Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Market Rebound: Opportunity or Next Dip? hosted by j_crypto_2015. Delve into the complexities of crypto market dynamics with experts discussing insights on market rebounds, risks, and decision-making strategies. Market volatility, risk management, and psychological influences are explored, providing a comprehensive view for traders and investors. From differing views on long-term hodling to the significance of market sentiment analysis, this space offers valuable perspectives on navigating the volatile crypto landscape. Stay informed, diversify, and strategize for success in trading cryptocurrencies.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: How can investors navigate market volatility in the crypto space?
A: Diversifying portfolios, setting stop-loss orders, and staying informed about market trends are essential strategies.

Q: What factors contribute to market sentiments and behavior in the crypto market?
A: Psychology, news events, regulatory changes, and market trends can influence investor attitudes and actions.

Q: What are some key indicators to consider for predicting market trends?
A: Support and resistance levels, trading volumes, and historical price data are crucial indicators to monitor for trend analysis.

Q: Is long-term hodling or short-term trading more advisable in volatile markets?
A: Experts have varied opinions; some prefer long-term hodling for asset growth, while others opt for short-term trading for quicker gains.

Q: How can traders utilize market sentiment analysis tools effectively?
A: Market sentiment tools can help gauge the mood of the market; using them alongside technical analysis can provide a comprehensive view for decision-making.


Time: 00:15:52
Market Volatility and Risk Management Discussion on the importance of risk management strategies during volatile market conditions.

Time: 00:25:10
Market Rebounds Vs. Dips Analysts' Perspectives Insights from analysts on different views regarding the sustainability of market rebounds.

Time: 00:38:45
Predictive Tools for Market Analysis Exploring tools and techniques for predicting market trends and making informed decisions.

Time: 00:50:27
Regulatory Impact on Crypto Markets Debate on the implications of regulatory changes and their influence on market dynamics.

Time: 01:05:12
Psychological Aspects of Crypto Trading Analyzing the psychological factors that drive investor behavior in the crypto market.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding crypto market volatility is essential for strategic investment decisions.
  • Diversification is key to mitigating risks during market fluctuations.
  • Expert opinions vary on whether the current market rebound is sustainable or temporary.
  • Long-term hodling strategies versus short-term trading approaches are debated among professionals.
  • Evaluating support levels and resistance points can aid in predicting market trends.
  • Psychological factors play a significant role in influencing market sentiments and behavior.
  • Implementing stop-loss orders can help manage risks and prevent significant losses.
  • Staying informed about regulatory developments is crucial for navigating the crypto landscape.
  • Market sentiment analysis tools can provide valuable insights for traders and investors.
  • The importance of balancing optimism with cautiousness in crypto investment strategies.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Mic Check

Subscribe, subscribe. Hi, guys. Testing mic. Can you guys hear me? Is it clear? Great. For speakers, right? Kindly request for mic, please. There's two more speakers. Thank you. Hi, guys. Can our speaker try your mic? I think Sam is fine. How about block? Yeah. Yep, yep. Yes, yes. It's very clear for block time. Great. So I think we can start. Sam, would you like to host? Yeah, sure. Sure. Let's do it. Let's do it.

Welcoming and Introduction by Sam

First of all, I just want to thank everyone for being here and thank you for attending this beautiful space. And I'm sure everyone here will benefit from the knowledge that everyone will share here. And. Yeah, so I want to excuse you, too, because. Excuse me, because if my voice is not good and something because I'm cold, I catch cold and I'm kind of sick, but I'm trying to speak. All right, so let me introduce myself first. Yeah, my name is Sam and I'm the CEO of Nova chain. And, you know, our mission in at Novachain is to leverage blockchain and AI technology to empower content creators. So it's like creating the next level of YouTube, I would call it, because that's how I see it.

Overview of Nova Chain

If you look at the content creators now, or the content creators, it's called the creator economy. Now. The biggest platform we have so far, we could say YouTube, because that's the only platform that gives money directly to people, to content creators. Right. YouTube keeps the half and content creators get the half. So the others, like Instagram and TikTok, I wouldn't say they are really good, not like YouTube. So we're trying to offer something similar to YouTube by Monet, me helping content creators to monetize their work, but using the blockchain and AI so that they can be discovered easily and they can grow their audience easily and they can monetize their work using different methods.

