Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Libertarian Candidate Soapbox – Updates! hosted by LPNational. Join the Libertarian Candidate Soapbox discussions and immerse yourself in the advocacy for peace, civil liberties, and free markets. Discover the essence of libertarian values and the promotion of individual freedoms within the third-largest political party in America. Engage with like-minded individuals, become a member, and contribute to shaping policies that prioritize personal liberties. Explore the significance of limited government intervention and the value of supporting a political landscape driven by libertarian principles.

For more spaces, visit the Alpha Group page.


Q: What are the core values of the Libertarian Candidate Soapbox?
A: The core values revolve around promoting peace, civil liberties, and free-market principles.

Q: How can individuals become involved with the third-largest political party in America?
A: By joining as a member and actively participating in discussions and advocacy efforts.

Q: What is the essence of libertarian values discussed in the space?
A: The essence lies in advocating for individual freedoms and minimal government intervention in personal affairs.

Q: Why is it essential for individuals to support libertarian principles?
A: Supporting libertarian principles contributes to fostering a society based on personal freedoms and limited government control.

Q: How does the Libertarian Candidate Soapbox advocate for change?
A: Through open discussions, promotions of libertarian values, and encouraging active participation in political advocacy.

Q: What role do members play in the Libertarian Candidate Soapbox?
A: Members play a crucial role in driving the advocacy for peace, civil liberties, and free markets within the political landscape.

Q: What sets the third-largest political party in America apart from others?
A: The focus on libertarian principles, advocating for individual rights, and limited government influence distinguishes it.

Q: How can interested individuals contribute to the party's mission?
A: By becoming members, engaging in discussions, and supporting advocacy efforts aligned with peace and freedom.

Q: What is the main goal of the discussions within the Libertarian Candidate Soapbox?
A: The main goal is to promote libertarian values, encourage membership, and advocate for policies supporting peace and civil liberties.

Q: Why should individuals consider joining the Libertarian Candidate Soapbox?
A: To actively participate in shaping a political landscape that prioritizes individual freedoms, civil liberties, and free-market principles.


Time: 00:15:40
Core Values Discussion Exploring the core values of the third-largest political party in America.

Time: 00:25:12
Membership Promotion Encouraging individuals to join the Libertarian Candidate Soapbox for active participation.

Time: 00:35:55
Libertarian Principles Advocacy Delving into the advocacy for libertarian values and limited government intervention.

Time: 00:45:27
Political Engagement Discussions on the importance of political engagement and advocating for change.

Time: 00:55:10
Advocacy for Peace and Civil Liberties Highlighting the importance of supporting peace and civil liberties within political discourse.

Key Takeaways

  • Emphasis on supporting peace, civil liberties, and free markets.
  • Encouragement to join the third-largest political party in America.
  • In-depth discussions on libertarian values and principles.
  • Focus on advocating for individual freedoms and limited government intervention.
  • Promotion of joining as a member to contribute to the party's advocacy.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Libertarian Candidate Soapbox

Close. Hey, everyone, welcome to the libertarian candidate soapbox. We're going to get started here in just a second. I thought I had figured out how to play the fancy pre show music, but I have not figured that out yet. So I'm going to go ahead and try to invite our candidates to be speakers and once we have a few of those lined up, we'll begin. So just hang on 1 second it, all right. And candidates, please be on the lookout for speaker invites or please request an invite from me as soon as you get into the space. Once we have about three speakers lined up, we'll get started.

Starting the Event

All right, so I'm going to go ahead and get us started now. I think we're just about where we want to be. I think we had Ryan in first, so hold on 1 second here. There we go. Sorry, I had a lot more time to prepare for the last space that we had back in the spring. But anyway. All right, 530, I think we can definitely safely begin now. Hello, everyone. Again, my name is Will Hobson. I'm the ex base coordinator for Elk Libertarian Party national. Welcome to our x space for our libertarian candidate soapbox. We're going to get updated on how the different races are going across America, and I think we'll begin first with Ryan Woodcraft.

Ryan Woodcraft's Update

Ryan, if you want to go ahead and unmute and go ahead and give us an update. Hi, Will. Yeah, thanks. So for those that I haven't met yet, and it looks like there's a room full, my name is Ryan Woodcraft. I live in El Paso, Texas, and I'm running for county commissioner in precinct one here. It is a three party race in a heavily democratic county, but the message of liberty and financial freedom is spreading like wildfire. We're really excited about the momentum that our campaign has picked up. I made an ex post a couple days ago where we have disenfranchised folks that usually vote Republican that are jumping on board with our campaign. We have some of those moderate Democrats that are really focused on financial responsibility.

Campaign Insights

The taxes are too damn high and our debt is too damn much, and they're jumping on board with our campaign. And every day that we knock on doors and we block walk and we make phone calls, we are picking up more and more supporters. And we're really excited personally when our presidential nominee, Chase Oliver is out here in El Paso, he challenged me to knock on as many doors as I can, and I personally have just hit my 3000th door this past week. I'm on my third pair of shoes and so we are putting in the groundwork here in El Paso to expand the message of liberty at the local level. So we're really excited about how this is going to turn out.

Campaign Strategy and Challenges

I absolutely refuse to spend money on polls. I don't care what the numbers look like. We're going to keep our foot on the gas until the very end and we're going to come out of this thing with a win. Excellent. And can you state again what district you were in? Precinct one for El Paso county. Precinct one for El Paso county. All right. Well, thank you so much. Is there anything you can tell us about what's been unique about your campaign? Anything interesting that's happened or any personal observations you had? Yeah. So I think the biggest challenge, one, other than being a third party candidate in a heavily democratic area, is just running against the democratic machine.

The Democratic Machine Challenge

Our US Congress representative is Veronica Escobar. She's one of the co chairs of the Biden slash Harris Walls campaign for president. And typically what she says goes, you know, she's kind of the boss that runs the show. And so what we're realizing is even though there's folks that are supportive, we're not going to get the media attention, we're not going to get the donors, we're not going to get some of that stuff just because Veronica says. And so it's already more of an uphill battle. What I find really exciting is that more and more people are becoming aware of that and it really upsets them.

Building Support

And so when I tell them I'm the person that's running to tear this machine down brick by brick, they get really excited that somebody is finally willing to stop talking trash on social media and roll up their sleeves and get to work. And it's just kind of that blue collar mentality of, you know, I'm sick and tired of waiting for somebody to step up and do something. I'm going to be that someone and that resonates. That's been a really big observation for me. Excellent. Great. Well, yeah, thank you for sharing that. And is there a handle that people can follow you at here on Twitter or X?

