Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space LOI Late Night – hearing your thoughts from 10 tonight! hosted by offtheball. In the LOI Late Night Twitter Space, engaging discussions on sports-related topics take place, focusing on themes like the LOI Late Night platform, Off The Ball Breakfast schedule, and OTB FM airing times. Audience participation is encouraged through diverse time slots and interactive sessions. Viewers can access content on-demand via the provided link, ensuring convenience and access to past discussions. The space caters to sports enthusiasts looking for insightful updates in a dynamic and interactive environment.

For more spaces, visit the Unique Projects page.


Q: What is the focus of the LOI Late Night discussions?
A: The focus revolves around engaging late-night conversations and audience thoughts.

Q: Where can viewers access Off The Ball Breakfast content?
A: Viewers can access the content on YouTube.

Q: When does OTB FM air on weekends?
A: OTB FM airs on weekends on NewstalkFM and the Off The Ball app.

Q: How can listeners access on-demand content?
A: Listeners can access on-demand content through the provided link.

Q: What platforms offer the Off The Ball content?
A: Off The Ball content is available on YouTube and possibly on other channels as discussed in the space.

Q: How can audiences engage with the discussions and updates?
A: Audiences can participate and engage through the Twitter Space environment.

Q: What are the different time slots for LOI Late Night and related shows?
A: LOI Late Night airs at 10 pm, Off The Ball Breakfast at 7:30 am, and OTB FM at 7 pm, with additional slots on weekends.

Q: What is the theme or nature of the conversations in the space?
A: The conversations revolve around sports-related topics and updates.

Q: Where can users find a repository of past discussions and content?
A: Users can find past discussions and content through the provided link for on-demand access.

Q: How accessible are the different shows and conversations for the audience?
A: The shows are accessible through various platforms like YouTube, NewstalkFM, and the Off The Ball app, ensuring ease of access for the audience.


Time: 00:12:46
Discussion on LOI Late Night Theme Insights into the theme and purpose of LOI Late Night discussions.

Time: 00:24:35
Update on Off The Ball Breakfast Schedule Details on the schedule and content of Off The Ball Breakfast.

Time: 00:35:19
Airing Times of OTB FM on Weekends Information on the specific airing times of OTB FM on weekends.

Time: 00:48:10
Accessing On-Demand Content Guidance on how to access on-demand content for past discussions and shows.

Time: 01:02:55
Engagement Opportunities in the Twitter Space How audiences can engage and participate in the interactive discussions.

Time: 01:14:27
LOI Late Night Past Discussions An overview of past discussions and topics covered in LOI Late Night.

Time: 01:26:18
Convenient Access to Shows Platforms like YouTube, NewstalkFM, and the Off The Ball app enable convenient access for listeners.

Time: 01:38:05
Audience Interaction in Discussions The importance of audience participation for engaging discussions and updates.

Time: 01:45:49
Diverse Topics Covered Insights into the range of sports-related topics discussed in the space.

Time: 01:59:30
Future of LOIs Late Night Predictions and insights shared on the future direction of LOIs Late Night discussions.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on LOI Late Night discussions and audience participation.
  • Updates on Off The Ball Breakfast and its schedule on YouTube.
  • Information on OTB FM airing times on weekends via NewstalkFM and the Off The Ball app.
  • Link provided for on-demand content access.
  • Engaging and interactive discussions on sports-related topics.
  • Opportunities for audience engagement and participation in the Twitter Space.
  • Details on the LOI Late Night platform and its theme.
  • Availability of past discussions and content through the provided link.
  • Variety of time slots for listeners to catch different shows and discussions.
  • Platform accessibility across multiple channels for audience convenience.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Fun and NFTs

Let's have fun with it I'm going dumb with it funny footer fun ape nft yeah let's have some fun with it yeah I'm the one giving my boy the vision of the. Ape. Nft okay so let me tell you this the artwork really dope shout out to coop and if they add me to the team I'm never going just watch us take over the scene notice ain't a joke John hit me said yo had some fun and really flow drop the ether in my meta I said say no more fun nick beating on my chest with all my vote independent hit the weapon dropped them on the low off the streaming cause the block is where I'm going as well yeah okay wait told y'all I ain't come to everything I spit is flame they all notice ain't a kid twitter jumping I don't really care for Instagram discord popping you can find me where they play my jams john been supporting from the jump he benefits more like family we locked and working on our plans they can't stop me tweet at Marcus and I'm showing love I'm too real to have them play me up inside the club I'm not selling out I'm buildings from the mud funny going minute coming have some fun let's have some fun with it I'm going done with it yeah I'm the one giving my boys to paint a vision of the funny nft funny this is for the fun ape nft okay one day doctor bomb prototype taking flights out the solar system to find out the life forms where's he going?

The Story of Phonics and Fun

Phonics have something else for him not so boring plot ignoring him purely for from what they doing took the candy, put it in the generator it went boom I'm yelling upset, crying, screaming that is interfuel it took months to get the stock of it now chocolate, cotton candy winning out the boosters of the rocket the doctor said laughing choking gases for oxygen while demolishing all the sweet delectable treats bickering, hollering, hooting and booting all of their docs equipment too it's incredibly foolish they prank them endlessly and rude they having fun but what is fun if everyone isn't included? They're just some apes having fun like they your elementary students pranking ruthless acting stupid who I and I ooh and banging on their chest and bellowing too welcome to fun let's have some fun with it I'm going done with it.

