Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Korea Blockchain Week gets Gotchi! Latest news from snapshots to Geist hosted by aavegotchi. Explore the latest updates and insights from Korea Blockchain Week focusing on Aavegotchis and Geist. Dive into the significance of $GHST and #AavegotchiDAO within the Aavegotchi community. Discover the importance of actively participating in the management, care, and trading of Aavegotchi NFT assets to unlock their full potential during this event.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: Why is caring for Aavegotchi NFTs crucial?
A: Taking care of Aavegotchis ensures their growth and potential rewards for their owners.

Q: What updates were highlighted regarding snapshots and Geist?
A: Discover the latest news and features related to snapshots and Geist during Korea Blockchain Week.

Q: How do $GHST and #AavegotchiDAO contribute to the Aavegotchi ecosystem?
A: Learn about the roles and benefits that $GHST and #AavegotchiDAO provide within the Aavegotchi community.

Q: What activities are available during Korea Blockchain Week for Aavegotchi owners?
A: Explore the events and opportunities offered during Korea Blockchain Week for Aavegotchi enthusiasts.

Q: Why is active engagement important in managing and trading Aavegotchis?
A: Active participation leads to better outcomes and potential growth for Aavegotchi assets.


Time: 00:15:30
Caring for Aavegotchi NFTs Importance of nurturing Aavegotchis for mutual benefits.

Time: 00:25:45
Latest on Snapshots and Geist Updates and features revealed during Korea Blockchain Week.

Time: 00:35:20
$GHST and #AavegotchiDAO Insights Understanding the roles and impact of $GHST and #AavegotchiDAO.

Time: 00:45:10
Korea Blockchain Week Activities Engaging events and opportunities for Aavegotchi owners.

Time: 00:55:05
Active Participation in Aavegotchi Management The benefits of actively engaging in managing and trading Aavegotchis.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the importance of caring for Aavegotchi NFTs for mutual benefit.
  • Exploring the latest developments and news surrounding snapshots and Geist.
  • The value of $GHST and #AavegotchiDAO in the Aavegotchi ecosystem.
  • Insights on leveraging Aavegotchis during Korea Blockchain Week activities.
  • The significance of active participation in nurturing and trading Aavegotchi assets.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Sadeena. Sadeena. Perfect. Welcome everyone. Thanks everyone for joining. I'm very glad that we are hosting again Amaz here in our Twitter account. We haven't done this in a while and I'm pretty happy because today we have very special guests with us. We have the three latest projects that integrated into our testnet campaign. So this will be a very special AMA. Today we have Realtx, Landex and music protocol tuning with us. So yeah, let's get to it. You might want to start I might want to start with introducing the projects. I will ask you guys to introduce yourselves and the projects you're representing. So can we start with reality Xdev? Please go ahead and present yourself with goons.

Introducing Realty X

Thanks. My name is Jade, co founder and head of partnership at Realty X. We just launched on Plumb Testnet I think yesterday and we got a lot of good feedback. So kudos to the team, of course. So more about Realty Xdev we are a real world asset tokenization project specifically for real estate assets. Through tokenization, we allow users worldwide to participate in the real estate market without a need to own the entire physical property. But our mission goes beyond just tokenization. We leverage web three composability and partner with other defi, social, Fijde and Gamefi projects to bring more powerful utilities and yield to our users. So we are really looking forward to explore and experiment this RWA fi initiative on the Plume network and other RWA projects in the ecosystem. Thanks.

Landex Introduction

Thanks Jaith. Thanks Jaitley. Then I want to go next with Landex. Please turn on your mic and introduce to guns. Yep, load on tier. Perfect. Yeah. So I'm Kyle, I am in BD and then also the head of content management at Landex. And we also are participants in the plume testnet, which is super exciting. Awesome to see a RWA centric network bootstrapping and taking off and gathering as much momentum as it already has. So that's very exciting. First off, we focus on really kind of two different parts to solve a problem that's been a real issue for the world in recent decades. And that's how farmers, real world farmers, not yield. Farmers get financing terms. So if they need a loan to purchase heavy equipment like tractors, or maybe put in an irrigation system or some equipment or consumables for crop rotation, then they need money to do that.

