Live Market Talk️️


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The Twitter Space Live Market Talk️️ hosted by AcetheKidTA. Explore the world of trading with insights on market volatility, risk management, technical analysis, and community engagement. Learn from expert traders about the importance of emotional discipline, continuous learning, and networking for trading success. Dive into strategies for navigating turbulent markets, staying informed about market trends, and developing a solid trading plan. Discover the significance of leverage management, patience, and building a supportive trading community. Join the conversation and enhance your trading knowledge today.

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Total Listeners: 1596


Q: How important is risk management in trading?
A: Risk management is critical in trading to safeguard capital and manage uncertainties effectively.

Q: What role does technical analysis play in trading decisions?
A: Technical analysis helps traders assess price movements, identify trends, and make strategic trading choices.

Q: Why is emotional discipline crucial for traders?
A: Emotional discipline is essential as it helps traders avoid impulsive decisions and stick to their trading plans.

Q: How can traders stay informed about market developments?
A: Traders should follow market news, economic indicators, and events to make informed trading decisions.

Q: Why is continuous learning important in trading?
A: Continuous learning helps traders adapt to changing market conditions, improve strategies, and stay competitive.

Q: How can community engagement benefit traders?
A: Engaging with trading communities provides networking opportunities, knowledge sharing, and diverse trading perspectives.

Q: Why is having a trading plan essential?
A: A trading plan acts as a roadmap, helping traders set goals, define strategies, and maintain discipline in their trading activities.

Q: How does leverage affect trading risk?
A: Understanding and managing leverage is crucial to control risk exposure and avoid significant losses in trading.

Q: What advantages come from networking with other traders?
A: Networking with other traders can offer insights, trading ideas, and support, enhancing one's trading experience.

Q: What are the benefits of staying patient in trading?
A: Patience enables traders to wait for favorable opportunities, avoid hasty decisions, and maintain long-term trading discipline.


Time: 05:20:15
Market Volatility and Trading Strategies Exploring how traders can navigate volatile markets and adapt their strategies.

Time: 07:35:42
Risk Management Best Practices Discussing effective risk management techniques to protect trading capital.

Time: 10:15:59
Technical Analysis for Trading Success Insights on using technical analysis tools to enhance trading decisions.

Time: 12:40:27
Emotional Control in Trading Tips on maintaining emotional discipline and psychological balance while trading.

Time: 15:55:10
Networking Tips for Traders The benefits of connecting with other traders and expanding trading knowledge.

Time: 18:25:48
The Importance of Continuous Learning The value of ongoing education and skill development in the trading arena.

Key Takeaways

  • Market volatility can present both risks and opportunities for traders.
  • Implementing risk management strategies is crucial in trading to protect against substantial losses.
  • Technical analysis plays a key role in identifying market trends and making informed trading decisions.
  • Emotional discipline and patience are essential traits for successful traders.
  • Stay updated on market news and events to capitalize on trading opportunities.
  • Continuous learning and adaptation are vital for long-term trading success.
  • Community engagement and sharing insights can enhance trading knowledge and strategies.
  • Building a trading plan and sticking to it can help navigate turbulent market conditions.
  • Networking with other traders can provide valuable perspectives and trading ideas.
  • Understanding and managing leverage is important to control risk in trading.

Behind the Mic

Good Morning and Market Overview

Good morning, spaces crew. Happy Tuesday, ladies and gents. Let's have another beautiful day. Yesterday was a bit better than we've had all last week, but, still relatively choppy, right? I mean, we got that pump into the clothes for the end of month window dressing, as Frank Sharkey and amp like to say. But, I mean, in Globex, I traded a lot of globex last night. I was up all fucking night, didn't sleep. But we're at $400, so that's cool. At the end of the day, I mean, we came back up into that 300, into that 325, actually, and made a lower high there. So we're starting to see some lower highs on the higher timeframes. But ultimately, I mean, we could still, if bulls want to step in, we're holding hourly emas. We can definitely still rip. but I do think if we get under that 200 on NQ, I'm thinking. I'm thinking under 200, with momentum, we're going to 20k, even, in my opinion.

Trading Strategies and Market Sentiment

But until that actually comes into play, I mean, got to keep playing long. If you look at an hourly right now, we have been making higher highs and higher lows since London open. I traded London open, right before bed. I did get like an hour, 2 hours of sleep, but barely. but we shorted right at London open and then ended up flipping it caught a beautiful long to the upside, and I was like, all right, I'm going to bed. And, that ended up pumping into that 325 I was talking about. That's where we made the lower high. And now we're kind of just backed it down in the chop zone where were when I went to bed, just chilling. So we'll see what we got it open. I haven't taken any positions. It's waking up. Any positions I do take will probably be a little bit lighter since I already have some gains. But we'll see. We'll see how the price action is.

Community Engagement and Live Trading

I'll throw, I'll throw the link for the live stream. Up top. Reminder if you want to watch all the trades live, we're doing them live. Link is up top, baby. Come join the streams and shout out to everybody that has been joining the streams and supporting. You guys are awesome and I appreciate everybody. We got a, we got a really cool community over here and just appreciate everybody's support, man. It's a good time. I have a lot of fun doing it. I literally, I fucking love streaming. It's so much fun fact. Cr best community. let's see. We should have some data that just came out. We had redbook come out. How do I turn notifications on this? Whatever. we got SMP manufacturing PMI, a 945. Make sure you're watching out for that.

Market Data and Trading Updates

If you are in positions that open, could see some volatility there. And then as well as 10:00, we got jolts, job openings and ISM manufacturing PMI should expect some volatility there. With the data print coming out. Link for the live should be up top. I'm going to also throw the link for the trade recap of yesterday's trading. New York session lost $180. Basically just break even. And $180 is nothing to me. So a little loss there ended up making it back $294. And then we made some more back last night, so. But still, I mean, again, it's just like small gains, small back and forth right now for me, until this market really gets going in one direction. Cause, I'm just not going to be pressing the gas pedal hard until I see that right.

