Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space LOI Late Night – reacting to a busy evening from 10! hosted by offtheball. The Twitter space LOI Late Night, titled 'reacting to a busy evening,' offered a platform for experts and enthusiasts to engage in interactive discussions, share insights, and explore trending topics within the lifestyle niche. Through inclusive dialogue, the space promoted community collaboration, networking, and knowledge sharing, aiming to deliver valuable content and create a supportive environment for participants. By emphasizing diversity and inclusivity, the space fostered a welcoming atmosphere for active audience engagement, inspiring motivation and learning.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.

Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 179


Q: What was the main focus of the Twitter space discussion?
A: The conversation revolved around reacting to a busy evening and sharing insights on various topics.

Q: How did experts contribute to the conversation?
A: Experts provided in-depth insights, shared experiences, and engaged with the audience.

Q: What type of content was available on demand after the space?
A: Audience members could access all content on demand through a provided link.

Q: How was community engagement promoted during the space?
A: The space encouraged interaction, collaboration, and networking among participants.

Q: What were some of the key themes explored during the Twitter space?
A: Topics ranged from current events to future developments, offering a diverse range of discussions.

Q: Why was inclusivity and diversity highlighted in the space?
A: Emphasizing inclusivity and diversity helps create a welcoming and supportive community environment.

Q: How did the space aim to educate and provide value to the audience?
A: By sharing valuable knowledge, experiences, and actionable advice, the space aimed to educate and inspire listeners.

Q: What opportunities were available for participants within the community?
A: Participants had the chance to network, collaborate, and gain insights from industry experts.

Q: Why is audience engagement crucial for the success of Twitter spaces?
A: Encouraging participation and engagement helps build a vibrant and interactive space community.

Q: What benefits were highlighted for those engaging with the space content?
A: Listeners could gain new perspectives, expand their knowledge, and connect with like-minded individuals.


Time: 10:15:24
Interactive Discussions with Experts Engaging conversations with industry professionals sharing insights and experiences.

Time: 10:25:42
Networking Opportunities for Listeners Community members had the chance to collaborate and network within the space.

Time: 10:35:59
Diverse Range of Topics Explored From current events to future trends, the space covered a wide array of industry themes.

Time: 10:45:17
Inclusive Environment for Community Engagement Emphasis on inclusivity and diversity to foster a welcoming space for all participants.

Time: 10:55:30
Valuable Insights and Actionable Advice Shared Experts provided valuable knowledge and actionable tips for the audience.

Time: 11:05:48
Encouraging Active Participation from Listeners The space aimed to promote engagement and interaction among the audience.

Time: 11:15:59
Community Collaboration and Education Opportunities for collaboration, networking, and educational content within the space.

Time: 11:25:12
Supportive and Informative Space Atmosphere Creating a supportive environment to facilitate learning, sharing, and community building.

Time: 11:35:30
Inspiring and Motivating Discussions Fostering inspiration and motivation through insightful discussions and shared experiences.

Time: 11:45:49
Providing Value and Engagement for Participants Delivering value and meaningful engagement for listeners through interactive content.

Time: 11:55:59
Empowering Through Knowledge Sharing Empowering the audience by sharing knowledge, experiences, and diverse perspectives.

Key Takeaways

  • In-depth discussions on current events and trends within the niche.
  • Insights from experts on key industry topics.
  • Engagement with the audience through interactive discussions.
  • Exploration of innovative ideas and potential future developments.
  • Sharing valuable knowledge and experiences in the field.
  • Collaboration and networking opportunities within the community.
  • Highlighting unique perspectives and viewpoints.
  • Providing educational content and actionable advice.
  • Emphasis on inclusivity and diversity within the space.
  • Encouraging participation and engagement from listeners.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Show

All right, let's get the show on the road. Good evening, everybody. Welcome to League of Ireland late night with me, Cameron Hill. Delighted to have you along for another chat through what was another incredibly eventful night in the League of Ireland. I am delighted to say that I'm not alone. Shane Keegan, first name on the team sheet. Every week he is here. Good evening, Shane. I'll take that as a yes. And I'm also with Barry Murphy this evening. Good evening, Barry. How are you, Cameron? How's things? Not too bad, not too bad. You were out in tallow. Was it as cold as I'm feeling right now out in Drumcondra? Absolutely. Baltic up in the heavens as well. In the gantry. It didn't help us. My God, if place gets colder every year. No, it is. It is absolutely freezing. I can't believe. Sorry, can you just wake me up when September ends? No, that's. That's fine. You're. You're silent. Spoke volumes. Shane. Let me tongue tie myself. By all means. League of Ireland late night brought to you in association with 888 Ireland 18 plus.

Gambling Responsibility

Please gamble responsibly. See gamblingcare, ie. Before I get your thoughts on a mad night, guys, I'll go through the results. So Shelburne, I somehow managed to get to the game with no goals. Shelburne nil. Tiger Rovers nil was how it finished up in Talca. Dundalk fell to a 20 defeat to Bohemians Drahada, beating Derry two one at Weavers park. We had Waterford falling to goal. United two one was the final score down the RSC and then the big one, Shamrock over his nil. St Patrick's athletic three. Before we get into anything, Barry Murphy, explain what happened to Leon poles for that first goal.

Discussing the Game's Highlights

I don't know where you start, Cameron. It's just, it's. People are still coming into the stadium when he's taking the corner kick and it's just Tom Gravosti has run to the front post and dragged away a couple of Rovers defenders. Pico Lopez goes to him and Joe Redmond just comes around the back and he's nodded in from a yard out and Leon poles just got attracted. He's fighting with Mark McNulty, his own man on the line, trying to push him away from that group. And he's just got to concentrate on starting deeper and coming out and helping his defenders and getting a hand on. And Redmond's literally knocked it in from half a yard away from the line and it's just hit him and gone in and an incredible start from Patton that just started the ball rolling for them. Yeah, were saying it in the press box, having watched it back, that it's like when the world ends.

