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Mark Naughton Live & Florida Looting Theft Analysis w/Ford & Scott


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Mark Naughton Live & Florida Looting Theft Analysis w/Ford & Scott hosted by CryptoLawyerz. Mark Naughton Live's insightful discussion on Florida looting theft analysis with Ford & Scott sheds light on the legal nuances surrounding theft laws. The space offers a deep dive into crime prevention strategies, emphasizing the importance of understanding legal complexities while refraining from providing actual legal advice. The involvement of legal experts adds valuable perspectives to the analysis, guiding listeners through the intricate details of theft incidents and law enforcement approaches.

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Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 513


Q: What is the primary focus of Mark Naughton Live's discussion?
A: Legal analysis of Florida looting theft incidents.

Q: What role do Ford & Scott play in the space?
A: They contribute to legal discussions and insights on theft analysis.

Q: Why does Mark Naughton Live avoid providing legal advice?
A: To adhere to professional standards and avoid misunderstandings.

Q: What insights can one gain regarding crime prevention strategies?
A: Understanding law enforcement approaches to combat theft and looting incidents.

Q: How does the discussion shed light on theft laws in Florida?
A: Insights into the complexity and implications of theft laws in the state.

Q: What distinguishes the nature of the space regarding legal advice?
A: It clarifies that the content is for informational purposes and not legal counsel.

Q: What are the key takeaways regarding the role of experts in the analysis?
A: Ford & Scott provide valuable insights into legal perspectives on theft.

Q: How does the space aim to educate listeners about theft analysis?
A: Mark Naughton Live shares in-depth knowledge about theft laws and analysis.

Q: Why is it essential to understand the legal nuances discussed in the space?
A: To comprehend the implications of theft laws and seek professional legal advice when needed.

Q: What value does Mark Naughton Live's expertise bring to the discussion?
A: His insights offer a detailed perspective on legal aspects related to theft analysis.


Time: 00:04:02
Legal Insights on Florida Theft Analysis Exploring the legal intricacies of theft incidents in Florida.

Time: 00:11:15
Expert Discussions with Ford & Scott Insights from legal experts on theft analysis and crime prevention.

Time: 00:20:30
Nuances of Crime Prevention Strategies In-depth analysis of law enforcement tactics to combat theft and looting.

Time: 00:25:45
Theft Laws in Florida Understanding the legal framework surrounding theft laws in the state.

Time: 00:31:10
Mark Naughton Live's Legal Stance Emphasizing the importance of seeking professional legal advice.

Time: 00:38:20
Role of Experts in Theft Analysis Ford & Scott's contributions to legal discussions on theft incidents.

Key Takeaways

  • Legal discussions around Florida looting theft analysis with expert insights.
  • Insights on law enforcement approaches to theft and looting incidents.
  • Mark Naughton Live delves into the nuances of legal analysis and crime prevention strategies.
  • Understanding the nuances of theft laws and their implications in Florida.
  • Insights on the roles of Ford & Scott in legal discussions regarding theft analysis.
  • Avoiding providing actual legal advice due to the nature of the space and Mark Naughton Live's stance on the matter.

Behind the Mic

Initial Interactions

It. Our channel it. All right, so looks like Mark is in this space. I don't know. Hello? Oh, there he is. This guy sounds rushing. How are you? Good. Yeah. I can hear you. Good. You can hear me. How's everything going? Is this fish? This could be fixed and just happy to be here. Likewise. Mark is not happy to be there. Meet Mark Naughton, former law enforcement and military officer. This guy's not american. I don't like it. He utilizes his platform to provide commentary on social and political. And my dog will be barking, and pizza's coming soon, so you guys have. To bear with immigration laws covering political trials, government overreach, and everything that constitute the first and second amendment. He's a presence. Is this guy iranian? What's going on? Why are you streaming with.

Introducing Mark and his Background

Mark is from a journalistic point of view associated with appearances. Simmer down, Taylor. Or personal anecdotes. Good evening, Mark. Welcome to less time with random podcast. How you doing? Wow, man, thanks. Yeah, pretty good intro. Pretty, fairly accurate. So excited to be here. Let's go. Spit it out, Mark. Excellent, man. I've been following your content. I mean, you've been to all these different rallies and all these different events. Oh, this guy's an operative. What got you into serving in the first part? Someone text mark not to answer. This guy? Serving, you know. You mean in the military or. Yes, I mean in the military. This guy's an asset. Well, let's see, that would then go back to him. Hold on. I'm going to text him and screw it all up. Hold on. Specifically our national guard. So, you know. But I've been in every status, including full time, so that would. That would be going way back to zero five.

Mark's Journey and Motivation

And I would say that the long story short of that is, you know. Judge, stop eating my fucking clothes, man. Stop. No. That sort of program. And, you know, 911 happens when I was in high school, so I had a huge, very deep, patriotic, you know, sort of motivation. And I thought, you know, what a way to accelerate my life. Get some free school, get paid. Mark, come on. I drank all the Kool Aid, did it all back then, so I'd have to wait twelve weeks. Judge, if you eat something else, I'm kicking you out. And I still. I'm still in, so no breaking service. I can't believe Cliff is having his face while Mark's getting interviewed. What the fuck, Cliff? Well, I'm a member the National Guard now, the army National Guard. So essentially I'm in what's called drill status. Drill status, guardsman.

Mark's Current Position and Responsibilities

Meaning, you know, I just. I attend my. There is five people in the room. No, six days. It's Texas, man. Callie story, Wendy, Gail, and Laura. And I'm needed. I can always be activated, but currently I'm in an office. Not sure if it's me, but I can barely hear you. I can hear more regimented. What's that, Taylor? I said I barely can hear. Hear you. I can hear Mark's stuff. Good. What's more important is to hear Mark. Okay, so, Mark, where this journalistic endeavor stand from? Like, what decided to. How do you decide to become a journalist? Yeah, so it was, it was. I would back up and say when. When I was in law enforcement, I remember I was on some homicides and stuff like that.

Real Life Experiences and Inspiration

Michael Dean, get up here. We got to talk. Whatever the facts were. I remember one particular case. A guy took his last breath in front of me on the street. He was shot in the head. And I saw that when the medics came. I was first on scene of this guy who was basically executed. I remember when the medics came and they saw the giant pool of blood, the single gunshot in the head, and, you know, they didn't want touch him. And when I saw that gasp, which. Common sense. And I guess the end result would tell you that's, you know, signs of life, even though it's probably the. Literally the end of his life. But when I saw that, I knew, and I was running a long shift, that if they didn't take him away to treat him, then he'd have a crime scene there, and I'd be stuck there probably for another eight to 10 hours.

Mark's Observations and Growing Career

But since the guy, I saw him, you know, his last breath of life, I said, that's signs of life. And they said, oh, you know, f. And they had to scoop him up and treat him and take him away, so. Hey, Michael Dean, can you send him a text? He's got diarrhea mouth. He's got to get to the point here, buddy. Come on. Come on. And that was. Believe it or not, it was that moment. He's pulling a kamala hair. I'm actually hoping he's not reading our fucking text in the middle of a fucking interview. Crypto on his phone. Text him. He needs to fucking get better. Come on. The results on the media were. Did it just go blank? Yeah, that's what I was gonna say.

