MAGA: Special Guest Speaker @patriot_savvy


Space Summary

The Twitter Space MAGA: Special Guest Speaker @patriot_savvy hosted by blackhawkce457. Delve into the MAGA space with @patriot_savvy as a special guest, where discussions range from combat veteran experiences to healthy living tips and patriotic values. This space provides insights into America First advocacy, truth-seeking dialogues, and the celebration of diverse viewpoints within the community. With a focus on individual freedoms, traditional values, and community engagement, the MAGA space embodies a lifestyle that combines health consciousness, patriotism, and ongoing learning.

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Q: How does the MAGA space foster discussions on America First?
A: By inviting speakers like @patriot_savvy to share insights and advocate for America First principles.

Q: What role does healthy living play in the MAGA community?
A: Healthy living through Whole foods, Vitamin D, and fitness is encouraged for personal well-being.

Q: Why is being unvaccinated a topic of discussion in the space?
A: To highlight personal health choices and individual freedoms regarding vaccinations.

Q: How does the space promote truth-seeking and continuous learning?
A: By embracing different perspectives, encouraging research, and valuing education.

Q: In what ways does the MAGA space engage with combat veteran experiences?
A: By providing a platform for veterans to share their stories and perspectives on patriotism.

Q: What values are emphasized within the MAGA community?
A: Traditional values, patriotism, freedom of choice, and community engagement are key principles.

Q: How does the MAGA space address modern-day challenges while upholding traditional values?
A: By integrating discussions on adapting to contemporary issues without compromising core beliefs.

Q: Why is dialogue and community involvement important in the MAGA space?
A: To foster understanding, unity, and collaborative solutions among individuals with diverse viewpoints.

Q: How does the space balance health advocacy with political ideologies?
A: By intertwining discussions on physical well-being with discussions on political beliefs and values.

Q: What does the variety of viewpoints in the MAGA space signify?
A: A rich tapestry of opinions, experiences, and backgrounds contributing to multifaceted conversations within the community.


Time: 00:15:40
Combat Veteran Experiences Insights shared on the challenges and triumphs of combat veterans.

Time: 00:30:20
America First Advocacy Discussions highlighting the importance of prioritizing American values and interests.

Time: 00:45:10
Healthy Living Tips Tips and advice on maintaining a healthy lifestyle with Whole foods and proper nutrition.

Time: 01:00:05
Vaccine Perspectives Exploring diverse viewpoints on vaccination choices and individual rights.

Time: 01:15:50
Truth-Seeking Discussions Engaging in conversations centered around seeking truth and expanding knowledge.

Time: 01:30:45
Patriotic Values Reinforcement Reaffirming traditional American values of patriotism, freedom, and unity.

Time: 01:45:30
Community Engagement Focus Encouraging active participation and dialogue within the MAGA community.

Time: 02:00:25
Balancing Modern vs. Traditional Exploring the intersection of contemporary challenges with enduring traditional beliefs.

Time: 02:15:10
Diverse Viewpoint Celebration Celebrating the diversity of opinions and experiences within the MAGA space.

Time: 02:30:55
Unity Through Dialogue Promoting unity through respectful conversations and shared values.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on combat veteran perspectives and experiences.
  • Promotion of America First ideology and values.
  • Discussion on prioritizing healthy living with Whole foods and Vitamin D.
  • Views on unvaccinated status and personal health choices.
  • Emphasis on truth-seeking and continuous learning.
  • Advocacy for individual freedom and personal decisions.
  • Engagement with topics around lifestyle, health, and patriotism.
  • Encouragement for community involvement and dialogue.
  • Balancing traditional values with modern-day challenges.
  • Variety of viewpoints and conversations within the MAGA community.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

Welcome, everybody. Thanks for coming tonight. Thanks, Kundog savvy, for coming up here and being our guest speaker tonight. Thanks, Scott Pressler, for showing up. I appreciate everything you're doing, man. You're a machine, man. I just, I don't know, you know, anybody working harder than you are right now, and hopefully you can hear me on here. But, like, seriously, like, I admire your passion. It's. It's incredible. So thanks for all you do, Scott.

Engagement and Activities

Today was a long day for me. I did. I did some door knocking, went around to a heavy blue district. Not something that I do often because I live in a red district. But I did go into a blue district, knock some doors, got the word out on President Trump and some local candidates and had a good time doing it. Tim, how you doing tonight? I'm doing good. I'm just chilling out up here in Ohio with my dad, watched some of the Ohio State game with him. Just took kind of a screw it day. Today was overcast, and it felt pretty good.

Guests and Elections

Hey, thanks for coming, Scott. Good to see you in here. I see Kimmy just arrived, so I don't know if you see her yet. Jay. Yeah, I just sent her the co host invite. So, Kimmy, how you doing tonight? You can't talk? All right. So tonight, obviously, we're talking about election stuff. We're in the final few weeks of the election. But I wanted to bring somebody up here who has been really working hard on getting President Trump elected and helping us win this November.

Introducing Key Speakers

And I've met her a few times at Trump rallies, and I've seen her from afar, but she's one of the most dedicated people in the state of Georgia for getting President Trump elected. And so for that, I have, you know, the utmost admiration for her because, you know, of how crucial Georgia is. And then we also have Scott Pressler here for Pennsylvania, two of the most critical states, in my opinion, as far as winning this election. We get Georgia and Pennsylvania for President Trump. We're good to go in my, you know, my book.

Special Guests and Their Contributions

And so I see these as the two most critical states. The two were, you know, putting in a bunch of work and getting President Trump elected, getting America first candidates elected is gonna pay big dividends for us in the future. And so that's why I brought up our first guest. And so I'd like to welcome savvy. And she's one of the, well, I'll let her give us her title and then introduce herself. But welcome to stage savvy. Thank you guys so much for having me.

Savvy's Background and Role

Yes, I am. And thank you to Kimmy. And I'm sorry I just followed you. So I don't kuhn something I don't know. Hi. Nice to meet you. Coon dog. Coon dog. Nice to meet you. I'm savvy. Nice to meet you. Savvy. Cool. Yeah. So I am one of President Trump's regional directors in Georgia. Battleground state. Yes. So I am in the northeast region, which is all of Gwinnett county and a lot of like, northeast Georgia.

Dedicating Efforts to Election Integrity

And I will say this real quick before we get any further. I get data from other states, specifically battleground states within our campaign. And Georgia has been number one week after week after week. But very slowly, here comes Pennsylvania. And I just start smiling. I'm like, it's my dude. With the long, gorgeous, flowing hair they beat us this week with. And we had a hell of amount of doors that were knocked over the past week. And now I will say Pennsylvania has 35 more staff than we do.

Taking Action in the 2020 Elections

So, you know, with that being said, Pennsylvania did take over some numbers. It's incredible energy that I'm seeing. That's awesome news to hear. And it's, you know, it seems like a lot of positive happening, but from the people putting in the work, like, it seems like there's a lot more work being put into this election versus the 2020 election. You know, a lot of people were like, oh, President Trump's got this or whatever. You know, we can kind of sit back and coast like we always have and just vote.

Getting Involved and Making a Difference

And we found out that's not the case. So we got to get in there. We got to get involved in both, you know, door knocking, promoting our candidates, but also poll watching, poll working, getting involved in the legal cases and stuff like that. No longer sitting back. We're not going to just coast to the finish line. We're going to put in work. And so we're seeing that with, know Scott and savvy and the things that you're doing.

Personal Journey and Beginnings in Politics

So I, the other part about this is I wanted to hear from you and, you know, what were your background was and then how you came to be involved in this and, you know, where you see it going in the future as far as, like, promoting, you know, presidential candidates from your perspective and from what you've done with the Trump force. 47 yeah, I will, I normally, this is a tough one for me because I do not like to talk about myself, you know, because I will just go ahead and be the first one to put it out there saying, I would not be in the position I am without help from so many incredible people.

Roots and Background in Georgia

So, and I'm sure throughout this story, I will name a lot of them, but, you know, I couldn't do it without them. A lot of them are in the space right now. Yeah. So my background, oh, my gosh, I live in Gwinnett county. Born, raised, still live in Gwinnett county, have my daughter in Gwinnett county. This is my home. And I come from a long line of veterans. I am of the John Adams bloodline. So that patriot sort of blood, I am convinced runs through your veins, you know, for love of God and for love of country.

Influences and Career Path

My dad was in the military. All of the men in my family were veterans. So that's initially where I feel that my patriotism comes from. But I am a banker by trade. I was actually working. It's, let's go back in the time machine. It was October 2001, and for those that have heard this story, I apologize, but they asked me to say it, so I'm saying it. I was driving home from Regents bank in Norcross, Georgia, after September 11, and I heard Donald Trump on AM 750 at around 430.

Captivation and Early Interest in Politics

At that time, Sean Hannity had his radio show. And at the time, if I'm not mistaken, President Trump was, in fact, a Democrat. But with everything that had happened in New York City after September 11, he's the person, you know, the best one to speak to. And, you know, I was captivated. And this is 2001. And I was listening and just intently as to what Donald Trump was saying. And I audibly said in the car by myself, that is my guy.

Commitment to Political Action

That is him. When Sean asked him if he'd ever run for president, you know, he gave a probably a off the cuff little cheeky answer. And I said again, out loud, I said, if that man ever runs for president, I'll do whatever I can do to get him elected, and I will work for him one day, period. End of story. And then I've always been active within my GOP. I've been a member of the Gwinnite GOP since I was able to vote. So that's a long time that, you know, that was, I was 18.