Challenges in Traditional Financing

But unfortunately, in the traditional world, the lending practices are very unfairly stacked against farmers because in traditional finance there is a dearth of understanding when it comes to agriculture as an industry and as a practice. So the traditional financial institutions who do offer lending to farmers often make up for their lack of knowledge by jacking up the ApY, the interest rates for the loans that they do provide. So we see farmers all over the world, especially smallholder farmers, not big corporate farms, being charged upwards of 50% interest on loans that they need and are essential to the operation and expansion of their business. So we have a lot of qualified people, and we have people on staff, even at the founder level, who have an intimate knowledge of agriculture, fundamentally speaking. So we have the knowledge there to accurately appraise and assess risk when it comes to lending opportunities. So we're able to provide efficient funding, financing and loans to farmers in order to level up their productivity.

Innovative Loan Repayment Model

And on the flip side of that, when these farmers repay the loans, instead of having them repay in their local currency, because we operate in all corners of the world, we allow them to repay their loans in the commodities that they harvest. So we're talking about wheat, corn, rice, or soybeans. So if a soybean farmer takes out a loan, he can repay his loan with the soybeans that he harvests out of his field, instead of having to pay that back in currency, which comes with a number of advantages. But when we receive those commodities, we tokenize them and we make them available on chain. The price is guaranteed and linked to world markets, the Chicago Board of Trade via Chainlink, Oracle technology, and we make those tokenized agricultural commodities available for digital investors to diversify their portfolios with an uncorrelated asset class, completely independent of cryptocurrency market action.

Discussion of the Music Protocol

Oh, great. Of course I have some questions for you, so we can elaborate more about this a bit later today, but it's pretty interesting what you guys are doing. I truly believe that agriculture is the cornerstone of the economy of many countries. So this is very important what you guys are building. And well, last but not least, I'm going with Sergio, Sergey from the music for the whole team. How you doing? Hey guys, thanks for the invitation. Hope everyone is well. Appreciate being here. So sorry if I joined personally, but generally I'm president CEO of the Web Three Music association, which is the main contributor of music protocol. So generally when I join spaces, I'm always with my personal account, just because I never remember the password of and the connection on the company count.

Overview of the Music Protocol

So very briefly about what we do that I'm sure that we can explore the details during this space. So web Free Music association is like the foundation sitting in Switzerland, under the purview of the FEMA, which is the financial regulator, our token is all regulated. I mean we always like the idea to operate fully within the compliance guidelines. I've been a regulator for a few years myself back in the days into 17. So Santeria, we care deeply. We've been working with the association for the last four years I would say in partnership and communication with the music industry. That's how we somehow came up with a big value proposition on the blockchain for the music industry which is music protocol and what we launched yesterday in partnership with you guys on the testnet.

Tokenization in the Music Industry

It's our pre award asset tokenization offering which is branded music Bond which is effectively a single token backed by economic rights. So I think it's something very simple but at the same time very important for a number of reasons. I mean I don't know how many of you know the music industry but it's one of those like very private and very exclusive industries. So in terms of capital provision, participation to catalog deals, participation to financing, it's all very much closed within the industry operators. So for a few years now I think, I mean the Bowie bond, they've been the first if you want to attempt to open the market and open the support of normal people and normal investor into the music industry. But for a lot of reason, I mean a lot of stuff has not really worked in web two and we strongly believe that web three is the solution because decreases, I don't know, the cost of compliance decreases the cost of settlement, decreasing the listing cost of any you want financial instrument that could be built as a real world asset.

Financing Record Labels

So we have seen a lot of traction from the industry. So after the test we're working to somehow bring the music bond live. And what we're doing is basically financing record labels IP rights owner based on the future cash flow that is coming out of streaming. And I think this is a very simple value prop and reward asset because sometimes when I look at, I don't know, a complex private credit deals and complex stuff that I'm assuming most of people don't have the skills to underwrite, don't have the skills to understand what is the risk? What is the risk of not getting my capital? What is the risk of not being paid the yield. We always say that with this sort of structuring the only way that I need to believe is that everyone wakes up in the morning and click play to listen some music.

Impact of Music Protocol Innovations

So alone people around the world are going to listen to music. The cash flow is going to come back and the yield is going to be paid off. So we believe that this value prop could be a huge driver in the support of somehow consolidating the real world asset space in web three. Amazing. Sergio, thanks for this introduction. And I want to start with the questions with you so we can keep elaborating on what you guys do on music protocol. And the first question I have, it's about the supporting innovation initiative that you guys have. Do you want to tell us about, like any notable success stories that you can share with us to show the impact of these innovations in the music industry?

