or few weeks you've been doing. You've been doing research, you've been doing this. But instead of wasting your time like this, find something good to learn. Even in crypto, there are so many things you don't know. There are many, if you like, for someone like me, what really works is just that I'm always coming. Like, let me. Because if. If you have to use pressure based on what you are seeing and the results you are seeing yourself almost, you might actually lose an edge of this thing.

Emotional Composure in Trading

But if you are calm, the writing will come, not come, just not doing anything. You have to be calm and be thinking and be strategizing for me. Now, at this point, I feel like this space is not really hard. Like, the crypto space is not hard. It does that. Like, today, now, I entered a trade, and all I just needed was conviction. Immediately I saw it, everything that was happened. So you just imagine I'm now doing, like, no. People are now looking for their own pop on, looking for narrative or memes or whatever thing. All these things cannot work in this period because it's already diluted.

Building Connections

You don't even know if the next pump is coming from tron chain or chain, or it's going to be a big chain or. So what can you just do that, period, now that wheels are scratching their lp or whatever? You just keep learning. I'm in the right time for you to. To catch your stuff comes, you are able to execute it and make your own money. The job space to day. Now a lot of you now all of you are not seeing that job. Job is really getting. It's kind of, it's getting, I don't know, congested in terms of this demographic now that literally everybody on seal now understand what jobs is and they want to do job they are looking for you.

Influence of Real Life Experiences

Like if you are in the midst of all these foreigners, like there was a space lady hostage yesterday. A city guy invited a foreign lady to speak from this girl's speech, from her, from what she said. She also started as a very small account, small person, nobody knows her, blah. Things was tough, but things were very tough for her then. And she asked what to quit or to stop. When she stopped, she didn't just stop and go to or wherever. She said she stopped and went ahead to learn more about to learn about some skills in my relationship, how to grow, how to do, just connect, blah, blah.

Personal Development Over Quick Gains

A lot of you are in position where by now is not the next hundred edge you should be chasing is the next hundred impacts or investment investing in yourself that you should be finding that should be chasing. Because even though if crypto is yet to stay in two years or three years, most of you might not be into crypto again. Crypto is like everybody has aspects in it that is going to change their life. But come to look at it, if you are going to be honest with yourself, like not everybody. There was this thing I was telling someone that is not tested. I think that some of these guys that brings in money to just like should I suit money?

The Reality of Investment Success

Most of the money they are bringing in. So because some of them they won't do even about jobs is the real life business they are doing. Like those that actually end in dollars. Like all these tech guys, you won't see on their twitter that they are this kind of good in trading, but maybe they just got a big deal and they brought the money to institute and two or three eggs has doubled money to under kid, didn't they keep like you all don't know these things. You think it's just number $100 or $500 like that. If that's why I said that, what was for me just being calm by so distilled like this, I'll just have to just come and think very before I can that, okay, is this really some crypto or it's just leveraging on crypto so there are.

Challenges in Understanding Crypto

There are several things that like for. I don't know, for Misha, there are several things. Me, I really. I'm not really talking much on crypto again these days. I'm just very calm and look you on because I think what matter most now is for my own self alone to make the most in this space. Not, not putting or trying to bring people to come and meet. Because people that are trying to bring the day, if they're in your position, they will never do that. Or they are not even happy because you are dead. I think that's me. What? They're never happy because you are dead.

Focus on Personal Growth

So why are you trying to. Why am I trying to be. Why am I trying to invest in people's life? Why can't I just put all the efforts in myself? And since I've actually been doing that, I'm gaining more. And that does not stop me from seeing my jobs. That does not stop me from doing anything. So I think the last thing I'll be saying is just about your personality of know what works for you if anything is not working for you. There's this girl that time when we are still like when we all started that time, 22,000, she was like, oh, person in Nigeria today should be the number one or number three.

Navigating Opportunities

Not even ten because everyone now knows about our community. She's partnering with the big NFT trader coming up like sometimes even to get nft out first to grind for white is for take a pig. If she has put it in then if she can put them. If you cook. So now it's just matter of it has worked for her and now she's building a bigger now. So you don't have to do whatever that every other person. Just because I'm seeing jobs or I'm getting paid three k does not mean that you will be good at job. You might be trading, you might be seeing two x, three x.

Understanding Personal Strengths

And I'm telling you, a lot of you don't. They are looking, they can't even do five x. That's what you're saying. Ten x. So they all know what is working for them. They don't know what they are doing from all the CTNG people. Now I think Lolis and some other hype, Tron, Tron, tron that are making money. Not, not everybody did that. So you don't have to do what everybody's doing. Know what works. Because imagine if somebody does five k in touch on now and lose all the money now just because you say that this know that you have affected yourself.

Learning from Others

So that's bad. I know what works for me and I always follow it goes. I can't even old loss imagine I'm losing three people in this period of my life. I can just climb one more thing and just jump from there and finish everything. So I feel like that's just you guys been. That's like the updates guys being just trying to build yourself and connect with people. So don't under like I don't say we Nigerians are about to connect with people. People that are building around Nigerians.

Building Relationships

So there's no more importance or points of building with Nigerians. And try to link to the Nigerians that they are not builders, they are consumers. They are consumers. So that's why you see people. Because where they want to eat from your usual one. But if you try yourself and lock yourself out and show yourself to those people that are building them. I also share this strategy. Probably you guys can learn from it and utilize every project you work with or someone like me.

Engagement and Networking

Every project that they create a group for me to just do what it means. All the people in the group, either they are active or they are not active. Three or four people that they. I want to reconnect ourselves after the group. Like after the audio. I follow them on Twitter. We talk in DM's. I say hi. I say hi. So I don't say okay. We are in good terms. So the next one, it's not be afraid to reach out, but okay. Allah, whatever. So that has been working.

The Importance of Connections

Because if you look at it, I don't have the time to re enter any project. Zen. My account is big enough to even small project. So why should I be hunting, hunting. So I just like at every stage of your life you know what you need to do to go higher. You don't think I talk. I don't miss my account. My other company. See, even though I remember it was even Allah that introduced me to ancient AIDS. But just imagine if you don't know how to meet or you don't know about me maybe minty sometime or how to add the agent aids to your metamask.

The Learning Process

What do you want to do? But immediately mentioned it. As I said, I've not tried it before but let me check and I just go to chain link. Go and look for everything. The chain id. I minted the NFD. Even though I never said it is still my wallet. Because you know, I was just like test running the something. God, that's the first time I have to bridge from Earth to this thing. So I remember it was even one lady introduced me to that project.

Success and Engagement

There you can see. So our boss don't talk. Oh, yeah, I've said a lot. It's left to you because some of you just collect spots. You do. Some people don't even know how to use ordinance wallets. They do not to meet or even inscribe. It is well. And I've shared ordinance projects this afternoon. Now I've picked winner audits. All is well. Young. You mute Mike like this. I want, I want. We have a lot of.

A Change in Perspective

Now. It's been a while. I've spoken on space since. Yeah, trust me, it's nice talking on space today. And, the name safe Chuk. Cast your web. We are all, we call ourselves enthusiasts. All of us. Yeah, everybody. But what you're actually doing is please matter most. Trust me. When I lost my accounts, that was when the importance of access and connection actually done on me.

Connections in Action

Imagine there's this guy. He actually does collab, is a collab manager. Yeah. So the guy. Now, when I was on room pro, the guy came, was like, I needed sports, blah, blah, blah. So Ronan, also him on Twitter, also the project is actually anchoring too. At that time, he followed me. I followed him back. Then I now lost my ex and I dm him with this account. The guy didn't reply me for like two days.

Understanding Influence

And I went to his comment section, and I'll tag my old account like, bro, this is my account now. Blah, blah. He now came to my GMO. They're like, I should not be annoyed, blah, blah. Even till, you know, you have not followed me. What am I trying to say? I lost that account on the norms. Any sports this guy actually anchors, he always give me, because we've. We've always been exchanging sports back to back.

The Importance of a Network

And then now, even though jungle collab, he has not even given me to you now, something that, on the norms, he actually would give me easily. But after I lost that account, I says, even project I'm working with, I lost about two jobs from that account based on this camera, gming people and all of that, right? Access and, your network actually makes and tell a lot and how far you go, it should really tell.

Strategic Connections

Trust me, you are coming in this piece. Choose a circle. If you're a group of three, four, know your circle, know people you work with, fine tune everything around you and make sure things are going well. Like Allah said earlier, you might be going slowly, but 1% every day is no bad. 1% every day is not. It's not even bad. It's just starting point. Every time you can do better and better.