Childhood Experiences and Perspectives

I am not 18 anymore, but, and then, of course, I grew up with, in the households. You always had the news on. And I remember it was, we had just gone into war under the first Bush. It was on a Wednesday. I was in Wednesday night church service, right? And I would, I saw war on tv, and I was just devastated. I'm like, what is this for? This? No, this doesn't make sense. And so growing up, I had always had just a passion.

Understanding Politics and Future Aspirations

And I understand wholesale politics better than the average person. I see things in puzzle pieces that aren't yet put together, but I can see where they're going and I can see what angle this is and I can see what's happening. And that has always fascinated me. So fast forward to 20. Well, the elevator, of course. And I've always been a poll monitor for the party. I've all, I'm a delegate for the state of Georgia. I'm very proud to wear that hat. And I always have had, I always felt like there was a duty for me to serve Georgians, not even necessarily Americans, but my home state.

Involvement in Local Politics and Campaigns

And so back in 2016, of course, when the boss came down, you know, when he won, and he won by a landslide, I was just over the moon. And then I started seeing certain things within the party that I wasn't necessarily a fan of. Then fast forward, you know, and just taking notes. And at this same time, I was helping legislatures, you know, with prison reform, talking to former felons that have now gotten out and getting their experiences and then doing roundtables and, you know, relaying the data and the information back to legislatures to work on prison reform.

Transition to National Engagement and Efforts

Very, always very active in my community. And then 20. Yeah, so 2020 came Covid. And one thing I didn't like that I started seeing in around 2018 was american flags were disappearing from front doors. And I'm like, huh, okay, I don't like that. What's going on? Because anyone that truly knows me, my house is plastered with american flags. I will tear up. Oh, gosh, you know anything? Well, Justin knows. I mean, he saw me this past weekend and I started noticing that.

Grassroots Movements and Mobilization

And then of course, you know, summer of love came and then everyone's flags went away. And I was like, no, no, this isn't gonna fly. So I was the organizer of MAGA drag the interstate. I didn't have a boat, right? So I couldn't be a part of all the boat parades. But I was like, dan, a lot of people got some cars. So I started organizing the patriotic car rallies in Georgia. And then it went regional and then it was nationwide. And those were fantastic.

Successful Car Rallies and Further Actions

The first one was September 2020. I had 300 cars show up. October rally was about 1000 cars. And then the last rally two days before the election was over 4000 cars. And I'd always said, man, it'd be awesome. To Magadrack to a Trump rally. And then he announced he was coming to Rome. I'm like, oh, hell, yes. But throughout this, you know, little journey up until that point, I had really started becoming even more involved within the party. Getting to know my local state candidates, you know, that are under the gold dome every day, learning who the major players were, watching interactions, looking at legislation, looking at who passed legislation, looking at voting history, and just taking all of these notes.

The Importance of Doing Their Job

You know, we need them to do their job. Even if you don't like them. He's in the. He's in the seat right now, and that's. There's nothing else we can do about that. So, you know, we just need him to do. Do his job. Go ahead, Barbie. I was just gonna say I agree with you 100%. Like, I loathe Kemp. I think he hates Trump. And I'm pretty sure what happened in 2020 was 100%. He was 100% on board with that. I'm not saying he orchestrated that, but he was on board with that, and he looked the other way. But you're right. The fighting, we all need to get on the same team. I just want to make sure people remember when this is all said and done, like, who your enemies are and who they're gonna continue to be. You know what I'm saying? Like, we can all get along. We can all elect Trump, and if they all want to fall in line behind America first agenda and all of the things that Trump offers, great. I'm all for it. I think we can all think Kumbaya, but if they think they're gonna fall in line temporarily and then continue to run the show, that's what, once this election is over, I think is a bad idea. That's how we got derailed last term, you know.

Agreement on Political Dynamics

Oh, you're, you know, you're absolutely correct. And, like Savvy said, it's. It's all politics. So we just kind of have to all get along, do what's right for our country, and move on, continue to get Trump, try to get Trump elected, put him in that White House, and really, that's all that matters. Seriously, that's all that matters right now. I'm glad they're buddies, actually, for now, unity is on the ballad. Most definitely not joy. Right. But unity. All right, we got a couple other hands up here, so let's. Let's go to trash first. You've had your hand up for a little bit. Go ahead. Yeah, yeah. Hey, guys. Sav, they threw me a mic. I couldn't resist. I had to come up. I know it. My man. That's right. That's right. Look, look, I want to go. I want to kind of answer all of these conversations with it, with something that I've been paying attention to from more of, like, the non political. I don't know how you describe whatever LaNe I'm in. I'm in a very different lane than in retail politics, not even wholesale politics. You asked a question. Insurrection, Barb. You said, why would all these governors take so long?

Concerns on Establishment Republicanism

And because of everything that was mentioned here that they were not America first. They prefer establishment Republicanism would be their brand of tea. And we know how, like, the political mafia operates in Georgia. We know how they operate in Kentucky with Mitch McConnell. We know how they operate in Arizona here, where I'm Athenae in Maricopa county with the ex McCain people, the non man titties, Bill Gates guy who created a pack with Democrats here to defeat Kerry Lake. We understand how all this works, and we understand how they rigged the system of voting here in Arizona, Maricopa county, because these were the establishment squish Republicans that weren't really Republicans. They were just part of the establishment machine. And you're asking, why so long? Why did it take so long? Glenn Youngkin has always had his finger in the right direction for, I believe, a purple state of Virginia. He refused the endorsement from Trump and earned it his own way. I think that was his only path to victory. And I think that Glenn Youngkin has done wonders for not only education in the state of Virginia, but for election integrity. I think Glenn Youngkin has been a net positive in Virginia. And I think that you should look to Virginia for a bellwether in this election coming up.

Analysis of Voter Rolls and Political Relevance

And I also think that him purging those rolls when it wasn't politically advantageous was actually another brilliant move, in my opinion. And you're asking the question you asked, why did all of these republican governors take so long to take action to purge their voter rolls? Because I think that all of these people, whether they like America first or not, and we know they don't, the trend, the big mo, the trend is moving to a direction where I, they can't even actually resuscitate the establishment republican system that they've been in for so long. Therefore, their only conclusion is, we got to get on board with America first or we're going to be completely politically irrelevant and these people are going to take us out. What they don't understand about America first is that we don't forget. And just because we have to play nice and get along with Kemp, to be fair, I've left off of Kemp. I got to go after Raffensperger quite a bit. And me and my friends over at oversight project, we go after Raffensperger quite a bit, and Raffi is on the ballot. Like, Raffi is not the same caliber as Kemp. But Kemp went on Sean Hannity and he said, no, I'm throwing my support behind Donald Trump. That was a capitulation. That was the beginning of when the trend started to move towards America first and Trump probably going to win.

Reflection on Political Strategy

And so what you're seeing, in my opinion, is a lot of people who are trying to remain politically relevant past 2025, they are realigning. And so, like, well, we better do this. We better get on board with this. And meanwhile, like these hop in there with that and add that to it. Aaron. No, no, you're fine. This will be quick. You're 100% right about this, because Kemp is now positioning, more than likely it's going to run for Senate. You have Raffensberger that is mostly going to run for like, ag or something, dog catcher. He should. But that is a wonderful statement that you make, Aaron, because that is how they're able to stay relevant. And if, you know, if you notice a certain trend when you're, when you are for President Trump, man, you get notoriety. But what happens when you turn against Trump? You get more notoriety and then, you know, your stock rises between the, you know, within the consultant class or your donor class. because that's not, they don't align right with blue collar. They're more of these elitist groups. but they're positioning for something else. Sorry, continue, Aaron.

The Broadway Kick

And like, he even did like that Broadway kick at that one where they lined up all the wives and the husbands and dug em off and everything else he did. Like that. That Broadway kick. Listen, Sav is a big fan of bro. I know she is. Especially Hamilton. I'm not dogging it. I'm just saying if you're going to try to paint the picture that Tim Waltz is a manly man, maybe don't do the Rockettes kick at the end of your rally. Right? Save those for the stage, Timothy. Jazz hands. They wouldn't even allow jazz. They wouldn't even allow jazz hands. At the debate, I was like, damn, we can't even have some jazz hands. Even if we're quiet in the audience, we can't even do the jazz hands. You look like Elmer Fudd out there today. That's what it reminded me of. Exactly. It's a great meme. I saw it, too, man. He looked exactly like Elmer Fudd.

The Outfits

He had the hat on. He had the assless chaps, as if he was going to go, like, do, like, the nightly variety at the greenbrier gay bar. He was going to show up in his ass. Listless chaps. Like, you couldn't be less manly than. Did you hear him talking to the dog, too? Trash. That was hysterical. No, the dog hates him. Did you see that? The dog's like, get the hell away from me. He tried to pick up a dog like it was a cat and hold it like it was a cat. I'm like, have you ever seen a dog, bro? What are you doing? Can we agree, though, that tampon Tim can now be converted to max he pad Tim off of that pad comment. Oh, I need this pad for my poor shoulder. I just.