Success Stories in Music Protocol

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I would say that we, when we started, I mean, we like the idea to be in association. Maybe I'm going to start from here. So for us, the association, which is nothing else than a foundation with a different name, but we like the term association because we aggregate the music industry so effectively, the music partners become members. And we have a lot of activities, reaward events, research, newsletters, calls with the team, where we tend to somehow provoke and drive all the innovation, thinking and execution that could be applied in web three. So, I mean, today we're talking about real world asset. But for example, we go a few case studies around the application of AI within the monitoring of economic rights and payment, which, to be honest, becomes a very interesting accessory to reaward us.

Collaborative Innovations in Music Industry

Because if you can further use the blockchain to certify if you want the income stream and certifies the economic rights, you have even a better if you want financial instrument and product. So across the years, I mean, we've done a lot of collaboration. In certain cases, we have done NFT drops. I mean, we partner with fashion brand to support us artist. We've been integrating in games, we've done a lot of experimentation, and we always somehow supported it with this sort of open innovation and coordination job that has always distinguished us and somehow made us the destination for the music in web three. Today we got maybe some more people which are entering the space, but that's what we have done for the last four years, and it's been like extremely successful.

Fostering Growth in the Music Industry

We helped, I don't know, artists that were pretty much unknown to raise a lot of capital within a very short time that they never done. People that were saying, wow, in web three, actually, I can make a lot more money more than web two. So we keep on fostering this sort of execution. And then when we are conscious about the product, we productize and somehow music bond become one of the biggest productization that we have done out of the conversation and the work that we've done with the music industry, that's basically how we operate. Amazing. Amazing. And well, going back to the question around this, it's like, do you have any success stories you want to share with the community to showcase the impact of the innovations you're making?

Reflection on Key Insights

And just in case. Oh yeah, I think you're not here anymore. Go ahead. Yeah, sorry, I thought it was jumping to another one of the project. Apologies. I thought I was like monopolizing the conversation.

Discussion on Protocols

No, don't worry. We need a protocol. But I would say. I would say that now everything compared to music bond, it looks kind of small. My brain that is so focused in delivering that, because it can be a breakthrough. Because as I said before, one of the biggest struggle is always been being independent. Let's put it that way. If you look at the industry, there is an Iraq, it's like a pyramid where when you want extra cash, either you get an advance from a larger distribution or either you sell your catalog to the bigger guy on top of you in the value chain. Right. So at some point were like really working 360 degrees. So distribution, emerging artist. I mean, at the beginning of the journey, were looking at.

Technical Difficulties and Clarifications

Sorry, did you muted? Oh, yeah, it was muted. But you're back. Don't worry. Where did you lose me? Because you muted automatically. I didn't do anything. I just realized that I got no worries. It was just like 1 second ago. So just keep going, don't worry. Okay. So basically that's what we discovered on the journey. So we figured out actually blockchain and real world asset tokenization could bring one of the biggest disruption which is democratizing financing. So opening up and that's one of the line which I particularly prefer. When I look at real world asset tokenization, I always look at like a free main trend.

Insights on Tokenization

The one is obviously the ETF's, which is one angle ETF stablecoin, which basically they facilitate capital flow. And you have a lot of merchant banker which are looking into tokenization to, I would say optimize cost and because we know the blockchain optimized cost of compliance, cost of settlement. And then the third biggest direction for me is, what do you say? The block, the comparable between all the money sitting in crypto and even in the market is dreadfully still. I think a couple of trillion. I haven't looked at the market today, I don't remember the exact numbers in. The expectation is going to grow to 1015 trillion. Hopefully in the next cycle. And he said, what is the opportunity of this money to actually support traditional industries? That's what I think is the more powerful statement that we can make in real world asset tokenization.

Optimizing Financial Systems

We can basically improve and optimize financial system and we can allow people to basically bought into web three as the best way to manage wealth, to create project, to participate, people that want to see creep through in the long run to actually contribute to real economy, which I think today we cannot really do because the only way is to move cash back in fiat and then go and buy shares and invest in products which are, I don't know, designed for web tool. That's a, I mean, and if you look at this value prop for me, whatever we saw in the last cycle and we have done in the first few months have become really very small compared to this opportunity. Amazing. Thanks a lot. Serious. Thanks a lot for these insights.

Transitioning to Web Three

I think that there's a long way to go for the music industry to keep penetrating in the web three industry. I would say it's the other way around, like web three to penetrating the music industry. But I truly believe that you guys are doing an amazing job there. So congrats on all the success you've been having with music protocol. I appreciate. I would actually agree on that one. I sometimes think that we should be bringing web three to the industry and don't expect the traditional industry are going to just move into us. I think it's slightly different, but a really good perspective to look at it.