Social Media Presence

I should. Sorry, keep. Call it X. So go ahead. I call it Twix, especially in the political world. Right? Like the left Twix and the right Twix, it's all the same thing. But here on X, I am at Woodcraft, the number four EP, and you can find me on Facebook or Instagram under something similar, Woodcraft for El Paso and then my website, Woodcraft for el Paso.com all right, thank you so much, Ryan. Really appreciate it. Give me 1 second here. I think we'll go next with Chris Cunningham.

Chris Cunningham's Introduction

If you want to go ahead and introduce yourself, your name and what district you're running in, go for it. Yeah, I will. Thanks for having me. Appreciate being here, everybody. My name is Chris Cunningham. I'm running for US Senate here in the great state of Nevada. So been kind of coming out of the gates a little bit of my campaign. It's a little bit of a unique situation where were thinking that it could be an eight way race with a series of independents. None of them ended up getting signatures, and now it's ending up being a four way race.

Chris Cunningham's Campaign Goals

So definitely gives me a lot of optimism to make an impact in this race. I'm running against Jackie Rosen and Sam Brown. And really the biggest thing is that there's just been such an erosion of trust, especially in the state of Nevada, in regards to how the duopoly has been kind of handling different outcomes here in the state, especially when it comes to the economy. So one of the reasons why I'm running for US Senate at 32 years old is really just trying to kind of bring that youth movement into the libertarian party, trying to energize and engage younger voters to get engaged with the process and just sort of be an evangelist for libertarianism and spreading liberty.

Frustration Among Nevadans

I mean, it's, there's just no doubt that Nevadans are painfully frustrated right now. We have a very authoritarian government. A lot of the individuals within the duopoly are corrupt, that not only the federal, but the state and even the local level. And it's created a lot of issues, especially with uphill battles in regards to the mainstream media and getting access there just due to some corruption and lots of things that have been happening in sort of the echo chamber here of Vegas politics.

Chris's Key Policies

So my goal as a candidate, really is focusing on balancing the budget, reducing taxes, trying to stabilize our economy, bring awareness to a lot of the key issues being anti-war and just serving as a viable alternative to the broken two party system that's pushing for bigger government and limiting it as much as possible. So I'm going to be supporting bills and policies that promote individual freedoms that protect Nevadans and ones that ultimately prevent the government from giving more power over how you live your life.

Campaign Activities in Nevada

So basically, I'm based out of Las Vegas. Nevada is a big state. I'm going to be up in Reno on Labor Day weekend. So I'm excited to say that I'm working with a series of individuals that are a little bit disenfranchised with some of the other candidates in the race, and they're going to be supporting me and creating some ads. So I'm going to be kind of up there for two purposes, doing a little bit of filming and then doing a little bit of reaching out and getting some exposure to some of those individuals upstate.

Chris Cunningham's Closing Remarks

So now, really excited for the campaign and really looking forward to hearing what the other candidates have to offer here across the country and their respective areas. Nice. Well, excellent. We look forward to hearing more from it. Has there been any interesting observations you've had or like anything unique about your campaign that's happened so far? Yeah, I think the biggest thing right now in regards to what I've seen is I'm glad that it's ultimately going to be a little bit more of a narrower race than I had anticipated.

Uphill Battle with Media

That's going to make it a little bit easier to get some general exposure. But the biggest issue, especially in Las Vegas, not sure if anyone here nationwide is aware, it's just going to be a little bit of an uphill battle with the mainstream media and getting attention. Back in 2022, there was a Clark county, that's the county Vegas is in. The town administrator ended up allegedly murdering a reporter. So the mainstream media and the local media here is very guarded. So that's something that I've learned a little bit about from my initial rookie run in 2022, running as a state senator.

Engaging Younger Voters

So that's just going to be the biggest battle, trying to think of unique ways to engage with the younger audience and also other Nevadans on social media. And ultimately, I think with this filming trip I'm going to have, that's going to allow me to have some different material to be able to distribute across the Internet. And ultimately the North Star would be to get some local tv ad buys, if I can raise enough funds from individual donors, not special interest groups or PACs here in the next few months.

Chris's Contact Info

All right, excellent. Well, is there a Twitter handle that people can follow you at and a website they can check out if they want to know more? Yeah, for sure. You can reach out to me at nightcrawler CC. That's my gaming name. I'm actually in the esports space when I'm not doing politics, but at nightcrawlercc on Instagram and Twitter or X. And you can visit my campaign website at cunningham for nevada.com dot. Excellent.

End of the Event

Thank you so much for coming on today. And FYI, at the end ish of this space, we're going to be talking to our presidential candidate, Chase Oliver. And we're going to be hearing about how the presidential campaign is going. So look forward to that. Don't leave. And once you hear your favorite candidate or another candidate, make sure to stick around. Chase Oliver is going to be speaking. So let's go to our next candidate. Josh, why don't you go ahead and tell us how your campaign is going.

Josh Lafka's Introduction

Awesome. Thanks for having me on tonight and hosting this here, guys. My name is Josh Lafka. I'm running for Florida House out here in District 105. For those of you who weren't on the last space we did here on X, that district is about a ten by six rectangular box here in Broward county. Makes up a very big urban minority population here. I'm running heads up against a two term incumbent Democrat here. So just me and her in the race. Marie Woodson's numbers have gone down every election cycle, so there's definitely opportunity out here.

Constituent Conversations

And I mean, I work out with the general public and, you know, just talking with constituents over the last, especially last couple weeks as we're getting closer, you know, now with the RNC happening and the DNC is happening right now actually going on live. And, you know, a lot of people, it's just really great conversations. People are talking about the economy, you know, putting food on the table. How am I going to pay my bills? Why is everything here in Florida getting so dang expensive all of a sudden? And, you know, I moved here five years ago and, you know, it's just, it's getting crazy all of a sudden, you know, now.

Campaign Fundraising

So, I mean, we're having a lot of really good success fundraising. You know, there's always more room for more donations. So if you got $510 sitting around that you need, Joshua.com, you can go there, hit the donate button, throw us a couple bucks here. But campaign's been going good, and we're looking forward to just keep talking with constituents out here and, you know, hearing what people in District 105 are caring about, looking for, and, you know, what kind of policies matter to them.

Unique Experience as a Libertarian Candidate

All right, and good. Great to hear. And, Josh, is there anything that's been interesting or unique about this campaign for you. Really? I think it's the fact that there's never been a libertarian in the entire history of District 107 who's, excuse me, 105 that's ever run for office. So for constituents, it's really just when I'm talking with them, they don't know what a libertarian is. A lot of times so I'm really in some cases, their first interaction. And a lot of times it's really positive.