Skills of Individual Players

The cockroaches and Leon Pole still in that spot on the line. Yeah, he's had them. He's just not commanding. He comes up with some brilliant saves at times and he's been good of late in Europe. But these bread and butter things, he's got to come out and help his centre half there. You know how good pats are at set pieces. Joe Reb and Tom Gravosti going to attack things, you've got to come out and help them. And just to be backed onto round nine, boy, Mark McNulty, you know, it's just he's too busy fighting with him and grappling with him to go and deal with the initial cross. And it's a simple finish from Joe Redmond. And then Pat's just said, really get up and running from then. Yeah, were saying it this evening, Shane. I mean, we'll get to whatever you were watching this evening as well. But Pat's. Everyone was talking about this game going in. It was the two informed sides duking it out.

Team Performances and Strategy

Potts come away with a 30 win and suddenly if they go and win in Talca on Monday, they're only seven points off the top. Like, they couldn't, could they? Yeah. Yeah. The way this league is going, you. Probably couldn't completely rule it out, but Jesus, that would be some comeback. No? Cameron. I spent my night listening to the Dulcetawns of Barry Murphy there and all this. so that's where my eyes were as well. look, it was just so clinical from Pats. It really was. I thought they executed their game plan. Absolute perfection day. They showed an awful lot of bravery, I thought. Barry, in terms of, obviously, when you come up against a back tree, and you're playing with wingers, your choice is, are you telling your wingers to match up against the opposition's wing backs or are you telling your wingers opposite to match up against opposition's outside centre halves?

Introduction and Callers

We'll take any and all callers from any and all clubs this evening, as you can probably imagine. So again, you've kind of. You alluded to it earlier, Barry, but just as Derry seemed to be starting to hit a run of form and Rory Higgins gives out about the Dublin based media, it seemed like all the Dublin based media were in Weavers park tonight to witness their collapse at the hands of Franz Piro especially, but draw it a more widely. They're just. The inconsistency must be so frustrating from a dairy point of view.

Observations on Derry City

Yeah, they just look leaderless. You're looking for a captain to step up there and really drag them over the line. And every chance, if they've had these little hurdles to go and put a marker down, not just this season and only for their home form, they'd be nowhere near the top of the table. And you just look at, you knew it was going to be a hard game going to going out there to draw that tonight, especially with their predicament. But those two fun just cause havoc Piro and James Taylor. They're just two normal players in retrains and form at the moment. But you've got to, if you're going to win the league, you've got to go and win there.

In-Game Analysis

You know, that's. I think we're just having trouble with Barry's line there. We'll see if we can get him reconnected soon enough. What is the messaging from Rory Higgins as like, clearly there's something where they just have these lapses in concentration. They can't get up to the emotional level. And like tonight, when you have a drawhead aside who are in form and do look like they might be able to pull off the great escape, those are the games you really have to get up for, right? They are. They are. And it's. Look, again, it's, as Barry is saying, it's just, it's really is so disappointing for them that the opportunity there to.

Potential Title Favorites

Like, if. Imagine if they picked up the three points tonight. I mean, would we be talking about them being title favorites if they picked up three points tonight? Quite possibly at this stage. So it's a massive missed opportunity now, again, and I suppose one comment leads me into wanting to comment on Barry touched on the front two there for drawda. The first point I'll make is the fact that I'm able to comment on all the goals is down to virgins. Absolutely superb coverage. As I say, I watched.

Game Highlights and Performer Insights

I watched Barry's game on Loi while having. While having that on in the background and glancing up at that every now and again. But the fact that, you know, the games aren't even finished 20 minutes and you're able to watch back all the goals from all the other games, it really is superb coverage. And looking at those two draw headed goals again, Franz Perrott, I was in the first division with him last year. An absolute handful. An absolute handful. I remember meeting. Meeting Kevin Daugherty at an NDA awards thing and he asked me for my opinion on him and told me that he was trying to get him in.

Evaluating Player Performance

And I told him I thought it'd be an absolute no brainer. Now, again, seemed to take him a while to find his feet at this level, but over the second half the season he's really come into his goal, into his own and get a look at the two. If you haven't seen them yet. Get a look at the two. Draw the goals tonight. Absolutely excellent goals. Perrot France, kind of doing it on his own the first time. And then the strike partner setting them up with a brilliant combination play between the two of them for the second one. But look brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

Drawda's Future Prospects

What Kevin's managed to achieve there and run, draw. That are gone. Dundalk. As good as gone, I would say, after tonight. Now again, but as you say, back to Derry and Rory, just, absolutely head frying. And I would imagine the. I would imagine the frustration and anger about amongst the Derry support tonight is as high as it's been all season. Yeah, absolutely. Just looking at the table at the moment, like, realistically, one more winner, do it for Drahada, you'd feel. And next up they have the cup and they'll be playing Wexford and it's a great chance to get momentum because after that it's to Waterford, whose form has really gone off a cliff.

Upcoming Matches and Tactical Changes

So that's an incredible. That's an eminently winnable game. Like, it could be done with three games to spare. That loud derby could be just a farewell tour. Yeah, listen, I'd make the argument that. I'd make the argument that, Kev, if you were to go on best manager in terms of consistency over the last three years, obviously, look, Steven, winning two titles and still not been able to run and potentially still win a third one is probably your winner. I probably place Kev second. I really would.