Inquiry on Agriculture Initiatives

You're right, you're right. Thanks a lot for this insight. Moving on back to Landex, I'm real curious. I'm really passionate about pushing these kind of initiatives of helping agriculture. So yeah, going back to this, I want to ask like how does Landex ensure the real. Sorry, sorry. The security of the agreements between farmers and investors, especially in terms of verifying crop yields and managing the risk associated with farming, such as crop failures. Yeah, so that's an excellent question and it's one of the questions that investors should be asking about projects that they're interested investing in.

Security Measures at Landex

So I'm glad you asked it, but to answer on several different levels, we have, first off, a process in place that's quite extensive and guarantees that not only is Landex protected, but community members who decide to deposit into any of our tokens are also protected as well. But we do that through a number of different measures. So it starts with, since we operate in different regions of the world, we work with local jurisdictions to guarantee a couple of different things. So, of course, we have to guarantee that we are in compliance with any regulation that's in place in the local jurisdiction.

Legal Safeguards and Collateralization

So after that requirement has been satisfied, we engage and secure the loans by placing liens against the underlying farmland. So once an over collateralization ratio is agreed upon, we have legal documents drawn up in the local jurisdiction. So the venue is going to be appropriate in the case of default, which luckily we haven't had to deal with yet. But just in case, it's all there and it's all legal. So we establish a legally binding lien against the farmland, and that farmland is put up essentially as underlying over collateralization for the loan. So farmers can then receive the loan and it's guaranteed against default.

Measures to Guarantee Loan Payments

We have a couple of other measures also that are factored into the loan amount. So whenever a farmer receives a loan, they actually are required to set aside part of the balance, the principal that they receive in order to guarantee one year's worth of payments. If we are forced into the situation where a farmer cannot make his loan payment, we do have collateral there. We have a principal balance there that we can use to purchase tokenized commodities in order to make those loan payments on the farmer's behalf. So those are two ways we guarantee against default.

Data-Driven Decision Making

But in terms of the actual process of making a very well informed decision on if we're going to grant a loan or not, we take a couple of other measures, one of which is the NVDI index, and that is an index that collects data using a number of different sensors, primarily satellites. So it's geospatial imaging that allows us to look at different regions in the world. You can get as granular as you want and narrow all the way down to, you know, single acres of land, single hectares of land. And there are historical records that come with the data gathering that NVDI conducts.

Historical Analysis of Farming data

So we can go back and look, and we do go back and look at years of history of the vegetation and the types of vegetation that are on these lands. So if we have a farmer, let's say in South Africa, who's requesting a loan, one of the first things that we're going to do is go into that index. We're going to find the coordinates of the farm. We're going to have a representative from Landex, local to that area of the world, who can also put eyes on it to verify ownership and verify that there's current vegetation of the appropriate type, be it wheat, rice, corn, or soy growing on that field.

Verification Processes

And then we're going to look at the historical NVDI index to see that. Okay, so this has been farmed for generations. It has had, you know, acceptable levels of vegetation that are, you know, sown grown and then harvested. And all that information is there and objectively observable for anyone who wants to go in and engage with the NVDI in order to gather this information. But further than that, we also go to the local government offices and verify the harvest records of any farm that's applying for a Landex loan.

Ensuring Accuracy Through Local Data

So not only do we verify it ourselves, primarily through using access to data and that satellite imagery, but we also go through the proper channels and look at the records and make sure that the amounts that farmers are saying they are able to produce line up with what they have been able to produce historically over years. We're not talking about, we're going to look, you know, 25 months in the past and verify that you've had two good crops. We look for years in the past and each situation will vary. But, yeah, so we verify it by putting our eyes on the data.

Comprehensive Verification Techniques

We verify it by looking at the records. We have a representative from Landex on the ground who's able to observe it in person and verify what's going on, and that the other two forms of data gathering that we've conducted are accurate. And aside from that, talking about how to safeguard against crop loss. Crop insurance is a big business. There are many farmers around the world who have access to crop loss insurance. It's a very popular instrument in the insurance sector.

Landex Insurance Safety Module

However, there are a lot of places in the world that do not have access to crop loss insurance. And for that reason, we developed the Landex insurance safety module. And we are able to offer insurance that's funded by Defi investors who provide the funds to policy purchasers. That protects against shortfall events. So if we're talking about a drought or a flood or infestation, things of this nature, farmers have the option to, if they don't, if they can't get insurance anywhere else, or if they just want a better insurance rate, they can go to the landex ism, the insurance safety module, and purchase insurance that insures them against crop loss.