Understanding Opportunity

There are a lot of outfound co. Trust me. Look at them, Solana. Now I keep share. At least in the week I can share like three, even if most are free. Free because I feel good. Actually brings more engagement and all of that. But if anybody sees frame it. Definitely you want to engage because you are losing nothing.

Breaking Down Barriers

All you just need to do is meet at most you three, four doors as network fee. That's one reason that I'm no more bullish on ordinance. Not until I start saying. I'm not saying you should not be bullish on ordinance for me because I grew my ordinary portfolio from $500 to $70. So imagine that kind of loss. I was like you, if you want to meet anything on ordinary, just have gas fee 50 upward for gas fee.

Caution in Investment

That's premium. It can be that crazy. But also now it can be as low as three, four doors. So there are a lot of alphas on the CEO. It was just yesterday I noticed that some people actually grant for wife list without liquidity. One came to my team. I was like, chose the person for winner. I was like, she doesn't have any liquidity. Can I blah, blah, blah.

Engagement Without Boundaries

So you don't have liquidity? I actually engaged. Wow. So people can be that, can I see? People can be that, crazy about grind. There's nothing bad in it, but what I noticed is the moment you actually know that, yes, this is what you want to do, and you get crazy about it.

Embracing Passion in the Field

Trust me, person that's someone that's crazy. In real life, getting this space would actually do crazy things from experimenting. You get to know your niche and you get to like, know what works for you. Because if you know that this thing works for you, then you derive pleasure doing it. It makes more sense that way.

Maximizing Productivity

And you can even grind and do more from that. I can stay 12 hours, or perhaps you can stay 6 hours old. It all boils down to what we can actually cover up in the space of that hours. Somebody that is even up for 6 hours can even cover more than somebody that has been up for 12 hours. Right? So knowing yourself, discovering yourself, and knowing what you can actually do, because you're on this space now, space is all about connecting.

The Call to Action

Request for the speakers. You want to say something? Feel free. Connect with people, pour out your mind. The space is like does. Do you. There's nobody has come to save you in as much as we are grading, we call out, we are, we are here. We are, Niger. All of us here, Niger. Say, I don't know if there's any white here, but then in as much as we are one, don't forget that we are.

Personal Responsibility in the Community

It's a one man for yourself team, right? Everybody the horse. Everybody's actually. There's nobody that is not even if you're not. I don't get. So it is that crazy from experimenting like city strong meme now. Is everybody that actually bullish on it? I got bullish on it. Then after was it today for yesterday that I saw this like -50 -70 man was crazy.

Lessons from Market Fluctuation

Like, it was very crazy. And then I now told myself, I'm not doing this again. Not on like if those bars does not recover. I'm not. I'm not reading those periods of those 6444 or five days. It was actually. Wow. Because you can just snipe in. And I actually got early calls and it was sweet at that period when you follow knowledgeable charts that then I was actually following, fe, Miriam and all these.

Final Thoughts on Engaging Effectively

Yeah. And about four or five and I, post like this. Boom. I checked. You see? I see, the buys are good. Everything is boom. And then it's a. It's a good. But for the fact that I was bullish on it and you are not bullish on it doesn't mean you are not serious or if you are bullish on something, I'm not bullish on it doesn't mean I'm not serious. Right.

Aligning with Personal Goals

Just knowing what works for me, you know, what works for you makes a lot of sense. It makes a lot of sense. This place is vast enough to accumulate a lot of people. Like Ola said, it is not. This place is not true. Just know. Just know. But I can. I can actually owe space. You can.

Empowerment through Engagement

I can come up and speak on space. You can come up and speak on space. It's actually when I said osprey space hosting as that last two years, you know, it wasn't. It wasn't even easy because some people be like, they are shy, they are timid and all of that. Well, trust me, when you can actually folk around, since you can actually.

The Role of Experimentation

When. I mean, for crown, I mean, just experiment. Just do things. Just do it. Nobody's actually holding you. There is no boundary. Like, this is more than enough for everybody. It's more than enough leverage on every free Alpha, you see, especially free meat, it's not like, okay, you don't have you.

The Journey of Growth

At some point I don't even know how to do some stuff like I was never an NFC person, I was never an NFT person. So when I started working I saw runes and I saw this runes pro, they don't have a collab manager. That was strong. They didn't have collaborators. Then I took it up as I dm them, we talked, we came on an agreement and boom, that was it.

Building From Opportunity

Then from there I joined room mind from roommate. I said like making and seeing how the collab management space actually works because when you actually experiment then you actually, you get results, then you get to see what you can actually do. Is that, is that sweet? Is that sweet? So yeah, I get, that's what I just have to say. I'll be dropping the mic here.

Invitation to Engage

You want to speak, you can just raise your hand. Anybody you want to speak, just raise your hand. You have the mic. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Just that the guy is doing so much on the account and I really can't put animal day, I can't put animal there again. So that Jerry is just out.

Continued Engagement

David from Abuja, how are you doing? I think Ola raised up his hand. Now. Give me like 10 seconds. Okay. So it just came to my head. Yeah, it's just for people with, let me start this, 1000 followers. You know you guys might be like, oh, they say if you connect, how do we connect? How do we even know that these people are worth connecting with?

Influence of Connections

I think the only reason why I will be in J cruise GM and be disturbing him to beg him to reply me Alpha now broken is only if the collab manager, I don't even understand this Roy, that is saying now I think I got Alpha from Roy. Roy and Tracy, the same for upper whitelist. Now the icing right now is kicks is J creeps.

Conversations on Emerging Opportunities

She is aware of it. It is Jacob aware of that. Which one, which one? It takes like the same. Now the odd thing right now is kicked. Yeah, yeah. Let me check what is beating on. It's not in between like he's working with. I think I made the post about them yesterday. the game today the game.

Discussion on the NFT Scene

Okay. That, that base project. Yeah, yeah. Is the same. Okay, okay, so now do you know many influential people in web three? Do you know many assets people inside Buddha just because they know that this is an alpha nft that you know people now they don't meet anything just because of flipping.

People's Attitudes Towards NFTs

Is just OcA most of us in Nigeria just here to just sleep and make money. Most of them owe for community. They ought to just have that PFP ought to be in that group. O a lot of reasons like example is as you kid I'm holding and this Azuki now I don't have intention or any plan of selling it now even though it goes as much as three k, ten k, five k, I don't care.

Impactful Presence in the Community

So we these people now they are in this guy's games. This is, this is the only way you can be very impactful like in the space whereby all the legend you think you have just because you don't follow you don't have money. He's not showing the CTNg if you become a CM. I think secret was the same.

Legacy in the Crypto Space

Now I don't know the experience he had when he was the same with those ruins but the this guy. Peggy. Peggy for Roostermina. Yes Rosetta do you know, do you. Know. How busy like if influencers they will be in his comment saying check.

Leveraging Connections

Them, check them even on telegram. Telegram is crazy. So I just dropped. No man, I don't suppose drop them but you are looking for job. If you have the same rule even though they are paying or they're not paying you catch all this le nft early and probably just find a way to be their same unlocking for you.

Navigating Network Challenges

The people are like for them to get this whitelist or whatever they are gming you almost you won't don't because now yourself you could like okay I have a friend I don't even want to say much about. He was handling a print account that is very big project account and took down like this.

Exploration of Opportunities

True down like this. In fact there's no one in my high I said like real life last two weeks before I left where I was before he said I sent him this account bro that there's the nigerian guy paying everybody for five k for referrals. If you reach 20 referrals I don't want to because me I will give him a lot of referrals. So I can't let him pay me.

Collaboration in the NFT Community

Now the prayer. So we are take this project, grind it and use the credit account to commit in no reach five minutes. This project is in the credit account immediately. You referred himself on my account with these people that have got the deal, bro. So being a CM or being an intent you are handling good project account.

Evolving Roles in the Crypto Space

You can even start with basin back with you be growing from there. That's like today I'm saying it if switching really did well I will have become one of the very big CM and I love need more moment because I've gotten more assets but everybody is to just base and just stop building and move away.

Reflecting on Past Experiences

I miss if I just change your chain because I started with sweet and after boom I was bit with sweet nft that's why I stopped NFC just imagine just because of sweetheart I stopped NFC for years until this year but I just mainstream it and so, and that period that was when I built the banter community that I connected with people giving whitelist post on my page growing my page that was how I grew to but you know me I followed the money and I say job sweet for my own side I'm a guy I forgot a job guy.