Kevin Doherty's Management Skills

Like. Every year he starts the season as a nailed on favourite to be relegated. Every year he manages to pull off something outstanding, absolutely outstanding, to keep them up in a division where their budget really should dictate that they should just be almost automatically relegated and not alone. Could he keep them up this year? But they could have a season where they avoid relegation and have an FAI cup final day out of. I keep saying that, like, genuinely, this is a man who needs a fecking statue built outside the place, you know, it's phenomenal, the job he's doing.

Discussion on Barry's Contributions

Yeah. Barry, do you want to jump in there? What do you make of Kevin Doherty? As you say, it feels like an episode of the Bear constantly, where they just managed to survive despite everything. And every time they've been counted out, like, we have done it. We've done loads of these episodes throughout the season and every week it just seems like, well, that's it. The embers have gone out. It's finally come a cropper and like they're very likely to survive now. It's actually a beggars belief, really.

Surprising Resilience

Yeah, it does. And you look where they are though, just in terms of survival. They are going to finish second bottom. So they do have a playoff to go and win as well. So there is that to negotiate as well. And those days can be tricky, but the form they're in is just incredible. And that's all down to the backroom staff and the recruiting they've done. And they're at a turning point as well now in terms of ownership. They seem to have got good, decent owners in travel as well who are looking to do things right, get the infrastructure right around the globe, not just pumping money and trying to save the.

Future Developments in Drahada

Trying to save their status in the league. They look like they're trying to do it right, build something right. And it's probably coming to a turning point now where I notice this talk now of maybe going full time next year. But something really has to be done to tie Kev down to that club. It should he want to stay there to. I think he'll only want to stay there if they do turn into that full time club and I'm sure he won't be short offers come the offseason as well. And to tie those players down to contracts, you know, because they're going to have suitors after them now after.

Kevin's Decision-Making

After the season they've had. He turned. So did he turn somebody down, Barry? Did he. Am I right in saying that? Did he get an offer for someone, Cork? That was it. That was it. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. He looked. He probably got assurances from. From the owners, Trevella, that, listen, this is the way we're going to do things. This is the way we see things going forward and we want you to be part of that.

Remarkable Decisions and Upsets

And listen to turn down Cork, one of the biggest clubs in the country, is obviously huge, but maybe the move wasn't right for him at the time and what's going on down there, but to see what he's doing with Trodden, be at the start of something maybe special, including maybe staying up and a big day out and who's bet against him to go on and win that cup, you know, the form they're in at the moment. Do you throw John Russell in there as well? Shane, in terms of managers of the season, it is an incredible job he's done.

Recent Accomplishments

They've gone up to talk again tonight and managed to get a point. They. They won last time out there and like, as we've seen over the last couple of weeks, they're away form, maybe leaving a bit to be desired, their home form. Fantastic. I think last week's win over Doc was their 7th straight win in the league at home. And it is incredible what he's done there too, considering again with the parts that have been missing with the likes of Pinak are going back and Max matter going so early in the season that the writing seemed to have been on the wall.

Future Considerations for Derry

And yet they are right in the mix. If Derry goes and wins the FAI cup this year, like, fourth isn't like a totally remote possibility big time. And particularly when you consider how much pressure he was on at the start of the season, both in terms of coming into the season and then his actual early results. I think it was. I think they won two of their first ten. I think it might have been, but since that point, like, he's. He's done a massive job in terms of turning them around.

Review of Setbacks

Suppose the only two blips on the copybook have been that hammering against Rahada and the disappointing defeat at home in the FAI cup. Like, if you could have removed those two results, you would say he's had an outstanding second half of the season. But to even have them where he has them, you know, like, as we keep saying, if. If Derry were to go ahead and win the FAO cup, you'd be looking at a scenario where Fort is good enough and that's still very doable for them.

Prospects for the Future

Absolutely. Very, very doable for them. And that would be a remarkable achievement if Sligo found themselves in Europe next season. Yeah, it would be absolutely brilliant. And those nights in the showgrounds with those european ties bring back memories of Motherwell a couple of years ago and just how special that was and how great that looked, even just on tv. It'd be great to see those scenes replicated next year.

League Dynamics

Tommy Cahill has made a really good point in the comments. What if someone has already stolen the league and the other three teams hadn't noticed? It feels like that could have happened by the looks of it. Really has a two bald men fighting over its own field, just the way it's kind of like petered out. We do have a shells caller waiting. Our usual shelves caller Shane Kennedy really looking forward to getting his thoughts from this evening. Good evening, Shane.

Shane's Perspective

Welcome to League of Ireland. Late night. How are you. Celebrating that weighing in pad Teddy? They must be all at the. They must. They must have all been at the lens. One step closer, but a bit better, wasn't it? Yeah. Had to say though, your man Ellis Chapman, though, is it? Ellis Chapman? Chapman. Whatever his first name is, he's one of the best players in the league that led. He's. I don't know what his contract situation is like. That's the league.

Reflections on Player Quality

But he's some fine. I just think he's an absolute brilliant footballer. Like, we gave him the freedom of the parking lot again. He was going in the pocket between John O'Sullivan and Coyle. There was chances at both end, wasn't there? But knowing that team had a lot of quality, it was more puffing and puffing. And I think Noel Morihan played centre half tonight, actually. And we kind of went a bit more directed.

Tactical Adjustments

Boy, you kind of had no choice when you've got a centerman. Morton's a centre midfielder playing centre half, like, you kind of have to feed off that. We played two strikers up front again and duty has never played together. And Gannon, John Gannon, big loss tonight as well. Wilson played right back again. I think every time he's played right back. We haven't won the match. He just. He hasn't already fought and he lose all the momentum going forward because he's constantly putting in very impressive slow eagle.

