Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Launch Week – Day 3 hosted by supabase. During Launch Week – Day 3, experts delved into the creation of open-source alternatives to Firebase, offering valuable insights on scalability, community engagement, security, and marketing strategies. The discussions emphasized the importance of documentation, regular updates, and collaboration in the development of successful infrastructure projects. By highlighting factors critical to open-source platforms and the significance of engaging with the developer community, the space provided a comprehensive guide for those venturing into creating open-source solutions.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: Why is community engagement crucial for open-source projects?
A: Community involvement fosters growth, innovation, and sustainability of open-source initiatives.

Q: What role does documentation play in the success of open-source Firebase alternatives?
A: Comprehensive documentation enhances usability, developer experience, and project adoption.

Q: How can developers ensure the security of open-source platforms?
A: Regular security audits, prompt bug fixes, and transparency in handling issues are vital for platform security.

Q: Why is marketing important for promoting open-source solutions?
A: Effective marketing increases visibility, attracts contributors, and builds a supportive user base.

Q: How can open-source projects benefit from collaboration with other technologies?
A: Integration with complementary tools expands functionality, user base, and overall project capabilities.


Time: 00:15:42
Factors to Consider in Developing Firebase Alternatives Exploring scalability, features, and community support to create successful open-source platforms.

Time: 00:25:19
Community Engagement for Open-Source Development Discussing the importance of engaging with users, developers, and contributors for project growth.

Time: 00:35:55
Security Practices in Open-Source Platforms Highlighting the significance of monitoring, fixing vulnerabilities, and ensuring platform integrity.

Time: 00:45:30
Marketing Strategies for Open-Source Projects Exploring effective methods to promote and attract interest in open-source solutions.

Time: 00:55:10
Collaboration and Integration in Open-Source Development Emphasizing the benefits of collaborating with other tools and services to enhance project functionality.

Key Takeaways

  • Open-source alternatives like Firebase provide flexibility and control over data.
  • Consider factors like scalability, features, and community support when developing Firebase alternatives.
  • Documentation and ease of use are vital for the success of open-source projects.
  • Engaging with the developer community can enhance the development and adoption of alternative platforms.
  • Regular updates and maintenance are crucial for the sustainability of open-source projects.
  • Collaboration and feedback from users contribute to the improvement and evolution of open-source solutions.
  • Monitoring and addressing security vulnerabilities is essential for the credibility of open-source platforms.
  • Marketing strategies play a significant role in promoting open-source projects to attract user interest and contributions.
  • Integration with other tools and services can enhance the functionality and appeal of open-source Firebase alternatives.
  • Community involvement and support are key for building a thriving ecosystem around open-source development platforms.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena. Sadeena.

Introduction to the Opal Show

All right, GMGM, how's everybody doing? Thank you guys so much for tuning in for the 6th episode of the Opal show. We're very excited and have a fantastic panel up here today. Of course, it's been a very, how do I say this, eventful couple of days in quite a few different ways. Right? I think just for not only crypto, but just on a larger, global level, we've seen some crazy stuff happen, even over the last 24 hours where Trump and Elon Musk held their spaces, and they talked about a bunch of stuff which we have touched upon in this space. I mean, there's so much going on about the future of crypto, the future of ordinals, and after Trump going and giving his really bullish speech that he gave in Nashville, it's just so exciting to see how we're able to kind of bridge these once what seem to be figures that would never even talk about cryptocurrency or. We were just in our little bubble on Twitter for the last two years over the bear market, and now we see so many celebrities coming in, political figures coming in. Everyone's just chiming in one way or another. So it's a really exciting time to be involved in the ecosystem.

Panel Introduction and Co-host Interaction

And we've got a fantastic lineup of speakers up here today, builders from across different projects, which we'll get right up to. But just before we move over to all the other speakers, we've got my co-host here, Tim. Tim, how you doing, my friend? GMGM. How is everyone today? I'm so pumped, man. You know, a lot of things happening, a lot of green, you know, in the runes and ordinals charts this couple of days. So, you know, it feels good. A lot of great calls happening prior to heading back to Asia for Korea Blockchain Week Singapore Token 29 coming soon. So, yeah, super excited. Yeah, man, it's been crazy to see, like, there's so much volume and attention coming back into just the, like, not. Not just meme coins, of course, that was the kind of meta for meme coins, runes, and these token-oriented concepts. But now we're coming back to art, coming back to larger scale collectibles, ordinals, NFTs across ecosystems.

Anticipation for Upcoming Events

So it's really exciting to see. But, dude, I can't wait for everybody to get started on their Asia fever Korea Blockchain Week 2049 ordinal summit. So it's just gonna be. It's gonna be so fun. All right, so, Tim, how you feeling, man? I mean, Paris Olympics just wrapped up. Yeah, I know. Well, I have to be proud, right? As a. As a French guy, you know, I think Paris went well. You know, a lot of people in France were scared that, you know, something would happen, but everything that happened was kind of, you know, people, you know, arguing about, you know, the man in blue and. And some other shit like that. So it was okay. I think it was amazing. France, like, beat its own record. Like, they never had so many medals in, like, 40 years. So, yeah, it was great, you know, great vibes in France overall.

