Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This Twitter space on gaming provided valuable insights into the world of gaming projects, emphasizing user engagement, value assessment, and the integration of Web3 elements in game design. Participants expressed enthusiasm for applying these learnings in their gaming ventures, showcasing a vibrant and engaged gaming community in the Twitter space. The discussion delved into topics such as Level UP w/ Forest Knight, game development, blockchain, NFTs, token ecosystem, user acquisition, and Web3 integration, highlighting the dynamic and innovative aspects of the gaming industry.


Q: What were the key topics discussed in the Twitter space?
A: The key topics included discussions on user engagement, value assessment, Web3 integration, and strategies for adding value to gaming projects.

Q: How do gaming projects evaluate their value?
A: Gaming projects evaluate their value by considering aspects like user base, social interactions, network strength, player engagement, and brand partnerships.

Q: What role does the user base play in determining token value?
A: The user base plays a significant role in determining token value, influencing factors such as project popularity, engagement levels, and overall project success.

Q: How is the product's worth connected to the network built around it?
A: The product's worth in gaming projects is closely linked to the strength and vitality of the network surrounding it, impacting aspects like user experience, value proposition, and market acceptance.

Q: What strategies are suggested for adding value to gaming projects?
A: Strategies such as enhancing player engagement, forming brand partnerships, and focusing on social farming were recommended for adding value to gaming projects.

Q: How do NFT projects differ from traditional games like Forest Knight?
A: NFT projects differ from traditional games like Forest Knight in various aspects, including asset ownership, token utility, player incentives, and community engagement.

Q: What considerations are highlighted for incorporating Web3 elements in gaming?
A: Considerations such as decentralization, blockchain integration, tokenomics, and community governance were highlighted for incorporating Web3 elements in gaming design.

Q: What was the audience's reaction to the emphasis on design choices…
A: The audience appreciated the focus on design choices in gaming, recognizing the impact of thoughtful design on user experience, immersion, and overall project success.


Time: 00:02:59
Introduction and Overview, Welcoming viewers to the episode of Level up, providing an overview of the content.

Time: 00:06:55
Transition to Web3, Discussions on building a company from scratch and the transition to Web3.

Time: 00:19:42
Learning about the Industry, Sharing insights gained about the gaming industry and technology.

Time: 00:27:14
Importance of Live Operations, Emphasizing the necessity of engaging in live operations after establishing a solid game.

Time: 00:30:39
Player Feedback on Blockchain Integration, Exploring player feedback post implementation of blockchain technology in gaming experiences.

Time: 00:37:13
Gamification and Narrative Fit, Discussing gamification enhancing user experience without overtly highlighting blockchain integration.

Time: 00:47:20
Value Accrual in Web3, Delving into the requirements for value accrual in Web3 and its significance.

Time: 00:51:41
Differentiating Project Approaches, Highlighting the importance of individual team approaches for project success.

Time: 00:55:19
Rethinking Monetization, Advising a reconsideration of design and monetization strategies for Web3 implementations.

Time: 00:58:14
Future Plans and Announcements, Teasing upcoming projects and announcements, inviting interest and anticipation.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussion on the value propositions of gaming projects.
  • Importance of user base and social side in the gaming ecosystem.
  • Impact of user numbers on token value.
  • Emphasis on the product and network for value assessment.
  • Strategies for enhancing project value through player and brand integration.
  • Notable differences between NFT projects and games like Forest Knight.
  • Varying audiences
  • assets
  • and expectations across gaming projects.
  • Considerations for embracing Web3 elements in game design.
  • Appreciation for well-thought design choices in gaming.
  • Excitement about exploring gaming considerations for future projects.