Career Growth and Networking

So now that I speak now see this girl she asked me now just because she has become a very good icm in space, in foreign space actually but I feel like love for Donoha she turned that icm rule now because she has gotten the asset she needed. She turned into a kol admin now she has gotten access to several people that are busy because they dm her for anything for whitelist she has gotten access to them.

Connecting with Influencers

So when they were trying to build anything she's one that they sent us to go and find kos influencers to push for them and all. So all these things are just I just have to just drop this for people that are one kid I want to grow and they said how do we see okay that's for NFT.

Guidance in the Meme Coin Space

And replied even indifferent like you know this meme stuff. There's a way you can also be get all these things meme like meme Bodama it goes Tracy because it's just by grace actually boy. But like what I mentioned is that there are some rules you will get and it's luckily for you because you have the rule in that group and that particular project really pumped well you'll be respected in the community.

Building Reputation

As for me so to that one don't because that this coin has did as dumb tennis for people I had the module you had whatever enroll you have in the mean book you can use look at people that toxins that enter that game link up with them. They have groups. Everybody that is trading me, everybody on telegram trading me my own telegram group nobody on telegramming dies in main group does not have a group.

Maximizing Group Potential

I don't even see everybody trading meme coin down telegram that they die a group of dial where they are. You don't have a group that maybe their community or their friends or whatever. So just try your best to keep making this. The first person that gave me money, not even in job, gave me GMP in 2021 was from television.

Career Opportunities in Crypto

The first job I got was from a telegram group. The first job I got for as voluntary mode random telegram group and I, and with IDM I connected and I got the job. So most of all these things are not until you come town like I feel like Jamo. See people are grinding on this code.

Pursuit of Knowledge

People are getting ahead on this code. Well, you are just logged in on twitter alone. People are pride on twitter, on telegram or discord. Nobody knows your followers. So if you enter anybody's game, if you can reply just because he likes your pfp or he likes your name or whatever, you want the heart until none of the art.

Strategic Thinking in Crypto

This one I won't smoke for twitter. So the way that I told you, if you count down, you are not rushing after people's money or other people supposed to test money or me. Come down and think of your own way. I can strategize, I can just do your own thing. Still doesn't come once anybody that I see that post five k for me, just so what this thing I've said like this is not tomorrow that you see the result is a long time thing.

Conclusion and Future Steps

So my brother, I just have to just drop down for people that really want to grow. If you can do this thing by December, you make a post and thank me or you host peace and thank me for what I just do. Because don't worry sha, I will not say much. So that's what. Let me even focus.

Feedback and Adjustments

On what Ola said. You get, you get. Which occurred to me now coming from last, just find something and just get in one ip project. When I saw runes ecosystem was actually booming that period, I think that was a march, April when I say it was booming that period.

Growth through Opportunities

I was at UK followers that time. I used that project to grow from two k to almost five k in the space of four weeks or five weeks. I work with them. Initially I saw that these guys, they don't have a collab manager. Then I brought runes pro. I collab runes pro with another project and then the guy was like, wow.

Offering Value and Building Relationships

Because from that offer I gave, I offered it willingly. I worked for them about three days willingly. I was like, you don't have collab manager. What's actually going on? Then they now propose, okay, let's do like this and from there, I got the job from free offers, you can actually get paid offers because even through referrals too.

Realizing Potential in Collaboration

Yeah, it was through room pro. I got another job still same on the runes ecosystem then. So from free offers, you can get paid offer. It makes a lot of sense when you can actually give a glimpse of what you can offer is everything that comes, at the platter of good. What you bring to the table actually matters a real lot.

Wrap Up and Reflections

Thank you. It makes more sense when you can actually pinpoint what you can actually offer because that's just the taste. And when they now bring you in fully paid, you can give them the very best. Yeah, I guess that's that. But tracing on the last point. Yeah, guys, thank you very much. Jerry, thank you very much.

Invitation for Further Engagement

defi exiles. I've been seeing your hands up. I think you want to ask question or something. David, what's up now? I've been giving you mic. What's up, gm? How you doing? David is a web theory, or let me say blockchain educator. And there's a lot of alphas and a lot of lectures.

Casting Your Web

Cast your web using it to. If you're a writer, like using it to pitch whatever you are to just use it. Just cast it. You get what you want. That's how me. I see. Is that so? This is actually my fourth account. This is actually my fourth account. So I'm trying to, like, view this one. So, I I I saw this space through my guy gift. Gifted. I don't know, he was one of the key was the coast or one of the speaker day. I was among the, like top seven or no, top five or six people like that. We are on the space initially. So when I saw his profile. I was like, okay, this guy, this space maca joiner, that was how I joined. So, coming to know you guys here, you see, biggest win for me. But, Olacrypt.

Banter and Past Mistakes

I'm one of the banter guy. Hey, I'm one of the banter guy. But unfortunately, Ola crypt. I'm sorry, I mistakenly posted a a link there, and you kicked me out. Sorry. No vex for me. That that happened, like, for like, three, four months ago. It was a mistake. But no, I don't know how I would take Richie because you are busy person. I mean, you start to survive. Even the view about you don't actually reply me. So the thing is, last night, I was actually talking on his pizza. One girl was. There is one, this thing. One girl said that she doesn't have a gig. And some other stuff. I was like, see, one thing I noticed about this piece is, sorry, people. People are too strictly with this. They are so strictly with this niche, something.

Personal Opinions on Niche

This is my niche. This is my niece. This is my niche. See, the only evidence that people outside, let's say, web two guys or non web two, web one, web three guy, like those that are not even into all this online thing, the only evidence that we see is how fresh you are, your lifestyle, the money you are. That's the only evidence that we see and say, okay, this guy, almost guy, crypto guy. And. And whenever they want to act, they want to know what you do. They'll be like, bro, what do you do for a living? You won't tell them you're a web page content writer. They will not know. They can't resonate with it. They will not.

The Journey into Crypto

They don't know those things. As for me, last year, now, last year, I know about web three. I swear to God, now, last year. But I've been. I've been doing this crypto stuff since 2020, but I've not been serious, has not been consistent because I was learning electrical job then because I'm an electrician. So it got to a point whereby I. I just find out. I just. I just said to myself, no, this is not the kind of money I want. I want the lavish money. I love this expensive life you get. I love it. I love it like, I love it so much. So this not the work I want is what. This is not what I want.

Leverage Opportunities

I love crypto. Let me do it. Because I witnessed last am last Buron 220 2021 the time of safe moon safemoon cash pit bull and some other stuff like that. Then I bought Shiba inu 5000 error and he gave me stars. I was so happy. I was like, so what I want to say is leverage on any opportunity. You see you somebody say I'm able three content marketer. I'm a three content writer. This and you be carrying this niche on your head. If you don't farm a job, you. Don'T want to, you don't to do some certain things that is supposed to give you money. So when somebody asks you, what do you say in my web three content writer instead of you telling the person, I'm a crypto guy.

Struggles with Web3 Jobs

I do crypto for a living. And when the person we. When the person will not ask what do you think to tell them? I mean, web three content writer not be when the person can't actually see what did you do for a living? Just that I'm a three content, right. They will not know. So I find out that people are not. You see a job like this, you know, farm, you just be fading, be fading, be feeding. You'll be focusing only that job. What if that job is not going to work for you? Like because nobody, everybody job they work for me. That's what I believe.

Reflections on Niche and Focus

What if that job no go work for not like, you know, get job. I mean, when I'm talking about like web three jobers, there are these people that there are these people like some people like a diba or La crypt pinako. Like many dolores that I know and many do that are my friends that I know also. Like when I'm talking about people, I'm talking about mercy, the great pizza, Gucci, Bologna prince. People that get like they get job where way. I'm not saying you are not going to get job, but if he be saying waiting really work for you that look at Satolae Airdrop person because of his huge community in the gate job in the gadget because he already has a fan base.

Finding Your Niche

So you don't have to do airdrop. You don't really leverage on any opportunity. See, you feel like it's not my niche. It's not my niche. It's not my. We are not here for niche. We are not here for niche, for crying out loud. We are not here for. We are here to make money. So okay, let's say for example, you see a job that's supposed to pay like hundred dollar, you leave it because you say you are building. You are building. Your brand, you are doing your niche. You don't have to contact that. I don't have to post airdrop on your timeline.

Being Practical

If you don't, if you don't post, no problem. Don't post it, but be doing it low key. They don't for background, make your status, they talk. Your WhatsApp starts to make it talk. People see the airdrop, say they do them not be like, say when a job time like this, you will not be farming air job. You still performing web three, content writer and hunger, they buy you. It's no good. So please and please, I'm begging all of us, not the idol, because they've already gotten their edge. Please and please and please. Less leverage on any opportunity.