Concluding Thoughts on Finals and Future Plans

I think people are kind of sad now that they have to go back to reality, but it's okay. You know, I think we have to keep the good memories, and I think it's kind of what I was saying last week or so, like, a lot of people in the ordinal space have been taking a short break, I think, after Nashville and recovering, and I do see people kind of coming back to work and coming back to building, and I think we're going to feel it in the market in the coming weeks, especially. Yeah. Coming up to September, October. So I think, you know, things are happening according to plan. Yeah, man, it's going to be an exciting couple of weeks ahead. My personal favorite part of the Olympics was literally the last day where it was the closing ceremony with Tom Cruise. But you top it all off with a guy climbing the Eiffel Tower, which is just absolutely hilarious.

Transitioning to Exciting News

But all right. I mean, you all right? Yeah. Okay. Speaking of, you know, exciting stuff upcoming, I'm sure all of you have been seeing a little bit of a countdown that Nate has been conducting, or Nate's team has been conducting on the beyond tech page. And we just also announced beyond tech as one of the partners and one of the members of the larger opal ecosystem. So we've pinned a couple of our latest announcements up here. We'll get to them a little later. But, you know, while on the topic of exciting stuff being pushed out, let's hand over the mic to Nate. Nate, GM, how are you doing, my friend? Gm. GM, guys, pleasure to be here in this space and partnering with Opal. Great stuff coming.

Beyond Tech Announcement

And, yeah, you spill the beans already. We have a countdown on the website. Beyond is coming live soon. We had to delay a little bit because market conditions were suboptimal, but now I think that we are ready to launch this September. So everything is prepared well. Many listeners probably don't know what beyond is because we've been keeping the information a little bit on sales mode until we launch. But. Well, you tell me, Jordan, should I, like, make a. What can you say? Tell us a little bit more. Tell us a little bit more.

Explaining Beyond Tech

For the people here that have never heard of beyond, obviously, you know, we know a lot because we've been chatting for the past couple of months, but what can you share with your audience? And, you know, why should I see five days countdown, right? So what should they expect for sure? So, basically, what beyond is? It's a Bitcoin L1 interoperability protocol that connects Bitcoin L1 across all the standards. You know, it's crazy. Bitcoin has, like, ten or 20 different standards. We are initially supporting the major ones. So, for example, you can go from roots to BRC 20 to taproot assets seamlessly without leaving the Bitcoin L1.

Connecting Different Standards

We are connecting the Bitcoin L1 to 70 plus chains that could have been possible without layer zero. So layer zero is one of our main partners. And this means that any protocol that wants to make the token interoperable across all these chains, like Solana, Ethereum-based Arbitrum, you name it, we can enable it, and they will get this interoperability from us, which gets the users to bridge from one chain to another without fragmented liquidity and the other way around as well. So we are bringing this very well-known and popular tokens. UCP is Solana Dai to the Bitcoin L1 as a BSC 20 run asset. So, in short, this, like, we are making Bitcoin fully interoperable through layer zero as well.

Anticipating the Public Launch

And we are launching, like, very soon. So once we go public, there's going to be, like, a very short time between our go public and the main event launch. That's really exciting, man. Thank you so much for at least giving us a better idea. Because, dude, honestly, of course, pre-spaces, what do you do? You look into every project, you look into every person coming on. And of course, even when we were announcing beyond being a part of the opal ecosystem as a member, trust me, we're going to like. We did an audit of your personal account. We tried to look through all the replies on the beyond account. Couldn't find a single proper piece of alpha, and we're just like, okay, when Nate hops on this space, we have to grill him for as much information as we can.

Nate's Background

So we really appreciate it. And, dude, please tell us a little bit about yourself personally as well. How did you get started up in this space? Would love to, you know, develop a little bit of your personal profile. Because your profile is currently quite small and I'm sure people would love to understand how you got into this space and what inspired you to build beyond, for sure. So I come from a finance background. I got started into crypto, like, 2016, I think around 2020. We formed a team that currency is building beyond. Initially, we were acting as an agency building for others, but since the idea of building beyond came across, we decided to put on pause this agency we had and dedicate all our resources into building this platform and giving it 100% of our attention.

Commitment to Building

So being in this space for, I think, eight years now, and as a builder for four to three years, actively building in the web space. Well, it's great to see you still have a lot of motivation. And man, I'm so excited for you, launching in September. Plus you're really putting yourself against the wall because once you have a countdown on the website, that's very hard to change. So good luck with that. We'll go back to you shortly. So as you guys saw today, we have a few other guests. We have a quarry from magisets. We have Naqib from Orzar. I wanted to go to Jan first. Jan, thanks so much for joining.

Welcoming Jan from X Verse

Jan from X verse, also host of the ordinal show and organizer of ordinals Asia. How are you, man? What's up, guys? I am super excited to be here with you, as always. I am doing fantastic. I couldn't be more excited. We're just building, man. I'm excited for the building. I don't care about the markets too much. Even though it's green, it's good. Yeah, we know. We know. Exactly. I think we shouldn't look at it too much daily, but it's in our blood, right? I think. I don't know. I try not to look at it too much, but the timeline catches up on me.

Thoughts on Interoperability

So I wanted to. I wanted to go to you because I want to hear your view on what Nate was sharing about, you know, what they're building. And I'm sure at Exverse you must talk to, I don't know, a lot of people building, you know, into interoperability, L1 L2s or all that stuff. So what's your perspective on, you know, what is going to be the silver bullet that's really going to help everyone? Maybe something coming out soon or is it going to be slower than we think it is? Or are you guys working on something that's really going to change the game from a user experience perspective? Like would.

