Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space $LUNC AMA: 10x Memes, $JURIS Alpha , USTC, TerraCasino, L1 Team hosted by traderrocko. The $LUNC AMA space delved into various aspects of the crypto market, from the influence of social movements like WallStreetBets to the developments in projects like TerraCasino and $USTC. Discussions covered meme-based investing, the role of key cryptocurrencies like $BTC, $ETH, and $LINK, and the importance of community-driven initiatives in the blockchain industry. Overall, the space provided insights into the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency investments and emerging trends.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How does meme-based investing affect cryptocurrency markets?
A: Memes can influence market sentiment and drive speculative trading, impacting crypto price volatility.

Q: What sets $JURIS apart from other cryptocurrencies?
A: $JURIS offers unique features or functionalities that differentiate it in the competitive crypto landscape.

Q: What developments are happening with the $LUNC project?
A: Stay updated on $LUNC's progress, partnerships, and future roadmap within the crypto space.

Q: Why is $USTC gaining attention in the cryptocurrency ecosystem?
A: $USTC's unique selling points or partnerships make it a notable player in the crypto market.

Q: How do social media movements impact cryptocurrency prices?
A: Social media trends can shape investor behavior, leading to price fluctuations in the crypto market.

Q: Why is community support crucial for blockchain projects like TerraCasino?
A: Community backing fosters trust, adoption, and sustainability for projects like TerraCasino.

Q: How are traditional finance strategies adapting to the rise of cryptocurrencies?
A: Traditional financial players are integrating with crypto markets, leading to new investment opportunities and market dynamics.

Q: What role do key cryptocurrencies like $BTC, $ETH, and $LINK play in the crypto space?
A: These major cryptocurrencies act as market benchmarks and influencers in the broader crypto ecosystem.

Q: What risks are associated with pump and dump schemes in crypto?
A: Pump and dump schemes can manipulate prices, leading to sudden gains for some but risks significant losses for others.

Q: Why are community-driven projects important in blockchain?
A: Community involvement adds credibility, decentralization, and innovation to blockchain projects, driving long-term success.


Time: 00:15:45
WallStreetBets vs. Crypto Trends Analyzing the parallels between meme investing in traditional and crypto markets.

Time: 00:25:12
$LUNC Project Updates Exploring the latest news and advancements in the $LUNC cryptocurrency project.

Time: 00:35:29
Emerging Crypto: $USTC Spotlight Diving into the features and potential of the $USTC cryptocurrency in the current market.

Time: 00:45:18
The Influence of Social Media on Crypto Prices Understanding how online trends impact the value of cryptocurrencies like $BTC and $ETH.

Time: 00:55:06
Community-Driven Innovation: TerraCasino Exploring how community support shapes the development of blockchain projects like TerraCasino.

Key Takeaways

  • The impact of WallStreetBets on traditional finance and its ripple effect on cryptocurrencies.
  • Insights into meme-based investing and its significance in the crypto space.
  • Updates on projects like $LUNC and TerraCasino, highlighting their progress and future prospects.
  • Exploring the potential role of $USTC and its impact on the crypto ecosystem.
  • The connection between social media movements and crypto price action.
  • Discussion on emerging cryptocurrencies like $JURIS and their unique selling points.
  • The intersection of traditional finance strategies with cryptocurrency markets.
  • Analysis of key players in the crypto space such as $BTC, $ETH, and $LINK.
  • Understanding the dynamics of pump and dump schemes in crypto investments.
  • Insights into the significance of community-driven projects in the blockchain industry.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Weekly Space

Good evening, everyone. Welcome to another weekly lunch spaces. Hopefully we have some good guests come up and get some good discussions going. I'll give an update on my thoughts on Luna Classic. If you've been busy with work, not been on crypto Twitter, following Luna Classic, I'll share with you some of the news that's been happening. Ll 69 Macoast is here as well. We'll get an update on jewish protocol, what's happening from airdrop to some alpha. Hopefully some positive news on the LLC as well. I can see some meme coins projects as well. We'll bring you guys up as well. If you guys want to come up, talk about your projects. Battleforce, Tokymon boys, we can talk to you guys as well. I can see few regular spaces, so regular faces. Good to see you guys here and yeah, let's have a good spaces.

Personal Updates and Market Review

Hello, 69. How you doing, mate? Hi, Rocco. Hi, guys. I'm fine. I've had a pleasant weekend and Sunday with my girl, so that's why I'm a little bit late. I'm sorry. No, it's fine. You're not. You're not late. I think we usually give five minutes for people to tune in before we get started, but not message too many people, hopefully. Rexy, I'll message redline, see if redlines got an update on the MM stuff. Hopefully it'd be good if we can get him on or frag on as well. We've not spoken to frag in a while one of these spaces. He's been busy. Frank has been busy. I think his child was. His child had his first school day or something this week. And did you see his post? That's pretty cool. Like, not ready for a tattoo, but he had, like, something on his arm, like an arm wrist or something with rules on it. Maybe we can sell these merchandise. That would be quite fun. I'd wear a bracelet.

Updates on Luna Classic

So I'll give you a quick update on what I've followed in lunar classic. So price wise, not much has happened. It's been very choppy market. We've seen bitcoin just chop in. It's broken below 60k now. We've not had, like, a big dump. I'd say, like, I think were below 60k in July and it went up to 68. We dropped below 250k, we pumped. So it's been very choppy market. So I don't know if there's going to be a sell off before the elections or we chop gun to my head again, I'm not trading as much. I did take couple of scalps on lunar classic. I posted some trades in other coins, some meme coins. But in terms of trading, it's just very quiet market. Lots of people are saying like go touch grass, go do gym, go date or whatever your holidays, whatever you want to do, come back when the market is better. I think after the elections, hopefully we have a better market.

Future Projections and Current Sentiment

In terms of lunar classic again, I did a YouTube video, I'll tag it on top of the spaces in a second if you guys want to check it out. In terms of lunar classic again, same price since sort of June July. We've just been chopping in this range. Maybe if we go towards the lows again, the 5000 level, the low of 2023 August, you could look to buy some. We'll probably get a bounce. If bitcoin sells off, it could go there. Or if we start breaking like killer Zero or get back above like not point triple zero one s bitcoin above 60k, maybe that could be a trade. But in terms of prices, very quiet. In terms of news, genuine labs, her labs sort of been Mia for a bit. I was surprised to see that post from their spokesperson, diamond hands. My thoughts are just, let's just not cause more drama and let's see. Let's trust him a bit, I guess.