Market Sentiment and Trading Positioning

And with the back and forth price action we've had, that's going to mean I'm a little more back and forth in my account, you know what I mean? Unless I'm, unless I catch a good move, you know what I mean? which, there hasn't been too many of them lately. It's like you really got to pick your spots. And if you got it, like you got it, and if you didn't get it, you know, you missed it. You're fucked. I'm so things will get better though, and we'll be able to press the gas, but a lot harder again. And just not super comfortable to quite yet. But we did position ourselves on some, on a new swing yesterday on coin. Still looking to buy some more. We haven't, we have a little bit of a gap up, but coming back in, lost that 180, you know, if it wants to drop a little bit more, I'm totally fine with that. But I would like to get more long soon.

Current Market Trends and Geopolitical Considerations

So I'll be watching that as well today. Garlic is here. Good morning, sir. Oh, good morning, Cryptocann. Speaking of cryptocam, bitcoin is just beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. We're getting a weekly pullback which should be expected after weekly CBC flipping twice to the upside. we're finally getting a weekly pullback to emas. I think this is a pullback to buy bitcoin looks great. I'm long coin, so I'm liking it. Was this, was this entered yesterday on the pullback. This was entered yesterday on the pullback. And I will be entering with plenty of time. They're December contracts, I believe. I totally forget. Lovely. But yeah, like December. Yeah. And I'm looking to pick up January's as well. The only thing I don't like about coin right now is yesterday the iv was still a little touchy, a little on the higher side, a little higher than I like, but coin tends to be like that.

Event Analysis and Market Outlook

But, yeah, I know I can get it lower iv. So I'm trying to pick my spots and be patient with it. I pinned up my October. I'm only going to post a couple of them. My October meme. Welcome to Q four, everybody. Yeah, good stuff, baby. Everybody. Check that out. BTC looks good. Coin looks good. I think the miners are in a nice. Sitting in a nice position. Yeah. We had six months post halving, you know, gone 200 days since. It was 201 days since bitcoin made an all time high with a really nice pullback. Support zones have been tested, validated, you know, but bitcoin below 60K has been met with very strong demand. It's not a surprise that we didn't quite make it past 60 65 nine and close above it on a daily timeframe or any major, really high timeframes on that matter.

Geopolitical Implications and Market Sentiment

And had a pullback almost down to 62 505, which again, is just increasing the demand for this spot. And I think if we can hold 62 505 and even retest it, maybe we're just below it, but not close below it. I think your proxies, like bitcoin miners like Coinbase, are going to see a really strong demand off of this zone. Let's talk about, as well, whenever Michael Saylor announces that microstrategy to purchase more bitcoin. Yes, it's a positive thing, but it's net negative in the short term, especially for the microstrategy stock, generally have really volatile move off of it and then have a retracement. Then once that move, all the longs have been liquidated on that, then just starts continuing up toward the upside.

Market Conditions and Economic Indicators

So nice position to be in. I'm definitely positive the S and P 500 making another all time high is not bearish. Just not bearish. In fact, you'd need some really significant movements toward the downside and sustained downwards momentum in order to have that whole entire narrative switch to bearish. What is bearish is potential war breaking out at that point. It's going to be a real shift in the stock market. I think we don't like talking about geopolitics too much but if it happens the markets across the world react to it and they generally react either to everything else is being sold and gold is being purchased and you start seeing safe haven assets, money being loaded into them but gold having a nice little I think it was its worst day in six weeks yesterday with the over 1% pullback so theres a little bit of confidence there.

Market Dynamics and Personal Updates

Thats not happening just yet. How has everybody been doing though? Because I missed last week's spaces because Covid, the whole family had Covid. Great fun. Things have been good man. I've just been doing the future stuff which has been fun doing it all live which shout out to the streamlink is up top if you guys want to watch the screen. But no it's been phenomenal. Tesla's been a banger. I've been so deep long that name for I don't know a month now. It's been a while but finally been trimming finally looking for new contracts to be entering but things are cooking man things are cooking. Going to be interesting coming into this new month of October though mate.

Market Trends and Insights

VIX is rejecting that 20 pretty hard. Now back under it. We are coming into some NFP levels on VIX though. Like under. There's a sweep under $19 here, so maybe they bounce it there. But, I don't know. I still think it's a short to pop off this VWAP lower VWAP band or blow until we really see higher highs, higher lows forming. Maybe a reclaim of orb, then longs might be valid. Nice bounce from 900, though. I was saying, not a bad pivot to try longs if you wanted the pivot. But it's just, it's tough to go long on a market that's been drilling all morning like that.

Day Trading Strategies

Yeah, just play the odds. Make it easy. I went long QQq two to three days out. I'm going to do it as a day trade. And I actually, I entered it like two minutes ago, but I disconnected in bad connection. I'm looking for a move back and I got two days just in case. But. Let's see. We didn't get to that orb below yet. I have a feeling we might touch it at this point that we're so close. You know, the four hour NQ. I mean, the 800s are real nice for a bounce rate. And we do have a four hour order block that was off of September 20, that Friday at a massive doji candle.

Market Open Observations

The low is 860, but I honestly could see it. We have a node on the four hour down to 19 800. So, I mean, anywhere between there, honestly would be really clean bounce. How's the daily swing doing? I was hoping we could hold those ties on the daily, but. The daily. Is actually in a good spot too. Yeah, honestly, those, that one week we had where we're just consolidating between like 608 hundred seems like a decent level. See if we can pull back further. Corn is getting his booty smacked. I stopped out of my lungs for now, but I'm looking to get back in and just waiting for better pivot spots.

