Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space KuCoin x SUNDOG hosted by kucoincom. Delve into the realm of cryptocurrency trading and investment with the KuCoin x SUNDOG Twitter Space. Explore the strategies for identifying potential crypto gems, protecting yourself from scams, and leveraging community engagement for valuable insights. Learn how partnerships between platforms like KuCoin and projects like SUNDOG can create exciting opportunities in the dynamic crypto market. Stay informed, stay safe, and unlock the potential of crypto trading now!

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: How can investors identify potential crypto gems?
A: By conducting in-depth research, analyzing project fundamentals, and staying updated on market trends.

Q: Why is it crucial to protect oneself from crypto scams?
A: To safeguard investments, personal information, and ensure a secure crypto trading environment.

Q: What role do partnerships between platforms and projects play in the crypto space?
A: Partnerships can introduce new investment options, enhance liquidity, and expand project visibility.

Q: How can community engagement benefit investors in the crypto space?
A: Engaging with communities provides insights, networking opportunities, and early access to promising projects.


Time: 00:15:20
Research Strategies for Crypto Gem Hunting Exploring effective methods to identify high-potential crypto projects.

Time: 00:25:45
Security Tips Against Crypto Scams Learning how to protect yourself from fraudulent schemes and safeguard investments.

Time: 00:35:10
Community Insights on KuCoin x SUNDOG Partnership Gaining perspectives from the community on the latest collaboration between KuCoin and SUNDOG.

Key Takeaways

  • Identifying potential crypto gems requires thorough research and evaluation of projects.
  • Preventing crypto scams entails staying vigilant and verifying information before investing.
  • Engaging with communities like Telegram can provide valuable insights on upcoming projects.
  • Partnerships between platforms like KuCoin and projects like SUNDOG can bring new investment opportunities.
  • Understanding the dynamics of the crypto market is essential for successful and secure investments.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Purpose

Hi, everyone. I just wanted to check if you can hear my mic carefully. Clearly, I mean. This is Tim, the host for today's Kucoin fireside chat with Sundog, titled to the sun with Kucoin and Sundog. Are we still waiting for sun pump to join us or shall we get started? I believe we're waiting, but I'm happy to chat with you in the meantime. Hello, everyone. Perfect. Yeah, I can definitely hear you clearly and let's just get started.

Sundog's Overview

I'd like to start off the spaces, as always, with just a high level introduction to who you are as well as your mission at Sundog. Hey, well, look, first, thank you for having us up. It's amazing to be here. Sundog was the first meme to make a run on the Tron network. We're really fortunate to have been able to gained the support of Tron and Justinson and the people at sun pump, which has been amazing. We have the highest market cap in the Tron ecosystem currently. Currently around the kind of 300, 320 million market cap rate. It looks like we're likely to hit all time highs. And we've been really fortunate to be listed on several exchanges. And really, Sundog is about. It's about being in a state of mind, it's about being heightened, it's about sharing great vibes, it's about enjoying the space, enjoying what's going on.

Community and Innovation

And we've also, as a team, been building some really exciting, creative and some really amazing memes. But also we've been focusing on the tech and we've got a number of really exciting developments there, including Sunbot, which is a telegram native bot that allows people to trade Tron based tokens. Really, really exciting stuff there. We've been running some burn back and buy campaigns, we've been partnering with other memes in the tron ecosystem. And yeah, we've been off to a flying start. We've been going now for, gosh, nearly three weeks. And it's been amazing. Really, really amazing to see the community support as well. Amazing.

Collaboration Efforts

Do you want to just. I just want to remind you to perhaps you could ping sun pomp to join us as well in the meantime. Yeah, absolutely. I'm just going to work on that now. Give me a second. Yep, no worries at all. While you're doing that, why don't we just get the conversation started? So, first and foremost, obviously, we've seen a ton of memes pop off this cycle on multiple chains, notably on specifically on Solana, as well as base. We've seen a lot of volume on those two chains. I want to know why you chose to build on Tron in the first place. Yeah, really interestingly, we've got a great relationship with the people at Tron, but we have been watching what's been going on there, and we've been real kind of like admirers of the way that chain is building out.

Strengths of Tron

I think it's stablecoin. Like, you know, the amount of, like, backing it has been able to assemble via stablecoins. The, the fact that it is, you know, really listening to the community that it's building, it hosts a lot of regular spaces. Justin, the founder, attends so many of those spaces himself, and, like, really joins in with what's going on. He's willing to listen to the community. He's been really great advocate for us and really encouraging. And so really, we kind of sat back and we thought about what the strengths of Tron were and also what the strengths of the meme that we wanted to release. And we just found that they were really kind of, like, aligned in terms of listening to the community, being prepared to change and pivot, being all about positive mental attitude and really getting out there.