Miscommunication and Reception

Crypto. We lost you. Yeah, because I'm getting a phone call. It's the guard gate for the pizza, but I can't pick it up footage. And I was like, you know, there it is. They're calling the house. Pick up. I'm seeing right with my own eyes what was being reported. So I thought about it, and it was only a few weeks later. I went to my. To my friend who's a videographer's professional business, and I said, yo, I said, let's. Let's go and let's talk to some people. Let's talk to the people who are there. Let's talk to people who, you know, cops in military who don't get, you know, they're scared to use their first amendment, you know, still talking.

Mark's Career Developments

Wrap it up. He liked it. But I could never coordinate with schedules with all these first responder types. For all of you that care, the pizza. The pizza is in with. The wings are in route. And that's what we did. We did that for a few months. Just. Just random street conversation. And it was funny. I'll end it here on. This is gonna end it. Finally. We had this idea that everything. Mark's doing great. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Michael Dean. Tell him to do shorter. It's better. Come on. This is his first step to Fox News. Got to be shorter, faster, whenever went back to it, but that would be.

Mark's Experiences During Protests

It is. I watched things that happened in reality, on the ground, and then in reality, being portrayed accurately. That that sort of motivated me, and then I sort of fell into it doing that sort of just as, like, a fun little project. And now I'm heavily invested, and there's no going back. This is where I need to be. So, amongst other things, I just have to make this work, you know? So you serve in the. So you've been serving in the military for a while, but you're also done law enforcement. Like, how has, like, what got.

Mark's Reflection on Law Enforcement

How did you get into law enforcement? This guy sounds like fish. I'm telling you, it's fish. Are you still serving as a law enforcement officer? No, I'm completely separated from law enforcement. It was, you know, I worked for a few different agencies, and in a nutshell. Listen, not for nothing, ten minutes in, there's no mention of two feds, no mention of crypto, no mention of Michael. I'm just saying. I'm just saying. All right. Will we get the liberty cigars? You never know.

Discussion on the Shooting Incident

You know, all that needs to be looked at. But what I think was appropriate and needs to be sort of, you know, boosted up was that he changed the dynamic of the situation by shooting at the gunman. Right. He completely took control of that situation and changed it. I mean, the guy dropped his equipment and ran, you know.

Concerns About the Child

Have you seen. His son at that point? Because the situation. The child porn guy. Yeah. Like, I think the CP's real on that kid. I don't think it's real. It might be, but I'm very different situation. So it's real quick moments like that. I put the, I put it up top where the space is. Should we all leave this space and go into that space and just obviously make it go up by 200?

Debate on Strategy and Visibility

He won't let us up. He won't let us up. But should we flood it and Mark will see everyone, or should we stay here? No, we stay here. We should stay here because he has no idea who any of us are. Pretty much understand everything else that happened. I, what I can't understand is somebody like, I volunteered tribute. I will be back. 1.8 thousand.

NFT and Shooter Incident Comments

You want me to go over there and request. I volunteer? Goodbye. I'm over here minting everyone's NFT. Like, they're all minted. Disappointed that, that, you know, there's people that actually would have been happy if that, if the shooter didn't miss. And that's like 20% of the country. Whoa. What the fuck you just say disagree? Yo, he just said, like, the half the country would want to see Donald Trump shotdeh the fuck Fernand.

Conflict and Accusations

All right, now you and I got beef. Fernand. Why doesn't mark Artfish? Yo, I'm about to bite these fuckers. Michael Dean, fact check. Jack the shit, stir. He's not gonna go live. Now. Are you kidding me? All right. Are you fucking kidding me? Crash, go over there. Fucking attack. I'll be back. I'll be back. All right, I'm going now. I'll be back. Don't get suspended.

Technical Discussion and Observations

No, no. I'm doing it on my second device. I'm like, gee, I won't bring me up. You got a second device, too, huh? I think those people, I think of missing you. You didn't. Mike and cliff space. Right. And they actually would. Here we go. Death apostle. But I just request numbers. What the fuck? That the larger of that 20% are.

Analysis of Discussion and Audience

People that go in on my computer. Never been. They can't connect those dots on what that would mean. Jack's devices have devices or any present. But let's. Okay, I'll go in on my computer from. Let's all do it. President. Holy brought me up. I'm involved. Okay. The request is in. Oh, shit. Trash is up. Put all this together and then you're gonna have multiple attempts, which, whether incompetence or.

Safety and Political Fallout

Let's just hope it's not worse. Incompetence is, you know. All right, so I'm about to talk in this one, too. So if I get feedback, I'm sorry. Ready? I don't think they can handle that truth, Fernand, that I don't want. I'll show you a truth you can't handle, Mark. Speaker two.

Confronting Political Opinions

If President Trump got blown away, okay, especially in this election at this time period, you know, you could despise President Trump. You could never want him in office again, but you should be very. He's letting people up, guys, if you want to go over. Because, you know, I thought in the. Spaces of crypto, he's not letting me. Oh, yeah, that's obvious.

Discussion on Civil War and America

War and stuff like that. And I'm like, look, you know, I'm still serving. And whether I'm still serving or not, right? I mean, I'm always gonna, you know, maintain. My saying is a civil war in America is not how you would imagine AC up to. I can't tell. It says AC is up. What? AC is up. Okay. Cuz it says listener on my computer.

Political Movements and Reactions

Would be a nice big thing a lot of people would go for. And it would just be. It would be. Something that we couldn't even imagine, you know. Now she's showing his listener, or first. Of all, which was devastating as is. All right, so AC G, get in there. I'm logging. Come on. Give me a minute. Jump in, Cliff. Get in there.

Concerns about Assassinations

The assassinations would just be out of control. It would just. That's. That's primarily what I think it would be. It's just I don't want to be a part of that. But that's like I'm gonna. I'm gonna start waving my hand. Do it. I think that would be a very real possibility. If they. If someone killed President Trump, it would.

"Terrible Outcomes" Discussion

Be a terrible outcome and one that should be avoided at all costs. I mean, we got some speakers here and some. Hands up. We're going to start with crypto. Oh, shit. Yeah, I can. Hey, buddy, listen, this is a fantastic space. Loving all of it. James R. Bricksuit, Thomas Liu G, Cliff Paul.

Enhancing Broadcasting Experiences

I'm back. Jack Deepen, Greg Nostradami, AC, Michael dean. Everyone's loving it. Great job. Yeah, Mark, just great stuff, you know, just exhilarating stuff. Jack is over here acting like a fucking bamboo and. Yeah, man, it is great. And, you know, definitely I would bring Jack up. He wants to talk about some stuff up there, but, you know, good stuff with Trump and the journalism.

