Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Koii DePIN Diaries hosted by KoiiFoundation. The Koii DePIN Diaries space revolves around leveraging Koii for passive income through device installations. With over 90,000 peer devices available, users can quickly set up Koii in under 5 minutes, offering a seamless and scalable approach to generate passive income. Developers can tap into Koii's robust network to enhance engagement and monetization. The space emphasizes Koii's user-friendly interface, scalability, and unique concept of DePIN Diaries for consistent earning potential. It explores various facets of Koii installations, highlighting accessibility, community interaction, and future prospects for users.

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Total Listeners: 63


Q: How does Koii offer passive income opportunities?
A: Koii allows users to earn passively by installing it on different devices and participating in its network.

Q: What is the setup time for Koii installations?
A: Users can set up Koii on their devices in under 5 minutes, ensuring quick and easy access to passive income.

Q: How many peer devices can be used with Koii?
A: Koii enables the utilization of over 90,000 peer devices, enhancing functionality and network engagement.

Q: What benefits does Koii provide for developers?
A: Developers can tap into Koii's extensive user base, offering opportunities for engagement and enhanced monetization.

Q: Why is Koii considered scalable for passive income?
A: The scalability of Koii installations allows users to maximize their passive income streams over time.

Q: How does Koii ensure accessibility and adoption?
A: Koii's user-friendly interface and quick setup process promote accessibility and wide adoption among users.

Q: What makes Koii DePIN Diaries unique?
A: Koii DePIN Diaries presents an innovative concept for consistent passive income generation through seamless device integration.

Q: How can users leverage Koii for earning potential?
A: Users can explore Koii's network functionalities and installations across different devices to enhance their earning potential.

Q: What aspects of Koii installations contribute to user engagement?
A: The ease of integration and broad device compatibility of Koii foster increased user engagement and participation.

Q: How does Koii differentiate itself in the passive income space?
A: Koii's extensive peer network and user-focused approach set it apart as a unique avenue for passive income generation.


Time: 00:15:20
Passive Income Potential with Koii Discover how Koii offers passive income opportunities through device installations.

Time: 00:25:45
Scalability and Accessibility of Koii Exploring the scalability and accessibility features of Koii installations.

Time: 00:35:12
User Engagement with Koii Network Learn how users can engage with Koii's extensive peer network for enhanced functionality.

Time: 00:45:30
Innovative Concept of Koii DePIN Diaries Delve into the unique concept behind Koii DePIN Diaries for consistent earning potential.

Time: 00:55:18
Developer Opportunities with Koii Understanding the opportunities Koii offers developers to engage with a wide user base.

Time: 01:05:27
Efficient Setup Process of Koii Exploring the quick and easy setup process of Koii installations in under 5 minutes.

Time: 01:15:40
Maximizing Passive Income with Koii Discover strategies for maximizing passive income streams through Koii installations.

Time: 01:25:55
Device Integration with Koii Understanding how Koii seamlessly integrates across various devices for consistent earnings.

Time: 01:35:10
Community Interaction on Koii The importance of community engagement and interaction within the Koii network.

Time: 01:45:20
Future Prospects of Koii Discussing the future possibilities and advancements in the Koii ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Passive income opportunities with Koii by installing it on various devices.
  • Utilizing over 90,000 peer devices for enhanced functionality.
  • The quick and easy setup of Koii in under 5 minutes for efficient use.
  • Exploring the potential of Koii for monetization and passive income generation.
  • Understanding the benefits of Koii installations for leveraging its network.
  • Opportunities for developers to engage with Koii's wide user base.
  • Highlighting the user-friendly approach of Koii for accessibility and adoption.
  • The scalability of Koii installations for maximizing passive income streams.
  • The innovative concept of Koii DePIN Diaries for consistent earning potential.
  • Exploring the seamless integration of Koii across various devices.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

Hello. Hello, everyone. How are you guys doing today? Amazing. Thank you so much for asking. Can I be heard? I'm on my. I'm on a different mic this time around. Yeah. Can you guys hear me? Loud and clear, both of you. Awesome, awesome. Avi, a little bit louder than Melvis. In a good way or a bad way? In a great way. We love hearing you. Okay. That's definitely a difference compared to some of these morning spaces where we've had people rug immediately when joining and so you can't hear anyone. All right, all right.

Event Planning and Excitement

So as we're joining in coy today, I'm actually pretty excited. This is one of the. That's a few deep in diaries I get to enjoy because I'm usually busy during this hour for everyone. This is Toki over at Gen Z O, and I'm actually really excited to be able to talk to Koi today as well as hear from immutable and honestly, Avi, yourself. So if you guys don't mind, let's do some introductions on the immutable side. Who do we have behind the account over there? Oh, thank you so much, Avi. I'm Ali, I'm the founder, and it's a pleasure to be here. Perfect, perfect.