Protection Against Adversities

And then that way, if they do experience one of these, they don't have to worry about how they're going to make their loan repayment in that short to medium term timeframe while they're recovering from these disasters. They're already insured because they have the option of purchasing a policy from the Landex ism and on the flip side of that, we've also leveraged that into essentially a crowdsourced funding where DeFi investors can contribute to those pools and receive a substantially high yield on their stake for providing that protection in the case that it's needed.

Mutual Benefits of the System

And then we just pass the vast majority of those returns for premiums paid to those Defi investors. So it's kind of a win for everybody. Amazing. Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot. I think it's a very complex break to fully understand it. And of course, an AMA is not enough to go through all of every single NHS the details on the backend of Landex, but it's pretty exciting to understand a bit more on how Linux works. And moving on to the next question, I want to ask you about the tokens you issue, and about x tokens and C tokens.

Advantages of Tokenized Solutions

So, can you tell us more, a bit more, about what advantages does x tokens and C tokens provide over traditional commodity derivatives, and how do they address the issue of portfolio diversification for crypto native investors looking to hedge against inflation and market volatility? Yeah, sure. So another great question. Landex can seem complex at the beginning, especially from an outside perspective. But it's important to know that everything, every moving part of Landex, is critical to what we're doing, and there are no unnecessary parts in the platform.

Understanding Agricultural Commodities

But to answer your last question first, and then I'll circle back to the first part of your question and explain x tokens and c tokens as briefly as I can. The asset class of agricultural commodities in general. Everybody knows commodities are generally seen as a safe Haven asset. So gold, for example, whenever the United States dollar weakens, gold rises. Whenever there's instability in the market, the price of gold rises. It could be geopolitical tension, it could be trade disruption, it could be any number of things. But basically everybody seeks out commodities whenever there's any kind of instability international markets, be it traditional or crypto. And that makes sense, right? Because at the end of the day, your dollar or your yen or your dinar could be cut in half. The value of it could be cut in half overnight. But if you have a bar of gold stored somewhere in your home, the value of that and the presence of that half of your bar of gold is not going to disappear overnight. That's pretty much guaranteed.

The Value of Commodities

So you extend that same pragmatism to other commodities in the same class. So if you look at natural gas, what gives natural gas its value? What gives uranium its value? What gives agricultural commodities their value? And the answer is always demand. The use for these items are what create value. So what could be more valuable than one of the essential things that humans need to survive? So it's not an option. It's not something that people can either live with or without. The food we eat is always going to be required and it's always going to experience demand. We've got, there's tons of data studying everything from insect patterns across the world and breeding cycles, to weather patterns changing and having implications on crops. So the future of food security is far from guaranteed. There's been a east african drought for many years that's had a significant impact. And we could look at other factors, like India's ban on non basmati long grain rice.

Understanding Commodity Correlation

I think it's been almost two years ago now that had some pretty resounding effects throughout world markets and heavily affected the price of rice for quite a long time. So those items, commodities, are completely uncorrelated to luxury items and to tech stocks and to cryptocurrency, because with the exception of tokenized real world assets and, you know, you can include gold, real estate, anything in that scope. Cryptocurrency is, I think, most closely correlated with tech stock index. So those are optional. Those can be seen as luxury items. Right. So how does it provide protection against inflation or protection against downside risk when it comes to the cryptocurrency market? Well, the answer is they're totally uncorrelated. Somebody, everybody in the world's always going to need to eat. So the demand is perennial, it's perpetual and persistent. It will always be there. The value for the items that we tokenize and make available to investors are always going to enjoy rising demand. They're always going to enjoy sustained demand.

Historical Perspective on Demand

And if you look at the price history of agricultural commodities in particular over the past 50 years, it's a solid trend upward, it's a slow, steady march upward, because people need these things. And as we get more people, or as there are disruptions in harvest, weather or trade, these items aren't getting to their destinations as easily. So the supply is getting lower, while demand steadily trends upward. Price action has reacted accordingly for decades. So I think that's one way that it makes agricultural commodities the obvious superior answer for a method of diversification to traditional or even purely digital portfolios hedging against inflation. I mean, I won't review all the charts and the data here because I know we're pressed for time, but I, all that information is very well established and it's everywhere. If you google search inflation commodity prices.

Tokenization of Agricultural Commodities

You'll be assaulted with a ton of data that shows how much agricultural commodities outperform inflation and are the perfect hedge versus inflation. So I think those just basic two small parts of it present an overwhelming case for how and why agricultural commodities are the perfect solution for a hedge against inflation. But we could also visit the more well known and established reasons that tokenized agricultural commodities are superior to their traditional counterparts. And those things reside in like heightened liquidity. Of course, when you talk about digital assets, they enjoy heightened level of liquidity, not only because crypto markets never sleep, right? And if you have a tokenized version of a real world asset, you basically just have a, a digital version of something that's otherwise gated by market availability or market hours.