Behind the Mic

we see a lot of different approaches. One is okay, I put everything social farming stuff and the value is like the social side. Some teams, their value is okay. Our user base, like, okay, I forgot the name. I think gamey gaming was. I think they are like a telegram gaming ecosystem. And they have a lot of users that can be like the value of the token of is those users because other brands want to be able to attach themselves. Sandbox is the value of, okay, the product, but also the network that built on top of it. How can you for them, it's very clear. How can you add more and more value to it by bringing more players or also bringing more brands into their platform. So for each project is a bit different. So I wouldn't say there is a way to define how it's gonna work, but I think it's definitely the topic that every team should think about and also understand that each project is very different. Like an NFT project, let's say NFT PFP, like Azuki, they are very different than a game like Forest Knight. Like there are different audience, different people that interact with them, different assets to work with and different expectations. Like you cannot define it very clearly. There's, it's very different, but I think it's super important. There's definitely should be thought about. Amazing. Thank you very much for joining us today David. It was a pleasure meeting you. Your journey and insights are many-fold intriguing and I'm sure our entire audience is a lot wiser after this session. Before we close, is there any before we close, any last thoughts you'd like to share and where can our viewers find you and follow you on social media? Sure guys, thanks a lot for for the opportunity to talk here. It was really, really fun webinar and the same, you can follow me on on Twitter. Actually, let me check my, it's @firstight_n because I think someone took my @David and also on Discord the first night community there so I'm always there so feel free to join. Perfect. I would to thank everyone as well. It's always a pleasure to share insights and learn more. Dima, Joseph and obviously you David and see you everyone. Thank you. in like two weeks. Bye barking. Yeah, have a good weekend. Bye. Bye, thank you. Today very often when speaking of community. And we've been seeing this in the past few years. The community means everything for the protocol, for the project itself. How do you think about that? I think I think community is definitely important. Like we we talk a lot about how you suppose you're not building for one user, you're actually building for the community. Community is really more of the decentralization point of view, I think it's something that we also had to learn a lot about when we first came into the ecosystem. Like when you start like it's it's a bit more centralized, right? As a start because you have to pull the pieces together. But then the first people who join you, they are definitely like the early adopters and you feel like you need the them to make them happy to support to like solve all their pain points, because at the end of the day they as a community will always be there to support you in the long run. So no matter what happens into the market, like the the people will stay there the longest, they will have the most faith. So that's something that I've learned personally. They've been there for the longest time and they support us from day one. So having them involved, getting them engaged is definitely a good thing. And also you have feedback all the time. So sometimes when you're alone and you're trying to make weird decisions and then hear them hopefully can give you good feedback and they can validate your hypothesis and make them better. So yeah, they by far are the most important. The value is like the social side, telegram gaming ecosystem. understand that each project is very different. Social farming stuff. Like there are different audience, different people that interact with them, different assets to work with and different expectations. It's definitely the topic that every team should think about and also understand. Examples, yeah. I put everything social farming stuff and the value is like the social side. Sandbox is the value of the product and the network built on top. Here's how you add more value, which brings more players or brands into one platform. It depends on the project. We can't define how it will work. Each project is different. As a project manager, it's important to cater to every team's various needs. Let's say, NFT PFP projects like Azuki can be vastly different from games like Forest Knight. Different audience, different interactions, different assets, and expectations. It's vital to think about. I'm glad we covered this. Very interesting. Thank you very much for joining today. any last thoughts to share and your social handles? Sure, thanks for the opportunity. My Twitter is @firstight_n, as @David was taken. I'm also on Discord with the First Night community. Great, thanks to everyone. Enjoyed sharing and learning together. Bye everyone. Bye, thanks. Weekend vibes. Today when we mention community, it's crucial for any project. Your thoughts? Community is vital, more about decentralization. Initially, it starts centralized, but early adopters are key. Need to keep them happy, solve their issues. They'll support long-term. Learned much from early supporters. They stay during market changes, showing faith. Engaging them is beneficial, providing constant feedback. Even during tough decisions, their feedback can validate and improve ideas. Super important. Thank you everyone. Yeah. Thank you Dimo Joe for co-hosting. Amazing session. Thanks Befo for industry insights on web three and methodical design choices. Kudos! Excited to dive deeper into your project considerations. Great session, appreciated your time. Thanks everyone for joining. Spotting familiar names, thanks for being here. Looking forward to the next one. Take care. Bye."

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