Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space MAGA MONDAY: Red Hat September hosted by DustinStockton. Delve into the MAGA MONDAY space where discussions revolve around $MAGA marketing strategies on Ethereum, insights into the Chairman's role at @AmericaMission_, and the significance of communal prayer within the community. Key takeaways include the importance of unity, effective communication, and the intersection of faith-based values with marketing initiatives. The space highlights strategies for project success, challenges in marketing campaigns, and tips for fostering community engagement and belonging. Explore how spirituality and values influence decision-making and leadership in the marketing agency realm.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: What marketing strategies were discussed for $MAGA on ETH?
A: Insights on outreach, engagement tactics, and brand promotion were emphasized.

Q: Can you elaborate on the Chairman's role at @AmericaMission_?
A: Discussions covered the responsibilities, initiatives, and leadership approach of the Chairman.

Q: How does communal prayer impact the community at MAGA MONDAY?
A: Communal prayer was highlighted for its significance in fostering unity and connection within the community.

Q: Why is effective communication crucial in marketing campaigns?
A: Communication plays a pivotal role in conveying messages, building relationships, and driving engagement.

Q: How does unity contribute to the success of community-driven projects?
A: Unity fosters collaboration, shared goals, and a sense of belonging, essential for project success.

Q: In what ways do faith-based values intersect with marketing and leadership?
A: The space explored how values like integrity, compassion, and empathy guide marketing and leadership decisions.

Q: What were some challenges shared in executing marketing campaigns?
A: Anecdotes shed light on past challenges like market fluctuations, audience reception, and competition.

Q: How does spirituality influence leadership decisions in communal projects?
A: Spirituality was discussed as a guiding force for ethical decision-making and fostering community well-being.

Q: What tips were provided for promoting a sense of belonging in organizations?
A: Strategies included active listening, inclusive communication, and creating spaces for open dialogue.

Q: How can organizations foster community engagement and participation?
A: Insights were shared on creating meaningful connections, involving stakeholders, and promoting shared values.


Time: 00:15:29
Strategies for ETH Marketing Success Exploring effective outreach tactics and engagement strategies for $MAGA on Ethereum.

Time: 00:25:17
Chairman's Leadership Insights Insights into the Chairman's vision, initiatives, and leadership style at @AmericaMission_.

Time: 00:35:40
Power of Communal Prayer Discussing the impact and significance of communal prayer in fostering community cohesion.

Time: 00:45:12
Communication Tips for Marketing Tips on clear messaging, audience targeting, and engagement in marketing campaigns.

Time: 00:55:26
Unity and Collaboration in Projects Highlighting the importance of unity, collaboration, and shared vision in project success.

Time: 01:05:19
Faith Values in Marketing and Leadership Exploring how faith-based values guide decision-making in marketing and leadership roles.

Time: 01:15:33
Challenges in Marketing Campaigns Discussing past challenges in executing marketing campaigns and valuable lessons learned.

Time: 01:25:48
Spirituality's Role in Decision-Making Examining how spirituality influences ethical decisions and community-oriented initiatives.

Time: 01:35:55
Creating a Sense of Belonging Strategies for fostering inclusivity, belonging, and shared identity within organizations.

Time: 01:45:37
Engagement Strategies for Community Projects Insights on engaging stakeholders, promoting participation, and nurturing community connections.

Key Takeaways

  • $MAGA's marketing director shares ETH strategies for outreach and engagement.
  • Insights into the Chairman's responsibilities and initiatives at @AmericaMission_.
  • Discussions on the significance and impact of communal prayer in the community.
  • Strategies for effective communication and engagement in marketing campaigns.
  • The importance of unity and collaboration in community-driven initiatives.
  • Exploring the intersection of faith-based values within marketing and leadership roles.
  • Anecdotes on past successes and challenges in executing marketing campaigns.
  • The role of spirituality and faith in guiding leadership decisions and initiatives.
  • Insights on the dynamics of managing and promoting community-driven projects.
  • Tips for fostering a sense of community and belonging within organizational structures.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Music

I've had enough. Had enough. AWOL Nation. Let's try to think of the right kind of music to kick off. Maga bullish September. So welcome everybody. Please repost the space. This is going to be one of the most intense September's that any of us have ever lived through. I just tell you right now, shit is about to get real across the board. And so everybody needs around time to buckle up, because September, right? I know I normally start these spaces by going like, real, like, real hardcore hype music, but I make no mistake, I am insanely hyped about what we're seeing at MAGA right now, so. Right, the MAGA hat token on ETh A, the work that diligent just put in on the border, bro. What you and Anthony and Nick were able to accomplish, the videos up top for you guys, make sure you go share it, right? Watch it. This is the kind of thing that we can do.

Crypto and Community Efforts

This is what I got in crypto for in the first place, right? To be able to fund the kind of activity that no one else funds. You go to Richmond, they're not doing this stuff. It takes communities coming together to pull this up. Excellent work. Diligent, like, really just all the way around. Incredible. crazy proud of you, man. Crazy proud of you. And, like, the work you put in. So in a lot of ways, I'm in my hype level for the token. Here's the thing. When you see something like what's happening at Mag of the last couple days, where one project seems to be going up while everything else is going down, that I refer to it as relative strength. And the relative strength right now of the MAGA token is intense, and I know why. And it's almost a bittersweet type deal, which is. Right. I want to just be pure hype, but I think the reason that the token is doing so well is in large part because what's about to happen in September, and not in a good way.

Upcoming Events and Political Climate

So on September 18, we have the sentencing of Donald Trump in New York on the bullshit 34 felonies. Now, it's my opinion that the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity was the death blow for, like, the seriousness of those charges. And again, I could get into the whole, like, nonsense. It's blatant political law, fair being waged against Donald Trump. And the sentencing, I think we kind of have to expect some degree is going to be follow the same lines that the trial did. It's gonna be horseshit all the way around. So. Right. Like, they found new ways to extend the claim. Right. They got around the statute of limitations by saying there was another crime. They never identified what that other crime was. I mean, it's all bunch of nonsense, but we should expect that to continue. And so what's about to happen is that the intensity around politics is about to go from zero to 10,000 real quick.

Media Reactions and Support for Trump

Real quick. And what that means for solidify tokens, Maga, is that there's going to be an intensity around. So just give you guys a couple examples. Here's what I'm expecting. Over the course of the next few weeks, we are going to see the scumbag media fantasizing about Donald Trump in prison in a way that is so over the top disgusting that it's hardly going to bearable. Right? Like, you, you can expect the MSNBC and CNN and ABCs, they're going to be salivating over the idea that Judge merchant could send Donald Trump to prison somehow. And that's going to lead tons of us calling it out and people being incredibly fired up for what's going to be the sentencing. And then we're going to have the sentencing. And again, we don't know where it's going to go. I believe if justice was being followed, they would look at the Supreme Court immunity ruling and. Right, dismiss the charges.

Rallying Support for Trump and the MAGA Movement

I think that the Supreme Court is going to have an obligation to step in. We've already seen some other attorney generals, but here's what it means for MAGA and for politify. We're about to see a rally behind President Trump. And what I mean by that is we have raised a, the crypto army that President Trump called for. We've raised it at MAGA. We've built out the meme army, the crypto army, the donors, the on the ground badasses, like diligent out there, grinding. I'm pro, most certainly going to go, like, I can't believe I'm going to do it because I, I hate New York. Like, honestly, since, because this is hardly a isolated thing I went through my bullshit was the same, like, group of New York attorneys that are targeting Trump. The Steve Bannon trial was supposed to be under Judge merchant. That's come in like December, January and. Right, like, I'm testifying on behalf of Steve and that maybe, and so I do not want to go to New York.

Challenges Faced in New York

I do not want to be there. I see it as, like, occupied territory. But we've got to go. We have to show up. And so what we're about to see is that we're going to rally behind President Trump. We're going to go after the media when they violently fantasize about Donald Trump getting raped in prison, all the other bullshit that we're about to see. And I, frankly, I think it's great for the token. Right? Like I, that's why I said it's almost bittersweet, which is this kind of attention is no doubt going to be good for the token. I think that's why we're seeing the incredible pump that we've had thus far, which is right. While everything else has been sliding, eth, bitcoin, solana, the other meme token, everything has been like, on the spec slide. And yet went up to 45, we retraced back to 32, and boom, we're right back up, flirting with $50 million market cap again.

Expectations for the Future

And I expect that to continue as the attention focuses. I just kind of wish it was, you know, attention around things that weren't so evil and corrupt. You know what I'm saying? I, it's hard for me to do because I'm crazy hyped, right? I love watching the value of my wallet go up. Make no mistake. We gotta be well, I mean, it's good for more than just making people money, right? Like, if the project secedes, then we have more funds to tackle things like what we saw at the southern border over this last week. I can say personally, a community driven project. We don't have any major holders that the devs, not the biggest holder. All of these, we don't have any major kols who are holding. So the community owns this project.

Community and Awareness Efforts

But all of the things that you've seen with us going on the ground, boots on the ground, sending you and I to Nashville, sending me to all of these Trump rallies going to the southern border, all of this stuff happens based on the success of the project, right? So the project coincides with the MAGA movement. Actually, in real life. It's a hopeful thing, right? If the project is doing well, we have more of an ability to get our message out and to expose what's going on and get Donald Trump elected. That is the number one mission right now, is we have to make sure that we do everything we can to get Donald Trump elected. Even with all of this law fair against him, even with all of the bullshit that the Democrats are trying to do. We have to, we have to be above it.

The Importance of Community Support

We have no choice. We have no choice. We have to win. And for me personally, that means that MAGA has to win. Well, without a doubt. And right again, I'm so when me and diligent came on to the MAGA Hat project, that was number one for us, which is, like, what can we do as part of this project in order to support content creators and to support the movement and support, like, making sure that we do everything in our power to get President Trump elected. Hugely, hugely important. And with that said, like, it's working and you're seeing the results of it already. And I talked about going up to New York for a reason, which is. Right. I don't think that there's ever been a more important time to show solidarity with President Trump and the lead up to the sentencing on the 18th.

Taking Action and Solidarity

And it's really simple. Put the red MAGA hat on. Wear it proudly, right? Send the message, do not be afraid of people who might confront you or other nonsense. Bring it. Right. This, this is what they are doing is destroying our government. They're destroying the faith in our institutions and destroying the entire concept of justice in America. But with this kind of political targeting. So to me, right. Yes, we're doing the sponsorships. That's great. That, like, we're so grateful that we've got the MAGA hat project to help us, like, do things like go to the border and go to bitcoin Nashville and go to the Trump sentencing and all the other things we're going to do between now and the election. But it's also just as critical what's happening in this community.

