Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by bondcakecooks

Space Summary

This summary encapsulates the essence of the ‘Gaming’ Twitter space, focusing on competitive gaming growth, community engagement, and the excitement of gaming events. The hosts highlighted opportunities for participants, emphasized dedication and support for new projects, and encouraged audience engagement in future gaming-related content. The conversation reflected a passion for gaming excellence and community involvement within the gaming niche.


Q: What was the primary focus of the ‘Gaming’ Twitter space?
A: The space centered around competitive gaming growth, community engagement, gaming events, and the excitement of challenges.

Q: What opportunities were highlighted in the conversation?
A: Various gaming events like tournaments, leaderboard challenges, and shorter competitions were presented as significant opportunities for gaming enthusiasts.

Q: How was dedication in gaming activities illustrated by the hosts?
A: The hosts referenced competitive eating as an example of intense dedication, emphasizing the passion of gaming enthusiasts.

Q: What was the hosts’ goal regarding new projects in the gaming community?
A: The hosts expressed commitment to supporting and promoting new and upcoming projects within the gaming community.

Q: What was the significance of using Twitter spaces in the discussion?
A: Twitter spaces were acknowledged as effective platforms for hosting engaging and interactive discussions about gaming.

Q: What was encouraged for the audience in terms of future engagement?
A: The audience was encouraged to stay connected and look forward to future episodes and gaming-related projects.

Q: How did the hosts describe the thrill of competitive gaming?
A: The hosts emphasized the thrill and enthusiasm inherent in competitive gaming, likening it to traditional sports and esports.

Q: Why was community engagement highlighted as crucial?
A: Community engagement was seen as vital for the success and growth of gaming events, fostering a sense of belonging and participation within the gaming community.

Q: What comparisons were made to illustrate dedication in gaming activities?
A: The hosts drew parallels to competitive eating, highlighting the extreme dedication that gaming enthusiasts exhibit towards their activities.


Time: 00:33:02
Emphasis on community engagement and competitive gaming growth.

Time: 00:41:15
Discussion on the rise of gaming events like tournaments and leaderboards.

Time: 00:44:42
Highlighting the thrill and excitement of competitive gaming.

Time: 00:45:22
Drawing parallels to extreme dedication in activities like competitive eating.

Time: 00:49:21
Commitment to supporting and promoting new projects in the gaming community.

Time: 00:53:40
Encouraging audience anticipation for upcoming episodes and projects.

Time: 00:56:30
Announcement of next episode and engagement opportunities for the audience.

Key Takeaways

  • The space highlighted the expanding landscape of competitive gaming and opportunities for participants.
  • Community engagement was emphasized as crucial for the success of gaming events and tournaments.
  • Various gaming events
  • including tournaments and challenges
  • were seen as significant opportunities for the community.
  • The discussion focused on the excitement and competitiveness of gaming
  • akin to traditional sports and esports.
  • Dedication of gaming enthusiasts was illustrated
  • drawing parallels to extreme dedication in other activities.
  • Support for new and upcoming projects within the gaming community was a key goal.
  • Twitter spaces were recognized as effective platforms for engaging discussions in gaming.
  • Staying updated on gaming events and engaging opportunities was emphasized.
  • Audience encouragement to look forward to upcoming episodes and gaming-related projects.
  • Passionate support for community projects and engagement was highlighted.