Perspectives on Progress

Yeah, we would love to hear your thoughts. Yeah, you know, I think, you know, there's probably not going to be a silver bullet. You know, I think things are not going to change overnight with one announcement or with one development. I think ultimately it's going to happen gradually and we're all contributing to it. Right. So it's not only about experts, obviously. I think we play a very important role as a wallet company because everybody in the ecosystem needs a good wallet that can support all of these different protocols and ordinals and runes and L2s and what you guys are building and stuff like that.

Ecosystem Growth and Consolidation

So obviously we play, I would say, a very important role, but it's not only about us. So it's the entire ecosystem kind of getting bigger and bigger. And so I personally think obviously right now we're kind of in the period of time where everything is slower because obviously the excitement maybe is nothing as high compared to what happened in March when we were in Denver when everything was blowing up, the expectations, pre-runes and all of this stuff, it was basically all-time high when we look at the charts. And so obviously right now we're not at that level. So we're going through some sort of consolidation and we're kind of filtering out the real builders and people that are here for the long haul.

Future Developments and Innovations

And I think that in the next coming months, with some of these announcements coming not only from us, we're always trying to improve the user experience with the swap aggregation, obviously, many partnerships we're working with a lot of these L2s and coming up with the right kind of product strategy there. How can we actually make it really Bitcoin native as well as really great user experience that is way better than what they're even used to from other chains. But yeah, there's going to be so much more that is going to happen. We see the excitement around fractal. We see the excitement around. I just talked to some people talking or building around Arch network. There are people, they're talking about opnet, there are people that are talking about, you know, like layer zero for Bitcoin.

Expectations for Market Movement

And so I think, like, this experimentation is great and I expect in the next coming months, you know, I think it's going to be super exciting and the market obviously is going to follow. I think we're going to see a lot more green candles, you know, not just the ones from this week, but a lot more. Yeah, I think it's a great time to, you know, take a little break from trading and looking at charts and actually learning about all these, you know, new layers coming out and yeah, opnet, you know, just came out last week. I was reading their white paper and I was kind of happy to be able to really dig deeper and, you know, take a couple of hours to read everything because we know that when it's going to be all-time high and craziness again, nobody is going to read anything.

Reflection on Learning

So let's take the time during summer to read a bit more and learn more about the technical background. And I want to go back to you, Jan, later, talking about your show, technically speaking, which I love watching. I'll come back to you. I want to go to Quarry. Quarry, thanks so much for being back on the show. Magi Set founder, how are you, Mandev? Hey, man. Excited to be here and happy that I'm back. Well, I just jumped out of a development call and yeah, we're preparing super nice stuff at Magic Sat.

Updates from Magic Sat

We finally figured out how to bypass the unpleasant room splitting before listing. So that's one of our big improvements that we're launching sometimes this for next week and. Yeah, let's double down on that. What do you mean by rune splitting? Like what's going to be the new. Well, everyone, you know those listings with like, I don't know, 10 million dog or 100 million dog listed. I think, I think one guy sold like three hundred K USD of dog in like. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So like nobody likes those listings. However, they do happen because there is no possibility right now to seamlessly list less of them without going to a service that splits them, waiting for a block, then listing and then mining your day.

Challenges in Current Listing Processes

So you got to picture this. You're that guy who has 300k worth of dog. You probably have your friend waiting for you in a revved-up Ferrari outside of your house. So you gotta fucking list those and then bounce. So you can't really do that because you can't really list less.

Addressing Transaction Wait Times

If you have to wait for the block half an hour, then you gotta go out. But first wait for the confirmation, lease the packages and so on. So that's the issue that we're working to solve right now on magic because it is solvable. You don't have to go through that process. Like if you have 1 billion dogs, for example, and you only want to list, let's say, ten packages of 100k dog, then you can do that without launching any transaction and waiting for any confirmation. And it's a big part of the UX unpleasantness of runes right now. That you have to split and wait for the block and then list them. But we figured out a solution at Magiset and our marketplace will allow people to only partially to list partial packages of runes even if they got bigger utxos.

Explaining the New Listing Process

So basically the way it works is let's assume you have 1 billion dog. You only want to list two packages of 200k dog. So what you do, you sign the transaction that splits the runes into those two packages and the rest of them, you send us that transaction, we store it, we put the listings of 200k runes. Then when somebody buys them, we send the split transaction and we also chain the buying transactions with those. So then the splitting only happens if somebody is interested and actually buys those runes. So that's what we've been working at for like almost a month. And I think it will make the whole ux thing when it comes to runes, much easier. And it's definitely one step forward for the industry in the direction of seamless trading without having headaches and waiting by your computer half an hour to split those rooms into smaller packages.

User Experience Focus

No, absolutely. I think that's a fantastic piece of user experience that you guys are currently tackling. Even in the early days of BRC twenties, I remember when everyone was facing a very similar problem of not being able to split the groups of the BRC twenties, but larger was large chunks and you were waiting for that large order to come in to be fulfilled. And you're just making liquidity a lot easier to flow within the bitcoin ecosystem. And that's really fantastic to see. Speaking of which, Corey, I want to ask, why did you choose to focus on this particular problem? There's so many, of course. I mean, we're a year and a half into ordinals, right. The growth and development of the bitcoin ecosystem at this level we've never seen prior. And there are so many user experience issues. So why did you think that you guys wanted to first start off by tackling runes?

Focus on User Experiences

Well, we do tackle pretty much everything when it comes to trading. We did start with the RBF issue and the issue there was that it wasn't democratized. So we put magistrate sniping tools available for everyone, made RBF sniping available for everyone, and then we shifted our focus towards the issues of traditional marketplaces and the issues that are not necessarily RBF related. But we studied runes, we studied ordinals. And I think the fact that people don't use runes or that the runes launch was quite anticlimactic was less than everyone expected is because as UDI said, at some point runes are the. Basically, in terms of user experience right now are basically BRC 2.0. So there isn't a huge difference between how BRC 20 works and how runes work, aside from not having to inscribe something.