Market Performance and Predictions

The craziest. Like, I always go back to, like, my major. My major thing is like speed trading options, like, two months out. Usually there's this really strong level on exom. That's at 114 site. I grabbed longs on there. Two days after we ran, like, 100%. I didn't take, like. I usually take, like, half profit and then it gaps down, like five, 6%. Over the past week, it's ran, like, this gap up. This is the craziest trade I've ever been. It's ran 6%. Like, I was down 50% of my position. And then this morning, I'm lord. Oh, jeez. It was like. I’ve never had that big of a swing, like, move.

Trading Insights and Strategies

Like, where the option prices was like $38, and now it's like $300. Like, it was just crazy. Next. Almost was looking good, though. Oxy knew high. Ooh. Do you hit that long yesterday? Jordy on oxy? I did not. But it was. It was looking. It was looking good. It made a higher low, didn't it, flake oil? Yeah, just barely did. I can't believe, like, my Walmart shorts after all that. They're barely down. Oh, almost like barely. Yeah. I'd be so low on this thing.

Current Market Prices and Analysis

God, with China ripping that two times. Leverage Alibaba ticker, baby x. That shuts up 69 and a half percent this month. Is China ripping again? What is it? Fabax. Fabbacks. Yeah, you know it. Shout out, granite shares the goats over that. Dude, all these leveraged stickers is just like. It's Christmas. It's literally like Christmas for traders, bro. It's fucking awesome. Hold on, hold on. I'll give you the best one. Give me the best one.

Market Speculations and Trading Plans

You know what's the best one, Jordy wheel well. Okay. I thought you were gonna say that. I'm not gonna lie. I thought that's what you meant. I won't hate. What are you talking about, though? One, I. I love options. That's what it is. Thank you. Times leverage palantir. What a fucking taker that is, huh? Two times leverage palantir, baby. Ptir. I love. I love wheel. I love ptir. I love granite shares. PTIR is still up 41.91% since inception. It hit a high of 55.21% of 1357.

Trading Experiences and Member Insights

That's shout out. Shout out to all the boys, though. We're working with all the companies. Granite shares peerless with wheel rec shares. All. All of them. God, so much. They're giving us so much opportunity, and I love it. And we're always going to put these tickers on your guys's radar for you to do your due diligence on and just again, have on your radar. There might be a time where there's earnings on Baba or whatever.

Geopolitical Factors Impacting the Market

And you want to be able to take a position and trade after hours, but you can't with options. You can with two times leverage shares. Right? So great tools, man. Great tools. We're kind of flagging here, but I would suggest that we go down. That's what it looks like. Yep. And there we go. Yeah, I was gonna say it looks a little. It looks a little weird. Down we go. It. Well, what a morning it's been.

Job Market Insights and Economic Data

So is the market coming down, by the way? I wasn't really here in the morning. So is the market coming down due to the Israel stuff and the. I mean, that's. That's my thoughts on it. We also had jobs data this morning, or jolts. Job openings that came out at 8.04, mildred. The forecast was 7.63. So higher than expected. Decently higher. I mean, not a crazy amount, but decently higher. 400 mil PMI higher than expected, but pretty much in line manufacturing PMI.

Geopolitical and Economic Interconnections

Slightly lower. Yeah. I mean, I would say majority of that is probably geopolitical shit. I mean, we had a. We had news coming in with like, right at market open 932, 934. It's. It's this hit the tape. The United States has indications that Iran is preparing to imminently launch a ballistic missile attack against Israel. And then the next two minutes it says, Iran prepping ballistic missile again, attack against Israel.

Anecdotes and Trading Tools

So I'm assuming the, like that whole sell off, was that. Pretty much. I feel like I'm not getting all the fucking news on here, man. What do you use for news? Financial juice for the economic calendar and news on here? I'm just like. I'm trying to set up the filters so I get everything. And it like. Seems like it's not saving it, but. Oh, never mind. I think I'm good. I think I just gotta set this up.

Market Analysis and Strategic Positioning

I was just looking at progressive calls, PGR, be honest. Did not expect those options to be that expensive. Have you seen that chart? Yeah, the last three days. Well, the current three days, if this ends as it has an engulfing. Yeah, I'm gonna go look at the long term chart on it, though. It's nasty. Oh, no. I know. I've been watching it for like. You see, Allstate is the same thing.

Current Market Conditions and Sentiment

Which one? Allstate. Allstate? Yeah. What's their ticker? I forgot. I'll look it up. A l l. A l l. That's it. Yeah. Jordy, I'm buying some connell here. Little toe dipping. All right. Bet a little bit. Little bit. Same exact thing, except more choppy. It looks like they don't get that. That much volume compared to PGR. Nobody sells either one of them, though, that's for sure.

Trading Strategies and Projections

Yeah, that's for sure. Jesus Christ. I'm going to trim some of these. Walmart. So Walmart did exactly what were looking at. I dc eight into this fairly heavily, but I need to right size here for you soon. Just careful around here. We definitely don't want to see another higher low. You think we die? I think, like I said, like, I think you could have taken the shot if, as you were coming back in from yesterday's high into the range because it couldn't break that 80 43 level.

Market Predictions and Participant Reactions

Wait, what? Name? Walmart. Oh, yeah, Jordy. Oh, wait, you're short, too, now. Yeah, I've been to getting into it today. Jordy. What's up? What's up? Watch apple on this 245 for a possible swing upside. Oh, I see you. Paper. Let me know if you add. I see you. No, I'm trimming here, dude, just in case. Wait, what? I was up at the. I was.

Opportunities and Market Volatility

I've been averaging into this bitch. Oh. I mean, I'm down 9% of my position for the 1115 SDE. Oh, I'm not. I'm not in that long. I'm just, like, literally this Friday because it's either going to happen now or I don't really want to wait around for it, because speaking of Apple, I'm out of my last two runners on each position. I was looking at November 15, 245 calls. I don't. I don't hate that at all.