Community Collaboration

And also we wanted to be a front runner because we believe in our ability to bring other people along with us. So last week, for example, we launched two collaborations with two different memes within the ecosystem, one of them being mooncat. And that's because we believe that in order for the chain to really excel, we need to play our part in actually promoting other memes. This doesn't need to be PvP all the way through. We can really take the time to get to know our peers within the ecosystem and help them excel, because with a rising tide, like, all ships will benefit from that. So, yeah, that's really where we're at. We just wanted to play our part in an ecosystem that we believed in, and we're really excited about where that might lead.

Technical Aspects of Tron

Amazing. Can you also just comment on the technical side of things at Tron? Why did you like, what benefits does Tron have over other blockchain? Yeah, I mean, look, obviously it is currently making changes and adapting, so that from a speed point of view and a cost point of view, it's getting kind of to a similar spot as Solana from that end. And we all know that Sol has done great things for building out speed and low cost, but occasionally its infrastructure gets stretched.

Infrastructure Challenges in Solana

And weve seen in the last couple of Solana real runs that the infrastructure can struggle and we get to a point where actually transactions start to grind to a halt. We have been really impressed with the way that Tron, which is a well established blockchain, has been building out its infrastructure, how it is now starting to encourage memes, how we can then attribute those to things like NFT projects, and we can start to really look at decentralized applications and how the token can go beyond a meme that is something that rises and falls in value and can actually become something that has more intrinsic use cases. And that's. They're the things that we're working on currently in the background. So as well as building out a big brand, we're also looking to build out more infrastructure that allows us to use the token more readily. Amazing.

Discussion on Pump Fund

So I want to shift the focus now to sun pump. I don't think the account is here yet, but I hope you can also comment on that. So obviously, pump fun has been probably the most successful or one of the most successful apps or decentralized apps this cycle. I think they reached 100 million in revenue since launch just a few months ago. Can you comment on that? And what you think the space where the. Where you think the space is going based off, you know, such as such a success in the meme coin world? Yeah, really interesting. Look, were all really impressed by what pump fund created and, you know, there's absolutely no doubt though that it's at kind of like saturation point.

Value in Established Tokens

We've all seen that and I think what we're ahead starting to see now is a switch where people realize that there is more intrinsic value in the gains that can be made working with established or investing in established tokens that are, you know, that have taken the time to build networks and connections and communities and other use cases for what they're doing and to really kind of like assemble a brand. And what we've been hugely impressed with about sunpump has been their focus on building a community around what they're doing. And so rather than just like rolling out a whole load of like, additional bolt ons to their platform, they've actually been taking to spaces where they've been able to curate huge community, huge groups of an audience, and then really start to ask them, what is it that's important to you? What do you think you can see in the development? How do you want us to adapt? And that appears to be the way that they're keen to work.

Collaboration and Support from Sunpump

Working with the team at sunpump has been brilliant. They've been huge advocates for what we're doing. They've been real fans. They've pushed our content. They've given us the opportunity to accept, like, a very nice grant from them where we've been able to then reinvest that into the things that we're doing. It has been fantastic to work with some pump, and we're looking forward to continuing that. I'm really sorry they're not here right now. All good. No worries. Definitely think you can also speak more on your thoughts regarding sun pump specifically.

Saturation Point and Sunpump's Traction

So I definitely agree that a lot of these projects can reach this saturation point. Can you just dive deeper into your thinking behind sunpump? And how has that experience been? Can you share any numbers or traction that you guys have achieved so far? So, I mean, can you re ask the question in terms of, like, how you'd like me to answer that? Sorry, because that's quite a complicated question. Yeah. So perhaps just dive deeper into the entire product of sun pump. How has the experience been? What do you like best about it? Okay.

Growth and Launch Achievements

Yeah. And then also, if you can share some numbers and achievements, I think that'd be helpful for context for our listeners. Yeah, okay, well, look, we. That's absolutely fine. You know, in the first ten days of launch, and were the first to make the move. You know, we created our dog because we felt like, you know, if you look at BTC, they have doge. If you look at. If you look at a number of the other chains, like they all. You look at Solana, they have Whiffdeen or bonk, like these, the dog tokens, we all seem to be smitten by them.

Market Cap and Community Engagement

So went very quickly, and in the first ten days, were able to run up a market cap of, like, $340 million, which was incredible. And we've had a period of consolidation, and now we're back up and close to that all time high. We've just announced another exciting listing with the people at Bybitzen. But we owe much of that. We are absolutely certain, like, as bullish as we are, our own capability and the contacts that we have and the community that we've been able to build, we owe much of it to the work that the people at sunpump have put in.