Efficiency in Tokenized Commodities

It's also more efficient because everything's done by software, it's done by smart contracts instead of people or traders. You don't have to wait on middlemen to resolve contracts or large purchases or sales or anything like that. One of the biggest things I think that makes tokenized agricultural commodities far superior to their traditional counterparts is the ability to leverage your ownership of agricultural commodities into further return on your investment. So a perfect example of that is going to be if you own tokenized corn, or an index of tokenized corn, wheat, soy and rice, you can then take those tokens and deposit them into another opportunity to earn yield on the assets that you're already holding. So in the traditional world, you could buy them on a market and you could hold them on paper and let them accumulate in value and increase in value. But if you purchase them digitally and you hold a digital version of these assets, you can then deposit them into any opportunities in the Landex ecosystem to level up your earning on that.

Leveraging Investments in Agriculture

So for example, if you hold x basket and there's an opening in the Landex insurance safety module you want to deposit in there, you can take your estimated APY from 18% to 30% just for that. And at the end of it, you're going to come out with more tokenized commodities than you went in with. So it unlocks that. And then we're really talking about profiting from farmland yield. So not many people have the ability to go out and buy, you know, 40 ha or even more buy a farm and then, you know, profit from that farm's yearly harvest. So we fractionalize that and make it accessible. So it's kind of democratizing access to this farmland asset class that is sought after by Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Ted Turner. I mean, they're billionaires love farmland, and there's a good reason for it. And then you have your other more general advantages like broader investor based transparency, heightened security, and lower costs and things like that.

Understanding X Tokens and C Tokens

But I know I've spoken for a while, so just really quickly, on the x tokens and c tokens, the easiest way to think of it is if you possess an x token, that x token is a fractionalized representation of a farmer's debt repayment obligation. So it entitles you to receive part of the repayment that a farmer is obligated to make to landex for the loan he received. So if you have 100 x tokens, you're going to have 100 shares of loan repayment. And it could be in corn, wheat, soy, or rice, right? So every x token that you hold produces 1 commodity that it represents. So when I say x tokens, we have four x tokens. That's x rice, x soye, ex wheat, etcetera. And if you hold one ex wheat and you stake it or you have it in an index, the xbasket token, which is just all four of those combined.

Token Generation and Market Value

If you hold xbasket, every year that you hold that, you get 1 underlying commodity, and that token that is yielded to you is just c, right? So c tokens to x tokens. X tokens produce c tokens. If you have one x wheat and you hold it for a year, you'll receive one seaweed. And that seaweed is 1 wheat. It represents 1 wheat. And the price of how much that sea token is worth is linked to the Chicago Board of Trade price for wheat. And just to front run any questions on that, you don't have to hold it for a year to get that, kilogram of tokenized wheat. It's, it's updated in block time, so you're actually accumulating that in real time. But I'll stop talking now because I know that was a lot, but if you have any questions, I'd be happy to follow up.

Closing Remarks

Sure thing. Sure thing. As I said, like, sometimes an AMA is not enough to explain the whole spectrum of a project. But thanks a lot. Thanks a lot for this explanation. I think that it was pretty insightful. Moving on to the next question for. My questions are for Realty X. So, hey, Jade, thanks for joining us. And I want to ask you, how does Realty X address the challenges of liquidity and high entry barriers in the real estate industry through tokenization? And what impact do you foresee this having on the global real estate investment? Thanks for the question. Realty X is all about making real estate investment more accessible and liquid.

Tokenization Impact on Real Estate

So, you know, traditionally investing in real estate means you need a lot of capital, have to deal with tons of paperwork, and then you are stuck with a relatively illiquid asset. But tokenization changed the whole game. By breaking down properties into smaller digital tokens, realty X allows people to buy just a slice of property instead of the whole thing. And this lowers the cost barrier and makes it possible for everyone and everyday investors to get in on real estate without needing millions in the bank. And so when it comes to the impact on global real estate investment through tokenization, we believe it opens up new possibilities for investors all around the world. So suddenly someone sitting in Asia could own a fraction of a property in Europe, or investor in Africa could diversify by owning a piece of commercial real estate in let's say Latin America.