Setting the Scene

What's up? Everybody together? A little intimate setting this evening, right? Six ops and three of us in here with 12340. Shit, I can count. I can count today. Oh, cryptic wants to come up and hang out. Sing a thing to us too, bro. You want to sing to us? It's just four of us. I mean, ladies, gentlemen. What's up, cryptic? Guys, we've got a big clothing tonight, bro. You know, like, what the hell is going on? Somebody said, I think there is another space going on. I think. Well, there's a couple of spaces, I think. Okay, I know that they're cool. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. There's other spaces. Yeah. Mullet here. I think. Mullet said there was a space. Somebody had a space. At 05:00 I think. Heather. Heather. Is that when. Is that when poker starts for ATS or formerly known the artist formerly known as ATS? I don't know. You know, I'm saying. Yeah, no, grapes. Grapes. That's it.

Discussion on Events and Engagement

Oh, grapes. Yeah, grapes. I think they have their poker night, I think, at 05:00. Okay. Jenna's laughing. I don't know. She's probably laughing at me. Or she might be laughing at you. I don't know. She's probably definitely laughing at you. I think that's pretty copy. She's laughing at you. How's your Friday going? I got a Becker back and forth. We're gonna see. How. How's your Friday going? We will bicker back forth if I choose to. Okay. You can't change this subject. If I don't want it to change, my fight is gone. Okay. See? That's all you had to say. Seems funny. I was in it my way. I was, I'm on my laptop. I was trying to request up, and it won't let me. It won't let me at all. Why not? I don't know. I'm hitting request to speak, and it's not doing anything. Well, maybe it's one of those.

Technical Issues and Requests

Sometimes it doesn't let me request up, and because something blocks it and I've actually got to, like, refresh the tab and come back in at the space again and then request up. Sent myself a request, accepted it, but it still won't let me. I don't need to be on stage. I've been hosting spaces forever now. I've never been on stage with unless John's hosting under the account, whatever. But big deal. I was just testing it out. I wanted to see because, well, you know, for the longest time, and Vinny. Vinny's showing up on my computer, and he's not showing up in my, on my phone. That's tricky. And so is Neko. Neko, Nico. And they don't show up on my phone either. The hell? Oh, there they are now. They just got there. Yeah, your phone's slow. My phone slowing about my phone slow.

Market Insights and Investments

It's the first time that's it's ever happened. I don't know if you're talking about. I think X is slow. Where's Elon at? And start tagging Elon. See if we can get his punk ass in here, get some questions answered. Tag him. Tag elon. Hold on, I gotta go to Vinny's profile because. Why, why have we got any bunny's program? Because I had to go get something real quick. Oh, yeah. What we get, we have to pin these things up top for the people that aren't engaged or whatever. What? For the, for the. Yeah, they're all, I think they're all in the engagement. Yeah, but, I mean, some people don't. Some that stop by, they'll pop in for a minute, be like, what the hell is going on? All right, I'm out just pinning all these.

Engagement and Community Interaction

I'm not even reading them. I'm just looking at funny photo, and then I'm pinning the top. How many are up there? It should be like, I thought there. Were only three, but it might have been 412345. All right. Yep. All right, cool. Do whatever it says. Use the hashtags they say. Yeah, I know. One is like, one's like, eight, mate, I think, or something. Yeah. And for extra votes, give a good reason why you won't. What? For real? I didn't know that. Did you just bought this channel read simply thing. I'm literally the one that just said people probably are gonna read shit, and I include myself in that. Like, okay, as long as you're including yourself.

Involvement in NFT Trends

Yeah, I read some stuff, but, you know, I'll be honest with you. I looked at the hashtag, I'm supporting fun ape. So it's whatever that hashtag was. I didn't care about whatever the mumbo jumbo was in between, but now I care about the mumbo jumbo. I shouldn't even disrespect it by calling it mumbo jumbo. I take it all back. I grabbed a duck the other day too, because I wanted to support Duckmaster, you know what I mean? And I was like, you know what? A couple of drinks, you know? You don't like buying an ft, huh? How much is the ducks? It was zero. 4.04 was like $95, I think. Yeah, a little more than I usually spend, especially on in this type of market.

Recent Purchases and Market Dynamics

You know what I'm saying? But I was like, dude is doing some things with. With all these other projects. He's sweeping floor, you know what I mean? Like, and I don't know, every little bit of support helps, so I figured I'd grab one. And then they were talking about the when goods, and I was like, well, let me take a look at the when goods mint. And, yeah, I came up is now. One two or something. Point one five. Point one five. I could, you know, but I'm not trying to. Yep. It's cool, I guess, set up that they have with what they have coming, you know, because it was like, I don't know how it was. Some drinks like that they're doing for the brand and some protein bars and some stuff like that.