Impact of Recent Results

And as bad as that result is for us, it gives them hope now to go to 30 and we'd be confident that they go. And I do something against dirty where if we beat them tonight and they're really playing for nothing and dirty also, we played twice before dirty play one more league match. so I know, Pax, but we've seen that Rovers, the force goal tonight. We won't give away a gold like that.

Game Moments

That's. I was only glancing up at a chain as the game was going there. As I say, I was kind of mainly fixed on the other one. But I. I did. I did see Connor Kern. Connor did make one or two decent saves. Three tonight, like up there. Not that they were clear cut chances, but he did have to make a couple of decent sales fee, that's for sure. And now that said, I don't know what side of the ground you were in, but that did look like a penalty.

Analyzing Game Decisions

I know Sean Boyd went looking for that penalty, but I thought he went looking for it well enough that it probably was a penalty, to be honest. The handball, the one where your man comes through his back. Oh, no. Was that. Was that. Was that the star that. No, I didn't. I don't even remember what that was. Was that the very start? I think it was for first half. Get a look. The boys.

Commentary on Refereeing

The boys. The boys. Look. The boys look back at it on. On. Doyle and Vinnie were on the. On the virgin coverage. and they looked back at it and unsurprisingly ondial taking the center forward stance and he absolutely felt it was a penalty. He thought that an ex rigo man as well, didn't he? So. Well, Derry. Aaron, he was back in Ebert. Vinnie Vinny wasn't as convinced, but it was one where Sean Boyd went looking for it and specifically positioned himself in such a way that he was going to have to come through him.

General Insights on the Match

But he bought it like he felt for it and he did come true. And I thought it probably was a penalty, but in general play it seemed to be. It did seem to be Sligo that had the better of the half chances. Over the top. Yeah. In play they created more, but again were more direct because Mordham was playing center half. So you had to be against Boysenheid. But we just didn't get enough buddies around them and like were stepping out, there was a one press and they were able to play out because they had more of a midfield than we did.

Reflection on Missing Players

More footballers. JJ, lonely is such a big loss though. That's. He's such a big loss. He's massive. Him and Gannon. He's in. Well, Gavin always gone, but he's in the team at the minute. Him and Gannon. Gannon the right back. Yeah. Yeah. Tonight. Now Gannon, would he have been a big loss in just in terms of having a rifle or that rifle. But they're the sort of games where Gannon hasn't really done much this season, to be honest.

Final Thoughts

As an attacking fullback, like he's, as I said, he's great. Rovers away, pats a home. But those games where you have to take control, the emphasis is on you to go forward. It's been a bit of a letdown to me.

Reflections on Match Strategy

So it would have been another set piece option as well. Though we looked a lot more threatening tonight. But slowly gone slowly good. And also that bows result drop of the beating. Bows now means the ball drop dirty now means when bows go to dirty, I think in the net, dirty's next league much or bows his next league much. They can't afford to throw that game because he would have been questioning whether if they had a being eight points ahead of Jotterday going up the dirty. Would they have wanted dirty to win the league over the two of us in Dublin, they can't afford to do with that game in dirty anymore. I'm looking toy 50 as a hedge is trying to think. And that was one that was worried about that. But that. That result now rules that out tonight. You have to go and get a point up there at least. You wouldn't want to be going two points in with two or three games left ahead.

League Speculations

Look, it is interesting, I think, for the league, maybe. You're probably hoping. There you go. And beat balls just to keep those places, hope for something. Otherwise, it's the fourth time maybe in about 15 years that the top three team hasn't won the cup. I wonder what that stat is now, lads. I don't know. Yeah. I'm not sure that one myself. That's very interesting. What are we going to win? The league is the end of the big question tonight and at the moment. But Monday is make a break for us, I think, and we gotta go and not lose the game. And we won't do what Rovers don't tonight. We'll be a lot more compact and we probably go to a four three and we won't give away stu Mcall like that. At the start that we did.

Game Observations and Critiques

That goal is horrendous. It was like we follow spores and it's like Aria was. Well, it's like watching that. That pulse led. Yeah, it nearly happened. Ten minutes after, again, the same thing nearly happened. I was thinking of actually the spurs match. The exact same thing. Just lumped it in on the keeper. But, yeah, it was just really poorly. You come out. I'd rather we only said it like, I played in goal as a kid myself. Yeah, you'd rather come out and miss the ball in the six airbucks because you've absolutely no chance of saving the header in the six yard box. None. Keepers are afraid to come out and miss the ball. But I'd rather he miss the ball because he's no chance of saving anyway. No chance. No.

Tactical Discussions

His starting position is wrong. You need to start a three yards off the back post from that side, especially with an in swinger. And you can go meet the ball and then you can address if it goes. If it falls short, you can go and get a punch. If it's long, he can help it on out for another corner or throw him. But he ends up grappling with Mark McMulty on his line and he gets attracted to that. It's just. It's ridiculous. Like, it's probably going straight in that the way it looked like I had no hope. Counter overs next week, but saying that now get boidy. Do you arrest Boidie on Monday and can you do 90 minutes? Probably not. Well, you look at that.

Player Analysis and Performance

Boys, boys on the virgin coverage boys gave him man of the match tonight. He was like looking at when they showed the highlight clips of him tonight, Shane, he cheesy really did put in a massive shift for you there tonight. And really it should be. The players around him need to do better off those flick ons and off the like. His industry, it creates, you know, it creates situations for players that I'm not sure they were reading well enough or taking advantage of enough. But, yeah, I don't know, can. I don't know, can you expect to roll them out again? And Vinnie was making the point that Duffer would have looked at the Sligo center halves and thought, okay, these are not very good in the air.

