Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Mantle Deep Dive with Tally and Noves – Apps, Tools & Ecosystem hosted by AlchemyPlatform. The Mantle Deep Dive with Tally and Noves dived into the intricacies of RPC, Smart Accounts, Subgraphs, Faucets, and SDKs within the development agency realm. The discussion shed light on optimizing app development processes, enhancing security measures, streamlining data querying in decentralized applications, facilitating project experimentation, and simplifying app development procedures.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.


Q: How can RPC enhance app development processes?
A: RPC facilitates communication between different software programs, boosting efficiency in app development.

Q: Why are Smart Accounts crucial for security?
A: Smart Accounts enable secure and automated transactions, reducing vulnerabilities in ecosystems.

Q: What is the purpose of Subgraphs in decentralized applications?
A: Subgraphs streamline data querying by offering a decentralized indexing protocol for blockchain data.

Q: Why are Faucets essential in the development of blockchain projects?
A: Faucets provide developers with test tokens to experiment and test functionalities without using real assets.

Q: How do SDKs simplify app development procedures?
A: SDKs offer pre-written code and tools that expedite the development of apps, accelerating the go-to-market process.


Time: 00:15:47
RPC Functionality in App Development Exploring the benefits of Remote Procedure Calls in optimizing app development.

Time: 00:25:10
Enhancing Security with Smart Accounts Discussing the significance of Smart Accounts in bolstering security measures in ecosystems.

Time: 00:35:22
Efficient Data Querying with Subgraphs Understanding how Subgraphs improve data querying processes in decentralized applications.

Time: 00:45:18
Faucets for Developers Explaining the role of Faucets in providing developers with test tokens for project experimentation.

Time: 00:55:30
Simplifying App Development with SDKs Highlighting the importance of Software Development Kits in simplifying app development procedures.

Key Takeaways

  • Exploration of RPC functionalities for app development.
  • Insights into the importance of Smart Accounts in enhancing security.
  • Utilization of Subgraphs for efficient data querying in decentralized applications.
  • Understanding the role of Faucets in providing test tokens for developers.
  • Overview of SDKs and their significance in simplifying app development processes.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Twitter Space

Sadeena. Sadeena. What is up, guys? Welcome to another Twitter space here at yaobang. This is very special Twitter space that we have tonight or today. And Michael, who's going to join any second here, Sheena is also there in. The speaker, so I will add her to. Matthew, you are on the mic. Welcome, brother. How are you? Good morning, Muha. Thank you so much for setting up this twitter spaces for us, everybody. Muha is our marketing expert at lbank exchange. He does wonderful things all over the world for a very large team. So thank you so much for setting all of this up and making sure that we stay on time.

Technical Issues and Location Banter

Yes, we can hear you. Oh, thank goodness. I'm in Tulum and there's definitely Wi Fi going in and out, so I'm glad that it's working okay. You poor thing. You're in Tulum. Man. What a terrible place to be. I know. When the Wi Fi goes out, at least I'm in paradise. Yeah, right. When. When the Wi Fi goes out, because otherwise you have to work, which I. Would love to have your problems made. I know. For real? Yeah. I make it look good. I make bad Wi Fi look good. Everybody, good morning. My name is Matthew Carson. I'm a business development manager at lbank exchange, among many other things. Or maybe we're meeting time. I have been in web three since 2020, since the very first Solana incubator.

Co-host Introduction and Event Itinerary

A little bit of history, so my dgenness goes way back. We also have co hosting today, Miss Sheena Hart. Gina Hart is the best business development manager at lbank exchange, and I'm so glad to have her as a co host because she sees things in web three that never come across my desk. And so we make a dynamic team and we help people list their projects on Elbic exchange. Just a heads up. And we have a whole itinerary of amazing guests today that I was able to convinced to come on our Twitter spaces today. Some of them. I'm very looking forward to hearing what they have to say today. All of them, actually. And some new projects that I'm not super familiar with. I can't wait to tell you some of these stories.

Sheena's Update from South Florida

First, how are you doing today, Sheena? What's going on with you? I'm doing amazing. Like you. Well, I'm stuck in, you know, South Florida. I would say sunny, but today it's a little rainy, but I still can't complain. It's still a beautiful day in the neighborhood. It's a Friday. That doesn't mean anything in the crypto world because we work weekends anyway. That's usually when we get the most work done. But, you know, we're here and we've got all these amazing guests with us today. I see some familiar faces out there and some amazing listeners. Thank you all for joining us on our, I believe our third episode together. Hosting. Co hosting. This is totally our fourth episode, our fourth seat.

Looking Forward to T2049 and Networking

There you go. So this is my third one of the day, so maybe that's my problem, but yeah, glad to see everybody here and I'm, like I said, excited to hear from the new projects that I don't know that are on. And yeah, welcome, everybody. You know, you're not the only one. I saw some of our guests on Twitter spaces this morning too, and there was a lot of like, I'll be there right after my Twitter spaces. And I was like, well, that's great. You'll already be in the right place, so just don't forget about us. Exactly. And join us after that call. Well, today we have a topic. Totally. Today, today's topic is loosely, Token 2049 Alpha.