Collaborations and Future Prospects

Then an NFT, but, like, 0.15.15, bro. Yeah, that's a lot. Yeah. But you also get a spin on the wheel as well, which could be anything from, let's say, a fun ape to a mutant, right? Yeah, yeah, there's that, too. Dude, I know people. The wheel spin. That's. Well, that's. I'm be honest with you, maybe go check it out. I was like, all right, see what's the hell getting these wheel spins. It's like, all right, grab one of these. Let me check the site out. Oh, all right. It's going on BK. Love it. And you see meta rebels is doing that as well.

Community Sharing and Values

They're doing a spin thing as well. I just saw that. I just saw that. I go to my out account to make comments. They've got quite good prices in there as well. This is 0.04, I think, for them. In. Is it? Oh four. Somewhere up there. It's somewhere up there. I believe. I mean, I believe so. And that's, automatic spin as well. Can't be doing these 04050. Whatever mints do. Go back to. Go back to, oh, ones. You know what I mean? Damn. I saw, I saw crypto equip post. I guess he swept, pixelated pepes, and then some people threw pixelated Pepe's right back on the floor, and he was like, you know, like, why even bother sweeping?

Reflections on Market Practices

And, dude, it sucks. You know what I mean? Because, like, we all see it. It doesn't matter what project you're in, you know what I mean? You're checking floor prices on projects every, at least every now and again. But, like, yeah, it's, it sucks. But, you know, it's happening with ours. Like, not that, you know, we'll get swept up. We're like, oh, we're back up a 0.01. Let's keep it rolling. 0.005 again. You know, what can you do? It's like these people that just, and I can't, I don't even know if you can blame it on meme points much anymore just because. Are they still.

Changing Market Perspectives

I don't see that as much on my timeline. I can't say they're not going on. But are they, like, with have. It shouldn't matter what the market is. Well, no, it shouldn't matter what the blake. But you got to understand, these other. People, these other people are stupid. I'm going to say these other people are stupid. Fucking stupid. Oh, yeah. If you're going to throw something on the floor, make the floor the mint price. Do not go under the mint price. Floor. Yeah, I was just talking about the other day, though, the funny way.

Experiences with Giveaways

Did you hear me? The one that we gave away? It was a collab space. We did. And somebody won the fun ape. And I, like, I sent it to him, whatever. It was ranked like 92 or ranked 95, something like that. And they floored it for $16. Yeah. Like, why would that. Who was it a new engager? Was there? I don't know. It may have been. They may have gotten. I don't know. I don't know. I'd have to go back and check the ticket to see if they did a post, because I'm sure we ask, obviously, we ask everybody to do a post.

Wrap Up and Future Engagements

I'm not sure if they did one or not. Did you build, what's that? Did you pull the winner? Did I pull the winner? Yeah, on the funny mister Ken. I'm guessing I did, maybe. I don't know. It was a couple weeks ago or a month or so. I can't even remember. I just remember the fun ape itself, because when I saw that it sold and Fitcher got it, I was like, damn that. I was like, no, because like I said, like, it was like, under rank, under 100, ranked under 100. And. But, hey, I can't hate on the person for doing it. It's just like, you think about it.

Thoughts on Selling

And that's my point, is that, dude, you need the $16. Like, that's $16. Like, why not just hold on to you if any, if I'm winning any NFTs right now at all, I'm not. I wouldn't sell them. I don't care. I got a couple of my wallet that I could probably get anywhere from, like, zero two to zero five four. That's like, oh, but why? I don't want to do that. I'll hold on to them, see if I can make them to whatever. Yep, yep, or zero whichever. At this point, it doesn't even matter because they're so far gone as far as, like, that money being spent or if they're, they were one or whatever.

Reflections on NFTs Market

Because I really, I don't think I've ever sold something that was given to me from a giveaway either. I don't sell a lot, dude. You can check my wild. And I've sold very little in the three or four years I've been in this space. And it's just, I would flip. I would flip if I could. Don't get me wrong, you know, it just hasn't worked out for me. So I don't even try that much anymore. I gotta wait for the market to turn. Yeah. I don't think I've ever sold anything that I've been gifted or that I've won in a giveaway. I wish I could. I wish I could load up on more stuff.

Collaboration and Community

Like, I wish I could just spend a whole bunch of money on other projects that are out there doing their thing, you know, because I got a lot of funny sign and I'll keep getting funny, but, you know, there's other projects that we've collabed with that are doing pretty well, too, that, you know, we support each other. And I'd like to stack up on some more of those, too, but did. Like, what, three weeks ago or something? I wanted to pick up east and I should have sold some stuff and picked up two because they went from 0.08. Now they're up to. .22 so stupid.

Reflection on Market Trends

Damn. They came down to zero eight. Damn. I'm almost glad I didn't know that. I thought about grabbing one of those a while ago, like, you know, and then they fluctuated in price. And I know that he's not rash. He's not chilling. Like, you know, he's doing stuff. He's working. No, he's just free merch to everybody that was a holder. So. Yeah, but you got to watch it. You got to watch the floors. And see, I see, I don't pay attention to any projects anymore. But, you know, I just. But I should because I'm not really in the market. Like, I get scared.

Conclusion on Personal Trading Experience

I get. I'm gun shy, you know, I don't. I'm scared cryptic.