Transition to Coinhome and Introduction by Cecily

Yeah. So, yeah, that was a slight introduction about Nova chains, what we do on the Nova chain. Yeah. All right. Feel free to introduce yourself. Let's move to coinhome. Yeah. Welcome. Yeah, sure. Hello, everyone. I'm Cecily and also the CMO of coinhome. And we are. Coinhome is a one stop digital asset trading platform. And we have already providing safe, stable and convenient trading service to global digital at least almost two years. And we are creating a more user friendly trading experience and have also been providing to comprehensive asset circulation, service and value support for high quality crypto projects.

Current Initiatives and Future Goals

And for now, we currently looking for cooperation, opportunity, around the world about maybe investment, institution or maybe some project. And we're also considering adding more trading pairs for popular moincoise. And I'm very happy to participate in today's space and have a discussion with all your guys and thank you. Great, great. Let me continue on. Next is block time. Can we have block time to introduce themselves about the project and everything? Oh, yes. You can hear me, right? Yep. Block and clear. Okay. Yeah.

Introduction to Blocktime by Chris

Hey, everyone, this is Chris from blocktime. So thank you so much for having me here. So let me introduce a little bit about blocktime. Well, Blogtime is an international media agency based in Southeast Asia. And what we are trying to do is to bring the latest news on blockchain, web three and digital assets and all things crypto to all the crypto lovers. And also, you know, like provide cutting edge industry insights to the audience. And at block time, we pride ourselves on producing the professional and also the top tier content that makes us more competitive.

Further Insights on Blocktime

And also we aim to become the good source of reliable information in this like, ever evolving crypto space. And we would like to, we want to make sure everyone in this industry stays in the loop with what's exciting happening here. And on top of that, Blockchain provides a bunch of other services like integrated marketing strategy and brand design and taxpayer, and also financial advisory. Yeah, yeah. That's all sums about us. Okay, thanks for the intro. And lastly, thank you all for being here today.

Conclusion and Personal Introduction by Jay Crypto

I'm the host for this space. I'm Jay Crypto. Currently I'm heading my brand called BB Labs.

Introduction to Web Three Incubator

We are a web three incubator incubate projects. We help project with their planning, their tokenomics, their go to market, their entire strategies from zero to one, from scratch. Yeah. So anyway, thanks for our guests to be here today. We are talking more about what happened to the crash, right? Like this week, I mean, we are close to the weekend already. The week is finishing, but the start of the week, right. Something hectic happened. There was a huge market deep that actually scared the entire web two scene because this is a very special year. A lot of ETF is coming in, a lot of those older money, older generation funds they're entering. So these crashes are actually real taste for them to understand how crypto works, where you can have a drop of 20 of a percent in just a day, even if your market cap is trillion of dollars.

The Nature of the Recent Market Crash

So now let's move on to our first question. What happened for this pressure? What do we think about for this crash? Any thoughts? A few causing effects about this crash maybe some insights what might happen. Can we go with coin home first to talk about it? Yeah, of course. Like August 5 I think the crypto market experience and maybe black Monday and this lead to a sharp job in major cup cryptocurrency like bitcoin, ethereum and whipping up nearly 500 billion from the market. And this also crash was triggered by mix of several factors. For me I think first off Japan's central bank raised interest rates also causing a report effect in the market and also on July 31 and the bank of Japan decided to raise its policy rate from zero to 0.1% to 0.25% and announced a reduction in bond purchase. And I think this tighter Zen expected policy caused the yen to strengthen significantly and the yin appreciate negatively impacting us stocks because many international investors had taken advantage of Japan's low interest rate by borrowing japanese yen to invest in us tech stocks when Japan hiked a rate and these funds had to pull off the us stock to avoid losing from exchange rates and intertained rates leading to a drop in us tech stock and affecting global market also.