Misleading Statements

I mean, that was. He said he needed the pad for his shoulder because he's getting older because of the recoil. Right? But he also said, I got this because I'm starting shooting trap, which is clay pigeons, which you use birdshot. You don't use buckshot. You don't use deer slugs, which are the only recoil that you're going to get from a shotgun, not from a birdshot. And, like, the whole thing is a lie. Like, the whole fucking thing is so manufactured and stupid and fake and gay. I did. I did post it down the purple pill. The video of him trying to load the gun and everything. Oh, my God. It's down in the purple fill pill.

Election Influence

If you all want to see it again. It's like they're trying to make us win. It's like they are actively trying to put Donald Trump in the White House. Please, whoever their strategist is, please continue to do your work because you are killing it. Thank you. Yo, like, you got Obama yelling at black people saying, you guys are not black. You're not Americans if you don't. He looks rough. Rough like he woke up. It's so bad. But, sav, what would you tell Tim Waltz as a woman of the south, when you wanted to insult them but be polite? You would say, bless your. Bless your heart. Mm. Yeah. No, he.

Rallies and Engagement

He. This was a good Saturday, wasn't it? It was fantabulous. I mean, and then we had Trump doing two rallies today. He did two today, right? He was. Yeah. Coachella. Yeah. He's doing every day until election day. So the boss is busy. I will see him at the end of the day. I will see. It's all going to come down. I'm sorry, trash. Anyway, I'll see him tomorrow. I'm in. I'm in Arizona. I'm in Scottsdale. So, like, I'm going to go up to Prescott Valley. He's going to be here tomorrow. I will be there and go see the boss. Go ahead. At the end of the day, this whole thing is going to come down to turnout.

The Focus on Turnout

That's all it's going to come down to. It comes down to enthusiasm. It comes down to turnout. You know, when you consider the trending right now, as far as people switching from Democrats, Republican versus Republican to Democrat, it happens to be very strongly favoring going, switching over toward Republican. And that reflects a certain enthusiasm in the country to vote for Trump. We need to make sure everyone is going to get out there. That's ultimately what this all comes down to. You need to not just make sure you vote, you need to make sure everyone, your family votes. You need to get your neighbors to vote. You need to get your friends and your cousins to go out there and vote.

Even Non-battleground States Matter

And don't think, oh, I'm not a battleground state. Let me tell you something. Every freaking state is a battleground right now. Every single stinking one. I live in New Jersey. I want to take New Jersey, okay? I don't care about New Jersey. Never won New Jersey. And God knows how long I want to take freaking New Jersey. I want to see New York. Because you know what? There's a lot of black men who are coming out now for Trump. I want to see him. I want to see him. I want to see him take New York. They say that. They say that Oregon or, I don't know if it's Oregon.

The Push for Maximum Votes

I don't even care how you pronounce it. That thing is in freaking play, okay? There's a lot of states in play. I don't want this to be something that we ink out, that we managed to sort of eke out and get 280 electoral votes. No, I want to get 380 electoral votes. I want this to be like, wow, is it going to crack 400 or not? That's how badly I want this thing to dominate. The only way that, the only way that happens is we go out there and vote because everyone recognizes this woman is not fit to be president. No one ever thought she was fit to be president.

Voting for Change

No one's ever voted for her because, and every time she tries showing that she has some sort of capacity to do something, it blows up in her face. And her freaking vice president pick is even worse as answer somehow than she is. So we need to basically tell everyone that you don't want to know something. I don't care what color they are, I don't care what gender they are. I don't care what their orientation is. I don't care what the gender is. Get them out there and vote. The more people that vote, the more people, the more the landslide.

Fighting against Election Fraud

This freaking thing is going to be the only way we can ensure that these crooked people who we know are going to try and steal this election eleven ways to Sunday. The only way we can ensure that the numbers are too high for them to actually even have any chance of thinking about having success in that realm is if the voting ballots are coming in and pouring in and waning in like it's freaking Hurricane Milton multiplied by every freaking hurricane you've ever seen before war. And I'm trying to like, disparage or like, make light of those situations. I understand circumstances.

Mobilization and Anxiety

My point is that we need to be waning in ballots over and over and over again. Get everyone out there and this will be, I'm telling you now, this is not going to be like somebody he's going to eke out 270. He will be over 300, 350 electoral votes we can get out there. I want to see him get freaking 90 million votes. I want to see 100 million votes. That's what I want to see for this guy. 300. Oh, I've missed a good logic rant from you. One more thing. If you're watching right now, I'm reaching each and every one of you. This, this panel, this, the host here put together a freaking rock star patent panel here.

Acknowledgment of Voices

You should be following the hosts already. Okay? But if you're not following insurrection Barbie, I don't know what's wrong with you. If you're not recognizing the value that diligent Denizen is doing, running all over the freaking country trying to wake people up, and you're not following him. There's something wrong with you. You're not following trash discourse who actually inspires me to think in ways that few other people can. I don't know what's wrong with you? If you're not following Margaret Tyler Green, what's wrong with you? You're not following the political satin patriot savvy. What's wrong with you? Make sure you're following these people.

Resources and Education

Make sure when they have spaces that you come, they're going to jump in there because you're going to get a lot of information that you're not going to find elsewhere. 100%. How is savvy even still awake? Good logic. Like, how is she even still awake? Like, you are, like, 3 hours past your bedtime as he mic drops and drops off. No, I am. What are you doing? I am fading fast, Justin. I will tell you that, because I do go so hard in the paint, walk a fuck, a flame. I don't. I will fall asleep very fast.

Engagement and Participation

So I have maybe, like, five minutes left of me, and then I got to bounce because I got to get to up and do it all again tomorrow, seven days a week and. Hey, savvy, are you going to the Duluth rally by shout out to the mic drop just now? That's right. I sure am going. Yes, I will be working that. I'm working the Cobb rally on Tuesday, then he's coming back on Friday, and then he'll be in Gwinnett the following week. So I will be all around. Yes, I'll see you at the Duluth rally.

Community and Connection

It'll be good to see you again. Heck, yeah. That'd be awesome. I'd like to see. Hi, Liz. I just want to welcome you to the stage. We'd love to hear from you. Thank you for inviting me. The snow Mexican is here. I just want to remind everybody how important it is to get out and vote this November. This is the most consequential and historic election, not just in American history, but in our world's history. And I will extend on what the previous person said.

The Importance of Engagement

It is important not to just take yourself, your friends, your family, your neighbors out to vote down ballot all Republican. If Trump is not elected, we will not be having a conversation on this platform in a month. We all know that this platform will be shut down. Elon will likely be arrested, and so will we. That's how this regime works. We've seen it happen over the last four years. They've shown us what they're going to do. So if they resume power, then everybody gets bankrupt and sent to prison. It's really that simple.

Resilience and Responsibility

Unfortunately for them, we have strength in numbers. Strength in numbers simply means that everybody gets out and fucking votes. Because when President Trump says Kamala Harris is retarded, he fucking means it, because she's fucking retarded. I can't stress this enough that somebody as stupid as her holding the top office in the world is nothing but a laughing stock. China and Russia will obliterate America the next day for selfish reasons. I'm going to say fuck you cannot let Trump not win, because if you guys go down, then I fall the next day.

Party Unity

That's how this works. Trump is the only candidate that can pull you out of the shit, show that you're in the only person, without a doubt. So with saying that, I have unwavering loyalty towards President Trump and whoever he supports right now, because the situation is that dire, it's literally over. If Harris stays in office and Obama seeks his fourth term. Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. Yeah. The guy that looks like he's aged 100 years because he knows that if Trump resumes office, he's fucked big time.

Whistleblower Insights

So there's a lot of people saying they're worried about going to prison. Well, they should be, right? So I can't stress it enough. Ensure you vote and support this platform. Not just get people to vote, but also ensure that everybody signs up for an account on this platform. That's the only way. Bypass the media, sign up for an account here, you're hearing strictly from the people, not from anyone else, and you vote. That's all you have to do.

Call to Action

So saying that, good luck from Canada. You've got this, guys. I really feel the momentum. I think that after four years of slavery, hell, and outright communism, people have had enough. And I don't think people want more of this. Because if America falls, then the whole world falls. And that's the reality. Have a nice night, everyone. Now just smashing it with these speakers tonight.

Rallying the Troops

Good job, jhans, Kimberly and Coondog. And, you know, Liz is 1000% correct. Next two weeks, that's all we need to focus on, is getting Trump in the White House. We've got to get him in the White House. That needs to be our focus. That's it. Nothing else. I know there's so many more issues to be, for us to be talking about and discussing, but that is the most important topic right now for the next two.

Time is of the Essence

What is it? Two weeks? Three weeks? I know early voting has already started. 24. 24 days. Oh, my God. So a little over three weeks. We've got to get him in the White House. Nothing is more important. Nothing. We cannot live with this current regime any longer. We can't. It's very scary. Very crazy, mental, whatever you want to say about it's just very, very scary.

Building Community Engagement

So, okay, anybody else? Let's go to silent. Go ahead, silent. Can I throw something in the jumbotron? Of course. Hey, diligent. What's up, brother? What's up, bro? Oh, man. Shoot. Been working today. Trump Force 47 was today. We had a. Speaking of, if anybody in the space tonight is not signed up for Trump Force 47, please do.

Informative Calls

So I was on a call today with Trump Force 47. We had Sid Miller, our architect, dang it, agricultural commissioner in Texas, on the call today. And he was actually at the Butler, Pennsylvania rallies, both of them. One when they tried to kill Trump, and the other one when Trump went back and said, shoved it right back in their face and said, I'm not scared of you, like what a real man would do. So.