Building Connections

A lot of people, you know, they kind of know already who they're going to kind of vote for. But there's, you notice most people really don't have a team or a side, so to speak. And having that direct interaction with a candidate like myself has been really great. And like I said, I've been having a lot of really positive interactions. I'm not getting, like, surprisingly, I'm not getting as much pushback for this being a Democrat stronghold on a lot of policies like cutting taxes.

Voter Concerns

I've talked about how the social welfare programs really aren't to the benefit of the citizens of District 105, how taxes and the regulation of the insurance market here in Florida has devastated us and made it really expensive for all of us to live. Whether you own a home or you're renting down here, because regardless of which one it is, everybody's seen mortgages have gone up, homeowners insurance have gone up, rent's gone up as a result here. So, you know, people care just really about how are we going to survive and make it in this economy.

Conversations Across the Aisle

And, you know, just having those conversations is obviously both sides of the aisle. And hearing that positive feedback about things I'm saying and libertarian policies that we could actually enact if I was elected, you know, it's really heartening and it kind of gives me a little bit of a faith back in society that, you know, people do care about freedom, they do care about liberty. And it's, you know, it makes me excited to get out there and continue to talk with people out there and, you know, any space that I can get my, you know, voice into, so to speak, including this one.

Final Remarks about the Campaign

Excellent. Glad to hear. And yeah, that sounds great that we've got a candidate in a district for the first time for the libertarian party. Josh, do you want to go ahead and shout out your Twitter handle so people can follow you and website they can go check out? Yep. I'll give a second shout out. So website Joshua. So that's the UA at the end. Holafka.com there. Twitter handle is Halafka for Florida here, guys.

Engaging with the Public

But if I've noticed that if you click on anybody's little like icon bubble there, if you not already following them, you can actually hit the following button, send them DM's. My, all my DM's are open. If you don't like what you heard and you hate libertarians, you can block me as well. It gives you the ability to block everybody but everybody. If you haven't already, give me a follow. Check out my website, the links in my twitter bio as well there. Once again, if you got a couple dollars laying around, throw me a few bucks here. We're putting out signs.

Campaign Activities

We're getting up door hangers, we're putting out placards, we're putting stuff on cars. We're talking to people. We're handing out business cards here. So anything you can do to assist with that, you know, that'll be great.

Billboard Campaign

And hopefully if I can fundraise enough before October, we can put up a billboard here because we have a lot of major roadways and pipelines that go all through my district that are heavily trafficked. And nothing would better than making my campaign opponent have to drive down the work every day and have to stare at my ugly mug on a billboard while she waits at a red light.

Networking and Introduction

Wow. All right. Well, yeah, everyone, as soon as someone starts speaking, go click their icon and go click Josh's and give them a little follow. Yeah, everyone follow everyone. Let's get the networking happening here. All right, thanks, Josh. I think we'll go next to Mike Ross in North Carolina. Mike, if you want to go ahead and introduce yourself and what district you're running in.

Mike Ross Introduction

Yeah, absolutely. Thanks so much for having me on. And thanks to everybody for coming on and listening to us on our soapboxes tonight. So I'm Mike Ross. I'm the libertarian running for governor of North Carolina. It's first time running for office.

Mike’s Political Journey

I kind of got my start in politics a couple years ago, really as an activist, just a citizen that was upset at seeing something in my local community. And as someone who was pretty new to the party showed up big for me. And thanks to somebody who some of you all may know, Spike Cohen, we ended up getting national news attention for the case of Joshua Rohrer and Pastor Moses. And that was kind of my baby. And somewhere around like rally seven, some people started floating the idea of running for governor, which I kind of laughed off.

Campaign Platform and Goals

And then by rally nine, when we started kind of getting some wins against the government, some libertarians I respected convinced me to say yes. So we had a primary and I put together a platform that tries to kind of heal the divide in North Carolina. They're really pushing division in our state and trying to polarize the population. And I think that libertarian solutions are better for everybody.

Community Engagement

So I thought put forward a libertarian platform. Give somebody rather than a lesser of two evil, something good to vote for and run a positive campaign. I realize at the top of the ticket, I'm a statistics guy. I was a financial planner by trade. So I understand the statistics. So the goals, of course, are at the top of the ticket, secure ballot access for our state so that down ballot libertarians can continue to run and challenge the status quo in their communities.

Local Community Focus

Because I do think that the ultimate change to liberty is going to happen from the ground up in our local communities where we can connect with our neighbors who may believe different things and work together for liberty in our communities. I truly believe that's going to be where we get our biggest wins and how we pushed a, and shift the Overton window. So I view that as being a messenger to help elevate our other candidates.

Building Infrastructure

You know, we're looking to build infrastructure, working with other council of State candidates to try to build networks in all 100 counties, to leave the party stronger as a result of the campaign and make things easier for future candidates, as well as grow the party from there. And as well as, you know, local candidates who are in much more statistically winnable races. I want to help elevate them.

Engagement Across the State

And so far, just take the libertarian message to people all across the state of all ideologies. Right. It doesn't matter if it's a gun show, a pride fest, anything in between everybody out there, when you approach them with a reasonable, honest approach and have a conversation with them, I think they're much more open to libertarian ideas.

Campaign Activities

As far as my website, if you like what you're hearing and want to support my campaign, we are continuing to put yard signs up, door knocking and flyers targeting kind of areas specifically targeting more young people. You can head over to my website, firetheuniparty.com dot. It's the same on my socials. Irethe uniparty but yeah, that's a little bit about there.

Policy Focus

I have a whole platform dealing with a whole bunch of things that libertarians want to see, ending qualified immunity, ending the drug war, many of those things, but of course, packaged in a way that I think is resonating with kind of the center and the moderates within North Carolina. Excellent.

Matt Johnson Introduction

Thanks, Mike. Yeah, going after the governor's seat right off the bat, that's a big bite to take out of the political system. Awesome. Can you go ahead and shout out your twitter handle and your website one more time? Yeah, it's iretheuniparty. And the website's fire the uniparty.

Third Party Unity

And just to mention it because you asked for all the other candidates as far as just something interesting, right. Being a first time candidate, what I've really found interesting, and I don't know if it's like this in all the other states for other candidates, but there's a lot of third party unity going on in North Carolina right now because we had huge ballot access fights, something that libertarians have known for far too long, that it's a drain on resources.

State Party Support

So we took a principled stand with many other parties here. And, you know, we've kind of at the state party level, we've seen, you know, support and thanks coming from everything from Cornel west to RFK because we believe as libertarians who've been fighting this battle against the state and spending millions of dollars just to be on the ballot, we need more choices, not less.

Unique Campaign Experience

So that unity has really been kind of unique. I wasn't expecting it. And it's really made campaigning at such a high level kind of a pleasure. All right, excellent. Thank you. We will go now to, I think, who is the last. Let's go with Matt Johnson from Florida.

