Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into discussions about Kaiser Network, AI integration in naming, the pre-sale of Kai token, and numerous forthcoming events and opportunities for early supporters. Listeners were urged to stay updated by following Kaiser Network for the latest updates and announcements. The dialogue emphasized the importance of the name 'Kaiser' and the network's community engagement strategy through pre-sales and events. The space's specific focus lies in AI, concentrating on cutting-edge naming techniques and token offerings.


Q: How was the name 'Kaiser' chosen and what does it signify?
A: The name 'Kaiser' was chosen to integrate AI and signify 'king,' standing out in the network.

Q: What are the plans for the Kai token pre-sale?
A: Kaiser Network plans a pre-sale for the Kai token, providing early support opportunities.

Q: Where will the details about the pre-sale be announced?
A: Details about the token pre-sale will be announced on the website and social media channels.

Q: How can listeners stay updated on Kaiser Network?
A: Listeners are invited to follow Kaiser Network for updates and announcements.

Q: What other events and opportunities can supporters expect?
A: Supporters can look out for whitelists, raffles, and upcoming events like the 'Let Them Cook' episode.


Time: 00:09:10
Introduction to the 'Let Them Cook' initiative, Speakers introduce the on-demand space for new projects to showcase innovations.

Time: 00:12:11
Leoni’s journey to founding Kaiser Network, Discussion on Leoni's path to contributing to founding Kaiser Network and her involvement in web three technologies.

Time: 00:14:28
Team’s technical expertise and vision, Exploration of the team's shared vision to revolutionize decentralized computing and make it more accessible.

Time: 00:18:21
Supporting AI companies, Explanation of how the blockchain platform will offer a secure space for AI companies to deploy their applications.

Time: 00:20:13
Choice of Layer One solution, Reasoning behind opting for a Layer One solution instead of Layer Two or Layer Three for Kaiser Network.

Time: 00:22:14
Kai token utility, Insight into the role of the Kai token as the transactional currency within the Kaiser Network and AI cluster system.

Time: 00:28:31
Vision for Web 2.5, Discussion on Kaiser Network's goal to bridge Web2 and Web3 technologies seamlessly, aiming for Web 2.5 integration.

Time: 00:34:28
Open floor for audience questions, Invitation for listeners to ask questions regarding AI integration and blockchain technology.

Key Takeaways

  • The name 'Kaiser' was chosen to integrate AI and stand out
  • meaning 'king.'
  • Kaiser Network plans a pre-sale for the Kai token
  • offering opportunities for early supporters.
  • Details on token pre-sale will be announced on the website and social media channels.
  • Invitation to follow Kaiser Network for updates and announcements.
  • Look out for whitelists
  • raffles
  • and upcoming events like the 'Let Them Cook' episode.