Initial Concerns and Offers

I'm scared, you know, I'm always watching fools. Keep getting ridiculous offers for my baron bull bear or something that. Ridiculous offers. I don't know. It's a rugged bear. We're gonna find out who it is. Taking the chance. I don't like taking the chance. It's fun. Friday, bro. That's what we're doing. What's going on? Rugged, rugged bear.

Greetings and Time Differences

Hey, guys. How are you? Doing well, doing well. Happy Friday, if it's Friday for you. Still not sure where you're at? No, it's not Friday for me, mate. It's Saturday. Early morning here in Western Australia. okay. All right. Good morning. Morning, mate. Morning. So I just. I just want to promote my project, if that's okay with you guys.

Project Promotion

You want to do what now? I'm sorry? I want to promote my project. Is that okay with you? You know what? Yeah, sure. Why not, bro? Why not? Give it. Give it a spit. Why not? Hi. So basically, I'm coming up with an NFT collection called Rugged Bear. This bear is inspired by 1950s Disney character the Bear and the duck.

Story Behind the NFT Project

This is about a story of a bear who lost money in crypto by various scams from FTX to Wootoken to mount gogs and so on and so forth. So it's about a story of a bear who lost money but still managed to sustain in the society, especially in the crypto society, and how he managed to succeed. So there's a bit of a story to it and I just want to bring this to attention to the people about the project, see if they're interested about it or trying to give me feedback about how the project looks, where does it lags, what does it need to move forward?

Seeking Feedback and Plans

So just a general gist of what it is and just want to get a feedback from everybody around us. All right. Yeah, let's hear it. All the details and all the socials are actually on my twitter, on my ex. You guys can go and check it out and, yeah, give us a bit of a feedback that will really help, guys. Thanks. Has your project minted? Not yet, mate. Not yet.

NFT Minting Status

It's launched on the launch NFT platform yet. It's not minted yet, but people can go and mint. There's only 500 NFTs, but there's a lot of incentives that are driving those NFTs as well down the line. So, yeah, if people who mint those NFTs get free airdrops, digital assets, and there's a huge plans lined up for the project itself. Cryptic. You're using the inquisitive one and you're just sitting here quiet.

Plans for the Project

Can you list some of the plans? Plans for the project? Yeah. The initial plan is to sell NFTs, and the second plan is to engage the society and the community into the project. And I want the community to talk about their rugged experiences. So based on those experiences, we want to create a next NFT lineup as well.

Future Community Engagement

There's no token yet decided for the project because I don't want people to get rugged, to be very honest. I want people to have a driven community on NFTs. Plus I want to have a place where people can buy merchandise on rugged products and rugged base and so on and so forth, so people who own NFT can actually get a free merchandise moving down the line. So there's more plans about real world assets in terms of merchandise, in terms of NFTs and so on and so forth.

Utility and Feedback

But there's no potential plans for tokens or, and stuff like that at this stage. Okay. Everyone is going to ask, so I'm just going to ask, are you going to have a unique utility? Is there going to be a utility behind it? Dave? Did I. Rug? Did rugged, I think rugged. Rug. You rugged.

Discussion on Scary Movies

Talking about rogues sounded to me cryptic. Then maybe it was starting off as an art based project and they're going to work their way up to some things later on. feel free to stop on uproot, but, anybody's interested in that, give them a follow, check them out. Little impromptu show. Didn't, didn't plan on it. But hey, you know what? It's that kind of day. We're just chilling out.

Weekend Fear and Horror Movies

It's Friday, right? Friday the 13th too, at that. Now I forgot. Now I'm scared. Did you watch any scary movies? No. Did you? I don't watch horror movies. They make me laugh. I don't, I don't like horror movies. They make me jump. Yes. I gotta watch the true stories. But then they make me, those make me like, sad.

Thoughts on Horror Genres

They really happened like, yeah, you know, I don't want to laugh at it. The Jason ones, though, they make me laugh. I can't not laugh at those. Okay. They're just so ridiculous, dude. You know, but. I mean, that was a good movie. Then. I don't know. Well, Friday 13, there's like 27 parts to it. There might, I don't even might be 13.

Iconic Franchises and Films

And then he did what? Like Freddie versus Jason and then, yeah, dude. The freaky. I said, well they were good. Like the Jason ones. They were good. You thought, I mean, I don't even know if I saw them. I saw Friday the 13th, the originals. Back in the day. Back when it was like frickin like homemade. Like home films, you know, I mean like homemade movies.

Discussion on Movies and Experiences

Yeah, that's what I was just going to say. what's it called? What's it called? What's what called? The homemade one that looks like it's homemade. Blair witch. It was a Blair Witch Project. I mean, I mean, there's been a few. No, Paul. Hey Paul. No. not poltergeist. Are you thinking yeah, the exorcist. No. What? I don't know.

Confusion and Clarifications

Problem throwing out movies you don't know? Did. Come on. The one in the house. One in the house. Dude, they're all in. I don't know what you're talking about. Every movie that's one of the ones that I listed were in a house. Somebody knows what I'm talking about. Most people know I'm talking about a. Vate motel. Fucking what's the name? Who's that one?