The Role of Memes and Humor

And here's the thing. Donald Trump, right, as a decorated veteran of the great meme war of 2016, where we memed the greatest Internet troll of all time into the White House, you cannot under sell how important the memes are for success and victory in this election cycle, and you will, you would, you cannot find me a project that goes harder with the memes than MAGA and you just not going to do it. Memes are absolutely fire across the board. And the reason I pointed out, like, the violent fantasies that we're going to witness from the left and from the provocateurs and from all this other nonsense, the reason I made sure to point that out is because we need to be prepared to respond. We need to be Trump's voice on this, because, remember, he's gagged. He is ordered by the court not to defend himself or speak about the case in very specific ways.

September's Significance for MAGA

It's an insane miscarriage of justice. And so September is insanely bullish for MAGA because all of the attention is going to shift, like, to the September 18 hearing. And we have, like, as a community, we have a lot of work to do. But I'll tell you, this is, again, while everything else has been sliding, MAGA has been surging. And because smart money is realizing that this is election crunch time. We have like 68, 67 days until the election, and then we have the sentencing right dab in the middle of the month. And we, all of the eyes of the world are going to be on this. And you're going to see this movement of people wearing their red MAGA hat and solidarity of President Trump, and you're going to see that spring up everywhere.

The Response to Intensity in Politics

And you're going to see people taking to the street and you're going to see all, it's just that the intensity is about to go from zero to 101. Of the ways that I'm going to take advantage is by, like, loading up my mega bags. And when you look at the chart, I mean, the thing of beauty, like, I've watched these long consolidations before, and the longer the consolidation, the more violent the breakout. I don't mean that, like, literal violence. I mean, like, it's just when it breaks out bigly. And with all this attention, I just, I see it playing out this way. And the great thing is what diligent is the flywheel effect of Maga, which is the better the token does, the more opportunity we have to go out and represent the cause and the movement.

Cycle of Success

And I think that cycle of token does well. That garners attention, that garners the funds that we need to be able to run around and, like, do real life stuff that matters, that affects the election. Right. That also garners more attention. Right, right. Garners more attention, which makes the price, like, again, continue to go up. I think that, like, cycle is something that, like, we are really lucky to be a part of and is going to be groundbreaking for politics more broadly, which is I and those of, you know, I've, the whole reason I've invested so many years of my life in Politifa. I see this as the new way that we're going to run campaigns and politics into the future, essentially decentralizing campaign finance through the use of tokenization.

Conclusion on September's Outlook

It's the long thesis that I won't get into, but the long and short of it is we are in for an intense September. And it's wildly bullish, Maga, because the eyes of the world are going to be on this thing and it's going to be so emotionally charged. Right? Because we're not just talking about, like, regular old politics, like, oh, Kamala and Trump are going to debate. We're literally talking about, like, these crooked scumbags are literally, like, trying to, like, throw Donald Trump in prison in the, at the height of the presidential campaign. And there's going the speculation, is the Supreme Court gonna finally wake the fuck up and do something that the level of just insane charged attention is it. I can't think of anything. I honestly can't think of anything that has ever happened right out and it's scheduled in politics. It's going to be this intense. I just can't.

Upcoming Debate and Important Week Ahead

So anyway, that's why kind of like, I'm, again, I'm hyped, I'm crazy. You have to debate coming up as well. That's coming up on the 10th. That's right before. So, so it's because this is going to be a crazy week. Like, we have a lot going on both in Maga, the Maga world and in politics these next three weeks. Right. It is going to be insane. I am working on another trip. I don't want to give out any details just yet, but it's going to be with some big political figures. It's going to be some crazy shit. You know, Maga is going to be repping. Also, we have the debate with Kamala Harris on the 10th that is expected to be very heated.

Covering Events and Future Plans

That's going to be a big event. I will be hosting a space for that, a MAGA space for that, as well as we will be covering the Donald Trump sentencing in New York. And I'm actually considering flying up there for that. Dustin, I don't know if you want to meet me up there, but I'm considering about doing a live video space on the ground outside of the sentencing. I think that would be pretty wicked. I do have Starlink, so I don't have to worry about data. I think. I think that would be. I think that's called for at this point. We need to go be on the ground representing and supporting Donald Trump right there. I. And again, I warned people, like, I don't want to go behind enemy lines, which is why I consider.

Personal Thoughts on the Situation

But we have to go. So, so just again, like, if you're looking at. Right. And I get it because sometimes this, sometimes the story of my life. Right. There's. There's such a thing as being too early. Right. I've talked about, like, the election, like, meta for how long now? Like probably two years. And be honest. Right. Because it makes so much sense, right? Like, when the eyes of the world are on us, politics like they are every four years. Like, of course political tokens are going to do well, but it's been a weird cycle. We didn't really have a primary on the left or right. There was no, like, excitement there. It was like, pretty much a given.

Political Processes and Changes

Right. The Democrats rigged it for Biden and then swapped out Biden for Kamala at the last second. And Trump was always, like, a runaway winner. And so we didn't really have the kind of process that we normally have. And so as a result, and listen, we've had our pumps, but politify has kind of been one of those things, like, is it ever going to happen? Well, you're starting to see it now, and you're starting to see it because the intensity level, like I said, is ramping up tenfold. And I think it's going to be a massive month for Maga and the world and the country. And frankly, I think a lot in the next 765, 70 days is going to, like, a lot of what the future is going to look like is going to be decided on whether or not we get the crypto president and somebody who is openly, like, supporting crypto and who is anti war and make America healthy again.

Future of the Movement

Right? Like the RFK pay like coalition coming together behind President Trump or whatever the hell it is that Kamala and the Democrats represent now. Communism, price controls and insanity, like economic ignorance. Yeah, it's crazy, man. All right, Abder, go ahead, bro. Abdur, are you there? We'll give him a second to get back to the microphone. In the meantime, you guys repost the space. Good to see everybody here. Whale, great to see you, bro. Kim. Shout. Kim. Where I assume we are simulcasting this all over. We are on Cux and X live and here.

Groundbreaking Efforts

So we're not out of rumble or. I don't think maybe we are. I don't know. I want to talk about. I want to talk about what. What we all witnessed this last week, right? So using the platform Elon Musk is giving us, you know, I want to make sure that we can continue to leverage it to expose issues and bring awareness. Were able to take Starlink and a portable battery and spaces in a MAGA space and bring 25,000 people to the southern border to see what's happening live. Right? No other project, no other spaces host is doing this right now. No other spaces. We are at the forefront of all of this.

Changing Media Landscape

No, this is. This is like some groundbreaking shit that's happening here. It's really hard to articulate. I don't really quite think people have grasped what this means. But with the emergence of this technology, coupled with projects who are willing to support MAGA journalists and MAGA creators, and with creators who are willing to put themselves out there on the line, we are going to fundamentally change how media works in our country, right? No longer do we have to let NBC, ABC, CB's tell us lies what they want to tell us anymore. We can go right out there and let everybody experience that themselves.

Using Technology for Truth

Not only that, but when you couple that with a political movement right now Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, now MAGA conservatives have a weapon that they can use against the lying ass mainstream media. They can't deny live video at the scene, right? They can't say it's AI, they can't deny it. They can't say it's fake. It's happening right there. People who are questioning whether it's real or not can come up on stage and interact with what's going on the ground. This is huge. And so you're going to be seeing a lot more of that in the next couple of months.

Future Plans and Warnings

We're going to utilize this tool to try to push the message as hard as we can about what's going on with the corruption in our country, what's going on with the lies they're feeding against Donald Trump and really try to get across the finish line. Sorry. Sorry for my rant. No, love it. Beauty. Go ahead, get in here. Oh, dude, thank you so much. And, man, diligent those spaces, man, as a father with kids. Thank you, and God bless you so much for going down to the southern border. I tuned into a few of those spaces. And, man, you've got, you're like, finding families with little girls, and you're wondering where the little girls are, and you're seeing, like, clothes on the ground.

Personal Responses to the Situation

And, man, wow, you're right. They can't censor this. They can't, like, lie about it because you're right there and you're filming it using Starlink, man. That is unbelievably cool, man. There's certain spaces out in my hometown where I go and I lose complete and total reception, man. So the fact that you're on the southern border and you're exposing this, that is unbelievably cool. And I do not possible without Maga. I'll just say that right now, that would not happen without Maga, without the maggot project, man. So the simple fact that I'm invested in Maga and I'm helping you, but it definitely wants to bring a tear to my eye, dude, because I, man, that needs to happen more.

Community Support and Individual Actions

As far as, like, the MagA token is concerned and putting on that red Maga hat, dude, I know a lot of you probably will get super nervous about it and you will have arguments in your head with other people. They're going to walk up to me and they're going to say this and that, and they're going to yell, they're going to scream and they're going to call me an asshole and I'm going to blah, blah, and we're going to fight. I'm telling you, nine times out of ten, it never ends up that way. I remember walking into a store and I was walking around with full on anxiety and I was, like, wondering who is going to throw the first punch? And not a single person confronted me.

Personal Experiences and Community Responses

In fact, I think some people kind of smiled and shook my hand and congratulated me. And actually an old veteran kind of gave me like a salute, like, good job on doing your part, son, you know? But now that we're involved in this particular MAga token, and this token is a new thing, right? And every single day there's going to be someone new signing up for Twitter, someone new signing up for X, someone who is just starting their brand new crypto journey. And like, my, like my wife, she's actually just starting her crypto journey, man. She's just learning all this stuff.

Encouragement for Newcomers

You know, she raised her hand. She wanted me to know that she's listening. Anyway, so she and I are now invested in this maga token and I'm pushing out different, photos, different memes, different cartoons, different whatever, because every single day, like I mentioned, someone brand new is signing up and they're going to see that. They're going to see, you know, what is this particular meme token? They're going to look at, like, Trump tokens, which I want to succeed as well, but it's all just memes of Trump themselves, as opposed to, we are the red hat. We can take Donald Trump and put that red hat on him, right?

The Meme Potential of Red Hats

Or as opposed to other tokens, we'll have to do just, you know, a meme of Trump himself. But we can take that red hat and we could put it on Oprah, we could put it on Nancy Pelosi, we could put it on Kamala Harris, we can put it on Elon Musk, we could put it on anyone that you can think of, because that is how memeable this red hat is. And I'm going to emphasize again, every single day, there's a brand new person signing up for Twitter. There's a brand new person seeking some kind of meme token to invest in, just like I did when I signed up for Twitter because Facebook sucks.

Personal Journeys into Cryptocurrency

I got sent it on Facebook. Now I'm here. So I did my journey, did my search, found all you beautiful sons of bitches, and I'm here now. I'm pushing this token because I truly believe in this token. And man, thank you for letting me speak. Like I mentioned, grok 2.0, unbelievably cool, man. You could take Grok. You can type in anything, man. Get creative. Get in there. Look up something like create a photo of a nightmarish atmosphere in outer space using dragons and space monkeys and watch what comes up. Hit the refresh button as many times you can because you will see some amazing artwork pop up. And like I said before, it's not just Donald Trump, it's the red hot red hat on any possible thing you can think of.

