Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Lazy Sunday w/@FunApes_NFT hosted by FunApes_NFT. Immerse yourself in the vibrant world of FunApes_NFT where candy-inspired animated Apes meet the blockchain. Explore how creativity, community, and niche themes like candy play a significant role in shaping successful NFT projects. Witness the fusion of art and technology as artists push boundaries, collaborate, and build emotional connections with collectors. Dive into the dynamic NFT landscape where continuous evolution, experimentation, and community engagement drive innovation and sustainability. Discover the sweet appeal of exploring unique ideas and forming lasting relationships within the NFT space.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How does FunApes_NFT stand out in the crowded NFT market?
A: FunApes_NFT differentiates itself by blending candy-inspired art with animated Apes, creating a unique and memorable collection.

Q: What role does community play in the success of NFT projects like FunApes_NFT?
A: Community support fosters engagement, drives awareness, and can lead to long-term sustainability for NFT projects.

Q: Why is the creative combination of themes like candy important in NFT art?
A: Incorporating niche themes like candy adds a playful and distinctive element that resonates with collectors and stands out in a competitive market.

Q: How can artists benefit from exploring unconventional ideas in their NFT creations?
A: Artists can attract a broader audience, showcase their creativity, and spark excitement by pushing boundaries and venturing into unconventional territory.

Q: What impact does emotional connection with collectors have on NFT projects?
A: Creating emotional ties with collectors can build loyalty, increase the perceived value of NFTs, and foster a supportive community around the project.

Q: How does collaboration within the NFT community contribute to innovation?
A: Collaboration brings together diverse perspectives, encourages creative exchanges, and can result in groundbreaking collaborations that push the boundaries of NFT art.

Q: Why is continuous evolution and experimentation crucial in the NFT space?
A: Staying innovative and evolving keeps projects fresh, attracts new collectors, and ensures relevance in a rapidly changing NFT landscape.

Q: What strategies can NFT projects employ to engage with their audience effectively?
A: Engaging with the audience through shared interests, interactive experiences, and community events can create a loyal and active fan base.

Q: How can art and blockchain technology synergize to create captivating NFT projects?
A: The combination of artistry with blockchain technology enables unique tokenization, verifiable ownership, and decentralized creativity in NFT ventures.

Q: What benefits can exploring niche themes bring to NFT projects?
A: Exploring niche themes like candy can establish a distinct brand, attract passionate followers, and open up new avenues for artistic expression in the NFT space.


Time: 00:15:45
FunApes_NFT: The Sweet World of Candy-Inspired Art Exploring the creative process behind crafting candy-themed animated Apes in the NFT space.

Time: 00:25:12
Community Building and Engagement Strategies Discussing the importance of fostering an active and supportive community for sustained NFT success.

Time: 00:35:30
Collaborative Innovation in NFT Art Exploring the power of collaborations in sparking creativity and pushing the boundaries of NFT projects.

Time: 00:45:18
Evolution and Adaptation in the Dynamic NFT Landscape Adapting to new trends, experimenting with unique concepts, and evolving to meet the changing demands of the NFT market.

Time: 00:55:29
Emotional Connections in NFT Collecting Delving into the significance of creating emotional attachments and building meaningful relationships with NFT collectors.

Time: 01:05:17
Artistic Expression and Blockchain Integration Exploring how artistry and blockchain technology intersect to form innovative and engaging NFT projects.

Time: 01:15:40
Niche Appeal: The Power of Candy in NFTs Highlighting the benefits of exploring niche themes like candy to stand out and attract dedicated followers in the NFT space.

Time: 01:25:55
Innovative Strategies for Audience Engagement Discovering effective methods to engage with audiences through interactive experiences, shared passions, and community involvement.

Time: 01:35:20
Unconventional Creativity: Pushing Boundaries in NFT Art Encouraging artists to think outside the box, experiment with unconventional ideas, and challenge traditional norms in NFT creation.

Time: 01:45:08
Unique Identity: Crafting Memorable NFT Collections Striving to create distinctive and memorable NFT projects that resonate with collectors and leave a lasting impact in the NFT community.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of creativity and uniqueness in NFT projects like FunApes_NFT.
  • Building a strong community around a shared passion can drive NFT success.
  • Combining art, animation, and themes like candy can attract a diverse audience in the NFT space.
  • NFTs offer a creative outlet for artists to explore unconventional and fun ideas.
  • Engagement with the audience through shared interests leads to a more vibrant NFT ecosystem.
  • The fusion of art with blockchain technology can result in innovative and captivating projects.
  • Exploring niche themes like candy can set NFT projects apart and create a loyal following.
  • Collaboration within the NFT community can spark new ideas and expand creative boundaries.
  • The dynamic nature of NFTs allows for continuous evolution and experimentation within the space.
  • Building emotional connections with collectors can enhance the value and appreciation of NFT projects.

