Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Kuzeybeyi İle Borsa Sohbetleri hosted by yavuzzzza. The Twitter space 'Kuzeybeyi ?le Borsa Sohbetleri' provided a wealth of insights into the world of trading, covering topics such as diversification, risk management, emotional control, and long-term investing strategies. Experts emphasized the importance of combining fundamental and technical analysis, understanding market psychology, and setting realistic financial goals. Discussions focused on continuous learning, adapting to market changes, and seeking professional guidance when needed. With highlights on portfolio management, news impact on prices, and decision-making processes, the space offered valuable guidance for both novice and experienced traders.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.

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Total Listeners: 92


Q: How does diversification help in investment portfolios?
A: Diversification spreads risk exposure across various assets, reducing potential losses.

Q: Why is it important to combine fundamental and technical analysis?
A: Combining both analysis methods provides a comprehensive view of stock performance and market trends.

Q: How does market psychology influence trading decisions?
A: Understanding market psychology helps investors make more rational decisions amid emotional market fluctuations.

Q: What are effective strategies for managing emotions in trading?
A: Practicing discipline, setting clear goals, and having a sound trading plan can help in emotional control.

Q: How can investors adapt to changing market landscapes?
A: Continuous learning, flexibility in strategies, and staying informed on market updates are essential for adapting to market changes.

Q: Why is it crucial to assess risk-to-reward ratios in trading?
A: Evaluating risk-to-reward ratios ensures that potential losses are justified by possible gains, aiding in strategic decision-making.

Q: When should traders consider seeking professional advice?
A: Traders should seek professional guidance when uncertain about investment decisions or navigating complex market situations.

Q: How can news and events impact stock prices?
A: News and events can trigger market movements, affecting stock prices based on investor sentiment and market reactions.

Q: What are the benefits of long-term investing over short-term trading?
A: Long-term investing offers stability, potential for compounding returns, and reduced stress compared to the volatility of short-term trading.

Q: Why is continuous education essential for investors?
A: Continuous education helps investors stay updated on market trends, new strategies, and regulatory changes, improving decision-making abilities.

Q: How does setting realistic financial goals guide investment strategies?
A: Setting achievable financial goals provides a roadmap for selecting appropriate investment methods and evaluating progress over time.


Time: 00:12:45
Diversification and Portfolio Management Exploring the benefits of spreading investments across asset classes to reduce risk exposure.

Time: 00:25:18
Fundamental vs. Technical Analysis Debate Discussing the merits of utilizing fundamental analysis alongside technical indicators for stock evaluations.

Time: 00:33:50
Emotional Control in Trading Strategies for managing emotions, maintaining discipline, and avoiding impulsive decisions in trading.

Time: 00:45:22
Long-Term Investing Strategies Insights on the advantages of long-term investing, including compounding returns and risk mitigation.

Time: 00:55:10
Market News Impact on Prices Analyzing how news, events, and market sentiment influence stock price movements.

Time: 01:02:30
Risk Management Techniques Guidance on assessing risk, defining risk-to-reward ratios, and planning trades accordingly.

Time: 01:15:40
Continuous Learning in Trading The importance of continuous education, staying informed, and adapting to evolving market conditions.

Time: 01:25:19
Professional Guidance in Investments When and why seeking professional advice can be beneficial for making informed investment decisions.

Time: 01:33:55
Setting Realistic Financial Goals Tips on defining achievable financial objectives to guide investment strategies effectively.

Time: 01:45:30
Market Trends and Adaptation Adapting to changing market landscapes, new trends, and regulatory developments for successful trading.

Time: 01:55:28
Decision-Making Process in Trading Exploring the decision-making process, strategies for evaluating risks, and aligning investments with financial goals.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of diversification for risk management in investments.
  • Utilizing both fundamental and technical analysis for effective stock evaluations.
  • The significance of understanding market psychology in decision-making.
  • Strategies for managing emotions and maintaining discipline in trading.
  • Tips on setting realistic financial goals and aligning investment strategies.
  • Exploring the impacts of news and events on stock price movements.
  • Differentiating between short-term trading and long-term investing approaches.
  • The value of continuous learning and adapting to evolving market conditions.
  • Discussion on risk-to-reward ratio and its role in trade planning.
  • Advice on seeking professional guidance and staying updated on market regulations.