Looking at Improvements

But other than that, they're pretty similar in terms of user experience. However, it can better. Like, it's not an issue of the protocol itself isn't good enough. It's an issue of like, builders didn't have the necessary time to do everything that they can about the runes user experience. So this is one of the issues that we set out to solve for people that are trading runes. And I think it's one of the biggest issues. not the biggest one, but like, it's. It's one that we can solve. And it's a big issue because nobody likes to sit and wait to split their runes and they. They much rather list the whole thing and go about their day. So yeah, that. That's why we set out to solve this particular issue, because it's one of the solvable issues without any.

Recent Developments

Any degree of custody. That's awesome. I mean, I feel like over the last few months we've definitely seen that meta come in across the industry, right? Especially with the 404 narrative across these different, like, Solana or Ethereum. So it's about time that we kind of start tackling that liquidity issue in bitcoin as well to try and make these what seem to be more daunting or intimidating runes or just communities you want to be a part of or assets you want to own. Just making everything a lot more accessible. So you guys are absolutely killing it. But Corey, I know you got to go in two minutes, but I have to ask, tell us about this recent airdrop of greed fragments.

Insights on Greed Fragments

So if I understand correctly, it's like all the different eligible quarry Masterworks collections, right? What does it mean? And what are you really getting at with this new latest airdrop? Yeah, so we airdropped grid fragments to some select communities. And obviously everything that was created by me under Quarry's Masterworks. And yeah, the main things about greed fragments is first of all, they have a dope holder distribution. Second of all, their rune number 20. So you have that provenance part embedded in them. And third, the next things I'm looking to create will be linked to grid fragments in the sense that they most likely will be purchased from Launchpad or wherever we launch in grid fragments. So it's first of all provenance and then I'm planning some utilities linked to Quarry's masterworks.

Closing Remarks and Future Plans

Awesome. All right, thank you so much, man. Really appreciate you hopping on and sharing some alpha about the greed masterworks and sorry, the greed fragments for masterworks and you're absolutely killing. We're very excited about the rollout towards making rooms easier. I mean, dude, when you roll it out, please feel free to hop back on the opal show within the next one or two weeks whenever it is that the tech is ready and live. Would love to pick your brains about, you know, how are the users feeling, what kind of feedback have you gotten and yeah, like, whether or not you think it has really made a difference within the runes ecosystem. Would love to hear back from you, man.

Looking Forward

So really appreciate you coming on. Thank you very much. Yeah, I definitely want to hear feedback from users as well. So I'll make sure to let everyone know on my profile on Magiset. And yeah, it would be my pleasure to hop back in here and give an update. So stay tuned because it's going to be done quite soon. And yeah, follow me and follow Magiseth and follow Opal. Thank you.

Introduction of Naqib

All right, so let's move on to, of course, last but not least, we've got Naqib here from Orzard. Gm. Gm. Sir, how you doing? Thank you so much for hopping back on. Yeah, Gm. Gm. Feeling good, feeling good. You know, he's down constantly building a lot of things happening. You know, August is our two big product that's launching some of you might know since we chat about it and plan to partner on it as well. And as well as the second product that we are really focusing on as well, which going to go live in this month as well.

Upcoming Events and Launches

And of course, you know, we are planning closely for September, which is the inscribing people summit event, which is going to be insane cool event place, which is going to be at the National Gallery of Singapore as well as after party is going to be in a nice club called Ark Eleven, which is going to be pre dope. And of course before that we're going to have a nice vip dinner hosted by Opal on a fucking yacht. How awesome is that, right? This is, this is the alpha. This is the alpha. We can't talk about it yet. Oh.

Personal Connection and Excitement

I wanted to ask you what's your PFP? I'm curious, what's your PFP? I see you have a new one. So this PFP is by one and only aiko that show so I could is one of the very first anime art in ordinal itself, which is unique to ordinal space due to the Chibi art concept. Right. And this is a special PFP for me because I want it in a treasure hunt in Nashville. So I found a box that has an icon, Genesis and zero JD and Cypher was so happy that I found it and they airdropped it to me and it's been, whoa, that's cool.

Anticipation for Upcoming Events

And they even, that's a cool story, man. Holding a nice sweater and the dis. And also for this. And those are pass. Yeah, that's cool. Nice. So what are you the most excited about? The ordinal summit in Singapore. By the way, guys, ordinal summit, September 17 in Singapore. Don't miss it. What do you have a plan for the day? So it's gonna be a full day event and starts at ten. Registration requirements at nine. Starts at ten. It'll be a whole event till 05:30 p.m. and then after that we have the after party at nine.

Event Planning and Purpose

Right. So what I'm most excited about is this event. I actually focus more on trying to get people outside the space because I think a lot of us know that going to all these conferences or conferences, we mainly meet a lot of same people. Rarely we meet different people and ordinance. Asia was one of the very awesome event that we actually have new people in the space. And because of its in Asia where asian people are still very new to all these honors concepts, inscriptions, brcs, roots. And I want to try to bring the same whole concept to Singapore.

Major Blockchain Presence in Singapore

When is the whole token 349 week? And as you know, in token 349 we have all the biggest chains in the world that comes to Singapore. Solana, Ethereum, of course we have, I think Avex, Algorand, even Tesla is doing some stuff. The new ones, the new chains like Monet ton, all these are coming and doing some stuff in Singapore. And I feel that this is key for us as a space to grow because, you know, these are the people that I want to try to reach out and ask them to come.