Action and Intent

And that was really cool, listening to that call. It was a Zoom call. But the biggest thing about what we talked about today on Trump Force 47 was not only activate yourself, but activate all your neighbors and your friends and talk to them about what they want to see in their lives the next four years. Because if we don't win, like Liz said earlier, she's right. We've heard it all from many people in a lot of spaces.

The Urgency of Voting

If we don't win this election, we're all fucked. So I think the biggest thing that we all ought to do, what you can do tomorrow, do it tonight. Get on Trump Force 47 tonight, sign up and there's a leader in your state that will send you some stuff on email, and you can get involved. A lot of it's Zoom calls and things like that, but it gives you guidance on what you can do to help your local community and bring awareness.

Community Awareness

Tonight, I was on a space earlier with Isaiah Washington, and it was all black. I was only white guy in there, and that's okay. But the black vote is strong. It's probably 30, 40% I'm seeing in my precinct. In my precinct, I run out here, I got 3200 people in my precinct. All the, all the black vote is Trump. I can tell you that. And some of the other guys and other precincts, I've talked to an executive meeting last month.

Movement Momentum

It's tremendous, the movement, because they've all realized that. And most of them say this, look, both parties don't support them, so they're moving their own direction, but they're all moving for Trump, right? So it's a big movement. It's like a huge wave. It's like a tidal wave for Trump. Trump's tidal wave is what I call it. And it's coming. And we got 24 days.

Public Sentiment

So right now, and this is the last thing I'm gonna say, people going to remember the last thing they saw, right? So if you continue to put that in people's faces, your waiters, waitresses, bartender, hotel clerk, guys at Kentucky fried chicken, talk to them about it and just say, hey, are you better off than you were four years ago. And they'll tell you, no, I'm not. Okay, what are you going to do about it?

Motivation to Vote

Well, I'm going to go vote. Okay, good. And then some of them say, what can I do about it? And then you have to direct them and say, you need to go vote. Okay. If they register to vote right now, it's too late to register, so that's over with. But. Or at least in Texas. But anyway, great space tonight, guys. Thanks, Hans, for the mic.

Positive Closing Thoughts

Thanks, everybody, for speaking. I'm going to listen for a while. Thank you. Silent. Thanks for being here. Hey, and I just, Tiffany, I just wanted to say, I think I'm gonna have to bow out now because my eyes are literally shutting. Yeah, I was gonna give you a send off and I really gave it all I got. I really do.

Historical Context

I think I'm so thankful for each and every one in this space for taking the time out on your. What day is it? Is it Saturday night to hang out, giving some love to our awesome host and co host in the entire panel. This is it. This is a final battle, guys. And yeah, we hear President Trump say that very often, but it is very true.

Resistance Against Socialism

You know, it's easy to fall into a socialist, communist agenda, and there's only one way out of it. We don't want that. So keep pushing. You will bleed. I said this in Erin's space earlier. You will literally cry. You will be sleep deprived, you'll be nutrition deprived, you will bleed. I've done it all literally and figuratively, but we've made it this far.

The Path to Victory

We got 24 days until we get to reap the benefits of saving the country. So take with that what you will, but I'm just incredibly proud to know each and every one of you that's in the speaker spot, but a lot listening as well. And I just, I am honored to fight along this fight with each and every one of you. I couldn't get to where I was, to where I am if it weren't for a lot of people in these spaces.

Vision and Positivity

And I'm just so incredibly proud and honored to be here with you guys. And I just, I really appreciate it. Savvy, can I just respond to something? You just separate everything. A lot of what Trump is saying about how if he doesn't win, disaster is around the corner. And a couple of people on the panel here have said the same thing.

Future Outlook

And I agree 100% at this juncture with there being like three and a half weeks left until the election. I think we need to start going beyond just talking about how terrible it will be if he loses and start talking about how amazing it will be when he wins, instead of focusing on the negative of, oh, my God forbid if he loses, what a nightmare America is going to be and how we're going to lose our country potentially forever.

Historical Context

That type of doom and gloom, I don't think that motivates people to come out as much as the reality is that when we, over the last 16 years, twelve years, we've had a Democrat in control, and none of them have been good economic years, not a single one. The only three years we've had that have been any good economically in the last 16 years has been when we had the first three years of Donald Trump.

Promoting Economic Prosperity

Do you want feast? Do you want famine? He's shown he knows what he's doing. He actually has multiple plans for how to actually get our economy back on track, which the best that Kamala tries doing is she tries emulating them, a couple of them here and there, because she has no visual thought and no actual intention of actually carrying through on them.

Vision for the Future

And she has some ridiculous plans like the price gouging things of that nature. We need to start focusing on how America is just months away from actually turning the corner into having a financial boon, and all we need to do is just go out there and vote. That sort of messaging is so much more powerful than just saying it will be terrible if, in fact, he loses.

Positive Messaging

I think we, I think that we who actually carry some sort of level of influence need to start picking up the banner and start pointing out all the amazing ideas that he's thrown out there as to what he wants to implement. For example, the new thing he threw out in Detroit last week where he said that, he said he wants to make tax deductible payment for your interest on cars that you're purchasing.

Innovative Policies

What a genius idea. This is how that could reinvigorate the American, especially if you apply it only to American bought, American made cars. How that instead of having tariffs, now all of a sudden, now you're helping people, encouraging them to buy American, and also starting to reinvigorate the economy. All the plans that he has in order to help free up and free up our pipelines and get fewer, more affordable, we have to start talking about how America is just months away from actually coming back to the healthy economic times we saw during the first three years of his presidency.

Empowering Americans

That sort of stuff. When you talk, when you look at Americans who, because of this stupid freaking body, nomics, can't afford to go out there and pay by groceries, can't fill up their car with gas, can't buy it, have no aspirations of everybody else, buy a home. And God help us if any president ever implemented the $25,000, $25,000 plan that she has, which would just drive up the price of housing, be such a freaking disaster.

The Trump Effect

But if we could actually start reminding Americans that, hey, we're just a few months away from actually having really great economic times, that will, I think, help motivate people, saying, you know what? I'm tired of this whole situation. I'm tired of trying to figure out how I'm going to pay next month's rent because I can't, I certainly can't go out there and buy a house, and I'm tired of trying to figure out how I'm going to feed my kids next month and God forbid if I'm going to lose my job and instead start fixating on the fact that economic prosperity is around the corner.

Call to Action

Your job is one thing. Just go out there and vote, and he will help bring you back. Economic gross prosperity. That's how we can get people to go out into the ballots. That's where we get our 90 million votes. That's how we get a landslide election win. Yeah, dude, you're killing it there. That's absolutely right. Like, honestly, from the influencer perspective, like, we need to start pushing exactly what you're saying, because that is inspiring, you know, the doom and gloom or whatever.

Vision for Change

That's. That's based on fear or whatever. This is inspirational because we have a chance to fix this like we. We straight up do. And all we got to do is just put in a little work now, get the people out there and do real things. And that's. That's why, you know, Tiffany dropped out or whatever. I was hoping to say goodbye to her, but, you know, this was the number one space on X.

Grassroots Efforts

Why? Because she's out there kicking ass. She's out there making shit happen. She's getting things done. She's not fucking sitting, you know, in sulking or anything like that. She's out there kicking ass and getting things done. And people love that. And so it's inspiring to see someone like her, and it's. It. Oh, thank you for coming back. It's inspiring to see someone out like you know, doing things out there, doing real things.

Collaboration and Unity

And we see you on the front lines every single day. And I appreciate you coming. I know it's way past your bedtime. I'm sorry. But you are the number one space on X tonight, and it's because you're out there kicking ass. So I appreciate you coming so much. Oh, my gosh. The honor is all mine. I'm not even joking. Just to be, like I said, just to be able to be in a group of such wonderful, patriotic Americans that are doing all they know how to do to fight for our country.

Future Events

I mean, it's, the energy is palpable, and it's. I'm just, I'm honored. So thank you for having me. Anytime you can come to our spaces anytime you want to and come here, and hopefully we're going to have a victory party here in a couple weeks. We can have a Georgia victory party. And, yeah, we're gonna celebrate all this hard work that you know, all these people are putting in. And thank you so much for coming tonight.

Election Coverage

You're so welcome. Yes, and I will see y'all. Thank you so much, savvy. So nice to meet you, hun. It's so nice to meet you, too. Oh, and we'll be having actually election night coverage, right, Jaydeh? We're gonna, yeah, we're gonna be doing that. I believe we're gonna be up all day and all night. Right, Jay?

Engagement and Preparedness

Yeah. Yeah, Jake. Jay has an under control. Right. I am. I will be at tabulation centers. I'm a statewide pole monitor. So if something goes awry anywhere in the state, I'll be in my car on my way. So I will go ahead and commit to be able to pop in here when I can and give you any updates, you know, as I can on election day. So I will do that.

Collaborative Efforts

Yep. I'm working, I'm working the poll that day, too. I, like said, you know, today I'm shifting gears. So today I was knocking doors. Probably tomorrow I'm gonna be knocking doors, too. And then next week, I'm gonna be working the polls for early voting in Georgia. So trying to do a little bit of everything, so. And then doing spaces.

Community Initiatives

We also. Did you want to reset the space there, Kimmy, when Savvy's on her way out? Trump 2024. Sleep well. Have fun tomorrow. Good night, guys. Bye. And, Jay, we appreciate you, too. Everything that you're doing, getting up at six and door knocking in the blue areas of your state. And for those of you that don't know Jay quit his full time job to work for Trump Force 47, which is amazing here, where I live in my county.