Community Involvement and Creativity

So thank you so much for letting me speak, guys. Nah, beauty, always good to hear from you, bro. Marty, go ahead, get in there. That's indiligen. What's up, everybody? You know, beauty, I kind of wanted to just follow up on that really quick as we've been pumping out a lot of content lately. I think it's been really cool. We've gone down this nostalgia train lately and I think it's really cool because it's. It's kind of making, you know, it's allowing us to spread awareness without it being abrasive in a way, you think. And I always think of, like, cross twelve who's in here. And, like, my siblings, I have three sisters that are under, they're all under 25.

Social Media and Audience Engagement

And, like, they really enjoy, like, obviously, like, animated characters. And I've really noticed I, in these past couple of days with us pushing this new content, we have just received so much positive feedback from not just like, your millennials or your boomers, we're getting, like, Gen zers that are actually getting out there and resharing our content. And I think it's really important for us right now. I mean, this is the most important election of our lifetime, and I don't think us as a nation can really survive another four years of really what we've experienced. So I think it's up to all of us to continue to push, whatever it may be, anything that you think would beneficial to solidify Donald Trump as our president.

Urgent Call to Action Ahead of Election

Get it out there, whatever it may be. And, like, beauty was saying, like, you can create whatever you want. But I think we're in an era right now where memes are very prevalent, and they have. They carry so much weight. So I think it's very important for us, everyone in here just, you know, keep reposting, Dustin. And diligence spaces remain engaging with communities that are actually spreading true information, you know, engage with projects that are actually fighting the good fight. I think that we need to continue to keep doing that as we move forward, because we only have so much time left until election days here. But that's all I really wanted to say. Say, Dustin, diligent, appreciate everything you guys are doing.

Celebrating Community Efforts

It's really fun riding this wave with you guys in the MAGA project, and obviously, it's just badass to see diligent in the trenches, you know, battling chupacabras, as I like to say. So shout out to you guys. Happy to be here, and I'm going to go dark now and just keep listening. Right on, right on. Now listen that the vibes are immaculate, right? And riding high, coming in. This is the time for us to just triple down onboarding and getting people involved, because there has never been a time like the moment for a project like this.

Pushing Forward as a Movement

It's time to just get after it. Go ahead, Mark. Get in here. What's up, man? Good. Can y'all hear me? Yes. Okay, good. Good. Sorry. I'm at the river on my boat with my family, but I just wanted to jump in here really quick, and I kind of want to hit on the heart real quick. Diligence, man. I'm so. I'm so thankful for what you do, man. It like grizzly said, man. Dude, some of those videos absolutely brought a tear to the eye, man. I mean, I've got two girls, I've got two boys, and, you know, anytime I see that stuff, even in movies, it brings me to tears, man, because I know it's real.

Impact of Recent Events

But I really want to bring this. This point up real quick because, you know, diligence has said, hey, you know, none of this would be possible without Maga. And I would just like to share really quick. You know, you. You might be thinking, you know, we're a no tax coin if you didn't know, now, you know. And so you might be thinking, you know, how is this being made possible by Maga? Well, let me tell you, when. When we first launched this coin and me and Marty used to be in spaces, and there was another guy, we used to just hold these competitions just straight up meme competitions.

Memes as a Unifying Force

And we get on there and I would say something like, hey, I'm going to give $100 worth of MAga. And like, one by one, each person, whoever was holding Maga was like, dude, I'll throw in 100. I'll throw in 100. At one point, I think we had like $1,200 reserved for someone who just for a simple, mean competition. But I just want to say that love has really carried over in a powerful way. And it just brings me back to say, how is it made possible by Maga? Well, I'll tell you, I mean, there's people that have been in the a while, there's ogs that have gone into Maga for a while.

Heartfelt Contributions

And, and it's straight up out of the goodness of individuals hearts that this is being made possible, that this is, you know, this is just people saying, hey, I'm going to donate, you know, hey, I'm going to give. Whether it's Maga or I'm going to give east, I'm just going to bless that person. And you know what, you reap what you sow, you know, and all crypto aside, that's just a value. You reap what you sow. You know, if you ever been to church and you see they take up like an offering. I mean, literally, that's what's happening when we talk about, you know, backing diligent and backing Dustin.

The Goodness of the Community

We're literally just taking an offering, you know, out of our own personal stash. And it's just a beautiful thing. I mean, I've already said to myself, when this project hits 100, I am absolutely taking something out of, and I'm going to just put it towards a cause. Because again, guys, you reap what you sow. And this part of this whole thing is truly what sets separates Maga from the rest of any other crypto coin. No other crypto coin does this crap. It's not crap. We just give, you know what I mean? It's.

The Difference MAGA Makes

If we had a tax, then, yeah, we would just put the taxes, but we're not taxes. That's what sets us apart. And, you know, we just give out of the goodness of our heart. And I, that's why this team and leadership and Dev is unlike anything I've ever witnessed. That's all I want to say. Great stuff. As one of the things I love about this community all the way around and the admins just, these guys never stop grinding. And I've talked about the adaptability, but again, they just think about, like, what we're in for in September.

Looking Forward to September

The debate, the sentencing. Like, the intensity is just about to ramp up to almost unfathomable level. It's going to be intense. Cross, where are you up today, my man? How you doing? What's up, everybody? Man, like, I'm excited, man. You know, I'm just super excited. I was blessed. Know, Monday is Labor Day, and we just. Just get after it, man, you know, and I want to get some thanks. I'm going to give a big shout. Out at the end. I want to get thank you to, you know, Dustin, you know, diligent man. I really, you know, I'm always on.

Acknowledging Contributions

Y'All spaces, you know, and that border space was. That was. That was insane, man. I watched it for as long as I could, but that. That space is the same. Then you got, you know, Dustin hosting his late night conspiracy spaces be good. His mega spaces be wonderful, you know. And then you got the, you know, community, man. Shout out to beauty, man. You know, that's. That's my. That's my right hand, man. You know, he comes with the crazy grunt pictures that it might pop up late at night. You might see. He might post something, and he just.

The Gravity of the Situation

But it doesn't really, it doesn't like, it doesn't, you know, it's really even hard to articulate, like, how heinous some of the things that we saw were, man, the amount of rape trees, right. These are, and these are not even, like, along the border wall. These are on back roads, you know, side roads going offshooting the border wall for miles, where every other tree there is a woman's bra, a child's underwear, a woman's underwear, a woman's dress from where these sick fuckers have raped or assaulted these people and then hung it up as a trophy. They're everywhere down there. It's insane. Go ahead, Jen.

Concerning Border Patrol Presence

Yeah. Dillard. I think it's, what's really interesting, right. Is, and your videos really, you know, showed this happening, first of all, when you guys had the illegals on the space, how there was like, what, 25 of them, right. And 21. 21. You saw one border patrol guy show up. Right. And I think it speaks to a. Larger issue hours after we called him, too. Like, it was. Yeah, well, it speaks to the larger fact that we don't control the border. The United States doesn't control the border. And another thing that was highlighted is, like, our. Our border patrol is now known as, like, an Uber service, right? And when we built the wall in Sunland park, where we built, there was a parking lot on the mexican side, and there was an american parking lot on the other side. And literally all you had to do was walk across the parking lot, down a little, like. Like, I don't even know what you call a little ditch. And you're in America and they were getting ubers on the other side, right? So, like, our border patrol isn't even there to stop them.

The Role of the Cartels

They are there to put them in their cars and drive them to, like, wherever they get processed or catholic charities, and then they are just released into the United States. And I don't think people realize that the United States government doesn't control the border. It is in the hands of the cartels. And the border patrol are like, an uber service for the cartel to get their people into the country. And it doesn't have to be like that. Right? Like, you have these politicians stand up there and they're like, oh, we can't close the border. Oh, there's too much commerce. Oh, we can't do bullshit. You could absolutely close the border in 24 hours, shut it down. No one in, no one out. And you know what? Just like in other countries, if you approach the border, you get shot. And you know what? If they start doing that, you know, that's a deterrent. You don't even have to really shoot anybody. But if they knew that their lives, like, us border patrol, was going to start shooting at them if they tried to cross the border, I guarantee you it would freaking be a deterrent.

Ongoing Issues at the Border

Just like a wall would be in the places where we saw a diligent. The wall just ends. It just ends. And it's not like the border ends. No, the border keeps going. The wall ends. I want to highlight something you just said, too, is like, those 21 migrants, only five or six of them were men. The rest of them were all women and children. So I just think about that. Most of them, it's like 80% to 90% are brutalized or sexually assaulted on the way. The men were afraid to speak to us. Right? They were afraid to tell us how they got there. Right. They were afraid to tell us anything because they had been in the hands of the cartels. The cartel. I can tell you this. The cartel controls the US Mexico border. Period. That is. That is what the. One of the biggest revelations, which I kind of knew it, you hear about it. But to see it in action, right, is different.

Evidence of Crime vs. Law Enforcement

We saw far more evidence of crime than we did of law enforcement everywhere went. And not only that, the part where Jen's talking about where the border ended, where there was no wall, it was just open. That was a really kind of secluded, dark, butchy, mountainy area, where a lot of hate, like, that's where a lot of, like the child in sexual trafficking, I think, is going on at scale. Like, larger groups, where you can see there's a lot more foot traffic. I think that if we had not have been there's a very good chance that group would have gotten picked up on this side by the cartels. We just happened to intercept them before they got to their pickup spot. There was a car that went by that was nothing, was not border patrol, and had no business being out there otherwise. Shortly after, we intercepted the group.

Mainstream Media's Role

So just showing you that even the mainstream media not being present out there to report on this, our presence disturbed the entire area. A lot of the border patrol journalists are just going out there. They're just sitting around waiting for something to happen. Not really anybody is actually hitting the road and aggressively looking for what's happening out there as, like, as hard as we are. I mean, I'm not saying it doesn't happen, so I'm not trying to disparage anybody, but from what I saw out there, right, were the ones we like, we disturbed the hornets nest, both on the border patrol side, on the mexican military side, and the cartels all beefed up their presence because were there, right? And so if this, the media, if just independent journalists, if just citizen journalists can cause that much of a disturbance, imagine what would happen if our mainstream media was out there reporting 24/7 imagine what would happen if our government was out there doing what it was supposed to do.