Engagement and Confusion

Nobody knows there, no way. Anything. Nobody's putting anything in discord, no comments, nothing. No. Nothing cryptic. Nobody knows what the hell you're talking about. The scary movie in the house. It's not really a scary movie. It's like paranormal activity. That's the one. That's the way. Way to go Jenna, way to go.

Nostalgic Horror Conversations

See I knew some dude knew. Oh so be case of the shiny. So paranormal activity is like a homemade type move. Okay, that's right. Weren't they videotaping? Okay, yeah, I remember now. I forgot about it. Yeah, but now for ski mate, that was good. Like thinking all these horror movies, I'm like, oh yeah, that one wasn't even coming close.

Weather and Spooky Atmosphere

Friday 13th. Spooky. Woohoo. Know what I'm gonna do? It's supposed to be hot this weekend too. It's like 80 some degrees outside. It feels nowhere near like anything spooky like it's supposed to. The chill, you need that chill in the air, the dead chill, cryptic. What? Yeah, dead chill. You ever heard that you know, you get real cold or something?

Supernatural Discussions

Yeah, but that's from like a ghost walking past. You. Take whatever, it's hot bro, looks for a little cool down. Okay. I mean, you can keep that just now. We're getting cold really soon. Hey, real quick, just everybody that hasn't, participated or knows the wheel spin is still up in or is up if anybody hasn't clicked, taking advantage of that.

Engagement in Raffles

Yeah, I know I did earlier and only won a stupid hundred points. Yeah. Make sure you get your last spinning because I'm sure it's going to in the next couple of hours. I have the insight info. Hang on. See if I can, let me see if I can finish out these raffles now. What did I been finished on for a week? All right, I just finished them.

Discussing Points and Scores

I got 2800 extra raffles. Hey, fine. How do, what, how can I sell them? Or how do I have 2018? I have 18. What? I've got 68. Yeah, 68. Well, you also have a lot more points than me because I f'ed up missions. you don't know. You got how you got hella points.

Game Strategies and Points

I, how many times have you spun the wheel? Because I've only done it once. Often or three times. Yeah, see, there's the big deal right there. That's a big, I mean, you're five, you're 5000. Yeah, I flipped him one earlier too. It was another hundred points. A whopping 200 from the wheel spin and the flip.

Competition and Rankings

don't worry about it because I'm trying to catch up by the 5000 points that I'm down. 5350 to be exact. 5350. Now wait, hold on. Damn. What happened to Wil? Spy? Will Spy was right there with me. Way down 1111 thousand. That's 8th place. Yes.

Potential Rivalries

She was neck and neck with you for a while, wasn't she? Like right between first and second or boom. You guys are flip flopping. Okay, that's fine. I mean, I'll take rost, I'll go king in 2nd. 300 points ahead, it looks like of king. Yeah, I think King is up to date on his missions because I know I got 500 twice on the ring spin and then 400.

Analysis of Player Behavior

Rug. Really rugged players. Rugged and rugged out, bro. Yeah, I didn't want to be too harsh. I wasn't going to be too harsh, but I was going to, I was getting ready to ask because. Yeah, that's what I figured. It sounded to me like it was an art project that didn't, you know, gonna try and sell some NFTs, maybe open a coin up later down the road or something.

Encouragement for Future Projects

Hollerous. Come hit us up. Like, I was going to say you should work on his picture. But you can't just say, oh, well, everything's just almost as was there to check them out. I mean, that's almost why I let him do it, you know, some guy probably hasn't been done many spaces. I know what that's like.

Team Dynamics and Interactions

There's only a couple of us in here. If we had a packed house or something, I probably wouldn't have been outside. I could tell you hesitated a little bit. Yeah, I had to think of. Yeah, whatever. Let's hear what you got to say, brother. You know, not bias. We're nice people. We're fun, damn it.

Exhaustion and Future Spaces

As you yawn, I'm like, we're fun. I'm tired. We have space tomorrow, too. Tomorrow? 06:00 p.m. eastern. I don't know why I did that. Okay. I mean, it's why it's early. Wait, sorry. That's good. I don't know what I was thinking. Yes.

Clarifications on Scheduling

I don't know. Thinking what? I was scheduled on the spaces general. Do you want any alpha? We all want help. What do you got? What you got? You've been talking to people. What's up? Maybe a possible. Possible giveaway, maybe depending on what happens on the next space that Lizzie is maybe in.

Uncertainty and Anticipation

Possibly. Don't hold me to it, but things are being spoke about. Pretty vague. No, it may not happen, but just saying. Yeah, that was really pretty vague. Possibly. Possibly look out for Lizzie on a space to maybe give away some cool shit. Possibly. If Lizzie comes on his face and gives something away, maybe nothing is set in stone.

Cliffhangers and Expectations

We're just looking for Lizzie. Cliffhanger right there. I don't want to put it in a position. So that's why it's real weak. How many? So, all right, so let me change subjects. Now. Speaking. And they talk about raffles and giveaways we can get into.

Details on Raffles

Like I said, the ones that we have. Oh, it ends in twelve days. We still got twelve days left. The 25th and then. Is that the same with the ones in the discord? Do they end in twelve days or they end sooner? I think they all got put in at the same time. I thought so, too, but let's see.