Market Sentiments and Expectations

Okay, Q's trying to turn cues. inverter, head and shoulders, two minutes, possible left side. Right. It is still early. The apple. I'm not going to make that till, like, the close. We got to see how that closes. It's just a. It's just a watch. Yeah. Two, three and five minutes, so keep it on watch. Can you guys hear me? Yes, sir. Got you. I know you dropped the worst luck with spaces. I don't know.

Trading Challenges and Experiences

It's okay. It happens. All good? Possibly. I do have an older phone because I paid it off, like, a few years ago, so that could be the reason. But might need to upgrade if this keeps happening. I know this is a potential higher low on the five, so. Jordy, I've been, like. I've been kind of, like, hating on futures because like, I've had like multiple ten K trades on options since I've like, been dinking around futures.

Volatility and Risk Management

This morning was legit the first time, like, I took a trade and it was near instantly. Ten k? Yeah, well, it's volatility. I mean, simple. And I'm one thing. It's volatility, bro. I'm like, what the fuck? Look at Vicks at 20 versus cold. Last week I was going to say don't like, come the new year, don't get too excited. It's going to be, yeah, be right down to you're going to be open.

Market Dynamics and Future Projections

You get like ten points in a trade. I know, I kind of feel that way. I just feel like there's going to be a lot of people coming into the new year that have a shitload of 2024 gains that are going to, that are scared about them and that are going to want to cover some or at least be rotating into other things that maybe are at better prices. Maybe that's when we see small caps really kick off.

Market Observations and General Thoughts

I don't know. It's 2025, the year of small caps, maybe. No fucking idea, man. I'm gonna play it by ear, though, and we're gonna go with the flow. But I like to be thinking about ideas of what could come. Yeah, I'd say sometime in the next. Twelve months, I won't be surprised if they like run it into the end of the year, rug it to start the year, or like run it into the beginning of the year a little bit.

Market Response and Anticipations

And then like we start to actually see some downside or at least sideways nasty price action, you know, in January, February. But again, those are just thoughts. Those are just ideas. It's not actual trade plan. Am I sitting here like, positioning for that? Fuck no. So. Yes, he is. Yes, he is. Don't lie to. He's.

Market Performance and Trading Charts

A free minute. Nice reversal. Look at fucking Nike, dude, pumping into their print tonight. Anyone else? Any, any other good printers tonight? No, it's just. Thank you. Okay. Dude, Miss Cleo called all of this, by the way. So wild. She literally called exactly this. What a beautiful name. She's a g. It's crazy.

Trade Dynamics and Market Movements

She's a P. I M P. Dude, Amazon is sat here on this like, shoe drop for like the majority of the day. Can I just go already? They're all over like 180s now. They were 182 fifties early 00000. She's gonna fake it out. Fake out, break down again. I don't know. Se is continuing. Fucking oxy, dude. Jesus Christ, Jordy.

Trade Experiences and Reflections

I've got October 1855 calls at the close yesterday for like $25. Nasty. What'd you get? Paper. Sorry. October 18, $55 calls yesterday at the close for like 25. What are they at now? 72. There she goes. Amazon. Give her the shoe drop. Walmart rejecting this, like, midday pivot. I think she takes another shot at that. 80, low eighties under $80.50.

Market Behavior and Trading Strategies

The con should get a little pop, but Ivy is still very low. Look at that. Amazon right back into the shoe. I love watching the viewers on stream. Paper on my stream. Like on the. On the stream deck. I can see, like the concurrent viewers, and it's in like a stock chart right now. We're in a bull flag about a breakout dude on the.

Market Trends and Viewer Engagement

On the view. Everybody share it up. Get that break. I know, right? Share it. Share the stream so we can break out of his bowl. Flag on the viewers, bro. Amp is probably up 700 points. Alert, alert. We finally got a trend. Oh, my God. Amp was short the whole time.

Positioning and Market Movements

I was not sure. I was short last night at 324, and I was. I was 75 points out of it last night. I was sitting in Starbucks parking lot watching Maple, and everyone just gets short and just destroy it this morning. And I was like, oh, let me in. Yeah, let me in. I didn't sleep all night, bro. I was up all night fucking trading.

Emotional Dynamics and Market Trading

Oh, I traded London open. Hell, yeah. It was fun, though. We got some volatility when it. When we opened up. But you'll do that once or twice and you won't want to do it anymore. I know, I know. Trust. What's up, paper Jacob. Yes, Cam. What's up? Starbucks, long Walmart. Shortbucks for fucking.

Current Trading Sentiments

I'm fucking short Wally Mart right now, dude. Paper. We're trying to short Walmart. Long fucking oxy, bro. I know. We talked about it. Look at it. Yeah, look at it. Oh, my God. I think Casey longed it this morning on the other space, but yeah, you went through that whole setup. It was beautiful.

Trading Machinations and Market Structures

Yeah. My Andrew is. Call me Warren Buffett. Call me Warren Buffett. New low for BTC. I want to take a little bit more. Sharky's cock is screaming. There's entry songs now. This is pretty awesome. It's like three of the right hander. Here comes f. Here comes Sharky. It's the walkout song for the reliever.

Market Dynamics and Technical Patterns

Yeah, that's the guy for the Mets. That had bounced a little bit for like a 25 30, but the 15 minutes says, like, definitely over. Okay, let me look at the hour later. I don't see anything good right here at all? I mean, maybe you short it. He's so hard to short. Yeah, you gotta wait.

Market Resilience and Strategic Adjustments

You know that? You can't even get back to the nine. Frankie. Frankie. I had. I had a ten k off futures move this morning. It happened finally. Would you get 30 points? I don't know. It's in. It's in the server, dude. Hourly's got room. Yeah. Just had to wait, baby, but 15 minutes.

