Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Kogi Twitter Space hosted by Oladapomikky1. The Kogi Twitter Space delved deep into the realms of branding strategies, community engagement, and promotional tactics. By emphasizing cultural pride, sports partnerships, and influencer collaborations, the space shed light on effective marketing approaches. Direct messaging for advertising, engaging diverse audiences, and utilizing Twitter spaces for interactive discussions emerged as key strategies for brand visibility and growth. Consistency in promotional efforts and prompt customer service were highlighted as essential elements for sustaining brand reputation and fostering customer loyalty.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: How can cultural pride influence brand perception and consumer loyalty?
A: Highlighting cultural heritage fosters brand authenticity and builds lasting connections with target audiences.

Q: Why is direct messaging crucial for advertising?
A: Personalized messages allow for tailored communication, increasing the likelihood of conversions and engagement.

Q: What advantages can sports affiliations bring to brand marketing?
A: Sports partnerships enhance brand visibility, connect with passionate fanbases, and create potential for widespread exposure.

Q: How does link sharing impact social media engagement?
A: Incorporating link sharing directs traffic to specific content, boosting visibility and interaction on online platforms.

Q: Why is community engagement vital in social media branding?
A: Engaging with followers cultivates trust, loyalty, and active participation, driving brand advocacy and growth.

Q: How can collaborations with influencers benefit brand promotion?
A: Influencer partnerships leverage established audiences, increase brand awareness, and facilitate reaching new markets.

Q: What role does consistency play in promotional strategies?
A: Consistent promotional activities establish brand presence, reinforce messaging, and contribute to brand recall.

Q: Why is diverse content creation important for online branding?
A: Diverse content caters to varied audience interests, enhances engagement, and expands reach across diverse demographics.

Q: How can Twitter spaces be utilized for effective audience engagement?
A: Hosting discussions in Twitter spaces encourages real-time interactions, fosters community-building, and provides valuable insights.

Q: What impact does prompt response to inquiries have on brand reputation?
A: Timely responses demonstrate brand commitment, enhance customer satisfaction, and contribute to a positive brand image.


Time: 00:15:47
Cultural Branding Strategies Exploring the influence of cultural identity on brand development and consumer connections.

Time: 00:28:19
Sports Marketing Tactics Analyzing the impact of sports affiliations on brand promotion and audience engagement.

Time: 00:42:05
Direct Messaging for Advertising Discussing the effectiveness of personalized messaging for targeted advertising campaigns.

Time: 00:55:30
Community Engagement Benefits Highlighting the advantages of active community engagement on social media branding.

Time: 01:05:14
Influencer Collaborations Exploring the role of influencer partnerships in expanding brand reach and visibility.

Time: 01:15:40
Consistent Promotional Strategies Understanding the importance of consistency in promotional efforts for sustained brand growth.

Time: 01:25:55
Diversity in Content Creation Examining the impact of diverse content strategies on online branding and audience engagement.

Time: 01:35:10
Twitter Spaces Engagement Utilizing Twitter spaces for interactive discussions to enhance audience engagement and brand visibility.

Time: 01:45:21
Customer Service Excellence Discussing the significance of prompt customer service responses in building brand reputation and loyalty.

Key Takeaways

  • Embracing and promoting cultural identity can be a powerful tool for brand recognition and community engagement.
  • Connecting with specific ethnic groups like the Okun/Yagba/Mekun can create authentic and loyal audiences for marketing campaigns.
  • Sports affiliations, such as Chelsea football, can be leveraged to enhance brand image and reach diverse fanbases.
  • Direct messaging for advertising and promotions ensures targeted outreach for maximizing campaign effectiveness.
  • Link optimization for showcasing content like tweets can drive traffic and engagement for social media presence.
  • Utilizing Twitter spaces for discussions offers an interactive platform to engage audiences and promote services.
  • Maintaining a focus on diverse content creation and interactions helps in building a robust online presence for branding.
  • Engagement with followers and responding to inquiries promptly can foster a strong community around the brand.
  • Collaborating with influencers and partners can amplify reach and visibility for marketing initiatives.
  • Consistent and strategic promotional efforts are essential for increasing brand visibility and customer acquisition.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Good evening, everybody. Welcome to League of Ireland late night. It's Cameron Hill here reporting from Talca Park. A very interesting result in the context of both shells and bohemians. Tonight. We'll get into that and plenty more besides. League of Ireland late night brought to you in association with 888 Ireland 18 plus. Please gamble responsibly. See amblingcare, ie. Shane Keegan is there, hopefully.

Initial Greetings and Introductions

I am indeed. How are you keeping? Not too bad at all. Not too bad. And Barry Murphy has joined as well this evening in lieu of Johnny Ward, who is childmiding parenting. How are you, Barry? Yeah, good, thanks. Minute. Good stuff. Good stuff. We'll run through some of the results from this evening.

Match Results Summary

So, as I say, shells one bohemians won is how it finished up here in Talca park. Okay, close your ears there, Sligo Rovers fans. Seven nil to Drogheda in Weavers park. My God. We will talk about that in a few minutes. I'm sure lots of Tiger Rovers fans interestingly listening in tonight. So be interested to hear their opinions on what's been a difficult couple of weeks. After a really good spell for the bitter red and of course, Derry City, top of the table, knocking shells off their perch for the first time since March, a 10 win at Waterford.

Shane Keegan's Observations

Shane, what were you keeping your eye on tonight? I am on the road on the way home from the RSC here. Cameron just, I will admit, just finished mulfingen down to McDonald's, there to try and keep myself alive. So, yeah, I can give you a pretty good rundown on that. I was on Cocom's there for BBC radio file. Not a wonderful Derry performance. A very good result, particularly in the context of what happened up at Talca park. But Derry. Now listen, I suppose there's two ways of looking at this.

Analysis of Derry City's Performance

One, are they shown, are they delivering the performance of would be champions? No, but are they shown the kind of ability to win games that they're not playing wonderfully in, that you would say would be champions need to show? Yes, absolutely. They're certainly doing that. But tonight's result had nothing to do with them carving out one good goal scoring chance. It was purely on the back of a horrendous, and I mean as bad as you will ever see, goalkeeping error.

Describing the Goal Incident

It was an OG. It went down as an OG by the goalkeeper. It's all it could go down as. It wasn't even a shot. It was kind of. Ben Dougherty just jumped up kind of outside the 18 yard box to head the ball in towards the gold mount. Waterkeeper jumps up. His name actually escapes me. I'm trying to remember. Waterkeeper jumps up, lets it go through his fingers, hits him. I'm not sure. Does it hit him on the head, on the nose, on the shoulder where it hits him, but just about goes over the line.

Refereeing and Goal-Line Decisions

It took a ballsy enough linesman to raise the flag because I'd say it was touch and go. Now you'd be interested to see it on if there was goal line technology. But my good instinct when it happened was that has gone over the line. Patrick Hooben was standing right by it and he certainly starts screaming for it. And Lionel raised his flag. But had Derry not scored in that manner, I'm not sure it was going to come any other way, to be honest with you.

Summary of Opportunities in the Match

The two best chances of the game were bored Waterford Patterson had a fantastic effort come rattling off the. Off the post. And Brian Marr makes an absolutely outstanding save late in the first half for Derry as well. So same old. They've kind of been like this. Obviously it was the same as the Cork City performance in the FA cup or they weren't wonderful that night either, but managed to get it, managed to get a result.

Derry City at the Top of the League

And all that matters is we have. We have a new team, top of the table. But like you said, who would have thought that on the night where the title, the lead at the top of the table changes hands, that neither game is the main talking point. What the hell happened up in Drahada? We need to hear from Drahada fans. That is a pencil story. Yeah, absolutely. We will definitely try and get some Drahada fans on in the next few minutes or so.

Discussion on Goalkeeper Performance

Also wonder, Louis Jones was the keeper for Waterfall. Will they go in and see if they can have an own goal? Rescinded by the authorities this week. But we'll have to wait and see. Barry, what were you. What were you keeping an eye on this evening? Yeah, Cameron had a bit of a red zone going here myself. I had eyes on the draw, the game and I had shelves on bows on the tv here. But it was more towards that game in Weavers park. Just an incredible score line.