Urgency of the Situation

These atrocities wouldn't be taking place. So it's important. I am going back to the border sometime in the next few weeks. I'm going back with Anthony. I'm getting that laid out. We're going to do it bigger, we're going to do it better. We're going to get more attention, we're going to get more coverage, and we're going to get bigger names involved with this time and really kind of drive the message home. And Maga is going to be all over that. Go ahead, Jen. I thought I pressed the mute button. I didn't. So just to point this out, so when President Trump came into office, right, you had them a complaining that he was separating kids at the border, right? And what diligence showed in those videos the other night with the migrants coming across the border, you had all these kids, right? They're just random kids, and you don't really know if they're actually with their parents, right, because what they were doing is they would traffic kids over the border, get the families in.

Human Trafficking and Strategic Border Crossing

Because if you approach with a family, right, you saw this in the video the other night with diligent space, that when they were separating out the groups, right, the groups with the young kids and the families, they got priority over the other guys, right? The other guys were like, oh, no, you're males. Like, you can stay out here if we can't fit everybody in the cars, right? So all of a sudden, you have these, quote unquote, family unit showing up, right? But then what they were finding is once those kids were put into America, they were then trafficked back over the border to get another group in, right? So what they were those rapid DNA tests and the supposed separating kids out the border, right, was actually for the protection of the kids, because if they were being trafficked by the cartel and used as pawns in order to get the males who don't belong in this country into the country, because it looks like, oh, look, I'm just a dad and this is my little mexican baby.

Political Manipulation and the Human Cost

Don't you like it? Let me in. Right? Like they were doing that shit, right? And then you also had, during Trump's presidency, right, you had massive groups of migrants that were purposely sent up to our border to try to make President Trump look bad because he was trying to close the border and say, listen, no, we need a border wall, right? So they have done everything in their power to use these poor migrants as pawns of the globalists in order to destabilize and undermine the country of the United States and Donald Trump. 100%. 100%. Go ahead, liv. And then when I go, doc. Yeah, I was just going to actually kind of emphasize some stuff that Jen was just bringing out. We also have to understand that Trump had an agreement with a mexican president to try to work on the closing of the border, not just because of the illegal crossings, but because of trying to stop human trafficking at the same time.

Failure of Current Administration Policies

It was an agreement that they had and they had set up, but they were trying to take it down by, you know, the Senate and the actual house were trying to stop the actual agreement. And that's when it actually happened is. Right. As soon as Biden got in, when they took all the funding away from the border, you know, the border bowl and everything. So, you know, history states that Trump would do the same thing again to get the mexican president on board, not just not like for funding only, but also for watching and to be able to kind of give intelligence, which is what they were doing a lot of times. Yeah, absolutely. We have, we need to get Donald Trump back in office. Doc, welcome, man. What are your thoughts on what's been said so far? I don't know if you've been able to follow along. Yeah. Hey, thanks, guys. I've been listening for a little bit, really just wanted to hear more about the story of your trip down to the border.

The Impact of Reporting

And, dude, I'd give you a hug if you stopped by in California to go expose yourself to the abuse and the, you know, the pedophilia. I mean, I've told the story before what my contact has been like that, and it does stain you. It is, it does affect you. And so for that, for yours and Penny's bravery, for going down to expose that, I got nothing but love for you. I mean, I agree with everything everybody said, but, I mean, clearly you and you have joined a group of people, Dustin and Jen included, that have put themselves on the line for our country in a way that belies the sort of casual approach that most people here on X take. So, you know, just end with the congratulations for that. Just one other comment. The gentleman who came up and was trying to reference what Trump had done to sort of control the border, I do believe, and I'm sure someone in this room will probably correct me if I'm wrong or confirm it if I'm right, that in comments, maybe informal comments during the campaign, Trump has indicated that he'll send the military down into Mexico to deal with the cartels because clearly the mexican government cannot, their government is captured by the narco barons in the same way that our government is.

Acknowledging the Severity of the Crisis

It's not relevant right now, but I do agree. I remember I heard Dustin was saying that things are about to ramp up and we've got the sentencing coming up, which Trump's not going to be going to jail, guys, but still. And the election, the October surprise, whatever it's going to be, is coming up. So although I retired last year when they took away my creators and subscribers account, I'm going to start holding a weekly space to deal with some of these issues and hit them from a policy standpoint. And if somebody wants to come up and debate with Doc, they're going to. Be able to give them. They're going to be given the opportunity. First space going to be Friday. I hate to pimp it out, but I'm going to anyway because I think the conversation is important. First space is going to be on those groups within the conservative movement who are now attacking Trump for a variety of reasons.

Unity Among Conservatives

We frequently comment as conservatives over the years on how conservatives seem to sort of self destruct and that they turn in and attack each other, whereas Democrats, they all seem to fall in line. I'm going to suggest that now is the time that we all fall in line, no matter what our particular single, double, or triple issue might be with Trump. That the question of Trump versus Harris is so clear cut as to, you know, I get angry when people are trying to manage the Trump campaign around the margins, around single or other issues. We need to have Trump back in office or we've lost his country. Thanks for the mic. Absolutely. We do, go to Paul, and then I need a Dustin, if you can hear me, co host Jen. I need room on stage so I can get Anthony up here. He's the border journalist who guided us through the border the entire time last week.

Seeking Solutions

I would really love to get him on stage so he can talk about his experience with us as well. I'll go back. It's no problem. No, you're good, doc. I got dropped down because I know you need space anyway. But I thank you for this conversation. Request the microphone, Anthony. Go ahead, Paul. And first of all, thank you guys for all the work you guys do. On a quick note, I have reached out to Anthony and to, I believe Alexis, if I got that right, because I want to go with you guys on that next trip. And I'm wired very similar to you guys. And I won't reveal anything because I kind of know where you're going. But I just want you to know I'll send you a DM later. I definitely want to be a part of the solution and not sit back and not help expose all these problems. So besides that, and we could talk about that in DM's.

The Alarming Situation of Missing Children

I just want you to look for it when I send it to you. The one thing I can do, and I suggest everybody here who is spending time on x, every time I'm in any space and I'm hearing almost any political argument going on, I always bring up the simple fact that 460,000 children are going missing in our country every single year. Right? Or I'm sorry, per year right now, the way things are, we are the worst in the world. If that's not embarrassing as an american, then I don't know what is. Because India, a country of 1.4 billion, has about 96,000 children going missing per year right now on average. Right. And this is probably underreported because this is what they can confirm. See what I'm saying?

The Consequences of Immigration Policies

So if we have half a million children disappearing, there is no liberal on earth and there's no HARRIS supporter on earth that has any kind of defense that makes any kind of sense. They don't even try to defend it because they're like, oh, that's just terrible. Well, why is it terrible? It's because of your border policies. You guys are allowing this to be at a level that it's unprecedented and has never happened. So in any political space, I recommend everybody here. I'm driving right now, or I would be posting the link that I always do. Jen, I'm sure you know where my link is because I know you've been in spaces with me. You probably, it's on my profile.

Child Welfare and Political Responsibility

The children missing statistics. That alone, I think, is so powerful and everyone needs to know it, especially in the MAga movement. And we need to make it a part of our messaging that we need to make our children healthy again, which is what RFK said. And that has to be, I feel like that has to be front and center because it's tied to the border, it's tied to crime, it's tied to so many issues that we can solve. So I just wanted to remind everybody about those statistics. Use them in your spaces. Use them when you're talking politics. I always say, if there's one issue. To vote on, I don't, I even. Tell people, I don't care what the rest of your politics are.

The Importance of Protecting Children

I really don't. Because if we don't protect our children, I'm a parent, if we're not trying to protect our children, then are we human? You know what I'm saying? Like, I feel for you guys. So diligent. I'll send you that DM later. I'll get out of the way because Anthony's voice is so powerful and I want to give him as much time as possible. I just admire what you guys are doing and I'm praying for your safety with everything you're doing. So thank you. Appreciate that, man. And I'll be on the lookout for that. Really appreciate your support. Anthony, man, welcome to the stage, brother. We haven't spoken on the phone? Well, yes, we have.

Capturing Experiences at the Border

We. Let's lie. I'm sly. I didn't talk to you the other day, but I was going to say, mandy, you know, you've got a little bit of rest. I know that you are on the road a lot. You got back to see your. See your people. man, what a trip, dude. Like, were talking about that space particularly, on the last night that were. Yeah, the last night that really kind of went out at night, in that area, right. We did that live space. A lot of people are talking about the impact of seeing the children come across, you know, I know that personally, it struck me hard seeing you carry that baby, have that baby up on your shoulders as you know, as you came up the mountain.

The Reality of Child Trafficking

And then they were asking me, you know, what impacted me the most? And I would say it was the evidence of child trafficking that hit me. Hit me the hardest, man. So welcome, Anthony. If you guys don't know Anthony, he's an independent border journalist, constantly grinding 24/7 always at the border somewhere. Arizona, Texas, California, maybe even looking at going maybe to the northern border for Canada because there's some crazy happening up there. But he puts himself, he puts his life on the line to try to get this information out, to get the truth out. Make sure that you're following him. And also in a reply to my video, there's a link for his gifts.

Support for Independent Journalism

And go if you guys can, man. Anthony doesn't work for any outfit or corporate media. He works strictly on funds donated to him by the public. So we need to donate to him. Go to his gifts and go donate as much as you can because we need to keep him out there. Anthony, welcome to the stage, sir. What are your thoughts? Hey, thank you so much for having me. Mandev, thank you and your whole crew for coming out, bro. And it takes a lot of courage to go out there. And now that you guys have witnessed it firsthand, it was a pretty remarkable moment, I think, for everybody that was watching because I think it was us.

The Importance of the Message and Being Present

For the first time, at least, myself, seeing somebody handle a space the way they should be ran, I feel like. I think it was just done so adequately at what while were out there and doing a great job with your whole team hosting it. Shout out to Jen and Dustin for that part, too. It was great to just see it come together in the way it did. The areas that were outgoing that I took you guys to is a region that I have been tracking for close to eleven months now. And a lot of the kids, unfortunately, and you saw it firsthand, and, you know, exactly. And the people that were out there with us know exactly what I'm talking about.

Detecting Children and Crime

A lot of these kids, unfortunately, do go completely undetected from law enforcement. You know, border Patrol was forced to go out there and gather these people up simply because were actually calling Border patrol every 30 minutes trying to get a unit to pick up these infants pretty much, that were out there with these parents. It is very common for these individuals to get picked up on the american side by other individuals and unfortunately end up in the wrong hands and into a black market, underground black market. A lot of these kids that are coming in through these sectors, and I don't mean to talk about, you know, stuff that might.

The Tragedy of Organ Harvesting

A lot of these kids that are being brought through this particular area are being brought over for organ harvesting reasons. And so they'll host and hold these children alive and until they've basically pieced out the whole body of the individual or the child that is being brought through these areas. And so by going out there and bringing attention to it is gut wrenching and it is hard to watch. But it's something that if we don't have the fortitude or the moral high ground to defend the most vulnerable, then we have no moral high ground to stand on, no moral leg to stand on. Like, it's just so sad to witness and to know that this is happening. And to a certain extent, our government is.