Community Introductions

And Avi, do you want to introduce yourself as well to the community? Yeah, for sure. Hey, guys, this is Avi from Coy's Deverel. I am here every week and I'm glad to be here. For another, I think a special treat today. Melvis from COi is here and I would love for him to give himself a brief introduction. Yeah. Hey, guys, my name is Melvis and I'm the chief commercial officer at COI. I'm leading the gold market strategy. And then on top of that, any other partnership negotiations and engagements around the ecosystem? Also working hand in hand with Avi on Koi Ocean and bringing the next generation of deepen and DAP developers to the network.

Conferences and Networking

Now, if I'm not wrong, I believe I've seen both you guys either at Korea blockchain week or just recently at token 2049. Is that not correct? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. No is quite the crazy time. I've actually been in Asia for the past probably like month and a half or so I definitely got to enjoy all the different conferences out there. Yeah, it was great. A marathon. Yeah, it was a KBW and then Tobin 24 nine and Solana breakpoint right after for quite a busy time. Oh, yeah, and breakpoint was also in Singapore right after during all the f one business as well.

Navigating Challenges

Absolutely. Craziness trying to get anywhere in that lower part of the city. So how was it for the Koi team at Token 2049? It was great because we have to connect with some of our investors and more importantly, there are many projects that were able to connect with who love what we're doing at core, in a sense that they can utilize our technology to source data storage, compute solutions, and have a flexibility on choosing what means of incentivizing a network. So either in Koi tokens, KPL tokens, or tokens from other networks that they can wrap into the ecosystem.

Follow-ups and Future Plans

So they love that aspect. And yeah, over the course of this year, leading to next week, I'll be sort of going through all my telegram chats and engaging with some, and a couple have already reached out to coordinate calls and engagements to try to get the ball rolling on working with us. Definitely very fruitful. Wow. Yeah, no, it definitely sounds like you were able to make the best use of your time out there. I know everyone's telegrams have probably been filled up, especially if you were at both Korea blockchain week and token 2049, and then also still on a breakpoint.

Excitement for Potential Partnerships

So it's pretty cool to hear what you guys have in the works. Is there any one of those like potential partnerships that's really got you excited? Melvis? There are a couple, but yeah, I think a couple of them were within the AI realm where they're creating, looking to create different types of agents, AI agents, and they think that we can, think we can collaborate around that. And there was one that, you know, those like rings that track your movements and activities.

Health Tracking Collaborations

Yeah, a project around that was also interested in collaborating with us as well, which was quite interesting. So we'll see. Anything on the health aspect is actually really cool to see brought into what deep end can do. So if you guys are able to get in with something like that, I know I'd definitely be interested in it. Ali, you were also in token 2049, weren't you? Yes. We got lucky enough to be an official sponsor as a community sponsor there, and it was maybe the best time of my life for the last ten years.

Experience and Connections

It was excellent. What did you get to enjoy about the experience? Really moving things forward, you know, like coy. We've been building for a long time and this was just such an amazing accelerator. When you're building something real, you really need to connect with high level professionals. They were all there. The partnerships that were able to get were really good. We can go into that later because it really fits into deepen well, and it's pretty exciting.

Networking and Energy

But then meeting everybody all over the world, web three, we build bridges, we don't see borders. So everybody from all over the world that we've worked with for years, we got to all meet together. And just the energy for that was so contagious. And talking about contagious, a bunch of us got sick. But it was really worth it for all the great connections we're able to make and all the people we got to see. It's actually funny that you should say that.

Catching Illness

I feel like I must have left right before everyone got sick because I was there, maybe up until, I want to say, the 20th, and then I finally headed out, but I was perfectly fine, healthy as could be, the whole way home. So I feel bad for everyone. That seemed to, like, at least catch it from patient zero for the Solana portion. I'm sorry. It's okay. It's totally worth it, to be honest. Genuinely, I can say yes.

Value of Attendance

It has almost always been worth it to go to these events. Even if you do end up getting sick for a few days afterwards, the amount of genuine connections that you can make, and especially being in an area where there's a bunch of like minded people, there's just, there's so many opportunities abounding and sometimes you really just have to put your body where the opportunities are. So congratulations to you guys on that. Thank you so much, and it was a pleasure seeing you there, Melvis.

In-Person Meetings

Yeah, definitely. It was great to catch up with a broader group, and I suspect it was great to see because we're always on the phones and video chats, but meeting people in person and having meetings in person, something special. So definitely a great time. It's good to see your 3d version, not your 2d version. There's actually a lot of people where they think that you're only going to ever see the profile picture of a person.