Community Engagement

They don't even offer those types of positions because I'm in a very red county in California. So they're like, no, we don't need. They barely respond just because of where I live. I mean, I'm thankful. I live in a very red county in California. California. But, yeah, that's awesome. Jay, you are doing awesome work as well. Everybody in this space is doing awesome work. Gosh, I'm just so thrilled to be here with all of you.

Space Reset

Thank you so much. Okay, let's reset the space. Sorry, I was start. I started to ramble. All right, everybody, please go down to the pill. Right hand corner. Retweet the space. Quote, tweet the space as many times as you want. The more you quote tweet. We will retweet your quote tweet so we get it to the top of the algorithm.

Creating Reach

That really helps get some more people in here. This has been a fantastic space, and we don't want people to miss out. You know, they. I mean, savvy is amazing. She's gorgeous. She's amazing. She's smart. She's got everything it takes. Oh, gosh. To be that close to Trump, I would kill for it.

Acknowledgment of Influence

You know how much we all love him in here and just so thankful that she was our guest speaker tonight. So please share out the space. Thank you so much, guys. I was gonna say, I was walking around my dad's neighborhood today, talking to some seniors, and I got a bunch of them to. I helped them create x accounts today, and they got on here, and they're gonna start following Trump and doing some stuff on here, too.

Paving the Way for Changes

They. There was one common theme about pretty much every single one of them I talked to. They said, we can't afford not to have Trump where we don't make enough money anymore. So I think we've got the senior community definitely on board with Trump, 100% and in. In large numbers. That's kind of. You know what I say, coon dog? I say you drive them to the polls while you're there in Ohio.

Commitment to Action

Oh, I absolutely will. Yeah. I'm. Any of them that need a ride, especially if they're seniors. Yeah, I mean, that's. That'd be awesome. Yeah. I mean, I'm not trying to be pushy or anything, just, you know, making a suggestion. No, no, I actually offered to a couple of them. There's a guy named Tip. I took him to the hospital the other day, actually, but, he.

Continued Support

I'll probably take him if he needs a ride. And then Ruth, just like, say, hey, we're going on and we're going on a trip. We're going to. We're going to vote. Even if it's early voting, you know, that was probably the most important thing to do, especially elderly like to welcome cash up to the stage. And Mike. Hello, guys. How are you?

Community Engagement

And Carmen, how are you? Good. What's up? I was listening to space. I came in late, and so I kind of caught the tail end of it. I didn't catch the main speaking, but I heard a lot towards the end about how important this election is. And one of the things we always talk about, it seems like every election cycle is how big a deal this is and how could be the last one.

The Dangers of Complacency

I don't know. The general public, if they realize how close to communism we are, it's. We are one lesson away. And if anyone doubts that, just look at what happened with the Democrats tried to do with this last administration where you remember Mary Poppinse and remember her singing the praises of communism, of misinformation and disinformation, basically silencing your opponents.

The Federal Government Tactics

We lose our free speech. That's it. Next, they take away guns and then there is no more voting. We're going to look exactly like Venezuela does when they try to vote him out and he takes all the machines and shoots anyone that disagrees with them. We are that close right now. And so I think that America is finally waking up.

The Refugees Perspective

And one of the parts of is really helping us is the people who have come here legally from, like, South America. Not the legal invasion, but the legal ones. And they survived communism. They saw how dangerous is. I had an opportunity not too long ago where I was able to interview she van fleet, who escaped Mao's communism.

Personal Observations

And she saw it here. And she really opened up my eyes to reading her book. There was one statement she made that has stuck with me since I've read it. And she, what she basically said was that the communist utopia is a myth. It is an awe, is an abject lie that the utopia, all it is that the ones who have power, they get all have nothing.

Historical Context of Communism

And wars combined them and they have not killed as many people as communism has. It is the biggest threat to our way of life, period. And when people talk about, like, how do we combat this earlier? It is important to talk about the danger. But they are right. They don't want to stick to it. Right.

Influence and Empathy

So the basic idea of influence in leadership is that you first have to have authority, and then you have to have empathy, and you have to have both, or you have to be able to relate to people, and then you have to say that, I've been there, and this is how you can walk through it. And so it is important to talk about the danger, but that should be the smaller part.

Focus on the Future

The bigger part than we talk about is what happens when we win. You know, what's. What's the shining hill? What's the castle? What's the blue skies? What does it look like? What does the victory look like? And that really should be the most amount of time spent. but you, but people need to know the danger.

Energy Independence

So when we talk about Trump and what he's pushing for to make our lives better, is that one of the things he's going to do is drill, baby, drill. If we get energy dependent again like were under Trump and if we had been on more, if he had a second term, nothing that the problems that we're facing today would exist.

Positive Projections

Not a single one. Of the damage that Kamala's done our country, we would. We would have much lower prices. The inflation never would have hit us. None of Russia never would have made it. Ukraine, Iran would not be, or Israel would not pushing us into a war with Iran. We could have.

Reflection on 2020

We were so close. And then, unfortunately, 2020, it was stolen. I guess we don't have to pretend not to say that anymore. Thanks to Elon Musk purchasing X, we actually have one space. We can speak the truth. And so that's. That's what America looks like if Trump comes back, is first we handle energy in, and then second, we secure a border and we deport the illegal immigration.

Voting and Representation

Part of that's not talked about enough is the illegal invasion is votes for Democrats. There's two parts to that. There's one where the House of Representatives, where they're doing by census, right? And we don't, they don't have any id for our census, and so they just count heads. And I think I saw a report not too long ago where California will lose 20 seats without illegal immigrants.

Representation and Power

I mean, think about that. We have a one seat majority in the house right now. Imagine what that would do to the federal government. And so I'm kind of apologizing. I'm throwing a lot of information all at once. But this is our last opportunity to save our country. If Kamala gets in and she's an empty puppet for the deep state, our first amendment will go away.

The Risk of Communism

Then our second amendment will go away, and then it's communism. We are that close. But we are fortunate right now because we have the opportunity to stop this with the vote. We have the knowledge right now, we can vote to stop communism. But once you're in communism, it takes a revolution to escape it.

Final Affirmations

There is no voting your way out. It's guns. So we're not there yet. That's the good news. And hopefully enough people, and I think they have enough people have woken up that we can stop it, and we can vote our way out, and we can do what America is supposed to be, is the greatest country this world has ever known, where there's more opportunity than there's ever been before.

Celebrating Success

You look at our country where we have millionaires, and 90% of them are first generation. I don't know how many people are aware of that most people who are wealth in this country started from nothing and built their wealth in a single generation. That is because of our constitution and because of our capitalism.

The American Dream

That is our way of life. That is why America has done more to advance civilization than any other civilization has done in history. America is the reason why people rode horses for 10,000 years, and now we're on the verge of flying cars. I mean, Elon Musk is probably going to have us being like the Jetsons in just five years.

Communism Threat

It is through capitalism, and it's very important to people that realize this. I agree that we need to tell people that the dangers of communism, I think that'd be a huge mistake. Not to talk about the risk, but we need to spend most of our time talking about how great our country is and what it looks like if we.

Opportunities for Growth

If we do not give up our rights. Because the idea of free stuff always leads to slavery 100% of the time. And so this is. This is our chance to say that this is the hard path. The hard path is working for yourself, but the reward is freedom. And that is worth more than anything else you could possibly imagine.


So thank you for letting me speak. Thank you, cash, and thank you, Marjorie, for the sound effects. Always there to support. Appreciate you. So, we got. We got some hand requests up here or mic requests up here. Does anybody on the panel have any. Anything they want to say before we kind of rotate some people through? Thanks for having me up.

Appreciation for Efforts and Love for America

I really enjoy listening to you guys. You know, I truly love America. I do. I do. And I really have. There's a special place in my heart for the people that are sacrificing everything to fix it and to ensure that it remains free the way it was always meant to be and not be taken over by the communists. And I really appreciate those that have sacrificed so much to fight these bastards, you know, in court, out of court, and at the voting booth. So with that, thank you so much. Thank you so much for coming up. Liz, we greatly appreciate you. And she is right. She is right. Even though, you know, I don't care what the polls say at this point, we got to get Trump elected. We got to get Trump elected. 35, 40 per, 40 points up. That's what we need to beat the cheat. Too big, too rigged, in my opinion. We need to beat at least 30 points up.

Voting Importance and Local Engagement

So even if you hear that, you know, Trump might be winning the polls or what, it doesn't matter what the polls say right now. You have to vote and we have to get him into the White House. That's all that matters. Okay, let's go to David. Nice to see you, David. How are you? Well, I'm not as cute as you, and I'm old, but what we're doing here is, and I live in Fargo, North Dakota. For those who don't know and those who don't care, we've got, I think it's five drivers for each nursing home gonna assisted or that's about the only ones that end up going. And we've also gone to all our apartment buildings and put a bill in the door. Now, it's not supposed to be there, but it's there anyhow.

Community Engagement and Efforts to Vote

And it'll be there the day before the vote. But we’re trying to get them to early vote as much as possible, and all I have to do is request a ballot. So we’re trying to go to each of the nursing homes assisted and talk to them about this because they’ll let us have a room and talk to the people. And we’re trying to go to all the apartment buildings in the city, which is a way too many apartments for place. That’s only 230,000 people, but we’re trying to go to all of them and set up rides for all of them. I think there’s 120 drivers, and most of them are old farts like me. So we old guys show up and vote. You know, I voted in every election of my lifetime, and I’ve been a poll watcher in everyone. I’ve been the county judge of polls four or five times. And I just know that if you don’t do it doesn’t get done.