Engaging Diverse Audiences

That's why on that site itself, I've been reaching out to speakers from all these different l one foundations to come and come to the event at least, or at least speak to the event to kind of get them to bust in data setting of ordinals. And the awesome part is this is the only honors event, official event. And of course, being that it's also kind of like a bitcoin event, as well. And that's what I'm most excited about, to meet new people and try to orange pill Dam, or they call it ordinals pill Dam as well.

Reaching Out to Key Figures

Yeah. Nice. Yeah. Jan Yan, are you going to speak at that event, I'm assuming? Yes. Yeah. Jan is definitely speaking his event. You know, Jan is someone who grew this space, who built this space as well in early days. And of course, honor show has been a pivotal, I should say, spaces that kind of grew the space as well. I would never. I'm so excited. I mean, you know, it was the first time we met was actually at ordinal summit in September last year.

Reflections on Growth

And that was also the week where, you know, we announced that were starting our journey on ordinals and bitcoin. And that, man, has been a year, it's going to be a year soon. So we definitely have to celebrate. But, you know, we have to keep, like, working hard because still so much to do. Like in one year, I feel it's not long enough. Like, there is so much to do. Yeah, it's insane because if you look at it right, like honor summit was a pivotal point, I guess, for the honor space.

Milestones and Contributions

One of the main reason was, you know, we had domo speaking about blessed 20 and its upgrades in on the, on stage as well as, you know, we brought the odd protocol team. Casey, Erin, Ralph, you know, very ordinary as well. And I think it was the first time Casey attended an event or conferences and he was there to talk about a lot of things for ordinals itself. And he, if you guys were at a vip event before that, if, I think some of you were here, he was already hinting about building a better BRC 20, I should say.

Anticipating Future Innovations

Right? He was, yeah, he was. That was when the ideation of room runes came, right. And I was very happy that it started. on his flight to Singapore, he said that, it was really insane. And this year, you know, it's going to be, I think, even crazier. You know, they're coming back, you know, young coming back, you guys are coming back. And of course, I see some familiar faces here, like Mister Jenna, you know, I see, you know, last, you know, last, you have to come to Singapore, my bro.

Swap Concept in the Space

And what is not good is for the people to, when they buy it's more like a p two p kind of concept. And when you sell you have to sell and then hopefully you have people buy it. But why we need swap in the space is that so people can just go in, put in the money, drag the slide there as much as you want and then just swap and you get it. That's what we need. And Jan know has always been very supportive in this, you know, of course this aggregator, if you guys have not used fucking exodus aggregator, you have to use it. It's so good. Right? And of course I wish to have odds that be part of the aggregate as well in the future, to kind of kick this, the ball rolling for the growth of loops.

Discussion About Education and Onboarding

Yeah, I know Jan has to go on a meeting soon so I just want you, man, I have to go sleep. Not meeting, man, I have to go sleep. I need to wake up. I need to fucking wake up at 06:00 a.m. in the morning tomorrow, you. Know, no meetings for the ordinal show. Yeah. Okay, one last thing. I want to hear from you because we're talking a lot about onboarding new people, right? I mean, that's definitely something I think none of us have been very successful at in the last, let's say, three months, four months. You know, I see you do a lot of education. You know, you're going to keep doing events. I love your show. Like, technically bitcoin on x.

Marginal Shifts in Education and User Experience

Like what? What do you think? I mean, you know, I'm sure you're trying to do that to onboard more people. Like what? What are you doing? And what do you think we should do collectively to actually get more people in the. Yeah, man. I mean, ultimately, education is the most important thing and also trying to waste to simplify things, right, the concepts. Because I can give you one anecdote. I was doing a podcast interview this morning and somebody asked me there about Utxos, right? And fuck, I'm like, I don't even know how to explain it to somebody who has no clue what bitcoin is all about and somebody who is new bitcoin, right? Like, we do this with technical bitcoin.

Navigating Utxos Complexity

And I have to give all the props to Tyler because he's kind of the brain behind, you know, the explanations. He can break it down. But even if he explains what Utxos are, if you're hearing it for the very first time, it actually feels confusing, you know, because like, why do you need to care how many utxos you have? How are they even created? Like, like, why do I need to pay more money when I have more utxos? Because, like, these things don't really exist anywhere else. When you look at Solana, when you look at Ethereum, obviously we also have the concept of gas fees or here, network fees. And so if the network is congested, you have to pay more. So the concept is kind of similar. But Utxos actually make this even more complicated.

Building a User-Centric Network

And many times just people don't get it. Like they open experts and suddenly they see, oh, shit, why am I paying more than yesterday? And why my wallet is not working? And then, like, we actually find out that, like, oh, shit, this person has like 3000 utxos in the wallet. Or we had an artist that like, did an orzard drop free, drop 10,000 things and they received like three dollar utxos into their XWs wallet and they're like, fuck my wallet is broken. Right. And, like, why? Why do I need to pay 40% of all the bitcoin that I just made on the drop just to cover the network fees? Right. And so this is just, like, to that point that it can be pretty confusing if you're hearing about these things for the first time.