Analysing Drogheda's Performance

Five goals from. From set pieces as well. Slowly got conceded. I just. I've never seen a good performance from. From Johanda. I don't know, ever. I think. I think the last time they won seven nil was that time in 2021 down in Waterford when Waterford fielded under 21 players. But it was just incredible. That didn't flatter. It could have been more than that.

Sligo Rovers' Struggles and Tactical Changes

McGinty pulled off numerous sides as well, but absolutely shambolic stuff from sligo. Near five mil down as well. And John Wilson's gone to three at the back to try and cross something back. You just got to suck it up there and take your medicine and get out there with a five nil defeating it could have been eight or it could be any score, but yeah, that midfield Farrell, Brennan Heaney, that tree and Piro and James Taylor up top, they were excellent.

Highlights of Drogheda's Winning Streak

And goals. Foley came on down and got a goal then to make one for himself and they were just brilliant. They smelled blood from early on, after one or two goals and they kept their foot in the pedal, kept going after them and Sligo just kept coughing up chances. But, well, what a night that is for. And what's happened as well with it didn't stocking and getting called off the weekend drought. It just seemed to seize that initiative and it gave them energy going into this game, knowing they could overtake them.

Goal Difference and Its Implications

And that goal difference now as well, they've gone far ahead in the goal. Different states, which could be huge at the end of the season as well. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, in a week where there wasn't a shortage of talking points in the League of Ireland. Anyway, there's so much to talk about. I know John Daley was here at talking park this evening, and safe to say he wasn't exactly thrilled with the outcome of what's happening on Sunday.

Importance of Analysis in Sports

But we will probably litigate that in a few minutes. We're going to go first to Mark Neeson. A happy Mark Neeson. Finally. Good evening. Welcome to league of running. Late night? Cameron, how are you? Odd. So one nil, as, Shane has very artfully illustrated there. It was a goalkeeper error. Yeah, I've seen the goal and I was listening to that out of Shane cake in there on the radio.

Reflections on Goalkeeping Performances

I did a good job. He always does a good job. He's alongside a professional here in Eric White, so he's got good company. Yeah, probably not a convincing performance again. But look, the end of the day, they grinded out the result and they done the job. And top of the league for a while now, but the goalkeeper, Jesus, pretty woeful enough, but I have to say, you know, to be fair, to strike balance and the whole thing.

Waterford's Efforts and Performances

Waterford didn't, they didn't embarrass themselves, that's for sure. Because without Brian Maher in the first half, it could have been a different story. So you've got to see it from both sides, obviously. So yeah, a few new signings as well. Well, this week and today, a few guys I know very little about, to be quite honest. I think Norman wisdom started, but I don't know where he ended up.

Discussion on Player Transfers

He's a strange one, mark in that. Well, obviously seems to be. Yeah. For a player to go from playing in the English Premier League to playing in the League of Ireland obviously requires a strange route as is. But, yeah, looking at him on the pitch, I was trying to think back to when he played, and I couldn't remember whether he was a fullback or a centre back.

Player Positioning and Tactical Roles

And then I saw the warm up and I said, well, he's definitely a centre back. Look at the build of him. And, no, he comes out and he's playing right full. Now, you'd say he's. He's a big boy for a centre back, nevermind for a right fool. Like, he couldn't be more opposite to Ronan Boyce in that. Like, he made very little effort to get forward.

Role of Tactical Flexibility

Now, I don't know if you would have wanted him getting forward. I don't know if he looks mobile enough to be able to get back, if he does get forward, to be honest with you, he said, I don't know if you're listening to this at halftime or you're written sausage rolls or something, but he did a pre recorded interview with Desi McKellen from radiofoil, and he said that he was involved in some sort of an assault or something that left him seriously injured or something.

Injuries and Their Impact on Performance

I knew that. All right, Jay, he was involved in unprovoked in 2021, I think it was. And that knocked him out. That knocked him out of football for, I think, could be nearly two years, I think. So he's probably only working his way back in the game, but it's not that he was. It's not that when I say he's a strange shape to play right for, it wasn't that he was heavy.

Player Physical Attributes

Now, I don't mean to be critical of him that way, it's just that he's got a very broad shoulders and very broad chest. He doesn't look. He looks like an out and out center back in terms of his body shape, if that makes sense. And I'm not sure if a stay at home right back is the kind of player that you want. Like, to me, they had nowhere near the same attack and impetus as I saw when they played down here earlier in the season, when Roland Boyce was arguably the best player on the night bombing on right back all day long.

Comparing Tactical Strategies

And considering Watford were sitting off and sitting in for me. That's exactly what they needed again tonight was a right back who was going to bomb forward and say that Ben Darnley was trying down the left hand side. But look, we'll see how. It works out for him. The boy who came on late, the other one of the new signings. I don't have my team sheet here in front of me. He looked lively.

Observations of New Signings

We only saw about ten or twelve minutes of him. But he looked like an out and out winger in that. He got one ball and he went on a brilliant little dribble and then went and went past one or two. Then he got the next ball and went to go past somebody and lost the ball straight away. And they were in his ear about giving it away too easily.

The Nature of Wingers in Football

But he's one of those, he's just an out now winger that you're going to have to suffer the bad moments. But I think he will give you some. I'm going to finish up soon. What about the. I thought it's a very interesting question and Desi McKellen is never easy to answer. What about that one he asked you about Waterford at the start of the program or.

Reflecting on Waterford's Performance

Yeah, I can't rub my head. That's a tricky one to answer, wasn't it? Like they've been, they have been so good all season. They're having an outstanding season and yet that's twelve points from twelve that Derry have taken off and, and easily enough taking off them as in water that looked so poor.

Contrasting Performances Against Different Teams

Like they're like one team against everybody else and then they're a completely different team against Derry. And I don't know, there's no logic. There's no logic behind it. I don't know whether it's a. Do you buy, do you buy into that? I suppose that leading question or loaded question that maybe desi McKellen asked you. Do you think they pick out strategic games?

Evaluating Team Dynamics

Don't think so. Listen, I don't. Look, if Derry were runaway league leaders and you had another game Monday night, maybe you could say that they're the rest of a couple of players taking their eye off for that. But I mean, why on earth would Watford not believe that tonight was absolutely doable to go get three points? Now to be fair.

Fair Credit to Waterford

Now, to be fair to them, I think tonight was by far and away their best performance against Derry as well. They've still ended up. They didn't shame themselves. That's for sure. No, no. And look, let's be honest, I made a bit of a. You know, I made a foolish call earlier in the year, but based on what I saw the last time I was at the RSC for Waterford against Derry.

Waterford's Unpredictable Journey

I did genuinely think Waterford were going to end up in relegation trouble. And no sooner had I descended out than they took off fantastic runner results and made me look ridiculously stupid. But, yeah, they were, for whatever reason. And tonight they gave a decent performance. But certainly the other three games against Derry. Derry, I think it could have been a different game only for Mahara to save.

Critical Moments and Saves

That brilliant save could have been all different. It's a brilliant save. And listen, people need to get a look back at it. I don't know. Did many people say, see the David Ryan saying about the weekend for Arsenal. This is very similar in that any time a goalkeeper has to jump, has to dive backwards.

Comparative Analysis of Goalkeeping

This. And Barry. Barry is far more accustomed to being able to talk about this or far more qualified to talk about this than I am. But Barry literally goes past them, it bounces at his feet and he has to dive backwards to claw it back out of goal. I don't know if you seen it. I thought it was a bridge.

Noteworthy Saves and Their Importance

Yeah. As you said, train. It's nearly exactly like the David Ray one. It's an incredible save, but Brian's so good with his beat anyway that he just kick them out away. But as you said, to get enough on the hand as well to turn around. It's an incredible save and a pivotal moment as well. But he's done that all season.

The Standard of Goalkeeping Today

And when you look at the standard of a goalkeeper, maybe in the league at the moment, there's probably a few have let themselves down and it's. You talk about that goal chain, that wharf conceded. That's happened a number of times in the league so far this season where balls like that have come from heights. I've never seen anything like it.