The Reality of Networking

But once you actually get to meet these people in real life, it's a completely different experience. It feels like the deals are a bit more real, the opportunities are really at your fingertips. And honestly, getting to see some of your friends in person for the first time ever, like I got to do yet again this year. It's a really incredible experience and it really shows you what web three can do. Absolutely.

Unity at the Conference

Especially. Go ahead, please. Oh, no, go ahead. I was just going to say, especially with so much of a divided world, this conference, none of that division showed up at all. Everybody was there to work together, build, have a good time, and it just shows you how important it is to see each other in real person and so forth. So these types of events are really good to bring the best out on everyone, too.

Shaping Koi's Future

Now, I am curious, with you guys being able to spend so much time out there, do you think it's maybe changed or helped shape the way that koi is going to be moving forward in this atmosphere? Melva should probably speak first about that, but I saw a lot of things happening with Koi there. I was trying to get some projects that I thought would be great for Koi. I was in some of the really good penthouses.

Community Engagement

I just got lucky to go to those, and a lot of people already knew Koi and they were already on your platform, so that was really good to see from my side. But Melvis, what do you think? Can you guys hear Melvis? I can't hear Melvis at the moment, no. Okay. I just want to make sure it wasn't me rugging or something along those lines.

Technical Difficulties

But we can. Yeah, maybe we can jump back to Movis when his mic's up again. Oh, I think Movis just accidentally got kicked out there. I'm adding him back in right now. Oh, awesome. Perfect. Perfect. Yeah, I saw you guys everywhere with coy. We were at super Moon together and then all the other side events and the deep end narrative is really taking off.

Koi's Growing Awareness

Koi's flexibility was really appreciated. The question. Oh, hey, you're back. Okay, so, yes, the question that were actually going off of was, do you think that being able to spend that time abroad, especially in Singapore, do you think it's changed the landscape for how things are going to be working for Koi? Well, one of the biggest things that, like the largest communities running the Koi nodes and engaging our overall network is in Asia.

Local Engagement

So definitely being present and joining panels and just engaging with the, with not just some of a few commitments who were in Singapore, but also just in the region, was very powerful. Because we're in Q four, we're planning to launch our main net. So being present out and about is very important. So I'd say that was the biggest value we got from being around.

Media Engagement

And also with KBW, were able to connect with the largest crypto media platform out there called Token Post, and they actually wrote an article about Koi the following week after Korea blockchain week. So that was great to see. After just initially meeting with the founder, they liked what we're doing, wanted to collaborate. So that was nice to see. So it definitely sounds like being out there and being able to actually get the chance to speak to these people in person is definitely the route forward for you.

Future Steps

Yeah, yeah. So I would like to know a little bit more about the mulabs and Modi meetup in Singapore. Can you give us some details there?

Meeting In-Person Connections

So with Ali, so he had a group of partners and friends in town, and since we were in town as well, we were able to all congregate and meet at a restaurant that just opened up. So, as we mentioned earlier, being in person is more powerful than always being virtual. So being there, got to connect with guys from movement labs in addition to other investors and counterparts, not only to talk about partnerships and collaboration we're doing here, but just talk broadly about the markets and life. And then with the same thing, too. The Modi team was in town, and as collaborators and partners within a qua ecosystem, we got to connect with PAc and Matthew as well during the course of the week. Yeah. So those are the two key things. Meeting people in person, talking about work, and just catching up.

The Experience of Connecting with People

I think that it's only fair, Movis, to let people know that you're the guy in front of the picture. It's always hard for me to, like, put faces to pfps, and it's like, oh, that's him. So when you run into people, IrL was like, all right, we do know each other. We've talked a whole bunch, like, probably more than I spoke with my spouse some days, but we never get to see each other's faces, you know? Yep, yep. Melvis was one of the stars of the show, actually. Everybody would wanted to talk to you, and it was really great that we got to go. It was a Michelin star restaurant. They had a lunch tasting menu, and so it's like, we got to invite everybody. Come on. And everybody was so excited to come. The food was great. I can share some food pictures, too, but the connections and everything was excellent, especially with the movement labs.

Building Strong Partnerships

I'm working on some integrations with them as well, so we can have some bridges across both as part of our deep end strategy, because they're just kicking off their deep end initiatives. And it would be really good partnerships once we can secure all the technical details. But all that came out of a lunch. Honestly, those are some of, like, the best opportunities. I know that myself and action have spent many an opportunity just literally grabbing lunch with maybe a potential client or even just a friend that we've been talking to, especially abroad. You never know what you're going to learn or who you're going to end up realizing you meet in this very small world, even if you're just ending a party or an event, a side event, and they invite you out to eat somewhere, it's always a worth it experience.