Discussion About Timelines

Ten days. Ten days. Okay, so a little bit earlier. See? See what I mean? Cryptic. I could have been that guy. They'd have been like, yep. Make sure you get on your creamy raffles as well. Yeah, they're in two days. Well, they're these the weekly. There's a weekly that ends in two days. Yeah, I was talking about. Okay, gotcha. And all the other ones in the engager all have I think they. There's a gold and three companions. Yeah. Golden three. Hey, I need a gold one. I need another golden. Throw some raffles in on that one. I have a gold one but I'm no tuck by any means in here. Tucks probably got like ten naked golds.

Raffles and Entries

Huh. Snapping those bad boys up. Oh, he's getting good deals on them too though, so I can't hate on that. So we'll see what happens. See what happens. I got to remember to put my entries in so that's going to be first and foremost is remembering to put my entry. No. Can I ask you a question? Sure. When are you going to remember to do that? I'm not sure I'm here, let's. Can I enter? Do I have enough? Oh yeah. I got 8000 put in. How much I put in? I'm not going to go to the Mac. I'm going to do. Yeah. Good. Sounds like a good number. Nice even number. Boom. I'm not as worried about the other ones but we'll see.

Minimum Entry Concerns

We'll try and keep track. Yeah. I've just been in one these days because the minimum went up. The minimum went up. Is that what you said? Like the minimum and amount of entries? Yeah. Yeah. Wonder if that's what they meant to do. Well the minimum. Well no, I guess that makes sense like that. Just gotta and you gotta watch because Liz will be dropping, she'll drop creamy just throughout discord here and there and then gore off with his rumbles. Yeah. Lizzie normal. Does it like 07:00 my time in the morning? Yeah, 07:00 her time too, I think. Yeah, our time is the same thing. There's not a thing. Difference between Scarlet.

Flies and Annoyances

That's what I'm saying. I know. Bright and early in the morning. For me it's like 02:00 a.m. every now and again. I'll see those as I'm going to bed. I'm drifting off. Oh, well I had this. 02:00 a.m. you're drifting off sometimes. I said sometimes. Sometimes. Not often at all anymore, but it happens to vacation or 02:00 a.m. rolls around. So. You mean really. Well, yeah. Okay. What were you gonna say? I was gonna say I had, I don't know why. Dude, a freaking fly. There was a fly that just, it was buzzing by my head. It was a loud mf or two. I don't know where he is today. Or she. Whatever.

Fly Trouble

Whatever. It was a man is, because it was literally waking me. I was like, why? And it was all dark, so I couldn't see. They're like, where the hell is this fly? And I have a. I don't usually have this problem, so I don't have a fly swatter laying around. You know what I mean? So, like, I get a, I get, like, a. An envelope. Like a big, like, eight by, like, a letter size envelope, dude. Like, it's dark in here. I'm just, like, swinging away, trying to. Cause I'm, like, aggravated because this fly, he's buzzing by my earthen, throwing this thing left and right. I never got it. I never got it.

Mistakes and Humor

And then I just heard it go by my ear multiple times throughout the night. And then again when I got up this morning, and then I just got so mad, I had to leave. And I never did get it, so I hope it's gone. I haven't seen it since. But. Dude, do you think you're, like, Mister Miyagi or something? Do I have chopsticks? I'm saying I didn't have chopstick. I might have caught it if I had chopstick. I didn't even see it, dude. It was stealth. That's what I'm saying, bro. This thing was stealth. And it was dark, so, you know, flying black.

Chopsticks and Stealth

What do you mean, it was stealth? It was pitch black. The chopsticks is on the same level of trying to hit a fly with a bit of paper in the dark when you can't see it. Well, that's why I was flailing, you know what I mean? Like, you had to see it. I was flat. I was all over the place for us. You know that flies can see in the dark, right? And that fucking thing was sitting on the wall beside you, laughing at you. I don't know anything about flies, aside from the nasty fact that they regurgitate on their food to eat it.

The Dangers of Flies

And I remember that. Yeah, I remember seeing that in the movie the fly. I hated it. It was so disgusting. But, yeah. Anybody that doesn't know this is a true fat, you check that shit out. Flies throw up on their food to eat it. Ew. So every time they land on your food. No, just know. Just know. Y'all hate to. Oh, yeah, I hate it. I was so bad. I hate. Yeah. So far so good, though. I probably shouldn't have talked shit. It's probably buzzing around here somewhere waiting for me.

Closing Thoughts

To get all space. I can't hear it because I have my headphones in. Did that thing's gonna wait until you go to bed. It's gonna be flying about you again. They got this thing called. I don't have one, but I'll order one if this supply gets too crazy. Electric. The what? Puzzle? Yeah, electric. I don't know what that is. What's an electric fly? I was going to talk about assault. Gun, but no, the electric flyswall. The electric hits the flies.