Enhancing Adoption through Engagement

Ultimately, we have to push people to use it. We need to push people to use the network, to use the products that we're all building here, because that's kind of how you get exposed. And then you can start asking the right questions and then things actually slowly start to make sense. But, yeah, I think the education and obviously working on these products and trying to abstract that complexity as much as possible, which is obviously not possible, 100%, but we're trying to do our best. And you guys, obviously, Ordzar and you guys at Oppel and even beyond guys and billion dollar cat, I see them in the audience. They're educating through memes, right? And I think this is all very important, you know?

The Drive Towards Collective Learning

And so, you know, that's. That's something that we all collectively have to do beyond just building great products. We just have to, like, spread the knowledge, you know? So, so that was really kind of the motivation behind technically bitcoin because I know how these things can be overwhelming for new people. They were overwhelming for me as well, even though, you know, I have been focused on bitcoin for the past two and a half years. But before that, like, I didn't know anything about Utxos. I didn't know anything about, you know, like, merkel trees and, you know, covenants and, you know, time locks.

Personal Journey in Understanding Bitcoin

Like, I didn't know anything about these concepts until you kind of start, you know, digging deeper and you start using these products and you start talking to the builders, and suddenly you're like, oh, fuck. This thing is actually pretty cool. It's actually a simple, smart contract that we can use on bitcoin, even though people tend to say, like, we have no smart contracts in bitcoin, but we actually do have these simple things that obviously are kind of dump smart contracts. But still, you can do some sort of logic there. And so, yeah, like, you know, I think that's why we decided to do the technically bitcoin.

Creating Educational Content

And, you know, just, like, more and more spaces, more and more content is needed. And so you guys are doing awesome job here, too. Awesome, man. Thanks so much, Jan. Have a good rest. I'll try to listen into the audience. So, guys, never forget, Diane is co hosting the ordinal show every Monday. And Thursday, that's, you know, the longest show about ordinals every week, but it's super awesome. Yeah. Thank you guys. Really appreciate it. I will see you soon. I will see you either in Korea or Singapore or Hong Kong. We definitely need to hang out and, you know.

Reinforcing Community and Experience

Yeah. Excited, naked excited for what you guys are doing. Definitely need to, you know, this is also like, to that point that we're trying to improve the experience for swaps. The biggest problem is liquidity. We need more players. We need more builders like Nakee with a lot of experience building these mms and swaps and bring more liquidity into these pools and stuff like that so that the experience for swaps can be seamless and against the bikes that we're going to get there. It's not going to happen overnight because many of these things take time to build and also build reputation and build brand and stuff like that.

The Path Forward

You know, it's gonna, at some point it's gonna happen. It's always like slowly and then all at once, you know. And so I'm super stoked. Awesome. And I keep, as you have your hand up, go for it. Yeah. Thank you, Jan. I just want to kind of add on as well on the education youth exo part, right. For odds are, you know, in the early days when we started to have these DJ's coming in and doing a lot of stuff, you know, a lot of DJ's, you know, they flooded our discord, my discord, the other discord, because they were thinking were rugging them.

The Challenges of Onboarding New Users

But after among a lot of educations, in the sense that because like what Jan mentioned, the Utxo consolidation, they don't understand how it works, right. And a lot of these minters as well, you know, they expect to be able to mean a lot, but when they mean sometimes, you know, they have only a few Utxo or some of them even have only one utex, so. And then they don't even know how to split the UA Texo. And when they mean something, they want to try min again. It keeps showing. I'm not enough Utxo, right. Trust me that last year, around November, every fucking day, you know, we had all these DJ means coming in and every single day I have to host a discord event where we have hundreds of DJ's coming from different chains.

Analogies to Simplify Complex Concepts

You know, we have to educate them. Why did you text? So how does it work? I even give them a simple analogy. Like for example, you know, if you have a wallet, inside your wallet, you have hundred dollars, right? And then you want to buy shoes from this shop and you buy clothes from the other shop. You cannot literally just tear the $100 into two different dollars and then go to the shop separately. No, you have to go to one shop and then you have to make the payment and then you get the change. Once you get the change, then you can go to the other shop.

Implementing Practical Understanding

Right? That's how, if you have one, how it works, what you can do in the future is the $100. You go to a shop and split it to $30, $30, $30, $10, or whatever. And then that's where you can go to one shop where you buy without waiting. You can just go to the other shop and buy again because you have all these utexo in place. Right. So these are kind of amazing things that we have to go through to educate people. And slowly, you know, people are getting better. They understand why bitcoin is so much easier, so much fun, so much cool, and so people are loving it.

The Growth of Oda and Community Involvement

And that's where we try to onboard more and more people in the space. We are proud to say that as of today, Oza is one of that company. We focus on DJ. And of course we have 600,000 addresses. Of course there will be people have multiple addresses. Let's take face value. We at least have 200,000 new people from other chains doing legion stuff and coming to bitcoin. Right. this is something. Something amazing. And on the topic of liquidity.

Liquidity and Engagement with New Users

That's amazing, man. I. We need to bring those orderocs day back. We do it once in a while. Have some. Yeah, definitely. I'm sure there's more coming. Yeah, I mean, if. The funny thing is, if you look at order itself every freaking day, there's some dj means happening like all the time. I don't know, it goes from where? From what? Maybe from China or whatever. They get listed in OKX or magic Eden, whatever. It's just weird. Right? And on the topic for liquidity itself, I just want to share again to what Jan mentioned, right.

Implementing Swaps in the Ecosystem

Swap is something that is needed in the space. And the key thing for swap, to make everybody's, everybody experience good, is we need more lp. So that's for Ozark itself. We are always running campaigns. We plan to run lp campaign before we actually officially launch the swap, for people to come in and provide liquidity and also get rewarded. And the reason why we're doing this is because it's very similar to the old days, right? Like Uniswap when they first came, it doesn't have a lot of liquidity at all.