Goalkeeping Challenges in the League

And keepers that fumbled it under the crossbar and dropped it out of line happened up in Drada as well, I think happened to Dennison. I think he looked, he was trying to tap it over the bar, tapped into the back of the net. I've never seen a similar amount of goals scored like that, whether it's where it's the ball or what's happening, but it's nothing good. Just briefly talking about goalkeeping, see the way I plan this, the segues, if any, have got nothing to do this next couple of days.

Interesting Career Insights

And I'm sure you probably haven't. There's a great. Go back on BBC a player and there's a great interview with Pat Jennings on his career. And, you know, I got a chance actually, to rewind it last night. It was actually played out last Sunday, actually. So if you go back to the BBC, my player, and listen to it lasts for about 45 minutes or something.

Pat Jennings: A Legendary Goalkeeper

But you know what? It's the most fascinating interview that you listen to in quite a while. Such a humble guy. And from what he started from to what he went to what he achieved was absolutely unbelievable. And such a nice guy. My father actually met him and he said, he's exact same guy.

Personal Anecdotes about Pat Jennings

He never changed that so called fame, whatever that means, or whatever, or that status. It never changed him. My father met him. Lovely, lovely guy. And obviously the Pat Jennings suite is in Tottenham, there at the moment and he hosts the guests here at the weekend and blah, blah. But you should check it out.

Community Impact of Jennings

I think it's in the BBC radio. Yeah, it definitely will, Mark. I got to meet him myself, actually, with two. Pat Jennings junior. He was our goalkeeper at St Pat's and he'd come down a few times for a training session, got to meet him and as you said. Yeah, just a gent.

Final Remarks and Closing Thoughts

And I got to shake those infamous, massive hands he has. But, yeah, he's the top guy, just. Briefly to say this, and I said this five months ago, but then I definitely will go after this because I know people are loving this, but I sold my own post. Sure, nobody else matters tonight.

A Memorable Match Day Moment

Forget about the rest of them. He told a story, a fantastic story it was, too, that Tottenham played Liverpool and it was a one each draw, but he saved two penalties that day in one day. And Bill Shankley said he was the best goalkeeper that he'd ever seen. And Jennings said, well, coming from Shankly, that was great compliment, you know.

Reflections on Jennings' Legacy

You know what I mean? It was a great compliment coming from Bill, you know, so, you know, that says it all. Relay. The man himself says it. There you go. So that's all I have to say. Well, there you go. Yeah. Cheers, Mark. Thank you very much to league of art and late night host there, Mark Neeson.

Looking Ahead to Future Discussions

And we'll get you on again next week. We'll bring in Aidan, who I know is a Derry City fan. I know Shane from Shells is waiting and standing by and I can't wait to get his opinion on the match I was at tonight, shells versus bows. But. Good evening, Aidan, how are you?

Aidan's Reactions to the Game

Yeah, I'm all good, thank you. Especially after that result. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it's only on. It's only on goal difference that you're ahead. And shells, do you have that game in hand? But getting that result in Waterford, not the easiest place to go. And as we come into the final run in, it feels like it shells to lose, but you can really put on pressure once you kind of get a bit of consistency, right?

Final Notes on the League's Dynamics

Yeah, definitely. It just. Well, for once, it just feels great. They actually, you know, take the advantage of shells dropping points because I feel like all season, every time shells drop points, Derry can capitalize. They're always either drawing or things like that. They don't actually get the one.

Game Performance Summary

It wasn't pretty tonight. We didn't play that, you know, that great. It looked like Derry, as said, we didn't really look like scoring much. There wasn't really any big chances. But to be honest, I'll take the look.

Insights on Team Dynamics

Yeah, and look, that's. That's it. Now, to be fair, as I say, you had the Mars save and then the shot after that. It's not like Watford were by far in the way of the better side, let's be honest. There was a huge amount between the sides one way or another. It's just, you know, for a team that's looking to win a league title, you would have looked for more from them.

Player Performances

From an attacking perspective. Patching showed bits and pieces where, you know, he probably still was the one that most caught the eye. From an attacking perspective. Last game I was at down there, Pat Hoeven was the best player on the pitch by a million miles. He wasn't at the same level tonight. Didn't play as well. Michael Duffy shows bits and sparks McMullen as well. Bits and sparks. But I don't know, there's just. I'd still be looking for more from you.

Expectations and Form Issues

I know. Definitely 100%. You would be expecting a lot more, of course, from Derry. But as, like, especially in the last, you know, like, I would say like five, six weeks. Like even since before the, you know, when were in, before the European games come around, there's just been so many games where Derry, you know, like they have been dominating or they just can't finish their dinner.

Goal Scoring Difficulties

So I'm grateful for a change where the likes of. Maybe we're on the other end of the foot where the likes of, we get a scrappy goal or, you know, a luck goal out of nowhere and, you know, and still come away with a victory. Yeah, yeah.

Player Recognition

100%. Do you know who? I just want to mention briefly, because he's the sort of fella that just kind of floats under the radar there, I suppose, to a certain extent, but. And look, you will have seen a lot more of Derry than I have this year. I don't know, is he, is this. Is this consistent? Does this consistently ring true? But Kieran Cole, I just can't get over how well he's playing.

Consistent Performers

I don't want to be too harsh, so I won't guess his age, but at this stage, like, I came into the league as a manager in 2012 and Kieran Kahl Washington playing in 2012 and I didn't think he was particularly young in 2012, so I'm not sure what age he's at. He was Derry's best player again tonight, and he's been Derry's best player in quite a few times. Almost every time I've seen him this year, he's been excellent.

Team's Defensive Strength

And, you know, he stepped up from Finn Harper. I wasn't sure could even make himself a regular in that Derry team. He's been so impressive, Aidan. For me, anyway. I know you, like, you hit the nail on the head. Like, Kieran, he goes so under the radar. So he does like, you know, like everything that he does on the pitch, he always gives, you know, 100%, you know, for the club and everything.

Team Adaptability and Flexibility

And, like, you can see how much like, the club as well, you know, like, results and, like, just him in general and what it means. And I know he really 100%. He goes so much under the radar, Kieran Cole, so he doesn't like, I think he's, you know, he's probably been our, like, you know, our best offender this season.

Challenges with Recent Player Departures

I would actually say, just with regards to, you know, like, the performances he puts on results, like, I can't think of much games if I was they, you know, like, do a written every game. He's been like a seven out of ten, like, nearly most games that he's played in. Yeah, yeah, mister dependable. Mister dependable. No, definitely, but yeah, no, he's. And as he said, he gives you that flexibility too.

Upcoming Changes in the Team

He can play, you know, the likes of rightback and, you know, on the likes of Santa have. So he's, you know, like, we're gifted with him. And just. Last one for me, Aiden, what's the mood been like with the news that Jordan McGinniff is leaving? He's going to learn. I know he's had an injury playing season and it's been very difficult for him.

Reactions to Player Departures

But, did. Was that, how. How was that taken at the Brandywell? Yeah, no, it's been, it's been fine. Like he's. You know, he hasn't really been much of a starter for us. You know, this season particular. But yeah, not like. Like me myself out is. You know, I don't. I don't see it as a big loss, you know, as to the club.

Looking Ahead

I wish him all the best, of course. And, you know, at Larne he's got the chance as well with. You know, with Lauren. They have a chance to progression with the likes of Europe and everything. But no, everything's been fine, to be honest. A lot of talk I've been seeing on. You know, on social media and then just in around the clubs with regards to things they do with the academy.

Youth Development Focus

Because they're. You know, there's a lot of players leaving on loan or leaving permanently and things because Derry's always been a club with about, you know, bringing through like youth players and things like that there. Yeah, that's a good way to end it. But I'll. I just want to say as well, just in case with.

Final Thoughts

Because especially someone won't do my voice notes and I don't. And we've been listening to all season, Brian can say it in a chat. City, top of league. No more shells at the minute. Oh, it makes me really look forward. I get it out there. It's been holding it in since March. No.