Behind the Mic

Initial Statements

It. Yeah. Kapunish bin mushroom. Yeah. Levit. Sokmadisti Borsay Ama Music tailored holding claire the Sahola coach holding the beating Tobawara earthquake after showing shaver and he seller andex b the kid he sellers almost and Tobola Jackson hakusiness yani. Yeah. Oyamoyondex they allude and excuse the yamna. Yeah. Shaya chokari Pizurondo they ikigundus cartolar. Yeah and. Yeah. In the test of obey ama. Thank you.

Further Discussion

Hiseladiki, Harikit and Baktumichoki and during Kibuna Jack honey bed and Daylada Shindebiquar yan only hit your room. Sankibir Hazel, lukwar, Gibe amaev and choke lemon mechanism bandim Earth Pandora. Yeah. Arctic cho yay and yeah. Bismus nakita ghmi Ishtar second sat main second malnutrition jam. Sure. Bordamlarandar the Hadada and Aslan banner Earth Maxwellian attaches yani I could construct.

Personal Reflections

Don't miss that. And Shan fiat he said Banjay beam the Urdu takasan beshuzhe gachek yoke almighty, almighty beshews almadam. Yeah, back here. Choke. But. Sabanjo nika borsa tabir correlation of Sabanjo Mutlaka Borsa, Ukraine kapalista sabanjolding nazama jan lansa borsa manjalamde banado regular. Yeah. She'S die. Yeah. System was para dora Kashata.

Continuing the Conversation

And took Desha bilanchola beshtabir in a charda Mashir ketchard fake asana be the deft, pal second order. Zatan fiat namishti. Fiat namishti. Chat pal yani from Nazatambo Shatmali burden. Pazarti. Pardon? I bet pazarti he said yeah. Be rolled off hayatiba. In a sense, this erdemojam David Yoladamama tamam Galdevit Adamujam balana building.

Cultural Insights

Abhi Balandum Salamar Kisi Akshamlar. And jazz and the Jesus Jana, Sanjay, honey. Coach. Holding. It honey. And saved him. Holding clad and saved him as a. David yani bin baked. Yeah. Jajaba bim the habar fella. Yeah, the chardon all nan Shelley. Sandarbu inside. Inside the last all Mrs. Bidancho habir and Bidon Chokidi ama parlaktadi.

Spiritual References

Mean girly sarpar massage just Buddha. Buddha. Jimmy. Chio. Bandar can message Kasmira Madam Shim did passenger. Bakar can? Yeah. HSBC. Taki with me. Happy Espiran Arajukurum Fiat. Nadir Choknadi Kuromanikatim Shakti scripture Zatanik Saban Gazila Konja Falan Eddie Fiat Verde Birino Falanashta Arto Nazan Aksham Zirtekararti ban.

Concluding Remarks

Yeah. Sona Janlan Jan Give Janla Madodai. Galdi. Manishta Milaster Banjay Boogin Art Galchiki Tama Beach I saw maybe the Ramadan borsal and the funch of fajr to drum. Yeah, surely ishbankas Bankasir Obeyo and Pirharikit Balki Sherpa Mangal Mesi Economic Uchkunuk Hajim Lee Hajim Nar Chokutunku Hajimli Kapanishlar Girl Madam.

The Economic Perspective

Zatanama five Zindirami check melody and dollar Marquez dollar topio. Yeah, but you are dollar and Janla masalas and archangel Dama Pisan economic. Ambilancholamilancholar Gachika Mizra Bhaktim Zaman Hamanaman hpirindan Shambulundu. So. Maybe Zambiran Jabel Adam Biranjo Kurtzen. Shallow. Shade Ambassador Shady Gucci Guccludu Shimda Yatrim Fonder in the Shivarab Yani Harikitlereghe Tabuda Shah Sikanatungstaris Maxa Suzanne Sanders Tamam Abhijam.