Introductions and Future Insights

And I really am looking forward to what trash and Krista and AC, and what Lou. You know, maybe you don't want to have Lou speak, but, you know, everyone else. Lou, I'm just joking, of course. So anyway, Mark, great job, buddy. Thanks for plugging all the guys and girls. And also, I don't know if we got Neil McCabe in there.

Nervousness in the Crypto World

I was actually. I was pretty nervous because, like, the way crypto was like, I'm like, oh, shit. Like, I'm like, I don't know him. I don't know, but he's not worth it. Just send him. Send them out of here. Mark's like, I love one. A. Everyone can talk. Yeah, but you scared me. I was. I was patriot act ready. I was like, hey, Mark. So Mark was in front of the Fisa court. Yep. Mark, how did this guy reach out to you? Like, you know, did he see one of your videos or. No, just dm'd me. And it was a lot like we've done for years, and I just kind of recognized that. And I was like, this guy wants to talk to me, you know? And I was like. I was like, you know, I was like, hey, well, before I said yes, I was like, can you send me a link to your work? You know? And he sent me, like, two or three. And I listened and I was like, okay. You know, like, you know, all right, you know, I'll do it.

Confidence Levels and Assurances

And then I said, hey, do you. Do you want anything from me at all? A paragraph or anything? He's like, nope. Nothing. I said, perfect. You know? Yeah. Mark, on a scale of one to ten, as we sit here right now, how confident or unconfident are you? Ten being super confident, zero being not confident. One to ten. What are the odds? I sentence Ferdinand to contact you to have a space tonight. 20. Really? If I sent you a DM between me and Fernand, would that up it? No, I think that would fucking prove. It, actually, that if you sent. Actually, now I'm down the one and lower. Okay. Okay. So. So if I had a DM with Fernand before this space tonight, that would improve anything.

Evaluating the Situation

Speaker one, let me ask you this. Here's where it goes up to a three or three, maybe four. If he asked you first and you said, I think you should talk to this guy, that is. Is higher. But if that's not the case, then. Then one to zero. Okay, what if, just hypothetically. I can see you passing. I can see you passing. Passing me off to fill your interview. No, no, no. What? No, no. What if, what if Ferdinand is a friend and the DM says, you should have Mark on? And he says, okay, well, those are two different things. I don't think he's your friend because his question on crypto, you know, like, you know, when he. When he used, you know, what is it called, artificial intelligence or whatever to build that bio about me, he thought that. That my. I have an interest in quote unquote crypto.

Thoughts on the Current Political Climate

And that's when I went heavy on who crypto is. That was part of the plan, Mark. It was that detailed. Okay, hold on, Mark. So, Mark. Okay, actually, Mark, here, I'm gonna send you the chat GPT bio that I have. Hold on. Mark. Hey, Mark, did you catch where Fernand live? You didn't yourself? We use the guy's right name. Like nobody from this entire crew called the guy by his. I did. It's Fernand, right? Yeah, Ferdinand, but I'm paying with names. hey, Mark, don't. Don't listen to crypto. This guy's legit, man. He. This guy dm me back in March and sent me a whole freaking week. It sent me a three week thing of his show and then he dm me tonight. And I'm not lying. I'm gonna send it to your right.

Dinner and Podcast Reflections

Send it. Taylor, you don't have it? I don't know. He's a hard hitting guy. I mean, he has, like, twelve people that were listening to the podcast. He's crypto's FBI agent. We already know this. Oh, look who's here. Fish. And he's requesting, huh? Interesting, interesting, fish. Actually, Fish, I have a full house right now, man. I can't. I can't boot anybody. He's gonna tell me more about my soldiers. Oh, that is funny. All right. And the hypersonic. That's what she said, taylor. That's what she said. I'll volunteer as tribute and get down so that fish can come up. All right, that did not sound the right way, Ac, but I appreciate you getting down. Listen, if you guys go to Fernand's website, there's no way you'll think that it's fish because you would go, no way.

The Unfolding Drama of Football

Fish has a website this gay. There's no way. There's also no way fucking fish could go through 2 hours without not mentioning. Ukraine once or hypersonic missiles. And he didn't even ask Mark about fucking Ukraine or Russia. It never came up. Crypto. It's sitting in your DM's. I'm going, fish. I see you're here, buddy. How did the interview go? Well, I think it's good, you know. Good. Good for Mark. Thanks, fish. I appreciate that. Well, fish, I mean, I'm asking remain calm. You know, he didn't sound like he was panicking or anything. You know, steady. Mark is a steady guy, you know, I'd say he's pretty steady. Thank you. What do you say? Where were you, fish? We didn't see you for the past two and a half hours. They invited me to this space, but I was listening to the georgian iranian girl.

Insights into Military and Ukrainian Politics

Space. She has a space about anti. Anti Iran. So I wanted to listen to what the Israelis, they have to say, you know, that kind of stuff, we don't like. They don't like Iran. I have anonymous. Well, definitely likes Iran. Sometimes I like promoting fucking iranian propaganda because I can't go into the space. I'm blocked, you know? I hear you, Fish. We all have them. Tell us about the supersonic hypersonic missiles, Fish. She uses those on her teeth at night. Well, I don't know what he wants to know, you know, what he wants to talk about because I just got done yelling in another russian space, you know. Well, I mean, last we spoke, you said that those hypersonic missiles were going to kill all of Markey's boys.

Discussion on Army Capacities

And, I mean, I'm just trying to follow up. Is that the case, though? You want me to help you out? Crypto? Well, I'm gonna say it depends on how far is really. They want to go inside Lebanon because ground invasion into Lebanon, that's gonna be their biggest mistake, you know? So. I often tell Mark that's the biggest mistake he's gonna make. Why is that a problem? Fish? Hold on. They don't even need to be. They don't have enough army, so they're going to be in a couple of months. If they decide to go, they have some resources, they have some storage, some supplies. They can hold down that territory, but not for more than one year. It's going to be. After one year, they're going to be yelling down there like Ukrainians.

Michigan and Ohio State

Michigan and Ohio State. You're watching the game of the century. Georgia and Alabama. Ohio State, Michigan, actually, that. It's called the game for a reason. Like, it's actually, like, a big deal. But I'm like, well, like, the game of the retards. No one cares about that Midwest shit. The short. I'm not so sure that. Listen, when. Listen, when the SEC seeds away. When the SEC seeds away and you guys have to fight us in a civil war, you're gonna lose.

Quarterback Discussion

Yeah. If you continue to go on about Michigan and Ohio, trust me. Who's this quarterback for Alabama? Is he a freshman? Is he new? Yeah, Ohio State. He's good. Like, the rivalry of all rivalries in any sport ever. I have to listen to Dave Portnoy with Michigan. I can't take him. Yeah, well, fuck Michigan. Michigan's the team. You got to worry. Oh, what about Penn State? You got to worry about Penn State, too. What about Penn State? They're always broken little kids. We don't have to worry about Penn State. Like, fuck their white out.

