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Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space KuCoin x Zeta Markets hosted by kucoincom. Delve into the KuCoin x Zeta Markets Twitter Space where investors gather to discuss finding potential crypto gems and safeguarding themselves in the crypto market. With insights on research, community engagement, and utilizing platforms like KuCoin, participants share valuable strategies and tips to navigate the rapidly evolving crypto landscape. Explore the nuances of identifying promising projects, avoiding scams, and leveraging community knowledge to make informed investment decisions. Join the conversation to enhance your trading acumen and discover new opportunities.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: Why is it important to find the next crypto gem?
A: Discovering hidden gems can lead to significant returns on investment.

Q: How can investors protect themselves from crypto scams?
A: Educating oneself, using reputable platforms, and avoiding suspicious offers are key to avoiding scams.

Q: What role does community engagement play in crypto investing?
A: Communities provide support, share insights, and help investors make informed decisions.

Q: Why is researching projects crucial in the crypto market?
A: Research enables investors to understand projects, their potential, and associated risks.

Q: How can Telegram groups benefit crypto investors?
A: Telegram groups offer real-time discussions, market insights, and networking opportunities for investors.


Time: 00:10:45
Uncovering Hidden Crypto Gems Tips on how to identify undervalued cryptocurrencies with potential.

Time: 00:25:18
Avoiding Crypto Scams Discussion on red flags and best practices to protect your investments.

Time: 00:35:52
KuCoin: A Hub for Discovering New Coins Exploring the features and benefits of using KuCoin for crypto trading.

Time: 00:45:30
Community Insights and Tips Valuable advice from the community on navigating the crypto market effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Identifying potential crypto gems and avoiding scams is crucial for investors.
  • Engaging with reliable platforms like KuCoin can help discover promising cryptocurrencies.
  • Community discussions provide valuable insights and tips for navigating the crypto market.
  • Researching projects before investing is essential for making informed decisions.
  • Utilizing resources like Telegram groups can enhance your crypto investment journey.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Kucoin Fireside Chat

All right, guys, thanks for joining today's Kucoin fireside chat with Zeta Marcus. This is Tim, as always, the host for today's Twitter space or XSpace. And we have two guests with us here, Tom, who is marketing contributor at data markets, as well as Aaron, who is also a marketing contributor. However, Imran is having some technical issues. So let's start with Tom, just so that we don't waste your time. And I know that everyone's busy and appreciate everyone joining. So, Tom, why don't you start off with just an introduction to Zeta markets first, and you can also tell the audience a little bit more about your background.

Tom's Introduction to Zeta Markets

Sure thing. Yeah. So, hey, everyone, thanks for having us. Obviously, Tim and Kucoin. yeah, I'm Tombo, marketing contributor at Zeta. I've been with Zeta, yeah. Coming up to, like, three years now. so, yeah, it's been. It's been quite a journey. We've obviously been through all of the, like, ups and downs on Solana itself. and we also sort of done a few different things. so we won one of the very first, sort of, like, I guess, Solana hackathons. It was back in 2021. so we won that, but it was for what was kind of a very different product to what we have now, in the sense that it was, like, focused heavily on options, which is like another type of derivative trading product. But, yeah, were probably a bit too early to that. So we've since sort of got into perps.

Zeta's Progress and Future Aspirations

We had a bunch of success with that, and now we're sort of heads down building what we think will be, like, a really bit of a game changer for us and for Salana itself, which is like the very first Solana, sort of defi l two. So excited to jump into that more a bit later on, but, yeah, I think that's. Hopefully that's a decent enough introduction. So I'll leave it there for now. But, yeah, excited to be chatting with you all. Awesome. I think Imran is here with us now. Imran, can you just unmute yourself and see if you can speak GM? Gm? Hi. I can hear you, but I think I heard Tom for a while, and then when I became speaker, then I cannot hear him speak anymore. So it's a bit weird, but we'll.

Technical Issues and Transition to Questions

We'll figure it out. Yeah, that's because he. He finished his introduction when you came on. I can hear you, but I can't seem to hear Tom anymore. Yeah, he. He's not speaking now. That's why. All right. Yeah. So how about you? You take up the next question. Right, so. But I'd also like to know how Zeta, or you guys, really decided to create, like, the reason behind creating Solana's first l two and why it's needed for, you know, a blockchain like Solana.