Governmental Accountability

They're completely responsible. They're completely responsible to a certain extent. They're complicit in this. And our border patrol agents, you see the morale down there. It's completely depleted. You see, they look defeated, bro. Each one of them on these guys is just like, yeah, whatever. Like, unfortunately, that's just. That's because of the higher ups and that's the energy that the people above them are bringing. And so they're not, a lot of these guys don't, they're not hyped up to go to work there. You know, there's no energy in there. And they know that within a few hours of these people going out of border patrol, going out, making apprehensions, these people will be, you know, released out into the streets within a few hours.

Current Border Situation

So they don't care for the most part, really, anymore if they're just riding on through, getting picked up. We wrote on the border for I don't know how many hours uninterrupted until we finally set off a very specific sensor. Then they finally approached us. But for the most part, were uninterrupted out there. We could have been picking up kids, we could have been picking up drugs, whatever, but were left alone, completely uninterrupted. You know, and I want to speak to who's responsible here. So, like you said, it's a top down effect where the top is mismanaging resources. You can see in the video that I posted.

Mismanagement of Resources

And by the way, I threw Anthony's gifts and go up in the jumbotron. It's space is glitchy for me, so I don't see it up there. Janet, I don't know if you can see it up there, but I threw it up there. So if you guys go to that donate support. Anthony, that link is in the jumbotron. But I want to say everything I saw was, it looked to me like an intentional look the other way from the Biden Harris administration. Right? So there's a complete mismanagement of resources. We saw vehicles placed where they shouldn't have been, where it's highly publicized. Right. They had. The place where I saw the most border patrol is where it had been highly publicized.

Surveillance and Media Presence

And the Mexican National Guard was actually right there plugging the whole. Matt, you gotta have my. Yeah, you're going down. You're going down. Okay. So anyways, the Mexican National Guard had actually plugged up the border on the other side because it had gotten so much media attention. Right. The places where I saw they were needed the most, they were nowhere to be found. Right. Or there would be a camera placed, you know, every few miles, which a lot of the time wouldn't even be looking at the fence or even the direction of the road, you know, to see people crossing. We, like Anthony had said we had. We come onto the top of this hill and a cartel member.

Cartel Activity and Border Patrol Behavior

There was a truck on each side. As a matter of fact, come to find out, there was a truck one side of the road on the Mexico side. And then there was a truck that came out a few minutes later trying to intimidate us, doing donuts. Remember, it was kicking up dirt. Well, that was another member on our side trying to intimidate us into leaving the area. That video is up in the jumbotrons on all the way to the far right. But my point is that also right, there was a border patrol digital outpost, which is like the, you know, it had like, a solar panel, some sensors, and a big ass camera, which they could actually. Two cameras, which they could spin around and rotate to wherever they wanted to look at.

The Effectiveness of Surveillance

When were out there and we could see the cartel trucks, the border patrol camera was looking the opposite direction. Okay? That was the case almost every time I saw one of those cameras. They have no intention or maybe they're under orders not to. To try to stop this shit, basically. And Anthony worded, he said it, he described it perfectly, which was, they are the uber patrol now. Their job is to facilitate the trafficking of illegal immigrants into our country. That is their job. Now. I can only imagine how demoralized they are. And I witnessed that at the gate.

The Disheartening Situation at the Border

I haven't posted this video yet. I did. I did post a clip of it, but I witnessed that at the gate, at the, Where were we at? Where. Where we saw the NGO guy, the rent a cop. Oh, that was in San Diego sector? Yeah, yeah. Well, yeah, Tijuana. Okay. That was in the Tijuana river valley at one of the ports of entry there. I saw exactly what the border patrol's job is now, which is to load up migrants and take them into the interior. Go ahead. And it's bizarre when you even see them basically load up the migrants and then they actually handle the luggage for these people. Like if they've just arrived at a.

The Disturbing Nature of Assistance

At a Disneyland resort destination, about to get going to the hotel type of deal. I mean, you only get that kind of service when. When you've paid top dollar and you're getting to LA. And, you know, they're actually using valet bags or valet tickets. Did you see that? I was like, bro, border patrol is loading up their bags for them now. It's. It's bizarre. But aside from all of that, it. The. The most important thing here is all of these kids that are being brought through. We were able to check in the immediate area some buildings that were being used, completely being used by people that are coming in from the other side.

Infiltration and Cartel Operations

They are coming in with car batteries, guys. And they are cutting off the direct electricity line from the city into these properties. And they are hot wiring these properties with car batteries so that they don't see a spike in the electric bill or. I don't know if the case might be that there might not be electricity at these properties. Nonetheless, they are traveling about a mile and a half up to 2 miles by foot. These are cartel scouts to come and facilitate these people that are coming over. At the same time, we know some of the characters that are out there that are from these ngO's that are brazenly being allowed to work side by side in conjunction with the organized crime by leaving supplies, wood to burn in a state where there is a fire ban, for God's sakes, these ngo's are being allowed to just brazenly disregard the law.

The Role of NGOs

Here you go, here's some firewood. Light it up. Come on in. Here's some food, here's some water for you guys to continue on your way. Here are some flyers with the destination, with the help and assistance you can request that isn't that you are entitled to all of this provided by the NGO's in San Diego sector. It is an NGO called a lotro lado. It is ran by a woman of the name Nicole Ramos. And we need to start holding these characters accountable and bringing them to justice. This is treason. This is treason.

Facilitating Migration or Helping?

Can I ask the question? Go ahead. Just in terms, how would you respond to the comment that what's being placed down there in terms of food and water is humanitarian aid? Because that sort of explanation, and I lived in San Diego for 30 years, that sort of explanation was offered by, among others, the catholic church for the placement of those supplies. So. But I'm not contesting your assertion, and I agree with it, that the NGO's are facilitating the transport over the border. And I witnessed it. I witnessed it.

The Complicity of NGOs

To your point there, doc, there's actually a migrant illegal alien encampment which is illegally being placed less than 5ft from the border wall. And they are running it under the guise of a church operation. Coincidentally enough, right on the american side. I'm talking directly right on the opposite side of the wall. They have put bathrooms, portal water, a huge tank of water for them, toilets, sinks to wash their hands, drink water and stacks of wood so that they can wait there if they like, or maybe even continue on the route into the US. This is no coincidence. It is totally by design and the catholic church is very much involved. They're just an activist group flying under the guise of a church, but they're far left radicals.

The Catholic Church's Controversial Position

And the Catholic Church not only embraces, you know, abortion now, but they're also facilitating in the invasion of our country. So yeah, they of course have a history of pedophilia that goes back centuries, and they're looking for congregants and they know that even the legal flow from South America carries a very high percentage of Catholics. That's why they've been doing it forever. But for them to turn a blind eye to what's happening now, that the accompanying shipment of drugs and children for the.

Endorsing Cartel Operations

Well, doc, it's not even them just turning a blind eye, right? They are the linchpin, the cornerstone in a lot of this human trafficking all across the border, right? They are not just turning a blind eye, they are facilitating it. And to have the Catholic Church, of all things, be the ones that are facilitating this, it really speaks volumes to where the Catholic Church is today. Yeah. One of the things that people can do, if they ask, think, you know, they should be donating to the reporter here in his gift, Sengo, and a diligent and being involved in Maga and all that. Not to disincent anyone from spending what limited money they have in those regards.

Rallying Support and Awareness

But what people can do if they are Catholics is go talk to your priests, let them know that you're seeing this and they. And you expect them as moral leaders, as adherence to Christ, to do something. Say it out loud in your church, not in the quiet whispers of one one, call attention to it out loud. Go ahead. I'm sorry, doctor. No, I mean, I think that's something that can be done easily, it can be done righteously and may have some small effect. It's the nature of the church that irrespective of your rank in the church, just reference the Catholic Church. But all churches, lutheran churches, are doing the same thing.

Expectation of Accountability

I promise you that. Whether you're a priest, a cardinal, or a pope, any of them have the same moral standing, have the same standing before Christ, right. And they are called upon to do his work. And they should be, even at the priest level or associate level that they should be calling this out publicly. They're. There's a big problem. They're moral cowards if they don't. And it needs to be said, right, it can't just be like, oh, we know that you're doing this. It needs to stop. Like, there needs to be an outcry from Catholics. Cause it's not just them using their religion, right? It's them using their religion to invade the United States.

Recognition of an Invasion

And, like, if you don't see how this is an invasion, like, talk to Anthony, talk to diligent, because they'll tell you it's an invasion. Just to ask them to have a sermon on the topic, just to make people aware of what. What diligent and these guys have revealed. And it's not that hard to find it out, even if you're not, you know, connected to this group. So to put a sermon out there in front of a couple hundred people. I mean, an avalanche starts with a. With a drop of snow on the top of a mountain.

Taking Action Together

That's right. And to piggyback off of that, if you. If you all really want to start coming together and helping us also in doing some research, I already know some of them, but I invite all of you guys to start digging on your own. Educate yourself on the r1 visa that is being used by a lot of these religions. Not just the catholic church has been using that, but also the church of Scientology. A lot of the times, they bring these people under the r one visa, and they're basically coming in as church volunteers.

Exploitation of Vulnerable Communities

But then they arrive here, and they're being exploited for over 40 hours a week, working them nonstop. They hold on to their documents a lot of the time, and they're not allowed to leave wherever they are being pretty much held captive at. And if they have a family, they bring the family under the r two visa, and that basically allows them to come over as a family unit. They will be housed by whatever religion is bringing them over. And, I mean, they. It's a whole line of exploitation. The r1 visa program, the two reals visas, when they bring the family over. So if you guys want to start digging into that, by all means, let's all come together and let's all.

New Media and Awareness

We're all. We're all. We are the new media. So. R one visa, r two visa. Church of Scientology, Catholic Church. Let me know. Send me a message. Right on. Thank you, Anthony. Okay, let's go through some of the hands. I just want to kind of recap for everybody. If you're just joining us, we are going over the border trip that we had with independent journalist Anthony Aguero, who is on stage with us right now, by the way. Maga supported my trip over there. So full credit to them for helping, full credit to Anthony for putting himself on the line and showing us, you know, went through some pretty treacherous areas, and he does that stuff every day.

Acknowledging the Challenges

I know it's probably nothing for him, but bringing people who are not experienced along with you increases the danger to yourself. So thank you for putting yourself out there, Anthony, and make sure you guys are all following him. And like I said, his gives and go is on jumbotron. Make sure that you donate and support him. That is how he operates. But, yeah, went to the southern border in California last week. We spent every day. Right. I was only going to go for one or two days, and we saw so much.