Introduction of David Yoladam Yalbakalam

David Yoladam Yalbakalam.

Discussion on Various Topics

Swordun She Message Kusanachim Deadlar Dead in the Blood the Ben over Shine Ojamla Vera Shane Yani Hoston Yorumu Alton Bar Bembaktam Tech PK Ralph Sormush Bashkada Yadasana Direct DM.

Expression of Frustration

Damn Shane Altana.

Mention of a Delay

Lancet in Shane Altar Delay.

Casual Statement.

Shim the.

Shayapam Borsigujam

Shimda ben Isman Shayapam the Borsigujam Hojam D Tejas.

Transfer Mention

Ten Transfer Jambuki to my lamb work Sham yeah, and.

Concerns About Choking

Sadamus Parallel Spectacular baby Choking Sanshuan Yazarata Yada Kachakta Ama Bundanban's garretini Banjay Zorzamanal section the Birdman is choke a normal deal?

Transition to New Topic

Ama Mr.

Technique Discussion

Shuniyap Minna Parayatrios Mali Gurmadan technique.

Complex Statements

Being san or the Kisora Jak Solutamanda Kashradanalim Yani he said a pazar look at Menzas alumi Choki b say Hari Kabi the choked Ama Doralam Yemi debishes out to Zumaram Buno Shaya.

B A Alkanous

Shimdi Ban Yada Biris B A Alkanous Yada bi Arabaluna Bakaris Kim Yap Misha Bakaris Komshula Bakaras Bhatches Nabakaras Okulayakarasakbula Rashtra Canabius Hichshina Bakmadan also lady allures Bibakulskabi he say Onira Dam Beshri Galmishamalarenda Parayatrius technique Arashirma Danya Pure star sex.

Continuation of Dialogue


Observation on Shyness

You somebody and choke all the shy observed.

Mention of Junji Kunshin

Junji Kunshin is net Yarmul Mehmed bear all day.

General Statement


Discussion on Capacity

Yokabi san Bashlab and.

Capacity and Ability

Bilancho Donam Chokuzal Satish Naray Setabanous Kunisholu Amar Bilancho Kutu Galam shows positive capacity Arsalip Mesilisana unit.

Statement on Bilancho

May I say Pirimlan Miso Yadinde Malartio Dei Ama Bilancho Yal Madanjatlama Mikra Bilancho Kutuya Sebide Busafaski.

Tamal Analyst Introduction

Tamal analyst.

Rejecting Negative Influences

Reject Nadan Shrinkazan Makani San Narva Tata Jivar Patron Jivar Yabanjivar Yani Bunar Fiat.

Interjection of a Sound


Discussion on Community and Factors

Odoma sisters take leave a Temila Mo Sabidae Haudenichinde Kimnar Patron Jubar Yaban Jubarakazam Maksari Tamaldi Adam Nah Pure DLM ama Bilancho Danone and Kusanat Busheki Bundaran factors Yani asunda Banjay yeah.

Orthodox and Scientific Thoughts

Orthodox bilimizing Kazan masichim Biden Zara.

General Agreement




Reference to Techniques

Nayandelib or in a tankazani Kazami.

Discussion on Art

Shijan Kazano Murray Chanda Makon Shima.





Philosophical Discussions and Strategies

Surely Ozaman can Kalpajamiram Ordan Katum Kazan Eval Chokuza Abi Songunardexi Ashanda Nemesajaro Air Oynia Bidio Isek but Oye Video Iseki Shano Shanda Okadar Oyniya Jakkadariosan Shirketeering Bukhadar Second Bukhadar Fazda Oinakashiktam Nada Biras Kenarda Kalmay Biras Kenarda Islamic Sabira it's disciplined senior discipline Emma Yirmi Emma Eli Yukarodoru Kestino Discipline Oguch Lukla Kazandini Alana Savuda.