Updates on Jewish Protocol and Future Plans

There is another l one team that wants to work on the chain. I've seen that post. They're willing to KYC from what I've heard and follow governance. That could be exciting. So that's one news. Other news I've seen a really good post from happy catty crypto about burning USTC stuck in anchor protocol and mirror protocol and that could be nice. I know there's not been much progress on the USTC repeg side, but there's been, there's opportunity for lots of lump burn and if we can time it with the bull market, that could be really exciting. So we've got the shuttle bridge burns, we've got the TfL, LFG burns, and we've got the burns from this anchor mirror protocol as well. So lots of lunar classic and USC to burn. That could all give a helping hand. If we can have a narrative going, whether it's meme seasons, I know I can see a lot of the memecoin projects.

Community Engagement and Project Sustainability

We'll bring you guys on probably in 20 minutes. We'll just go through the lunar classic stuff first and then bring you guys on. And yeah, if we can get a meme season going, have some on chain activity going on Luna classic chain on top of the burns, that could be exciting. USDC repeg, hopefully jewish protocol have start building jewish protocol, have a testnet to show to the community. That could be exciting. And there's other projects as well. If we can get all that stuff going, it would be pretty cool to time it with the burns and hopefully the bull run or just at least a pump. With the election and the markets are predicting that Trump is slightly ahead now he's bullish for crypto. Some people are looking at him as their only hope. So, yeah, let's see what happens with all that. But from our point of view, we can just build on what we're building and hopefully something we get a product market fit.

Terra Casino Giveaway Initiatives

Something gets not just Luna classic community excited people from outside the chain excited as well. I think that's about it. From my side, I am doing the Terra casino giveaway. I did post it yesterday. I'll message Rexy again if you can come up or sign up from Terra Casino. But dollar 100 giveaway. Go check out the YouTube video. I've picked a winner. DM myself or the Terra casino account and we'll do the $100 trading credit giveaway. That's it from me. Lunatic. Anything else to add on Luna Classic or crypto in general? Isn't there something about the new I one team that you mentioned?

Discussion on I One Team and Governance

Yes. So tech is here. I don't know if you want to come up. He commented or DM'd me. I can't remember. I get so many DM's. But yeah. Is it? Let me check. He's yeah. BlV Labs, I think they're the l one. Team. I covered it on the touched on the YouTube video, but I don't know anything about them. I've not had any interactions. Have you spoken to them on telegrams or seen any messages in discord groups from them? No. To be quite honest, I was busy with the Juris stuff and I just loosely followed it. I think they have a governance prop up for improvement of the governance module or something, but I don't know what they want to improve stuff.

Lunar Classic Conversation Continuation

So I only saw that there was the. To be quite honest, most of the questions I saw, like, or the comments I saw about them is like, are they kyc? No. Yes. And this stuff, and I'm like, I don't even know what they want to do for lunar classic. Maybe we should talk about this first. But, yeah. Okay. Yeah. I've not looked into if anyone else know about this. I've just invited all the validators or meme coin projects or Cat Battleforce boys, Elbon, if you guys want to come up, we can talk, but yeah, I don't know more about it. Okay. Should we move on to jurist and if there's not much else to add on lunar classic?

Jurist Updates and Further Details

Yeah, we can. All right, if you start giving the update, I'll dm see if I can get some more people in our message redline and a couple other guys, see if they want to jump on. All right. All right, so where should I start? I actually received post from the Dutch Chamber of Commerce this week. So officially, we, I have now a holding structure in the Netherlands, which includes a operative LLC, basically a company. I requested four bank accounts in total, because perennial, like, if you have a holding structure, you need basically two accounts, one for the holding, one for the operative, and to be able to quickly request CX accounts. I went for two easy to get bank accounts, which my bookkeeper advised me not to use for operative things, but it can be used to prove to CX is that you have a bank account so that they can give you a normal crypto account.

Introduction and Background

I mean, we've only been. I've only been a validator since March. So this is all, again. It's all very new. And I'm not the. I'm not the techie person, you know, I'm really not. There's a lot of. There's a lot of people behind the scenes that are a lot smarter at this sort of stuff than I am. And I don't know how I get. I get I'm actually the one that ends up being asked to speak because I'm, as I say, I'm not the brains behind the outfit. There's people behind it that are a lot smarter than I am.

Appreciation and Support

Okay, well, no, thanks for coming on. Anyway. Hopefully once you can share more, you can come on again. Du Bois, crypto house lunatic. Have you guys got any questions for Battleforce? No, but I want to say thank you because Battleforce was one of the first guys who actually supported us immediately when we started the jurist stuff for Rakoff in the past. Yeah, I mean, the jurist stuff for me, I mean, it's brilliant. I mean, anybody that is building on the chain, I think we need to support. I also support Lungburn project, which I think is a fantastic project. I've supported cat with hat. I do a lot of airdrops. I'm. I basically believe the more volume that we can get on chain, the more vision that we can get for the projects that are going on, the better it is for the community. So anybody that's building, I am 100% behind them.

Engagement and Retweeting

Thanks so much, man. Awesome. Thank you, guys. And, yeah, guys, if you're listening, if you could retweet the spaces and follow the people that are here as well. Really. Thanks, Battleforce. But I'd really appreciate the listeners as well. If you could just read to it and get the lunk and lunk memes words out there. David, you've got your hand up. Yeah. Hi, I would like to ask Battleforce validator a question. I'd like to ask how Alpha will benefit terra classic future. I would like you to elaborate on that. So we all know how we like to help terraclasic with this token.

Clarifying Questions

Thank you very much. I can't understand what you're saying. Could you speak slowly, David? And then hopefully can answer you? I didn't catch you either. Yeah, maybe the quality of the call is low. So I would like to ask question to Battleforce validator. I'd like to ask how Alpha is going to benefit terra classic. What's the idea for Alpha? You know, how it can improve terra classic. And I would like to battle force to explain in details this topic. So thank you very much.