Conference Insights and Connection Issues

I'm also going to talk about a little bit where we just came from, which was ETH Toronto futurist slash ethwomen, where I got to meet some of you guys in person. And also what's coming next. It's a little bit more than token 2049, though. Token 2049 and korean blockchain week and breakpoint in Singapore are short. I think Matthew's Internet is going in and out. Can anybody else hear him? Is that just me? Yeah. So that must be the one bad side of being in saloon. I think he's got some Wi Fi connection issues today. Amazing. Can I introduce myself?

Emily the Crypto Recruiter

I mean, you're already on the mic, Emily. Please do. Well, hi, guys. I'm Emily, the crypto recruiter. I help people find crypto jobs. I help my clients, staff their team. We are number one in the US. It was so awesome to be in person with Matthew at the futurist conference in Canada. What a trip. Yeah, that's a little bit about me. You can find me on LinkedIn Backslash. The cryptorecruiter, pretty easy to find, and it's great to meet all of you. I'm really glad that everybody's here. I think I did get a chance to meet you actually as well. I think were out side. I was in yellow.

Introduction Laughter and Meeting Memories

All yellow. Yeah, I got chased by a bee, remember? Yes, I do remember. So funny. Yeah. Well, yeah, because I did not get stung that's what made it not funny. But, yeah, if you want to go ahead and introduce yourself. Anybody else that's on the panel here, I see. Oh, our friends from moon. You want to go ahead and introduce yourselves or not? And apparently Matt's still having problems, so, yeah. Eat. Toronto was great. We had a great time. We got to meet a ton of new people, new projects.

Toronto Events Reflection

There's all kinds of interesting things coming out of Toronto nowadays. And it was only two days, unfortunately, so it felt like the time went really fast. But the event was definitely packed. We had tons of people come by and visit the booth. They got to see all of our cool new swag that we had and. Yeah. So I'm Emily, if you want to talk some more about how Toronto was for you, I'd love to hear how it went for you. It was fabulous. So wonderfi is a great client of ours. They invited me as a guest, which was like the first time I've ever been invited by a guest.

Networking Opportunities and Insights

And, like, they treated me like a queen. I was going to say a king, but, like, you know, queen. It was. It was fantastic. We were hooked up in vip. There was a lot of different companies available, not available there, which was really cool. I think what was interesting, and I've never been to the futurist before, but I think what was interesting is everybody was, like, not only really excited to be there, but really excited to meet other people. I think the after parties were stellar, and I got to know a lot of really great companies that I had, frankly, never heard of.

Future Opportunities and Events

We're a little bit smaller in Canada. We've got a couple clients there. We're mainly in the US. So it was great to pick up a couple roles and meet with current clients and new ones. So I thought it was great. I sat in for some of the talks. I think the booths were a lot of fun. I mean, the space was incredible. Giant nightclub, so the lights were great. I mean, I just thought it was super. I would have partied there. If it was, you know, nightclub, I. Would definitely have gone, yeah, for sure.

Community Growth and Engagement

I noticed this year there was a lot more non crypto native people than in previous years, which is great for, you know, the crypto Web three community, because it means that we're actually, you know, we're actually able to reach those outward audiences. You know, the big question in web three and is always like, how are we going to get the web two people to convert? Like, how do we get them to, you know, come over? So I think events like this token 2049 those huge events are the reasons, you know, that all of these, you know, people are deciding to, you know, just give crypto a chance and check out and see, like, hey, you know, what is this really about?

Matthew's Introduction and History

So I see Matthews back. Hello. Dere engineer. Dingineer. You can go ahead and introduce yourself. Please do. Hey, Sheena. So I can say I did grow up partying at rebels. So it is. So we have an actual person. Yeah. So it is an awesome venue to party at. But it was absolutely amazing meeting you guys last week and. Sorry, I was just. I'm on a work call, on and off of a work call, trying to deal with an issue on site, but I had to run home for the day. Yeah, it's one of those days for me. Is the issue on site, at home or on site at the job?

Juggling Responsibilities

On site, at home and on site on the job. So I've got, like, I'm juggling things. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Guys, I totally blanked. I'm sorry. I was gone for like, two whole minutes. I was like, oh, no, I didn't hear a thing. I heard and then I heard rebel. Yes. It's okay. We, man, we managed without you. Thankfully, my wifi did not go out. Thank you, Sheena. I know you can do just fine all by yourself. You don't need me. It's teamwork. Teamwork makes a dream work, remember? So you can.

Sean's Introduction and Web Three Experience

Yeah. Continue with your introduction. So, Mike, I go by de engineer. My name is Sean. I've been in web three. I work part time in web three actually as concentration and a technical writer and all that jazz. And the spaces host, Matthew, messaged me. I'm like, I have a 10:00 a.m. daily space that I run with some buddies. And I was like, yeah, perfect. There's no conflict. I'll make it over today. So, yeah, I've been in here for, well, sorry, web three, four since, like, coinbase launched.

Reflecting on Past Experiences and Connections

So I'm a old boy, but, yeah, so I didn't play in defi as much as I should have and I have learned from that mistake and I am aptly correcting it steadily. So. Yeah, but it was awesome meeting you guys. You and Matt last week. She know, really great to talk. Yeah, no, it was. It was great. It was great meeting you guys. There's so much value in the, you know, face to face networking and actually getting out there and meeting these people, you know, feeling their vibes, their energies.

Personal Relationships in Cryptocurrency

And a lot of us have been in this basic for a long time. Like, yas, you know, just recently telling my lovely co host here about my relationship with bitcoin. It has been.