Rationale for Creating Solana's First Layer 2

Yeah, I think that's a great question. So let's start first by asking ourselves why Solana. I think it's very clear with recent developments when they look at the number of builds, builders, number of tokens, number of projects launched, number of users, amount of activity, and it's all just really mooning, you can definitely see that Solana is really destined to become the chain that actually onboards retail. So it's going to be leading mass adoption in a very big way. That's a big reason why we chose Solana, but there's still certain limitations to the network. So the block times will take 400 milliseconds. There are certain things like congestion, which are still, at least in the short to mid terminal, will continue affecting users.

Addressing Congestion and Enhancing User Experience

When you're a fully on chain, central limit order book exchange like ours, you will actually end up having our users being inconvenienced when there's actually congestion. So when congestion happens, then if you're a user, then the transaction failure rates go up, the transaction settlement times go up, you will end up also paying more in gas. So when you look at what is needed in order to bring an exchange and trading experience to parity, that means to be the same or better as central exchanges, then it's very natural that we want to figure out how do we do this in a way that can scale the network. And in our point of view, the l two is going to be what really brings that forward.

The Benefits of Layer 2 for Trading Environments

So when you have the l two, then you can actually have tens of thousands of DP's. You can bring the settlement time from 400 milliseconds to five milliseconds or three milliseconds. You have no congestion problems, you won't have field transactions. When network congestion hits, you still be able to trade, you won't be affected by things like that. You won't have your take profit or stop loss not triggered in times of congestion. When you actually have a high frequency trading environment, when you're talking about leverage, then these kind of things become super important for the users. And scaling it via l two is the way, and we strongly believe in it.

Community Interest and Support for Layer 2 Initiatives

In fact, when we rolled it out and we announced it, many people, including our Zeta community, in fact, many of the protocols are very interested. Our founders just appeared on the Lightspeed and the validated podcast is run by Solana themselves. So Solana as a foundation is also very interested in supporting this as well. So if you think about it, this is what is going to take to actually scale Solana to the point where when you use adapt on Solana, it feels like a central exchange, but you actually have permissionless networks, you have decentralization, and then you have the ability to voice out as a community member via things like governance and governance rewards and forums and stuff like that.

Clarification of Zeta Markets and Zeta X

So I hope that answers the question. Amazing. Yeah, it definitely does. But I think I like to also distinguish both zeta markets as well as Zeta X. Can you elaborate a little bit more on Zeta X and how specifically Zex as a token plays a role in the ecosystem?

Introduction to Zeta X

Yeah, sure, that's a great question. Very simple. Zeta X will be our latest version of Zeta markets as an exchange. Right now in zeta markets, we are in our v two, Zeta X. When we roll it out, it will be effectively a new version, like a v three. It will be deployed on our layer two. We will release more details about the layer two. If anyone in this audience will be at breakpoint, for example, in Singapore in the next month, we will be revealing Zeta X. We'll be sharing more about the l two. There'll be a lot of interesting updates that we share live on stage as well.

Community Ownership and Governance

If you look at the Zecs token we tge a couple of months ago, we have right now about 15,000 stakers of Zecs on Zeta markets. This forms the base for our governance. So when we say we are community owned, when we say we'll be community driven, we will start off soon with governance. We'll provide some updates on the governance timeline and milestones very soon as well. This actually provides a strong base to have community ownership, community voicing, to discuss things like what should we deploy, what markets, what incentives, what rewards, what features, who should we partner with, so on and so forth. Zecs will be the central element of this.

Staking and Rewards Structure

If you hold Zecs and you stake Zecs, you can be part of the governance. Zecs will also provide users rewards. So basically you have Zecs distributed as an emission token. We are also cooking up for stakers, basically the ability to enable certain benefits by holding and staking Zecs within zeta market. So I hope that answers the question. And Tommy, if there's anything to jump in. Yeah, I think you pretty much covered it. Covered it nicely there. I wouldn't want to add too much there, but I think essentially the way that we're thinking about it is as you would for any sort of l two, where if you hold the token, then you can try and get the benefits of holding it with any associated activity happening on that chain.

Current Metrics and Achievements

Amazing. So I think just to give our listeners a little bit more context as to where you guys are currently, can you share any numbers in terms of either users, holders, trading volumes or anything like that? As of now, yeah. So we facilitated more than eleven. Any metrics that will sort of just put more color into your success or progress so far? Yeah, sure. So we've been live as a protocol for more than three years now. We actually have more than 11 billion facilitated trade volume lifetime. We have more than 120,000 traders that have traded on zeta markets.