Plans for Expansion

Ideally, we'd like to branch Alpha out into other chains. I mean, I would like it to, I'd like it to grow, I would like it to bring attention to the market. I want, I want it to be seen everywhere. I want it to highlight what's going on the lunar classic chain. That was always been the idea behind it. So you planning to, like, bridge it over to other chains like osmosis and list it on Seoul? I mean, I don't know where it's going to go and I don't know how much we can influence other markets, but yes, I mean, it would be great if we could bridge it onto other chains. It would be great if we can use Alpha as the driving force behind bridging it onto other chains.

Transaction Insights

So people have to use alpha to do transactions. I mean, there's lots, we've got lots of ideas, but we need to build upon this. I mean, we're five days in. Yeah, I think, yeah, people were usually, people are probably expecting kryptos will go to your next, but yeah, people are probably expecting more. When a project launches, they expect like, oh, what's your plan? What's your roadmap? I'm assuming that you guys are still working on it, so you're probably not ready to share all the information just yet.

Bridging Benefits

Yeah, I would like to understand how bridging Alpha would benefit terra classic because I like to understand, I don't know at this point. Thank you very much for info. Well, if you can bring people in from other chains into the lunar classic network, then it's got to better if they start trading in lunar classic. It's beneficial for the chain, isn't it? We can't live in a closed bubble. We need to expand into the wider crypto community and that's the plan.

Community Expansion

Crypto house could probably answer that because he's from another chain and he's looked at other projects. Well, you know, it's actually very beneficial, like, getting order, like, as battle force was saying, it's actually quite good to have, like, your token bridge to order like chains. Because like, let's say there is like, I don't know, like 2000 people are interested in Alpha and because they're interested in Alpha, they'll use it on Luna Classic. But also if it's like on osmosis, other people will see it when they're trading on the decks and they'll like, let's say like, I don't know, another 2000 people joined that way.

Potential for Growth

And then if you have it on, like, let's say you bridge on to Seoul and with the amount of like, users there's on Jupiter, you could have a lot of users actually using this meme coin that will act, that will like, let them see. Oh, there's actually like trading going on Luna classic and there could be potentially a lot more people interested in Luna classic and other projects that are built on top of Luna classic. So it would definitely beneficial. Thank you.

Trading Information

I actually had a question. Is it live trading right now? It is. I mean, again, we're still new. There's live trading on Coin hall, there's live trading on terra pool. We've also applied to some CeX is, but I mean, we've got a project that's five days old. You know, nobody's entertain us until we've got a bit of trading history. So we are making the applications. But again, it's, it's five days old, guys, six days old.

Validator Challenges

All right, no worries, Basil. We'll take a question from NB and then maybe move on to the next project or next topic, NB. Go ahead. Good evening from Turkey. Hi. So I think Alpha could benefit terra classic because you need to buy terra. Classic to have alpha. Is that correct? Correct. Yeah. So, yes, it is officially benefiting. Like you have to buy yours to have. You have to buy lunch of Luna. Classic to have yours the same, for example.

Airdrop Discussions

Correct. Well, thanks. And let's see that we get more meme coins or coins supporting the chain. Thank you, guys. I actually had a question. How do you become a Luna classic validator? I've been a holder for a long time, but. It's actually quite easy. I mean, you need to have, obviously, you need to have enough funds to get into the active set. We are a bare metal validator, which means we run our own node. So Jerry manages the node, he's the technical person.

Validator Requirements

So you've got your node, you set up the system. Providing you have sufficient funding, you can get in the active set and away you go. How much funds do you need. To get in the active set now I think it's about 80 million. 80 million. Lunar classic. Yeah, that's actually not too high in. Terms of running violator. You've got a couple of options. You can run it on bare metal, silver like butterforce, or you can rent it from hexagon or others for as low as $150.

Running a Validator

So becoming validator and running validator is anybody can do it. The question is if you can get the number of delegations right. But the running validator is pretty simple. On Terracrus. I mean, the other thing about run the validator, which is quite interesting if, especially with the price at the moment, it's not profitable to run a validator. There is not a lot of money in it at all. Probably based on the current price, you'd probably need five or 6 billion in delegations to break even.

Profitability Concerns

Oh jesus, that's too high. Yeah, so I mean, we run at a loss. We do it for the benefit of the chain. Yeah, I think only like the top ten maybe make decent enough money, or top 20 maybe. I want to say something, guys, because I can transparently say how much we earn. The validator, I think since April, I think I started, I don't remember when I started. I think like one or two weeks into the project, which should be mid April.

Delegation Insights

And if you look at the validator account on Coinhore, I think I purchased slightly less than $1,000 worth of jurors, which means till now the validator made thousand dollars worth of commission, whatever that means to you. Right. I think we had 12 billion in delegation. Something like this, maybe a little bit more now, 15 or something, 1415. Now it's six. So on average you can calculate how much delegations we had and then you can kind of get an idea how much you make if you're in the top.

Commission Calculation

25 to 35. If anybody wants to calculate this, Mike from Luna Classic, I don't know their name right now because he changed the name recently. But number 23, as far as I remember, validator Enteroclastic has got the good calculator. So lunaclassicnote.com has got good excel file with commission calculator that calculates how much you will get with how much of delegations and how, what percent of commission you have. So go to his website and check the calculator.

Economic Viability

So it's easy to do. And yeah, the numbers are pretty bad, unfortunately. There's, there's a really good calculator on validator info. You can set the percentage of the validator the commission you put in, the amount of money put into the validator and it will spit out the numbers. It's very simple. Yeah, I think that's a good point. I've used that calculator for a YouTube video where I talk about how much you need to stake or have in delegation to make like $100 a week.

Earnings Projections

Hundred dollars a day. Just some crazy numbers. And so that might help as well if you want to check the exact numbers out. So just give you an idea, 2.5% commission with, let's say you've got a delegation of a hundred million. Okay. One year, your validator commission would be $716. Well, I can tell you I was a validator for quite a one month. So watch one short period of time during Q 420 23, Q 120 24.

Validator Insights

And it back then when the price was higher, we needed like 300 million to bear even break even with bare metal servers. So it depends on the price. Obviously, we should not maybe fat so much being a validator and how bad it is, it can better. If you get back to price that will eat 10, at least 10, right? So it should get better very quickly. Maybe we should move to other topics rather than Brandon, this one.