Adventures in Food

Like, at 430 in the morning, some random Chinese place, like, really authentic that you got to actually speak Chinese to be able to order food. Yes. That was amazing. Yes, that's actually exactly what I was talking about. And it's so funny, like, you think that it's just like a once in a lifetime thing, but I feel like it happens every time we go to these IRL events. Like, it's just everybody out there is looking to grow. Like you guys were saying before, it's like there's no animosity between people, right? There is no real competition. It's all a matter of, like, what can we do to work together? What can we do to support each other? Disagreements kind of go away when you're in person with people we know, like, a lot of keyboard warriors, that's all they are. But when push comes to shove, they're going to be a lot nicer in person when they actually have to see you face to face.

The Spice of Life

And I really do love that. Also found out that I can't handle spicy food. So thanks, Toki. Appreciate you doing that. To me, that was such an accident. Even the night where I ordered food and I felt so bad because we got peppered beef, but when they say peppered beef, I'm like, okay, it's just stir fry dish. It's fine. No, it was legitimately so many red chili peppers just covering the whole entire thing that you had to scrape them off just so you could find the beef underneath. That was. That was a painfully still delicious meal, I'm not gonna lie. Yeah, it's one of those things. It's in front of me. I gotta eat it. You know, it's just might as well do it could not taste anything for the next two days, but it's still worth it.

Transition to Practical Decentralization

Still worth it. But hey, Toki, let's jump into this whole practical side of things. What do you think? As far as practical decentralization? Yes. I'm definitely down for it. Especially because I'd like to understand a bit more about what it even really is as far as the concept goes for practical decentralization. And the best part is that I don't have to explain any of this because we got legends in this space right now that can actually break it down for us. Yeah, for sure. I can take a crack at this one. No, for sure. Practical decentralization, honestly, it's like the term we've all been waiting for. I think everybody's heard decentralization, and they're almost like, what is that? Well, that's what practical decentralization actually tries to do.

Understanding Practical Decentralization

It's basically a way to balance the ideals of a distributed system with actual real world function, efficiency, security, all that stuff. Instead of focusing purely on theoreticals or, you know, models that you could try and employ, it's more about scalability, usability, security, incentives, you know, user experience and that kind of stuff. It takes decentralization from this, like, thing that a bunch of PhDs, you know, got together and they built this crazy idea and these crazy systems, and it makes it something that we can all access. And that's kind of the heart of what Koi is all about. It's making decentralization, DPin dapps, all that kind of stuff. It's making it as accessible as possible. I'm not sure if Ali might have some insight, though.

Community Approach to Decentralization

That's what I wanted to hear. Like, does anybody else have an intake on it? I have the same take on it. Maybe a slightly different angle as well, but yeah, it's basically a balanced approach, in my opinion, based on the user's needs. Right at the beginning, early days, it was, oh, this is really cool. Decentralize everything, every single layer. But when you work backwards from what the people actually need, and let's face it, we want to bring in more money and users and developers into the web three economy. Everybody benefits that way. So if you just work backwards from what the end person needs and you bring in decentralization, that way, you are able to have a really practical approach that everybody benefits from.

Financial Growth in Decentralization

And that can be shown as billions or hundreds of billions over time of new money flowing into our ecosystem, which makes full decentralization where needed quite possible. And some of the main areas that we really like to focus on is federated learning. For example, having people share hardware. Right now we're in a crisis of opportunity. Businesses are going nuts trying to get GPUs, and they can't get them. Companies like Koi have tens of thousands of GPUs available to them, and they can have it be decentralized in a way that's needed with your partners like exabits, which have centralized security because they're in data centers, they have all of these other safeties that they would typically normally have.

Onboarding to Web Three

We can immediately make that available to web two businesses and such so that they can get onboarded onto web three transparently, and it really helps out with resiliency. Decentralized systems are typically a lot more resilient and it allows us to make better use of hardware that's difficult to make, that's just sitting there. So everybody in the world can be incentivized in doing that. So having community efficiency and access to these things are some of the main use cases that we've seen for practical decentralization. And that's what we've been focusing on too, which is to make it very easy for web two businesses to onboard onto web three, using the AI boom that we've all been waiting for, to have this boom that forces businesses to actually look at us in depth.

Importance of Onboarding

So that's one of the more exciting parts that I'm looking at right now. That's awesome. So, like, the importance around this practicality boils down to having it be not only relatable, but to have an easier way to onboard people. Is that what I'm hearing? Absolutely. Because businesses in this case, which is what we're targeting at the moment, since they're going to bring the most value, they're going to bring builders, developers and money into our ecosystem, which will benefit everyone. That'll raise the tides, and a high tide raises all ships. So in this case, as long as we can meet the data privacy and compliance needs and make it easy for a business that deals with Python to bring their server on chain instead of just a smart contract and get those benefits, we are able to finally help bring the future into this.