Behind the Mic

Funape NFT Enthusiasm

Let's have some fun with it I'm going dumb with it funny, funny, fun ape this is for the funape nft yeah let's have some fun with it I'm going done with it yeah I'm the one giving my boys to paint the vision of the funape nft this is for the funape nft okay so let me tell you this the artwork really dope shout out to poop and if they add me to the team I'm never going back just watch us take over the scene you know this ain't a joke no kiss John hit me said yo have some fun and really flow drop the ether in my meta I said say no more fun nate beating on my chest with all my folk independent hit the weapon dropped him on the low off the streaming cause the block is where I'm going as well yeah okay, wait.

The Fun of the NFT Scene

Told y'all I ain't come to clay everything I spit is flame they all notice ain't twitter jumping I don't really care for instagram discord popping you can find me where they play my jams John been supporting from the jump he benefits more like family we locked in working on our plans they can't stop me tweet at Marcus and I'm showing love I'm too real to have them play me up inside the club I'm not selling out I'm buildings from the mudd fun they going minute come and have some fun let's have some fun with it I'm going done with it yeah I'm the one given my voice to paint the vision of the funny NFT funny this is for the funny Benneft okay.

A Scientific Experiment

One day doctor Bon tried his prototype. Taking flight out the solar system to find out the life forms. Where's he going? Fun except something else for him, not so boring plot annoying purely for from what they doing took the candy, put it in the generator, it went boom. My mind yelling, upset, crying, screaming that isn't the fuel. It took months to get the stock of it. Now chocolate, cotton candy raining out the boosters of the rocket, the doctors said. Apes laughing, choking gases for oxygen while demolishing all the sweet delectable treats.

The Chaos of the Apes

Bickering, hollering, hooting and booting. All of their doc's equipment too. It's incredible. They prank him endlessly. And who they having? Fun. But what is fun if everyone isn't included? They're just some apes having fun like they your elementary students pranking ruthless, acting stupid, who I. And I. Ooh. And banging on their chest and bellowing, too. Welcome to fun. Let's have some fun with it. I'm going done with it. Yeah. I'm the one giving my voice the paint division of the funny NFT. This is for the funny NFT.

A Busy Sunday

What's up, everybody? Happy Sunday, lazy. No. There we go. Lazy Sunday. Not for me, though. I got a busy schedule today. I got a lot going on. Actually. We might. We might. We might have to cut this space short. I don't know. We'll have to see. I forgot when I had scheduled this space that it's Labor Day weekend here in the US. So all my us friends here, not all of them, but a lot of them have things to do this afternoon, today. Because why? Because they're off of work tomorrow and they want to get it done today, kind of, so to speak. Or some people just want to be lazy, to be honest with you, which I would love to be lazy. I really would.

Reflecting on a Busy Weekend

I busted butt all day yesterday. I had my kid with me. We were having a good time, but doing a lot of work, too. We were doing crafting stuff. It was fun, though. It was definitely a good time. But it was a long day. It was a long day. And, yeah, we got a bunch of stuff to do again today. And then, like I said, she's off to school tomorrow, so it's a sleep in day. Tomorrow will be that day where tomorrow will be my lazy day and tomorrow is going to be my Sunday, I feel like. So everyone is enjoying their day so far. Again, not. Not a whole lot to talk about today. And then I forgot about the holiday. So we'll kick it.

Weekend Plans and Reflection

We'll run it for a little bit, see if anybody wants to hang out, come up, chill out. But we all know I can only ramble on for so long. So, you know, if we can't get, you know, can't get it popping in here, then we'll shut it down. I see Vinnie just came in. Vinny, we might run a quickie. We might run a quickie because I forgot about the holiday, and not that I forgot, well, I forgot about when I scheduled the space. And I really think ahead at this point. You would think after, like, two years of scheduling spaces, that I would have the thought or the sense to go and look at the calendar and be like, let's see if there's anything going on this weekend.