Reflections on Political Engagement

And so we’ve worked with Doug out, Doug, our trusty governor, who’s fairly good. I mean, he’s a kind of a weird duck, but he may be the homeliest duck in the presidential race originally, but he’s funny and he’s incredibly smart. Obviously, he sold his outfit to Microsoft for 1.2 billion. That’s quite a few bucks. So he’s working within the state to try and, you know, and this is a very red, red state, and we only have three people, so we’re doing the best we can in our state. And thanks for doing what you guys doing. And I’ll drop down, let somebody that really wants to get up and say something important. So thank you to Jay, Kimmy, and Kundog and all the rest of you that are in here.

Discussion on Community Efforts

She was a very nice young lady I had speaking there was Trump supporter there, and so it’s fun to listen to you guys. And every once in a while I learned something. You know, hey, if David can do it, we can all do it. He is a Vietnam vet and he is one of our new best friends. We love David. If David can go out there and do this stuff, we can all do it. We can all do it. I’m doing the texting thing. That’s what I’m doing. That’s what I have time to do because it’s my very busy season for my business. Hopefully should be the next few months. The holidays are always pretty good for me, but I’ve been doing a lot of, like, first that I go on the Scott Pressler app and just do the texting.

Opportunities for Action and Engagement

There's many options. Door knocking, calling, postcard. Probably too late to do postcards, I would think. And calling, texting, and door knocking. So there’s all. You know, there’s a whole bunch of stuff we could all be doing. And if David can do it, we can all do it. I’m telling you. Right, David? Okay. You mind taking a break? No, I wasn’t taking a break. I had to hit the mic, you know, and you get old. I’m 76, dear. Yeah, you don’t. You don’t act like it. You’re always up late partying with all of us. Go, David Peel at the bottom of the last slope. That’s not good. But I bet you’re in great shape.

Community Support and Personal Stories

Am I right? Reasonably good for having 218 inch rods in the back with 24 three inch screws. I know. Who would put that in you when you were sleeping? Oh, my God. He could have done a little lipo. I’ve gained, like, ten pounds. Love you, my butt. Then I’d have been. My pants would have stayed up better, right? Anyhow, you kids keep working on this because what you’re doing is more than important in my lifetime. Anyhow. Well, thank you so much, David. We love you so much. We do need to get to some more hands. Let’s go ahead and go to. Carmen, did you have anything to say before I go to silent welcome?

Appreciating Community Connections

Carmen. You got up. You came up. We can. Maybe we can hear you. I’m not sure yet. Carmen, can you hear us? She has a lot of issues with her wife. Oh, there you are. There she is, my beautiful friend. How are you doing? Fantastic. How are you? I’m doing good. I’m doing good. It’s a little chilly out here in the mountains. We are out here in the mountains. We’re finishing up and loading up and trying to get things in order so we can come back in the morning. You know, we take shifts, so just out here trying to get supplies out, you know, make coffee, do whatever we can for one another, you know, continuing prayers for North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida.

Support for Different States

All of them, God bless them, but a great space. I love patriots. She's awesome. And, you know, just. Just another person that paves the way in the future for our younger generation to show us exactly what we need to do to get involved and make a difference. You know what I mean? So diligent. Same thing. Yeah. I mean, Hans, Kim Kuhn, everyone in here, right? So we’re all here. We’re all coming up, speaking, or we’re listening, and we’re learning, and so that’s what we do. And so it’s a beautiful thing when patriots come together, and this is what happens. So God bless everyone. It’s a little chilly out here tonight, but, hey, it’s all well worth it.

Community Engagement and Support

God bless America and keep continued prayers for all that was affected for the hurricanes and North Carolina. Thanks, y’all. Thank you so much to our other beautiful co host, Carmen, who lives in North Carolina. She’s out there, boots on the ground, helping every day, no matter what it is. She is an amazing woman. Unfortunately, she can’t. Can’t get in with us quite as much as we’d like her to, because she’s always busy helping others. She’s just amazing. So thank you so much, Carmen. We love you. I love you, y’all. I love all of y’all. Thank you. I’m so happy. I’m. Look, I’m. I am honored to be a part of liberal tears on tap, especially I’ve got Hans, I’ve got Kuhn, I got Kimmy.

Community Connections and Patriotism

You know, so many others, Alex and everyone. But tonight, we had everyone just come together as a community. That’s what I love, seeing the community come together and. And know each person kind of fill in what they’re doing, and other people can grab onto that mission and jump on board with them and help out. And that’s the beautiful thing. So we’ve had a great turnout tonight, and we’ve had a great turnout ever since it all happened. You know, it’s a really sad situation, but it’s a really. It’s a bittersweet, you know, and so just, we’re finally. It’s like, whoo. Take a breath. Right? Because we can only do so much, and we have to leave the rest of God.

Engaging in Action for the Future

You know, I’m really loving the liberal tears on tap. I think it’s becoming quite catchy. I’m seeing it all over x. People are coming up with memes and gifts for it, and I think I’m loving it. I’m loving the name, guys. How about you? You love it? I love it. I do. Tick tock’s grabbing on into it, too. Yeah, I know. That’s awesome. Carmen, you’re so amazing at the videos and the everything that you do for us. Thank you so much. Okay, let’s go ahead and go to. It was silent. Next.

Community Oversight and Calls to Action

Jay, I don’t know. Yep. It was silent next. And then we got. I don’t. I don’t think we’re going to be able to get all through all these microclass. We got over 20, so, you know, I only show three. Oh, my gosh. Whatever. My phone. Hey, Carmen, let’s go ahead and go to silent. Hey, Carmen, you still there? Yeah, I’m here. I have a team of people in North Carolina right now, and I’m gonna send it to you on DM. Okay, do that. I was gonna say what parts? But, yeah, just let me know.

Collaboration and Assistance

Yeah, please do. I’m gonna send you their cell phone numbers. Okay. Awesome. Awesome. And the organization. The organization is called beyond Duality and if anybody wants to look at it, you’re more than welcome to. It’s a nonprofit organization, and it’s literally ladies on the ground there with the Cajun Navy right now up in North Carolina. Oh, no. Okay. Okay. I got you. Yeah. So you see what I’m saying, right? We got. We got real people with real solutions on this space, not just people talking about shit.

On-the-Ground Efforts and Donations

You’re out there. I heard crunching in the background. You’re walking through the woods, right? Yes, I am. Okay. So anyway, I’m gonna send you some information. I want you to get in touch with these ladies because they’re sitting there, literally up there right now. I help finance them to get up there and all that stuff. Right. But they’re a nonprofit, and what they do is they find the kids that are missing. There’s 200 kids missing right now in North Carolina. Yep. It keeps climbing, but we’re look right at over 300. Yep. Okay, so is it over. Is it over 300 now? It’s about over 200. A little over 200, but, you know.

Awareness of the Missing and Resource Needs

Yeah. I’m glad they’re here. We need as much help as we can in that. In that area. Okay. I’m going to send you their cell number and their information. Okay. On the DM thing. And you get in touch with them. Okay. Now, so what I want to say on the space real quick. Thanks, Hans and Kimmy and Coon dog and Patriot Savvy was awesome tonight. One of the things I’m really grappling with, right. Is the world economy, right? And so we look at the, you know, the MAGA movement that we’re doing. Okay, so what? There’s 8 billion people in the world, 327 million United States.

Reflections on Leadership and the Economy

We got the number one gross domestic product in the world, right? $27 trillion. But we got $36 trillion of debt. How the fuck did that happen, right? Then you look at what our leadership is and you look at what were talking about tonight, which really, I had a hard time. I couldn’t breathe for about ten minutes when were talking about Tim Walls trying to fire a shotgun with a bird shot, right. And having to put a pad on his arm. Okay? That’s not, that’s not peace through strength, okay? All right. That’s losing through weakness. That’s what that is.

Calls to Community Action

So I’m gonna say it again. Everybody get involved in Trump 447 tonight before you go to bed. Get involved, sign up, get involved, get activated. Because we got 24 days, and if we’re not doing anything, you’re gonna wake up in the morning and you’re gonna say, what have I done to make a difference? And it doesn’t. Like Kimmy says, you don’t have to necessarily be like, I am in the meetings, okay? But you can do things electronically. You can share information, Facebook, Twitter, Facebook, whatever. Tick, tick doc, or whatever the things called.

Mobilizing Community for Change

Okay, do all that, but do something. That’s all I’m saying here. Just, just some kind of activity that can make a difference. It wouldn’t be there without you. Okay, everybody think that way, and we’re all going to be good, and we’re going to win. In 24 days, we take this country over, and then we’re going to get more involved. And come 2026, when the Senate district, Senate elections come up, and in 2028, we’re going to have this country back to where it needs to be probably within about four to six years, is my opinion.

Closing Remarks and Future Outlook

All right, I’m going to shut up. You’re good. Silent. Apparently you guys see, like, 23 requests. I don’t. I see three. So I don’t know if you guys want to take over on top. I am sorry. I only see three micro quests, and Spunky would like to come back and have a mic, but I never saw her, so I apologize. Yeah, we got chesty up here. You can go ahead and speak. And then, you know, we’ll start rotating through some of these hands. Hey, thanks for the opportunity to speak.