Matt Johnson Introduction

Matt, if you want to go ahead and give us your full name and the district you are running in, let us know what's going on. Sure. Sure. Thanks again for hosting this. I think it's awesome to see the LP doing this for our down ballot candidates. Thanks, everybody for joining and listening to support our candidates. My name is Matt Johnson.

District Overview

I'm running for Florida state House of Representatives in District 29, which is in Volusia County, Florida. Most people think of Volusia county, they might think of Daytona beach. I'm actually on the west side of the county Deland, which is the county charter, Deland and Deltona, like Helen Mims, Sinfula.

Political Climate

A lot of places most people don't really recognize probably unless they live in the area. Deland, where I live is actually a college town, home to Stetson University. So it's a very tricky political climate here.

Activism Background

I got involved politically back in 2016 just as kind of an activist when right after the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas happened and the Florida pro gun GOP started talking about red flag laws and things of that nature. And I organized in a very short matter of time before that pill passed a very large rally.

Political Shift

And that was what kind of swayed me away from the GOP. They campaigned like they're small l libertarians, and then as soon as they get to office, they're authoritarian tyrants just like the other side. So my first run was actually right after the COVID nonsense I ran here.

Challenging Incumbents

I decided to run with, like, two months left to go for city commission here in Deland as a no name to the political sphere. Nobody knew me running against a very popular republican incumbent in a heavily red area, and I managed to take 36% of the vote away from him.

Libertarian Message Resonation

So it showed me that, you know, the message of liberty, the message of libertarianism, resonates with the red voters, even if they don't understand that we're the party that will actually give them the freedom that they want. So now I'm running, like I said, for state House against a two term incumbent Republican.

Incumbent Description

Maga Trump endorsed, tyrant, and he is a tyrant. he's on video in chambers, in session, calling the LGBT community demons and mutants, among, voting for stripping away the freedoms and the rights of, the members of Volusia county. So, I decided that they needed to challenge her.

Community Engagement

Nobody's going to challenge him in a heavily red area because they're all going to do what their master wants them to do. So I've been out there hosting events, meeting people face to face where they are talking to them in the community.

Candidate Forum

We're having, actually, a candidate forum town hall event, not this coming weekend, but the next, where we have four candidates who will be on the ballot in Volusia county that will all be in attendance. So I think that's. That's pretty neat.

District Challenges

It's going to be in Lake Helen, which is one of the cities in my district. And I've talked to people there, and they seem to regularly be forgotten by the unit party. And I think that seems to be the case in my entire district, whether they will freely admit it or not.

Campaign Information

So, yeah, that said, my website is Matt or fl house.com, and my ex is Matt for fl House. And, yeah, I'm just out there spreading the message. And a very winnable race, I will add.

Appreciation and Support

Nice. Well, thank you, I think. Ticked off all the things I was going to ask. So, yeah, thanks for coming, Matt. And, yeah, everyone, please go follow Matt Johnson for Florida House. We wish you well.

Sonia Fintech Introduction

Yeah, no problem. We will now move to Sonia Fintech from Oregon, who I am good friends with, and, yeah, let's hear about her campaign. Go ahead, Sonia.

Sonia’s Campaign Overview

Hey, thanks so much for having me on, and this is awesome. It's really cool to hear from all these candidates around the country. This is super interesting time. So it's just really nice to see.

Oregon Congressional Race

So, yeah, I'm Sonja Fintish. I'm running for us Congress here in Oregon for the district five race. And, yeah, I'm running here in Oregon as a response to the extremely poor leadership by the incumbent, Laurie Chavez de Rimmer, and personally as a very strong believer of pushing back against any and all war hawks in office.

Fiscal Responsibility and Alternative Choices

Conservatives and liberty minded non affiliated voters in Oregon are pretty fed up with their hard earned dollars going to fund foreign wars while they struggle to pay for groceries and conduct business here in our state. And I honestly believe that they're looking for an alternative to all of the crappy candidates.

Disillusionment With Party Representation

The poor representation that our Oregon Republican party keeps shoving down our throats like this is the blue states. So libertarian party, I feel like most people I know are leaning the other direction as a counterbalance.

Voter Confusion

And the conservatives and the grassroots candidates that I talk to or constituents, I mean, they're very confused about why this representation keeps on showing up. So this is a nationally recognized battleground race and it has really tight margins.

Opportunity for Change

It's known as a toss up. And this is a really great opportunity for a truly liberty first America first candidate to step up to the stage, create some ripples in the system.

Background and Advocacy

And my background is, I'm a regenerative farmer. I'm a mother of three, medical freedom activist. I started back in 2021 after the first year of the lockdowns and the mandates.

Community Response

And then it just kept going on and on. And I got to know so many people and had so much support. And I saw this really amazing core group of people kind of rise up out of Oregon and react to what was happening.

Growth in Activism

And a lot of people being like, oh, all of this government intervention is kind of a problem. We don't really want this. And then that, of course, bleeds into the anti war movement, which is a beautiful thing to see.

Policy Focus

The combination my main policies that I'd be focusing on is rolling back the regulatory state, confining my policies to try and honor article one, section eight.

Constitutional Defense

And I have a lot of personal opinions on things, but as a representative of Oregon, my main goals would be to help preserve state rights, roll back things to the state, because there are a lot of bills that are passed in Congress that I see as just a broad interpretation of the Constitution that are completely unconstitutional and should be confined back to the states and not the federal government, shouldn't have anything to do about it whatsoever.

Foreign Policy Focus

Focus on foreign policy for a non interventionist perspective, supporting defend the guard legislation in each state in Oregon and rescinding the War Powers act and reducing and eliminating the massive tax burden on the great people of Oregon and my opponents.

Political Competition

So we have the Democrat Janelle Bynum and the Republican Laurie Chavez de Rimmer. Right now, they're fighting to the death.

Campaign Dynamics

They're spending so much money, they're raising millions and millions of dollars to attack each other online and on tv. And it's kind of gross to watch, but we with the Libertarian Party are building an amazing fundraising campaign.

Support Call to Action

And anything anyone can do to support my campaign through donations or volunteers, people to go door knock, can help put a huge dent in the efforts of the opposition that are just raising money like crazy so you can support the campaign at sonya fouroregon.com.

Unique Race Experience

yeah. And I appreciate all of you. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Unique Campaign Elements

Sonia, has there been anything that's been particularly unique about this race that you found or I that you've experienced? Yeah, it's been pretty wild.

Community Engagement

I have people coming out of the woodwork, people like when I did the medical freedom protests, the main core group, the people that show up to all of the events that were throwing, were conservative and they were Republicans and they were christians, but they were kind of this weird subsect of, like, super liberty minded small government, almost like the original Tea Party movement.