Air Drop and Community Engagement

When we ran the TGE and we airdropped users, I believe there were more than 80,000 addresses that actually received an airdrop. And you actually have, like I said earlier, about 15,000. So actually close to 20% of people that received the airdrop today are also now stakers. So if you look at all of that, those are some of the summary numbers, which offhand, I think so far is a great journey. A lot of the volume that we've distributed came in the last half year as we really built up a lot of product features, we really built up the community, got a lot of community support, got a lot of ecosystem support and ramped up our announcements.

Upcoming Developments and Beta Features

Tom, anything to add? Yeah, I think, like, I think just to add to that, like what trading volumes, obviously, you know, like when you're going through TG and airdrop stuff, like all your metrics across the board really spike up. So we definitely had that. And now we've hit a more stable patch and we're excited to ramp it back up again as we get Zx, which is the l two, or Zeta X, as we get the l two up and running. And obviously we'll have a bunch of stuff around breakpoint in relation to that, including hopefully a demo. A demo like on Testnet.

Product Roadmap and Innovations

Obviously. I don't think we'll get to mainnet just yet, but, yeah, excited to showcase that as well. So, yeah, I'll leave it there. Cool. And then anything else on the product roadmap? Is there anything you can share with the listeners today about what you're working on? I know you mentioned that you have a few announcements coming up in Singapore. Is there anything else, any other alpha you can share? Yeah, I think if you look at what we're looking at with Zeta markets, there's a bunch of stuff that we want to cook up with Zeta X, which will include things like multi collateral.

Multi-Collateral and Increased Leverage

So right now you can use USDC as collateral. And multicollateral just means you would be able to use, for example, your sole, your BTC and stuff like that. Maybe you want to hold your soul and you want to continue accumulating it and write the market wave and still use it as collateral to trade, we will be able to do so. We'll also enable a lot more things like higher leverage. We'll be looking at things like a lot more markets and also looking at some interesting new type of assets that will come in. So typically you would have certain tokens, cryptos that you can long or short on perps.

New Types of Assets and Future Plans

And we'll be looking at some of the interesting new types of assets, including some index assets and stuff like that. That would be a bit more exotic, a bit more different. You wouldn't see that on most other perps dexs. I think the other big one down the road, obviously would be the l two. When you think about the L two, it's going to be a really huge undertaking by the team. There isn't an L two on Solana Live. There are hundreds of EvM L two s. That isn't a single Solana L two, and we will be the first.

Strategic Importance of L2 Development

So if you're thinking about, let's say, what is the bet here? Like, how do I bet on Solana? What's the beta for Solana? If you think that Solana Defi is going to make it, if you think that Solana is going to scale and you want to bet on solar scaling, then I think that's probably something that you want to look out for. So when you think about what we need to do there, then there's a lot of stuff that we need to cook up in order for us to get to the point where we release out our testnet.

Timeline of L2 Launch

Ideally this will happen sometime at or right after breakpoint and then the mainnet by the quarter after. Of course, when you build an L two, there's a lot of things that are going to go into it where you have to show that it works.

Introduction to Zeta Markets

And we're going to do that. Obviously with Zeta markets and Zeta X, which is already a live product, which already has a live audience, there's already a certain level of PMF, there's already a certain level of volume and activity. And then if you think about it, then you can have super high performance dapps that are going to deploy there anything from lending, borrowing, launchpad meme, coin, launchpads, prediction markets, anything that is around Defi and you want it to be super high performance can be launched there. So that's something that right now, under the hood, the team is working for, and we'll be releasing a lot more details about this within the next quarter or so.

Staking and Governance in Zeta Markets

That's on the product side for the Zeta markets, that will be on the l two side for the l two, and then I. For people who are Zecs holders in the scheme of all of this, as Zecs is the governance and utility token for zeta markets, invariably our holders, our stakers, will form an important component for all this. So for the Zecs stakers, there will be something interesting for them when the l two is revealed. Not going to exactly announce or share exactly what it is now, but the Zec stakers will be taken care of. So as the Zeta markets platform grows, the Zecs holders will be taken care of as the l two grows and the l two will be more than a pub stack, there will be multiple dapps that will be built on it, will be talking to many different protocols, we'll be talking the foundation, we'll be talking to the community, and we'll be building the whole ecosystem around it.