The Need for Money

Be a liquidity prostitute. Look on the carriage for it. You know, go feed us. You know, go parents. You know, go pay pews. You know, go pay anything, baby defy. You know, if you get money. So don't be doing this. My need is. My need is money. Focus on anything that will give you money in this space. If hookup day for the space, baba, I need to go down. I'm doing it, but unfortunately that one will follow. What matters is. Thank you. Thank you for giving me the mic. Thank you.

Acknowledging Contributions

Thank you. You don't cast himself. You don't cast your web like that. Well done, Alpha. Wilson, how are you doing? CBS? Seriously, we all onboarded. What's up now? How are you doing? Smsm, GMG, everything Sm. You do know if you just send SM to everybody? Yes. Up shop. David, what's up? The guy know the carry last. How you doing? I'm good. Okay. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. No worry. I see the. He's talking. I don't know.

Understanding the Topic

He's talking here. David, are you the one or Wilson? I was talking before, but Wilson was talking. I remember his hand was raised, so let him go. And then after we seen David. Okay. Young leaves you. I commote cap. I put. I prostrate. Like no one know. Cast your net. I did here, like for church. Then go say. And Jesus told Peter to cast his net into the sea. So usually he's cast your web. Everything, everything. Still look alike nets to get all those crossing, honestly.

Finding Profit

So like the former speaker said, he said, be a liquidity prostitute. Yeah, that is right. I suppose that. But also, you know, this life. No ge manua. I've seen people that focus one niche and they made it from that niche. And I've seen people that are, you know, that are liquidity prostitutes, like you said, doing this, doing that, and they're also making it. But I want to tell you this. For you to be focused one niche, you must be sure that this niche money didiereze. It's like, now somebody did that is like, that is focused on arbitrage.

The Importance of Specialization

You know, like last year or 2022. Yeah. Arbitrage was trending. People, they make money. So people, many people focus on it. So now, if you are still focused on that arbitrage as your own niche, well, you might have some updates that we don't have. Sure. But, you know, for you to be focused on a niche, you must be sure that money did. Yeah. Although it is good to be focused on, not totally, but at least maybe 60 of your activities should be focused one niche that would be like your, you know, like.

Balancing Focus and Diversification

Like your own territory. Because if you are putting, like, 5% here, 5% here, ten, at the end of the day, you might not be able to cover everything. But maybe 60% like me. Now I be airdrop guy. Airdrop and job. That's what. So even, talking about job, it was recently that. That I switched to job, like, maybe 60 of me before. Now 80% a drop and, like, 20% jobs. Because I know, say money daydrop, that was then. Now monistic day airdrop. But now we all know that at least job is, you know, more profitable than airdrop for now.

Experience with Airdrops

Because, like, looking at, like, recent times, airdrop has been something that is not worth writing home about. Look at this dope. I put around, close to one it on that project. And right now, my allocation worth around, let's say around $15 to $20. Because, say, I want farmer back to back. And I'm also expecting more from them, that kind of thing. Even all these, zk zinc, blah, blah. Like that. Like that. So. But, you know, say, for. For you to.

Managing Risk and Opportunities

To be focused, like, to make it, you need to be focused. So, like he said, you also have to put your ear to the ground. Anywhere your. Your body, say abroad here, if you are not coming in fully, at least come in and take your own. Like, only you say, okay. Like on the. On the last page, I was hearing people, talking about send. Immediately I key in. I register for send. And right now I am. I think I'm verifying some people to send. Because I know, say, this is what.

The Decisions We Make

What people are saying now means. I should leave my airdrop or my job niche and come back to, you know, to that scent, that kind of thing. So sometimes it is good to be focused and sometimes it is good to be a liquidity prostitute. It all depends on you. If you are people like somebody like Ola crips that is very focused on job. Believe me, you'll be making it on job. But if you are somebody like me, like where they find money up and down call job airdrop idea. So people that can manage their self very well, you know, me and the WJ sometimes ago were doing this type of deal on transformation and other thing.

Space and Time Management

We will hold space almost overnight. The second is still go to school, do so many things, because we can manage our time and do many things at the same time. But if you are this type of person that if you do two things at the same time, it will affect both. It is better to stick to one, at least for some time before you now come back and, you know, touch the other. Because I've seen people that are trying to do 2345 things together and at the same time, all of them went south, went sideways.

Practical Approach to Opportunities

So that is like my own take towards that person said, although what he said is legit. Hundred percent, anywhere. You hear say money day come sharp, compact, your own. Two days ago I hear, I say money day tron. I rush up, even if not like 60% of my capital. I see them, I don't know commerce, I know the delay, I see another one on base down. I did like x two or x three. I quickly rush out very soon now I decomote, but that one know me, they make, I know they focus on what I know I can do very well talking about airdrop.

Success Stories

I sabia, I like, I mean, I can boldly say that like, airdrop. Now, my thing, like it is one of my main thing. If I should calculate like, not even calculate, almost 80% of what I've made so far are from airdrops. All of them are from airdrops. So it is. But that will know me say make ic job or all this, nft at least make, I know como that kind of thing. But just try to see if you can manage yourself very well to fit in all those things that you think you can do.

Managing Multiple Airdrops

Because if you cannot manage yourself very well, and even this airdrop that we are talking about, some people will do ten airdrops and at the end of the day they will miss out on it because they miss some task. On the 8th, they were unable to manage their activities and their time to fulfill all the ten airdrops. And, you know, airdrop, we take snapshots. They will tell you that, okay, this is the criteria. And most people will miss it because they were unable to focus or like, manage their activities to, or to complete all the tasks on all the airdrops.

Achieving Eligibility

That kind. But if you can manage like. And that's why if I'm doing anything, I'll make sure I do it from a to z to the very last to the smallest task, I'll do everything. So if I won't be eligible, well, maybe, that is how God wants it. Maybe. But if I do any airdrop, there are chance that I will be eligible because I do what I can, handle so many things. And if I'm going in, I'm going fully, I'm doing it from a to z.

The Importance of Completeness

I will not do, some task and look at other tasks. I will this task, I just know a normal task. Let me skip it and go and do another airdrop. No, it is better to do one a to z and be eligible for that one than doing ten and missing out on all because you fail to complete all the task. So it is, it all depends on how you can manage yourself to fit in everything. So now I won't cast my own netsu me.

The Shift in Focus

Now I define job and yeah, and apart from that, I saw something on this page. This was the name of space three. Space three dot gg awaiting me this okay, space three, beg like me, say I won't as I dinner. Jitamu. You are still going to join two more space now. Space three. This space one. So you still have two more space to join. Oh, yeah. Now.

Thankfulness for Discussion

Yeah. Hundred. Hi. Thank you very much for that. I hope you know, a lot of things have been said. We have talked. Jerry's have talked. We gain Idolo a lot to have talked. So, guys, you know what to do. Cast your web if.

The Importance of Budgeting

Okay, food is no web now. Cast your nets if you don't have net. Carry one wrapper for your house. Damn. Put all dear. Okay, so, you know, suffocates that in that you catch. So let there be fresh air inside also. That's the usefulness of that small hole that you choke. Olua to beloved. David. Yeah, David the other time, he wants to talk.

Listening and Response

Okay, let's hear from you, David. Yeah. Sure I can. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry about, earlier. I actually just saw the space on my PC joined in. Didn't plan on saying anything, right. But when after you called my name, I had to switch over so that I could join in again just to confirm the topic. Cast your web, right? We're talking about taking opportunity, right?

Making Use of Tools

Sure. Making use of opportunity, then using your tools for the right things. So people have that tools like I give an example, spider. That's their web is just that. Yeah, it's just like their tools. They use it for providing shelter even though they are hungry or they need food. You see that same web that they are using to hurt for. Let me see. Updates day today.

Activity and Engagement

They use and look for job. Those big ass flight that they are catching our job. So know how to like use your tools, what you have with you, use it. Don't let that opportunity go and be active. Because if you just have the tools and you're not active with it, you just have somebody else that have it or that don't even have up to that, we just use it and they will even have more than you.

Real-life Experiences

And there was one person that I want to apply for one job on discord. After applying everything, they just, they pull me. They just drag me down. What's going on? And I go and check the posting page with this guy when I was even one small boy, he's not even. It doesn't even have up to hundred followers. And it's part of the mod in that. In that project.

Observations and Insights

Dragging me, pulling me, you know, Grimm talk for that place. What's going on? I just imagine so. It is just what you can do. It is a limit. It is. See, especially on discord. Like, I think Allah says something. See this girl, nobody knows that you be dolo. They don't want to know. The other time when I go and message that guy for three times, boss, now you. They say, I see Namibo.