Conclusion of Discussion

And I'm sure one of Gareth McLinn's burner accounts is listening in next because Shane Kennedy is up next. But Aiden, thanks so much for jumping on League of Ireland late night. No worries. Appreciate it. Can't wait to hear Shane.

Game Analysis Begins

There we go. I think that's as good a cue as you'll get. Shane Kennedy. Good evening. Can hear you perfectly. So I was at this game and it was a very lively first half. I thought bows really put it to shells. They were playing the majority of the football, had some really good stuff.

Player Spotlight

Danny Grant, best performance I've seen play him play in a very long time. And again they go ahead and just lose composure for a second and shells get a. Get the equalizer through Ali Coote scoring against his former club. But I was talking to Duffer afterwards and he was of the opinion that bows were the better side that they had to really dig in for that point.

Team Reflection

What was your takeaway from proceedings at Talca tonight? We're at a different team, though. People will go, how are this team top of the league? Bows deserve to win. How are these top of the league? We said a few weeks ago with Heidi Wood coming in, Ali Q coming in, we've lost that aggression, but we played four two at the minute and it's just.

Strategic Concerns

We're too open. We don't press high enough. It's. We sit back too much. There's not enough pace in the team with Wood. Wood has no pace and I didn't. I'd be very interested to hear how going to Shane.

Restructuring Team Dynamics

I don't know if he's ever had a player that's the highest earner, the hardest play in the team, but he can't play that. He's. He was just not the same player. Because when Matty Smith played up front tonight and we've just lost that hunger, it was a game maybe John Sullivan of you, not as big as fan in terms on the ball, but we missed that aggression.

Shape and Structure of the Team

But we've gotten four three to four, four two and we've just completely lost the whole shape of the team. Yeah, Shane, that looks the most open. I've seen shells in the last two years. I think we've never seen as many balls over the top and catching kerns have to come out of his line and deal with it.

Concerns for Future Matches

And you're looking at playmakers and things and your best playmaker at the moment is your center half, Paddy Barrett. You know, he's the one that's spraying passes and treading balls through and that's just a worry. You know, you're not. Playing maker the whole year.

Movement and Strategy

Look, you just can't have that. You know, you've got to have. It's got to be further off the pitch where that's happening again. For all how good he is on the ball. Paddy, Bart, that's your center half playing passes across the pitch, you know, to try and open up and unlock it.

Team Composition and Support

A low enough block from both tonight, you know, that's just not going to happen. Oh, I don't even say I thought boss played very well. Devoy in the middle of the park had replayed two strikers and every time he received the ball, he was free.

Mid-Game Challenges

And I had a MacDonald pressed player up and Bowles were now playing out because the boys, he was similar to Gary O'Neill. He'd walk into probably dirty shells, but they trust him to be able to keep the ball and spray around and he just got the ball too much tonight from like, for more like.

Critical Review of Team's Strategy

I wouldn't criticize owes at the minute until we go back to four three, we ain't going to win the league with this team. There's no way not. And let's just be honest. We said it a few weeks ago about being bored. Like, just that aggression.

Current Team Structure

And were just too open. Far, far too open. And I was on here at the start of the season saying, if you would have said to me, JJ, only top of the league would have launched a few years ago. I think a combination of Mark Hoyle and JJ Looney is a perfect player, but JJ is great on the ball, but he doesn't drive where Koilar drives, but he's not great on the ball.

Gameplay Efficiency and Adjustments

And he gave away a few heavy touches tonight. And we're just too deep at the minute. And hopefully, like, we still have a chance. And hopefully the gaffer sees that it is. We're too deep. Far too deep.

Potential Competition and Challenges

And the poetry tree has to come back. Even catholic wonders can and China be still awake. They're even saying, if you have a player on the highest wages, Evan Cathy's a better footballer than Harry Wood. In my opinion.

Value vs. Performance Assessment

The wages a player earns shouldn't. Absolutely. Should not guarantee them a place in the team. That's. And I would have thought. I would have thought Duffer is absolutely the kind of player who would pay no fucking attention to who's on what wages, you know, he will pick.

Leadership and Team Cohesion

I would have thought he would pick the team that he thinks is. Is the team that can get the job done. I wouldn't think he's afraid to hurt any. Hurt any egos or be massaging anybody who doesn't feel is doing the job.

Player Contributions

Can I ask you, Shane, how is Edel O'Brien looked? Did he contribute to the game much tonight? He's a handful, but there was no one in the house he could see. Tierney and Akin Tunde played together.

Observations on Player Performance

A lot of Bowers fans. My own dad's actually a bowsman, so I watched a bit of them with the game coming up, and they all don't like Akentundy. Akin Tunde and Tierney played very together. Matty Smith was running around like he was running around a lot.

Striking Attempts and Ball Handling

And Aiden O'Brien would get the ball, but he tried and take six touches to beat the ball, to try and pass it off. Where Bow was played, they actually had a bit more of a combination. Matty Schmidt was running around and he was chasing, but it was.

Challenges of Current Gameplay

He was just chasing lots of cars, really. And he has a bit of help, but we don't play with a player in the hole and no team in the world plays four two at the moment. But for some reason, and even people might say we're a different team since Jarvis has gone.

Team Morale and Performance Reflection

But Jarvis done nothing against Galway. Drotted thirties because we played four two for some reason since the Galway game and it's already playing it against weaker teams. But bows are a good team.

Acknowledging Strengths and Weaknesses

We've watched a lot of them. I was on the belt on dog a few weeks ago. Bows are a good side and actually throwing out any bowels. Fans that come on for me, I've seen Dale Rooney for years.

Individual Player Evaluations

He's great. I know he's been bows best player, but he's great at like set pieces and in moments. But for me, he's their weak link in terms of being on the ball and he's not quick enough and all, but like, yeah, Jarvis has gone but we didn't do anything before he went.

Game Strategy Considerations

And the change in shape is, it's crucial. Like, you know, Matty Smith was playing left centre mid against Pats and Rovers. We played a five at the back against them and he played up front, I think, as well.

Need for Strategic Adjustment

But press is gone. There's no press anymore. If we're looking at the moment. To be honest, I did make a prediction about Pats being the one that we could catch and Brody Keaton.

Future Aspirations and Competitions

We're lucky that the team's blows are so far because we have all four tail for the rest of the season. We'd be looking to meet Europe, I think at this stage. That's how, that's how bad I am.

Final Reflections

I'm saying the ballpark here is horrendous. Bowser won tonight. Bows are a good team. I know the fans give them, but when they went for, when they went Danny Grant and McDade, they took rooney off against Kerry.

Competitor Rankings

They were miles per hour for me. Each other started with them. But, Ross Tierney gets into our team, Dawson Devoy walks into our team.

Team Composition Analysis

Like, even back in one day, like, I don't mind him. He is what he is, but like, yeah, I don't know. I'm worried about 442 and I hope to pray that we change it because it's not working.

Leadership and Responsibility

as I said, and it's no fault of the gaffers at home. We said that a johnny a few weeks ago, we have a big squad that's for the players that the top teams didn't want and that's where we are.

Overall Team Outlook

And we're lucky that we have so many points on the board with hope and pray that the 442 goes in the bin. But I don't know if Barry's in any of the match tonight, but we just had bowser play their whole combination play.

Performance Review

Now, they did play with someone, you have to. They're not in relegation for you really. So they had that freedom to go and destroy things.

Match Interpretation

Where I was talking to someone who was kind of new to the league tonight and he was like, yeah, that shell's daily game was a bit boring. I was like, yeah, because they were afraid were.

Competitive Spirit

There was so much underline where bows didn't have like a knot in the relegation fleet. No. After seven there tonight, they might be able to. They know they have enough to get out of it, but they did have that freedom to.

Concluding Remarks

Right, we have nothing to do here other than stop Jasmine in the league. So they could take the chances of a little like a pass around. Hell, sir, a quick one two.

Final Thoughts

Do you know what I mean? Maybe that what you come into it. Yeah, you were right as well. I think bows were that were the better team on the night. McDonnell was excellent in there beside Devoy.

Analyzing Player Contributions

They freed up Devoid to go and get on the ball and it looked like a heavy pitch as well. The ball was bouncing all over the shops and what you could see on the tv and.