Mascots and Personal Opinions

Like, I just want to know who came up with the idea of a nitty lion as a. As a fucking mascot. What the fuck is a nittany lion? Like, who is Milro Jack? Is he a freshman? What is he? Your fucking mascots are nut. What the hell are you. Yeah, I can't even unmute. I think Milro is. This is his second year there. Just so you know, a buckeye thing is a peanut butter ball. We know, we know. Look at these guys. They're fucking. They look like they're 35.

Football Rivals

Yeah, well, Ohio's case number two bitch. Number two. Trash. But I put it on number two bitch. Trent trek. You know who this head coach is, right? Yeah. Yeah, I know he is. Who's the guy from Washington? Yeah. Yeah. I'm looking at Laura Rutledge, who looks smoking here. All I see is the tip of her nose. I was going to say she's kind of got a jew nose there. That's a pretty big nose. What's a Laura Rutledge? What's a Laura Rutledge?

Insight on Laura's Career

Cliff, turn on the tv. If she's jewish, she's one of the tribe like us, and she's. Oh, my God. Her nose is sticking on my screen. Does anyone else see this? Yes. And anyone who listening. I am a jew. I can say these sorts of things. Listen, I don't even know if Laura Rutledge is jewish. I'm just saying she's got a big name. She's kind of a smoke show. I mean, she's kind of. All right, hold on. I'm googling what she is. Hold on. Her last name is Rutledge. Unless she's married, she ain't jewish.

Insurance and Expensive Premiums

Calm down. She is. She is. All right, let's google Laura Rutledge. All right. Laura Rutledge. Look at this guy. 27 for 3374 yards, Jack Downs. Stop it, Jack. This guy's 35 with four kids. Goddamn. She's. Man, she's a smoke man. She's a smoke show. So I don't think I. So I don't think so. I don't think she's jewish because it's. Not coming out now. She's not. I don't think she is. Yellow star.

Unpacking Insurance Policies

When you click on her profile. Is that what you're trying to tell me? She's still a smoke show, but, like. Yeah, she's. And then, and then they have to cut over to the other woman who's like Laura Rutledge and 30. Like a fat load. Okay? I didn't say that, Jack. I did. Have some decency for the woman, huh? She's out there making 500 grand a year. By the way, crypto education is University of Florida. She's a. I know?

Family and Insurance Conversations

Yeah. Like, so every Saturday morning, her kid, her daughter. It's the cutest thing. She comes out, and if the gators are playing, or, like, if there's a bunch of games on, there's two helmets, and her daughter picks up the helmet that she likes. And her daughter was, like, ten out. Of twelve last year, picking her maiden name. What is it, Paul? Her maiden name was Janolo. J a n o l o. Yeah.

Travel Experiences

So she's a made woman. Like, she's a made woman. Okay. Okay. Trash. What year did you graduate? Ohio state? Ohio State? 2002. Did you ever go to spring fest at OU? Are you fucking kidding me? Like, we burnt couches, we flipped over cars. Yeah, baby. That's what I'm talking about. I went to. I went to University of Cincinnati. We used to go up there every year. Oh, you're a bearcat. No shit.

Personal Experiences in Kentucky

Yeah. So, like, I grew up in Westchester, just north. Who willingly goes to the university of Cincinnati? Hold on, Jack. Where can you not get into that? You had to go to the University of sense of fucking daddy. Bro, every single hot woman in the southwest region of Ohio went to UC. The southwest region. Everyone in the 3462 area code goes to fucking Miami. Jack, bro.

Reconnecting Over Stories

Crypto. So many bearcat bitches. All going to have to talk about going to Oxford, Ohio, for St. Patrick's day. No one wants to go to Oxford, Ohio. Well, I mean, you know, Ben Roth. Facts about Miss Rutledge. I mean. Ben Roth. Yeah, yeah. Yes. Yes. She's married a Josh Rutledge, who played for the Boston Red Sox in the Rockies between 2012 and 17. Now he's retired.

Sharing Stories of Reunions

Now he's retired, and he's a youth minister for Liberty University. Fucking boring. I thought you were going to say liberty cigars. Did you also tell them that she was Miss Florida, Connecticut? Broadly, yeah. She was Miss 2012. Miss Florida, too. All right, so what would you guys are all saying is, when a divorce happens, we have a chance. Got it. Okay. They do like Paul. It's fascinating to me.

Cliff's Presence

Crypto name. Okay, yes. Trash. Okay, you broke up. Cause trash was talking. What'd you say? G. What's her last name again? Rutledge? Janolo. She's not Ginolo. She's Makino. Oh, here we go. G's gonna pull the. Oh, my God, I pulled up. They don't lie. Hey, Jack. Jack. Irish or Italian? Who gets italian?

Discussion of Identities

That's not italian. Ginolo is italian. She is not italian. Laura Rutledge is not italian in any way, shape or form. It's what? She took the crown from her name. Oh, what the fuck, Jack? Who's giving us bad information? Paul. Paul. That's Paul. You had one job. Track down fucking picks. You had one fucking job, Paul.

Insurance Experiences

What's my job? I don't know. I'm not. Paul's over here the last 30 years. He's tracking down fucking people on the border. He can't track down a last name, but a hot chick on tv? Why the fuck can't you do 23 andme. Paul, I am the co host. Thomas, just jump in, man. I already did this.

Expressing Madness

Clear the air. Thomas yelling about. Hey, so I just want to bring up. Scott Pressor had asked. Sure. On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, we are going to be at Penn State doing some. Well, no, here, hear me out, though. We're going to be over there doing registrations. However, he asked me specifically to come out so that I could talk to the individuals about what happens to our servicemen in combat and why it would not be a good idea to vote for Kamala Harris.

Pondering Outcomes

Because that's a vote for. Correct. So I'm going to be working with Scott for the next few days, so just look out for it. That's awesome. Thomas, trying to do all I can do. Take on the pa. Thomas, let's go. Jesus, g, calm down. Were you on fucking cocaine tonight? No. This game was great.

Reflections on the Game

I gotta tell you. This was, like, the best ending I watched in a long time. Fucking. He's like, I haven't watched a football game since they had leather helmets. Yo, I'm about to fucking Orson toad. I think I knew this football shit's amazing. Listen, at least I know how the game is played. Okay, that's true.

Comments on Uniforms and Perspectives

I'm like, oh, that's a nice uniform. Even though I do that as well. Mark had to leave. You can't stand it. Okay, so real quick. Crypto Paul trash. And I put the receipts of her birth name, and the title holder in the nest highlighted it. What was your maiden name? McKeenan. Oh, McKee. Yeah.

Common Themes and Comparisons

That lady ain't italian. Yeah, that's irish. That's irish. Yeah, Jack, she's a fucking mick. Yes, he's a fucking mick, just like Jack. Was she born in St. Petersburg? Blue. She's probably a white supremacist, like fucking rando. No, irish girls are always. She's definitely clicking those heels. Jack is definitely not here because that would have had him on mute. He's not around right now.

Possibilities and Predictions

Or he's running back to his phone right now. Uncle Jack, I'm actually laughing like, where Johnny is tonight. He must have fallen out of his den after that game. Well, no, he would. He probably would have fallen off of his car in the garage. I am telling you, it's a 30 seat for like, a Yukon that he sits on.