Highlighting Additional Market Concerns

Secondly with weak us economic data added to the market worries. And last week we can see the data shown that us unemployment rate unexpectedly to 4.3% higher than the Fed expectation and sharpen the fear of recession. So this is Nasdaq dropped more than 5% in the last two trading days for the week and several global stock markets also saw declines and the disappointment in earnings report from a big compare interest of risk of settlement leading to pullback from high risk assets which further dragged down the crypto market. And another key reason for the crypto market plus was sell off by major institution like the jump trading also on China showed that jump trading sold off billions of dollars worth of Ethereum and past few years past few days and the fuel impenetra and was a downward trend. And also like geopolitical tension about negatively impact market sentiment is scabbling confidence between area and caused international tensions that especially affect US Secretary of State Lincoln maintenance in G seven leaders called Iran and Hezbollah might launch attack on Israel and this risks the level of risk aberration in the market.

Market Sentiment and Long-Term Outlook

Lastly, I think the sentiment factor shouldn't be overlooked and after August is typically a slow month for the crypto market and with lower trading volumes leading to increased market volatility and which added more pressure to the market decline. So I think the early access crypto market crash was a result of a combination of macroeconomic factors shifting in market settlement and institutional actions. And in this long term the Fed reached and us move towards a new round of money to re eastling and we can expect more dollars to fall into the crypto market, capital market and likely lifting the crypto market. And even if the US economic enters a recession, the government is likely to response will be the further monetary easing. So the reasonable conclusion might be that while short term movement unpredictable, but long term model is bullish. So that's my thought.

Various Perspectives on Market Response

Sounds great, thanks for the insight. Next, next, can we have Mister Sam from Nova, how about your thoughts about this crash? Yeah, I would explain it very simple. This crash. Of course, there's so many reasons why it happened. Some of the reasons we know, some of the reasons we don't know even we try to analyze it using logic and using what's going on in the market and economic, and the world economic situation even we try to analyze it that way. But there are some ways, some factors that we don't know. Anyways, some people will be very, I mean some people, they were happy to see this situation happen. So they can jump on and they can buy more coins or more bitcoin or all that stuff. And some people, they feel scared and they feel hectic and they just sold their stuff and yeah, that's actually what's.

Understanding Market Volatility

What's happened. So I would say the recent crypto crash was caused by maybe a combination of negative market sentiments. Also the fear of regulatory crackdowns, technical market correction and influencers from the traditional stock market. So, yeah, the significant liquidations and sharp declines in altcoins underscored the volatility of the market. So, as I mentioned, some people see it as a good thing, some people see it as a bad thing. I know a couple of people, a couple of friends who really see it as a good thing. So they jumped on and they just bought more bitcoin, all that. I saw other people who really were scared and you know. Yeah, yeah, that's it.

Analyzing Rebound After the Crash

Okay, cool. Sounds like opportunity though. Yeah, I do agree to your point, because I did enter the market during the crash, but just personal opinion, not financial advice. So can we have block time also to have a chat about some other pointers, some insights that have not been shared? Yes, so, yeah, I quite agree. Like what? Like the Sicily from Coinhome just mentioned that the price, you know, the market experienced a major crash last week. It's mainly like because of the, like Japan movement, also the big institution, the jump trading, and I think, and also all these passive news exploded and then people, they are all like fear, and then the price just crashed down.

Factors Contributing to Market Changes

And then we have tried to analyze the reasons why the prices is down. I think the price down is mainly because of all the combination of all these factors. And actually, I think every price down, there are some reasons. The first one is the macroeconomic uncertainty, and the second one is also some regulatory news. And the third one is also mainly about the leverage trading, because crypto is heavily affected by leverage chase when the price drop and margin calls and liquidation start, and which will speed up the decline. And also it is a very important one, is about the market sentiment, because when all these passive news exploded, and there are a lot of thought in the market, like fear and uncertainty and doubt, and all these can spread like a wildfire on the social media and triggering panic selling and thereby accelerating the price down.

Aftermath of Market Corrections

And so as a direct consequence of all these factors, the price plummeted and millions in the market capitalization were wiped out. And many over leveraged traders, they got their positions liquidated, resulting in significant losses. And I think that, like, such price corrections, yeah, it is very painful and, but they are not, they're not uncommon in this volatile crypto market. And they can, like, serve as a healthy reset to eliminate the exercise, leverage and speculation. I think it is, to some extent, good for the market.