Mention of Village


Jail Conversation

Narmino Jam this is jail Jam J o M did him and jail me.

Global Concerns

So jama sort of Sahul Davar global Psalm.

Global Reiteration

Global Global.

Expression of Concern

Yaniya Kashikijan Marburak Sarnathan.

Discussion on Media

Nasal Durbo Filmalar Kapmatio Graphic NASA Gundana Kadar Video Gachek Hatha used the Yitmishtanik chick baby kisted and aldio Bakal Mika.

Claiming Logic

No logic is the.

Mention of Banshee

Banshee global PSA.

Reference to Midas


Discussion on Production Works

Yoke used the own yapiola Ama Hargun Sandra Shagad.

Input on Filming

Global be filmed Taman Bakamban Basan.

Automatic Operations

Gil Sudan sat Damasamani salzaman Jackson they don't automatic, but.

Personal Claim

I nine.

Mention of Global Shima

Global Shima Psntek.

Filming Statements

Global B film it's mantra sand and nasta colors, but for exactly Islam Buddha is.

Mention of Choke

Keshe one of the choke.

Discussion on Murmuring

Parakashi kabulet murmurs make komusunda bees yeah.

Introduction of Kimber Topic

Kimber Kimber Topic Global psl.

Personal Reflection

Hi baba Shimbakai Kim Sona Bam for a sir and Sona Suraki boy and I'm a bucky and a tab Islam.

Cultural References

Toro durian Binombaki the Ufa called Islam yani Shishar shurikisana kai betriola almakist and Sanaduki Ajabad.

Analysis of Days

Early dayshim and you see Borsadhar tamam Borsada Kazanal analysis.

Observation of Technical Analysis

You can see technical analysis that and manga kim kazana.

Personal Teaching Philosophy

Li chalamukadar I do not teach him.

Conclusion and Information

Bilgilar and.

American Influence

Ben american person NASA peace.

Discussion on Commitment

Do your commitment doctor Musyadi Boldo choke the mixture.

Discussion on Generation and Nature

Mojam Meraba has time happy Missouri allergy rally gala generation on paras Nature chick Mixama Alton tepe ladder.

Personal Reference

I onaya.

Influences on Business

Yeah and Arashtra maramu and the venom Ozone buy urine butter Tamama sell Urindur Kazala forexaman older on Senate Nada Ujujarbar vitriol Mish Kaya Migrosu caliper Bimi caliper and caliper.

Clarity and Control


Request for Check

Check me.

Discussion on Checks

On the Wamla parachiku.

Clarification Request

How is on the check?

Exhibit and Exhibition

Check para and exhibit can me celeb and Anadolu Hayato Madam Sasse Banjo Jambakaram Kirsten Bakaram Robot Tamambi Kaluplar Osha Hilda Iralu Pergoman Aldam Almadham.

Attention to Details

Yaprakun Sunda Bakna.

Discussion on Technique

In Hakwa Yaprab and Satam get Gerald Alvarez circulan parabolic sir album.

Sadeena Reference

Dorsey Sadeena.


Ojam yeah.

Casual Comments



Shall the shirt?

Response of Affirmation


Dance Reference

Ama Shimmy dance.

Matters of Importance

Be always Daniel all matter.

Final Thought

I know.

Reference to Insanity

Elishirada insanity.

Cultural Differences in Teaching

Tom millimetric, but Tom otu doku kashdan Athenae don't.

Masativara Interpretation

Give it as a masativara Shadish Uchai patient Sona Yehali Tamirat Nayatri Allah yeah like you know is the.

Earth and Surijanis

Earth ayana Lola it's Pashka warm Surijanis Yoksabir.

European References

Tamil Choke Bay in European Migrosan Ralisandari Sam Adamojam Shah.