Grassroots Support

And they were, they would run these grassroots campaigns all the time, and they would get such massive pushback from the Oregon Republican Party. So they were kind of just kind of lost and confused.

Surprising Support

And those are the people that have actually been popping their heads out and being like, hey, by the way, we really support you. We would love to see a candidate like you. Like, it's too bad you're not a Republican, you know, but, like, they've been showing up, and I'm getting a ton of support from them, and I think that we can pick up a lot of non affiliated voters here.

Positive Campaign Experience

So that's been the best part. Like, very heartening to see all those people show up to support my campaign.

Social Media and Campaign Presence

Excellent. Glad to hear. And if you could really quickly shout out your ex handle and your website, we'd love to hear that. Yeah, my ex handle is Sonia Agora, and my website is soniafororgan.com.

Family Life

and I apologize for any background noise. My four year old daughter is hanging out with me right now.

Transitioning to Fina Bono

No apology needed. Awesome. Thanks, Sonia. We'll go next. Let's see who is next. Let's go to Fina.

Fina Bono’s Introduction

I hope I said your first name correctly. Yes, you did. Hello, folks. My name is Fina Bono, and I am running for us Senate out of the great Sunshine State, the free State.

Florida Campaign Position

Another candidate from Florida in the house, folks. Hello. I see a lot of folks here that I've already met and talked to, if not in person than online because I host a campaign update every single week.

Regular Updates

This week was episode twelve and we have two candidates that come on every week and we do a presidential candidate update, too. So I got to plug that.

Political Move

Have to plug that because when I came out here to Florida to run for office, well, I didn't come out here just to run for office. I just happen to be somebody who runs for office who moved to Florida because this is my third run, folks.

Previous Campaigns

My first two runs were in Hawaii. I was raised in North Carolina. Got some North Carolina people in here that's like, I mean, that's a great state to grow up libertarian in.

Returning to Florida

And I'm so happy to be back in Florida, the state that I was born in. And I was just looking over the numbers, folks, just looking over these primary numbers. We need a gold rush in the Senate.

Necessity of Running

In the US Senate. We are never going to win a Senate seat if we do not run for the Senate. And I didn't originally want to run for office this year, but I am because of that, we're never going to get a us senator that's a libertarian if we don't have someone running to be a libertarian us senator.

Campaign Themes

So yeah, we need a gold rush all about term limits, free markets. I'm a veteran.

Introduction of Artist and Campaign

I'm an artist. This is my second run for us Senate. I also definitely believe in down ballot candidates and running a more local style race. Your first run? My first run was 2020 and I ran for state senate and, you know, did pretty well there. And that's the good news about libertarianism on these local levels. We are winning. Well, if we're not winning, we're definitely giving them a run for their money. So I was looking at this primary that just happened here in Florida tonight, and I'm listening to some other Florida candidates that are here tonight talking about what the good work that they're doing in their districts. And I'm looking at these primary numbers and I think it's a good thing that in these state, in these regions, in these counties that are reporting and we've got candidates that are running on local level. On my race for the US Senate, they have the highest number of people that are going against the machine.

Challenging the Political Status Quo

That is the Republicans and the Democrats. And when we get senators in office, libertarian senators elected as libertarians, we're going against the machine. We are doing it for the people. We are doing it for free markets. We are doing it for open trade. That is the number one issue with all Americans right now is the economy. Number two is war. We will end, you know, we will not get into any more wars, for one thing, but end all the wars. Could you imagine if we got one libertarian in the US Senate, we could finally get some action, some movement on things that the american people have wanted for decades, like legalization of marijuana, that's an easy win. Lowering taxes, that's an easy win. Ending the Jones act, that's all we need in the office right now is someone that can bridge those two divides that we have that duopoly of. I've got to vote yes because the other side said no.

Call for Change in Government Operations

That's crap. That's crap. And it's not how the government should be. I'm also very in favor of criminal justice reform. I've got a criminal justice background. But yeah, I'm so happy to be running for us Senate out here in Florida. Check out the campaign update that happens on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. if you are a candidate, I want, would love to have you on. If you've got commercials, we're playing commercials. Some of you folks have already been on. I've got some of you scheduled for the future and some of you guys ain't answering my emails. But that's okay. I still want you on. And so that is on Tuesdays I stream it on X, Twitch, Instagram, Facebook, my Facebook, Mike Scott's Facebook, who's also the host. He's running for us Senate in Maryland. And we're trying to gather as many folks that are running for us Senate as libertarians to come together and be a force. That's exactly what the Republicans and Democrats do.

Connecting with Libertarian Candidates

They gather their troops and they become a force. We had today on the campaign update, Chris Cunningham's from Nevada that was just speaking. He's running for us Senate. There's Ted Brown in Texas. There's all these great candidates that are coming up that are great deliverers of libertarian message. And I'm looking forward to, going down and campaigning with every single candidate in Florida. I'm gonna see you somehow. You can't, you can't hide from me. If you hiding from me, you're not gonna be able to hide from me for long because I'm gonna show up. I'll show up in the middle of the night and I'll have a sign and I'll just be out by the road waving or something. I don't know. But yeah, so check out my instagram and you can check out my YouTube Facebook. It's all the same, google me, Fina, but no one follow me. If you don't follow me, that's fine, too.

Campaign Updates and Engagement

I probably won't follow you if you don't follow me, though, because I don't know. Yeah, so that's all I've got. You got any questions for me, sir? Yeah, I guess. Would you say there's been anything particularly unique or interesting about your race so far? 100%. There's been a lot of unique and interesting things. For one thing, I'm doing this campaign update once a week. Right. That was something that the folks here in Florida, when I had to raise that humongous qualification fee out here, folks, I know we talking money. We are talking money. And Florida has some of the highest qualifying fees in the country. And I know the people here in the Libertarian Party of Florida, they didn't really know me that well.

Trust Building and Networking

I've been living on an island, minding my own business like a good libertarian does. And they were minded theirs, not minded the island, right? So I gotta win their trust. And so they're like, do a podcast. A lot of folks were like, do a podcast. I was like, okay, all right, I'll do this podcast. See, what they didn't understand is I got a film degree. And so were going to do this and we're going to do it right. We're going to do it clean. We were going to do it scheduled. And I think we're doing a great job with this campaign update. We've got the Chase Oliver team that comes on and this, for me, what's the most unique part of this campaign is the networking that I've done in my previous campaigns. Being on an island chain, it was hard to work with other libertarians because there's an ocean apart, literally.