Future Perhaps

And I'm sure maybe he's out having a good time with cricket. Did anyone see the Teslas that were up in North Carolina, in Tennessee, that they got flooded with water and caught on fire? I got eleven, so I've got a. I think, I think two of those are unnecessary. I've got eleven cybertrucks for Vegas next month at my booth.

Tesla Club Involvement

Nice. Yeah, well, not so nice. So we got the Silicon Valley Tesla Club owner people coming and we're doing like, just like, I don't know, hit. Yeah, you're right. It's, it's boring, it's stupid. I'll stop. Who was giving you shit? Myself. Like, I literally don't need to finish that sentence. Like, it's. That's okay.

Reflections and Journey

Sometimes you think better of ourselves, you know? Yeah. With all this shit on Tesla, you know, and I ordered my fucking Tesla online. I didn't even know that I got. So the model three comes in like, a new variant this year called like, the Midland or the Highland. I don't, I don't fucking know. Long story short is I fucking ordered that one.

Ordering Process Issues

Which I was kind of curious why my fucking lease payment, like, dramatically shot up after I did, like, all the lease stuff. Member also, I was talking to jack about that and I'm sure a bunch of you guys were in the space and I was like, yeah, remember the money factor change? And it's like $400 more per month or blah, blah. Yeah. So it's called, like, I can google it, but I'm just too tired.

Model Clarifications

It's like the Midland or the Highlands. So it turned out that I got like, this fucking new hybrid of the fucking model three that came out this year. And I was like, do I even have this car? Because I don't know. And they're like, well, like, I. Biggest thing is go in the back and see if you have, like, these decals and if Tesla is spelled out instead of having.

Uncertainty of Vehicle Ownership

Wait, wait, wait. Yeah, we didn't talk about this. Yeah, we did. No, no, were just talking about. Talking to crypto about the car. You're not sure what model you got? No. So this. Well, yes and no. This, remember we're talking about. And I was like, hey, the money factor. The money factor. Yeah, yeah, I remember that. I remember that part.

Miscommunications and Confusions

Okay, so it turns out. So here's how I figure this out. I go to get it tinted, and when I get it tinted, I come back, and the guy's like, yeah, I'm looking to get one. They have this new model out. Hold on. I'll just google it since I'm talking about it so much. Hold on. It's a model three.

Specifications and Model Understanding

Highland. Okay, so I guess it's called fuck blue. So. So I didn't know that I got a Highland. I was like, oh, it got more expensive. It has a dual motor and has this different, like, badging on the back of it. It doesn't have, like, the plaid thing, but it has, like, different badging on it. And I'm like, that's weird.

Conversations About Expectations

And then the guy who I get my car back from tinting, he's like, yeah, I want to look at the Highland. I'm thinking of getting it. It's got X, Y, and Z, and it's faster. So I'm like, this is interesting. And he's like, the biggest thing that can tell is they spell TeSLA out on the baCk, and there's a badge, and I'm LiKE, oh.

Stressful Experiences and Realizations

So I go to my car. This is, like, the second day I have it, and it has Tesla spelled out and has this badge NeXt to DuAl motor. So I'm like, holy shit. I think I have this fucking Highland, which I didn't even know, because remember, I told you the process was, you go on the app, you order the car, it takes you to your car.

Last Name in the Process

I never spoke to anyone. I just signed everything in the car and left. So you took the highest option car off the lot? Yeah. So it turns out that I have, like, this new variant, all wheel drive, you know, super fast. Like. But it's not. But it's not the performance one. The performance one. Elon Musk edition.

Explaining Car Details

Yeah. There's so many mountains in FloRida, you can drive it in the mountains. It's a highland. Right, exactly. So, wait, so you have the dual motor one, which is more powerful, probably, than a regular one, right? Yeah. So, yeah, so it's. So on the back it spells out Tesla. It says dual motor.

In-Depth Discussions

And there's, like, this little other badge that's. That's on the back of it. But it's definitely not the. But it's not the performance one, because I know that car, I think, jumped to, like, 70 or 75,000, which was insane. So wait, are you. Are you under the impression that you got like a bait and switch or.

Navigating Misunderstandings

You think you just made a mistake? I just thought I was getting a normal model three. And there's two kinds. There's. There's the regular, which I was not going to get. And then there was the long range. I chose the long range. I did not know there was another one between long, normal long range and performance called the Highland.

Transitioning Thoughts

And apparently that's what I got. Yeah, yeah. You're balling fucking crypto. I wish, I wish. If I ever lose power here, I'm gonna call Jack for a ride. Look, I told you could. I told you, get the Fred Sanford model. The insurance is cheaper.

Discussions on Car Payments

I know, by the way, so, on the whole fucking insurance thing. So my insurance is like 3200 for six months. It's insane. So I went, dude. Yeah. I did a whole post on this. It's like, it's like 550 per month. Yeah, I have. I have no accidents, no tickets, nothing.

Understanding Costs

I. Think Florida. He's in Florida, right? So I'm in Florida. There's 32 people. My shit's $1200 every six months. It's horrible. So long story short is 30% of people down here don't have insurance, don't have a license. I've never gotten a ticket because I've been a prosecutor all my life.

Experiences of Road Safety

So whenever I. I got pulled over, I never got a ticket and I've never been in an accident. So it just keeps going up and going up. In 2018, I had a Lexus. My. My six months for the Lexus was $700. Yeah, on the model three, it was currently like 3200.

Transitioning Through Experiences

I did a post on this today. It's because you got new insurance. I'm here in Arizona. No, no, I've always had the same coverage. I've always had Geico. For the past ten years, same coverage. So I go to progressive and I go on their app and they quote me at, I think, 1800 and change.

Insurance Insights

So I switch over to them today because they're like, you know, 1300 bucks. Cheaper for all three cars. No, no, just. Just want the Tesla. Yeah. Then I go. Then I. Then I go to the GEICO app to cancel and they won't let me. I have to call.

Realizing Mistakes

So then I call, I talk to Geico, and they're like, oh, you've been with us for eleven years. Let's see what I can do. And I'm like, okay, so you guys have just been fucking me forever. And so they pull out all these discounts. And they're like, discount here, discount there.

The Cheap Premiums Approach

And they're like, oh, we can do like 2100 for six months. So I'm like, you just brought it down, $1,100. So, like, if I wouldn't have called, you guys would have kept scamming me? Yeah, it's like, no, well, you know, you were under the old contract, so we put you on the new contract.

The Journey of Policies

And I'm like, okay, listen, you're not even beating progressive anyway. And the fact that I had to call to even make this happen, I'm like, just cancel my policy. So they couldn't beat progressive anyway, so I canceled my policy. Same coverage with progressive.

Understanding the Insurance Environment

Point being, is at the end of the day, the person was like, well, they always want new customers and they'll go up on you later on. But I guess if you keep fucking switching insurance companies, you'll keep getting better deals. You just have to switch insurance companies. Crypto.