Scheduling Difficulties

But I don't know, I'm a fly by the seat of my pants kind of guy. Just make it. Take it as it goes. Except for if something is planned. Like, if something is planned, I have to really make sure that I remember that, because as we know, my memory is not the best. We've seen it here. When it comes to birthdays. Shorty shout out. Shorty tallis. Whose birthday was the 27th? And then who was it? Mary. Yeah. Her birthday was back in July. So sorry. I'm sorry about your luck. I can't even go back that far.

Plans for the Barbecue

See, I. Vinny just put in a message there. He's heading to a barbecue now. See, that's what I'm talking about. A lot of people in the US. I got two, I got two whole chickens marinating in the fridge right now that are going to, they're beer can style. And if anybody doesn't know what that is, because apparently, I thought everybody did, but apparently, both my sister and her boyfriend were like, what the hell is that? Because my boyfriend thought I was going to beer batter the chicken. And I was like, it's a whole chicken. I'm not beer battering that bad boy.

Cooking Techniques Explained

I mean, I guess you could. I'm like, maybe next time. But that wasn't the plan for this bad boy is to marinate that. Marinate it up, put it in the fridge for. For a little bit. and then what we're going to do is we're going to pop open a couple of beers, we're going to dispose of half of them properly, each one of them. And then we're gonna slap that can chicken right on top of that beer can. It's gonna slip right up its butt. I have a cast iron skillet that I cook it in so that it catches all those nice drippings in case you want to make gravy or something later.

Plans for the Future

Yeah, that's what I got. That's what I got going on later. That's right. That's what I'm gonna do. Well, tomorrow. Tomorrow. That's where it's gonna be tomorrow. Chickens. And for the parenting. Yeah, yeah. On my relaxing day tomorrow, I'm just gonna. And then, yeah, I'll pop them on the. I'll probably do. Might do the smoker. Might do the smoker. We'll see what the weather is gonna be like. I think if it's. If it's a nice, clear day and I can have it a little bit of COVID I can do the smoker outside, set the canopy up, tent, something.

Weather and Cooking Plans

But I don't know what everybody else is doing. But that's my plan. That's gonna be tomorrow, so tomorrow's gonna be a nice, good chicken day. Yeah. Outside of that engager missions, I will tell you, I must have missed some. I don't know how or. Well, I've been busy this whole week. This whole week has got me straight up busy. And I've missed a whole lot, so. Not missed a whole lot, but I missed a couple of missions. I know cryptic is. Where's he at?

Engager Missions and Rankings

He is. I'm in 21st place, Dan. That's my worst ranking in a while, I'll tell you that right now. I haven't been 21 in quite some time. There any games? And I missed the wheel spin. When people were playing the wheel spin, I got 3900 points. Wow. Cryptic said 1700. He's at 5600. That's 1700 extra points. Not extra. But that's 1700 points ahead of me. I'd have the ability to flip. So let's do that. Let's flip and go.

The Ups and Downs

I lost no 1800. Damn it. Damn shame. That's a damn shame. And then did we put. We put raffles in, right? Yeah. Just in case anybody doesn't know, there's new raffles in there. One, two, three. All of them have companions. All of them have companions. Damn, that one's nice, too. That's the hand. I like the hand. So let's see. 200 to get in. 200 to get in, 300 to get in.

Raffles and Entries

Oh, I have one entry ahead. That's right. Because I tested it. I forgot Goro that asked me to test to see if I was able to work. So there's 24 days left on that. So if anybody hasn't gotten into the new raffles in discord or not discord. I'm sorry. In the engager. I'm going to discord now to check the creamy bot, see if we got. I'm pretty sure we got some stuff.

Checking for Updates

Yeah. Ends in 22 days. The ones in the discord for the creamy bot. Oh, I see. Talk in here. Talk. There's a naked goldie. There's a naked Goldie, brother. I know you're into that. So that one is, let's see, 2500 max person. So that's nice. Yeah, because they're. The next one is a marshy. It's got the marshmallow with a naked cone body.

Details About the Drawings

That's 5000 is the max on that one. The next one is another naked cone body jester hat. That's got a companion.

Companions and Prizes

Companion. Okay. So the two. The other two are companions. And then a naked gold. Damn. So those are some good prizes. Oh, there's another one. Yeah, that's a fourth one. Damn. Okay. Yes, there's four now. That's 2500 limit too. Okay. Yeah, so we got, there's seven fun apes up for grabs between engager and discord. So make sure you get popping in there for sure. I forgot about those. I think I forgot about the engager one. My bad, guys. My bad. Yeah. Just tells us that we should be looking. Tells us we should, but, All right, look, I'm be real. It's really not popping off in here and I don't got too much shit to talk about, so we're gonna do a word.