Mushroom Mention

Benur mushroom.

Sayas Acknowledgment


Energy Therapy Discussion

Energy therapy dialectic shape Uzam yeah energy Hitch Kunushmuram Bilal Murm Harket Sham Shayok tattoos your curly yeah benima Takiba Bandit Katili Moria didn't order yeah Jack birthday Biryava Shiva Shiva Sherpur be ifiated Katie as Dunu Capancholar in the air Landir Alzna Landir Dandesha order that much is in the cutting shaders Hajim Leberaberum Alves Konosunda Hojam Sectorum Sector Choki or Yirmi Kilabasham Kashta Lamuri Galdin the band Ale Choctaw Madam Choctaw Jackpak Madam Chunky or Arazilar Ferran Banja Chokta Chokech.

Hadagiri Reference


Gadashi Larbitmazarbitmasky

Hadagiri Gadashi Larbitmazarbitmasky Larbitmas.

David Yellen

Bamboram David Yellen Komshmakistan.

Konusha Malaria Check

Konusha Bilir Ma'am Shim the Konush Malaria Baya Ilgimi checked Global Pier Sadambasidi Overjam Shimbiscani Psam Zada Tamhakimd Technique Graphic Larkin.

Navy Mention

Yani Navy.

Itching Discussion

Nadani of color or the Harangibi is second to yoke Shimbism Psalm Bism Itching Shanda means Sara Bilior Birthday E Cheer Forex Hela hello Forex.

Global Day Reference

Hojam Banikla Konoshmuros Ama Global Day Hamid Bindi Nasdaq.

Mr. Nasdaq Reference

Nasdaq needed Mr.

Abyss America Mention

Abyss America Alma Stewart Americane Shindibak and Shurib Shevardan.

Enabling Reference

Then enabling.

Secondary Checking Discussion

Secondary checking Jam Obenim Yoxa season Zatan technique analysis Almaquist.

Choked Adamujam Reference

Choked Adamujam Sandes Adamo jam.

Abigail Mission System

You Abigail mission system.

Parakaibit Mention

Parakaibit may they an armino jump between.

Bella Be Sarsantiya Shadow

The bella be Sarsantiya Shadow for you NASA Mudir.

Ocean Reference

Jambizokonda yardam to ocean.

Dinamivar Discussion

Binim Candy Dinamivar David Mcdazhi Bishayan.

Zatan Seeds Mention

Zatan seeds Bukhadar Buikan sees a chalish mom get a cure do you know can.

Guru Sack

Guru sack Yani Shay up Melamia.

Mayor Reference

Gear Mayor.

Capital Environment Discussion

Istanbul Deeponu Capital Environment Adam Bay Achamada Microphone Adamo Jam Sanjon and Rabi.

Murmur Technology Mention

Abe Adamujamaralde Shawn microphone murmur technology film.

Barona Yoladam David

I could send you Barona Yoladam David.

Peking Mention


Sabirali Victor Mention

Salado Sabirali, Victor.

Sombir Rally Mention

Shane Didi wherever a sombir rally.

Giving Us Mention

Giving us.



Meaning of Dortm

No mean dortm.

Project Seller Reference

Thank you boy or a project seller can and Bankalala took al Satia pure mojamin, but Doxambeshe Galdin.

Final Thanks

Thank you.

Atmosphere Mention

Doku Zaga Madaman atmosphere.

Index Carrier Query

Am I an index carrier?

Borsa Mention

Kissing nickel bancalar between Borsa.

Bishop Nice Mention

Bishop nice.

Day Acknowledgment


Atmosphere Discussion

At Musha band and atmosphere like.

Attack Mention

Make it iki jiwari the Aldi attack taki civil.

Banker Reference

Manak banker.

Bank Alama Reference

Bank Alama ish banka Sitchin the lojab dokus roller molar from.

Your Make Love Remark

Your make love.

Chalushmiya Talk

Talk chalushmiya early.