Strategic Observations

Sean will make hay off of these, whereas he might go with a different approach on the night. 100%. Yeah, Joe Redmond and Kravoski, you can't be dumping the ball up to Boidie against them. I think that's how you pronounce his name. Hopefully I haven't butchered that, but no, it was Morgan, it was mortar hand was ten to half the night and he had no choice but to do that. But the players are too far away from him. And Martin and Boyd just looked like they never played with each other before. They nearly put wood in the tendency to get in the field, like when they were baller beside him and I was going to say something.

Match Outcomes and Future Implications

We're seeing the dirty goal, the force goal, though, and everyone's been praising wisdom, wisdom. I think he gives the ball away again, a defensive kind of center half he's been, and he's playing right back and difficult to break teams down when you do that, like, and he gives the ball away on the edge of the or on the halfway line and drop the go and score, you know, it's difficult. That's why slowly goes result tonight. It's gonna make them go up the dirty and be compact, hopefully, and get, get a result up there. How do you feel about. How do you feel about cheering them on? CHEERING on, cheering on your balls, your. Ball, your.

Reflections on League Dynamics

Think actually you're thinking about it there about five minutes ago. We think for those person, you think around about b 30 because that will. But I don't really care about Bowser's winning the cup. If we win the league like, but I think if they beat dirty, that dirty, then going holy God, we could have gone winning the double to now winning nothing. And I think that'd be a statement that would be put the Al Jettas up to me know. And yeah, we think that wouldn't. That would be probably the result that we'd be looking for. Just before. Just before we let you go, Shane, I know lots has been made of the fatigue and the players looking wrecked and running on empty, et cetera.

Player Fatigue Observations

They also look very nervous. I mean, there was a point when I think Aiden O'Brien came off the bench and injected a bit of power and a bit of pace about the game. But even someone like Harry Wood who to be fair, was given pretty good service throughout. There was a moment in the game where you could just see Aidan O'Brien really frustrated with him for going back to his back four, lots of back four ball that they just seemed to be a bit tentative, maybe not willing to take the risk. Have you seen that? Is there a palpable sense of nerves among the players? Nah. Was not a left winger though. That's the problem.

Mid-Game Tactics

He's not a left winger, so he doesn't have the pace to get you up the pitch. So he's naturally going to either play a Hollywood pass or he's down there, come back. You know, he's not. He's not a left winger at all. And that's why I probably would have played him in the ten, but he's just not a left winger, so he's not going to. Then you say, go get up the pitch. But that's the type of position where the fans going to give out them by losing the ball. If he tried to run with it, but he doesn't have the pace to run with. That actually reminds me, when you talk about going up the pitch, the referee actually caught a callback.

Referee Decisions Discussion

Slowly go around the attack, lad. Oh, I couldn't. It's one of the worst pieces of refereeing I've ever seen. Because you can give a decision, then you're not too sure whether it's a foul or a dove or whatever style were genuinely on the attack. And I think Ali Q. Ali Q wanted a free kick and he didn't get it. And he was mounted off at the referee and slowly got in the middle of our got like between the goal and the halfway line and they run him driving with the ball. They about two or three players in the counter attack and he stops the play and he calls Ali K went to book him and I'm like, what's he doing?

Referee Misjudgments

And john Russell, I think. I think was seeing all the lads on the bench down 90. I was like, what? Who? I don't even know who the referee was like, what? Let the play go on then book him after. But I think because he insulted him or he must have said something to him. Got so aggravated and annoyed that he just stopped the game straight away and booked Adiq and I was like slowly got around the attack. What you doing? In my head, obviously I didn't say that in standing. I actually. I thought you were talking about the other one for.

Continuation of Match Analysis

No, that was he even that up though? He even that up and again, that can be. That was no, yeah. Blaine board got taken down, played out to Aidan O'Brien on the wing. But again, that can be ideal. Sorry, lads, I didn't know the attack was on where like, I think he evened up. But the Ali kilt one, he just booked him because he's met with half the. Like. So it was now like, oh, he didn't. I didn't think those in attacking position there, he had one up front and they had about six players back to back. You can get out of that one as a referee.

Insights on Player Decisions

But the Ali Hilton was. I must put it on so on Twitter later on there. I'll find it on the other way. I couldn't believe madness. One of the worst pieces reference I've ever seen. Cameron. Fair, fair play to Thomas Tormy in our comments underneath the stream there as well. He says 2012 was the last time a team outside the top 3 the cup. So twelve years ago at this stage, which is Matt, by the Thomas, by the way, had a brilliant article on the, on extratime dollar e during the week as well. Anybody who hasn't read as well worth a look.

Historical Context

But yeah, 2012, that is. That's unbelievable, isn't it? Twelve years. What's Stephen Kenny surprise. Brilliant as always. Have a good weekend. League of Ireland late night brought to you in association with 888 Ireland 18 plus. Please gamble responsibly. See gambling care. We've a Bose fan on the line next. I do believe Mark Murphy is standing by. Good evening, Mark. I think you just have to unmute yourself there, Mark, and you'll be ready to go. I take it all back, Shane. I take it all back.

Discussion on Current Trends

It is hard to find that view. But you got plenty to talk about. He should be in good form. He shouldn't be stuck for words after a decent result. He's probably just finishing off the prepared statement. We'll give him a second here and bring in. Bring in Siegel chat, actually, our Bray Wanderers correspondent, I suppose at this stage, because, yeah, it looked like a proper game. I see him tweeting about a goal that was disallowed. He's not happy about anywhere.

Referee Performance Reflection

Yeah. Oh my God. God. I mean, I actually just. I wasn't going to speak tonight, but when you were talking about your man, talking about dreadful referee decisions, it's in their flies to this space. It is christian macaroon. First of all, I can't believe a player of his talent is. The only two clubs that want to sign him are Longford and Bray. I mean, he could easily apply his trade in the premier division if he was Fitzhe all the time, which he unfortunately hasn't been.