Standout Performance

But Ross Tierney and Danny Grant were excellent. You know, Danny Grant in that 1st 1015 minutes was unplayable, you know, and shells just look like. I haven't seen them beating that much on the wings either.

Tactical Review

Like you think. Like Sean Gannon took a bit of. A. Bit of a baron down that side in the first 15 minutes in front of him. No support.

Strategic Approach

Yeah, he's not. He's not support. Heidi wood on the other side. No support. It's not what we've. Not what we. We've been top of the league.

Fluctuations in Team Performance

So he's trying to progress the team with more footballers, but he's given up that walk right at the minute. Well, he's looking for that Jarvis replacement and he's looking at cute now to go and be that man.

Game Dynamics

He's going to replace him and he looked like he could be that man for 50 minutes. But what you're going to get going forward, you're going to lose going back with Ali Q. That's the problem with him.

Assessment of Player Styles

And you had Ali Q one side, Harry Ward on the other side. Two of the same players really, like you usually have like a kind of attacking minded player one side and you'll have that door Coyenne, he buckley started off in right wing for Bowers.

Loose Defense and Lack of Coordination

That's like a player that will work hard and then once I have luxury, can't have two luxury wingers just. We were so open to me, Shane. We'll leave it there for this week.

Reflections on Current Status

Thanks so much for hopping on. Yeah, it's an interesting time for shells, it must be said. I definitely felt that the pressure was there.

Evaluating Team Performance

Their passing wasn't as crisp tonight as, you would have seen earlier in the season. And the pressure is on there. I think Damien Duff is saying that the messaging is just, we have to keep going.

Future Expectations

This is how tough it's going to be. But I will be interested to see how much they can cope with this. You are, of course, listening to League of Ireland late night in association with 888 Ireland, 18 plus.

Closing Statements

Please gamble responsibly. Seegamblingcare ie I think it was an interesting performance. Lads from bows tonight, just in terms of the potential there.

Potential Title Contenders

I know Vinnie Perth, on the Loi pod over the last couple of weeks has said that he thinks bows and pats could be title contenders next year, just because there's the foundations there of a really good side.

Building Momentum

And obviously pats have a very interesting couple of weeks between the european games and their final run in. If they go and get a result in Istanbul next week, it'll be brilliant and a real sign that Stephen Kenny is putting in some great foundations there.

Game Perspective

But even bows, I thought there was a lot of good play, as Shane alluded to there. The likes of Akintunde, who's been much maligned by the Bose fan base.

Player Assessments

He had some really deft touches and all in all contributed to a lovely style of play. They're well able to create chances, and I think retrospectively, I'm kind of feeling I was a bit harsh when they played Saigo because there was one reason, really, they didn't manage to get a goal against Saigo and his name was Ed McGinty.

Goal-Scoring Challenges

They were creating a lot of good chances in that game too. And there, yeah, there are signs there that they're not like a million miles away. I know Johnny Ward has said it plenty of times that the bottom half of the table aren't that far off the top anymore or aren't like complete whipping boys, really.

League Competitiveness

And that's evidenced by the fact that Drahdik and put seven past Sligo, who were flying high up until last weekend. But like, I suppose, Barry, there's plenty of reasons to be encouraged by what bows have produced over the last while.

Reflections on Past Performances

Yeah, I mean, you look back at their results, it's the odd goal that's gone against them that, like, you know, the slogo game, two nil, the bow, Galway, one off, Patton law.

Navigating Future Challenges

It's all very tight and there's nobody, as you said, bartley taking a pace and it's just you got to turn that. Turn that round quickly for bows.

Game Insights

And that's a good starting block tonight to. Don't do it. They were, as you said, they were excellent in the first 20 minutes, and if they'd have gone and got three points tonight, the shells couldn't have really argued.

Team Reactions in the Final Quarter

It was them who had the owners on them going into the last 20 minutes to try and do something. Chelsea to try and get back to the top of the table. But it was bows who are pushing for that winner, really? And, yeah, listen, it bowed well. And you're just looking at the mid table here as well. Easy to climb back up with a few wins, a couple of games in the hand there as well. So it's not all doom and gloom with daily mount.

Questioning Defensive Lapses

But, Cameron, you'll have to explain to me, how did Jesus manage to concede an equalizer within 60 seconds of scoring? I mean, as a manager, that would make it explode. Like what? How did they cut up so quickly? I think if you're a fan of Bose and you've been watching this year, I don't think it was an unfamiliar sight, just a lapse of concentration chain. It was pretty much a carbon copy of what happened against Waterford twice, in terms of just a really poor clearance falls into the path of Alicoot and Churraska is way far from home as he loops it over the top.

Frustration at Defensive Strategy

And that'll be extremely frustrating from a bow's perspective because they sat so deep tonight and were able to repel anything that shells kind of put their way. As Duchenne admitted there, bows looked like the more likely sight to score by far and away. And I. Yeah, I think I didn't hear Allen Reynolds afterwards yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's looking at that as two points draft rather than a point gained. To be honest, they did win his first win in the rain back in April at Talker park. Two one. And it ended shells unbeaten run.

Lack of Leadership on the Field

So he knows how to play against shells and knows how to frustrate them. I think he'd be frustrated with just the result tonight. Yeah, and listen, we shouldn't, like. Let's be honest here, we shouldn't be surprised that bows are good. Bows should be bloody good. I mean, they've spent enough money to be good. Like, we're not. You know, their lead position is not reflective of the quality within their team, that's for sure. Like, I know they're sitting in 8th position and look, you are where you are.

Discussing Team Quality

You pick up the points. You pick up. But if you wrote down the bows team on paper, decide, you know, player for player, it's, you know, it's definitely tough. It's definitely top five squads in the league, without a doubt. So they should be delivering performances. They should be able to go toe toe with shells. They should be able to go toe toe with pretty much anybody in the division. The results they've been producing are way below what they're capable of and what they should be expecting of themselves.

Lacking Leadership and Experience

Yeah. Barry, do you want to come in there? Yeah. To just look a bit. Little bit leaderless, like, you look at the team tonight, like, where's the. Where's the captain on the pitch there? Like, there is no rob Cornwall, obviously. There's no Keith Buckley, just there's no standout leader there. It's a young team and you're looking for an older head, maybe, to. To turn the tide on. And you look at the goal, they can see it straight away, like, you just can't do that.

Missed Opportunities After Scoring

Troask has come out to the edge of the box and obviously not giving a shout to the. The center half, and he's gone to clear it and miskicked it. But, you know, that's why the time after you've. You've scored a goal, you're always under pressure for that five minutes after. After scoring the goal. And an older head here said, just turn them there sigil into the corner and get that five minutes out of the way. But you just don't have that leader on the pitch at the moment, it looks like.

Injury Impact on Team Performance

And I suppose that's the big piece, really, is just that Keith Buckley's been out all season and Rob Cornwall obviously pulls up in the first game of the season. So not ideal. That could be it, to be honest. They have looked at moments where you think if someone's there as a strong head, strong shoulders, that can calm them down. They did this thing when they conceded the goal. It'll be visible to people on tv, I'm sure, of a huddle and just to kind of calm things down, and someone from the shed end in talk shouted, the american football's tomorrow.

The Search for Leadership

Which I found very funny. Yeah, I think maybe it is a leader that. That feels like a crucial missing piece. What do you think, Shane? Yeah. You cannot underestimate how valuable Keith Buckley is to that side. I mean, I would be a massive Keith Buckley fan as a player. Yet on the pitch, you know, he does show. Absolutely shows that leadership. He's got that infectious enthusiasm, he's got the work rate that sets the standard that everybody else has to come up to.

Team Performance Insights

And look, he has. He has been a massive loss. I would say that they would definitely be up in the correct half of the table if he had been more available to them. Elsewhere. So we might as well talk about it. Seven nil. Oh, my God. That descends. Absolutely crazy. And I know, look, I think, did Sligo lose both of their starting centre backs in that defeat to UCD last week? So maybe that has something to do with it.