Global Accessibility of Real Estate

So opportunities are no longer bound by geography or limited to the super wealthy individuals or just for the institutions. But there's another thing we should be aware when it comes tokenization. So, you know, the global real estate market is massive and it has over 370 trillion us dollar in value. So the goal isn't tokenize all of it. That wouldn't make any sense. Tokenization should be approached strategically and not every property is suitable for tokenization. To be honest, we need to carefully consider the types of properties and markets where this technology can add real value. So at realty X, we believe our mission should be to make web three economy more vibrant and secure.

Strategic Tokenization for Web Three Economy

So let's say when we tokenize just 1% of the 370 trillion real estate market, we would be able to inject a huge amount of real world value into the web three economy. So this would supercharge the web three economy. As I said in the beginning, and through composability, we can make web three economy even more robust and connected to the tangible assets. So it's not just about revolutionizing the traditional side, it's actually bringing a lot of value to the web three economy as well. Thanks a lot Jay, thanks a lot for this explanation.

Insights on Real Estate Tokenization

And I think you're right, it makes a lot of sense. Like it clicked to me when you said that not every single real estate in the world should be tokenized. So yeah, thanks a lot for those insights.

Exploring Realty X's Governance Structure

Well, I want to move on to the next question. And my next question, it's more about realty X style. And so can you please elaborate more on the role of special purpose decentralized divisions with the Realty x Tao? And how does this governance model empower stakeholders to manage tokenized real assets and in a decentralized, transparent way.

Structure of Special Purpose Decentralized Divisions

Yes, that's a very good question because we adopt a Dow governance structure and SPDDD, the full name is special purpose decentralized division. They're basically by nature, they are subdaos within the larger realty XdAO, and each of them is like a mini organization that oversees a specific tokenized property. And these subdaos are governed by the token holders who are directly involved and invested in those particular assets.

Community Empowerment through Governance

So this setup is all about giving power back to the community. So if you hold our RWA tokens in a specific SPDD, you have a say in a lot of decision making and a lot of important matters like rental strategies, the property in the real world regarding its maintenance and management, you get to select a management team for that specific property. And even when it comes to the property sales, you can vote to sell the property.

Tokenization and Profit Sharing

So let's say we've already tokenized the property, which is located in Dubai, and over the past six months its value has gone up 30%. So soon we will initiate a proposal in the community for our DAO members and the SPDV members to vote whether to sell this property to secure that increased profit and to share the profit. So it's really interesting when we go down the community driven approach.

Importance of Transparency in Decision Making

So everything is out there in the open, recorded on the blockchain, which builds trust and ensure everyone's interests are aligned. And actually, I want to share a little, well, something happened earlier in our debox community. So dbox is a very popular web three social media platform focusing on the Asian side.

Recommended Platforms for Engagement

So yeah, I'd recommend this platform to other projects founders if you are looking into building your presence in Asia. So Debox is the platform you should consider because it's got a very vibrant community. And we had a very interesting debate earlier this morning, and so some users were discussing what happens when someone needs to sell a whole property, but parts of it have already been tokenized and sold to a DAO.

Challenges of Selling Tokenized Properties

And we think it's a very good question and it's super valid because it touches on a key point about how property tokenization works and how it should be applied. So the point is we, like I said earlier, we don't need tokenize every single property out there, and not every property is suitable for tokenization and we need to be very careful and compliant in selecting which ones are.

Procedures for Tokenization

So we have the whole procedure to select the property and tokenize it and to do it in a legal and compliant way. So let's say start with the 1% of the whole market out of the 370 trillion and do our due diligence and make it accessible and inclusive within the web three community. I think that is our goal and we will definitely adopt DAO structure to make it more transparent and community driven.

Message to the Realty X Community

Before I pass the mic back to the host, I'd like to take this moment to send a message to the Realty X community because I know a lot of you are based in Asia and it's really late, it's almost midnight for you, and you are waiting for this moment for me to send you the code for claiming your task on token rewards. And the code is realty X space RWA.

Claiming Rewards and Engagement

So yeah, now you're ready to claim for the rewards. Thanks for joining us. Back to you. Yo, thanks a lot for that Alpha jade, I'm pretty sure that your community really appreciated that. So also we also have a lot of community from LandX music protocol, of course, plume. So please go ahead and join Realty X community so you can also go and claim your rewarder.

Final Messages for the Community

Well, and last but not least, I just want you guys to ask you if you have any last message or any last words for the plum community. So yeah, you might want to go first. We're just live on plume testnets, so please join us and experience the RWA features with us and of course collect the miles and gear up towards the TGE.