Electric Fly Traps

I mean, I don't need an electric one. If I hit it with a swatter, it's going to be dead anyway. Probably. I'm it. I mean. Yeah. The salt gun thing or whatever, you just. You, like, shoot it and it shoots salt. Like. I don't know. It's. I don't know. I don't know how much salt? I don't know. Not getting it anyway. I mean, you can get one of those electric flight scores, like $510 on. Five or $10 for a fly swatter.

Swatter versus Gun

Dude using my shoe. The long lasting dude. Putting it through a wall, too, probably. That's probably what's going to happen. I'll just end up putting my shoe through a wall, trying to kill a fly. Yeah. Bad news. All right, well, now I got to do a word. Guess what it's going to be. That's what the word gonna be, right? It's gonna be fly. Come on, man. It's pretty fly, right? Yeah, that's pretty fly. I shouldn't.

Culinary Preferences

I shouldn't even pay the fly to respect that. Like that, you know, like, that's just showing him love. I'm sure we haven't done fly on Friday the 13th. No, I was going to do something scary, too, but now flies are scary. After I talk about throwing up one. How long are we going to do it? Do it for? Eleven minutes. That's right. We're gonna end it early. Seven minutes. Seven minutes. Ten minutes. Sadly.

Dinner Plans

We'Re gonna do it at 623 is what time it's gonna end. Well, 23 after. Come on, Frank. It's in there. Now what? Calm down, fly people. What does fly? That's right. You got eleven minutes very quick. I think everybody in here will be okay. Yeah. Even I remember. Even I remembered. So you know what, right? What's that after? What's for dinner tonight? We're gonna go get pizza, I think.

Food Preferences

Pizza or burgers. One of the two. I don't know. I'll let her decide. One of the two. That's the plan. Nice little spot down the street that just opened up to check that shit out. You put brown sauce on the vodka. Nobody around here has brown sauce. I would have to take that with me. I would ask for that around here and they would be like, I don't even know what you talked about.

Cultural Preferences

They call me a clown sauce dude. Did. See, when I, see, when I finally get over there, I'm going to the nearest store and buying brown sauce and I'm taking it to wherever I go eat. You might as well just bring it with you. Just pack it. Pack yourself a little brown sauce. Little travel side brown sauces. What's that? I don't know if I can do that. I don't know what the rules are anymore about anything.

Travel Concerns

Yeah, they have not flew out of the country for a while. Feel like you'd be okay with some brown stuff, but maybe not some kind of banned ingredient or something that is like, illegal in the states and then you get arrested. No, because you support it there. You don't. I'm saying if you brought yours, if. You brought yours, what is the same in Greek? What you've got? You don't know that?

Shifting Perspectives

Rome here. Maybe. It'S just emigrated on. I wanted to say that probably like, leave the caps unsealed and stuff. They're like, unseal and then. So that the US can throw in some preservatives and shit like that. Bad stuff. Some color number red. You know, I mean, whatever that red whatever. Red dye 40 or whatever it is, people are like, no, stay away.

Food Regulations

You know, talk about whatever that stuff is. I don't know. That's bad for you, too. I don't know why. They say it's definitely not good for anybody, but more so kids, for some. Reason it was a red five and fucking yellow four or some shit. Like, why? Why? What do you need those things for? It's just cheaper than what the other equation is to it.

Consumer Perspectives

The other equation is to it. Why do they need the equation is what I'm saying. Why can't it just be like potato chips or purpose? What's that? What? Because it serves as a purpose. Whether it's like covering or flavoring. I know, but that's my point is we have so much shit out there. Like, we need. We need to get back to the.

Culinary Reflection

Yeah, but that's what I mean, basics. It's cheaper to use that than, like, what we tend to use. I heard the other day, I don't know if this is true or not? Pringles. You know Pringle. You ever eat pringles? The potato chips? Yeah. Apparently they're not. Apparently they're not allowed to be called potato chips. They're called crisps, which is a diet.

Pringle Revelations

Like. Did we talk about this already? I don't know, but yeah, they are girl crisps. Yeah. Because they're not allowed to be called potato chips because they're not potatoes. Yeah. I didn't know that. I've loved Pringles my entire life. I thought they were potato chips, but don't know what the hell I'm eating now. Or was. I don't eat pringles anymore in a while, but I just.

Crisps and Hot Dogs

This is newly found information to me. I mean, like, all of ours is called crisps. I know all yours is called crisps. That's why I was trying to make it, like trying, you know? Yeah, but we can. We don't tend to call pringles crisps. We just call them pringles. It's one of those things. Like a hot dog is just called a hot dog. It's got its own name. Are you not talking about hot dogs? There's this place down the street and it was like. It's got their advertising, right? It's got a big sign on the outside of it and it says the recession buster. And it says, two hot dogs. Okay? Two hot dogs, an order of french friesen and a soda for $12.99. And that's the recession buster. You calling that a deal? $13 for two hot dogs, some french fries in a soda. Dude, that's robbery. I mean, maybe it's. I mean, I guess for eating out. For eating out. I guess it's not too much, but that's not a value meal, bro.