Vision for the Future

And the best way I saw to do this personally was Hal Finney's proof of work world and next spas. Trusted third parties are security holes. How Finney's vision for proof of work in the future really helps make these things come into a reality. And partners like Koi are the ones that can actually make it happen. And then one other thing to add about this topic is also the fact that talking about practicality, making sure that there are standards around it very to make it less costly and more efficient, is something that we have also worked on building. Because end of day, if things are very complicated and very remote for people to easily pick up and launch, that makes it very difficult to enabling decentralization and also allowing for people around the world to be able to tap into helping to distribute the resources.

Standards for Decentralization

So creating standards around the applications or the workflows that could be used to launch new Dapps is also very critical around this topic. Now, I'd also like to hear a bit more about the three game theory that's going on here. Can one of you kind of delve into what the origin is here and how it kind of comes into play for koi moving forward? The origin of the three theory, there's sort of two origins. I mean, you can take it all the way back to the prisoner's dilemma, if anyone's familiar with that. It's sort of a thought experiment where basically you have two prisoners and they can either confess or stay silent. And the whole idea is if they both confess, then they both take five years. If one confesses and one stays silent, then one person has to be in prison for 20 years and one person's out in zero years.

Exploring the Three Game Theory

And then if they both stay silent in this thought experiment, then they're both out in one year. So that's kind of just like a classic thought experiment that's floating around in psychology and stuff like that and philosophy. But then in crypto, there was a company, I believe they were called Olympusdao. I think they're called Olympusdao, and they made something called the om token ohm, which was just another, it was a, another stable coin that they produced. And basically they had this chart, and it was this idea that was basically like, okay, how do we create, like, what's the prisoner dilemma for crypto? And basically it's instead of confessing or staying silent in crypto, we have staking, bonding, and selling, or at least according to Olympus.

The Dynamics of Game Theory in Crypto

And so basically, the three rule is basically how many points or actions you kind of apply to a certain action you can take. So, for example, staking is a three, a positive three. Selling is like a negative three, and then bonding is usually a one. And so basically, you can make this a little interesting chart that kind of gives you a recap that says, hey, a three implies a win situation for the environment. It's a situation where cooperation sort of leads to this best collective outcome. And then, you know, players will or people on the network derive maximum benefit from holding, staking, and participating in ways that enhance and support the ecosystem.

Encouraging Cooperative Behavior

There's sort of this idea of a negative spiral, too, where it's like if there's a sell situation where everybody's selling and the network keeps on going down. So the three sort of game theory problem is basically how to optimize this win situation. Now, how much did this have to do with the fact that one of the original people that framed this thought experiment in the fifties was called Melvin? Well. I can't say. I can't say, yeah, if you're all curious, it's a Melvin Drescher, I believe is his name. One of the guys that actually put this one together. But that's really cool. So the goal here is essentially to have a win.

Achieving Win Situations

That's ultimately what we're going for, right? Yeah, we're trying to create these win situations, and that's what a three is, a win. So bring it back to Koi. Like, how does Koi implement these principles in its ecosystem? Yeah, for sure. So, I mean, like, in the concept of, you know, decentralized node running, you know, we ensure that the network is reliably decentralized. And this is actually the basis for a win situation, because if someone owns the network, then there really isn't a win. Usually when someone owns the network, it's like a few guys walk away with hundreds and thousands of dollars, because ultimately it was a centralized system and they didn't really set it up properly with the proper incentives and rewards.

Ensuring Network Integrity

And that's the other part that Koi has. We have incentive and reward mechanisms that are designed to promote long term engagement. And that's a real big part of this staking thing. If you're staking all the time with koi.

Staking and Its Mechanism

Well, stake is a big win in our three, because when you're staking, you're putting money in or you're putting tokens into the system in a long term exchange. And this is an optimal strategy because you can have a open market where you have the stake token platform, and stakers are rewarded with more koi from the Koi treasury, if you will, based off staking into the system. And so you can see how this is sort of a mechanism that just promotes more and more staking, less and less selling. And the more that's staked in decoy, well, the better. And of course, this is backed by our decentralized system. We're not ultimately controlled by one governing interest, and then the community has governance. There's another part of the three. In our opinion, it's a win because we win koi, but the community wins, too. It's a distributed system that allows all the stakeholders in the network to have a say through the voting mechanism that Koi is built on. And I think those are really the three big pillars.