Investment Opportunities and Collaboration

Well, not Rakov. Sorry, Juris. So hopefully you're going to heavily invest in some alpha as well. I have been. I have been watching Alpha and I would like to collaborate at some point. I feel like we both launched at similar times and can both mutually benefit each other. Well, that would be great. That would be great. Yeah, I think it's. I think it's going to do very well. Interestingly enough, Garuda is one of the validators behind Alpha. Yeah, we've worked closely with Garuda. Garuda has been a massive help to us. Like I said, they are currently creating the lottery for us. They've helped out massively. Any questions I've had, any problems I've had. They've had come back with swift responses. Yeah, no, they're amazing. They're amazing.

Staking and Upcoming NFT Range

The staking. When we first did our first round of staking, were offering 3650%. Yeah, I've seen that. I think they looked after you quite well. We are, by the way, we are currently going to be launching an NFT range just for a bit of support of our project. They won't be expensive, 50% will go towards our liquidity and obviously 50% will be buying back boys and burning it. We just wanted to get the community involved. People enjoyed the last lot of nfts. As I said, we minted out, which was a massive surprise because like I said, I think it was about 57 mints this week. So it's gone off the charts for us. Really nice.

Trading and Wallet Integration

So I double checked. Luna is actually listed on Levana. You can trade Luna against USDC or basically any other crypto you like, what's mainly backed by USDC. So. From a technical point of view, it shouldn't be too difficult to add. Lunar classic, I'm assuming. Yeah, that's what I was thinking as well. But I'm sure we'll have to have the chat first and see what the team thinks about it. Okay. I can speak to them. I think I've seen Levana. They're doing some work with Roon. Right? Yeah. I'm close enough to some of the team members. I could maybe have a chat and see what happens. That would be good.

Community Engagement and Support

Crypto. I know we've been dming. We can maybe jump on a call next week as well. Yeah, and we can talk a little more yet. Right. And we've got Elbon here and I know we've tried to speak, but I don't think I've spoken to Elban before. How you doing, Elban? I'm doing great. I wasn't going to be speaking today, but I figured since we're covering Alpha and the boys, I'd say something, because we work with both of those projects, so I'm not talking about the base token here. I wanted to kind of hit on something else. We've got a game that's called meme coin madness. And with both of those projects, we had a meme created, so, not their token, a separate token.

Meme Coin Madness Game Overview

And we ran the game for roughly four to seven days. I forgot exactly. It was a little bit different for each of them. But the idea is that we play off of this meme coin. the dynamics, right? So we all know that meme coins pump hard, and then they dump, and then they, maybe they pump again. So what we do is we start with, first of all, it's not even our meme coins. We have other teams create meme coins, and then we just basically put them on this game for them. whoever creates the meme coin and anybody can submit one and we might use it, gets 4% of the sales. And so both Alpha and the boys were able to leverage that to get a little bit of liquidity for their main projects.

Invitation for Collaboration

So if there are any other projects out there that are looking to potentially raise a little bit of funds for the initial liquidity, go ahead and reach out to us. You can go out to the meme coinmadness tech website, and there's a section in there where you can submit a design. The only thing we ask is that we want it to kind of be, you know, there's gotta be a little story behind it, right? So you gotta make something up, make it funny, so that people get a kick out of it. But again, the way that the game runs is that we pump it for a certain amount of time. Let's say I think we're gonna shorten up the times now to, like, 48 hours.

Game Mechanics and Dynamics

Nobody's allowed to sell during those 48 hours. Then we flip over to an airdrop phase, where we airdrop token to the last 25 or so, 25 to 100 buyers, depending on how many people are actually involved. And then after that is the crazy fun, which is the dumb phase. We've been picking five people at a time to dump. And what that does is essentially really hard pump right in. Typical meme coin dynamics. Whoever gets in early, essentially, they're really the only winners, right? So the way that we run this game is, since it's random, you can. You can enter late and still make out better than the guys that entered early.

Rewards and Participation

So it's actually pretty cool. We pick five wallets to dump. They get a chance to dump for ten minutes. If they don't dump, then we move on to the next ones. And we do that until we go through all of them. We had CC. The first one that we did was emboy. So remember I said it was a different token just for the game. And that one pumped 180 x, if I remember correctly, that's 18,000% on the price. And I think Alpha pumped about have to help me on this, but I think it was 12,000% on that one. Almost 13,000%. So, yeah, these pumps are really hard pumps. It's really fun. People get a kick out of it.

Future Projects and Collaborations

So I invite. I invite you guys to check it out. We have Arnie that's going to be kicking off the next couple days. Again, these are not. So we run these games, but they're not our meme coins, they're other people's, which I think is pretty cool because we get to work with other projects and help them out a little bit. Do they launch with you, or do they just come with a bit of percentage of the supply to do this meme coin madness? No, no, it's so we don't use the main token, right. What we do is we create a new token, because the idea is, it's a game, right?

Game Mechanics Explained

So the idea is that this meme coin that's created only lives for about one to two weeks, and then it dies. Well, we say it dies, or we. We put it on the hall of fame or shame page. Right, because it's just for fun. Right? But there are some pretty big winners. Obviously, there are some pretty big losers, too, just like in any meme coin. Right, but, yeah, but. But what's cool is that other people are providing the meme coins, not us. It's like a lottery then, right? It turns out to be just right.

Lottery Dynamics of Meme Coins

I mean, it all. It's basically all a lottery, right? If we take a step back and look at crypto, right? Just about all of it. But yes, it kind of is like a lottery because there's that randomized selection there at the end to dump, which gives it a nice little twist. Right. Because you don't have to be the first guy to get it. I mean, you can come in late and still. Still do well with that 18,000% pump. And those numbers are legit. 18,000% and the other one was 12,000%. When's the next one? I'll just play around with it, see. See how it works.

Upcoming Projects and Designs

When's the next one? So for the next one we have Lvs validator. He submitted a bunch of designs, so we wanted to put them on there. I was. I was going to start the game this weekend, but I've been trying to put better wallet support on there, so I don't think I'm going to be able to do it. So I'm just going to go ahead and launch it the same way as the previous two and maybe tomorrow or so. Yeah, yeah. We want to give everybody like at least a 24 hours warning so there's a countdown and it'll count down to the. To the start of it. I definitely join and play around with it as well.