Ecosystem Development

There will also be upside for the Zack stakers there, and we are currently building the various mechanisms and utility to make this happen as well. So hope this gives some color towards that roadmap. As you can see, there's quite a few different kind of like, roadmap work streams that we're working on right now as very tight and really not really small, but it's a very tight unit that we have. Awesome. So, you know, if listeners want to participate in either, you know, joining your community, or use your products and join the ecosystem, etcetera, can you give them a. I know you mentioned a lot of reasons earlier, but perhaps just summarize and reiterate why users should trade, stake and participate within zeta markets.

Reasons to Use Zeta Markets

Yeah, this is Tom. I think Tommy can do that. Yeah, definitely. I guess there are a few core reasons aside from what imran sort of mentioned already. I think, number one, if you haven't sort of used like a perps Dex on Solana, I think definitely give like Zeta a try. It's definitely. It's not perfect by any means. but, you know, it's like probably one of the fastest, like fully on chain trading experiences out there. obviously it's like congestion issues aside, which is why we're building now too. but there's that in and of itself. I think also, like, we have some pretty fun, incentive programs happening now where, you know, if you have no exposure to Zecs itself, you can sort of trade and any trading fees that you go, you sort of get zecs back off of that. and then staking. Yeah. Candidly, like, we haven't given many public reasons for staking just yet.

Staking Incentives and Benefits

We did do, like, a big airdrop for stakers of Zecs. I think it was, like, three or four weeks ago now, but we're working. So that's one of the worksheets that we're going through now. It's like, all right, we have something like, whatever it is, like 15,000, 16,000 stakers. So it's like, all right, what benefits can we give them? So, obviously, we're working through all of those work streams now. But generally, I think if you haven't used a perp stacks on, like, Solana yet, definitely worth a shot. And then if you're interested in getting, I guess, some exposure to Zecs, then, like, trading is definitely. And you can trade at the same time to do that, then, yeah, probably a win situation, but, yeah, I'll leave it at that.

Understanding Perpetual Contracts

Yeah. And I think for those that haven't tried perps before, there is some risk to it. You have to understand how perps works, but you can basically leverage how the market goes up and down. And if you were to want to think on betting on the market going down, the price going down, and wanting to make money off the price going down, then really, purpose is one of your only options here. And I think that's something that's very interesting and unique. If you don't want to bet your whole house on crypto and things, then you can put a certain portion for trading, and that's really what purps is for. We should really try doing that.

Decentralization and Blockchain Interaction

On Zeta, there is a difference between centralized servers and decentralized applications. And for us, we are fully on chain, meaning it is decentralized. It is on the Solana blockchain. Every transaction you make is not within a centralized server. It is on the blockchain, and it's there for anyone to verify. And the security of the blockchain is there as well. So if you haven't actually experienced fully on chain trading, that's also something that you can check out. And I promise you that over the next few months, there'll be a lot of really interesting stuff for you guys to be part of.

Community Engagement and Programs

So you can check out the trading you can check out the staking, you can join us on the Twitter and discords we have every now and then, fun little things like meme competitions. And we also have an ambassador program. We also have a creative program. So for those of you guys who are like, wanting to, you know, really up your meme game or, you know, get advocate and earn some rewards along the way, you know, there are all these means for you guys to be involved and find ways to participate and earn and participate and get rewarded through this via doing this with the Zeta community.

Closing Remarks

Yeah, I think back to you. Yeah, so I think we have a bit of a. We have a bit of a technical issue happening, but, yeah, we'll go to, like the next question. We have it written in the telegram chat now. It's quite funny, but, yeah. Can other builders and non perpetrators use data markets l two? When it is released, I'll pass it over to Imran. Yeah, sorry, it's a bit of an elon rug. This is whether other builders can build on our l two. Is that right? Yeah, exactly that, yeah.

Opportunities for Builders

So, like I alluded to, when you build an l two, basically an infrastructure to scale Solana is going to be permissionless infrastructure. It's going to be on a permissionless network of Solana. And if you think about all the defi primitives, there's a whole bunch perps is just one dapp that you can utilize in crypto. And there's just so many more like your Dex, like your amms, your clmms, you have your lending, your borrowing, you have like a token or meme, launchpad, you have pubs, Dex, obviously, then you have things like liquid staking, restaking, liquid restaking aggregator, LP management, prediction markets, vault and yield optimizers, nfts, whatever you want to build on Solana, if you want to compete with centralized servers, I think our l two should be the place that any builder should consider to do so.

Comparison with Other L2 Solutions

I mean, the other alternative is a builder could try to build your own l two. But if you already have something that's already gone to market and already battle tested with Zeta, and we find ways to support our builders and work together and really be synergistic.