Talent Assessment

But no, I think I would. I think I've spoken on here before. He was, When I thought I was going, when I thought I was going to go for another season with Ramblers this season, he was literally top of my shot. Him, him and Shane Griffin to both mended up at Bray. They were top of my shopping list. He's a super player. Oh, if you watch. I mean, if you watch the. His first goal tonight, I mean, it's something you'd see in the upper echelons of the Premier League.

Remarkable Performance Highlights

I mean, he, you know, Cork are faffing around and he just gets it from 20 yards out and he curls it into the bottom corner. I mean, he is great second goal as well. But he. Genuinely unbelievable performance. I can't believe he. Even with his, the injuries he's had, I can't believe he's still floating around the mid table of the first version. I'm glad he is, for our sake, but no, listen, you lads have missed the game of the evening at the Carlisle because it was absolutely fantastic the first time in a very long time, combined with the stakes of the match.

Match Stakes and Performance

Because if we didn't win or if we didn't get any points tonight, and I Finharps did, then the playoff picture is thrown into question again. But it's the first time in a long time I've spent the entire game on my feet watching it. It was brilliant. And to be fair to Paul Hefford, I know he's only three games into manager shit, but when people expected him to play a sort of boring, sort of Sam Allardyce type football, but he's noticeably improved the defense whilst keeping up the attacking thresh so, no, I mean, the fact that we've got a point off of the runaway league leaders tonight who are playing a reasonably full team.

Comprehensive Match Analysis

I mean, it's not like Cork throw out their youth team to give them a chance against because they don't have anything to play for anymore. They threw out a reasonably full team. Were able to get a point off of that. And not only that, but Kerry were able to hold Finn Harps. I mean if we beat UCD next week, then that's the playoff picture entirely wrapped up in for the season. And I mean, now listen, of the four teams that are there, I wouldn't really back any of them to beat Drogheda, maybe UCD, because UCD have a history of showing up for the.

Playoff Dynamics and Predictions

For the big matches when it counts. But to be honest, I wouldn't put money on any of them beating Dragda, especially in their current form at the moment. Yeah, but there could be nothing between the four of you though. Like, that's the exciting part. Like, you know, as were heading into last year's playoffs kind of, you know, everybody knew that barn a major upset. Watford were the ones that were going to win it. Whereas this time round you couldn't say that. Yeah, UCD be marginal favourites, but I mean, let's be honest, there's very little between UCD, Athlone, Wexford and Bray.

Playoff Predictions and Excitement

I mean, you control blanket over them all and if they. If they played each other six times, you'd probably get two wins apiece and two draws, you know, so I think that will make it very exciting. Okay. Whoever wins it will be, you know, a big underdog probably heading into a game against, more than likely drawing that, the way things are shaping up. But like it is, as a supporter of any of those four teams, it is. It has the potential to be a very exciting finish to the season.

Optimism for Upcoming Matches

No, exactly. And I mean, listen, as. As much as it's easy to dismiss whoever comes out of the playoffs to play drocoda as big as underdogs they would be. Athlone beat Waterford when Waterford were in the middle of a great run of form in the. In the FA cup. So, listen, it's one game of 90 minutes, so. And I mean, listen, I've said this before and I'll say it again. I think any of the four teams who get promoted will be crucifix if they manage to get promoted alongside Cork.

Struggles in the Premier Division

I mean, I prefer to be struggling in the premier Division than doing well in the first division. Let's just say. Yeah, that's. That. I don't know, that's actually. That's debatable. I would say. Like, I think back to a couple of seasons ago when lot. Remember, was it maybe three, four years ago, maybe at this age that Longford, like, stole, managed to sneak into fifth position on, like, the last day of the season, then went and won the playoffs, then went and won the promotion playoff or promotion relegation playoff. And the next thing they were in the premier division with, like, a team that was absolutely nowhere near equipped with, you know, budget, that. Absolutely. I mean, they were relegated before they kicked the ball in terms of being back up in the premier. But, Like, I. I don't know, I think simple. Look, easy for me to say coming from the COVID Rambler's perspective with us, but with us last year, it was almost like that, you know, so close but glorious failure was kind of nearly exactly what everybody wanted. Like, I don't know, our board would have had a heart attack at Cove if we'd actually got promoted. Sometimes, you know, the excitement of nearly getting there but not quite getting there suits everybody perfect, I suppose.

Memorable Seasons and Relegation

But, I mean, at the same time, like, I remember the 28, the 2018 season when I think Bray won five games, which still dwarfs. I think. I think that season you're talking about, Longford's won two game. Two games in the whole premier division. I think they went 28. Some 22 game losing streak, I think. But I would take that 2018 season where we almost went bankrupt and were router to the foot of the table over any of the scenes we've spent since. I mean, it's just. I mean, it's just the gulf between the coverage and, you know, the fans of, you know, the major premier division. I mean, listen, again, I respect and I enjoy going to some of the lesser known clubs in the first division, Bush, you know, there's being able to go twice a season to, you know, even if you're hopelessly struggling, being able to go to Tala twice a season to watch your own team, being able to go to daily match twice a season to the Brandywell twice a season, it's. There's some. There's something just nicer about it and, you know, being in people's sort of minds much more so than you can be in the first division, I suppose. I suppose, you know, listen, I still have ptsd from that 2018 season. So perhaps that's Stockholm syndrome related thing, but no, other than that.