Acknowledgment and Opportunities

Yeah, yeah, it was just. On that note, I wanted to say thank you to Alban for choosing us first because it did help us massively with our project, helped fund our liquidity. It was all a bit of fun and everyone got involved and as he said, we're the top hall of famer so far. One out of two, it ain't bad. That's pretty good. So the person that wants to launch with you, so what do they benefit? I can talk to that one because obviously when we bought in, I think we get 4% royalties of the tax.

Royalty Structure and Involvement

I can't remember. Elba may be able to say, but we get 4% of all sales. Obviously our wallet can come out exactly the same time as anyone else's. So if it was bottom, we wouldn't have benefited at all, really. But luckily enough, we came on the second or third page, so we managed to sell at a decent price and helped our fund load liquidity. Absolutely. So this is rewarding the designers of the meme coins. It doesn't have to be a project either. It could be somebody just wants to kind of have some fun and throw an idea out there.

Community Driven Efforts

Because I'm thinking we should. We should do it with. If ll Six is cool with it, we should do it with Rakoff. Like bring back Rakoff and do it like a quick pump and dump one on Rakoff, see if it survives all of what you call it, hall of Fame or hall of. Hall of Fame. Yeah, we definitely have to put that one on the hall of shame, though. Right. But no matter how well it does. But, yeah, that would be kind of funny. Yeah. If you guys want to do that.

Future Plans for Meme Coin Madness

So we have lbs now believes is going to be next. I've got another one already lined up following that one. I don't think I can say the name of that one just yet. But then, hey, if you guys want to roll in after that, we're going to try to do two a week. So that's about in two weeks. If you guys want to do that's cool. Just go on our, go to that meancoin madness tech page and submit your design. Cool. No, sounds good.

Community Involvement and Challenges

And I think. Do you work with Dave gobbled as well? Apologies if I butchered his second name. Yeah, yeah, Dave. Dave is on the team. He's still working on that. The land rush. It's the kind of sub project, I guess, that he has going on. So we got a couple different things. Elbow is kind of in base token. It's kind of like the maintain. It's the main project, but then offshoot to that happen all the time. We've been helping other, either other team members or even other projects kind of launch their ideas.

Wallet Usage and Access

So what we want to do is help out the community, help out the other teams. So, Elbon, what wallet do we need to use to participate? So right now it's. I don't think station's working. I heard that it was maybe working a little bit better, but Galaxy people have been using galaxy. You can use capital. Yeah. I have to finish setting up the wallet integration for that, so I don't think for this time around it's going to work. Or you can use Strath's wallet too.

Participating Without Wallets

So how do people actually participate in it if you. If there's no wallet? Exactly. Working correctly with it right now. Yeah. So there's a dapp and you just connect your wallet just like any of the other dapps out there. It's just like an exchange. Right. It comes up with a swap page, and as long as your wallet's connected, you can go ahead and make that swap. Okay. So you don't actually need a particular wallet.

Wallet Integration and Future Features

You can use any wallet, really, just connect to the Dap and. Right, and so what I was trying to add other wallets is I was trying to expand out because station has been kind of flaky for some people. Some people get it at work, some others don't. I had been using the galaxy and it's been working fine for me, I guess. I don't know, some people have problems with some wallets and others, you know, don't. So I would say just give it a shot with one of those wallets.

Future Wallet Support

Stationary galaxy okay. Yeah. Why wouldn't Kepler work, Alba? So it would work. And I have some. Some of the other dapps that I have out, like, pixel pack. It works on there. Now I'm adding support through the Cosmos kit. That's what I'm trying to do now. That's. It's going to take quite a bit of rework and some code to get that to work, but that way we could use. I mean, there's a ton of wallets on there, even trust wallet.

Efficiency and Functionality

And some of the other ones, like that would work. But, I mean, it's taken me a little bit longer than I wanted to based on some other things I have going on. Cool. No worries. I mean, there are cosmos. A lot of people in cosmos use Kepler, so, I mean, if you've got time, could help bring other users to your meme coin madness as well. Yeah, definitely. I'll say. It's probably the most used wallet in Cosmos by far.

Community Wallet Discussions

I just kept her as well for like Kuji osmosis or any other cosmos ecosystem stuff. It's probably the most trusted, actually, as well. Yeah. And now that you say that, you know, sometimes every once in a while you'll hear people say that maybe we should get a community wallet. And I'm like, there's some pretty good wallets out there already that maybe we could just utilize those and focus on something else. No, I definitely wouldn't go with a community wallet.

Final Thoughts and Recommendations

No. That sounds like a bad idea. Yeah. All right, guys, so unless anybody has any other questions on meme coin madness, if you get a chance, just go check it out. Lots of fun. Remember, do not invest money or play the game with any money that you cannot lose. Because after all, it is a game. No. Thank you for coming up, Alban. I've had lots of people message me about you. First time speaking to you. I know you've done quite a bit for lunar classic.

Community Engagement and Appreciation

You've helped quite a few people in lunar classic community from. From what I've heard. So thank you for coming on. I'm sure we'll speak again. All right, thank you very much. Thanks. Album. Cool. I think we've covered quite a bit today. Jewish. Are you going to be speaking from jewish or ll 69? Which account are you speaking from? I'm speaking from ll. I just added the other one for publicity.

Entertainment and Community Involvement

Just showing some clickbait, eh? Got a shiller. Gotta show you on projects. Cool. Almost, almost accidentally joined with my other account with the main. It has like 300k followers or something. It starts with Oxyde. My father's account. Actually, I'm here too, though. I'm here too, though. The intern. Oh, hi. Intern. Jurist. Intern. Who's that? I've not, who are you?

Identifying the New Intern

I've not spoken to you, mate. Probably you've never talked to me. Probably. Probably though. You have to, you have to think. I have to think. Have you had other accounts? I mean, I've never messaged this Jerusalem, but I don't recognize your voice so I don't, I've not messaged this account. It's our intern, Rocco. You don't know the, you're the co founder. You don't know the intern of our team? Nah.

Addressing Confusion in Team Dynamics

You guys like paying a, playing a prank on me. I don't know. I need to actually. It's not a prank. It is pretty legit. I've been, I've been in Urius since March, so. Okay. I think I know who it is then. I think I know who it is. Oh, dear. Mellow 696. I don't want to say. Can we say his name outright or. He got degraded to intern?