Feedback from Users

I completely agree as far as being unique, that's for sure. But let me ask you, Melvin, or maybe Avi, how has it been like when it comes to the feedback from the users and the people that are kind of coming onto your ecosystem and going, wait, this is how we operate here and trying this thing out? Has it been positive? Like how are people feeling? You know, I get to talk about this a lot. I'd love to see, we have someone in from the ecosystem right here and it's Ali. So I'd love to probe his thoughts. Oh, thank you guys so much. I really appreciate it, very sincerely. I owe a lot to coy, a lot. When Al gave us his time last year, when he was beyond busy, he himself drew out on Figma for me how your consensus work talked through how the consensus we're talking about could work. It could have felt like it's competition, you know? But Al didn't care. He helped us out every step of the way. He gave us grants. He showed us how to do things where other people would have said, yo, get lost.

The Importance of Support

And we're really excited to bring our consensus onto koi as well. It's going to take a while to build, and Al's also helping us out by vetting our consensus. Running it on Koi at the same time. Honestly, no other partner have I seen this level of support, unless maybe they're like a major investor. And that's one of the reasons were about, I think, 10% of testing during July of last year or so. It was purely because of the support Koi was giving us. So really, thank you guys so much for that and the trust and the help. That was quite the shout out, not gonna lie. I can appreciate that for sure. I am curious, how easy has it been to use the system? It sounds as though you guys are gonna be going through your own process specifically with the team, but is it really easy for you to kind of move forward with it?

Ease of Onboarding

We wrote our first jobs last July for Koi. Two of them. One of them to send out the results to slack, the other one to aggregate data across all the nodes. Original idea was to see the impact of news on charts because that's the one thing you're not going to get ta from the news unless there's insider trading and you got access to black pools and da da da and, you know, so on. But no news is the one thing that can just wreck your charts. So were trying to see what news articles are the most impactful for trading, and that was the first task that we wrote. That particular team split up. But back then when it was much harder to do coy jobs, I had a gentleman who was 25 years old with anime profile photo and he knocked it out really fast using Java. Really good job making it easy for them to do that without having to deal with smart contracts and such. And it's actually gotten even a lot easier, which really helps us onboard web two onto web three.

Community Growth and Ecosystem

JavaScript and such are just languages that they're very good with. It's not a language I'm familiar with by any means, but the businesses are in Python. So those were some really good, interesting, well, not interesting, but really good, useful things that we saw coming from Koi and our mission to bring in web two into web three seamlessly using AI impetus as the jumping board for them to come finally, because they're desperate. They are desperate for GPU's. See, Kayla was talking about this, and I were talking about this last week, and it's so nice to just hear someone actually say it from the community, all the things that I said. It's actually wonderful. Like, it's amazing to hear that you've had such a great time with us, and of course, we're super happy to have you. It's been a fantastic journey building all the stuff we've built with Muai.

Collaboration and Continuous Improvement

I mean, to be honest, Muai has helped Koi become better, help us make better task templates, help us make better communication, help us make better grant programs. So it's definitely been a real treat to work with them as well. Thank you so much. That's probably one of the best possible ways to showcase what your team can do. As long as you have the right type of support. If you have a product that you're genuinely working on and if you're. If you want to build out your own token and make sure that things can proceed in an orderly fashion with true support behind you, this is probably the best opportunity you're going to get. Can't lie, Koi team. You guys are doing a pretty good job of it with that kind of praise because from there, when you guys were designing this, honestly, this kind of starting point for people.

Understanding User Pain Points

What made it so that way, you thought that this was the easiest way to onboard people? Like, what part of the process did you guys really have to sit down and think was the pain point for bringing on new crypto curious people? I'll be honest, it wasn't necessarily just sitting down, it was talking with a bunch of community members. It was really pushing our tech through the stack and eventually seeing where it failed, where people got stuck. And we just. At Coy, we will work endlessly to make sure that if you ever feel frustrated, we're going to do what we can to make sure that you don't. Yeah, it's been over three and a half years of iterations. If you open your coin node, you see that we're at 9.3 now. So it's like the 93rd iteration of this node that we've launched.

Collaboration with Developers

So it's been years and years of working with the community doing research and then also directly collaborating with the developers in the ecosystem. And that has also led to us building out the interactive developer environment so that it has a quick user templates and solutions to help them easily launch new tasks that can also double back and become utility tokens for them as well. So, yeah, that's what I was saying. Do you find that some projects are maybe easier to kind of help them get their feet off the ground? Then when it comes down to what they want to be, whether it's a utility token or maybe they're honestly a little bit unsure with their initial vision, what do you feel?

Onboarding Ease and Business Development

I'd say no matter what your hurdle is, the first steps almost always look the same. It's always just about getting the task done, calling a few APIs, getting a little bit comfortable with what things look like. And that process is almost always exactly the same. It's always really easy to onboard people on decoy, especially these days. We've done so much work to make it really, really easy. But at the same time, at Kauai, we want to empower you to build a business, and businesses aren't necessarily built in a day. There are a lot of blood, sweat and tears. And we recognize at Kauai, everybody has a different journey and we're going to support you no matter what. So getting started, it's super easy, but where you want to go, I mean, it's up to you, but we will be there the whole time.