Concerns Over Team Stability

And it's just like, John Russell has done a great work with that side this year, Barry. But every time you'd see a player who's leaving, you'd see the likes of, whether it's Max Mata or whoever, and Ed McGinty extending his loan every single time. It just. It seems cruel to say, but it felt like when they were getting ahead, it was like it was on borrow time and there was probably going to be a reckoning at some point. I didn't think it'd be draw hurded, that it'd be the ones who were handing it out, but, it's probably not the most surprising result when you think about it.

Reflecting on Game Outcomes

Well, now, last week was a bit of a foretell for Kmoit, really, but you just weren't expecting this. And, you know, Wilton won't feel so bad about themselves after defeat, the nine nil defeat last week, you know, but you look at Sligo, they're. They're fourth in the league with a negative minus six goal difference. That's just mad. That shows how mad this league is this year. And that. That's that four goal swing, as we said earlier, for.

Performance Evaluation

For Drada against NdOk now is huge. And I think they're the third highest scoring team in the league. Drada, that's unbelievable. Like, when you look at where they are in position in the table, but the two lads in front, Piero and James Taylor, have just made such a difference for him tonight. But to old school kind of tackle, it's like five set pieces. I think they score from snipers. They weren't as if they were well planned out set pieces.

Critique of Game Strategy

They were balls into the box. The first one was a throw in. It beats the first man and James Taylor fixing into the corner. McGinty should probably do better, but he just capitulated from then Sligo, and he did the same. A couple more. The next one was just a corner into the front post. And you get done it and flicks it on with another. Another goal from the set piece and he just fell to bits from then on.

Last Ditch Efforts and Consequences

And they tried to get themselves back into it, going three at the back at four or five millivolts at that stage, and you just think yourself, take your medicine at that stage and take your defeating to go on and concede six and seven. All that good work and momentum has built up over the last six, seven weeks. It's been thrown out to wind on the last two weeks. Really? Yeah.

The Mood Among Fans

We'll probably talk about this in a. In greater detail with Seb Lennon, who is a drugs fan, who is waiting in the waiting room there. But Tom Dykn is up first. A Bose fan, I believe. Good evening, Tom. How are you? Yeah, hell, yeah. Not too bad. Not too bad at all. So what were you. Were you at the game this evening? What. What did you make of our bulls perform?

Positive Reflections on Performance

Because, I mean, Danny Grant, that's. He scored in that all three goals in that three. One win about four years ago. He likes playing at Tolkien. Did you find tonight encouraging? I certainly did, yeah. I mean, the first thing I'll start with is people go on about the standard of the league, but shells tonight were absolutely dreadful. Oh, my God. I couldn't believe how bad they were.

Assessing Team's League Standing

They were just shocking. And if they're. Well, obviously not leading the league anymore, but if they are the league leaders like that, Jesus, the league is in. A terrible state, you know, rocking a hard place. Tom, do you want the team playing like that to win or the team who lost to magpies to win? It's just dreadful. Like, I mean, I. I watched the Galway cup, bit of the Galway cup match, and they were dreadful in that as well.

Frustration and Performance Inconsistencies

It's just weird, you know, they're really well set up. Like, well, God, we should have won that game. We were just. Second half. It was just, like, dominant. So dominant. It's unreal, you know, that. Go to Kerry and be, oh, my God, what is going on here? And then go to talk. It's dreading it. And you're, like, coming away disappointed. You know what I mean? Really disappointed.

Thoughts on Danny Grant

Like that guy who was on the shelves. Guy was on a hit nail on the head. Like, were way the better team. Danny granted his best game and I've been saying, slagging him off, he had his best game for us by a long way. He was. Every time he got the ball down that side, we should attack more down that side because they couldn't handle it. They were really struggling down that side.

Opportunities Missed in Scoring

You know, the only thing we've got is that we just can't score enough still, you know, on another night we could have scored two or three, I think. And I think we are improving but we haven't. Like up a bit of up, then a bit of down, then a bit more up and then a small bit of down, you know what I mean? So I think we are going in the right direction. Drugs winning tonight.

Looking Ahead to Future Games

I can't wait to hear what this drugs guys got to say. I can't wait to hear about that game. Yeah, I just think like, you know, it was great and we got held back for 1520 minutes and no one was complaining because normally we're going mad to get out. But it was just like everyone was in such a good mood and the shells fans must be sick because there's no way that playing like that, there's no way they're going to win the league.

Predictions for League Outcomes

Absolutely no chance. I actually think Rovers are going to win the league myself now. Right, right. Interesting. Just because I just think Derry don't have it in them to see it out and shells aren't playing very well and I think Rovers will just grind it out and they're close enough with you when their games in hand, you know, now the league is going to be all over the place with all these games being canceled. So God knows what's going to happen.

Reflecting on Team's Performance

Brian, we. Look, can I just say were great tonight. Absolutely great. Just can't quite score, you know, it's coming together. Shells are brutal. Absolutely brutal. I'd hate to watch shells play every week. God almighty. If that's what they're like every week it'd be, oh, he wouldn't go, I'd stop going. You know, it just.

Concerns Over Team's Goal Scoring

They know nothing going at all up front. They never even looked like scoring the second half. Just. I feel like it's. I feel like it's very fortunate we had Shane Kennedy on. Yes. I'm delighted to hear that about Danny Grant. I mean, it makes no sense to me that Danny Grant has struggled to make an impact since coming back. He is.

Evaluating Danny Grant's Impact

I would have Danny Grant up in, you know, certainly in the top ten players of the last four or five seasons in terms of his form before he went away. He was absolutely scintillating. He was probably the most exciting player to watch in the. In the league. And I really thought there was a really good chance that things would work out for him across the water.

Looking Forward to Danny's Future

But whatever about not working out for him over there to come back here and, let's be honest, essentially be a non entity, really, in terms of his overall contribution. I just can't wrap my head around it. And he's got too much ability not to rediscover his form. And I really hope he finishes the season strong for me.

Reflections on Game Highlights

So the way. Because he did an amazing nutmeg towards the end of the game. Beautiful, amazing stuff. My. My nephew was convinced that's because he changed his boots, because he was always wearing those bright boots. And you're like, well, you have to, but you have to produce it to work to justify those boots.

Discussing Performance Impacts

I was gonna ask, is that the first game he's played without the neon? I think it is. I think, seriously, it's like Dixie Dean's boots, if you remember the comic strip, you know, like, that's what's happened to him, honest to God. Like, it's just if we can just get our shooting started out with a steamroller. We mean, we literally did steamroller shells in the second half.

Examining the Game's Dynamics

Just shells are looking to get away with that one, you know? So it's setting the leg up for an amazing finish. Top and bottom, you know. Absolutely top and bottom. Now you just watch us going lose to UCD now in the cup. That's it. This lads are dead, sir. Yeah, I'm a very happy bows man. My wife is listening upstairs.

Final Remarks on Performance

Yes, I am having a whiskey, but I earned it. And she'll be straight down to me now. Of course. Listen, I'll let you go on to the drugs guy, bows. We're on our way back. Hopefully rovers on Sunday if the game goes ahead, be very interesting. And Shell's again at home the week after. You know, were dreading this run, but now we're thinking, you know, maybe we get something out of it, you know?

Wrap-Up of the Conversation

Absolutely. Tom, thank you so much for jumping on this evening. That was. That was quite the tonic. Good. I don't need tonic myself, by the way. Thanks. All right, we go from one happy fan to. Oh, I mean, ecstatic is probably the word said Lennon.

Emotional Reactions

Yeah. To be honest. No words. Oh, yeah. Like, I wasn't going to come on. And then I kind of just said it, actually. Be rude not to. Tonight we've won one decent night where. Where we can. Yeah. Celebrate. I mean, just literally no words. I mean, I've never seen something like that.

Performance Evaluation

And the performance wise, like, yeah, five set piece goes, and, I mean, I think Sligo. I was only looking at. Sat there. I think Sligo had more. Had more possession, like, and it was just. I don't know. I don't know. I don't even know what to just. What to say.

Observations on Team Form

Like, it was unbelievable. Like, the way they took the goals. I mean, how I look at it, as, like. As someone said there, like, we are the third. We score the third most goals in the league, but the amount of goals we've conceded and what I found the difference to be for the past couple of weeks is our defense is solid. The difference is huge.