Clarifying the Situation

I think I know who it is then. Okay, cool. I'm not going to say your name in public, but yeah, she'll. Jewish validator. Lung validator. Let me make you a co host even. No, no, don't worry about it. It's great hearing you guys. It's been, it's been some time though. And I'm really happy having alban here too. It's been a while. Cool.

Community Resilience and Future Engagement

No, it's good to see Luke community, people from Luke community still being here and struggling for it to turn it around. It's good to see you guys. Cool. Free for another 20 minutes or so if you want to chat about anything else. Then I've got to bounce off. I've got to give someone a lift. Maybe we can talk about lunar classic. Like in terms of. I have a feeling like a lot of people in community are getting tired and somehow the biggest fathers of lung right now are within the community and that's pretty strange to me.

Addressing Community Sentiment

Maybe it's because of the price a little bit. I don't know. But guys, if you support any l two project on lunar classic, I don't care if it's juris, if it's boys elbon, it makes zero sense to fudge your own layer one chain because I think most of the projects have their main liquidity pools filled with lung. So the price is more or less directly derived from lung. So if you fought the main chain, you're actually hurting your own backs.

Collective Responsibility

And since Lank is a community project or community chain or whatever, like, maybe it's not really community owned, but run by the community at the very least. So, guys, it's up to us, everybody in the community, to do something about. If you don't like how Lank is doing or going, then do something about it. You know, at least tweet, you know, make people aware of stuff, do something, but don't complain and fudgest chain because it doesn't help. Right?

Community Engagement and Unity

I like to do shitposting as well sometimes. It's fun, but if you fat the chain all the time, it's not going to work. And your projects are also not going to work. Like jurors cannot, theoretically could, but I don't want it to succeed without lank because I'm also invested in lank. The reason I made jurors is to help lank, actually, and my own backs, of course, but to build something on lunar classic.

Team and Project Collaboration

So if we fought our own chain, it doesn't make sense to me, right, because then we have nothing to build on.

Total Supply of Lunk

You know, lunk actually has a total supply of 6.79 trillion lump, but there's only 5.71 circulating at the moment. What's happening with the rest that's not circulating? Oh, mostly for the state. Okay. Okay, so is there, is there a max supply or could there be more lung actually minted still? I think right now there is nothing they can. Right now nothing can be minted, as far as I know. But in theory it could via governance. Proposal or whatever, at the moment it's turned off. So at the moment you can't. But through governance opening market module, maybe you can.

Investor Concerns

So if that can be like actually outreach, more, like, clearly, I think it will attract a lot more people to use lunk again, because even though I was actually invested for like a long time, like maybe over two years now, I didn't even know that, you know? So, like, if there's, like, I'm sure there's people who would like to buy some lung, but like, they could be like, what if there's more like minted and like, same thing happens as what actually happened during the claps, you know, because that was, that definitely left the chain really hurt. It really hurt the chain and left a lot of people losing a lot of money during the claps. Understand?

Deflationary Nature of Lunar Classic

I think right now, lunar classic is actually one of the few, if not the only cosmos chain that's like, not only not minting tokens, but it's also deflationary. Validator rewards are not coming from minting. It's coming from the oracle pool that is obviously depleting. But there's no coins minted, so it's deflationary. And I think the total supply went down by 250 bit, something like this. 250 billion since the crash. I think maybe somebody can correct me. But something like this. So it's the only deflationary chain, really, in Cosmos, as far as I'm concerned.

Building the Community

You know, I think if we can keep building on the chain and bearing more tokens, there is a good chance that we can get. Get the community back up and have a strong community. I think it's possible, because, look, I was there when, like, I joined during the crash. I was not a Luna two or Luna investor before I was aware of the chain. But I actually bought my first Luna at one dollars, €1, I think. Okay, okay. Yeah. I bought it at €1. I bought it at. Bought it at thousands of a cent. And my average is, like, 0.001. So it's. Right now I'm in loss a little bit. I wrote it up to, I think, 350 grand or something, down to nothing. But you know what I mean?

Crisis and Community Support

In the past, when there was nothing, the chain was dead. We had a fucking huge community. We had a bigger community than all the other chains. We won the binance. Was it called the binance hashtag? I don't remember. Competition in the bear market. It's true. Right. So I don't see the point. Why now? We should not be able to attract a lot of people if we could in the past when we had nothing. Right now, Luna classic is in way better shape than before. Yeah, I definitely agree with you on that.

Personal Trading Experiences

And what's actually real funny, you were saying that you got and had a dollar. I actually shorted Luna classic. Well, before that was actually Luna $80, wrote it down to $1, and I closed the position. On one of the Dexes against USC. Or was it on. It was on binance. Oh, mate, that's amazing. Yeah. So I actually closed it because I was too scared there won't be enough liquidity to close it. So that's. That's what went through my thought. And I was like, all right, I'll just close it.

Market Reactions and Strategy

And I remember one of my friends actually buying it at $1, thinking he got a steel boat jet combed down. Actually, I even bought it because after it fully crashed to basically, like, zero, whatever, I actually bought in again. I think I put in I think for a laugh, I bought $20 or something, and, like, two days later, it was worth 500. So I sold it again. So I even made more money. Even though you've done better than me on that, man. Like, I got out from trading a bit from like, 80.

Trading Challenges with Luna

I think 80 was my level. Once it lost 80 from, like, trading on exchanges. Like, right. My stop loss here, I'm out buying lots of money on anchor mirror protocol. I think I was short on. I'd borrowed Luna, and then because it was against ust, I got made us t. But Ust dumped as well. So there's one guy I think he made. He thought he, if he had shorted the same mount on binance that he had shorted on Dex, he would have been up 10 million.

Lessons Learned

So he made like 10 million Ust or something. But it's ust which also broke the friggin dump. Yeah, he was like, I spoke to him on telegram, and he was like, he just lost all his money. He didn't even sell anything. He was all in Luna. And he was like, oh, I'm hedging short against Luna, against UST. And I'm like, bro, that's not really it. It's like shorting bnbs when people say, oh, BNB is going to dump when they share fud and then they short BNB on binance or shorting FTX on FTX.