Guidance and Passion in Client Selection

That's probably the best position to put yourself in. As far as if you're trying to guide people with their projects, where they're going to be leading themselves in the future. I am curious, is there maybe a certain type of client that you guys prefer or are looking for to help showcase in the future?

Appreciation for Passionate Founders

Any client like Muai? Honestly, I mean, Ali has been amazing. Just the energy that comes off of a passionate founder is unmatched. So I don't really mind what you're doing, as long as you're passionate about it and you see a better future as well. Let's not cause chaos here or anything, but as long as you have those two things, I think you're an excellent fit for Koi.

Inclusivity in Koi's Approach

You're definitely leaving the board open for everyone here. I'm not going to lie, but I definitely. I don't want to exclude anyone. I think that's the beauty of Koi. I mean, I was listening to a podcast from the founder of Shopify, which is a really big e commerce website creation tool. If you don't know who they are. And he was basically saying, before I started Shopify, there are 40,000 total e commerce businesses. Total. That's it.

Evolution of E-Commerce and Koi's Potential

And that's because the only people who made e commerce businesses were these really techy, you know, computer science guys. And it wasn't until he made Shopify, well, him and his team, of course, made Shopify, that now there's what I think, over 300 million e commerce stores, thanks to solutions like that made it. So it's not just about, you know, a particular group of clients who can make websites or apps on Koi. It's.

Diverse Use Cases for Koi

Everybody can make websites and apps on Koi. No matter what your business is, no matter what you're doing, whether you're a dog walker, whether you're an accountant, whether you're trying to start the next Netflix, whether you're trying to make rocket ships that go to space, I think that literally all those use cases, I could find a way to get Koi to help you out. Sounds like there's genuinely, again, a very open and broad board for everyone to get a piece of this, especially if you're looking for a team that's willing to support you along the whole entire way.

Valuable Advice from Koi Team

Emu AI, I am curious, from your perspective, what has been, let's say, the most helpful piece of advice or instruction that you guys have gotten from the Koi team. Oh, boy. There's been a few. From the very beginning, Al helped guide the consensus by vetting it, showing us where the pitfalls might be. Even though it might have been a competitor to him. Right. Even though it might have been that helped us on that front.

Professional Support and Guidance

And then he's willing to bring in his game theory team to review it and so forth, all the way to Melvis, a few weeks before token 2049 says, hey, come to this event. It was the super moon pitch event, and they are by far the most professional, best pitching event, investor alignment meetings and so on. And the best investor meetings we've had outside of, like, one or two that we've been working on for a year, came out of that.

Comprehensive Support from Koi

So from technical implementation, investor relations, like, oh, are you sure you want to take money from those guys? Check out x, y, and z that they've done to, oh, how about come to this event instead? Those all came with working with Koi. So it's a lot more than you might be thinking. But do ask if you remain silent, nobody knows. And a lot of times we don't ask. But with Koi, it's very open, so please reach out to them.

Addressing Challenges in the Space

Man, that's so cool that Koi is snitching on the bad people in the space. I wish more people would be willing to do that. And it's funny, it was never disparaging at all. It was, check this out and see what you think and, you know, guide you to where the gremlins are. And then you see the gremlins and you're like, oh, my God, never mind. Yeah, I've been in the space a little too long to where I've seen that, you know, once, many times.

Impact on the Ecosystem

And, yeah, like I said, I really actually do appreciate it when people point those things out because it doesn't only impact that one project and it impacts the whole ecosystem. Because if we keep feeding, let's quote unquote, the bad people, these kinds of opportunities, they're only going to get bigger. But, you know, as builders, as the people who are actually doing something meaningful in the space, we actually have an opportunity to stifle their growth and make sure that the people who are building, you know, the cool stuff around here that actually care are being elevated.

Creating Opportunities for Meaningful Projects

So, yeah, I mean, this is definitely a huge win. And to close off of what you said, like, if you don't ask, right? Like, I've been having conversations this entire week about exactly that. It's not only if you don't ask, most people don't ask. I mean, I can't tell you how many VCs I've been reading some emails from and they're like, well, you don't have this, you don't have that, but it's like you never asked.

Comfort in Inquiries with Koi

And when you are with people like, you know, Koi, you don't feel awkward having to ask those questions. You don't, you don't have to feel like you're out of place, you know, making those inquiries. And that is a huge deal. Knowing that you have a partner that is actually going to be there for you regardless if the question is about finances or if it's about building something out, like that goes a long way.