The Journey of Bitcoin

It's been a long road for bitcoin, and I. I love this space. You know, I've been working. Working in crypto for ten years, and, I mean, it's got its ups and its downs like anything else, but, you know, it's like a. It's like a mirror, you know, you can't just leave when things get rough. You gotta, you know, figure it out. You know, talk. Talk things through and, you know, it comes around. You know, we're. We're all here working together, I think, towards the common goal of, you know, bringing. Bringing the rights back to ourselves. And so, you know, I think the Degens and all of us are, you know, lovers of that, so. For sure.

Discussion Topics of the Morning

So, de engineer, what were you guys talking about this morning in your spaces? What didn't we talk about? We went through politics. We went through meme coins. We went through the, say, grant that's going on. We talked about magic Eden. There's a ton of stuff going on in the ecosystem that we usually cover. That sounds like a space. I need the one that's. Which one? Yeah, that's why I'm asking. Just give us the compressed version. What are the most. What are the most influential things or things that perks your interest this morning that maybe we should. We should be focusing on? So just to be clear, I'm not going to go political stuff, but just talking about how.

Meme Coins and Ecosystem Challenges

Crypto. Yeah. And if they wanted to do something crypto, like, for the crypto space, they could do it right now rather than wait for being re elected. Stuff along those lines. We also talked about how meme coins. Yes, there's a positive in terms of onboarding, but there's also a negative in terms of ecosystem extractions, as, like, we're just talking about how degenerate pump fund has got. And with their video, their plan to integrate video spaces, basically going to have, some seriously questionable behavior going on from. I think someone needs to mute their mic. Matt. What? Oh, Matt. Okay, there we go. Now you can continue speaking. What was happening?

Technical Difficulties and Discussion on Meme Coins

Well, clearly, Matt was getting a telegram call at the same time you were speaking and did not realize that he could mute his mic so that everybody else didn't hear him getting a call to. Oh, no, please continue. Yeah. Noob mistake, man. Noob. Yeah, so it was. That was one of the key topics of discussion, because meme coins are a great way to make money if you can win, if you have the bots running if you have those things on parental right. But typically they are extractors and it does leave a negative taste individuals mouths when they've lost substantial amount of capital because they've become somebody's exit liquidity.

Insights into Pump Fund Mechanics

I did an article this week on interview with Phantom. Now it's not, I didn't do the interview with Phantom. This was just me being a third party reading the article. But Phantom makes sixty k a week on pump fund. He spins up tokens and then he initiates bots that give false pretenses of activity for that token and it makes it look like it's an active token and builds hype around it and then he rugs them and he's been doing this for weeks on end. So it is one of those things like it's making, my goal out here is to make individuals aware of these kinds of actions and at least give them an advantage so they don't, or level the playing field, I should say, so that they're not being taken advantage of by bad actors in this aspect.

The Dark Side of Crypto Euphoria

Yeah, and I think that's such a valid point. People, people in this space are so thirsty to get that taste of success that it's, it and people like that prey on that one emotion and it's so easy to pick it out. And, and there's so many great projects that die before they ever really develop for those exact same reasons. You know, one or two bad actors, you know, one whale that, you know, project. I remember that about you when we met, that you had a sense about you for cybersecurity and just, you know, really good ethics about you. And I think that was, you know, a main reason why I wanted to hear your perspective on these things is just that, you know, there is a lot of things that happen out there, but then there's also a lot of people who are, and it's like a social measurement, like where do you stand?

Community Engagement and Web3 ideals

And it's like, you know, we're trying to meet the people in person and be able to show our faces at events and, you know, be public and not do that. I mean there's, I've definitely come across them in the past and it's just like where do you, we're trying to do, you know, community and web three and really build an industry. It's like, you might be able to run that for a few weeks, but who are you going to be in the end? You know what I mean? Like who are you going to who are you going to celebrate with at the end of that? You know what I mean? Exactly. Oh, quill, would you like your change? I'm really glad to have members of the quill is. Thank you. D engineer.

Opportunities for Collaboration

Looking forward to learning more about your projects and make sure you catch his twitter spaces in the morning. You said you do one every day at 10:00 a.m. yeah, ten a, definitely. I don't think you're hearing sheena, so you might need to drop down and come back up, bro. Okay. He's just talking all over Yankee now. Is that Tulum wi fi, man? It's all good. It's all good. We understand he can have the pass. Yeah, I know the struggle is real, but the view is nice. Yeah, true that. True that. Knocked to loom is great. Can't knock Tulum. No. Well, I'm actually originally from Mexico, so never would I knock Tulum.

Introduction of New Speaker

There we go. Now. But please feel free to introduce yourself and what you're working on. Yeah, no, for sure. And then I'll definitely try to keep the conversation going from what the engineer was saying. I have some thoughts on that as well. But yeah, no, my name is Kyle. My kind of crypto alias is kile from back when I lived in Spain and nobody could say Kyle in English, but I, I got invited on the spaces today because I'm helping do social media and pr and media relations for a crypto web three AI accelerator that's run through a project called the Crypto Oracle Collective.

Crypto Oracle Collective and Its Impact

And if you know what the crypto Mondays meetups are around the world, it's actually the largest meetup in the world. I think there's at least over 60 chapters. It might be 63, 65, something like that right now from last I checked. But yeah, there's a bunch of chapters around the world. And the crypto oracle collective is essentially the dao of the meetup group. And so the DAO access essentially like an incubator of experts. There's about 200 of us right now, and we've so far done an AI web three accelerator earlier this year, and we just kicked open the applications for the second one earlier this week.