Market Reflections and Future Plans

I think it touches. Was it on? Yes. Or what? Was it on? Come on. What are the details? And here. Oh, boys. No. Yeah. On accident. Oh my God. Jordy, do you know what happened? We. What? I thought it was ten or. I thought it was 15 mnqs. You were in 15 NQ?

Market Dynamics and Strategic Insights

Yeah. Look at the fucking server, dude. That's 150 m and cues, right? Yeah. Yeah. What the fuck? Paper? Wait, look at the server. Your. Your server. Should I, like, not show on stream? You can. Okay. I like to give people glimpse of the best ever. I thought it was mnqs, bro. It was fucking. It was the bigs on my oopsies.

Trading Feedback and Reflections

Oh. I shipped my whole family one day. I thought I was taking ten mnq. I took ten nq one day. That was scary. Yeah. I was like, damn. I was wondering why that shit happened. All right, we broke the figure. It looks like we can go back for the lows now. Come on now. Wally Mart's getting back over we whoop here.

Market Performance and Predictions

It has to reject Orva. I'm just fucking done. Paper. That's massive w's, bro. Everybody in my chest giving you w's right now. Everything you said was great until you said you tried to short Walmart. What about the part where, like, I might close the Walmart short if it. Goes anywhere and go long? Walmart short forever.

Market Behavior and Trading Expectations

Even with the iv pumpkins. I don't think you got green. I was green yesterday, but today I am down 9% on my 1115. Yeah. Normally I don't cheer for other traders to lose, but fuck you. I hope. I hope the futures go 5000 points against you. That's to the long side. That's fine. I'm flat.

Profit Expectations and Market Movements

I made. I made my money. Beautiful. Did he get 100 points today or no? Yeah, like 75 last night with some size and then about 100 this morning. Beautiful. Wow, Jordy. No wonder that shit when were. When were live this morning. Why? Why? It was like, all like, oh, I'm up.

Market Movements and Trading Reflections

1500 down, 1500 on breakeven. Like, what the fuck? Holy shit. Why is it so much. Testing the lows here? Come on, give us a day, baby. There we go. They're waiting at 850 with some liquidity here. If that falls, they have taken a scale. 800. Fuck you, Jordan.

Market Insights and Participant Reactions

We need a cricket. I'll tell you this, on es, they've been trying to pull this thing way lower. I should have reversed meta this morning. Thinking about it too. Fuck. Oh well, if you were trying to long under the orb while were rejecting it, I mean, don't be mad about getting slapped here.

Market Strategies and Dynamics

It was a clear orb rejection. Not a single candle closed back into orb. Nothing telling you long zero. The longs might come later. And in that case, you see some higher lows. We're getting some higher highs, okay. But it's not the market. As of now, it's lower highs. Lower lows all day for now.

Market Presentations and Future Opportunities

Short pop potential longs into, like, figure scalps. Liquidity areas for pivots. That's the only longs I see. Looking for 815 now or you're loading long swings. Longer term it. I still don't see any buyers really, on the tape. 800 liquidity. There's a fib at 785 as well.

Market Analytics and Considerations

But once you get below, like s three, your probabilities start to get pretty rough. Man. It's hard to judge if we're going to bounce back or not after this. So we just keep going into tomorrow. I really like 19, 600 down there, but I would rather have it today than tomorrow.

Market Evaluations and Projections

Yeah, that's where things are going to get difficult is. Yeah, you're already down 2%. You could still have a 3% down day. But you get this overextended based on ranges. It's like your risk reward. This is pitiful. So it's like I'm kind of with you.

Market Expectations and Trading Reflections

Like, I don't really want to, like, initiate new trades, but I wish I would just kind of go ahead and get it over with, you know, because there are some spots I could long from lower. Exactly. I'm just looking at some stocks as well that I want to keep an eye on for potential longs. I just don't know if we're gonna have another gap down tomorrow where I could get a better price.

Market Opportunities and Strategies

I mean, I have a spot here on. They're kind of breaking it now, actually. 850 ad. I'm watching ES 5733. Chuck, I was just going to say on es, you might be coming up to a better spot. Yeah. Yes. Is this is like, it's a pretty good spot.

Market Predictions and Signalling

And if this breaks. Oh, boy. 730, they've had a lot of orders sitting at 730. But they've really been sitting at 5717 like all morning. Yeah. Because I wonder if we break this 33, I think we can go to 720. Get pretty close. Yeah, that lines up.

Market Transactions and Orders

And when we got to this 50 and there was no buy orders that hit it makes me think that they're still pushing this thing down to at least 800. We accept it under. I think we're going to head for 811 or 815 here. I was wondering about a back test of the figure. Doesn't seem like.

Market Trends and Analytics

On the queues. I think this is an unfilled. Oh, yeah. So on the queues it's 475 spot 99. We have an unfilled session gap. I don't know what that is on NQ, but it's just barely lower. Where do you have that at? 476?

Market Insights and Futures Observations

Yeah. 475.99. That's like session transition gap. Like a legit zero trade happened there. We overnight gap. I think that is going to line up about where I was looking. 700, 797, 80. Maybe a little bit lower. Trying to line it up.

Market Trends and Anecdotes

I gotta probably put in an order at 15 here as we're getting real close. 784 to 800. I have an area, but I don't even know if I want to try it yet. No. Coin is $5 below the session at fully Modi. Amazon today is incredible.

Market Discussion and Insights

This thing is like frozen in space, dude. Why will the shoe not just drop? Make the shoe drop. It's not like, dude, dude, no. Amazon day is price, dude. Let's go. We're bouncing here. I know, dude. Coin was always a short, dude.