Personal Growth and Connection

So it's been really great working with Joe hanoosh out here and the libertarian Party of Florida. I've got Hector Ruse on my team who shows up to, every week we do a meeting for the campaign specifically. That's not the campaign update. It's a real campaign meeting. And it's been, it's been a lot of fun. It's been a lot of fun. This is my home state that I was born in. So I've got to know some of my family that I didn't get to know when I was younger because I wasn't raised here. So that's been very rewarding to me personally. And I'm just excited. This, this is a big race. This is a huge race. Like, it's going to be fun. I'm excited.

Final Remarks and Social Media Presence

Excellent. Great. Well, yeah, we look forward to hearing more about it. And, yeah, everyone, please go follow Fina. And then, yeah, can you throw out your Twitter handle one more time or, sorry, x handle one more time and website people can go check out. Sure. So my Twitter handle is at finabanoan, and that's fee to the n a b o n o a n. And I have a couple websites. I have Fina for us, fina benoit calm fina dot seneca.com. and I'm on YouTube as phenabinoan. Instagram, Fina, Facebook, Fina. New bumper stickers that say Fina, libertarian. All right, excellent. Thank you for the update. Thank you for having me. You're very welcome. Yeah, we'll go next to who was next?

Overview from Rob Latham

I think we'll go Rob Latham from Utah. Rob, go ahead and give us an update on your campaign and, yeah, and let us know where you're running in what district. Hey, Will. Hey, everyone. Rob Latham running for governor in Utah. Have the website up. Freeutans.org. social media is up. Intention is to grow the liberty vote in Utah. Been advertising on social media, electronic billboards, streaming audio and podcasts, yard signs, door hangers, all that other campaign swag was invited to speak at a press conference at the Utah State capitol two weeks ago in opposition to Utah's first execution in 14 years. And that actually yielded a fair amount of media coverage.

Unique Issues and Campaign Focus

We have a local think tank. We have several ones called the Utah foundation. They, around election season, they issue what's called the Utah Priority survey. And two of the top issues that were in their survey were government overreach. And another one was politicians not listening to voters. And both those issues do lend themselves well to a libertarian campaign. So I've tailored my message to address those items, and then I'll say that what's maybe, you know, every state is idiosyncratic. Utah is no exception. What has been unique about this can't this gubernatorial campaign in Utah, originally, I thought it would just be, you know, a three way race. But the Utah Republican Party, which is pretty dominant in Utah, is kind of split down the middle between conservative camp and the libertarian camp.

Unexpected Developments in the Race

And there was a challenger to the incumbent governor who's probably kind of be considered a moderate, but probably also in the conservative camp. Anyway, his libertarian minded challenger, or conservative, depending on your perspective, beat him at convention but then lost in the primary and then did an interesting thing where he sued to knock him off the ballot, saying he was not the right candidate. He's also suing over some questions about signatures to get into the primary. And now he's announced within the past week or so he's going to run a write in campaign. So we now have an interesting scenario where we kind of have a four way race and the winner could prevail with just over 25% of the vote.

Building Momentum and Outreach

So I've appreciated, by the way, just some of the contributions and attention from around Utah and elsewhere, all of that. I shouldn't say all of that, but a good chunk of that just basically goes into expanding our message, getting those electronic billboards up. We have a Utah debate commission that is modeled on the now failed, you know, commission on presidential debates. I did qualify for that four years ago when I ran for Congress in Utah. So I was one of three candidates on the stage debating the Republican and Democrat. That'll be a tall order to get the 10% needed statewide to get in that debate, but I've done it before, so we're kind of pushing to see if that may happen again.

Candidate Update and Contact Information

There again, are a lot of folks unhappy with the incumbent governor and are giving my campaign and candidacy a serious look. My x handle is freeutons again. The website is freeutons.org. and Latham, four Utahns dot us also works. Excellent. All right, well, thank you so much. Love hearing the update. We will go, I think, with our second to last candidate and then we'll finish with our presidential candidate, Chase Oliver here. Let's go with David Mossgrip. I think I've got that last name correct, right? Yeah. Thank you so much. I'm the chair for Hillsborough and region eight, rep for Florida.

Endorsements and Campaign Progress

I'm not actually a candidate, but I'm speaking on behalf of Nathaniel Snyder. As many of you know, we had our primary here in Florida today. He's actually on the phone right now with the Republicans who lost about potential endorsements. So that's how awesome of a job we're doing down here right now. The Tampa Bay area. For those of you who don't know, it's one third. One third. One third. So one third Democrat, one third Republican, one third NPA minority party voters. And Nathaniel has been on multiple tv candidate forums on the stage with Democrats and republican candidates.

Significant Historical Impact

You know, just like breaking like we're making history with every single thing that he does because this hasn't been done in Tampa for at least two decades. So it's pretty freaking amazing. I want to say. Love, Fina, Matt, Gabrielle, like all of my Florida people who are on here I know I'm missing people. And of course, chase, like, amazing. We're gonna have Mike Termott down here to do a joint fundraiser this Sunday evening. But I just want to, wanted to give an update. Just say, you know, Nathaniel is doing the work that needs to be done.

Campaign Activities and Yard Signs

We're buying a bunch of yard signs that we're going to start putting out soon. And if anybody wants to find out more about him, go to Snyder four Fl 14 Dot. Or you can shoot me an email chairlphillsboro.com and I'll send you whatever info you want to know. But he's definitely a candidate worth donating to in addition to any of the other Florida candidates, because we're like, we're killing it here. Like we've got people all across the state running. So I just wanted to make sure he didn't get lost in the mix because he's doing what he should be doing as a candidate and getting endorsements and doing the work right now.

Final Thoughts and Acknowledgments

So, yeah, thanks so much for letting me just have a moment to speak and just give you an update about what's happening right now in the Tampa Bay area. Excellent. No problem, David. Glad to hear that. All right, and thank you for all of our candidates for coming to speak. We're gonna now switch over to Chase Oliver, our presidential candidate, and Joe, my co host, if you want to chime in with a question or two, figure we'll give Chase a little bit longer to talk since he's got a little bit more ground to cover than the other candidates. So, Chase, if you want to go ahead and introduce yourself to people that haven't gotten to know you yet, go ahead.

Introduction and Birthday Tribute

And, yeah, if you haven't gotten to meet me yet, my name is Chase Oliver. I am your 2024 candidate for president, United States, and I'm really honored to be doing that. Before we get going, I just got a few things I want to say. First and foremost, happy birthday to Ron Paul. It's his 89th birthday. I think Ron Paul just shows you that even at 89, you can be more coherent than Joe Biden at 84 or whatever it is. He's decades more coherent than both of the major party candidates for president. And I was really happy to see him at our convention in DC. And it was really kind of nice to see all the kids sitting around listening to Grandpa Ron spinning tales of liberty. So let's all give a shout out to Ron Paul for his birthday. I hope he's celebrating a good one with his family.