Challenges in Web3 Jobs

You just pull me down. Say no, Versbo. You know, he said that he also, he has been grinding us to get his job. So he doesn't want somebody to just come in there, just collect that job for him, because that's his only hope. And you know, I also listen to. Yes. Okay, let me just leave you alone. That's just it. So that's just the little thing I can say though.


David, have your mic. Yeah, I get what you mean. I get what you mean concerning the topic. And you are very right. It's actually something. We see a lot in this space. So we see a lot in this sector, right. The fact that. Let me not even say in this sector with life generally, the fact that the key to success, or the key to whatever you need to do, comes from you.

Applying Lessons

And the spider in itself. The example you gave about the spider having its own web and the spider knowing how to use its web properly to get what he wants, right. The spider. The spider. The funny part about the spider's web is this. The spider's web serves as both his defense and his attack, right? Its web is there to catch a different animals that he may want to eat. It can also serve to catch animals that he's trying to run away from.

Self-Defense and Opportunity

And so that just paints a clear picture on how we ourselves, as human beings, what we have, can serve as both a way of advancing ourselves and protecting ourselves, too, especially in this web three space. I've been listening to what different people have said from olacrypt. Is it j crypt as well? Yourself, Wilson, Defi Hynes. And everyone has kept saying the same thing. It's put yourself out there, right?

Personal Branding

Put yourself out there, tell people what you do and don't be shy to diversify. But I just want to stress this same point once again with the fact that it is very important for you to realize early on what you are good at, right? Because irrespective of the different opportunities that exist in web three, irrespective of the different opportunities that exist in crypto, even in trading, there's always going to be a place for you to develop your edge.

Finding Your Edge

And let me also say this. In developing your edge, it doesn't matter what is necessarily popular in quotes. Developing your edge simply refers to doing what works best for you and doing it to the best of your ability. That it puts you ahead of every single person or most people that are doing that same tax, right? And so it doesn't matter if you are trading, you could be trading in Defi, right?

Specialization in Trading

And while trading in Defi, I know a lot of people that trade memes. I know a lot of people that trade djns. I know a lot of people who prefer to trade utility tokens, right? I also know a lot of people who prefer to trade on a particular blockchain. See, when you come to that blockchain, they are the Ogapata pata there, right? They are the gods on that chain, and it works for them.

Establishing Relevance

And they are steadily printing on that chain. And when they decide to buy calls on that chain, when you see them having their entire process, you. You may just get lost. But to them, it's so easy, it's so natural, right? Why they have developed their edge up to the point where they excel in it, right? And it doesn't just apply to trading, right? It applies to every single thing that we do in this space and in this sector.

Community Management

See, when you look at community managers, right, they, there are some that you look at and the things that they do in those communities strike a difference. And there are others that you look at, and they are just the everyday community manager. Same thing with moderators. There are a lot of devs that launch different projects that do not like changing their teams. When they find people that they work well with, they find people that are really committed, what happens?

Power of Referrals

They always want to work with those guys again. They always want to come back. And that's why you see a lot of idolos, a lot of big guys, after they've gotten to a certain extent, it looks so easy for them to get jobs. Why the power of referrals? People trust what they've been doing. People trust their work and they have the results to show for it.

Consistency in Success

And so because of their consistency, because of their excellence, because of that edge they've developed over time, be it in the jobs, be it in the training, be it in whatever they've been doing, they've been able to establish themselves to such a point that it doesn't matter the market, it doesn't matter the condition, they are always relevant, right? And so it's very easy to get caught up in the, in the whole drama of trying to be everywhere, right?

Specializing for Success

But I just want to stress this once more. It is okay to be very good in a few things, right? But having knowledge of everything in this sector, it's going to be very difficult for you to be perfect in everything, for you to be perfect all around, for you to be good in trading trader, for you to be good in NFTs, you are good in your jobs. Whatever aspect you are looking at, you are good in.

Challenges of Being a Generalist

It's going to be very difficult. And aside being difficult, it's also very time consuming. Because if you want to be serious and you want to be perfect in whatever you are doing, you would agree with me that even as a content creator, it takes a lot of time to get out content. It takes a lot of time to be creative. It takes a lot of time to research on what you want to do, to constantly re edit your work, right?

Attention to Detail

And ensure that it's at the best, it's passing the information in the very best way. It takes a lot of work, except you are just someone who wants to do things anyhow. So whatever sector you are in, it requires a lot of attention. And what happens whenever your attention is easily split into other things, what happens is that you end up not doing any perfectly well.

Focused Execution

And so you are here. Today you are dead. Tomorrow, are you here that this is trending? Today you are running there. You hear that? This is training. Tomorrow you are running there. Today you are starting your course on defi. Tomorrow you are starting another course on forex trading. The next day you are starting another course on jobs. Right?

The Trap of Short-Term Focus

The first day you are starting something new on nfts. Why? Because you hear that money is there. Truth is that in this sector, money is everywhere. In this sector, money is everywhere. Money never vanishes. The problem is, do you know how to get it? Do you know how to find it? Right? And so that is where it is very important.

Opportunities in the Crypto Space

And you understand that as much as you can, or you should have a good knowledge of everything, you should be perfect in some. And it is these things that you are perfect in that stands you out from the crowd and distinguishes you. But being good in everything else allows you to sit at the table, right, and get a chance of the cake, irrespective of the direction it's going.

Navigating Market Changes

So, because you understand nfts, because you understand futures, because you understand defi trading, what happens, irrespective of the opportunity that comes your way, you may not be 100% good at it, but because you have a good understanding of it, what happens, you can take advantage of it, right? It is very wrong for you in this sector, in this space, for you to say that the only thing you want to do is trade alone.

The Cost of Narrow Focus

Trade defi tokens alone. Trade one chain, and you are completely cut off from everything else. Why? You are going to find out that you become obsolete at some point in time. The whole world, the whole ecosystem continues to move ahead. And then you are stuck in the past. You are stuck in a stagnant water and you are making money. Yeah, I'm sorry, young Lee, can you confirm if you can still hear?

Feedback and Communication

Yeah, we can hear you. Can everybody hear? All right? I'm sure if you can hear me, the others can hear me as well, right? So you would find out that you're stuck in stagnant water, right? But you are flowing, you are moving, you're moving, but you're not going anywhere. And so what happens? What happens is that because you are in that niche, that you've decided that's the only thing you want to do.

Profit Potential

You are making good money according to yourself, you are making good money. You're not looking at anything else. But then you do not even realize that your profit potential, your revenue potential, it's very possible that you can double it, you can triple it, you can quadruple it, but you don't see the other possibilities. Why? Because you've decided to shut your eyes and stay in where you feel works best for you. That is very wrong in this day and age.

Benefits of Diversification

That's very wrong in this time that we find ourselves in. Because opportunities exist like water, they are constantly flowing. See this market, this crypto that we do, this web three space, all it takes is once, is 1 minute for the next alpha to pop up, right? Is the same way. The same way. Imagine someone saying that they don't do airdrops now, right? You've not farmed anything.

Missed Opportunities

You've missed, not coin, you've missed dogs. Now, right now you see everyone on the timeline, everyone saying, dogs, dogs. And you are good in this ecosystem, and you are just there and you're not benefiting from anyone, right? Because you say, it's not my thing, I don't want to participate in it. Like someone said earlier, you just say, it's not my thing. I don't want to participate in, I don't want to do it, I don't want to get involved, right?

The Goal of Making Money

And then you keep missing opportunities to make money. The aim is to make money as. Make as much money as possible. That's the honest truth. That's one of the aims, to make as much money as possible while growing yourself, improving yourself, right. And also making a name for yourself as well. And so I just wanted to get that out of the way so that we understand the importance of being good at things, right.

Understanding the Ecosystem

And also having a good understanding of the different things that are happening in the ecosystem. And so when we talk about casting our webs, right, casting your webs, like young Lee mentioned earlier, involves making good use of the tools, the skill sets that you have right now to the best of your advantage, right? And then that is where we start talking about things like take action, put yourself out there, right.

Taking Action

That is where these things come into play, where we begin to say that it's not about what you know, it's not about what you are doing in secret, right. What matters, what is very important, is that people know that you are good in this. Because when people know that you are good in this, you get more opportunities, you get more exposure, you get more access to better opportunities, better deals.