Importance of Risk Management

You know, I actually sold, I was holding a quite a, quite like a pretty big amount of Luna at the time when it was going up. And I sold at $30 and again sold that 110 fully. I pulled out. We went to 119, I believe. And then when I saw it was dumping, I was like, $80, look good. Got in. Then basically, I don't remember. I think it was a couple of days later, it was like, basically at dollar. And I thought I should close the position before it's too late because the liquidity was leaving so fast that I was like, I don't want to be left with this amount of money because I, I actually shorted all the profit I had because I thought it's a good trade.

Community Involvement and Trading Platform

So, yeah, actually, I think one of my friends had a short open since $1 because he taught if it could go from, like, 119 to like, a dollar, it could go from a dollar to, like, basically zero. Zero, whatever. And he opened the short on. I'm not sure what decks he opened it on, but anyway, he opened it on. On some sort of Dex that I don't remember exactly. And he couldn't close it because it was built on Luna and they were like, basically there was no more USDT left, so he couldn't close. He couldn't close.

General Discussion about Market Trends

His position still has it open, basically. So you never had. He never closed that position. Oh, man. I can imagine. That's one of the worst thing that can happen to you. You have, like, paper profit. But I was on binance, so that didn't happen. So I was happy that didn't happen. He's a, he's a true huddler. He's huddling forever. No, but sorry. Go ahead, mate. But then we'll go to David after he's raised his hand, but go ahead.

The Trading Mindset

Crypto house. No, I was saying, basically, you just have to know your limits and not get greedy. That's my opinion. As a trader, you should definitely try to take profit when you can. And that's basically it, really, in terms of, like, being a successful trader is just know when to get in and know when to get out, you know? Yeah. Just like, I think trading is great, but then you. I've seen crazy, like, when I've seen my profit, my portfolio go crazy.

The Emotional Aspect of Trading

It was during bull market when I was sort of huddling as well. The trading is where you hit one or two trades. They're amazing. You. You make money and, you know, that's what I've been doing. I guess it's a lot of fun. But when you hit those crazy pumps, it's harder to catch them on a trading mindset, because in a trading mindset, you buy something at four or $5. Luna for me, and it goes to 1030. Like, I've just made good amounts with stop loss, you could put size on, but then if you're a just huddling, you believe in something and you can huddle it for ten, hundreds, a thousand x, but then it could also mess you around.

Personal Experiences with Emotions in Trading

And unfortunately, with Luna, I did that because I was like, oh, I've made a couple of good money on, like, uniswap because you had the bull run. And I was like, oh, I've done quite well. And with Luna, I was like, oh, this could be it as well. And I'm getting completely fucked. I hate even talking about it because it brings, like, trauma back. Like, those days, I couldn't even function properly. I didn't know whether to, like, short or to long, because there's so much going on and you see your net worth going down and you have plans for, I don't know, buying house or going traveling.

Coping with Trading Crisis

And when you see those go down, you can't think straight. I mean, I was with my ex, and I really struggled during those times. Yeah, no, and that's definitely true. You know. You know what I. What I tend to do is I basically don't try to make a rush decision, and I generally use a stop loss. So when I'm using a stop loss, what I do, let's say, like, I got enough $5, whatever token I bought, now it's at $30, I'll move my stop loss to 15. So now I still have another 50% retracement that could, like, realistically, if a token goes below 50%, like, retrace more than 50%, the chances are it's going to go a lot lower than that.

Strategic Stop Loss Management

That's what I've tend to find with crypto. So as long as it doesn't do that, I'm good. So, like, let's say it goes up to $60. Now I'll move my stop loss to 30. And that's what I was doing with Luna, so that's how I actually got out. So I actually taught. I brought my stop loss originally at 100, but then it was going up, it was going up. And I think were at 115, which I thought, here, I'm going to put out 110. If it's going to get hit, I'll just get out all the profit I made and I won't buy again and just.

Strategic Shorting Based on Instinct

I'll just forget about it, basically, and just be happy with what I made. And I went to 119, then it came to 110. Hit my stop. I fully got out of my position, then it went to 80, then I was like, here, I think I should short. It wasn't actually anything to do with the charts when I shorted it was mainly just a feeling I had, like, the way I had the feeling when I didn't want to stake my. Like, I didn't get into the USD game at all because, I don't know, the 40% didn't really make sense, you know, like, you know when you hear that, if it's too good to be true, it is too good to be true.

Instinctual Decision-Making in Trading

You know, that's just. That's just a feeling I had about USD, so I never got an involved with that, same as FTX. That's how I actually avoided it, because I just didn't feel, I don't know, there was always this wheeling about FTX because I was actually gonna move a lot funds to FTX to trade and sort of binance, but I just had a bad feeling about it. So I think sometimes you're even good to stick to your gut feeling. It has worked for me, you know, sometimes it has worked for me, and I don't think you need to go based off, like, charts or, like, fundamentals.

Strategic Trading Conversations

Sometimes even, like, good feelings sometimes could help you out trading. No, that's well said. Sometimes. Sometimes it works. I think luck is involved in it as well. Maybe I'm too lucky, I don't know. My mentor said I went full time trading was oil, and my mentor is a massive oil trader from New York. And I was, like, so happy that I was. I'm making money. I've never made this much money, this just shorting oil. And it was just, the market was just trending down. So my strategy, if I had the same strategy in 2020, the strategy was like, I think 1% or less than 1%.

Reflections on Trading Success

And then in the year that I used it, just keep adding and piling on shorts and taking half off. It was amazing for that year. So luck's involved in it as well, I think. I say unlucky, but maybe I was dumb as well, like, holding too much Luna position, but I probably was a bit unlucky with Luna and, well, recently and FTX and Kuji. So luck's not been on my side the last couple of times. Oh, Jesus. 2017.

Future Development Teams

Well, I'm assuming we can talk about Kuji maybe on other spaces. Hopefully it comes back, but, yeah, it's not been on my side. So next one, hopefully jurist ll 69. No pressure. We can make it all back. Yeah, definitely. You know, I think risk management as well helps a lot. Like, if you. If you try not to risk more than 5% of your total portfolio, it would be like, good idea.

Protecting Your Investment

Do you know? Because, like, let's say if you do, like, for example, like, you invest into a token called x and x crashes and goes to zero. If you only put in 5% of your portfolio, you still have 95% left to basically just make that 5% back. But if you put in, like 50, 60%, then you're definitely, like, you won't be in a good place. That's. That's what I've learned from a few mentors I had. Risk management is everything.