Collaboration and Project Opportunities

So we're going around looking for projects that potentially want to work with us. There's a lot of great partners this cohort will specifically have, partners like Morpheus AI, which is in some ways one of Eric Voorhees new projects, a major influencer in the space, and just a lot of AI guys, they low key, have some of the most ethereum staked in the world, which is crazy. People just don't really recognize them, but they're doing a lot of cool stuff. I mean, in the past, we've worked with AWS and a lot of other like, kind of smaller defi projects like Upland DAP radar.

Challenging the Status Quo

Not some of these like maybe more enterprise big clients, but yeah, no, definitely stoked to be on here. I'm personally involved with a lot of other projects, but not really here to show projects. Yeah, I mean, to get onto the meme question though, I really think there. You can definitely show your projects. Feel free for show. Well, anyways, I do the project I guess I would show is I do media and pr. If you ever want help with that, help do marketing and kind of social as well. Used to run the website BSC news.

Exploring Meme Projects

I was the director of content there for two years. So it was like super into Degen spaces in the last Bull Run, ran Solana news and Kronos news websites. So kind of got in the space as a journalist and come from that perspective and. Yeah, like, looking. Just looking at some of the meme cod projects though is like, I do personally work and have clients who are some of these meme projects that are really trying to push this new narrative of, like, meme with a purpose of or like, meme coin with actual impact.

Innovative Meme Projects

There's several of them out there. One we worked with in the past that we don't work with now, but it's called Puff Dragon. It's on mantle. It's a really interesting project that's doing different types of unlocks based on how the community stakes and uses the token. So if you ever read those goosebumps books in the past that were like, turn to page 42 if you want to go through the door. Or if you don't want to go through the door, turn to page 86. This kind of, like, choose your own adventure. So there's meme coins out there that are following this kind of narrative.

Real-world Activations and Engagement

Another one I work with is actually doing like, real world activations where your digital unlocks then cause, like, pranks in the real world where they'll go out and do like, they take like, doppelgangers of like, famous corporate leaders and like, send them into like, really funny situations and make content out of it. Or. Another project I work with is a women in web three education. That's a teacher mom about bitcoin kind of thing. So the idea though is people just need to start moving away from these websites, like pump fun or similar websites.

Challenges with Current Meme Coin Practices

It's so well known that these have sniper bots and have volume bots, like, what the engineer was saying. Like, these volume bots that will basically create fake liquidity and create fake activity. And then new people come in and see that, and then they get rugged by the bots that have created that. I mean, it's something that we just need to recognize and move away from, but it's hard because it's really that instant gratification that people are looking for. It's.

The Nature of Instant Gratification in the Crypto Space

It's a lot of work to do your own research. It's easy to just go click on the, you know, whatever token that, like, looking at pump fun is like looking at four chan in a lot of ways. Like, it's just four chan for fucking tokens. Like, but so I think. I think a lot of that feeds into the, like, the mass mentality, which is what unfortunately, or fortunately, a lot of good marketing plans are built around mass mentality. If you can get a few. You.

Leveraging Community and Mass Mentality

Need is a few to jump on board and they'll bring the rest. Like, it will happen if you build. It, they will come always your, you know, buy or sell or trip. That's like OG facts. There's also token extensions on a lot of those solana tokens in the sense that, like. And it doesn't display that on the Oracle or on the charts. It doesn't say, like this. Every time you swap this token, there's a 4% fee or something like that. So really make sure you check the token and make sure the token doesn't have extensions attached to it.

Important Precautions When Trading Tokens

And you can definitely do that with, like, 2022 tokens. And we talk a lot about what we use and what we like and good experiences, but there's also, like, I rarely talk about the things I don't use, but that's definitely one of the things that I'm not using, you know? Anyway, that's my two cent. Who's up next? We have. I'm in and out. Thank you, Sheena. So I'd like to give true world to speak here. He was supposed to be at the lineup today and I.

Welcoming True World

We miss him, but he's definitely one of our guests today. Welcome, can you hear us? Welcome. Thank you. Thanks so much, Matt, for having me and nice to talk with you, Sheena, again, we met in Toronto in the blockchain futurist. So yeah, this is Hiro. Good to see you. Good to. Well, not see you, but hear you again. Thank you so much, Matt, for having me here today. Somehow we're left from the initial marketing graphic, but I guess that doesn't matter.

Innovative Gaming Concepts

Thank you so much for the previous talk, Quill. It's an amazing talk, and I raised my hand because of that. You mentioned some real world adventures that can be perfectly integrated with crypto, and this is actually what we do in true world. And this is why I left Coinbase and founded true world. So to give a little bit more, what true world does is a real world gamification. We're basically overlaying on top of the real world with a virtual world that has all kind of gamification.

Gamifying Real-world Experiences

For example, daily quests, daily chests. People can go around and claim some airdrops. So think about Pokemon go when you were initially going to catch some Pokemon, but instead you're catching airdrops. Airdrops can be from true world, can also be from other sponsored projects. But what's more importantly is that we're basically building a next generation social network where everyone is incentivized, has the equal rights on this world play and earn. And the same time, we're contributing our local food traffic to the neighborhood.