Current Market Trends and Future Considerations

Yeah. Cool, cool. Thanks for the insights. Let's moving on. For all these opinions that have been shared right now, market has rebound. We all know that right now bitcoin is over 60k again when a few days back just crashed to 50 or even lesser. I think the lowest it goes is 49.4. So for this rebound, right. What do you guys think about this situation? Is it a, is it a good correction? Is the bull run coming soon or what? Maybe we can have block time to have a share for this opinion.

Market Condition Discussion

Oh, okay. Okay. So. Yep, yep. So to repeat the question, right, it's about the market condition right now. After the market condition rebound, right. What do you think about the market condition right now? Is it, is it good or bad? You know, is it good time to end? Okay. Yeah, yeah. After the sharp drop, the market, like, show the signs of rebound with price recovering to some extent. However, I think we still need to be cautious because even though there might be a recovery and the market could still be very volatile, the rebound could be like a deck cap bounce, a temporary rise before further decline. And it's important to closely monitor the overall trend and whether it is a good chance to go, like all lean. Actually, my philosophy in crypto trading is that never go all in Athenae anytime, especially in this highly volatile crypto market.

Investment Strategy Insights

It's like we have to keep our bullets enough so that when the dip comes, then we can buy the dip. And also the diversified investment and also the risk management are also very important. Even if there is a rebound, it's also wise to assess whether the recovery is sustainable or just a temporary relief bond. Yes. Understand that seems like good insights. How about Coinhome? Can we have a share of your opinion also? Yeah, yeah. Like the recent rebound in market does present an opportunity for adding to position, especially since price have generally dipped. I mean, just compared with the two or three weeks before. However, it's. I think it's wise to be cautious and not to go all in and keeping some funds in reserve for future buying opportunities.

Market Movements and Contracts

And it's some strategy, I think. Also like the current market trends we can see like the BN's listing tone was rewarding and I alludicating some funds to mint coins could be potential move. So given the current conditions, I think trading current contracts might not be the best approach. Unless if you feel like a particularly confidence about this, you also can move into the contracts because it's really, the transit is moving very fast these days, I think. Yeah, sounds great. I do agree with this pointer. Also, never all in your fund because you never know when is the lowest, but after you buy in, you can't sell. That's a saying that you never owe. Also because you never know how high the price gets jumped.

Risk Management Approach

And personally, I don't trade contracts also, so. Yeah, I do a pre order point those. So lastly, can we have Mister Sam to have a chat about your opinion? Yeah, I would say actually there is a positive sentiment and there is a positive sentiment driven by the institutional interest and the technological advancements. But you know. Sorry, sorry, I actually pressed the mute button. Can you unmute, Mister Sam? All right, all right. Good. I said there is actually a positive sentiment. There is some positive feelings, you know, in the market, but you know, actually these positive sentiment is driven by maybe the institutional interests and technological advancement. But you know, caution is still necessary due to the inherent risks.

Guidance for New Traders

So. Yeah, caution is necessary. Yeah. Okay, cool. So moving on. I believe that besides market condition, most of the players here are actually more valuable on like what is the situation right now? Is it a good time to buy in or not? So, any investment thoughts, strategies for newer traders or even for seasoned traders? Any insights? Maybe we can start from Mister Sam. Yeah, sure. Okay. I would say I'll give it this way. I would say new traders should focus on diversifications. So they should diversify their investments. Long term investment strategies maybe. And proper risk management. This is very important.

Psychology in Trading

You know, proper risk management is everything. I would also say conducting through research and securing investments are also crucial steps. Yeah. So and also psychology, you know, if you don't manage your psychology when it comes to investing in crypto market, it's. I don't want to say you want to, you're going to lose, but psychology is everything, you know, I don't know how people will give their, how much people give in importance to the psychology. When you are trading we are doing whatever kind of investment. But I would emphasize on it. Yeah, yeah. Sounds like a plan.

Investment Portfolio Management

Yeah. I was always doing like management in my portfolio. Most of the fun, most of the fund from my own personal side. Right. Will be in the mainstream. Tokens, bitcoin, ethereum, BNB, you can't those, right? Yeah. Those should be main of your portfolio. Me, it's good to buy but just be cautious. And I do believe you're that blind. Don't invest blindly.