Emphasis on Sustainable Trading

If you can keep your money to live another day. You can trade another day, you know. Yeah, we'll go to David. I know, yeah. Had his hand up for a while. Go ahead David, mate. Yeah, so I can see that there are a couple of long validators here and I'd like to ask a question because I have seen that during the, let's say, problem with communication with genuine labs. Rex is from Terraport informed on Luna lung validators that he's got yet another team, l one team, let's say that is on standby.

Team Collaboration

So it will be like maybe the third one that we could possibly have genuine labs if they will still do the job. Blv labs and possibly the third one. So I just like to ask if there are validators here. A part of Ll and U. I can see both of. What was your question again, David? I think I missed it. I did not ask. Yes. So I'm coming to it.

Future Collaborations

The question is, do you, do we know what this third l one dev team is and why they are not yet involved? Because, because there is no rule that only one team can work on l one at certain point. Right. So if anybody knows Rex is, if anybody goes, has got direct contact with him, please try to get the info. Why this third team that he introduced? A little bit he spoiled that there is a third team. Why they are not involved?

Progress Updates

Why they are not, you know, I keep creating proposals. So this is my, my questions. If anybody knows what this third team is, please speak. Give us information if you have. So yeah, I don't know if it's just me but I didn't catch the questions. I mean, I speak to Rexy fairly regularly so I can reach out to him. So question either. To be honest, I don't know if it's the problem with the quality.

Communication Challenges

Usually I was on many spaces with Yuroku and there was the problem back then. So I don't know if it's me but the question was Rexy introduced third team, third development team after Genoine Labs and the new BLW labs. He said, Rexy said on long validators that he's got team on standby. It was during the problem with genoine Labs communication when they were left for like twelve days. And my question is, are they still on standby?

Expanding Development Collaboration

Will they join? Because we don't have a rule that only one team can work on l one for long. So as many teams as possible. It would be great. We could speed up the development. So if anybody knows what the third team is, that Rexis was talking about. Okay, when will we have them? When we'll have proposals from them. Will we ever have proposals for them?

Communication Follow-Up

That will be great. This is something that he said on long valaters. I speak to him next, I'll see if I remember. I can ask him the question. But I do agree with you David. The more people that we have working on train the better. We shouldn't just rely one team, although I fully support what genuine labs are doing.

Concluding Remarks

Yeah cool. Any other questions? We'll start rounding up now. There's one person that requested to speak, Gerry Lunkhouse. I don't know where he is. Ll 69 crypto house the boys. Have you guys got anything else to add? No, I'm all good thank you. I just want to say thanks for hosting the space and I hope everyone looked forward to the project and what we got.

Appreciating Community Participation

Great space, really enjoyed it. Thanks guys. LL 69, last word to you. Do you want to shield Juris a bit more? I forgot to tell you guys, I actually talked to a friend of mine. He's an air two dev. He's a react dev actually for front end. He's currently busy looking at our repository bridge and airdrop stuff so maybe he can help us to get stuff going and actually join our team as in addition to frag.

Upcoming Initiatives

So that's something I forgot. Other than that, keep your eyes open for the git book because that's going to have lots of info. And I think from now on there is a lot of things to come actually. So follow all the twitter accounts as good as you can. Stake with the validator to get some airdrops and also stack some with Battleforce because he's also doing airdrops.

Supporting the Community

And also don't forget to support the community actually. And Lunar classic because that's also a mother chain and we should all hope for Lang to do well so that our projects can do well as well. Yeah, that's, I mean it was good. It was kind of eye opening really. Your conversation with Kryptos because we forget some of the benefits for Luna classic, especially the deflationary not mintable because new investors probably still think that you can mint Molna Classic and it's risky and it's always good to speak to not new people or like new ideas or people from different communities because we can think about the negatives.

Promoting Luna Classic

And that's why I just got the tweet out after your conversation. We should always be shilling Luna classic above anything. I know we talk about meme coins because I genuinely believe other coins on a project is better. Like we're burning. The boys just said they burnt more lunar classic. We've burnt a lot of lunar classic through trading on jurists. Terraport, Terra casino. I've been shielding that as well.

Final Thank You and Future Plans

Burning on chain is great. So we shouldn't look down on these products. It gets interest, get interesting people on it, other people, maybe even people that didn't know about Luna Classic. They find out about Battleforce Alpha, the boys, Tokemon or another jurist, and they come into lunar classic. They buy lunar classic to buy that meme. So there's definitely benefit into it. And I, although we support all these l two s, we also want Luna Classic to do well.

Closing Comments

But no. Thank you, everyone, for tuning in. We do these spaces weekly, usually on a Wednesday or Sunday. I'll speak to ll 69. We'll arrange maybe Wednesday or Sunday next week. And I will be doing a Kojira spaces as well next week. So I'll speak to crypto house, maybe ll 600. Be good if you come on as well. We can find out more about Kojira and, yeah, if you guys have any other.

Recap of Trading Strategies and Collaborations

Sorry, say that again. No, I said for sure. I love Gujiro. Actually, I'm very sad to, I was very sad to see what happened to them because it was one of my favorite projects besides lank. If I didn't went all into Lunar classic, I would probably be all in Kujira and be rect too. But anyways, we know how to pick. But you remember we spoke about in j me and you talked about injury.

Reflections on Missed Opportunities

That was, man, that was so bad because I missed out on a literally 40 or 50 x because I was aware of it when we went into Lunar classic. If you, I think I shared it to you, Rocco, you remember it was like $0.40 or $1 or something. It was crazy. 44 x. I caught that actually, to be honest. It was, it was a good trade. But Kuji has hurt a bit. Quite bit, to be honest. But it's good.

Future Trading Perspectives

It was good. I haven't gotten burned that bath so far. Yeah. Ing. Yeah. Remember I was looking at other stuff so I didn't end up buying it. But hey, anyways, guys, thank you for tuning in. We'll speak to you next week and yeah, if you have any questions or any other projects you want to show DME ll 69 Juris protocol, we'll try and bring you on and check out the YouTube retweet, like follow everyone that's been on the spaces and keep shilling. Luna. Classic.

Conclusion of the Meeting

Good night, all. Good night, guys.

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