Building Community Traffic through Incentives

Right. And the neighborhood people, the merchants, the real world stores can utilize this kind of, like, traffic, and they can put out some real world airdrops. So imagine, like, a restaurant or a coffee shop just around the corner. They put out some, like, advertisement. Like, I'm sending out $100 to first 100 people who gets to this place. And this is what we enabled in the future with true world. So I'm bringing this up because, quill, you mentioned that, you know, like, recently pop down fund has been dominating the crypto world, and everyone has been just focus too much on the financial side of crypto, but on the other side of things, crypto can do a lot of things for mass adoption, not just for financially.

The Broader Impacts of Crypto

I mean, like, financially is important, but crypto is also perfect for rewards. It's perfect for a reward system. So if you imagine mining bitcoin as if it's a game, bitcoin is the reward for such game. And for us here in true world is that we're just building that game for everyone to, you know, get more and, you know, get. Get more enjoyed in the real world. Yeah. With like. Yeah.

Bridging Web 2 and Web 3

I think it's super cool how you guys are able to tie in a game that everybody can play but also fuel your, you know, your real actual in world economy by, you know, these people are going to come, you know, visit to be able to play the game. And at the same time, you know, local merchants can engage. Hey, we can give you guys, you know, like you said, a $100 free donut to the first 50 people that come in. So then you're also, you know, engaging the local community as well as the crypto community. It's an amazing way to bridge the gap and solve that, you know, web two to web three issue.

Third Web and its Innovations

That's what third web is working on. I mean, there's the, like, you know, the Pokemon go, as you say, but now it's like you are. It's. It's real world gamification. I've seen it only in small, you know, very gamified environments. But, like, they're definitely, that's what magic leap is doing. I mean, that's what the world is heading towards. And I much look forward to that world, and I'm glad you're working on that. And I'm definitely looking forward to the airdrops. Like, Ar house built one, like, you know, very simple, just airdrops with the maps. But I'd love to see the, you know, the AR, use the lidar.

Exciting Developments and Team Strengths

I'm looking forward to seeing just one more. In addition to that. You know, you mentioned a lot of, like, great names. Pokemon go, Snapchat, snap map, and what else? Niantic, who's the developer for Pokemon go, right. We actually have a Pokemon Go previous CTO in our team as advisor, who is also previously advisor for Snapchat. So our team is really bullish about our vision here, and we really trust we can be the one that somehow to bridge web three and web two ecosystem. And, yeah, everyone here, please give us a follow. And we really appreciate Matt, again, for inviting us to the space. Really love to, you know, stick with our bank and the entire community. Appreciate everyone from joining. Thank you.

Community Engagement and Friday Fun

Thank you for joining us. Also, I think, oh, I please, to everyone listening, give all of our speakers a follow so that you can be up to date on any of the new and happening things that are going on with them. And then blockchain queen, I see you in here. Please step up to the mic. Hey, everybody. I've got to log off to go to my next meeting, but it was fabulous to meet all of you and to hear these stories, and I hope everybody has a fantastic Friday. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you for coming. Emily, blockchain queen, do you want to speak? Okay, how about op on soul? Yeah.

Networking and Notable Experiences

Hi, this is Poppy from Oppi. Hello. Hello. I'm doing great. How you guys doing today? We are amazing. It's a beautiful Friday. Where are you? Where are you at in the world? I'm not too far from Toronto still after the convention. I see, I see. Okay, well, please feel free to tell us a little bit about your project and how you felt about Toronto this year. Yeah, well, first, biggest, big thanks to Matthew for having us today. We actually connected on the way to the conference just on telegram. So I don't remember how it initiated, but were messaging back and forth and then we got to meet up at the Solana moon night.

Inspiring Encounters and Memorable Moments

I was so looking forward to telling that story. Opie. Oh, my gosh. It blew my mind. It was all smiles. It was like getting. It was like meeting Mickey Mouse in person. It was so cool. Definitely. I have pictures like, oh, I'm getting another invite to co host. I'm back. Yes, I can hear you. Oh, thank goodness. Yeah, meeting Opie was so cool. It was like full on costume character in person, chillin being in person at Futurist. And it was like such a hit. It's a lot of meme, actually. So full support from. So that's where you disappeared, too. Oh, my God, it was so cool. Can you imagine somebody like Opie texting you?

Connecting Over Live Waves

Like, look just like the picture. You go and it's like, awesome. Can you guys hear Matt okay, or is it just me? No, it's his Wi Fi is not good. So it sounds like he's in and out. In and out, in and out. Oh, no. So please feel free to, you know, tell us a little bit about op. Hey, Matt, you can get Starlink in Tulum. You can actually buy it right at the Home Depot in Tulum. So, yeah, so big thanks to Matthew for the invite. So, yeah, no, it was great connecting with him. The only unfortunate thing is we didn't get to speak too much afterwards.

Exploring the Community Takeover

But, yeah, it was busy, it was full. And then we headed over after to a few other events, including the bitcoin block after party, which was a whole other experience on its own. So oppian Soul launched some months ago. It was a community takeover. I think within 24 hours, if I'm not mistaken, I was brought in on the team that took it over. And their goal was to give Toli actually a real cat because Toli had tweeted that his next cat was going to be oppie. So that community takeover team was working on over, I don't maybe anywhere between three and five days maybe up to a week on getting a real cat and delivering it toli, to the Solana office.