Market Reflections and Strategies

Boeing was always a short. Boeing's green today. Boeing's a short. Boeing is a. Do not touch. Create a separate watch list. Put Boeing over there. Yeah. And put it right below snow. If I see 133 on Boeing, I may take a shot, but until then, I don't know.

Market Trading Strategies and Observations

I'll buy some more equity down there. I don't even want to trade Boeing this place. Boeing and snow are on a hidden watch list of nine. And never be seen again. What else is green today? Paper. My, my.

Market Comparisons and Observations

Nee oh, nee. You know, the other swing I took that was a very. It was a longer dated swing. Not this year. Swing was a Bmy. Bristol Myers. Brumas. Dude. Vlad says Walmart might need later expiration because of their sale this week.

Market Predictions and Opportunities

And I'm like, what the fuck? What sale? Who shops at Walmart? God damn it. Yeah, I can see Walmart from where I'm sitting. Is there a sale? Do they have sales signs? It's. It's always low prices.

Market Discussions and Consumer Behaviors

Paper. It's always Walmart prices. They've been rolling back prices for the last 30 years. Oh, my God. Look at this. Move on Cl. You know, for Cl Sharkey, hurricane season is technically the time to go long. It's almost like it's hurricane season, you know, as if that could potentially mess with, you know, the supply.

Market Dynamics and Global Interactions

Why would. Why would. Some bad Nvidia news. I don't really see it reacting. Yeah, something other. Halting production of some chip rack or something. Mean cheek. Whoa. What name? Nvidia. It did make that big wicked paper. Garlic.

Market Sentiment and Consumer Reactions

Why would. What. What's the correlation between Colgate and hurricanes? What the. You said. Oh, you're talking about oil. Oh, my God. It's a big correlation. You gotta brush your teeth every hurricane. Yes.

Consumer Products and Personal Care

You stock up on all the personal essentials. Yeah, duh. You know the toothbrush was invented in Florida, right? Yeah. Yeah. Because if it was anywhere else, it would have been the teeth brush. So Colgate, are you the. Is it, is oral B.

Personal Care Products and Market Behavior

Colgate or is that proctor? Are you. Are you the circle electric toothbrush or are you a sonicare? That's the question. Am I weird for that? No, not at all. We do it all the time. Literally all the time.

Market Discussions and Consumer Products

I've never. I've never had one. I don't really want it. Oh, you mean electric toothbrush? Yeah. Oh, yeah, I think so. What's your dental bill like? Do you have to, do you have lots of cavities? No, I did when I was a kid, but other than that, my teeth are really good.

Health and Wellbeing in Consumer Markets

Straight smile, little pearly whites, good breath. Unless no one's telling me. They never tell you. Doing what it needs to do. Oh, yeah. We' re trying to bounce. Oh, shark, right, your 850. I mean, yeah, watch it.

Market Churn and Economic Reflections

Amazon for about two. They're trying to bounce, but it's more of like. It looks just like shorts are covering. Yeah, just careful size by Walmart, you're still coming into a higher low or a lower high sight. It's like the little dead cat before they rip it. Boom.

Market Outcomes and Trading Sentiments

There goes the band aid. When you have. We haven't touched like, the 21 EMA since open. So, I mean, at some point you're gonna get some type of counter trade a little bit. I mean, you. Or at least you got 157, I'm looking at. Yes, there it goes.

Market Dynamics and Outcomes

Yeah. Q's got a $2 bounce earlier. Yeah. Yes. Basically did a double bottom from last week. Two weeks ago. 734. I mean, what I'm seeing is just people are reaching targets and taking a profit. I don't really see like buyers, like excited buyers to grab themselves yet.

Market Dynamics and Trading Behaviors

1130. Volume just coming in on Apple. What? Seriously? Two, three plus 400. Es is getting a little bit more frothy here off that double bottom. Yeah, bulls. They did what they needed to do. They stopped right up around that 30.

Market Trends and Price Movements

57, 30. We bounced up. Now that 57.49, 50. Pretty nice bounce. Well, now that we had that bounce. This is the spot, the first spot I'd consider. We're coming right into that 900 area and almost was this 80 points from 15 there.

Market Movements and Profit Strategies

I'm tempted if we see this 21 EMA. I'm tempted to scalp a short off of that 940 area. Yes, it's 21 right now. 925 here is still going to be a problem if we get through this. The figure here at 900. Starbucks cranking out the jam this morning.

Market Responses and Stock Performances

Oxy Nuhai wild. Cut oil, steel is up 4.44%. I'm sure the coinbase fossil, you can long it out. It's actually a decent plant. Finally a little bit more buying and selling going on. Thank you. Jacob. Just full portage shorts.

Market Dynamics and Investor Reactions

Nah, I longed. Amazon. I'm already out already right here. Beautiful, beautiful move. Try it here. I'll wait for it. I'll pin the.

Market Insights and Technical Patterns

We had that three times. Bullish divergence on the oscillator matrix on Amazon. And if you look at the daily, we had a high volume note I've been watching. So nice little move from that low far. Very nice. Going back down to 900 here.

Market Considerations and Strategies

Back down 900 to long it. I was considering that. Yeah, I just. I mean, the thing was just shuffling around at the lows. It's like this makes no sense. Yeah, no, I meant amp. For a. Long or you short?

Market Movements and Positioning

No, I want to short here. Back to 900. It's 25 to 40 range. I got a line here at 35 field. Jordy. Yes. In fact. Yeah, shorted me too short a little bit in queue and get back to 900.

Market Observations and Trading Insights

The field. There it is. Coming into the 21 EMA for the first time today after holding under the nine. I think even if they end up reversing this, we need to come down and make a higher low. But at the same time, they haven't really been doing that in this market, have they?

Market Trends and Observations

Kind of just been ripping it. We'll see. I gotta expect higher lows because that's what I normally go for. Yeah, I think. Yes. Probably rejects a little bit here.