Community Building and Customer Experience

We've been able to attend, like, daily spaces with those guys where we've been able to talk to the community that they're growing. We've also been connected with many of the other memes, and we've been able to work with them on, like, what's the right approach here for us all to operate in a way that actually onboards, you know, there are still elements of friction when it comes to, you know, creating a Tron based wallet, to purchasing TRX, to bridging that over to an appropriate, from an exchange, to the wallet that you've purchased, to then going and buying those. And that's a lot of the reason why we, for example, created the Sunbot app, which Sunpump was super excited about and have really helped us promote.

Responsibility in Growing and Onboarding

But we wanted to do that because we believe that you can't leave the responsibility of growing and onboarding chain to the people that created it alone.

Onboarding and Community Engagement

Like, all participants have to really work hard to try and onboard people as best they can and as safely as they can into the ecosystem. And the reason we have to do that is because, you know, it flows and it becomes so much more of an organic thing when we're working on, you know, decentralized apps or bots and different things like that have really taken into account like the user experience. So we're able to speak with our community on the regular, through our telegram groups, we're able to understand from them exactly what it is they would like to see and how they'd like to do it. We're able to go back to the drawing board and build different applications and think about how we can on board people think about the kind of content that we're creating, all the creators that we want to engage with who can create amazing content and really work together to onboard.

Market Performance and Stability

So look, from a statistics point of view, you've all seen the numbers like sun pump have absolutely gone for it. And even last week in what was a very difficult market, a number of tokens like our own and like Mooncat, for example, we noticed were able to really like hold align in terms of stability and consolidation. And if we, as we all believe we are about to see a nice run on the price of BTC and some of the other majors, I think we're in a really good position based off the back of that. And I think a lot of that is due to the commitment of sumpump and the way that they are prepared to adapt and develop their own platform based on the feedback they received from their community.

Developing the Sundog Brand

So I want to shift the focus a little bit back to the Sundog brand itself. I should have asked this earlier, but could you speak to how you guys are thinking about developing the Sundog brand as well as you talked a lot about community earlier, how are you guys building this community and how are you differentiating from other, I guess, competitors in a similar space. Yeah, love that. We don't just want to build out a community of participants, we want to build out a community of ambassadors. So we've been working really hard to, like, you know, identify people in the ecosystem who are hugely bullish on what we're doing and be bullish back on them.

Creating Content and Building Relationships

So we've been really, like, taking the time to get to know them, to give them the content and the assets that will allow them to create amazing content. But on the back of that, we've also been thinking, you know, like the markets, they rise and fall. We know that and we know that ultimately we're rising in the direction that we want to be. We're going for the sun. The moon is not enough. And that's a lot of the concept behind the meme. What we've been able to do, though, is really start to think from a brand perspective. By choosing a, what was traditionally like web two meme that people know and love, the corgi, we've been able to develop that in a way that we think is super exciting for a web three audience, but also allows us to onboard a web two audience by putting him in particular scenarios and by really starting to build on this theme that we're working on at the moment, which is what it means to be in the Sundog zone.

The Concept of the Sundog Zone

And the Sundog zone is, you know, like I was saying earlier, it's a state of mind. It's about gathering with your buddies. It's about enjoying the pumps. It's about huddling together during the dips. It's about being, you know, positive in all elements of your life and being the best version of yourself. And we think that our dog, with his cheeky grin, he really represents what it means to be in the sun dog zone. And so we're working on building a brand around that. Now. What does that brand look like? Well, of course, it looks like things like great merchandise. If people were paying attention last week at Korea blockchain week, they will have seen the various Sundog t shirts and bucket hats that were being sported by lots of influencers and vip guests from our community who we invited to an IRL event, you know, and we're intending to keep that up.

Building Community Beyond Telegram

Right. We want to break out. We don't just want to be a. We don't just want to be a telegram based community. We want to be a community where we vibe together, where we hang together IRL, and where we really start to, you know, grow a feeling, a vibe. What it means to be in that sun dog zone. So that is, you know, from a visual, like, look, feel, brand perspective, things that we're building out. But then it's really important then to also, like, latch onto the fact that as a team, we have an amazing technical caliber. You know, we're able to launch things like the Sunbot Telegram application, which allows people to trade Tron based memes.

Philanthropic Efforts and Community Contributions

And we're also, you know, we have an element of philanthropy amongst us. We want to give back. You know, we recognize that we're the front runner. We recognize that we're the top dog in the ecosystem, and so we want to give back to the ecosystem to grow it as a whole. And that's why we've done decided to partner with other means in the ecosystem. And we've created a buyback and burn campaign, which is essentially where any of the token that's purchased using the Sunbot app, the revenue that's generated, where 100% of that's generated by sundog purchases, is being used to buy back and burn sundog tokens. But we're also offering 50% of what has been generated from a revenue perspective, to buy back the tokens from our partners who are in the ecosystem.