Positive Reflections on Team's Defense

It's absolutely huge. And it's solid. And the clean sheet, once it got to, I think it was about four nil, the crowd kind of relaxed, whatever, and after that, it was a clean sheet. And players celebrating, like, not, like, keeping their clean sheet and stuff like that, not conceding was. It's great to see, and, I don't know, it's just a great buzz at the moment.

Individual Performances Highlighted

So we'll see. Yes. How good is Ryan Brennan been for you the last couple of weeks? Did that block again tonight, like, I wanted talent, pivotal moments in the games. Yeah, yeah, that's exactly. And that's what I was saying to lads tonight, that it was like, it went, whatever, it got to two goals, blah, blah.

Team's Resilience Highlighted

And then there was a ten minute period where. I mean, Sligo were all over us. All over us. Like, Ryan Brennan at the back. He. I've actually now words that he's unbelievable for his age and what he. What he gives the club and, like, he works, like, during the week, and then he finishes in the evening and then goes into training session.

Appreciation for Team Effort

Like, he's unbelievable. Like, the dedication he showed in that pitch now in the passion for the club and, like. Yeah, and just on that. Like, the defense wise there, like, and him making that block, like, had that gone to two one, it's a whole different game. And I think drugs of six or eight weeks ago would have collapsed, I think, had a goal gone in there.

Gratitude Towards Key Players

I must thank the shells man for him. He's unbelievable. Unbelievable. No, he went off injured this evening, but he's been fantastic. But, like, on our bench, then were able to bring on Dara Markey Adam Foley. Come on. And Gary Deegan. Like, I mean, three. Three excellent players to be able to bring off the bench like that. Actually made an impact then as well. So, I mean, no complaints for me this evening.

Statistics and Possession Analysis

A bit of a stats geek. So I was intrigued here when you said about possession. I'm actually, after going on to the flash score app, which is fairly accurate around the stats and fairness of. My God. Like, this just. I can't wrap my head around this. According to it, 38% possession draw, the hat versus Sligo, 62% that resulted in shots on target. Sligo two draw had a team. How Jesus, does a team have 15 shots on target with a turtle? I genuinely. It's actually. It's hard to describe, like, the amount of possession and it's happened to teams out, like, I've been watching it recently.

Performance Insights

It's like there's a lot of. Same as bows. When they came up to draw the. Recently, there was a lot of passing in and around there, the halfway line, but there wasn't a lot like our defense. I've nowhere like Lucchini is in. Sometimes his technical ability can be questioned, but, I mean, his passion, like, running around the pitch like a terrier, is how you would describe him. Ryan Brennan sitting there and he's just. He was incredible. And Shane Farrow's work ethic. And then were playing five at the back. So there's. So it's five out of possession, basically, but the pressing and, like, how it works then, like.

Defensive Performance Evaluation

So obviously it goes to fourth back. Then when Connor Cain. The left back, the left wing back, basically, he goes and presses the centre back and every time tonight we're getting the ball passing around. Then they had to hoof it long, I don't know how many times, and then they regained possession and hoofed along again. And I don't know, were just very clinical tonight, or what it was. But, yeah, I just thought out of possession, the work ethic was huge. Didn't give them an inch, is what I would say. Didn't give them an inch.

Reaction to Game Developments

Like, there wasn't one moment tonight where I said, jesus, that was a good chance for them. Like, our keeper genuinely did not. Didn't make you say he made one save from, I think, about 30 yard shot, like. But I mean, other than that, there wasn't. There wasn't much for him to be off. If you stay up, I sincerely hope you're getting the Kevin Doherty statue. I haven't. I. To be honest, I already have already. I mean, they. I put it as like the. There's a different kind of feel, I think, around the club.

Reflecting on Recent Changes

I don't know if you remember six or eight weeks ago when were away to Dundalk, I was actually on holidays watching it and it was just. We played awful and that's obviously when there was a bit of violent incidents and whatever else and. And we actually played awful and I think like a lot of supporters felt a bit down about the club and stuff like that. And then we came out next week and won the cup and ever since then, like, we're unbeaten in a couple of games. It's just. Yeah, like we scored what, nine last week, 7th night.

Current State of the Club

And I mean, we clean street some boat nights. Like, I mean, there's a whole different like change, I think, feel at the club at the moment. So there's a good feeling. So I feel like if we just keep going the way we are and hopefully pick up a few more points that we might be able to keep the pressure on Dundalk and see what happens. But I mean, Kevin Darcy is incredible. His whole team is incredible. And I mean, from a supporter's point of view, you can't ask for much more.

Assessing Player Contributions

If we go down the way and we go down fighting like we are. Well, we can't ask for much more than that is how I feel. Yes. Kane has been brilliant for you as well, hasn't he? Down that left hand side. He's a throwback to an old school left back. Patrice ever type left back, knocks the ball ahead of him. His goal tonight was unbelievable as well. Yeah, and to see his shot from whatever, 30, 35. Yeah, and it smashed the post. I mean, unbelievable.

Improving Team Dynamics

And we all talk obviously, Evan Weir and we knew obviously Kane that he played with four good player and stuff like that. But I mean, it was a big step up to what Evan, we are kind of provided and he has been second to none. His assist tonight, he couldn't have put it on a better. Like France Perot. He scored from header and I mean, he put it on a plate from. Incredible. Fantastic. It was just his work ethic up and down the pitch out of possession and then in possession he's just.

Defensive Risks and Statistical Context

Yeah, he's fantastic. I really. And like who he the other right, the right back that we signed from Lincoln who was previously on loan with us. He like, he was again, fantastic. And like Andrew Quinn, he goes unnoticed. He's another former shells man. I mean, he was incredible. He goes unnoticed a lot of. A lot of games, but like, he's solid defensively, and him and our new signing. But honestly, our defense has really made the team recently.

Reactions from Fans and Reflections on Performance

He picked himself up a goal as well tonight. Cream. Yeah, he did indeed. He's a great fellow. He was at Dundalk. Yeah. You were always giving him a chance. Your rundown of the game has been intriguing, but I'm even more intrigued that we appear to have a psycho caller on next. Yeah, there's a whole other side to the story we need to get to. Yeah, I think my side might be a bit more of a positive outlook.

Concerns and Reflections Post-Match

Yeah. Thanks for having me on anyway. No worries, Seb. Take it easy. Thanks for jumping on. All right, I suppose, yeah. James Lawler. Car is waiting. And are you going to match Seb's enthusiasm in the opposite direction there? James, how did you feel about tonight? How much time do you have? This is going to be a therapy session. Is it? Oh, jeeze. Such a weak, like, it's just tire.

Game Analysis and Reflection

It's looking. If I'm putting money on anywhere to stay up after tonight, it's probably going to be drawn. Like, they just, they didn't give us an inch. And, like, to concede five set pieces is dire enough. Like, I know I was on here a few weeks ago, and I was trumping about how well were doing and all that. Look at it. Was going to end at some stage, but to concede nine goals and two games to the team that were bottom of the table of the league and a first division side is.

Emotional Reflections on the Game

It's just, it's tough, and I'm just. Yeah, like, you have to really pick up your wounds after that. Like, that was just, I don't know, like, there was only. There wasn't that many people there, sligo fans. But, like, it's a good trek. It's a good nearly 3 hours trek from Sligo, and. Yeah, no, it was really, like, just deflating. Like, first goal. Yes.

Fair Play and Future Prospects

Second go. Another set piece from post. You can see it coming a mile away, and you're like, oh, is this just gonna be one of those nights? I was like, all right, don't worry, guys. We're a second half team. Yeah, no, far from it. Just. Just really just let. Just let themselves down. Like, you know what I mean? It was just, like, really deflated performance.

Possession and Team Tactics

It, like, were like, your man there mentioned how, like, yeah, senator hat, like, we had, what, 60 something percent possession, like, and that's all it was just passing around the back, and then, like, your man pero up front, he's just such a handful. And then like when the ball goes up there, they're able to play off him. They just play off him so quickly and then they're able to move the ball quicker.

