Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space provided an in-depth discussion on 'Conducts,' a project that integrates AI, gaming, and cryptocurrency through a novel staking mechanism. The primary focus was on how staking KNDX tokens yields Helix, which can be used within the ecosystem to access B2B SaaS solutions or be burned to release locked tokens, thus boosting token price. The system supports multi-token staking, enabling users to receive rewards in various cryptocurrencies. Key topics included potential developer use cases, onboarding opportunities, and the broader implications for AI and gaming sectors. Future plans were also discussed, highlighting potential integrations and community engagement, making 'Conducts' an exciting and innovative project to watch.


Q: What is the primary function of the Helix token?
A: The Helix token is earned by staking KNDX and can be used to access services or is burned to un-stake and release locked tokens, contributing to an increased token price.

Q: How does staking KNDX work?
A: Users stake KNDX to earn Helix, which can be utilized to pay for services or contribute to increasing the token price through burning.

Q: Can other tokens be integrated into this staking mechanism?
A: Yes, the system can onboard other tokens to participate in staking, offering rewards in both KNDX and other tokens.

Q: What kind of onboarding opportunities does this system provide?
A: The staking mechanism facilitates significant onboarding for both users and tokens, allowing various cryptocurrencies to be utilized and rewarded.

Q: How could developers use this staking mechanism?
A: Developers can create their in-game currencies linked to this staking mechanism, integrating them into smart contracts.

Q: What is the potential impact on KNDX’s token price?
A: By locking and burning KNDX through the Helix mechanism, the circulating supply decreases, potentially leading to a higher token price.

Q: How does this system support B2B solutions?
A: Helix can be utilized to pay for various B2B SaaS solutions within the ecosystem, providing additional utility.

Q: Is there a potential integration with AI and gaming?
A: The roadmap includes exploring integration with AI technologies and gaming sectors, offering new innovative applications.

Q: Can users choose how to receive their staking rewards?
A: Yes, stakers can choose to receive their rewards entirely in KNDX or a mix with other supported tokens.

Q: What is the long-term vision for this pr…
A: The project aims to create a thriving multi-token ecosystem with applications in AI, gaming, and B2B services through an innovative staking mechanism.


Time: 00:00:34
Introduction to Conducts

Time: 00:10:12
Staking Mechanism Overview

Time: 00:20:05
Token Utility and Price Dynamics

Time: 00:30:27
Multi-token Support

Time: 00:40:52
Developer Opportunities

Time: 00:50:44
Future Roadmap

Time: 00:59:47
AI and Gaming Synergy

Time: 01:00:14
Community Engagement

Time: 01:00:24
Final Notes and Thanks

Time: 01:00:33
Next Steps

Key Takeaways

  • "Conducts" introduces a unique staking mechanism with KNDX and Helix.
  • Holding KNDX allows users to stake and earn Helix for accessing services or increasing token price.
  • The ecosystem supports B2B transactions with Helix.
  • Staking offers multi-token support for rewards in different cryptocurrencies.
  • Developers can create in-game currencies using this staking mechanism.
  • Partnerships aim to expand the token and service integration within the ecosystem.
  • Significant onboarding opportunities are provided within the system.
  • Designed to boost token activity and price.
  • Future roadmap includes potential AI and gaming integrations.
  • The project's structure can be a game-changer for developers as a proof of concept.

Behind the Mic

so you're awarded Helix, and then when you go to get your conducts back out, the helix is burned, and your conduct is released from the treasury with your rewards. Well, this little setup actually provides quite a bit of onboarding for our ecosystem. You know, we can then use the helix to pay for the b two b stuff. So say you wanted to use some of our b two b solutions, some of our SaaS solutions. Well, you could stake kNdx, and then your helix would be burned to pay for the service. And then that amount of KNDX proportional to the helix is now locked off of the ecosystem, and that increases the token price. So the payment system for all of this is initially theorized to kind of host up the token zone movement. And we're also poised to include other tokens in our staking so we can onboard other tokens to our staking, and then they receive helix as well. It could be a scenario where someone who's staking KNDx can choose to receive the rewards 100% in KNDx or percentage in the other funds. And then we have a multi ecosystem economy, so there's a lot to go on with helix. Yeah. And we set this up as a proof of concept that if a developer wanted to create their own in game currency, the staking mechanism would be able to. To be written into a contract to creAnd so they wouldn't have to rely on polygon or Ethereum. Overwhelming, aren't they? No, that's the setup. Awesome. Some really cool, innovative things taking place, at least on the staking front. At minimum that's fun to talk about. You have a pretty interesting reward schedule and all of these different pieces. So it's very compelling, to say the least. So another question I have here for you before we get all tapped out of time is as the co founder of conducts, where do you see everything moving in the spaces that we've talked about? Generally, over the next one to two years? Do you think we're really going to adopt way more of this halfway approach? Is the real world going to slow down the virtual world or is the virtual world in your mind accelerating the real world? Where do you see kind of web three in the next few years? I see it accelerating on the virtual world side for sure. And that's due to the simple fact that the traditional world is just kind of setting itself up in a comfortable environment, comfortable economies. And we know most traditional economies are sitting on a stack of levers that are meant to slow things down less, they get out of hand. Whereas the advancement of the innovation on the decentralized web three side is actually kind of designed in reverse. It's designed to adapt actively to the conditions that are present at the time. So I find that the advancements in the virtual world are going to take leaps and bounds in relative to the pace of traditional innovation. Fascinating. So without that kind of restricting foundation of all these regulation and control mechanisms. Because the innovators are, to a large degree, unencumbered and can add their own abilities and empower their users to add their abilities to the projects really quite simply speeds them up dramatically. Absolutely. And, you know, we'll see exactly how this becomes implemented with the different types of ofc perceptions, the optics, and all this stuff we're dealing with in the news. But at the heart of it all, can you explain just the core motivation for you and the other founders of conducts? What birthed this movement that you're embarking on? Well, simply put, a lot of us had a lot of different innovations happening. You know, you could say on our separate lives, a lot of different projects, a lot of jobs, a lot of responsibilities. And Ben's smiling because he's about 160 places at once, and similar to me, so it's funny to us. Well, you know, to actually pin down a piece of innovation in the decentralized world and try to keep ours on it without making the stakes too heavy for any individual person to take on, there's a prime motivation, for sure. And beyond that, the innovation that it brings, not only for conducts, but for the AI space. And gaming does really feel like we're on the precipice of some really cool game shifting tech. And right when gaming's kind of feeling a little stale. So it's perfectly well timed. That seems to be when the Phoenix rises, so to speak. But really appreciate both of you guys joining today and educating us not only on conducts, but just the general AI where AI meets gaming and crypto. And Ben, always a pleasure to be co hosting with you here. We got fractillion behind the neo Tokyo official account, tons of citizens and conducts community members in the audience. So very grateful to you all as well. And we will be back with a future ama. Thanks, everybody. Thank you. Awesome. Thanks, everyone for being here. I'm gonna take a quick break and then I'll probably actually be hosting a second AMA in our twitter space or in our telegram space, if you guys are there. So if you guys have any remaining questions."

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