Extended Stay at the Border

I'm going to add another day. Okay. I'm going to stay another day. And we ended up pretty much staying the week. Right. And so. And there was still a lot that we didn't get to do. And I just want to say this. The shit that we saw was absolutely horrific. The child trafficking, the sexual child trafficking, the evidence of organ harvesting, the human tragedy and suffering apparent there at the border cannot be overstated. Right. It is absolutely horrific. It was life changing for me, anyways.

The Profound Impact of Experiences

Some of the things that I saw impacted me in a way that I wasn't anticipating. And I will be going back. We will be going back. But, yeah. If you guys have any questions for us, any comments, I do have a video. I'm gonna be pumping out more content of our trip. We did do a video space live at the scene at the end of the border wall where we did encounter a group of apparently trafficked migrants. One of the very last things we did in our space, were in a live video space using a Starlink, a portable starlink for data.

Making Information Accessible

Pretty wild to be able to do that and bring thousands of people along with us on our journey. So we will be doing more of that. If you guys have any questions, you know, the project that is supporting my endeavors in this is Maga on ETh. So, you know, I'm not, this isn't financial advice, but if you want to support a project that is actually going out here and making real change occur and actually putting boots on the ground, I think as far as I know, we are the only ones doing this. So make sure that you, if you are into crypto, you are supporting us.

Closing Remarks and Moving Forward

Let's go to Jen, and then we'll go to the hands. Yeah, Anthony. I know. So. All right. I know we want to get the border story out, right. But I also just want to stress to the audience, please do not get in your car and drive to the border yourself unarmed and, like, without somebody with knowledge of, like, what's going on down there. And I just want Anthony to take a minute, and if you can just explain to the audience, like, maybe how dangerous it actually is because we saw you guys out there, right. He's, he's preoccupied for a few minutes.

Understanding the Danger

Jen. Well, yeah, go ahead. But if you. If you guys could just explain, because you guys, like, made it look easy, right. And I just want people to know, like, how dangerous of a situation the border actually is and that you can't just go down there, like, freaking, like, I don't even know, like, willingness. Absolutely not. We were, were followed from the minute that we hit the road, the highway near to where the. Where the hotspots were. There was spotters parked off on the side of the road. You could see that they had CB. CB antennas on their. On their city vehicles. They were, you know, they were eyeball fucking the shit out of us, and then they would make a call or get on the radio, and then they would drive off.

The Risks Involved

So were followed the entire time that were out there, even. Even as were leaving, which was really sketchy. I'm really glad I was in a rental vehicle. I would hate to be out there in any kind of identify. Like, they'll. They'll put trackers on your car, and they won't try to get you while you're out there. They'll come to you while you're at home. Right. So definitely be mindful if you. I wouldn't go out there without an expert at all. Don't. Just because went out there to cover it doesn't mean that everybody needs to go out there.

Preparation and Caution

If you do go out there, just make sure that you're very prepared. You know, we had people who were armed. We had people who are body armor. We had people who are knowledgeable and experienced in. This is the. I don't know if you get a hot mic. And so we, like, we didn't just go out there blindly. Right. There were. They have implements. If you look at the video I have in the jumbotron, you know, they have spikes. They look like jacks. You know, the ball where you play the jacks and the. The jacks spin up. They have spikes that they've created about fist size spikes that they throw down. And regardless of how they throw them down, they always land with the spike up and they will puncture your.

Understanding the Threat

Your tire. Right. And. And they're big spikes. So those are meant to disable you. And you are out there in a remote area where it is hard to navigate the hills and mountains in a vehicle. These are two tracks, dirt roads. A lot of them have ruts where they've been washed out. Right. Like, I wouldn't go out there with any type of vehicle other than a big four wheel drive jeep or four wheel drive off terrain vehicle like we had. There's just no way you would have been able to navigate it. So if you can just imagine, if you are an outfit out there and your tires get shredded. Now you are sitting out there with the worst types of humanity, and you are at their mercy.

Being Caught in a Dangerous Situation

You are a sitting duck where they control the area around you.

Observation on Border Patrol Presence

And there is like, as Anthony said earlier, you know, we only saw a couple of border patrol and the 17 hours that we are out there the second day, we only saw border Patrol once, right? 17 hours. We only saw them once and were on the border the entire time. So just imagine the response time if you needed help out there, right? It is dangerous as fuck. These people are not fucking around. We piss them off. I know for a fact we had some people trying to throw some intimidation tactics at us. Even using social media going off my space. There are leftist organizations and activists who are actively working with the NGO's and cartels to come after reporters or journalists or independent media who are putting this stuff on X. So there's a lot of reasons why you need to be careful if you're going to head out there. The danger cannot be understated.

Realization of Danger While Reporting

So J. Yeah, I just want people to realize that. Right? Because. Yes. Do we want everybody out at the border and recording? Yeah, but like, these people are not fucking around. Like, they will kill you and you will be buried in the desert never to be seen or heard from again. It's not a joke. And to piggyback off that real quick, Jen, you're absolutely correct. They actually, in these last two weeks there is a citizen out there, kind hearted individual who has, he's a little slow, but he's a very, he's a very, very nice guy down there. Everybody knows him. And he was assaulted, be like a pope about two weeks ago by a group of migrants that were trying to cross the border. He was actually trying to record them and they were upset that he was out there recording them and they started throwing rocks at him. He started throwing rocks back. They actually had scouts jump up and over the border and they started beating him up and they were able to run back up and over the border. They are not playing around. They will assault you, they will rob you.

Consequences of Encounters at the Border

And I mean, he didn't have much for them to take, but they did assault him and they, he had to go to the hospital. But those, and that's a local that lives out there. This guy at some point has even helped migrants, given them water and passed out snacks and whatnot. It's a very liberal little county and no one, no one is off limits to these people. Pretty much, guys. All right, let's go. Thank you, Anthony. Let's go to Sally and I want to get into how weird that little NGO compound was that went to. There's so many things that need to be explored and shown what's going on there. There's liberal compounds that live adjacent to the border just across the highway where these migrants and some of the other weird ones, the bad ones are crossing and they are strategically placing water and facilitating their movements through empty trailers and rvs strategically placed just a few, you know, a mile away from the border wall and the mountains where these are, these people are crossing. It's pretty kind of sophisticated network.

Concerns Over the Activities of Certain NGOs

I'm going to post a video tomorrow that kind of shows all of that. But yeah, let's go to Sally. Go ahead, Sally. I'm not sure if you guys talked about this part yet today. I think I joined right when you. Started, but HHS last year gave $5. Billion to these NGO's to help facilitate these children going to gang members, going to. Organs, whatever you name it. But our government is facilitating it and. HHS does not have arrest authority. They can't do background checks. They have zero oversight. They are intentionally allowing these children to. Go to these people and we need to. I don't know how to hold these people accountable other than bringing it to light. And when you guys are talking about Catholics, it's not just Catholics taking the Mormons taking taken every corrupt church because. They're all corruptible because man corrupts everything.

Experiences with NGOs and Border Issues

And get to them as well. Bring attention to this as much as you can. And I try not to cry because this is the saddest stuff to me. But I just want to thank you. Guys for your amazing work. It's, it's, I was on the edge. Of my seat the whole time that I watched it. It was, it was kind of intense at times. And also, if anyone has names of. Different NGO groups, dm me because I do have time. I can research and I have people that can help me research. So do some back chat channels of who's funding them and whatnot. So anyway, thank you, diligent. Thank you, Sally. Let's go to miss me answers. Go ahead and we'll go to pools after that.

Challenges Encountered in Rating the Situation

Hi, thanks for having me up. And it's excellent speed. I can't hear her. Can you guys hear me? No. Can anybody hear me? I can hear diligent but maybe you can. Yeah, I can hear her. Yes, I can hear you. I can't hear her. I'm going to drop you and bring you back down. The answer because I can't hear what you're saying. Just request I'll bring you right back up. Let's go to pools while we're waiting. Go ahead, pools. Good evening, patriots. I wanted to share a little story with you guys. I'm in Louisiana, which we deal with. We've been dealing with for many years, obviously, just like Texas and all the border states, even though we're not border.

Questioning Benefits of Amnesty

Wait, do you benefit. Hold on. I have a question for you, Edward. Do you. Hold on. No, no. Now you're going to make me mute, you little. Edward. All right, listen. I want to know. Do you benefit by the United States declaring amnesty? That's what I want to know. That law was written in 1930. Do you benefit from the United States declaring amnesty? Edward from Zambia. But I'm already american, though, so. Yeah, but what about your family? Are you agreeing? What about your family? I'm american citizen, so I already. Yeah, but what about your close family? Are you close family? All citizens do.

Responses and Reactions

No, but I'm american. Exactly. So it benefits you for us to grant. I get them, too. So you and me are the same. Like, we are the same now. Except for that you support. Except for you support pro globalists legislation, and I do not. Okay. Honestly, we need to stop all. All migration, legal and illegal. It needs to be cut off for a couple of years because the United. Are you talking about? The Europeans conquered this land. Listen, wait, listen. This is a. And did you hear him? This is a woke ideologue. You just hang out, bro. Hang out. I'm not gonna let you derail the space. Let's go to a nine. He's been waiting patiently. Go ahead and on. Yeah.

The Shift of Political Power

So there's a lot of comedy going around lately, and I fucking love it. It's just nothing but humor at this point, because it doesn't work. It just doesn't work anymore. It's fucking hilarious. And let me make it clear. This is fucking America. You know what that means? And we know who our enemies are. And I'm gonna sound very stupid if. That'S what you think Americans are. I know who the enemies are. The cartel, China, and some african countries. You guys can all go to fucking hell. Okay. Thanks for that. Anon, let's go to Aaron. Welcome to the stage, Aaron. Hi. most things Edward said is not. True, especially when it comes to immigration itself.

Concerns Regarding Immigration Practices

And I'm saying that as a guy that worked for USCIS, the fraud rate is pretty insane. So the things he's proposing. Like, you got to be able to. Talk very intelligently to him because he's. Going to lie to you really quickly. Sorry. You saying that I wasn't speaking intelligently? I'm not sure. No, no. Diligent. Okay. Like what Edward was doing, right. It's convoluted talk. Right. He's proposing all of these things, making it sound glorious, like it's okay for us, but it's not. And he is pushing a narrative. And. Yeah, it's mixed messaging. Yes. Yeah, I understand the tactic, but it doesn't. I mean, obviously, no one on stage at least, was biting. And, you know, that's because he has a globalist mentality.

Critique of Political Legislation and Their Implications

He came here from another country, apparently. He says he's a citizen, but. But you gotta remember that there's. I am a citizen. I didn't, I didn't. I didn't say you weren't sirdhe, did I? Did I? Okay, so anyways, but also, you know, like, as I said, I asked him, you know, do you have close family that. Who aren't us citizens? And the answer was yes. So obviously, it would benefit him and I imagine a good number of people in our country if we did grant mass amnesty out like that. Right. That. Oh, well, that solves the problem. No, it doesn't solve the problem. All it does is legalize an already existing problem. That is, as of right now, unconstitutional and illegal.