Behind the Mic

All right. The Philippines sounds amazing. All right. And I'm sure our listeners are from all over the world, and it's always GM in web three, so just want to greet you all again, GM. So, yeah, welcome again to let them cook. And we're please to start our conversations with our first question. So, Leoni, could you share more about yourself and what led you to web three, and eventually to contributing to founding Kaiser Network. Yeah, thank you. So thanks again for having me here today. So my name is Leonie, based in France. So my interest in web three began with a fascination for the decentralized technology and its potential to transform industries. So when I was studying industrial engineering back in my engineering school in France, back in 2016, so what drew me to co found Kaiser Network was the chance to solve significant issues in accessing and utilizing computing power. The potential to, let's say, democratize AI and high performance computing through blockchain technology. It was too compelling to us to pass up. That's nice that Kaisar network is focusing more into AI because there's so much potential now with AI. And so we'd like to know more about the team behind Kaisar network. Could you share more about them? And what makes you, what made you think that the. What? Sorry about that. What makes you think that the team is best equipped to deliver your vision for Kaiser Network? Yeah, okay. Thank you for that question. So I think that in order to deliver such project, we need people from the blockchain side, from the IoT side, and from AI. So we have three co founders, and our team has more than 60 people in general in total, and 40 people full time, and 20 engineers. And we're all from the AI, IoT and blockchain background. So with that being said, I think that I believe that each member of our team brings a land of skills from leading technology companies, for example, 20 years, like our CEO and other successful startups. And what sets our team apart is not just our technical expertise, I would say it also our shared passion for the technology, the move technology, but also our unwavering commitment to decentralization, let's say transparency and user empowerment. So at expertise only in addition to our combined experience, I believe that our team's cross disciplinary expertise as a start up cultures allows us to innovate swiftly quickly, and also effectively execute our shared mission vision. Oh, all right. Gotcha. Thank you. Thank you for the answer. And just again, for to remind everyone, again, if you have any questions, feel free to post it on the reply or request to be a speaker. Our team will review it and will be able to put you on the stage to ask Leoni your questions. But yeah, so I want to move on to the next question. So I'd love to hear more about then. So you mentioned that you are a decentralized computing network. Could you elaborate more on how you intend to realize that and what specific problems or use cases you are looking to address. Of course, so on that moment. So as a decentralized computing network, we aim to tackle the issues of monopolies and inefficiencies in traditional centralized computing systems systems by more evenly distributing resources, creating a more transparent and also inclusive ecosystem. So we enable access to computing power In particular for high performance computing and AI, in a way that's never been done before. So through a decentralized network of nodes owned by our community, we provide, let's say scalable secure and cost effective solutions for a wide range use, but in application such as AI training models, simulations, drug discovery rendering for movies, and even scientific research. Cool, cool. So I think it's a good mix that Kaiser is doing because you mentioned like some use cases. I really like the movies rendering because I think this creative industry is like, maybe active the spotlight on AI now because industry and technology is really progressing so fast. And you know, there's so many movies like example with Marvel that are trying to test the limits of technology. And I think Kaiser is doing a good approach that because you have creativity and technology both mixed together. And again, I want to emphasize as well, if you're just here listening, again, if you have any questions, post it and feel free to apply to be a speaker, our team will review it and then bring you up so that you can also ask Leoni. But for now, we're going to proceed and ask you our question here that we have. So we are also seeing a lot of developments and conversations around web three and AI. So I'm interested how Kaiser Network sees its role, let's say, in the ever changing quickly evolving landscape. Yeah, thanks for the great question. So in this rapidly evolving landscape, we are at the intersection of a blockchain AI and you we strive to be pioneers in enabling the seamless integration of cutting edge technologies. So our role, let's say our primary role is to provide infrastructure that powers this transformation. So by, let's say providing a more cost effective and scalable access to computing power, we're hopeful accelerating AI research developments as well as encouraging the exploration of new applications in web three, and beyond. So additionally, we see ourselves as advocates for decentralization and transparency in the internet. Therefore, creating a more equitable digital landscape for everyone. Just like what you said just now. So how about for decentralization and transparency part? Do you have a specific measure for decentralization and transparency users? Or is this something? I think a lot of maybe our listeners might want to know, maybe a little bit deeper on how decentralization and transparency aspect. What do you really mean about that? Exactly? Sure. So let's say for decentralization, our network consists of nodes that are owned and operated by a diverse group of individuals and organizations rather than being controlled by a centralized entity, so this distributes power and control among our participants. For the transparency aspect, we ensure that the processes and transactions within our network are auditable and also verifiable by anyone at any time. So using blockchain technology does inherently foster transparency by keeping immutable record of all activities. And can you talk about some practical use cases for people who are looking to use talent network? Are there typical use cases in industry or technology that we can point out? Our main view? So yeah, the potential use cases for our network are vast and we see, I mean, practically within industries such as pharmaceuticals, so for example, speeding up drug discovery process, and also finance where high frequency trading algorithms require extensive computational resources. See people calling our creative industry, as you just mentioned earlier, computing during the demand is a top priority. So other than that, such as medical imaging, so climate modeling, and also scientific research benefiting from our networks capabilities, we also aim to empower AI startups who may not have the resources or to acquire and maintain costly computational infrastructure like the big firms do. So by using our network will level the playing field for these innovative ventures. OK. So I think that, I think that pretty well answered our questions for like, use cases. I'm sure there's many people who really want to understand more bigger picture. And the question is always what's possible with this