Challenges in the Community and New Directions

So when things, you know, when they. When. When the green candles are there, everyone's around. Well, the green candle started to fade and then a lot of the guys faded and I. And then a couple of us stuck around and felt like, no, you know, we have something here, but maybe. Maybe it's not the right approach. So we took a few days to kind of re evaluate it. We love the narrative. And knowing about the Opcat code coming into that project, we felt like, let's do some more digging. And went sifting and filtering through tweets between tolie's tweets, which obviously were tied to Udi's tweets, because that's who he was answering, because Udi had tweeted to him saying, oh, Tolie likes cats.

Understanding the Relevance of Opcat Code

So Tolie replied, saying, his next cat's going to be oppie. And that's where. That's where Oppi on Seoul was launched. So we decided to take a different approach and we came up with the idea of getting an actual quantum cat, an ordinal. And so that was our idea. And then within an hour or two, we thought, no, that we're not going to get the project the quantum cat. We're actually going to get it for Toli. So the community rallied together and raised about, you know, just over twenty k. And the quantum cat was, I think, 19 and change. And I think it was a group of eight guys that contributed to that twenty k, and we bought a quantum cat.

Sustaining the Community's Foundation

So before we even bought the cat, we spent about a week going through, sifting through tweets, going back even the beginning of 2023 and kind of linking different tweets together and way back to November of 23, Tolly also tweeted how great it would be to have a mission driven meme coin. So we kind of tied together what he was referring to when he said his next cat was going to be oppie. And we knew he was referring to the OpCat code, and we knew that him and Udi have a relationship. So knowing he's referring to the Opcat code, we also put a few other tweets of his together and kind of made that part of our mission is to be a meme coin on a mission.

Educational Goals in the Meme Space

And so we knew that it's not what that space gets excited about. They love craziness. They love green candles right away, and if you're not having it's hard to hold them. But we decided to take a different approach. We decided to try and take, bring some seriousness and some education to the meme space. So we're on a goal to make Awpy still meme ish and fun, but also to educate the space. And we knew it would be a longer journey, but as a group, were committed to doing it. So we knew we might lose people, we might gain some more people, but we would build that foundation and just take our time.

Building Towards a Mission-driven Community

And so that's part of our mission, too, is the education side. So, you know, we have something called a lesson of the day, which is drawn up from scratch, which centers around bitcoin, the OpCAT code, stacking layers, even. Even things on Solana. So we also, some of our research as well, was trying to figure out, okay, well, why is Toli so being afraid is, how does that benefit Solana? So we dug into that to learn that there's a lot of advantages to Solana if the Opcat code is re enabled to be. So this all started just as a meme coin. It's just Toli's cat, just like Myro the dog, and so on.

Evolving Narrative of Community Investment

But this one's a little more. More special. There's a. There's, you know, several narratives tied to it. So, you know, for. For a lot of the. We'll call them team members, but we're all part of the community. You know, the return on investment. And your time is not there as if you were going out trading or looking for the green candles. But, but we've got a group of. Group of going to say guys, but we've got some girls, too, some ladies. so we got a group of people that are committed to doing something different and, trying to bring some seriousness to the.

Commitment Towards Change and Community Recognition

To the meme space instead of. We've all been scammed enough times. A few of us have come from a scam project right before this one. And, you know, so we want to. We want to do our part to try and bring a different name to the meme space. So we're on a mission to get Tolly his cat. And we're in no rush to do that. We're slowly building our relationship with the taproot wizards. We've had some interactions with Udi. He even called us out the other day. I think he called our cat. I think it was crazy or something to that effect, because we brought that cat to the conference.

Fun Engagements and Event Highlights

So that cat. That cat was all over Toronto, dancing with Spider man downtown, just dancing in parking lots with just strangers. Yeah. All over the place. So. So that's kind of a quick summary of oppian soul. Well, thank you very much for that introduction. I love the idea of memes with a purpose, memes with utility. I think that, you know, memes can still be great and fun and totally degen and still be about something super cool, how the community rallied behind and we're able to really take over and turn around and say, you know what?

Commitment to Ideas and Community Growth

We've got this great idea. We're not going to let it die. We're going to make it what it was always supposed to be. And apparently you guys have stuck with it, and you're doing amazing. So congratulations, and I hope that, you know, you continue to take Opie to the world. Nez, I see you out there with your hand up. Please feel free to introduce yourself or. If you could still hear me when I was speaking. Hey, guys, how you doing today? Oh, there we go. Now we can hear you again. You can.

The Community Behind Meme Coins

They want to see a little more from the meme coin, then just, you know, pump it to the moon and then, well, then what happens? So. Because they've got these huge communities, sometimes some of the biggest communities are the communities behind the meme coin. So it's awesome to see some that are, you know, doing. Doing some different things in the space and not just, you know, another. Another pump and dump or rug pull. So. Yeah, I completely agree. Can you guys hear me, by the way? It seems that everybody. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. You still have your hand up, and I can hear you. Okay. I think everybody's. Everybody's reacting, so I think they can still hear you fine. All right. Okay. Because I can't see my hand up right now. Let me. Let me take that off.