Upcoming Matches and Results

Listen, I'll leave you lads, but no, the game of the season tonight and a game of the. Well, game of the season for us, but match the evening tonight in the Carlisle and again we beat UCD, then it's really just a case of who plays who of the four in the playoffs. Brilliant Seagull, thanks a million for hopping on. No problem. Cheers, lads. Take it easy. And it's probably worth now going through some of the first division results. So, as Siegel alluded to there, three, all without finish in the Carlisle grands between Bray Wanderers and Cork City Cove. Ramblers had a two one win athlone Town. It finished, Kerry won, Fin Harps won. That must be the most miserable trip for Finn Harps to go down. Only to get a point. At least if you lose. But anyway, three two, United, three one winners over long for ten. And Wexford picked up a two nil win over UCD as they bounce towards the cup semi final next weekend. There was a comment in there, just. I want to get it up here around the Galway United game tonight.

Curious Commentary on Statues and Finances

If a buy cut is 335 grand or. Yeah, grand, and a security hood is 1.4 million, how much is the statue of Stephen Walsh in Air Square going to cost? And I thought he was unavailable tonight, but clearly Johnny Ward has a burner account called Podge McGee, who's commenting this evening. So good to hear from you there, Jonathan. Oh, my God. I couldn't have segued better. Jonathan Higgins, who I presume was down at the IRC tonight, is the next speaker. Good evening, Jonathan. How are you? Not too bad. Were you down at the game in Waterford? Am I that predictable? I was, yeah. Fantastic victory. Okay, talk us through. Talk was true. A bit of a crazy old game, to be honest with you. United, you probably say like, jimmy coan hits about two minutes first attack for Waterford, and it's a nearly a mirror image of the first shammer Rovers goal. Ball to the worst, back to the post, not dealt with, ricocheted around the McMenu, he drives it in, three minutes later on the 10th minute. It's banana stuff, really is.

Match Analysis and Performances

Kind of a short back past. He has to come, charges out to the edge of his area, take sman ball, the loss, yellow card, the penalty. And you thought park almond over the football, you thought going, oh, no, this is going to be disaster. Restart, you got two nil. But Clarkie, I don't care. You know, you're slagging me the last time. I don't care if he's on listening here, he's the best goalkeeper in the league. He makes a big save for the penalty spot and then United seem to give United confidence. They kind of. They rallied before halftime without really, you know, a couple of flashes here and there from set pieces, made two big changes at half time, then brought back into again. It brings you that bit of pace from right back. Go see him back. After the recent energy and injury even, and Hurley was. Was back to himself in the middle of the field and really got the temp going. And water was so passive at the second half. It just felt a massive of time. Not only before the equalizer, but the winning goal came. There were strange atmosphere down there. It was loud beforehand, but it was very quiet in the second half because United just bombed them in the second half. Really.

Concluding Thoughts on Club Dynamics

And then the man that needs the planning permission got the equalizer and United kept on going. And then. Look, fortunately killer, I was slightly towards what part of his body got on the football. So it was a short free kick, played short to Greg Cunningham, smashed it back off the underside of the bar, ricochets out and it's about to be cleared. And Killer swings the boot and I hope he's not listening, but it kind of ricochet back off him and into the goal. And aside really from a bit of huffingpuff at the end and injury time where they eventually started getting ball in the box, United were dominant. Really. Walford season looks like it's petering out. And I even heard like bizarre stuff that you nearly want to look at people's lives and look back at them. They were talking about Keith long needs to go and all this nonsense, like mother, good God, look for the air on the table, look at the other teams. Look. I suppose it's reflective really, of how well that they are. They've done this season that, you know, it seems like a disappointment now, but like, my God, for me, going in either perspective, you nearly need a pilot's license to look at the league table there now.

Future Prospects and Expectations

It's extremely, really, isn't it? Yeah, it looks again, I just saw the goals was all Jonathan. As you say, fortuitous is definitely the word you'd use for the winner, but I mean, it's an outstanding result. I mean, I assumed the double change at halftime was just because John wasn't happy with what he'd seen in the first half. Look, that's a ballsy move to make you make changes like that. It doesn't go your way, you've got it. You know, you've got that bit of disarm in the dressing room maybe, but when you make changes like that and the next thing it literally turns the whole game on its head and you go and win it. Yeah, no, certainly was. But look, I suppose Jonas has shown that recently, like we're seeing that the squad being used a bit more like. I suppose case in point, Carlos Sullivan, who would have kind of started the season as a starter, but probably Hickey's. Hickey's form, like Julian again, Shane has the stats out. So it's like, what is it? 30th appearance tonight for Hickey and like it had been 14 starts, 14 as a sub and 15 as a.

Squad Development and Future

As a starter. But last twelve starts in a row since the bowls game. He started every single game and like he's probably edged out Carolyn, the team, maybe Hurley as well to a lesser extent. But Carlos Sullivan was outstanding tonight and just the impact of the venture your captain off, like he was booked, McCormick was booked and I suppose and zoo, it just gives you a bit more attack and bite in the second half and, you know, United really went for it and even the likes of Ed had a big impact. But like the standout really thing for United in recent weeks is probably reflective really of how the club has grown and probably the shop window that John is now able to target in. Like the two signings, Greg Cunningham and Jimmy Kuan, you know, back from across the water, they're just outstanding. They're different level stuff. They're really shining out and I think that's probably the big. If you want to show any sort of asset test to see how the club has gone forward, it probably is those levels of finance, because they are just.

Future Challenges for Clubs

They give you x factor. I think Galway, I think Galway, lucky Cameron in that. I think you look at the season that they've had this year and you look at the potential for even further backing from the commerce. I think there's a hell of a chance that the comers turn around and say, listen, let's give John a good enough budget here to make a proper challenge to rightly break into the top few clubs. But the problem is that circumstance is coming at a time where you've got a strong shells, a strong dairy, a strong Rovers, a resurgent patch, what we expect to be a resurgent bows. You know, it's going to be so hard for them to break into that top three, four next year. But I do expect John probably to be given the budget to give himself a decent crack at. Yeah, Shane, that european money as well. Yeah, for sure. I mean, is there a point here, Jonathan, like looking the table at the moment, Galway are just their level on points with Chamrock Rovers 49.