Perspective on Legislative Actions

Right. That is what that legislation did. That is the. That is the lie that the Democrats and some Republicans don't get it twisted. Like he said, he is absolutely right. Senator Langford, along with a number of other prominent Republicans, pushed that legislation forward. Even some of my favorite Republicans. Who's the one? Lint, not Lindsey Graham Kennedy. Senator Kennedy even signed off on that as a co sponsor. And I can tell you I was appalled and very dismayed when I saw the number of Republicans getting behind that bill. Right. That is. That is a huge problem for us because obviously there is enough power within the uniparty to even get the most staunch conservatives to bend to their whim when it comes to this type of legislation.

Significance of Immigration Issues

And don't get it twisted. This is the most impactful issue for our country. Besides maybe the emergence of artificial intelligence, which is a whole nother. A whole other. That's what I was going to. Hold on, bro. I'm not done talking. Don't interrupt those. Which is a whole nother conversation. But the. The immigration issue, right. It is life or death for our country. We cannot absorb these people. And not only that, the Democrats are using it to change the very layout of our voter bloc. They're using it to gain more house seats. You think that sending them to their own cities is a good thing? It's not. It's giving those. Those districts, more people, and therefore more votes to use in our house.

Political Dynamics and Future Plans

So. So their long term plan, which at this scale and rate isn't going to be that long term, is to completely change the. Replace the voter bloc demographic, not the race demographic, but the voter block demographic of this country so that they can be a super majority, one party state in perpetuity. We have to stop this. We cannot allow any legislation like that to be passed. There is no mass amnesty. There is no amnesty of any kind that is acceptable. We have to yell, scream, protest, do whatever we can to prevent that. We need to call out our own. Our own party, our own republican senators, our own Republican House members who support this type of legislation.

Challenges Faced by Local Communities

And then we actually have to get on the ground and show the american people what's happening so that they will do the same. Go ahead, Jen, and then the floor is yours. Sorry. Is anybody there? I'm good. I'm good. Diligent. Just go ahead to the hands. Okay. Go ahead southern, and then we'll go to Aaron. Okay. I apologize for my voice. I've been sick. I just wanted to say on that, bill that Langford and Kennedy worked on, most of the money in there was for lawyers to fast track citizenship. that was the real point that they wanted. Biden could have shut down the border any day. He could do it yesterday if he wanted to.

Observations on Immigration and Funding

The other thing is, with the illegal immigrants coming in, we have our senses they're going to be starting in 2028. That's going to allow federal funds to go into the states to support that headcount of the illegal immigrants. That's why Newsom wants him in California, because he's got a mass migration coming out of California, and this is a pliable group of people for him. They will capitulate to all the rules and all the craziness in California. And you need to look at California, because that's what the future looks like if we do not put a boundary and say no and shut it down. The other thing is, we're seeing billions of dollars leaving our country right now that are being given to the illegal immigrants they're sending to their families, which is wonderful, compassion and all that.

Impact on Local Economies and Services

But that money's not being put back into this economy, which we need. And for the past nine months, the illegal immigrants have been taking all the new jobs, and that was intentional. Larry Fink is a big proponent behind it. He's admitted it because he did not like the union deals. He wants the migrants where they can massage the payrolls to improve bottom line, they see the illegal immigrants doing that. California now says they're going to give 125,000 to illegal immigrants for a home. Well, that is the biggest. Come on. That'll never happen. First of all, they'd have to have a real job with real income and some type of credit history, because we get $2 trillion in mortgages that are wobbling right now into foreclosures or slow pace.

Concerns About Promises Made to Immigrants

So we may have a real problem. And when you add that 125,000 in California for housing, that's all it's going to do is ratchet up the house pricing, and look how expensive California already is. And alcohol says she's going to do 25,000, which is a joke. Banks require a lot more down if you're a first time home buyer. So these legal immigrants are getting all these promises that are never going to happen. But my concern is I don't see anything done for the vets or the poor in our areas. Those funds are being moved over into the legal immigrants we already saw in the inflation Reduction act, where I care in Medicare, because I'm in medical.

Healthcare Funding and Immigration

They have removed all that money to Southern. Right. If you just. I'm landing. I'm landing. Well, I mean, just. Yeah, if I can just offer some suggestion, because you actually are very articulate, you sound good, and you bring a lot to the table information wise, if you can just break it up so that the listeners have time to digest it. Okay. Sorry. No, you're good. I know. I love having you up here, but it's just, you cover so many. You cover so much information in a short period of time. I don't. You know what I mean?

Immigrants' Preparation and Adaptation

Like, I understand. I understand. I'm so. I want to. I want to talk. I actually forgot which. The. The Gavin Newsom thing, the. The money for the migrants. We talked a lot about that on our trip, actually, because it's present. A lot of people's mind is, you know, these migrants. Actually, I can. There is a piece of paper that I found. I'm going to post some of this tomorrow. On our trip, we found a bunch of instructions. I found a paper that said, welcome to America or welcome to the United States. Big, bold letters in Spanish.

Resources Offered to New Arrivals

Actually, I found them in many different languages in Spanish. And then it had details, instructions on what to do, what to expect when they got across the border, how they should call for help. It informed them that their health care was going to be taken care of, that they were going to be provided with basic necessities that they would be provided with transportation to San Diego, and from San Diego they would be provided if they didn't want to find a sponsor there. This is the NGO, the paperwork's words, not mine. If they didn't find a sponsor there, that they would get free airfare or train fare to wherever they wanted to go in the United States.

Complicity of Organizations

This is the paperwork that's being handed on the other side, on the south side of the border. These promises, which I actually believe that California and the government is complicit in, along with the NGO's and actually fulfilling these promises, 100%. Go ahead, southern. Yes. The thing that, excuse me. The thing I'm really concerned about is we have 325,000 children missing. And Tom Holman was interviewed today, and he's trying back channeling right now, hoping Trump wins because they want, this is like their biggest surge to go to the border to figure out where are all these kids?

Missing Children and Governmental Accountability

And there's some independent journalists, young kids, running around to all these supposed addresses where these children were taken. They're empty lots, so they're just being dropped off. And people inside the government have tried to find them and they've been told, do you want to keep your job? Then shut up. That's where we're at right now. Diligent. That terrifies me. That terrifies me, these children. Well, this is the terror Rodis stuff is, oh, he's still up here. But Tara Rodis, who was in here on spaces, she was actually, I believe, a Democrat, right?

Tara Rodis and Child Trafficking

And she heard about all of these kids that were down at the border that needed to get reunited with their families. So she volunteered to go down to the border and try to help reunite these kids with their families. And when she got there, right, she really quickly realized that the Biden administration and the United States government is the middleman in a international child trafficking ring. And she became a whistleblower. And this is someone who was supportive of the administration until she got there and realized, like, wait, I'm not reuniting families. I'm handing innocent children over to the cartel, never to be seen or heard from again.

Unraveling of Trust

Right? So, like, this isn't just like, oh, these crazy maga conservative people, you know, trying to be mean to the Democrats, like, nah, your people are going down to the border and seeing, oh, shit, this is not what we have been told. This needs to get exposed because this is some sadistic shit. Right? Like, this is what you need to realize. It's, it is far past political for me. Yeah. And just to land my plane on this, I noticed, ironically, Biden's planes are flying again.

Rising Challenges Post-Administration Policies

There's been over 400,000 more children brought into the country. Young people, they seem to be focusing on young people, which is even more terrifying. But Trump had in place a rapid DNA testing, so all the children were tested and the accompanying adult or adults. Biden killed the program. When he came in office, he kicked a lot of stuff to the curb. And even at the. Who's running the border now? I can't remember his name. He speaks nicely about Biden, but you get him off with doctor Phil on an interview, and he goes, we don't know where these children are going.

Concerns for Safety of Children

We don't know where they're going, and we know they're not going anywhere safe. And it's heartbreaking for me because these are innocents. These are innocent children, and I can't imagine the terror they live in. And they're never going to be right again. They're going to need so much help. So much help. But the United States now has become the biggest human trafficking organization. Jen, what do you think? I mean, I absolutely agree. Right?

Understanding and Acknowledging Challenges

And we also have to realize, right, like, us in America, right, we have grown up with indoor plumbing. We know how to, like, you know, take care of ourselves in the most basic sense, right? Brush your teeth, wash your face. And this is not a hit on immigrants. So don't get up here and tell me I'm hating on immigrants. Go look at the facts, okay? That's not the people that are coming here, right? Like, if you go and you look at the hotels that they've been put in, they're destroying the hotels because they don't know how to live like we do in America.

Cultural Adaptation of New Arrivals

They don't know what indoor plumbing is. They don't know that you can't see stuff, paper towels down the toilets, right? And when they're getting here, they're getting thrown into our everyday, which is not what they're used to, and they're not getting any guidance on it either. Right? So this isn't just like, oh, you have some nice family from Nevada, like, going to New York and they're migrants, you know, they could just move into the house and everything will be okay. Right? Like, that's not what's happening here.

Critique of Social Services

And yes. Does it sound mean? Does it say yes? Yes, yes. And I'm willing to sound like that because it's the truth of the situation and that's not something we take into consideration a lot of the time. Absolutely. And just one more thing. I appreciate y'all being patient with my voice. I'm just starting to get it back. The Save act. The Save act is to require proof of citizenship in order to vote. It's now been attached to the spending bill and the Democrats, if they don't pass it there, we're gonna have to shut down the government.

Legislative Preparing for Action

And I'm willing to go there, but we gotta make sure that our Republicans in Congress have some fortitude and gird their frickin loins. So I recommend you reach out to your congressperson and make it very clear to them, if they fall down on this, they will pay because we will not vote them back in. And we have to be that way because Johnson somehow gives in, and we cannot have that because they're already loved. Because he has no Johnson.

Discussion on Legislative Timings

Johnson. His name is Mike Hunt. I agree. Go over this all the time. But southern, I have a question. When is this vote? Do you know when the vote is going to come up? Where the government will. I will. I will find out. I will find out. But also diligent. You were talking about the NGo's, including catholic charities, everybody. Doctors without Borders. They've all been involved. They're doing it quietly.

Healthcare Access for Migrants

But to come through the daring gap to get into Panama is where they're getting health care, clothing, food. They're well taken care of, and then they're set up to come to Mexico. And then they obviously have to pay the cartels to get through Mexico, which the cartels have made. I think they're at $750 billion now. Well, southern, this is also something that Anthony. I asked Anthony the other night, is that. I don't know if people realize that.