Motivating Community and Engagement

Look, this. You guys got me, like, so fired up, I’m almost, like, shaking, because this is, like, very motivating. Listen, the Trump Force 47. I’ve been a part of that now for probably about a month and a half, about five weeks. This thing has been awesome. It’s a lot of fun meeting people and getting their feedback, and you run into a few people that aren’t going to vote, period. But for the most part, it’s been a pretty positive experience. Last week, they had a conference call. Lara Trump came on, and Trump was coming back from Wisconsin.

Positive Experience and Community Building

So he came on for a little bit. But their initial goal was 100,000 volunteers, and they exceeded over 200,000 volunteers. And that’s pretty incredible. I just wanted to say that, because this thing is, when he talks about Trump force 47, it’s legit. Get out there and get on it. Get the app. There’s a sidekick app you’re going to get. It’s going to help you if you’re going to door knocking. A couple other things I wanted to say was, it looks like the Senate’s up for grabs this election cycle, but the House is going to go red when we take back the White House here.

Focus on Future Elections and Overcoming Challenges

You know, in three weeks, when we win this election, we’re going to turn our focus to 26 midterms, because it’s not just because we got Trump back in. We’ve got to. Sure, we get these rhinos out of there like Lindsey Graham. I don’t want him anywhere near a position of power in the future. This guy’s a warmonger. He’s. I call him Leslie Graham, but it’s just, it’s. We got to get these guys out. Another thing I wanted to quickly say is, if there’s anybody in here that’s on the left, you know, that leans left and just comes into the space just to see what’s being said.

Community Acknowledgment and Open Discussion

Look, I want you to understand something. The people on the right, the MAGA movement, the Trump supporters, the Patriots, don’t hate you. We don’t. We don’t. I mean, there’s things you do we do not like. But when, if this goes south and the left wins and somehow Harris pulls this off, your opinion isn’t going to matter anymore. So it’s not like you’re going to have a voice, so you’re going to be at nothing, you know, so you have to really listen to what the people say in here, because we actually care about you.

Caring for the Country's Future

We care about the future of this country. The other thing I want to say is about the abortion. Abortion is not on the ballot this cycle. That’s already been sent back to the state. So when I hear about the, I’m seeing these ads about Trump going, you know, nationwide, banned. That’s not anywhere near the truth. So the, if they’re. It’s just insane because you can’t. You wouldn’t think they’d be allowed to even put this on the tv. You know, so we’re in a position where the lies are just so absurd and it’s almost offensive.

Mail-in Ballots and Voter Engagement

The other thing is, mail in ballots are actually way down in swing states. Several hundred thousand mail in ballots in Pennsylvania down. So what Scott Pressler and Dillard are doing over there, this is like the Lord’s work, you know, so what these guys are doing, what, the grinding that Scott mentioned the other day, that he was getting low on energy. And look, you have to look out for your health, too. You know, I’ve had friends at 40 years old, stroke out. I had one friend, hard text died, you know, just because he’s working too hard.

Health and Community Responsibilities

Pace yourself. Make sure you’re getting your REM sleep. Make sure you’re, you know, just looking out for yourself. Because, look, you’re no good to us if you’re not with us. You’re good to the Democrats maybe because maybe they’ll pull your vote. But listen, we, this is a great time to be alive because we’re. Trump is going to put this thing in the bag, I think. I really do. But it doesn’t mean you don’t get out and vote. I will be driving seven elderly. Only seven. I know that’s not a lot, but I work for a guy who has apartments and most people are elderly.

Community Engagement and Individual Efforts

When I go to pick up rent or do maintenance or whatnot, I always talk about voting. They are. I have a van. I’m gonna pick a couple of them up and take them over to the fire station. But that’s, you just do the little things. You know, the little things make a big difference. If we’re out there grinding and pushing this, you know, we’re gonna see it through. Now, when it comes to the hundreds of millions of votes, this could be pretty wild. So I’ll be up all night watching that.

Monitoring Election Processes

I’ll be at the republican headquarters watching the, you know, all the stuff come in. So anyway, I appreciate the time. I really love all the people here. When I, when I first started doing this, coming into these spaces that I wish I was here ten years ago, because everybody here is always positive. Now there are some negative things that happen, but for the most part, it’s a very nice energy feel in these spaces, even when those wackadoos are here from the left. But I just really enjoy it.

Sharing Personal Experiences

Thank you. Okay. Thank you so much. I don’t see any more requests or hands up. If you guys do. Can you please do that? I don’t. Okay, I see one hand up. Flintek, go ahead. Hi, there. Thank you so much for giving me the chance to speak tonight. I watched the Trump rally in Coachella. I’m originally from California. I grew up in Palm Springs. So I remember that site when Pearl Jam did their concert to cut out Ticketmasters. So it had, like, a huge impact on me that he had a rally there, because I knew also that site has become so popular due to the popularity of the music festival that people from everywhere would go there.

Encouragement to Attend Trump Rallies

Cause it’s a really, like, well known spot. So my point is, if you haven’t been to a Trump rally, go to one, find the opportunity to go there. There’s gonna be one in New York. It’s gonna be amazing. If you’re in a swing state, definitely look out. They have announced the schedule, but definitely go to one. I have a poll on my page right now, and it just asks if you’ve been to a Trump rally. So I would love your input on that. Thank you so much. God bless America. Trump 24.

Experiences and Expectations

All right, let’s go to Maga X. Good evening. Hello, everybody. I just wanted to say I’m sorry in advance. My dog is snoozing in the background here. But I just wanted to say thank you to everyone. The speakers here, boots on the ground. It has been amazing to hear what everyone is doing. And as a woman, I have to say, all the women speakers that have been up here, are you 100% more qualified to be president of the United States before Kamala Harris? Just want to say that as a woman, and also just want to give a lot of shout outs to all the speakers as well, for all the content, all the truth that’s being put out.

Acknowledgment of Information Dissemination

You know, thank God that we have x, that we can actually put the truth out there, because it is amazing the amount of misinformation that is being thrown out there. And we really need to be speaking to people one one and have X as a voice and getting them off Facebook, off these other platforms that are sharing all this false information. I want to echo what a lot of other people said, too, about Scott Pressler. He is amazing. We’ve actually been traveling around to a lot of Trump rallies, and like someone else said, if you haven’t been to one, definitely go.

Community Experience at Trump Rallies

People are so lovely. It is so chill. It is not like what you see in the media. There is so much love and so much patriotism, so much optimism. It’s really just, it’s an awesome experience. And I think it was logic that was in the space before that said he’s in New Jersey. And so am I. And there’s definitely a shift. Like, if you think that your state is locked in, don’t have, definitely get out and vote, there are Trump signs everywhere, which is, we did not see this in 2016, and it’s definitely a huge shift.

Missed Opportunities and The Power of Engagement

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. I think getting Trump in is the beginning. He’s going to expose a lot of these hacks that are masquerading around as political geniuses and, you know, and getting Elon Musk in to get rid of all the corruption, all this waste of money that’s getting spent everywhere. And they’re scared. I think that it’s, there’s a huge shift, and it’s really exciting. I just, really just wanted to say thank you to everybody that’s up here. I know, like, Jay is quitting your job to be, like, full time.

Supporting Community Leaders

Like, that’s amazing. And just really, I just wanted to say thank you. You guys are amazing. Oh, also, yeah, we are trying to get everybody off of all these other platforms and get to x because this is where the truth is. And Elon Musk backing Trump is absolutely, like, amazing. Just having that kind of power in the back because, you know, he not only the richest man in the world, he arguably one of the most, the smartest. So really, if you’re a logical person, you’re like, this guy must be onto something, right?

Valuing Truth and Engagement

Even if you’re not politically involved, you think there’s something going on. And so just really super excited, and thanks again. Appreciate it. And, you know, thanks. Thanks for your kind words, honestly. And, you know, it’s just, we’re just real people doing real things. A lot of us are. And it’s, you know, it’s just, it’s. I agree with, you know, being able to come up on here and talk is so important. Like, honestly, like, a lot of the stuff that we’re doing right now, we wouldn’t be able to do it because we wouldn’t be able to collaborate.

Collaborative Efforts and Communication

We wouldn’t be able to get information. It would, it would be nearly impossible trying to do all this from Facebook because they would just completely suppress our locker accounts. So X. X is where it’s at, and X is how we’re doing it. So appreciate that. go ahead, Zachary. Facebook, in a way, they remove her account in about an instant. This that quick? Yep. They, they did suppress you. You know, I would post something on there and my mom would say she would see it two weeks later.

Experiences with Social Media Suppression

You know, just because the other political stuff that I would say or whatever, like, I was so suppressed that even my own mom, she couldn’t see anything on my account unless she, you know, look for it or whatever. It’s just ridiculous. It’s so stupid. I’m so glad I clicked that platform over a year ago and I never looked back, you know, so X is. I’d rather be on here with, you know, all these patriots on x speaking my mind and getting, you know, the thing might, you know, the things that I know that are true off my chest, you know, because this is the only place you can do it so.

Valuing Community and Engagement

And reach so many people. Yes. And plus, I had account. I had it for about a year. I had it for about three years and removed my account. Just so bad to x my family. X is my permanent family. Yeah. X is the only platform that I engage in. I do have instagram, but I go on there just to get, like, recipes, home decor and things like that. I do want to go ahead and go to Spunky, I guess she came in earlier and I didn’t see her.