Galway's Positioning and Expectations

They've got Saiga Rovers just behind them, two points behind on 47. And Pat's obviously rocketing up the table at the moment. If things go to plan with the cup and Derry end up winning and fourth becomes. Goes into play in terms of Europe, what will the feeling be if Galway miss out on that fourth spot? Will it be a little bit of disappointment? What could have been? Or do you look at next year as the potential to really push on? Because I think we've seen over the last couple of weeks, even if they go in the title and manage to go in as defending champions, shells have just. Johnny has said it before on the show and it's kind of starting. It's hard to disagree that they might be a mid table team, whereas Galway could be looking up towards the top of the table if they get their house in order next year.

Ambitions and Realism

Like anything really isn't, Cameron. Like, we're all greedy humans, but you always want more. You're always looking at Faraway Hills, you're always wanting a bit more. Like, I openly would have taken your hands off for safety because I thought it was going to be a challenge. Like, I'm speaking about Simon's now. But don't forget, by and large, if you skip back to the previews and predictions, at the start of the season, it was pretty much the first division squad. And he added in the likes of Carlos Sullivan and Gary Buckley. I know I've touched on Greg and Jimmy today, but by and large, he's trusted the sides that ground the first division out after a couple of years in the doldrums, really there. So to be in this position is just beyond our wildest dreams. But of course, you're looking at. We're all realistic, you're looking at the table and Shane has rightly touched on their path with the bucket load of money that they have now.

The Road Ahead for Clubs

And Stephen Kenny, they're going. They're already flying up the table now. They'll be like that from the off next season. I don't think Rovers will be as bad again. Derria and shells, you would imagine, will invest and push on as well. Bowles will never be as bad also. So, like, it feels like as much as the first target is achieved, it's a great opportunity for that scattering pack and look, we're all the rest of that bunch of table of contenders, I think they're all about to purchase their dairy jerseys and cheer them on in the cup and open up ping. But, like, yeah, look, will this opportunity come around again? Who knows? It's the Galway United side that's been sitting around in the first division for miles, and now we're even talking about Europe is almost a bit bizarre, really. But that's the situation that has progressed.

Coaching and Leadership Success

And I suppose the one thing that I'll keep on saying about what Caulfield has brought, like. Like, you have to flash back. And it's not that long ago since that fateful night in the market field, that playoff defeat to Waterford, where there was booze and a lot of discontent in. Even in the Galway United supporters to get rid of John and look at. Look what he's built now. And it's defiance, really, because it doesn't matter what ground they go to now. They just roll up the sleeves and they'll give it one hell of a go, whether that be Tala or tonight in the RSC. And there's a connection being built there with the sporters as well. So, like, it's. It's phenomenal stuff, really, in such a sport. Short, even space of time.

Conclusion and Farewell

Jonathan, we'll let you go. Thank you so much for jumping on tonight. Pleasure. Last docking, Tim. Cheers. Jonathan Higgins there, which probably about wraps it up for us this evening. I'll just go through what to expect over the weekend. If you're not following the women's premier division this year, guys, you should really do it. It's been absolutely cracking and at the moment, Athlone Town are five points clear of shells. And Galway kind of having snuck in there just unsuspectedly and, like, they could go and do the cup double. Now they have that. They came through their game against Saiga Rovers last week, so that would be an amazing achievement for the women's side, their defence of their cup and winning a league to boot. So they take on Shamrock Rovers tomorrow it's Cork city against DLR ways, kicking off the action from two Saiga Rovers take on P Mount, Bohemians take on Wexford, Galway United, Shelburne tomorrow night.

Weekend Matches and Upcoming Highlights

Suddenly, only the secondary event, the undercarriage to Athlone and Shamrock over it from half seven tomorrow evening. We have one game in the men's premier division on Monday, Shelburne against St Pat's, the aforementioned big one, and in Talca park. And who knows what ramifications that'll have in terms of the title race. Lots and lots coming next week. We've got the FAI cup and plenty more besides. I won't be here next week. I'm off for the week. But Shane Keegan will be here. Shirley. I'll do my best. I'll do my best. I have one question to ask before we log off. Cameron. I'm very. I'm very impressed with Barry Murphy's blue tick. When did you. When did you get this, Barry? This. Is this one of the. Did you have to pay for this or are you just more famous than the rest of us? I'd like to say it's more fame, but it's eleven euro Munch.

Lighthearted Banter and Farewell

That's. That's what that is. Do you know what I was doing? I was doing those tweets about Dundalk and I was worried about misspelling things and putting it up. And this gives you an edit option, so that's what it was all about. Appreciate your honesty. I couldn't lie about it. I don't know. Can Cameron even hear your voice there? Can you hear him, Cameron? I can hear him on delay. You're just so shocked at the answer. I'm sure I'm really going to enjoy whatever it was. Barry Murphy. I'll say goodbye and I'll assume you reply goodbye. Take it easy, Cameron. All the best. Brilliant stuff. League of Ireland late night brought to you in association with 888 Ireland 18 plus. Please gamble responsibly. See Gamblingcare, ie wrap up warm winter is definitely coming this weekend, folks. It certainly feels it tonight, but hopefully you have a good weekend. Enjoy yourselves, enjoy whatever's coming. Be it the women's premier division and the men's game on Monday. And I'll talk to you in a couple of weeks, but leave our late night. We'll be back next week.

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