Acknowledgment of Contributions

So let's see. We just added. Let's see. We've got some. Does any of our current speakers. I see a lot of you out there with your hands up, but I don't know if those are new hands up or old hands up. No, you can let join church of the smoking chicken. Is that chick or chicken? Let's. Let's. Oh, it's chicken. Let's hear it. What's going on, guys? I. This is gonna be great. My name is Kelby Dishman. I'm the. The pastor at the church of the smoking chicken fish. And I just wanted to say a big shout out and thank you to lbank. You guys were the first of nine sexes to market, buy tokens and list us for free and a show of support as to what we're trying to do for the web three space. And I just want to say that you guys set a trend, and you guys were first movers, and I hope that it's been as profitable and beneficial for you guys as it was for us.

Gratitude and Positivity

And I'm just sitting in a place of gratitude. Every day we. We come to work and try to make things better than we found them, and we try to stick away from price and just try to, you know, make, you know, create a more positive environment for all of us to be in. And you guys helped facilitate a portion of that. And I just want to say thank you. Well, that's fabulous. And thank you so much for choosing us to be your exchange of choice. Do you want to tell us a little bit about your project? For those of us that are in the audience that don't already know me. One space, but we actually did one without you, with your community member. It went very well, but yeah, let people know about your project.

The Mission of the Church of the Smoking Chicken Fish

So I guess to sum it up, the Church of the smoking chicken fish is a place where all of us come together twice a week. It was once every day for the first month, but now it's twice a week to have church sermons. Each of our disciples hosts a daily space of their own and we do what we can to disseminate information that we've found useful in our lives. The infrastructure of our religion is based upon a multi book bible, right. Which with books like think and grow rich, how to win friends and influence people, the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership, the science of getting rich and the magic of thinking big. As the forefront of the information we try to teach to people internally.

Developing Leaders in the Web3 Space

It's a platform for us to develop leaders to then externally do what we can to create a better web three space in general. Now, all of that is fit within the beautiful memetic Trojan horse that is Lord Fishnew, our one true God, and the ten chicken mammoths given to us by him on the mount on high. The meme itself is the fact that we worship Lord fish new the smoking chicken fish. But within that is a dedicated team of. I mean, just, I had to give out like 28 affiliate badges yesterday. That's how deep. And all those, the people that made the cut after I had to cut out the people that I didn't think deserved it, right? These are people that are here showing up every day, making memes, fighting for us, trying to clean up what we can and be good to each other.

A Toastmasters of Web3

And in doing so, it's kind of like the toastmasters of web three in a sense. And it's growing far beyond my most extravagant dreams. And I'm just, you know, again, I sit in a place of gratitude, humility and purpose. And I'm just trying to make something happen. Well, I think that you guys have already made something happen. I think that you are well on your way to being one of the biggest movements there. So congratulations to that. And I wish you guys, future success on what you're working on. I see we've got some new speakers out there. Preacher, you want to go ahead and step up to the mic and tell us? Hey, how you guys doing? Yeah.

Utility in Memes and Projects

I am an extension of the oppy project. If you wouldn't mind me just sharing my two cent here a few minutes. I know that you've got other speakers here, but if it's okay, I'd just like to share just a few things on the project. Yeah. So I guess just before hitting on the actual project, it was Quill who was touching on the importance and the meaning behind utility a little bit earlier. And something that he had said really kind of resonated with me. And time and time again, we hear about the word utility and how it's not so often associated with meme coins. And I think that in a lot of cases, you can argue that there is little utility that goes along with meme coins, and that turns a lot of people away from it.

Evolution of Utility in Meme Coins

But I think that, you know, we've all been a part of projects who have, you know, pulled the rug out from under us or we get scammed or whatever. And what I believe is happening, and I will tie this back into Abby. What I do believe is happening is the word utility is kind of evolving in this space, and it's. And it's now becoming the sense of a strong community. The existence of a strong community is now becoming the utility that people need in order to becoming a part of a project to stay convicted on these projects again. Because what is. What is a meme coin without a community? Meme coins are supposed to be fun, you know, because if you rewind, like, eight or nine months, a lot of the meme coins that are hundred million dollar coins plus today started out as just, you know, an x, Y, and z, whatever that people liked, and they thought that other people would like it.

The Importance of Community in Meme Coins

Maybe they were in touch with the team, maybe they weren't, but. But it's way different now. It is way different now. And I do just want to emphasize the importance of community and how I believe that the importance of a strong community is the actual utility that comes along with meme coins. And so now how I tie that back to API. So my position in the project is, you know, we're all part of a community takeover, right? And I was somebody who kind of stayed a little bit behind the scenes while Poppy and others took it over on the front lines and all that stuff. And one thing that is tremendously unique about this project, we're a relatively small team that is so much on the same.

Unique Team Dynamics in Crypto

In the same understanding of what we're here for, because there's a lot of people in the crypto ecosystem that they want to put their money into something, and then all of a sudden, they want to turn that into a five x, ten x, etcetera in a matter of three days. And the moment that it looks like things are not going so well, then they just, you know, they pull the plug, go on to the next one. Hopefully they make money. But, you know, in my. In my opinion, that way of doing things is just not the right way. But this team with Oppi is just so tremendously unique because we have got some truly hard workers, and I really mean that. Everyone's talking about, you know, hardworking team and all that stuff, but we've got, you know, we don't have 50, a $50 million market cap yet, but we will.