Building a Supportive Ecosystem

So I think that's the idea here. And I think in that scenario, what we want to build is an ecosystem that really synergizes and supports each other, where when we pull users into the l two while still being on Solana. So remember, Solana is pretty much a monolithic community. They've always been talking about Solana as a monolithic chain. But I think scaling is inevitable. But what we are really focused on, because we are Solana Maxis, is that we will be able to scale Solana technologically, but without fragmenting the community, without turning builders on each other.

Solana's Unique Culture

If you look at what happened with EVM and all your parallel evms and your side chains and all l ones who are EVM compatible, you start seeing huge amount of infighting. And I think it's really important to really recognize that the Solana culture is quite different. And the builders that have gone through the whole FTX meltdown and terra lunar meltdown and all of that have actually come out very strong and unified. And as one of these guys that actually went through this whole bear period, Zeta is also a Solana maxi, and we are here to preserve that. Right? So we will be actively working with the foundation to drive this narrative moving forward, to pull in builders who are interested to build the next world.

Collaboration and Community Building

Beating dapps on Solana together with Zeta and now l two. And I think it's going to be, like, super fun. So. Tom. I'm back. We can indeed. Yeah. So I think that's a nice way to wrap it up, but before we end the space. Well, Tom, did you have anything to add? Or perhaps you can share where listeners here can find out more information about Zeta markets and join the community? Yeah, definitely.

Engaging with the Zeta Community

So we have most of our stuff in our Twitter bio, so if you go to markets, there should be links out where you'll be able to find out links to our discord, links to our telegram, and then obviously link to, like, our platform docs and the platform itself. So there's all of that. What else am I thinking? Yeah. And then obviously stay tuned for, like, a bunch of announcements coming out in the next few weeks, especially. Yeah, I guess especially from, like, the Solana ecosystem as a whole.

Opportunities for Networking and Feedback

But we'll try and be, like, a pretty big part of that as, like, breakpoint ramps up, which is obviously always an exciting time for anyone in and around, like, the Solana community. So stay tuned for all of that stuff. If anyone spots us at Token 2049 or breakpoint, come and say hi. And if you can find me personally, I'll do my best to ensure that I'll pass you something to keep. Yeah. Amazing. I will also be there, guys.

Final Thoughts and Encouragement

So I hope to see you at Token 2049. So awesome. So thanks again for joining. Any final words from you guys before we wrap it up? As always, this is not financial advice and only educational. Yeah, if you look at what Miao from Joop says, we really need to build with zero expectations. Everything in crypto is really an experiment.

Understanding Risks in Crypto

If you are here and trying to experiment with crypto, everyone needs to understand that there's risk involved. But that said, why is there risk involved? Why are we here? At least for the builders like us, we're here to really change the world. We're here to basically tear down financial structures and rebuild them and build something that's accessible. That gives you and me as common guys, a chance to succeed as well.

A Call to Experiment and Engage

We're not cock blocked. We're not held out in the inner circles of tradfi or things which, in terms of background and stuff, previously made it impossible for people to get a leg up or have economic mobility. I think this future is something that's very interesting for those who are here. If you are here, that means you're still early, because most of the masses are not in here yet. Continue experimenting.

Importance of Feedback and Community

For those who are interested in Zeta, jump on our discord, jump on our TG and Twitter. Ask lots of questions, test it out, give us lots of feedback. Because like Tom says, it's not perfect. But what we are promising is that we are working our asses off day and night to make something really great long term. And I think for those who stick through with it and have their head on straight, you can come out stronger from it in many different ways.

Ending on a Positive Note

So I appreciate that. And just remember, if you are bullish on Solana and you are bullish on Solana scaling, then I think Zeta is something that you really got to check out. Hang in there with us, build it together with us, give us lots of feedback, and I think we can build that future. Tom? Yeah, 100% echo that, obviously.

Community Engagement Invitation

Yeah. Again, not financial advice, but we'll love to have everyone on this call within the Zeta community. And, yeah, if any of you are at breakpoint, definitely just like, reach out to us on discord or in the telegram chat, or we can try and meet in person, etcetera, which is always super nice meeting people who like to use the platform in person. So, yeah, cool.

Closing Remarks

Excited, and, yeah, thanks for having us and thanks to everyone for joining and listening in. Amazing. Thanks again, guys, and hope to see you there in person. Appreciate it and have a great day, everyone. Let's go. Bye bye. Let's go.

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