Addressing Concerns

Like, I had to do it too. Crypto. I'm sorry, go ahead, trash. I was gonna say I was with State Farm for like, the last five years. Never had any kind of claim, whatever it may be. And they were like, hey, by the way, we're raising your rates now.

Experiences with Rate Changes

Another $600 perennial first six months. I'm like, well, why? Why would you do that, Jack? Come on, man. Why would you do that? Why would you raise my rates? And they're like, well, rates have gone up. I'm like, okay, so like, what's my new rate? They're like, 3800.

Concerns Over Surging Costs

I'm like, for three years? And you're like, no, for six months? I'm like, oh, well, that doesn't make sense. Let me. Let me go shop my rate around. And they said, because I was on a border state with mass migration, is that the underinsured, uninsured coverage has gone way up, right?

Navigating High Premiums

To maintain your policy, you have to pay an additional, I don't know, like 1500 bucks a month or whatever. It was just incredible. That's ridiculous. It's fucking incredible. I remember that shit when I moved in fucking Arizona. Long time ago too, trash.

Retaining Low Premiums

And I told him to go fuck a pound sand. But crypto you, if you marry Mark, he can get you on USAA and you'll get a big discount. Fucking funny, dude. I remember a guy, he said, if you know your insurance agent's name, you've been with them too long.

Expectations and Trust

That's true. That checks out. So my, so I looked in, my insurance is every six months. It's $1,062. Considering how you drive, Lou, that's a fucking deal. I mean, is that full coverage with underinsured and uninsured? Yeah. Fuck out of here. Yeah.

Evaluating Costs with Coverage

Yeah, it's fucking high, man. What kind of car is it? Mercedes C 350. Yeah. So, you know, it's a. It's a fancy car. Expensive parts. No, it's expensive parts. It's nice paint. Cost a lot of money. Fix those cars. Yeah, that's true.

Evaluating Expectations

Yeah. But, I mean, crypto. Shopping around is the best thing you can do these days, the insurance companies, because that's what my. He said. The only company that they can't be is USAA. That's why.

Understanding Your Coverage

Capital, Jack. No, I haven't paying attention to the builds because, you know, it's not my problem anymore. But I just looked on the app. I remember we used to pay, like. And I had the Lincoln navigator, like, 248. And right now, with the enclave, it's almost 347 47 per.

Addressing High Premium Concerns

What? We pay that every month. It's every six months, the policy. So what is it? Yeah, see, that's a lot. So my truck's an old truck, right? It's in great shape, but it's old. A 2024, I'm pretty sure.

Investment Reflections

Yeah. I think I'm paying, like, $750 a year all up. Yeah, well, my 750 a year for their car, too. But that's full coverage. Yeah, no, I think I'm just. I think I just have comp. No liability.

Evaluating Kids' Policies

I have liability and compensation. No collision I do the gauze. My kid thing. I. Kids got an old four car, right. He's got full coverage, and he's paying 700 every six months, and he's 21. Well, I mean, like, I do have full comp and collision because I have a loan on the car, so.

Transformation and Acceptance

Yeah, like, that trash would cost a fortune to fix. Noise, expensive to repair. And crypto car, an absolute fucking mint to repair. Trish, what do you drive? Mercedes C 354 matic. Very small for me. I like them.

Expectations and High Costs

You know the thing that crypto didn't think about when he got his Tesla was if there's a hurricane over there on the east side of the Florida. Oh, he's. He's gonna have to do something with that car, because the salt water can't hit that battery. Parking garage.

Reflecting on Hurricane Experience

On the second floor of a parking garage. That's. We did the last time when Irma came in. Yeah. But I think it's just like. Just the. You know, with the. With the wind and the salt water, they can make them explode. He might need to up his insurance.

Conversations on Hurricane and Impacts

What the fuck are we talking about? You sure about the wind and the rain? I don't have. It's got to be submerged, I think. I don't know. They were sending out, like, they were sending out the announcements for Helene that if you had, you know, lithium battery cars, that you needed to get them out of there.

Travel Plans and Final Thoughts

Lou, are you back in Arizona? Where? Yeah, I'm in Arizona. You're back? Yeah, I'm here. All right, let's go. Let's. Let's go eat dinner this weekend. All right? Message me. It's already Saturday. Well, fuck. All right, tomorrow, let's go eat dinner.

Weekend Plans

The fuck, man? What is this, an only space? No, crypto. I don't know. What made you go and get this Tesla? What were you thinking? He's heating up a hot pocket. No, what I was thinking was that I'm not gonna fucking lose power and I'm gonna charge it up, so don't fucking worry about it, and it's not going to catch on fire.

Final Thoughts on Tesla Ownership

So I'll put it in my fucking office parking garage, fucking five stories up. That's a lot of fucking for someone. That sounds so, listen, we all know your back would break. All right. This water. Fucking good. What did you say?

Process Changes

What did you say? Repeat that. I didn't hear you recording. Fuck you. Come here. I would say this parking garage, then, that means you have to have two drivers. You know, so you can take the. One car or stop getting into the weeds.

Extravaganza Planning

I have three freaking vehicles and one seawater. I don't understand what's going on down there. It's insured blue. Fuck it. It explodes. Who cares? Come here. Come here. Hey, Crypto. Yeah. How's that? How's that dog doing? Crypto.

Continued Conversations

Come here, Crypto. We've judged. Crypto. Who's talking? It's being talked over. Is that Daffy? Yeah. I don't know. Who's talking? Over. Go ahead, crypto. I just wanted to ask, did you. Combine your insurance with your homeowners insurance?

Insights into Homeowner Policies

Yes, I did. That's like a commercial. Oh, no, I was just asking because I just got. Daffy. Sounds like Flo. He's like, I just got a great deal. No, I live in California and I changed insurance companies because my nationwide dropped.

Challenging Insurance Landscapes

Me because they're no longer insuring cars in California. So I had to join State Farm. But luckily I already had a policy. With them and so they combined my insurance. It's a lot less than $3,000 every. Six months, and I have full coverage.

Homeowner Challenges

And I also have a medical policy. It covers like $25,000 in medical expenses. In the event that I needed them. It's so crazy because State Farm will fuck you so hard in New Jersey. It's unbelievable. Yeah.

Insurance Provider Sentiments

But, like, State Farm has also been, like, in my corner. Like, I've been with State Farm for years and they've always been fantastic. Always. And my deductible, I have no computers. Not gonna lie.

Diverse Experiences and Insights

And I'm not paying the bill. USAA. Well, I'm not a fucking federal employee. Like, I can't get USA. But, like, State Farm has been great. Are you grown cow. You can marry Mark and then Mark is eligible. You can get. USAA or Navy federal.

Emphasizing the Importance of Coverage

If you have a relative who's been in the military. Lucy, I'm not a veteran. I can't get it. No, if you had a relative, any relative. Like a grandfather? Like what relative? Like, my dad was in the navy, so I have USAA.