Reflections and Previous Spaces

I know. I see you, Shorty. I see you. You know what I mean? The struggle is fucking real, Shorty. It's Sunday morning. Hold on, wait, let me get my in the space too. Where's, where's out at this morning? Hold on, let me get that son of a bitch. He's getting, he's getting there. Anybody in that space yesterday? I mean, that was a good space yesterday, but it was pretty long, man. I tell you what. I was like, I'm not used to mega spaces going that long anymore. You know, usually hour and a half, maybe two tops. You think about it, you know? You know, and then, and it was also a little, the setup was different. He, he only really had the person, the people, the project. He only had the project that was on stage. There's out that son of a bitch. He only had the project that was on stage up there.

Experience at the Space

And so, like, I sat in the audience for the first couple because I was like, third. Well, second, but I was third or something. Whatever. It worked up. Whatever. I. But yeah, I had sat there on request. I was like, I was gonna come up and say hi and b's a little bit, but that's not how that space ran, which is fine. I mean, that's cool. That's how he wanted to do it. But then, like, I would, I mean, you know, full disclosure, you know, after I spoke, I would walk away sometimes, you know, true story. But he would be up on stage by himself just talking for a man, like, damn, what's this dude talking about? That's a long time. That's a long go. I gotta give him some props. I definitely gotta give home voice props because he kept it going.

Leaving the Space

But yeah, it ended up going for like, actually, you know what? I ended up leaving the space. I did. I left the space around 4 hours into it. And I was just like, yeah, I'm gonna have to jet this out. Like, you know. Yeah, bounce. Because I was. I did it. I did the pitch. Anyway, I was doing that from outside. I was, like, I said, I was doing craftsy stuff with my kid over a friend's house, and I was like, all right. You know, I was. Got a break around, you know, whatever time it was, you know, explaining to him, my daughter, she doesn't. I didn't have to explain to her. She knows. She sees. I mean, she's sitting in the next room now, you know, doing her thing.

Family Life and Hosting Spaces

So she's used to this thing or whatever. But, like, I need to explain to my friends, like, yeah, okay. If you hear me talking, imagine trying to explain it to your friends, shorty. I don't know. Do you talk to your friends about hosting spaces? Actually, you know what? Host. That's a good word. Let's use the word host today. That's gonna get put in, like, two minutes. So hold on. Give me. Wait. I really need to get my mouse game tightened up. Don't let cryptic know. Yeah. Because we're gonna end this bad boy out. We will end this bad boy out in, and nothing too long of a time, because, like I said, I don't have too much talk about. And I know other people, like Vinny.

Holiday Weekend Plans

He even says on his way to a barbecue before on the way to do stuff, it's a holiday weekend. Didn't think about it. I don't even know if scheduling the space later would have been better or not. But, hey, it is. What? All right, let me get emissions here. When I say the world gonna be host. All right, I should get 500 points. I won't do that. But I should. I gave. Oh, yeah, hold on here, let me snapshot this real quick. Everybody that's in here now is going to get extra creamy. Yeah, that's what's up. I'm glad I was in here. okay, it's 115. It's 116. So we don't make this the words. You get ten minutes. You got ten minutes when the word is going to be host.

Chili Cook Off and Pricing Changes

But wait, but wait, hold on. I'm not there yet. First. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Chili cook off in my neighborhood today. And I remember. I remember going to this chili cook off years and years ago, and it used to be $2 to get in, and obviously, you know, you would get a spoonful of chili at each booth, and then you could buy some if you wanted too. And then there's other, you know, stuff you can do, like buy beer and walk around, whatever. But I was gonna go there today. I was gonna go there today. Then I had to look on their facebook page. That words in there, by the way, host, h o s t. H o s t.

Increasing Costs and Personal Opinions

I see King salmon in here. Good thing you got in here just in time, brother. Yeah, people are trying to hang out, so. But anyway, I was gonna go there today. Chili coke off. Dude, it's. It's $12 to get in there now. $12 to walk around a field, a baseball field, a little league baseball field. And try, like, wait in line to try and try. Chilly. yeah, no, I'm not doing all that today. There's a bouncy house thing we're here to check out. Soul, I'm trying to let you up. I'm not sure. soul breezy in the house, but, it's not allowing me to let you up. So I'm not sure. I could try inviting you if you'd like to come hang out.