Market Strategies and Anticipations

Yeah. Am I 60? They long the Amazon. Casey isn't here today, so I was trying to get my daughter to say something. There we go. It so far, my thesis is right about them rugging it in October, but it's the first.

Market Dynamics and Future Projections

Let's see how the month plays out. All right, almost now. You guys long or short? I'm short. Paper just right here. Watch the orb retest. 78 recaptured now.

Market Projections and Reactions

Yes. Just at vlog. Well, shit. I got. I'm gonna do it. Last time, I kind of laid into this one. I'm gonna do this one smaller. Sharky short, too. Now I am. This is the spot.

Job Search and McDonald's Applications

Yeah, it's like, you might want to go look for another job, buddy. Who's filling out McDonald's applications? Oh, that's what I'm doing. The guy from Telemachus last night? The guy that shorted Walmart? Yeah, that guy, too. Yeah, that's me. Not going to be a door greeter. Yep. I'm going to be the one helping you at the machine to put your order in. God, they need more of those people. Every time I go to the self checkout, there's always fucking issue. You got to wait for, like, ten minutes for the person to come over. That's why I never use them there. I'll be standing in line, like, at the register, and they'll be like, thank you. Come over here. And I'm like, no, I'm not going over there. I always tell them I'm like, no, and you'll see it.

Self-Checkout Problems

Okay, all right, look, if you give me the option to talk to someone or not talk to someone, there's a lot of situations that will talk to someone, but ordering food and checking out is not one of them. Nine times out of ten, it don't work. So you're gonna have to talk to somebody for much longer than you normally would at a register anyway. At least for my. Jordan only goes to the grocery store for alcohol, so that's the probably. Hey, that's what gets me to. Yeah, that's why they always think they get you. You got age. I mean, you got checkout. You got. No, I agree with Evan, though. Like, if I can, like, the newer, like, McDonald's and places like that. KFC where you can, like, order at. The kiosk, I will do that. Like, I can take my time. I don't talk to anybody. Yeah, I agree.

Talk about Eva and Voting

Cheeky maccas. Where's Eva been? I feel like we. Our Brit influence on the spaces has decreased significantly. She's been popping out of here and there. She said a lot of work with her other stuff. Oh, paper. I also grabbed in a PGR position. What? A progressive position. I'm a Batman. Paper just added long. A progressive is the position. What going long on flow? No, just commercial progressive. And you'll be like, what the fuck, dude? What ticker is progressive? Progressive insurance. Yeah. Throw a monthly chart on all it's been on. It's been on the 52 week high list a lot. Go look at any of the insurance companies was ripping. Holy shit. Holy shit. So fucking bullish.

Discussion on Insurance Stocks

Holy shit. Yeah. Oh, all right. What's the other, Oh, my God. Is it Allstate? The other one. That one's been on the 52 week highlights a lot. Yeah. As well. On the day. Yeah. Yeah, I see. Oh, we got some room, brother. Yeah. Well, to that 85 ish level. 86. 86 is. 86 is, like, 50% range that we just bounced. Right. So I have a question. Progressive up 59% so far this year. What was Allstate? Berkshire Hathaway. Only up, like 30 or 40. I know Apple's been doing decent. We got all the insurance in there. You got it, Frankie? We're agreeing, sir.

Market Reactions

Oh, look at goosehead. Am I going long? Buffett. Yo, paper. Yo, yo, gshd. People, we are talking. We are picking today. I would like to hear everyone's thoughts who aren't in the competition. We're picking, like, our anchor stock. So for Q four, what we're doing is we're having two anchor stocks that are both 25% of the portfolio we picked. We're picking them today at 02:00 p.m. and one of them is, which is going to be 25% of the portfolio. You cannot trade for the entire competition. So you buy this week and hold it for the entire time. And the other one you could trade once a month on the spaces.

Thoughts on Stock Choices

So I want your opinion, if you have any thoughts on there, on a direction you would maybe go. And if anyone else has any thoughts, Frank. And, dude, I. I think it's very timing, dude. Like, I hate the calendar, you know? Like, can you just. That's my time frame at a certain price. No, it has to get in. It has to get in this week and I have to pick it. So I am probably leaning towards staying one of the mega caps with one of them. I may try and go safer with these ones and then try and get some alpha on the rest of the portfolio. So maybe a Amazon or something like that. A Berkshire Hathaway off of this conversation doesn't sound horrible, too.

Trading Strategically

Maybe I could go with the indexes. But don't go with the indexes. Like, it has to be TNA. I think, for this. Ooh, he's gone. I think for this. I want to avoid going for the leveraged in this. This anchor ones because I can't be. I can't be as tactical with it. Right. I still like his tna. It. I think Sharkey went up, went long off that. Like 24, 25. Wick, maybe it got to 28. I had a safety trim sitting there. Didn't fire off. So I'm still short. I got one add off at 30. I was looking for 25 and it fucking good. And get there. But I got some. I got an ad off, at least.

Current Market Updates

Thing needs to move over the pretty quick, though. Otherwise don't feel as good about it. 30 minutes of lunch left. Order filled. PGR with the nice 70 cent rip right there on progressively long nuts. Look at goosehead. ticker eshd. Oh, watch out, watch out. Hold on. We just had a short term bill auction, but there's some going on right now, too. Mmm. Yeah, yeah. Watch out. How bad? What was it? I heard him say something about Jerusalem. It didn't sound like. Sound like a massive thing. But that was, unconfirmed reports of, launch from Iran at Israel. God. Information from israeli military.