Cost and Quality of Hot Dogs

How big is the hot dogs? I don't know what size they are. They're not. I don't think they were like quarter pound hot dogs. They're probably just your regular size. Like, not jumbo hot dogs. Just. And I don't even know what kind they could. They could have been, you know, they might not even beef hot dogs. They may be dog hot dogs. You know, other. Maybe. Maybe talk about that. I'll talk about that. Cryptic. It's the recession buster. Because they are the ones saving on the ingredients. Right? I served on a paper plate and shit with one napkin. I saw that sign outside. It's like $13.02. Hot dogs, french fries. I mean, don't get me wrong. I would definitely not. I'd be full after that. Eating all that. But I. $13. I'd rather. For $13, I could probably go get, like, a decent meal somewhere, like, at, like, TCR Fridays or something, bro.

Previous Poker Games

Yeah, I guess. I mean, it kind of seems, like, on par for, like, here. If it is jumbo hot dogs, I'm sure they probably. I don't think they were jumbo hot pictures. I didn't start. I was passing by. It was a red light. I stopped there. I saw the sign on the corner, like, within. I was like, that's not really too good of a deal. And I just kept on rolling. But any other people think it is. So. Yeah, I know. Fly, fly sometimes. Well, he said, like, I don't know, eight minutes. I'm not Jacob. Damn. We got lazy in our old agency, are we? Four minutes. Four minutes. I'm pretty sure nobody extra came in. And it's just us. Stacey came in. I saw Stacey. Stacey. Act like I don't see you. You know what I'm saying? I'll be watching.

Revolutionizing Minting

Four minutes. I never even liked. I was just going on with the conversation. Bonus waters flying. Stacey. Four minutes. She heard me say, now. Fine. It's fine. I got it taken care of. I got. And you win any poker? Did you win any poker this week? Any exciting rounds? yeah, I made the. I made, Sunday's game yesterday, I think it was. I came third only because when it gets down to three, like, top five qualify, and then when it gets to, like, top three, I just start going all in always, no matter what cards I've got. So they got strategy. That's what it is. Well, third place. Damn. Congratulations, bro. That's not bad at all. Did you win anything? Hey, I think I'll get some coffee.

Upcoming Events

Things like discord token, and I was tired. Oh, didn't you finish fourth on something, too? Just recently finished. Somebody just finished fourth in a tournament. Like, a pretty big tournament. And they were like, damn it. Because it only paid out the top three. I mean, that might be the almost tired one or the rug. Those one top three gets paid out in both. But there's, like, discord token or space riders one was on a couple nights ago. Somebody. I don't know, somebody's. Wait a minute. Have you fixed yours yet? You got a fucking say? No. I hate you so much.

Discussion of Plans

We're not talking about me, understand? I haven't tried. I told you it worked. It worked on my phone, the app, finally. But I tried it. Oh, my God. I'm just saying. Yeah, and I'm just saying as well. What? There's no bit. There hasn't been any, Every damn day. Sometimes twice a day. Well, there's that. And then I hate it, too. There's that. There's that. Why do you hate it? Why do I hate poker? Online poker? I just. Why did you want to say not for it? Then why did you put the app on your phone? Because I give false hopes. You know, like, yeah, join. I tell Gorov all the time and.

Remembering Past Conversations

Then I don't stop giving false hopes. Well, because sometimes I want to and I mean to and I don't like this. This is something I've been meaning to say and I kept forgetting to say. Anybody that remembers. Do you recall we had a space couple of weeks ago with simpatico? Do you recall that? They're doing the cool stuff with the minting. They want to revolutionize the minting. Well, were giving away. They. They have 50 nfts that they made. Remember? Did anybody remember that? They made a little song and everything. It was all good. I wanted everybody to know that. We haven't forgotten about that. We're working on a way. We're working on a. See who had a reward, whom. We're working on it. We're working on it. But just know that 50 of them are going to be dropped to holders at some point once we get it worked out.

Future Promotions

But we didn't forget about that. I just wanted to throw it out there for anybody that would paint it. Okay, so they didn't. I'm surprised you cryptic. I'm surprised you be like, yo, dude, remember them peeps said they were going to throw us a little something and then, you know, I was waiting for that. That was him working on it. You're the one I forgot to tell us. Yeah, they've been on their game. They're on their game. You know, it's all me. So, you know, so technically, they're not on the game. No, going is out. Just saying no because that. No, I was saying it was because of me. They're on their game.

Conclusion and Next Steps

They got them ready to go, bro. They got ready to go. It's just. Yeah, we. It's me. Don't worry about it. So it's just us that need to figure out how we do it basically. Don't you worry about it. Just don't you worry. Just know that they're coming. All right. Why are you telling me not to worry about it? Did you know you've got a plan about it yet? How can I not worry about it? See, that's what I thought. Well, I mean, I have. I have concepts of a point. Wait. Bonus waters. Done.

Final Remarks

One is what is done. And Goroth, is it time to turn the thing off? Yeah, I don't know what time it is for you yet. There he is. There is. He might not have. He might have been in the. In the void, in the matrix when you were saying that maybe fly is the bonus word. Fly. Fly, I just say, is what it's done. Oh, you did? I wasn't paying attention, dude. I was looking at Goral. Come on, world. Yo, g. Yo. It's a wise cryptic on stage, dude. I invited you up here. Do you want me to put you back down? You've got a big mouth. One day that would shut when I kick you off.

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