Advice for Traders

I think a lot of Kol's a lot of shoe they are shooting projects, right. You can't follow them blindly. You need to do your own research. Exactly. That's most important pointers personally. Yeah, exactly agree. Yeah. Next, can we have block time to have a chat about this also? Oh, yes. Yeah. As a trader who like has lost a lot of money, I think I do have some points to stress here. So I think like for new traders they entering the market, I think it should like to adopting a strategy, prioritizing the risk management and also the long term thinking. And I'm gonna list like three points that we can do for the risk management. The first one is that just to start small, like begin trading with a small amount of money that you can afford to lose. And the second one is that diversified investments, it's like to avoid putting oil funds into one single asset just to spread investment across different assets to mitigate the risks.

Risk Management Strategies

And the third one is always to remember to set the stop loss orders, use the stop loss orders to limit the potential losses and safeguard your capital. And yeah, these are the three points that we can like manage the risk. And on top of that, new traders should also focus on the like long term investment strategy rather than trying to sees like every up and down in price because that is impossible. And also it's like to avoid emotional trading because emotions like fear and greed can lead to the wrong decisions. So it's just like to stick to your strategy and avoid making impulsive decisions based on the short term market trends. And the last one would be like to stay informed and updated because the crypto market is highly dynamic with new developments daily and so it is very important to stay informed about the regulatory news and also some technological advancements and macroeconomic factors that could impact the market.

Importance of Long-Term Thinking

So yes, that is all my opinion here. Great. I think I hear the main point those a few times. As mentioned, our past two speakers have stated the same thing, long term mindset. So this is definitely one of the main pointers for all the newer players outside to learn about long term mindset is very important. Do your planning for long term, not for short term, just a trade rush and go. This might be dangerous. Well personally I do agree on the stock small side also because especially on defi side where the market is raw, unregulated and for smaller market cap points, traders really need to start small rather than just bombing all their funds in is very risky. Yeah, I do agree on the spread out part. Also spread out your assets investment.

Continuous Learning in Crypto

The only issue is what to spread out. If your whole basket of investment is all about me miss no matter how you spread out might be in huge resources. Yeah, so do keep update on the market. Keep learning. This is something that I love also I just learned about it. Keep learning about it because crypto industry is constant changing for ever changing landscape. Cool. So lastly, can we have coin home to guide us about what's the details about it? Yeah sure. Like for new traders, I think the best approach is to start a small and take a slow and don't rush into a big investment right away.

Investment Mindset

And also I very agree with Doctor Sam. It's smart to diversify your portfolio, spread your investment across different coins instead of putting everything into one. And also keep an eye on the market trend and news. But don't let the hype drive your decision and always set a budget that you are comfortable with and stick to it. Also please remember it's okay to sit on the sideline, watch the market for a bit to learn before market and big moves. For me, patience is key in crypto. Yeah. Great. So the main pointers here that I heard right that I think is a good learning point is do not rush.

Final Thoughts

So as what our speaker has stated, do not rush in. Okay, take a time because even though you have maybe you miss out on this trade, right. You have a formal but don't do it. Because end of day, right, there's always the next coin, the next enter opportunity. Even for this year, we have seen that bitcoin have multiple dips. We are all constantly screaming that, oh, no, this is the last day. Right. But last week, just this week, just us. Wrong. So there's always entry opportunities coming in. I believe this will not be the last dip before the end of this presidency that America is doing. Right. Definitely a few more black strong event might happen.

Concluding Remarks

So. Yep. Do not rush and set a budget to enter the plan. This is something that I catch on is also very good pointers. So there's a saying, right, that if you fail to plan, your plan to fail. Right. Thus you need to set up your own plans, stick to it, and at least you know what. What is going on? What. What is your. Why are you planning to do. Yeah. Correct. So, so this is a good point. Those. Yeah. So that's how we feel, right? That we can benefit from here. And I think that's around the end of the space. Thank you, everybody, for sharing. Hopefully to see you guys soon again. Thank you, Jay Crypto. Thank you.

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