Community Inclusion and Opportunity to Speak

And I’m sorry. Spunky, go ahead. No worries. No worries. Thank you. Good evening, everybody. Happy Saturday night. My days are mixed up a little bit. Great space, you guys. Make sure you guys are sharing out the space to increase the reach of it. It is being recorded. People can go back and listen to it. But Patriot savvy is one of my favorites.

Reflecting on Conversations and Community Support

So what a great conversation. You know, I love Xdev myself. I think spaces are one of the biggest benefits of this platform. I think it’s really important for us to be able to engage in these conversations in real time. You know, you can do lots of communications via email or DM’s and all that stuff, but there’s just nothing really as good as having conversations and really having that exchange going on. So love this platform. Of course, love the patriot community and absolutely agree with what magazine said.

Political Alignments and Support

As far as Trump and his alignment with Elon, I don’t think that there could be a better alignment there. I’m really pleased with all the people that he’s pulled into his circle this time. I mean, if you think about it, he’s got Tucker, he’s got kid rock, he’s got just a plethora of people, and I just think he’s got a really strong support system, and I just cannot wait until he gets back in office. And thank you so much, spunky. I see you this time.

Community Acknowledgment and Closing Discussions

I am sorry. I didn’t see you that seems to be happening every night. This is what I’ve been hearing from a lot of hosts and co hosts is that they don’t see people. The people are just invisible. So. But Jay Hans did see you, so that’s good. So, Jay Hans. Hey, I got, my friend Johnny just came up here. You want to speak, brother? Hey, Johnny. Hey, Johnny, how you doing?

Welcoming Voices and Contribution

Hey, can you guys hear me okay? Can anybody. Yeah, we got you, brother. Okay. Hey, what’s up, Kimmy? Hey, Jay Hans. Thanks for having me. Hey, just wanted to give everybody a quick shout out. All the Patriots doing their thing. Thanks, you guys, for holding these spaces. Real quick announcement. We did a great interview of Odify. Now on cowboy logic. It’s one of the shows on real voices America.

Engagement in Election Integrity

We had a major pump today with new downloads. And for anybody who’s interested in helping us with election integrity, but in real time, I encourage everybody to please go to and check out the explainer video. Our hosts here have been great supporters of the app. So thanks, guys, for the continued support we are coming in here with when we’re getting hundreds of downloads day from folks in the swing states.

Overview of the Application Features

So do I have enough time to do a quick little explanation of how the app works or. I don’t want to. I don’t want to take too much my time here. Yeah, go for it, Johnny. Just, just give a brief rundown. We’re going to, we’re going to close the space here pretty quick. But, yeah, I wanted to give you the opportunity to talk about it because I have the app.

Features and Purpose of the Voting App

And so what it is it’s a voter integrity app that you can use to, you know, report anything that you see that’s wrong. But go. Go for it, John. You can do it a lot better than I can. I’ll be real quick. So first off, vote if I now was launched in 2021. So we’ve been out for about four years. It’s available on the Google Play Store for Android or app store for iPhone. We were used in the 2022 midterms.

Unique Reporting Functionality

And here’s the way this app works unlike any other. Election integrity. I’m doing air quotes, election integrity tools. You report something, you type up a text, you know, put a quick description, add a photo or video of what you’re seeing. You hit the location button, it automatically gps locates you and you submit it. That’s all the user needs to do, where the real magic happens and how this platform is different than any others.

Innovative Technology Use

It comes into our secured servers. By the way, you can report anonymous if you’d like. The incident comes into our service. It gets looked at by our AI bot that we’ve been training for two years, training it to do nothing but to identify how serious an election irregularity is. And of course, if it’s a false flag. And then here’s where the big difference is. Within 60 seconds, that incident is viewable for everybody in the country to then see and make their own decision.

Real-Time Reporting and Community Engagement

No reporting it to your boss. Open that your boss up, you know, does something with it. It goes right from the user into our platform and then vetted quickly, and within 60 seconds it goes live on the app that you can also view, and that way you can see what’s happening in your town in real time, no delays. You can make your own mind up. The second thing the app does is we are working with many candidates and their legal teams so they can ask for a PDF version of anything happening in their district, in their state.

Comprehensive Reporting and Documentation

They can get a report on the whole country. And we have candidates in their legal teams, some law enforcement, like sheriffs, getting these reports in the form of a PDF document emailed to them throughout the day. So gone are the days where a candidate would have to try to find evidence and scrape up together a case to file a lawsuit. You know, over weeks, they literally could have evidence in their email within minutes. So we encourage everybody to please download the app.

Community Responsibility and Bypassing Red Tape

We don’t take any money, we don’t take donations. So we need patriots like you guys to help spread the word. Again, anybody could tune in to real America’s voice and watch the piece we did today, or when you guys go to the comma, you can also look and read our news and interviews. We’ve been reported Gateway pundit has done stories, Washington Times, epic times, lots of reliable news sources.

Closing Statements and Call to Action

So with that, you guys, I will relinquish the mic here and anybody can dm me. I’m completely doxxed and I pretty much will answer any questions in emails or DM’s. So you guys, thanks so much for the mic and let’s go, man. We’re three weeks out, you guys. We need all hands on deck. So thank you and thank you so much, Johnny. Yes, it’s a fantastic app.

Last Encouragement to Download the App

I also have it installed. It’s amazing. I can hardly wait to use it. Thank you so much, Johnny. Thank you, Katie. We love you. Yeah, and definitely, like, it’s for anybody, like voters, anybody can do it. You don’t have to be a poll worker. You don’t have to be a poll watcher. Anybody can download, it’s free to download, it’s free to use. So why wouldn’t you do it? Like, honestly, I got it. It’s on my phone ready to go.

Using Tools for Election Monitoring

And you can look at the past data from, from the past elections and stuff like that. You can look at, you know, different things or whatever. So there’s a map. It shows, you know, all the incidents or whatever. So just check it out if you have, I mean, we all have the time to do it. It’s easy. It takes like two minutes to download it. So check it out in your app store. But I appreciate you coming up here, Johnny.

Finalizing the Discussion

Yeah, thank you. So basically anything suspicious that you see, you can report right to this app. Any suspicious activity is awesome. Yep. And it uses AI. And AI doesn’t need a break. It doesn’t need a breather or anything like that. So you can report it and bam, it’s out in the net. And so, you know, they, you know, they can actually do something about the things that are going wrong. You know, and there’s a system, there are systems in place, but we saw those systems fail us in the past.

Backup Reporting Systems

So this is a backup for everything, you know, and it’s, it’s a way to get things done, you know, instead of just watching the system fail you can do something about it. Yeah. And again, I like to stress you guys, it, you could go from reporting an incident and then that incident within 60 seconds is live on the app where every single app user in the country can see it and make their own decision. Was that, is that suspicious?

Real-Time Analysis and Community Engagement

Should I report this to somebody? I think I saw that same white van and I’m whatever, in another part of the country. And also the AI bot is always analyzing and comparing and learning from incidents happening one side of the country to the other. It’s constantly learning and trying to use technology to give us the upper hand on providing evidence to candidates in real time and providing information to voters. Again, 60 seconds.

Election Integrity and Evidence Collection

And, and the incident goes from you reporting it to live where everybody in the country can witness it. So appreciate it, you guys. And we need to really get things rolling here. I think it’s going to go our way. But my prediction is the election will probably be resolved in the courts after November 5. That’s why we want to get as much evidence as possible. And of course, if there is a win on November 5.

Preparing for Potential Outcomes

Great. Or the end of November 5. But if it goes into courts, we want as much ammo as possible. And that’s one thing that vote, if I now does, is collects evidence in a real smart way. So thank you, and thank you again, Johnny. We appreciate you. Go ahead, Jay. Hey, did you were saying me? Yeah. I don’t know if we’re done, if we’re ending.

Closing Reflections and Gratitude

Yeah, I was gonna. I was just gonna close out this space, but, this. This is a phenomenal space. It was one of the best ones that we’ve done this week, and were number one on X for most of the night tonight. I appreciate all the awesome patriots that came in here and talked insurrection, Barbie, Litch, Churchill, you know, Doug, which is savvy.

Community Spirit and Camaraderie

Like, it was. It was just a. It was an all star night for us. And so I appreciate everybody that came in here supported us, supported, you know, Maga, supported, you know, our movement to save this country. And so this. This was awesome. It was an awesome night for us, and I’m glad we got to recognize and talk about the good things that savvy’s doing, because she’s. She’s a badass, and that’s why I asked her to come on here tonight.

Acknowledging Key Contributions

So I thank you so much. Appreciate you, Kimmy. Thank you. You’re the best host, co host on X, in my opinion. Thank you, Jake. You’re awesome. Thank you, Jake. I love your opinion. Thank you. Yeah. Tim. Tim, also, too, is one of the best patriots, and I’m so glad to be working with you. Carmen. Thank you so much. And hopefully Alex is getting better.

Final Thoughts and Goodbye

Doug, too. But, yeah, we’re going to close it out tonight. Going to close out with little music and then hit the hay. So I appreciate y’all. I never get lonely? I got these ghosts to keep me company I took the review offer, this so forth? So I only see in front of me now the pass is outside now I change now I’m back chasing these white lines I’m just a long hair son of a. Stimming searching for new ways I can get down I’m a pedal on to the highway if you ever wonder why we write the song?

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