Military Connections

Are you telling me because Solomon Ryback was in the military during World War. Two, why is there so many people yelling at me and then bringing up World War two? Like, can we get a cogent thought? Gets Cliff.

Confusion and Connectivity

Lucy. Fuck are you guys talking about? Talking about Solomon Ryback. What are you talking about? I don't know who Solomon Ryback is. He's talking about under siege. Captain Ryback.

Reconciling Pop Culture

That was the only time I ever heard anybody named Ryback. Are you talking about the Steven Seagal movie? Yeah, oh, my God. That was so fucking random. Oh, that was great. That was fucking funny.

Near Side Conversations

Crypto. I'm so confused. I know, I know. I'm trying to. I'm trying to print out my deck page and I'm having issues over here. Yeah, like, I'm actually gonna pull my fucking insurance policy for a moment.

Engaging in Challenging Topics

Normally, normally we require you have an iq under 100 to participate. Are you suggesting that I have iq under 100? Like. No, I said normally we require. That can be taken so many ways.

Pondering Insights

Again. So again, you're confused because you have an iq over 100. Okay. Okay, I got it now. All right, thank you. Thank you. Like, holy fuck, dude. Like, but since you had so much trouble understanding that concept, I'm starting to think that maybe you do not have.

Pushing the Envelope

I'm going to need you to back that up. Let me. Let me try and say it backwards. Give me a moment. No, I'm just going to need you to back up the claim. So ridiculous. Jesus Christ. Goddesse.

Social Set Ups

I'm looking for some more college football. I need to get out of this fucking pool. It's fucking cold. You. You're still in the pool? You got to be all wrinkly now. Oh, yeah, his fucking dick. You're pro now. Listen, there's no dick to be involved here.

Humor and Sarcasm

It's like a frightened turtle fucking all gone. Like the California raisins. It's like singing. Like, I heard it through the grape. All right, I finally printed out my deck page from my phone. Let's see what we got. Crypto.

Clarification and Details

Are you fucking seriously going autistic on your insurance policy right now? Like, did the dog sit on your bed this week? Oh, shit. Oh, I can't do that. So here's how I know that I'm officially installed. Everything is downhill from here, and nothing is ever going to be good in my life again.

Concluding Thoughts

One thing is, it's Saturday night at midnight. Going on Sunday, I'm looking at my insurance policy. That's number one. Like, you're putting on your deck page on Saturday night. That's number one, two and three. Here's Robbie. Hold on. And number.

Changing Perspectives

Yeah, numbers two, three and five and whatever else you want to call them. Today I spent the afternoon talking with three or four of my neighbors about home insurance, how we're getting fucked over and how we can get better rates.

Neighborhood Conversations and Concerns

And we all spoke about this, and they're like, in their fifties and sixties, so they're older. But then my dog came out. They wanted to pet the dog. We chatted more and were all disgruntled gentlemen walking back into our houses about home insurance.

Reflections on Life's Ailments

That's how I know everything is going downhill. Crypto, just really. Yeah, it's all downhill. Gentlemen. Hold on. We're standing in my driveway. What? What? Daffy, do you live in a cul de sac?

Locational Conversations and Understandings

What? yeah, I do live in a cul de sac. So, crypto, my question is this, crypto, you have not came out in a bathrobe and yelled at any children to get off your lawn yet. This is not yet. I'll do that tomorrow.

Laughter Through Connectivity

Well, I did. And I'm not even married or have kids. Kids. Like, I'm like, get the out of my house. Like, get the fuck out of here. So, crypto, why is my less than your car insurance? I don't know, man.

Concerns Over Coverages

What am I paying for my home? My home is. Fuck, I don't know, man. Now you're gonna have me look at mine. I'm pulling mine up right now. Do you have an umbrella? Gentlemen, we got to make sure we have an umbrella.

Importance of Insurance

Yeah, of course we have an umbrella. Crypto. If you just look in the nest, there's a little. Lou, shut the up with your nest. Looking in the nest. I don't know what you're doing.

Seeking Understanding

I don't follow. There's a baby bird in the nest. In the nest. I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it. Not fucking doing it. Let me ask this.

Exploring Regrets

Do you. Do you regret getting the Tesla you just pissed off that they host you? No, I love it. Yeah. It's a good car, right? He's in the honeymoon phase, Jack. Check back in six months.

Vehicle Performance

No, it drives fucking. Fucking AC. Fucking stuff. Do we lose trash? We lost trash. He fucking left. He Irish. Goodbye. Oh, yeah.

Reflections on a Recent Game

Bite us. Okay. Sorry. Hey, we got Robbie, though. We haven't heard from Robin. Yeah, what a. What up, though? How y'all doing now? Good evening, Robbie.

Gradual Unwind

You sound like you're all gummied up. What's going on? Good, man. I'm just tired as hell, man. I'm. I'm chilling now. You watching hot as Nevada weather.

Referencing Sports

You watch any football tonight? Actually, I've been. I didn't get a chance to watch no football, but I've been on the Detroit Tigers.

Baseball Highlights

Man, that's like, the hottest team in baseball right now. Yeah. They're in the fucking playoffs. Yeah. That's crazy, man. Guess who else is in the playoffs?

Acknowledgment of Rival Teams

The Yanks. Robbie. Fuck you. Hey, Robbie's baby. What's up, Rob? You know your second basement on the Tigers? co Keith.

Personal Connections

No. Isn't your second baseman a kid named, shit, maybe he's a utility guy for you. we got Sweeney at shortstop. He replaced, hobby.

Observing Recent Changes

Hobby buyers. Fucking disaster. Disaster. I gotta think back. 26 mil? You couldn't even hit nothing at Diddy's party. That's funny. That fucking guy will swing at anything.

Inquiries and Name Drops

What about Robin? Hey, Robbie, you got a kid named Justin? Henry Malloy? Yeah, yeah, yeah. He played with my son. Oh, straight up.

Connecting Through Sports

Yeah, he. Yeah, he's a. He's from Bergenfield, New Jersey. He played ball with my older son. No one cared. Nice dude.

The Player's Background

He was drafted by Atlanta and then Detroit picked him up. I met him last year when I was working at the field. Real nice kid. Yeah. You seem like. Yeah, you got a good head on the shoulders, that kid.

Athletic Stories

It used to hit home runs like nobody's business in high school. Shoulders, knees and toes. Knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

Refocusing Energy

Fucking AC is a. Everybody gummied up. There's no gummy. Isn't that Barney? I hated Barney. My daughter loved Barney.

Innocent Memories

There was no Barney allowed in my house. What the fuck are you talking about? Head, shoulders, knees and toes Barney. Okay. No, Barney's the I love you.

Pop Culture Connections

With. That big, purple annoying. Barney was the one who used to grab the kids. There's no way, Bernie. No, you don't have to raise your hand.

Humor in Parenting

Did your kids watch the. Tell it. Them teletubby weird looking things? That's weird. No, wait a second. Let's.

Serious Observations

Check in on Chad's dad. In on Chad. Chad. How's it going, buddy? My dad's going home tomorrow. Thank you.