The Importance of Visibility

What happens when you keep your skill sets, you keep your talents, your tools, whatever you have, you keep it to yourself. What happens is that you cut yourself off from the opportunity to become better. Because in this web three space, we are constantly evolving. The way Ola crypt was two, three years back is definitely not the way he is now. He has seen massive growth.

Learning from the Journey

And why is he seeing massive growth is because he's out there. If I ask many of you on this space now, there are things, you know, Ola crypt for. And when you have certain opportunities in relation to that particular niche, Olak Crypt is going to be one of the first names that come to your mind, right? That is the power of being out there. That is the power of people knowing what you do and knowing that you are good at it, right?

What It Means to Cast Your Web

Casting your web is not just about putting things out there, right? It's also about putting the right things out there. Right, in whatever you do in this space. Understand something. The Internet never forgets. People never forget. People always know what you've done, right? And that is where excellence is very important in whatever you put out there.

Striving for Excellence

Be it that you're working as a community manager, a moderator, where you're looking for jobs, you're a trader, you're an alpha caller, right? It is very important that whatever you are doing, whatever you are putting visibly for people to see, it's the best of your work, is the best of you. Because when you put out things that are mediocre, when you portray yourself as someone that is mediocre, what happens? People form that mentality about you, and it affects every single thing else about you.

Perception Matters

It affects how people relate with you. It affects how people talk with you. See, let me give you a practical example. Many of us like memes, many of us like. What's it called again? I've forgotten what I just wanted to say. I've forgotten the popular word for cruise. Many of us like cruise. But an example I like using is this. You have two friends in web three, right?

Influence of Friends

One of them is constantly talking about trading, let's say he's a trader. He talks about what am I doing wrong, where am I missing, am I making the right calls? What can I improve, right? But another friend, he would just get in and he just says I've seen it. And this guy looks for what's trending and hopes it works for him. Who do you think would probably end up making more money? Who do you think would probably end up getting better opportunities?

Trading Strategies on Social Media

Talking about trading, constantly posting about the calls, constantly talking about strategies and the rest on their WhatsApp status. And you have another person in web three that is always posting memes back to back to back, constantly, every day. That is your meme plug. That is your, when you are outside, you go to his or status first to check what they've posted because their status is going to give you joy, when you have an opportunity to make money, who is the first person you are going to think about? They are both your friends now, right? They are both into web three. They are both supposedly very good in web three. But subconsciously, who comes to your mind first? The person who is constantly talking about trading, you're constantly seeing their work, you're constantly seeing the things that they do. That is human beings for you, right. It's not being biased, it is just how we are, right.

The Spider and Its Web

And so what happens with the spider? With the spider, when a spider doesn't reinforce its way, when the spider just shoots out the webs, for example, when you see, you can see some cobwebs and you see the cobwebs are very thin, right? They're very thin. And with your finger, one finger, you can just swipe that cobwebs and it just falls down. Or you see a single line of the cobwebs, it just falls down, right. You can easily cut it down. But what happens when you last have seen some bigger spiders or you enter a place where a spider has been, even a small spider has been for a long period of time, what happens? You see that webs, they are thicker, right? The webs, they are thicker, right? And when you even try to use your hand to do it looks as if you are struggling with something. You can still cut it, but it's as if you are struggling with something. Why that thing is tick. That thing has depth.

Building a Strong Network

It's the same thing with us as people when we talk about casting your web in web three, right. Whatever you catch, right, is going to be dependent on how strong your web is. Whatever you are going to get out of this space is going to be dependent on how strong your web is. Right? And so if your web is weak, if your skill set is weak, if what you know about the space is weak, if your commitment and your dedication and consistency is weak, if the level of connections you are constantly trying to build is weak, what are you going to get? You're going to get very low opportunities. You're going to find it hard to hold on to opportunities. You're going to find it hard to excel. You're going to find it hard to catch on to different things. That's just, that's just the reality of the situation.

The Importance of Positioning

But what happens when your web is strong? What happens when you've spent time, right, to be good at your trading, you spent time to connect with people, you spend time to build access. You spend time to build your network time, money and resources to get where you need to go. What happens is when you step out and when you cast your web, irrespective of the endeavor that you are trying to do, irrespective of what you are trying to get at, what happens is this. You catch the best of opportunities, you get the most out of your endeavors, right? You don't have wasted chances, right? You don't have something that you catch in your web and it falls off because your web was too weak to hold on to it. That's the, that's the place of personal development and building yourself right in this web three sector.

Building in Public

Because if you don't, if you are half baked, then whatever you are casting, whatever you are trying to do, the truth is that you're not going to get the best out of it. And please don't mistake the place of being good at what you do for hiding and being shy about it. I have a friend, Anita Darlington, and one thing she popularly says is build in public, don't build in silence. It is very possible that you are not perfect at what you do yet, but you are showing up consistently and people know that this is what you do and you are vocal about what you do, right? And because people can literally see your growth, that is, in public, they have confidence in you. And so it is not a crime for you to not have experience for a job and you are applying for that job.

Pursuing Opportunities

Let's say you are just starting out in community management. There's no crime for you to say to start applying for jobs. You shouldn't just sit down and say you are waiting. okay. Let me do community management first for one week, for 2345 months before you start looking for opportunities. No, right? No. Start searching for things as best as possible. The wisdom now comes in the fact that you now understand that I don't have this knowledge, but I'm looking for opportunities in this sector. So that means that I must try to learn about this sector as fast as possible. Right? So you may not be there yet, but you are rushing towards that goal as fast as possible so you can get as many opportunities as exist, right? You shouldn't allow opportunities pass you back simply because you feel you're not ready for them, right?

The Evolution of Community Management

In this space, everybody is learning. Everybody is learning, people are figuring it out. What we have right now as community management was not what we had six years ago. In this sector, things have changed and things have changed because certain people have been laying down the framework of what to do now. And that is why you see many people copy and these are the soft community management and that's what they are doing now. But it's the work of what people have been building for a while. And if those people had said, no, I don't have the experience, I've not done anything, what would have happened? Other people would have done it, got in the money, gotten the opportunities.

The Value of Networking

That's how this space is. That's how it works. Don't throw things away because you feel you don't know. It is very okay, right, to learn on the job. It is very okay to learn on the job. The second thing I like to say concerning consigning, what's it called again? Casting out your web is what I've talked about it briefly, but let me emphasize it. It's building your network and building your personality, building your connections, networking with people, networking with friends. See, you're as valuable as the network you have. And in this sector, one very vital thing is not necessarily the work you put in, but also the connections you have.

Importance of Good Connections

For those that trade actively, you will know that many times being on a telegram group is more important than 7 hours of research. For those that trade, being one telegram group can be far more beneficial to you than 7 hours of research, right? Having somebody that recommends you for a job is far better than applying for five jobs. Or put it, put your, you are open to work on LinkedIn or upwork and other platforms. I don't know if I'm making sense to anyone, right? Because see, every single person, as long as they are in web three and they are constantly pushing, has different opportunities that pass through their way daily. Different things they see.

Seizing Opportunities

Maybe it's a token they saw, maybe it's an NFT they saw, maybe it's a job opportunity. So everybody has different things that are passing through their door. And what may be important to you, what may take you to the next level may be passing through the front of somebody else that you are supposed to be your friend that you are supposed to build access with, to build a connection with. Right? It's what is important for you. May not be in your own, it may not be within your direct vicinity at that point in time. And that is why it's very important that you have these people, you have these networks.

Quality over Quantity in Networking

Many people in web three that I've seen, they want to connect with idolos. They want to connect with people that have gone ahead. But the truth is this, the idolos will never connect with you that way. That's the truth, because they're already at a particular level, right? They already have their networks, their group of friends that they grew with, the people that are at level with them doing the same kind of things they are doing. The thing is that the things that somebody like young Lee and Olacrypt are thinking about doing, the kind of money they are thinking about making, the kind of trades they are thinking about entry.

Navigating Different Levels in Web Three

Thinking about entry trade with ten k, five k. And you understand when you are entering a trade with five k doors now, you use not every kind of trade you enter, right? There are a lot of trade. You see, you can't enter because if you put your five k into that coin now, you will pump everything for everybody and they will dump on you. I don't know if I'm making sense, right? And so everybody has the level that they're at. And, and so many people that come into web three, they are constantly trying to chase those that are ahead of them, and they are neglecting those around them that can help build their journey, that can help give them opportunities, give them alphas, and they can also grow with and build a network with, because it is the same friends that you have now, while you are just starting out, that all of you will grow together.