The Importance of Market Cap and Narrative

And we understand that we are very bought into the narrative. And while a narrative is tremendously important, it is truly meaningless without a strong knit team behind the narrative. And I just, you know, I just wanted to throw that out there, and I'm so excited to be a part of the project. And, you know, these guys, they're very patient and calculated, and I really do think great things are to come for Abhi. Well, I agree. I think just. Just from what we've seen and from what we've heard, I think, you know, you guys are definitely cooking something. Cooking something good for the community. It says a lot about a community when you can, you know, have a community take over happen so quickly and for the community to still be, you know, so tight knit, I think you guys are definitely on the right path.

Closing Thoughts

So please, everybody, make sure you follow our speakers so you can be up to date on all the new things coming out for them. And now I will pass it to Nat monkey to. Thanks so much. Appreciate it. Thanks. Thanks for joining. Hello. Hello. Thank you for bringing me up here. Sheena. Matt L. Bank crew. I'm Gilza representing night monkeys here. I actually wanted to ask Nas what's the. If there are any updates on arch network. I saw he was on the stage earlier. I don't know if he could come back on if he's hearing this, but yes, if.

Developments in Smart Contracts

I know he did a quick intro, but we are net monkeys is a, or nose project, right. And we all know smart contracts on bitcoin has been a pain. For a long time, there haven't had been a proper layer, or maybe a layer, but a proper utility product that actually was able to bring smart contracts onto the bitcoin network. So for some people, that might not sound like a lot, but it means a lot to the space, because Ethereum has had smart contracts since its inception, and you see how it grew and what it became and how it contributed to the space. Now imagine bitcoin having smart contracts and how this will, you know, change the whole ecosystem, right?

Excitement for Future Projects

So as in ordnance project, I'm extremely excited to see that and to see how arch network is going to bring that onto the table. And we also land monkeys, we do spaces every Friday and we bring people, or not people, but people representing projects on bitcoin. And we've have heard a lot around staking bitcoin. So if you are interested in learning about staking and other new developments, new startups coming up, make sure to tune in, you know, and yeah, that's. Those are my two cent. So if Nas, you're around still, I would love to hear more about arch network and what you guys are working on now. So, thanks, Sheena.

Engagement in the Space

Thank you. Thank you for joining. And I guess if anything, if you give now follow, you could probably hit him in the DM's and he'll probably respond to you there too, because I don't see him in here anymore. So he might have had to leave. And then, Dano, I think you are our last one up. You can close out our lovely space for today. Please tell us what you're working on. All right, GMGM guys. Hope you guys can hear me properly. Yes, I can hear you. All right. It's nice being on space with you guys. And I've heard, like, lots of people speak about what they are building.

Building and Utility in Projects

And honestly, it's nice to see, like, utility projects. And, I think that was were talking the last time and he talk. That should be precious, talking about, like, why utility, is one of like the best things to build. And trust me, that's why, like, I prefer I. I see projects on Tom building and I get excited easily because sometimes the concept of building mem projects, it's like just basically for the fun of it and for the short term, but it's nice to see some mem projects looking for that longitivity plan, thereby, like, integrating utility in the future.

Overview of Brokie's Launch Pad

And basically, I just wanted to talk about what we are building at brokie. Currently, I'm working as an ambassador for brokie. You know, you can find the handle on my bio, I included them on my bio. So it's more like a multi shame project. And that's why I wanted to like hit the utility aspect, because they started as a member. So they started as a main project on Seoul, and later they transitioned to also launch a token on turn. So they did really well on sold initially. I mean, they did really well. Beauty.

Community and Transparency

A strong community with that transparency. So the founder was like, if we keep like writing this mem narrative, definitely people get bored at some point, then sell off, look and then look for the likeness, good narrative and all. So he decided to integrate a utility for the project. So what he did was that he built a launch pad. So when he moved tone like, the launch process was kind of difficult for him because at the time there were not like a lot of launch platform on turn, lots of Launchpad, and it was kind of difficult for him.

Recent Developments and Future Goals

So what he did was that the areas where he found difficulty launching his token on turn, he decided to make improvement on those areas, then built a launch pad only, exclusively for torn projects only. So the launch pad, they've been building it for months and it just recently came live. I think the first project just concluded our pre sale on the launch pad, the first motion sensing game. They were actually the one, the first project to do their presale on the launch pad. So tomorrow, for those who participated, they'll be able to claim their I tokens and all.

The Next Big Thing in Meme Projects

So it's like crazy to see some of these mem projects transitioning from just building a mem project to integrating utility in the future. And I think that's what a good way for like these membranes to maintain that longitudinal and stay here for a while and build something spectacular and also like include fun in this space. So they can do both. I think they can do both, like do the main project at the same time, integrate a little utility just to keep it alive and to keep the community engaged. So, if it's okay, you guys might want to check out Brookie.

Conclusion and Gratitude

You know, I think they are working like, they are doing really well. That's why I had to like, support them and start working with them. So I want to check them out. Yeah, their handle is on my bio, so it would be easy to find. And sherna, thank you for like, the mind, it's an opportunity coming to talk, have like the opportunity to speak. So thank you. You. Yeah, no, you are very welcome. Thank you for joining our space and telling us a little bit about Broki. Inu. For those of you interested in hearing more, please follow Dano. You can see the link to Broki Inu in his bio, and I think that about wraps it up for our time today.

Final Remarks and Acknowledgments

I guess our lovely co host Matt is so busy in Tulum with no Wi Fi, it doesn't look like he's going to be able to hop back on and say bid good day to the crew. So thank you, everybody who joined us to listen, all of our speakers, thank you so much. This space would be nothing without all of you.

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