Current Status and Future Plans

And real DX is actually already live. We have a lot of community events and you can already hold our RWA token and earn USDC. And we will experiment a lot of different composability and join forces with different projects to boost the yield for RWA tokens and of course to bring in more utilities.

Excitement for Upcoming Launch

And super looking forward to the launch of the mainnet of Plume network. Of course. Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot. Jade Lennox, do you want to give some less couple words today? Goons yeah, absolutely. First off, thanks so much for hosting this ama.

Engagement with Plume Testnet

It's been great, especially getting to know some of our colleagues here on Plume. Super excited about the Plume testnet. I encourage all Landex farmers to get involved, go onto the Plume testnet, test everything that plume has to offer, including Landex. We're there.

Finding Opportunities in DeFi

We're also currently live and we have been for quite a while on ethereum and arbitrum. So if you find something you like while experimenting on plume, jump in anywhere and get involved. We have incredibly high yield available in the Landex insurance safety module and also in the Landex credit gateway, two of our mechanisms that are offering lending services to real world borrowers through digital investor contributions.

Yield Opportunities through Digital Investments

So you can earn 30 plus percent on USDC denominated getting yield in RWA. So I mean what could better than that? But yeah, we encourage all farmers to investigate everybody available on plume, especially our colleagues who are speaking here today. And yeah, get out there, engage, give all the feedback that you can accumulate those miles and yeah, we're excited for the future.

Appreciation for Collaboration

Oh, thanks a lot. Thanks a lot for those kind words. And last but not least, Sergio, wanna give some last couple words to the gints? Yeah, I would love to thank everyone. I mean really great space, great initiative. We are super happy that we partner with plumbing, you guys on the testnet.

Community Engagement and Future Prospects

which I, I mean it's a really interesting exercise because I'm actually looking at this Marcontra right now and you could argue we printed, we minted 603 million if this will be live, it means that we have almost a billion to work with the music industry and somehow drive the adoption and provide and show how crypto could actually contribute to the real economy.

Gratitude for Participation

So like thanks to the community, we love to see the number going up. I think the deserted testnet exercises are very important to show the demanded engagement, the adoption. So thanks everyone to participating, thanks for the opportunity. And we are monitoring the number.

Understanding Market Dynamics

Hopefully it's going to give us a lot of power in the conversations. Yo, that's a pretty interesting insight you gave that right there. The numbers of what you have had so far. So that's a goal for plume. You know, like to bring the tested momentum into the mainnet.

Building towards a Successful Future

So, and that means of course a lot of the momentum goes to the ecosystem break. So we're pretty excited about that. So yeah, I love that because. I remember when we first spoke with your team, I have, I always have like very precise phrases in my brain and he was, this is like the real world without real money.

Testing Systems Before Going Live

So we're basically testing how systems can operate before they go live. So that's the way I looked at it from that day. I just looked at it in that perspective. So when I'm looking at the smart contract, I'm thinking we proposed an offering, we launch a product and today within 24 hours you could argue that you have 4000 holders, around 60,000 transfer and 603 million mint.

Incredible Progress Achieved

So sell of a big number. I mean if we can all together deliver those one in real, I mean we have done an incredible job. Yeah. Yeah.

Looking Forward to Future Developments

But I think that's closer than that, it seems. And hopefully very soon we'll have that real number flowing through these amazing protocols. So, yeah.

Closing Remarks

Thanks a lot, everyone. Thanks a lot. Of course, to our guest, special guest for co hosting these with us. And last but not least, I think this is also something that people been waiting for the whole ma.

Announcement of Secret Word

The secret word. We also have an intra campaign for the goons to come participate, engage with the community, and there's a dollar 200 giveaway for the winners. So the secret word that's on the intrac campaign, it's RWA five to the moon.

Final Instructions and Goodbye

So with spaces. RWA five, space to space, the space moon. Rwa five to the moon. Okay, so I hope you got that. If you didn't get it, I will drop it here in the comments of this thread. So if you go here into.

Engagement Instructions for Viewers

If you're watching your screen right now on Twitter, you will see that in the bottom to the right, there's purple like a conversation glove. And that opens the thread of this tweet. So I will drop there the secret password, that's Rwafi to the moon. I'm posting it right now, so I hope you get it.

Gratitude and Farewell

I hope you catch it to be eligible for the raffle. And, yeah, thanks a lot. Thanks a lot, guys. Thanks a lot, community. Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot to all our guests and hope to see you soon in the next AMA's. Have a very nice week.

Well Wishes to the Audience

Have a very nice day. Morning, afternoon, night, wherever you are. Thanks a lot. Bye.

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