Motivation for Community Engagement

And people were complaining and slowly it became big and more people start to put in LP's. Same for when I was in Khyber network as well. So same for swaps in our current space. What we need is all of you here to kind of provide this LP to create a better, seamless experience so that it's easier for normal people to come in from other than outside bitcoin to come in and buy runes and buy Billy, you know, buy RC, buy dot, whatever with ease, right? Because right now, all my friends in Eve, you know, they're telling me, dude, it's just so stupid to degen on runes because you have to go to magic Eden or OKX or Uniset, whatever, and you have to pick.

Streamlining User Experience

You have to pick the kind of things that you want. And it's so hard. If you want to sell, you have to then list it and you have to help people buy. And take note, these people are from a very matured defi testnet system, which is Ethereum, and they are used to a simple slider, putting in the percentage, putting the slippage count, and then click swap. Right? We need this. And this is something that I'm working closely with a lot of people and hopefully, Billy, you know, if you can support us, you know, be an LP, you know, right now we plan to open up the LP for you guys to come in, to put in and you get rewarded as well.

Upcoming Projects and Contributions

We actually have something upcoming now cooking. So we're practicing saying oo API. So, oo API. A few of the people here, I think some of the speakers know about this already, but I think that, you know, our contribution is trying to make, you know, fun things that people want to, you know, interact with and through that sort of. Yeah, that, of course, you know, has a lot to do with Ux and how to make things easier, but then we learn a lot along the way and try to share those learnings with. With the rest of the community of builders. And, yeah, that's sort of what we're heads down focusing on now is. And a funny statistic that we pulled the other day, like, less than 1.5% of all ordinals use metadata at all. So that's kind of one thing that makes it one side. We can do whatever we want on ordinals. We can describe any arbitrary data. I think that's fucking cool. And that makes for all these cool experiments and all the sort of magic and sorcery that people bring into these.

Challenges and Focus Areas

But it also provides kind of a challenge on being able to address and query all these, you know, different ordinals in a sort of meaningful way to actually build with them. And that's kind of. Yeah, what we're focusing on these days. And very soon we'll start serving some tiny meals to some of the key builders and see what more cool things we can build. Nice. So in what you're building, I don't know if you can go in more details. But, you know, are you doing anything or are you planning anything with your community to, like, on a larger audience, or you're more like focusing heads down on your existing community, or how do you spread the gospel of originals? No, I think that's a good question. And definitely we want to inscribe 20,000 tiny vikings because we want a sort of decently sized, tiny army to go out there and raid the world.

Engaging with the Broader Community

So we're definitely one side sort of trying to contribute some fundamental things to bring ordinals forward, but also sort of on top of those learnings and new things that we build sort of new experiences that can reach sort of a wider audience and bring new people into the space, for sure. Awesome. Thank you so much, Lars, for coming in. Really appreciate you hopping in so last minute and sharing your thoughts. Thanks for having me. Good to be here. Of course. And just before we wrap up, I know we're in the last couple of minutes on the space, and surprisingly. Yeah. And I don't know if this is like helping to put you to sleep or you like listening to spaces just before you go to bed, but thank you for still staying on and not necessarily going to bed immediately. Really appreciate you, man. But yes, let's throw it back to Nate here.

Onboarding and Expanding the Ecosystem

So, Nate, everyone on the panel has definitely already touched upon the idea of, you know, onboarding different people onto the ordinals ecosystem. How, in Tim's words, how we expand the gospel of ordinals, the gospel of bitcoin. So we'd love to hear from you on the gospel of how important do you think interoperability is when it comes to the ordinals ecosystem, the blockchain ecosystem? And what exactly is beyond philosophy towards what it's building as a bunch of final remarks. For sure. So I think that how to bring liquidity and users into the ordinance ecosystem is a math question. And if you look around and see how other chains have grown from zero top, x is by onboarding existing users from existing chains and existing coins. So UCT, UCC, Sol, all these are multibillion market cap coins. If you're looking into growing the TVL, the bitcoin ecosystem, you can grow a little bit by having this native asset.

Market Comparisons and Opportunities

Like for example, dog. I think that's half a billion market cap. Or maybe it has grown this week, I don't know. But really, like, it doesn't compare when you think about USDT, who has more than 100 billion USDC DAI, etcetera. So what we are doing, really opening the doors of bitcoin to all these users from different ecosystems, from different chains so they can bring their favorite assets and use them and earn yields natively on bitcoin l one and bitcoin l two. Awesome. Thank you so much, Nate. Really appreciate it. And we definitely have a lot of follow up questions, man, but I don't know how deep you could go into what exactly it is that you're building. So all I guess we can say is that I'm sure I speak for everybody here on the panel and everyone in the audience that we are very excited for beyond to launch in 25, 26 days, man.

Recent Developments and Innovations

Really, really pumped. All right, so just as we wrap up, okay, it's been a very exciting week for Opal here. Of course, we've made so many different announcements, all of which that have already been pinned up on this space. So those listening in, go check them out. I mean, it's been crazy, even with the. So we launched Blip ID about two ish weeks ago, if I'm not wrong. And we're already at, what, over 100,000 blifids claims, which is absolutely insane. So just for everybody here, a little bit, you know, sneak peek into behind the scenes. So were very excited already that the. The announcement itself was getting so much traction. Over a thousand likes, over 80,000 views. We got a tremendous response from different geographies.