Emergency Responses

Did you get that? It's. We just hit that 85. Like, just barely over the 85. I still have some limits down there. Fuck. It didn't take me. It didn't. Did it take you, Frankie? It didn't take me. Frankie. Hit my outer VWAP band at av eight, dude. I had it sitting like 85, 50, bro. I had some at 94 from earlier, and I just looked to hammered that I got stopped out at 20, and then I got back in at 94. So, yeah, motherfucker. They went all the way. They're confirming that there was missile launch towards Israel from Iran. IDF has confirmed. Israel military is confirmed.

Preparation for Trades

All right, next trade is prepared. I think that might have been the long, dude. It's possible. It's possible. That's the hard thing. Was that the long right there or. No, I freak out over Israel getting that. Was it hammered right? That's half back of that move just now. And exactly at that water block, it might not be. Who the fuck knows? But now. Now I have to wait for the next goddamn trade. Sirens are going off in grilling right now. The crazy wicked.

Initial Optimism

If we could close out a hammer today, it's gonna be awesome. Yes, sir. We get a big push. Not Mister Garlick. I'm alive and well. I. Okay, I closed Walmart. It was never a short. No, it's always a short. Even paper. It's so lame. I just drove past two Walmart gold right now. It said fuck your putts in the. Time, the time of war. Walmart or cold.

Discussion About Walmart and Coles

Hey, dude, Cole's cash is fire. Cold cash is fucking fantastic. Cold cash flow. I need to go get a new echo suit. Hey, who's in this with me? A short spot here. Yeah, it is. There has been a beautiful day, let me tell you. I'm a run another game of whack a mole if anybody wants to participate in that. Jordy, would you just look at the. Chart of micro colgate? Okay? Go in the server and just look. Oh, lord. Frankie, you got stopped. No, I canceled the stop and blew them out.

Market Updates

Like I'm long. Oh, papers. So short. I think it's long until tomorrow. Did Frank just say he blew someone's back out? Gosh, maybe that's what I like to hear. Uncle Frank. No. 72 2025. All right, here's this short coming in on spying, Hughes. Yeah. Shooting star on the two. Like another, like it's above the emas. They're gonna try to cross it to V Watts. This is just insane. The shorts. Tomorrow, we're gonna game a whack a mole again.

Reflecting on Market Trends

Diesel. Yeah, em's probably right, but this might be a quick short. But mean we did. We popped. I mean, 70 points to the upside here, so I. Maybe we need to dip it a bit. Yeah, like 95. Eighties. Whack a moles live entire leadership systematically. Nobody better at killing terrorists. 500 point swings today. What time does the holiday start tomorrow? Oh, the egg. Is it tomorrow night? Rosh Hashanah?

Anticipation for Upcoming Events

Yeah. No, Rosh hashanah first. Rosh hashanah? Mm. When does it start? Wednesday night. Right, isn't it? It's not till Wednesday. Night. Yeah, it's tomorrow night, right? Yeah. Well, they're going to be gone early. It's interesting to note a couple of things. First of all, the first thing Lincoln did this morning in response. Are you going to work tomorrow? The second important thing to know, John. Is that.

Amazon Trading Strategy

So? Here's the Amazon trade. Okay, it's a long up to 187.50 to 188. And then it's a short straight back down to 183. 184. Tom Crown. Tom Crown just started pumping bitcoin right off that 61. Five, five. Look, someone and a half. Good night. All right. That was a nice long up the knot. But this certainly is step not in the right direction. At the same time that Lincoln expressed support for Israel.

Trend Observations

Where's VoIP sitting right now? Like 20. 26, 26. Yeah, that. I think that's going to be around halfback as well. If I remember right. 2017. I have. If Mini Colgate doesn't fail here, I'm. Just gonna be, I mean, half back. It seems like it's real far. 20,074. Yeah, I was gonna say like a hundred or something. Like I went from the opening. From the opening candle because I have the 618 at 94 because that's where I left my tick profit.

Market Dynamics and Predictions

Earlier. Is anyone long? Google. No, we're short Penny Colgate. Casey. Why? Dude, what's the relevant. What's the. No, I'm only an eight. Between cl and warm, Colgate and war, we got. We got Vicks up tonight. We got a brush. Really going to. That's fucking right. Amazon's in a squeeze on a 15 minutes. In 1 hour, it needs to clear like 185.25 to one 8550. If it does, the hourly squeeze is going to send this bitch higher.

Market Directions and Strategies

Let's get the gap filled today. Come on. Yeah, fill that gap, dude. Walmart is along. Yeah. You know what I've been eyeing as long as Costco? Wait for it to come down a little bit more. Oh, yeah. Be fair. It's probably along to 874 the other day. That area, that's probably along back to 925. I want 850s, but I don't know if I'll get. There's that. Nice push, Amazon. Come on. Same with the googles.

General Market Overview

Look at q's, man. Oh, just so beautiful. By the way, Casey, Amazon. I don't know if you guys said it earlier. Amazon daily. That is why I was long. Yes, sir. Over, up over 100 points from those lows. All go when the missile stopped. Yeah, they got it all clear. They're coming out of the bunkers. Yeah, that's why I was saying when. Whenever that tweet came out of Iran that said their. Their response was done, basically.

Geopolitical Insights and Market Reactions

That was. That was my signal. Yes. Is it over now? Yes. Yeah, you can come out of your bunk. It's over until Israel. There's orb. You get a candle close in orb. That is good for the bulls. We're approaching a trim spot here on Amazon. Yes, that VWAP as well. Evan, Evanito. Open range once again. Move stops on any remaining oxy. Only you boys, you've always did it higher low from.

End of Day Analysis

From 850 there were up 125. Rip it. Let's go, baby. Good job, boys. Oh, there's 130 points. Boom. What are your amazons out right now? I wish I could trim 170. This is where I would be a lot more hesitant to short off or below only because the momentum from the lows and we now have a higher low. Market structure is trying to change. If they get a higher high here, it's not going to be good for the short.

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