Travel Safety and Processes

Okay, once they get to the dairy in gap, right? And they also dangerous places. So, like. Okay, southern, please mute up for a second, please. Okay, so in places like, I believe it's Ecuador. Right. Chinese citizens do not need a visa to enter the country of Ecuador. Right. So they are purposely sending people to countries that do not require visas for entry, getting them from that country up into the Darien gap.

Visa Regulations and Migrant Safety

Right. Where they are given a pass. They are not allowed to stay in Mexico. Okay. If they have a pass, I think Anthony. I don't know. He's not here. But I think it's like a 30 to 60 day pass to make your journey from, you know, the border of Mexico to the border of America. Right. Mexico is not allowing these people into their country. They don't want them in their country because they know the damage that is caused not only to, like, you know, infrastructure and everything.

Emerging Patterns of Immigration

Well, I mean, actually, you would be surprised at the amount of passes these countries are giving migrants. We actually found, I have a stack of paperwork in my luggage. I haven't gone through any of it yet. I need to go through it probably over the next couple of days as I make content. But we found a stack of legal paperwork of these countries giving these migrants amnesty to pass through for 30 days, 60 days for some, as long as they keep moving.

Migration Pathways and Documentations

Right. And that is the first one of the most notable ones I found, which was Ecuador, which is the beginning of the journey for a lot of these international, the ones who are coming from other hemispheres. They're coming in through Ecuador. That's China, the Africans, the Europeans, the Arabs, all of those areas, they're all coming in through Ecuador. And then each of these countries that they pass through to get here are granting them paperwork so that they can continue to go through.

Global Efforts in Migration Policies

And so, and that includes Mexico, because they're all part of the international compact for migration, which is the globalist organization, globalist compact that they have signed, including the United States, to facilitate the flow of these migrants. So you would be surprised how much paperwork we found. I saying that they, you're right, they don't want them in their country, but they don't want them waiting in their country either. So they give them a pass to move into ours is what's happening, right.

Shift Towards America

Because they know, right. That it's better for them to come into. For them to give them a pass to come into the United States rather than to wait in Mexico like they had to under Donald Trump's. Under Donald Trump's, presidency. Yeah, he called and like I just pointed out, Ecuador doesn't require visas for these people to fly into the country, right? So if you're wondering, like, oh, these people have to be screened at some point before they. No, no.

Security and Identity Concerns

They're not getting screened before you get here. And Mike Dilla, Jim has point out, like Anthony's pointed out, like I point out, Dustin, Jeff, everybody, right? You will find hundreds, Ben Berkwam, he just had a post about 2 hours ago, right? You will find hundreds of ids, like legit country ids, passports just discarded at the border. And you ask yourself, why the hell would you leave your passport? Why the hell would you leave your id? Well, because they're assuming new identities when they get into United States, right?

The Reality of Immigration and Crime

And the beauty of this situation, right, if you are a upstanding person, right, and you have the ability to cross through the door, you're going to do that. The people that usually, you know, are taking the back door, not doing it the legitimate way, those are the bad guys, the gangsters, the ones that are coming here to do us citizens harm. And whether that is rob them or whether is that take over their homes or whether is that to kill them, right? Because that is what's happening.

Personal Dilemmas of Violence

And I really hope and pray that none of anybody in this room, anybody, like anyone, has to go through the pain and suffering that I've seen on the angels family's faces of their young kid or their son, their daughter, their dad, their mom, right, that got murdered by somebody who shouldn't even be here in the first place and has been deported over the border multiple times and has been labeled a dangerous criminal. They're still here. Dustin? Is Dustin there? I'm gonna.

Community Conversations Continue

So I'm good. Hey, hey. I'm gonna have to. I'm gonna have to go soon. I have to go get some supplies. I have to make some phone calls. I just want to say what a great space, you guys. Amazing. It may not be ending. I don't know. I'm only going to be gone for a minute. I have to charge my phone up and get ready, but I'm going to come back. So I'm just going to be. I'm not going to be able to continue to keep the conversation going right this second, but I do.

Maintaining the Discussion

I think we should kind of keep it going. I don't know what you have going on, Dustin. Another thing is, did you get my text message? Pretty important. And then shoot me back a text, let me know. And we just signed. I'll just say it right here. I'll let him say it officially. But we just signed on Anthony as a sponsor. We're going to sponsor Anthony for the next month. So Maga is out here making power moves and supporting, you know, America first MAGA, independent journalists and creators on this platform who are actually making a difference.

Community Support and Impacts

Shout out to Maga if you guys want to support us. The pinned post is up. Jumbotron if you're into crypto, but I'm ones that are doing shit. Let's go. Yeah, with. With that said, I am going to shut it down. I've got. I'm dealing with some other stuff. Same time. Maga Monday. This is the most bullish month imaginable. We are about to watch politics heat up in a way that is almost unimaginable.

Looking into the Future

With the debate, with the sentencing, that the things that we have, like, in the news that are coming, it's about to get intense. I can't even imagine the intensity level surrounding MAGa and political issues. It starts in September, and it's gonna run until it runs. And so I hope you guys just again shout out to Maga, supporting the reason we're having this conversation, the reason diligent and Penny were able to go to the border, the reason that their content is now sponsored is because of projects, because of MAGA, and because these projects give us the opportunity to provide the funding necessary to get this shit done.

MAGA Movement and Financial Aspects

And the great thing is load up a bag and see what happens. I've been trying to tell you guys since like 20 million market cap. Now we're at 45 million. We are just like entering into like, the heat of the cycle. And so I hope you guys will grab a bag a it allows us to continue to do things like sponsoring diligent and penny. And now, Anthony, we have some other, like, contributions that'll be coming up soon.

Investment and Supportive Initiatives

Like, I won't even dive into yet. But these projects mean something because we don't have to go, like, kiss donor ass to be able to go bring you the stories. We want to bring you that's the other thing. We get to do it in a way that is unfiltered because of decentralized projects like magas, generous and continued and regular sponsorship of all of us. So I hope you guys will seriously load up. I hope it'll be a blessing for you.

Cautionary Investment Insights

Never invest anything you can't afford to lose. No. These are extremely volatile markets. I am confident that it will go well. But I have. My crystal ball does not exist. It's been broken for a long time, or I'd be quite a bit wealthier than I currently am, although I'm doing pretty good. So I would just throw out there, support MAGA support.

Support for Community and Initiatives

Right. And by doing so, you're supporting diligent, and you're supporting Penny, and you're supporting Anthony and you're supporting me, and you're supporting America mission, and you are supporting all of the things that we are doing, and we're not. By the way, that's not even an exhaustive list of all of the different projects people in the movement that we are supporting and will continue to support.

Call to Action

So load up a bag, and if you need help, reach out. You can reach out to me. I'll probably steer you to the telegram where we have a bunch of great people on standby. We are the crypto army that President Trump asked for. We, we have built it. We are ready, and we are about to make a massive critical impact in the election going forward and then in the MAGA movement forever.

Encouragement for Participation

So I hope you guys. I hope you load up and get involved with us. I, it's a lot of fun. And it. It is the literal epitome of being a happy warrior, which is we have a good time and we do stuff that matters. When you can find that magic combination in something, you know you're on to something special. All right, I will quickly let Sally Rose and Matt go, and then I'm gonna shut it down.

Final Remarks and Notable Interviews

Thank you, guys. So the top of my profile, I have pinned a video with an interview with Aaron Stevenson. And Tara Rodis ended up joining. And he went through a lot of. Detail about how those trafficking ring works. If anyone's interested. Interested. When you have downtime, you're not in a space. Go check it out. Yeah. All heroes.

Inspiring Whistleblowers

I died Carlos into that. Like, we. We have this amazing group of whistleblowers and Aaron Stevenson inspired it. Like, right. It's. It's that little definition of courage begets courage. And Aaron Stevenson, the DHS whistleblower, inspired Tara and Carlos and a bunch of others to come forward. It's why we know how many missing children there are. If you haven't seen Tara rode his testimony before Congress, it is chilling.

Continuing Advocacy for Missing Children

But if you want to where the 350 and the growing number where that came from, it literally came from one courageous person blowing the whistle and her name. Right. Aaron Stevenson. Terror wrote us and we've done several spaces. I'm lucky to consider all three of them friends and like, have offered support and platform to get that word out. But the reason we know is because people had courage from inside to blow the whistle.

Recognizing Heroism

So definitely check out Sally's interview, the amazing heroes. Word gets a thrown around a lot of places it doesn't deserve. People like Aaron and people like Tara and people like Carlos are actual heroes for having the courage to shine a light on this stuff. Go ahead, Rose. Happy Labor Day. All you hard workers out there for MAGA and getting President Trump elected. And I just, you know, back to the conversation.

Critique of Political Figures

I just wanted to point out the. Fact that. You know, Governor Abbott isn't a saint either. And he is participating in a lot of this, too. Is my gut feeling he allowed this to happen for four years. And my concern going forward, or you mentioned it, Dustin, is that sending all of these people to blue cities is really going to affect the voting bloc. And. It'S going to really disrupt the whole representative landscape.

Reflections on Political Consequences

So that's my big concern. Going forward. And I just pray for all the. People that are out there, you know. Migrating up north for the women and children, for their safety today. And I pray for this country. I really do. And we have a lot of, you know, we're in the last stretch, right? 60 days. Let's go. Let's rock and roll. Absolutely.

Concluding Thoughts and Future Perspectives

All right, Matt, I'm going to give you the last word, and I'm going to shut it down. Thank you, Dustin. Thanks for. Thanks for giving me a mic and. Giving me a chance to speak. Hello, diligent. And Jennifer, listen. Let's be. Let's be clear about this. Amnesty's are nothing more than a scam, all right? Reagan did one in 1986, and that was the last time California voted Republican in a presidential election in 1988.

The Aftermath of Past Legislation

If you do another amnesty, you will turn Texas blue and impale any issue you care about as a MAGA person. Another thing on that point, they say George W. Bush did any better, did better than any other Republican with Hispanics, which is true. But what they don't tell you is he got 40% of the vote. And since 1984, Republicans have only gotten above 35% of the hispanic vote twice, the other time being Reagan's 1984 re elect.

Continuing Awareness on Human Trafficking

And another thing, too. If you guys are interested in the trafficking issue, I've got an interview Friday night and exclusive, in fact, with. With Ali Hopper and Jared Sadolsky. And they just got back from a trip to Belize. They're going to be sharing their findings with yours truly. So if you guys are interested in that, I hope you'll tune in Friday at 07:00 p.m. eastern.

Expressing Gratitude

Thank y'all. Sounds good. We'll definitely look for that. You guys have a great day. MAGA Monday, bullish. MAGA September. Holy smokes. Like, MAg is actually on a tear right now. It's just been literally flying up. And I expect it to continue to do so. Of course we will have our corrections and other things, but it's gonna be a crazy month.

Final Call to Action

Like, I hope. Buckle up, be ready, and continue to fight for the truth and for things that matter.

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