The Power of Community

And in the next one year, you guys are, let's say you guys are on 50k followers. You guys are now big guys with money, right? And all of you are together. All of you now have a circle of people pushing things together. It's very important that you build with people. It's very important that you have a network of people that can help you. Right? Don't just go in all alone and don't just chase after people that you necessarily may not get access to. Or even though you have access to them, they will not give you the best of their time, the best of their knowledge, the best of their experience.

Time and Opportunity Management

Why? Because it's not that they are bad people. They are genuinely busy, and they genuinely have things that are on their mind that they are working on, and they can't spend that time trying to bring you up to their level. That's just the truth about the situation. Right. The third thing I would like to say concerning them casting your web out there, I don't know why I keep things, keeps keeping my head. I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm. I'm a bit tired. Right. But the third thing I would like to say concerning casting your web out there is just like the spider. The spider, when he casts out his web, right.

Consciousness in Network Casting

The spider is also very conscious about what they attract and they know how to attract what they need. They know where to position their webs. When you see a spider, if you watch a spider, right? If you see watch a spider when the spider is hungry, wants to catch bugs and insects that need to fall into his web, it will not come to your house and come to your ceiling. In your house and come and start putting web in your ceiling, that spider is going to go outside, right? He's going to go outside and he's going to put his web in a place that different insects will fly past, get on the, get stuck on the web and stay there for the spider to come and eat later.

Strategic Positioning in Opportunities

I don't know why do I even know this thing about spider said, I bet young glee. I don't know what you've done this night. Well, please, when the spider is hungry, it's going to go outside. Even though the spider may be your ceiling, spread its web there, right? So that it can catch the insects that are important to it. And that is what we need to understand, too. In casting your web, there's also positioning there is also positioning. In casting your web, positioning is as important as everything else I have mentioned because you can be doing the right thing, you can have the right people, but you are in the wrong place.

Evaluating Your Environment

You are in the wrong place. And where you are may not be profitable to you. Some of you need to leave what? Some of the things you are doing, some of you need to stop. Some of the things you are doing, some of you need to change your circle. Some of you need to, what's it called again? Change the chain you are trading on. Some of you need to refine that strategy. Some of you need to just get in a different position and do something that improves whatever you've been doing before in the past, right. Or do something that is in correlation to what you are trying to attract and trying to achieve, right?

Adaptability in Trading

Some of you need to. Okay, fine. You are trading tokens, let's say you are trading tokens for those that trade. You know that 9th time is a very good time for those that trade, right? And so that's why you see many people that are trading. You see them awake at night, and yet things like our crypto guys don't trade. I don't know if what I'm saying makes sense to you guys, but yeah, crypto guys don't sleep at night. They are always up staring at their screens. Why is not that we don't want to sleep. It's just that during that night period, during nights, for us, that time zone is one of the best periods for trading, right? That's when you see some good calls that run as well, right?

Timing and Alpha Searching

But imagine someone now who is constantly up every morning, right? And let's say is constantly searching for Alpha around 09:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and that is the only time the person is checking the market and person. And person is not complaining that I've not been seeing Alpha. I've not been seeing Alpha. I've not been seeing Alpha. I've not been seeing Alpha. And then you, when you look at the person, you'll be like, this guy is not serious yet. If you want, if you are finding Alpha, you do what your mates are doing. Although tokens are, you can find tokens anytime of the deed. There's no time restriction, just what we've noticed over time.

Engagement in Job Searching

Or is it somebody that is looking for jobs, right? And the person is looking for jobs, but the person's Twitter is trash. The person's LinkedIn is trash. The person has not optimized both, right? The person has not put the proper things that they need to write to showcase that they are good at it. You see somebody that is telling you I searching for jobs, but the person is not looking for different projects, new projects that are launched. Person is not hunting for projects. Instagram groups. The person is not joining discord groups, but the person is looking for jobs. You are not positioning. Where do you want to see it? Will you fall from heaven and fall on your lap?

Effort vs Reward in Job Pursuit

Come on. Positioning is very vital and positioning is very key, right? Don't, don't get. Don't get stuck with trying your best, putting in the most effort at the wrong place. Don't get stuck in that. Don't get stuck in that way. Because once you get stuck there, it takes a lot. You may just be there and you are just redundant for weeks, for months and you are not moving forward and you just waste your time, you waste your life, you waste a lot of energy and resources just being in the wrong place simply because you've not taken out time to find out what I read, what do I really want to do?

Reflection and Re-evaluation

And this thing I want to do, this thing I'm chasing, where are the places I will get best opportunities from it, right? So see, as long as you cast your web in this web three space, the truth is that you're going to hit it. See whether whenever the spiders cast this web, right? It must catch something, whether it catches what the spider wants, whether it catches what the spider does not want. But it will catch something at some point. The spider web can catch your head. While you're walking past your head. We eat spider cobwebs. You start removing it. But the spider web must catch something.

Overcoming Inertia

That's the good thing, right? So cast out your web, right? Cast out your web. Get opportunities. Get the most that you can, right? And things will work out in the end. Things will work out eventually. Don't stay in your shell and don't keep doing the same things you've been doing that hasn't been working out for you. Right. If it's not working at that point, change position. It's not working at that point, change position. Keep working, keep grinding. Right? That's all I want to see concerning that youngling.

Closing Thoughts

Right. Hopefully somebody got something for that. And. Wow, wow, wow, wow. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Yeah. David have already like scatter buttressed everything, so well, I didn't even plan to host this space very long. Like, it's just little talk, but I don't know that catch your web. And I just like what topic can I just bring in? Like a lot of things has been going on space and thank you very much, Allah. Thank you for staying on this page because it's not easy to bring these three. Dolores, Allah, Jerry and Wilson. Thank you very much. Thank you, David, for your time.

Appreciation and Engagement

Also, I really appreciate. I've been seeing a lot of people requesting for Michael more. I. Well, I have. I don't know those of that you are into ordinance. I have some whitelist to share on space. Okay. So for those of you are still here, it's without you. I think I just have like four more to just share. So I already post the link. I announced winner for this myself some spots where I can give for this ordinance project. Thank you for having you. Holland space.

Interaction with the Audience

Hi, V, what's up? How you doing? Allah. Do you have anything else to say, Jerry Z. Wilson? Because I can see two people requesting for mic now and. Okay, thank you very much. All I said is fine. Great. Great. Is it great crypto? No, it's not her. G E y J. Kipped. What do you. Is it question or what? Let me take his real definite. What's up? How are you? Do you have question or you want to. Are you there?

Mic Open for Questions

You. Yeah, you can unmute yourself, so let me just. You can unmute yourself and ask your question if you want to say something. Say it. I want to scroll down and look for people that can just give the whitelist too. It's an ordinance project so just drop. Your. Comment your ordinance wallet address under a post. I'm going to type now. I'm just going to type I so just comment your ordinance wallet address there. When I mention your name. If I don't mention. If you post, I won't record it.

Further Engagement

Okay. Definitely. I can hear you. Jim. Jim everyone gmgm what's up? Are you doing GM? I think he's rogging. No. Is it for me? You are rocking defy lens. Can you just leave and join back again while some. David. Dave, we have you guys, we hear me. I've been. I've just been talking to the. Hey, I mentioned t log. I said you can drop your wallet address under that place.

Conclusion of the Session

V. V of the most I. You can drop your ordinance wallet on that. I just tweets or them. So I just post I now. So the project I'm sharing the whitelist. I mentioned V. I mentioned Rohai. That's real. Don't mind my tongue. I feel like sleeping. Why still log v Rio and we again any of. Let me check. I think I mentioned someone's name now and I forgot to. Where is the person? I can't see most of the person who wants. I don't know any of the speakers up there who want the ordinance.

Final Addresses

Let me give my speakers. So David, do you want that project? Do you want the. Do you want the whitelist? Jerry Wilson. I can't remember the first person I called. Let me look for. Let me look down. Let me look down. who is this? Black diva. Black diva. No, there's something. There are some people that are not even into ordinance and if I should tell them to drop their wallet address and they are dropping their BTC wallet address, that's another thing entirely. So let me check.

Wrap-Up and Acknowledgments

Okay, yeah, I mentioned consistent. Hey, Joe, what's up? I said no. I've picked the four winners. Joe, you can also drop your wallet address. I just post I now. So I'll be recording everything in express sheets I mentioned for this one. I'm already saying five. Okay. Who is this? Steven not found. I can't see you. Your name is Stevie not found. All right, so I think. I think other people v, don't forget to drop your wallet address.