Behind the Mic

hello everyone and welcome to let them cook on the let them cook channel on twitter spaces.I’m your co-host pancake.I’m Jay bond.And we have a special guest with us today, can you please introduce yourself?Hey guys, what’s up?Kevin, the founder of atmosphere, which is a game, a sci-fi racing game, PVP team based of owning spaceships basically.Do you want to give yourself an introduction for those who don’t know about your illustrious career?Yeah, for sure. I mean, I would start by saying that my illustrious career in web three like stops and starts with isometrics essentially where we’re building a giant world together with tons of ips in terms of collegiate sports and robotic and mech-based combat sports for e-sports.It’s interesting to see that you know the competitive season if I may say for Atmos really makes it possible for fans to get involved, have lots of varied gameplay and of course bringing extra models to users while combating amongst each other.We run a seasonal system, excuse me, sunbury system that’s comprised of eight different planets and moons and rings. All of those kind of tie together to create that environment where you can play and compete. That’s great. Maybe you could tell us a bit more about the introductory aspects of Atmos. Yeah, sure. So as I mentioned before, it’s the PvP e-racing game where the unique thing about it is deck building mechanics and transport is basically act like real-time virtual dice rolls that lid and your opponents interact with the racetrack and this PvPvE massively multiplay online environment. That is amazing and let them cook fans. You know, this is what we’re gonna be talking through when it comes to like prediction staking and ultimately like when you get to the heart of it, this is gonna be the next generation of e-sport gaming and exodus. You really couldn’t have said it better, pancake. Thanks. I mean, I couldn’t agree more, you know, and like the potential is there always and we’re just here to see it unfold live. Um, incredible man. I’m definitely looking forward to, you know, seeing what’s to come. That’s all the groundwork we laid up for last year and now you’re gonna start seeing it incorporates in the game as well as other partnerships super charged into Atmos and maybe if you could tell the let them cook audience a bit more about the team behind Atmos. Absolutely. So Atmos was born directly out of the isometrics ecosystem that I mentioned before. So we have a big team here in house and also working across Los Angeles, Austin and also Detroit split between all those locations. And yeah, we have quite a few people who are excited to show you what’s cooking. That is a sizable team. I mean, it’s just making me excited, you know, hearing about it. And you know, something else that gets me excited is knowing that the resources you know, goes into making this project are phenomenal just by hearing this. Maybe you could touch on, you know about the recent partnerships that you think you know fans would be knowing about. Um, yeah, so we’ve been working with a few different folks here. Just referencing these kind of partnerships moving building and also investor-related partnerships like Nifty’s right. So that we can give the users the most seamless experience from the online marketplaces straight into the gaming spaces and those are some notable brands as well. And you know, something that probably the audience is very curious about is when and where can they play this game? How do they get started? Well, excellent question. We’ll have closed alpha coming up which will be available for some of the registered community members. When you get into June the three to five seven modules will become accessible to a relatively large percentage of our player base. And yeah as the months roll on, you’ll see more of these features being slotted into the ecosystem allowing people to come in book their chair. The racing beta will hit also by year end. Plenty of things evolving in June and through the end of the year then. Yeah I think your community will be very excited to know about that. Now let me ask you another question that has been burrowing my mind. As someone who loves racing games, I want to know the intricacies of actually playing the game. Can you provide me with that? Sure, no problem. The most important thing you got to have is like a niche focused skill set, right? I mean if you’re like invested in the lore, you got to get into the depths of how each individual planet’s vibrational frequencies work and synchronize with your driving style kind of thing. So tell me more about you know, customizing craft or what do you call them? I mean would love to hear the intricate aspects of that. They’re known as exoglyphs, right? So effectively each human has a unique identifier throughout the universe. You take your avatar, link it to your exoglyph and then you go building that out. And that sounds like something fans would really want to learn more about. You know, Jay, I don’t think I’ve been this excited about like the racing game since F-Zero X, you know. I definitely got really clung onto that too. It’s been so long since I heard that haha. Right! So what advice do you have for you know, maybe young gaming enthusiasts who want to get their hands on Atmos or who aspire to potentially contribute to Atmos Universe? Well, I mean it’s really about like diving into the Discord. Engaging as much as possible. I mean, I’m personally there all week. Fixing it for everyone. It’s interesting to think that you know, the audience would take you up on that and then have as much fun as they can. There has to be so many options for the whole competitive scene with all this. You know, we’re running tournaments, having weekend events and stuff like that because ultimately you want your community to be continuously participating, right? Yep, having that continued engagement. Right, the competitiveness really draws people in. You know, Pancake, we just had that space the other day, right? Where the guests were talking about how competitive eating is like such a niche but you know, die-hard people really want to excel in that space. I feel like it’s that same spirit. Whether you’re racing, eating or whatever, people want to compete in things they’re passionate about. So we want to give them exoglyph to be good at and get after it. Right. Yeah, it’s like nurturing a passion, something competitive to become proficient at. Wow, there’s so many future competitions to look forward to. Phenomenal stuff. Before we sign off, let them cook fans, make sure you stay tuned with Cooking with Bond cake account on Twitter. Keep up with the updates for upcoming episodes and the exciting list of guests cooking with Bond cake will bring on. And you might even get a chance to win whitelist spots for some of the most coveted projects. So once again, this is Pancake, your co-host signing off. And this is Jay Bond, Pancake’s co-host and half of the Cooking with Bond cake team. Thanks to everyone for joining in today. We hope to see you again on our next Let Them Cook episode and our regular show every Wednesday at 10 PM Singapore time or 10 AM Eastern Time. Stay tuned for more updates on our next guest announcements. Thanks again to Kevin and the Planet Atmos team, and to the audience for tuning in. I’m going to try playing this sound for our end music, hope it works. Thank you. All right, thanks Kevin. Thanks everyone. Thank you. Appreciate it. Thank you, everyone.

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