Final Thoughts and Observations

But our bonus space word is host, h o s t. That's right. We're running a quickie today because of the holiday weekend, so. Bonus space word, h o s t. Sold. Did you make it? No. Oh, souls going, we've lost our soul. Damn. Nothing happened. King just bounced to. Does the. Is the space broken? Is it working? Everybody got the word. They're bouncing. I see what the hell is going. I'll rub the space right now. Fuck out of it. I don't care. I'm easy. Like, Sunday morning right now, right? Because that's what it is. 01:00 on Sunday. I don't know what time it is for everybody. Well, kind of, anyway.

Challenges with Events

Yeah, this damn chili cook off. I mean, it's cool because if you like to try a chili, but it's just gotten so big now. So many people go, you got. It's just a pain in the ass to stand there and wait in line, like, 90 degrees outside today. Nobody wants to stand in line at 90 degrees waiting to eat some hot ass chili, sitting there sweating with people, their bean butt. What's up, Jenna? What's up, Frank? How's it going? Started. Came up just in time. Yeah. Started talking about bean butt. Yeah. No, nobody wants to eat chili. 100 degree weather. Well, down here, but still, I was. Gonna say, aren't you in Texas? Isn't that where, like, they eat chili all the time? Yeah, but not, like, I don't know who's eating chili out here.

Weather Discussion

This type of weather crazy. I don't know. It's ridiculous. What it is. I'm gonna try and let soul back up. I don't know what was going on there, but soul. Hello. Just for the record, I did message cryptic about space, and he's yet to respond. Well, you know what? You know what? Just like everybody else. I mean, what, like, doesn't like, you say to everybody else? Did you check the tab in discord? Did you check the events tab? It's in there.

Engagement Platform Explanation

Yeah, absolutely. Actually, if you check us out on secondary, you'll see that our pfps are animated. However, X doesn't show that, but we're an engage to earn project. So our founder has built out an engage to earn platform. So all you have to do, basically, is once you're a member of the community, you can sign on to this platform with your wallet. And it's a read only function. And it reads for the asset. Once it reads the asset, it lets you participate in our missions, is what we call them. And missions are just what you do on X. It's like a post, a repost, following people making hashtags, using ads, things like that. Things like that.

Rewards System

Just simple engagement for the project. And we reward our holders for doing so. Now, what were doing originally is that were rewarding our holders in Apecoin, which was valued at around a dollar or so, when were rewarding it to our holders. But we've since scaled that back. We're rewarding them with nfts right now. Like, actually this month, I was just going through it. We have seven, we have seven fun apes that were given out this month. And I think six of them have companions, which our companions are the little, the friends that sit on your shoulder, and they're going to get you a free mint later on down the road. But that's what we got going on right now.

Project Updates

Again, our platform that we're building out, we hope to bring it to other projects. We've beta tested it with other projects during this past little run and it did very well. We're just doing some tweaking in the background. But again, that's how we're going to reward our holders is by the engagement that they do within that platform and that we do it every month. It resets every month. You can have just one fun ape or you can have 40 fun apes. It doesn't matter. You still have an equal opportunity to get first place in that monthly race because it's all on a point platform like today. We did a bonus word.

Community Interaction

Now what we did is because it's a holiday week, I didn't know that. I decided were going to cut this space short, but we're going to have a bonus word is our word is host. H o s t. So everybody in here can go into that platform, they put this bonus word in and it's going to get them an extra 250 points for participating and hanging out in our space today. But that's what we got, that's what we're doing. And we're just, we've been here for about 18 months now, growing, building, and we're going to keep going. Congratulations on being here for a good while.

Project Wallet and Accessibility

So I appreciate that and I celebrate that here in web three. I wanted to ask what type of wallet would you need for this project? We're an Eth project, so it's just. It would be an eth. Yeah, it's just metamask or. Yeah, metamask. Okay, cool. And then are you guys on Opensea or do you guys run your own website? Both. We have, there's. We're on all secondary platforms, so you can check out pretty much any secondary platform there, whether you use Opensea or.