new technology? What's possible with this? Because people are being curious. So I think being able to understand more like a more usage, practical usage view rather than the idea extraction is very important. because a lot of people are just multidisciplinary view. And so okay, yeah, next question is, are there any upcoming milestones or roadmap items that you're particularly excited about or that we should look forward to? There's a specific milestone that you are excited and also shares the community whether or something out the plan roadmap question. I don't know what our community is most excited about, but I can share a few. So yeah, let's say in the near term, so our primary excitement is around the upcoming mainnet launch, which will enable users to start utilizing our network for processing really complex task. So this I mean, milestone will be a culmination of really long efforts from our team and our community, and we are thrilled to see it come to fruition. So beyond the mainnet launch, we're also looking forward to partnering with leading AI and tech firms to showcase real world applications of our technology, as well as fostering developer community to build unique solutions on top of the network. Well, that sounds well. and massive congrats and I can't wait for the mainnet. It's gonna be a really big event for Kaisar network. And I think community is also really stoked to see everything come into light all the things you've been working on. And so I'm also curious, what do you think? Maybe if you could talk about maybe the longer term like 5 to 10 year vision for Kaisar network where you see yourselves in the future. Yeah. So in the longer term, let's say our vision extends. So beyond specific industries, we aim to revolutionize how computing resources are accessed and utilized on a global scale. Essentially, our goal is to become the world's leading decentralized computing platform where individuals, let's say from, I mean, all backgrounds and sizes have equitable access to computing power required by modern applications. So we see a future where AI research and applications are democratized, just like we said before where innovation occurs at scale. I mean with minimal barriers to entry. So in line with this, let's say what our network ambitions, we plan to support training AI on vast amounted data sets to solve human challenges. I mean, global challenges ranging from healthcare to climate change. Wow, I think that answer really makes people excited. And you know, we always ask people with visionaries, like whether you're founding a company or developing the technology. I want to ask a question. that's somewhat forward looking to see how you guys now at this point view yourselves and so that people can understand more as a visionary. But thank you for sharing that. So for people who just joined us, and if you wanted to listen, feel free to replay and ask questions. So we're almost at the close of our talk. And for sure, you have really, really shared a lot of insights. So we're going to ask one last final question before we can have your final thoughts or final words. So we'd like to end our AMA by asking more insight and if you could share more specific call of action, not only as community members, but also bystanders and really just fans of Web3 and technology. Yeah, of course. So yeah, I mean, your support and engagement are vital to our success as we celebrate the ethos of decentralization in collaboration. So for our community members, we encourage you to actively participate by, let's say setting up nodes, providing feedback, engaging with our social, joining discussions and sharing your ideas. So follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter and community calls. And as for everyone else, so, fans, remember that this Boim tech isn't only the tech journey, it's also a social one, and have that unique opportunity to shape the future of these platforms, be curious, ask questions, be open to learning and seek ways to contribute however if you can. So the true spirit of web three is rooted in collaboration and innovation and together we have the power to influence a monumental change. Yeah, I hope that answers your question. Yes, of course. That's right. I think this is, I'd invite invite everyone, everyone encourages everyone to follow to be more engaged. So this is quite unwrapped really. And I love love again to turn it over to you Leoni if you have any final words for our community and that's it. Ah, okay. Okay. So let's say firstly by thanking all of you for joining our AMA today. So our team is truly passionate about our mission and vision and having the chance to share what we do with the community means a lot to us. And thank Pancake and JB for hosting this inspiring conversation and providing us the platform to expand. We hope that our discussion was insightful for everyone and we look forward to, let's say continuing this journey with your support. OK, thank you. Thank you once again, Leoni. Just want to echo what Pancakes mentioned earlier. Feel free to follow Kaiser and stay tuned for all the exciting developments. Thanks as well to everyone who tuned in and listen and actively participated, whether just by listening or asking questions in the chat. It's been quite an insightful session, especially for those who are just starting their journey into web three or even for those seasoned ones who are seeing new emerging things happening with the AI industry and the web three industry as well. So very exciting to hear all the things that you've shared. And for everyone who's interested to learn more about what Kaiser is doing, I invite you to follow Leoni, follow Python Network, and stay tuned for everything that they're building. So I'd like to thank you all again for thank the audience as well for showing up today. It's Sunday night from where we are probably Sunday morning for a lot of you guys. So it's Sunday, it's supposed to be a rest day, but we're here talking about exciting stuff with Kaiser. Thank you everyone for showing up. Pancakes, any last words? Thank you so much, Leonie, for sharing so much about Keiser network. Really learned a lot. And so for everyone here, just a reminder to check out their website for more information regarding the token and their project as well. And thank you all for spending your Thursday night or morning, I mean Sunday night or morning here with us. And let them cook. Stay tuned with cooking with Bond cake. Account to know when the let them cook episode is and be sure to be on the lookout for more whitelists and raffles that we put out in our page. So back to you, J Bond. Yes, and obviously, apart from the opportunities to win whitelists and raffles, be on the lookout as well for guests like Kaiser Network who provide a lot of alpha with like, what they're building and in their own chains and obviously like tokens coming up as well. So I think that information might also be valuable for our listeners. So be on the lookout for more of these things that we might be cooking with. Cooking with bond cake. And thank you again to ICER network, to everyone who's here. And yeah, I wish you a happy remainder of your weekend. Enjoy your weekend and we'll see you again next week and cooking with bond cake. So thank you, everyone. Have a nice evening or morning. Thank you, everybody. Thanks, guy. Thank you, Leonie. Yes, take care and hope. Hopefully we can jump on another expense together very soon.

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