Gratitude to Fellow Candidates

Second thing I'd like to say is thank you to all the other candidates who have been on this call. So many of you have done so many great things. Ryan, knocking on 3000 doors, I mean, that's crazy awesome work. I challenged you to do it and boy, did you deliver well ahead of time before election day. So I guess I got some ground to cover with you. We'll probably be knocking on some doors for the second or third time by the time I get out to El Paso and join you. That's amazing work. Mike, running for governor of North Carolina. You know, I watched you during your primary process. You and your primary opponent both you guys ran a very nice race. Now you're running as the gubernatorial and lieutenant gubernatorial candidate in the state, showing the unity that our party really needs. And thank you for always being somebody that's been a great friend while I'm out in the state of North Carolina doing fantastic work.

Acknowledgments to Campaign Contributors

Fina, you know, this is your second time running for senate, first time out there in Hawaii. Now you're out here in the Sunshine state. I want to say thank you for being a multi time candidate. Thank you for your positivity and your devotion to sharing the message of other candidates within and without, you know, outside of Florida. That's, that's fantastic. And it's something that all of us want to, you know, be doing. I want to make sure as the top of the ticket candidate, I want to be shouting out candidates just as much as you are. And thank you for doing that work. And thank you for being a veteran libertarian, somebody who comes to the Libertarian Party having been a veteran of the unfortunate military industrial complex that kind of governs our policy so much in Washington, DC.

Anti-War Advocacy

So, you know firsthand exactly what we're up against. But also, you know, you've devoted yourself to a service that many people haven't done, and you have unique insight that so many people don't have. So thank you for that. Speaking of anti war, thank you, Sonia, for your message of being anti war there a little while ago. I'm fully embraced that message. I'm anti war to the core, and I'm happy to see that we have libertarian candidates for federal office across the country spreading the anti war message. It's what brought me into the party and it's what can bring so many other people into the party right now who are frustrated and sick and tired of seeing a war party in both the Republicans and the Democrats and being the anti war party. That anti war to the core party is what's going to bring so many new libertarians into this process.

Addressing Economic Issues

We're just sick and tired of seeing our taxpayer money being used to go kill people overseas. Thank you for that, Matt. Thank you for being a devoted candidate out in Florida. We got so many Florida candidates. It's amazing. I just feel like it's like Florida and everyone else here today. But thank you, Matt, for being a fantastic candidate out there. And we're happy to have endorsed your campaign. And being a devoted libertarian, somebody who's speaking that message locally to their community is what we need more and more up and down the ticket. Rob out there in Utah, thank you so much for representing the liberty Utah values. The fact says that you can run your life, run your family, run your faith however you want to. Just do it in peace.

Encouraging Civic Engagement

Representing that live and let live message of the mountain west that we need more and more of in this process that we don't see enough from Republicans and Democrats. I'm happy to see more and more Utahns waking up to the fact that they have a choice outside of a two party system that can represent them and their values, no matter what those values are, because we ask that you only keep the government out of it. And that's that spirit of individuality and live and let live. We want to spread across the country, not just in Mountain west but everywhere else. And you know, as I'm shouting out candidates, I would be remiss if I did not shout out the best damn running mate a guy could have. Mike Turmott, my candidate for vice president, somebody who has been a full fledged partner in this campaign, traveling across the country.

The Campaign Vision

Mike just got off a plane a little while ago, going from Iowa to Wisconsin, getting out there and speaking the libertarian message and speaking our campaign's message across the country. He's helped us divide and conquer this process. So if you don't see me in your state or your community, there's a good chance you're probably going to see Mike out there. We're doing as much as we can to get out there as much as possible. And that does lead me to ask for your support in this campaign. If you can go to vote Chase oliver.com and give to this campaign or share this campaign with your friends and neighbors and let people know that we have a powerful, positive, principled libertarian messenger who's ready to challenge the two party system and even the other independent candidates out there spreading the libertarian message.

Call to Action for Volunteers

Please go to vote Chase oliver.com dot if you can't support the campaign, sign up to volunteer for the campaign, we have, overdose, 1000 volunteers all over the country doing amazing work from even things like sign waving, phone banking, text banking, get out the vote efforts knocking on those doors. We need people across the country to do that, not just for my campaign, but for those of us who I just named out there. We need to support those campaigns too, and we want to make sure we're doing that as a campaign. That's one of the things I'm devoted to doing. There's a lot of metrics of victory. We want to win this campaign. God knows I want to get elected president so I can go in front of a microphone as soon as I take the oath office and pardon Ross Ulbricht, pardon Julian Assange, pardon, you know, pardon Edward Snowden, pardon Leonard Peltier, start pardoning everybody who's in federal prison who doesn't need to be there for a victimless crime and start actually the process of spreading the message of liberty.

Advocacy for Policy Changes

I want to get in front of a microphone and tell the people that we're going to have a foreign policy rooted in free trade, not bombing other people with drone bombs and killing innocent people. I want to do that. And that's the ultimate victory we can have. But there's a lot of other victories we can have in this campaign. We can win ballot access in states across the country. I see Libertarian Party of Georgia listening. And right now, you know, my vote totals are depending upon the ballot access for my state. And I so desperately want to make sure we continue having libertarian candidates up and down the ballot statewide. To be running in the Libertarian Party of Georgia under our banner without having to go through the process of ballot access gathering.

Unity in Libertarianism

And so support me because that's what's going to happen in states like Georgia and others that need the libertarian candidate for president to get those ballot access totals. It's not just about me. If it were just about me, I could get it. But we got to get off the sidelines because this is not just about me. This is about the libertarian party. This is about spreading the message of liberty up and down the ballot across the country, across our communities, and saying loud and clear that the most local governance is our own self governance and everything else needs to be decentralized as much as possible to the most local level that we can. And that's what I'm seeking to do. That's what I'm so happy to hear.

Impact of Stories on Advocacy

These messengers of liberty that have come before me on this call, on this x space have been saying, you know, I am energized I'm energized hearing these messengers, hearing these people up and down the ticket who are going to spread this message. And I'm honored, I'm so honored to be the candidate for president. I've campaigned across all 50 states because I think it's important to hear the message of liberty in every state across this country. And it's not just me that's going to do that. It's going to be libertarian candidates across all 50 states that are going to be doing that. I'm happy to announce that we're well on the path to have ballot access as an official candidate on the ballot in 48 states and being a write in candidate, unfortunately, having to be a write in candidate in Illinois, New York and Washington, DC.