Deflationary Tactics and Community Support

So Mooncat is one of those that I can give you straight off the top of my head. Now, what's great there is that we've created deflationary, like a deflationary tactic that we can roll out, but also that we are taking the time from, like, a social point of view, given our audience is significant to really build out a great relationships and lend our support to other people in the ecosystem. And that's super important for us. It's something that we want to be seen to be doing. It's something that we want to do from a brand perspective. We want to give back. And there are a number of other initiatives that we're working on at the moment, some charitable, some more bullish, and based on kind of like, getting out there and creating amazing experiences and activations for our community.

Looking Ahead

And I look forward to letting you all know about them asm when they come up. Awesome. So just a few more questions before we wrap up. I'd like to know more about sunbot.

Introduction to Sunbot

I think you mentioned this very early on in the spaces. For those who just joined. Could you just reiterate what that is and why listeners should be excited about it? Yeah, absolutely. So the sunbot is a telegram based application. People can access it. It will create a wallet for them immediately that they can load up with their TRX. And essentially, then from that point, they can just, with the touch of bottoms, by adding contract addresses from the memes that they're interested in, they are able to purchase, sell, swap tokens from different memes in the ecosystem. This is really inspired by the great work that the people at Bonk did in the Solana ecosystem with their bonkbot. It's similar, but we've tried to add some different, extensions to it. You can also, you know, when you're in the sunbot, you can, you're looking at your portfolio, you're able to see whether you're up or down, you're able to go and check out the charts for each individual token that you own, and also go and look at the charts for tokens that you don't own that you're interested in, simply by adding the contract address.

User-Friendly Trading Experience

So it's a really, very user friendly, easy bot to use, which allows you to trade on Tron. And also, yeah, the buyback and burn campaign is something that we wanted to do to really engage the community, to get them to jump in and try out, because one, they're going to benefit from the user experience of using the bot, but two, by creating a deflationary tactic that we're able to roll out across, multiple memes were actually seeking to increase the value of their portfolio. So it has been a real pleasure to work on Sunbot to roll it out. We've now got a great team that are also working on the socials behind Sunbot. And, yeah, really bullish on what they're doing also at the moment. And if it's okay with you guys, I'm going to pin a post. We're looking for Sunbot ambassadors, so I'm just pinning that to the top there right now.

Call for Ambassadors

Essentially, if you are a creator in the space or someone who has influence with a great community, we want to hear from you. We can give you a great referral code with great terms to be able to go and onboard people to sunbot for us. But also, if you represent or you are a holder of a token and you are, have a relationship with the team, like let the meme teams know that we are still out here and we're looking to collaborate with other people in the ecosystem, the tron ecosystem. So, yeah, please feel free to DM here or join our telegram group where you can get in touch with someone from the team. And we'd be delighted to speak with you about what it means to be an ambassador.

Roadmap and Future Collaborations

Awesome. So just one more question for you guys before we wrap up. Which is about the roadmap. What are your upcoming plans for Sundog, as well as if you have any upcoming collaborations or offer you can share with the community? I think now is a great time. Yeah, well, as I said earlier, we're really fortunate. We've been listed by a number of great exchanges like Kucoin and obviously a number of others. Bybit, we announced this morning, literally at the same time as we joined this call, but also there are a number of other exchanges that we're in deep negotiation with at the moment. We're really excited about that. We're excited about the development of Sandbot, also the addition of additional features to that and different decentralized applications.

Charitable Initiatives and Community Engagement

We're really excited to work from a charitable perspective. We're working at the moment to find a charity that really suits our ethos and to make a number of donations based on the revenue that we've been able to generate via Sandbot and also the success of the token itself. We are working on IRL activations right now, so we want to get out there to all of the different web three DeFi based events all around the world and give an opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate the sundog. And yeah, there's a number of other things that we're doing really to develop the meme. And I think that's what's key is to be able to create a meme that endures.

Building a Strong Brand

You need to build a brand around it. And so we're working really hard to establish that. And you can expect to see a lot more information about the Sundog zone very soon and what it means to be in the sun dog zone. All right, I'd like to thank you again for taking the time for coming on, and everyone else for taking the time as well, for listening. Hope you guys have learned something. Definitely go check out the pinned tweet up here in the x spaces and also do follow sundog on all their socials and communities.

Final Thoughts

I just want to ask if you have any final statements or thoughts before we wrap up. Of course, this is not financial advice and only educational. Yeah, it's not financial advice. Buy more sundog. No, I'm joking. Listen, we want to thank you, the team at Kucoin, for inviting us up here, also for all of the audience, for coming up and listening today. Know that you are all busy, really appreciate the time you're taking.

Engagement with the Community

Please feel free to reach out. Like we are a very accessible team. We want to talk to the audience, talk to our community, and if there are any great ideas you've got or any things that you'd like to see from us, like, we are really open to critique. So thank you so much. Really appreciate your time. Sun dog to the sun, baby. And thank you very much for today. Amazing. Thank you so much again, and have a great day, everyone.

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