Encouragement to Participate

Why still log. You can have the mic. All right. Jim, Jim, everyone. Young. Okay, so, GM everyone. I'm seeing reaction. So it's like. Yes. I want to say very big thank you for having me up here. You know, I helped on this space. I saw a message from youngly. You know, I was actually sleeping though, so, you know, the way I used to do is that before night I'll just try to sleep, then at night I'll be active.

Response to Engagement

So as I woke up, I saw the message about this space. Actually, I've been hearing a lot of people saying a lot of great things. I had David speak, I had Ola crypt. Ola crypt is no longer here. Everything everybody have been saying is all good, all great, adding to the contribution and all. One thing about me is that me, I know they just. I know they ever agree. I know they ever agree for any niche, any.

Direct Contribution

And they hope on all of them, all of like. Anyhow, I'm not here to. I did not come up to motivate or to add to what people had. A lot of people have said a lot of great things. So I'll just go to go straight to what I came for, actually. I had, young Lisa. David is a blockchain. a blockchain educator. So there is this thing I used to come across whenever I'm researching, you know, this.

Inquiries about Blockchain Technology

And, and then I've tried, you know, I've tried trying to know what it is, actually, but it's not, I'm not getting it yet. This, zk thing, like zero knowledge something, I don't know if you can throw more insights on that for me so I can be able to. I can say, it can be clear to me because I used to see it time to time while researching on projects, docs and all. So I just want to really know what the zero knowledge thing, how is it?

Understanding Zero Knowledge Proof

How, what is it? Zk sync and all. Thank you. Is David there? Are you asking about zero knowledge proof or you're asking about zksync zero knowledge proof? Actually, zero knowledge proof. I think that's quite simple, except you are trying to go into the nitty gritty and the more technical aspect. But if you are just looking at it at the surface level, you should understand that the blockchain works with verifying transactions and each blockchain has its way of verifying transactions.

The Basics of Blockchain Validation

And so the two most popular ways we have is proof of work and proof of stake. Right. With bitcoin being proof of work where the miners validates transactions. Right. Add it to the block to approve them and then you have a proof of stake, right? Where is the stakers that validate transactions? Zero knowledge proof is simply a way that you can verify transactions, right? You can verify that a statement, whatever is happening is true without revealing information about the transactions.

Transparency vs Privacy

And so when you go to the blockchain, the truth is that nothing is actually hidden. You can see a lot of the things right on the blockchain. You can see for those that are really on chain guys, you can see a lot of information about whatever is happening, right? But what happens with zero knowledge, right? Proof. Zero knowledge proof. Does all this validation, right. They do all this validation, right?

Confidentiality in Verification

They ensure that, okay, fine, this statement is true. What this transaction can go through, blah, blah, but nobody else knows the information that has been verified. Nobody else knows the exact details. The only thing people know is that this statement is either true or is false. I don't know if you, I don't know if you get that. The only thing people. I did not. That's like I said, I've searched, like I've researched on it.

The Need for Privacy

I asked my go go and all. And then this is like exactly the same explanation that you just gave, right now, you know, validating transaction with zero knowledge, like with people not knowing that. But I want to understand, like how is it and why is it that there is the zero knowledge? Why is it that we should not know. This? This is, this is going to be far, far more technical inclined if you are asking about how it actually works, right?

Practical Applications of Zero Knowledge

But the aim is this. Like I mentioned earlier, let me give you a reason why it happens. Like I said, the blockchain is actually transparent. The reason behind it is simple. The blockchain is transparent. Everyone can see the information on the blockchain, right? Because you do not know how to read these things and read this information doesn't mean that the information is not there. But imagine in scenarios and situations where whatever data is being shared needs to be classified.

Data Sensitivity in Blockchain

Imagine a scenario and situation where whatever people need to do, whatever needs to be validated. Let's say imagine the US treasury. Now, US treasury is on the blockchain, right? And you can confirm normally on a blockchain at this wallet address holds this amount of tokens, right? You, this wallet holds so, so amount of tokens. You can confirm if you go to the blockchain explorer and the rest, you are going to see all those information.

Maintaining Confidentiality

this person transferred from this wallet, transferred to this other wallet, right? Or this person received funding from Coinbase, this person received or transferred to binance. You can see all this information, right, by imagine it's the US treasury right now and it's on the blockchain, right? Does the US treasury want every single person out there to know that this is the amount of tokens on the blockchain that they have in that wallet? No, they do not. Right?

Institutional Secrecy

But what happens? The US treasury needs to make payments from the treasury to different people. And so because they need to make payments, because they need to transfer tokens out, what happens? There has to be a verification on the blockchain that are these tokens actually existed in the wallet of the US. Right? In the US treasury, there has to be a validation that these tokens are actually. There is the same way with your bank app when you want to transfer money, right?

Verification Process in Financial Transactions

And you are transferring money with your bank and then it tells you insufficient balance. Why? Because there's a verification process underneath it that shows how much you actually have. And so you can't double send money. You can't send money that you don't have. Same thing with the blockchain. There's a verification process there that says, this is the tokens in this person's wallet. It can send out this amount, right, is sending to this address.

Public Access to Blockchain Information

All these things are there and all this information is public. Unless they are sending $1 million, they are sending it to a drug dealer. The US is sending it to a drug dealer in Mexico. But every single person on the blockchain, right, knows that drug dealer in Mexico, this is his or her wallet address, right. What happens? Because everybody can see it, right? Everybody now knows that the US has this particular amount of money in their treasury and they sent $1 million from that treasury to a mexican drug dealer.

Importance of Privacy in Transactions

I don't know if you get the point. That is where things like zero knowledge and zero trust is very, very important. Important zero knowledge, right? And so the verification can happen on the blockchain. The blockchains can confirm that, the US treasury has this amount, the US is sending it to this. All these things happen without anybody ever knowing that the exact amount that was sent was $1 million or ever knowing that it was sent to a mexican drug dealers wallethood.

The Role of Zero Knowledge in Adoption

So that is where things like zero knowledge comes into play, because it is not all information on the blockchain that needs to be accessible to everyone. And that is where we are now moving towards adoption for a lot of big companies and big frames, because they have data and they have information, and they need to interact with public. And they can't be built on a private blockchain. Yes. A private blockchain is looped internally.

Corporate Interaction with Public Blockchains

Right. You can't get information outside. But some of these companies need to interact with people. Their services are retail. Right. They need people to interact with their blockchain, but people are not meant to know the particular information. Somebody that knows how to use ETA scan or use a blockchain should not be able to just paste a wallet address and do a little bit of research and digging and see information. No. Right.

Protecting Sensitive Information

That's where zero knowledge comes in. And it's very important if we're looking at. If you want to look at the exact nitty gritty and the technical aspect of how zero knowledge works. I'm sorry, we can't actually do that here. Maybe you can send a DM later. We'll talk about it some other time. Right. But that's just the basic concept on why zero knowledge is important right now and how it's going to help the industry. Right.

Final Thoughts on Zero Knowledge

And why people are actually building towards it. I don't know if that example helped explain it better. Yo, yo, this is. This is this base. I say thanks so much for that. Like, it's. It's clear to me now. I would still send a DM, though, because I'm this. I'm this connect. I'll still send the DM to you, though. But then it's. It's actually clear to me now.

Conclusion on Understanding

I mean, it's like bullish. When you see a project saying they have zero knowledge proof, that means that, you know, it's not everybody that can. That can just assess the whole, the whole transaction and all. And all. Thanks so much for that. David, I think, left this place. Oh, he's back. Thanks so much. That's just what I came to ask. Thank you once again, youngly, for giving me the opportunity.

Gratitude to Participants

All right, thank you very much, everybody. I really appreciate your time. Jerryze, thank you very much. I really appreciate your time, your efforts, and thanks for holding, listener. Thanks for having me. I think this should be my first space on this account, my other account, the first one that got suspended. I do host space, but not like this. Okay, thank you very much.

In Closing

And for those of you that you submit your wallet address, I mentioned your name is submit. I'm going to add your address. Op is your ordinance wallet address, not your BTC wallet address. Because I'll be locking the comment section. Soon you won't be able to add or remove anything. So thank you very much. Go and make your research about the project. Do your digital, your diligence research. Like I said, not all whitelist.

Final Reminder

You mint, not everything. But make sure you do your research before you say, okay, let me invest in it. Let me mint. So that's just all, everybody. Thank you very much. I really appreciate. Thank you, David, thank you for your time. I really appreciate also, thank you very much, Rio. Thank you, Joe Agba designer. Thank you very much, every one of you here. Eddie.

Appreciation and Departure

So I see you, Dave. I can't mention all the names. I can't measure the names. Thank you very much. See you some other time. Okay, bye.

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