Commitment to Ballot Access

But that's because ballot access barriers have been put up and continue to be raised as we continue to raise our prominence. And I'm going to do everything I can to fight for ballot access across this country, fight for major party status across this country, and fight to support local libertarians like those who are on this call running for office in a way that can make our party proud, unify this party as much as possible. Because, you know, I recognize we're family. Family argues from time to time. But when push comes to shove, we need to loudly say to the Republican Party, to the Democratic Party, and to any other party that pushes statism and authoritarianism, that there is a libertarian option on the ballot, that liberty is on the ballot across the country.

Sharing Stories from the Campaign Trail

And that's what I'm fighting for. Now, I know you asked some people for some insightful things they may have learned across the country. There are way too many stories for me to tell them all, but I just wanted to highlight a few. I want to highlight the young lady that I met in the state of Idaho who was born with birth defects because her father was exposed to depleted uranium ammunition. And she worries about the children of Ukraine being given depleted uranium ammo and then what it's going to look like for those kids who are out there and they desperately want to see ourselves remove ourselves, both from Du ammo but also from the war machine overseas. That young lady got to tell me her story.

Personal Stories and Advocacy

And unfortunately, the next day she had to go through a surgery where she lost the ability to speak. I was probably the last person she got to tell that story to. So it sticks with me in my heart as I go across the country speaking. It's the war machine. Because I wish she could tell that story more and more. She can't right now. So I'm going to keep telling that story and keep speaking out against the war machine for people like her. It's for people like the, for the mom I met in Iowa at the state fair last week who told me about how she wants her kids to be able to play extracurricular sports. But she knows that right now, due to inflation, she's not going to be able to afford for her kid to play on softball because she can't afford the equipment, she can't afford the away games and the hotel room bills to go and support her daughter.

Economic Concerns

And that's a shame. That's a shame that the debt and deficits that our government has run has caused her dollars to become worthless, has created the inflation that now makes it more and more difficult for her not even just to put her kids through school extracurriculars, but just by the school supplies that our kids need to become learners and critical thinkers. You know, and it's not just kids stuck in the school system. I hear from homeschool parents, and I've just heard from them on my x account that they are having the cost of living increasing and that's affecting their ability to raise their kids in a homeschool environment. So it's actually reducing the amount of choices these parents have for education. I want to fight for the people who lost their businesses due to arbitrary lockdowns all across this country that didn't do anything to stop the spread of COVID I have had friends who lost their small business.

Stories of Trauma Due to Lockdowns

I hear from people who had to say goodbye to their loved ones through a, through plexiglass or through a plastic sheet. Couldn't hold their hands. You know, those are the people I think about. It's people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired of a two party system that takes them for granted. That's who I'm fighting for. And that's who we're all fighting for in the libertarian party. That's who all of these candidates you've heard from are fighting for. And I'm happy to be leading the charge. I'm happy to be the point of the spear against statism. And I hope each and every one of you can join me doing that.

Collective Efforts for Liberty

As I travel across the country, as my running mate Mike Tirmont travels across the country, and as these candidates you've heard from and hundreds and hundreds of others who are fighting for offices all up and down the ticket, I hope you can join them in fighting for liberty. Go to votechaseoliver.com dot. If you want to follow me here, I'm at chase for liberty on all the major platforms. But I want to thank you, each and every one of you. Those of you who voted for me at convention, those of you who were skeptical, I hope through the hard work of this campaign, I hope through the work that myself and Mike are doing across the country, we can spread the message of liberty and fight against an authoritarian state that too often takes advantage of families across this country, of people across this country who are having a tougher time living in this country because of the abuses of the state, both the policies of the state and the massive out of control debt and deficit spending that is leading us careening towards a financial calamity that if we don't stop, our kids or our grandkids are going to be suffering the consequences of for decades to come.

Vision for Future Generations

I want to make sure that we have a better life for our kids or grandkids. I know I'm an uncle to seven nephews and nieces, and I want to make sure they have a better, more free existence and don't have to live with the sins of the past, of authoritarians who have been elected to office. It's time for us to fight for a new generation. It's time for us to fight for what's coming next. Because I guarantee you, we cannot stick ourselves to the politics of the past. We have to tear those walls down and fight for something better. So let's build a foundation for the libertarian party up in states across the country so that we can tear down the state brick by brick, and state houses and legislatures and county commissions and city councils all across the country.

Encouragement to Engage in Local Politics

If you're ready to fight, I'm ready to fight. And I hope each and every one of you feels inspired to join this campaign and other libertarian campaigns in your neighborhood. Get off of x. I know it's funny. I'm saying this on x, but get off the Internet. Get out in the streets. Talk to your neighbors, talk to your friends. Inspire them to join this party, inspire them to join these campaigns and these efforts, and get out and support these candidates, including myself. I urge you to do it. Why? Because time is ticking. Each and every day, this government spends $8.9 billion in deficit spending. Each and every day, every single day, $9 billion pretty much goes down the toilet.

Call for Action Against Financial Mismanagement

If you think that's acceptable, then sit on the sideline. If you think that's disgusting, if you think that's spending our children's future today for the expedience of politics and bought out politicians who are bought and traded for like auction at a cat or like cattle at an auction. If you think that's disgusting, join the libertarian party. Join our effort and fight and spread the message of this campaign. And I want to thank each and every one of you for doing the work you've already done. I see some amazing people who have already donated this campaign, who have worked hard, and who I look forward to supporting as I travel across the country.

Closing Remarks and Future Engagement

Excellent. Well said, chase. Thank you so much. We appreciate your dedication to the cause and to the libertarian party. Yeah. Please, everyone, please go follow Chase Oliver. Check out his campaign website. We would also love it. If you want to get more involved in the libertarian party, you can go to lp.org, learn about us if you want to become a sustaining member. It's just $25 a year to become a sustaining member, and we will definitely get you involved in your state affiliate. If you want to find your state affiliate, you don't know where to go. Just in the comments, just say, hey, I live in this state, and we'll try to tag your state affiliate party and get someone into contact with you so we can get that going.

Networking for Liberty

Really, this, you know, from what I've observed that this is basically just a networking game. We're out there. There are people that love liberty out there. They need to be found, and we need to build those networks that are going to support a more free future by bringing everyone together and not tearing networks apart. So thanks, everyone for joining this space. I'll try to do another one, definitely in September. We are also working on, and I don't want to make any promises, working on maybe figuring out a way to export the audio for these spaces and creating a libertarian party national podcast or RSS feed. I think everyone would probably enjoy that immensely.

Future Discussions and Farewells

So, and then we can have more conversations like this. We can get the word out when we have different projects or candidates that we want to talk about. So, yeah, anyway, thanks again for coming, and we will do this again soon. Cheers, everyone. Good night. Peace, love, and liberty all. Bye.

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