Personal Experiences with Koi

To your point, I've got to share my first conversation with Aldouse. I didn't sleep the night before. I worked on this consensus for about a year, trying to figure it out, starting over, and it was time to get the guy who vetted the Ethereum cryptography to review it. Well, Ali, I am going to get my ass chewed out. I am going to get ridiculed, mocked, and this is going to suck. So just suck it up, make it better and try again.

Supportive Environment with Koi

Hell no. No, it wasn't anything like that at all. Al was so supportive immediately and understood it right away, too. So it was just really funny with the energy I went in to that. To the energy, I went out with that further. To your point. Yeah, and to your point there, like, they really are selling what they're, you know, what they want to get back.

Community and Trust with Koi

And that's what's happening time and time again. The people that I've seen work with Koi are just top of the line individuals who are actually creating value in this space, and they just want to elevate that. When that happens, man, it's a win for everyone involved. And, yeah, I just. I'm just thrilled that I get to actually speak to these guys on a weekly basis. Really lucky for me to get to speak with them, too.

Nervous Yet Supported

But, yeah. Imagine you wrote your first consensus, your very first one, and the guy who vetted Vitalik's cryptography is looking at it. Imagine the nerves that you're going with. You spent a year of your life doing this, and to get that immediate support was phenomenal. The whole. It was infectious. Again, to use that word. The entire team got lifted up after that call.

Gratitude for Recognition and Support

That's definitely saying something. There's only so many opportunities where you get such high recognition for an immense amount of work, and it's from someone who genuinely understands the subject matter that they're reviewing. It's a different kind of feeling and it's very hard to match, especially because you're not always sure if the person who you're about to basically release your baby to genuinely understands all the concepts and the time and effort that you put into it.

Appreciation for Koi

So it's incredible to hear that you were able to find that kind of gratification in the process. Appreciate it. Thank you guys for providing it. You heard it, Koi. You got an exceptionally happy group over there, the whole entire team. So well done, Avi. Well done, Mobis.

Koi's Future and New Developments

We take a lot of pride in it, for sure. I think. To quote Al, he said, we only. Got like five minutes and I really want to hear what's next. I'll be quoting someone real quick. Well, I was just going to say, to quote. Alright, I'm sorry, my Internet is bad. I'm going to drop down.

Trustworthiness in Web Three

Oh, no, you're all good. It. He just said it matters if you're the most. Or he said, the company that is the most trustworthy company in web three matters. That's a company that matters, and that's what Koi is trying to be. And I can definitely get behind that message because it's true.

Exploring Future Developments

If you're able to trust your company that you're working with, then it's going to go a lot further, especially in the world of web three, where that's the main thing that we seem to lack at times when we're going into all of this. I am curious, though, as far as what Koi has going on next. Are there any developments? Anything for the community?

Upcoming Innovations

Maybe something around the beginning of December? Yeah, we've been building for past three and a half years and then before year end we'll be doing mainnet as well. So yeah, currently pushing forward towards that and yeah, more. And then before that we'll do an IDO with a couple of launch partners as well.

Exciting Announcements

So it's coming up. Avi, anything else you want to share beyond that? I was just going to say it's pretty big news. It's pretty big news. So December 1. Yeah, that's basically we made the big announcement. Main net will be by then.

Building Partnerships

Yep. Melvin. Melvin said it here first. We're going to have some IDO partnerships coming real soon and those are really going to kickstart everything here at Koi. Everything we've been waiting for. It's going to come, well, it's going to start right then and I really hope that you guys are here to join us.

Ecosystem Launch Details

Yeah, and then one other thing that just came to mind as well is as you as a community seen there, KPL tokens being launched. We've partnered with Allbridge to help us build a bridge solution so that different tokens can be bridged over. And with it too, the deep index will be launched to allow for people to freely trade and swap the different KPL tokens amongst one another.

Defi Ecosystem Rollout

So that's another thing that'll be coming up within the main net TGE launch timeframe as well. So the Defi ecosystem will be launching around that time. Really? A whole ecosystem is going live before the end of the year? This is insane, Melvis.

Anticipation for Progress

Yep. Absolutely, absolutely. It sounds like there's a lot of work that still needs to be done at the same time, but we're genuinely excited to host these spaces with you guys and it is just about the top of the hour, so hopefully next time around we ought to hear a little bit more about what the ecosystem is going to unveil for everyone, especially as we're looking at how you'll be able to trade your own tokens.

Acknowledgments and Looking Ahead

And I'm looking forward to hearing more, especially from Muai and a few others out there that have been going through this process with the team so genuinely, thank you so much, Melvis, Mu and Avi and Ali, for joining us today. Action, you as well. It's been an absolute pleasure. And we'll see you guys next week.

Farewell and Gratitude

Thanks, everyone. Thanks for having me. Bye.

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