Navigating Family Matters

Yeah. He's a bad motherfucker, I'm gonna tell you. He woke up and told me to get back to work and put that motherfucker back in the White House.

Health and Recovery

So what happened to him? Brain bleed. From what? Reason? Why? Before he had brain cancer.

Resilience and Survival

Before that. And he beat it and it. It made the. It made shit thin or whatever. And he just had rain bleed. My mom thought he was sleeping too long. Tried to wake him up and he wasn't waking up.

Acts of Kindness

And she started pounding on his chest and he spit up a bunch of green shit. And luckily, my old. My old buddies from the fire, my firehouse went there and they realized it was my dad.

Appreciating Lifesavers

And. Not that they don't work hard for everybody, but, you know, it's special when it's one of our own. And they. They crushed it and got him in a baited and had him breathing and got color back into him.

Recovery Anecdotes

And he was on a vent for two days. And I went in the next day and he. He threw me a thumbs up and he's like, what's up, buddy? And I'm like, what the fuck is going on?

Miraculous Recovery

So he's just. He's had brain cancer. He had a lobe cut out of his lower lung. And he's had two stents, one in each leg. And the guy still just. I mean, it's nuts. He's the toughest dude I've ever met.

Celebrating Resilience

That's great to hear, dude. But I did want to say that this room needs the alpha up. Insurance is gay. Just be a man. You don't need it. Very gay.

Thoughts on Boldness

Just run shit over and own it. And baseball is a communist sport. Other than that, have a good night. I just wanted to say hi to everybody. Oh, and, oh, and Barney was at P.

Final Remarks on Events

Diddy's house, so stop singing that shit. Yeah. Did you catch the bama game? I did. It took a while to get the boat settled and everything because we had the trump.

Celebrations and Reflections

Oh, yeah. Boat parade today. How was that? Phenomenal. It was just the people lined up on the intracoastal and, you know, and I had the speakers blaring, God bless America.

Creating Beautiful Memories

And they were singing along. It was good. I tried to get the video so we can upload it. We were having trouble with the down the link on to go live.

Weather Conditions Impact

I went live once, but then I went into the doldrum and all the other boats and stuff, but it was crazy. We have the. We are the number two largest boat Trump boat parade in 2016.

Navigating Through Events

Or. Yeah, 2016. We're on the record. We have the flag from Don Junior and the plaque. But we had to redo this one five times because of weather and all the shit that's been going on.

Conversations Alive

So we didn't get as many people as we want because the stupid italian festival happened at the same time. So apparently Italians wanted to get drunk on Landis other boat.

Reflecting on Good Times

So whatever. It was still great, though. We. We shut down the waterway and pissed off a lot of people that were liberal. So it was good. It's always a good day when you piss off a liberal.

The Positive Vibes

Well, the worst day on the water is still better than the best day on land, as far as I'm concerned. I'd rather be on the boat every day. Hallelujah.

Engaging with Family

I hear that I'm coming down to South Carolina and coming on the boat with you and Lisbeth. Well, then again, you know, with the storm, I don't know where I'm laying that I need.

Addressing Personal Safety

I need a place that's not going to have any storms and floods and. Yes, you are welcome. And Elizabeth was yelling at me from. The bathroom, I love Bartlett said hello.

Engaging Joyfully

And she told me to tell everybody that the patriot pup went on the boat for the first time ever. Oh, and now we diesel on the show, everybody's like, oh, my God.

Narratives of Family Bond

Instead of, like, go. America is all about the patriot pup. People are yelling. So diesel is very tired right now. It's kind of a little stressful.

Navigating Challenges

Did he do okay, though? He was stressed, but he got through it after he sat with his grandma. And we're gonna post that picture. It's one of the cutest things ever.

Capturing Sweet Moments

And then he realized, oh, there's things happening outside of the boat because he was walking around on the floor. And then he was kind of into it and hung out.

Understanding Pet Behavior

And then he ended up. He. Pit bulls have a real hard time regulating body temperature, so the sun bothers him. So he came back and laid under my legs at the transom where I was driving.

Reflections on Pets

And then he would go walk around and get back up there with. With his mom and grandma, and he had a blast. He's laying in my lap right now, sleepy as hell with a sunburnt nose.

Appreciating Small Joys

Oh, Mushkina. Oh, it sounds like you had a nice day. And I'm happy about dad. We'll keep praying for him. Weird thing is, my dad woke up, like, in a weird mood.

Intriguing Changes

Like, he's really funny drunk, but he's kind of an asshole most of the rest of the time, or real quiet. And he woke up making jokes about dying. My mom said, don't you ever do that to me again.

Engaging Humor

He looked at her and goes, what are you gonna do, kill me? He's just. He's got this. He's either. He's enjoying. I've had a chance to really sit down and talk to him.

Reflections on Life’s Journey

Either he's. He went, oh, he went to the light and had a drink with my. My granddad that he loved, or. Or he just. Something in his brains turned him into somebody funny now.

Celebration of Resilience

So we're enjoying it, and he's happy to be alive, and he's making jokes every about everything. So, mix, Heidi's going home tomorrow, and I really want to thank everybody on.

Expressions of Gratitude

On Twitter. prayers matter. I mean, that picture, right? 24 hours, man. He was. He wasn't breathing. He was. He wasn't breathing on his own.

Miraculous Recovery Journey

And I went in the next day, and he's eating chicken salad, making jokes about the nurse. So I. I don't. I can't explain it. But I tell you all, I keep my religion out of my God.

Thoughts on Faith and Spirit

I mean, I keep my religion out of my politics. But the prayer. The prayer warriors out there did a number, and my dad's here because of it. And I thank everybody that took the time to get in that feed and to pray.

Embarking on the Journey

Thank you. God is good all the time to that. No, just happy that your dad as well, man. That's. That's what's up, bro. And, and, man, no, that's when you know, just to say, right?

Cherishing the Moments

And you acknowledge, like, the power of prayer, man. And everybody need to really hear that, because that. That's more realer than anything else. You know, sometimes we. We're so visually oriented and we.

Reflections on Intent

We want to see results, but. But prayer is that invisible reality that attacks an invisible enemy. You know what I'm saying? And. No, that's beautiful, man. I'm so happy to hear that.

Grateful Reminders

The best part about it was my mom did on Twitter, and my dad was sleeping, and I said, look at all of these comments for dad. And she sat there and cried and read every single one of them.

Celebrating Family Bonds

And you know, when they said, I think we're gonna be able to take them off the vet, my mom just looked at me, she said, it's working. The prayers are working. She's not overtly religious woman either.

The Healing Impact of Love

But you guys gave her solace and she read every single one of it. She had my phone forever and just sat there and cried and was just blown away. So. Meant a lot to my family. Thank you.

Concluding Reflections

That's good stuff, dude. You don't have to be religious to fucking have faith. No doubt. Talking about, I'm glad. I'm glad. Jesus, God and everybody else likes us heathens because we try, but Tesla's are gay, just for the record.

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