Community Engagement Activities

Damn, I can't even think of other one anymore. Blur. That's the other one. I forgot about blurtainden. But yeah, we're on all secondary. We should be on all secondary platforms, I think, for the most part. Okay, cool. And then what else do you guys do in a project, community wise? We hold these spaces three times a week and then we also participate with other communities in different various, or in various game nights, whether it be poker or if they have games going on in their discord.

Recent Activities

So, yeah, we just try and stay active as a community with each other, supporting each other and fall and rolling into other spaces. We just did a mega space with a couple other communities last night. It was a good time. H o s t, host. That's a better space where you better hurry up. Host cryptic. What's going on, brother? Not much. Not much. Chilling. Chillin.

Technical Difficulties and Community Responses

Late risers today is what happened because the space started 25 minutes ago and nobody was here except for, like, three people. And I was like, damn. I'm up here drowning by myself again, and cryptic's not even here to make fun of me. Yo, I didn't get a notification of it starting, and there's only two minutes left on a bonus word. You put it in that early? Yeah, because I was gonna end the space. Nobody wanted to hang out.

Holidays and Participation

I was gonna shut this down. And it's a holiday weekend, too, and, like, people are on their way to barbecues and they're hanging out, they're day drinking, and they don't want to talk to us. So it's like, well, the Americans anyway, some of them. And. Yeah, that's what's going on. That's. That's the truth of the matter. So that's the crux of the whole entire situation right there.

Notifications and Communication

That's your meeting. Okay, you know, I didn't. You. I didn't get a notification of. It's done. Don't know why. Did you check the events tab? Oh, my freaking God. Yeah, I checked the events tab, and I want to call it. What's the word? You forgot? No, I said the reminder, but like I said, it just didn't let me know that the space was on.

Updates and Game Mechanics

Oh, I just got the word in. It said a few seconds left. Oh, my God, Frank. Frank, you flip? Yeah, I flipped. I lost. I hate this whole thing. I'm down by, like, 1800 points. What, you mean when? During. I had to entertain the crowd by itself, so I did it in the beginning of the space.

Flipping and Game Strategy

Fuck. Somebody else must have flipped. I just flipped and lost. Probably because they lived and I won. Oh, you didn't say you flipped after him. Well, no, because I waited to see if you're gonna flip. Okay, so now me and will spy is the same points. Did you flip and lose yes. To or something?

Competition Details

I lost twice in a row, so today I flipped and I won. Okay, cool. I thought you were sandbagging. So. Yeah. Oh, look at wolf. Okay. The assets bonus, they get.

Asset Bonuses and Points System

You see? So solo. My bad. What? We have asset bonuses, so we do reward people for holding more than one. Funny. While we do make it a level playing field for the. For the competition. If it comes down to a tiebreaker, we give what we call asset bonuses. So if I own x amount, each funny gets you asset bonus.

Current Standing and Future Plans

Points. Currently, Wolfsbi there has 316 asset bonus points and cryptic has 170. So while still a good amount of points, it's not gonna be 316 on your game. Cryptic verifying a way. Start flipping or something. Okay. That's really cool.

Project Features and Gathering Interest

I'm looking at the apes and they look really cool. Now, like, did different traits mean anything? Buying on, buying them? The different. What's. I'm sorry. Trait.

Project Mechanics and Future Rewards

Oh, the different traits? No, just the companion trait is the biggest one, in the sense of, like, what's going to reward you. That'll get you a free mint down the road. And there's 22 different companions. I think the companion floor is zero one three. When I looked earlier, I think it's crazy.

Market Fluctuations and Community Support

They were zero four something, zero five. Like a week or so ago. Our project, we've gone all up, all the way to a floor like 0807-0809, somewhere in that area, and then dropped back down when the market was crashing. And then it's gone down to as low as, like 0.00, like four. And we're starting to creep back up because we've had some really good sweeps lately and a strong community.

Comparative Value to Minting

Again, we've been here for 18 months, so the floor price now with where ETH is probably comparable to where mint price was. I would say maybe a little bit higher than where mint price. How much? What is it now?

Discussion on Market Trends

Let's see. Because it went up to zero seven, right? Is that where floor is zero seven? Yeah. Which is $17. So that's just like, just under where mint was cryptic, you say? Like, I meant was around 2020, $5. Yeah. But, yeah. So it's like you're getting a special now. You're getting a deal. Some of these. Well, no, all of them. All of them. Because even the companions, like the companions, for the longest time, they held steady at around 0405. And then, you know, oh, three, you know, gradually started to come down. But 0405 was where they studied and I thought they should have been definitely point one.