Challenges in Team Strategy

We don't have an outlay. Like, you take UCD last week, like they had their number 26 man marked Ellis Chapman out of the game. When Chapman doesn't get on the ball, things don't happen. We can't, we just seem to can't play and like, Connor Malley was back tonight as well. I was like, okay, you know, Connor will do well. And it just, we just weren't clicking and then were trying to channel balls into Wilson Wiru and it just, like, weren't playing off him.

Defensive Issues and Set Pieces

Like, drawda were playing off and peril, like, and it was just dire. Like some of the, like, again, five set pieces is criminal. You know, you don't get away with that in this league. Like from, like, we just. I'm just praying to God to be a mass and Sony that we just pick. We need to just get this corner out of here quickly, like. And like, tree Farah went up to draw it expecting a reaction after getting dumped out of the cup last week.

Reflection on Upcoming Matches

And like with the forum were on, like, and shells drawn Derry in the cup. Like, we are probably going to rue that chance of the cup run even more. But, like, UCD last week fully deserved their win and drawda, like more than 40 deserved tonight. Like, they're just, they were just really compact tonight, especially in the middle of the park, like, and it was just.

Prospects and Future Outlook

Who we got next week. It's. It's Waterford next. Yeah. In the show guns like that. Yeah, like that. That, that's a huge one. Like, Jesus Christ. If they're not going to give the manager a response after back to back defeats like that, you'd be seriously questioning what's going on there. Like, they have to bounce back because like, you know, if he, like, it's.

End of Season Reflections

It's still on. I know the games in hand for oversight probably means that they will finish in top four, but like a top half of the table finish on the surface of where you started the season from, still a really good season, but back to back results like that has the potential to knock the stuff and I was everybody so much that you don't win another game for the rest of the fecken season, you know.

Current Position and Performance

Yeah, it's like, like we're still quite blessed to be where we are right now. Like, as you said, what we're on minus six goal difference and we're enjoying third place at the minute. Like, it's crazy. But then, like, that Waterford game, like, that result this evening makes that next week just basically a must win because you pick three points on Waterford, who'd be fair, are probably in their own little slump at the minute as well.

Reflections on League Competitiveness

You know, conceding the way they've done this evening to Derry and all that, like. But like, you know, yeah, you're right. Shams will probably take third place. But, like, you're hoping that whoever wins between shells and Derry goes on to win the cup. So if we have whatever chance we have left, we're able to take fourth place for Europe.

Challenges Moving Forward

But again, like, if you put. If you put in a performance like did lads done tonight for the rest of the year, you just start slipping down the slope, like, you know, but drotter, like, again, you guys can't fall drawn. Like, the set pieces were well worked. We just, like, talk about a hot knife through butter.

Game Reflections and Performance Assessment

Like, we just fell apart. Like, it was just. I was just like, oh, half times, three nil. I was like. I was thinking the Mick McCarthy. Oh, can it get worse? It can. Worse and worse. Like. And then, like, Foley. Foley's golden to seal. It then was just like when, like, I remember, like, Farrell was doing a lot of the work.

Emotional Impact of the Game

He came off injured and I remember looking down the line and already was talking to Markey and I was like, mark, he's just loves playing against us. Like, we. We never pick up great results against strata in the first place, like. But I was just. It was just disheartening, you know, we've done so well for so long.

Final Thoughts on Club Dynamics

And you're right, you know, it's kind of the elephant at the top of the tree with our budget and everything. And I said that to you a few weeks ago. I was like, sometimes you have to wonder how far he's up there and how is it. When. When is he going to fall? But again, you just need to kind of lads just really need to take into tonight, like, there was a lot of unhappy fans, he included.

Traveling and Supporter Experience

Like, you know, you travel length of breadth of country and you get battered seven nil from a team, bottom of the table. But they fully deserve their child. Fully deserved the result tonight. Like. And, yeah, like, if I am, like, looking at them tonight with the way they're set up, like, I think they have to play Drogheda or they have to play Dundalk in Drogheda, I think.

Impending Matches and Future Prospects

Is the last game of the season. Yeah, yeah, I'm, I know where I'd be putting my money for that game. Hundred percent. Like, just like with the way that they were doing just the fight as well. Like, you know, they were fighting for every throw in every ball. They weren't giving us a sniff again.

Players and Performance Expectations

We were just resorting to route one football and, you know, to fair to Wilson where he's really come into. He got player of the month there. But like he was just, there was nobody able to play off him tonight. You know, none of the guys on the team just felt like, looked like they were up to it. But look at, it's a game.

League Context and Performance Dynamics

You have them type of games. Everybody has them type of games in the league. Like it's a crazy league. Like look at the points between, you know, third and fourth and that drop there. Like, you know, and it's, it's crazy how like I probably will probably agree with your man. The champs are going to.

Future Perspective on Team Performance

I think they're just going to come back. It's just so typical Shamrock Rovers to come back from where they are now. They pick up the points and all, every points they can in Tala. Like they are not to be missed for league contenders as of yet either. Like, you know, again, as you said tonight, like Jerry or nothing, I always, I usually watch like Derry properly if they're on the tv and it's just Connolly hoofing the ball.

Hopes for Improvement

Like they're not Derry. Like it's. The standard has been over and back this year but with Rovers, it's just, I just really hope that we can turn around this, especially for next week. Like, you know, you lose to Waterford, you can kind of kiss your european stuff goodbye knowing because you kind of know sham's going to come back up the table.

Listener Engagement and Involvement

Cameron, I love scouting down through our listeners and I had noticed that slide goes on. Johnny Kenny had been listening in but we've gotten one better. I've now noticed considering we've been discussing this match for the last 20 minutes, Ryan Brennan is listening in. So Ryan, well done. Oh, yeah, Donna, heard that there was a party going down here and obviously decided he was going to jump in.

Reflections and Future Engagement

Did he get Zed? Listen, it's a tough one, James, but it's one of those freak results and hopefully SaI will come bounce back. It'll be a very interesting 3rd, 4th place Derby next week. But thanks for jumping on league of Ireland late night cheers, guys.

Closure and Farewell

Build a bridge and get over it. That's it, you know. Absolutely, absolutely. Thanks a million. I think we're going to have to, unfortunately, call it a night here. Sorry to Ciaran Martin and Seagull chapter for hopping on, but hopefully we'll get you on again next week because it is very late at this stage.

Results Roundup

Just to go through the first division results tonight. Didn't do that at the start. So Bray won. Athlone town nil was the result there. Oh, it would have been great to get him on. Oh, well. Cork edge, the Cork derby, one nil over Cove Wexford be Treaty United in the curtain razor to their cup draw later on in middle of September, and UCD were two goals for the good against Finn Harps.

Gratitude for Participation

Barry, thank you so much for jumping on. Yeah, cheers, Cameron. Cheers. Shane. Shane, thanks a million. I'll talk to you again hopefully next week. He made that a very entertaining drive home. Lads, I'm literally two minutes from the front. There you go.

Final Thoughts

But it's funny I should just mention before, I was walking into Talca and I saw, obviously there's a lot of Americans around Dublin town this weekend and a group of Americans were coming just to see what the League of Ireland is about. I wonder if they just left it at the first half, said, that was so good, we can almost park it there, because maybe they'd have changed their mind, but then ended in 90, but we'll have to see.

Looking Ahead

Maybe they were listening tonight, who knows? But, yeah, plenty of stuff still to come this weekend. There's one first division game to look forward to, Longford Town against Kerry. Tomorrow night, the Women's FAI cup reaches the quarterfinals. So DLR ways against Sligo Rovers, Cork against Bogues, Treaty united against Athlone Town.

Upcoming Fixtures

And one game in the women's Premier division is Galway United against Piedmont United. And then Sunday we have two Premier Division fixtures. Well, we did until Dundalking paths was cancelled. I'm just reading my notes here. And Chamber Grover's Galway will be quite an interesting one.

Future Opportunities

So Rovers can move up to. I think they can move as high as third if they win. So it's going to be quite the run in to the end of this season. You have to feel. Thank you to everybody who jumped on. This was a very enjoyable evening and this is League of Ireland late night every Friday night.

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