Year Reference

We don't make it all a year.

Dance Mention

Pazarti see which dance on the cut on makas, but stop, you know?

Song Acknowledgment


Saljic Reference

Song and you saljic, so.

Which Query


Garage Reference


Garage Talk

And you're just.

News Mention

At the garage.

Pull Up Mention

Jama damsha and bor say and salam dos news and.

Mistellin Mention


Choke Chicken Reference

Pull up mistellin and choke chicken.

What Are You Doing?

What are you doing?

Which Query Again


Atom Boy Reference

Which can, which tow and my atom boy and.

Tavern Mention


Column Banduram Mention


Column Reference

Column Banduram.

But Mention


Yani Reference


Shave Mention

Shave us carnot.

Carnival Reference

Bala be carnado and cotson the carnival and cotton the hitchcormuriskia.

Current Mention

Yani current.

Birkaran Sadoi Reference

This is Birkaran Sadoi Mukich, Mali.



Song Statement

Song you Adam antipadangir Mish basharasha.

Abiyan Tata Reference

Abiyan Tata gram guzala jakyan.

Alternate Mention


Alternating Solutions and Ideas

Alternate each other. Yeah. I could order shurib shivaria. No, Jamie, I should alternate solutions. Yet. Mr. Malice may washe ispet and salam. Yeah. Telephone elements. Yeah. Person Abhishim island. Madam Girdin tegrae. Adam taker than you should. Phone. Yeah. The bash. Cassie Nakala, credible islamist and the creditable like, nice to know. Valerie, jake nab chicka nalajuk shaya islam darda shiba kolai. Parakazamba kolai also. Yeah. They mean they cache that there.

Creative Sequences and Associations

Banshee air altis and because system and parachute. Artist is amongst our cover. Nari and ola almakunam durmalima class. Yeah. System dancer. Shayapara kumbara. Kumbara fortune. They own the tamam do him noctis no lashes. Now they see us. Param nakita, sadij dirt. Carey falanu. Artistic. Yeah, but. They are so. And extra. We are the Devami Jackson. Yeah.

Exploring Technical Terminology

Eco to five. Negative alternate. Yeah. Paraphrases Aldean the man said amayan shant yeah, but yeah, ama choke yo Islam. Arkadasha Yokin Merakitin is Vishayada Konushmaki. Konushmaki the Archmors sector Maxa Heaven Shepherd. Maraboja Maraka Europe. Order. Hojab Crystal was. Crystal de Cristalde Banguru choke sector Shapim Konche Harikati kamini duru sajitahimkiyokama yozabia sabi technical yosabi yokeraldeh.

Connecting Ideas and Fluctuations

Yeah, channel America yeah shade dojamojam sis nur. Such a passive. Yeah sector and technique you may, but my channel sorry. Alum Pirinji Sky Naktara Kalm Shamash favakte Crystalline Banditok Bandamo Chamda speak old montage murmur so lambda yeah check sugar yeah. Chick kitchen. By yeah, I thought by fell and herald. Biscuit Kamala Buddha Kamala second of the shuan and yorks are shy.

Innovating Through Collaboration

Crystal in bull and shelantra shim the dustabian baki and graphic ojam yo jamba casa. Ojam minim garden. Or the Shawn mama. Ama amae not yeah, so rabbas are basabila. Kamala sabah. Cho he said it. He said Jan chose Allah the Tama Chajaza. Mono Shishtarity Manhatta Bana sanctuary of. Mr.

Artistic Expressions and Messages

Beginner Milan Church and Tawanojae stab artist algae stability. Oja Sami Tamano Jack, there's a band. Yeah. Now Alami I know. Yeah, you love, yeah. Message of Mr. Carson. Be technical. Carson Bono Iptangalda be only they and automado shimi Malibas. Yeah. Microphone capital say Isolam Yoksa Kapatal Manjar. Nama Jump. Sami Hojada Garment Kuriatra Mortal Positional.

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