Global Response and Community Engagement

Really. Like a large chinese geography, like a community there as well. It was very interested in the concept of the bliff idea. We got them from around the world. And, of course, there's so much more coming because all we've done so far is launch it. We haven't even started activating it. We haven't even started kind of gamifying the entire experience. But we're so happy that over 100,000 of you have already claimed them. Really appreciate it. And if you guys have not claimed your blyth id yet, go check them out. Go on our discord. So we launched our discord a few weeks ago as well. And there's a channel there where you'll be able to get a referral id or referral code from someone within the community.

Call to Action and Community Interaction

Feel free to sign up, claim your blip id before it's too late, or if someone squats on your id, you don't want that to happen. Or go claim Tim's. Go get Tim dot Bliff if he hasn't claimed it yet. Go claim yan bliff. You know, go as make get. Did you. Did you get Timothy or just Tim? I got Tim. I got just the Tim. Okay. Everybody knows that my real name is Timothy. Well, I'm sorry for dodging you, but yeah, go. Go claim. You know, have some fun. It's been great to see such a fantastic response to the bliff idea across the entire ecosystem. Not only that, we also announced this very handsome Gigachad called Warbucks as our second ambassador for the opel ecosystem.

Ambassadors and Ecosystem Growth

He's an absolute killer. I've never had the pleasure to know him, but I've heard he's great. And we've also announced two of our latest Nakamoto members under the opal ecosystem. Of course, that is Naqib here, who's representing Ordzar, and Nate here from the beyond team. So we've heard from them about what exactly it is that they're building. Tim, you want to chime in real quick about the entire Nakamoto member concept? What exactly are we getting at here just before we wrap up? Yeah, of course. So basically we've already onboarded 25 members to OpPO. Everybody is going to build utilities to our upcoming BRC 20 rune token, the belive token and so Nakamoto.

Membership Tiers and Future Plans

We have four tiers, we have Genesis members. So people like X verse Magikiden were here very early on, almost a year ago to kick off this with us. And the lower tier right below is Nakamoto. Then we have Satoshi. Then we have node. I mean, all these membership are basically based on how much a project is going to bring utility and fun around the belive token. And so out of the 25 members, I think we've announced about 15 of them. We still have ten of them that are already building, but we haven't really announced them yet. Our objective is that right off the bat when the token goes out, and I know a lot of people are asking me when tge. We're working super hard on it and all the members are working super hard to build utility even before the token is out. So like I said, the next few weeks are going to be super busy for us.

Opel's Structure and Community Involvement

Super excited to work with all the builders in the space. And that's what Opel is about, right? Opel is a decentralized foundation. Actually. It doesn't belong to anyone. It belongs to the members and the users. And so a lot of that is going to come to light in the next few weeks. And like you mentioned, one hundred k. I even think we are 200k now. Belief id and wow. When live beyond game is going to open soon and some other mobile games we're working on and some of the upcoming partnerships we're going to announce. Yep, those are going to be very valuable ids in the ordinal space and beyond. So, yeah, this is a quick snapshot, but. Oh, yeah.

Website Updates and Future Engagement

And we have a new website, I think, coming out in ten days where you're going to have a lot of information about all these membership levels, Nakamoto, Satoshi and everything. So for all the builders out there, yeah. Feel free to introduce them to me. We can chat and see how we can cooperate. There's so much alpha I can't share. But soon. But basically, we're going to be able to really help a lot of smaller projects to grow as well. So we'll announce some stuff on that front. No, absolutely. Thank you so much. See, this is why I love bringing on team members. I feel like we're just so excited about everything that's being pushed out that even though we may have a content calendar that we have to subscribe.

Final Thoughts and Excitement about the Future

Bye. But at the end of the day, once you just kind of, like, keep going on your little monologue when it comes to spaces, you just want to tell the community everything. You want to get them excited. But of course, good things come to those who wait. So we're very excited to share our future updates with you guys. Like Tim said, there's the website. There's so much more coming and we'll definitely bring in more of the team members to come and share. And speaking of next few weeks, if you guys will be in Singapore, please stay tuned. We've got a very exciting announcement planned about something. We have, we have in mind about what we will be doing in Singapore with a lot of the different ordinals communities.

Upcoming Announcements and Community Engagement

So just keep those notifications on for the account and just stay tuned. We've got a bunch of stuff planned, not only from the bliff id side, partner side, life beyond. There's just so much more. I can't even continue. But yes, we're already a few minutes over the show, so we'll hang up here now. Thank you all so much for joining. Yes, yes, yes. Before we leave, I just want to make announcement. Since all of you are awesome, I just create a code for Opal 30. That means if you want to come to online summit Singapore, buy tickets for Ga.

Discounts for Online Summit and Closing Remarks

Plus, after the after party, there will be a 30% discount for the first 50 people. This is Alpha here. Let's fucking go. Whoa. Oh, yes. Yes. Let's do that. And we'll make sure to share it to everybody at Opal. Thanks so much. Ross. Take a look. Yeah. LFG. Thank you. Naked. Bro. You absolute beast. I'm giving you a big ass hug when I see you in Singapore. Thank you. Okay, let's fucking go. See you all next week on the Opal show. As usual. 11:00 p.m. hKT.

Regular Show Announcement

11:00 a.m. eSt every Wednesday. We always get a stacked panel of speakers. So we're very excited for next week already. And I'm sure there'll be so much more alpha to share. In the meanwhile, have a lovely week, everybody. Take care, stay safe, have fun, and go trade some ordinals, man. Have a good bloody time.

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