Joining the Project

Speaking of the. Go ahead, brother. I'm definitely going to join your project. I'm definitely going to stick around. So I appreciate you talking to me and I'm going to go offstage, but thank you so much for sharing this awesome information. Yeah, not a problem. Thank you. We appreciate you. And Shorty's. Shorty talls is. Shorty talls is awesome. You know, I'm talking about Shorty. It's am in the p. Well, no, it's PM. I don't know. Is it am for you? Who the hell knows? Shorty? Is it cool? Is it hot? What's going on, Shorty? We wouldn't know. We wouldn't know, Sola.

Shorty's Silent Nature

You know why? Because Shorty's a silent sniper, is what we like to call her. Is he? Unfortunately. It'S not am for you. Cryptic. You better get out of here. And you're lucky for her. Yeah, definitely for her. Space on Tuesday is at 11:00 a.m. by the way. Dude, come on. You're killing me. I know, but the holiday, it screwed me all up because now I got. Yeah. Just messed my whole week up. Just one day. Messed my whole week up. No. Damn. What are you gonna do with. Bro, you know what I mean? Come in here, space bike. Huh? Push back. That's what I'm gonna do.

Heading to an Early Conclusion

I mean, damn. We're not gonna do that, but damn. Well. What we are gonna do is we're gonna shut this one down early, because, like I said, I know people are doing shit. I didn't realize the holiday until. Whatever. But it is what it is. Like, it is what it is. And we got the word done early. Now people are gonna be like, what? There's a space maker? That was a word. And they're gonna curse me. Yeah, I remember all. Dude. Yeah, I remember. I remember back in the day. I say back in the day, but, like, 18 months ago or so.

Reflections on Past Competition

Well, maybe not 18 months ago. Maybe about 14 months ago. 1413. People get real belligerent, real mad in the DM's about the word sometimes. Like, not what the word was, but, like, if the word expired, they didn't hear it. Yeah, the competition was fierce. I can't wait to get back to that. That was good times. It’s fun now. Don't get me wrong, it's fun now, but those were good times. Like, nothing like being cursed at. Out. Cursed out in the DM's. Yeah, still cryptic.

Tracking Wallets and the Nature of Web3

Got quiet because it was him under a different account. Listen, don't tell it properly. He's joking. It was never right on the. On the burner account. I know. He's got the burner fun ape account. Probably in. Yeah, let's look at the. Hold on. Let's look at the standings real quick and see which one's cryptic. Burner account, because, you know, it's top ten. Let's. No, it's not. BK, you're not magic cat. You're not nine years, man. You're nothing. No, you're none of these people. I don't know.

Playful Banter

I'll find you. You try to. You trying to say I'm trying to trick the system? Yeah, man. No, I'm trying to say that, but you're not doing it. I'm just trying to mess with you. But okay, I went twice. You double up, you'll never find me. I know. Well, see, some of these people I've talked to, I got a deer I gotta really go dig into here, do some research, you know, a whole bunch of, you know, that. That meme of Charlie from it's always sunny in Philadelphia where there's wire or rope all over the map.

Exhaustion from Scamming

That's gonna be me trying to figure out where cryptics wallets are going to where. Where I don't have that kind of time, dude. I don't look at scammers wallets like that, like, let alone people I trust, you know. I check people's walls over thing. I know. That's what I'm saying. I don't have time. And that's what I'm saying. I don't check people's wallets. Especially, like, I'm not gonna check if I don't trust people. If I don't check the wallets of people I don't trust, I'm not gonna check the wallets people I do trust.

The Nature of Trust

That's true. That's true. I just don't. I mean, I could. I have the ability to. I know what I'm looking at, you know, which. Thankful to web three. Thankful to being in web three. Early on, it taught me to do stuff like that, you know? Then it just got exhausting. Everyone's a scammer. Not everybody, but I just can't eat, you know? I don't know, but yeah, I know. I know quite a few people that track wallets.

Final Thoughts on Web3

They. And, like, they do it as a hobby. It's fun to do. They like to check and see what other people are doing. And that's the beauty of web three, is that you can do that too. Like, you know, like, nobody can really. You can call people on bullshit, I guess, if you want. Right is what it comes down to. Yeah, like, to do. And web three loves to call people out on bullshit, so it's great. It works out for everybody. All right, cryptic, we're going to let you go back to bed.

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